509 thoughts on “Jack Mangans Deadpan #212: Qwertysomething”
I have nothing profound to say.
I too lack profundity.
Goodnight :ummmmm…:
A perfect day to see Bad Bosses then, Cap America will have to wait till the weekend.
Really, don’t we deal with enough bad bosses already?
OK. The “Hair” parody about Black Holes is BRILLIANT! Where did it come from?
Okay, point of clarification? In “The Restaurant at the End of the Universe” the planet they leave Marvin stranded on, eventually in the carpark, where Milliways is. Is that Ursa Minor Beta or one of the Frogstar planets?
Okay, wiki seems to say it is Frogstar B. I knew it was not Magrathea like on TV. I just get confused as to whether the Frogstar attack was real or simulated.
Ooops! posted on the old show. Anyone still watching Falling Skies?
I didn’t start but I don’t have access to my TIVO right now 🙁
Also, thanks Jack for #212! w00t!
Brand new Pan is brand new! The best part of waking up, is Mangan in my cup;.
Cause otherwise that’s gross.
Amy: That’s the Psychedelic Furs song “Love My Way”.
EssBee: Yes, I’m still watching Falling Skies. I’m not really sure why, but….
Yeah, episode 5 is sitting on my hacked Wii and I feel no inclination to boot it up.
It was better than the previous episode, but I really don’t feel anything for the characters. On the other hand, I have to give them some credit for killing people off.
How can we have a ladies only Deadpan? 🙂
A bit of friendly advice ditto, don’t call Essbee a lady..I’m just saying…
Cj, TEB, and I could do a great ladies-only Deadpan! And it would be even better if Dre, Desdemina, and (as Vanamonde pointed out, depending on whether they consider themselves ‘ladies’) EssBee and Sly B were involved!
Darcy said she’d phone something in, given a particular topic…
The movie was ‘Horrible Bosses’ (doh!), I laughed, that’s good.
Reading the HD Nazi comments make me wish for Nuclear Armageddon.
I upgraded my cables on my Wii to double the resolution when I replaced the old television with a 37″ HD one. But I still stream via the XBOX 360 in all it’s HD glory. 🙂
I use my PS3. My 360 is noisy as hell.
^Good call. The newer 360’s are pretty quiet.
You all never cease to renew my faith in myself on why I couldnt give two fucks about HD. 😉
But Van, the Emergency Broadcast Network signal for the nuclear armageddon will be so much crisper and clearer for those with HD TVs.
You might even be able to read the words telling you to make a run for the basement.
Morning, Pan. I’ll have to have a listen later today.
Work has arrived… or I’ve arrived at work?
Something like that.
“Fucks” are too valuable currency to be given away. Still like my HD though. 🙂
Not to be confused with “shits”
And you don’t want *that* in HD!
I was going to say that when you take a whiz, you’re streaming in HD 3D.
If you look too closely, you are going to hurt your eyes. 😉
Umm, so not exactly cheating (as it was unintentional), but if Jack posts the first comment for a new show and you reply to that comment, it makes it look like you were first ‘official’ comment of the week..last week it was actual Lejon.
Correct! My bad.
Baby black holes…
lmfao asap pdq.
Oh yeah, LostRalph (and everyone):
The two songs heard in this ep can be found here:
CW: Eureka: S3E16. A clip show? Really? Don’t know why I would have thought you were above this.
Oh man. That’s too bad.
But, to be fair, you dont have to watch it.
A million crimes a day happen whether I watch them or not. My hope that Eureka would be above doing a clip show, and my subsequent let down, are exactly the same whether I watch the show or not. So, my not needing to watch it doesn’t make it fair any more than my not needing to watch a mugging on the street makes the act any less of a crime.
Also, you really don’t have to watch it.
Also yet another reason that Community is one of, if not the, best written shows on tv. Its “clip show” was utter glory.
On the other hand a well done clip show can be entertaing, and let them save money to do something super flashy later.
Agreed. Tho I do tend to take the stance against them. Not that I’d put them on the same level as being brutally assaulted on the street…
I’m not trying to put them on that level. Just saying that the ability to not watch the show doesn’t give the makers of the show a pass for shitty writing. If you don’t like the metaphor version of my argument, we can try the straight forward version. By saying “to be fair” I have to assume that you mean being fair to the writers of the show. Thus, You seem to be saying that because I can choose to not watch that episode, the writers for Eureka are just fine. And I disagree.
Right, who would ever recycle their old material in new episodes?
*starts slow clap*
Ralph how the hell is the desert treating you?
From LR: So far so good Lo, haven’t had a chance to go beer hunting yet. Planning on doing that this weekend.
I read that as “deer hunting”. And I was both shocked and awed.
I have to disagree with you Jack, Firefly/Serenity kicks classic Star Wars’s ass.
I love you…. but thats not even close to being true.
Seriously, LostRalph tried to type that while on my laptop and it refused to let him. My laptop would never allow such a thing to be typed into the window of its soul or the window of its Deadpan URL.
LOL!!! 😆
Just wait until Joss makes the Firefly prequel – – where he explains that all of River’s powers come from midichlorians.
And Jayne didn’t shoot first…ever.
Of course not… If the other guy never shoots, then your shot isn’t “first” so much as “only.”
And it understands that its not as good a show as it thinks it is.
*slinks away*
Since you guys really seemed to enjoy the first one, here’s another video of Amy W. not standing still while singing:
Yeah I think due to global warming, balls are dropping earlier now.
Helium was cheaper.
Not any more..
I saw Mr Big open for Rush back in the 90s. Had no idea Mr Big has been around nearly as long as Rush. I just assumed they were a newer group because they were an opening act.
The list seems so incomplete. Possibly because there’s so much out here to choose from. But here’s a few opinions:
Summer – I would replace the Sweaty Betty with Upslope’s Craft Lager. Its by far my favorite summer beer this year.
Autumn – Again, Upslope is denied. I wonder if the columnist mistakenly skipped them due to their newness in the craft market. Upslope’s Brown Ale makes Ellie’s taste like Coors. I’d also replace the Cutthroat Porter with either New World Porter from Avery. Tho thats splitting hairs, its just a matter of taste there
Winter – My fav time of beer year. Take out Lefthand’s Milk Stout and replace with Breckenridge Oatmeal. Add Yeti Oaked Chocolate to the list as well as Oscar Blues’ Gubna IPA. I would also be tempted to put Oscar’s Gordon Red in place of Odell’s red. Dont forget the Mephistoples Stout. Clearly the writer did.
Spring – The Ranger IPA is a terrible beer. Dont do it. So is the Mothership Wit, tho to be fair I dont drink Wits. Looking over the Spring choices, the only beer I like is the ESB Special Ale. Honestly, I’d take Pale Moon over most of them and that’s a Coors product. Try the Stranger IPA from Lefthand, Avery’s Collaboration Not Litigation Ale, or Great Divide’s Scotch Ale.
Another Friday night and I ain’t got nobody.
I got some money and ’cause I just got paid.
How I wish I had …
wait, that supposed to be “Another Saturday night” isn’t it?
Okay, never mind.
I’m going to go open an End of the Road Brewery’s “Uber Heffe” and continue cleaning my garage.
BTW: All our drinks contain at least 1.5 ounces of liquor.
Ralph fed me wine and other alcohol and now I want a bubble wrap app and the one i found sucks. Anyone know a better one? I wanna pop bubble wrap.
Make sure it’s for android please…
He’s so serious as he pours more wine in my cup “Make sure it’s for android please…”
Wish this were available online. Our PBS station carried this show for a while, my dad & I watched it together. Our family has always been sort of… Canadiphiles? Don’t know if there is a word for it.
Watched the pilot episode of Warehouse 13 tonight, think I recognized a Toronto neighborhood I stayed in for a couple weeks in there…
I get that feeling with the original ‘Get Carter’ movie.
They are currently demolishing the iconic carpark that featured in that movie.
A little behind, just listened to the episode. Loved it! Loved the rant about this generation. And loved that my comment got read. First time!
It was a very good cross section of “random” Deadpanites…
Saw Captain America last night at the drive-in. Note to self: VW bugs are not that comfortable for sitting in at the drive-in.
What’s a little discomfort to looking cool…
I’ve heard it said the back of a VW is a very uncomfortable place…
I get it.
“Like in the back of a VW Bug?”
Notice my lack of response to the back seat comments 🙂
Well you said you try to be a lady..
Would love to help out with a ladies-only episode. And yes, I do try to be a lady. Most of the time. Not sure what to do, though.
So is Jack going to talk in falsetto for the ladies-only episode?
..and whatever the female equivalent of a fake beard is..
But will it match the curtains?
Snap x 2!
…and just to hammer home the reference:
Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah..
i too want to offer props on this episode.
Really enjoyed it Jack!
ditto there’s stuff for you on Dropbox.
Excellent. Thanks.
I’ll get Scott Sigler to do his female character voice for the ladies’ night Deadpan.
He has two: Little Girl’s Voice (e.g., Chelsea Jewell) and Woman’s Voice (e.g., Margaret Montoya). It would be awesome to hear either or both of them in the ladies’ episode of the Deadpan. :happy:
Oh, yeah, and the post-production-processed voice he uses for the Sklorno football players. Three different voices. *fantasizes* That would be so cool, to have a Deadpan segment in which all Scott’s female characters met each other…
My misspent Photon youth has come alive again on Facebook.
It was far from misspent. It taught you the life lessons that you wove into your excellent essay on Podtaint. 🙂
Hey guys – sorry to ask how you was and split. I am good. Sly B, my dad, and I went to this this morning:
They launched about 10 minutes from where I grew up/where my folks live. Twas fun.
I think Lo Pan gave you all much more feedback on the beer list than I ever could have! Gubna x 1,000 for me. We picked up a Sam Adams summer mixer pack on the way here, btw, and I love their East West Kolsch. I’m excited for 5 o’clock to hit (it’s a rule I have to fool myself . . . ) so I can try the Saison.
Just listening to NPR’s “The Splendid Table” and they interviewed 2 guys that just wrote a book about homebrewing … they specifically talked about their Saison.
I drooled.
Rules can be good. That launch sounds cool, EssBee!
And our timing is impeccable. I have no idea what this beer tastes like, but with a name and can label artwork like that, how could you not love “Gandhi-bot”?
I NEED the Gandhi-bot can for my collection. Guess I’ll have to suck it up and deal with a pale ale. They are way to bitter for me, but there are times it’s worth the effort. And don’t give me any “to be fair, you don’t have to drink it” crap Lo :biggrin: Pouring beer down the drain is a crime, and I’m simply not a criminal :drevil:
I will now go root through my beer shelter for something that won’t knock me on my butt. Though, I’m not sure I actually brew anything like that.
A flaw I am thinking of addressing.
Also – going to see Cowboys & Aliens tonight.
Wish me luck.
Went with an End of the Road Brewery’s “Bock”.
I figured, half of a 20oz bottle wouldn’t buzz me too much.
Took Ralph out in the sun and put him in a swimming pool. He seemed to enjoy it.
I just did the same with Eoin Colfer (well his HHG book, anyway).
Have a beat up copy. Regardless of condition its fucking awesome. And an oddly great read for the 70’s!
Crap you werent asking me were you? Mi dispiace.
*slinks away toward bathroom with Aliens comic*
I will remember to add you in future question.
Dont patronize me.
*kicks dirt*
Nope, I don’t.
Fox: (whisper) Iris, drop your spoon on the floor.
Me: Fox, I think I just heard you tell your sister to drop her spoon on the floor…
Fox: It was an accident, I meant to say I love you Iris.
*standing ovation*
Van I just picked this up at a yard sale for a dime. As a old skool video game connoisseur, thought youd get a kick out of it. Its…so very…um… early 80’s.
My reflexes at slowing though, I find a lot of 80’s games to be more difficult to play now than in the day.
-at +are
Captain America –
Liked it very. In the pantheon of the Avenger films I’d put well above Hulk/ Iron Man 2 and slightly below Thor. Definitely THE action super-hero film of the 3 Marvel films this year. Cheesy in parts, really powerful in parts (tho that pretty much defines Marvel). Chris Evans is actually fantastic and considering he was the only good part of the FF4 films that doesnt surprise. Hugo Weaving is good enough… but he could have been so much more. A bit of a disappointment considering its Hugo Fucking Weaving. Man, I cannot WAIT for Avengers.
I give kudos to Marvel for churning out so many of these “setting up for Avengers” movies and (for the most part) having them be extremely quality and entertaining.
Forgot how awful “Commando” is. Also forgot how much I enjoy every minute of it.
Next up – Stallone in “Cobra”
Cowboys & Aliens.
Well. Everyone else seemed to like it.
Me? I felt like they blew there entire budget hiring some big name actors and an actress that looks like Summer Glau. That apparently left them no money for stuff like “a script” and “editing”.
I realize that some pictures are just supposed to be “fun, summer romps” but if you want to be in that category you aren’t allowed to drag.
“Iron Man” was a fun summer romp. This picture … well, I’d wait and “Netflicks” it and from what I hear … go see “Captain America” instead.
But but but…
I want to like it! grrrr
Maybe you will like it.
It’s not a terrible movie. It just had potential to be a really good movie.
Maybe I’m just suffering buyer’s remorse because I don’t get to see that many films and I saw this instead of Captain America.
It was cool meeting LostRalph tonight! He’s a good guy. Good beers consumed too.
Good times. Thanks, Jack, for hanging out with us 🙂
P.S. Put Ralph to bed early. He’s had plenty of beer, this one.
Well morning Pan, off to see Captain America.
Well I’m with Lo on thus one, I enjoyed Captain America a lot.
Cool to think some of the gadgets used by Hydra were actually on the drawing or partly built by the Germans.
Hugo Weavering accent at times sounded like a bad Arnie impression.
Oh and if you wait till the credits have rolled, you get a cool trailer for the Avengers movie.
Morning Pan
In-laws still visiting but it’s month end so I’m stuck at my computer for a few hours today. Hubby will have to do hosting duties this morning
I enjoyed Captain America.
And in case I don’t make it on the Pan on Wednesday…
Those that know me know I all but worship my hubby. This Wednesday marks the best 15 years in my life. *raises glass* Here’s to my heart and soul.
Jack doesn’t eat the bowl, he eats the cereal in the bowl
Doogie MD!
I hate lady gaga
she is not anything of Madonna
I hate Facebook
I hate Twitter
I love that car commercial I believe it was, where the girl was talking about how she asked her parents to join to twitter so they can have a social life and she was making fun of them for only having 19 friends and she had 700 and something. Her parents were out enjoying life in whatever car was being advertised and she was sitting on her computer watching dumb videos someone posted.
I hate facebook.
I’m a geezer
Hugh sez: I a bigger geezer
mohawks are for cute hot boys I want to date!
Hugh sez: I better get a mohawk before she finds a cute hot mohawked boy to date. I AM a geezer!!!
40-something geezer Hugh sans mohawk > anyone else, even cute hot mohawked boys
hugh sez: swoon!
final points
1. Star wars trilogy rules
2. Reality TV “stars: ARE NOT STARS THEY ARE IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. internet porn is not how sex really works (its so so so SOOOOOO much better than that)
4. you are getting way more sex then we used to
5. get off my lawn!
6. podcasting IS a relative medium
7. Laugh at me if you must
what tha?
Hugh sez: Pluto is a planet god-dammit!!
you can’t take my planets away more me
My Very Educated MOther Just Served Us Nine Pizzas
how can they break that up?
My Very Educated MOther Just Served Us Nectarines?
Thats not right
I love when I type totally wrong words. What are my hands thinking is happening?
Or is my brain just fucking with my hands and sending them a different word then my mouth wants to say?
sorry PLUto! Maybe you should be more organis-ED
Hugh sez: Yeah, dog, yeah
smurf it to me baby
Hugh sez: swoon! Smurf me mama
climb into my spoon!
YOU are pretty cool Jackamo
Lost Ralph is drunk on someones beauty
CJ – get glue inventor is a deadpan lurker
what was that Deadpan reference in the latest Dresden book Hughie?
Hugh sez: ah, fuck! I can’t remember either..
Jim Butcher is a closet Deadpanite. I swear it!
They are in downtown Chicago, kick some ass, then go to a Denny’s to refuel
there is no Denny’s in downtown Chicago
He just wanted to put in a Deadpan shoutout, I knows he did.
Hugh sez: are you sure there is no Denny’s near enough to Downtown Chicago that they conceivably could of taken a cab there easily?
nope, they had no reason to go all the way out to the west suburbs to get to the closet Denny’s when there are restaurants they could of gotten a really fucking good breakfast no matter what time of day or night it was right next to them
Jim Butcher was trying to let us Deadpanites know he is one of us
Jim Butcher IS a deadpanite I say it is so
Hugh sez: I agree
Jack you should get him to do an interview with you. how frickin cool would that be!!!!!!!!
by the way Essbee if you read this (or any other Dresden book readers here), the new Dresden is fucking fantastic. I’m almost done, Hugh finished it.
It is so good I am trying to prolong the end. Hugh is irritated because he wants me to be done so he can talk about the end.
not a duplicate post
Lost Ralph – is drunk on someones beauty
Hugh sez: it must be yours
dre sez: swoon, you stop hughie *blush*
CJ – get glue inventor is a deadpan lurker
Van – original game with new paint
Van – don’t burst before “the package”
DJ bunny – only half hour to movie
JB: 2001
Desdomenia – Diet dr pepper and ccapt morgan
hugh-n-dre: Deadpan movies
lopan: correct
first: vanamonde – email to Ed
hockey things
you guys still owe for the hockey anthems!!??!??!
get with it!!
What was up with vancouver freaking out cuz they lost?
Hugh sez: yeah in chicago we riot when we win, it makes so much more sense
you fuckers pay up!!!
I am afraid of the canadians
smooth like buttah
oooo, we flipped the page
the ambassador!
song on her radio… I cannot hear it
Amy bowen. out.
lost ralph is in Phoenix ignoring Jackamo?
shame on you lostralph!
diarrhea podcasting
skeksis is getting to our Jackamo 🙁
Hugh sez: I’ll come take them out for you, man. Just call me.
Deadpan is the motherfucking way
mom is calling me
My mommy is traveling to Jack’s hometown to see where Deadpan all started
actually she is traveling to Jersey to see her newest grandson
he is so flipping cute!!!
I am now an auntie x2 from my family
Hugh sez: it’s about time your family step up, my family has made us aunt/uncle to about 300 kids. I can’t even remember all their names in my old age
Hugh had a senior moment yesterday. He kept calling 1 kid different names til he got it right 🙂 it was hilarious. all the kids were laughing.
and once again this is not a duplicate comment
fucktardbot: 2
hugh-n-dre: 0
Jack wants content
I should do an earbuds
Jack’s voice is cracking, is he hitting puberty?
Oh shit
Hugh’s brother is here with his sister to get us
we will finish up this last 6 minutes later today sometime
Did my voice crack? Is it time for change?
(Again with that joke)
LostRalph and I saw Smurfs today. 8:45am showing. My favorite. I think he still likes me even though I dragged him to a kids’ movie this early.
We then went shopping and LR made me sandwich. NOM NOM NOM.
I’m spoiled and may become rotten at this point.
Sandwiches made by someone else always taste better than mine!
Last night was awesome, finally got a chance to talk to Jack, Evo, Sheila, and Debbie. Also enjoyed some really good beer. Sierra Nevada’s saison is very delicious and I recommend it to anyone else who likes saisons.
I hear that Jack fella is overrated…
*gives Jack awkward bear hug*
Oh and Smurfs wasn’t that bad.
I salute you sir, even with onions in the fire I couldn’t be dragged to that one.
You be a better man than I, LR.
I do wonder (and since you saw it you can answer)- did NPH and Hank Azaria save the film for you? Or were they just along for the paycheck?
Hank Azaria definitely seemed to be along for the check. Although he was definitely a good choice for Gargamel. NPH had some good moments.
Oh and you have to remember I’ve had to sit through the later Land Before Time movies and similar kids movies, I have a fairly high tolerance for not bad. This is not a movie to see unless you have kids to take, obviously.
I’d like to note that I offered LR the option to NOT go with us. He’s just that awesome that he did.
Hank Azaria was pretty clownish, and having not seen any original Smurf shows or anything, I just assumed he was taking it deliberately from the original character. NPH is good at not being portrayed as an idiot. And the girlie from Glee who played his wife is adorable. I actually really enjoy seeing her on anything.
Yessss, I want to try that beer since I heard of it in June, unfortunately Avery is no longer selling in Arizona or Oklahoma…
I cant believe theyre not selling anymore. As per usual, you lemme know whatchu want. I’ll oblige.
Of all the films to battle C&A for #1 this week, I never thought it would be the Smurfs. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that Cap America will be back in #2 or even #1 next weekend.
Nevermind. The Apes are gonna rule supreme next weekend.
I cant believe Attack the Block is barely showing. I cant find any theater in the state carrying it.
Good Sunday on the Hugh’n Dre Pan, and the Lo Pan, too.
Just got back in town from my 20th high school reunion. I wasn’t feeling terribly old before I went to it 🙂
We did see Cowboys vs. Aliens yesterday and quite enjoyed it. I’m sure I don’t want to think too much about the plot, but it was a fun summer ride and tried to do something original.
CW: the new thundercats première.
I can only stand watching the old series for about a minutes, 20 minutes in and this one is ahead of the game.
Then its already won.
you rang?
And, now it’s time to run over to the old house and do some yard work….100°F in the afternoon yard work.
We want to see Captain America for sure.
Smurfs we will not be seeing
Won’t go see Planet of The Apes either
little known hugh-n-dre factoid: dre is scared of and disgusting by monkeys. I cannot see this movie. I have never been able to go the see the monkeys at the zoo. I admit to disliking monkeys. I know this makes no sense, but it is true.
Hugh sez: I wonder if planet of the apes is why you hate monkeys
hmmm.. maybe. My brothers did watch that all the time and i would always leave the room
That and AIDS and Ebola were both originated in monkeys
they will be the death of the human race I guarantee it
last 6.5ish minutes of deadpan:
Deadpan kids episode!!
I prefer babes.. the babes of deadpan
Yes! I would do something for a ladies only deadpan. I just might need to be emailed if this gets organized since I am not on here enough. Or Jack you can let me know when it gets set up. 🙂
near future stuff
closing music and getting the fuck out of here
fuck-bombs = good
hugh-n-dre is Jack coming back after the music game™
Featuring Hugh-n-dre
Hugh sez: Jack is coming back after the music
dre sez: he aint!
good night qwerty-somethings
bloodwine 2.0
crappy living room recording
goodnight mush
ohhhhh vannnnamonde!
awwww, its pretty! I likey!!!
Hugh sez: she always gets swoony over the musicians. Why didn’t I go into music?
Musicians and stock brokers are equally swoony
Hugh sez: in all seriousness, Jack this song is really good
We need to add it to our Jack Mangan playlist. Jack will you send it to me?
you know why rockstars are so sexy? Their nimble fingers swooon!
Hugh sez: you should see the finger work I can do on my ipad baby! Thats so sexy shit!
This is very pretty Jack. I want to know what you were thinking when you wrote it.. not that you have to tell me
beautiful. We loved it. 🙂
Jack DIDNOT come back after the music (I almost got fooled by my itunes shuffling to the next track again- this time it went to track 1 of the Spin Nevermind tribute album)
Dre wins!!!!!!!!
Alrighty paniacs, have a good night
I’m going to go make us some dinner and prepare for True Blood viewing. And as we always like to go against the grain of things, we are not beer drinkers but will be having a lovely new wine we recently discovered.
nighty night!
CW: Latest Torchwood
Bored now.
The new series has more padding than the cells of an insane asylum.
Dunno what you expected. “Children of Earth” was a small and flickering bright spot in the otherwise sea of complete shit that is Torchwood.
Hope springs eternal.
It really does. But the spring usually ends up all over your face and you feel disgusting afterwords.
To be fair tho I actually expected more out of it too.
I could turn the sound off and just watch Captain Jack. Just sayin’…
I like Torchwood, but I’m partial to Gwen.
Dre, looking forward to the new Dresden, but still have about 800 pgs of GRR Martin still. Torchwood for us tonight too!
The lord had nothin to do with it… but its brilliant regardless of.
Its possible I’m addicted to Soap. Not the cleansing kind, since we all know I dont take showers, but the fucking wonderful sitcom that aired from 1977 to 1981. Man is that some well written chortles and guffaws.
Digging through the back of my beer shelter, I found a case of “La Fin Du Monde”, this is a homebrew clone of Unibroue’s triple Belgium style ale.
I had shoved it in a corner because it was kind of a disappointment.
That was a year ago. That was when it had an ABV of 8.7
It has continue to ferment since then. A lot.
The beer is now QUITE tasty but just one 20oz bottle and I was rendered non-functional. This morning has arrived with a massive hangover.
What am I going to do with a case of this stuff?
I think that this fall I shall attempted to ship some –
“contains yeast samples Caution, contains liquid in glass !!”
And see how that works out. Right now, given the heat, I suspect we would achieve inter-shipping detonation. This would make everyone involved, very very sad.
Is that blacker than a very black thing?
It’s beerier then a very beery thing.
I was expecting something called ‘destroyer of worlds’ not to be amber in colour.
You could also share local. Invite over a friend or two and you can split a bottle.
Like a ten ton. . . heavy thing.
Work has arrived or is it me that has arrived at work?
Happy Monday!
I’m not really here but I have a quick question. I’ve been ignoring a linked-in from a Fred Duarte for a while now. However the name seems familiar. Before I actually hit “ignore” on Linked in – is it any of you?
Now… Back to month end and in-laws.
I don’t know him.
Well, he just got “ignored” If he still wants to be my friend he can let me know who he is.
I don’t know the name either. I need to go through my Google + and block everyone I don’t know. Though I’m not using the service yet, I don’t like being followed by people I don’t know. It seems like G+ doesn’t really give you the option to deny someone access other than through the “block” feature or individual post settings. Meh. Not sure I’ll use it at all, though my job kinda requires that I know this stuff. (more than kinda)
It’s like Twitter in that regard. Anyone can see what you post, but you only see the posts of people you choose.
I’ll probably wait as long with G+ as I did with Facebook.
I was betting on 2013 for you Jack.
Umm, I’ll get my coat.
And here I was gonna hold my breath.
I’m still avoiding Facebook for at least the rest of the year.
It will take that long for my divorce to be final.
I do like G+ so far other than the one person following me with nearly 4000 people in there circles.
but I also do just about everything through Gmail.
Oh look, more Kool-aid!
Is it delicious with the power of Google?
Today’s word is:
natter natter natter!
I think today’s word is actually one that’s not allowed on broadcast television.
Hmm, all kinds of interesting photography today on Deadpan.
Still, “whooooa”, hey? hey? “whoooooa”?
Sometimes I’m too obscure for my own good.
Sometimes I’m Obscured by Clouds.
Cumulus or cirrus?
Enjoying Alphas so far!
It’s getting better. The first episode bored me to death. But I didn’t want to pull a Fox and give up on it after one episode, so I’m giving it a season. Not sure I’m going to give Falling Skies that long, I’m not seeing improvement…
Yeah it’s not to bad, killing off the CIA guy was strange though, there was some hints in the pilot episode there was more to him than meets the eye..
Sorry to say I pulled a Fox. I watched one episode of Alphas and was way less than impressed. About a minute into the second episode, I threw my hands up in frustration and deleted the series from my DVR. I might try again if people keep saying it’s getting better and if it doesn’t get cancelled.
I’ve received a few wonderful bits of content in the past week. I still think it would be wise to release the first HH Palooza this week, but I think the next episode after that will need to feature this stuff.
I feel the need to share this:
LostRalph mowed my lawn and bought me Frangelico.
I’m so fricken spoiled at this point that the phrase “spare the rod” comes to mind…
Yesterday as I got off the train, the heavens opened up, people in their summer clothes ran for cover, me with waterproof coat on, walked slowly home, giggling at the sheep.
aaaand speakning of “Well done” (but not fun), I got this note from a friend today –
“FYI, got a new iPhone today. Apparently leaving mine in the car while I go inside the secured facilities was killing it. it had recorded an internal temperature of 155-dge F. ouch…”
I just started in a new department and will be inside a secured facility as early as Friday. Being Florida in the summer, I’ve had similar worries about leaving my phone in the car all day. Might buy a small cooler or something just to keep the phone from getting too hot during the day.
They really should have a “device check room” at those places. Like in the old west when you had to check your gun at the door to the saloon.
I’m on droid, but I could argue points for both because I have an iTouch and I might be moving to the iPhone when my contracts up since Verizon has that option now.
I’m leaning toward iPhone because I love my laptop and iPod . . . I’ve never had a smartphone before.
Well I’m biased towards the iphone, mainly because I like the games (I have more games on my iPhone than audio tracks).
You know how sometimes you see or meet a woman so attractive that it actually makes you angry? That’s how I feel about this album.
Cannot. Wait.
I am also excited!
I am excited at your excitement!
I may have peed a little.
What were we talking about?
CW: Rescue Me
Well, there’s another couple of years to tack on until retirement. I thought getting this debt ceiling thing taken care of was supposed to get us a rebound after last week’s big slide.
Who told you that and why would you believe it?
This entire congress is getting an overhaul.
Turns out we woke up this morning and the market suddeny realized that all of this spending cutting actual HURTS economic recovery.
Will none of these clowns EVER consult a history book?
Never fear though, this is a good buying opportunity for the market and it shall be on it’s merry way again soon. The disconnect between the market and the economy is quite strong. Just reading where corporations are now sitting on 2 Trillion dollars cash! All recovered in just the last 2 years.
So patents grasshopper … while you may yet find yourself in an unemployment line, your 401k should be chugging ahead again soon.
… and no, I DON’T know if that is a glass half full or half empty outlook. :
What kind of patents should I look into?
/lovingly snarky comment
patent leather
Rich Corinthian leather.
btw – happy WiFi day. You’ll have to wait 100 years for the next one.
I feel sexually harassed and denigrated after reading that.
Would you like a tissue?
Hey JOe,
I checked out your “Plot Device” link yesterday and I thought it was pretty funny. Amazing what a small group of people can create these days.
Speaking of, everyone should listen/download the cover of Pink Floyd’s “Hey You” by the Six String Bliss forum. I already made a post about it on Facebook, but I know a few of you are FB adverse, you know who you are. 😉
I think J.R. would enjoy that. And in the spirit of the Hitchhikers Guild’s use of improbable events, did you know that Andrea used to work with one of the founders of Six String Bliss? Strange eh?
And they had a bowl of petunias in their office.
and they had a whale of a good time.
No whale though.
Someone must have forgotten to press the button.
No hobo humpin slobo babe?
I get it.
Stuck in my head, fucker!
This is the time of day when I post something despondent and cranky.
Along those lines, I heard the new Garmen GPS voices that were made available today – Yoda and Darth Vader.
Very funny … for a while.
I keep my GPS on the Brit lady because the American always sounds so judgmental when I don’t follow her instructions. She’s like harsh “RECalculating! Ugh” Whereas the nice Brit lady is all “Aw sweetie, you made a turn I didn’t tell you about, tsk tsk, let me tell you how to get back on track there.”
or … well, she says “Recalculating” in a nicer tone anyway.
I tend to tell my tomtom to be more patient, it always seems to be impatient when it gives me directions.
Tomtom: “Turn left now”
Me: “I’ll turn left when I’m ready to”
I ordered the GPS with the Bobcat Goldthwaite voice.
Because you aren’t stressed out enough already? You need driving stress?
That’s funny because mine is Gilbert Gottfried.
Our Tom Tom has Yoda’s voice.
Thanks for the phone links, Van!
From the weather channel:
“Through 3am: Showers and thunderstorms ending around 10pm.”
I have nothing profound to say.
I too lack profundity.
Goodnight :ummmmm…:
A perfect day to see Bad Bosses then, Cap America will have to wait till the weekend.
Really, don’t we deal with enough bad bosses already?
OK. The “Hair” parody about Black Holes is BRILLIANT! Where did it come from?
Okay, point of clarification? In “The Restaurant at the End of the Universe” the planet they leave Marvin stranded on, eventually in the carpark, where Milliways is. Is that Ursa Minor Beta or one of the Frogstar planets?
Okay, wiki seems to say it is Frogstar B. I knew it was not Magrathea like on TV. I just get confused as to whether the Frogstar attack was real or simulated.
Ooops! posted on the old show. Anyone still watching Falling Skies?
I didn’t start but I don’t have access to my TIVO right now 🙁
Also, thanks Jack for #212! w00t!
Brand new Pan is brand new! The best part of waking up, is Mangan in my cup;.
Cause otherwise that’s gross.
Amy: That’s the Psychedelic Furs song “Love My Way”.
EssBee: Yes, I’m still watching Falling Skies. I’m not really sure why, but….
Yeah, episode 5 is sitting on my hacked Wii and I feel no inclination to boot it up.
It was better than the previous episode, but I really don’t feel anything for the characters. On the other hand, I have to give them some credit for killing people off.
How can we have a ladies only Deadpan? 🙂
A bit of friendly advice ditto, don’t call Essbee a lady..I’m just saying…
Cj, TEB, and I could do a great ladies-only Deadpan! And it would be even better if Dre, Desdemina, and (as Vanamonde pointed out, depending on whether they consider themselves ‘ladies’) EssBee and Sly B were involved!
Darcy said she’d phone something in, given a particular topic…
The movie was ‘Horrible Bosses’ (doh!), I laughed, that’s good.
I had this beer, Tread Lightly Ale, the other night, and I really enjoyed it.
It didn’t really taste like beer to me: more like a dry apple cider with a hint of orange. It’s worth trying.
Ooh! Makes me wanna try it! I love beer that doesn’t taste like beer! That’s my favorite kind of beer! :tongue:
Not so much for the story but the comments:
Reading the HD Nazi comments make me wish for Nuclear Armageddon.
I upgraded my cables on my Wii to double the resolution when I replaced the old television with a 37″ HD one. But I still stream via the XBOX 360 in all it’s HD glory. 🙂
I use my PS3. My 360 is noisy as hell.
^Good call. The newer 360’s are pretty quiet.
You all never cease to renew my faith in myself on why I couldnt give two fucks about HD. 😉
But Van, the Emergency Broadcast Network signal for the nuclear armageddon will be so much crisper and clearer for those with HD TVs.
You might even be able to read the words telling you to make a run for the basement.
Morning, Pan. I’ll have to have a listen later today.
Work has arrived… or I’ve arrived at work?
Something like that.
“Fucks” are too valuable currency to be given away. Still like my HD though. 🙂
Not to be confused with “shits”
And you don’t want *that* in HD!
I was going to say that when you take a whiz, you’re streaming in HD 3D.
If you look too closely, you are going to hurt your eyes. 😉
Umm, so not exactly cheating (as it was unintentional), but if Jack posts the first comment for a new show and you reply to that comment, it makes it look like you were first ‘official’ comment of the week..last week it was actual Lejon.
Correct! My bad.
Baby black holes…
lmfao asap pdq.
Oh yeah, LostRalph (and everyone):
The two songs heard in this ep can be found here:
Used with permission.
I really like the black hole one
CW: warehouse 13 S3E1
2 minutes in and do I see a new guy?
qwerty-somethings! best phrase for this generation.
…really! your being very obvious with the commercial…
Ah, but of course, no matter how clever you think you are, Google reveals that there’s already someone else out there who’s thought of it first. Alas.
CP: Everything Counts — Depeche Mode
FYI for those that played Mass Effect 2 on the 360: There’s a 50% off sale on DLC this week.
^Might have to partake.
I’m really digging this guy’s 2 new albums. Brilliant interview here too:
Thanks for turning me on to his stuff. Its real nice. Real nice.
Ok, Fallen Skies got a bit more interesting with the bad guy from the first Mission Impossible movie coming one the scene.
Skies fall, everyone dies.
Including the deadpan.
Well, that’s cheerful.
Maybe everyone is just playing hide and seek then?
Life… don’t talk to me about life… brain the size of a planet…
What can you tell me about deadpans then? I’m very interested in learning more.
Yeah! I fuckin LOVE me some Tupac.
*waits for it*
For that, I refer you to the Ambassador….
…. Amy…. ?
For what?
Van, you make me giggle.
RE: Falling Skies – I’m enjoying it!
“Thanks for turning me on to his stuff”
Watchie: http://FunnyOrDie.com/m/5wxt
You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry.
Oh its good!!!
And remember…its “Rick”, with a silent “P”
Isn’t that Rik?
CW: Eureka: S3E16. A clip show? Really? Don’t know why I would have thought you were above this.
Oh man. That’s too bad.
But, to be fair, you dont have to watch it.
A million crimes a day happen whether I watch them or not. My hope that Eureka would be above doing a clip show, and my subsequent let down, are exactly the same whether I watch the show or not. So, my not needing to watch it doesn’t make it fair any more than my not needing to watch a mugging on the street makes the act any less of a crime.
Also, you really don’t have to watch it.
Also yet another reason that Community is one of, if not the, best written shows on tv. Its “clip show” was utter glory.
On the other hand a well done clip show can be entertaing, and let them save money to do something super flashy later.
Agreed. Tho I do tend to take the stance against them. Not that I’d put them on the same level as being brutally assaulted on the street…
I’m not trying to put them on that level. Just saying that the ability to not watch the show doesn’t give the makers of the show a pass for shitty writing. If you don’t like the metaphor version of my argument, we can try the straight forward version. By saying “to be fair” I have to assume that you mean being fair to the writers of the show. Thus, You seem to be saying that because I can choose to not watch that episode, the writers for Eureka are just fine. And I disagree.
Right, who would ever recycle their old material in new episodes?
*starts slow clap*
Ralph how the hell is the desert treating you?
From LR: So far so good Lo, haven’t had a chance to go beer hunting yet. Planning on doing that this weekend.
I read that as “deer hunting”. And I was both shocked and awed.
I have to disagree with you Jack, Firefly/Serenity kicks classic Star Wars’s ass.
I love you…. but thats not even close to being true.
Seriously, LostRalph tried to type that while on my laptop and it refused to let him. My laptop would never allow such a thing to be typed into the window of its soul or the window of its Deadpan URL.
LOL!!! 😆
Just wait until Joss makes the Firefly prequel – – where he explains that all of River’s powers come from midichlorians.
And Jayne didn’t shoot first…ever.
Of course not… If the other guy never shoots, then your shot isn’t “first” so much as “only.”
And it understands that its not as good a show as it thinks it is.
*slinks away*
Since you guys really seemed to enjoy the first one, here’s another video of Amy W. not standing still while singing:
And good morning!
Cool AND Ha!
“We do not eat the Space Shuttle…”
Just love it, stroke it. Muhaha Muhahaha Muhahahaha!!!!!
Jack… Reaper’s scaring me…
mission accomplished!
*hides under box and waits for unsuspecting passers by*
Well at least the tumbleweeds look happy.
CP: Ashes to Ashes — David Bowie
crap it was just a tumbleweed
Was it a scary tumbleweed?
I think it was an evil tumbleweed
I see Reaper’s in full-on fright mode today.
Don’t fear the Reaper.
Does a cowbell protect you from the Reaper? Like a crucifix with a vampire?
In a way. It makes me rock out and yell for more cow bell!
I have a fever…
I’m not going to check it and see…
Goddamn do I see what you did there….
He’s got a fever of 103.
Too far… thats too much Foreigner. You know better.
*slaps hand*
Sorry. It was Urgent.
Youre really giving me Double Vision
No, but a game of Twister might.
Don’t want to get Lo hot blooded.
Seriously, that could cause him to have double vision.
I thought he was cold as ice?
Goddamn Dirty White Boy
Oh! Ya beat me to it!
Then he’d see two juke box heroes.
He just wants to know what love is.
Is it time for a change up?
^There ain’t no such thing.
I cant go for that.
Stars in his eyes, or rage maybe.
You and your head games.
I refuse to click on a link with that name in it because I know he’s prettier than me :tongue:
I must to take some advil. Ughmonster. Why does my head hurt? Grumble grown frown.
Too bad you can’t buy those from Acme. You can only get anvils there. 😉
You can’t trust a klutz like me to be anywhere near anvils. I surely will drop them on my piano.
I just wanna know what love it
DAMN! you win….
LostRalph definitely wins.
Except then there is this one.
NSFW … but I am hoping that someone here can explain WTF!
I just made applesauce in my pants.
Wow. That really is WTF?
I just watched again and was able to make more applesauce in my pants.
Cept this time its cinnamon.
CP: Sea Talk — Zola Jesus
Sweet Jesus
Were they more high pitched in the 70’s do you think?
Yeah I think due to global warming, balls are dropping earlier now.
Helium was cheaper.
Not any more..
I saw Mr Big open for Rush back in the 90s. Had no idea Mr Big has been around nearly as long as Rush. I just assumed they were a newer group because they were an opening act.
“Time for Change”, Bobby Brady?
THATS iiiT*cough*
Dont look at*crack* me! It was*crack* Peter!
Time for some class:
Moova moova…
They used to play this one at school discos:
I had forgotten this song. Awesome!
A decided “hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?” to this.
*furrows brow and plays again*
There is a new Thundercats tv show, and it will have a 1 hour season premiere…
Looks like is has potential. Not being the worlds biggest Thundercats fan I look forward to being able to watch without nostalgia… for once.
Hi guys and dolls! How be we?
Doing good, and just thinking that I needed yours and Lo Pan’s opinion on this list.
From the beers I know it looks pretty good, more IPAs and lagers than I prefer though.
Well… since you asked…;)
The list seems so incomplete. Possibly because there’s so much out here to choose from. But here’s a few opinions:
Summer – I would replace the Sweaty Betty with Upslope’s Craft Lager. Its by far my favorite summer beer this year.
Autumn – Again, Upslope is denied. I wonder if the columnist mistakenly skipped them due to their newness in the craft market. Upslope’s Brown Ale makes Ellie’s taste like Coors. I’d also replace the Cutthroat Porter with either New World Porter from Avery. Tho thats splitting hairs, its just a matter of taste there
Winter – My fav time of beer year. Take out Lefthand’s Milk Stout and replace with Breckenridge Oatmeal. Add Yeti Oaked Chocolate to the list as well as Oscar Blues’ Gubna IPA. I would also be tempted to put Oscar’s Gordon Red in place of Odell’s red. Dont forget the Mephistoples Stout. Clearly the writer did.
Spring – The Ranger IPA is a terrible beer. Dont do it. So is the Mothership Wit, tho to be fair I dont drink Wits. Looking over the Spring choices, the only beer I like is the ESB Special Ale. Honestly, I’d take Pale Moon over most of them and that’s a Coors product. Try the Stranger IPA from Lefthand, Avery’s Collaboration Not Litigation Ale, or Great Divide’s Scotch Ale.
Another Friday night and I ain’t got nobody.
I got some money and ’cause I just got paid.
How I wish I had …
wait, that supposed to be “Another Saturday night” isn’t it?
Okay, never mind.
I’m going to go open an End of the Road Brewery’s “Uber Heffe” and continue cleaning my garage.
How you be? How the west be?
Hey look it’s LEGO D&D.
We should all head over and help J0e with his garage. (He has beer)
How EssBee be?
I’ll bring the lethargic!
I’m extremely depressed on the reviews/word of mouth so far for Cowboys and Aliens.
Tomorrow is Cap America. Lookin’ very forward.
I’m just hoping for entertaining. 🙁
Getting the band back together to go see that tomorrow night (C&A) really hoping it is better than all that.
fuck you :ftb:
My post wasn’t spam.
maybe it came in a can?
maybe it came in a jar?
Maybe it was wearing socks?
When it came?
My…. god…
make . it . stop
This is borderline brilliance
BTW: All our drinks contain at least 1.5 ounces of liquor.
Ralph fed me wine and other alcohol and now I want a bubble wrap app and the one i found sucks. Anyone know a better one? I wanna pop bubble wrap.
Make sure it’s for android please…
He’s so serious as he pours more wine in my cup “Make sure it’s for android please…”
soooo serious!
Wish this were available online. Our PBS station carried this show for a while, my dad & I watched it together. Our family has always been sort of… Canadiphiles? Don’t know if there is a word for it.
Watched the pilot episode of Warehouse 13 tonight, think I recognized a Toronto neighborhood I stayed in for a couple weeks in there…
I get that feeling with the original ‘Get Carter’ movie.
They are currently demolishing the iconic carpark that featured in that movie.
Goodnight :Carter:
A little behind, just listened to the episode. Loved it! Loved the rant about this generation. And loved that my comment got read. First time!
It was a very good cross section of “random” Deadpanites…
Saw Captain America last night at the drive-in. Note to self: VW bugs are not that comfortable for sitting in at the drive-in.
What’s a little discomfort to looking cool…
I’ve heard it said the back of a VW is a very uncomfortable place…
I get it.
“Like in the back of a VW Bug?”
Notice my lack of response to the back seat comments 🙂
Well you said you try to be a lady..
Would love to help out with a ladies-only episode. And yes, I do try to be a lady. Most of the time. Not sure what to do, though.
So is Jack going to talk in falsetto for the ladies-only episode?
..and whatever the female equivalent of a fake beard is..
But will it match the curtains?
Snap x 2!
…and just to hammer home the reference:
Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah..
i too want to offer props on this episode.
Really enjoyed it Jack!
ditto there’s stuff for you on Dropbox.
Excellent. Thanks.
I’ll get Scott Sigler to do his female character voice for the ladies’ night Deadpan.
He has two: Little Girl’s Voice (e.g., Chelsea Jewell) and Woman’s Voice (e.g., Margaret Montoya). It would be awesome to hear either or both of them in the ladies’ episode of the Deadpan. :happy:
Oh, yeah, and the post-production-processed voice he uses for the Sklorno football players. Three different voices. *fantasizes* That would be so cool, to have a Deadpan segment in which all Scott’s female characters met each other…
My misspent Photon youth has come alive again on Facebook.
It was far from misspent. It taught you the life lessons that you wove into your excellent essay on Podtaint. 🙂
Hey guys – sorry to ask how you was and split. I am good. Sly B, my dad, and I went to this this morning:
They launched about 10 minutes from where I grew up/where my folks live. Twas fun.
I think Lo Pan gave you all much more feedback on the beer list than I ever could have! Gubna x 1,000 for me. We picked up a Sam Adams summer mixer pack on the way here, btw, and I love their East West Kolsch. I’m excited for 5 o’clock to hit (it’s a rule I have to fool myself . . . ) so I can try the Saison.
Just listening to NPR’s “The Splendid Table” and they interviewed 2 guys that just wrote a book about homebrewing … they specifically talked about their Saison.
I drooled.
Rules can be good. That launch sounds cool, EssBee!
And our timing is impeccable. I have no idea what this beer tastes like, but with a name and can label artwork like that, how could you not love “Gandhi-bot”?
I NEED the Gandhi-bot can for my collection. Guess I’ll have to suck it up and deal with a pale ale. They are way to bitter for me, but there are times it’s worth the effort. And don’t give me any “to be fair, you don’t have to drink it” crap Lo :biggrin: Pouring beer down the drain is a crime, and I’m simply not a criminal :drevil:
I will now go root through my beer shelter for something that won’t knock me on my butt. Though, I’m not sure I actually brew anything like that.
A flaw I am thinking of addressing.
Also – going to see Cowboys & Aliens tonight.
Wish me luck.
Went with an End of the Road Brewery’s “Bock”.
I figured, half of a 20oz bottle wouldn’t buzz me too much.
Took Ralph out in the sun and put him in a swimming pool. He seemed to enjoy it.
I just did the same with Eoin Colfer (well his HHG book, anyway).
Holy fuck is it hot in Arizona.
Holy fuck, are we meeting in an hour?
52 minutes.
If you are late, I get to smack you.
Have got this in your collection ditto?
Have a beat up copy. Regardless of condition its fucking awesome. And an oddly great read for the 70’s!
Crap you werent asking me were you? Mi dispiace.
*slinks away toward bathroom with Aliens comic*
I will remember to add you in future question.
Dont patronize me.
*kicks dirt*
Nope, I don’t.
Fox: (whisper) Iris, drop your spoon on the floor.
Me: Fox, I think I just heard you tell your sister to drop her spoon on the floor…
Fox: It was an accident, I meant to say I love you Iris.
*standing ovation*
Van I just picked this up at a yard sale for a dime. As a old skool video game connoisseur, thought youd get a kick out of it. Its…so very…um… early 80’s.
My reflexes at slowing though, I find a lot of 80’s games to be more difficult to play now than in the day.
-at +are
Captain America –
Liked it very. In the pantheon of the Avenger films I’d put well above Hulk/ Iron Man 2 and slightly below Thor. Definitely THE action super-hero film of the 3 Marvel films this year. Cheesy in parts, really powerful in parts (tho that pretty much defines Marvel). Chris Evans is actually fantastic and considering he was the only good part of the FF4 films that doesnt surprise. Hugo Weaving is good enough… but he could have been so much more. A bit of a disappointment considering its Hugo Fucking Weaving. Man, I cannot WAIT for Avengers.
I give kudos to Marvel for churning out so many of these “setting up for Avengers” movies and (for the most part) having them be extremely quality and entertaining.
Forgot how awful “Commando” is. Also forgot how much I enjoy every minute of it.
Next up – Stallone in “Cobra”
Cowboys & Aliens.
Well. Everyone else seemed to like it.
Me? I felt like they blew there entire budget hiring some big name actors and an actress that looks like Summer Glau. That apparently left them no money for stuff like “a script” and “editing”.
I realize that some pictures are just supposed to be “fun, summer romps” but if you want to be in that category you aren’t allowed to drag.
“Iron Man” was a fun summer romp. This picture … well, I’d wait and “Netflicks” it and from what I hear … go see “Captain America” instead.
But but but…
I want to like it! grrrr
Maybe you will like it.
It’s not a terrible movie. It just had potential to be a really good movie.
Maybe I’m just suffering buyer’s remorse because I don’t get to see that many films and I saw this instead of Captain America.
It was cool meeting LostRalph tonight! He’s a good guy. Good beers consumed too.
Good times. Thanks, Jack, for hanging out with us 🙂
P.S. Put Ralph to bed early. He’s had plenty of beer, this one.
Well morning Pan, off to see Captain America.
Well I’m with Lo on thus one, I enjoyed Captain America a lot.
Cool to think some of the gadgets used by Hydra were actually on the drawing or partly built by the Germans.
Hugo Weavering accent at times sounded like a bad Arnie impression.
Oh and if you wait till the credits have rolled, you get a cool trailer for the Avengers movie.
Morning Pan
In-laws still visiting but it’s month end so I’m stuck at my computer for a few hours today. Hubby will have to do hosting duties this morning
I enjoyed Captain America.
And in case I don’t make it on the Pan on Wednesday…
Those that know me know I all but worship my hubby. This Wednesday marks the best 15 years in my life. *raises glass* Here’s to my heart and soul.
Happy Anniversary TEBs
Dilbert occasionally hits home:
Damn bees are still finding a way into my house.
Hi pan, it’s been a while but Hugh and I were chillaxin and thought we would deadpan if you don’t mind?
err.. we have to download the episode first
please hold
please enjoy this while we prepare ourselves:
I heart Alison Mosshart
whats a qwerty?
of course Jack is a dark sith lord!
Hugh sez: swoon!
swoon indeed Hughie!
dark lords are hot
well, Han was hot too
out of the coffin podcast?
Hugh sez: Vampires?
I hope so!
the ambassador!
hugh sez: there goes her laptop
we forgive you Amy
computer king swoon!
Hugh sez: there is way too much swooning going on
baby black balls?
Baby black holes
Hugh sez: that was just wrong, Dre.
if you are sucked by what?
this is kinda dirty
Hugh sez: I want to be sucked so
after deadpan baby
Hugh sez: yay!
Dear younger generation
Dear next generation
great song!
I hate anime
Jack doesn’t eat the bowl, he eats the cereal in the bowl
Doogie MD!
I hate lady gaga
she is not anything of Madonna
I hate Facebook
I hate Twitter
I love that car commercial I believe it was, where the girl was talking about how she asked her parents to join to twitter so they can have a social life and she was making fun of them for only having 19 friends and she had 700 and something. Her parents were out enjoying life in whatever car was being advertised and she was sitting on her computer watching dumb videos someone posted.
I hate facebook.
I’m a geezer
Hugh sez: I a bigger geezer
mohawks are for cute hot boys I want to date!
Hugh sez: I better get a mohawk before she finds a cute hot mohawked boy to date. I AM a geezer!!!
40-something geezer Hugh sans mohawk > anyone else, even cute hot mohawked boys
hugh sez: swoon!
final points
1. Star wars trilogy rules
2. Reality TV “stars: ARE NOT STARS THEY ARE IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. internet porn is not how sex really works (its so so so SOOOOOO much better than that)
4. you are getting way more sex then we used to
5. get off my lawn!
6. podcasting IS a relative medium
7. Laugh at me if you must
what tha?
Hugh sez: Pluto is a planet god-dammit!!
you can’t take my planets away more me
My Very Educated MOther Just Served Us Nine Pizzas
how can they break that up?
My Very Educated MOther Just Served Us Nectarines?
Thats not right
I love when I type totally wrong words. What are my hands thinking is happening?
Or is my brain just fucking with my hands and sending them a different word then my mouth wants to say?
sorry PLUto! Maybe you should be more organis-ED
Hugh sez: Yeah, dog, yeah
smurf it to me baby
Hugh sez: swoon! Smurf me mama
climb into my spoon!
YOU are pretty cool Jackamo
Lost Ralph is drunk on someones beauty
CJ – get glue inventor is a deadpan lurker
what was that Deadpan reference in the latest Dresden book Hughie?
Hugh sez: ah, fuck! I can’t remember either..
Jim Butcher is a closet Deadpanite. I swear it!
They are in downtown Chicago, kick some ass, then go to a Denny’s to refuel
there is no Denny’s in downtown Chicago
He just wanted to put in a Deadpan shoutout, I knows he did.
Hugh sez: are you sure there is no Denny’s near enough to Downtown Chicago that they conceivably could of taken a cab there easily?
nope, they had no reason to go all the way out to the west suburbs to get to the closet Denny’s when there are restaurants they could of gotten a really fucking good breakfast no matter what time of day or night it was right next to them
Jim Butcher was trying to let us Deadpanites know he is one of us
Jim Butcher IS a deadpanite I say it is so
Hugh sez: I agree
Jack you should get him to do an interview with you. how frickin cool would that be!!!!!!!!
by the way Essbee if you read this (or any other Dresden book readers here), the new Dresden is fucking fantastic. I’m almost done, Hugh finished it.
It is so good I am trying to prolong the end. Hugh is irritated because he wants me to be done so he can talk about the end.
not a duplicate post
Lost Ralph – is drunk on someones beauty
Hugh sez: it must be yours
dre sez: swoon, you stop hughie *blush*
CJ – get glue inventor is a deadpan lurker
Van – original game with new paint
Van – don’t burst before “the package”
DJ bunny – only half hour to movie
JB: 2001
Desdomenia – Diet dr pepper and ccapt morgan
hugh-n-dre: Deadpan movies
lopan: correct
first: vanamonde – email to Ed
hockey things
you guys still owe for the hockey anthems!!??!??!
get with it!!
What was up with vancouver freaking out cuz they lost?
Hugh sez: yeah in chicago we riot when we win, it makes so much more sense
you fuckers pay up!!!
I am afraid of the canadians
smooth like buttah
oooo, we flipped the page
the ambassador!
song on her radio… I cannot hear it
Amy bowen. out.
lost ralph is in Phoenix ignoring Jackamo?
shame on you lostralph!
diarrhea podcasting
skeksis is getting to our Jackamo 🙁
Hugh sez: I’ll come take them out for you, man. Just call me.
Deadpan is the motherfucking way
mom is calling me
My mommy is traveling to Jack’s hometown to see where Deadpan all started
actually she is traveling to Jersey to see her newest grandson
he is so flipping cute!!!
I am now an auntie x2 from my family
Hugh sez: it’s about time your family step up, my family has made us aunt/uncle to about 300 kids. I can’t even remember all their names in my old age
Hugh had a senior moment yesterday. He kept calling 1 kid different names til he got it right 🙂 it was hilarious. all the kids were laughing.
and once again this is not a duplicate comment
fucktardbot: 2
hugh-n-dre: 0
Jack wants content
I should do an earbuds
Jack’s voice is cracking, is he hitting puberty?
Oh shit
Hugh’s brother is here with his sister to get us
we will finish up this last 6 minutes later today sometime
Did my voice crack? Is it time for change?
(Again with that joke)
LostRalph and I saw Smurfs today. 8:45am showing. My favorite. I think he still likes me even though I dragged him to a kids’ movie this early.
We then went shopping and LR made me sandwich. NOM NOM NOM.
I’m spoiled and may become rotten at this point.
Sandwiches made by someone else always taste better than mine!
Last night was awesome, finally got a chance to talk to Jack, Evo, Sheila, and Debbie. Also enjoyed some really good beer. Sierra Nevada’s saison is very delicious and I recommend it to anyone else who likes saisons.
I hear that Jack fella is overrated…
*gives Jack awkward bear hug*
Oh and Smurfs wasn’t that bad.
I salute you sir, even with onions in the fire I couldn’t be dragged to that one.
You be a better man than I, LR.
I do wonder (and since you saw it you can answer)- did NPH and Hank Azaria save the film for you? Or were they just along for the paycheck?
Hank Azaria definitely seemed to be along for the check. Although he was definitely a good choice for Gargamel. NPH had some good moments.
Oh and you have to remember I’ve had to sit through the later Land Before Time movies and similar kids movies, I have a fairly high tolerance for not bad. This is not a movie to see unless you have kids to take, obviously.
I’d like to note that I offered LR the option to NOT go with us. He’s just that awesome that he did.
Hank Azaria was pretty clownish, and having not seen any original Smurf shows or anything, I just assumed he was taking it deliberately from the original character. NPH is good at not being portrayed as an idiot. And the girlie from Glee who played his wife is adorable. I actually really enjoy seeing her on anything.
Hooray for he HnD PBP !!!
I have felt so incomplete without them.
They are my density.
FirstDrinkoftheDay: Avery Brewing Co. “Eighteen” Dry Hopped Rye Saison – Anniversary Edition
Speaking of Saisons, LR…
Yessss, I want to try that beer since I heard of it in June, unfortunately Avery is no longer selling in Arizona or Oklahoma…
I cant believe theyre not selling anymore. As per usual, you lemme know whatchu want. I’ll oblige.
Of all the films to battle C&A for #1 this week, I never thought it would be the Smurfs. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that Cap America will be back in #2 or even #1 next weekend.
Nevermind. The Apes are gonna rule supreme next weekend.
I cant believe Attack the Block is barely showing. I cant find any theater in the state carrying it.
Good Sunday on the Hugh’n Dre Pan, and the Lo Pan, too.
Just got back in town from my 20th high school reunion. I wasn’t feeling terribly old before I went to it 🙂
We did see Cowboys vs. Aliens yesterday and quite enjoyed it. I’m sure I don’t want to think too much about the plot, but it was a fun summer ride and tried to do something original.
CW: the new thundercats première.
I can only stand watching the old series for about a minutes, 20 minutes in and this one is ahead of the game.
Then its already won.
you rang?
And, now it’s time to run over to the old house and do some yard work….100°F in the afternoon yard work.
We want to see Captain America for sure.
Smurfs we will not be seeing
Won’t go see Planet of The Apes either
little known hugh-n-dre factoid: dre is scared of and disgusting by monkeys. I cannot see this movie. I have never been able to go the see the monkeys at the zoo. I admit to disliking monkeys. I know this makes no sense, but it is true.
Hugh sez: I wonder if planet of the apes is why you hate monkeys
hmmm.. maybe. My brothers did watch that all the time and i would always leave the room
That and AIDS and Ebola were both originated in monkeys
they will be the death of the human race I guarantee it
last 6.5ish minutes of deadpan:
Deadpan kids episode!!
I prefer babes.. the babes of deadpan
Yes! I would do something for a ladies only deadpan. I just might need to be emailed if this gets organized since I am not on here enough. Or Jack you can let me know when it gets set up. 🙂
near future stuff
closing music and getting the fuck out of here
fuck-bombs = good
hugh-n-dre is Jack coming back after the music game™
Featuring Hugh-n-dre
Hugh sez: Jack is coming back after the music
dre sez: he aint!
good night qwerty-somethings
bloodwine 2.0
crappy living room recording
goodnight mush
ohhhhh vannnnamonde!
awwww, its pretty! I likey!!!
Hugh sez: she always gets swoony over the musicians. Why didn’t I go into music?
Musicians and stock brokers are equally swoony
Hugh sez: in all seriousness, Jack this song is really good
We need to add it to our Jack Mangan playlist. Jack will you send it to me?
you know why rockstars are so sexy? Their nimble fingers swooon!
Hugh sez: you should see the finger work I can do on my ipad baby! Thats so sexy shit!
This is very pretty Jack. I want to know what you were thinking when you wrote it.. not that you have to tell me
beautiful. We loved it. 🙂
Jack DIDNOT come back after the music (I almost got fooled by my itunes shuffling to the next track again- this time it went to track 1 of the Spin Nevermind tribute album)
Dre wins!!!!!!!!
Alrighty paniacs, have a good night
I’m going to go make us some dinner and prepare for True Blood viewing. And as we always like to go against the grain of things, we are not beer drinkers but will be having a lovely new wine we recently discovered.
nighty night!
CW: Latest Torchwood
Bored now.
The new series has more padding than the cells of an insane asylum.
Dunno what you expected. “Children of Earth” was a small and flickering bright spot in the otherwise sea of complete shit that is Torchwood.
Hope springs eternal.
It really does. But the spring usually ends up all over your face and you feel disgusting afterwords.
To be fair tho I actually expected more out of it too.
I could turn the sound off and just watch Captain Jack. Just sayin’…
I like Torchwood, but I’m partial to Gwen.
Dre, looking forward to the new Dresden, but still have about 800 pgs of GRR Martin still. Torchwood for us tonight too!
Agreed with the Gwen
Yes, I know.
Do you? DOOO YOOOOU???
IMPORTANT: You are NOT 21… you are NOT
Now go here and be NOT 21 yet. kthxbai.
I won’t spoil it. Good lord.
The lord had nothin to do with it… but its brilliant regardless of.
Its possible I’m addicted to Soap. Not the cleansing kind, since we all know I dont take showers, but the fucking wonderful sitcom that aired from 1977 to 1981. Man is that some well written chortles and guffaws.
“Prepare your lips for the ding ding.”
Must not get pulled in to snacks n shit……
Its worth it.
Goodnight :weight on Van’s mind:
Wee doggie – not 21 indeed.
My geeky thing for the day:
Installed iTransmission (bitorrent client) on my jailbroken ipad.
Downloaded an episode of the new Futurama and watched it on the iPad in Videolan.
Move along now..
Bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon.
the best part of waking up?
Is actually waking up.
is going back to sleep?
Sweet smoke taste!
Mushroom, mushroom.
good perspective:
Thats how my shower works:
Last night’s beer = “Destroyer of worlds”.
Digging through the back of my beer shelter, I found a case of “La Fin Du Monde”, this is a homebrew clone of Unibroue’s triple Belgium style ale.
I had shoved it in a corner because it was kind of a disappointment.
That was a year ago.
That was when it had an ABV of 8.7
It has continue to ferment since then. A lot.
The beer is now QUITE tasty but just one 20oz bottle and I was rendered non-functional. This morning has arrived with a massive hangover.
What am I going to do with a case of this stuff?
I think that this fall I shall attempted to ship some –
“contains yeast samples Caution, contains liquid in glass !!”
And see how that works out. Right now, given the heat, I suspect we would achieve inter-shipping detonation. This would make everyone involved, very very sad.
Is that blacker than a very black thing?
It’s beerier then a very beery thing.
I was expecting something called ‘destroyer of worlds’ not to be amber in colour.
You could also share local. Invite over a friend or two and you can split a bottle.
Like a ten ton. . . heavy thing.
Work has arrived or is it me that has arrived at work?
Happy Monday!
I’m not really here but I have a quick question. I’ve been ignoring a linked-in from a Fred Duarte for a while now. However the name seems familiar. Before I actually hit “ignore” on Linked in – is it any of you?
Now… Back to month end and in-laws.
I don’t know him.
Well, he just got “ignored” If he still wants to be my friend he can let me know who he is.
I don’t know the name either. I need to go through my Google + and block everyone I don’t know. Though I’m not using the service yet, I don’t like being followed by people I don’t know. It seems like G+ doesn’t really give you the option to deny someone access other than through the “block” feature or individual post settings. Meh. Not sure I’ll use it at all, though my job kinda requires that I know this stuff. (more than kinda)
It’s like Twitter in that regard. Anyone can see what you post, but you only see the posts of people you choose.
I’ll probably wait as long with G+ as I did with Facebook.
I was betting on 2013 for you Jack.
Umm, I’ll get my coat.
And here I was gonna hold my breath.
I’m still avoiding Facebook for at least the rest of the year.
It will take that long for my divorce to be final.
I do like G+ so far other than the one person following me with nearly 4000 people in there circles.
but I also do just about everything through Gmail.
Oh look, more Kool-aid!
Is it delicious with the power of Google?
Today’s word is:
natter natter natter!
I think today’s word is actually one that’s not allowed on broadcast television.
Sadly no sign of ancient technologies:
Now we just need a space ship shaped like a triangle to blast it with.
I.Want.This. http://x.co/Yd6L
I’d advise against playing the Gwar Monopoly game.
Crap. Out of cash. I better mortgage Ragnarok
Fenris says no.
I do like monopoly…
zomg. Teenage pictures of me have emerged on FB. Can you guys see those on my profile?
zomg. Can I please go back and have a long conversation with that kid?
Hehe, found them.
No room service. Just snacks and shit.
And Ke$ha
Why must you betray me?
You deserve this,
Well good for her . . .
But him…. I cry for him…
Oooh I can’t wait to get home now!
Pray you get stuck in traffic
Jack! Great pictures!!
Jack was a hottie even then.
Hmm, all kinds of interesting photography today on Deadpan.
Still, “whooooa”, hey? hey? “whoooooa”?
Sometimes I’m too obscure for my own good.
Sometimes I’m Obscured by Clouds.
Cumulus or cirrus?
Enjoying Alphas so far!
It’s getting better. The first episode bored me to death. But I didn’t want to pull a Fox and give up on it after one episode, so I’m giving it a season. Not sure I’m going to give Falling Skies that long, I’m not seeing improvement…
Yeah it’s not to bad, killing off the CIA guy was strange though, there was some hints in the pilot episode there was more to him than meets the eye..
Sorry to say I pulled a Fox. I watched one episode of Alphas and was way less than impressed. About a minute into the second episode, I threw my hands up in frustration and deleted the series from my DVR. I might try again if people keep saying it’s getting better and if it doesn’t get cancelled.
I’ve received a few wonderful bits of content in the past week. I still think it would be wise to release the first HH Palooza this week, but I think the next episode after that will need to feature this stuff.
I feel the need to share this:
LostRalph mowed my lawn and bought me Frangelico.
I’m so fricken spoiled at this point that the phrase “spare the rod” comes to mind…
er, Umm.
I suspect I may be mildly evil.
Yesterday as I got off the train, the heavens opened up, people in their summer clothes ran for cover, me with waterproof coat on, walked slowly home, giggling at the sheep.
Did you hold your pinky to your lip?
Goodnight 👿
Possibly the funniest moment on the Simpsons:
Nice take on an old fairy tale:
Very good story Van, thanks for the link.
that’s how it’s done!
Welcome to where time stands still,
No one leaves and no one will.
I should know better than to listen to Metallica on the way in here.
Speaking of “time stand still” – – holy crap, it’s quiet here today. 😐
no one here but us tumbleweeds!
I’m having lunch here today: http://www.azculinary.com/
With my co-workers… I’m excited!!! I love eating at the culinary institute… it’s like a yummy adventure!
So at the cinema, waiting for Holy Rollers to start.
They maybe ripoffs of actual propaganda posters but they still look cool:
those posters are beautiful.
Van, those are brilliantly done.
Fucking sigh!
^Those are the best kind of sighs!
The exception is when Skeksis are involved.
(Yikes, avoid that image)
^Too late.
You can sigh that again.
Sighing fuck!
I don’t think a comment is required. that just awesome
just … wow.
short film
A nebulous ‘hmmm’ on Holy Rollers.
I’d never even heard of Holy Rollers. Did I already post a link to this one?
No moar food please.
So if my other short film link was too, too for you … give this one a try.
Not a new idea but well done and fun.
aaaand speakning of “Well done” (but not fun), I got this note from a friend today –
“FYI, got a new iPhone today. Apparently leaving mine in the car while I go inside the secured facilities was killing it. it had recorded an internal temperature of 155-dge F. ouch…”
I just started in a new department and will be inside a secured facility as early as Friday. Being Florida in the summer, I’ve had similar worries about leaving my phone in the car all day. Might buy a small cooler or something just to keep the phone from getting too hot during the day.
They really should have a “device check room” at those places. Like in the old west when you had to check your gun at the door to the saloon.
Sorry J0e, I don’t feel safe to watch any videos while at work. Sadly, not even this one:
I’ll check all 3 tonight.
Hey guys, got a tech question for ya:
iPhone? Or Android?
I’m on droid, but I could argue points for both because I have an iTouch and I might be moving to the iPhone when my contracts up since Verizon has that option now.
I’m leaning toward iPhone because I love my laptop and iPod . . . I’ve never had a smartphone before.
Well I’m biased towards the iphone, mainly because I like the games (I have more games on my iPhone than audio tracks).
If you can, go to a shop and have a play with both types of phones and see what feels right for you.
Lo Pan and other lovers of great music:
You know how sometimes you see or meet a woman so attractive that it actually makes you angry? That’s how I feel about this album.
Cannot. Wait.
I am also excited!
I am excited at your excitement!
I may have peed a little.
What were we talking about?
CW: Rescue Me
Well, there’s another couple of years to tack on until retirement. I thought getting this debt ceiling thing taken care of was supposed to get us a rebound after last week’s big slide.
Who told you that and why would you believe it?
This entire congress is getting an overhaul.
Turns out we woke up this morning and the market suddeny realized that all of this spending cutting actual HURTS economic recovery.
Will none of these clowns EVER consult a history book?
Never fear though, this is a good buying opportunity for the market and it shall be on it’s merry way again soon. The disconnect between the market and the economy is quite strong. Just reading where corporations are now sitting on 2 Trillion dollars cash! All recovered in just the last 2 years.
So patents grasshopper … while you may yet find yourself in an unemployment line, your 401k should be chugging ahead again soon.
… and no, I DON’T know if that is a glass half full or half empty outlook. :
What kind of patents should I look into?
/lovingly snarky comment
patent leather
Rich Corinthian leather.
btw – happy WiFi day. You’ll have to wait 100 years for the next one.
Jesus, I had to Google the shit out of this one.
“Chalupas fresh like pilates.”
Holy fuck…. I love this…
There’s a zombie on my lawn.
Tell it to go get you some good beer.
I thought there was good beer here already? Made by some sexy dude… what?
It is good, but you don’t any of it, which some would consider a problem…
I like the mead.
At least she likes the brewer, Ralph. That’s what matters.
Goodnight :micfeedbackscreeeeeech:
Speaking of patents, Lo, This American Life had a fascinating (but infuriating) piece on patents recently. I recommend it to all of you:
Also, good morning! I have a long early meeting with my boss’ boss, which will be ugh and head-desk.
BILLIONAIRE Physicist?????????????
Isnt that an oxymoron?
I caught that. Pretty amazing. Seems some folks out there need a good whup’n.
I did managed to miss the last 10 minutes though.
now there’s thinking!
… and it’s so “green”! (reduce, reuse, recycle)
good point why throw it away when you can use it again. best part no re-manufacturing
however beer through a straw? I have heard stories…
good point:
Awesome links this morning, reaper, as usual – – although Heineken isn’t all that preferable to Mr. Pibb.
Dammit! I didn’t watch any of the videos posted here last night.
thank you! and good point. I think just about any beer would be preferred to a Heine. I really don’t like that one much.
This morning is not my favorite. I don’t feel well. Boo hoo.
hmmm better than snakes on a plane I suppose: http://youtu.be/o0uyHgz6-NI
Talk about bending over backwards to justify mass murder:
Well if you have seen Captain America you may recognise an actor in this video:
Oh and wasn’t that fricking cool scene, I was convinced Red Skull was going to leave him to die and then he gives him the car keys…
Cowboys and Aliens tonight! FINALLY!!!!
Made me giggle.
Whatevs… http://www.moreorlesscomic.com/102/73.html
I feel sexually harassed and denigrated after reading that.
Would you like a tissue?
Hey JOe,
I checked out your “Plot Device” link yesterday and I thought it was pretty funny. Amazing what a small group of people can create these days.
Speaking of, everyone should listen/download the cover of Pink Floyd’s “Hey You” by the Six String Bliss forum. I already made a post about it on Facebook, but I know a few of you are FB adverse, you know who you are. 😉
I think J.R. would enjoy that. And in the spirit of the Hitchhikers Guild’s use of improbable events, did you know that Andrea used to work with one of the founders of Six String Bliss? Strange eh?
And they had a bowl of petunias in their office.
and they had a whale of a good time.
No whale though.
Someone must have forgotten to press the button.
No hobo humpin slobo babe?
I get it.
Stuck in my head, fucker!
This is the time of day when I post something despondent and cranky.
What? Cranky? Why I never….
Courtesy of The One Ring on fb
Along those lines, I heard the new Garmen GPS voices that were made available today – Yoda and Darth Vader.
Very funny … for a while.
I keep my GPS on the Brit lady because the American always sounds so judgmental when I don’t follow her instructions. She’s like harsh “RECalculating! Ugh” Whereas the nice Brit lady is all “Aw sweetie, you made a turn I didn’t tell you about, tsk tsk, let me tell you how to get back on track there.”
or … well, she says “Recalculating” in a nicer tone anyway.
I tend to tell my tomtom to be more patient, it always seems to be impatient when it gives me directions.
Tomtom: “Turn left now”
Me: “I’ll turn left when I’m ready to”
I ordered the GPS with the Bobcat Goldthwaite voice.
Because you aren’t stressed out enough already? You need driving stress?
That’s funny because mine is Gilbert Gottfried.
Our Tom Tom has Yoda’s voice.
Thanks for the phone links, Van!
From the weather channel:
“Through 3am: Showers and thunderstorms ending around 10pm.”
Um. Thanks.