Well, apparently I only screwed up the antepenultimate…
Oh, and Spoiler Alert
And Wash dies too
Okay, back to work…
Excellent. I’m looking forward to this.
You and me both, friend!
Your crap joke for the day:
A girl is driving along the expressway listening to the radio when she hears a song she really, really likes. When the song is over the announcer says the title of the record was, “Hot Lips and TenderKisses.”..When she gets home she’s very excited about the new song and decides to call her local music store to see if they have the record. Hurriedly, and excitedly, she dials the store’s number. But in her excitement, she unknowingly misdialed and got an auto repair shop instead….”Hello,” the mechanic answers…”Oh, yes! Do you have Hot Lips and Tender Kisses?” the girl asks.The mechanic was puzzled, but says, “Well, no, but I’ve got hot pants and seven inches.”
“Oh, is that a record?” she says….”No,” he says, “but it’s better than average.”
No jacket required.
Today I helped an old lady across the road for the driest time evar.
I resisted the temptation to reenact a game of Frogger…
First not driest, bloody autocorrect.
That was your first time? Hmmm, is there a card for that?
Well I’m often accused of looking like a thug, so maybe she was desperate…
Of course, you can hear both Amy & I every episode of the Ghostlight Podcast, but this week’s Bonus Episode was created entirely by The Deadpan Ambassador.
Seems insurance companies sent out letters saying their policies were being canceled due to the affordable care act but they would roll them into another plan. Only it turns out the plan is more expensive then if they were to purchase one (with better coverage) through the AFA. One of the offenders … insurance giant, “Humana”.
So canceled policies and blaming it on Obamacare is actually a pre-planned strategy for companies to “upsell” to unsuspecting people.
Thank God it’s Monday! Oh, wait. 🙁
Well that was disappointing. Spent an hour with my author (the one who didn’t show yesterday) and we couldn’t get his google+ to recognize his camera or mic. The problem is, he’s not very computer literate and he lives in a different town. He also uses a different version of Windows than I do (he uses Vista) so I can’t walk him through the process of checking his settings.
We may not be able to do the interview on Saturday.
What is a good, free, skype recorder?
You’ve asked this question before and I’ve forgotten my answer I gave the last time.
Hey, Deadpan! I wanted to make sure I got this announcement posted on episode #288:
The Annual Deadpan Secret Santa Gift Exchange will continue!
The Deadpan Secret Santa exchange has become one of my personal Christmas traditions, and I can’t see myself giving it up. Even though the Deadpan Podcast has now officially become two gross, the holiday cheer will continue. :happy:
With Thanksgiving coming late this year, the deadline to sign up will be Saturday, November 23, which is two weeks from tomorrow. I will repeat this announcement at least once more before then, via email and/or on a future post on this site. As always, email me at (last name)1138 at yahoo dot com to sign up.
Deadpan is the way! 🙂
As stated previously. I’m in.
And the comments conversation will continue, even beyond the real final episode. And there’s also the Facebook page, for those Deadpanites who don’t hit the comments page as much anymore.
Now if only we can get Jack to answer his emails…
I think Amy knows I’m up for Secret Santa
Unrelated observation. Joe Lyn Turner’s face has aged at the expected rate in the past 30 years, but his hair has not.
Is this part of what used to be called “Bro-vember”?
Your crap joke for today:
Two police officers saw this old woman staggering down the street, stopping her they can tell she has had far too much to drink and instead of taking her to jail they decide to just drive her home. They loaded her into the police cruiser one of the officers gets in the back with the drunk woman. As they drove through the streets they kept asking the woman where she lived, all she would say as she stroked the officers arm is “Your Passionate” They drove awhile longer and asked again, again the same response as she stroked his arm “Your Passionate”. The officers were getting a little upset so they stopped the car and said to the woman, Look we have driven around this City for two hours and you still haven’t told us where you live. She replied I keep trying to tell you: “Your Passin It!”
That joke’s failin it.
F-F-F Faaaaalin’ (der der derderder)
So I finally get the chance to see Gravity tomorrow. 3D sadly., will have to dust off the specs I last used seeing Dredd.
We’re seeing Thor tomorrow.
We saww Thor today, and were well-pleased. Thanks for the headsup, Van. We did stay for BOTH secret endings.
Our lass calls my cock “The Firework.” Not because it lights up her evening, but because she likes to keep it at arms length since it went off in her face!
I own “The Wishing Bridge,” but would really love to own any other album(s) you guys did together. Didn’t you do one called “Be the Light?” I looked for a way to purchase it once, but couldn’t find it. :frown:
Number 16 will blow your mind! You won’t believe – – ok, you get the point.
JHC! There was only ONE game on the NHL today and of course, our competitor had his goalie playing in the game and of course, his goalie earned a shu out.
Javanese Hotel Clerks?
Jawas Have C3P0?
justaJ0e Holla Crunk?
Son of a five hole!
Jonathan Hucken Coulton
Just watched the 2011 “Captain America” movie.
I rather liked it.
I’ve decided I should go back and watch all the pre-Avenger movies.
Does anyone know what they were?
Iron Man
Iron Man 2
Cap America
Is that The Hulk (2003) or the Incredible Hulk (2008)? I am in the astoundingly small minority that actually like the 2003 version. The CGI was atrocious, but i really dug the comic panel approach that Ang Lee took.
It’s The Incredible Hulk (2008) that’s part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe continuity.
No youre not. (Ok well you are) but I really dug the 2003 Hulk as well. Tho its not part of the Marvel Avengers mythos it could very well have been a prequel to the 2008 version. Its good stuff and they cant take that away from us, UH!
I kinda hated everything about the movie except hte comic panels and Jennifer Connelly, but it was at least better than Captain America.
There were also Spider-Man’s segments on The Electric Company.
Have I ever shared my thoughts on the Captain America movie?
Oh go on and say them again.. You know you want too.
What a day!!!!! Its my son’s first birthday! Ditto turns 28 today!!!! Two birthdays, one cake!!!!!
Dig this day, Mr. C 🙂
Happy birthday Lo Jr!
Thnx Rhett!
Add my birthday wishes to little Lo, too.
Mine as well!
What do you get the son of an elder god for his birthday? Happy 1st birthday, young man.
Happy birthday, Ditto! 🙂
I dropped a glass bowl onto a tile floor this morning. It landed flat and the results were spectacular.
The glass fragmented so completely, it looked like water as it flowed out across the floor. In all directions.
Took me 30 minutes to clean all that up.
– woot
If you’re gonna do it…do it spectacularly
Go big or stay at home. Oh, wait… you did both! 😉
That’s what she… you know
“Took me 30 minutes to clean all that up”
I hope the cleanup didn’t draw any blood.
This product visualizer at Amazon is really cool.
Type in the name of a book and it will do a blowup of related and what else people purchased.
Surprise, surprise. I put in Snow Crash as a starting point and 99% of what it gave back were other books by Stephenson and a bunch of William Gibson books. I could pretty much have guessed that myself.
Tonight we are having some friends over to continue our adventuring. One of our players is amazing with beasts. A couple of months ago, he managed to tame a giant spider which we now have as a pet that helps us in battle. Last month, he tamed an ogre which we are adding to our party tonight. Our other player (a dwarf) asked for a horse as a reward for a battle we did (the same battle we picked up the ogre). We are getting quite the menagerie.
Must be a hell of a litter box.
Hubby’s our GM. He sighs a lot whenever we are gaming. I sometimes think that’s our party’s entire goal. To see how many times we can make John shake his head and sigh. 😉
Do you measure that in SPM? Sighs per minute?
I have telekinesis. One of my favourite tricks, when we are fighting a group of creatures, is to telepathically pick one creature up and slam it into another. For some reason, this always catches hubby off guard. He always has to come up with damage for both creatures on the fly. I figure, one day, he’ll actually have that information ready ahead of time since it seems to be my signature move.
It looks like we are getting water accumulation from the melting snow in front of our house. City water is working there. I hope that doesn’t mean they will have to shut down our water while they work on whatever it is that’s not letting the water drain from the streets. Whatever it is, it hasn’t backed up into our house so that’s something, I guess.
The batteries on my T.A.R.D.I.S. cookie jar have died. It no longer makes noise whenever you open the lid. It takes watch type batteries so I don’t have any at home. May have to get some later today.
I was more taken aback by the overt “Candy Van Man” vibe of the thing
Say that three times backwards and I’ll whisper ‘boo!’ In your ear.
Van..Man Candy..?
I’m not that sweet.
24 seconds.
Thats enough feux-pedophilia for the day.
I can never stomach these Rebecca Black-style videos for more than a few seconds. I certainly hope that no one behind the scenes is marketing these things with the creepy early Britney Spears angle.
Im more concerned with the images of that giant creepy guy staring thru the window and that sign pointing to a van that says “get in”. They had to have known better
I also hadn’t realized the way debt collection worked.
example – you owe 10k in medical bills. The collection agency who keeps calling you, bought your debt for around $500 and are now allowed to harass you for the whole 10k.
If YOU had been allowed to buy it you could have erased your own 10K debt for $500.
If the whole of the indebted public knew that this is how it worked it would totally turn the finance world on it’s ear.
Carolina is beating Colorado? LIES!!!!
I want to be someones secret santa!
OK! I’ll be sure to make that happen. :happy:
Sounds good to me!
I would watch this forever if it were really on. Best Superman Approach Ever!
Woman: Is there a problem, Officer?
Officer: Ma’am, you were speeding.
Woman: Oh, I see.
Officer: Can I see your license please?
Woman: I’d give it to you but I don’t have one.
Officer: Don’t have one?
Woman: Lost it 4 times for drunk driving.
Officer: I see…Can I see your vehicle registration papers please.
Woman: I can’t do that.
Officer: Why not?
Woman: I stole this car.
Officer: Stole it?
Woman: Yes, and I killed and hacked up the owner.
Officer: You what?
Woman: His body parts are in plastic bags in the trunk if you want to see.
The Officer looks at the woman and slowly backs away to his car and calls for back up. Within minutes 5 police cars circle the car. A senior officer slowly approaches the car, clasping his half drawn gun.
Officer2: Ma’am, could you step out of your vehicle please!
The woman steps out of her vehicle.
Woman: Is there a problem sir?
Officer2: One of my officers told me that you have stolen this car and murdered the owner.
Woman: Murdered the owner?
Officer2: Yes, could you please open the trunk of your car, please.
The woman opens the trunk, revealing nothing but an empty trunk.
Officer2: Is this your car, ma’am?
Woman: Yes, here are the registration papers. The officer is quite stunned.
Officer2: One of my officers claims that you do not have a driving license.
The woman digs into her handbag and pulls out a clutch purse and hands it to the officer. The officer snaps opens the clutch purse and examines the license. He looks quite puzzled.
Officer2: Thank you ma’am, one of my officers told me you didn’t have a license, that you stole this car, and that you murdered and hacked up the owner.
Woman: Bet you the lying bastard told you I was speeding, too!
I decided a few albums ago that I had enough of their stuff.
I was with you. I was tired after Vitology and literally didnt listen to any of their stuff after that. The a few years ago, I picked up Back Spacer for a few bucks, ans while it wasnt life changing it was good enough for me to consider looking into their back catalog. So these past few months I’ve been cracking from No Code thru Pearl Jam. It amazing what a 15 year break can do for you when youre sick of a bands sound.
That’s a really good point. 😀
I’m having that same problem with a lot of bands right now. Sigh.
ME too. Just wish we didnt get older while those albums stayed the same age 🙂
Some real gems on Yield, though. “In Hiding” and “Go” are worth the price of admission alone.
1998? Gah.
Agreed. Binaural is the last album of theirs I’ve bought.
If you want to know how your weight compares to a Blue Whale :
Saw the dentist. Good news, I don’t have any cavities. Bad new, I still have to go in and get fillings. Apparently, a couple of my fillings are coming loose so they need to be redone. So, for me, not having cavities has the same end result of having them. *sigh*
I’m facing having a gap as one of the teeth under the dental bridge is rotten. No pain at the moment so I’m putting it off as long as possible.
The dentist also told me the price of implants, maybe if I win the lottery…
Agents of SHIELD should be great and it isn’t.
There’s nothing I enjoy about this show right now. Really disappointing.
On the other hand, Van, REEALLY enjoying Sleepy Hollow. You told me so!
So long and thanks for the fish
Deadpan couldn’t be any other way.
Buggered up firsties on the last episode..grrrrr!
Well, I for one won’t bocth tis opportunity.
Well, shit…
Well, apparently I only screwed up the antepenultimate…
Oh, and Spoiler Alert
And Wash dies too
Okay, back to work…
Excellent. I’m looking forward to this.
You and me both, friend!
Your crap joke for the day:
A girl is driving along the expressway listening to the radio when she hears a song she really, really likes. When the song is over the announcer says the title of the record was, “Hot Lips and TenderKisses.”..When she gets home she’s very excited about the new song and decides to call her local music store to see if they have the record. Hurriedly, and excitedly, she dials the store’s number. But in her excitement, she unknowingly misdialed and got an auto repair shop instead….”Hello,” the mechanic answers…”Oh, yes! Do you have Hot Lips and Tender Kisses?” the girl asks.The mechanic was puzzled, but says, “Well, no, but I’ve got hot pants and seven inches.”
“Oh, is that a record?” she says….”No,” he says, “but it’s better than average.”
No jacket required.
Today I helped an old lady across the road for the driest time evar.
I resisted the temptation to reenact a game of Frogger…
First not driest, bloody autocorrect.
That was your first time? Hmmm, is there a card for that?
Well I’m often accused of looking like a thug, so maybe she was desperate…
Of course, you can hear both Amy & I every episode of the Ghostlight Podcast, but this week’s Bonus Episode was created entirely by The Deadpan Ambassador.
Hrm, apparently grammatically that should say “Amy & me.”
That’s one that I lazily get wrong all the time…
Yes, but only when that is the object of your sentence (or the like), as it was in the comment above. 😀
I just posted without reading it back first.
Like I said, lazy…
Yous done real good.
Morning Pan
The weather man said the S word again. Looks like winter is here to stay.
Happy birthday to Lost Ralph. Hope it’s a good one.
The Energizer Bunny
November 7, 2013 at 7:30 am · Reply
Happy birthday to Lost Ralph. Hope it’s a good one.
(Original comment from me.)
Unfortunately, I won’be be able to listen to the episode until after lunch 🙁
If I dont listen to it, does that mean the Pan will live on forever? Cause Ill always have a new one I havent heard yet
Just and FYI guys. Next Thursday, I will still be here, and I still plan to be in Arizona sometime in the spring of 2014.
And I still want to do Secret Santa this year.
I think I’ll poke Amy about it since she’s not on the boards that often any more.
Count me in on the SS.
In my best school marm voice:
You will notice the distinct use of O in that word you are are tittering at.
Young man probably features somewhere.
Huh.. see I went the SS route…
Heh… ditto said “Beat off the Skeksis”.
Granted he said it two eps ago… but he said it.
Catch up, Mr. Man.
It’s better all at once.
-Sasha Grey
I see who you did there. 😉
Sarah Michelle JELLer.
Has she floated your boat?
I’d give her my jeller… but I wouldnt make her breakfast
I cannot believe you said that!
Wait, yes, I can.
If it was Kristy Swanson I’d make her breakfast.
She may want her eggs unfertilised in the morning.
Yeah, yeah, yeah…. There’s always room for Jeller.
I didn’t see this plot twist coming in the next Thor movie…
Printing out full size….now
Bostonian 3 way?
Wicked hot
I think I just threw up a little.
Does this really surprise anyone?
Seems insurance companies sent out letters saying their policies were being canceled due to the affordable care act but they would roll them into another plan. Only it turns out the plan is more expensive then if they were to purchase one (with better coverage) through the AFA. One of the offenders … insurance giant, “Humana”.
So canceled policies and blaming it on Obamacare is actually a pre-planned strategy for companies to “upsell” to unsuspecting people.
Thank God it’s Monday! Oh, wait. 🙁
Well that was disappointing. Spent an hour with my author (the one who didn’t show yesterday) and we couldn’t get his google+ to recognize his camera or mic. The problem is, he’s not very computer literate and he lives in a different town. He also uses a different version of Windows than I do (he uses Vista) so I can’t walk him through the process of checking his settings.
We may not be able to do the interview on Saturday.
What is a good, free, skype recorder?
You’ve asked this question before and I’ve forgotten my answer I gave the last time.
..and now I remember:
whether it still works when MS buggers up most third part apps in the near future is a question I can’t answer.
That’s the one that doesn’t suffer from the echo effect that the previous software I used was prone too.
Dipping sauce!!
But what are you going to dip?
Thankfully it’s been blocked for uk residents.
Fun fact: There i no one named ‘Margot’ in the band ‘Margot and the Nuclear SO and SOs’
From Texas with what? Gay women do what?
I thought the same thing. 😉
Well it aint From Russia With Love
Let me peel that mask off your cold dead body..
You look nothing like Sean Connery…
Oh, Jack . . .
Gandalf the Gay needs a haircut
Just because it’s your birthday, missy, and you sleep with the judge, dammit, I mean, just COME ON.
Membership does have its privileges.
According to an article in the New Scientist if you really want to freak your self out do the following:
You will need a mirror large enough to observe your head from a distance of a metre.
A darkened room, preferably at night, dark enough that you can barely see your reflection.
Sit and stare at your reflection for ten minutes.
Visually, weird shit starts to happen..
Lego Cenobytes.
horrifically cute
Probably not the next Lego video game genre.
The remnants of the SU:
Very Egyptian.
Also, new band name = “Merry Cosmonauts of the Soviet Union”
The Red Menace :
These are pretty fantastic. A lot of recurring themes: giants, masks, disembodied hands, helpless women.
Morning Pan
Hubby hasn’t had a single late night meeting this week. I may faint in surprise.
Real Hockey: Flames at Avs tonite!!!
Fake Hockey: Darksiders, you gotsta make some moves. Your team hath doth given up on you.
AZ Derby Dames – For fucks sake, do NOT invite Owen Fyve for dinner, capisce?
So far, I’ve been moving to my limit every week. Doesn’t seem to help.
Owen is like the guest that won’t leave.
If only Owen would pitch in on the housework.
CP: The Walking Dead Theme Song (Unkle remix) — Bear McCreary
I was going to go to the bank after lunch but it looks like we’re about to get some snow so I’m heading out now.
Later Panites
On not wearing a poppy:
I thought the poppy was a Game of Thrones reference, since GRRM mentions “milk of the poppy” just about every three pages.
Another day, another book list:
I’ve read seven
CP: The Death — Fields
13 Erie. Has the trifecta of a good bad movie
At least they’re having better weather than we are here
Time to head north
That’s an old car
What kind of trees do you get when you plant dead bodies?
Only one person per bed. That doesn’t include the dead rats and cat
I have my doubts this forensic field trip is anywhere near realistic
That’s it. I’m not eating at his bar b que
Don’t puke on the body
Someone obviously wants his BBQ
The helper is comical inept
And now we have zombies
And the women split up
My battery’s dead. The food smells like dog food. Whine, whine, whine
Her body is missing
Are you going to eat me whole?
No, I’ll spit that part out
Now the guys have split up
Our first death
I hate it when my friends won’t stay dead
Wow, one sane person. Who would have expected this
Did you know your mind overreacts when you’re dealing with corpses?
People are dead and the professor still doesn’t believe
The zombie roars like a lion
Again, one person goes off to find the missing friend. Don’t people watch movies
She’s very resourceful
Let’s offer the zombies a drink. Here, have a Molotov cocktail
She swore
I’m going to kill Larry
Josh was going to leave them behind
Wow, was she a bad shot
At some point, that’s going to stop working
Told you
On the count of three. One, two, bang! I’ve seen this so often that I’m not going to believe it if someone tries it on me
I honestly believe they used lion sounds for the zombie foley
Morning has broken
This was a very… Canadian film.
How the hell did I miss out that there was a new Mindless Self Indulgence record????
*runs out the door*
Do it!!!!!!
Micro Crap Joke of the Day:
I’ve just released a fragrance…
No one on this bus seems too pleased though
Self coating – it’s the future.
Another freebie on the App Store:
…and back home after seeing this lady perform:
Nice … but sleepy.
I find not staring knot her eyes helps.
Slip knot or half-hitch ?
Oh Smid!: Ladislov Traded to Flames
Will that help to keep Owen away?
No it means youll miss out on a games worth of points from him 🙁
Hey, Deadpan! I wanted to make sure I got this announcement posted on episode #288:
The Annual Deadpan Secret Santa Gift Exchange will continue!
The Deadpan Secret Santa exchange has become one of my personal Christmas traditions, and I can’t see myself giving it up. Even though the Deadpan Podcast has now officially become two gross, the holiday cheer will continue. :happy:
With Thanksgiving coming late this year, the deadline to sign up will be Saturday, November 23, which is two weeks from tomorrow. I will repeat this announcement at least once more before then, via email and/or on a future post on this site. As always, email me at (last name)1138 at yahoo dot com to sign up.
Deadpan is the way! 🙂
As stated previously. I’m in.
And the comments conversation will continue, even beyond the real final episode. And there’s also the Facebook page, for those Deadpanites who don’t hit the comments page as much anymore.
Now if only we can get Jack to answer his emails…
I think Amy knows I’m up for Secret Santa
Unrelated observation. Joe Lyn Turner’s face has aged at the expected rate in the past 30 years, but his hair has not.
There’s a possessed wig story in that.
Right rubbed like rain that is
As spotted by Usedhair:
Is this part of what used to be called “Bro-vember”?
Your crap joke for today:
Two police officers saw this old woman staggering down the street, stopping her they can tell she has had far too much to drink and instead of taking her to jail they decide to just drive her home. They loaded her into the police cruiser one of the officers gets in the back with the drunk woman. As they drove through the streets they kept asking the woman where she lived, all she would say as she stroked the officers arm is “Your Passionate” They drove awhile longer and asked again, again the same response as she stroked his arm “Your Passionate”. The officers were getting a little upset so they stopped the car and said to the woman, Look we have driven around this City for two hours and you still haven’t told us where you live. She replied I keep trying to tell you: “Your Passin It!”
That joke’s failin it.
F-F-F Faaaaalin’ (der der derderder)
So I finally get the chance to see Gravity tomorrow. 3D sadly., will have to dust off the specs I last used seeing Dredd.
We’re seeing Thor tomorrow.
We saww Thor today, and were well-pleased. Thanks for the headsup, Van. We did stay for BOTH secret endings.
Gravity was impressive.
Isaac Newton said the same thing.
Einstein had the last laugh.
For those who feel they need a dose of cuteness
Your bonus crap joke:
Our lass calls my cock “The Firework.” Not because it lights up her evening, but because she likes to keep it at arms length since it went off in her face!
The Claude face.
Working today. Cant.hardly.stay.awake.
Is that part of the job description?
The Walking Dead is a beautifully heart breaking game.
If at first you don’t succeed…
“Try, try again, Mr. Wint.”
Check out Matt Mango in the Top 10!
Brills that is
I own “The Wishing Bridge,” but would really love to own any other album(s) you guys did together. Didn’t you do one called “Be the Light?” I looked for a way to purchase it once, but couldn’t find it. :frown:
I post this for its comedic value.
HE got Washington! Ha!
Goodnight :weekend:
Had a blast at the Avs/Caps game tonite. Oh, Ovi… you are the character arent you?
Phil Kessel is a goddamn mandman
But, can he run in under twelve parsecs?
I approve of this cross-genre joke.
Phil Kessel is a piece of junk!
^Wishes to have his piece of junk back.
Morning Pan
Hubby home for a few days. Woo Hoo.
Saw the season four premier of Lost Girl last night. It was very… strange.
Thor was quite enjoyable. Hubby said he liked it better than the first.
I concur.
These paintings are kind of amazing.
Sorry, I should have said: “You won’t believe these 15 incredible images! Number 14 will make you cry!”
If they won’t “blow my mind” I’m not looking at them.
very cool
It’s a bumpy ride:
OK, one more funny list. Then I’m done.
Number 16 will blow your mind! You won’t believe – – ok, you get the point.
JHC! There was only ONE game on the NHL today and of course, our competitor had his goalie playing in the game and of course, his goalie earned a shu out.
Javanese Hotel Clerks?
Jawas Have C3P0?
justaJ0e Holla Crunk?
Son of a five hole!
Jonathan Hucken Coulton
Just watched the 2011 “Captain America” movie.
I rather liked it.
I’ve decided I should go back and watch all the pre-Avenger movies.
Does anyone know what they were?
Iron Man
Iron Man 2
Cap America
Is that The Hulk (2003) or the Incredible Hulk (2008)? I am in the astoundingly small minority that actually like the 2003 version. The CGI was atrocious, but i really dug the comic panel approach that Ang Lee took.
It’s The Incredible Hulk (2008) that’s part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe continuity.
No youre not. (Ok well you are) but I really dug the 2003 Hulk as well. Tho its not part of the Marvel Avengers mythos it could very well have been a prequel to the 2008 version. Its good stuff and they cant take that away from us, UH!
I kinda hated everything about the movie except hte comic panels and Jennifer Connelly, but it was at least better than Captain America.
There were also Spider-Man’s segments on The Electric Company.
Have I ever shared my thoughts on the Captain America movie?
Oh go on and say them again.. You know you want too.
Why do you hate joy?
You have me wrong Lo. I liked Captain America.
Better than Captain Britain?
There is no comparison.
No talking dogs though:
Happy birthday, ditto!
..and if facebook it to be believed, Happy Birthday ditto!!!!!
Well, if it’s on the internet, it must be true!
Happy Internets ditto !!!
Today’s colloquial expression of annoyance is ‘grips my shit’:
Not to be used in polite company.
… or by Spiderman on the Electric Company.
That’d be ‘webs my shit’.
Also, happy birthday ditto!
Happy Birthday, scorpian Ditto!
Thanks for the birthday wishes, guys! 😀
have a wonderful birthday ditto!
What a day!!!!! Its my son’s first birthday! Ditto turns 28 today!!!! Two birthdays, one cake!!!!!
Dig this day, Mr. C 🙂
Happy birthday Lo Jr!
Thnx Rhett!
Add my birthday wishes to little Lo, too.
Mine as well!
What do you get the son of an elder god for his birthday? Happy 1st birthday, young man.
Happy birthday, Ditto! 🙂
I dropped a glass bowl onto a tile floor this morning. It landed flat and the results were spectacular.
The glass fragmented so completely, it looked like water as it flowed out across the floor. In all directions.
Took me 30 minutes to clean all that up.
– woot
If you’re gonna do it…do it spectacularly
Go big or stay at home. Oh, wait… you did both! 😉
That’s what she… you know
“Took me 30 minutes to clean all that up”
I hope the cleanup didn’t draw any blood.
This product visualizer at Amazon is really cool.
Type in the name of a book and it will do a blowup of related and what else people purchased.
Surprise, surprise. I put in Snow Crash as a starting point and 99% of what it gave back were other books by Stephenson and a bunch of William Gibson books. I could pretty much have guessed that myself.
Tonight we are having some friends over to continue our adventuring. One of our players is amazing with beasts. A couple of months ago, he managed to tame a giant spider which we now have as a pet that helps us in battle. Last month, he tamed an ogre which we are adding to our party tonight. Our other player (a dwarf) asked for a horse as a reward for a battle we did (the same battle we picked up the ogre). We are getting quite the menagerie.
Must be a hell of a litter box.
Hubby’s our GM. He sighs a lot whenever we are gaming. I sometimes think that’s our party’s entire goal. To see how many times we can make John shake his head and sigh. 😉
Do you measure that in SPM? Sighs per minute?
I have telekinesis. One of my favourite tricks, when we are fighting a group of creatures, is to telepathically pick one creature up and slam it into another. For some reason, this always catches hubby off guard. He always has to come up with damage for both creatures on the fly. I figure, one day, he’ll actually have that information ready ahead of time since it seems to be my signature move.
It looks like we are getting water accumulation from the melting snow in front of our house. City water is working there. I hope that doesn’t mean they will have to shut down our water while they work on whatever it is that’s not letting the water drain from the streets. Whatever it is, it hasn’t backed up into our house so that’s something, I guess.
The batteries on my T.A.R.D.I.S. cookie jar have died. It no longer makes noise whenever you open the lid. It takes watch type batteries so I don’t have any at home. May have to get some later today.
Form the geniuses who brought you Chines Food…
More cruel and unusual punishment
I was more taken aback by the overt “Candy Van Man” vibe of the thing
Say that three times backwards and I’ll whisper ‘boo!’ In your ear.
Van..Man Candy..?
I’m not that sweet.
24 seconds.
Thats enough feux-pedophilia for the day.
I can never stomach these Rebecca Black-style videos for more than a few seconds. I certainly hope that no one behind the scenes is marketing these things with the creepy early Britney Spears angle.
Im more concerned with the images of that giant creepy guy staring thru the window and that sign pointing to a van that says “get in”. They had to have known better
It’s all about the diapers:
I guess that depends. 😉
Crappy joke
Well, he didn’t want to Pamper you.
I guess you could say we got away lucky. The city is digging a great bit hole in the road… in front of the neighbour’s house.
A story from Ted Chiang is always worth a butchers:
CD: whiling away the evening wa
tching a documentary about Monty Python.
CP: Mother (Danzig cover) — Wye Oak
The old teacup is no more, smashed to bits on the kitchen floor, the new is emblazoned with a black sheep.
Would you guys stop dropping stuff! This is why we can’t have nice things.
A fantastic idea.
It’s brilliant!
I also hadn’t realized the way debt collection worked.
example – you owe 10k in medical bills. The collection agency who keeps calling you, bought your debt for around $500 and are now allowed to harass you for the whole 10k.
If YOU had been allowed to buy it you could have erased your own 10K debt for $500.
If the whole of the indebted public knew that this is how it worked it would totally turn the finance world on it’s ear.
Carolina is beating Colorado? LIES!!!!
I want to be someones secret santa!
OK! I’ll be sure to make that happen. :happy:
Sounds good to me!
I would watch this forever if it were really on. Best Superman Approach Ever!
I too, am down with that version.
I think he’d run out of enemies pretty quickly.
And that’s bad how? Crime cleaned up in no time flat. Metropolis is saved.
Tonight we replaced your Colorado Avalanche with Folder’s crystals. Let’s see if anyone notices.
Are they Folding at Home?
In case that was too obscure…though probably not with this crowd:
-Folding +Folgers
dg fail
I actually got that … and was amused.
Goddammit Rhett…
more interwebs folly
On the internet, everybody knows you’re a dog.
Another say, another webzine:
Count me in for DPSS, Amy.
Me too sure why not. Lumps of coal arent given out nearly as much as they should. Mwa ha. Ha. Ha.
Well, I know what to get you now. 😉
I’m in too, Amy. (bear in mind that I wrote “The Santa Thing”)
Thanks for running this from year to year!
Count me in the DPSS santa thing too.
Morning Pan
Hubby has a cold. That means, in a couple of days, I’ll have a cold. I think I’m going to get a head start on not being impressed.
CP: Indie Cindy — Pixies
In 1910 predictions were made. *sigh* It would be cool if these were actually the case
Some of those are brilliant, btw. That airship needs a bra.
Says you! Hotttt!
Im pretty sure the “combat cars” is a prediction of LA traffic.
Spotted by our own Jeremy from Seattle:
The Terror was such a brilliant, unrelentingly bleak book, set amid a real historical setting. A mini-series could be amazing.
Disney Princesses. Some of these are quite sad, really. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/11/dina-goldstein_n_4235205.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular
Cinderella’s about to get um…
Could be worse for Cinderella:
“I’m more of a Princess protector”
Ribbed or flavoured ?
You’re dirty.
That was very disturbing,
Your crap joke for the evening:
Woman: Is there a problem, Officer?
Officer: Ma’am, you were speeding.
Woman: Oh, I see.
Officer: Can I see your license please?
Woman: I’d give it to you but I don’t have one.
Officer: Don’t have one?
Woman: Lost it 4 times for drunk driving.
Officer: I see…Can I see your vehicle registration papers please.
Woman: I can’t do that.
Officer: Why not?
Woman: I stole this car.
Officer: Stole it?
Woman: Yes, and I killed and hacked up the owner.
Officer: You what?
Woman: His body parts are in plastic bags in the trunk if you want to see.
The Officer looks at the woman and slowly backs away to his car and calls for back up. Within minutes 5 police cars circle the car. A senior officer slowly approaches the car, clasping his half drawn gun.
Officer2: Ma’am, could you step out of your vehicle please!
The woman steps out of her vehicle.
Woman: Is there a problem sir?
Officer2: One of my officers told me that you have stolen this car and murdered the owner.
Woman: Murdered the owner?
Officer2: Yes, could you please open the trunk of your car, please.
The woman opens the trunk, revealing nothing but an empty trunk.
Officer2: Is this your car, ma’am?
Woman: Yes, here are the registration papers. The officer is quite stunned.
Officer2: One of my officers claims that you do not have a driving license.
The woman digs into her handbag and pulls out a clutch purse and hands it to the officer. The officer snaps opens the clutch purse and examines the license. He looks quite puzzled.
Officer2: Thank you ma’am, one of my officers told me you didn’t have a license, that you stole this car, and that you murdered and hacked up the owner.
Woman: Bet you the lying bastard told you I was speeding, too!
Pearl Jam’s ‘Yield’ is a weird album.
I decided a few albums ago that I had enough of their stuff.
I was with you. I was tired after Vitology and literally didnt listen to any of their stuff after that. The a few years ago, I picked up Back Spacer for a few bucks, ans while it wasnt life changing it was good enough for me to consider looking into their back catalog. So these past few months I’ve been cracking from No Code thru Pearl Jam. It amazing what a 15 year break can do for you when youre sick of a bands sound.
That’s a really good point. 😀
I’m having that same problem with a lot of bands right now. Sigh.
ME too. Just wish we didnt get older while those albums stayed the same age 🙂
Some real gems on Yield, though. “In Hiding” and “Go” are worth the price of admission alone.
1998? Gah.
Agreed. Binaural is the last album of theirs I’ve bought.
If you want to know how your weight compares to a Blue Whale :
I weigh “about the same as an octopus. How strange.
It says I’m also the same height as Danny DeVito. I don’t know that that’s any better than being the same weight as an octopus.
I’m 9/10 the height of Michael Jordan.
CP: Down In The Valley — The Head and the Heart
This .gif gets funnier and more disturbing, the more you look at it.
Saw the dentist. Good news, I don’t have any cavities. Bad new, I still have to go in and get fillings. Apparently, a couple of my fillings are coming loose so they need to be redone. So, for me, not having cavities has the same end result of having them. *sigh*
I’m facing having a gap as one of the teeth under the dental bridge is rotten. No pain at the moment so I’m putting it off as long as possible.
The dentist also told me the price of implants, maybe if I win the lottery…
Agents of SHIELD should be great and it isn’t.
There’s nothing I enjoy about this show right now. Really disappointing.
On the other hand, Van, REEALLY enjoying Sleepy Hollow. You told me so!
Tilt to Live 2 has gone live on the app store.
Had a quick blast, looking good.
‘Tits too Live’ on the other hand…
A few weeks late, but…