Jack Mangan’s Deadpan #146: Theme and Michelle M. Welch

Lazy Theme Show Notes.

Also in this episode!
Duel of the Fates III battle: Jessica Rabbit vs. Bugs Bunny.

Jack Mangan’s Deadpan #146: Theme and Michelle M. Welch

Night of the Living Deadpan

Duel of the Fates – Bugs Bunny vs. Jessica Rabbit (pt. 1)

Interview with author Michelle M. Welch (http://mmwelch.wordpress.com/author-bio/)
Promoting her podcast anthology Theme and Variations (http://www.themeandvariationsanthology.com/?p=82)

Duel of the Fates continued
Special guest announcer – The Energizer Bunny

Michelle M. Welch continued

Paul Maki with last week’s Broken Lyrics Challenge winner.
Nobody got all the songs, but partial winner last week was:
Jack Mangan

Duel of the Fates concluded

Paul Maki with the Broken Lyrics challenge.

No Greasy Nipples this week but
First comment of the week was (oficially) by Vanamonde

Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom

Closing music recorded at Podcamp AZ.

Jack Mangan’s Deadpan #145: M vs. F

Dueling Show Notes.

Jack Mangan’s Deadpan #145: M vs. F

Promo – Variant Frequency (http://www.variantfrequencies.com/)

Justa J0e’s Music memories

Cj tells us more stuff from her purse

Duel of the Fates intro

Paul Maki with the Broken Lyrics challenge.
No winners last week!

Duel of the Fates – Ming the Merciless vs. Flash Gordon
Special guest announcer – Amy Bowen

More from Cj’s purse

Greasy Nipples by
Lejon (Some Guy from Chandler)
The Energizer Bunny
Ed from Texas
Vanamonde (First comment of the week)

Jack encourages everybody to send a real letter-type e-mail. Have a conversation, not a “tweet”.

Format changes coming in the future

Deadpan meetup will be March 13th weekend. Come!

Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom

Some kind of technical screwup ate the closing music. Sorry.

Jack Mangan’s Deadpan #144: Gross

Gross Show Notes.

Jack Mangan’s Deadpan #144: Gross

The Wide World of Deadpan (courtesy of Kurt)

Tales of the Children Podcast by P.G. Holyfield (http://www.pgholyfield.com/maah/) and Angel Between the Lines (http://www.angelbetweenthelines.com/)

Cj with the contents of her purse

Huey Lewis is a LIAR!

Paul Maki with the Broken Lyrics challenge.
Last week’s winner was Vanamonde!

Greasy Nipples by
Johnny Null
Ed from Texas
Not the Bunny
Amy Bowen (first comment of the week)

Jack gives us thoughts to ponder on Yoda

More on Cj’s purse

Join the Duel of the Fates 3 team. Only 3 people allowed on each team. Check out the website for more information. E-mail Jack with a request to join a team.

Also, send in 12 second “intangibles” by Wednesday November 18th.

Saturday, November 14th, Jack will be perfoming at Podcamp AZ at approx. 2:00 or 2:30. Watch the show live streaming (http://podcampaz.org/)

Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom

Closing music

Duel of the Fates teams

OK, this is a new and unique idea for DotF. Episode #145 (whenever it pods) will be the first of 7 Duel of the Fates, season 3 episodes. There are 8 characters lined up to compete in an elimination tournament.

You can now align yourself with one of the players and possibly win Deadpan stuff!

Just send me an email: spherical jack m at gmail dot com (no spaces – you know how it works) to tell me whose team you’d like to join for the upcoming DotF3 tournament. Players on the winning character’s team will have a chance to win cool stuff.
Palooza Division
Ming Ming (Flash Gordon)
Rorschach Rorschach (Watchmen)
Repo Man Otto (Repo Man)
Flash Gordon Flash Gordon (Flash Gordon)
Animated Division
Jessica Rabbit Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?)
Buzz Lightyear Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story)
Bilbo Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit)
Bugs Bunny Bugs Bunny (Warner Bros.)

The deadline to join a team is the release of episode 145 (currently slated for either November 18 or 25).

(Yes, we are nerds)
Stupid little details beyond the break.

Continue reading

Surprise Silent Unshow

Episode 144 is half-completed………….. It would be done tonight, but – –
I’m waiting on new login info to upload the file.

Sorry. The show might get posted tomorrow night, if I have the login info AND I have time to get it completed. There will be other blogposts in the meantime.

Really Big Unshow

Really Big Unshow

Unshow #44.

Special Guest Paul Maki aka JohnBoze

Lately Paul has been busy:
He has contributed to the Quirky Nomads (http://quirkynomads.com/wp/)
Between the Lines Studios as both writer and voice actor (http://betweenthelinesstudios.com/)

Jack’s announcements
The Orc Skit in the latest Requiem of the Outcast was co-written by Jack and is in this episode: (http://www.requiemoftheoutcast.com/wordpress/2009/11/03/roto-s07e02-boo-did-we-scare-you/)
Jack will be doing live performance at Podcamp AZ on Saturday, November 14 (http://podcampaz.org/)
A webstream of this perfomance will be available. Watch the deadpan website for times and further info.

Greasy Nipples by:

Vanamonde (first comment of the week)
Ed from Texas
The Energizer Bunny
Johnny Null
Johnny Null

Jack annouces the Duel of the Fates III contestants – with a twist. Send in “intangibles” in 12 seconds or less.

Paul Maki starts a semi-recurrent segment (please help name). Paul said fragments of lyrics, can you guess what they are?
Paul is also looking for intro music for this segment.

Don’t forget to send in your Deadpan slogan from episode 142 boards

And Episode 144 will expose Huey Lewis’ lies

Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom