And, so, Merry Christmas to all in Deadpan. My presence as well will be sketchy the next few days. My presents, on the other hand, are going to be unwrapped will all due speed.
Van, you should demand an instant replay on that one 🙂
1. Is the file not playing for you guys?
2. We had a Marlo Dianne sighting!
I’m getting a 404 file not found error when I click on the download link.
I also want to send a shout out to those who have yet to check in –
Jessica (AKA The Leather Clad Mistress of the Deadpan), Sarah in Charleston, Alvie and Mrs. Alvie …
That was a really cool episode. Color me impressed. JJ and whoever put together at the Charlie Brown deadpan Christmas special rocked.
I open my gift early because I wasn’t sure if I’d be home for the holidays. I have are he found it very useful. Thank you.
Van, my thoughts are with you and your family as well.
Jack, that card set us up the bomb! Most excellent.
Van sorry to read about your Dad. 🙁
I’ll chime in on what Trucker said about the Unshow.
Maybe it is just because I am so familur with so much of the material used … but for me, this Ep had a very comfortable feel to it. Like the way the 100th showing of your favorite holiday special does.
… and Trucker’s SSanta bit was warm and wonderful in that “Bing Crosby by the fire side” meets “The Osbournes” sort of way.
Thanks everyone for pitching in and thanks for running it Jack.
. . . if Bing Crosby incorporated glory holes into his act. . .
It was my first time hearing all of it and I thought it was great. I really enjoyed it.
I’m exhausted. Just thought I’d share. Happy and exhausted.
*hugs* to all.
Thanks to Cj and Dan for having me over this afternoon. Great people.
And thanks Amy, for the sweet comment over at Evo @ 11.
I have yet to listen, but it was a fun episode to do:
Congrats to Van for beating me at Scrabble. (I have yet to win a game.) As well as extra thoughts to him and his family.
*extra hug for Vanamonde*
Ok, New Game (I have actually removed some of the questions because they asked for too much information to give on the net in my mind):
YOUR SPY NAME: Lee Cantrell
(middle name and current street name)
YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: Joan … (sorry don’t have a favourite candy)
(grandfather/grandmother on your dad’s side, your favorite candy)
YOUR GAMER TAG: Black Panther
(a favorite color, a favorite animal)
(middle name, city where you were born)
YOUR STAR WARS NAME: Dei (um… mom legally changed her name several times, not sure which is her maiden name) Ree
(first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother’s maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet’s name)
PORN STAR NAME: Fluffy Ogden
(first pet’s name, the street you grew up on)
(“The”, your favorite color, the automobile your dad drives)
(first name of the main character in the last film you watched, last food you ate)
Apparently its my curse to really fuck up any given holiday.
I did spend the last half of yesterday devouring “The Shack” by William Young. It’s heartbreaking, then surprising yet close to overly heady, and then it becomes really surprising and satisfying. Since it’s found in the “Christian Fiction” section, I doubt anyone is likely to check it out, especially considering its about a man who’s lost his daughter to a child serial killer years later gets invited to the place she was murdered to have a conversation with God. Sounds cheesy, but the book is anything but… And truth be told I’m not sure it even belongs in the “Christian Fiction” section, the book is pretty anti-religion, even with Jesus flat out saying he’s not a Christian.
But in any case, it was an excellent book.
on the 2nd day of xmas my true love gave to me, the remaining DVD set of star trek the original series I needed to complete the set that I just never got for some unknown reason
on the 1st day of xmas my true love gave to me a whole amazon box full of cheesy vampire porn!!
ok.. that doesn’t match the song at all does it?
now let me catch up here…
Dub: I’ll check that out. It sounds interesting. I think if you liked that, you might enjoy “An Instance of the Fingerpost” by Iain Pears. It’s a murder mystery told from 4 perspectives. Each time the story is retold, it is turned on its head. There is religion, philosophy, and intrigue all set in the English post-civil war period.
TSH: Sweet. It sounds like you had a good Christmas. And the Vamp porn will inspire you to give Huge a really good Christmas. 😉
heheheh “Huge”
I think ditto has some splain’n to do! 😀
Ed got firsties? Van getting firsties is about as definite as Van winning the GJB around here
Unxmas Unshow seems to be in my iTunes and in working order captain
Welcome Jamie3!!
Van- take all the time you need. Deadpan will be here if you need a laugh, or a place to vent. Take care of yourself.
glory holes?
That xmas card was too funny 🙂
I am glad to see many of you had a good xmas. Ours was wonderful. We went to Hughs brothers house and celebrated with his whole huge crazy family. It was fun. Saturday we go to celebrate with my family. My parents both work at hospitals and were working both xmas eve and xmas.
Dub- a good book is a good book no matter what its about. I’ll read just about anything myself.
and now I will play along with bunnys name game
Well mister ditto swooon, you DO know my Hugh well don’t you 😉
heh heh
YOUR SPY NAME: Claudia Dearborn
(middle name and current street name)
(grandfather/grandmother on your dad’s side, your favorite candy)
YOUR GAMER TAG: Black Panther _ i’m just leaving bunnies cuz I agree with it
(a favorite color, a favorite animal)
(middle name, city where you were born)
YOUR STAR WARS NAME: dim osa hug (I have no pet so I just used hugh)
(first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother’s maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet’s name)
PORN STAR NAME: Snowflake Michigan
(first pet’s name, the street you grew up on)
SUPERHERO NAME: The Black Passat
(â€Theâ€, your favorite color, the automobile your dad drives)
(first name of the main character in the last film you watched, last food you ate)
YOUR SPY NAME: John 177th
(middle name and current street name)
(grandfather/grandmother on your dad’s side, your favorite candy)
(a favorite color, a favorite animal)
YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: John St. Catharines
(middle name, city where you were born)
(first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother’s maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet’s name)
PORN STAR NAME: Missy Bendingroad
(first pet’s name, the street you grew up on)
SUPERHERO NAME: The Black Charger
(â€Theâ€, your favorite color, the automobile your dad drives)
(first name of the main character in the last film you watched, last food you ate)
oh wait actually the last film I watched was Day the Earth Stood Still but Hugh and I have given it Highlander 2 status (ie- it doesn’t exist in our reality)
So I guess my Action hero name is actually Klattu Cannoli
BUT since that movie doesn’t exist the last movie I saw WAS Iron Man , so Tony Cannoli it is
Black Charger????
oh ditto.. what a PERFECT superhero name for you, although your not black.. but still.
and ummm sorry ditto for always reducing you to a sex object 😉
I love your brains too 🙂
l8r paniacs
Dear Deadpan,
My wife is insane
Thank you and breast,
Hugh SH
p.s and yes I am huge. Thank you for noticing.
We aim to please.
Thanks to everybody for the kind thoughts and hugs.
YOUR SPY NAME: Garrett Muriel
(middle name and current street name)
(grandfather/grandmother on your dad’s side, your favorite candy)
YOUR GAMER TAG: Blue Cheetah
(a favorite color, a favorite animal)
(middle name, city where you were born)
(first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother’s maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet’s name)
PORN STAR NAME: Sphixy Dallas, LOL
(first pet’s name, the street you grew up on)
SUPERHERO NAME: The Blue Crossfire
(â€Theâ€, your favorite color, the automobile your dad drives)
(first name of the main character in the last film you watched, last food you ate)
Well wishes Van.
YOUR SPY NAME: Elanor Linalou Ranch
(middle name and current street name) (used the street my parents’ house is on, because it sounded better than “Second Avenue North”)
(grandfather/grandmother on your dad’s side, your favorite candy)
YOUR GAMER TAG: Purple Dolphin
(a favorite color, a favorite animal)
(middle name, city where you were born)
(first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother’s maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet’s name) (I no longer have the pet referred to here, but I used to)
PORN STAR NAME: Whale Shelton
(first pet’s name, the street you grew up on)
SUPERHERO NAME: The Purple Civic
(â€Theâ€, your favorite color, the automobile your dad drives)
YOUR ACTION HERO NAME: Martin Rice Krispies
(first name of the main character in the last film you watched, last food you ate) (LOL!! Yes, Grosse Pointe Blank was the last film I watched.)
YOUR SPY NAME: Anne Calypso
(middle name and current street name)
(grandfather/grandmother on your dad’s side, your favorite candy)
YOUR GAMER TAG: Green Poodle
(a favorite color, a favorite animal)
(middle name, city where you were born)
(first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother’s maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet’s name)
PORN STAR NAME: Sandy McKellips
(first pet’s name, the street you grew up on)
SUPERHERO NAME: The Green Avalanche (My dad loved the big trucks!)
(â€Theâ€, your favorite color, the automobile your dad drives)
(first name of the main character in the last film you watched, last food you ate)
YOUR SPY NAME: Vincent Shea (middle name and current street name – close enough)
(grandfather/grandmother on your dad’s side, your favorite candy)
YOUR GAMER TAG: Black Platypus
(a favorite color, a favorite animal)
(middle name, city where you were born)
(first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother’s maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet’s name)
PORN STAR NAME: Speedy Dermody
(first pet’s name, the street you grew up on)
SUPERHERO NAME: The Black Audi (My dad loved the big trucks!)
(â€Theâ€, your favorite color, the automobile your dad drives)
(first name of the main character in the last film you watched, last food you ate)
Jack, and everyone: The Christmas Unshow was AWESOME!!! 😀
I think Amy and Ditto need to trade porn star names….
YOUR SPY NAME: Lee English Oaks
(middle name and current street name)
YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: Homer Hundred Grand
(grandfather/grandmother on your dad’s side, your favorite candy)
YOUR GAMER TAG: Red Elephant
(a favorite color, a favorite animal)
(middle name, city where you were born)
YOUR STAR WARS NAME: kle sto ein
(first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother’s maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet’s name)
PORN STAR NAME: Misty Pilgrim
(first pet’s name, the street you grew up on)
SUPERHERO NAME: The Red Rav Four (four what?)
(â€Theâ€, your favorite color, the automobile your dad drives)
YOUR ACTION HERO NAME: Korben Sirloin (just watched The Fifth Element on Blu-Ray)
(first name of the main character in the last film you watched, last food you ate)
There, the last of the rebates are filled out an in the mail. I generally avoid them when I can, and I only put up with them from reliable retailers. This time around, it was just a few from Amazon and Newegg.
Ed: lol… first pet in our house that had a name was a fish named Whale… but you’re right.
YOUR SPY NAME: Sue Valentine
(middle name and current street name)
(grandfather/grandmother on your dad’s side, your favorite candy)
(a favorite color, a favorite animal)
YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: Sue (Colorado) Springs
(middle name, city where you were born)
(first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother’s maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet’s name)
(first pet’s name, the street you grew up on)
SUPERHERO NAME: The Black Rabbit
(â€Theâ€, your favorite color, the automobile your dad drives)
(first name of the main character in the last film you watched, last food you ate)
Hey Deadpan,
I’m just swinging by to say hi, and to say I’m thinking about Van.
It suddenly become clear to me, THEY ARE CYLONS !!!!
How else do you get hit by a car on the freeway, and keep hopping back up to fight the police and run into more traffic.
Endless Feline mystery:
Why does a cat wake you to escape wailing desperate loneliness–and then immediately go to sleep?
Apparently, your kitty wanted you to drop in at Deadpan, MD 😉
Actually, Jack, neither of my guys is too fond of all the time I spend with the square thing. The younger one will frequently will glare at me, wailing, and stomp of the keyboard. She sees it as a clear case of petting the wrong kitty. 😀
Hissyfit (the younger) is also the one who has spent the past two years diligently protecting my feet. Really. She only leaves for quick snack breaks.
She doesn’t know what monster is attacking me, but if will alone could kill it and make me all better, my girl a’ done it.
Morning, Deadpan!
I threw my hip out last night, so am hobbling about. Still thinking about Van.
Sorry to hear that Essbee.
Good morning Pan – I am working on getting the cool stuff over to my new computer…
This is the fun part.
Sorry to hear that Essbee.
Good morning Pan – I am working on getting the cool stuff over to my new computer…
This is the fun part.
Morning Pan!
Beautiful Chinook weather today. Will spend the day cleaning off my desk, I think.
Gentle hugs to Essbee – Hope you heal quickly!
Good Morning, Everyone.
Morning All.
Essbee – may we pretend you threw your hip out having too much fun?
It would turn a grey day, toastier. 🙂
MD – Cats!
Do your cats allow you to read the comic section of the paper or do they insist on sitting in the middle of it.
J0e, the law of cat dynamics states that all cats must either sit in the middle of or under the paper. nowhere else.
OK tech toy nerds!
Another Christmas, another dirty Santa exchange, ANOTHER $50 Best Buy gift card!!
I now have like $380 worth of these things!
So do I go for the upgraded iPod(I have a 2nd Gen 40gig) , iTouch, the Harmony One remote, or the HD TiVo ????
Toys toys toys!
I was playing a game of Laser tag earlier today (The pheonix LTX pistols ROCK!!!) and a cat who usually wants NOTHING to do with humans kept going up to hiding combatants and mewing loudly to be petted … signing that combatants death warrant !
j0e, I don’t know what you like as far as the iPods go, but I love my iTouch.
Hi CJ!
I actually still love my OLD 40gig iPod. Of course it doesn’t do video or pictures.
The iTouch would do that. Does the iTouch have an earphone jack? Does it record any audio or video?
I loves my touch also. Yup it has an earphone jack. It will do everything your iPod does and soooo much more. Because it it touch and motion sensitive you can get a whole bunch of cool apps and games for it.
One it = has
Nope, still wrong… Because it IS touch and motion…
It also has a build in GPS so some of the apps (like the restaurant and movie guide and finder) will zero in on your location and give only the local information.
I scared of that. It will tell THEM where I am!
Oh … chill out WordPress.
Does the iTouch have a camera?
Mine doesn’t. But that doesn’t mean one isn’t available (or an external one). You’ll have to look that up. I know Vanamonde uses his iPhone to connect to Deadpan and Facebook. It’s the same thing, just without the phone part.
EssBee: Hope you feel better.
This is mostly for Jack. The US Jr team is also off to a good start. It will be cool to see them and Team Canada head to head.
Yes, to everything TEB said. No phone or recording capabilities, but does all that the iPhone can do pretty much as long as wifi is available nearby.
I have a digital camera and a cell phone with a much lower rate so I don’t have an iPhone and probably won’t unless I can still have my Verizon on it.
Just remember you’ll need a publicly available WiFi connection to use the Touch’s internet connectivity.
Um, yeah….what CJ said 🙂
yep, that’s why I am avoiding th iPhone. Can’t justify the $100 (approx) a month charge to use it.
Making homemade bread for dinner tonight.
Thx for the link, ditto. The U.S. team is supposed to be pretty good this year.
EssBee, thank you. 😉 And srsly – I hope you feel better.
And – everyone should watch that video. It’s somehow really appropriate for this page.
Cj: That’s funny in a wrong way. 🙂
That was to funny…
Good morning. I’m going to share.
I was born with a birth defect where my feet faced the opposite direction than they should. So, it was “corrected” by nailing my shoes to a two-by-four and that’s how I learned to walk; with my feet in these shoes on a board. Because of this, I have little to no cartilage in my knees and during the cold weather, they tend to go out. Last night, both of my knees caved due to spending time outside in the cold. I’m ticked off because I’m trying to take down all my Christmas decorations and put them back in the garage and my knees are killing me!
I could have surgery, but it would basically require the replacement of both kneecaps and would have to be re-done about every 5 years. My knees are fine 98.5% of the time, but the cold makes me crazy!
Thanks for listening! 🙂
I hope Van is doing OK. I miss seeing his posts.
That sucks, Cj. Feel free to vent here anytime you want. That’s what we are here for.
I miss Van too.
Hope you’re feeling better CJ. I’m assuming, being in a warmer climate is better than in the north on your knees.
Van is keeping us updated on his FaceBook Page. Most of his time is spent with family and at the hospital with his dad. Unfortunately, it’s only a matter of time…
Superhero wrestling is a great idea
I don’t think you’re a pussy, Jack.
now to read ditto’s article.
Re: Ditto’s link…
…bored now…
TEB: Thanks and thanks – – — AND thanks for the Van update. Those of us without FB were unaware. I miss having him around here too, and I feel for the pain he’s going through. Van, we’re here for you, brother.
Cj – I had no idea. Well the warm weather has to return soon, right?
I could watch that video about 30 times a day.
Well, TSH, hope Hugh doesn’t come down here and kill me, but that was a helluva game today.
Also glad to know we’re getting updates on Van. It’s never an easy thing to go through.
Watching the Junior Hockey. Current score, 5 minutes into the third, is 11 – 0 in favour of Canada vs. Kazakhstan. Should I start celebrating it as a win yet?
Oh, sorry, 12 -0 and we’re actually 10 minutes into the third.
SOG: 60 – 11
13 – 0. Canada also has a 7 minute powerplay. There’s only 6 minutes left in the game.
14 – 0. Three minutes left.
I’m really, really sorry.
Well, it was a nail biter, but Canada pulled through. Final score: 15 – 0
Now playing the CDN national anthem. Any bets for the
Canada/US game? Loser has to record themselves singing the winning national anthem and send it in to Jack…?
Sounds amusing. 🙂
When’s the game?
January 31
Ok try again. December 31
So ditto and I are in for the Canadian side, any takers on the US?
Actually I should say, “it SOUNDS like ditto and I…”
I shouldn’t just assume he said yes by his inquiry.
Not me.
I am, however, ordering won ton soup for takeout. That’s all I want right now. Won ton soup and nothing more. I’m so easily pleased.
I’m not much of a singer, but sure! Remind me, Bunny.
We’re back home, and glad for it. Lots of family visiting – accomplished. There is nothing but crap on TV tonight. We tried watching Miami Vice and turned it off after 10 minutes. We watched 30 minutes of Ghost Rider before giving up on it. I think I’ll just finish Mythago Wood.
EssBee if talent was a factor then I’d definately be out
What a beautiful bit of future content. Thank you, ladies!
Oh shit I’m a butterhead.
Watching the video again, are you Jack?
I think he’s addicted.
I can quit anytime!
Come see me eat nipple, eat nipple.
Hey! I’m trying to work over here. Keep it down with you nipples!
BTW – saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button today. It was almost three hours long – but pretty good. That’s my indepth review.
Jack hit the hooker on the head. Or something like that.
Morning, Pan, just stretching and blinking following the 6-day weekend…
Oh, and my Secret Santa gift is finally enroute, so if you haven’t seen anyting from your DPSS giver, it’s probably me, and you may see it Tuesday or Wednesday…
Morning Pan!
Back to work today – blech. Also started a new workout routine – ugh.
Not many takers on my bet, (thanks EssBee and ditto) I see. Keep in mind, nothing says you have to bet on your own country 🙂
Yeah, I’ll bet on the US to win…
Yep, back at work too. =P Oh well, three days of work and then four days off. I liked sleeping in.
Morning, Deadpan!
I’m off this week too, so am just getting out of bed.
I heard from Van that he’s holding it together, but nothing more than that. I’m keeping him in my thoughts today.
According to my latest spam mail, the IRS screwed up my last tax return and I’m owed a large refund. Too bad I don’t file with the IRS…
oohhh, Wander Radio episode downloading.
Van guessed at my FB daily idiom – I consider this a good thing as he hasn’t for a couple of days.
I do think he’s ghosting at the Deadpan though, as he seems to know when updates are put here on the board.
As such, I very much encourage warm wishes and virtual hugs.
Enjoy your vacation Essbee. I have Van in my thoughts as well/
TEB: I guess the IRS really did screw up if they are tracking you. LOL
Oh, if the unlikely should occur, do you need english, french, or the full bilingual treatment?
ooooooooh *breathy sigh* the “full bilingual treatment” please 😉
I only know the English version of the CDN anthem, I don’t expect more than that – in the VERY likely event someone has to sing it.
Well Pan. I’m off to buy a new door knob for our back door. Stupid cold weather did something to the lock and we can no longer get our keys to work.
Lots of hugs for Van.
I went through the same thing a few years ago. It really sucks.
I’m in on the bet. And if Canada loses, I’ll sing the Indian Nipple song, but not all 5+ minutes of it.
TEB: Correct me if I’m wrong, but did TEB say she want’s two tongues as a treatment? 😉
Rhettro: The IRS track everyone!
Suc Lebleu! I think.
TEB – I have no idea what the to sides are competing in but if it’s some sort of “Water Boarding” and “Old Men shooting other old men in the face with a shot gun” competition … I’d have to give the edge to the U.S.
I also may need to brush up on my CDN anthem lyrics.
I recall it as being something like –
“Oh Can-a-da
Your weather can be cold.
You are – waaay – up North
And your flag has a leaf on it.”
… I’m afraid the next verse gets a little sketchy for me.
I think it is more like…
Oh Dead-a-pan
Our home and native board
Jack Mangan rules
The whole pod-i-o-verse…
With glowing hearts we load the page
To submit our greasy nipples
From far and wide, oh deadpan
We comment incessantly!
Jack’s episodes are just as much fun
Oh deadpan, we comment incessantly
Oh deadpan, we comment incessantly!
^ LOL! That was great, ditto. One (or several) of us should record that for the show.
My hubby wants to get an acoustic set of the Nipple song going on. Jack, bring your guitar over here; there is music to be made.
Hmmm Cj and Jack making beautiful music together.
uhm… that would be Dan and Jack, actually. I just want to watch. 😉
Being the John Tesh / Yanni wannabe that I am, I got a cool Yamaha keyboard for Xmas. You can expect me to torture.. er enlight the board with some amaturish samples at some point.
Speaking of John Tesh, you may be tempted on spending 16 bucks for this album but notice you can buy a nice used copy for under 2 dollars in the same link.
Jack had mentioned he wanted some uplifting music to listen too. Hmmm…
I don’t think I can hit the high notes in that Nipple song, Dan, but I’m down. I wonder if the tablature is available anywhere online.
ditto, that Oh Deadpan/Canada was brilliant :).
Rhett, I own a Yanni CD. I will admit to liking some of that guy’s music. And his mustache.
That’s some mustache! I actually like some new age-ish stuff. Although for keyboard music I tend to like the Wendy/Walter Carlos stuff. 🙂
Just got home with some DVDs – all 3 Terminator flicks for a marathon.
Back from replacing my backdoor lock, and lunch.
Now to the comments:
J0e: We talking about the World Juniors Hockey taking place in Toronto right now. (
Jack/Rhettro: Can I join the slightly abashed faced club and admit that we too have a Yanni CD?
Rhett:What type is your Yamaha? I have a Roland RD-700 that I just love
Bunny just got a 68 point word in Scrabble, y’all. My hat is off.
The game isn’t over yet. I’m still umpteen and 0 so far.
Actually, reverse that I’m at 0 and umpteen (haven’t won yet)
TEB: It’s a Yamaha PSR-E413. It’s really cool, loaded with all sort of stuff. I mainly got it to explore a few more musical possibilities as well as being able to create backing tracks for playing guitar. I have no previous keyboard experience however. LOL One of the cool things I did with it was to upload Tron & Symphony X MIDI files to it. Sounds great. 🙂
Is it a full 88 keys? (I suppose I could look it up).
I had a piano that had a broken sound board so I replaced it with the keyboard a couple of years ago and don’t think I’ll go back.
Mine has a setting called “spaceship” on it (or something like that). I like to do the Close Encounters theme using that setting.
I have some piano and organ in my background but mostly fool around. It’s been awhile since I’ve tried playing anything for real, so I don’t think I’m much good any more. Unfortunately, it’s NOT like a bike; if you don’t keep it up, you do lose it.
Keyboard new age: I’m a huge fan of Mike Oldfield. Tangerine Dream is also the shiznit. And you can’t forget Jean-Michel Jarre.
Rhett- that Yamaha sounds like a lot of fun. (I’ll leave the “organ” jokes to someone else).
J0e – I think you need to finish your version of “Oh Canada” 🙂
EssBee, there is no 3rd Terminator movie.
Looked it up (to answer my own question). It looks cool, Rhett
I was ok with the third Terminator movie. What i like best was the fact that they followed what was always said and destroyed the planet. That’s the one thing that bugged me about the first two movies was the paradox they were creating by trying to change the future and make Skynet never exist and the ruling by the robots not happen. If that’s the case, then the terminator could not come back and try to take out Sarah Connor, The kid would have never been born, etc.
At least the third movie tried to bring it back and remove that paradox, and didn’t try to cop out with a “happy ending”
TEB: As you discovered, it’s a portable, i.e. less than 88, which is fine by me as I’m not even a novice player yet. LOL My wife though is quite good. We have a real upright piano in our house that is badly in need of tuning. She’s happy that the Yamaha will never go out of tune.
I need some validation:
I got the new tax program in the mail today and am now eagerly loading it onto my computer. My husband says I’m weird and the only person in the world who gets excited over a tax program. Tell me he’s wrong.
I’ve always liked it when we got new versions of Quicken. LOL
Quicken rules my world and I would be lying if I said that I didn’t enjoy doing my own taxes a little bit.
On another note, I’ve always loved Tangerine Dream. I really should update my music collection as I only have them on cassette.
Yeah, I feel better!
Yup been ghosting TEB.
Thanks again for the hugs and kind thoughts.
Me and my family are just waiting for the end. At least my Dad is no longer in pain.
Good to hear from you again, Van. *flurry of virtual hugs*
Great to see you online, Van.
Jack, there is only one Terminator film with Kristanna Loken.
Add me to the Yanni club. We’ve got a few here. And, I agree with Jack: Mike Oldfield and Tangerine Dream are great. I don’t, however, have any Jean-Michel Jarre, but I do have Phillipe Glass.
Glad to see you back Van. All my sympathies.
As for piano, I’m working on relearning everything that I’ve forgotten over the past 5 years. I wasn’t that far along to begin with, but I plan to make a more serious effort this time around.
(wow, a lot to say to get caught up) Congrats on number 100, Dan and Cj!
Van, I’m glad to see you here again. You have my email – and my Skype info. Use em as needed. My sincerest sympathies and condolences for what you and your family are going through now.
Smarty Hotties – – all 3 of those pics are awesome, including the overlord Hugh one. You guys have really carved out an incredible, unique creative style. Very cool.
Awesome accomplishment on the 100th episode, Cj! Awesome art, Hotties!
We’re on to the Terminator movie that shall not be spoken of.
Cj & Dan: Congrats!!
TSH: Cool stuff! I like it a lot. Have you heard of Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison? Their photos are also surreal, but yours are more fun!
Look at this, I go back to work for a day, and the Deadpan explodes! I, too, must lay claim to several Yanni CD’s. I think “Live at the Acropolis” remains one of my favorites.
Glad to see Van making an appearance. And even a Smarty Hottie sighting! And congrats CJ, on making the big 100.
Thanks, Everyone. It’s been a fun ride!
TSH – LOVE the art! Very cool.
I’m finally all caught up on Lost, just watched the last season finale.
I’m not usually one for TV series, but man — that’s good stuff. I’m excited for season 4 to get started.
Season 5, Jack.
Thanks everyone 🙂
ditto- we checked out that site. Very interesting work they do. We are both big surrealism fans.
We hate to admit it, but seeing what other artists are up to is making us insanely jealous 🙂 We hope 2009 will be the triumphant return to the art world for us.
We live in this really cool artist community neighborhood here, and they are constantly having art shows. Its so exciting, and there is so much great art coming out of here, but it also makes us very jealous. We’re itching to get our recent work out there.
You guys will rock the art world in 2009. And even if you’re keeping low-key right now, the output we see is still kickass.
Season 5. right.
Can’t live on a butterhead.
A Rockin 2009. Sounds like a good plan for all of Deadpan.
I’m supposed to have company today.
I may get dressed. I may leave my bed. More likely I’ll try to convince them to copasquat next to Hissy on the bedspread…
Morning, Deadpan!
marlo sighting!
CW: Brotherhood season finale
EssBee sighting!
So we patted ourselves on the back and said: Wow, we managed the whole holiday season without using plastic “money.”
Then I found myself driving down the road, turned on my wipers (which had been acting slightly oddly) and suddenly the driver’s side wiper was pointing into traffic. Never a good thing, but especially in Minnesota in winter. Took it in, had the wipers fixed, and the annoying rattle that seemed harmless (broken stabilizer) and the much-overdue oilchange. $637 to the plastic.
I hope it didn’t melt, JB. That’s a fair bit of heat to put on it.
Kinda Deadish Pan today…
Sorry to hear about your automobile issues, JB (Autooo mooobeeel)
Today I’ll be purchasing paint for my front bathroom. My MIL is aching to paint it for me. I’m going to let her.
My 3-year-old son is trying to make himself a jelly sandwich.
It looks like it’s going to be in the 60’s again today.
♫ Yahoo I’m a Retard ♫
JB, that sucks!
I just hooked our old DVD player to our old stereo, and wow! Hearing DVDs is a great concept.
I inherited a Total Gym and have decided that if I can’t figure out how to set it up, it might be too dangerous for me to use. Luckily, dad’s coming over tomorrow.
Cj, on the plus side it’s not in the big lake…
Time for another “Ask The Deadpan!” posting.
Is there a word (and if not … can we please create one) that means,
“I have heard what you just told me so you don’t need to say it again, it’s just that I have absolutely nothing to say about the topic and would rather not just make inane comments about it that would lead to yet another pointless conversation that would best be reserved for a Cohen Brothers film.” ?
Example – You are warming up turkey left over for your relatives who are staying with you and they suddenly say “There is a new container of Kewl wHHip in the refrigerator.”
No one has ask for this desert toping on their turkey and in fact to this point there has been no talk of a desert topping shortage. This would seem to be just a random thought that made it to their vocal cords.
If you just go about your business, they repeat the comment because they think you didn’t hear them.
If you respond “Oh” or “Okay” or “I see” they think you are being short with them.
If you form an answer as a complete sentence it seems to signal that you are really INTO this topic and a mind numbingly inane discussion of that container and it’s predecessor will ensue.
There has to be a word that acknowledges yet stops the thought (politely) in it’s tracks.
JOe, how about these phrases:
“Is that right?!”
“I’ll be damned.”
“You don’t say.”
Nope. Those show WAY to much interest in the topic and start a conversation about it.
Just caught up on my Twitter feed. Jack, did you see @spellwight’s latest posts there?
I’d respond, “Your hair’s on fire.”
The flame would be blue.
Or maybe, “I’ve always preferred the lubrication qualities of a fresh one.”
I know this makes me seem to just big butterhead but multiply that example by 24/7 and I begin to see how “whole family massacres” occur.
I actually like all of my relations. After a few days though …
It’s all relative.
I can never remember – Is their hair blue as it approaches and red as they move away … or is it the other way around?
I think when the chorus sings “scaramouch, scaramouch, will you do the fandango?” in Bohemian Rhapsody, what they’re really saying is “yes, yes I know you see a little silhouetto – now shut up”.
So try “scaramouch”, the next time you find yourself in that situation, j0e.
Amy: I hadn’t seen that I’d been tagged, no. Oh boy.
Joe, isn’t that what um-hmm is for? You know, the barely vocalised semi-moan, usually used between spouses, that means ‘Yes, I heard you sweetie, and thanks, really, but, you know, I just don’t give a…crap.’
MD – That’s what I figured. I thought it was a universally accepted answer.
Jaj- Might be only universal in interspousal communications.
Another fun one is the “Repeat anecdote teller.”
Anyone have one of them over the Holidays.
A few of us on the receiving end have made a game out of it to try and maintain sanity.
You get a point for every time you are present as this person tells the story. You are NOT allowed to prompt the story … but generally, no help is needed. (insert emoticon with eyes rolling back into skull)
CPIMM; Elvis Costello & the Chieftains – “St. Stephens Day Murders”
*continues to stitch more knit socks*
I’m going to sell these and retire….
… and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting …
The Buffy Between the Lines episode I wrote has finally had it’s script released. It is awesome beyond all recognition. Uh, by that I mean it doesn’t suck.
But I suppose all those who happen through here regularly will have to wait to hear the produced ep, aside from that Brian Brown fella…
I just found out that a married couple who I’ve always thought were just perfect are getting a divorce. That’s officially 4 divorces in 1 year for the people I know. I know a lot of people, but that’s still too many.
Very cool, JB. Keep us posted.
Marlo, that Kikkoman video. . . . it. . . . . I. . . . I don’t . . . . it’s. . . the. . . um. . . yeah. . .
I . . . agree . . . with . . . Jack . . .
Can’t get the image of that flowing loin cloth out of my head.
I’m craving Chinese food … NOT!
Off the basement at the Alamo. I’ve lost my bike.
JOe: I’ve always used “I see.” If you say it in a disinterested enough voice, people tend to leave you alone.
Of course, sarcasm + “How nice” works fine too. 😉
Jack… Kikkoman… showed you?
look at the Flash ditto … but brace yourself.
“I see” is what I fall back on but apparently it is being perceived as rude. *sigh*
FYI – I am currently at the “Life is FUCKIN BRILLIANT” stage of a Scotch high.
Any chance I can just hover here indefinatly?
Any chance i can spell indefanetly?
Life cometh before the fall.
me go grill steaks.
sop up scotch with BEEF!
There’s no basement at the Alamo!
It would seem that baking potatoes can absorb HUGE amounts of microwave radiation!
I’ll keep you posted.
Good thing you have that fresh Kewl Whhhhip, JOe.
Potato go bang!
Cool to hear Jack (aka Evo 2.0) on Evo@11.
Thx ditto – that was a fun recording.
Gremlins also don’t do so well in the microwave.
Jack: Debbie tagged both you and Cj, and then Cj tagged me, so we’re in this together now. Look for my post on my LiveJournal account soon. (
J0e: LOL!!! Apparently, potatoes should not be baked in microwave ovens.
Amy, I figured you’d enjoy it, plus I want to learn more about you!
JohnBoze, EssBee, Nomad Scry, and WNDRWolf were four of the seven people I chose to tag. I look forward to reading your posts! 🙂
Thanks for trusting us with this deeply personal pain, Van. I’m so sorry for your loss. 🙁 Anything you need, please let me know. You have my friendship and my condolences and sympathies, brother.
And with that, I’m going to bed. Good night (or morning, to Van)!
You have my condolences as well, Van. Having gone through that, what feels like recently, myself – I can understand your pain and know that words are not enough. My you and your family have comfort in knowing that he is at peace. Much love and hugs to you.
I’m so sorry, Van
I know its hard to look ahead, but new years has a funny way sometimes of making you feel like you are starting over. No matter whats happened to you and what you are looking forward to, its a rebirth of sorts I guess. Keep on living and moving forward like your father would of wanted you to.
As for me, I am hoping 2009 is the year we finally destroy Hugh’s cancer. We are starting the year with guns blazing, so we are probably going to be MIA after today for a bit.
So, happy new year everyone. Keep looking forward to what the new year can bring. And Van, celebrate your fathers life and the good memories.
ok, sorry this post is all so fucking serious and shit 🙂
Morning Pan
Today is the day of the game. 4:00 my time (3:00 Deadpan time).
I have ditto and I on the Canadian side
EssBee, JB and J0e for the US.
Any other takers?
Awww, Van.
If you need, or want anything, let us know. *another virtual hug*
Condolences, Van. We love you here and are sending it that way.
Hotties, kick it’s ass. You’ll be missed.
Condolences, Van.
We’re all here if you need comfort or distraction in the coming days/weeks…
Amy, I’ll write my “7 Things” thing when my parents leave. They are arriving here this morning and staying through tomorrow lunch. I’ll probably be sparse(r) around here until then.
CP: Evo @ 11 #20. Nice to hear you, Jack. I just finished #19 and really enjoyed hearing you too, Cj. Debbie cracks me up.
I miss the days of 2000 or so, when the Kikkoman movie was still fresh and unsubtitled and way more inexplicable…
I’m sorry for your loss Van.
My condolences, Van. We are here for you.
Tough one Van.
I’m thinking about you.
… I’m also cleaning my microwave.
Why do you guys let me do things like that?
TEB – any chance I can change my side and cheer for the Sweds ?
I’ve seen them get hit by cars and still fight off the cops!
Sure, I’ll do Canada Sweden, too. Not sure when the Canada/Swede game is (will look it up). I’m also not too worried about singing the Swede National Anthem because I know I’ll win 😉 (so make sure you brush up on your CDN Anthem)
Sorry J0e. Just looked it up. The Canada/Sweden game was yesterday.
Canada lost 3 – 4. do I still have to sing the anthem since the game happened before the bet was made?
TEB, I think that site’s translation of
“Du gamla, du fria, du fjällhöga Nord,
du tysta, du glädjerika sköna!” from the Swedish national anthem is inaccurate.
It should be:
“Death to false metal. Satan comes from the North,
Shop at Ikea, use allen wrenches or taste steel!”
Something like that.
Weird. When I suck air through my empty travel coffee cup, it totally tastes like weed smoke.
Uh, I mean, I’d imagine so…
So, new betting schedule:
Canada vs US = ditto, myself vs. JB, EssBee
Canda vs Sweden = myself vs. J0e
Any other takers?
(I better back off before I commit myself to singing every national anthem attending 🙂 )
Of, course, everybody better bone up on their Canadian National Anthem as I have no intention of actually having to sing myself.
Speaking of taste, apparently Red Bull now makes a cola, which I had to buy a can of out of curiousity.
I occasionally drink regular Red Bull, which tastes like Strawberry KoolAid mixed with metallic ass. Never stops me tho.
This one is actually very good as colas go. Won’t replace my Coca Cola, but probably ranks above RC for my second favorite, assuming it lasts as a product. Would be plenty good with Rum.
huh huh huh
TEB said “bone” huh huh huh
Re: Schedual
Wha? Were we still talking about Hockey ? That’s Okay, I stick with Sweden. With those long arms they will be sinking free throws right and left!
… just out of couriosity, do they have a “per half, run limit” in these Jr. leagues?
couriosity = curiosity
ummm. I really hope you’re kidding J0e 🙂 You do know it’s hockey, right? Not basketball.
… er, the thing on the ice, with the wickets. Right?
No, the thing on the ice where they skate around the bases 😉
The ump gets them in a circle and then they have a puck-off and push the thing around with their wickets till someone gets it in the basket. There is also something about a “blue line” but that might only be if you are penalized.
Oh, and they take fight breaks.
I went to a hockey match once. I remember they served beer and there was this girl with a fur lined parka and these boots. … and they served beer.
J0e, that’s not hockey — that’s curling.
I thought they sang Kum-by-ya when the ump put them in that little circle…
Isn’t curling where they through rocks at people to see if they can hit them?
through = throw
And btw – to be serious for a moment – that was a beautiful post from the Smarty Hotties this morning. If you guys are still lurking, then you know that Deadpan is always behind you 100%. You’ll be missed during your hiatus.
That’s what always bugged me about The Postal Service’s song “Nothing Better.” The line about the “goalie tending the net in the third quarter of a tie-game rivalry.”
Quarter? Soccer is halves, and hockey three periods. Is there a sport with a goalie that is measured out in quarters?
Nope. Not sure, then
Yeah, SH’s. What Jack said. Hoping for the best.
Lacrosse. It may be a lacrosse reference. Either that or Ben Gibbard is a brainy rock star with no true sport knowledge…
Did I mention the beer and the hot chick and beer?
It was some years ago though. Maybe it was Curling.
Jack is wise, after all.
Yes, beer seems to be an essential at a hockey game (although I always drive so therefore do not partake).
Can’t speak to the hot chick, though. Not what I’d be looking at…
Although I’m not a great fan, football seems a far more appropriate name than soccer for a game that mostly involves using your foot to kick a ball.
As opposed to US/CDN versions which is mostly throwing and running 🙂
There’s currently no beer at collegiate hockey games, at least here in MN…
They were considering a plan to serve alcohol in premium seating and luxury boxes, but that has been controversial, and I’m not sure if they will go forward with it.
Heh, saw the word “audit” and figured it was about Scientology.
And apparently I was not 100% wrong, but not for the reason I thought.
I am finally entirely caught up on all my podcasts, including 2+ years worth of JapanesePod 101.
I saw J0e’s post that said, “Oh, and they take fight breaks.”
And for some reason I read it as “Oh, and they fake tight breasts.”
I had to go back and re-read everything after that.
I’m taking a thermos of chocolate cake shots to a party tonight. Yum for me.
Yum for CJ.
I’d be following her around the party like a puppy.
Oh … and as for the FTBs … see the note about the chick in the fur lined parka. 😉
But who would want chocolate cake via injection?
JB, it’s all the cake taste with none of the carbs. I call that a win win for Cj! The side effects are nice too. It makes me happy in oh, so many ways…
Okay … I kinda like Hentai but this marketing effort makes me feel … icky.
From the ad copy –
“Each bottle of this delicious carbonated grape drink is crafted with care… and a slight feeling of breathless anticipation. As Tentacle Grapeâ„¢ slides smoothly down your throat you’ll feel refreshed and full.”
I have trouble believing this as is for real.
“Tentacle Grape is now available… so WATCH OUT! You gonna get GRAPED!”
…eesh! This would seem to have a very, specificly targeted market share.
Hell is discovering the bar you expected to have a quiet drink in has went karoke mad.
Yes, Van. I am pretty damn sure that’s the 7th circle of hell.
I do hope you find your quiet drink.
Hope everyone has some fun tonight … but be safe. Our little cell needs you.
I agree with J0e. Enjoy your cross-over into the new year and keep those you love around you and safe. Dan and I will be among friends and enjoying the chance to share this evening with them!
We wish you all the best! XOXOXOX
Well Pan. Half an hour until the puck drops. unfortunately this is prime supper making time, so I’ll miss the first period. Will give updates after that 🙂
I’ll be heading out to my New Year’s Party.
I hope everyone has a great, and safe, time at whatever they do tonight!
See you tomorrow.
GMT- 00.00
Happy New Year Van!!!!
Ours is still seven hours away.
Hope this year is better than how the last one ended for you.
CD: Waiting for the scalloped potatoes to cook a little more before starting the burgers.
ditto: Wow! Congratulations! Catching up on JapanesePod101 is one of my goals for the coming year.
T minus 7 hours 29 minutes until the new year here in California. (I went home for Christmas vacation.) My family will be celebrating New Year’s Eve by going out to dinner at Romano’s Macaroni Grill.
Happy New Year. Van! *hugs*
Awww, phooey. US just scored.
What! What!!! Score now 2 – 0 for the US! That’s ok, We’ll pick it up in the second.
To add insult to injury, I have strangers trying to Skype me saying “we should be friends!
*grumble, grumble… I’ll show you friends… grumble*
Frack Me!!!! 3 – 0. 15 minutes into the first.
Yeah!!!! Canada wins!!!! I mean, scores!
Yes!! Score now 3 – 2. Told you we’d pick it up.
That was a cheap shot US. One player on the bench stuck out his stick and hit a Canadian player. The commentators say there may be suspensions over this
Where is everybody?
Now – Hockey puns
When the hockey player was traded to the Devils, he was given a New Jersey.
The hockey player got in trouble at the Shakespeare Festival. He couldn’t resist hitting the Puck.
Score now tied. Just a couple of minutes left in the first period.
This is actually a high scoring game already and we still have 40 minutes of play
I think I want to give vocal lessons to the Minnesota team. “I’d like to teach the Wild to sing…”
Ok I know I was reaching for that one.
Since Canada has a chain for the hockey player Tim Horton, should we also start one for Lanny”McDonald”?
What’s the sweetest moment in a hockey game?
When they’re icing the puck.
Why do hockey players always hurry to catch their next flight? Because it’s “two minutes ‘fore boarding”
Who’s in goal for both teams, TEB?
Whose playing again?
Dustin Tokarski for Canada, I’ll have to get back to you on the US side.
McCollum for US
Canada vs. US, Van. If Canada wins, EssBee and JohnBoze will sing the CDN national anthem. If the US wins, ditto and I will sing the US anthem.
Oh, sorry. Hockey’s the game.
Earmuffs on Standby.
Everybody else were cowards (except J0e) and wouldn’t join in the betting. 😉
Do you have the game on TV there, Bunny? I tried to find it online, but – no luck.
Van, are you still in karaoke hell?
Yup, TSN Canada is playing it live. (hence the play by play)
That wasn’t a US goal. Our goalie scored on our own net.
I know, it still counts
ok, guys. You’re spending too much time in the Canadian zone
Hah! 10 minute misconduct to a US player. (only 2 minute power play for Canada, though)
5 – 4 Canada now – powerplay goal
Not available in your region
Sorry, the video you are trying to watch is not available in your region.
Bah! Thanks for the attempt though, Bunny. I have a page from keeping me updated. And your play-by-play 🙂
I’ll probably watch the Winter Classic at a sports bar tomorrow.
Almost capacity crowd. I know when Canada was playing Kazakhstan, the stands were half empty.
I guess that’s the difference between Canada and the US. The Canada TSN website is playing it live, I guess it’s not as big of a thing in the State.
Not that it matters, as far as the website goes for me, TSN Canada TV is also playing the game.
If you want anything more in depth, Jack I have Skype on Ryah Lee in Calgary
Five minutes left in the second.
They’re now talking to the Ontario Premier. How… interesting?
Great save by Canada.
Quote by commentator: “it’s official, this game has now had everything.”
Did I miss something?
Thx TEB 🙂 But – I should be getting my act together for NYE festivities. I can keep checking in here and on the constantly-refreshing scorepage. We should probably be linked on Skype anyway though.
Score: 5 – 4 Canada
Essbee, JB, I hope you’re warming up your vocal chords.
Now time for a bathroom break.
Have fun at doing the NYE thing, Jack.
We’re staying home for a quiet evening, I think.
The commentator was talking about “the parade to the penalty box”
I don’t remember seeing any floats or marching bands.
THX Bunny. I’m around for a little while longer.
Meanwhile… We are part of an internet sheet music thing. My husband has just downloaded some stuff from the newest Ozzy Ozborne album and is busy playing that.
Oh, My, God. Just saw a Cialis commercial. It was following a news story about a couple that has been missing for four days.
Four days? Is that even possible?
Third period just starting now.
So far, just a back and forth game. Not much happening this period, yet. 4 minutes into the third.
US penalty. Goalie interference. That was a silly penalty. In all fairness it should have been against Canada.
No change in the score (5-4 Canada) half way through the third.
record attendance 20,223. Includes our Prime Minister.
apparently, the building capacity is 19,153. Does the fire marshal know?
five minutes left in the game. No change in the score
Hopefully the boys can get the equalizer.
Although – you guys do have the best national anthem.
Oh, Adanac…
Last minute of play…
Can’t wait to hear those dulcet tones 🙂
US calls a time out.
US pulled their goalie
Empty net goal by Canada.
EssBee, JB. Sing for me babes. Sing for me
(6 – 4 Canada 30 seconds left to play)
J0e, I’ll see you in the finals.
Just to add insult to injury. 7-4 Canada. 10 seconds left
Why did the US leave their goalie pulled when they were down by 2 anyway?
That’s game.
We win!!! Yeah.
Players of the Game
US: 33 Colin Wilson (1 assist)
Canada: 19 John Tavares (3 goals)
apparently we just say the game of the century. Silly commentators.
John Tavares seems to be the real deal.
say = saw
As opposed to those fake players, Jack?
Now playing the Canadian National Anthem. Listen and learn JB, Essbee.
Seriously, I’m not sure if Tavers has been picked up by the majors but, if not, I’m sure he’ll be making millions soon
According to his bio on TSN. Tavares is eligible in 2009 for the draft.
ooohhh. Next up. Calgary Flames vs. Edmonton Oilers. Won’t do the play by play for this game, though.
I’m sure you’ve had enough 🙂
Yeah, Tavares is the next rookie sensation, a la Crosby/Ovechkin.
OK, everyone, looking forward to receiving those “Oh Canada” recordings 🙂
I might as well be watching the juniors. The score is tied at three, still in the first. strange.
I think I’ve had too much wine. Score tied at 2 not 3
Wait, firsties? It’s a UnXmas UnMiracle!
Now that was close!
And, so, Merry Christmas to all in Deadpan. My presence as well will be sketchy the next few days. My presents, on the other hand, are going to be unwrapped will all due speed.
Van, you should demand an instant replay on that one 🙂
1. Is the file not playing for you guys?
2. We had a Marlo Dianne sighting!
I’m getting a 404 file not found error when I click on the download link.
It also hasn’t shown up on iTunes yet.
This link works:
And………………. fixed.
Well the comment goal should be reached by the end of the day, unless…
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Listening while I work. Yes, I’m working. Merry Christmas to all my new friends at Deadpan! You are all my Christmas miracle 😀
Awww, Cj. 🙂
I’m offline for the rest of the night. See you in the morning, and Merry Christmas! 🙂
Merry Solstice, or is it Scary Solstice? You better watch out, you better not cry. Hi, Jack. Hi, all.
Thanks Jamie! Welcome to Deadpan. Happy Holidays to you and your family.
Cj, that is a really great thing to say 🙂 I deeply appreciate the good people in my life, and Deadpan is an amazing community of good people.
Merry Christmas deadpaniacs.
Morning Pan, I hope everybody has a good day, I’m off visiting.
Well Pan, I got some bad news today about my Dad today, just a matter of time, I will be scarce for a bit.
*Hugs* Van
*hugs for everybody*
*and extra for Van*
Tough new Van. *man hug*
Will send positive thoughts our way.
Hello Marlo Dianne, Jamie cubed, CJ, Ed, Amy, Jack and well … just EVERY body !
Merry Christmas to all.
Welcome, J3!
Van: Sorry to hear about your dad. I know what it is like. *hugs*
Merry Christmas to all. Enjoy the time with your families, cuz that’s what it is all about.
Fabulous intro, Jack!!!
Merry Christmas everyone — like all of you I’m thinking of Van today.
Cj, you took the words out of my mouth – I am grateful for all of you and for this community.
Happy holidays to LostRalph, Jamie, marlodianne, and everyone else in the Deadpan crew!
Van: *hugs*
Currently, at my house: Presents opened. Chocolate croissants eaten. “A Christmas Story” is on the TV. Family is happy. 🙂
Sorry about your Father’s bad news, Van. Best wishes to him. We’re here for you throughout, brother.
I hope everyone enjoys their day. I’m looking forward to visiting some good friends.
Cool to see the Deadpan Christmas song again.
Merry Christmas, Alvie, wherever you are.
Tweet: We’ve got a gray Christmas here in Temecula, CA. It’s pouring rain outside.
The sky here is the color of a television tuned to a dead channel.
Gifts are open. Breakfast/Brunch eaten and cleaned up. Kids are hyped on sugar. Many pictures have been taken. It’s raining, but it’s a beautiful day.
I’m prepping the kitchen for the 2nd wave of guests. Board games in my future I hope!
Prime rib is now in the oven.
Jack: LOL! 😉 🙂
^That was re: the color of the sky where you are.
Great stuff Jack. 🙂 Funny card.
I also want to send a shout out to those who have yet to check in –
Jessica (AKA The Leather Clad Mistress of the Deadpan), Sarah in Charleston, Alvie and Mrs. Alvie …
That was a really cool episode. Color me impressed. JJ and whoever put together at the Charlie Brown deadpan Christmas special rocked.
I open my gift early because I wasn’t sure if I’d be home for the holidays. I have are he found it very useful. Thank you.
Van, my thoughts are with you and your family as well.
Jack, that card set us up the bomb! Most excellent.
Van sorry to read about your Dad. 🙁
I’ll chime in on what Trucker said about the Unshow.
Maybe it is just because I am so familur with so much of the material used … but for me, this Ep had a very comfortable feel to it. Like the way the 100th showing of your favorite holiday special does.
… and Trucker’s SSanta bit was warm and wonderful in that “Bing Crosby by the fire side” meets “The Osbournes” sort of way.
Thanks everyone for pitching in and thanks for running it Jack.
. . . if Bing Crosby incorporated glory holes into his act. . .
It was my first time hearing all of it and I thought it was great. I really enjoyed it.
I’m exhausted. Just thought I’d share. Happy and exhausted.
*hugs* to all.
Thanks to Cj and Dan for having me over this afternoon. Great people.
And thanks Amy, for the sweet comment over at Evo @ 11.
I have yet to listen, but it was a fun episode to do:
Morning Deadpan.
I hope Santa was good to you all.
Congrats to Van for beating me at Scrabble. (I have yet to win a game.) As well as extra thoughts to him and his family.
*extra hug for Vanamonde*
Ok, New Game (I have actually removed some of the questions because they asked for too much information to give on the net in my mind):
YOUR SPY NAME: Lee Cantrell
(middle name and current street name)
YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: Joan … (sorry don’t have a favourite candy)
(grandfather/grandmother on your dad’s side, your favorite candy)
YOUR GAMER TAG: Black Panther
(a favorite color, a favorite animal)
(middle name, city where you were born)
YOUR STAR WARS NAME: Dei (um… mom legally changed her name several times, not sure which is her maiden name) Ree
(first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother’s maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet’s name)
PORN STAR NAME: Fluffy Ogden
(first pet’s name, the street you grew up on)
(“The”, your favorite color, the automobile your dad drives)
(first name of the main character in the last film you watched, last food you ate)
Apparently its my curse to really fuck up any given holiday.
I did spend the last half of yesterday devouring “The Shack” by William Young. It’s heartbreaking, then surprising yet close to overly heady, and then it becomes really surprising and satisfying. Since it’s found in the “Christian Fiction” section, I doubt anyone is likely to check it out, especially considering its about a man who’s lost his daughter to a child serial killer years later gets invited to the place she was murdered to have a conversation with God. Sounds cheesy, but the book is anything but… And truth be told I’m not sure it even belongs in the “Christian Fiction” section, the book is pretty anti-religion, even with Jesus flat out saying he’s not a Christian.
But in any case, it was an excellent book.
on the 2nd day of xmas my true love gave to me, the remaining DVD set of star trek the original series I needed to complete the set that I just never got for some unknown reason
on the 1st day of xmas my true love gave to me a whole amazon box full of cheesy vampire porn!!
ok.. that doesn’t match the song at all does it?
now let me catch up here…
Dub: I’ll check that out. It sounds interesting. I think if you liked that, you might enjoy “An Instance of the Fingerpost” by Iain Pears. It’s a murder mystery told from 4 perspectives. Each time the story is retold, it is turned on its head. There is religion, philosophy, and intrigue all set in the English post-civil war period.
TSH: Sweet. It sounds like you had a good Christmas. And the Vamp porn will inspire you to give Huge a really good Christmas. 😉
heheheh “Huge”
I think ditto has some splain’n to do! 😀
Ed got firsties? Van getting firsties is about as definite as Van winning the GJB around here
Unxmas Unshow seems to be in my iTunes and in working order captain
Welcome Jamie3!!
Van- take all the time you need. Deadpan will be here if you need a laugh, or a place to vent. Take care of yourself.
glory holes?
That xmas card was too funny 🙂
I am glad to see many of you had a good xmas. Ours was wonderful. We went to Hughs brothers house and celebrated with his whole huge crazy family. It was fun. Saturday we go to celebrate with my family. My parents both work at hospitals and were working both xmas eve and xmas.
Dub- a good book is a good book no matter what its about. I’ll read just about anything myself.
and now I will play along with bunnys name game
Well mister ditto swooon, you DO know my Hugh well don’t you 😉
heh heh
YOUR SPY NAME: Claudia Dearborn
(middle name and current street name)
(grandfather/grandmother on your dad’s side, your favorite candy)
YOUR GAMER TAG: Black Panther _ i’m just leaving bunnies cuz I agree with it
(a favorite color, a favorite animal)
(middle name, city where you were born)
YOUR STAR WARS NAME: dim osa hug (I have no pet so I just used hugh)
(first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother’s maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet’s name)
PORN STAR NAME: Snowflake Michigan
(first pet’s name, the street you grew up on)
SUPERHERO NAME: The Black Passat
(â€Theâ€, your favorite color, the automobile your dad drives)
(first name of the main character in the last film you watched, last food you ate)
YOUR SPY NAME: John 177th
(middle name and current street name)
(grandfather/grandmother on your dad’s side, your favorite candy)
(a favorite color, a favorite animal)
YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: John St. Catharines
(middle name, city where you were born)
(first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother’s maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet’s name)
PORN STAR NAME: Missy Bendingroad
(first pet’s name, the street you grew up on)
SUPERHERO NAME: The Black Charger
(â€Theâ€, your favorite color, the automobile your dad drives)
(first name of the main character in the last film you watched, last food you ate)
oh wait actually the last film I watched was Day the Earth Stood Still but Hugh and I have given it Highlander 2 status (ie- it doesn’t exist in our reality)
So I guess my Action hero name is actually Klattu Cannoli
BUT since that movie doesn’t exist the last movie I saw WAS Iron Man , so Tony Cannoli it is
Black Charger????
oh ditto.. what a PERFECT superhero name for you, although your not black.. but still.
and ummm sorry ditto for always reducing you to a sex object 😉
I love your brains too 🙂
l8r paniacs
Dear Deadpan,
My wife is insane
Thank you and breast,
Hugh SH
p.s and yes I am huge. Thank you for noticing.
We aim to please.
Thanks to everybody for the kind thoughts and hugs.
YOUR SPY NAME: Garrett Muriel
(middle name and current street name)
(grandfather/grandmother on your dad’s side, your favorite candy)
YOUR GAMER TAG: Blue Cheetah
(a favorite color, a favorite animal)
(middle name, city where you were born)
(first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother’s maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet’s name)
PORN STAR NAME: Sphixy Dallas, LOL
(first pet’s name, the street you grew up on)
SUPERHERO NAME: The Blue Crossfire
(â€Theâ€, your favorite color, the automobile your dad drives)
(first name of the main character in the last film you watched, last food you ate)
Well wishes Van.
YOUR SPY NAME: Elanor Linalou Ranch
(middle name and current street name)
(used the street my parents’ house is on, because it sounded better than “Second Avenue North”)
(grandfather/grandmother on your dad’s side, your favorite candy)
YOUR GAMER TAG: Purple Dolphin
(a favorite color, a favorite animal)
(middle name, city where you were born)
(first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother’s maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet’s name)
(I no longer have the pet referred to here, but I used to)
PORN STAR NAME: Whale Shelton
(first pet’s name, the street you grew up on)
SUPERHERO NAME: The Purple Civic
(â€Theâ€, your favorite color, the automobile your dad drives)
YOUR ACTION HERO NAME: Martin Rice Krispies
(first name of the main character in the last film you watched, last food you ate)
(LOL!! Yes, Grosse Pointe Blank was the last film I watched.)
YOUR SPY NAME: Anne Calypso
(middle name and current street name)
(grandfather/grandmother on your dad’s side, your favorite candy)
YOUR GAMER TAG: Green Poodle
(a favorite color, a favorite animal)
(middle name, city where you were born)
(first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother’s maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet’s name)
PORN STAR NAME: Sandy McKellips
(first pet’s name, the street you grew up on)
SUPERHERO NAME: The Green Avalanche (My dad loved the big trucks!)
(â€Theâ€, your favorite color, the automobile your dad drives)
(first name of the main character in the last film you watched, last food you ate)
YOUR SPY NAME: Vincent Shea (middle name and current street name – close enough)
(grandfather/grandmother on your dad’s side, your favorite candy)
YOUR GAMER TAG: Black Platypus
(a favorite color, a favorite animal)
(middle name, city where you were born)
(first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother’s maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet’s name)
PORN STAR NAME: Speedy Dermody
(first pet’s name, the street you grew up on)
SUPERHERO NAME: The Black Audi (My dad loved the big trucks!)
(â€Theâ€, your favorite color, the automobile your dad drives)
(first name of the main character in the last film you watched, last food you ate)
Jack, and everyone: The Christmas Unshow was AWESOME!!! 😀,131260
I think Amy and Ditto need to trade porn star names….
YOUR SPY NAME: Lee English Oaks
(middle name and current street name)
YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: Homer Hundred Grand
(grandfather/grandmother on your dad’s side, your favorite candy)
YOUR GAMER TAG: Red Elephant
(a favorite color, a favorite animal)
(middle name, city where you were born)
YOUR STAR WARS NAME: kle sto ein
(first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother’s maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet’s name)
PORN STAR NAME: Misty Pilgrim
(first pet’s name, the street you grew up on)
SUPERHERO NAME: The Red Rav Four (four what?)
(â€Theâ€, your favorite color, the automobile your dad drives)
YOUR ACTION HERO NAME: Korben Sirloin (just watched The Fifth Element on Blu-Ray)
(first name of the main character in the last film you watched, last food you ate)
There, the last of the rebates are filled out an in the mail. I generally avoid them when I can, and I only put up with them from reliable retailers. This time around, it was just a few from Amazon and Newegg.
Ed: lol… first pet in our house that had a name was a fish named Whale… but you’re right.
YOUR SPY NAME: Sue Valentine
(middle name and current street name)
(grandfather/grandmother on your dad’s side, your favorite candy)
(a favorite color, a favorite animal)
YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: Sue (Colorado) Springs
(middle name, city where you were born)
(first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother’s maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet’s name)
(first pet’s name, the street you grew up on)
SUPERHERO NAME: The Black Rabbit
(â€Theâ€, your favorite color, the automobile your dad drives)
(first name of the main character in the last film you watched, last food you ate)
Hey Deadpan,
I’m just swinging by to say hi, and to say I’m thinking about Van.
Sweet goal, Jack!
^Who are these people? LOL
I am looking at changing trucking Companies. The job I am working for is just getting weird.
They are busting people for fuck up there logs over 15 mins mixes ups.
can we get the Evo at 11 feed with just the ep that have Jack in them?
Rhett, are those people related to you?
Um… Could be.
Finally got to watch the Blu-Ray copy of Iron Man that I borrowed from a friend.
It is a beautiful thing to behold.
After watching that video of the 2 Swedish sisters …
It suddenly become clear to me, THEY ARE CYLONS !!!!
How else do you get hit by a car on the freeway, and keep hopping back up to fight the police and run into more traffic.
Endless Feline mystery:
Why does a cat wake you to escape wailing desperate loneliness–and then immediately go to sleep?
Am I *that* comforting?
But then they do indulge our lameness, like this:
Apparently, your kitty wanted you to drop in at Deadpan, MD 😉
Actually, Jack, neither of my guys is too fond of all the time I spend with the square thing. The younger one will frequently will glare at me, wailing, and stomp of the keyboard. She sees it as a clear case of petting the wrong kitty. 😀
Hissyfit (the younger) is also the one who has spent the past two years diligently protecting my feet. Really. She only leaves for quick snack breaks.
She doesn’t know what monster is attacking me, but if will alone could kill it and make me all better, my girl a’ done it.
Morning, Deadpan!
I threw my hip out last night, so am hobbling about. Still thinking about Van.
Sorry to hear that Essbee.
Good morning Pan – I am working on getting the cool stuff over to my new computer…
This is the fun part.
Sorry to hear that Essbee.
Good morning Pan – I am working on getting the cool stuff over to my new computer…
This is the fun part.
Morning Pan!
Beautiful Chinook weather today. Will spend the day cleaning off my desk, I think.
Gentle hugs to Essbee – Hope you heal quickly!
Good Morning, Everyone.
Morning All.
Essbee – may we pretend you threw your hip out having too much fun?
It would turn a grey day, toastier. 🙂
MD – Cats!
Do your cats allow you to read the comic section of the paper or do they insist on sitting in the middle of it.
J0e, the law of cat dynamics states that all cats must either sit in the middle of or under the paper. nowhere else.
OK tech toy nerds!
Another Christmas, another dirty Santa exchange, ANOTHER $50 Best Buy gift card!!
I now have like $380 worth of these things!
So do I go for the upgraded iPod(I have a 2nd Gen 40gig) , iTouch, the Harmony One remote, or the HD TiVo ????
Toys toys toys!
I was playing a game of Laser tag earlier today (The pheonix LTX pistols ROCK!!!) and a cat who usually wants NOTHING to do with humans kept going up to hiding combatants and mewing loudly to be petted … signing that combatants death warrant !
j0e, I don’t know what you like as far as the iPods go, but I love my iTouch.
Hi CJ!
I actually still love my OLD 40gig iPod. Of course it doesn’t do video or pictures.
The iTouch would do that. Does the iTouch have an earphone jack? Does it record any audio or video?
I loves my touch also. Yup it has an earphone jack. It will do everything your iPod does and soooo much more. Because it it touch and motion sensitive you can get a whole bunch of cool apps and games for it.
One it = has
Nope, still wrong… Because it IS touch and motion…
It also has a build in GPS so some of the apps (like the restaurant and movie guide and finder) will zero in on your location and give only the local information.
I scared of that. It will tell THEM where I am!
Oh … chill out WordPress.
Does the iTouch have a camera?
Mine doesn’t. But that doesn’t mean one isn’t available (or an external one). You’ll have to look that up. I know Vanamonde uses his iPhone to connect to Deadpan and Facebook. It’s the same thing, just without the phone part.
EssBee: Hope you feel better.
This is mostly for Jack. The US Jr team is also off to a good start. It will be cool to see them and Team Canada head to head.
Yes, to everything TEB said. No phone or recording capabilities, but does all that the iPhone can do pretty much as long as wifi is available nearby.
I have a digital camera and a cell phone with a much lower rate so I don’t have an iPhone and probably won’t unless I can still have my Verizon on it.
Just remember you’ll need a publicly available WiFi connection to use the Touch’s internet connectivity.
Um, yeah….what CJ said 🙂
yep, that’s why I am avoiding th iPhone. Can’t justify the $100 (approx) a month charge to use it.
Making homemade bread for dinner tonight.
Thx for the link, ditto. The U.S. team is supposed to be pretty good this year.
I think everyone has me sold on the iTouch, j0e.
These are pretty cool
Hey, Jack you know… I always have my Touch with me and you are welcome to play with it anytime.
My iTouch. Freudian slip. 😉
12 zombie days of Christmas
Jack, the US team is going down! 😉 After all, we have Pat Sajack as our coach…
…I mean…
iTouch ™ myself? 😉
Cj, thanks for the Kermit Book, arrived today.
To my Secret recipient, I was a Santa Fail this year, though the goods are on hand, I need to get envelope and then ship it…
Good one, ditto.
JOe, go ahead and believe whatever you choose — it can’t be that far from the truth.
EssBee FTW!!!!!!
JB, you are welcome! I hope you enjoy it!
Nipple song – Enjoy.
EssBee, thank you. 😉 And srsly – I hope you feel better.
And – everyone should watch that video. It’s somehow really appropriate for this page.
Cj: That’s funny in a wrong way. 🙂
That was to funny…
Good morning. I’m going to share.
I was born with a birth defect where my feet faced the opposite direction than they should. So, it was “corrected” by nailing my shoes to a two-by-four and that’s how I learned to walk; with my feet in these shoes on a board. Because of this, I have little to no cartilage in my knees and during the cold weather, they tend to go out. Last night, both of my knees caved due to spending time outside in the cold. I’m ticked off because I’m trying to take down all my Christmas decorations and put them back in the garage and my knees are killing me!
I could have surgery, but it would basically require the replacement of both kneecaps and would have to be re-done about every 5 years. My knees are fine 98.5% of the time, but the cold makes me crazy!
Thanks for listening! 🙂
I hope Van is doing OK. I miss seeing his posts.
That sucks, Cj. Feel free to vent here anytime you want. That’s what we are here for.
I miss Van too.
Hope you’re feeling better CJ. I’m assuming, being in a warmer climate is better than in the north on your knees.
Van is keeping us updated on his FaceBook Page. Most of his time is spent with family and at the hospital with his dad. Unfortunately, it’s only a matter of time…
All thoughts and warm hugs are with him.
This is an interesting article on pornography for women.
Just heard the latest Evo@11:
Superhero wrestling is a great idea
I don’t think you’re a pussy, Jack.
now to read ditto’s article.
Re: Ditto’s link…
…bored now…
TEB: Thanks and thanks – – — AND thanks for the Van update. Those of us without FB were unaware. I miss having him around here too, and I feel for the pain he’s going through. Van, we’re here for you, brother.
Cj – I had no idea. Well the warm weather has to return soon, right?
I could watch that video about 30 times a day.
Well, TSH, hope Hugh doesn’t come down here and kill me, but that was a helluva game today.
Also glad to know we’re getting updates on Van. It’s never an easy thing to go through.
Watching the Junior Hockey. Current score, 5 minutes into the third, is 11 – 0 in favour of Canada vs. Kazakhstan. Should I start celebrating it as a win yet?
Oh, sorry, 12 -0 and we’re actually 10 minutes into the third.
SOG: 60 – 11
13 – 0. Canada also has a 7 minute powerplay. There’s only 6 minutes left in the game.
14 – 0. Three minutes left.
I’m really, really sorry.
Well, it was a nail biter, but Canada pulled through. Final score: 15 – 0
Now playing the CDN national anthem. Any bets for the
Canada/US game? Loser has to record themselves singing the winning national anthem and send it in to Jack…?
Sounds amusing. 🙂
When’s the game?
January 31
Ok try again. December 31
So ditto and I are in for the Canadian side, any takers on the US?
Actually I should say, “it SOUNDS like ditto and I…”
I shouldn’t just assume he said yes by his inquiry.
Not me.
I am, however, ordering won ton soup for takeout. That’s all I want right now. Won ton soup and nothing more. I’m so easily pleased.
I’m not much of a singer, but sure! Remind me, Bunny.
We’re back home, and glad for it. Lots of family visiting – accomplished. There is nothing but crap on TV tonight. We tried watching Miami Vice and turned it off after 10 minutes. We watched 30 minutes of Ghost Rider before giving up on it. I think I’ll just finish Mythago Wood.
EssBee if talent was a factor then I’d definately be out
What a beautiful bit of future content. Thank you, ladies!
Oh shit I’m a butterhead.
Watching the video again, are you Jack?
I think he’s addicted.
I can quit anytime!
Come see me eat nipple, eat nipple.
Hey! I’m trying to work over here. Keep it down with you nipples!
BTW – saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button today. It was almost three hours long – but pretty good. That’s my indepth review.
Jack hit the hooker on the head. Or something like that.
Morning, Pan, just stretching and blinking following the 6-day weekend…
Oh, and my Secret Santa gift is finally enroute, so if you haven’t seen anyting from your DPSS giver, it’s probably me, and you may see it Tuesday or Wednesday…
Morning Pan!
Back to work today – blech. Also started a new workout routine – ugh.
Not many takers on my bet, (thanks EssBee and ditto) I see. Keep in mind, nothing says you have to bet on your own country 🙂
Yeah, I’ll bet on the US to win…
Yep, back at work too. =P Oh well, three days of work and then four days off. I liked sleeping in.
Morning, Deadpan!
I’m off this week too, so am just getting out of bed.
I heard from Van that he’s holding it together, but nothing more than that. I’m keeping him in my thoughts today.
According to my latest spam mail, the IRS screwed up my last tax return and I’m owed a large refund. Too bad I don’t file with the IRS…
oohhh, Wander Radio episode downloading.
Van guessed at my FB daily idiom – I consider this a good thing as he hasn’t for a couple of days.
I do think he’s ghosting at the Deadpan though, as he seems to know when updates are put here on the board.
As such, I very much encourage warm wishes and virtual hugs.
Enjoy your vacation Essbee. I have Van in my thoughts as well/
TEB: I guess the IRS really did screw up if they are tracking you. LOL
Oh, if the unlikely should occur, do you need english, french, or the full bilingual treatment?
ooooooooh *breathy sigh* the “full bilingual treatment” please 😉
I only know the English version of the CDN anthem, I don’t expect more than that – in the VERY likely event someone has to sing it.
Well Pan. I’m off to buy a new door knob for our back door. Stupid cold weather did something to the lock and we can no longer get our keys to work.
Lots of hugs for Van.
I went through the same thing a few years ago. It really sucks.
I’m in on the bet. And if Canada loses, I’ll sing the Indian Nipple song, but not all 5+ minutes of it.
TEB: Correct me if I’m wrong, but did TEB say she want’s two tongues as a treatment? 😉
Rhettro: The IRS track everyone!
Suc Lebleu! I think.
TEB – I have no idea what the to sides are competing in but if it’s some sort of “Water Boarding” and “Old Men shooting other old men in the face with a shot gun” competition … I’d have to give the edge to the U.S.
I also may need to brush up on my CDN anthem lyrics.
I recall it as being something like –
“Oh Can-a-da
Your weather can be cold.
You are – waaay – up North
And your flag has a leaf on it.”
… I’m afraid the next verse gets a little sketchy for me.
I think it is more like…
Oh Dead-a-pan
Our home and native board
Jack Mangan rules
The whole pod-i-o-verse…
With glowing hearts we load the page
To submit our greasy nipples
From far and wide, oh deadpan
We comment incessantly!
Jack’s episodes are just as much fun
Oh deadpan, we comment incessantly
Oh deadpan, we comment incessantly!
^ LOL! That was great, ditto. One (or several) of us should record that for the show.
My hubby wants to get an acoustic set of the Nipple song going on. Jack, bring your guitar over here; there is music to be made.
Hmmm Cj and Jack making beautiful music together.
uhm… that would be Dan and Jack, actually. I just want to watch. 😉
Being the John Tesh / Yanni wannabe that I am, I got a cool Yamaha keyboard for Xmas. You can expect me to torture.. er enlight the board with some amaturish samples at some point.
Speaking of John Tesh, you may be tempted on spending 16 bucks for this album but notice you can buy a nice used copy for under 2 dollars in the same link.
And you can get some Yanni Love Songs for under 2 bucks too!
Jack had mentioned he wanted some uplifting music to listen too. Hmmm…
I don’t think I can hit the high notes in that Nipple song, Dan, but I’m down. I wonder if the tablature is available anywhere online.
ditto, that Oh Deadpan/Canada was brilliant :).
Rhett, I own a Yanni CD. I will admit to liking some of that guy’s music. And his mustache.
That’s some mustache! I actually like some new age-ish stuff. Although for keyboard music I tend to like the Wendy/Walter Carlos stuff. 🙂
Just got home with some DVDs – all 3 Terminator flicks for a marathon.
Back from replacing my backdoor lock, and lunch.
Now to the comments:
J0e: We talking about the World Juniors Hockey taking place in Toronto right now. (
Jack/Rhettro: Can I join the slightly abashed faced club and admit that we too have a Yanni CD?
Rhett:What type is your Yamaha? I have a Roland RD-700 that I just love
Bunny just got a 68 point word in Scrabble, y’all. My hat is off.
The game isn’t over yet. I’m still umpteen and 0 so far.
Actually, reverse that I’m at 0 and umpteen (haven’t won yet)
TEB: It’s a Yamaha PSR-E413. It’s really cool, loaded with all sort of stuff. I mainly got it to explore a few more musical possibilities as well as being able to create backing tracks for playing guitar. I have no previous keyboard experience however. LOL One of the cool things I did with it was to upload Tron & Symphony X MIDI files to it. Sounds great. 🙂
Is it a full 88 keys? (I suppose I could look it up).
I had a piano that had a broken sound board so I replaced it with the keyboard a couple of years ago and don’t think I’ll go back.
Mine has a setting called “spaceship” on it (or something like that). I like to do the Close Encounters theme using that setting.
I have some piano and organ in my background but mostly fool around. It’s been awhile since I’ve tried playing anything for real, so I don’t think I’m much good any more. Unfortunately, it’s NOT like a bike; if you don’t keep it up, you do lose it.
Keyboard new age: I’m a huge fan of Mike Oldfield. Tangerine Dream is also the shiznit. And you can’t forget Jean-Michel Jarre.
Rhett- that Yamaha sounds like a lot of fun. (I’ll leave the “organ” jokes to someone else).
J0e – I think you need to finish your version of “Oh Canada” 🙂
EssBee, there is no 3rd Terminator movie.
Looked it up (to answer my own question). It looks cool, Rhett
I was ok with the third Terminator movie. What i like best was the fact that they followed what was always said and destroyed the planet. That’s the one thing that bugged me about the first two movies was the paradox they were creating by trying to change the future and make Skynet never exist and the ruling by the robots not happen. If that’s the case, then the terminator could not come back and try to take out Sarah Connor, The kid would have never been born, etc.
At least the third movie tried to bring it back and remove that paradox, and didn’t try to cop out with a “happy ending”
TEB: As you discovered, it’s a portable, i.e. less than 88, which is fine by me as I’m not even a novice player yet. LOL My wife though is quite good. We have a real upright piano in our house that is badly in need of tuning. She’s happy that the Yamaha will never go out of tune.
I need some validation:
I got the new tax program in the mail today and am now eagerly loading it onto my computer. My husband says I’m weird and the only person in the world who gets excited over a tax program. Tell me he’s wrong.
I’ve always liked it when we got new versions of Quicken. LOL
Quicken rules my world and I would be lying if I said that I didn’t enjoy doing my own taxes a little bit.
On another note, I’ve always loved Tangerine Dream. I really should update my music collection as I only have them on cassette.
Yeah, I feel better!
Yup been ghosting TEB.
Thanks again for the hugs and kind thoughts.
Me and my family are just waiting for the end. At least my Dad is no longer in pain.
Good to hear from you again, Van. *flurry of virtual hugs*
Great to see you online, Van.
Jack, there is only one Terminator film with Kristanna Loken.
Add me to the Yanni club. We’ve got a few here. And, I agree with Jack: Mike Oldfield and Tangerine Dream are great. I don’t, however, have any Jean-Michel Jarre, but I do have Phillipe Glass.
Glad to see you back Van. All my sympathies.
As for piano, I’m working on relearning everything that I’ve forgotten over the past 5 years. I wasn’t that far along to begin with, but I plan to make a more serious effort this time around.
Just listened to the Unshow. Great one, Jack.
Trucker, does the book include strip joints?
Dan and I are excited because we just released episode #100 of LLAP 🙂
congrats on your 100th episode CJ 🙂
and now for something completely different.
Hugh and I feel like sharing some art
May your turnip be with you
Hugh is your evil overlord
bow to him
ok that last one isn’t really technically an artistic achievement.. that was just me noodling with psd on an image of Hugh looking evil
the first image on the other hand is a keeper for our future art exhibits
another keeper for future exhibits from us
I really love this picture right now
(wow, a lot to say to get caught up) Congrats on number 100, Dan and Cj!
Van, I’m glad to see you here again. You have my email – and my Skype info. Use em as needed. My sincerest sympathies and condolences for what you and your family are going through now.
Smarty Hotties – – all 3 of those pics are awesome, including the overlord Hugh one. You guys have really carved out an incredible, unique creative style. Very cool.
Awesome accomplishment on the 100th episode, Cj! Awesome art, Hotties!
We’re on to the Terminator movie that shall not be spoken of.
Cj & Dan: Congrats!!
TSH: Cool stuff! I like it a lot. Have you heard of Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison? Their photos are also surreal, but yours are more fun!
Look at this, I go back to work for a day, and the Deadpan explodes! I, too, must lay claim to several Yanni CD’s. I think “Live at the Acropolis” remains one of my favorites.
In that vein, I must again recommend Gnomusy:
Glad to see Van making an appearance. And even a Smarty Hottie sighting! And congrats CJ, on making the big 100.
Thanks, Everyone. It’s been a fun ride!
TSH – LOVE the art! Very cool.
I’m finally all caught up on Lost, just watched the last season finale.
I’m not usually one for TV series, but man — that’s good stuff. I’m excited for season 4 to get started.
Season 5, Jack.
Thanks everyone 🙂
ditto- we checked out that site. Very interesting work they do. We are both big surrealism fans.
We hate to admit it, but seeing what other artists are up to is making us insanely jealous 🙂 We hope 2009 will be the triumphant return to the art world for us.
We live in this really cool artist community neighborhood here, and they are constantly having art shows. Its so exciting, and there is so much great art coming out of here, but it also makes us very jealous. We’re itching to get our recent work out there.
You guys will rock the art world in 2009. And even if you’re keeping low-key right now, the output we see is still kickass.
Season 5. right.
Can’t live on a butterhead.
A Rockin 2009. Sounds like a good plan for all of Deadpan.
I’m supposed to have company today.
I may get dressed. I may leave my bed. More likely I’ll try to convince them to copasquat next to Hissy on the bedspread…
Morning, Deadpan!
marlo sighting!
CW: Brotherhood season finale
EssBee sighting!
So we patted ourselves on the back and said: Wow, we managed the whole holiday season without using plastic “money.”
Then I found myself driving down the road, turned on my wipers (which had been acting slightly oddly) and suddenly the driver’s side wiper was pointing into traffic. Never a good thing, but especially in Minnesota in winter. Took it in, had the wipers fixed, and the annoying rattle that seemed harmless (broken stabilizer) and the much-overdue oilchange. $637 to the plastic.
I hope it didn’t melt, JB. That’s a fair bit of heat to put on it.
Kinda Deadish Pan today…
Sorry to hear about your automobile issues, JB (Autooo mooobeeel)
Today I’ll be purchasing paint for my front bathroom. My MIL is aching to paint it for me. I’m going to let her.
My 3-year-old son is trying to make himself a jelly sandwich.
It looks like it’s going to be in the 60’s again today.
♫ Yahoo I’m a Retard ♫
JB, that sucks!
I just hooked our old DVD player to our old stereo, and wow! Hearing DVDs is a great concept.
I inherited a Total Gym and have decided that if I can’t figure out how to set it up, it might be too dangerous for me to use. Luckily, dad’s coming over tomorrow.
Cj, on the plus side it’s not in the big lake…
Time for another “Ask The Deadpan!” posting.
Is there a word (and if not … can we please create one) that means,
“I have heard what you just told me so you don’t need to say it again, it’s just that I have absolutely nothing to say about the topic and would rather not just make inane comments about it that would lead to yet another pointless conversation that would best be reserved for a Cohen Brothers film.” ?
Example – You are warming up turkey left over for your relatives who are staying with you and they suddenly say “There is a new container of Kewl wHHip in the refrigerator.”
No one has ask for this desert toping on their turkey and in fact to this point there has been no talk of a desert topping shortage. This would seem to be just a random thought that made it to their vocal cords.
If you just go about your business, they repeat the comment because they think you didn’t hear them.
If you respond “Oh” or “Okay” or “I see” they think you are being short with them.
If you form an answer as a complete sentence it seems to signal that you are really INTO this topic and a mind numbingly inane discussion of that container and it’s predecessor will ensue.
There has to be a word that acknowledges yet stops the thought (politely) in it’s tracks.
JOe, how about these phrases:
“Is that right?!”
“I’ll be damned.”
“You don’t say.”
Nope. Those show WAY to much interest in the topic and start a conversation about it.
Just caught up on my Twitter feed. Jack, did you see @spellwight’s latest posts there?
I’d respond, “Your hair’s on fire.”
The flame would be blue.
Or maybe, “I’ve always preferred the lubrication qualities of a fresh one.”
I know this makes me seem to just big butterhead but multiply that example by 24/7 and I begin to see how “whole family massacres” occur.
I actually like all of my relations. After a few days though …
It’s all relative.
I can never remember – Is their hair blue as it approaches and red as they move away … or is it the other way around?
I think when the chorus sings “scaramouch, scaramouch, will you do the fandango?” in Bohemian Rhapsody, what they’re really saying is “yes, yes I know you see a little silhouetto – now shut up”.
So try “scaramouch”, the next time you find yourself in that situation, j0e.
Amy: I hadn’t seen that I’d been tagged, no. Oh boy.
Joe, isn’t that what um-hmm is for? You know, the barely vocalised semi-moan, usually used between spouses, that means ‘Yes, I heard you sweetie, and thanks, really, but, you know, I just don’t give a…crap.’
MD – That’s what I figured. I thought it was a universally accepted answer.
Jaj- Might be only universal in interspousal communications.
Another fun one is the “Repeat anecdote teller.”
Anyone have one of them over the Holidays.
A few of us on the receiving end have made a game out of it to try and maintain sanity.
You get a point for every time you are present as this person tells the story. You are NOT allowed to prompt the story … but generally, no help is needed. (insert emoticon with eyes rolling back into skull)
CPIMM; Elvis Costello & the Chieftains – “St. Stephens Day Murders”
*continues to stitch more knit socks*
I’m going to sell these and retire….
… and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting …
CW: The X-Files episode 2.2
j0e, the response I would give to the Kewl Whhip comment would be …
“You are absolutely right.”
There is only one flash video for which the internet was made, and that is— Kikkoman:
The Buffy Between the Lines episode I wrote has finally had it’s script released. It is awesome beyond all recognition. Uh, by that I mean it doesn’t suck.
But I suppose all those who happen through here regularly will have to wait to hear the produced ep, aside from that Brian Brown fella…
I just found out that a married couple who I’ve always thought were just perfect are getting a divorce. That’s officially 4 divorces in 1 year for the people I know. I know a lot of people, but that’s still too many.
Very cool, JB. Keep us posted.
Marlo, that Kikkoman video. . . . it. . . . . I. . . . I don’t . . . . it’s. . . the. . . um. . . yeah. . .
I . . . agree . . . with . . . Jack . . .
Can’t get the image of that flowing loin cloth out of my head.
I’m craving Chinese food … NOT!
Off the basement at the Alamo. I’ve lost my bike.
JOe: I’ve always used “I see.” If you say it in a disinterested enough voice, people tend to leave you alone.
Of course, sarcasm + “How nice” works fine too. 😉
Jack… Kikkoman… showed you?
look at the Flash ditto … but brace yourself.
“I see” is what I fall back on but apparently it is being perceived as rude. *sigh*
FYI – I am currently at the “Life is FUCKIN BRILLIANT” stage of a Scotch high.
Any chance I can just hover here indefinatly?
Any chance i can spell indefanetly?
Life cometh before the fall.
me go grill steaks.
sop up scotch with BEEF!
There’s no basement at the Alamo!
It would seem that baking potatoes can absorb HUGE amounts of microwave radiation!
I’ll keep you posted.
Good thing you have that fresh Kewl Whhhhip, JOe.
Potato go bang!
Cool to hear Jack (aka Evo 2.0) on Evo@11.
Thx ditto – that was a fun recording.
Gremlins also don’t do so well in the microwave.
Jack: Debbie tagged both you and Cj, and then Cj tagged me, so we’re in this together now. Look for my post on my LiveJournal account soon. (
J0e: LOL!!! Apparently, potatoes should not be baked in microwave ovens.
Amy, I figured you’d enjoy it, plus I want to learn more about you!
Mine is here:
Shortbread cookies are good late-night snacks. They make me happy.
The Slimfast commercial on my TV while I eat aforementioned shortbread cookie does not make me happy.
So my Dad passed away this morning.
Thanks again for the kind thoughts and virtual hugs.
My condolences, Van.
Cj, and everyone: My “7 things” meme post is finished:
JohnBoze, EssBee, Nomad Scry, and WNDRWolf were four of the seven people I chose to tag. I look forward to reading your posts! 🙂
Thanks for trusting us with this deeply personal pain, Van. I’m so sorry for your loss. 🙁 Anything you need, please let me know. You have my friendship and my condolences and sympathies, brother.
And with that, I’m going to bed. Good night (or morning, to Van)!
You have my condolences as well, Van. Having gone through that, what feels like recently, myself – I can understand your pain and know that words are not enough. My you and your family have comfort in knowing that he is at peace. Much love and hugs to you.
I’m so sorry, Van
I know its hard to look ahead, but new years has a funny way sometimes of making you feel like you are starting over. No matter whats happened to you and what you are looking forward to, its a rebirth of sorts I guess. Keep on living and moving forward like your father would of wanted you to.
As for me, I am hoping 2009 is the year we finally destroy Hugh’s cancer. We are starting the year with guns blazing, so we are probably going to be MIA after today for a bit.
So, happy new year everyone. Keep looking forward to what the new year can bring. And Van, celebrate your fathers life and the good memories.
ok, sorry this post is all so fucking serious and shit 🙂
Morning Pan
Today is the day of the game. 4:00 my time (3:00 Deadpan time).
I have ditto and I on the Canadian side
EssBee, JB and J0e for the US.
Any other takers?
Awww, Van.
If you need, or want anything, let us know. *another virtual hug*
Condolences, Van. We love you here and are sending it that way.
Hotties, kick it’s ass. You’ll be missed.
Condolences, Van.
We’re all here if you need comfort or distraction in the coming days/weeks…
Amy, I’ll write my “7 Things” thing when my parents leave. They are arriving here this morning and staying through tomorrow lunch. I’ll probably be sparse(r) around here until then.
CP: Evo @ 11 #20. Nice to hear you, Jack. I just finished #19 and really enjoyed hearing you too, Cj. Debbie cracks me up.
I miss the days of 2000 or so, when the Kikkoman movie was still fresh and unsubtitled and way more inexplicable…
I’m sorry for your loss Van.
My condolences, Van. We are here for you.
Tough one Van.
I’m thinking about you.
… I’m also cleaning my microwave.
Why do you guys let me do things like that?
TEB – any chance I can change my side and cheer for the Sweds ?
I’ve seen them get hit by cars and still fight off the cops!
Sure, I’ll do Canada Sweden, too. Not sure when the Canada/Swede game is (will look it up). I’m also not too worried about singing the Swede National Anthem because I know I’ll win 😉 (so make sure you brush up on your CDN Anthem)
Sorry J0e. Just looked it up. The Canada/Sweden game was yesterday.
Canada lost 3 – 4. do I still have to sing the anthem since the game happened before the bet was made?
IIHF Schedule and results
Swedish National Anthem
OK, ignore that. That was last year’s results (having a blond moment?). Still trying to locate this year’s
Here is this year’s schedule. Nothing about Canada playing Sweden, yet *whew*
silly me
TEB, I think that site’s translation of
“Du gamla, du fria, du fjällhöga Nord,
du tysta, du glädjerika sköna!” from the Swedish national anthem is inaccurate.
It should be:
“Death to false metal. Satan comes from the North,
Shop at Ikea, use allen wrenches or taste steel!”
Something like that.
Weird. When I suck air through my empty travel coffee cup, it totally tastes like weed smoke.
Uh, I mean, I’d imagine so…
So, new betting schedule:
Canada vs US = ditto, myself vs. JB, EssBee
Canda vs Sweden = myself vs. J0e
Any other takers?
(I better back off before I commit myself to singing every national anthem attending 🙂 )
Of, course, everybody better bone up on their Canadian National Anthem as I have no intention of actually having to sing myself.
Speaking of taste, apparently Red Bull now makes a cola, which I had to buy a can of out of curiousity.
I occasionally drink regular Red Bull, which tastes like Strawberry KoolAid mixed with metallic ass. Never stops me tho.
This one is actually very good as colas go. Won’t replace my Coca Cola, but probably ranks above RC for my second favorite, assuming it lasts as a product. Would be plenty good with Rum.
huh huh huh
TEB said “bone” huh huh huh
Re: Schedual
Wha? Were we still talking about Hockey ? That’s Okay, I stick with Sweden. With those long arms they will be sinking free throws right and left!
… just out of couriosity, do they have a “per half, run limit” in these Jr. leagues?
couriosity = curiosity
ummm. I really hope you’re kidding J0e 🙂 You do know it’s hockey, right? Not basketball.
… er, the thing on the ice, with the wickets. Right?
No, the thing on the ice where they skate around the bases 😉
The ump gets them in a circle and then they have a puck-off and push the thing around with their wickets till someone gets it in the basket. There is also something about a “blue line” but that might only be if you are penalized.
Oh, and they take fight breaks.
I went to a hockey match once. I remember they served beer and there was this girl with a fur lined parka and these boots. … and they served beer.
J0e, that’s not hockey — that’s curling.
I thought they sang Kum-by-ya when the ump put them in that little circle…
Isn’t curling where they through rocks at people to see if they can hit them?
through = throw
And btw – to be serious for a moment – that was a beautiful post from the Smarty Hotties this morning. If you guys are still lurking, then you know that Deadpan is always behind you 100%. You’ll be missed during your hiatus.
That’s what always bugged me about The Postal Service’s song “Nothing Better.” The line about the “goalie tending the net in the third quarter of a tie-game rivalry.”
Quarter? Soccer is halves, and hockey three periods. Is there a sport with a goalie that is measured out in quarters?
Nope. Not sure, then
Yeah, SH’s. What Jack said. Hoping for the best.
Lacrosse. It may be a lacrosse reference. Either that or Ben Gibbard is a brainy rock star with no true sport knowledge…
Did I mention the beer and the hot chick and beer?
It was some years ago though. Maybe it was Curling.
Jack is wise, after all.
Yes, beer seems to be an essential at a hockey game (although I always drive so therefore do not partake).
Can’t speak to the hot chick, though. Not what I’d be looking at…
Although I’m not a great fan, football seems a far more appropriate name than soccer for a game that mostly involves using your foot to kick a ball.
As opposed to US/CDN versions which is mostly throwing and running 🙂
There’s currently no beer at collegiate hockey games, at least here in MN…
They were considering a plan to serve alcohol in premium seating and luxury boxes, but that has been controversial, and I’m not sure if they will go forward with it.
for an amusing read:
Heh, saw the word “audit” and figured it was about Scientology.
And apparently I was not 100% wrong, but not for the reason I thought.
I am finally entirely caught up on all my podcasts, including 2+ years worth of JapanesePod 101.
I saw J0e’s post that said, “Oh, and they take fight breaks.”
And for some reason I read it as “Oh, and they fake tight breasts.”
I had to go back and re-read everything after that.
I’m taking a thermos of chocolate cake shots to a party tonight. Yum for me.
Yum for CJ.
I’d be following her around the party like a puppy.
Oh … and as for the FTBs … see the note about the chick in the fur lined parka. 😉
But who would want chocolate cake via injection?
JB, it’s all the cake taste with none of the carbs. I call that a win win for Cj! The side effects are nice too. It makes me happy in oh, so many ways…
Okay, what’s in a chocolate cake?
What. The. Hell?
Shouldn’t that be tentacle grope?
Um, I’m going to err on the side of caution and not click a link with “tentacle” in it at work.
I’m assuming NSFW?
It’s worksafe. Maybe workweird, or even workawkward, but worksafe.
It’s a new, caffeinated grape soda, as far as I can tell.
Yes, Hentai on its own is not a dirty word…
Chocolate Cake Shot = 1 part Frangelico + 1 part Vodka (Citrus flavored works best) + 1 Lemon wedge coated with sugar.
Shoot the shot, Bite the Lemon = Cj’s on cloud 9! SO YUM!
Ooooh Ooh! I’ll SHOW YOU!! I forgot I did a “cooking show” about it!
Okay … I kinda like Hentai but this marketing effort makes me feel … icky.
From the ad copy –
“Each bottle of this delicious carbonated grape drink is crafted with care… and a slight feeling of breathless anticipation. As Tentacle Grapeâ„¢ slides smoothly down your throat you’ll feel refreshed and full.”
I have trouble believing this as is for real.
“Tentacle Grape is now available… so WATCH OUT! You gonna get GRAPED!”
…eesh! This would seem to have a very, specificly targeted market share.
gotta be a spoof.
The cake is a lie.
Make sure you scroll down to see the picture.
Hell is discovering the bar you expected to have a quiet drink in has went karoke mad.
Yes, Van. I am pretty damn sure that’s the 7th circle of hell.
I do hope you find your quiet drink.
Hope everyone has some fun tonight … but be safe. Our little cell needs you.
I agree with J0e. Enjoy your cross-over into the new year and keep those you love around you and safe. Dan and I will be among friends and enjoying the chance to share this evening with them!
We wish you all the best! XOXOXOX
Well Pan. Half an hour until the puck drops. unfortunately this is prime supper making time, so I’ll miss the first period. Will give updates after that 🙂
I’ll be heading out to my New Year’s Party.
I hope everyone has a great, and safe, time at whatever they do tonight!
See you tomorrow.
GMT- 00.00
Happy New Year Van!!!!
Ours is still seven hours away.
Hope this year is better than how the last one ended for you.
CD: Waiting for the scalloped potatoes to cook a little more before starting the burgers.
ditto: Wow! Congratulations! Catching up on JapanesePod101 is one of my goals for the coming year.
T minus 7 hours 29 minutes until the new year here in California. (I went home for Christmas vacation.) My family will be celebrating New Year’s Eve by going out to dinner at Romano’s Macaroni Grill.
Happy New Year. Van! *hugs*
Awww, phooey. US just scored.
What! What!!! Score now 2 – 0 for the US! That’s ok, We’ll pick it up in the second.
To add insult to injury, I have strangers trying to Skype me saying “we should be friends!
*grumble, grumble… I’ll show you friends… grumble*
Frack Me!!!! 3 – 0. 15 minutes into the first.
Yeah!!!! Canada wins!!!! I mean, scores!
Yes!! Score now 3 – 2. Told you we’d pick it up.
That was a cheap shot US. One player on the bench stuck out his stick and hit a Canadian player. The commentators say there may be suspensions over this
Where is everybody?
Now – Hockey puns
When the hockey player was traded to the Devils, he was given a New Jersey.
The hockey player got in trouble at the Shakespeare Festival. He couldn’t resist hitting the Puck.
Score now tied. Just a couple of minutes left in the first period.
This is actually a high scoring game already and we still have 40 minutes of play
I think I want to give vocal lessons to the Minnesota team. “I’d like to teach the Wild to sing…”
Ok I know I was reaching for that one.
Since Canada has a chain for the hockey player Tim Horton, should we also start one for Lanny”McDonald”?
What’s the sweetest moment in a hockey game?
When they’re icing the puck.
Why do hockey players always hurry to catch their next flight? Because it’s “two minutes ‘fore boarding”
Who’s in goal for both teams, TEB?
Whose playing again?
Dustin Tokarski for Canada, I’ll have to get back to you on the US side.
McCollum for US
Canada vs. US, Van. If Canada wins, EssBee and JohnBoze will sing the CDN national anthem. If the US wins, ditto and I will sing the US anthem.
Oh, sorry. Hockey’s the game.
Earmuffs on Standby.
Everybody else were cowards (except J0e) and wouldn’t join in the betting. 😉
Do you have the game on TV there, Bunny? I tried to find it online, but – no luck.
Van, are you still in karaoke hell?
Yup, TSN Canada is playing it live. (hence the play by play)
You can try here, Jack
PS: Canada just scored one minute into the second
US just tied it at 4 all
That wasn’t a US goal. Our goalie scored on our own net.
I know, it still counts
ok, guys. You’re spending too much time in the Canadian zone
Hah! 10 minute misconduct to a US player. (only 2 minute power play for Canada, though)
5 – 4 Canada now – powerplay goal
Not available in your region
Sorry, the video you are trying to watch is not available in your region.
Bah! Thanks for the attempt though, Bunny. I have a page from keeping me updated. And your play-by-play 🙂
I’ll probably watch the Winter Classic at a sports bar tomorrow.
Almost capacity crowd. I know when Canada was playing Kazakhstan, the stands were half empty.
I guess that’s the difference between Canada and the US. The Canada TSN website is playing it live, I guess it’s not as big of a thing in the State.
Not that it matters, as far as the website goes for me, TSN Canada TV is also playing the game.
If you want anything more in depth, Jack I have Skype on Ryah Lee in Calgary
Five minutes left in the second.
They’re now talking to the Ontario Premier. How… interesting?
Great save by Canada.
Quote by commentator: “it’s official, this game has now had everything.”
Did I miss something?
Thx TEB 🙂 But – I should be getting my act together for NYE festivities. I can keep checking in here and on the constantly-refreshing scorepage. We should probably be linked on Skype anyway though.
Score: 5 – 4 Canada
Essbee, JB, I hope you’re warming up your vocal chords.
Now time for a bathroom break.
Have fun at doing the NYE thing, Jack.
We’re staying home for a quiet evening, I think.
The commentator was talking about “the parade to the penalty box”
I don’t remember seeing any floats or marching bands.
THX Bunny. I’m around for a little while longer.
Meanwhile… We are part of an internet sheet music thing. My husband has just downloaded some stuff from the newest Ozzy Ozborne album and is busy playing that.
Oh, My, God. Just saw a Cialis commercial. It was following a news story about a couple that has been missing for four days.
Four days? Is that even possible?
Third period just starting now.
So far, just a back and forth game. Not much happening this period, yet. 4 minutes into the third.
US penalty. Goalie interference. That was a silly penalty. In all fairness it should have been against Canada.
No change in the score (5-4 Canada) half way through the third.
record attendance 20,223. Includes our Prime Minister.
apparently, the building capacity is 19,153. Does the fire marshal know?
five minutes left in the game. No change in the score
Hopefully the boys can get the equalizer.
Although – you guys do have the best national anthem.
Oh, Adanac…
Last minute of play…
Can’t wait to hear those dulcet tones 🙂
US calls a time out.
US pulled their goalie
Empty net goal by Canada.
EssBee, JB. Sing for me babes. Sing for me
(6 – 4 Canada 30 seconds left to play)
J0e, I’ll see you in the finals.
Just to add insult to injury. 7-4 Canada. 10 seconds left
Why did the US leave their goalie pulled when they were down by 2 anyway?
That’s game.
We win!!! Yeah.
Players of the Game
US: 33 Colin Wilson (1 assist)
Canada: 19 John Tavares (3 goals)
apparently we just say the game of the century. Silly commentators.
John Tavares seems to be the real deal.
say = saw
As opposed to those fake players, Jack?
Now playing the Canadian National Anthem. Listen and learn JB, Essbee.
Seriously, I’m not sure if Tavers has been picked up by the majors but, if not, I’m sure he’ll be making millions soon
According to his bio on TSN. Tavares is eligible in 2009 for the draft.
ooohhh. Next up. Calgary Flames vs. Edmonton Oilers. Won’t do the play by play for this game, though.
I’m sure you’ve had enough 🙂
Yeah, Tavares is the next rookie sensation, a la Crosby/Ovechkin.
OK, everyone, looking forward to receiving those “Oh Canada” recordings 🙂
I might as well be watching the juniors. The score is tied at three, still in the first. strange.
I think I’ve had too much wine. Score tied at 2 not 3
Whew. I don’t have to sing the nipple song!
Happy New Year, everyone!