Stay tuned to the Am I Evil? Facebook page, the Am I Evil? website, and the Am I Evil? IndieGoGo page!
Updates will be coming soon with information about the campaign to get yourself a low-price, Indy graphic novel of “Am I Evil?” based on the classic song.
This is about creating a widely-available print version, but it can also get you access to the e-comic and the 17,000-word novella.

Am I Evil? website:
Facebook page:
IndieGoGo for the Print Edition: Coming soon.
I’m first?
Yes I know, technically Jack is first.
I can’t be first – -that’d be cheating! 🙂
Well another fucking early shift.
New to me:
I’m in! Just waiting for the funding page to start up.
End of an era:
Bloody Hell:
You seem surprised.
I shouldn’t but stupidity on this scale does always come as a surprise.
Goodbye to Tina Turner:
Aww man
I missed her early career, but man, she was dominant for a few years in the 80s.
Absolute legend. Absolute icon.
I can’t imagine anyone here will care, but the original Marvel Super Heroes RPG was a big deal for me as a young buck. Cool to see it available online.
Cheap at half the price (eeek!):
Started reading this, but dammit, I have things to do:
I don’t like the first new single from DMB. I dislike much of his poppier stuff, but – – I am an unapologetic Dave Matthews Band fan. So many excellent songs from the 90s. He’s one of the most underappreciated guitarists of his era.
So the first recording of ‘What’s Love got to do with it’ was not by Tina Turner:
Cancelled board game resurrected by another company:
They may have been flops at the cinema but all the movies in this list are great and have had positive reviews from critics:
I’ve not seen Phase IV or the Stepford Wives. The rest, I would agree, area all brilliant.
Alien was released 44 years ago today, tweets about how the film was made:
Interesting that Star Wars, Alien, and Towel Day anniversaries all converge.
Finally watched the finale of Mrs Davis, the whole series has been a fun ride and the finale hit me in the feels a few times.
I hope they don’t do a S2, it’s a perfect one off mini series.
I was unaware of the 1979 Dracula with Frank Langella as the Count.
Aside from being hopelessly dated, it’s . . . ok. It’s like they gave some scriptwriter a bunch of cocaine and a list of character names with 2-word descriptions.
So many inexplicable changes from the novel and the original movie. Also: For some reason, all of the characters are assholes. You’re not really rooting for any of them.
Frank Langella and his Love Boat hair are great.
CP: Cheap Shoes — illuminati hotties
Ah Airdrie.
Another newspaper front page pic that doesn’t match the headline
This week the pic is of a bunch of kids on a miniature train, the headline warns of traffic delays on the highway due to construction
CP cut the Line by Papa Roach
Our music channels actually show music videos … and nothing else
All quiet on the Deadpan front
We’re making progress toward MMMmmmeetup 2023!
Does anyone have any driving/rental car plans?
I know both Ed and Rhett have rented cars so we should have enough. We can’t count on the husband to join us much so I’ll only have the one car to use myself
Yep, I will have a car rental. Hopefully, I’ll have my passport as well. The soonest date I could get was in Tucson June 2nd. I’ll get it expedited.
My plans are in flux. I can’t commit to anything at this point.
Still waiting for an op date 🙁
It’s my least favourite of the HH books but I started a reread of Mostly Harmless yesterday. The ending I hate but the journey is compelling, DA was a unique talent.
The only HH book that I’ve only read once.
Did you ever read Eoin Colfer’s official book 6? I do think Mostly Harmless was better than that one.
CP: I Don’t Need No Doctor — Ray Charles
We’ll be seeing this tomorrow:
I’m honestly not a fan of the original, but I’ve endured it many times for the benefit of young people. It’s just a movie, FFS. So I have zero expectations.
I have no doubt that the majority of the hate responses at places like RottenTomatoes are motivated by triggered nutjobs with nothing better to do.
According to Facebook, it’s an Asshat birthday today!
Have a great one!
Have a wonderful birthday!
Happy birthday!
Thanks all! It was a great day.
CW: The Marvellous Mrs. Maisel S5E9
The final episode ever.
The Boy George Do You Really Want to Hurt Me video does not age well.
To refresh your memory, he’s in a courthouse. The entire jury is in black face
Weird how some people would find that harmless, yet believe that Boy George’s cross-dressing was the real problem.
Today we’re going to do our civic duty and vote for a provincial premier (similar to your governor, I think?)
We really dislike our current one but it’s a really tight race at the moment so it’s possible she might get back in
I hope your province turns its leadership back toward sanity.
I won’t see it at the cinema but will definitely watch when it comes to streaming:
There, I voted
JW: Sisu
Finnish (with English Dialogue) John Wick style action film set in WW2.
A little bit of tv history about a British sci-fi anthology series:
So the new Little Mermaid is a massive improvement over the original. All of the changes are positive, some corrective, some just nice added detail.
Still not for me. It’s too damn long – – and I think they could have made even more changes – – but overall, fans should be pleased.
I’d say I’m baffled by the griping, but I should never be baffled anymore by griping.
Was this one of the improvements?
The girl who played Ariel did fine, but I’d have been thrilled to see Alissa White-Gluz in the role.
Or at least as Ursula’s evil seductive form.
I skimmed past a heading that said something about Corey Taylor comparing [band name] to early Slipknot.
So I went looking for Sleep Token, thinking it might be something I’d enjoy since I enjoy Slipknot.
Sleep Token… is nothing like Slipknot. It’s interesting but not engaging, if that makes sense.
Swollen Teeth, on the other hand, does remind me of Slipknot and seems very interesting.
… So where the heck did I come up with Sleep Token, when I’d never heard of them before?
Maybe because Sleep Token are the darlings of the moment?
Huh. I’m surprised. I mean, they’re close enough to something I’d enjoy that I listened to about five songs before flouncing. There’s just something missing.
Nick Cave is always on point.
(Disclaimer, I have only skimmed this. . . and what I read is beautiful. . . but I have faith in Nick Cave)
CP: The Pink Panther Theme – Henry Mancini
There ain’t no justice:
So that new D&D movie is a good time. Definitely recommended. Lots of fun little touches from the game, but no game knowledge required.
I particularly enjoyed the nod to the 80’s cartoon series.
I missed it! I had to Google, but now it’s obvious. Nicely done.
This is an excellent start:
Enjoyed the series finale of Barry.
CW: American Born Chinese E1
I saw someone comment that Barry goes darker even than GoT or Breaking Bad?
New podcast discovery:
Happy Day Off, to all who benefit. And I do believe in the sentiment behind the day. War is never noble, but sometimes necessary. The men, women, and children who’ve died while attempting to end those conflicts need to be recognized.
Well it’s a May bank holiday in the UK, so time to do very little.
Last weekend was the holiday here
Seems like the Alberta election went to the MAGA ehh party again?
Crap joke for the day:
What’s the difference between a guitar and a fish?
You can’t “tuna” fish.
As my dad used to say when I told him old jokes: “I kicked the sides off my cradle when I first heard that one.”
Alberta decided to stay all crazy pants
Having brunch with a friend later this morning
Celebrate the dead by killing peoples:
I don’t know how to get past our blockers and fix this.
Ah AI doing stuff that most people don’t care about:
I think I shall go for a walk this morning
Teaser trailer for the 6th season of Black Mirror:
We watched ep 1 of Silo, based on all the hype.
This first ep was by-the-numbers dystopian Sci-Fi. It has potential. We’ll keep going, but I remain unconvinced.
I’d never read the books, so IDK if that helps or hurts the cause.
Two of the biggest companies in our lives – – Netflix, Amazon – – have gone from “We will do whatever it takes to provide you with excellent service” to “We don’t care in the slightest about your convenience or customer satisfaction.”
They’re doing cheesy videos again on the music station. Steve Perry has really tight jeans on. I’m not sure how he can walk
Obsession by Animotion is pretty silly
Meh. They’ve done Meatloaf’s Anything for Love in other episodes
Eye of the Tiger by Survivor
Look at that hair
You Are The Girl by The Cars was just baffling
Dear Kommisar by Falco. He runs funny
Der not dear
Shadows of the Night by Pat Benetar
She’s a ww1 fighter pilot
Sorry ww2
I remember this video well. Great song.
Good song, silly video
The Lion Sleeps Tonight by Tough Fit is definitely cheesy
This video wins today’s cheesiest in my mind
Although Freedom of Choice by Devo came a close second
The writers room on Lost was not a happy place:
Another hubbiless evening. It’s times like these that I kind of wish he went into education or something where he’d be off work at 3:30… oh, wait.
Starting “Witch King” today!
It’s a little blustery out today
Seeing lots of chatter about the Ted Lasso finale. We watched last night too.
I think they totally stuck the landing.
I have still not watched a single episode.
I know it’s become trendy, but I think it’s an excellent show. It mostly earns its emotional payoffs where it can. Mostly.
We don’t have Apple TV so we haven’t watched it either
So the big Vegas weekend trip became an overnighter, in town just to see Helloween.
Bucket list concert for me.
I hope they tell him to piss off:
Adios to the first Chromecast:
Still got one, still works but boy does it get warm when being used.
Miss kitty goes for her arthritis shot this morning. I expect a grumpy kitty
Well that is ominous :
A couple of enormous challenges wrapped into one issue there. Feels like responsible, collaborative social planning could have lessened all of them.
The Sphere in Vegas is seriously impressive from the outside. It’s one of the most Sci-Fi things I’ve ever seen in the real world.
Gonna play some Palace of Mad King Ludwig with friends today
Trying to explain Zork to the little one.
Good luck, you’ll need it.
JW: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Still a good film, but some of the SFX (especially some of the zeppelin shots) feel inferior to ToD.
CP: Blinding Lights – The Weeknd
Continuing the MMMMeetup chat from earlier in the page: Expedited passport application is away! Now I know where to find the post office with the dedicated passport center in Omaha. The staff there were very helpful and said that since mine is a renewal, it should process relatively quickly.
Thanks so much for renting cars, Ed and Rhettro. Did you guys both end up booking the same hotel? I need to make my reservation still.
I haven’t booked a hotel yet – still on my to do list.
I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for the next 2 months, waiting for my passport, hoping for no fuckery.
I believe Ryah recommended either the Best Western or Days Inn in Airdrie. I’m booked close to the Calgary airport. This was done because Teresa had points she could apply toward the cost. Speaking of, it looks like Teresa will be coming after all. 🙂
The Westin Calgary Airport
671 Aero Drive NE
Calgary, Alberta T2E7Y5
I filed for my passport yesterday in Tucson, all the Phoenix locations were booked. And I paid for the expedited review. The longest standard reviews were putting me right at the week we leave. I’m hopeful the extra fee will shave a week or two off the delivery date.
Finished watching the Netflix series Fubar. It was fun
Currently playing Deliver Us Mars which is a sequel to Deliver Us The Moon.
This leads to the question, why is it called The Moon but we don’t call it The (any other planet)? We don’t say “look at the mars,” or “look at the venus” but we do say, “look at the moon”.
Ok, looked it up. The Moon and The Sun is general as opposed to actual names such as Luna and Sol, thus we would say The Planet, or Earth, Mars, etc.
I learned something new today.
I first leaned it was called Sol from the Alien novelisation.
I knew it was called Sol, I just didn’t make the connection on the “the” classification
Watched the fourth Indy film tonight for the first time since seeing it at the cinema.
It’s watchable.
I recall Crystal Skull being a pile of turds, but I actually don’t hate the most infamous scene. I thought the fridge thing was kinda fun.
Leave it to me to think that the fridge scene is fun and ok, but the trucks speeding through the forest cutting trees down to a drivable level at 55 mph is what pisses me off.
Shia’s character swinging through the trees with the small monkeys would have even made Tarzan roll his eyes.
“Across the Spiderverse” gets a thumbs up from me. This is an animation feature that really exploits the fact that it is an animation.
My sister-in-law insists that Tiffany and I go see it.
Is it 5-yo-friendly? The Parents’ Guide at IMDB makes it seem mostly tame, though with an intense finale.
It’s pretty frantic in its pacing, think Liquid Television X11. I don’t think there are any scenes that would keep me from showing it to my kids if they were 5, but at the same time, I don’t think a 5-year-old would follow what is happening. Depending on the kid they might get confused, and frustrated by the confusion.
The husband seems to have caught a cold. I have too much going on this week, he better not give it to me
So I’m recording the Am I Evil? novella as a – – ahem – – Podiobook to be released in conjunction with the campaign.
Well, the episodes will be exclusively on YouTube, so not quite a Podiobook.
This process is still a challenge, but it’s nice to do it again, like revisiting an old playground. With old, rusty slides and swings.
A book done as a serialized audio version???!!! Never work. 🙂
As for hotels, I’m moving it to email
CP: Sandusky – Uncle Tupelo
I truly love this instrumental.
You know Disney will keep a digital copy of him for decades:
No doubt. And it’s not like they need him involved, but California have certain laws about the use of images, names, etc of living people. They only need to wait until he’s dead and then they can do all the Luke shows they want.
Thinking of the future as in 2024, the solar eclipse visible from North America is April 8th 2024.
There was some talk about a Texas meet-up, anybody have thoughts on this?
There is no dark side in the moon really. Matter of fact, it’s all dark.
Too right it dark with an albedo of 0.12
I have thoughts that, probably, only Van would understand.
Short answer is, I most likely won’t be going to Texas
I think it’d be fun to chase another eclipse, and to see someplace new.
But I’d always vote for the event that gets the most of us to attend.
Agreed. Didn’t realize the eclipse was that early in the year.
For 2024, if we decide not to do another eclipse meet-up, and like to suggest picking a meet-up weekend that doesn’t conflict with either Dragon Con (Labor Day weekend) or Creation Star Trek Las Vegas (first weekend in August, usually). I really want to hit up both next year.
“I’d like to,” not “and like to.”
My wife has expressed a preference for that one to be a family trip for us…so, it doesn’t look like I won’t be up for hosting duties on that one.
That said, one of these years, I’d be up for hosting a Houston gathering if folks were interested. While we’re not a big tourist destination, there’s a fair bit to do around here. Our zoo is pretty well regarded for the folks that are into that 🙂
Ok, what is advantage of using stones in a glass of whiskey over ice.
I guess the dilution factor but then why bother with the stones?
I tried stones. I prefer ice. I find it keeps the whiskey cooler longer. However, ice does dilute it somewhat. It really comes down to personal preference
Ok, got home sooner than expected. Sent out an email.
What was that air museum called that’s near the airport, the one with the Avro Lancaster?
Do you mean this?
I didn’t include it, mostly because it’s very small and nothing compared to the one we saw in Arizona. You can get through the whole thing in an hour or two
I do, I thought it was nice.
The cat discovered a fly in the house. Time to hide the breakables while she chases it
The fly problem has been solved. Kitty has had her protein for the day
Is the cat named Renfield?
So I finally got round to buying a cordless hand held vacuum cleaner.
Just to keep the cobwebs in check.
Meg White was such a geeky crush in the early aughts.
I hope some of you guys will tune in tonight for the Facebook Livestream. Be there if you can!
So the local cinema showing Across the Spiderverse is only showing it in small cinemas that have no seats with enough legroom for me to sit comfortably.
RIP Astrud Gilberto, the voice of the classic version of “Girl from Ipanema.”
Still good:
This is, and will likely always be, the best version.
That entire album is pure genius.
Crap joke for the day:
Did you know that in Hawaii it’s illegal to laugh loudly? You need to keep it to a low ha.
I’m in:
And we’re live!!
Good first 6 hours after the launch, but we need to hit the stratosphere this week.
I’m going to be busy, busy, busy. busy.
Crap joke for the day:
What is the difference Ironman and AluminiumMan?
One stops the bad guys the other just foils their plans…
So Jack… just how good/bad an artist are you? Are we talking stick figure or 10% below professional?
I’ve made some pro-quality pencil drawings – – I’ve surprised myself when doing drawings with and for my little one, but I think I’d need to quit everything and take some classes to round out my techniques and go pro.
I did a sketch of Vandr from Am I Evil? – – and it didn’t come close to the pics that my artist Kyle has done. The talent gap between him and me was clear.
Why do you ask?
I ask because one of the levels of the Am I Evil IndieGoGo page has a drawing from you as a tier bonus. Tier Fire ($100) has a “portrait by Jack”. “The portrait created by Jack Mangan, who is not remotely pro artist, based on a picture you provided.”
I realized why you;d asked awhile after responding to you. . . 😀
I completely forgot I’d made that offer.
I’ve posted some of my pencil drawings to Facebook in the past. I’ll post a few in the days ahead.
I enjoyed Across the Spiderverse, although not gory I did wonder by one couple brought their three year old kid to watch it.
If there was a team #SpiderGwen I would be on it.
Just landed in Newark and the smoke is so thick, vissability seems about 200 yards
I posted a photo (nicked from Twitter) on Facebook in the DP group of the orange sky in NYC.
This was Alberta a couple of weeks ago. John’s school had to cancel all outdoor activities for a couple of weeks
So I’ve been out of the States and out of touch.
Who set Canada on fire and why?
Rumor is it was Chilliwack. Now everyone wishes the smoke was gone, gone, gone.
Chrome has been seriously naughty and disrespectful all day today.
You should give it spankings.
Don’t. It might be into it
OMG, this is NOT where I’d intended to post this.
It’s so much creepier as a followup to those comments above.
So I am still sitting in Newark.
Rumor has it, if all this dirty brown smoke were to clear out – it would STILL be a Hellscape.
The Canadian smoke has probably improved the air quality in Newark today.
Safe travels, Joe!
I may have shared this before, they have made a documentary focusing on Soviet bus stops:
Goodbye and good riddance:
He can’t spread fear or disinformation anymore, nor can he pilfer money from the naive. The world is better without him in it.
There is an expression my Dad used to say when when anybody in the family was ill; “you be are only fit for the glue factory”.
Feel like I’m heading in that direction sooner than I was expecting.
There is an expression my Dad used to say when when anybody in the family was ill; “you are only fit for the glue factory”.
Feel like I’m heading in that direction sooner than I was expecting.
Her milkshake brought an old guy to her yard:
He can bring the cheeburger cheeburger cheeburger to their date.
Most interesting line from this –
“…reportedly dating the “Ghostbusters” actor…”
If your editor tells you to only list one of his credits, is this the one you go with?
A Circle in the Desert, a documentary covering a man’s exploration of the Colorado plateau in Utah:
Matthew Wayne Selznick chimes in on the AI thing.
So watched the Blackberry biopic before I went to a gig. Was not bad at all although I read some liberties were taken with the plot.
Goodbye to Ian McGinty:
I rather enjoyed Bee and Puppycat which he worked on.
When a friend you haven’t heard from in awhile calls you, and you start the conversation jokingly, only to learn that they’re calling with bad news to share. . . . 🙁
He wasn’t a famous podcaster, but he was well-known and well-loved in the community. RIP Bruce Press, and fuck cancer.
I won’t claim that he and I were BFFs, but I always liked him and his family. He was here in Phoenix a few years back, and we just couldn’t make it work. I always had something going on and couldn’t get out to meet up with him. “Next time,” is how we left it off.
The husband never listens to me. I told him not to give me his cold. *sigh*
The virus obviously took that personally.
*Michael Jordan meme”
Marvel not having a good run with actors who
Play villains in the MCU:
En espanol.
But – – unfortunate.
In happier obituary news, Ted Kascynzki (sp?) is trying to catch up to Pat Robertson on the Highway to Hell.
I’m told that there are people saluting him, which is horrible yet unsurprising.
I’ve never read any of his manifesto, and never will. He was an intelligent person, so I’m sure he had some decent observations about society. That doesn’t make him someone to venerate.
Watching the Raiders of Lost Ark in B/W to admire the cinematography:
Watched Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure with the little one.
My favorite moments still hit for me, but. . . man, this movie hasn’t aged well.
Nothing offensive or insensitive, just so many jokes that fall flat. The first 5-or-so minutes before his bike is stolen are nigh-unwatchable.
Or may be it’s aged just fine, and I’ve aged into an old crust.
The legacy of Manos.
I found this story (other than the suicide of course) to be kind of sweet.
Yeah, I never knew that Torgo committed suicide before the movie ever released.
Tornado Girl:
The writer is making the assumption that the girl didn’t manifest that vortex.
I won’t make THAT mistake again.
Something is happening at reddit this week.
I hope they’re successful, but I’m not optimistic.
CP: Desire — Meg Myers
Goodbye to Treat Williams:
Odd that. I’ve had a song from Hair rolling through my head all morning out of nowhere. I must be being haunted my Treat.
I may uninstall Chrome and reinstall it.
My day-to-day requires that I use all 3 major browsers. That is sometimes a burden, but it’s the only one that craps out.
Gecko, Blink, and WebKit?
This seems to be a word game but I don’t know how to play.
Oh, sorry. That was supposed to be a reply to Jack. I was trying to guess what the three major browsers would be now. Edge and Chrome are Blink. Safari is WebKit. Firefox is Gecko. Brave, Vivaldi, and even (I think) Opera all use Blink.
I always have Edge, Chrome, and FF open. I realize some of them copy off of each other’s papers, but I didn’t know the actual names of their backbones. Do you work with this stuff?
Safari is the third most-used – – way ahead of Firefox – – but that’s mainly on iPhones, so I don’t have that on my Windows machine.
I’m working on turning my technophilia into a career. I expect to graduate in 25 and get to actually work with these things. I actually thought that “Blink” was Chromium until I looked it up because I knew I didn’t know Firefox’s web engine off the top of my head.
I use mainly use Vivaldi but Edge has Microsoft’s excellent “read aloud” tool. That helps me digest technical reading a lot faster.
CP: Pins And Needles — The Birthday Massacre
Goodbye to Cormac McCarthy:
Only read one book of his.
The Road was a life-changer for me, as a reader and as a writer. It’s one of the most devastating and beautiful things I’ve ever encountered.
“Blood Meridian” is a long, long, punishing journey, but his language is always just awe-inspiring. The scene that caps off with “I’ve never seen that man before in my life” (quoting from memory) is as good as it gets.
RIP. We’ll never have another Cormac McCarthy.
The Road, like Doomsday Book and The Fifth Season, shattered me. I quit reading for several months after each of them.
I didn’t care for “The Road”. I found it to be ponderous, and depressing read and it didn’t seem to add anything new to the post-appocolypse genre.
Maybe I shouldn’t have read it at the beach♂️
Good day to you, sir. Good day!
I found the movie of The Road to be just OK, because it basically just tells another apocalypse story.
But reading the book, man. . . Paragraph after paragraph of just incredible beauty.
I am so done with this cold
Conversely I’m done with the heat, 21C today and it’s just the start of Summer.
🙁 Summer colds somehow feel more grueling than winter colds.
21? It’s been hovering around 28 C the last week here. It’s a boiling cold for me
Goodbye to John Romita Sr:
We took our sweet time getting through it, but we finished the HBOMax “His Dark Materials” series. For such a clearly-expensive show, I never heard or saw anyone talking about it.
I’ve never read the books. Overall, the series is good. The final two episodes are a mess, but they don’t wreck the series.
The first two books in the series are well worth a read.
I read the first book, but wasn’t that interested in finishing the series.
I’ve known many people who dug the books.
Apparently readers loved the mini-series.
As have I. But everyone has different tastes for stories and characters.
I have this conversation every time I tell the rabid Wheel of Time fans that I stopped after book 1. 🙂
Did I happen to mention how I felt about “The Road”?
So how do we feel about the Vegas Golden Nights?
It’s complicated.
In short:
The recent expansion team rules are designed to give new franchises a headstart, so the Vegas Golden Knights entered the league just a few seasons ago as instant contenders. Seattle is the other brand new city, and they also had a legitimate outside shot at the championship.
This feels frustrating and unfair for all of the teams who have struggled and toiled away for years. Decades.
That said, I still wanted them to beat Florida. I was in Vegas for about 24 hours right before the Finals began, and it was good to see the VGK colors and logos EVERYWHERE.
They do seem to support their team but that is easier to do when they are a fresh new thing … and winning.
Living in a ghost town in Italy:
Wow, what a fantastic review of Am I Evil?
It’s a good review. My only critique is he kept saying Kickstarter instead of indiegogo. If someone does a search in kickstarter, they won’t find it.
Good call. I added that note in the social media postings.
CP: Tame — Pixies
Well first episode of S2 of Strange New Worlds watched and enjoyed.
Yes, we just finished watching it here. A strong start to the new season.
Though, we watched the S1 finale again last night to get back in the mood. That is certainly one of the top episodes in all of Star Trek.
CP: BLOW — Ed Sheeran, Chris Stapleton & Bruno Mars
Blackadder was first aired 40 years ago today.
So yeah…
I’m appalled, impressed, and slightly aroused at the notion that people have connected the Commodore 64 to the Internet.
Good lord. . . . I only watched a small part of the video. Fun! But still. . . .good lord.
Been reading The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler. It’s pretty mind-blowing. My timing isn’t great. . . .I am not giving it the attention it deserves.
Just bought that one in ebook format today.
It’s been almost a week and I still don’t have a voice.
I’m so done with this cold
CP: Play Goodbye — Amazarashi
My triumphant(?) return to Podiobooks.
I don’t think this is actually AI, by the strict definition, but maybe I’m wrong. Still cool.
CW: Black Mirror S6E1
It’s back baby!
That was pretty good and the cameos were fun.
Interesting article, seems to be more focused on actual history than sensationalism, though the author does admit to some biases.
I never knew EPCOT stood for Experimental Prototype City Of the Future.
The 1992 Coppola Dracula movie still really holds up. Such a stylish take.
Ah the old days…:
I can’t believe I felt nostalgic while reading that.
“Jordana (legal assistant, New York City): My boss gave me a PalmPilot as a bonus instead of money. I rode the subway to work and played Dope Wars on my PalmPilot. I think I only ever used that PalmPilot to play Dope Wars.”
My wife got a Palm III as some kind of prize back in the late 90’s. I got a IIIx shortly thereafter and that was the end of our Franklin Planners.
I’d probably have to translate all that into English for my kids.
I cannot remember if I visited this museum
On trips to Denver:
Yes, we visited it together.
Today I discovered what capers actually are and they sound disgusting.
That post should have been further down.
I hope you realise that if I ever rub a lamp and a genie gives me three wishes the Cornish Pasty Co. will be no more.
Now that’s dedication!
So The Flash was not a total disaster, the best bits were the scenes with the new Supergirl in them.
I’m hearing universal good reviews for it.
Using cosmic rays to navigate:
The eldest daughter took me to see the new Spider-verse movie last night. It was good, sure, but I don’t love it like everyone else seems to. I’ve never seen such an ADD movie. I was also frustrated by the “to be continued. . .”
Listening to the latest WTF episode with the Ben Kingsley and what an insufferable pratt he is, BK that is.
Few things make me ashamed to be English but that interview did.
Still don’t have a voice. Don’t have time today but might see the doctor tomorrow. This is getting silly.
Seriously guys, there is something wrong with your country
Yes. It’s absolutely insane. And the (lack of) government response is despicable.
We are seeing their “response”.
It is the lack of government intervention that is dispicable.
CP: Drivin’ on 9 — The Breeders
Titanic tourist submersible goes missing with search under way
Stolen from ditto’s Facebook feed!
Some of these are great.
Something to make you despair about humanity and the rare people determined to reveal them:
Something to make you despair about humanity and the rare people determined to reveal them:
We rented John Wick 4 tonight, because I missed it in the theater.
The first half was fun and stylish, in line with the rest of the series, but the second half started to feel really tedious. I was ready for it to be over.
But John Wick 5 is confirmed to be in development!
You guys can tell me if I’m just getting old and cranky.
Gun-fu at it’s finest?
I think the could have trimmed a good 30 minutes and had a tightly paced movie that would have been the pinnacle of the series.
I was talking to a friend about this one today. Each action set piece was magnificent…but then ran about 20% too long.
I enjoyed it, but not as much as the previous ones. It was less than the sum of its parts.
I’d agree with all of this.
I wouldn’t say that John Wick is the Die Hard of the 21st century. . . I think that franchise would have been better if there’d only been 1 movie, even with the ok sequels.
The JW sequels do add to the mystique of the universe and the characters.
It’s getting a directors cut:
Ocean depth comparison, in ft for Americans:
Similar but in metres and a few wrecks added:
David Gerrold – – the guy who wrote a a bunch of Star Trek episodes, including “Trouble With Tribbles,” and who’s also won tons of awards and published tons of books, stories, and other stuff – – has a gofundme to help his family’s move.
I don’t doubt that this is legit. It’s just sad when even artists with incredibly successful, hall-of-fame careers are struggling like this.
Watched “Hobes and Shaw” on network TV the other night. (if there are many of those, I couldn’t tell you which one it was.)
It was really well done for a piece of mindless fun.
Good enough that I wish I had seen it on a streaming service to avoid the commercials.
Doubt I’ll go back and watch it again though.
ICYMI: I’ve been posting new Episodes of the IE Audiobook to YouTube.
Number 3 just released 56 minutes ago.
Well watch the first episode of Secret Invasion.
Has promise.
Didn’t realize that was out today. I saw some complaints about the opening using AI art.
Hey cool – – coverage at Bravewords:
Speaking of AI –
Was having drinks with my NASA buddy and he proposed that a natural use for the GPT AI was to catch the high end Tax Evaders.
His premise was that the trumps of the world make their taxes so convoluted that it can take thousands of hours to sort through all the data and try to figure out what they have done. The IRS already did not have enough employees to do the job and then the last administration gutted their ranks even further.
I forget the number he mentioned but the estimated loss in tax revenue was astounding.
Any way, he suggested that letting GPT sort through those large data sets could vastly speed up the process.
I guess I don’t understand how the GPT AI could find irregularities in bogus tax filings, but if it would work, go for it!
The real question: is there legitimate interest from government officials in auditing ultra-wealthy tax cheats?
I think this new breed of AI can learn. So you give it the tax code, then you feed it the body of work for those who have gotten creative and convoluted and somehow it learns what the mechanisms are. It could certainly sort through a mountain of offshore, shell companies in record time. Picking up on certain kinds of financial patterns that indicate “creative accounting”.
For years the main way the 1 and 2% cheat is by moving stuff around between accounts and renaming ownership so much that it can take a human accountant YEARS to sort through just on guys financials.
In theory, an AI could learn to do this in a very short time.
In answer to your other question, absolutely not. The very guys who would have to sign off on this are the ones taking advantage of it not happening. 🙁
CP: Astronomy Domine — Pink Floyd
Flicker, flicker, flicker.
Not looking good, I wonder if they had a structural failure that crushed them:
OceanGate statement in full
We now believe that our CEO Stockton Rush, Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman Dawood, Hamish Harding, and Paul-Henri Nargeolet, have sadly been lost.
These men were true explorers who shared a distinct spirit of adventure, and a deep passion for exploring and protecting the world’s oceans. Our hearts are with these five souls and every member of their families during this tragic time. We grieve the loss of life and joy they brought to everyone they knew.
This is an extremely sad time for our dedicated employees who are exhausted and grieving deeply over this loss. The entire OceanGate family is deeply grateful for the countless men and women from multiple organizations of the international community who expedited wide-ranging resources and have worked so very hard on this mission.
We appreciate their commitment to finding these five explorers, and their days and nights of tireless work in support of our crew and their families.
This is a very sad time for the entire explorer community, and for each of the family members of those lost at sea.
We respectfully ask that the privacy of these families be respected during this most painful time.
I respect his desire to step away for his family. I’m unsure about his other comments, though. Hasn’t music always been no more than background noise for much of the population? Doesn’t it serve that purpose even for the biggest audiophiles among us?
I wonder if he meant that music used to be important to HIM but now was just a thing he was doing in the background of the rest of his life?
I used to be the one who was always cold and John was always too warm. Over time, we seemed to reversed.
As I get older and fatter, it seems I get hotter and hotter. Anything over 67F and I start to feel like I’m getting cooked.
Your profound question of the day:
Being the product of a god and a mortal, would you compare Jesus to Perseus, Heracles, or the Minotaur?
Given that God is infinite and the Universe is also infinite, would you like a toasted teacake?
Jesus Christ, Perseus, and Minotaur all have 3 syllables, so you could easily retrofit songs and hymns for the other 2 myths. Personally, I’d love to see “Minotaur Superstar.”
Not that it fits the Jesus pattern, but I would definitely be down for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Miotaur.
Or even Minotaur
“Their turning the minoturs woke now with theyre rainbows!!1!! >:( “
Whatever else happens today, I’ve seen a video from Mercury. The planet, not the Freddie.
CP: Number 13 Baby (live) — Pixies
I watched “American History X” for the first time in years. It is still an excellent movie. And, sadly, it feels even more relevant today than when it first came out.
I haven’t watched that since renting it from Blockbuster, but damn does it still resonate. So many powerful scenes.
Goodbye to Frederic Forrest:
Think those submersible memes are bad taste, check out the newspapers after the Titanic sank:
So, humans are just were as shallow and ugly 100 years ago.
4000m is hardly shallow.
Oh come on. Someone had to say it.
I’ll get your coat.
Did they argue about whether or not Jack could also have fit on the raft with Rose?
I think the honest headline here should be “Paul McCartney makes overly vague statement about his use of AI and still refuses to clarify much of anything”.
Im still waiting for him to clarify who the walrus is.
Locus Award Winners:
CP: Long Train Runnin’ – The Doobie Brothers
Saw a bunch of old friends yesterday at Chuck Tomasi’s pool party, including the lovely Hastings!
And then did a Daddy-Daughter Dance with the little one. A fun, full day.
It was great seeing you. I wish we had more time to catch up.
Agreed! I was like reverse Cinderella. The clock struck and I had to get to the ball.
JW: Last Action Hero
One of Arnie’s most underrated films.
I will not be taking questions on the above statement..
I agree.
We saw the Arnold bio series on Netflix recently, it was interesting
But how great could it have been??
See my above questions!
OK, OK! It is a solid piece of Arnold Braunshweiger’s legacy.
Well Asteroid City was as quirky as you would imagine a Wes Anderson film will be.
Frustrating day.
I would like for Am I Evil? to suddenly make $25 million, please. That would solve a lot.
We’re not quite there yet.
Your factoid for the day: “Ghost in the Shell” is set in 2029.
CP: Uta III – Reincarnation — Kenji Kawai
Maybe the world will change that much in the next 6 years?
S2 of The Bear is as good if not better than S1.
Like how the side characters are getting more attention this season. The cameos are good as well.
Morning Pan
Getting my driver’s license renewed this morning
There is a hell, I’ll spell it. I spell it DMV.
And those of you who’ve been there know precisely what I mean.
Actually, I don’t know what you mean. I often hear stories but I assume it’s an American thing. Like usual, I was in and out in 15 – 20 minutes.
We’re the kids in America. Woah.
It’s called BMV in Ohio.
Just saying.
It’s not America if you’re not enduring a hellishly long wait and adding 20 extra fees on top of your initial costs.
Hubby got his X-ray back and his foot is all better. Now he can “wean himself off the cast”. Whatever the hell that means
Now you tell me!
Julian Sands body has been found:
We knew this would be the outcome, but still sad.
I’m not worried about it with (most) of my friends, but I certainly hope I don’t see anyone trying to compare his tragedy to the billionaire submersible tragedy.
Ticket booked to see the new Indy film tomorrow.
Ok I really enjoyed Indy 5.
I want to see!
We have tickets for the end of July, through Tiffany’s work. Van rightfully laughs at my hope to avoid spoilers until then.
Fascinating read. I hadn’t heard about this documentary, but I’m intrigued.
The ‘beauty’ of nature:
That’s distributing
So disturbing it made you make a typo.
Heartbreaking. Infuriating.
Well, I say this not to play down the level of gun violence in America, it is unacceptable. But discounting suicides by gun, the odds of someone dying by getting shot are about half that of dying in a car accident while driving to the event. Point being, if the car ride isn’t causing you an equal amount of anxiety, perhaps some perspective is in order.
The suicides statistic on gun deaths is an interesting parse.
A fact of most US lives is that we HAVE to drive on a daily basis. We never HAVE to be shot. One is a necessity the other has no rational justification.
You should be happy that gun violence is “only” equal to car accident deaths. Yeah, no. Gun violence is a horror and we need to work to solve it.
It accounts for around half of all deaths from gun violence. Not a happy statistic at all.
CP: Keep Me in Your Heart – Warren Zevon
So about films I don’t give a fuck about:
Going to take a lot to make up for Tron:Legacy…
Tron: Legacy wasn’t bad, nor was it groundbreaking. It just sort of “was”. I’m hoping for something more compelling the third time out. I’ve probably mentioned it before, but the Tron 2.0 video game was so good, I feel like Tron already got a proper sequel.
Tron: Legacy was only bland and dull. It wasn’t offensively terrible. I’m stoked that there will be a part 3.
I must confess, I’m much more on board for a Tron 3 than an Indy 5
CP: Don’t Fuck Me Up (With Peace And Love) — Cracker
This is the plot line to “Last of Us” right?
I remember this storyline. Oddly relevant today.
What I most love about being on holiday is waking up and taking a long time to actually get out of bed.
Oh some arsehole writer on the Daily Mail saying a certain person making a cameo in Indy 5 was unrecognisable.
Everybody in the cinema knew who that person was in relation to the Indy series.
Come back when you look that good in your 70s..fucker!
So your useless info for the day was that the actor Clifton Collins Jnr’s Grandad was in Rio Bravo and was this guy:
So finally give myself a mental slap for being stupid and ordered a device that helps you put your socks on when you have hip problems.
Strange New Worlds kicking it out of the park again with episode 3.
So is Christopher Walker playing the Emperor?
According to IMDB, yes. And Florence Pugh is Princess Irulan.
I. Am. So. Ready.
We liked ep 2 of Secret Invasion a lot more than the first. Good intrigue, and it’s always great to see Samuel L. Jackson doing what he does best.
There’s one bit of plot machinery that feels a little far-fetched, but it’s fine, and it serves the narrative.
Crap joke for the day:
A lady was driving down a country road when she suddenly hit a squirrel. She slammed the brakes and ran back to where the poor critter lay. Frantically looking around, she saw a veterinary office across the road. She scooped up the squirrel and ran inside, where she found a crusty old veterinarian sitting in a plush old chair reading a newspaper and looking mildly disturbed by her sudden entry.
She said, “Sir, can you help me? I seem to have hit this squirrel with my car, and now I don’t know what to do.”
With barely a glance in her direction, the crusty old vet said, “He’s dead. That’ll be $30 for the office visit.”
The lady was a little taken aback, and said “How can you say that he’s dead from all the way over there, without even looking at him? And the nerve, to charge me for an office visit, at that!”
The old vet got up and wordlessly took the squirrel, and laid it on an exam table. Then he left the room, and returned with a mangy old cat that was probably as old as he was. He placed the cat on the exam table by the squirrel. The cat sniffed the squirrel from nose to tail; then let out a forlorn single “meow”, jumped off the table and left. The old vet nodded a couple of times, then left the room again, this time returning with an old Labrador retriever. He lead the dog over to the exam table, and the dog started licking the squirrel up one side and down the other. Finally the dog let out a forlorn “woof”, and walked away.
The old vet looked at the lady and said “I’m sorry ma’am, we did all we could do but he didn’t make it; he’s dead. That’ll be $500.”
The lady was becoming apoplectic at this point and could barely control her rage. “How can you charge me $500 for THAT?!”
“Well,” said the old vet, “it’s $250 for the cat scan and another $250 for the Lab work.”
Morning Pan
Going into the school with hubby this morning.
Is it bring your wife to school day?
It’s there are no kids in today and it’s only a half day so why not spend it together, day
The husband gave me a bright colorful pencil. They give them to the kids on their birthdays. I have no idea what I’m going to do with it but there you go
It’s not too early for your birthday pencil!
Goodbye to Alan Arkin:
Damn. He was pretty much always great. Kudos to him on 89 years.
Goodbye to Pyrex:
Now our measuring cups will shatter when we drop them.
So, it seems that IndieGoGo was set to default to “anonymous” for all contributors, so that’s made the “Social Media Shoutouts” perk a bit uncertain.
Please message me here or via email if you didn’t intend to be anonymous.
I didn’t intend to be anonymous
Me neither! Just supported the campaign and shared on Facebook.
So today I learnt that in the original Star Wars Trilogy Peter Mayhew spoke English in the scene and was later dubbed as growling:
CP: Peace of Mind — The Grapes of Wrath
Interesting work fact:
Modern browser usage is mainly divided between Chrome, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. Firefox is down to 2% of users.
I am typing this using a Firefox browser.
You rebel you!
Real nerds use Netscape Navigator
kssssshhhhhhhh Sorry I can’t hear you over the dialing of my modem. kkksssssshhh
Those damn 2 percenters.
JW: Nimona:
Beautifully animated film with a great voice cast, it’s on Netflix now and well worth checking out.
Apathy’s a tragedy and boredom is a crime…
What is your body type?
Btw – I suspect my body type is comic sans
Well that is concerning:
For Mother’s Day I took one of those Ancestry tests. I got the results today. No surprise, my mother is a liar and we have no idea who my father really is.
It was interesting to look at and I’m glad I did it, but I didn’t really learn anything new.
Will Ancestry notify you if someone in the future takes the test and shows as a family match for you?
It is officially hot today.
So it appears a lot of people in the UK are seeing ‘rate limit exceeded’ error when trying to use Twitter.
Including me.
So I’m still in limbo in regards to the knee op so it’s looking very unlikely that I will be able to go to the meet-up this year.
Don’t exclude me from the emails though.
Pulling you out of the email chain because of this injury would be … a knee jerk reaction.
I’ll get your coat 🙂
Conspiracies about sex cults are nothing new it seems:
Canada is :
What I learnt today:
Kurt Russell turned down starring in Highlander to play Jack Burton in Big Trouble in Littke China.
What I learnt today:
Kurt Russell turned down starring in Highlander to play Jack Burton in Big Trouble in Little China.
I did not know that. I guess I’m fine with the way things turned out.
Christopher Lambert is kind of a terrible actor, but he was a perfect Connor McLeod.
Kurt would have been better, but I’m glad we got him as Jack Burton.
JW: On the Count of Three.
Man that definitely put the black in black comedy.
Bridge of Spies is playing on the tv and my opinion this is one of Tom Hanks best films is unwavering.
Still not happy Mark Rylance didn’t use a Geordie accent for Abel though, since the guy was born and grew up on Tyneside.
Are you not aware of Dragnet??
Only through the Stan Freberg skit of the original series.
+50 for referencing Stan Freberg
Better than “The Man With One Red Shoe”?
Super skeptical of Silo in the beginning, but it pulled me along to a few pretty exciting climactic episodes to end season 1.
Like Snowpiercer in many ways, you just have to take a deep breath, accept the whacked out premise, and keep watching.
It all makes sense in the end. I thought it was wacked-out too, but by the end, I more or less changed my mind.
I also kept noticing the name “Billy Postlethwaite” in the end credits, and it turns out that yes, he’s the son of the late, great character actor, Pete Postlethwaite. Looks nothing like him – – but he’s the long-haired deputy from the lower floors.
So Nova is being adapted by Neil Gaiman, I have not read the book myself unlike this author:
I like Gareth L. Powell! I’ve never read that Samuel R. Delaney book.
Watched “The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent” last night.
I enjoyed it very much.
Fun film.
I finally caved and upgraded my Google storage. $19.99/year won’t break the piggy bank.
I was spending a lot of time deleting e-mails to go from 96% full to 93% full, when it’s the word and image files that are the real issue, especially with the Am I Evil? project files. I’ll still delete clutter, but now I can spend less time worrying about running out of storage space.
Having friends over this morning. It’s been awhile since we’ve played Starfareres of Catan
A S1 refresher for Foundation before S2 drops:
Currently listening to Stan Freberg’s – “The United States of America”
… as any true American should on this day
Available here!
Probably one of the best musicals to never be on stage.
Besides being funny, it has some great musicians on it.
My dad remembers when it came out and they wouldn’t play it on the radio where he was living (Boulder, Co) because it made fun of American historical figures.
Off to the RCMP after lunch. Because he deals with kids, hubby has to get a background check done on himself regularly
Does he get to ride a moose?
No. But they have to take his fingerprints
I hope everyone enjoyed the 4th.
This years seems to have been the worst I’ve ever seen for the amateur hour fireworks around the neighborhood. The only part that bothered me were M80s after midnight.
It will be interesting to see how this shakes out.
Old article, but it’s a little distressing:
90% of movies before 1929!
An in depth article about the Titan disaster:
Went to the effort of going to see the new Indy Jones flick tonight. First trip I’ve made to the Cinema in maybe a year.
Theater was dirty with very few employees.
Best part was that with 20 minutes left, the picture went out. The audio kept going and after a minute or so of listening to spoilers we walked out.
Maybe the projectionists opened the final film reel and their faces all melted?
Hilarity aside, that is an awful movie-going story. I hope the theater gave you money back plus free passes for another showing. At least.
So….. Threads?
Haven’t looked at it yet
Be careful if you want to delete your account as your instagram account also gets deleted.
Yes, but you can “suspend” Threads so nothing is shown without it affecting your instagram
Another problem is that I don’t use my real name on Twitter but do on instagram, so my threads account uses my real name.
Means I can’t be as anonymous on threads as I can be on twitter.
I have not yet signed up for Threads. I doubt if I ever will. I’m planning to step back a bit from social media after tomorrow.
Not even once.
Kitty gets her arthritis shot this morning. Kitty hates it
A history of Nintendo’s Game and Watch series:
We had to go back to the RCMP today. They accidentally filled out hubby as “female” on the form. Luckily, the same person was there so it was easy enough to get it changed.
I was today years old when I learned that William Hootkins, the guy played Porkins in Star Wars, was also the “Top Men” guy at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.
He was also a crooked cop in the 1989 Batman.
He died in 2005, but would have been 75 today.
And so, in just over 24 hours, I’ll be done forever with Am I Evil? crowdfunding.
I’ll be busy as heck for the following few weeks, getting the Special Edition copies of the book printed and making the perks, and getting everything shipped out, and other finalized versions of AIE-related things. . .
After all THAT is done, I can start thinking about other things again.
For anyone who was wondering about Martha Quinn:
I’m glad this seems to have turned out well for her.
I wasn’t as I have no idea who she is.
Martha Quinn was everyone’s favorite VJ in the early days of MTV.
No idea?
What… are you like twenty years old or something!
MTV was never that big over here, didn’t know Adam Curry was a VJ till he started doing a podcast.
For my birthday, I did something silly and ordered myself a Majima rubber duck.
I hope it still floats.
Was this comment autocorrected!?
No, the comment looks correct to me. Majima is a gaming character
Just wondering if “duck” was the autocorrected part.
Okay, that gets a golf clap.
Watching The Witcher S3E3 and still not sure what is going on:
We’ve seen the first couple of episodes. There is a moment that makes you go WTF
People are saying Severance but the trailer is giving me Brazil vibes:
The making of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragin:
CW: The X-Files S7 E21
The genie episode, my fav episode of the entire series and the only episode I’ve rewatch multiple times.
I’m a sucker for a genie story and only today I realised it was written and directed by Vince Gilligan…THAT Vince Gilligan of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.,,
I think I saw that episode when it first aired and then never again and yet it still sticks with me. So I guess it must be one of my favorites as well.
Canada is 13. Not bad actually
37 for the UK..ouch!
Take that, Brazil!
Ok, watched the first two episodes of My Adventures with Superman, the new WB animated series.
Enjoyed them and have to agree with the twitter crowd that choosing the guy who voices Jerry in Rick and Morty as the bad guy was a great choice.
Quite catchy:
I think I recognized all but a couple of the videos parodied in the video.
Bonus points because it parodied a Weird Al video.
All y’all been quiet this weekend! I have too – – but only on the internets.
Tiffany and I did the rare grown-ups night out last night, saw Drunk Shakespeare, which was fun. (A cast of 5, one of them downs a bunch of shots, then they all run through a Shakespeare play. None of them take it seriously. We got Macbeth).
Morning Pan
Friends coming over today. We’ll be playing Castles of Burgundy
That is depressing:
Interesting, but no surprise given the obsolesce of so much hardware.
Perhaps this is why Square Enix is planning more remasters?
CP: Help Me Willie Nelson! — Humbird
Podcasting turns 20!
Wow. Time flies.
And FWIW, Adam Curry was no one’s favorite MTV VJ.
(He became more likable as he got older. I suspect MTV was doing some forced image molding on him)
CP: innocent arrogance — BiSH
CW: The Midwich Cuckoos E1
This is the recent adaption from Sky, with seven episodes I feel they might be stretching it out a bit as the book was 1950s short.
Manny Coto has died:
Bummer! I’d thought that GotG was out for rental, but no, it’s only available to purchase. So we just did a few eps of What We Do in the Shadows instead.
And I sent some AIE perks emails.
CP: Estranged Fruit — Fishbone & NOFX
Our cell phone company was bought out by another company. Getting transferred over is a process.
Really digging Yvette Young’s guitar music.
On the whole social media micromessaging thing:
I NEVER liked Twitter, not even when it was in its early days. If I were still engaging in that kind of thing, I’d have left Twitter the moment the human cesspool took charge of it. However, I don’t feel compelled to jump on any other service. I’ll participate on Facebook, and I have a Mastodon account. That’s probably good enough for me.
Ok old man.
Ok old man.
“Old man yells at cloud.”
There’s nothing concrete in this article, but it paint a pretty grim picture.
It’s official now, right?
Happy birthday, Energizer Bunny! I hope it’s a great day of fun and being pampered.
Happy Hoppy Birthday, Energizer Bunny!
Happy Birthday TEB!
Place your bets, which will be a bigger hit at the box office:
I’m betting Barbie.
Thanks for the wishes. I’m going out to buy some new jeans, cheesecake, and then pick up Taco Time and Slurpees for lunch.
After that it’s video games and we’ll stream a movie.
All in all, a good, relaxing day to be had.
That sounds pretty perfect!
Happy Birthday!!
Have a great day! Sounds fun!
Happy birthday TEB!
CP: Short Change Hero — The Heavy
Some of these are hilarious:
Looks like it’s goodbye to Anchor Brewing:
That’s a shame. I know last month they were ceasing distributing outside California, so I had hoped they would avoid shutting down. One can only hope an angel investor will save the company.
I never enjoyed their beers, but that’s not really the point. This is a shame.
I also didn’t know they were “America’s oldest craft brewery.”
I don’t agree with all of the “it’s too slow-paced” griping about Secret Invasion. . . but. . . if you’re going to break up the tension with a slam-bang action scene, then you gotta do a little better than that. #notaspoiler
Thing I learned today: The whooshing sound of the Enterprise in ST:TOS was ad libbed by Sandy Courage and is just his voice doing sssssHHHHHHhhhhhh.
Next, you’ll be telling me the original tie fighter sound was sampled from a dying air conditioner.
Ok. I won’t tell you anything about that. 😛
The husband and I realized most of our guests come in the winter when it’s actually dark at night. Today we hung blackout curtains in the guest room so our upcoming guests won’t be disturbed by our very long, sunny evenings.
They may prefer to sleep hanging from the ceiling.
The new episode of Strange Worlds was extremely silly but a lot of fun.
I saw the new MI film, it was fun.
One aspect I did like was the original tv tune seemed to feature much more often than previous films. Although it’s been a while since I saw 6 so maybe my memory is betraying me.
CP: Paradox — Survive Said The Prophet
On the closing of Anchor Brewing; “Its pretty frustrating to see their press release take the typical SF cop-out and blame it on “high production costs” to piggy back off of people thinking sf is in a state of decay. When in reality a big huge foreign business bought a local staple, tried to brute force it through their own business practice, failed almost immediately and now have to liquidate a 130 year old brand. Classic.” Dave Hahn Madrone Bartender.
I can’t verify his claim, but it’s an interesting wrinkle.
It’s closer to what I heard. But of course, I don’t have any data to back up that claim.
The original article that was shared here was actually pretty crystal clear in blaming Saporro for the demise. Seems like this person is using any statement they can find in the article to bring their personal torch to bear on the issue.
“Another problem has been Sapporo, the Japanese beer company that bought the brand in 2017. Employees complained to VinePair last month about Sapporo’s alleged mismanagement and lack of understanding of craft beer in the United States. In addition, a 2021 rebrand of Anchor was criticized for pivoting too far away from the brand’s classic look.”
Guess whose shiny new passport just showed up today? I also reserved my flight and my room at the Airdrie Best Western within the past few weeks, and ordered new walking shoes tonight. I’m excited for MMMMeetup! 🙂
Jack – I, too, caved in and paid for the Google storage upgrade just before my May trip. I didn’t want to run out of room for photo storage.
It’s rather smoky out this morning.
The magic basket
Ooo, what would happen if I put that in the sink??
After two years the Play.Date console I ordered finally arrived.
The display is not backlit and it’s pissing down outside and rather dark.
Ah well there is tomorrow.
I’m a Barbie Girl performed on a three voice fugue:
Yes are are, sometimes.
I support WGA and SGA 100%, but Matt Damon probably shouldn’t be saying, “We gotta get what we’re worth,” considering the paychecks he gets per movie. The bad guys will point to the small minority of mega-rich actors and call them greedy, when this is really about cutting corners and boxing people out of making a livable wage at every single job title, with the exception of “Executive.”
As for the WGA side, I saw a factoid stating that the average big studio writer makes about $69K per year; Bob Iger makes $70K per day. If true, then this a discrepancy that needs to be corrected.
And it’s also a high-profile microcosm of every industry in the Capitalist world right now.
However… cynical me believes that the bad guys will win out in the end of this – – and all labor conflicts to come. They have all the cards, at this point, and they know that most of us will consume whatever scab product are shoved onto our screens.
Worth noting that 69k a year in LA is not going to give you “the high life”
It was one of the ‘free’ games on Playstation plus and really enjoying playing this game:
Relationship wise I was so glad you could go for the more progressive option..
A brief history of Morse Code:
I am considering going to a local dive and hearing some local Punk bands tonight.
I wonder what the kids consider “punk” these days.
If you wore leather and spiked your hair into a mohawk, then we must, must see the pictures.
So I went and was pretty underwhelmed.
4 bands. Each had their moments but on the whole, not so much.
Hard to put my finger on it but it felt kind of fake. Like these kids were putting on a show. The musicians ranged from their 20’s to 30’s with one or two “old guys” thrown in.
I’m not sure how many in the crowd would even know who the Ramones were.
Anyway, glad I went out and did this because I have been telling myself for a couple years that one day I would.
Don’t think I will be going back though.
Could be fun:
Ernie Hudson!
CP: Try – Madeline Maye
How the box art for PoP lead to it’s success:
We watched Renfield last night. It was fun
The four endings of Futurama:
Get your name included on the Europa Clipper:
Yeah, I heard about this a bit ago. John and I both signed on.
Took the little one to Elemental. The “Up” short at the beginning was pretty sweet.
The feature was. . . fine. This is not the aggressively-creative, consistently amazing Pixar of yesteryear. Sure, there are some clever bits.
And hey, Pixar: we get it. Parents shouldn’t burden their kids with their own expectations. Message received.
I love animation, but I have a harder and harder time watching the same coming of age tale told over and over and over again. I get that new audiences need to hear that message.
From Nick Jack Pappas (I don’t know him):
Hi, all. I write jokes for TV, but not long ago I was a financial analyst. I had my Series 7.
For those who say Fran Drescher or any SAG-AFTRA member should stop whining and appreciate what they have, let me give you a lesson in capitalism.
The WGA and SAG-AFTRA are dealing mainly with publicly traded companies, companies that have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders. Netflix, for example, has 88.21% of their shares held by institutional investors – banks, hedge funds, insurance companies, etc.
This morning, Netflix stock hit a 52-week high. They made institutional investors alone $106+ billion dollars this year.
Fran Drescher, for her entire life, is worth $25 million.
It’s easy to get mad at Ted Sarandos or David Zaslav or Bob Iger, but they get paid so much because their only job is to make rich people richer.
The WGA and SAG-AFTRA aren’t fighting against rich CEOs. They’re fighting against an entire system incentivized to exploit workers.
A-list actors get paid so much because they’re worth it. Someone has done the math. You don’t have a poster of Bob Iger hanging up in your room. You don’t binge watch a show with David Zaslav. You don’t go to Comic Con to meet faceless billionaires.
You pay to see stars.
Not to mention that, in reality, 87% of SAG-AFTRA union members don’t qualify for health insurance.
How much do they have to make to qualify? $26,000 a year.
These are working class people, just like you.
The wealthiest 1% hold 53% of ALL stocks. The top 10% hold 88.6% of ALL stocks. Every dollar these media companies don’t give to a writer or actor, they hand to millionaires and billionaires.
When you say actors and writers are spoiled, you’re on the wrong side of history.
Thanks for sharing that.
It’s true and it doesn’t get said enough.
Any time some group that isn’t part of the 1 or 2% tries to rise up and make their lives better at the expense of a few billionaires, those profiting from keeping them down will find the handful of exceptions and parade them in front of the media as supposed examples of the thousands you will never see or hear of.
I feel like another important takeaway is about Ted Sarandos, David Zaslav, Bob Iger. They have absolutely played villains in this conflict (see what I did there?), but they’re just the public faces of the oppressors.
And sure, there are some wealthy actors and writers on the picket lines, but whatever their motive is, greed, ego, attention, the cause, human decency – – whatever! – – they’re fighting to keep creative jobs viable for future generations of humans who weren’t born into wealthy or famous families.
Ashley Eckstein says “I highly recommend that you take the time to watch Clone Wars, and watch Star Wars Rebels, and even Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi. Because if you don’t, you’re going to miss out on crucial, crucial backstory that you really need to know to fully enjoy the Ahsoka series”
So, I won’t be watching the Ahsoka series. I haven’t had the inclination to watch the animated stuff that is even more targeted to children than the movies. So I’m likely not going to get it.
Not going to watch the animated series, still going to watch Ashoka.
I need to clear up a misconception: The animated series of Clone Wars and Rebels aren’t anymore targeted to children than the original movies and prequels.
These two series are excellent and I highly recommend them, though I warn people about bearing with the Jar Jar episodes in Clone Wars. But, you are free to watch what you want of course.
I agree with ditto’s take – – mostly. There are moments that are definitely aimed at the after-school crowd.
I complained loudly about the first season of Rebels for this reason, but they set the course right after that and produced some truly great moments.
I still think I didn’t get my point across clearly, so I’ll try again. Lucas has always been clear that kids have been his primary target audience. That’s not to say he’s not making fare that adults won’t enjoy, but he is always thinking first of how kids will react to his movies. And that is exactly the same in these animated shows.
Agree that kids were always the primary audience. However, I feel like Episodes IV and V were not targeted equally at children and adults. Return of the Jedi is where I feel the dividing line is set. Before that, both adults and children can equally enjoy things. After that, children have been targeted at the expense of adult viewing. This is one of the reasons I like Rogue One so much (but I digress). I tried watching some of the animated series and they always seem to revolve around CW-like teen age drama and/or kids learning life lessons. I have been convinced to watch Tales of the Jedi, so I’ll start there and see where it goes from there.
Oh, and of course, the Genndy Tartakovsky Clone Wars was brilliant. So I’m not necessarily anti-animated SW. Just have to find the right set of episodes from the right series to draw me in. And I have to find the hundreds of hours to watch everything.
Time is always an issue. I get it.
I think Ed will agree with me that the final 4 episode arc of Clone Wars is some of the best Star Wars out there. Hands down. And I love Rogue One.
This is a conundrum I have pondered for sometime without ever reaching a conclusion.
When someone creates media, that makes you a huge fan as a youth you generally want to continue consuming that entertainment as you get older. The problem is what you want from your entertainment as an adult tends to be different than what you wanted as a child.
So what is the content producer supposed to do? Do they change the Contant to continue to serve their original fan base or do they continue as they started and try to attract a whole new generation of fans?
I don’t know the answer.
I do know that I have no interest in animation aimed at kids unless it’s really really well done (PIXAR used to be able do this). It’s not that I am against Star Wars aimed at kids. It just doesn’t amuse me enough to give it my time.
I have found that there is a lot of “children’s animation” out there that really has the ability to appeal to adults as well. As a college student, I really loved Ren & Stimpy without needing the excuse of having kids around. When my kids were growing up, I found a whole new era of cartoons that I was able to really, really enjoy such as the Power Puff Girls, Invader Zim, CatDog… all those 90s Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon cartoons. And Cartoons like Samurai Jack and Avatar the Last Airbender really seems to speak to the adult audience exceptionally well. I would love to find the time to get around to watching the newer “children’s animation” like Gumball and Regular Show, which I hear are just as bizarre and out there. I think it’s absolutely possible to make animation that speaks to younger and older audiences. It just takes an effort and wanting to write that way.
I haven’t read the article, but I strongly remember the time when this album was dominant.
I’m glad I read the article. There was a pleasant surprise near the end.
I hadn’t heard about that! Good news, indeed.
I love my husband dearly but, when he’s home, it really messes with my rhythm.
Just wait till he retires.
The forgotten Camille Claudel:
CP: Alive — Poliça
Renfield=completely over the top. But some gory laughs. I especially liked the nods to the 1931 Dracula movie.
Today we are are redoing the seal around our washroom sink. Life is so exciting
A reminder that Tom Cruise isn’t a friend of writers and other actors:
Apologies for being Mr. Contrary, especially since I’m always down to play Tom Cruise Crazy, but that article isn’t all that damning. Saying he was “noncommittal to picketing, but offered to help in other ways” isn’t great, but he’s not standing with the Igers.
I’m following this news event fairly closely. I just don’t see the writers and actors winning. Big Money holds all of the cards, and all of the – – money, and has none of the morality or the interest in art or in lower-level people’s survival, and has nothing to lose. Their opponents in SAG-AFTRA (minus the celebrity exceptions) will all starve in a protracted standoff.
Writers (mostly) want to create art, execs want to manufacture cheap product. Execs see a future when AI will make films for pennies, monitored by one minimum-wage button-pusher, as opposed to teams of high-priced creative. How many more billions in their pockets, if they can replace millionaires with minimum-wage? They’re not going to cave.
Not to mention that actors in SAG get a portion of movie proceeds, so Tom Cruise asking that actors still be allowed to promote their movies is still on the side of the actors. That being said, I’m not a fan of Tom Cruise mostly for his Scientology and anti-actual-psychology stances. He’s actively promoting things that hurt people and asking them not to do things that will actually help them. No bueno.
I don’t think the general public understands what they are poised to loose at this point in the timeline.
For decades now, the studio system has leaned heavily into producing “product”. They have a formula that makes a known amount of dollars and they try to tare apart every script and rebuild it to that formula.
What keeps it from all being the same 5 films over and over again are the humans in the mix. Talented people on the production teams who make a lot of little changes here and there, directors who start a film and then try to hold out to do it their way, Actors who only agree to do a film if the studio lets them do a future project of THEIR choice.
When all these people with the decades of know how to take “product” and squeeze art out of it are forced out, replaced by interns and computers and AI … we will have nearly nothing but “product”.
IMHO- Society never recovered from the rise of “Reality TV”, which blossomed from a writers strike several decades ago.
Booted up the PS3 slim, the original Mirror’s Edge still rocks.
Flash Gordon is still on the hard drive.
I’m OK with most of the list, although I nearly closed the tab when I saw Top Gun: Maverick.
CP: Night City Aliens — The Armed & Homeschool Dropouts
Catching up after a few days – yes, the animated shows, particularly Clone Wars and Rebels, are some fine and worthy Star Wars content, I don’t care how old you are.
Do you have to have seen them to enjoy Ashoka? No, but you’re not going to enjoy it as much as those of us who have seen the development of the Ashoka character through those shows.
What about the Bad Batch? I liked those guys, but haven’t been burning to watch the show.
I enjoyed Bad Batch, although the animation style was rather off putting at first.
I enjoyed Bad Batch, although the animation style was rather off putting at first.
Of course, there’s also people like me who sees hundreds of hours of animated Star Wars they haven’t watched and probably won’t watch simply because of time. Too much TV, not enough hours in my life.
I wasn’t super enthused about the Bad Batch as first, but it has developed nicely. Both seasons have been solid so far.
The origin of Barbenheimer:
RIP Athena, our corn snake. :'(
CP: The Only Heartbreaker — Mitski
Kevin Mitnick has passed away from cancer.
So I’m guessing this won’t be covered by the Oppenheimer film:
Dug a grave today in 112 degree heat, how about you?
My daughter is pretty broken up. It’s awful, the snake should have lived many more years.
Those times are miserable in tolerable weather much less that heat.
I feel for you guys.
Singer Tony Bennett dies aged 96
Roger Waters reinterpretation of Money.
Objectively, it’s an interesting novelty. He sounds more like Leonard Cohen than himself here. My kneejerk reaction is to reject this, but I can appreciate what he’s going for.
I’ll probably never listen to it again.
Still one of my fav westerns:
The two sides of Tomb Raider:
The classic English fast food has taken a slide towards oblivion:
When will the cost of simple existence stop skyrocketing?
If I ever make it to your part of the world, this will be the first thing I intend to order. I can’t remember if you’re a fan?
I’m a fan of the chips the fish much less so.
Quite the storm during the night. Even had a short blackout. Had to reset all the clocks this morning
Found a new swell podcast-
“The Bottom Forty”
Format is a radio broadcast. Music.
Some old like Talking Heads or Joy Division
But then new stuff that works with it. Even some stuff off of band camp, so like really new stuff. So far I am digging it.
Definitely sounds interesting. Just added it to my podcast list. I’ve definitely been struggling to find new bands that I really want to get into. I’m mostly good at finding old bands that I missed and/or just never got too deep into and geeking out on them for a while.
So this week I bought Planet of Lana on Steam.
The reviews have compared it to Limbo but the lovely visuals and low poly count of the main character reminds me of Another World on the Atari ST. Anyway as a puzzle platformers go it’s pretty good.
So asked the Bing AI search fpr the best games for the Atari ST:
The Atari ST was a popular home computer and gaming platform in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It had a large library of games, many of which are still fondly remembered by retro gamers today. Some of the best Atari ST games according to various sources are:
Prince of Persia12: A classic platformer that introduced fluid animation and realistic physics to the genre. The player had to escape from a dungeon and rescue the princess in 60 minutes, avoiding traps, guards and puzzles along the way.
Populous12: A god game that let the player shape the land, influence the people and wage war against rival deities. The game featured 500 different worlds to conquer, each with its own terrain, climate and challenges.
Super Sprint12: A top-down racing game that was based on an arcade hit. The game supported up to four players on one screen, competing on various tracks with obstacles, power-ups and hazards. The game was fast-paced and fun, with simple but addictive gameplay.
Lotus Turbo Challenge II3: A point-to-point racing game that was praised for its smooth scrolling, realistic sound effects and varied scenery. The game featured 32 tracks across different countries, weather conditions and terrains. The game also had a split-screen mode for two players.
The Chaos Engine1: A steampunk-themed run-and-gun game that was developed by the Bitmap Brothers. The game had six playable characters, each with their own skills and weapons, who had to fight their way through a world corrupted by a machine called the Chaos Engine. The game had co-op mode for two players and featured impressive graphics and sound.
Dungeon Master45: A groundbreaking role-playing game that pioneered real-time combat, 3D graphics and mouse control in the genre. The player had to lead a party of four adventurers through a labyrinthine dungeon, facing monsters, traps and puzzles. The game had a complex magic system, character development and inventory management.
Lemmings45: A puzzle-platformer that became one of the most popular and influential games of all time. The player had to guide a group of lemmings, small creatures that followed each other mindlessly, to an exit on each level. The player had to use various skills, such as digging, building and exploding, to overcome obstacles and prevent the lemmings from dying.
These are just some of the best Atari ST games that you can play today. There are many more games that you can explore on websites like Atarimania4 or My Abandonware4. You can also use emulators like Hatari or Steem to run Atari ST games on your modern computer.
I hope this helps you find some great Atari ST games to enjoy. Happy gaming!
The only one I’ve never played was Lotus Turbo Challenge, can’t really argue with te rest of the games as they were all good.
Projectyle, Arkanoid, Barbarian, Barbarian II. . .
I don’t remember Chaos Engine, but it sounds cool. A Steampunk game in the 1980s?
Yup, well in the 90s: