Jack Mangans Deadpan #284: Final DotF Info PLUS Tony Mast

A great chat with the great Tony Mast!
Preceded by – –
Setup for the Final Duel of the Fates Royale with Cheese Doodle!

The categories:
-Who’s the most Iconic?
-Love Prowess
-Who’d Win in a Fight?
-Rotating Category (How would this character be sentenced if captured by Jabba the Hutt)
-Tiebreaker Rotating Category (How would this character be retrofitted for Steampunk?)

The characters:

-Gremlin on the wing
-chicken scissors
-Huey Lewis
-Krista Now (Southland Tales)
-Galdalf the Gay
-Neil deGrasse Tyson
-Jules Winnfield
-Arthur Dent
-Clyde from Pac Man
-Van’s crap joke of the day
-Daisy Duke
-Pitfall Harry
-Chamberlain Skeksis
-Lando Calrissian
-Santa Thing
-Barbarian Tribal Leader
-Ash from Evil Dead
-Iron Man
-General Lee Millennium Falcon
-Kelly LeBrock from Weird Science
-The origami unicorn from Blade Runner

Jack Mangans Deadpan #282: Stillness

Stillness – the album.

1. Deadpan Opening
2. One With the Stillness
3. Photon Meters
4. Pepper Fiend
5. Perfect Green Woman (World premiere)
6. Smooth Like Butta
7. Myself Within Love
8. Burton Messiah (World premiere remix)
9. Rabbit Knees
10. Dog Diary
11. U Can’t Yeti
12. Solid Reborn
13. Temple of Earth and Sea
14. Earth Time Pigs Fate
15. Circle Minus Bitch (World premiere remix)
16. OLIFA Deadpan Opening