Jack Mangan’s Deadpan 44: The Singular Bil DeSmedt

Short(??) Introbabble.
Joe Murphy rules.
I mention TD-0013’s MS-Walk
Phill Rossi’s Pickle Tales Promo
Alive’s Monks bumper
Bill DeSmedt Interview – part 1 (here’s the link to the real life Replicator that we’d discussed)
Tag in the Seam promo
Bill DeSmedt Interview – part 2
Stolen from the 80s – Justa J0e
Babble – with cursewords
-brief mash-
Original music by me: “Too Good to Last”

Updates coming soon.

Jack Mangan guest appearance on “Moldawer in the Morning”

Hey everyone. I was honored to be David’s guest on the most recent “Moldawer in the Morning” podcast. Many of you know David Moldawer from FPM’s own Kickass Mystic Ninjas podcast; his solo gig can be summarized thusly: off-the-cuff conversations with a guest, covering three news items.
David Moldawer is alarmingly witty and insightful; we had a lot of fun chatting. Check it out.

Joe Murphy Sympathy Voicemail Line

As many of you know, Joe Murphy of the KickAss Msytic Ninjas goes into surgery today to have the large, malignant, evil tumor removed from his abdomen.

Wingin’ It! listener and cool human being Alan Smith has set up a Voicemail line for friends and fans to call in and leave him messages of goodwill and love. The number is 206-202-5179. I encourage every Deadpanite — hell, everyone on the earth — to call the Joe Murphy Sympathy Card Voicemail Line. The recordings will all soon be burned onto a CD for Joe, so don’t hesitate to call.

I just left my message.

Updates as to Joe’s condition have been promised at the Wingin’ It! site: http://www.michaelandevo.com/

Jack Mangan’s Deadpan 43: Spoon

Greasy spoon Standings
1st 4 comments
Under the Graying Sea promo
TD-0013 bumper. . .
. . . leads to a strange mash
Amy Bowen tells about her Secret Santa experience
Amy Bowen’s Thank You Message to Podcasters
Paul from Des Moines Deadpan bumper
Unrelated Thought
Unrelated Kitchen bumper from Justa J0e
Chris the Fixed Kitty’s alcohol
Andrea Smarty Hottie Voicemail
Brief snippet of DJ Utopia’s “Meet the Parkers”
Dumbass Memories – Paul from Des Moines
Kris from Tempe’s Deadpan bumper
Greasy Spoon Finale!!
Stolen from the 80s – JohnBoze (hi)
My free bumper gift to all podcasters
One – Matt Mango

Late ze shown oats.

Greasy Spoon Standings(?)

OK, it’s almost not funny how I’ve fucked up tracking the Greasy Spoon comments.

As we draw near the final week of Greasy Spoon 2, with a winner to be selected in episode 43, there are the official standings. I think.

7 Alvie
6 ditto
4 Jeremy from Seattle
4 Rhettro
3 Sarah from Charleston
3 JB
3 Ed from Texas
3 Andrea Smarty Hottie
3 Justa j0e
2 Jessica
1 WNDR Wolf
1 JR Murdock

Jack Mangan’s Deadpan 42: John Shirley Come A-Walkin’ – Part 2

The quick quick brown fox jumped over the late show notes.
(better late than never, right?)

FarrrPoint Media
Stolen Movie (or is it Radio Drama?) Lines
Ranting Scotsman podcast promo
GYGO Pizza Delivery Deadpan bumper
John Shirley Interview (Part 3)
Jack Mangan toast at the 2006 PPME (Thanks to everyone involved)
The “Cat in the Hat” kid gets pissed
Dumbass Memories – Amy Bowen
Rhettro’s Love? Deadpan bumper
John Shirley Interview (extras)
Balticon Podcast Promo
Greasy Spoon semi-final round (figures still wrong)
The contents of justa J0e’s fridge
Original music by me: Done with AK’s 4-Track

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy show notes.

Jack Mangan’s Deadpan 41: John Shirley Come A-Walkin’ – Part 1

Tomi Baby – Chris the Fixed Kitty
Unrelated Thought
Less geeky Unrelated Thought
Tee Morris’s “Billibub Baddings and hte Case of the Singing Sword” podiobook promo 2.
Alvie’s Deadpan love bumper
John Shirley interview — part 1
Deadpan haiku bumper
My Parents Are Crazy – Ed from Texas
TD-0013 Deadpan bumper
John Shirley interview — part 2
Mike Nelson bumper
Computer King’s “Into the Dark” podcast promo
Greasy Spoon comments
Original mashup: “One With the Stillness”

I told you I’d update the Lazy Show Notes. Links forthcoming.