Episode 144 is half-completed………….. It would be done tonight, but – –
I’m waiting on new login info to upload the file.
Sorry. The show might get posted tomorrow night, if I have the login info AND I have time to get it completed. There will be other blogposts in the meantime.
So this won’t count.
Oh and Happy Birthday ditto.
Maybe we can find a way for this to count, Van,
I dunno.
Happy Birthday, ditto!
Goodnight, cake.
Everything counts in small amounts….
Happy Birthday ditto!
Happy Birthday ditto!
Happy Birthday, ditto!
Jack: Sounds like some rough spots. Hope it all gets sorted out for ya.
Happy Birthday, ditto!
This is Johnny Null of the Porkchop Express and I’m talkin’ to whoever’s listening. When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac picks you up, taps the back of your favorite head against the barroom wall, looks you crooked in the eye, and asks you if you’ve paid your dues. You look that sucker right square in the eye and you say, “Yes sir, the check is in the mail.”.
You called Zaphod JN in the real world?
Happy Birthday, ditto!
May your wife give you all the birthday bumps you want, today 😳
We finally watched Transformers 2 yesterday. Is it just me or does anyone else picture Shai Labeouf as the Karate Kid? I could so see him replacing Ralph Macchio (sp?)
“As many as 600,000 Xbox 360s were banned from the Xbox Live service this week in the latest in a series of crackdowns by Microsoft on illegally modified consoles.”
Thanks for the birthday wishes guys.
oooooh, Jack on Evo@11 and a new LLAP. My listening morning is complete.
Will have to listen to LLAP later in the morning. Taking kitty to the vet in about 15 minutes. Hopefully they can do something about her weight.
Happy birthday ditto!
Thanks. I haven’t been around much due to massive work suckage.
Home. Now to work and listen to LLAP!
Happy birthday Ditto!
Here’s hoping the coming year brings you more of the good suckage…
I liked Stranger Than Fiction
Cj, how do you know about Sterling Rod? You must watch more porno’s than I because I didn’t know that.
Thanks for everyone’s patience. This Flash Palooza was like a Deadpan sinkhole. A fun sinkhole, but still a sinkhole.
Have fun with “sinkhole”.
I’ve met some pretty “dumb waiters” in my lifetime 😆
Jack! Take the week off. We understand completely.
Nichole is Lionel’s adopted daughter
Is she really?
Dan’s wrong. I prefer a paper book. You can also get bored in space, you can only look out the window so long. I guarantee the astronauts on the space station do have books to read. Crappy and good. Tastes vary.
Item # 4
Jack, yes
Thank you, Dan!
I won’t be able to see the streaming Podcamp AZ 🙁
MA in the morning, then friends are visiting for the day and staying for dinner (thanks again, Cj)
WTF, Cj? William wants a doll?
Boy’s play with dolls… What is GI Joe if not a doll for guys.
GI Joe is an *action figure*, Bunny.
You keep telling yourself that, Jack 😀
just a doll i don’t know any “just a doll” that has Kung Fu Grip!
awww, don’t I count, reaper? 😎
My cat and I are meowing at each other.
Thank goodness I have next week off. I’m losing it when I think he may be getting the upper hand in this conversation.
TEB, you have Kung Fu Grip!!! that rocks! Team Bunny action force go!!!
My cat always wins any debate we have.
I have to say I am really amused that there are nipples about a different show on here…
Don’t get me wrong, though, I’ve done it too.
Work is a little slow this week. Today they are shooting web promotional video, which I think would look much better if we were gangbusters busy. I’m holding off on running some work so I have something for the cameras.
Meanwhile, writing looks busy for those who are not cameras, so I’m doing some of that. Been a while, so I confess I’m hazy on some of my own characters. Jeremy, Brennen, Gareth, sure they’re all there, but I actually wrote a bunch of stuff including a character I decided to cut out a while back…
There is an elegant, persistent simplicity to a cat’s arguments.
So we may someday see “Really Frickin’ Huge Things”?
As sung by Alan Alda
What about Raggedy Andy?
Shia as the karate kid.
The karate kid is now the boyfriend of the older sister on Ugly Betty.
Best Ralph Macchio movie? Up the Academy
Where he played a character named “Chooch”
“You’ll stand out like a turd in a punch bowl.” and “Tickle your ass with a feather?” “What?” “erm… Mighty nice the uh.. weather we’re havin..”
were some stand out dialogue from that one.
I use to mutilate my dolls. I like to think I still turned out to be an ok mother
I don’t think I saw that movie, but I see it was directed by Robert Downey Sr. I didn’t realize daddy was in the business too.
Vanamonde: I wish I could live up to that calling!
Lunch Time!
Left over Chinese is the food of the day.
OK. I’m going to go organize my son’s room. Remove “baby” toys and clothes that no longer fit.
If you don’t hear from me within two hours, send help.
No it isn’t. 😉
^pretty funny
Jack: I believe the US Court system defined “action figures” as dolls some time in the ’90s, and while such a definition may have been a frivolous endeavor, ultimately millions of young children’s parents paid for it.
My favorite Ralph Macchio movie is My Cousin Vinny.
… Somehow, I’m behind again, and not behind at the same time – I hate temporal mechanics.
Hrm, I’ll take that title under consideration, but considering this is technically a prequel maybe “Really Slightly-Larger-Than-Average Things…”
I’m not in NaNo (and frankly ought to be doing other things), but my word count today has been 1187 so far today…
I’m nowhere near far enough along yet, but is there anyone here at the Pan who might beta read this stuff?
Happy Birthday, ditto!
I’m just noticing that my messages were exactly 1 hour apart. I had to come up for air and to make lunch for my little dude.
I’m about 1/2 done with the toys.. maybe 1/3rd.. haven’t started the clothes yet.
Switched to Chapter 2, first was 1472 words.
CP: Driven To Tears (live) — The Police
I’m writing lots too. Only it is code.
Why do sales people not understand the concept “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it”?
Oh… and Happy B-Day, ditto
YAY!!! The WIN flavored coffee just showed up and i still have plenty of win creamer.
Lejon, if people understood that i would have way less to do at work.
reaper: I’m happy to do a little less work. I’d be happy to do it a little more often.
Chapter 2 done (well, drafted, you know what I mean) 1176 words. As I said before, the stuff keeps popping into my head, and today I can actually type some of it out.
I guess I said pooping before, but again, you know…
It’s stuck in Troy? Maybe they should send a giant horse full of soldiers to get it out.
Decided I needed to tweak one concept and change a character trait entirely, chapter 2 is now 1270 words…
I’m trying to figure out what “I’m writing lots too” is code for.
Hey, it’s ditto’s birthday, he can enjoy some “writing” if he wants to.
Checking into buying an actual copy of Windows 7 Ultimate.
Holy crapoli. I hurt both my back and my shoulder cleaning my sons room. Nothing a nice, hot, bubble bath won’t fix. I didn’t just clean his room.. I took out one big black trash bag of toys for garage sale, one giant orange tub for trade-in at the 2nd hand shop, one white kitchen bag of broken stuff to trash and three bags of clothes to give away.
That room is clean I tell you. CLEAN! I even straightened the bookshelves.
I think I hurt from sitting on the floor and reaching in many directions – it was like a yoga cleaning workout and the gutting of the room was extra-cathartic.
Tomorrow night starts the events of PodcampAZ with an EVFN kickoff.. so tonight, I am going to take that damn bubble bath and go to bed early. I’m NOT going to gut out the daughter’s room until next week. Tomorrow I’m going to get as much rest as possible because I have a feeling I won’t be sleeping for 3 days straight..
I’m excited and exhausted at the thought!
That is pretty awesome, Jack.
OK – – I’m off to feed my family a giant crockpot full of homemade chicken noodle soup. I’ve never made it before and must say, it came out pretty good. Yay! Soup!
Yay soup!
Those pics were indeed pretty awesome, Jack.
So have you taken my emailed advice re: the podcast, Jack?
Jack – thanks for keeping us “Rover” updated.
I tend to forget about those guys.
JB – respectfully submitted for your future title consideration; “Not to Scale.”
J0e: I think that’s a great title for the RBT prequel!
Cj: Congrats on the productive day! Feel better!
My NaNo stats: 11,635 words total today. Working on a really exciting, dramatic scene that I love – plus, I’ve figured out how to tie it in to the rest of the novel! Yay!
Happy Birthday, Ditto. Hope you got to spend the day not acting your age 🙂
Thanks, Amy!
I went to my mother-in-law’s house and soaked in her hot tub and feel miraculously better!
Time to dance… or…. recline on my sofa and watch V episode two.
It’s a good title, I may consider it for a sequel. As it is, remember RBT is more a sequel to the one I’m writing than this one is a prequel.
Jack is awesome.
The pictures on that CHARMED post made my jaw drop.
JB: I keep getting half answers when I ask. Maybe you can help me out.
What does it mean to be a Beta Reader? What feedback are you, as the author, looking to get from your beta? What sort of feedback is not helpful?
Lejon said:
Replace “sales” and insert “marketing” : “management” : “HR” : “LEAN”
Conversely, why do the operators not understand the concept of “If it is fixed, don’t break it”?
“It doesn’t work! I can’t make it run at 200% of normal capacity! It is broken!”
Lady Ambassador: You are, aren’t you? You are going to do something insane and put in half the novel in the last weekend. *shakes head* It makes my hands ache just imagining it. 🙂
Good evening deadpan, I figured I’d better make a post before my license gets revoked and I have to start using emotions again.
Nothing much to say besides:
Happy Birthday ditto! 🙂
Hey, LostRalph!
Stupid question: Now that you are here (again) are you FoundRalph?
I -finally- got caught up to listen to 143!
Sorry Nomad but truth in advertising laws require me to say that I am always lost.
LostRalph: Hi!
NS: LOL! 😀 I very well might do that. I’m hoping to get a decent amount in this weekend, of course, to try to take some of the pressure off of that last weekend.
New grand total is 12,550.
Good night, mush.
LostRalph, that’s okay. I understand those who wander. *points up at name*
FYI: The new episode (such as it is) should be uploaded within the hour.
Good night Amy.
I should walk the floor, see if anyone freaks out when they see me, suddenly declaring their machine to be inoperable, even though it had been running fine up until they spotted me. Humbug.
New episode is posted.
Goodnight humbug.
Good night Jack. See you on the other side.
People Wander as well…
who knew?
Well… I, for one. 😉