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Month: February 2008
Jack Mangan's Deadpan #89: The Hover Queen
show notes
Deadpan vacation offer — (thanks, Brad P)
Fight the Podcast
Podcast Promo Show promo
Mike Nelson Deadpan bumper
Justa J0e Vegas VM I
Deadpan definitions (thanks, disgruntled scientist)
Deadpan Comment storage (thanks, Trucker)
The return of Highbrow/Lowbrow – In the Men’s Room
::::Urinal Man Templates
Fox’s Deadpan bumper is incredibly cute
Justa J0e Vegas VM II
Justa J0e Vegas VM III
Unrelated thought
You’re still in the running towards becoming America’s Next Top Model
Stolen Paragraphs
::::Paul Maki
::::Leann Mabry
Justa J0e Vegas VM IV
disgruntled scientist VM
Trucker Overdrive in Gauntlet
Rhettro’s Iron Pan bumper
Greasy Sp-
Leann’s Hover Queen rant
-oon Comments
Justa J0e Vegas VM V
Stolen. . . .lyrics? from disgruntled scientist
Wanna lyricsmash
Justa J0e Vegas VM VI
1:01 of conversation with Leann Mabry
Big Outrobabble in Little China (Thanks Kurt, AKA Dirt McGirt)
Don’t let anyone treat you like an inferior
Greasy Jelly Bean
Jack Mangan live original music: “Empty Bottle”
Justa J0e Vegas VM VII
You’re still in the running
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Unshow Numero Ocho
Deadpan Unshow number 8
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Jack Mangan's Deadpan #88: Roscoe
LSN kyuh kyuh kyuh
The Deadpan has landed (thanks, Vanamonde)
Into the Dark promo
Extended Living Deadpan bumper (thanks, Kurt aka Dirt McGirt)
Contents of the Energizer Bunny’s Medicine Cabinet (top shelf)
Far Point Media remix
poetfox’s mic check
poetfox haiku
Leann Mabry’s Lady Frankenstein bumper (thanks, Kurt aka Dirt McGirt)
Bathroom Boys tally
Get Your Geek Off (Jeremy from Seattle and Andrea Smarty Hottie) Deadpan bumper
“Ladies of Joplin”, an essay by Trucker Overdrive
Impossible Deadpan (thanks, Van! *ahem*)
Contents of the Energizer Bunny’s Medicine Cabinet (second shelf)
Ladies of Joplin tally
Deadpan is the Way — the Finnish Line (thanks, disgruntled scientist)
Jack & Leann Road Diaries (excerpt/snippet)
John Buccigross bumper
Repo Pan hangover
:::Paul Maki
Contents of the Energizer Bunny’s Medicine Cabinet (bottom shelf)
Contents of the Energizer Bunny’s Medicine Cabinet tally
Trucker Overdrive’s “Ladies of Joplin” follow-up voicemail
Leann Mabry’s sultry Deadpan bumper (debut)
Greasy Spoon Comments
original Living Deadpan bumper
Roscoe P. Coltrane theory of elections
Call for content
Original music: “Deadpan is the Way”
Deadpan concludes its podcast day
Apologies. No onpod GJB – winner announced in the comments.
And apologies, I was forced to upload this using Podango. We’ll see what happens.
If the feed doesn’t work. . . . . . . . then download it here.
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I have no idea. . .
. . . where your comments are. . .
. . . what’s been happening to the site for the past 10 hours. . .
But don’t worry, I am going to take care of this. Not pleased.
Sorry. Thanks for your patience while I deal with these technical difficulties.