Text Unshow

And so here we have the first ever (and last ever) all-text Unshow. Welcome to Unshow #52. If there’s time in next week’s Deadpan episode, I will explain the recent Deadpan strangeness ’round here.


Anyway, I have received most – but not all – of the 60 Lines Readings. If you’ve volunteered, I still need your 60 Lines readings – – or a notice that you can’t make it, please!

I also need your hockey tunes (That also includes my song requirement due to the Phoenix Coyotes’ loss at the hands of the Detroit Red Wings. cough). I think we’re just about ready to shut down this meme.

I promise to say this joke aloud on the next audio episode (remind me), but I figured it was somewhat timely and couldn’t wait a full week:

Why is there an arrow on top of the Airbender kid’s head, pointing down at him? Wouldn’t it be funny if the arrow said, “I’m with stupid”?

It will be funnier when spoken aloud.

Why sure, climb into my spoon:
# reaper Says:
June 24th, 2010 at 4:57 am

Drive by
hay pan busy week.
congrats Jack
/drive by

# DJ Bunny Says:
June 24th, 2010 at 8:46 am

In regards to the whining, I meant, but it applies to Cindi Lauper too.

# Johnny Null Says:
June 25th, 2010 at 11:13 am

I think I saw minutes of Buffy, shook my head, and turned off the boob-tube.

# EssBee Says:
June 25th, 2010 at 11:16 am

Cj, I want a cheese sandwich!

# Amy Bowen Says:
June 29th, 2010 at 5:41 pm

The Smarty Hotties® said:
Thanks for answering my questions Amy 🙂 I appreciate you taking the time. Can’t wait to hear your Chicago tune!!

You’re very welcome! :happy:

# justa J0e Says:
June 30th, 2010 at 12:19 pm

Going to see a matinée’ of Toy Story 3 today.
I need suggestions for how to keep from crying in public.

# Nomad Scry Says:
June 30th, 2010 at 8:56 pm

We have a high concentration of lefties in the :pan:



AND….. the first of the week:

# Vanamonde Says:
June 23rd, 2010 at 11:19 pm


You are listening to Jack Mangan’s Deadpan. We are Deadpan. Deadpan is the Way.

Send voicemails, plz. 206-350-TOMI (8664).
Send recordings: sphericaljackmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm at gmail dot com. With only 1 “m” in “sphericaljackm”.

Thank you for being Deadpan. This is a wonderful group of people, and I appreciate your continued indulgence through the strange times and the fun. Individually, we are mighty; together, we are. . . meaty? No, that’s not it. Together, we are not mush. We are Deadpan; Deadpan is the motherfucking way. Goodnight, Deadpan.

I’m not coming back after the – – oh, right.

Happy Canada Day, Canadiens and Canadians.
Happy upcoming July 4th weekend, Americans.

Jack Mangans Deadpan #170: Yes

Not the acclaimed Prog-rock band.
Owner of Lonely Show Notes.

Jack Mangans Deadpan #170: Yes

The Wizard of Deadpan


Promo – Billy Barbarian by JR Murdock (http://jrmurdock.com/billy-barbarian/)

Cj with a dumb ass memory

More from the Wizard of Deadpan

Stanley Cup Playoff Anthems
Amy Bowen
The Energizer Bunny
(where are the rest of the anthems?)

Evo Terra tells a dumb ass story

Congratulations Jack and Oden, we all wish you a happily every after

Shelia gives her well wishes to the happy couple

Justa J0e adds his congrats

The Energizer Bunny continues to torture the ears

Greasy Comments (read by Oden)
Nomad Scry
JR Murdock
Lo Pan
Cj (first of comment of the week)

The Lyrics Professor breaks down a song for us

Pink Floyd’s The Wall will be discussed in a future episode

Get your 60 Lines readings to Jack!

What will the next Palooza be?

Remember, when asked, “You and what army?” Reply “the Deadpan army.” We support each other.

Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom

Closing music … “Perfect Strangers” (live Deep Purple Cover)

Once again, congratulations to Jack and Oden. We all give virtual hugs to both of you and wish we could be there to give real ones.

Jack Mangans Deadpan #169: Relax

Original title intended to be “Except I’m Not”, but then I recalled the apostrophe strangeness in the episode names, and went with “Relax” instead.
Fascinating Show Notes.

Jack Mangans Deadpan #169: Relax

Is Jack Mangan really a muppet?

Maybe Jack is the lost beatle?

Maybe he’s a muppet beetle? That likes madlibs?

promo – The Weird Show (http://www.theweirdshow.com/)

Questors of Effpiem – recorded live at the Deadpan mmmmmeetup

Justa J0e with the contents of his Memorial Day Golf Post Beach

Cj Reviews Sex and the City 2

Justa J0e with thoughts from the beach

Cj with a dumbass memory

Jack – Destroyer of hard drives.

Jack thanks the Deadpan for being a friend

Greasy Comments
Vanamonde (first of the week)
Johnny Null
The Energizer Bunny
Nomad Scry

Justa J0e with the last thoughts from the beach

Payment still due on Hockey Playoffs. Wait a minute… Wonder Wolf still owes from the Olympics. All yous louses, pay up!

Good Luck Jack!

60 Lines part two and three coming up.

Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom

Closing music … “Exeunt”

Silent UnWednesday

With apologies, we’re just not going to be ready for a show release tonight, in the wake of dead computer recovery and disruptions from the Chaotic Evil. I did record some audio tonight with the help of Justa J0e, and it may even see the light of pod.


Goodnight Mush.

Jack Mangans Deadpan #168: Rich Catino Twin Guitar Attack, part 1

Rich Catino of Metal Asylum.

Part 1 of a convErsATion recorded on Monday Evening, May 24th.

Jack Mangans Deadpan #168: Rich Catino Twin Guitar Attack, part 1

Is Deadpan the home of Astro-Zombies?

Interview with Rich Catino (http://www.metalasylum.net/index.php)

Music … “Our Love is Fading Away” – Mango (featuring Rich Catino)

Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom