. . . where your comments are. . .
. . . what’s been happening to the site for the past 10 hours. . .
But don’t worry, I am going to take care of this. Not pleased.
Sorry. Thanks for your patience while I deal with these technical difficulties.
. . . where your comments are. . .
. . . what’s been happening to the site for the past 10 hours. . .
But don’t worry, I am going to take care of this. Not pleased.
Sorry. Thanks for your patience while I deal with these technical difficulties.
It’s “The MAN” trying to stick it to us!
someone is stealing comments???
is there a comment monster???
is it fucktardbot finally taking his revenge maybe?
“your comment is awaiting moderation”
touché fucktardbot
we shall meet again, and you may not be so lucky next time…
Firsties !!!!
NO worries, Jack. Stuff happens, it’s not worth getting an ulcer over. My comment seemed to show up on the previous feed.
I guess I’ll post in this thread as not to “screw up” the count in the official one. Looks like a big white out in a lot of the FPM sites. I’ve noticed the Farpoint Forums site didn’t go down for the duration.
In other news, I’ve started running again. Two days straight so far. I’m hoping to make this a habbit.
What are you running from? 😉
??? It’s raining Hobbits ?
I’m in modertion Gitmo
This is server bullshit — not Podango, btw.
I could ask Summer where all of your previous comments are, but I think I’ll wait.
The Farpoint Forums are hosted and run by someone else; Scott or Ian, I think. So that site has been immune to this disruption.
we need to do a deadpan “Gummo”! It is a movie that strikes fear in to my hart.
I didn’t think I was the only person commenting.
I’m running from fat ditto. Run away! Run away!
Bugger, the old shows aren’t streaming..aarrrrggghhh!
Apologies for the melodrama, normal service will be resumed shortly.
I like the link for a more in depth review..lol
I’m running from fat ditto too 🙂
Though, I’m not fat.
I certainly don’t want to be either.
That’s phat! LOL
Have plenty of pancakes! yum
And obviously – Greasy Jelly Bean appears to have been hosed for this week (interesting visual).
If you want to make another guess (or missed your chance yesterday) then feel free. Let’s say tonight at 12am is the prediction deadline. I guess we’ll guess at total comments in the “I have no idea. . . ” thread.
Me, I’m running from Chow Yun Fat.
Was there ever a DP intro using the Neil Armstrong on the moon quote?
One small step…
One small step for Dead Pan?
I was asked as FPR Spokesperson to comment on the recent server blackout since FPR was one of the few sites not affected. I didn’t think it was worth talking about until I found the true reason for it.
Apparently the blackout was caused by flying monkeys generated from Christiana Ellis’s cleavage.
That would have been a sight to see. 🙂
You would go blind ditto…
Stupid flying monkeys from Christiana Ellis’s cleavage.
Does one combat Flying Monkeys with Flying Weiner Dogs?
1. Go to Google.
2. Enter the search keywords: “Find Chuck Norris”
3. Click the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button.
A slow day at work?
That’s pretty hilarious Jack. LOL
That was a nice one, Jack.
I got to see the Colbert segment of this running skit. Now you can enjoy the full story thanks to rawstory and Youtube:
Who needs writers? Colbert has been as good as ever on his own.
I had no idea Christiana Ellis had large breast. I know she has a small pet that likes to shot loads all over her. “that’s a good Stripey!”
Space Case Rock my Garmin.
sorry I left out a “y” it is Space Casey
go Obama 08!!!
Well, whoever was sending me good wishes for my interview helped! Thanks!!!
I got the position. It’s as a volunteer museum guide here at the local art museum. I’m really happy.
I really don’t understand the Japanese: Japanese Bikini Cowgirl with a sword?
Japanese Bikini Cowgirl with a sword?
Yeah it is like putting a slice of cheese on a candy bar. I like cheese and I like candy bars… but…
Yeah, WTF doesn’t cover it.
Well I wouldn’t chuck her out of bed for you TO.
Congrats on the job ditto, I see I’ll need to buy a higer quality of curse in the future.
Thanks for the well wishes, Van. I’m glad I can always count on your curses to backfire.
Wow. Theres a George Hrab thing I got involved with that I can’t talk about, but I sure hope everyone gets to hear it, because its funny as shit.
/me applauds Dub
Looking forward to it
I just got back from a pancake supper at which I ate too much. The food was good, though.
Jack: Tried the trick you suggested. LOL!!
Ditto: Congratulations!
Japanese Bikini Cowgirl? Why stop there? Why not Japanese Robot Monster Samurai Bikini Machine Gun Laser Motorcycle Cowgirl?
Looking fwd to it, Dub.
Well, I went through the Google cache, and retrieved what I believe to be all of the Deadpan Bar stuff wrote after the set of snippets I saved a couple weeks ago. The cache was incomplete, though, and I have a nagging feeling one or two are lost to the sands of internet…
Someone remind me to check in July at archive.org, as they state: “Material typically becomes available here 6 months after collection.”
Good morning pan!
Happy post super tuesday! I voted yesterday using the touch screen… I am all for technology upgrades, but how do I know my vote didn’t get lost in the tubes somewhere?
I knew Obama would carry Illinois and he did so spectacularly. So even though I am undecided still, my vote for Hilary didn’t hurt anyone, and I got the chance to vote for the first ever viable female candidate. That dun made me proud yesterday folks. Don’t worry all you Obama lovers, Hugh cast his for Obama, so we cancelled each other out 🙂
But as a woman, that was a happy moment for me yesterday.
congrats mr ditto swoooon!!!!!
Hey JB, check archive.org in July. 😉
Those bastardos at the board of trade are slave driving my Hugh, so I gotta take him into work early 🙁 This makes a very very unhappy Dre. But at least I can hang out with him there for a while before my photo jobs today 🙂
Have a good day pan, time to hit the road!
Hey Ms. A.
You’re a big help.
Morn ning. Didn’t vote yesterday because I’m a registered Independant. But my wife did vote for Hillary.
Amy, TSH: Thanks! I’m looking forward to it.
Morning Pan.
Way to go ditto! Word of advice, don’t press your lips against the artwork. Trust me on this.
on my way to Vegas! Ciao
Statues aren’t real, Joe, but thanks for the advice anyway. 😉
Have fun in Vegas. Just not too much fun where you end up in jail. 🙂
Jack, I think you are right. Why not go the full 9 yards? Japanese Robot Monster Samurai Bikini Machine Gun Laser Motorcycle Cowgirl that shoots lasers out of her eyes!
Yep, congratz ditto.
JJ: Have fun in Vegas, but remember the saying “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” doesn’t mean staying a Vegas jail cell. 😉
ditto — that is fantastic news. What kind of art is on display in your museum?
Have fun in Vegas, Justa J0e! I’ll meet you at the Elvis drive-thru chapel at 8.
Thanks, guys.
It’s the big art museum here in town, Jack. So, they have pretty much everything.
BTW, Joe – Deadpan is partially located in Vegas, so whatever happens then needs to be shared with Deadpan.
We won’t tell anybody else, promise
/cross fingers
“Japanese Robot Monster Samurai Bikini Machine Gun Laser Motorcycle Cowgirl”
Now that would be perfect on a poster..just to cover the cracks in the wall you understand…
Ditto – be sure not to get finger prints on the shuttle cocks.
Insert suitable dramatic pause here ——>
Sorry I’ve been mostly scarce of late. There’s been medical stuff and other life stuff. Made it to caucus and cast a vote for Obama last night before things went all pear-shaped again…
Hope all is well, JB. Medical stuff is never funny. Take Scrubs, for example.
Seriously. Keep yourself and the family healthy, JB.
And the same goes to all Deadpanites everywhere.
Ditto, awseome! We do a lot of work for the Nelson Atkins. We’re practically co-workers!
Everyone OK after last night? Are we missing anyone?
I am just sitting in my truck in Statesville NC… I am bored…
We’re still here and accounted for in Texas…where, sadly, it looks like I’m going to have to feign interest as the Texas primary is now going to count for something when it rolls around March 4th.
yea! wifey done with my creep stuff for my fans 🙂
Last night is over and done with, I’m worried about tonight!!
Will Deadpan be available for download in the AM?
Will our comments count??
How will I ever recover my greasy spoon/jelly bean game tallys??
these are the questions that keep me up on Wednesday nights
except i won’t be up cuz we are going to bed
night hughie
night girlie
night pan
night mush
Ed — did the storms hit Houston hard?
Morning Pan, and today’s new toy is a DAB radio, the old one popped its clogs a week ago.
The wind howls and time passes…