You didn’t.
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It is awesome of The Energizer Bunny to track the Show Notes from week to week.
Her efforts are sincerely appreciated.
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The “Really Big Things” serial was a Deadpan staple for over a year, delighting us with the strangest assortment of characters, locales, podfamous guest stars, and landmarks ever heard onpod. Author Paul Maki wove a twisting, twisted tale, combining horror, comedy, suspense, and absurdity into one Really Big story. The series had been spread across a number of Deadpan episodes, but now, for the first time, is available in one .zip file.
Download Paul Maki’s “Really Big Things Serial here.
“Quitting Time” comes first.
That sounded way too much like a commercial. Act now! The first 100 callers will get a free Big Thing!*
*Offer void.
Anyway, thanks Paul Maki for the link and the coolness. The download is free, by the way, just in case that wasn’t clear. .
Minty Fresh Show Notes.
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Howdy back atcha, WordPress.
Yes, the filename says it’s 71.
Ryah’s show notes:
Unshow 72. Now with Audio!
GReasy Spoon
Lo Pan
The Energizer Bunny
Ed from Texas
Dj Bunny
Vanamonde (first of the week)
Don’t forget the High Fidelity Palooza
Also, April 14thish. Is it good for you? Thinking of then for the next mmmmmeetup. Let Jack know if it fits within your schedule.
Send in content: 480-788-JMDP(5637) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
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The last unshow of January? Not ready yet for a talkie …. this one is silent.