Not the acclaimed Prog-rock band.
Owner of Lonely Show Notes.
Jack Mangans Deadpan #170: Yes
The Wizard of Deadpan
Promo – Billy Barbarian by JR Murdock (
Cj with a dumb ass memory
More from the Wizard of Deadpan
Stanley Cup Playoff Anthems
Amy Bowen
The Energizer Bunny
(where are the rest of the anthems?)
Evo Terra tells a dumb ass story
Congratulations Jack and Oden, we all wish you a happily every after
Shelia gives her well wishes to the happy couple
Justa J0e adds his congrats
The Energizer Bunny continues to torture the ears
Greasy Comments (read by Oden)
Nomad Scry
JR Murdock
Lo Pan
Cj (first of comment of the week)
The Lyrics Professor breaks down a song for us
Pink Floyd’s The Wall will be discussed in a future episode
Get your 60 Lines readings to Jack!
What will the next Palooza be?
Remember, when asked, “You and what army?” Reply “the Deadpan army.” We support each other.
Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
Closing music … “Perfect Strangers” (live Deep Purple Cover)
Once again, congratulations to Jack and Oden. We all give virtual hugs to both of you and wish we could be there to give real ones.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
I suspect that one ain’t going to read out next week:
That was your useless info tidbit for a Thursday.
Sleep well across the pond, work beckons.
If there’s a show next week, I’ll do my best. Others are welcome to try too.
Goodnight :Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch:
Bunny’s package has arrived! Yay!
I have job interview in less than 10 hours. Eeks!
I better get some sleeps.
It came? Finally? Wow!
Good luck with the job interview Cj.
Paulette has The Empress Sword listed with Flattr now. Check out
Look about a third of the way down the left for the orange, white, and green Flattr thing.
ditto what Van said.
You go, CJ!
Here’s your dose of Pixar to kick off the day:
I don’t own a Kindle, so iBooks syncing bookmarks over my 3G/wifi connection is rather cool (if I read a book on the iPad then access the same book on my place in the book is transferred).
Just a pity iBooks doesn’t reformat PDF’s for a smaller screen.
Morning Pan!
I’m glad Cj’s gift finally arrived. I was getting ticked at the postal system. And I thought I’d have to pull out the needle and thread again.
Best of luck Cj. I have my fingers, toes, eyes, ears and nose crossed for you.
Starting next week, show notes are going to be intermittent. Hubby’s home for the next six weeks and he always messes up my schedule. Also, we have family coming in at various times over the summer and that plays havoc too.
Now, to listen to this week’s episode and write things down. Anybody want a special mention?
I think today I may have to watch this:
I don’t think it’s a horror, but God it looks bad.
I knew there was a reason I never became a singing star :biggrin:
It occurs to me that next Thursday is Canada Day. Since I have no intentions of getting up before noon that day, I can pretty much guarantee there will be no show notes next week.
The Wall was a very depressing movie
The needs a decent movie based on Norse mythology , looks like the world is out of luck with that movie.
Ooooh, I loved Popeye.
I am what I am. What am I? I’m Popeye!
Aw Van, where’s your sense of optimism? 🙂
Too late if you wanted a special mention, show notes are out.
Drive by
hay pan busy week.
congrats Jack
/drive by
Is a hay pan better than an oat pan? Does it go with the straw bed?
(ok, I know I’m being snarky, so sue me)
*hands bunny a subpoena*
You have been served
but since you are in Canada you can’t really be compelled to show up…
a hay pan wouldn’t be very good for cooking…
*grumble* back to work
“You have been served”
Ohhh, I hope I’ve been served cheesecake. I’d like that :silly:
My cat has found a sun beam and is stretched out, looking so comfy. I think I’m jealous.
OMG, Bunny. Funny!!
The singing, that is.
Yup, that’s exactly what I was going for with my singing… humour :cheerful:
I can’t figure out why I always go for these singing bets. When I lose, everybody loses 😉
‘The man that I was killed the man I wanted to be’
How very true…
It sounded like you said:
“Feed the children/who don’t have enough teet.”
Heya, folks!
CJ: Good Luck!
Lyrics Professor: My request is to never have to hear B.O.B. again.
Jack: Congratulations!
B.O.B. has a different meaning in my mind. I must go wash it out 😎
Does anyone else think the next “You got Served” Movie should center on a dancing Process Server?
*Main Character does an awesome set of dance moves, with 5 backup dancers, surreptitiously slipping a subpoena into the target’s pocket*
“You just got Served!”
Floating in the water with arms and legs cut off.
eeeewww, Van!
BOB that is.
Yes the old jokes are often the worst.
My BOB is:
The best kind 😉
Great episode Jack!
And I’m waiting on JfS for a little magic with my song.
Vanamonde: LOL! Our attempts to read that are going to make a great segment. :biggrin:
Cj: HOORAY! So glad the package made it to you! :happy: Best of luck on the interview!
Usedhair: I was not intentionally leaving out those other animation studios. I was thinking more about the big ones that have been producing movies in the past couple of decades, though I never stated that explicitly.
I also totally agree about Disney villains. But, it is Disney, so what do you expect? They don’t want nuanced kids films.
As for DreamWorks vs Pixar: DreamWorks has made some fantastic movies. I maintain “How To Train Your Dragon” is the best thing they’ve done. They’ve also made absolute drek. Pixar, on the other hand, has consistently made great movies. So, while I understand my comparison was on the dismissive side–that was unintentional–I don’t think it was out of line.
Joe: I agree about old Disney films. Jungle Book is still near to my heart.
I’m hoping that Universal Animation’s “Despicable Me” will be good. After all, Steve Carell as the main character and the villain has potential! Then again, it might end up being inane schlock.
And I think that’s enough animation ramblings from me. I’m glad to see we’ve accumulated more fans. It’s been a couple of years(?) since we last talked about this.
I need to rewatch The Wall, though that might not be in the next couple of weeks. Things are too crazy around here.
Popeye could be interesting.
Jack closes with his own version of “Bridge over Troubled Waters”.
While I like The Arcade Fire, I think this is just silly: their new album will have 8 different covers?!
NO! I will NOT collect them all.
There can be only one. 🙂
Oh, yeah. Get me a bowl of Cream of Darkness.
Hail to the king, Baby.
blah blah blah
would you kindly?
blah blah blah
Where’s the golf club?
Oh that is creamy dark awesome in a can! Very Warhol.
Also, I glad Bunny’s package came.
Go go Gadget CJ!!!
I glad = I’m glad. stupid fingers.
Van: When I used to work for Best Western, we pronounced that town: “Near Bangor.”
#catching up
Good Luck Cj!
Well, I think I’m going to watch a terrible movie. I wonder if it’s even worth doing a play by play. By the looks of it, there’s no guarantee I’ll make it through the whole movie.
Ditto: sorry. I didn’t mean to imply that you intentionally left anyone out or that you comparison of dreamworks vs. Pixar was in any way invalid. I respect everyones opinions. I was just excited at the opportunity to gush about animation with anyone else who actually knows anything about it.
And Venture Brothers still rocks :metal:
Oh, and best of luck with the interview CJ
Not watching the other movie. Zombie Strippers has just started. 😆
That one is in my Que. Shocking, I know.
Usedhair: no problem. I love talking about animation myself. Gush away. You’ve got a fan here. 🙂
Cj: Good luck!
CP: Fuck You — Lily Allen
Zombies, Sir!
Won’t really do a play by play. I know a number of people who plan to watch it, so I don’t want to over spoil it.
Why does everybody fire at Wil? What did poor Wil do to anybody?
It took about 15 minutes into the movie before the strippers arrive. Just in case you want to fast forward to the nekkid bits.
CP: You Do Run — Cocktail Slippers
“Darn, I’m out of cleches” I love a movie that makes fun of itself
I have to say, while this may not be hard core, it does seem to have the acting ability and the “story” of your average porn movie.
Aren’t some of the stars actual porn stars?
So, what I’m getting from this movie so far is if you become a zombi, you become a better stripper.hmmmm.
Yep. They are.
Wouldn’t surprise me, ditto.
CP: The Elbow Twist — The Woggles
This space intentionally left blank.
ewwwww. This movie is gross.
This space internationally left blank
23rd annual bovine festival? awwww.
CP: No Way — KunK
Well, I’ve stopped watching the movie. Not that I had a problem with it but hubby found out I was watching it and started whining (ever get whined at via e-mail, it’s not pretty). It’ll have to go on hold until he gets home. :biggrin:
I just didn’t think it was the type of movie I could handle watching twice. It’s bad enough I’ll have to watch the first half over again.
What was his whining like? “But I wanna watch the strippers toooooooo.” 😉
Turned off the movie and Cindi Lauper was on the TV. Boy she looks like she’s been through some hard living.
That sounds pretty bad, TEB.
You’re not too far off, ditto.
In regards to the whining, I meant, but it applies to Cindi Lauper too.
Hitting the mute button. Might do some reading until lunch time and the noon news.
CR: Boneshaker by Cherie Priest
We’re going to see Cindi Lauper soon. That’s right, you can all be SSOOOOO jealous!
Uh… ok. I’m jealous. 😉
Oh yeah, saw this and thought someone might find it cool:
ditto: Ha! Thanks!
This was amazing. I didn’t watch it, but I was hearing about it.,0,6394160.story
CP: Gorecki — Lamb
Did any deadpanites attend the SciFi Airshow?
I got a letter from Canada Post saying there’s no word on my parcel yet and it may take 30 – 90 days for USPS to get back to them. I have no intention of contacting them to say it was finally delivered. I still feel they owe me $30 postage for an item I had paid to get expedited and then it shows up late.
Think I’ll watch a half hour or so of Hammer of The Gods now.
Sci Fi Pictures presents.
Now I know it’ll be good…
Is there a cheap way (as in free) to record skype conversations?
Sleep and Hubby time are perfectly acceptable reasons for intermittent Bunny Show Notes. 🙂
Thanks very much, everyone.
Cute obscure Star Wars ABCs:
Van, I use Powergramo for Windows, which records Skype-to-Skype for free.
Macs can just use AudioHijack.
I’ll give it a try, thx Jack.
I’d do something shocking for someone who’d bring me lunch.
Switch sides for a day?
So I’ve been informed there is no direct translation of Deadpan in Welsh.
Maybe . . .
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
Interview seems to have gone well. I feel good about it.
I’m still overly-anxious and excited.
I really superduper want this job!!!
Something shocking? Like read Sarah Palin’s book?
Go ‘head Cj.
That’s taking it pretty far, Jack. I just want lunch.
Does anyone think she really wrote that book?
Today’s YouTube revelation…more covers of ‘Benson Arizona’ than I would have suspected.
Or thought possible.
CP: This Is A Call — Foo Fighters
Italy is out of the World Cup.
Can’t say I’m that surprised.
Benson Arizona: A movie staring Ben Verene in which the main character kidnaps a baby and raises it in the Governor’s Mansion as his own…
Yes, Robert Guillaume is probably a better choice.
I’m shocked that Palin can read.
LJ, it’s the song from Dark Star:
I’ve got my fingers (and toes) crossed for you CJ
I’ve got my Ts and eyes crossed for you.
Maybe Darkstar should be our next Palooza. It’s certainly good enough.
Essbee – how long can you wait for that lunch? 🙂
For some reason, the news of the past few days has me thinking about this guy.
JOe, depends on how good it is!
Just don’t mess with my bodily fluids.
Maybe Dark Star is too good.
Benson, Benson, Benson, Benson, Benson.
Clayton Endicott III DID go on to become a shape-shifter on DS9.
I’m game for Dark Star. Never seen it, but I do appreciate old John Carpenter movies.
I think a Survey Monkey poll is in order.
My goodness, someone send Jack a DVD now.
Since the monkey can be fiddled easy…can you not just pick one from the suggestions you’ve seen Jack?
I mean I promise I won’t start calling you Uncle Joe.
I leave you with this:
night :nippler:
I’m looking for a good Pandora station suggestion for the afternoon – anyone have a favorite band to suggest?
Thanks, ditto. Already like.
Dark Star: Haven’t seen it.
Popeye: Saw it in 1980 at the theater. My 12 year old self didn’t like it. I’d be interested to see if my opinion has changed in 30 years. LOL
The Wall: Listened to the album many times, never saw the movie.
Buckaroo Banzai: Saw it a couple times, but haven’t watched it in the last 10 years.
Darkstar is on Netflix. Not an instant watch, but it is available.
Oddly enough, the best Pandora station I ever created was done as a joke. I seeded it with Yoko Ono just to see what the hell it would give me. Apart from the Yoko Ono stuff that I simply tell it I don’t like, it actually comes up with some good stuff. Go figure.
I’ve seen The Wall, but I probably won’t participate in the mini-looza. I am super impacted by that movie, and cry every time I even think about it.
Haven’t seen either of the others.
There is a novelisation of Dark Star by Alan Dean Foster, stays faithful to the movie but it does explain what those moving lights on the wall actually are when Pinback goes to feed the Beachball.
Never saw the Wall.
Never saw Dark Star (I’m pretty sure)
I’ve seen Buckaroo Banzai – I’m pretty sure I own the DVD. I WILL HAVE YOUR OVERTHRUSTER! …Hem hem…
What about Battle Beyond the Stars?
It’s like a Schlock version of the 7 samurai… IN SPACE!
When I heard Dark Star it reminded me of the filmation cartoon series “Blackstar” that I loved as a kid. I pretty dug the filmation Batman and Tarzan series as well.
I’m not here. I did just have a thought though.
Wait a minute Jack. You can’t like Popeye. As I recall you have a strong phobia against musicals…
(hopefully I’m remembering correctly as you and not someone else 😉 )
CC: brown rice, salmon/cod on the grill, and a foil pack of baby zucchini and peas from the garden on the grill.
Uhm. Did I DARE see anyone dissing Cyndi Lauper?
I saw her in concert just a few years ago and AND she held my hand while singing Shine and I’ll have you know that up close she looks incredibly fabulous and wonderful.
So there.
I kinda totally should be sleeping right now.
I’m sure someone out there agrees.
That’s correct, I am allergic to musicals, but I still enjoy Popeye. Even the music. I yam what I yam.
Goodnight :spinach:
If you are in to ‘printyourownboardgames’ thang, then have a look at:
Helen Mirren with a submachine gun? This could work:
Morning Pan!
Are you a Pioneer?
I just don’t have a big enough dish to be a pioneer.
/obscure space probe reference.
Cj: I’m quite looking forward to her concert.
Morning, DP! TGIF.
JN, she’s amazing in concert. I look forward to seeing her again!
Good Morning, Pan!
His words not mine.
Also,well done Jack and Oden. Sorry for the late congrats, word doesnt travel so quick.
Has anyone read The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo?
Finally saw Dead Snow. Twice. Damn fine. Damn damn fine.
Charlotte Frogner is my new wannabe Norwegian girlfriend. Bad name, cute girl.
Havent read. If I could read I would, as it is Ill just have to see the film.
Oh well done
CP: Get It Like You Like It — Ben Harper
I’m thinking of getting the audiobooks. I might just have to check em out.
And you wild when you aint got nuttin on.
Plus you pay your taxes.
Audiobook!!!!! Lord I forgot those existed.
I’m a tramp for audiobooks.
Tramp!!!!!! Floozy!
Aside from the Harry Potter audiobooks, my favorites are a series of crime novels by James Lee Burke. The books are set in S. Louisiana, which is my favorite place aside from Colorado. The narrators (there are 2 – actor Will Patton does some of the books) do the cajun and creole and southern accents wonderfully.
But do him pay him taxes?
I just bought George Takei’s autobiography on tape, read by one George Takei, for $.50. Now I gotta find a tape player…
Oh, cool. When was it written? Before or after her came out?
1995 i think… so around the time? I cant member when he did
Well, let me borrow it, only if there’s gay stuff in it. I only like the gay stuff.
EssBee: Lady J has. She said the beginning was tough, but she wound up liking it quite a bit.
Youre gay….
Wait you have a tape player? Let me borrow that first
I might actually have a tape player, no kidding! I’ll look for ya, Mr.
Finished “Murder at Avendon Hill”. Overall, excellent. I am happy to report I figured out whodunnit roughly halfway through, but I didn’t have it all worked out. The ending confrontation was pretty great, I thought. The ending ending leads to another in the series, which would be good, methinks. However, I think thus far I would’ve preferred it if it retained the more local, folktale level. But it could wind up being excellent. I like his representation of magic in his world, and I get a kick that the god is called “Az”, a fun play on “alpha and omega”. One of the best on Podiobooks. It deserves the praise.
The film of that tattoo book is well worth checking out Essbee.
I passed the afternoon watching the new Woody Allen film (well new for the UK)
It was pleasant enough.
Van, they are talking about producing U.S. versions of the films now because the books are so popular. Entertainment Weekly suggests Brad Pitt as the lead. Sly B and I wondered this morning why they need to be remade and decided it was because subtitles are TOO HARD for us.
Forget moisturizer, give a woman a submachine gun to make her appear years younger.
I think Cyndi Lauper is quite the artist, probably more art in her work than a lot of other pop musicians.
Also Mmmm…. coffee.
Good Morning :pan: !
I am caught up on the conversation – and now I feel old
for I have 2 tape players, and a cassette deck in my car…
Thank god I got rid of all those 8-tracks…No telling what the time continuum would have tossed at me…
ZP casts a jaded eye over the latest POP game:
CP: Bette Davis Eyes — Kim Carnes
How did that get on my iPod??!
EssBee: Must be from the Golden Girls soundtrack.
Somewhere at my folks’ house is the only 8 track I ever purchased. AC/DC’s “For Those About to Rock”
Her hair is gray and old
Her lips chapped and dry
Her hands are always cold
She’s got Marty Feldman eyes
Her once good looks are gone
She’ll no longer entice
A big mole on her nose
She’s got Marty Feldman eyes
She’ll unease you
She has fleas too
And she has Hodgkin’s disease too
She’s atrocious
Sometimes she forgets to make the toilet bowl flush
She’s got Kirstie Alley big fat thighs
She’s got Marty Feldman eyes
She’s from a mental home
You know her mind’s not right
Her hair she doesn’t comb
She’s got Marty Feldman eyes
She’ll scream or mumble at you
Repeats everything twice
She’s got a few loose screws
She’s got Marty Feldman eyes
She’s an old shrew
And she’s been to
Other planets in a U.F.O. too
She’s atrocious
And she knows just what it takes to make you go nuts
All the boys think she’s a guy
She’s got Marty Feldman eyes
She’ll impede you
And deceive you
All the better just to leave you
She’s atrocious
When she scrubs her back she’ll use the toilet bowl brush
All the boys think she’s a guy
She’s got Marty Feldman eyes
Nowt wrong with Bette Davis Eyes, the acoustic version KC does is fantastic.
I don’t mind the song at all. In fact, I remember that I loved it quite a bit as a youngster when I heard it on the radio. But I didn’t put it on my iPod!
Rhettro, I might know her.
I quite like KC.
Blamamations. NSFW language
I am not a number, I’m a free man!
Thank you Coathalia and Cj.
Mmmm…Yeah, I still like the Bette Davis Eyes… Um-hmmm.
Oh and a US version of the Dragon Tattoo movie is a terrible idea, a trainwreck waiting to happen..
The original Swedish film version is excellent, although I’m told it deviates heavily from the book(s) – – also supposed to be excellent.
I believe the sequel film is already released too. Poor Stieg Larsson didn’t survive to see his novels made into movies.
I have an announcement. Mr. David Lo Pan can just zip his thoughts about this one.
Buffy ROCKS. I’m reading the latest issue of S8, and am all tingly.
That is all.
Does she sleep with another woman again?
Coffee or nap? That is the question.
No, Van, not so far.
It is 94 degrees outside.
Oh, wait… these little people are saying they want food.
Cheese sammiches for everyone!!!!
OK really, I don’t have that much energy. *giggle*
I will feed them though.
and as we know … there is separation until you get below 6 degrees.
Oh, I get it! Tingly, slept with a girl! Ha!
No, the tingle is from her sheer awesomeness.
I think I saw minutes of Buffy, shook my head, and turned off the boob-tube.
Cj, I want a cheese sandwich!
Can I unzip yet?
Might as well.
wait . . .
Let it breathe, EssBee
And there was much rejoicing!
The Hobbit? Oh I better re-zip my thoughts….
I was just joking about zipping it, Lo. You can tell me why you have bad taste if you want to.
Ed: That gets a big “Fuck Ya!!!!” from me. 🙂
No no EssBee, its ok. Its best that way. PLUS what I feel for Buffy in no way comes close to the spite and loathe I have for Tolkien materials.
Is Lo the token tolkien basher?
come on….
ba dum bum
Rum pum pum pum
Mmm, Rum.
Mmm, ditto
CP: Sloopy Seconds — George Clinton
EssBee, I believe you meant
“Bored now…”
There’s my Buffy backup.
Where you been, Mr. Boze?
I’m supposed to still be asleep, but I think I shall rise now.
I’ve gone nocturnal and it has been a rough transition.
I think the latest HD crash ate my latest Deadpan stuff, but I’ve been around online. Did a Quirky Quiz for the QN Podcast and last week did two Buffy commentaries at Sofadogs.
I’ll do linkage when I’m upstairs, copy paste is cumbersome on this phone.
Meanwhile, Darcy is in the homestretch with the costumes for “Stinky Cheese Man” so scheduling is rough and shall be for another couple weeks.
2010: Year of the Dead Hard Drive.
The Year We Lose Contact… With Our Data
I wonder if there is some HD bad luck virus spreading among the deadpan crowd.
The deadpan jinx.
No, I was speaking of Jack’s crash. I had voicemails in.
Oh. Yeah. Sorry. If you can give me approx dates, JB, I’ll go back and dig up those lost VMs in my email history.
My name is Windows Defender,
You killed my Hard Drive,
Prepare to … Wait a minute, I have to reboot…
Just had some pretty serious hail, golf ball or so…
Windows has detected that you have moved your mouse, and must reboot.
My neighbor must be a Deadpan lurker. He keeps yelling “come on” at his weed wacker.
It’s now 99 degrees, but cloudy. Come on gully washer!!
Huh, that’s a new one on me. I’ve heard of a “gully wumper”. I suppose it makes more sense, though.
I just recently heard the phrase “over the moon”, too. I don’t recall hearing that one before, but I’m told it’s common.
The Target in Longmont smells like a slaughterhouse/outhouse combo.
Its no Sarah Palin
Yah its fucking hot. Also, that Target is terrible somtimes.
Super Target. I beg your pardon, stinkfest.
Its no Ronald Reagan
No, but it’s fucking hot.
Tonight we plan to:
-eat tostadas
-watch the finale of S1 Alias. Sly B had never seen it, and wanted to try it out. She doesn’t love it.
Dont do it.
I love you Primus. I goddamn love you
Speaking of Primus, I think I need to read this, eventually:
Whenever I hear the name “Primus” I think of the band “Prong”
I wish I were a finger snapping fisherman.
Rhettro, I mean this with love:
That is the strangest two sentences I’ve ever read from you.
Oddly I understood it tho….
ditto, Jack. (no not him)
I can only think of 3 Prong songs, so I can’t really run with that meme.
This…..Is…. Sparticus!!!!
er… Mars Volta!
er… At the Drive In!!!
god please someone get the joke…
I don’t get it.
Jack knows two more Prong songs than I do.
EssBee, let me illuminate.
I know 2 full albums. Poor Prong dont get no respect.
Prove You Seas of Cheese
:neck crack:
Excellent song Rhett, but I prefer the You Suck live version only cause Im a completist snob.
I like Prong, I just can remember any song titles other than “Snap your fingers”
Rhett that Prong song (heh) has the worst drum beat ever.
I’ll have to check it out. 🙂
I have the sound of an engine revving in my mind.
CD: making the tumbleweeds a cup of tea.
Thank you, sir.
Morning,DP! Look out weeds, here comes EssBee.
Morning pan!!!!!!
it’s way way WAY too early here. But we needed to come to Hughs treatment early today for some routine stuff.
Hugh sez: I’m sleeping with my eyes open
We wanted to play by play this weeks ep. Might get interrupted but we are going to try to finish it today during his treatment.
let me go see if my itunes has been keeping up…
Ess Bee killer of weeds
uh-oh. My Deadpan feed has the dreaded exclamation point next to it.
How come Savage Love always happily downloads but not Deadpan? Yet Deadpan is the 1 I sorta try to listen to sometimes. I have…..101 unlistened to Savage Loves. Yikes. Sorry Dan Savage. We heart you.
Deadpan stopped downloading at 165.. wtf???
Time to beat itunes into submission
Hugh sez: hurt it, babe. Hurt it good.
I will!!!
the itunes store only has up to 168.. didn’t something like this happen to me last time?
Hugh sez: I remember it had 2 different names or something and the deadpans were in different feeds or some shit like that.
hmmmm.. I do recall this slightly
I am going to investigate this 1 more time then prob try and just listen off the site
I only have 1 feed. whats going on here???
Where are Deadpans 169 and 170??
Do others have this problem??
fyi… if there are long pauses please excuse us. As I said we are at treatment so there are docs and nurses coming and going.
like right now 🙂
not that anyone is reading this 🙂
in other news.. Hugh and I were just checking out the cover for the next Dresden book.. OMG!!!! I can’t wait for that to come out.
I am missing a whole bunch of Deadpans somehow.. my feed is a mess.
Jack- complie all 170 episodes and send them to me 🙂
you know, in your spare time
ok. Just a bit more here. Hughs flirting with his favorite nurse. She is really cute. She loves Hugh.
downloading 170 off the site while Hugh finishes his stuff
well be back in a few to play by play
well = we’ll
I abhor punctuation
Ok. Going to go as far as we can for a bit here..
Welcome 1 and all to A Deadpan Play by Play™
with your hosts: Hugh and Andrea
Featuring Deadpan 170: Yes
farrrr point media
Toto we’re home!!!
Hugh sez: is she is chicago???
She must be!
Jack sez: Hey and welcome!
Hey and welcome to you too Jackamo
Hugh sez: Welcome and hey, Jack
we are sync’d with Wizard of Oz
LOL. the midget hangin on the tree
Hugh sez: That poor bird midget hung himself?
Richard hung himself*
Hugh sez: just the other day*
* obscure punk rock reference: Richard Hung Himself by DI. Featured in the classic film: Suburbia
*jazz music*
loved by gays and straights
Jackson and Ross TOTALLY need to do an urban Deadpan remake
Hugh sez; Gonna be kinda hard for that now isn’t it?
oh yeah.. heh. Sorry Michael. RIP
flying monkeys flinging poo!!!!
Why so bashful Jack? You ARE a big godlike being
Hugh sez: you are in our eyes you ig god hunk *bats eyelashes*
which 1 ones a helium baloon??
what? is this guy crazy or something?
Billy Barbarian?
Celine Dijon?
Ronald Stump?
ESS BEE!!!!!
Hugh sez: Wait, whats always close to her mouth??
Deadpan, Hugh. Focus you dirty boy
Hugh sez: ok. Ok. Focus. No dirty thoughts. foooocuuuussssssss.
CJ!!!!! 2010 Phoenix Comic Con
Hugh sez: 2 for 1
sticker on foot
went to remove
hit a bush
soda pop bottle
camping joshua tree
needed bathroom
escorted to outhouse
hit behind a tree
LOL.. yes that is why gays love Wizard of Oz
boyishly attractive girl in love with shoes.. LOL
wicked witch = aliens from signs
LOL. ewwwwwwwwwwww
Hugh sez: why you hatin on Wizard of Oz, man?
what Hugh, are you in love with Wizard of Oz???
Hugh sez: No, just wondering 🙂
Oz would of NEVAR medaled
observation: Tin man is a steampunk iron man who sings and cries
got interrupted here. Be back in a little while
OK, I have the movie Unforgiven in my Netflix cue. Why I have a western in there, I’ll never know. I don’t like westerns. Did anyone here recommend it for some odd reason? There must have been a cause for the effect of my clicking on it. Who’s responsible. I’m taking names and, if necessary, kicking asses.
It is highly recommended by me, Mr. Hair, though I’m not sure if I was the original advocate…
The Smarty Hotties® did not recommend Unforgiven
little known fact
Scarecrow left oz and got tangled up with a scottish pagan cult 🙂
Wicked witch of the east was house hunting
how disgusting would that scene of been if directed by clive barker
Hugh sez: I am sending Clive Barker an email right now begging him to remake Wizard of Oz
🙂 that would be high-larious!!
1 final question
is this movie REALLY just about 2 women fighting over shoes
Hugh sez: Women and their shoes.. don’t even get me started. My wife came to San Francisco with 4 or 5 pair of shoes. Somehow now we have.. I don’t know.. 600 pairs??
I DO NOT have 600 pairs of shoes!! Oh but that would be nice.. sigh…. daydreams..
600 shoooeeessss…. swoooooooonnnn
Hugh sez: control yourself woman!!
Dre’s dumb ass memory… the first time I saw someone type brb I thought it was a burp 🙂
Hugh sez: LOL. You’ve been around me too long
Hotties – nice one!
Gays, Oz = Judy Garland. Also, going from a black & white world to one that’s FABULOUS where nobody looks at you twice for being a fairy, MUNCHkin, or a member of the lollipop guild. I mean, COME ON!!
EssBee, you are so so so SO right on with that.
Wizard of Oz is officially gay 🙂
The Smarty Hotties® state it as fact
so it is said, so it is
Mangan.. you really got your shit together
I love this duet, Ed and Alvie, right?
LOL.. oh those were funny
what is this little Deadpan mash up? I love it!!!!
Jack did you do this
Hugh sez: we have show notes by bunny.. chieck it
I shall! Thank you again bunny!!
this part of the show is just listed as anthems.
Jack, did you make that little intro mash up for the anthems
OOOO!! Wait, Hugh.. is 1 of these going to be a chicago anthem????
Hugh sez: Play it play it!!!!!!!!
sorry we are a little excited here. The glory of the stanley cup is already wearing off though. We traded 4 guys off our team.
Although- EssBee you will appreciate this. Apparently the stanley cup is in Chicagos pride parade tomorrow. How fucking awesome is that? The NBA trophy never attended the pride parade.
Amy Bowen!!!!!
Deadpan ambassador
sing it girl!!!
Hugh sez: w00t!!!!
we’re rockin out here 🙂
I wish Amy did a Chicago one. I want to hear her doing Chelseas Dagger
Good job Amy!!!
Hugh sez: good job!!!
LOL.. this is awesome. wait who is this???
You go bunny!!!!!
that was so fucking cool
wasn’t that mini john boze?
Evo Terra!!!! swooooooonnnnn
he’s going to tell us about Friday
whats with the kids in the background of his call there?
Hugh sez: Jack, man. you are making me look bad. I gave the worst marriage proposal ever in the history of the world. I am shocked she said yes to me.
It was who you were then, baby. I don’t care about the proposal. The last 15+ years have been wonderful.
Hugh sez: awww shucks girly *blush*
Evo is so not into doing cool things
Jack: Oh I’m gonna be doing the cool thing at EVFN
LOL “cool thing”??? Marriage proposal = cool thing? LOL
awwwwww….. so cute!!!!! I wish i could of been there
Oh Evo.. Evo, Evo, Evo. And you call yourself a professional
professional douche bag!!!
Actually I can see that. I bet it was an exciting moment and I can see where the slip up happened.
Hugh sez: NO excuse
LOL. Hugh is such a task master 🙂
OMG that is so so cute
Hugh sez: Congrats, man. I’m a fan of marriage
[pricess bride] marriage is what brings us together today [/princess bride]
Oden is all giggling 🙂 awwww
Hugh sez: Dre is awww-ing all over the fucking place now. She’s going to be all swoony romantic the rest of the damn day now
oh.. yeah. Sucks to be you Hugh eh?
Hugh sez: sucks to be me 🙂
Lets hear Jack and Odens take on it
he was all nervous about where they were going to be friday night
Hugh sez: Yeah, yeah.. only a good guy would actually think about the place he proposes 🙁
Oh Hugh you stop! Your proposal was perfect. So yeah it wasn’t the most well thought out romantic thing you’ve ever done but so what. The proposal doesn’t mean the marriage will go a certain way.
Marriage does take work, and what you didn’t put into the proposal you put into the marriage and here we are now, right?
Hugh sez: 🙂 right. I just feel like an ass. Your over here swooning and awwing over this and my proposal fucking sucked
I am officially ignoring anymore talk about your proposal if its going to be negative
Very classy and nice
1st ever recorded for podcast proposal
you jerk!!! LOL
my new friend here.. LOL
I don’t think she is your NEW friend Jack
Hugh sez: Heh
heh heh
Jack: Oden will you marry me
Oden: yes
whats with the pause???? 😉 LOL
Hugh sez: She decided to think about it a little the 2nd time around
Ah nothing like some good eye rolling during a marriage proposal
Hugh sez: welcome to the rest of your life Jack!
Hugh sez: I get eye rolled at 50 times a week!
Another bit of audio
crappy sound quality
Sheila- Mrs Evo
Mr “secret keeper” Mangan
Jack and Yoko.. LOL
j0e that was high-larious
I love it!!!
Hugh sez: that was so funny
Don’t have enough teet
Hugh sez: I need more teet
you do!
why sure!
climb into my spoon!!
Nomad Scry likes rhetro circle
JR Murdock wants disneys fist of north star
lo pan doesnt need viagra
Essbee is lol-ing
switches from bw to color
not nobody! NOt no how!!
Van how is the pudding?
reaper is bake sale-ing
Van cozies up to True Blood watchers
CJ is very relaxed right now
1st of the week
lions and tigers and Deadpans
lyrics professor
what are they talking about in this song?????
Hugh sez: yeah, what the hell is he talking about??
Its just rhyming with no sense
wait- who is doing this?
*checks show notes*
Ok, who is the lyric professor?
Lyric professor sez: nothing too difficult thus far
so far we have:
younger person
something that is 1 of a kind
his 1 of a kind has nothing on
didn’t come in a box (thats deep)
didnt have to pay taxes
he brought the object to life from plastic
he’s singing to his 2nd hand wonder woman doll
Hugh sez: that was high-larious
not nobody
not no how
really “hot” on the mic
much quieter
thanks for contributing
Deadpan is not a couples cast
heh heh
Jack would love “stuff” from us
heh heh hehe
Hugh sez: what kinda stuff, Jack? heh hehheheheheheh
send some shit in
you know the ways
still owe a song- get it to him
60 lines.. oooo.. that me
I will call mine in this weekend at some point Jackamo
pink floyd the wall thoughts
contribute, yo
no more outrobabble
he don’t use community lightly, yo
you fuck with Jack, you fuck with all of us
Hugh sez: You fuck with Jack, you gotta deal with me, yo
Jack is a confused duck
Hugh sez: Is Jack trying to tell us he is gay? Man, Oden has GOT to be worried right now
Jack has stopped writing all together
I am insterested
that outrobabble is criminally long
goodnight green room
alright Hughie.. is Jack coming back after the music?
Hugh sez: Yes
the bet is on
woooohhh! Sing it Jack!! I felt that between my legs
Hugh sez: hey now. Jack you stay out of Dre’s legs
Hugh sez: [confession] I felt it between my legs too.. and I liked it.. heh swoon [/confession]
Jack- you stay away from whats between Hughs legs too! That is MINE!!! MINE I tell you MINE!!!!
Hugh sez: possessive much, babe?
muchly 🙂
I like the way Jack sings this.. it is quite sexy
Hugh sez: I am so turned on
Dre and Hugh approve
ok here we come to the end….
Dre wins!!!!!!! He didn’t come back after the music!!!!
Hugh sez: Yeah I love it when you win
AWWWWWW!!!!! Since I put the mp3 of this ep in my itunes it went into my music library not my podcast library and so then it shuffled in my itunes library to Naked Raygun Holding You
awwww.. so appropriate
Hugh sez: that was awesome. Best fucking punk rock love song. evar.
ever ever ever
Hugh might not of proposed to me very smoothly but he always made me tapes of his punk rock love songs.
ok Deadpan
I am getting all swoony after Jack and Oden and now my Naked Raygun love song
its too much for me.
“all that I want won’t be all that I need, without me holding you”
Hugh sez; oh Jesus she’s going to be out of control today
alrighty panites
we’ve got another hour of treatment. I’m going to spend it gazing lovingly at my man
Hugh sez: Worship me woman!!
🙂 lol.. nice. hugh knows how to ruin the moment
you all take care
regular Deadpan can resume
play by play is over
I couldn’t find a video of Holding You but here is another glorious Naked Raygun song
Naked Raygun are the fucking shit, yo
watch it. worship it. Love it.
omg I was so in love with that guitarist at the time.
I was young, forgive me
I refuse to morn for the Pan because it’s dead! That’s why I’m here in the afternoon 😉
Hey Deadpan, anyone here watch any Party Down, either on Starz, DVD or Netflix stream?
Excellent show, especially if you liked Veronica Mars, it was created by Rob Thomas, and he got some of his writers, producers, and actors to work on it.
And the main character Henry, played by Adam Scott, is so very wonderfully deadpan in his performance.
Check it out!
Watching a movie called PontyPool
Actually quite enjoying it. Only saw half of it. Hubby made me stop watching. He’s off on a play date and wanted to see the rest of too.
Good morning – because I’m still in pajamas.. we ALL are!
I’ll get dressed before I go out concerting tonight.. Is that what it’s called when you go to a concert? Concerting?
Anyway… we are watching Honey I Blew up the Kid.
I love Rick Moranis and the kiddos thing it’s really funny.
Later today, I’m scheduled to fight undead drow.
If you don’t go to a concert, is it disconcerting?
Maybe that’s only if you didn’t like the concert…
I’m working the sewing today for Darcy for “Stinky Cheese Man.”
I went to a trial Tai Chi class. The guy I’m considering teaches Tai Chi, “formless boxing”, and Bagua. The first two he seems to try to blend together. He has also created his own Tai Chi form, and teaches that instead of the traditional Yang style. It’s awful. It is as Tai Chi as Pantera is elevator music. It violates all of the bsiac principles. But, I try to be a good sport, and I was there as a guest, so I just followed the class like a regular student. Towards the end, the instructor (Sifu, in Chinese [sort of]) and I actually began a bit of a playful tussle. Twice. The first time, Sifu got a couple hits in to match mine. Then I dropped him and (fake) ground-and-pounded him, ending with my knee on his head, considering an armbar. But we ended. Round two? I saw every move Sifu was going to make, grabbed his legs, and dropped him like a sack of rice at about the three-second mark.
I’ll still watch his Bagua class, since the style fascinates me. Otherwise, at least he’s a nice guy.
After that, I mowed the front lawn, I’m going to start working out, and then I’ll see what I can do from there. Tomorrow is a party at a lakehouse. Looks like it’ll be a touch chilly to swim in a lake, but it’ll be fun.
Happy weekend, Deadpan.
We retrieved my daughter from camp this morning and spent the early afternoon watching Toy Story 3. No doubt, it was excellent. If you do not tear up just a little during this movie, you officially have no soul.
CW: The Doctor Who season finale.
CP: Beatles Rock Band. OMG, I kill at drums.
Also, Stanley Cup in Chicago Pride = approved!
Schrödinger’s Fortune Cookie?
Meh… Doesn’t work
Or does it?
You’ll have to brave the collapsing wave function and ask the cat.
Just don’t look at it.
JB: Good to know someone here likes it. The actual culprit may have been the guy who sits next to me at work. I seem to remember him rambling on about how some western needed to be watched and what a great cast it had. I’ll wind up giving it a try, but it’s still pretty low on the old Cue.
Has someone already shared this?
Unforgiven is brilliant, in spite of it being a Western.
I guess none of us went to the FPM Pool Party. After enduring another long round of games, I had another small reunion today, and so, after many long hours in the car, spent the evening at home with the kiddos.
Poor kitten!
Goodnight, :Clint:
Hi. I missed y’all. We found out we’re having a girl. Heeee! Sorry.
Congratulations to NS and his SO.
Well done, NS! Been wondering where you’e been!
Great news, Jack.
Indeed, always nice to wake up to another Deadpan morning with good news shared from friends.
I have sadly moved away from listening to FPM shows – I think I have 2 in my subscription list now…
Locus award winners announced:
I’m impatiently waiting for ‘The Windup Girl’ to come out in paperback.
Congratulations NS!
I still have 8 FPM shows in my list…
Angel Between the Lines (which they swear is only in long hiatus and not podfaded)
Backseat Producers
Cover to Cover
Jack Mangan’s Deadpan (interestingly, I believe I helped write thse description blurb on the Farpoint site, is that taken from the Facebook description? I just remember coming up with some of that copy)
Kick Ass Mystic Ninjas
Slice of Sci Fi
Strangely Literal
Upside Down and Halfway to Happyland
Congratulations NS! Woot!
I think Love Long and Prosper has been removed from the FPM page, but we were an FPM show.
Oh, and speaking of LLAP – we recorded a new show last night after a much unwanted hiatus so those of you who listen should be seeing it in the feed in the next day or so. Yay! 🙂
Hey Pan.
Catching up. Locus awards: Boneshaker was good. Hubby says he’s enjoying The Windup Girl
Congrats on the girl NS. Are you thinking of names yet?
Poor kitten
As far as banning oral sex. I wonder how many of those people will be breaking the law the minute it would be brought into effect? I find it hard to believe none of them do it.
I think I only listen to 2 FPM shows. Jack Mangan and LLAP
As far as FPM shows are concerned:
Slice of Scifi
The Dragon Page
JMDP of course
I Should be Writing
Van, what happened to England? 4-1 against is not a very good showing.
If that one goal was allowed and, at the time, tied the game, do you think that would have changed the momentum?
NS – congratulations
RE: Texas GOP
Is it time to start a pool? We should place bets on how many months it will be before a Texas GOP leader is found having oral sex and or sodomy, with a person of the same sex, IN a strip club.
That article has to be a joke. There just simply can’t be anybody in charge of a statewide political party who is that out of whack as to want to publicly attack oral sex. If they do, then the “sanctity of marriage” brigade ought to come after them because THAT is a direct assault on “traditional marriage” and the inferred rights therein!
(For that mater this could include sodomy as well. Those who seek control, like to pretend that sodomy is the sole playground for homosexuals. I could send them a list of podcasts that would be willing to offer evidence to the contrary.)
Thanks, all. We’ve just about locked in her name, although her Internet ID is still in question. I like Fray but not for any good reason.
I think the only FPM that I listen to on a regular basis is KAMN & JM’s Deadpan. I’ll pick up an episode here and there of some of the rest. I just don’t have time for everything…
Well, I suppose I could give up on my race through Buffy & Angel. Nah.
I do miss Wingin’ It though. I only came on with the third iteration, but that’s what eventually led me here.
I was told, as a teenager, that sodomy was any kind of not natural sex. I presume that meant anything that wasn’t missionary.
Then again, I was told that dinosaurs were evil genetic manipulations created by brilliant antediluvian scientists and that they went extinct in the great flood that god sent.
I am not THAT old. Carbon dating was common practice by the time I was told this.
I love how the GOP can so quickly reduce me to a stuttering rage.
“stuttering rage” – the other other OTHER name of our band.
Oh, I do still have WI3D listed in my iTunes…
Well time to head to slumberland, so Happy Birthday Essbee…I won’t ask your age.
Hey :pan: community. I’m looking for some advice with microphones. I have to record interviews with experts as part of my job. I’ve borrowed digital recorders and have been very disappointed. I have borrowed a standard Logitech USB desktop microphone and been generally pleased with the results, but can only hear the expert and often don’t hear my own questions quite so well (I’m trying not to remind the experts that I’m recording them, so I can’t swing the microphone back and forth. It needs to stay inconspicuous). I’m looking to invest in a microphone so I don’t have to keep borrowing. I always have my laptop on and open during interviews, so using a digital recorder simply adds the step of removing the recordings. I was thinking about trying an omni-directional mic, but they sometimes have problems picking up as much sound as uni-directional microphones. Does anyone have a suggestion for an inexpensive, travel friendly microphone to record interviews?
Check with Blue. I have a Snowball that does omni and I know they have the Snowflake for more portable purposes. I do not know the pickup patterns available in the Snowflake though.
The Snowball is supposed to be a good choice, though I’ve only used the Snowflake. I’d recommend looking into one of the Zoom H2/H4 series. I believe they just came out with a new entry level model. Offhand I can’t remember the name, pricing, or release date, but… never-the-mind.
If all else fails, try to find an old iRiver mp3 player. They made some really excellent in-a-pinch voice recorders.
Yay, another TSH Play-by-Play! I have a few replies to parts of it.
Hugh sez: Wait, whats always close to her mouth??
That was a reference to the segment of Deadpan #169 that was recorded live at the Deadpan MMMMMeetup II this past March. (Starts at 5:09 into that episode.) I was reading story narration from “The Questors from Effpiem” and stopped to ask Danthol if the microphone was close enough to my mouth. I cracked up laughing when I heard EssBee’s reference to it in #170 and realized that I’d started a meme. :biggrin:
what is this little Deadpan mash up? I love it!!!!
Jack did you do this
Yeah, he did. It’s made of bits and pieces of the various clips people have turned in to the Deadpan of themselves singing – mostly anthems owed on hockey bets (which is what the mashup is now an intro for), but some other stuff, too.
Good job Amy!!!
Hugh sez: good job!!!
Thank you! 🙂
I wish Amy did a Chicago one.
I did, it just hasn’t been put into the show yet. Stay tuned.
Ok, who is the lyric professor?
Even though he doesn’t say so, I know it’s J.R. Murdock because I recognize the URL he gives at the end as his.
Speaking of whom: I’m going to the Sigler Stank IV tour stop in San Diego tomorrow night, and J.R. will probably be there, too! I’m so excited! :happy:
NS: Congrats!
Congrats indeed, Nomad Scry!
Whatever lunatic inspired that BoingBoing article is only trying to remind you that every sperm is sacred.
Every sperm is great.
And btw fyi, I still need to get my single parent Social Media/e-communication rhythm down. Lots of other people do this successfully – – without sacrificing quality kid time. I’ll get there.
Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
Love doesn’t strut, doesn’t have a swelled head, doesn’t force itself on others, isn’t always “me first,” doesn’t fly off the handle, doesn’t keep score of the sins of others, doesn’t revel with others grovel…
Just sayin’
I love all of you. :happy:
with = when
Oooh oooh!! Happy Birthday to EssBee!
HB, EssBee!
Happy Birthday, EssBee!
Hmm, there appear to be conspiracy theories about that Boo, the little girl in Monsters, Inc. makes a cameo appearance in Toy Story Three. Having seen the pictures, I want to believe 🙂
Nomad Scry: How about Nomaiden Scry?
EssBee: Happy Birthday
I need a weekend for my weekend.
Apparently I’m pretty durned good at bocce.
And lately I’ve felt like a thread-killer.
Giant birthday hugs to EssBee! *HUG*
Here’s a puzzler, If my hubby is suppose to be on holidays for the next six weeks why is he going into work for two days next week and figures he will also have to go in the following week as well. How is that holidays?
I’m being mean. Even though today is hubby’s hubby’s first official day of holidays, I’m putting him to work. Later we’re going to get a number of bookcases (4) and we’re going to redo the office. I decided I need more space.
I’m making him do it now for two reasons.
1) Month end is coming up soon so I won’t have a lot of time later in the week
2) in-laws are coming in next week so I want it done before then
I promised he could have relaxing time after the room is done 🙂
Happy Essbee Birthday!
Hubby and I just booked a romantic weekend getaway in the mountains for our anniversary next month. Apparently the suite has a full kitchen so hubby made the comment on how we can make our own dinners while we are there. Since hubby doesn’t cook, I let him know what I thought about the idea of cooking on our anniversary.
We’ll be eating out. 😉
Now that I think about it, it’s more likely we’ll be ordering room service.
Thanks, everybody!
For my 39th birthday, I’m quitting smoking. I’m already freaking out with THAT feeling that anyone who’s quit knows.
I got a happy bday email from my brother this morning. I haven’t heard from him for 2 years, and his email has left me profoundly sad. You know what would go great right about now?
Go ahead, Bunny!
“You know what would go great right about now?”
Chocolate and alcohol?
Not having to go into work?
A bajillion dollars?
If someone gave you a really cheap box of chocolates for your birthday, would they get nothing but Snickers in return?
Happy birthday EssBee!!!
And congratz Nomad.
I need a t-shirt that says I survived the Farpoint Pool Party 2010. LOL
Rhettro, will there be another recording featuring your wife’s . . . um . . . ASSESSMENT of some of your qualities? Because I’d check that out.
TEB – The romantic weekend getaway sounds great! What time should we get there?
Happy Birthday EssBee!
Funny J0e.
This is where we’re going for a couple of days next month.
Luckily, we’re only an hour to an hour and a half away from some beautiful mountain resorts.
still reading comments
congrats NS!
Not this time EssBee. Thank God. LOL
Lines recorded for Jack.
Now to have them cleaned, pressed and packed up for shipping.
I’d like to take this brief moment to share the fact that I have a positively sucky headache borderlining on migraine right now and have about 20 minutes to get the kids ready for swim lessons where I sit outside for 30 minutes in the heat and will most likely grumble to myself about how much my stinking head hurts.
ow ow ow!
Good Monday Pan!
Happy Birthday EssBee!
CJ’s head – Come ON!
Happy Birthday Candle Day, EssBee.
Fighting the forces of evil in a bozo nightmare can be exhausting. Tweet.
living as a dyslexic helps correct the errors also:
Matt Smith (the new Doctor) joins Orbital in stage for the last performance at Glastonbury:
-in +on
So EssBee and Felicia Day were born on the same day. Interesting.
Cool. Passed on to my Who/techno fan contacts.
And Mel Brooks.
(Mel Brooks shares a birthday with EssBee and Felicia Day. . . I didn’t forward him the Matt Smith/Orbital link).
And John Cuzak
I think I’m older than Felicia Day, but younger than JC and MB.
Freebies at the app store for a day:
Anybody who remembers the Moon Patrol arcade game will be having déjà vu when playing Action Buggy…
*shakes his tiny fist at Van and his free apps*
Having successfully avoided wasting my life with video games, one of your free app suggestions has finally latched itself onto my frontal lobe.
“Reign of Swords”
I lose much time and sleep playing this.
Funny, Joan Cusack has the same birthday as me. LOL
JOe, she was totally hitting on me.
Rhett, my brother has the same birthday as you too. 10/11?
That’s also National Coming Out Day.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Joan was hitting on you? That is sooo cool..
I just spotted this at . . . :
Open Questions in Cooking & Recipes
* Making White Chicken Chili…?
* How would you fill a banana peel with feces?
* Is guacamole A healthy snack?
* What’s the best way to cook green beans (to serve 4 people) in 20 minutes?
Plonk, plonk goes the sound of IQs hitting the bottom of the barrel.
I know I know. This is a little brainier:
I only know about the guacamole. Yes, it’s exceedingly healthy, just take into account its very high calorie rates, due to the heavy amounts of (healthy) fats.
I think I’ve had a white chili before, but it obviously didn’t impress me.
That’s pretty funny EssBee.
I have joy to spare – so with you all I share it!!!!
I have been playing with the silly putty too long now. My hands are hurting.
Watched Popeye tonight with the kids. OK, so it has some flaws…. still some great moments to be found throughout, if you’re patient.
Goodnight :spinachk:
So, why don’t we get cool stuff like this down here?
Despite having a neighbor complain that it wiped “everything” on his phone, I just updated my iPhone 3G with the newest software. I waited a few days to see if there was any chatter about it, but no one was speaking up. It seems that “everything” boils down to all of your audio and video files, some of your pictures (size listed on iTunes decreased, but I don’t see anything specific lost yet). So far as I can tell my contacts and apps and most of my photos are still in place. Seeing as I don’t listen to music on my iPhone anyway, the inconvenience of having to manually put some back on there, for those odd moments that I don’t have my iPod, is fairly inconsequential; and iTunes did warn me that it was going to clear off information from my iPhone. I just wish that A) iTunes was clearer on what, exactly, was going to be wiped and B) that syncing the iPhone with iTunes performed the function it was supposed to perform and avoided the need to wipe anything. Looks more and more like I’ll be shifting to the Droid when my AT&T contract runs out in January.
UH, I did the 4.0 update on my 3GS, as far as I can tell nothing got deleted from my phone during the update.
The DP website doesn’t seem to crash mobile Safari anymore after the update.
I too update to 4.0 but that was on my iTouch. No negative impact discovered so far.
Good morning, DP!
Here’s a family question, DP:
I mentioned yesterday that I heard from my . . . estranged? . . . brother yesterday. I have very bad/angry feelings toward him. To boil it down, I can’t abide his treatment of our parents (he basically has cut them off, and refused to let them see their grandkids – my parents are good people).
My question: do I respond to his “Happy Birthday! love u sis” email? Or do I file it?
We have a friend with a 3G who says many apps are now unstable under iOS 4.
I say respond with a simple thank you, about the same as you would for a casual acquaintance. It’s the civil answer and doesn’t absolve him of anything.
Essbee – life’s is to short to be carrying the burden of HIS ill-behavior on YOUR shoulders. Tell him thanks. Wish him well. Then try not to even think about him again until his next contact with you.
I’ve had to learn this with one of my own relations. Her life is a mess and she passive-aggressively makes her problems everyone else’s. Except one day, when I had spent 2 hours carefully composing a long e-mail to her in which I was trying to point out the errors of her ways … I realized she had just stolen 2 hours of my life.
Then I realize she hadn’t taken it from me … she had coerced me into voluntarily giving those 2 hours away. Worse, it was an issue that in no way effected my day to day life and I wouldn’t even have known about it if I hadn’t opened her e-mail.
Don’t let your brother’s dark cloud into your space for another minute. You can’t fix him and you can’t solve this for your parents.
Just continue to be your cheerful, healthy self. Say thanks and rest assured that being cordial isn’t condoning his douche-baggery.
I agree with J0e.
I don’t think that’s just limited to the 3G JB, some apps are more stable others not under 4.O on my GS.
Even apps that claim 4.0 don’t support task switching (I’m looking at you Canabalt).
What JJ said.
Thanks, guys! I just emailed him with a “Miss you too, bro.”
Now concentrate on boobies.
See, isn’t that better!
Much better!
Thanks for answering my questions Amy 🙂 I appreciate you taking the time. Can’t wait to hear your Chicago tune!!
EssBee belated happy birthday
nomad congrats
sorry if I missed anything else important.. so congrats and good luck to everyone for whatever good is going on in your lives and condolences and sympathies for anything bad.
hope you are all good
be good to each other out there
EssBee- definitely say thank you to your brother and just keep your distance. No reason to stoop to his level and it was a nice gesture for him to contact you
that is all 🙂
ok no 1 more thing.
I saw so many boobies (and other parts) sunday out basking in the sun.. you would of been so happy EssBee 🙂
I suspect I shouldn’t have been thinking of these:
Oh I don’t know Van. If they make you happy …
Yah Boobies!
EssBee: If your brother knows how you feel, then I agree a simple acknowlegment of his email is fine. But if you have unresolved feelings with him then it may be best to air them. I wouldn’t start the conversation attacking his actions, but let him know how what he has done has made you feel and how you wish things were different. Regardless of how he reacts to that, it would put the ball firmly in his court, and I suspect it would take a great weight off your shoulders. Just my two cents. 🙂
That was pretty mature of you, EssBee. I’d have probably ignored him.
Yah Boobies!!
Thanks, guys. Really, it’s so cool to have brothers and sisters here.
Does the USA have the equivalent of trainspotters?
It’s a bit of a mouthful Wolf.
BFPs all around!
Yeah, we have lots of trainspotters in the US, Van, although we mostly call them “middle-aged white men”.
Or, if you’re referring to heroin addicts, the yeah, we have those here too.
Choose Life
In other news, Airplane! is 30.
Self folding Origami:
Is that the sound of most DPers feeling rather old?
Big Fat… Pen?
Best Friends Perennially?
Belatedly Fondled Perineum?
I’ve recorded my lines. Finally. Amazing how hard it was to find quiet time now that it is hot and boy is home from school. I’ll try to get them in the air tomorrow.
EssBee: I’m clearly far too late, but I agree with the consensus. When it comes to my family, I’ll smile and nod, but know things will probably never change. Makes life vaguely more easy.
I took my 3G to iOS4 and I told my wife not to do it. It adds a few nice features, but at the cost of everything running slower and my battery drains faster too. In other words, it acts like a typical new OS running on old hardware.
i.e. I should have known better.
Oh, and I can highly recommend to all dropping Facebook. Smartest thing I’ve done in a while.
Thanks, JN.
I am offended for Charlaine Harris by the review of True Blood in Rolling Stone: “. . . perfected the mix of ‘Twilight’ and Skinemax.”
Dear RS: Sookie was a series of books before the raging Mormon drama queen started writing those insipid Edward novels.
That is all.
Dropping FaceBook down a well?
I really can’t do better than “Belatedly Fondled Perineum”, so I’ll offer a humble:
Bubbling Fungi Pizza?
Bleating Foal Princess?
Bungled Free Point?
Boob Face Plant? (oh wiat…)
Bladderwort Fairies Polyamorous
a-i switch.
Lemme try this again:
Bladderwort Fairies Polyamarous.
Let’s see if this gets eaten again.
Bamboozled Furriers Protesting
Wait — “a-i switch”? Jack’s become a REPLICANT!
Well, that would explain the electric sheep then.
Do Victorian Androids Dream of Steampunk Sheep?
Speaking of steampunk, we’re watching The City of Lost Children. I recommend it, for those that enjoy odd French films.
Delicatessen by the same guys is also worth checking out.
Anybody seen MicMacs yet? (from the same director) I think that’s just hitting the US indie theaters now.
Do androids get steel wool from electric sheep?
Raises Hand
Was a fun film, although I felt a but let down that the actress playing the cortonionist had her face CGI over the body of a Young Russian sexworker.
-u +i
Wu-Tang movie aint nothin ta fuck wit
What a Mic-Mac? Tic-Tac McDonaldsafied?
I haz happiness in November!
Oooh, Rhettro, good one!
Thx Van! (who is currently asleep, I think)
That Wu-Tang movie is about 15 years overdue.
Against your recommendation, Ed, I’m downloading the audiobook of Wizards First Rule. I think the only way I’m going to get through it is by listening to it!
The Smarty Hotties® said:
Thanks for answering my questions Amy 🙂 I appreciate you taking the time. Can’t wait to hear your Chicago tune!!
You’re very welcome! :happy:
–drive by–
Just stopping in to say hey.
Been sick the last couple.
back later
–/drive by–
I wonder if you can make :mush: from tumbleweeds. . .
They did a study to see if they could identify, by their gait, which women had vaginal orgasm. As opposed to any other sort of orgasm.
Honestly, the study is less interesting than the oddly stilted language used.
I assume there was a lot of giggling during the writing of that paper.
Wonder Woman is 69 this year?
Goodnight, :invisiblejet:
Lejon – You need to hire a thug to deal with Sick so you don’t have to.
Jack – Tx for the reminder. I hadn’t put WW on my pull list yet.
JMS will be doing a run on WW and I figured that I’d like to see what the creator of Midnight Nation would do with her.
I can’t sleep.
What up with that?
Hitchhikers Guide to the Daleks:
Get all the X-Com games cheap on Steam:
@Cj – COME ONnnnnnnN!!
@Cj – COME ONnnnnnnN!!
Oh. Drat. I forgot what I was going to say.
EssBee – How goes the defumigation?
As to the article about the association between gait and vaginal orgasms:
Studies like this piss me off because they don’t follow the scientific method. First, it’s a correlation study. Correlation does not equal causation. They are looking to show that vaginal orgasms cause a difference in muscle tension/blockage. Rather than measure muscle tension before and after orgasms, or attempting any kind of control groups, they simply run a correlation which could also mean that gait could affect the ability to have vaginal orgasms or that some other factor is affecting them both. Second, the idea behind a well planned experiment is to DISPROVE your hypothesis. Good science sets up experiments where you set your hypothesis up to fail. If your hypothesis stands up to the test, you are good. This experiment deliberately set themselves up to demonstrate the validity of their hypothesis. Shame on them.
I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s episode of Usedhair’s experimental science lesson of the day. Thanks for tuning in kids. Tomorrow we’ll tackle Confusing P(H|E) with P(E|H).
usedhair I am always looking forward to tomorrow.
Do do de doo it!
I kind of thought that the point of the study was to get money from the government, i.e. taxpayers, i.e. you, to watch women walk and make guesses about the kinds of orgasms they have/have had.
Which kind of sounds like what most free-standing groups of males do, of their own volition. For free.
I finished s5 of BtVS.
I think this was my favorite season so far. Despite finding Glory to be trite and annoying at every single step of the way. The show already had Harmony. It didn’t need a new Harmony with bigger powers.
[cough cough]
Sorry, just felt inspired.
I think I would like to see Jack read that on pod….
re: SCIENCE ! –
Thirdly – they would need to insure that the women in the study actually did in fact have vaginal orgasm. This would require multiple experimentation with each subject. Further, they would need to use some sort of mechanical penetrating apparatus to eliminate the variables involved with human interaction.
Fourthly – if they sell Internet access to the test video, they would pay for the study.
I’m just say’n is all.
NS: Not perfect. I am trying!!
The study is absurd. Based on my research.
Amen, Usedhair!
Good Morning, :pan: !
I am back to business as usual. and still a little sick – The man just won’t let my people rest… wait… Nope, can’t make that fly….
Sick in the summer is just wrong. I think Ed has been sick also. Get better you DP guys.
CP: the new Trombone Shorty album. Me likey.
Hey DP. Went downtown this morning. Discovered the scanner on my desk doesn’t seem to work any more so did NOTHING!. Came home and am starting month end. Blech.
Hubby had to go into work this morning. Their IT person is leaving and he’s on the hiring board for a new tech.
Since he’s technically on holidays, why did we both have to still get up at five am this morning? Blech.
Aaaaand, with money in the bank account, there will be coffee in my future today…
mo-neee? What’s this stuff you talk about, Lejon? :cheerful:
Coffee on Lejon — yes!
I’m wearing glasses today. It feels kind of weird. I think I should put some contacts in.
Everything I look at seems to be in a picture frame. It’s quite a strange feeling. At least, with contacts, my vision isn’t through a box.
Boxing Bunny?
As a spectacles persons TEB, you are laying it on a bit thick with ‘picture frame’ business.
Trying taking them off and looking through a pinhole for a real challenge…
Albeit in perfect focus.
EssBee: That’s an excellent album!! I gave it big props via dent/tweet as well.
🙂 Van.
You’re right Van, however I usually never wear glasses. I have the type of contacts I put in at the beginning of the month and then forget about them until the next month when I change them out.
My hubby, on the other hand, can’t even be in the same room when I remove/put in my contacts, it just creeps him right out so he’ll never lose the glasses. Which is too bad, he has such beautiful eyes.
You have told him he can take them off in the bedroom?
I had a blond moment today, went for an x-ray on my knee (to check out a lump), and the radiographer ask me to get on the table and lie on my back. To which for some reason I had to clarify with ‘so that’s me looking up at the ceiling?’
Gawd I feel my IQ going down the pan as I type..
“The beast with two backs” 😆
As a lefty, no I don’t care that it’s no excuse, I can barely tell my up from down.
The cat just jumped off the printer. And almost tipped the whole thing down.
Left-handers unite!
And dammit, I forgot to check this out at home last night, so apologies if it’s ridiculous:
You have a tipsy cat? What are you giving the thing to drink?
NS: Also being a lefty – problems I have – South is North to me, so people giving me driving directions get me lost. Also, I’m constantly telling myself “no, my other right”, and Unless I’m in a car, I’ll likely run into things if I’m walking and turn “left” as some people call it…
This woman is lamenting 🙂
My hubby is a lefty. But, unlike Mr. Mangan, he plays guitar right handed. Of the two of us, I’m more likely to get my left/right directions mixed up.
CP: Gulmira — Ramin Djawadi
My patience is just hanging in there, but my hopefulness is abundant…
I really really really really want this job!
Hello, gang.
Yes, I have been down with some summer illness. The wife dragged me to the doctor today and now I’m all drugged up. I’ve finally managed to climb the stairs today to check on mail and such. About the only good thing about this is that I’ve had lots of sofa time to work through my Blu-Ray collection.
I’ll probably get through all of Firefly in the next few days.
Still, pretty much everything else about this week is a total write off.
In preparation for Canada D-eh tomorrow, Scalzi lists some Canadian SF contributions. 🙂
Get well soon, Ed.
The cover of the current EW looks like a gay prom picture:
CP: Don’t Stop Believin’ — Petra Haden
Awesome, EssBee.
I think Edward is saying, “He’s totally touching my penis.” 😉
I can’t even articulate how much I dislike that franchise. I haven’t read the books – and WON’T. We did try to watch the first film – and COULDN’T.
Yep. I hear it is pretty bad.
Speaking of franchises… the trailer for HP this fall looks good. I might even see this one.
December looks good for movies. Both Tron and Yamato will be out, though I don’t know when Yamato will get to these shores.
I really dig the HP films. Sly B doesn’t.
Speaking of HP, the Harry Potter Lego was released yesterday. I’m going to pick it up soon and we’re gonna play it!
The Lego games are lots of fun. 🙂
I didn’t know that JMS was behind the modernization of Wonder Woman.
I loved Alex Ross’ version, and his heroes in general, but I think I might have to give this a try.
CP: Flirtin’ With Disaster — Molly Hatchet
I am a game newbie, but we have been playing LOTS of Rock Star since Saturday. We got Beatles and Lego Rock Star. We have loaners of Lego Star Wars and Lego Indiana Jones, but haven’t played them much.
Rock Band. 🙂
And yes, I love that game too. I’m really looking forward to Rock Band 3. Keyboards and pro instruments!
What platform are you playing on EssBee?
Lunch is done. Work is finally done, although I do have to do some tomorrow *grumble, grumble* working on a holiday is criminal *grumble, grumble*
Now to play on my computer
CP: Alpha Protocol
Kewl. I’ll send you a friend invite if you are interested.
TEB: How are you enjoying that one? I’ve heard mixed reviews. It sounds like it has some fun over-the-top fun, but some serious game play issues. It would be interesting to hear your perspective.
ditto, I only just picked it up yesterday so can’t give a real review yet. I’ve heard that it has a very good over-arching story line along the lines of Bioware stuff, but some of the shooting/fighting/etc can be buggy. I decided the idea of story outweighed the other issues for me.
CP: Locomotive Breath — Jethro Tull
PC Gamer gave it a pretty decent score
For comics, what does TPB stand for?
TEB: That’s been the intriguing part for me too.
Trade Paperback.
It’s the industry term for the larger non-hardcover books.
Mass market is what they call the regular-sized softcover novels.
I knew you’d know, ditto!
Tiny Plastic Barbies?
Tainted Prophylactic Bubbles?
Terrible Penguin Bullies?
(oh you knew SOMEONE was going to do that)
You’re welcome. 🙂
Sorry if this is a repeat:
Sorry too if this is a repeat:
Going to see a matinée’ of Toy Story 3 today.
I need suggestions for how to keep from crying in public.
Just go with the flow, Joe. 😉
CP: Knights of Cydonia — Muse
CP: A Lot Like Me — The Offspring
Ugh. Today is dragging.
Just remember that, if you’re not crying, you’ll be the one standing out.
J0e, maybe you can wear big sunglasses into the theater?
I’m hoping to see TS3 before the week is out. Maybe I’ll bring sunglasses, just in case.
So far, I’ve held off on buying any of the DLC for Mass Effect or Dragon Age. This might get me to bite:
Whatcha think, TEB?
OMFG The Last Airbender is getting destroyed….. whats that leaving so fast? Oh its M.Night’s career.
Ive never seen Ebert give a film a half a star, its rare that AV Club gives films an ‘F’, and not even the hack early critics on Tomatoes liked it. This film is a microcosm of this summer in general. Well done Hollywood.
I think it’s good to have you back among the living, Ed.
And btw, all of the 60 Lines II readings have been excellent! You guys have really delivered.
Only waiting on 8 people. No pressure (yet!), the segment will probably run next week, if I have all of the parts covered.
Lo Pan: that’s a shame, but not surprising. WTF happened to M. Night after “Signs”?
I even found “The Village” tolerable, but the quality did keep slipping…
How the fuck could he screw up The Last Airbender? The story was pretty much handed to him on a silver platter from the TV series. My whole family has been looking forward to this one.
Fuck, i say, fuck!
What Ed said.
I’m not one for working out plot twists in movies ahead of time, but ‘the village’ was just so predicatable…
ZP casts a weary eye over E3:
Three free games on the app store:
Oh, yeah! Canada Day! Woot! 🙂 What to do… got a full day of work*, so I’ll probably just listen to my favorite Arrogant Worms songs when I get home.
*The City of Temecula is taking Monday off in honor of the 4th of July, so I do get a break.
ditto: I’m looking forward to Tron, too.
Lo Pan: Dude. I’m really disappointed to hear that. I regret that I didn’t follow the animated series because it seems really cool, and I was hoping for an awesome movie. 🙁