Overstuffed with Duel of the Fates explanations!
Unshow 95: slicker and more robust than 3.1.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Overstuffed with Duel of the Fates explanations!
Unshow 95: slicker and more robust than 3.1.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
When I’m cleaning windows.
I thought you ran Linux?
I’m cosmopolitan.
Youre a looney
More a penguin with gender issues.
Next will be Unshow Me.
If something named “Bob” pops up, there’s going to have to be a beating.
Pop goes the tumour:
Damn 6 AM EDT and still not first =-)
Foiled by Vanamonde and his flippin’ Euro time!
He beats us up with geography…
Euro time is a fickle mistress
… with a really sexy accent.
Morning Pan
I wish I was the sun, then I wouldn’t be up yet either
This is almost a haiku.
Blech. I just want to go back to sleep.
Bleet. I just want to be a sheep.
Shearly you jest.
Humour of a sort:
I’m attempting a trip to the office today. The main HWY in and out of Longmont is still closed, so I’m heading South to the next main access point, then East. ADVENTURE! We have no drinkable water there, so I was chosen among the leadership team to bring water – I’m loaded for bear!
Lo, will try the Dry Dock Pumpkin! I had their Tripel last night – interesting.
CW: Dexter E11. WTF?
Need to watch that tonite. Still Breaking Bad blown away
Think I’m going to put watching Dexter on hold for a day and watch the Sleepy Hollow pilot instead.
Will Evil Inc approve Dry Dock Pumpkin as a substitute for the non-drinkable water?
The scary part is I’m partly in charge, so I’m gonna go with YES.
Evil on a bender!
Another late work day for hubby.
I got this angry phone call from my mom yesterday. She wanted to know why I didn’t tell her my grandmother was in the hospital with pneumonia. I wanted to know how she knew my grandmother was in the hospital since that was the first I heard of it. She never answered me but then grumbled over the fact that my grandmother didn’t bother to tell her she was in the hospital. My reply, “If she was taken to the hospital, she may not have been able to call everybody she knows to say she was being taken to the hospital. Not something one thinks about when riding in an ambulance.” My mom grudgingly agreed. I sometimes don’t understand that woman.
So is your Grandmother in hospital ?
“I sometimes don’t understand that woman.”
THIS this.
Dear Mom,
Grandmother is in the hospital.
This situation may actually be about her health and NOT you.
The answer to your question Van is, yes. I have no other information than this. Apparently mom has her boyfriend’s phone number (I don’t) so she’s going to call him (why she didn’t do this in the first place I don’t know). So far, mom hasn’t returned any of my inquiries so I don’t have details, or even what hospital she’s in.
I do hope for the best for her!
So today I found out there will be more redundancies in the new year.
They are hoping there are enough people want to go voluntarily and by retirement.
Fingers crossed and all that.
mine are crossed too for you!
Me too, Van. All my didgits are crossed for you
Fourthed. I hope the news is good, Van.
The cat and I are having an argument. I want to work, she wants me to pay attention to her. Why is it I never win these arguments?
TNG characters in TOS uniforms
Caution, you may learn something:
This is amazing. I know a university physics prof, he’ll get a kick out of this.
In my own middle-finger-from-Cthulhu moment, my car isn’t starting today. Awesome!
Ugh. Cariffic.
Van, how is Sleepy Hollow?
I enjoyed the pilot, looks like it could be a cool series.
I forget to set the TiVo. 🙁
We have it recorded but I won’t be watching it until Friday. Silly hubby with his silly late night meetings.
Finally heard back. My grandmother is fine and coming home today. My mom just likes to overreact.
Your mother sounds like my sister.
That would make you TEB’s Uncle ?
I was at school with a lad who was Uncle to a lass in the same year.
It made sense at the time.
Making of Time Bandits:
I have fond memories of seeing this ridiculous, wonderful film in the theater as a wee lad. I haven’t rewatched since the 90s; I should give it another go.
Did any of you see “Withnail & I”.
That was one of the other “Handmade Films” they mentioned.
I saw it about 15 years ago. I remember it being uncomfortably odd but I don’t remember how it ended.
Bunny I need you to get me the Canadian Superman coins to go along with the space themed 5$. I will send you funds. Please and thank you.
OMG theyre 50$ each. Nevermind on the Superman
Maybe they have Otis coins?
Lo. There are several in the series. They run between $30 and $750. I won’t be getting any for myself. http://www.mint.ca/store/buy/superman_coins-cat740001
However, the $5 are just $5.
Make sure you send me your new address by November so I can send you the bill.
I know that’s why I said forget the SUperman coins. Are the 5$ out yet?
Not until November
Coconut Chobani!!!!
Giovanni Ribisi!
Well, Pannites.
I was chosen to be a part of a video production for a National Program that healthcare systems are starting to use here in the U.S.
Today was my part of the filming process. Boy, it was a blast to have makeup and hair done and work with film crew and do some “acting” (wink wink)
It went very well. They had me film about 8 different scenes, so i think they like me. We had a Green Room and a craft table. hehe
Here is the program: http://www.languageofcaring.com/Default.aspx
You all can now say you knew me, when…
Next up, SAG card.
You’ll have to tell us when the video is up, Pixie.
Your company has to purchase the program.
But! I am going to a superstar, super – secret screening of the video series when it becomes available, so maybe I will pirate some footage on the DL.
Very proud of my grown-up supatstar!
That is what you are!
Islands in the stream?
WARNING: Phobia of Clowns? Skip this post…
I now need to find 20 fluffy kittens and soft puppies to cuddle with for 30 minutes. That was terrifying.
Sorry, I got side tracked with this suggested viewing
This is impressive on about 10 different levels. Easily the nerdiest, most mind-blowing thing I’ve seen in awhile.
I’ll get my coat.
Didn’t Van already post this?
Psst… pot calling kettle
No! He sure didn’t. Nope.
Sorry, Van. You posted it right in the midst of my car drama…..
I’ll get me coat.
footage of Jack’s car drama
Hubby’s away so it’s a reading I do
CR: Steam & Strategem – Christopher Hoare
Made a mistake in buying Epic/BrauDC’s collaboration beer Imperial Pumpkin Porter. Especially after yesterday’s Dry Dock Imperial Pumpkin heaven.
If you happen to see a bomber of the Epic in your local store, just remember the Cranberries song “Salvation” and dont do it…dont do it..cause its not not what it seems.
*not* Islands in the Stream?
That aint what it are.
You got to know when to hold ’em.
Watch out JJ;
Hey guys, check out this link I found! http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2013/09/17/223345977/auto-brewery-syndrome-apparently-you-can-make-beer-in-your-gut?ft=1&f=1001&utm_campaign=nprnews&utm_source=npr&utm_content=buffer0f151&utm_medium=twitter
😉 at Van.
Van has a stalker.
Goodnight, :Cthulhu’s middle finger:
CW: Dads E1
Next time I’m going to paint a bit of wall and watch it dry.
Did you not hear all of the warning about thus show? Why did you do this to yourself?
I have to confess I didn’t.
A few good actors there, criminally wasted.
I’m gonna skip this one. I love Seth Green and don’t want to see him in something awful!
I tried to watch the premier of Iron Sides on the elliptical today – yawn.
I watched Brooklyn Nine-Nine before watching Dads.
It must be a testament to just how bad Brooklyn Nine-Nine was that I actually enjoyed Dads… by comparison.
Morning Pan
Would you believe I’m actually up, showered, and dressed already?
Today’s Google Doodle was cute.
We watched Sleepy Hollow last night and dug it! We also caught the 1st half of the PBS Latinos doc – very interesting, but we got sleepy.
Dexter is such a train wreck. Just caught up with this week’s episode this morning. Make it stop!
Im still two behind. Boo on that show hard.
Spesking of shows… some of you have watched thecfull House of Cards season, correct? We’re about halfway through, and struggling to find the enthusiasm to continue. There have been some good episodes, but overall, meh. Can someone cheer us on to th finishc(without spoilers)?
I loved it, Jack, but if you’re not into the political serial, maybe not for you? Watch Orange Is The New Black instead?
100% Orange is New Black concurred
Me three.
I’ve highly enjoyed the political intrigue on HoC so far, but I’m not crazy about the stuff in-between, which feels pointless. I also hate every moment when he talks to the camera.
It’s a short enough series, though; I think we’ll push to the end. I’m pretty sure OitNB is up next for us. I’ll have to consult with my viewing partner.
This makes me sad. X-Factor is ending.
Not me, I get tortured by it every weekend it is on.
Did you see this yet, my lil’ Lo?
CP: Lights – Ellie Goulding
I made it down by the St. Vrain river today – man, what a mess, and what destruction. I saw piles and piles of debris being moved by backhoes. Mother Nature don’t play.
And it’s raining! COME ON!
RE: flood aftermath in my town:
*Only* 22,000 homes flooded.
I watched the video without sound. Those images are incredible! So glad your homes escaped that fate, Lo and Ess.
Shades of Katrina. All that “stuff” piled up along curbs.
I fear that 22,000 folks are about to discover just how evil, insurance companies can be.
Upgrading to iOS7, this may take some time.
Let me know if it does anything to fix podcasting. I’m still on Itunes 10.6, but I see I’m going to have to give up and conform with Itunes 11.1 if I wan’t the Ipads to go to iOS7.
What problem have you been having Ed (forgive my poor memory), since Apple updated the app to get rid of the useless eye candy, it’s been working fine for my limited needs.
To be honest, after your initial reports of moving to Itunes 11 and the “podcast app”, I held off on letting Itunes 11 on my machine at all.
So, they made some fixes to it, then?
It works for me. Feeds update (I have auto download disabled though) correctly and making a quick playlist works.
Works so well I hardly ever use iTunes anymore.
I too have avoided the upgrade. Running Itunes 10.6 and since it is meeting all of my needs … I see no reason to risk breaking it.
My initial reaction is ugh.
But it will grow on me I suspect.
It went smoothly for me.
iTunes now shows every single old episode, including ones you’ve deleted, as being in the cloud. You can’t make them go away either.
My first attempt at the podcast app in iOS7 resulted in a black screen that would do nothing at all. I rebooted the phone and now it seems to work fine. Bigger problem was having to do a search online to figure out how to shut off apps in the new format. Holding down on the app to get the wobbly tile with the “x” no longer works in that mode. Now you have to grab the bigger preview above the tile and swipe up.
Sorry. Forgot it’s Speak Like A Pirate Day. It were a right mess when it first stepped aboard me phone, but I keelhauled it a bit and now it sings as sweet as my parrot.
Ed may get an attack of webos is déjà vu if he upgrades.
GWAR as the Super Bowl halftime show??
I’d be concerned that another nipple-slip might occur.
I’m still hoping Weird Al makes it to the big show some day.
How awesome would it be to have Weird Al as the headline act in the jockiest of all jock fests? They could have the Tri-Lambda band there too, with Lamar rapping.
So how do we start a campaign to get Weird Al as the halftime show? I’m in.
Your crap joke for the day:
A young man goes into a drug store to buy condoms.The pharmacist says the condoms come in packs of 3, 9 or 12 and asks which the young man wants.”Well,” he said, “I’ve been seeing this girl for a while and she’s really hot. I want the condoms because I think tonight’s “the” night. We’re having dinner with her parents, and then we’re going out. And I’ve got a feeling I’m gonna get lucky after that.””Once she’s had me, she’ll want me all the time, so you’d better give me the 12 pack.”The young man makes his purchase and leaves.Later that evening, he sits down to dinner with his girlfriend and her parents. He asks if he might give the blessing and they agree. He begins the prayer, but continues praying for several minutes.The girl leans over to him and says, “You never told me that you were such a religious person.”The boy leans over to her and whispers, “You never told me that your father is a pharmacist.”
… aaaand your coat for the day.
Let’s see, I’m
Selective but slutty
A nerdy man
the kind of person who lets a guy move in with me after three dates because he’s temporarily homeless
Sniffed a little glue
I have a big heart
Kind of Kinky
willing to work for it, but you’re kind of pissed I had to.
I’m going to have sex in the bathroom and regret it
I’m going to have sex in the bathroom and not regret it
I’m reasonably well adjusted… considering
I’m either really smart or really dumb
Every relationship is a coming-of-age epic of which I am the star.
… and it was at that point I gave up because that was getting ridiculous.
My favorite from the comments section –
“Frank Zappa: You can see through everyone’s BS, and it makes you smile.”
I saw that the other day. The author’s obvious young age made me feel like George Burns.
My turn for a “crap” joke:
Claude The Hypnotist at a Senior Home
It was entertainment night at the senior citizens’ center. After the community sing along led by Alice at the piano, it was time for the star of the show- Claude the Hypnotist!
Claude explained that he was going to put the whole audience into a trance. “Yes, each and every one of you and all at the same time.” said Claude. The excited chatter dropped to silence as Claude carefully withdrew from his waistcoat pocket; a beautiful antique gold pocket watch and chain.
“I want you to keep your eyes on this watch” said Claude, holding the watch high for all to see. “It is a very special and valuable watch that has been in my family for six generations” said Claude.
He began to swing the watch gently back and forth while quietly chanting. “Watch the watch — Watch the watch —-Watch the watch”….. The audience became mesmerized as the watch swayed back and forth. The lights were twinkling as they were reflected from its gleaming surfaces. A hundred and fifty pairs of eyes followed the movements of the gently swaying watch. They were hypnotized.
And then, suddenly, the chain broke!!! The beautiful watch fell to the stage and burst apart on impact. “SHIT” said Claude.
It took them three days to clean the Senior Citizens ‘ Center and Claude was never invited there again.
Now it’s time to put some clothes on.
Now it’s my turn to download the newest IOS
So why did the new IOS update unsubscribe me to about 1/3 of my podcasts? It seems to have kept the backlog, it just decided I don’t want anything new.
I stand corrected, it didn’t seem to delete my subscriptions, they are just no longer in alphabetical order. Now to figure out how to fix that…
Wow, the new IOS is rather trippy.
Yeah. I hate what they’ve done with podcasts. Not like I can fix it this time.
Stolen from a FB friend:
“I’d fight a bear for you. Not a grizzly. Or a brown bear. Or a panda. But maybe a Care Bear? I’d fight one of those sonsabitches for you.”
Sounds good to me :cheerful:
My IPad is still updating. Why is it taking 3 times as long to update that?
Heading home after seeing ‘White House Down’.
A mess of cliches but fun in places.
Sounds a lot like Olympus has Fallen. “A mess of cliches but fun in places.”
Quite, although this was less Po faced than Olympus Down
Less WHAT faced?
Does “Po faced” somehow mean “least compelling lead duo since Pauly Shore and that Baldwin brother?”
(Yes, Jamie Foxx was excellent in Ray and Collateral.)
I got the impression that they didn’t take the silly premise seriously like what happened in the mad scot film
CP: Lead Me Home — Jamie N Commons
It’s talk like a pirate day! I’m going to get a bunch of copyrighted materials and use them for my own purposes!
So nothing new there then…
I redact that comment as This is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
I may have a slight case of popcorn poisoning.
Popcorn poisoning? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt6-wqkEcPQ
How much popcorn is in a full case of popcorn poisoning?
This is a job for Inspector Reddenbacher
Just be careful he doesn’t fall multiple times.
He might slip in all that butter.
Twould be a pity if that happened near a well.
I suspect he wouldn’t die in the fall but in the spring.
…and it’s goodbye to Mr Nintendo:
In case you were wanting to send a Tweet to Speaker Boehner –
J0e, this is what he’s doing instead:
“Obama, speaking Wednesday to business executives at a meeting of the Business Roundtable, said, “You have never seen in the history of the United States the debt ceiling or the threat of not raising the debt ceiling being used to extort a president or a governing party and trying to force issues that have nothing to do with the budget and have nothing to do with the debt.”
If I was to play billiards here for a moment, I’d say that the rational person … the person that was interested in HELPING the US economic recovery, would pass a budget that paid our bills and didn’t force the layoff of millions.
THEN, in a completely separate session, bring up changes to the health care law that you believe would make it better. After all, I have no doubt that any law as encompassing as the health care law could certainly use tweaking to make it better.
Of course that would be working together to make things better for the “98%” instead of trying to secure the radical vote by opposing ANYTHING, at any cost to the public, that the administration has put forward.
Oh. I see I have scratched.
Let’s move on to the foosball table.
Full contact?
I’m just putting on my hindsight goggles:
We’ll see how well these hold up, and if they will actually run.
I’d love to get your ZP-style review, Ed. I really enjoyed those, back in the 1800s.
Weren’t the computers hand-cranked back then?
I’m pretty sure it was Water Wheels..
Well the deed is done, the package will arrive in 7 to 10 days.
I’m not thinking Granny Smith
iPhone 5s?
I don’t think you can order the 5S yet. Just the 5C
Nope, I lied. You seem able to get them both now.
5S ordered, went with the slate grey
Boo’s fiance works in retail. I’ll be getting mine through him so I have no idea what colour I’ll be getting.
See you Americans! When ever us people who still answer to the queen talk, we like to make sure to have you(u) as part of our conversation 😉
We’re honoured.
Morning Pan
Today’s tasks
Get Dressed
Change the bed sheets
do laundry
clean the washroom
Tyche Accounting
Audio Edits
Now, let’s see if I’m actually ambitions enough to do all this.
There, the top four items of my list is done and #5 has been started. Now to do a little #7 before I do #6.
*sigh* Today hubby’s new position showed up on his pay cheque. The raise was just enough to put him in a different tax bracket. As such, his take home pay is $30 less per month then before his “raise”
Got to love taxes.
I scored an 8
What a PITA the new iTunes cloud podcast feature is.
Truly. I can’t access any of my podcasts.
It took me a bit to figure it out but I’ve finally got it working. What I don’t like is you can’t double click the home button to start where you left off anymore. Although, it still seems to work when you want to stop your podcast listening.
I just use the app on the phone and iPad now, it does the job better than iTunes for me.
Now you have no choice, you have to use the app.
I have an iPod classic. No app. And even if I did, that doesn’t help me listen to podcast when I’m on something like a plane; or another area where there’s no free WiFi.
Apple presumes everyone nowadays only want to stream media like podcasts. They are wrong.
And yes, this has made me very cranky.
What I use to do is create a playlist that I’d put my podcasts into so, no matter where I was, I could listen to them. I still have the playlist on my PC ITunes but now have to put it through the podcast app instead of through the regular playlist.
I rarely stream podcasts, just download them first.
Ok, time to do more of #5 and then start on #6
On my way to my brewing buddy’s house to start a batch of hard cider. Num.
I have 2 bottles of last years batch left. I think we should drink while we brew. x2 Num.
Share? *bats eyelashes*
Just be careful the hard cider doesn’t beat up the soft drinks
File it.
Ok, time to work on #8 of my list.
A couple of shows on Felicia Day’s “Geek & Sundry” Youtube channel are really funny in my opinion. In “Written by a Kid”, film producers interview grade school kids and have them make up a story on the spot and then they created with all the bells and whistles. The “Goth Boy” episode is one of my favorites. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZz6LDY-6dU
Unfortunately there haven’t been any new written by a kid shows in about a year.
That’s too bad. I hope they make some more eventually.
Like a cleaner version of Drunk History?
The second series I can recommend is “Co-Optitude” where Felicia and her brother play old school console games together and react sort of MST3000 style. My side actually hurt from laughing from some of them. The “Mega Bomberman” episode is one of the best ones. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxUVVyfkQ1s
Yes, Co-Optitude is fun.
It occurs to me that the only acceptable villain for hte next Bond film is Bruce Dickinson. He’s English, a skilled fencer, a pilot, a big ham, a seasoned orator and performer. . . He even looks the part in that picture.
Seriously. It needs to be Dickinson vs. Craig. (Ozzy can be the villain in the film after that).
What do we need to do to make this happen?
I did one and a half chapters of audio edits. Now I need to think about lunch.
Bunny – How is it working that your husband is taking home less after his raise? At least here in ‘Murica, the tax brackets only apply to the portion of income within the bracket, not the highest percentage applied to all of your income.
Ed, I’m not sure the best way to explain it. The way taxes are in Canada, if you make between N and O you pay a certain % in taxes. If your wages go up and it is higher than O, your tax % goes up. If you were close to O in the N/O tax bracket then, sometimes, if your wages increase isn’t high enough, the new tax % is high enough to take more than the difference between the old and new wage
Did that make any sense?
Yup, in the UK if you earn above a certain amount the higher rate of tax kicks in, so if you earn just above this limit than you are actually worse off.
Sounds about the same as here, Van
Well, that’s it – we may just have to invade.
Actually, the tax structure you guys have would be constitutionally impossible around here. Everyone here pays the same tax percentages within the different ranges of income. If you get a raise such that you go “into a higher bracket” it’s only the amount above the limit that is taxed at the higher rate. Everything below is still taxed at the lower rate.
You guys aren’t giving me a lot of optimism to upgrade my Itunes or iOS any time soon.
Learn to live dangerously Ed…
Eternal optimism is still owning a Samsung Gravity
I still have my Nokia 5510..
Ok see you still “have” it… the Gravity is what I use on a daily basis
My my memory maybe playing tricks on me.
I’m convinced I saw a film about a blacklisted writer who moved to the UKin the 50’s to write episodes for a Robin Hood series.
I’m convinced it starred Ron Silver
Wikipedia and IMDB say no.
Toys of the past
I’m flipping through the channel while taking care of laundry this afternoon. In the guide I see “Total Recall” and think – yeah, I’ve haven’t seen that classic in a while.
…and, it’s the new crap remake….and I watch it anywa.
Worth it for KB kicking ass.
thats why I own all the Underworlds
Ken Burns?
*Sepia drool*
Benedict Cumberbatch explains how Sherlock survived his fall at the end of season 2
Speaking of James Bond. . .
We pit these two against each other, along with Inara from Firefly, for a live DotF back at the very first MMMmmmeetup.
We are having company over tomorrow. I went out to get some alcohol. I might of gone a little overboard.
Hubby is cleaning the house right now. Why is he cleaning the house after work instead of waiting until tomorrow? There’s a football game that starts at 8:00am tomorrow morning he wants to watch. *sigh*
For you comicbook fans. Im not sure if this is any good, so let us know
And after you watch that, read this. I quite literally chuckled out loud at the accents panels.
Now I know what Van really hears when he listens to Deadpan.
I say, I almost dropped my pipe when reading that..
Funny, I thought that was how American accents sounded to everybody.
Ummm, I’m having trouble believing this is real.
Ok, now to spend some time deciding what hockey players I want on my team.
Yes, we need to make a draft list too. Goddamn Kovalchuk.
I chose my top eleven picks for each position. May seem like a lot but I have a feeling the list may not be extensive enough.
Why does YouTube need access to my microphone?
…and now the guilt:
Reading the article Essbee linked about Arvada Beer Company firing their brewer raises the question if they stopped drinking their own beer. If they were homebrewers you would think they would know how to taste beer and be able to detect common flaws…
“I gotta have the gold one. I don’t care. I don’t waaaaaaaaant this stupid black iPhone!” she whined. “It’s gonna make people think I’m a lesbian!”
So it seems I’ve been a lesbian since the iphone 3G came out…
I think you make a great lesbian, Van.
I’m not sure what a lesbian van looks like?
Well, now I can say I’ve had Ethiopian food.
Another one off the bucket list..
They have food?
Oh, J0e. . .
Yeah, it was interesting. A bunch of mounds of meats smothered in sauces on this big spongy pancake. You are then given a basket full of this pancake bread, which you then use to pick up the food, instead of utensils.
It was actually good. I dunno about bucket list, but I’d get it again.
If you like high quality audio and like to tinker:
I keep watching and waiting for the link to the first Raspberry Pi based transporter.
…and so it begins:
Who got Patrick Kane? This is unbelievable to watch, even if you’re not a hockey fan.
Me! He’s mine and you can’t have him.
Did Dark City tonight. First time for Pixie. It had been awhile for me. This is such a cool, unique movie. Definitely good Palooza material.
Plot wise it’s better than ‘The Matrix’ in my view.
It’s better than the Matrix in a lot of ways, really. Not all ways, but many.
I also felt like there was some Whedon in there ( *Hush* ep from Buffy) and Matrix and Inception, for sure.
I enjoyed the Matrix far better. I also say — “I’m Team Keeanu, not Team Kiefer.”
just sayin’
Goodnight :Shell Beach: its been real. Or was it?
I’ll take team Jennifer Connelly, please.
Although separated by an ocean it nice to see old fartts thinking alike.
Exactly. Does the Matrix have Jennifer Connelly? Does the Matrix have Riff-Raff from Rocky Horror?
OK, those should be two separate points.
While I did quite enjoy Dark City, probably more than The Matrix, I’m still with Pixie in that I’m more team Keeanu over Team Kiefer.
Goodnight :whoa:
Morning Pan
Accounting done for the day. Now to put in my second load of laundry and start on audio edits. *sigh* Once again, my life is very exciting.
Just observing my visible finger prints on my iPhone screen.
Your crap joke for the day:
If you had the choice between Bill Gates fortune or ending poverty in Africa, what colour Ferrari would you get?
It’s the new black after all.
This one, right here.
I see she’s heard this one before….and thought about it quite intensely.
A little bit of space history and copying:
Hello workness, my old friend.
I’ve come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
The sound, of workness…
One more episode to go.
One more episode in???
Breaking Bad
Tonight I hope to watch Season 2 Ep#3
That is where I am up to.
I’m going to have to ignore FB for the next 3 months, if I want to avoid BB and Dexter spoilers.
If we posted what actually happened on Dexter this season, you’d not believe it! You’d call bullshit!
Was he made into a Saint?
“THE” Saint.
The idea being to end “Dexter” and do a cross-over reboot of that franchise.
Yeah, I may heed the warning signs and stop Dexter where I left off, right after Lithgow. I’m more concerned about the Walter White spoilers.
Ticket booked to see RIPD tomorrow. Trainwreck ahoy! but any film with Lo’s alterego in a cameo is worth checking out…
CP: The Devil’s Taken Her Man — Miss Li
Cool 1:26.
CW: Dexter finale
I feel nothing.
David Carradine
Too soon, Van.
TV so far
haven’t managed to catch any of Dexter or Breaking Bad so far – will have to put those on the bucket list.
We picked up Showtime and are getting caught up with season 2 of Homeland before season three kicks off this weekend.
Sleepy Hollow proved infectiously interesting. I don’t know if they’ll be able to keep it up, but we’re hooked on for now.
Cautiously non-committal about The Black List.
Agents of Shield better not suck.
Robin Williams is going back into a TV series with Buffy the Vampire Slayer as his daugther because he blew through his real life fortune on two ex wives. Apparently not having learned his lesson, he’s apparently working on wife number three.
Agree on Sleepy Hollow. It seems like a keeper.
I have recently been watching Chicago Fire during my workout and really enjoy it.
For any of you still watching “Sons of Anarchy”… after the season opener I have decided to remove it from my DVR que.
The show just pounds you relentlessly downward. Never has an “up”. Who needs that?
I love the show, JOe, and am keeping it. I can’t decide if I want to BE Gemma or marry her.
The season opener was pretty brutal.
I gave up during the Ireland season.
Come on, Jack, that could totally happen . . .
This is a fantastic follow-up to that Patrick Kane video I posted yesterday, from one of his teammates.
Seriously, even if you’re not into hockey, these two videos are worth a watch. Do the Patrick Kane one first.
Just finished watching World War Z(ed). It was better than I expected