Sorry, I couldn’t make it through the whole thing.
There was a lot of boob grabbing.
It took me a couple times to figure out why the boobs were grabbed.
What can I say, sometimes I’m a little slower than others.
Wait, there needs to be a reason?
If you don’t want to end up in court…
Then you do the full court press.
Sweet. New page!
Just waiting to be corrupted by your CP selections.
Lol. Well I could always pull out some Electric Six to please Lo. 😉
Ooh Ooo Ohhhh!!!
CP: The Jean Genie — David Bowie
How does Bowie rate on your CP Corruption Scale, Van?
I’m an old fart so it’s up there near the top.
From one old fart to another, you’re welcome. 😉
Bowie himself has us all beat in this dept.
I’ve always wanted to checkout “Tin Machine”, 25 years and it still hasn’t happened.
So the band, Animals As Leaders, may not be the most accessible thing out there (instrumental proggy hard rock with alternate time signatures and occasionally fast flurries of notes), but it’s the most brilliant thing you’ll listen to today. Check out the “Weightless” album. Tobin Abasa may be the most original, creative guitarist working today.
YOo bet I will
My brain is telling me they are similar to “Liquid Tension Experiment” but I can’t recall a single LTE song.
Yesterday we were one degree off from breaking a warm day record. Let’s see how close we can come today.
CW: Better Call Saul E6
Nice to see some of Mike’s backstory.
I concur.
And time for some new fangled music so Van can tell me to get off his virtual lawn. 😉
CP: Cradle — The Joy Formidable
Get on my lawn
Assassin’s Creed Rogue finally came out for PC. Just waiting for it to finish updating, then it will be time to see how the templars live.
I’menjoying Counterspy at the moment, flaws and all.
I never figured you for ‘menjoying.
Some unnamed person might be disappointed if he didn’t….
Valiant Hearts, for me. It’s an adventure/puzzle story set in WW1.
I played through all the maps of Torchlight 2, right now I’m playing Batman Arkham Origins on the PC, because I got it on sale for $5 on Steam. Then I spent $15 for an interface that lets my Xbox 360 controller work with it. My RPG rules addiction has caused me to buy the source book Fate Core. Seems like whatever game “The Mad Adventurer’s Society” decides to podcast I have to buy the associated rulebook. So far I got Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, Fate, Savage Worlds and DnD 5e, but haven’t played a single game of them yet.
Here’s one of those “If you put this in a script, an editor would make you take it out as being way to cliche'” stories.
Just talked to a friend who had an appointment with the TSA this afternoon to get their “star” clearance so they didn’t have to go through the Airport Kabuki Theatre any more.
She was 45 minutes late for her appt because she had simply been given a street address and it turns out the TSA office is located in a block of nondescript buildings … in an industrial park … that has no street signs … and doesn’t show up on the GPS. Try as she might, she could not find a phone number to call and ask where they were.
When she walked into their office, late … they could see her head was spinning and were all very gracious. Immediately said “Couldn’t find us could you? We REALLY wish they would let us put our phone number on our web site but Homeland Security won’t let us give it out.”
Pretty funny really, if you don’t actually have to try and find them.
They’re from the government and they’re here to help 🙂
Why didn’t I think of that? A fully-funded customer-facing business that the customers can’t find?
It’s Wednesday already. This week is going way to fast for my liking.
Your crap joke for the day:
This blonde was at a coke machine and and put her change in and mashed a button and out comes a drink. So she puts some more change in and pushed another button and out comes a drink. She keeps putting change in and pushing buttons and getting drinks. Here comes a man and asks the blonde if she is gonna be through at this machine any time soon and she responded”I’m not gonna quit until I stop winning.”
Counter crap joke:
A man walks in to his doctor’s office for his 40 year check up. As he waits for the doctor to come in to the room he notices 3 items on the counter – a rubber glove, some KY jelly, and a pint of beer. The doctor walks in and the man points at the items and says, “Look, Doc, I know what the glove is for and I know what the KY is for. But, what is the beer for?”
The doctor, livid, picks up the beer and shouts to the nurse, “Dammit! I asked for a butt light!”
Desperate times demand desperate measures off to see Big Hero 6 at an actual cinema.
I really liked that movie. 😀
Was nice seeing it again on the big screen, and of course I waited right till the end..
That’s probably the best Marvel easter egg, even though BH6 wasn’t marketed as a Marvel movie. 🙂
I liked it.
I loved it until about 2/3 the way through when it seems like some producer figured they had reached the end of their target audience’s attention span and just switched to “Blow everything up!” mode.
Then I just liked it.
Morning Pan
Another day of looking at numbers in boxes
Your crap joke for the day:
Three men are sitting naked in the sauna. Suddenly there is a beeping sound. The first man presses his forearm and the beeping stops. The others look at him questioningly. “That’s my pager,” he says. “I have a microchip under the skin of my arm.” A few minutes later a phone rings. The second man lifts his palm to his ear. When he finishes he explains, “That’s my mobile phone. I have a microchip in my hand.” The third man, feeling decidedly low-tech, steps out of the sauna. In a few minutes he returns with a piece of toilet paper extending from his rear. The others raise their eyebrows. “I’m getting a Fax,” he explains
But four hour erections Lo, you better start buying bananas…
Maybe you missed the word “painful”?
It’s A risk I’m prepared for you to take.
I just heard a similar story from September last year in which the woman tried vacuuming up the spiders and the exterminator recommended she incinerate her vacuum. I don’t have the fear of spiders, but I don’t like messing with the poisonous ones.
The discussion provides a good evaluation and discussion of the various issues with using a vacuum cleaner to kill spiders and even roaches. The general consensus is to dispose of the bag/contents immediately. And they also qualify the results by pointing out a vacuum cleaner is just a tool and not a guaranteed way to kill spiders.
So putting the cleaner outside and burning it is rather excessive do you think?
Just a *huge* bit. 😉
I just want you to know that I do NOT approve of this conversation
I think it is pretty cool. The designer in me questions the stripe on the boot, and the triangular piece of cloth hanging off the belt seems a little garish. Overall though, I like the more covered look befitting of a modern female superhero.
Have they not seen the film version of the outfit?
It was ok, slow paced, but think I’ll stick around for further episodes.
Watched it today. Interesting. Wondering how to watch others without a Playstation though
Sorry I’ve been sparse and cranky lately, y’all.
That’s pretty much me everywhere right now. Sparse and cranky.
Tell her to get the fuck off your lawn.
Facebook update
The smaug stout has child peppers in it so has a bit of a bite. Hubby like it.
The Orc triple Belgium ale is 9.5%. I’m happy too but In a different way
There’s about 1/3 of the bottle left of the Belgian. Guess, instead of being two sheets, I’m headed for three sheets to the wind.
Bring on the Orc!
The cat was just sick on the bed. It’s a good thing we have extra quilts.
I guess I’m doing laundry tomorrow
I told hubby there was a good chance. Wasn’t getting up with him tomorrow. He didn’t seem overly surprised
Assholes just need to rot, die the most painful and lonely death, and fuck the hell off!
Back to work.
Onethe plus side work on the house has entered the cosmetic stage and hopefully should be finished soon.
Crap mini joke for the day:
So i was just thinking, if I had a crystal ball and could see 5 years into the future, would that mean I have 2020 vision?
Of all the crap jokes you’ve brought through here…this was definitely one. I don’t know why, but I actually groaned out loud at this one.
GOL…is that a thing?
Make it so.
Morning Pan
It’s suppose to be another fabulous day here in cow town
Your bonus mini crap joke:
A lorry crashed on the M8 spilling its load of Vic Vapour Rub across the motorway. A police Scotland spokesperson has reported there will be no congestion for up to 8 hours.”
This joke is pungent and tingly.
“pungent and tingly”
I believe that was a “Spinal Tap album.”
Well, since nobody has invented a self cleaning washroom for houses yet, I guess it’s on me to clean mine.
As soon as my file uploads to the printer I can head to the City of Glendale to pick up drawings, then I can start my weekend. 13 minutes estimated to finish upload.
As soon as my “file uploads to the printer” … I can “head to the City” … of Glendale to “pick up drawings”, then I can “start my weakend”. 13 minutes estimated to finish “upload”.
My cat often treats me like a piece of furniture or other such thin. Right now, I’m a bathtub
In the original Star Wars movie, Luke rescues Lea from prison. When he opens the door Lea says, “Aren’t you a little short to be a storm trooper?” How can that be the case if they managed to steal a uniform that fit him?
…and the universe shook.
Yay Friday!
Almost gone here.
If I had to choose I would have to say I enjoy Archer more than The Big Bang Theory, just saying.
Oh 1000000000% sir. Its not even close
Found a new Canadian beer down here that I haven’t heard of before.
CD: 49th Parallel’s Gypsy Tears Red Ale.
It’s a nicely hopped red ale, that isn’t too bitter on the after taste. I’d like it to be a bit more full, but I can’t complain.
“Down here”
Not much new in the new Cinderella. The Rob Stark actor played the Prince, but I’ll let the internet run with the obvious red wedding jokes.
@elementaladam: Omg. Just been told that T Pau’s “China In Your Hand” is about Mary Shelley and Frankenstein. Checked the lyrics, it totally is. #mindblown
We just got home from the grocery store. We now have corned beef, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, and apple pie. There was discussion of baking our own pie, which was quickly dismissed as ridiculous.
How are you beauties today?
Off to the folk club tonight, and some planning needed for a future trip to Orkney.
I had to take a double on “folk”
Van is gonna get folked.
Better than grabbing bass
Pie was one of the first things I learned to make. Okay scrambled eggs was the first, chocolate chip cookies was second, but pie was third. Enjoy your Pi Day! and St. Patty’s
CD: Red Hare – Watership Brown Ale
Got it because of the brilliant name. Pretty good. Quite smooth.
CD: Stone Go-To IPA
One of the best, IMO
CW: The Returned E1
I have the original French version on my skybox and never got round to watching it, so have nothing to compare this US version with.
I loved the French version. I’ve actually never seen the US version. How strange is that?
Well you are Canadian.
CW: Planet of the Apes
Against all advice
Not the Burton one…
We saw that in the drive in! This was the latest one.
The last two (Rise and Dawn) were spectacular in my opinion
The first of the newer 2 is really really good. The sequel is decent too.
A planet where apes evolved from men??
What’s that coming out of its nose?
Ugh, Spaceballs!
Oh shit, there goes the planet (god I love you for this, Ed)
There was no way I was leaving you hanging with that lead in, my friend.
Wayne Simmonds is a beast!
CW: The Last Man on Earth E3
Still not laughing…
I have caught the first two (mostly because I’ll watch anything with Kristen Schaal). But, I have a hard time having anything close to sympathy for anything the last man on earth does. He’s an astoundingly shallow douchebag and the preview they gave of episode 3 as the end of two looks like he’s not going to get any better. It’s like a bunch of asshats that drive around cars with “no fat chick” stickers wrote this playing a game of “what if you got stuck in this situation”.
And that’s the point of his character and why I give the show massive props for portraying him that was as opposed to the stereotypical ‘aw shucks’ good guy that gluts the majority of today’s sitcoms. I assure you the writers are going the sympathetic route on Carol and not Phil
Eat, geek, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.
Cinderella, hockey, The Road Warrior, and now baseball. Busy weekend!
Howd you slip the Road Warrior in there?
Does this weekend involve time travel?
How much better would Back to the Future 2 have been if Marty’s Delorean had landed in the future on a desert highway surrounded by road mutants?
There’s a local AZ group called Cult Classics who do theater screenings of, um, cult classics. This month it was the Road Warrior. And let me tell ya, it had been awhile. . . but this was seriously a fantastic big screen experience. The movie is 10x more exciting than I remember.
And while I’m excited for the new one, I just don’t see how CGI can match the real stunt driving thrills of the battle scenes in this one.
I’m tempted to rewatch the the first and third (it’s been decades), but I know I shouldn’t.
There’s nothing wrong with the first Mad Max
I haven’t seen it since the 80s.
I’ve finished one of the best shows I’ve ever seen… Sparticus. Such glory.
Gotta watch…so much TV to watch!!
We are CW: Pride. It’s a British movie about a group of gay activists who supported the miners strike in the 89s. So wonderful! 5 out of 3 nipples with 30 minutes left (we paused for dinner).
5 out of 3 nips!?!
I’m Spartacus!
I’m Sparticus
Will the real Sparticus please stand up?
Throw a dictionary at the pair of them..
Youre a poor Sporticus
Well we don’t all work for the government..oh wait.
Let’s see if this works. DP nearly hurt herself laughing at this one, a few years ago:
Honestly, I hadn’t known there was going to be a new movie until I saw this interview. This was definitely one of the better star interviews Top Gear has had. It will be interesting if this proves to be the last episode of Top Gear.
Thanks for the link, Ed, but we don’t need another hero.
Morning Pan
We got a bit of snow last night. This is actually a good thing. This winter has been so mild, the news is already talking fire bans and possible lawn watering bans, car washing bans, etc. While we didn’t get much, it’s a start.
Anybody else feel like a giggle when I mention my friend… Biggus….Dickus?
Maybe you should volunteer to write for ‘The Last Man on Earth’?
Sorry, the show is just fine the way it is. The fact youre pissed that its not a laugh out loud comedy complete with a laugh track is not on me, SIR!
Because two words – Raisinballs.
To get serious, I’m not a fan of laugh tracks.
Raisin balls made me gag not laugh.
Hopefully things will improve with January Jones on the scene.
Dude, Raisinballs werent meant to make you say “mmmmmmmmmmm”. Theyre actually a pretty great symbol of the world these two people are forced to live in.
I’m pretty disgusted with Phil so far
Certainly has his faults
We watched the first two episodes of Battle Creek. It had some good points, but it was too much of the typical formula that we decided not to continue watching.
Evil, Inc. is proving to be very evil so far today.
Having you put extra lasers on the sharks?
CP: When I Fall — Barenaked Ladies
So if youre ever in Yellowstone National Park and you want to take a tour on an antique bus, make sure its the one nicknamed “Hollywood” – cause that one, my friends, is Egg’s bus from BTiLC. Outstanding!
CP: Don’t Fuck Me Up (With Peace And Love) — Cracker
CW: Latest Shameless
Oh Frank what a barsteward you are.
A slight bit of redemption, I bet he still took the money.
Who knew that looking for public toilet on the internet can lead you to the darker corners of of the human psyche.
Okay, I’ll bite.
Why are you searching for a public toilet on the internet, Van?
and what happens if tou change to search to “punlic bidet?”
New place to start work, need to find out if there are any facilities.
I’ll take glory holes for 500, Alex.
You got the Daily Double!
Gross. Literally?
Got a change of shift, no worries.
Villas in Sicily.
January Jones looks far cooler dressed down.
I kinda hate her on Mad Men.
Not seen that show but I enjoyed her for the most part in X-Men First Class.
Hot damn Tornado! Congrats on popping your playoff cherry!
Lo, you have far too many solutions to this problem. It almost seems you’re experienced with this topic.
Timing your poo whilst flying over a cow field?
Blame it on the dog/baby?
Today’s Doh moment, realising that the U.S. version of ‘The Returned’ is on Netflix in the UK and I didn’t have download the first two episodes via BitTorrent:
It took me several hours of archiving old podcasts and other old computer files to CDs and a portable hard drive, but I finally, finally made enough space on my computer’s hard drive to install the school-provided copy of Office. Onward to more homework! :/
Da Bunny is in da howse!
Now let’s see if I can not get so caught up in my work I forget I’m in the DP house.
Non sequitur!
Can you say that and sound like Shatner?
Kurt Russell’s birthday!!!!
I haven’t checked my work spam box in a while. There are six emails. The first line of each turn into an interesting story:
Good Day! Hopefully I’m not disturbing you.
How’re you doing my sweet love? My BF dumped me.
Sorry to trouble you
Bring the other side emma
Agreed to
Do you mind my pussy explorer
An excellent love letter to the most forgotten (and one of my favorite) Bond films
I drank no green beer, listened to no House of Pain, ate no Corned Beef, had no Irish soda bread, and did not watch The Quiet Man.
Still a nice St. Paddy’s Day with my non-Irish Pixie. Goodnight, :leprechaun:
I had to drive 4 hours to a 1.5 hour meeting in Georgia and then drive back again. Fortunately, the cafeteria where the meeting was had corned beef. When I got home, there was still time to have a few beers. As far as celebration, I split 1/4 beer between my three dogs so they could feel like it was a special day. Oh, yeah and we watched Leprechaun Origins. It was a right piece of shit.
I wore a green shirt and, well … I guess that was it.
Things are returning to normal, I’ve lost the scissors.
Somedays I wonder if Van really speaks English…
You know that setting for English UK on your PC? That.
I’m sure the randomness of the scissors was what threw us off.
I was thinking it was his use of the phrase “returning to normal”.
Getting CPR & AED certified this morning.
Good! You can save me the next time Van gives me a heart attack
Call the medic!
I missed the word, “certified” at first glance. Quite changes the tone of the comment.
Code blue!
Morning Pan
Another late night for hubby.
CP: Children’s Work — Dessa
Was just evangelized to at work. Wtf?
Was it Evil evangelizing?
BTW, not cool they did that.
It was Easter evangelizing! I’m 3rd biggest boss here and got the pleasure of “talking to” the guy. He does not see the big deal…
Easter is a choice….
What, you didn’t want to hear about how rabbits lay eggs that people subsequently eat?
And so… Its like an episode of Grey’s Anatomy here at work today….
A crazed gunman is on the loose outside my hospital, shooting people. We are on lockdown. So strange and surreal to be in open heart surgery, almost *trapped* there, and once removed from the chaos this city is under right now. 🙁
Good luck Pixie. Stay safe and stay down.
Fucking crazy people ruin everything.
All is good in Pixieland and also Mesa, Arizona!!
Crazy, ahole captured and no additional casualties, other than the 5 souls he shot earlier this morning.
My hospital broke lockdown and all returned back to crazy normal around here.
I’m expecting hubby home early today for two reasons:
1) He worked late the last couple of days in a row.
2) Spring break starts!
Ok, enough of this. Must have a shower and get some clothes on.
still not showered and dressed. What’s that about?
I’m soo not in the mood to work today. I think that’s why I’m putting off my shower. If I’m dressed, it means I should be at my desk working.
I’m ready for work, but my work day will last as long as my commute.
We work nine hour days M-Th and then 4 hours on Friday, but this week I had to stay later by two hours, so I’m only working two hours today.
Not redundancy!
I’m clean and clothed, and I even opened all the curtains in the house. I’d say it was to let the sun in but it’s raining.
Happy birthday to Freema Agyeman! By FARRRRRRRRR my fav Dr. Who companion evar
I was going to call you a dirty old man but she is 35.
BTW, her being the hottest of the companions wasnt the reason shes my fav. But damn it helps…
/what is this, 1960?
It’s a shame the Doctor was too racist to truly appreciate her.
(I’d also rate her as the best-looking – – although Clara is a close 2nd.)
Yeah I never made it to Clara so I cant compare the two.
I’m still partial to Donna
I do like her too.
I hated Donna…hated, hated, hated!?)?!
We know….
Oh have I mentioned it before?
Oh do you?
Is that because her “Worships the Doctor” attribute score wasn’t high enough?
Ed winds
Also WINS!!!!
I loved Dr. Donna. It brought something new to the show, other than the typical companion (romantic interest) aspect.
Indeed. Was a very sweet ending to her as well. One of the more heartbreaking. Also why I like Martha as she was never a love interest of his either
My opinion is rather coloured by her sketch comedy shows she did before Dr Who, I found her annoying then. Being in Doctor Who didn’t stop her being annoying.
I fear that the romantic/flirty theme has become an integral element of the show. It was even there with Martha and Donna, if not as prominent.
It’ll be interesting to see if they can pull off this Geezer Capaldi experiment without alienating their core modern fanbase.
Actually not having The Doctor flirting with Donna was a kopout and rather ageist of the BBC writers.
Fav will always be Captain Jack, even if he wasn’t a long running companion
One of my fav scenes in the first season of the new DW, was the Doctor telling Rose to accept Captain Jack’s sexuality.
Let’s, move some previous comment replies down here shall we.
Sounds like a Billy Joel song.
He’s always a woman to me.
Having lunch with my boo. It’s snowing
CP: Cherry Lips (Go Baby Go!) — Garbage
JW: The Killing S3 (binged watched) The Finale.
My brain hurts. Im a bit confused and irritated by the ending.
Ummmmm turns out, S3 of The Killing is not the finale. smh.
On to S4!!
No way.So there’s a five year gap to start S4. Maybe her son will be working for the force now.
My Civic is a slut. At Meineke trying to get its skirt back on.
Wow, 55 is too young. I never cared much for Twisted Sister, but Cities’ Annihilation Absolute was an obscure thrash classic.
CD: Octofox IPA
Today’s, Billiards Trick Shot –
“Approximately 2 and 1/2 minutes after the Republicans find out that Obama is Pro-Respiration, we will become a one party nation.”
If it were possible for my cable/Internet provider sucked any more then they currently do, they’d have an event horizon.
I’m telling you, we quit cable/satellite 4 years ago and havent looked back. Take the challenge!
Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us.
Christ. Agents of SHIELD is really good, isnt it?
I have quite enjoyed it.
There are those moments when it reminds you it is a serialized TV show … but I find they are pretty brief moments, surrounded by fun.
Oh sure, as is most shows. But damn, its come SUCH a long way. Im glad ABC was patient
You can faint now.
You’re just trying to produce a singularity here, aren’t you?
This is the third thing Van and I have completely agreed upon. Oh the stars align sometimes!
You disappoint me I was expecting a Kraftwerk reference.
I prefer boobs
Everybody needs a bosom for a pillow.
Your’s on the 45
Morning Pan
Once again I brought my excitement level to 11. I filed my income taxes this morning. *sigh*
JW: Powers E2
Never read the comics, but the first two episodes were a real slog to sit through, going to give the third episode of the series one last chance to improve.
“El Pollo Sucio” would be more accurate.
It never ceases to amaze me how death metal bands can create lush acoustic music.
Very nice.
Have I mentioned that I’m a sucker for 3/4 or 6/8 time tunes? 🙂 Okay not all, but this definitely qualifies.
I think death metal bands are drawn to power, atmosphere, and dissonant/minor chords and phrasing, which often translates nicely to acoustic instruments.
I dig this, Rhett. I’d never heard of them before.
Glad you liked it cynful. I’ve listened to Agalloch on and off for a long time. They sort of defy a label, but I would call them folk death metal. Very drone-ey, melodic and melancholy music from some indy band from Portland. Listening to them today I thought there were some Floyd influences as well.
Last night I watched “For your Eyes Only”. Really not to bad.
A rather big step up from “Moonraker”.
The whole, “under aged nymphomaniac ice skater ” thing was unnecessary and creepy but other than that, not to bad.
Hey! Like yourself Im watching all the Bond’s as well in prep for SPECTRE next year. But Im also the listening to the James Bonding podcast after each. Its a fantastic companion piece to the films done by loving Bond enthusiasts that arent afraid to call BS on anything. Its been a lot of fun.
Are you watching them in order of the films or the books? Or is that too much of a dorky question?
Watching them in order of the films.
Apart from the fun of watching as pop culture changes, it is a real lesson in the history of film-making. You can see how, as the decades have progressed, our attention span as a viewing public has apparently grown shorter and SQUIRREL!
Its true ALTHOUGH i will say that 1963’s From Russia With Love is a clinic of fantastic filmmaking. It may not look it now, but the story behind how they pulled it off is incredible. Still stands up and probably the most classic of Bond films
Squirrel? Where?
The goldfinger episode…WTF!!!!
Skating over the iconic laser scene WTF!
Ok you happened to pick the wrong one to start with… the two ladies arent regulars.
I know! Enjoyed ‘From Russia With Love’ episode.
Goddammit we agree…
..and the Earth trembled..
Stone Temple Pilot’s ‘Art School Girlfriend’ is the biggest rip-off of Tripping Daisy’s ‘ I Got A Girl’ ever.
i told you 5 or 4 times….
Lo, that was a seriously cool Archer Easter Egg. Just in time for Easter too.
Right! The amount of time both creating it and figuring it out is astounding
This is actually a very smart, moving talk about a real issue — not the salacious political election bomb it would appear. And on a shallow level, she’s never looked better.
Worth your 20 minutes.
Will do
I wonder if Joan Cusack has nightmares about her hairstyle in Working Girl.
So it seems my specs make wearing the headphones worse.
So hopefully I’ll get to explore Orkney the week before the meetup.
We should have the MMMmmmeetup there.
Will Morkney be there?
Macbeth from Ork.
“Thorni f*cked. Helgi carved”
Mind boggling from Twitter:
@emmielouli: I just saw a Facebook post from a teenager, it was an image of a floppy disk, with the caption ‘lol someone 3D printed the Save button’.
I’ve been off the 5+2 diet for the last month (being Ill and then the stress of the renovation)’ really need to start again but apathy has struck big time this week.
The answer is 7.
I did alternate day (fast one day, eat the next) for about a year and went from 220 to 180. Then the reasons to stop hit and the apathy picked up. Now I’m back to 210. I sympathize. Fasting is not easy.
I love this show. I love Todd. and I’m gonna quote an AV club commenter.
“Forte has literally never written a character for himself who wasn’t aggressively offputting, I expected nothing less from this. I kind of thought we were past the point of needing our TV shows to be led by likable characters.”
And now Van and I fisticuffs.
I was cringing through most of the episode.
Yet I bet you were a fan of the British office
Nope, couldn’t get a way with it.
You have a bad case of vicarious embarrassment dont you?
I’m going to say No! Just in case.
We liked E4 better than the others. Still sticking with it, but so far only because of KS.
Ironic, considering how much of a butt hole Lars is, that he really isn’t all about that bass.
A hearty ‘goddammit Rhett’!
Has taken my bass,
Taken my track,
Taken my hearing.
Now sing that as METAL! \m/
Taken my bass!
Taken my track!
Taken my hearing-uh!
Legend had it that for that album, Lars would only record in 30 second increments before stopping and insisting that his snare drum head be switched out. I’m sure this is an exaggeration, but I’m also sure it’s based in some truth.
I bet you he went thru 1000 of them while recording St. Anger. Cause that’s all you hear on that pile of shit
I never listened to that album, but the conjecture on the interwebs was he was using metal trash can lids instead of a drum set.
And Ms. Anderson is more beautiful than ever. I hope this is better than the confusion that was the movie.
The movie (the last film anyway) wasnt all that confusing as much as it felt like an unnecessary and long episode
Just 6 episodes!
I actually happy that they gave Chris Carter only 6 episodes to start with. While the series was excellent, the final seasons suffered from a lack of clear narrative. Perhaps the limited run will keep Mr. Carter more focused.
Rhett’s right and I agree 100%. As much as I LOVE the series, Carter completely painted himself into a corner – so much so that I think his writers just said “fuck it” and gave up. X-Files always did work best with small story arcs and one off episodes.
It’s the dog that really did it in for me.
Ever crack your neck and feel the twinge down your arms?
Holy shit is that a weird feeling.
Usually it’s my shoulder, but yes, I recognize that sensation.
Is it getting older or our bodies declaring anarchy?
I think it’s too much time hunched over computers, and guitars, and fetching brains for the master.
I’ve made the switch to drinking Powerade from Diet Coke, while at work.
But as I drink my first one, I’m concerned about the number of calories and amount of sugar that is in this Powerade and if it really is a healthier alternative to diet soda…
I made the switch to water with the random lemonade or coffee a few years ago.
I’m sure your teeth at least appreciate the change.
Your crap mini joke joke for the day:
My wife just said to me “Look at this, I’ve had this since we got married 20 years ago & it still fits me”.
I said ” it’s a Fucking scarf.”
I’m in Dallas where it is 85 degrees today. I’m going to bum around Downtown tonight for the first time. Kinda fun, considering I’ve been traveling here regularly for 5+ years.
Find a brewer!
Or a can of Irn Bru
I bet it’s a fun town. Wear your best “Hillary ’16” t-shirt.
I would suggest the district of “Deep Ellum” and the bar “Trees”.
She did!!! Well done Rhett
Awesome! Let the record state the last time I was there was 1992.
DE is a fun district. We also hit Lower Greenville and the grassy knoll.
The museum is interesting, but it closes pretty early. The aquarium isn’t too far from there either and it’s pretty neat.
Which part of Dallas did you end up?
So that’s episode 8 of ‘Better Call Saul’ put to bed.
Only 2 more episodes to go…
Bloody Vince Gillighan, making me care about a character I found annoying in BB.
CP: Road To Nowhere — Talking Heads
I forgot how terrible Sonic Youth’s first two albums are.
I forgot how classic Sonic Youth’s next 4 albums are.
If Disney would give me THAT animated series I would watch forever.
100% good sir!
CP: Mr. Pinstripe Suit — Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
I’ve been meaning to watch some of these for days now – – especially “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”. Life is just too damn busy.
I hope I have free time for interesting internet links in the afterlife.
I plant this flag in the name of new comments
Ent. Da-nent. Da-nen-na-nent.
Oooh, shiny.
It ain’t a monolith.
Miming to Bohemian Rhapsody:
Sorry, I couldn’t make it through the whole thing.
There was a lot of boob grabbing.
It took me a couple times to figure out why the boobs were grabbed.
What can I say, sometimes I’m a little slower than others.
Wait, there needs to be a reason?
If you don’t want to end up in court…
Then you do the full court press.
Sweet. New page!
Just waiting to be corrupted by your CP selections.
Lol. Well I could always pull out some Electric Six to please Lo. 😉
Ooh Ooo Ohhhh!!!
CP: The Jean Genie — David Bowie
How does Bowie rate on your CP Corruption Scale, Van?
I’m an old fart so it’s up there near the top.
From one old fart to another, you’re welcome. 😉
Bowie himself has us all beat in this dept.
I’ve always wanted to checkout “Tin Machine”, 25 years and it still hasn’t happened.
So the band, Animals As Leaders, may not be the most accessible thing out there (instrumental proggy hard rock with alternate time signatures and occasionally fast flurries of notes), but it’s the most brilliant thing you’ll listen to today. Check out the “Weightless” album. Tobin Abasa may be the most original, creative guitarist working today.
YOo bet I will
My brain is telling me they are similar to “Liquid Tension Experiment” but I can’t recall a single LTE song.
Yesterday we were one degree off from breaking a warm day record. Let’s see how close we can come today.
CW: Better Call Saul E6
Nice to see some of Mike’s backstory.
I concur.
And time for some new fangled music so Van can tell me to get off his virtual lawn. 😉
CP: Cradle — The Joy Formidable
Get on my lawn
Assassin’s Creed Rogue finally came out for PC. Just waiting for it to finish updating, then it will be time to see how the templars live.
I’menjoying Counterspy at the moment, flaws and all.
I never figured you for ‘menjoying.
Some unnamed person might be disappointed if he didn’t….
My kingdom for a space.
Valiant Hearts, for me. It’s an adventure/puzzle story set in WW1.
I played through all the maps of Torchlight 2, right now I’m playing Batman Arkham Origins on the PC, because I got it on sale for $5 on Steam. Then I spent $15 for an interface that lets my Xbox 360 controller work with it. My RPG rules addiction has caused me to buy the source book Fate Core. Seems like whatever game “The Mad Adventurer’s Society” decides to podcast I have to buy the associated rulebook. So far I got Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, Fate, Savage Worlds and DnD 5e, but haven’t played a single game of them yet.
Here’s one of those “If you put this in a script, an editor would make you take it out as being way to cliche'” stories.
Just talked to a friend who had an appointment with the TSA this afternoon to get their “star” clearance so they didn’t have to go through the Airport Kabuki Theatre any more.
She was 45 minutes late for her appt because she had simply been given a street address and it turns out the TSA office is located in a block of nondescript buildings … in an industrial park … that has no street signs … and doesn’t show up on the GPS. Try as she might, she could not find a phone number to call and ask where they were.
When she walked into their office, late … they could see her head was spinning and were all very gracious. Immediately said “Couldn’t find us could you? We REALLY wish they would let us put our phone number on our web site but Homeland Security won’t let us give it out.”
Pretty funny really, if you don’t actually have to try and find them.
They’re from the government and they’re here to help 🙂
Why didn’t I think of that? A fully-funded customer-facing business that the customers can’t find?
…and again, I find myself dealing with severe disappointment by drinking.
A lot.
This has been a public service announcement.
The more you know ! (insert rainbow here)
Who needs disappointment to drink?
I tend to eat ice cream.
So another reason why I’m never going to Australia:
Don’t click the link TEB.
And he means it, too!
Thanks for the warning, Van
Early to bed, early to . . .?
Morning Pan
It’s Wednesday already. This week is going way to fast for my liking.
Your crap joke for the day:
This blonde was at a coke machine and and put her change in and mashed a button and out comes a drink. So she puts some more change in and pushed another button and out comes a drink. She keeps putting change in and pushing buttons and getting drinks. Here comes a man and asks the blonde if she is gonna be through at this machine any time soon and she responded”I’m not gonna quit until I stop winning.”
Counter crap joke:
A man walks in to his doctor’s office for his 40 year check up. As he waits for the doctor to come in to the room he notices 3 items on the counter – a rubber glove, some KY jelly, and a pint of beer. The doctor walks in and the man points at the items and says, “Look, Doc, I know what the glove is for and I know what the KY is for. But, what is the beer for?”
The doctor, livid, picks up the beer and shouts to the nurse, “Dammit! I asked for a butt light!”
The more you know
Boy, he looks about as happy as fuck.
He looks like he’s ready to give someone a surprise nut trample!
His midichlorian count must be high today.
Do you want to play a game?
Is that the same as, do you want to build a snowman?
Do you want to build a BBD?
I often wonder if Deep Thought in HH was inspired from this story:
Do you speak jive?
Ok I chuckled:
Me too. That was cute.
That was good. lol
Desperate times demand desperate measures off to see Big Hero 6 at an actual cinema.
I really liked that movie. 😀
Was nice seeing it again on the big screen, and of course I waited right till the end..
That’s probably the best Marvel easter egg, even though BH6 wasn’t marketed as a Marvel movie. 🙂
I liked it.
I loved it until about 2/3 the way through when it seems like some producer figured they had reached the end of their target audience’s attention span and just switched to “Blow everything up!” mode.
Then I just liked it.
Morning Pan
Another day of looking at numbers in boxes
Your crap joke for the day:
Three men are sitting naked in the sauna. Suddenly there is a beeping sound. The first man presses his forearm and the beeping stops. The others look at him questioningly. “That’s my pager,” he says. “I have a microchip under the skin of my arm.” A few minutes later a phone rings. The second man lifts his palm to his ear. When he finishes he explains, “That’s my mobile phone. I have a microchip in my hand.” The third man, feeling decidedly low-tech, steps out of the sauna. In a few minutes he returns with a piece of toilet paper extending from his rear. The others raise their eyebrows. “I’m getting a Fax,” he explains
A coworker showed me this website that has tips n tricks to finding the lowest airfare. Some good tidbits maybe, for the upcomig meetup
Nice to see I didn’t pay too much., but being constrained to a particular set of dates does limit your options.
CP: Wild — Beach House
No more Tesco for Van
But four hour erections Lo, you better start buying bananas…
Maybe you missed the word “painful”?
It’s A risk I’m prepared for you to take.
I just heard a similar story from September last year in which the woman tried vacuuming up the spiders and the exterminator recommended she incinerate her vacuum. I don’t have the fear of spiders, but I don’t like messing with the poisonous ones.
I wouldn’t believe him.
There is at least 1 study that shows vacuum cleaners are an effective way to kill spiders.
The discussion provides a good evaluation and discussion of the various issues with using a vacuum cleaner to kill spiders and even roaches. The general consensus is to dispose of the bag/contents immediately. And they also qualify the results by pointing out a vacuum cleaner is just a tool and not a guaranteed way to kill spiders.
So putting the cleaner outside and burning it is rather excessive do you think?
Just a *huge* bit. 😉
I just want you to know that I do NOT approve of this conversation
Ah bloody hell:
Fantasy author Pratchett dies aged 66
🙁 Bless him. I just started re-reading his works recently
That’s really sad news. 🙁
My turtle, that final tweet is brilliant and heartrending.
His struggle is finished. He will be missed.
So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so done.
Well done?
CP: Time Won’t Let Me — The Smithereens
Fantastic new Dead Sara song
Fantastic old Sara song, Live
Fantastic old song named “Sarah.”
Oh man I remember them!
I can’t believe people are calling the new Wonder Woman outfit ugly. *sigh*
I think it is pretty cool. The designer in me questions the stripe on the boot, and the triangular piece of cloth hanging off the belt seems a little garish. Overall though, I like the more covered look befitting of a modern female superhero.
Have they not seen the film version of the outfit?
It is a bit “American Gladiators”.
More ruin porn:
CW: Powers E1
That is on my list. Interested in your thoughts.
It was ok, slow paced, but think I’ll stick around for further episodes.
Watched it today. Interesting. Wondering how to watch others without a Playstation though
Sorry I’ve been sparse and cranky lately, y’all.
That’s pretty much me everywhere right now. Sparse and cranky.
Tell her to get the fuck off your lawn.
Facebook update
The smaug stout has child peppers in it so has a bit of a bite. Hubby like it.
The Orc triple Belgium ale is 9.5%. I’m happy too but In a different way
There’s about 1/3 of the bottle left of the Belgian. Guess, instead of being two sheets, I’m headed for three sheets to the wind.
Bring on the Orc!
The cat was just sick on the bed. It’s a good thing we have extra quilts.
I guess I’m doing laundry tomorrow
I told hubby there was a good chance. Wasn’t getting up with him tomorrow. He didn’t seem overly surprised
Assholes just need to rot, die the most painful and lonely death, and fuck the hell off!
Back to work.
Onethe plus side work on the house has entered the cosmetic stage and hopefully should be finished soon.
Crap mini joke for the day:
So i was just thinking, if I had a crystal ball and could see 5 years into the future, would that mean I have 2020 vision?
Of all the crap jokes you’ve brought through here…this was definitely one. I don’t know why, but I actually groaned out loud at this one.
GOL…is that a thing?
Make it so.
Morning Pan
It’s suppose to be another fabulous day here in cow town
Your bonus mini crap joke:
A lorry crashed on the M8 spilling its load of Vic Vapour Rub across the motorway. A police Scotland spokesperson has reported there will be no congestion for up to 8 hours.”
This joke is pungent and tingly.
“pungent and tingly”
I believe that was a “Spinal Tap album.”
Well, since nobody has invented a self cleaning washroom for houses yet, I guess it’s on me to clean mine.
Yeah. Too bad it’s not based in reality
As soon as my file uploads to the printer I can head to the City of Glendale to pick up drawings, then I can start my weekend. 13 minutes estimated to finish upload.
As soon as my “file uploads to the printer” … I can “head to the City” … of Glendale to “pick up drawings”, then I can “start my weakend”. 13 minutes estimated to finish “upload”.
My cat often treats me like a piece of furniture or other such thin. Right now, I’m a bathtub
Could be worse.
Happiness is a …
CP: Monkey Gone To Heaven — Pixies
Ooooh. Bunny likes.
You know, I thought Deadpan has resolved to not be too gross. Did I miss a memo?
How about *two* gross?
My brain went to a strange place.
In the original Star Wars movie, Luke rescues Lea from prison. When he opens the door Lea says, “Aren’t you a little short to be a storm trooper?” How can that be the case if they managed to steal a uniform that fit him?
…and the universe shook.
Yay Friday!
Almost gone here.
If I had to choose I would have to say I enjoy Archer more than The Big Bang Theory, just saying.
Oh 1000000000% sir. Its not even close
Found a new Canadian beer down here that I haven’t heard of before.
CD: 49th Parallel’s Gypsy Tears Red Ale.
It’s a nicely hopped red ale, that isn’t too bitter on the after taste. I’d like it to be a bit more full, but I can’t complain.
“Down here”
Not much new in the new Cinderella. The Rob Stark actor played the Prince, but I’ll let the internet run with the obvious red wedding jokes.
Meeting grumpy cat:
New knowledge (well for me anyway) from twitter:
@elementaladam: Omg. Just been told that T Pau’s “China In Your Hand” is about Mary Shelley and Frankenstein. Checked the lyrics, it totally is. #mindblown
See for yourself at:
New knowledge for me is that T’Pau actually had another song besides Heart and Soul
T’Pau was also the hottest Vulcan.
The only other slice of trivia about T’Pau, is that the lead singer claimed that she only ever wore nickers whilst performing on stage.
We just got home from the grocery store. We now have corned beef, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, and apple pie. There was discussion of baking our own pie, which was quickly dismissed as ridiculous.
How are you beauties today?
Off to the folk club tonight, and some planning needed for a future trip to Orkney.
I had to take a double on “folk”
Van is gonna get folked.
Better than grabbing bass
Pie was one of the first things I learned to make. Okay scrambled eggs was the first, chocolate chip cookies was second, but pie was third. Enjoy your Pi Day! and St. Patty’s
CD: Red Hare – Watership Brown Ale
Got it because of the brilliant name. Pretty good. Quite smooth.
CD: Stone Go-To IPA
One of the best, IMO
CW: The Returned E1
I have the original French version on my skybox and never got round to watching it, so have nothing to compare this US version with.
I loved the French version. I’ve actually never seen the US version. How strange is that?
Well you are Canadian.
CW: Planet of the Apes
Against all advice
Not the Burton one…
We saw that in the drive in! This was the latest one.
The last two (Rise and Dawn) were spectacular in my opinion
The first of the newer 2 is really really good. The sequel is decent too.
A planet where apes evolved from men??
What’s that coming out of its nose?
Ugh, Spaceballs!
Oh shit, there goes the planet (god I love you for this, Ed)
There was no way I was leaving you hanging with that lead in, my friend.
Wayne Simmonds is a beast!
CW: The Last Man on Earth E3
Still not laughing…
I have caught the first two (mostly because I’ll watch anything with Kristen Schaal). But, I have a hard time having anything close to sympathy for anything the last man on earth does. He’s an astoundingly shallow douchebag and the preview they gave of episode 3 as the end of two looks like he’s not going to get any better. It’s like a bunch of asshats that drive around cars with “no fat chick” stickers wrote this playing a game of “what if you got stuck in this situation”.
And that’s the point of his character and why I give the show massive props for portraying him that was as opposed to the stereotypical ‘aw shucks’ good guy that gluts the majority of today’s sitcoms. I assure you the writers are going the sympathetic route on Carol and not Phil
Eat, geek, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.
Cinderella, hockey, The Road Warrior, and now baseball. Busy weekend!
Howd you slip the Road Warrior in there?
Does this weekend involve time travel?
How much better would Back to the Future 2 have been if Marty’s Delorean had landed in the future on a desert highway surrounded by road mutants?
There’s a local AZ group called Cult Classics who do theater screenings of, um, cult classics. This month it was the Road Warrior. And let me tell ya, it had been awhile. . . but this was seriously a fantastic big screen experience. The movie is 10x more exciting than I remember.
And while I’m excited for the new one, I just don’t see how CGI can match the real stunt driving thrills of the battle scenes in this one.
I’m tempted to rewatch the the first and third (it’s been decades), but I know I shouldn’t.
There’s nothing wrong with the first Mad Max
I haven’t seen it since the 80s.
I’ve finished one of the best shows I’ve ever seen… Sparticus. Such glory.
Gotta watch…so much TV to watch!!
We are CW: Pride. It’s a British movie about a group of gay activists who supported the miners strike in the 89s. So wonderful! 5 out of 3 nipples with 30 minutes left (we paused for dinner).
5 out of 3 nips!?!
I’m Spartacus!
I’m Sparticus
Will the real Sparticus please stand up?
Throw a dictionary at the pair of them..
Youre a poor Sporticus
Well we don’t all work for the government..oh wait.
Let’s see if this works. DP nearly hurt herself laughing at this one, a few years ago:
Awwww True Love comes in all shapes & sizes.
… And ram ears
Jack – regarding your concerns about CGI in the new Mad Max movie, you’ll find this interview of interest:
Honestly, I hadn’t known there was going to be a new movie until I saw this interview. This was definitely one of the better star interviews Top Gear has had. It will be interesting if this proves to be the last episode of Top Gear.
Thanks for the link, Ed, but we don’t need another hero.
Morning Pan
We got a bit of snow last night. This is actually a good thing. This winter has been so mild, the news is already talking fire bans and possible lawn watering bans, car washing bans, etc. While we didn’t get much, it’s a start.
Anybody else feel like a giggle when I mention my friend… Biggus….Dickus?
Maybe you should volunteer to write for ‘The Last Man on Earth’?
Sorry, the show is just fine the way it is. The fact youre pissed that its not a laugh out loud comedy complete with a laugh track is not on me, SIR!
Because two words – Raisinballs.
To get serious, I’m not a fan of laugh tracks.
Raisin balls made me gag not laugh.
Hopefully things will improve with January Jones on the scene.
Dude, Raisinballs werent meant to make you say “mmmmmmmmmmm”. Theyre actually a pretty great symbol of the world these two people are forced to live in.
I’m pretty disgusted with Phil so far
Certainly has his faults
We watched the first two episodes of Battle Creek. It had some good points, but it was too much of the typical formula that we decided not to continue watching.
Evil, Inc. is proving to be very evil so far today.
Having you put extra lasers on the sharks?
CP: When I Fall — Barenaked Ladies
So if youre ever in Yellowstone National Park and you want to take a tour on an antique bus, make sure its the one nicknamed “Hollywood” – cause that one, my friends, is Egg’s bus from BTiLC. Outstanding!
CP: Don’t Fuck Me Up (With Peace And Love) — Cracker
CW: Latest Shameless
Oh Frank what a barsteward you are.
A slight bit of redemption, I bet he still took the money.
Who knew that looking for public toilet on the internet can lead you to the darker corners of of the human psyche.
Okay, I’ll bite.
Why are you searching for a public toilet on the internet, Van?
and what happens if tou change to search to “punlic bidet?”
New place to start work, need to find out if there are any facilities.
I’ll take glory holes for 500, Alex.
You got the Daily Double!
Gross. Literally?
Got a change of shift, no worries.
Villas in Sicily.
January Jones looks far cooler dressed down.
I kinda hate her on Mad Men.
Not seen that show but I enjoyed her for the most part in X-Men First Class.
Hot damn Tornado! Congrats on popping your playoff cherry!
Well, that stinks…
Couldnt just open a window?
Light a match?
Little green tree freshener?
Glade plug in?
Lo, you have far too many solutions to this problem. It almost seems you’re experienced with this topic.
Timing your poo whilst flying over a cow field?
Blame it on the dog/baby?
Today’s Doh moment, realising that the U.S. version of ‘The Returned’ is on Netflix in the UK and I didn’t have download the first two episodes via BitTorrent:
It took me several hours of archiving old podcasts and other old computer files to CDs and a portable hard drive, but I finally, finally made enough space on my computer’s hard drive to install the school-provided copy of Office. Onward to more homework! :/
Da Bunny is in da howse!
Now let’s see if I can not get so caught up in my work I forget I’m in the DP house.
Non sequitur!
Can you say that and sound like Shatner?
Kurt Russell’s birthday!!!!
I haven’t checked my work spam box in a while. There are six emails. The first line of each turn into an interesting story:
Good Day! Hopefully I’m not disturbing you.
How’re you doing my sweet love? My BF dumped me.
Sorry to trouble you
Bring the other side emma
Agreed to
Do you mind my pussy explorer
CP: Go! — Public Service Broadcasting
Holy shit, this was so good I just bought “The Race for Space” !
Me Too
That’s why I shared. It’s a fun album. Quite a mix of musical styles, but Go! is my favorite.
FRIENDS! Mark this day, March 17, 2015! The day Van says something positive about Blade Runner.
It is cool…
The model work reminds me of Thunderbirds.
Cooler than that.
Vanamonde is GO!
That was a public service announcement .
Ain’t that tough enough?
So another solar storm, another Aurora visible in the UK, locally the clouds mock me.
We are probably too far South to see it.
I’d definitely like to get to see that some day.
I got a nasty sunburn on Sunday working outside. I’m sure I’m too far south to see it.
Oldie but still good
But Basketball is a peaceful planet!
On Her Majesty’s Steven Soderbergh
An excellent love letter to the most forgotten (and one of my favorite) Bond films
I drank no green beer, listened to no House of Pain, ate no Corned Beef, had no Irish soda bread, and did not watch The Quiet Man.
Still a nice St. Paddy’s Day with my non-Irish Pixie. Goodnight, :leprechaun:
I had to drive 4 hours to a 1.5 hour meeting in Georgia and then drive back again. Fortunately, the cafeteria where the meeting was had corned beef. When I got home, there was still time to have a few beers. As far as celebration, I split 1/4 beer between my three dogs so they could feel like it was a special day. Oh, yeah and we watched Leprechaun Origins. It was a right piece of shit.
I wore a green shirt and, well … I guess that was it.
Things are returning to normal, I’ve lost the scissors.
Somedays I wonder if Van really speaks English…
You know that setting for English UK on your PC? That.
I’m sure the randomness of the scissors was what threw us off.
I was thinking it was his use of the phrase “returning to normal”.
Getting CPR & AED certified this morning.
Good! You can save me the next time Van gives me a heart attack
Call the medic!
I missed the word, “certified” at first glance. Quite changes the tone of the comment.
Code blue!
Morning Pan
Another late night for hubby.
CP: Children’s Work — Dessa
Was just evangelized to at work. Wtf?
Was it Evil evangelizing?
BTW, not cool they did that.
It was Easter evangelizing! I’m 3rd biggest boss here and got the pleasure of “talking to” the guy. He does not see the big deal…
Easter is a choice….
What, you didn’t want to hear about how rabbits lay eggs that people subsequently eat?
You made it through the awkward talk. This deserves a beer.
Oh wait, you probably can’t drink on the job.
I would love to talk to that person if they can explain Easter Grass.
Oh that’s the devil’s work
That fellow at least needs to get his story straight:
And so… Its like an episode of Grey’s Anatomy here at work today….
A crazed gunman is on the loose outside my hospital, shooting people. We are on lockdown. So strange and surreal to be in open heart surgery, almost *trapped* there, and once removed from the chaos this city is under right now. 🙁
Good luck Pixie. Stay safe and stay down.
Fucking crazy people ruin everything.
All is good in Pixieland and also Mesa, Arizona!!
Crazy, ahole captured and no additional casualties, other than the 5 souls he shot earlier this morning.
My hospital broke lockdown and all returned back to crazy normal around here.
In weird news:
Also it looks like Sleepy Hollow is renewed for Season 3
That’s sorta unfortunate
Some hope for type 2 diabetics from an old drug:
CW: iZombie E1
I liked it. 😀
I’m kind of tired of zombies
big time agree
Me too, but I enjoyed this show.
Yeah it was fun.
Organized religion at its best
Or did you mean, “at it’s beast”.
Not much CDN hockey action tonight.
CW: iZombie S1 E1
Hey you! Stop ripping off your previous work:
That has no relation to Essbee watching iZombie.
It’s surprising that the zombie resurgence is still going this strong, 10 years later.
They’re hard to kill.
Theyre under siege
Oh…ditto… the stuff of my youth…
And hers. 😉
Besides, I couldn’t resist that set up. 😛
Oh man… now I have to have an Erika Eleniak google image search party
Damn that techniker!
This is cool:
Morning Pan
Another hubbyless evening.
Fucking hell, Ess. WTF is us with Longmont lately??
Stabbings and other vile stuff that’s worse. Just been a week of wtf in her town
I’m sorry I Googled.
Cleaning the washing machine this morning.
I sometimes wonder how I can handle all this excitement in my life :silly:
Excitement is overrated. 🙂
Preach it, brother
For less excitement, I was just going to recommend that you not lean on the washer during the spin cycle.
CP: For What It’s Worth — Placebo
I’ve decided the thing I do best is misplace my phone. *sigh*
Want me to make a FaceTime call?
That’s ok Van. I just want on line and told Apple to have my phone make noise.
This is all because people just don’t appreciate Beyonce enough.
well they let Kenny Rogers play there…
At least there’s some good Kenny our there
Ok to be fair there’s good Kuntye as well. Unfortunately.
“there’s some good Kuntye…”
A Freudian slip if I’ve ever heard one.
Not a slip!
CP: Hard Way Home — Brandi Carlile
If you want to give your children nightmares:
Ok what the actual fuck…. Walter White and the bear and the “train” of chinese children… wtf
The airplane museum will be less disturbing.
Oh My!!
Wondering who is putting these on their Amazon wishlist
Live solar eclipse feed here:
If any of you are still awake.
Cloud stopped play for me.
Morning Pan
I’m expecting hubby home early today for two reasons:
1) He worked late the last couple of days in a row.
2) Spring break starts!
Ok, enough of this. Must have a shower and get some clothes on.
still not showered and dressed. What’s that about?
I’m soo not in the mood to work today. I think that’s why I’m putting off my shower. If I’m dressed, it means I should be at my desk working.
I’m ready for work, but my work day will last as long as my commute.
We work nine hour days M-Th and then 4 hours on Friday, but this week I had to stay later by two hours, so I’m only working two hours today.
Not redundancy!
I’m clean and clothed, and I even opened all the curtains in the house. I’d say it was to let the sun in but it’s raining.
Happy birthday to Freema Agyeman! By FARRRRRRRRR my fav Dr. Who companion evar
I was going to call you a dirty old man but she is 35.
BTW, her being the hottest of the companions wasnt the reason shes my fav. But damn it helps…
/what is this, 1960?
It’s a shame the Doctor was too racist to truly appreciate her.
(I’d also rate her as the best-looking – – although Clara is a close 2nd.)
Yeah I never made it to Clara so I cant compare the two.
I’m still partial to Donna
I do like her too.
I hated Donna…hated, hated, hated!?)?!
We know….
Oh have I mentioned it before?
Oh do you?
Is that because her “Worships the Doctor” attribute score wasn’t high enough?
Ed winds
Also WINS!!!!
I loved Dr. Donna. It brought something new to the show, other than the typical companion (romantic interest) aspect.
Indeed. Was a very sweet ending to her as well. One of the more heartbreaking. Also why I like Martha as she was never a love interest of his either
My opinion is rather coloured by her sketch comedy shows she did before Dr Who, I found her annoying then. Being in Doctor Who didn’t stop her being annoying.
I fear that the romantic/flirty theme has become an integral element of the show. It was even there with Martha and Donna, if not as prominent.
It’ll be interesting to see if they can pull off this Geezer Capaldi experiment without alienating their core modern fanbase.
Actually not having The Doctor flirting with Donna was a kopout and rather ageist of the BBC writers.
Fav will always be Captain Jack, even if he wasn’t a long running companion
One of my fav scenes in the first season of the new DW, was the Doctor telling Rose to accept Captain Jack’s sexuality.
Let’s, move some previous comment replies down here shall we.
Sounds like a Billy Joel song.
He’s always a woman to me.
Having lunch with my boo. It’s snowing
CP: Cherry Lips (Go Baby Go!) — Garbage
JW: The Killing S3 (binged watched) The Finale.
My brain hurts. Im a bit confused and irritated by the ending.
Ummmmm turns out, S3 of The Killing is not the finale. smh.
On to S4!!
No way.So there’s a five year gap to start S4. Maybe her son will be working for the force now.
My Civic is a slut. At Meineke trying to get its skirt back on.
What a whore!
I got a kick out of that too. 🙂
CP: Yeh Yeh – Matt Bianco (2010 version)
CP: Spanish Flea – Herb Alpert
CP: Shattered Dreams – Johnny Hates Jazz
CP: Living in a Box – Living in a Box
..and that isn’t a mistake.
..and that isn’t a mistake
He’ll causally cut you and laugh when you’re bleeding..
He’s always a woman to me.
That almost sounds like a Billy Joel song.
Back in the USSR
CP: The Race For Space — Public Service Broadcasting
CP: Mary’s Prayer – Danny Wilson
CP: Cars and Girls – Prefab Sprout
CP: Happy Hour – The Housemartins
CP: Sit Down – James
CP: Gagarin — Public Service Broadcasting
CP – A Design for Life – Manic Street Preachers
To separate it from Van’s music stream
Lo! PSB is playing in Denver next week!
Crap! That’s a little bitty venue too…
No KC love. 🙁
I felt that way when Helmet brought their Betty tour to KC but not Denver
CP: Mulder and Scully – Catatonia
Oh I would..
CP: Stutter – Elastica
Oh I would…
CP: There SHe Goes -The La’s (acoustic)
CP: Brim full of Asha – Cornershop
Only on the 45
CP: Back in the USSR – Molly Hatchett
CP: Taxman – Stevie Ray Vaughn
CP: Don’t Worry Desmond Dekker – The Mighty Mighty Bosstones
CP: Whales and Roses – We Are The Woods
CP: Done – Beth Thornley
Really? 😉
One more :-p
CP: With Arms Outstretched – Rilo Kiley
These bloody headphones are are nipping my ears to the point I can check my pulse, time to play some games.
CP: Kitchenware & Candybars – STP
Still pretty damn powerful 21 years later
Quick, I need several pennies. I want to get several place settings of these dishes.
Wow, 55 is too young. I never cared much for Twisted Sister, but Cities’ Annihilation Absolute was an obscure thrash classic.
CD: Octofox IPA
Today’s, Billiards Trick Shot –
“Approximately 2 and 1/2 minutes after the Republicans find out that Obama is Pro-Respiration, we will become a one party nation.”
If it were possible for my cable/Internet provider sucked any more then they currently do, they’d have an event horizon.
I’m telling you, we quit cable/satellite 4 years ago and havent looked back. Take the challenge!
Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us.
Christ. Agents of SHIELD is really good, isnt it?
I have quite enjoyed it.
There are those moments when it reminds you it is a serialized TV show … but I find they are pretty brief moments, surrounded by fun.
Oh sure, as is most shows. But damn, its come SUCH a long way. Im glad ABC was patient
You can faint now.
You’re just trying to produce a singularity here, aren’t you?
This is the third thing Van and I have completely agreed upon. Oh the stars align sometimes!
Who are you and what have you done with Van?!
Damn we jus never got to watching this season
No rush, but you should catch when can
NFA slogan: “You can take my flamethrowers when you pry them from my blackened, charred hands.”
The XM42 … because sometimes, you just need to set those people over there… ON FIRE!
I made a mistake of trying on a Bose set of Headphones, they were very comfortable but not 300 quid worth comfortable.
They all squeeze your head in the end. (True of many things in life)
Mouthful of Hannah
Only on a 45.
Oh you win
B bought one of the smaller pairs and loves them
Kathy Ireland
You disappoint me I was expecting a Kraftwerk reference.
I prefer boobs
Everybody needs a bosom for a pillow.
Your’s on the 45
Morning Pan
Once again I brought my excitement level to 11. I filed my income taxes this morning. *sigh*
JW: Powers E2
Never read the comics, but the first two episodes were a real slog to sit through, going to give the third episode of the series one last chance to improve.
“El Pollo Sucio” would be more accurate.
It never ceases to amaze me how death metal bands can create lush acoustic music.
Very nice.
Have I mentioned that I’m a sucker for 3/4 or 6/8 time tunes? 🙂 Okay not all, but this definitely qualifies.
I think death metal bands are drawn to power, atmosphere, and dissonant/minor chords and phrasing, which often translates nicely to acoustic instruments.
I dig this, Rhett. I’d never heard of them before.
Glad you liked it cynful. I’ve listened to Agalloch on and off for a long time. They sort of defy a label, but I would call them folk death metal. Very drone-ey, melodic and melancholy music from some indy band from Portland. Listening to them today I thought there were some Floyd influences as well.
Last night I watched “For your Eyes Only”. Really not to bad.
A rather big step up from “Moonraker”.
The whole, “under aged nymphomaniac ice skater ” thing was unnecessary and creepy but other than that, not to bad.
Hey! Like yourself Im watching all the Bond’s as well in prep for SPECTRE next year. But Im also the listening to the James Bonding podcast after each. Its a fantastic companion piece to the films done by loving Bond enthusiasts that arent afraid to call BS on anything. Its been a lot of fun.
Are you watching them in order of the films or the books? Or is that too much of a dorky question?
Watching them in order of the films.
Apart from the fun of watching as pop culture changes, it is a real lesson in the history of film-making. You can see how, as the decades have progressed, our attention span as a viewing public has apparently grown shorter and SQUIRREL!
Its true ALTHOUGH i will say that 1963’s From Russia With Love is a clinic of fantastic filmmaking. It may not look it now, but the story behind how they pulled it off is incredible. Still stands up and probably the most classic of Bond films
Squirrel? Where?
The goldfinger episode…WTF!!!!
Skating over the iconic laser scene WTF!
Ok you happened to pick the wrong one to start with… the two ladies arent regulars.
I know! Enjoyed ‘From Russia With Love’ episode.
Goddammit we agree…
..and the Earth trembled..
Stone Temple Pilot’s ‘Art School Girlfriend’ is the biggest rip-off of Tripping Daisy’s ‘ I Got A Girl’ ever.
i told you 5 or 4 times….
Lo, that was a seriously cool Archer Easter Egg. Just in time for Easter too.
Right! The amount of time both creating it and figuring it out is astounding
Archer Easter Egg?? where??
BTW – the baby sitting episode was BEST YET!
I have to agree autocorrect Bison would have been funny.
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt!
Van, not sure on model but will find out.
Model is Vendela
Is that the latest VD variant?
Depeche Mode is currently reminding me that everything counts, in large amounts.
Eh, people are people.
OMFG Ecbert is a real cunt
No, he’s a douche with no morals.
In proper English terms… he’s a cunt. As is his shitty son
How do you say that in Olde English?
“Frankie Goes To Hollywood” may be one of the most seminal albums from the 1980 that no one ever remembers.
I see what you did there.
Both of you.
Off to see ‘The Gunman’ at the flicks today.
Hopefully there won’t be a Gunman 2
People can be so stupid
Van, B says her headphones aren’t noise canceling. They are they $90ish foldable Bose…
This is actually a very smart, moving talk about a real issue — not the salacious political election bomb it would appear. And on a shallow level, she’s never looked better.
Worth your 20 minutes.
Will do
I wonder if Joan Cusack has nightmares about her hairstyle in Working Girl.
So it seems my specs make wearing the headphones worse.
So hopefully I’ll get to explore Orkney the week before the meetup.
We should have the MMMmmmeetup there.
Will Morkney be there?
Macbeth from Ork.
“Thorni f*cked. Helgi carved”
Mind boggling from Twitter:
@emmielouli: I just saw a Facebook post from a teenager, it was an image of a floppy disk, with the caption ‘lol someone 3D printed the Save button’.
Was feeling nostalgic.
Surprisingly I like this. A friend turned me on to KRS
His “MCs Act Like They Don’t Know” was one of the earliest subjects of Stolen Rap Lyrics.
“Could it be the fact that they express wackness?
Let me show ya whose ass is the blackest.”
That was neat. I just wish they said what movies they were on the video. I only recognized a few.
Hockey fans should check out Oliver Ekman-Larson’s end-to-end goal today vs. the Canucks.
Pretty sweet. Dude is the real deal
Well last day of my long weekend and off to see this at the arty Cinema:
Subtitled version…
Which was sad and rather wonderful and being subtitled meant no screaming kiddies..other than those portrayed in the film.
The breaking of Spring has ended. Onward to Summer we tread…
Morning Pan
Spring Break is upon us. I’ll probably be hit and miss for the next two weeks.
Stop! Hubby time.
Except for TEB’s sake I hope it is the opposite of “Can’t Touch This”.
I’m curious if anyone has tried any of the beers in this series. Just heard about it, so sorry if it’s a repeat.–Cerealiously-Count-Chocula
Never have found it
Thank You, Monday morning for waking me up.
^ like
CP: Gorecki — Lamb
I’ve been off the 5+2 diet for the last month (being Ill and then the stress of the renovation)’ really need to start again but apathy has struck big time this week.
The answer is 7.
I did alternate day (fast one day, eat the next) for about a year and went from 220 to 180. Then the reasons to stop hit and the apathy picked up. Now I’m back to 210. I sympathize. Fasting is not easy.
CW: Last Man on Earth E6
Yes I’m a mascochist, what give it away?
Shut your hole.
Which one?
CP: Naked Sunday – STP
Ah ah ah ah
woah oh oh
Ah ah ah ah
Isn’t it cute?
In a bit of a Cthulhu sort of way…
Not bad for a ‘living fossil’.
CW: Last Man on Earth E6
I love this show. I love Todd. and I’m gonna quote an AV club commenter.
“Forte has literally never written a character for himself who wasn’t aggressively offputting, I expected nothing less from this. I kind of thought we were past the point of needing our TV shows to be led by likable characters.”
And now Van and I fisticuffs.
I was cringing through most of the episode.
Yet I bet you were a fan of the British office
Nope, couldn’t get a way with it.
You have a bad case of vicarious embarrassment dont you?
I’m going to say No! Just in case.
We liked E4 better than the others. Still sticking with it, but so far only because of KS.
Airliner crashes in French Alps
What a terrible place to crash.
Really sad
Morning Pan
It’s a foggy, foggy morning in Cowtown today.
If a cow moos in the fogland, would anyone hear it?
CP: You Don’t Believe — The Alan Parsons Project
Ironic, considering how much of a butt hole Lars is, that he really isn’t all about that bass.
A hearty ‘goddammit Rhett’!
Has taken my bass,
Taken my track,
Taken my hearing.
Now sing that as METAL! \m/
Taken my bass!
Taken my track!
Taken my hearing-uh!
Legend had it that for that album, Lars would only record in 30 second increments before stopping and insisting that his snare drum head be switched out. I’m sure this is an exaggeration, but I’m also sure it’s based in some truth.
I bet you he went thru 1000 of them while recording St. Anger. Cause that’s all you hear on that pile of shit
I never listened to that album, but the conjecture on the interwebs was he was using metal trash can lids instead of a drum set.
Oh thats perfect
And Ms. Anderson is more beautiful than ever. I hope this is better than the confusion that was the movie.
The movie (the last film anyway) wasnt all that confusing as much as it felt like an unnecessary and long episode
Just 6 episodes!
I actually happy that they gave Chris Carter only 6 episodes to start with. While the series was excellent, the final seasons suffered from a lack of clear narrative. Perhaps the limited run will keep Mr. Carter more focused.
Rhett’s right and I agree 100%. As much as I LOVE the series, Carter completely painted himself into a corner – so much so that I think his writers just said “fuck it” and gave up. X-Files always did work best with small story arcs and one off episodes.
It’s the dog that really did it in for me.
Ever crack your neck and feel the twinge down your arms?
Holy shit is that a weird feeling.
Usually it’s my shoulder, but yes, I recognize that sensation.
Is it getting older or our bodies declaring anarchy?
I think it’s too much time hunched over computers, and guitars, and fetching brains for the master.
I’ve made the switch to drinking Powerade from Diet Coke, while at work.
But as I drink my first one, I’m concerned about the number of calories and amount of sugar that is in this Powerade and if it really is a healthier alternative to diet soda…
I made the switch to water with the random lemonade or coffee a few years ago.
I’m sure your teeth at least appreciate the change.
Your crap mini joke joke for the day:
My wife just said to me “Look at this, I’ve had this since we got married 20 years ago & it still fits me”.
I said ” it’s a Fucking scarf.”
Does this coat make my butt look fat?
I couldn’t possibly comment.
I could. Van that scarf doesnt become you
Germanwings plane crash: Pilot ‘locked out of cockpit’
That sounds ominous.
I’m in Dallas where it is 85 degrees today. I’m going to bum around Downtown tonight for the first time. Kinda fun, considering I’ve been traveling here regularly for 5+ years.
Find a brewer!
Or a can of Irn Bru
I bet it’s a fun town. Wear your best “Hillary ’16” t-shirt.
I would suggest the district of “Deep Ellum” and the bar “Trees”.
She did!!! Well done Rhett
Awesome! Let the record state the last time I was there was 1992.
DE is a fun district. We also hit Lower Greenville and the grassy knoll.
The museum is interesting, but it closes pretty early. The aquarium isn’t too far from there either and it’s pretty neat.
Which part of Dallas did you end up?
So that’s episode 8 of ‘Better Call Saul’ put to bed.
Only 2 more episodes to go…
Bloody Vince Gillighan, making me care about a character I found annoying in BB.
CP: Road To Nowhere — Talking Heads
I forgot how terrible Sonic Youth’s first two albums are.
I forgot how classic Sonic Youth’s next 4 albums are.
What the fuck, indeed.
My phone just give me a look of eternal befuddlment.
I’ll stick with this
I mean, you all made it to the part where the sister was an abortion ghost, right? And the wtf stream of conscience writing !
Deliverance: The Next Generation.
Whoa. That’s deep
If Disney would give me THAT animated series I would watch forever.
100% good sir!
CP: Mr. Pinstripe Suit — Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
I’ve been meaning to watch some of these for days now – – especially “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”. Life is just too damn busy.
I hope I have free time for interesting internet links in the afterlife.!bob-culbertson-chapmanstick-performances/c1yi7
Cool concept.
It’s the reviews that make the game.
CP: The Show Must Go On — Queen
He is handling the money
He’s serving the food
He knows about your party
He is calling you “DUDE!”
That’s not how I remember that Queen song.
Always thought Santa was a bit iffy.
Ditto – having his CAKE and quoting it too.
Wait this link is way old. Fuck this link.
Here, Lo, this link is something newer, though of a different topic:
omg i want that full sized and framed
JW: iZombie E2
Another actor who seems to always play villains..
Not English at least.
You are
I’ll pass on tieing you to a railway track.
Youll pass if I say youll pass!
A spoon full of whiskey helps life’s medicine go down
You have a lot of restraint if you kept it to one spoon
The chimney sweeps would prefer you to Mary Poppins.
Chim Chim whisk-ee