Mini Show Notes.
No political thing.
Jack Mangans Deadpan #184: The Minivan Story
Is Jack from The Beyond
Congrats to Dan and his new wife. We all wish you many years of happiness.
Promo – Explorers Beyond the Horizon (
Paul Maki motors down the road
The Prophets of Deadpan
Vanamonde (first of the week)
Nomad Scry
Lo Pan
Used Hair
Paul continues his trek
EssBee & Sly B regail us with stolen lyrics
Jack gives us a dumbass memory of when he snickered
Amy Bowen gives a dumbass memory and serenades us
Paul passes Nathan Lane
Paul has a chemical reaction on his drive
Dysprosium: –noun Chemistry.
a rare-earth metallic element, highly reactive and paramagnetic,
found in small amounts in various rare-earth minerals,
as euxenite and monazite: used to absorb neutrons in nuclear reactors.
Symbol: Dy; atomic weight: 162.50; atomic number: 66.
Little Deadpan moments with Paul Maki
Closing music
Nine Inch Smurfs first track recording (dare you add to it?)
Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
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I’m first! What do I win?
What?! I already ready have a set of Jack Mangan coffee cup coasters.
Wow, missed it by that much…
I wuz gonna….. zen got ze passy outty drunky.
I’m mailing the Paul Lynde Halloween Special back to Netflix tonight, so if you add it to the top of your queue, you can have it next!
I hope you get to sleep that off, Lo Pan.
JohnBoze: This episode has a lot of you in it. Most of us will miss out on your PBP from the previous episode.
Congrats, Kurt! You win a play of your Deadpan bumper in this episode!
Goodnight :Goon:
That will teach me to play Halo 3 till 4am…
Even forgot to the bin out…doh!
As long as you aren’t soiling yourself in lieu of using the toilet, you’re still okay.
Friday we find out if Fray (my soon-to-be-released baby (3.0!)) will turn over or if we are going to have a C-section. My fingers are crossed.
It’s Thursday and you guys all came over here. I hate it when I forget that it’s Thursday.
Good luck on flipping that bun in the oven, Nomad.
Hey Pan.
It seems, if I’m going to sleep in, I’m going to do it on a Thursday. Don’t know why. Must just be one of those things.
good morning deadpan
There. Bed sheets changed, first load a laundry in and food in my tummy. Now I can listen to Deadpan.
NO, I will not put my hand upon my hip. I will not dip when you dip so we dip.
NOMAD! #3??????? omg youre a braver man than I. 2 kills me enough.
Wait until they are teenagers. They you’ll regret three.
Fray sounds a cool name for a villain.
Show notes are done. They’re a little late but Jack doesn’t put them up until after lunch anyway so I figured it’s all good.
The Fray is also the name of a terrible terrible band from my home state.
Early morning conference calls suck.
Or a certain Vampire slayer in the future.
I have a question: How do you say “Bitch” in workese so you don’t get into trouble?
I said so I don’t get into trouble, Lo.
That IS how I say “bitch” at work. You have a square job, man.
Today’s Dead Pan was pretty smurfy. I’m not sure what I more excited about, the new smurftastic version of “Closer” or the Deadpanized version of “Still Alive” that I think Amy is now obligated to sing all the way through.
Shit, theres a new Deadpan….
CW: the lost colony
It ha the highlander in it 😉
ZP takes a swing at Spider-man:Shattered Dimensions:
Tonight I’m recording this
I may have to do a play by play tomorrow
“Time for a little highlander in ye” or something.
You know, I alway fond Adrian Paul rather nummy looking
Fond = found
That’s the scottish pronounciation right?
No I think that would be “narmy” looking
I need water. Then a Gatorade. Then some more water.
“Nothing’s worse than Cardiff”
Have you been to Cardiff and would you agree, Van?
Jack: You cracked me up reading that comment.
I’ve been to Cardiff. It wasn’t that bad. At least to visit.
Awww. I thought the mini-Van memory would have been about Van.
Holy cow, those are some strange ass drugs those colonists must be taking
ditto Ill get your coat.
Well like all big cities it has it’s no go areas, but they have pumped a lot of money into the city in recent years and it’s a nice place to visit..especially if you are a fan of the new Dr Who.
Eeew. The trees tore his arms off
Nightmare on Elm Street?
Hubby has informed me he’s leaving me on Tuesday… At least for a few days
I guess that tree wasn’t all bark and no bite. *rimshot*
I wonder which of my many paramours I should have over while he’s gone :happy:
You leave your rimshots off this board, Rhett.
Good morning gang.
Hey Wolf, it’s been a while
On another note, one of the better B horrors I’ve seen this week was Dorothy Mills
I’ll get a towel.
Yes. Yes you will.
One of the best horror themed cereals Ive eaten this week was Count Chocula. Made by General Mills.
The yard guys ate here to clean the leaves. Unfortunatly most of them are still on the trees
There’s a necklace like that.
The rimshot, not Count Chocula.
I want to get a donair for lunch but I’m also expecting a delivery. I guess, if the delivery person doesn’t show up on the next hour, I’m stuck eating what ever’s in the house
Well after this weeks show notes…I’m wondering if Jack’s lost my stolen lyrics recording…
Sit! Neil sit!
After reading the show notes? I’m assuming you haven’t heard the episode yet
Jerkin! Like butta!
Crap! Van, I believe your stolen lyrics file is still sitting in my 60L3 folder. Thanks for the reminder.
Been buried in stuff… Work is more than fun.
Family has been busy.
Life has been mostly good.
“The yard guys ate here to clean the leaves. Unfortunatly most of them are still on the trees”
You had to feed the yard guys first?
Why did they go into the trees? Was it something you fed them? Did the yard service hire monkeys?
I . am . so . confused.
CP: I’ll Believe In You (Or I’ll Be Leaving You Tonight) — The Tragically Hip
*taps J0e*
Pssst…. just go with her on this.
*makes crazy sign*
A crazy sign? Like one that reads “Palin 2012”?
Were the yard guys eaten by the tree that tore them limb from limb? Is that what I’m hearing?
I grow my help on trees. You wouldn’t believe what I have to use for fertilizer 😉
Jack, it’s good to see you back. I hope the busy stuff isn’t coming with too much stress.
Nope not too much stress… Wander Radio Productions
though is getting closer…
Bang Bang
“Bunnies are the kraziest peoplez”
*wiggles nose at Lo Pan*
No WNDR, I was talking to myself, but it’s good to see you too.
*blank stare at Bunny, then to Jack, then to Bunny, then slow back away*
Oh well then… ummm…
carry on…
But which Jack? How can you tell them apart??
WNDR, you will have to do a guest Deadpan spot to tell us all about WRP. when the time is right.
You just say the name….. say the name….
I will be more than happy too… Jack …
No candlesticks were lit in the making of this comment.
Hi, DP. I miss yous.
I think that Amy B (I think that should be her stage name) should get a contract with a recording company…
EssBee I missed you too!
CP: Space Dog — Tori Amos
We missed you too EssBee.
EssBee? Who?
Wassamatter you, HEY
Whattayou gotta say, HEY
Why you looka so blue?
It’s a nice place
Ah shaddup ah you face!
It’sa notta so bad, HEY
THATS-ah my mama
Whoz youra mama?
“Thick black fluid”
What do you expect from Nathan Lane?
And How!
I will not type “brown”.
You just did. Cow.
Say “moo”. Say it.
Whats the matter? Cow got your tongue?
I dont know whats wrong with me.
I do.
The link is mildly interesting.
The first comment may reveal demoncat’s true indentity. He’s apparently a 68-year-old man named Robert.
EssBee FTW!
Jack youve hit the yourselfpot! Its….. like finding out Santa really does exist.
Oh EssBee…. *kissywink*
Well, I gave in and got Fallout New Vegas. Currently going through the forever long install.
Long as its not Fallout Boy
“Look out Radioactive Man!”
Well done, Bunny. Thats well done.
What? Hubby called and said he was coming home early? What the heck is he doing that for? Doesn’t he know I have a new game to play?
And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
What, What? You like your bunnies well done, Lo? I prefer mine alive and kicking 🙂
And there was much rejoicing.
OMG. I don’t know if i want to play this game now
My God, the guy’s breathless just opening the box.
The guy’s pretty excited.
“My God, the guy’s breathless just opening the box.”
*blink. blink*
where’d I leave Van’s coat?
I’ll get my trenchcoat.
Can’t remember when I was that excited about a game.
Did you know you can have Felicia Day as a companion in Fallout New Vegas? I’ll be picking up a copy in the not to distant future.
wait … are we talking about the same game?
Wow. Thank you so much for the kind feedback, everyone. I will be sure to remember to record all of “Still Alive” for the Deadpan one of these days.
CW: Caprica
CD: 400 pound monkey
ditto Im loving the Molice.
CD: Sam Adams Winter Lager
Oh look, that lesbian is back on the boards!
EssBee please make it never snow. Its been so nice lately.
CP: Time and a Word – Yes
Amy, that would rock.
CAtS: a cigarette
Rock like “Leave It” by Yes.
Avs – Sharks 1-1 after 1
Avs in trouble.
Good bye good bye good bye bye. Leave it. Damn, now I have to fish out a cassette.
Amy, if you need a backing track for “Still Alive” I volunteer to make one for you, although with my limited skill it could take some time. 🙂 Perhaps my skill will be better after our smurfy upcoming project.
Rhettro: That would be fantastic! I would absolutely love a backing track from you. Thank you so much! 🙂
Currently About to Smoke = CAtS
Bum dum bum dum dum bum ahhhhhhh LEAVE it
I FINALLY was able to see The Boondock Saints as well as its sequel. I fucking hate Troy Duffy. Hate him like genital warts. However these are great fucking films. The original still holds up 10 years later as a piece of magic and its much maligned sequel of last year (probably because no one wants to give Duffy credit for anything anymore) is right on par with the original, tho it is a few notches below. Love these films and love the soundtracks.
Try blasting The Skids “Here Come the Saints” while not thrashing about all giddy like. Delicious.
Goodnight MacManus.
Sorry, make that “The Saints are Coming”.
Goodnight errata.
They want EFX.
Boondock Saints is a good one, tho I’ve not yet seen the sequel.
When the saints go marching in?
Definitely watch out for the Boonpod Taints, however.
Goodnight :stretch:
Sylver is almost 14 and lives down south with her mom. Rom is almost 11 and has been living with me for about eight years. My 3.0 is coming only after many major iterations…
Bodpoon staint?
If you need to ask you don’t need to know…
Yeah I haven’ta clue.
I can hear Mutley sniggering:
Hey Pan!
I play about two hours of FNV last night. According to the stats I played about 2% of the game. If I extrapolate that, it means I have 100 hours of game time. I wonder how accurate that is.
I’ve forgotten what FNV stands for..
Twice I tried to tell Van. But Stupid WP kept eating my answer
Lets see what it thinks of this
Ha! Eat that :ftb:
It occured to me this morning … given the time of year, we should help Ed with some home buying tips.
If the Realtor showing the home has an eye-patch and a hook for a hand you should move along.
If there is an old cemetery/grave/Indian burial mound on the property … despite the stainless steel appliances, you should look for another house.
If it is a multi-story house and there is an upper room for which the Realtor can’t seem to find a key … yeh, next house please.
Finally, if the walls bleed … at the very least you are going to need to negotiate an exorcism into the closing costs. Paint is NOT going to cover that up!
If there’s a room in the basement that’s painted blood red and has a pentagram drawn in the middle – forget it.
If there’s a crazy seeming old man in front warning you to stay away…
If there is a giant stone table in the basement covered in dark stains, you might want to rethink your purchase
Keeping in mind “location location location” –
Actually stop by the local schools. An unsettling sense of fear and despair surrounding the school is normal, the slight smell of rotting flesh is not.
Also, a preponderance of twins in the school yard could be not so good.
Take the time to check out th zoning in your neighborhood. Avoid any area’s that allow “light industry”, “mobile homes” or “Inter-dimensional portals”.
Stay away from pet cemeteries as well
Make sure the owner didn’t leave behind any books that seem to be covered in a strange leather like material but is definitely not cowhide.
Meet the neighbors before you make an offer and pay attention to their homes.
An excessive amount of chainsaws, extensive collections of puppets, well equipped surgery rooms and the presence of Bruce Campbell are all things that might lead to “buyer’s remorse” in the future.
Also, if there is an abandoned hospital or asylum anywhere within ten klicks, try another area.
Watch for strange weather conditions like really think fog.
When going through the house, if your starts talking to the static in the owner’s tv or even seems to talk to someone you can’t see. Pay attention
If you starts = if your kid starts
On a different note, I wanted to record something but hubby seems to have taken all the microphones. May have to improvise.
If the upper floors bend at right angles to away.
Hah! A Robert Heinlein short story reference…
It turns out my netbook has a built in mic. Go me!
Now I must start supper. Going to throw stuff for chili in the slow cooker.
Aha, CatS.
TEB: I bet the 100 hours isn’t that far off. I played about 70 hours of Fallout 3 and didn’t finish all the quests.
That’s true ditto. I did about the same.
OK Panites! Grab your popcorn and your security blanket, it’s movie time.
FNV is in the future for me. I’m working on Bioshock 2.
Yea! Movie time!!
Today’s movie is Goblin. The DVR Says:
Halloween spawns a goblin that is bent on taking a baby form an unsuspecting family, and it’s up to their teenage daughter to save her little brother from becoming the creature’s meal.
I couldn’t get into the Bioshocks. I tend to avoid FPS games. Motion sickness is not my friend
Pressing play now.
October 31 1831
The DVR seems to have cut the first minute or so, so I don’t know if it has the trifecta of horror movies
“all that is unclean we give up to the flame”
As I recall, they weren’t big into baths back then. They should all burn
the birth of the golin
October 30, present day…
Grumpy teenager. What a shock
Moving to a new area. Again with the tropes
What. The writers obviously don’t know anything about babies.
small town cafe
Willow road? Surely you’re not renting the house on Willow Road?
Crazy old man. “there’s a curse on this town”
Oh, creepy
No cell phone service. Oh no!
Crying to the best friend.
Air golfing
Still taking that testosterone supplement huh.
Yup, at night.
I think about mom every single day. Why did you get remarried?
Going for a walk
Don’t be so mature
Crying woman in front of a memorial to her baby
It’s halloween. We know what that means.
This baby never sleeps.
He shaved. I like him better with the beard
strange things are afoot
Twenty minutes into the movie the body count is one from olden tyme and two modern
Wait, what?
It’s always about the baby isn’t it?
Whiny bitch
Don’t forget. This is a SyFy movie.
sheriff investigates
Boy that goblin can move
Crazy old ladies
Leave before it’s too late
what a coincidence
Could never get into the Falliut games..even the isometric ones.
Willow Road? No Way!
I always liked your coffee, Bea
There’s a way to end the curse
This could be good… indie artists covering Bad Religion!
No one believes
Nikki’s in trouble
TV reception stinks
scary noises
Beating on the boyfriend
I bet he likes that.
Matt and I have a connection
You hit him with a fire poker
I know
The curse of hallow glen
A foul smelling demon
freaking out
sucking face
brother/sister relationship is just creepy
Coffee time
They are the worst at gathering firewood
goblin’s watching them make out
oh no!
Death number 3.
I thought this thing was only suppose to kill babies
cry me a river, cry me a river. I cried a river over you
This town don’t like change
It’s not about the money
This sister is just wierd
I don’t think I was suppose to laugh at this part but I did
Body 4
Adults are stupid
If you weren’t so busy sniffing my hair, you’d know I’m right
Nathan’s Gone!
screaming match
nobody believes
crazy old man is back
I’m sorry. I should have listened to you
What was that?
Deputy is a dough head
I am so confused.
Half a cami
It’s never a good idea to fall off a roof
Why do perfectly good cars never start when you need them
This movie isn’t even following it’s own canon
Crazy old man is trying to help
have a drink
Who has little brother?
The witch of hollow glen is family
a magic spear. Really?
You smell of baby.
Oh oh. Dropped the spear
This is just silly
I have to find my baby brother
What is this, Labyrinth?
found the baby
I lost track of the body count
5 1/2
I want the truth
Why on earth would Huey Lewis & The News put out a new album?
can you say dead deputy?
Money, ditto?
Recapturing glory?
I just don’t understand this movie
The power of love, ditto?
It’s Charlie!
The magic spear again?
The beer guy!
Evil ritual
CP: Pike City Proper — Wormburner
no ditto, the crazy old man
Goblin, show me my baby!
That’s not a baby!
Soulless Ben
Lunch time!
Now he decides to make a stand
Death to all goblins… and Charlie
We’ve got to be close to a dozen deaths by now.
awww, Kyle. Aren’t you sweet
I’m entrusting you with the lives of my children
When I become a B second rate movie actor, I want to be in a Syfy movie
Another one bites the dust
That’s one way to strap in a baby
Oh look, he’s full of souls
And we all live happily ever after.
What a terrible movie
If your cell phone doesn’t get any reception in the pantry. . . .
“Crazy old man” “Charlie the Beer Guy”
This still seems to describe the same person.
Cause, ditto, they want a new drug.
One that won’t make me sick.
One that wont make you crash your car?
Aw, too late.
Caught up.
Maybe Huey Lewis is going to do an album of songs inspired by movies. Oh no wait, he claims he doesn’t do those. . . that fucking liar.
Or one that will leave me Stuck with you…
wait – what?
ditto – I saw that on the Daily dose feed this morning and said Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Oh I forgot Huey was a fucking liar!
Huey was sort of throwaway fun back in the day. About as relavent as pet rock now. Hey were talking about music, you know what that means. I have to talk about Nevermore. 🙂 Jeff Loomis and Warrel Dane will be releasing more solo albums in the near future, the new Sanctuary album already has three tracks written. Nevermore is still a priority so the wait should be less than five years. 🙂
Quote the Rhettro…
Ironically I don’t listen to much Poe.
Thats IS irony! Shes hot tho. Member she had that one song? With the singing and music and chorus n stuff? Yeah what was the name of that one?
You know the one. With the stuff and the lyrics n drums n more stuff.
Seems like I remember some song like that.
Yeah I cant put my finger on it….. WOAH!!!!!! Theres a mirror in the bathroom. Please dont freak.
CP: The Raven – Alan Parsons Project
CAtS: A cigarette
Mangan in the bathroom, please dont freak
The door is locked, just you and me
Can I take you to a studio that has glass laptops
You can watch yourself, while you are casting.
So the other day I was at Fry’s electronics and the girl at the counter had the most awesome breasts. It didn’t help that she had ample cleavage showing. It took all my will power to keep eye contact with her.
(homer) Mmmm boobs (/homer)
Send her my way, please.
I think you’d like her. LOL
Must… focus…
And by liking her, Rhettro means you’ll like her boobs.
And by boobs he means personality.
They had a nice personality.
oh snap
Hang on…
Perhaps she should have been working at Breast Buy. . . .
Is that like booble wrap?
Im all jiggly.
I knew that’s why trouble always had that… bubble in the middle of the board.
Driving down mammary lane…
Perferable to Nathan.
CP: Cast a Hook in Me — Laura Veirs
I’ve seen her in concert ditto, a bit weird.
That’s Geology geeks for you.
You ever shake it so hard pee hits the wall?
Van: I can imagine, though I like her music.
CP: Return From Byzantium — Voice Of The Seven Woods
Well yeah, but it wasn’t pee.
It was people! Soylent Green is people!!
I had a friend named Gene whose email address was soylentgene .
He was a people person?
Just finished making cookies. Hopefully hubby will be please.
finished lunch.
Now it’s time for FNV. Woo Hoo.
CP: I’ll Wait — Van Halen
It’s people! Bunny’s cookies are people!!
Or… They’re chocolate chip and pecan
Pecans are people too.
From the land of Pecan. On the base of Bakery Mountain
Just off the Macadamia Belt Parkway
But still north of Nathan Lane.
A bit south of Diane.
I’m a people
you’re a people
wouldn’t you like to be a people too
Going south on Diane Lane?
Too much traffic
If we’re not supposed to eat people, then why are the made of meat?
Ed asks appropriate questions.
If you dont eat your people, you cant have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you dont eat your people?
You know, J0e, I think it’d be pretty cool living next door to Bruce Campbell.
Well, it is done. We’ve signed the papers and wrote a rather large check to get us on the road to building the new house.
Congrats Ed!
Sounds cool Ed.
In keeping with the last meme, be sure that the previous owners take any sealed urns out of the basement. Those ashen footprints are a bitch to get off the ceiling.
And if the house whispers “Get out!” then DO IT!
Well, there was some sign about “Love Canal”. That won’t be a problem, will it?
No thats a good area. Its similar to the wonderful 3 Mile Island subdivision.
Doesn’t Nathan Lane lead to the Love Canal? Maybe if you dropped the letter “C”?
From C to shining C
Patriotism swells in the heart of the American bear.
/will be shocked in anyone catches the reference….
Wakka Wakka
You killed Yogi!
Smarter than the average rimshot.
He’s not called Boo Boo Bear for nothing.
So what does that say about Pooh???
Well, Eyore is obviously depressed about something.
Fun fake fact: Eyore’s real name was “Eyesore”. Which now make much more sense and makes Pooh even more of a jerk.
Thats good to see. Lets hope “It Gets Better” is worth a damn and not just more political diarrhea of the mouth.
I had diarrhea once, but it got better.
That stinks.
Ich bien bestunken
Du bist grossen bestunken mit dem poo poo.
Yav hole.
Ed – re: next door to Bruce Campbell
If you have a moat.
and maybe a chainsaw sharpener.
… and don’t mind large breasted, “B” actresses coming and going all the time.
… did I mention “Check to see if dimensional doorways are allowed”?
I do hav hole.
BTW: make sure the developer didn’tonly move the tomb stones.
Ah ahh
Wadda wadda bing bang
Hello boys and Bunny. We just got a new HD TV, and are kinda enamored already, but are kinda disgusted with the costs associated with “free HDTV for life”.
I posted Obama’s “It Gets Better” video on either my blog or FB and said “Nice message, as long as you don’t ask or don’t tell” which I realize is . . . well, judgey. To that I say SUE ME.
Oh youll be served
Did you plug the PS3 into the HDTV yet EssBee? I think you’ll really enjoy it.
You had me at “large breasted, “B” actresses”
The only Free HD comes from plugging in an antenna.
And the antennas (antenni?) still cost money.
I did, Rhettro!! I’m watching Legion right now, which is total meh, but big and nice. The first bluray discs we’ll check out will be Firefly, maybe tonight.
Also, Lo Pan, why did you order snow?
Cool EssBee!
My favorite part is going to be that the video above Jon Stewart’s right shoulder during TDS will no longer be cut off!
A couple of freebies on the app store today:
Cubed Rally is well worth checking out (I bought that one).
Still enjoying “Soloman’s Boneyard” which was a freebie you brought to our attention some time back.
Legion = bad, bad, bad
For a moment I thought that said Lejon instead of Legion. LOL All he did was talk about his colonoscopy on FB.
That was bad too! But we like Lejon. And his colon.
Some pretty amazing work being done in Zbrush these days.
Yep, Lejon rocks and so does his “:”
So, does that mean Lejon is now one of the five people on Earth who knows how to properly use a :
CP: Sacred Pool of Tears – Kung Fu Panda Score
A most excellent score, this movie has.
CW: Firefly E1
For the non facebook regulars – some Tronified Marvel heroes:!/album.php?aid=255460&id=99792857339
Pretty sweet!
So Ed … I take it you’re building?
Remind me to give you my “must have” building tips.
… but not tonight *yawn*
Goodnight Lanes
Tonight’s video theme is questionable sanity. Started with Firefly Ep 14, now watching The Dark Knight, and if I’m still awake Fight Club
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, A ClockWork Orange, Twelve Monkeys, crazy/beautiful, The Island of Dr. Moreau, Silence of the Lambs?
….and it’s bye bye to the Sony Walkman:
Wow, I’m pretty surprised that Sony was still making cassette Walkmans at all. Didn’t VHS tape stop getting manufactured a few years back?
The whole “I can order the assassination of American citizens and I don’t have to explain it because that’s a security secret” kind of spoiled my appreciation for the POTUS.
Ooops, I got some politics on my shirt.
I was all a twitter over the 30th anniversary box set from Bad Religion collecting every album they’ve put out … until I got to the part about it costing $200.
Then I found out it’s all on vinyl. I haven’t had a record player in 15 years.
Dark City, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Spider-Man 3…
CL: Siouxsie and the Banshees “Fear (Of the Unknown)”
I am up way too early for a Saturday.
Well, now, this could be interesting:
Bring on those classic vipers!
Could be interesting indeed.
We watched 4 episodes of Firefly on the new TV, staring as if in comas. Now we are awake.
Morning Pan
Dentist in a couple of hours. Woo hoo?
The joys of root canals by DE Kay
I recently set up my sisters setop box so she could see some HDTV content on her 42 inch LCD TV.
She wasn’t impressed, neither was my nephew, gives me hope some people won’t buy into this bullshit.
A band I appeared to have missed growing up:
Amazon has Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me on sale for $3.99.
Oh ditto, you know we’d Kiss you for free!
Excellent Zardoz link! That game would have been terrible.
I don’t recall Hrab’s Occasional Song about Dysprosium.
The Joystick is evil! The Light gun is good!
CP: Theme from Superman – John Williams
Youre such a whore, J0e.
I hate that I like Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream” song. It sucks so so so much…
it’s true
the “whore” thing, I mean
well, and Kattie Perry’s suckage
There are really only two good things about Katy Perry. . .
Goodnight :cough:
And they definitely involve suckage?
Flap Pocket
Her eyes?
Sunday sunday sunday
Caught my eye on Boing Boing:
Fox’s 5th birthday today!
Imagine a picture of an alarm clock being thrown off a cliff.
Time flies..
Happy Birthday to Fox then.
Van: wouldn’t that be time falling?
I’ll get my coat.
Happy birthday to Fox! :happy:
Happy b-day to a Fox thats actually awesome!
Happy Birthday, Fox
I sez: Fox?
Dre sez: that would be Paul Maki’s son
I sez: Happy 5th big guy! I was 5 once
Dre sez: I was too!! OMG!! We have so much in common!!!
please hold while Deadpan 184 downloads
Dre sez: you have to tell them what to hold
I sez: their favorite part to hold on to
that was quick
I seem to have stumbled upon a Play-By-Play about to start! Awesome! :happy: Hi, TSH!
Welcome 1 and all to a Deadpan play by play™
Featuring Deadpan 184: The minivan story
Andrea the Beautiful
Hugh the Bold
Hi Amy!
Dre is waving at you
She can’t see you, babe
Dre sez: 🙁
Dre sez: She CAN see me.. that is the wonder of the deadpan bar
She CAN see me.. that is the wonder of the deadpan bar
Yes, it is. Imagination is a wonderful thing. 🙂
farrrrr point media
dre sez: LOL, cute intro
Imagination is a wonderful thing.
dre sez: Jack you sound like I do when I call on the voicemail line
I sez: Maybe he recorded the whole thing on the voicemail line
dre sez: did you, Jack?
we have prejudged you
I sez: I am english, Irish, German, black, dutch, united states-ian, and a bunch of other shit.
Dre sez: Jack is a sparkly vampire *swooooooon* that would explain his late nights…
I sez: Have you ever seen or spoken to him in the daytime?
Dre sez: hmmmmm… Yes I have. But maybe he has a ring like those vampires on Vampire Diaries that allows them to be in the sun.
Congrats Dan for being made into an honest woman
tea party sucks
so say we all
dead robot society
are robots not already dead?
Paul Maki is going to a baseball game
his football team is playing tonight.
Dear Jack
you are never hard to listen to.
Although you do make me hard when I listen to you sometimes.
Hughie Pookie
PS. Dre sez: Don’t post that Hugh!
why does wednesday have a d
Dre sez: that makes so much sense!
stand, kneel, stand kneel, kneel, stand, kneel
Dre sez: Jack: I like how you have moved away from the climb into my spoon and making these comments intros.
Vanmonde sez: wiki address
Nomad: flickr. Abdominal? it funny!
Lo Pan sez yeast
Rhettro sez: ETs wrinkly skin
used hair sez: awesome
cj sez: won contest
ditto sez: had to go there
ditto sez: Tina Turner
Alvie loves Jack
Paul is in New Hope Minnesota.
EssBee and SlyB stolen lyrics
she’s jerkin my gherkin
oh ladies…. swoooon
lesbians out
dumb ass memories
Jack going the mall as a teen
Dre sez: awwww! The young Jackamo!!!
control yourself!
he has shotgun
the geekiest of the bunch
“he put his hand on the column”
unrelated dumbass beatin off story
Amy “Da Ambassador” Bowen
set up ipod to go off
forgot she renamed playlist
technology fail
(hugh note: I don’t know what’s in half the playlists I have)
Dre sez: Cuz all your playlists have the same damn name!!
I sez: Does not!
Dre sez: Hugh1, Hugh2, punk1, punk2, punk rawk1, punk rawk2
I sez: leave me alone! *sobs*
dre sez: awwwww, I am so sorry pobercito
I sez *snicker* works every time 😉
Paul is riding up Nathan Lane
fuck you wordpress
Paul’s streets have elements and rocks
no one cares about thing
Paul is in Milwaukee
Fox speaks, Iris isn’t speaking
your welcome, Jack
it was our pleasure. wink wink.
email him some crap, or not crap
audio bits!
9″ smurfs
enough cryptic bullshit
Closer done like Weird Al
no cussing
*brain off*
write the shit down
Good evening deadpan, and special good evening to the incomparable TSH.
I just had a conversation with my 8yr old niece about the LoTR movies 0_0
will Jack come back after the music game?
Andrea the beautiful sez: Yes!
Hugh the bold sez: No
Andrea sez: swooooooonnnnnn jacks singing
I sez: swooooooonnnnnn as well
goodevening LostRalph
psychokiller baby
We are enjoying your music muchly
LOL.. we can’t finish this because your 9″ smurfs started
I sez: Dre baby, i want to smurf you from the inside
Dre sez: swooon. I’ll be the smurfette to your papa smurf
I sez: swooon!
we sez: this is really good, Jack
can’t wait to hear how it turns out.
Can we contribute?
Dre sez: we have no way to record anything
I sez: i have no idea what I would do anyway. I ain’t gifted musically
Jack if you can think of something we can do to contribute in our limited fashion let us know
dre and hugh
*long pause*
dre is doing a weird
LOL.. you can’t stomp my tiny village!
Papa smurf says you should smurf off, motherfucker!
when we try to post you make us laugh too hard
we ALL love smurfette
smurfete dre sez: swooon baby swoon
I was trying to say. Dre is filling in the pauses with her own rendition of Closer. It is quite stunning. I recommend you record her.
dre sez: shut up hughie! Don’t post that
is it smurfete or smurfette?
check this out:
drink smurfettes honey
Jack came back after the music
Dre wins!
Jack we think that was awesome and can’t wait to hear it
got something to say Mennennennennnennngay?
he didn’t play his outro line
Dre sez: we enjoyed round 1 or the 9″ smurfs
smurfette’s honey sounds like a good name for a blueberry mead
and if you’re looking for volunteers … *raises hand*
From the list of smurf characters
Hugh is:
Painter Smurf is a brilliant artist and is active in most visual arts. He often wears a red jacket with a black tie, and is often seen either making a painting or a sculpture. In the cartoon, he speaks with a French accent and refers to his paintings as masterpizzas.
wait.. there is another girl smurf:
Sassette was created by the Smurflings to serve as a sister for Smurfette. Like Smurfette, Sassette was evil at first, as she was created using Gargamel’s original spell, but with a smurf-sized lump of magical blue clay. Papa Smurf used the same potion on her that he had used on Smurfette to make her a real Smurf. Sassette is a little freckled redhead girl with pigtails, and pink overalls. She calls Papa Smurf “Pappy” and Grandpa Smurf “Grandpy”. She has somewhat of a warm place in her heart for Gargamel since she was made by his spell, calls him “Pappy Gargamel,” and even goes to visit him despite Papa Smurf’s orders.
do it LostRalph
and anohter one:
Clockwork Smurfette Schtroumpfette Robot/Mecanique Cartoon
Like Clockwork Smurf, Clockwork Smurfette is a wooden robot who was built by Handy Smurf. She was made to be the female companion of Clockwork Smurf. Like her male counterpart, Clockwork Smurfette is capable of feelings and morality.
ooooo.. papa smurf had him a hottie!
Nanny Smurf (a.k.a. Granny Smurf) Mémé Schtroumpf Comics + Cartoon Susan Blu
An old flame of Grandpa Smurf’s, Nanny enters the cartoon series after being trapped inside a cursed castle for centuries. It is unclear if she is a naturally occurring female Smurf or if she was somehow created via sorcery like Smurfette and Sassette. She’s introduced in Season 8 of the series, and she owns a pet rabbit named Smoogle.
smurf her like an animal?
a naturally occurring smurf?
Do I want to know what that means?
Smurfette and Sassette were created by sorcery, because of COURSE women can’t come from anything natural or good.
Hugh sez: its only a cartoon babe. Give the computer back to me. BACK AWAY from the smurf wikipedia. NOW!
there is a “feral” smurf
Wild Smurf wears clothing made of leaves and he`s barefoot. He is feral and isn’t understood by the other Smurfs. He can communicate with animals and ask for their assistance. In the cartoon Christmas special, Papa Smurf says that it is Wild’s first Christmas, therefore he doesn’t understand it. He appears to be the same age as the rest of the Smurfs, which would be quite old compared to humans. It is presumed this must be the first time he’s been at the village during Christmas.
ok. wait. Hold on. Everyone stop.
Gutsy is a new Smurf character for the 2011 movie. He is described as ‘brave to a fault’ in the synopsis.
the 2011 Smurf movie?
Are you fucking kidding me? A smurf movie?
Goodnight smurfs,
I’m disappointed that there isn’t a brewer smurf or since it’s originally belgian, at least a monk smurf.
oh and Mango Smurf sounds like a perfect name for a Jack Mangan coverband.
goodnight TSH
I thought the smurf movie was Avatar?
ah, and now it’s just me and the tumbleweeds.
*whistles with tumbleweeds harmonizing*
smartie hotties
play by play and sweet text
increasing the awesome deadpan
smurfy details for the win!
Mporning Pan, back to work, after a sleepless night going to be an effort not to doze off at work.
Good luck surviving the day, I hope the caffeine can carry you through.
Morning LR, I’m just showing the tumbleweeds a card trick..
And to help us all through the week I present a singer with a bit of filk and a bit of jazz
And now for the Firefly fans (including me)
I really like
And after all that plus this
I just want to grab marian and snog her into another dimension 😀
And for the original source
Van: re: RLSH sounds like a nice idea, but i think i’ll skip the spandex for a suit.
And please keep the card tricks to a minimum, I already owe the tumbleweeds 2 tons of water after the last poker game.
goodnight/goodmorning deadpan i’m off to finish sleeping off the alcohol before my eye doctor’s appointment. Have a pleasant monday.
Remember kids, don’t drink and take the eye test.
In Cthulhu we trust. All others pay cash:
Interesting interview with Vonda McIntyre about her novel Dreamsnake:
I still don’t get how “this” is Monday.
My workweek is done in 12 hours. As much as I love my job, I can’t wait to have a nice warm 3 days with my pillow.
And you read Dreamsnake on your computer for free at:
*checks pants*
Dream or hallucination?
Yes, J0e. Yes.
Is it a dream/hallucinimanation if you believe it?
Interesting (prog) metal band from Dubai of all places. And with a woman singer.
Hugh gummy worm? Naw, looks more like tentacle pr0n to me.
CP: The Saga Begins — Weird Al
(much more enjoyable than The Phantom Menace)
Why do some people insist on making things as difficult as possible?
CP: Germs — Weird Al
Heya, ditto.
CP: Talk To Me — Mary J. Blige
ditto, do you need us to whoop somebody’s ass?
You can whip my ass.
Whoop can
Can do
Was Essbee motor-boating ditto?
Were EssBee and ditto up the creek without a paddle?
Up the creek without a paddle = default for me. I’m sure ditto has “it” much more together than that!
it as in shit?
Jack: Sure, you can whop their ass, but I doubt it would actually change anything.
CP: Daytona 500 — Wu Tang vs The Beatles
And then theres Maude.
Not a fan of her brother Claude.
Hes a fraud
Gregory Issacs is dead:
Well, my local paper has finally done it.
Uh oh.
What the Times Call do now? Theyre the bastion of awesome.
And ignorance.
CP: Maybe Not — Cat Power
We all do what we can
So we can do just one more thing
We can all be free
Maybe not in words
Maybe not with a look
But with your mind
And awesome ignorance?
Oh, Lo . . .
Just GUESS who they endorsed for 1) Senate and 2) Governor
Not to mention their other endorsements . . .
CP: Shine On You Crazy Diamond, part 1 — Pink Floyd
(No, I’m not Pink)
Let me guess: the most intolerant people you can imagine (or thereabouts)?
Give that man a cigar!
Won’t. Rant. Politics. On. Deadpan.
I want to play, Essbee!
1) A monkey
2) A potted plant
1) yes, and I wouldn’t have canceled my subscription for that. 2) is much more nefarious.
Completed Halo 3…yah! Halo 2 next…
You can go back to talking about the serious stuff now.
BTW: You get the last laugh Essbee, local newspapers are on their final legs. For better or worse, their relevance to society has become almost non-existent.
I suspect that you will continue to be gay looong after the guy who made that endorsement has had to look for an entirely new career.
Halo Van.
Didn’t mean to ignore y….. oh look ! A shiny thing!
I know JOe, it’s a sad fact (the newspaper thing, not the me being “gay” thing). I love to hold and read a newspaper. I’m moving my paper $$ to a Denver Post subscription. I don’t know how I’ll be able to scan the police blotter now, though, to find out what the neighbors have been up to . . .
Everybody else is just Greeeeeeeen
Does this work EssBee?
It does!
I have seriously been reading the Longmont police notes, though, to get the dirt on why the cops knocked on our door at 3 a.m. last Tuesday to interview us about an incident next door.
If not, here are some lovely desk blotters.
or maybe this would work better
Nope, this is the one.
I do enjoy blotters of all kinds.
Currently, I’m playing Bioshock 2. The more I play, the more I realize that it is a gigantic anti-Ayn Rand screed. Which is pretty interesting. I think quite a few gamers weren’t aware of that.
What about blotto?
I’ve been known to be fond of that also.
Please tell me Tancredo…
Wait for senate tho…please tell me the other Tea Party psycho
and Ken Buck. Is he Tea Party?
Tom Tancredo….loving the crusades since 1291
Oh, no Buck is strait up right wing
“You can choose who your partner is. I think birth has an influence over it, like alcoholism and some other things, but I think that basically you have a choice,” Buck said.
He also defended his handling of an alleged rape in 2005 that he declined to prosecute because he believed some of the details appeared to show the woman in question consented to the sexual encounter. Months later, he told the Greeley Tribune that “a jury could very well conclude that this is a case of buyer’s remorse.”
“buyers remorse”
Please let that sink in a bit
… special . place . in . Hell
Between the two, Tancredo is by far the craziest.
CE (eating) – Necco
BTW !!!!!
I am expecting to see pictures of the Deadpan’s Jack-o-lanterns and Halloween costumes again this year!
Consider yourselves notified.
CP: Moanin’ at Midnight — Howlin’ Wolf
I love Howlin’ Wolf.
Crap I cant carve a jack (o lantern) to save my life.
CHanging: with mr cooper
CP: F**k You – Lily Allen
Is that what you’re calling it these days, Lo?
I love Lilly!
Mr. Cooper…..
Lily’s last album definitely won me over, especially F**k You.
Fuck you very very much
I suppose “Mr. Cooper” is a better nickname than “Erkel”.
Did I doooo thaaaaaat?
Or “Dreamsnake”.
LOL ^^
Or Barth, if you’re Canadian.
Lo Pan – could you R