Yes, you can also see this from the link in Jason’s comment, but I think it deserves its own post here on the main page. It’s really pretty cool – and funny, even if it features the forbidden artifact. Thanks Jason C.! Your ban is lifted 😉 The text at the bottom actually fits nicely with the opening of Deadpan episode 2.
Speaking of art – the new header is from an image that Jaap Pelt put together for me. Thanks, Jaap! That wasn’t his intention for the image – – but I like the way it looks up there.
Speaking of JMDP episode 2, I’m going to release it early – – one day this week. After that, I plan to pick a static weekly (or bi-weekly, still batting that around) release day. I know a lot of you are subscribed to Dragon Page podcasts, along with countless others. Do you want to suggest your preferred day for JMDP releases? At the moment, I’m thinking Mondays. . .