Well… Um… Right… Sorry. No surprise, but we’re going silent this week.
Hang in there til next week, please. Please? Thank you.
Greasy comments idea for the Silent Unshow: Let’s all play. . . Go back and pick a few (at random or otherwise) from last week and cut-paste them in this week’s comments.
Like this:
The Energizer Bunny
July 19, 2011 at 3:08 pm · Reply · Edit
I’ve never heard of a Whipper Snipper but have a Weedwhacker.
July 20, 2011 at 7:45 am · Reply
Dear Mr. From Texas,
Please email me… I believe I will be in your area next week.
This only means that we’ll be Deadpan that much longer.
Nature called and as the Australians would say; “No worries”
Thanks, Van.
Goodnight :mush:
Dear Jackamo
totally, completely unacceptable
wait, am I being moderated or did I just not hit post-comment on my last comment?
Have I been kicked out of Deadpan?
ah no, it was a good ol case of OE (Operator Error)
I will retype my missing post AND hit post comment
Dear Jackamo
No, that is totally and completely unacceptable
my contribution to the comments game:
July 19, 2011 at 9:06 am · Reply
Alcohol is a good brain tenderizer.
good night cockles
Ooh, ooh, she said my name!!!!
Totally random:
Lo Pan
July 14, 2011 at 7:25 pm · Reply
Which makes sense because dry humping will emphasize assy aromatics from the bops.
When it come to mobile phone security it’s best to start at home:
July 18, 2011 at 1:24 pm · Reply
*in a curmudgeonly voice*
Where’s the Bee-Foo?
Hey Deadpan
Hubby has a play date this afternoon. It’s so cute.
Under the small world category: One of the guys hubby plays guitar with also plays with a jazz group. It turns out the woman in the jazz group has started dating the associate principal of hubby’s high school. It’s strange when life circles around like that.
I think that still leaves you 3 degrees away from Kevin Bacon.
Already in CCH
Go to your Happy Place ditto.
NO. Not that place. That’s your time travel place.
Noooo. That’s your private touching place!
Yes, there. That’s it! Your happy place where the cc just blends in with the ambient background sounds.
Random nipple –
July 18, 2011 at 10:23 pm · Reply
Badger’s are a vivid experience, especially close up.
Well, you’ve heard me grump about it lots. Here is the results of my labour http://www.whenwordscollide.org/documents/program_book.pdf
Yes I know the back page is missing. It’s deliberate. The committee decided we don’t want to release next year’s names until the convention itself and the last page had next year’s poster on it.
I can totally picture Shatner saying this:
July 14, 2011 at 1:02 am · Reply
Daylight come and I wanna go home…
July 14, 2011 at 9:18 am · Reply
July 14, 2011 at 7:45 pm · Reply
assy aromatics! munchies!
all good choices Lo Pan!
Ranks Reaps!
Today’s useless pondering –
If Television is the 800 pound gorilla of “free time” … where does the Interwebs weigh in at?
Maybe they’re the elephant in the room?
My workers are here. With luck, they will start laying sod today.
“laying sod”
CP Sullivan – Caroline’s Spine
CP: Latest Wander Radio
Well 4 songs in and still not my cup of tea.
A melodramatic wailing and gnashing of teeth will commence…now.
I am sorry the latest show is not to your tastes…
How complicated the scoring on CAVE games can be:
Makes me pine for Space Invaders.
Lo Pan
July 14, 2011 at 8:25 am · Reply
Its funny, cause when people look me in the eye I always say, “Hey, my penis is down here”
I’m keeping my fingers crossed I’m not heading to the unemployment line this year.
You cant be serious… WHY????????
It’s complicated, but the division I work for might be sold off. All bets are off at that point.
Last time a division of my company got sold, I got sold with it. Then of course the purchasing company failed, but we’ve been over this tale already…
*hugs* ditto. My fingers are crossed for you
Thanks. Unfortunately, my skill set is rather complicated and my job title doesn’t reflect what I do. Last time I went looking for work, it didn’t turn out so well.
Anyway, we’ll see what happens. In the meantime, I’ll have to really scrimp & save to pad the emergency fund.
Guh…. you let Deadpan know if you need anything if things dont go well. I’ll raise a beer to your health.
Hmmm how complicated is “Jack of all trades”?
😉 that’s what I use on my interviews.
🙂 Fingers are crossed for you.
🙁 that sucks ditto.
Hang in there ditto.
Random comment:
July 14, 2011 at 7:09 am
lmfao @ EssBee
Nice singing job.
Wow, here I’ve been commenting on the old board all morning. My favorite thing that I said:
“Is that magic you’re smelling or just the pole?”
Probably didn’t deserve repeating…
Or a magic pole?
The law is an ass and all that.
ditto, just got fully caught up. Ugh, I say. I srsly hope for the best for you.
If my Facebook was a tropical forest, my twitter feed would be the Artic tundra and my google + feed as barren as a lava flow on the moon.
*hugs* for ditto. I hope things turn out for the best no matter what.
Van, as long as your Deadpan never becomes Martian Cydonia…
So the dough-head who delivered the sod parked half way up the block then used his little tractor to take each pallet the several houses to my place. Even the yard contractors Wes scratching their heads as to why he didn’t just park in front of the house. It was clear of vehicles.
Now… I ger to fold 289 name things to go on programming table. Lucky me.
Ger = get
What a sod.
When I get home I need to clean my vanity.
I should clean out my closet too and reopen my eBay store.
Clean your vanity? I never thought of you as a narcissist. :biggrin:
Really, Bunny? I think we both know better. :drevil:
What or who is the source of all this happiness you’ve been experiencing in the last half a day?
Hm. That’s a good question.
Maybe it’s my hair. It’s been looking quite awesome of late.
Someone even told me it looks like “comic book super hero hair”
Best compliment for my hair evAr.
I find a compliment is a good way to boost someone’s ego even more 😆
Wouldn’t work on me sadly, I distrust compliments.
My yard is at the 1/3 mark for being all nice and green
My back yard is 5,000 square feet so it takes a lot of sodding
is that a euphemism for something 😉
her backyard brings all the sod?
Kneel before SOD!
WNDRWolf = Winning. 🙂
I do miss on of the eye candies. Last year, one of the workers was a young Vin Diesel wannabe. While I’m getting this work done by the same company, it’s a different crew. I miss my bald shirtless (almost) jailbait
An author’s take on the demise of Borders:
It’s pretty interesting.
OK. So… Taylor Swift.
How did this happen?
I absolutely love all of her songs.
I repeat: How did this happen?? I blame Pandora
My back yard is all green and purdy
SOD has arrived, all must kneel!
SOD it all, now I need a sodding beer! 😉
Mr. ditto…come here… I want to give you a drink
There is no DOS!
Is that a parody band?
No. It’s S.O.D.
Meetings Meetings Meetings!
My brain has turned to SOD!
Behold the power of SOD!
Secrets of Deadpan
Soliloquy offering delusions
That’s Scott Ian, the goofy-looking guy in Anthrax, who’s playing guitar for Stormtroopers Of Death, btw. He was not a part of their later incarnation, M.O.D., Method of Destruction.
Sappy Ornery Diatribes
Scintillating Olfactory Distraction
Synaptic Orgasm Diuretic
Sit On Dis
Spin On Dat
Sat On Dem
Salamanders Or Dragons
Sexy Oklahoma Dude
Sweet Oriental Delusion
How appropriate
Silence of Deadpan
Ooooo, I can do this –
Snackable Osprey Droppings
Snuggly Otter Daughters
Some Other Day
yesssss! nailed it!
that was the interweb equivalent of a drunk dial.
I had scotch for dinner.
Don’t know where that shows up on the food pyramid but it sure makes a dandy appetite suppressant!
Splitsville Obliteration Date <— I just went on that. LOL
Splitsville Obliteration Date <— I just went on this exact date tonight! Woot. Go me.
I am now free to give myself to a man who deserves me much more than that one did.
Securely Optimistic Darling
The :ftp: ate my posts.
Dammit. My posts are not your NOM!
Apparently I’m having too much trouble with Filezilla and it’s wracking my brain with ftp ftp ftp
:FTB: or :FTP:
Seasonal Olfactory Disorder
From the Thog’s class in the Interzone Ansible:
‘You mean the babe? Wow! Isn’t she built like a force-field latrine, though?’ (Isaac Asimov, The End of Eternity, 1955)
One of my fav Asimov novels, yet that line slipped through my memory like a brick doesn’t.
Yo, yous. ditto, that fucking sucks.
I’m back in Colorado and due to technical shit, am heading into the office on my work at home day. Mwah.
see that one with the blue rings, it’s a venomous mimic octopus
Half of those could be relabeled fashion mistakes of the past, or abuses of photo manipulation.
Either way its tons o fun
guess the tilde was right
So my week in Kalifornia is drawing to a close. It was mostly a workweek, but at least I found time last night to sit in San Francisco traffic, instead of Silicone Valley traffic.
I relived some memories, crossed the bridge in the mist, shivered on the beach, and finally saw Chinatown. S.F. is just one of the coolest places. Literally – – while the rest of the country is sweltering, everyone in S.F. was bundled up in sweaters.
Mmmm mmmm
Chinatown Hustler
Live and die like a Chinatown Huster
Bona Fide crazy mutha sucka
In the town that’s the mother to the hustler
China, is here…Mr. Burton
The Chang Sing, The Wing Kong, they’ve been fighting for centuries.
Lo Pan, I so should have called you from Chinatown! I did see the hell of a thousand tourist knickknacks.
May you dwell in the hell of the forgotten phone calls
Say hi to Kurt Russel for me.
(Kurt Russel has featured somewhat uncomfortaly common in this past week)
Something to if you are bored:
CD: at the cinema, waiting for Beginners to start.
A co-worker made a Tim Tam cake for another co-worker’s birthday and she brought it to work.
There is a piece of this sugar-coma-inducing monstrosity on my desk.
I appreciate it for what it is… something I can never possibly eat.
I may lick it a little.
lick it a little?
Maybe just a little.
RObert Rodriguez is doing TWO Machete sequels. He goes to outer space in one.
I repeat… Machete goes to outer space.
That is all
In space, no one can hear you squint.
Coffee + laughter = messy monitor
That’s the wrong kind of java to have running on your monitor.
I did what you see there
Speaking of things running on your monitor, CNN has a nice spread of Comicon Cosplay women.
Seem to have dropped my pants
Makes me wish I could be a hawt babe so I could dress up like Polka from Eternal Sonata. Or better yet either Viola or Claves.
I want to look like those girls.
Beth stopped by !!
She heard you callin’.
Oops, she commented on the previous thread.
I’m here now! *hugz*
Probably for the best with the pants dropping and messy screens.
It requires a few special characteristics to handle the Rhettro Whittro.
(“In space, no one can hear you squint” = pure genius.)
I’d be lying if I didn’t at least admit that one of the major draws of the game was my weird infatuation with one of the characters: http://eternalsonata.wikia.com/wiki/Allegretto
I wonder if ditto is familiar with this character?
Naptime or Lunchtime?
hmmm which is it?
Jimmy Johns is calling to me.
It’s the weekend that’s calling. And I’m answering.
The olde homestead is officially on the market today. Hopefully the market will be kind.
Bladerunner: The Final cut is due to start on BBC2 in twenty minutes.
I should be in the land of nod by then.
I wish I had need for a home in the Houston area, Ed. Instead of just one tiny apartment in Phoenix.
Good luck on the market! I look forward to your good SOLD! news soon.
So maybe the NFL, the pro football players, the Republicans, and Obama can settle everything in one big drunken session….?
I think Lo, Essbee, ditto, and I could recommend a few beers. And if they don’t solve anything maybe we can get them so shitfaced they’ll get out of the way and let us solve the issues.
OK Deadpan Amigos, shutting down the laptop, going to read more of “Mostly Harmless” before I get on the plane for home. DPITMFW.
The trick is to avoid the giant crocodiles in the NYC sewers, once you do that Earth is downgraded back to harmless.
What about giant Heroes in a Half Shell?
New favorite female vocalist: Emily Whitehurst of Tsunami Bomb, Action Design, and Survival Guide fame.
crush post
I’m not in love with the internet in Oklahoma.
Can someone fix it please.
I think the problem was user error in Oklahoma.
Just a quick hello. My post to the previous thread may be lost since things have moved on here. I used to hang out here a lot, then life required my time and attention. But I missed you all, so I decided to come back. Prodigal Daughter returns…
-Des (Beth to those who know me from my other life)
Hola Beth! Como esta ustead? Alles gut, ja?
Oui, tout est bon!
Oh well done…
Yeh. What he said!
(except maybe for that bit about your “Alles gut”. Stomach conditions are no laughing matter.)
No shit.
Well.. it can kinda be shit… depending on the stomach problem
Jack noticed your post and pointed it out to us! Hi! Nice to meetcha! I’m probably new to you… 🙂
I’ve been trying to remember when I used to hang out and it may have actually been a few years. I’m actually surprised to see so many names that I remember! Great to meet you, CJ!
Explain more on when you used to hang out
You mean what was going on at the time? One of the last things I remember that might help with the timeline, one of the community had been in an accident or was really sick, something like that. And we were making a t-shirt to send her, everyone was sending in messages to be put on the shirt.
Ah. Gotcha
Ok, how do I add a profile picture to my posts?
Welcome back Des!
random thought/
I sure hope Jack was in California “inking” a movie deal.
/random thought
The Quick and the Deadpan
Evil Deadpan
Deadpan Alive
Walking Deadpan
Night of the Living Deadpan
Dawn of the Deadpan
Deadpanman Walking
All My Deadpans
Deadpan The Motion Picture
The Wrath of Pan (The Wrath of Podtaint?)
The Search for Deadpan
The Deadpan Home
The Final Deadpan
The Undiscovered Deadpan (The Deadpan Country)
Gravatar test…
Not showing up, but maybe it takes time to kick in?
Working now. Cool! Thanks for the direction.
Excellent. Welcome home.
Welcome my friend
the machine.
Watched the original “E.T.” tonight for the first time in over a decade.
Still a good film. Have to say that it was probably John Williams score that made this film though. There were a LOT of dialogue-less or dialogue-lite scenes that would have seemed to drag on forever with out the under score.
Still, quite a good film for it’s lack of explosions (yeh, I’m looking at you Crichton!).
One odd note – this was the “20th anniversary addition” DVD and apparently they changed the film a little for this re-release. What they changed though, was one scene in which the guys in suits were pursuing ET and the kids with guns.
THAT they took out but they left in the small number (like maybe 3) of curse words that gave this thing a PG rating. I always that that was a pretty cheep ploy. I guess they thought no adults would go see a “G” film so they had to throw those in.
What ever.
Desdemina: Welcome back!
TEB: Looking at the program booklet, Randy McC’s name rings a bell. Didn’t he come to the Discworld Convention in Tempe in 2009, and all of us who were in town for the first Deadpan Mmmmeetup met him? Or was that a different Randy?
^ wot Amy wrote.
The Third Deadpan
Dark Deadpan
Deadpan Tales
Pee Wee’s Big Deadpan
To Wong Foo, Thanks for Deadpan, Julie Newmar
Raising Arizona 2
Indiana Jones and The Temple of Deadpan
[emergency warning]
I am 38 years old and there is a thunderstorm going on right now that is so fierce I want to go hide in my parents bed like when I was a wee girl
[/emergency warning]
Bright Lights Big Deadpan
9.5 Deadpans
Basic Deadpan
Desperately Seeking Deadpan
The Texas Deadpan Massacre
Debbie Does Deadpan <– low brow? Had to be done?
Deadpan & Deadpanability
Lock, Stock and 2 smoking Deadpans
Reservois Deadpan’s
I am really upset Jack got the Madonnna movie reference before I did. I am going to cancel my Madonna fan club membership because I am totally unworthy
The Vampire Deadpan or The Deadpan Lestat
Sex, Lies and Deadpan
2001 A Deadpan Odyssey
Ok, Sex, Lies, and Deadpan wins for my favorite so far.
Sid and Deadpan
Max Max Beyond Deadpandome
Harry Pottery and the Deadly Deadpans
goodnight paniacs
Harry Pottery?
and its Deathly Deadpans not Deadly
What is wrong with me?
Goodnight :home:
It’s a good thing we don’t have font control here, or I would have to use 72 point font to say
All Quiet on the Deadpan Front
The Battle of the Deadpan
Deadpan!, Deadpan!, Deadpan! (think Pearl Harbour)
The Great Deadpan
The Bridge over the River Deadpan
A Boy and His Deadpan.
Deadpan 2000
Deadpan Head
Morning, all! Hi Desdemina!
Lo, don’t know this singer, these bands. Must correct this. And I have some extra goodies over the goodies you know about for you. Must get together.
We’re going to the Farmer’s Market today, which I totally hate. People with HUGE strollers and HUGE dogs walk around the NO DOGS signs and act asses. But I want produce, so . . .
Then we’re off to see an early Harry Potter showing. Then maybe napping.
Have a great day!
I like a gal with a plan.
Yes ma’m and yes ma’m!!!!! I shall rectify immediately.
GOOOODIES!!!!!!!!!!!! We need to get the the farmers market in Boulder soon. Keep meaning too…
Er.. yeah.
That reminds me:
A sad, but not entirely unexpected death:
…and a hmmmm:
Well it may not have ever become lucrative, but I really enjoy where podcasts are now. The state of, that is. Not overly saturated but with 1000’s to choose from.
Funny enough I tend to stay away from “big name” casts with teh exception of Kevin Smith’s and The Nerdist.
Well there goes Amy Winehouse
Oh I see Van linked it. Yeah I’m surprised it took this long
I had like 3 responses to Van’s link and then erased them all because, really, what’s left to say about that.
I want to add she was also a really talented musician and I am sorry she couldn’t get past the drugs/drinking. She had talent and she was much too young to have lost all her chances to make it better.
So say we all.
In an ironic (moronic) twist – Sara Palin’s staunch stand against sex education and for teens and “abstinence only” upbringing … has lead to her and her family being the shinning examples of why that approach = TOTAL FAIL.
I dont the the problem…
*shoves babies and teen moms back in the closet*
Yeah theres no problem here….
But J0e, how can you spread a fear and hatred if the culture were to become one of rational communication, education and acceptance? Far better to risk hypocrisy.
That is a damn shame about Amy Winehouse. Bad choices always have consequences.
I never heard Amy Winehouse… She became popular while I boycotted radio.
I heard her through these folks, WNDR. Talented, sexy retro-60s-soul/jazz kinda vibe – not much pop appeal to her at all.
Very sad about Amy Winehouse and about the Norway massacre.
I also never heard anything by her, but any loss of talent, especially at such a young age is very unfortunate indeed.
Alright, time to lighten things up a bit. I know most of you are old enough to appreciate this one:
I win! I win!
bah pussies used a pencil, hardcore people used their fingers, and were happy!
We liked it…WE LOVED IT
I win! Now what am I going to do with 100 Internets?
You can make a hat, or a broach …
or a pterodactyl!
I probably used both my fingers and a pencil at various times on my childhood read-along cassettes. 🙂
Brilliant link, Ed.
Earth citizenship ought to require every individual to untangle a snagged cassette tape before they turn 18.
*runs around yelling twinkle twinkle little star* just to break the silence.
Funny Farmer’s Market vid, Van – that’s it! Yesterday, an old woman stared so hard at Sly B and I that she almost fell on her face when she stepped in a hole. And I was growled at by a puppy. We got in and out fast – now we have squash and a cabbage! We also got golden beets which we roasted last night.
Hope you all have a nice Sunday planned – we’re gonna make it a lazy one, but maybe will rearrange furniture a bit in the front room and hopefully will cut the grass, but that remains to be seen.
Essbee, I think the problem is you are shopping at THE FARMERS MARKET OF THE DAMNED!!!!
(insert music sting)
The fact that it is held in the courtyard of an old castle under dark and brooding clouds and that you can always hear the distant rumble of thunder when you are there should have been a warning.
I haz happy.
Silence of the Sundays.
I used to be a Pitchfork addict, but now I rarely ever visit. I broke that yesterday, however, and discovered this gem:
Shall check that out.
I cant do Pitchfork anymore either. Their supreme righteousness is off putting.
I know because I can smell my own kind
Its true…
“It cannot be overstated enough how much of a downer stabbing someone in the eye is at the best of times. ”
..but he totally deserved it for cutting in line and making me miss getting Jewel Staite’s autograph.
That is one impressive button!
ZOMG so true.
I was there for the eye-stabbing incident… not THERE there.. but within range to hear about it quickly there.
Grandmaster of the ladies
Grandmaster of the game
I’ll set yo ass on fire
I’m grandmaster of the pain
Today’s tip –
Avoid the banana/strawberry smoothie at Starbucks.
The only thing worse thing it’s price?
That would be it’s taste.
Unless it’s coffee (Venti, Hot, Fat Free, Coconut Mocha) or Tea (Venti, Zen Green Tea, lightly sweetened) really, I don’t see why you’d bother going to Starbucks.
Yes, I am that specific every time.
Actually, I was getting a double, iced espresso … and as I was standing there I got this inspiration that I would make someone else happy by getting them a cold a delicious smoothie.
So, so wrong.
Hell, even if it is coffee, I don’t see why any bothers going to Starbucks. Their coffee is so bitter that it tastes like ass.
Lo’s Comic Movie 2011 wrap up:
So with the critical success no of Cap America, Marvel has again made its mark. Poor poor DC. In a summer thats been bloated with Marvel heroes,its surprising that all 3 have been overall box office and critical successes (Cap A looks like itll destroy Potter this weekend which is a nice surprise to this demi-god) – while poor DC’s Green Lantern fizzles and froths domestically while being non-existent overseas. And with the unwanted yet probably successful Spiderman reboot next year,Marvel will again strike a pose.
Cept theres that whole Dark Knight Rises thing coming out as well, isnt there? DC should count its blessings it has that Juggernaut of a franchise.
So heres the thing – once Dark Knight is done should DC even bother making more superhero films? Or would they be better off making little Vertogo graphic novel films ala RED and V for Vendetta and Watchmen…etc. Or is DC just doomed to be in the shadow of Marvel’s films? When Batman is all done, theyre gonna nee a hit. Forgive me if I dont trust the upcoming Superman film to be it.
Correction: RED wasnt Vertigo. Was thinking of The Losers.
You know the more I hear about things like this the more I think it might be time to intentionally break the piggy bank. I’ve heard rumblings about China’s economy and I’m wondering if we’ll hear of it failing next year. Instead of letting everything shatter, how about we intentionally break some things down so we done spend a decade plus fixing it?
Admittedly I have no idea how to do that, or get a majority to go along with it…
done == don’t
Here’s a short piece from “Forbes” that echoes what most economists are finally coming out publicly stating.
In my careful studying of the financial markets I have found The bulk of those who argue the other side of this coin are NOT economists or even those who have any educational background in that field … they are politicians who are running for office or trying to appease lobbyists.
Our Economic ship has hit the iceberg and our leaders are busily making the general public think that the arrangement (and numbers) of deck chairs is more critical then keeping the boat from sinking.
I still haven’t seen the movie “Idiocracy” … but I think we are living it.
Yeah but where are the frikken laser beams?
ok how did that become a reply, on the other hand I guess the US government can buy a whole lot of them to stimulate the economy…
Analysis of the reccent Norway atrocity:
In case you were wondering, Diet Dr. Pepper and Captain Morgans works quite well.
That’s my response to that and I’m sticking with it!
Got another one of those?
The real Dr Pepper tastes bad enough I dread to think what the diet version tastes like.
Captain Morgan pulls along side the Diet Dr. Pepper, boards it and has it keel hauled. It’s really pretty tame after that.
So similar to Malibu and Coke, just with less coconut and phosphoric acid..
Cannot drink Malibu and I have the story to back it up. The terrible awfulness story… ugh…
damn foreigners, have no taste for good sodas.
You don’t like Irn Bru..nuff said.
An English girl who will always have a place in my heart (where my blood belongs) liked something called “Pimms #2 cup”. I never really knew what that was and since the inter-webs were discovered it never occurred for me to look it up.
I think I shall continue to not do so.
CD: Pondering the absurdity of the weather app on the iPhone, which quite happily tells me the weather prediction for my local area, but if you hit the web link in app you are sent to a page which only gives options for US cities.
this is a neat idea for a bit of music
FYI – Dr. Pepper in Great Britain tastes absolutely nothing NOTHING at all like Dr. Pepper in America.
Back when my wife and I took a vacation in Europe, we found ourselves waiting at the ferry to take us across the channel from Great Britain to France. I found a Dr. Pepper as one of the choices of drinks for sale in the snack area. I enjoy Dr. Pepper quite a bit, so I thought it was cool that it had found its way across the pond.
OMG! I just about threw up after the first swig. I don’t know who came up with and approved that forumlation, but it is GAWD AWFUL!!!!
So, Van, for the love of all things good and rightgeous, rest assured that you have never had a true Dr. Pepper. Now, I can’t promise that you’ll like a real one, but I can assure you that, no matter what that label says, what you have had ain’t the real thing.
Personally, I enjoy Coke Zero and Bacardi, but the Diet Dr. Pepper is also quite tasty.
I’ve recently taken a liking to putting Three Olives brand Cherry Vodka in my Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi.
it gives me great pleasure 🙂
Since we talked soda today, when did Mr. Pibb become Pibb Xtra?
2001, according to Wikipedia, anyhow. Apparently the “Xtra” is cinnamon…
I was all “when they added cinnamon” then I saw that you beat me to it. :tongue:
When he went through a midlife crises then started skateboarding and skydiving.
And driving a convertible overpriced muscle car?
“something red, shiny, shaped like a penis…”
I can grant 10 points to whoever can place that quote…
The longer quote: “Dad can drive. He’s bound to have some classic midlife crisis transport. Something red, shiny, shaped like a penis…”
Bonus points for character/episode specificity?
Sounds like something Spike would say, but haven’t a clue on the episode.
Van, you got the Spike. Who might he call “Dad” and why? Figure that out, and there is only the one ep it could be from.
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato
good :night:
good :morning:
Hey Deadpan
I’m a morning person, as such, the first thing I like to do (after I’m showered and dressed) is throw open the curtains throughout the house and let the sun shine in. Hubby is not and doesn’t want to see the sun until after he’s had his coffee. With him home for the summer, our mornings are dark and dingy and I wither like a precious flower 😉
CE: Cinnamon raisin bagel
CD: Coffee
Saw Captain America yesterday. We enjoyed it. It seemed to hit all the right tropes.
Wow, I have no e-mail today. There must be something wrong somewhere.
In-laws are suppose to be in on Wednesday. Strange, they never called last night to confirm. Oh well, *shrug* I’ll still wash the sheets and set up the guest bedroom just in case. Convinced hubby he has to clean out the guest bathroom since that’s were he would hide the spiders he wouldn’t kill during the winter. He agreed. That area will once more be a spider-free zone.
I am behind in my podcasts. I have 103 to listen to or 29 hours. Summer is rough on everything I do.
I have yet to find the right balance of podcasts. There is a certain cycling I do, there are perennials, then there are some that I subscribe & listen regularly for a while then suddenly realize I have a big backlog so I delete them…
I have very little backlog these days as a number of podcasts I used to listen to have podfaded.
Still there are a few podcasts I don’t give the attention they deserve, listening to them in the background as I concentrate on other things.
I ordered my 92 year old grandmother a Kindle. I use a Sony Reader and my Ipad but I figured she needed something that wasn’t tied to a computer. She does need something that allows her to adjust the size of the print. Once it comes in, I’ll fill it with books I think she’ll enjoy and let her have some fun.
Impressed your granny still has the marbles to use a Kindle, obviously not as stuck in the mud as my mother.
Who give me a rather puzzled look when I tried to show her an ebook reader.
My Mom has a computer and a Kindle. Her computer is always causing her grief. She loves her Kindle.
I vote that Kindles are a really good option for those who might be a bit technologically challenged.
As a bonus … while my Mom does buy some new stuff, she LOVES being able to browse through the <$1 offerings of books she read decades ago and read them again. She has hundreds of books on her Kindle now.
Up until two months ago, my grandmother was an actual computer user. For a Christmas present for herself, she got a laptop. Unfortunately, her sight is now such that she had trouble with the computer so she gave it to my uncle) She also is fully mobile (no cane, walker, etc.) and is a feisty old lady. I hope I’m that hale and hearty when I reach her age.
Ick. Monday. Dislike.
I realise in the great schemes of suffering I see among people I know, my arthritis flaring up in my left leg is but small potatoes.
But I’m feeling particular mortal today.
*hugs* to those who dislike Mondays (personally my favourite day)
*hugs* to those who have aches and pains
*hugs* to any others who may want one.
Yay. Hugs. Like.
I’m going to clean the bathroom now. Just in case you wanted to know.
There, one clean bathroom. Hubby is currently vacuuming the living room. This is not necessarily because the in-laws are coming. He does the vacuuming on weekends anyway, he just pushed it back to today. I love my hubby :wub:
We’re suppose to have lunch with friends today. East Indian buffet = yum.
Now… to reconcile registration numbers. I’ll be so glad when this convention is over.
I’m working laundry this morning. My actual job schedule is variable this week as well, so odd sleep is the norm this week. Hoping to generate Deadpan content Tuesday night.
I always want Bunny hugs!!
I have d/l a ton of books on my Kindle but am still reading my paperbacks.
I am a morning person and I like Mondays…
I might like Tuesday better this week… hmmm
My email is also on the low end this morning.
Server outages are fun.
as fun as a kick to the junk
Server outages are less exciting than a kick to the junk though. Perhaps a slow-motion kick to the junk?
good point, at least with a junk kick it is over quick and the pain starts dissipating shortly.
server outage pain keeps growing and doesn’t dissipate any time soon.
In both cases, a hard reset is the best solution.
(It’s like “America’s Funniest Home Videos” around here. . .)
I’d like to kick someone in the junk right now.
Ah so glad the pond is large.
No worries, Van. It’s someone specific and not on Deadpan 😉
I sent an email to Bunny.
I :wub: her.
Now if only you were called Rosemary..
CW: Eureka S4 E11
really you just shut the door…
Couldn’t get into the site for a while. Started to panic we killed Deadpan!
You can’t kill the Deadpan! (however, it can be folded, spindled and mutilated)
Yea! The Deadpan is back!
CW: Eureka S4 E11
not going to spoil it for anyone still planning to watch but, really sparks?
I stopped trying to rationalise the science after the episode with the compressed (or was it dehydrated) water.
that was a good idea!
It really is a show you have to 1/2 turn off your brain for.
It is still entertaining though and I won’t stop watching even with all the Scooby Doo type of moments
Can’t stop the Deadpan signal, Mal.
Don’t stop believin’
Um. I have that reserved.
I really like the Jet’s new logo:
I like it to. nice design.
My husband’s thought for that video “they’re using Rammstein? Interesting.”
Jets new logo?
^use caution before clicking the link.
I like that one too!
It’s not a picture of Mark Gastineau, is it?
Um… no.
Yes please…..
Canada has jet technology?
Wait this was supposed to go as a reply to ditto’s post for WinnepOH FUCK IT
I meant to post about that the other day. Isn’t it kinda dull? I guess we’ll see how it looks on their new uniforms.
I was thinking clean myself…
Ok people! Grab your popcorn. It’s movie time
Today’s movie: Deadline
The DVR writeup: unstable screenwriter Alice discovers a collection of disturbing videotapes stashed away in the attic of an old Victorian house in this supernatural thriller that will make your hair stand on end
That’s a lot of hype to live up to
Wait…PG. It’s not a good B horror unless it’s rated R
Curtains blowing in the breeze
Cool Marc Blucas is in this. I don’t see him that often since Buffy
Someone needs to be introduced to a hair brush
She’s packing heat
Write about your own life. It’s therapeutic
My god, that’s a Beautiful looking house
Ok, I really want this house… Ot at least be able to afford it.
Old houses are like people -so is soylent green
Oh oh. Strange things are afoot
“how odd”
Boy, she sure likes to video tape everything. Do you think that will come in handy later in the movie?
Now that she’s alone, the house seems creepy. I wonder if that’s on purpose?
I like how every door in the house creaks. A can of 3 in 1 would fix that up right quick
Pills! That’ll solve everything
There it is. The obligatory creepy bathroom mirror scene
Oh yes. And the obligatory bath tub dripping water scene
Thumps in the night
Was she dreaming? Maybe the video camera will know.
Time for a bath!
But a PG-rated bath.
Wow, she wasn’t attacked inmthe bathtub. I’m surprised
O.M?g. Ben has been released from prison!
… Wait. Who?
Wet footprints.
Yeah, that’s exactly what I’d do… Not
I just want you to know, my hair isn’t standing on end yet
Teddy bear! I’m gonna call him Vanamonde :cheerful:
Ology, video tapes. Here I wa thinking something like for a VCR
Ology? Wtf iPad?
It’s Riley!
Girl on girl actiom
it’s pg, are they shaking hands suggestively?
No,but they are hugging fully dressed and talking about the future
That lamp is naked
Flooding bathtub! This movie is hitting all the marks
The computer is sending her creepy messages
… And ther’s the piano that plays itself
The person in the mirror isn’t there when she turns around
Better watch out, she’s unstable
Time for her medication. You ever notice, nine time out of ten, evil spouts prefer people on medication?
Spouts = spirits. *sigh*
Oh oh. Riley’s jealous
Tsk, tsk. Drinking alone
I want a bed like that
Painting the kid’s room
If she’s really painting that chair I’d be surprised
Really, why would you do that
He’s a might bit possessive
Wait, wait. I think I understand now. Is he… Possessed?
Yup, he’s definitely getting creepy
Moonlight sonata
No, don’t do it!
I don’t think she’s actually getting much writing done
He’s gone insane!
Of course, the last case is empty
Yeah, cause that wouldn’t be at all stupid
Now who’s possessed?
What!!! no bunny needed:
but we need our bunny 🙁
I’ll always keep he Pan energized. 😉
Only a half hour left to the movie. Still no hair standing
Really? Is that the back story needed
The attic calls…
I would do terrible in a real life horror. I’d investigate NOTHING!!!!
She found it!
Itmwas Luke wasn’t it?
Wait, who?
Hey what do you know, it was Luke.
Death to all adulterers!
Wow, someone actually died
How strange, he’s recording everything
And now… His turn
Hah! Doesn’t work like they say, does it?
Searching for the bodies. Yeah, I so wouldn’t do that either
Why not call the cops to do that?
Ben’s on the phone
Riley! I mean David
Her gun is missing!
I just don’t know what to make of this part
Alice is freaking out
The manuscript tells all
Oooooh, cool
Movie’s over!
My thoughts on the movie: I was ok with it. Yes it hit all the cleches, and no, my hair didn’t stand on it’s end. But still…
There was no blood and gore and that usually makes a movie go up a few points for me. Nothing really jumped out but it still had its chill down the spine moments.
Even the ending, while not expected, was not really surprising. But still, good enough to keep me satisfied if not satiated.
Over all, for a PG movie, not bad
Oh a similar note to Rhett’s Jets…
Um… go NFL…every team…um…. oh god..
CW: Celebrity Rehab
Anyone interesting?
As a matter of fact, yes:
Bai Ling
Amy Fisher
Dwight Gooden
Sean Young
Steven Adler (again)
Lindsey Lohan’s dad
some other folks I’m not that familiar with, including the kid from Baywatch who now believes that the chemicals in bottled water cause bisexuality (so he travels with his own filter)
So freakin’ sad – especially Bai Ling and Dwight Gooden
Thought you said “celebrity” rehab.
Wassamatta Doc?
I posted this on FB, but it warrants double-posting:
Just when I had a bit of hope in humanity!
Clearly a Muslim extremist wrote the above post…
Little good night, y’all:
My oh my
I had not seen or heard Amy Winehouse before. I’m not saying this in an attempt to be funny or cute (because it would be neither), but it looks like she is experiencing some SERIOUS withdrawal symptoms in that video. I’m impressed that she was able to sing that well considering what she must have been going through at the time. That said, her voice is not really my cup of tea. Still sad to see her go though.
You know you’re a grown-up when you spend part of a weeknight bailing greasy dishwater out of a stopped-up kitchen sink. We have a plumber coming in the morning. Oh, well, this too is part of life.
Good night, Pan.
Greasy spoons are way preferable.
Goodnight :boom:
She’s so sexy!
Morning, Pan.
Happy new Jim Butcher book day Deadpan 🙂
Now I need to figure out a good excuse to stay at home all day today so I can read it!
w00t on the Dresden!
UH, I don’t see withdrawal in that video – I think it’s sweet and very anti her reputation. I’m a fan, and love that song/that vid.
This was the first time I’ve seen her, so it could very well be that she simply always shows those mannerisms when she’s singing (sort of like Joe Cocker). But she jerks around A LOT, constantly fidgeting and scratching.
Now in this one she seems much calmer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc28-kMJigI&feature=related
Could have been the fact that I was only half watching and wandered in when she was being particularly jumpy (e.g. 1:22 – 1:40 of the original link – http://youtu.be/Uh_eMfts-hY). Could be some sort of confirmation bias due to preconceived notions of her drug addictions. Who knows.
I noticed that too.
Singing like that (that much soul and feeling) would seem to necessitate putting your whole focus into the music and yet at one point she goes from adjusting hair or something to picking her finger nail.
It was almost like the person singing and the person sitting in the chair were two separate entities.
I can’t say I’ve ever seen someone singing like that who looked so distracted.
Yeh. and not saying it was drug related but it was odd.
Morning PeadDan
It’s awfully dark and gloomy outside. I think there’s a good chance we’ll get rain.
Oooooh, the clouds must be hungry. Their tummies are all grumbly and growly. 😉
CP: Sleep Rules Everything Around Me — Wugazi
*This is a mashup of Wu Tang & Fugazi. Cool stuff.
M.I.A. releases a tribute to Amy Winehouse:
False eyelashes with paper butterflies. It’s actually pretty interesting.
CP: Heads Will Roll — Yeah Yeah Yeahs
I’m feeling in need of a walkabout.
I wonder where all those tumbleweeds wind up.
Talk to you all later.
Bit of a killjoy was that Albert:
Something I just said out loud at work:
“You may have realized the song I’m listening to is by Aly & AJ, but I remembered that the star of the show 227 was Jackee’ so I win for useless knowledge category.”
Wow, I think I need to hear the Fugazi-Wu Tang mashup.
LostRalph, where are you?
He can’t hear you. But, I’m gonna guess he’s heading west on the I-40 right about now.
I love Venn diagrams but sometimes they get in the way. oh yeah kinda NSFW
Yes I have
me too…
me too…
Not this time though. Unless coffee and energy drinks count?
I have discovered Monster Rehab energy drink.
Tea + Lemonade + Energy
Holy crap this stuff is delicious. I was NOT expecting that! Someone better pad the walls… I’m gonna be bouncing of them soon.
oh, wait… never mind.
Aughra (she works at my local Walmart)
T minus about 12 hours?
I better clean up the tumbleweeds.
Tea minus lemon-aid … and energy.
In a separate note …
I do not understand how I keep finding myself in the role of cruise director.
I HATE being cruise director.
LostRalph is currently in Texas and not lost.
He appears to still be heading west. Good thing… I hear there are fancy people to have fun with out west.
J0e, I had you pegged more as Isaac than Julie.
Um, I’d really prefer not to be Capt. Steubing, if that’s ok.
“Jean-Luc Picard”
Can I be Charo?
“I had you pegged more as Isaac than Julie. ”
Thus my discontent.
Ok, I’m hooked on ‘The Hour’, even with the cheesey conspiracy plot.
Check it out when it comes to BBC America.
Crossing over the border into New Mexico!
Try not to burst before the arrival of ‘the package’.
Umm, sorry Cj.
I logged on illegally from work and you made it worth my time, Van. LOL!
*has to sit down*
Package? I don’t get it. :halo: I’m pretty sure he’s driving a car. I don’t think he’s arriving in a box.
How the hell is there no :halo: Dangit! I’ll need to find that list of nomicons again… grrr… and while we’re at it we need a :like: and a :dislike: nomicon.
Well, now, I’m just feistily making demands. That’s not good. Or… is it? :tongue:
Just kidding, Van. I was only distressed that I didn’t say it first.
At least you werent undressed that you didnt sway it fist.
*glares at :jack:*
hmph *glares at :jack: *
I’m looking forward to the original game with a new lick of paint.
There’s even rumblings that the will be a short cut in the Library. 🙂
I have 5 links to share. I’ll spread em out.
#1 is about Netflix: http://consumerist.com/2011/07/netflix-is-sorry-that-youre-still-pissed-glad-that-you-dont-have-many-other-options.html
I was the one claiming that people shouldn’t be freaking out about the price increase at Netflix, but after doing some investigation, I found out that for the disc-in-the-mail option, Blockbuster is actually pretty competitive (assuming you have a physical Blockbuster store in your area). For $2 more a month ($9.99 instead of $7.99) I still get one disc at a time, but I can bring an unlimited number of discs in to the store for an immediate exchange (rather than waiting 3-4 days for the disc to get back to the shipping center and back to my house through snail mail). Combine this with the option to get games as well as movies and I actually win out pretty well by switching over. I think Netflix is still pretty pleased with themselves because September 1st hasn’t rolled around yet. Once people actually have to pay the two separate bills and their free trial runs out at Blockbuster, I think rats will be fleeing the sinking ship in quite a hurry. Fortunately for Netflix, I don’t think they will mind. They are intentionally putting most of their eggs in the streaming basket because they know that’s where their true dominance of the market is. I think we will soon start to see a bimodal distribution of customers, with Netflix dominating streaming and Blockbuster and Redbox dominating disc rentals.
Well, the guest sheets have been cleaned and the bed has been made up. The guest bathroom is all clean and sparkly. I’m ready for our guests
I’m tempted:
I don’t know if I could handle live chipmunk music :cheerful:
Will there at least be fried fish?
Link #2 is a bit about my youth:
or Nope. I don’t know. I’m not committing to anything here. Just saying that this was fun to read and nod at.
#3 Politics:
Just fuck’n “Wow”.
When you can see graphically that All of Obama’s policy changes combined don’t even equate to what the Bush tax cuts added to the deficit … just, wow.
It’s all just so much kabuki theatre.
Oh America is blind to the facts, btw.
I am reminded of the dogs from “Up” who are distracted from flying their fighter plans by the mere mention of the word “Squirrel!”
Music and recording (this is a big deal to me):
Sleigh Bells could have done REALLY well to have gotten shit out of the red on Treats. As much as I love the songs, the album is a goddamn disaster to listen to. The ‘loudness’ combined with Übertreble really take a lot of the enjoyment out of it, which is sad. Compositionally(new word) theres a lot to love on there.
Surprisingly good: new planet beer
When I chew gum throughout the day it makes my jaw hurt whenever I start a new piece.
Final link of the day:
Image #3 makes me fret for our species.
Fairly certain you can see Denver’s new Ikea store from anywhere in the known universe.
A friend of Darcy and mine works in visual merchandising and was just out in Denver for a week helping get that Ikea started.
I find this survey interesting and while there are certain questions where I’m in the majority, I’m finding that I’m in the minority more often than not. Interesting.
I’m Abby Normal
I think I failed that survey
I think I…um….didnt
LostRalph is currently not lost in Albuquerque, NM – 7 or so hours from his final destination.
ZOMG! I just realized something!!!
The inventor of the site http://getglue.com must have been a Deadpan lurker!!
Check this out! How long have you guys/we been posting:
CL: Life is a Highway – Rascal Flatts
CE: Yoplait Black Forest Cake Light Fat Free Yogurt
CR: 98 Things a Woman Should Do in Her Lifetime by Rebeckah Shardy
CD: Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper
Etc… you get the idea!! Damn those GetGlue people for their Deadpan thievery!
CL: Pale Horizon: The Action Design
and loving every second
Tip of the day: Everything is better with some Mozzarella.
Use this information wisely.
Not *everything* 😉
it burns! BURNSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!
I found some fromunda cheese once.
Try the fermata cheese … just don’t let it age too long.
I wanna go to http://www.meltingpot.com … anyone have a couple hundies laying around they wanna donate to my cheese fondue cause?
I have a couple undies. Cause its fromunda cheese n all
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… Fondue :heart:
and there’s a Melting Pot in Orlando! Now I need a benefactor to support my cheese fondue cause too.
Wait a minute… :ftb: doesn’t like phrases between greater than and less than signs? Or did I unintentionally write some html fun that got swallowed up in formatting?
Original message contained “” (watch :ftb: take this one out too)
DAMN YOU :ftb: !!!! DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!!
“less than sign” drools “greater than sign”
my message WILL be read :ftb: . I will not be controlled!
My 80’s child inside finds itself strangely attracted to this:
Yes, it does even run on D cell batteries.
Hundies? I have a Hyundai.
BTW, most GetGlue users will eventually move on to the SniffGlue site.
LostRalph is not lost in Arizona.
He’s approaching Heber/Overgaard where I actually have a family cabin.
Go Dog, Go!
Goodnight :Ralph:
(and safe travels!)
he’s arrived safely.
:wub: good night
Hurrah for safe arrivals. Everyone should have them.
Warehouse 13 is beginning to piss me off, the woman involved in the discovery of the shape of DNA was using X-ray diffraction and not a gene sequencer.
…and the inconsistency with the bronzing process (the new guy didn’t remember anything but it’s been mentioned that people are still aware when bronzed).
Rant over, you can go back to the scheduled tumbleweed gymnastics.
mmm, gymnastics
Tumbleweed gymnastics? Is that what the kids are calling it these days? :smirk:
Your health questionnaire for the day:
um. “How much do they weigh?” I’m not grabbing one to put on a scale. That’s just yuck.
Good morning, DP!
Morning Pan
My morning have been full of song stuck in head. Through a long, convoluted process, my bath sponge is green and has a frog’s head in it. Now, every morning, I see it and get that stupid Froggie Went A ‘Corting song stuck in my head.
I wonder if it’ll rain again today. I’m torn. I want good weather for when the in-laws come today but I also want rain for my new sod.
I was waiting at the bus stop earlier, and there was a swarm of ants on the pavement..haven’t seen that before (locally I mean).
I kept very quiet so the new insect overlords didn’t notice me..
As I read that first bit I thought you were writing a new Bruce Springsteen song.
Is it really Wednesday?
That’s what they call this?
Yeh. They used to call it “Hump day” but now they’ve managed to even take the fun out of that!
Of all things they could have taken the fun out of. bastards!
Good morning Deadpan, looks like a lovely morning here in Phoenix.
Ahhh. A Phoenix rising!
Is that what they call it now? 😉
In similar news, I just ripped the crotch on my pants
Just don’t rip your crotch WITH your pants.
Are you playing with tear-away pants again? Remember what happened last time!
Turn your head when you do that
[George Carlin] Why do they call Wednesday “hump day” when most people get laid on the weekend?[/George Carlin]
And why do you drive on the parkway and park in the driveway?
Because it’s easier to hit pedestrians if they think they are in a park.
100 points!
Hit enough of them and get a free ball.
CP: Hot For Teacher — Van Halen
Who’s thirsty?
Holy Jesus. Sometimes I’m pretty sure the Universe isnt real.
Speaking of LostRalph, I think I need a Ralph Kramden scheme.
Who are you sending to the moon.
Not NASA astronauts.
Too soon?
ZP looks at the rerelease of Ocarina of Time on the 3DS…it doesn’t end well:
Bang, zoom!
– – – Did once date a girl named Alice.
You’ve lost me on that one.
Who cock was so long he could…
Wait, wrong limerick.
Can you get anything you want at her restaurant though?
Can you tie her up and make her play great grunge metal?
Would make a change from Hallelujah!
Can you clone her and have her declare war on Umbrella Corp?
Resident Evil really needs an Alone in the Dark crossover.
Where Carnby can go round the mansion with a terminal case of Deja Vu.
I would explode from geek goodness.
I once knew a girl who dated a girl named Alice who was a freak. The good kind.
Yeah!!!!! Oh yeah!!!!
* breathes heavily into phone
Zoom! Zip!
2am here and all is well.
I had better head horizontal, later Pan.
Make sure you make her breakfast in the morn.
I’m never that well.
But you could be.
I really enjoy Elysian’s Loser Pale Ale. Not only an homage to a great record label, but a really easy beer to like.
In other beer news, there are *5* new craft breweries opening in Denver this summer, one is a 3 minute walk from my house. I… I live in a world of craft beer wonder…
Who said this is the land of Coors? Cause it taint.
LR, be sure to find Firestone’s “Velvet Elvis” while youre in AZ. Well worth it.
Scratch that… its Velvet MERLIN.
Velvet Elvis is Oskar’s, yo!
And its goddamn delish.
Will do Lo, I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for beers I can’t get in Oklahoma.
CW: heavy rain
Me too! Also its goddamn muggy.
CW: Monday night’s Daily Show – funny gay marriage segment
Damn, I’ve been giving LostRalph vodka.
*maniacal giggles*
And tequila! I’m beginning to think you have ulterior motives for getting me drunk.
Because I need to get you drunk?
Hmm, I think I’m already drunk on your beauty.
Um. heehee
I love this video:
CW: Falling Skies – a few episodes behind. Anyone else still watching?