255 thoughts on “Jack Mangans Deadpan #227: Stymie

  1. What I mean is, I’ve heard the name Solford countless times in the last month or so, and I do not recall it prior.

    So is it just me not having noticed Solford previously, or has something about Solford changed to make it more noticeable?

    I suspect Vanamonde may have an answer, one way or the other…

  2. What is up with podcast ire of late. The small-DL guy in the garage says he doesn’t like the big-DL guy in the garage. The big DL-guy in the garage doesn’t like the geeky guy. The geeky guy has no problem with anyone I know of. The large man has trouble with the manly-man and vice-versa. WTH?

  3. I guess I’m technically a podcaster now too, with 5 eps in the can and 2 online, but no ire here.

    Though some time ago the adventure-movie fan blocked me on Twitter, but I’m not sure why…

  4. I received my copy of High Fidelity yesterday! I’ll be reading during my upcoming two back-to-back trips to Dallas.

    I saw the movie years ago, but don’t remember it, so am really looking forward to this.

  5. I want you to know that if I could fly, I’d pick you up and take you into the night, and show you a love like you’ve never seen. Ever seen.

    just sayin.

  6. Crap joke for the day:

    3 men captured by female savages, are told their dicks would be removed, in a manner appropriate to their jobs. 1st was a lumberjack so his would be chopped off, 2nd was a butcher, so his would be sliced off. 3rd man started laughing. The females asked what was so funny. He replied ‘I work for Hoover…!!

  7. In other news, my cat has been climbing all over me all day. She senses that I don’t feel well apparently and thinks fixing it by climbing on me is a good idea. I’m done with this.

  8. Curiosity:

    In the High Fidelity novel, there is a throwaway reference to Kate Adie (a famous TV reporter in the UK).

    Now for the North Americans currently reading or having read HF, do you actually bother to look up unknown references or just skip on as they don’t interfere with the plot profression of the novel.

  9. Oh, and thumbs up on today’s show. Not many could pull off that Metallica bit. We may have to replay that at the meetup….after several bottles of good humor have been added to the mix.

    I may have a little good humor now, actually….

  10. Sweet mother of fuck, is there anything that Helen Mirren isn’t in? I just watched 2010 a week ago and saw she was the Soviet ship captain. Now I see she was Morganna in Excalibur…which, now that I picture the movie in my head is so damn obvious.

    I hadn’t really had her stick in my head as an actress until National Treasure, so I keep getting surprised like this to find her in all these movies from my youth.

  11. In his State of the Union, President Obama called for a ban on insider trading by members of Congress. If you think that congressmen shouldn’t be allowed to buy stock in companies they are about to award multi-million dollar contracts to … or leak that info early to stock fund managers (all of which is now standard practice) you can sign this petition –

    I will add that, after you hit “submit” on the petition form you will be forwarded to a donation page for Obama’s re-election campaign, a move that I find kind of annoying … but you don’t have to donate to sign the petition.

    • So, let me get this straight, the President will gladly sign into law a bill which Congress puts forth preventing said Congress from using a loop-hole to their advantage? Does he assume that someone in Congress will actually kick this bill into the pool? Does he think that Congress won’t do something like exclude themselves from the law, like they’ve done with so many others? Is he mental?

      • No offense to anyone… I mean, it would really be nice if the President had any power at all to enforce that suggestion, but let’s be honest, he can’t enforce squat without a law to give him power, and guess who makes the laws…

  12. Just got home from the auto show. Saw lots of cool stuff, but this is the one that really grabbed my attention this year:


    Though, while I could possibly almost afford such a vehicle, I don’t know if I’ll ever get to a state of mind where I can justify dropping $100K on a car. But if I did, this would be the one.

    Stay thirsty, my Deadpan.

  13. New dictionary terms

    Coffee (n.), the person upon whom one coughs.

    Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much weight you have gained.

    Abdicate (v.), to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.

    Esplanade (v.), to attempt an explanation while drunk.

    Willy-nilly (adj.), impotent.

    Negligent (adj.), describes a condition in which you absentmindedly answer the door in your nightgown.

    Lymph (v.), to walk with a lisp.

    Gargoyle (n), olive-flavored mouthwash.

    Flatulence (n.) emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are run over by a steamroller.

    Balderdash (n.), a rapidly receding hairline.

    Testicle (n.), a humorous question on an exam.

    Rectitude (n.), the formal, dignified bearing adopted by proctologists.

    Pokemon (n), a Rastafarian proctologist.

    Frisbeetarianism (n.), The belief that, when you die, your soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck there.

    • I’m still about three weeks behind, but I’ve been seeing on their Facebook feed that this is the Finale. At least they knew at the start of the year that this would be the final season.

      It was a rough start, but I appreciate that they’ve tried to do something different this year. Hopefully we get a satisfying conclusion.

    • Sounds great, just from the name.
      Have you tried Dog Fish Head’s World Wide Stout? I’d give tasting notes, but all I remember is that it tastes great, more filling, and pretty much I don’t remember anything else…

    • Appearance: A nice, rich chocolate brown when pouring. In the glass, it is an opaque brown/black. There is very little head.

      Aroma: There is hardly any aroma. This may be a good or bad thing depending on your preference, however, I found it a tad bit disappointing.

      Taste: The flavor is more akin to dark chocolate with a hint of coffee. Unlike some coffee beers that taste like a sweet Kahlua, this beer is only somewhat sweet.

      Mouth Feel: Drinking this was rather nice. I found there was a touch of astringency(?) at the back of the throat. I think this might be due to the coffee. Other than that, it really wasn’t much different from most strong porters.

      Overall Impression: I liked this a lot. It’s a flavorful beer that is somewhat unassuming. The balance is good, so sitting down to drink more than one of these is no problem.

      While this doesn’t have the presence of a Yeti Imperial Stout, it is a nice alternative. I’ll give it a good recommendation.

  14. Your crap joke for the day:

    As I came out of the cold shower, the wife laughed and told me my cock closely resembled a Tic-Tac! “If that’s the case” I said, “why does your sister still have bad breath?”. That wiped the smile off her face!

  15. ..and a real crap joke:

    My budgie flew out of it’s cage a couple of months ago and started sleeping with my dog. I got some puppies going cheep if you’re interested

  16. CP: Bank Job — Barenaked Ladies
    We all had our ski masks And sawed off shotguns But how do you plan for A bank full of Nuns?
    Well, I guess we panicked We all have taboos And they were like zebras They had us confused

  17. Sorry, I’ve been a little out of the loop – did we schedule a time for the Palooza chat? (I just now burned the last four audio Deadpan episodes to a CD so I can listen in my car today.)

  18. Pardon me for a few moments of culture shock at the email I received this morning:

    “Every performance to date of “The Legend of Zelda™: Symphony of the Goddesses” has sold out far in advance. Don’t miss your opportunity to get great seats early at a great discount for the shows at Orpheum Theatre on April 20 & 21! Featuring dynamic and compelling video accompanied by a live symphony orchestra, “The Legend of Zelda™: Symphony of the Goddesses” brings the world’s most popular video game series to life.”

    I think I’ll hold out for the live symphonic Asteroids concert. . .

  19. So after a bit of arm twisting by sister, off to see The Grey tomorrow with nephew.

    The survival bit I have no problem with, having wolves as the main threat I do have a problem with.

  20. I did listen to the first, by the way! I heard the video game music analogy, but I also have to say that I’m impressed with his playing, Bunny. He has a solid, edgy, bridge pick-up sound ans style. Many secret kudos.

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