Deadpan Unshow Fifty-Two
Greasy Nipples
Nomad Scry
Johnny Null
DJ Bunny
Ed From Texas
Cj (first of the week)
Thank you newbies.
Thank you Deadpan community
Musical project coming soon
Thanks Dan & Cj for BBQ (
Remembering a lost friend
Send in content – be creative: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
Jack said ho (tee hee)
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Goodnight :Stryper:
I’ve been guilty of a few of these:
#5 – my head aches 🙁
I disagree about pictures of food and scenery. Not that I take pictures of my tuna sandwich from the deli down the street, but I do have a nice collection of pictures of food made with beer that I have consumed (including beer filled chocolates). And scenery is just fucking cool. I rarely take pictures of myself. No need to remember how much better I looked at 20 or to freeze in time the fat bastard that I have become. Better to take pictures of the natural wonders around me.
I still haven’t quite got a handle on mornings yet.
I’m going grocery shopping later today. Does anybody want anything?
Bunny, I’ll have a nice bagel, please.
mmmm, cinnamon raisin bagel.
Dammit EssBee, now I have to add those to my shopping list because I want one.
Really :ftb: ? Since when can’t I just go 😉 without any words?
Can you pick me a sammich? Breakfast kind please. That or Ill just take EssBee’s bagel.
Bagels are evil. They make my jaw ache.
I can say the same of women. Woah ho!
I don’t agree with The Oatmeal. Without bar photos, it’d be like the night never happened. Food can be beautiful and it can be grotesque, running the whole gamut of life in a microcosm. The most beautiful natural photographs I have seen are of the scenery. I won’t go on because my arguments get progressively weaker from here on down. 😉
I think you are doing it wrong…
Not my fault they wont hold still.
Im guilty of taking almost all of those kinds of photos. And just as guilty of never looking at them again.
“Not my fault”
I have … er… several thousand pictures in my Flickr feed and I do go back and peruse them. However, I have an abdominal memory, so that may change my usage patterns.
Yes, I know what I said. It funny!
Wood be handy if you had extra memory storage there though..
-o +u
I wouldn’t mind a spare tire if it were extra RAM.
Re: Closer. Are we talking more “I want to smurf you like an animal” or more “I want to fuck you like a smurf”?
I want to Smurf you from the inside?
drive by commenting
i don’t agree with the oatmeal on this one either. maybe most people can take a pic to save there lives so just don’t share them with me. and learn your strenght and weaknesses when it comes to picture taking
/drive by commenting
Jaw sore!
CP: How to Grow Your Geek
Susie is heroic
I think reaper just channeled demoncat
Elmer Smurfing Fudd
Check out 31:
CP: Velvet Hideout — Violent Kin
Today’s Unshow was worth it just for the Fudd.:)
Picturing Jack with an Elmer hat. *snirt*
I don’t know enough to know if this is good or just so-so
Slipknot drum solo
I’ll have to check it out when I get home. No headphones allowed at my office. *bas-tards*
NS: I think it is mostly interesting for the spectacle, but there wasn’t much variety in his playing.
Yea! Netflix on the PS3 just got better!
Very cool, ditto! We use the PS3 to instant watch a lot.’s.Earlier.Jaw.Comments….must…..restrain……..self……….
Then again…restraint might… .no… no!!! DON’T DO IT….. must hit send… now….
:FTB: made my post ugly
Mr. Bungle once said… “Carry Stress in the Jaw”.
This in fact is a correct statement
:ftp: doesn’t like capital letters.
and I am NOT posting to quickly… stupid flarbingarbleblasted screwt!
:ftb: makes everything worser.
I fail.
Oh CJ…. you poor thing.
I love pictures of food and truth be told…
There can never be too many pictures of me…
I’m adorable.. I mean…
Love the sore jaw.
But not the canker-sore jaw. Amirite?
Is it too early for flapjacks?
Mmm, chile.
My above yummy noise makes more sense with this ^
wait… what? Sore jaws and flappy jacks? What have I walked into?
Flapjacks with chilies!
It’s never to early to flap Jack. Or so he tells me. *snirt*
Pass the Jack please
CP: Sheena Is A Punk Rocker — The Ramones
CP: Living Like There Ain’t No Tomorrow — Fugees
CP: Come Home To Me — Steve Earle
Echo. Echo. Echo….
Everyone’s not talking, I guess, because of the sore jaws?
*muffle muffle muff*
CP: Sad Tomorrow – The Muffs
Motivation isn’t with me today.
Yay, Caps Lock.
Sorry, work interference.
“ain’t no woman like the one I got”
CP: I’m Diggin’ You (Like An Old Soul Record) — MeShell N’degeocello
CP: Don’t Bring Me Down — Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
Jack, I don’t think your downloads are that low. I bet lots of folks download from iTunes.
CP: Allegretto — Bond
I just had a nice exchange via Email with Susie the Southern Geek. Thanks, Jack, for the link to her recent ep.
Susie seems like a nice person.
I thought it was ok, but didn’t really deserve a second series:
The use of ‘seems’ always conjures an image of a pyschopath in my mind.
Susie seems a nice person until her small shoe collection was discovered…
Oh and no way am I implying Susie is a psychopath.
I’ll get my coat…
LOL, Van.
Agree about Haven.
I could have got the tense correct of course.
DODT on it’s way out, maybe:
I watched one episode of Haven and I didn’t like it. To much forced sentimentality and the most goofy, off the wall explanations of things were tossed about without batting an eye. The serious tone and super campy plot lines just don’t mix for me. Eureka does a much better job with the camp, and Fringe does a much better job explaining the far fetched ideas.
CP: Garden — Pearl Jam
I really don’t know if I can tolerate any more anti-gay stuff this week.
Oh EssBee… theyre just shooting the strait shit.
” “As far as I’m concerned, this is a mess I made and they are having to spend good money on cleaning it up and I just feel bad for it,” Hilton said.”
Oh oh I highly doubt that, prick tease.
Aww Thank you, Jack. Everyone had fun and Fletcher slept until almost 8:30am… he was exhausted!
PS. Nice job using your super-power once you got it activated. That was electrifying!
EssBee: some days it just seems like there isn’t a cluebat big enough to smack all the stupid out of the world.
Agreed, LostRalph.
I’m so sad and exhausted.
There there. Not everyone in the world is an asshat. Just seems that way lately.
Jack: I am subscribed to your show via iTunes.
I think my headache is finally subsiding.
Been a long and unproductive day.
CD: Mustang Brewery Harvest Lager
*whistling in the silence*
Ralph! Drink with me
Itunes is the Deadpan Downloading Way!
I wasn’t aware of what previous download numbers were so I can’t make any comparisons. And I am PAINFULLY unaware of just how the listener number statistics are calculated and how accurate they are expected to be. I used to subscribe through iTunes, but now I subscribe through DoggCatcher on my Droid. I think DoggCatcher goes straight through the web site because I had to physically type in the url to get it to find the show.
I also use iTunes to download all my podcasts, since I bought a 3rd gen ipod many years ago and don’t really care to switch to different mp3 player manufacturer.
Lo Pan: Sure thing, that was beer number three and I’m about to crack open beer four.
and beer number four is…
Monongah Ale, my homebrew APA
*sigh* Beer. My 3rd is a Harvest Moon Pumpkin Ale. Not a real fan of pumkin but this one pours strong and smooth and has almost stout like qualities.
Tell me bout the Monongah….
It’s a good beer not really to style since I didn’t hit the right efficiency with my mash so it’s on the thin side for an APA. Stong hop flavor and aroma, but no real malt flavor.
This bottle was actually almost over carbonated, so that I got excess foam when I poured. I think may need to switch from table sugar to bottle prime back to corn sugar. I seem to be getting inconsistent results.
Is this gonna be your mastercraft?
Do you mean this particular beer or brewing in general?
Either way I think I need alot more work. I’ve only been doing all grain for about 6 months, plus I’m almost constantly upgrading my equipment at this point so it’s hard to lock down process and recipe. That being said this particular APA is close to being “done” as in a recipe I can be proud of and submit to competitions. I just need to get the malt backbone developed to the right point.
Also I’m looking into working at a craft brewery as soon as I can pry myself into an opening. I’ve been homebrewing for a couple of years and I’ve developed enough of an interest to want try and go pro.
Huh, apparently I’m a talkative drunk tonight. Plus you hit the “Talk about beer button” a sure fire way to get me babbling.
I get my Deadpan via the tachyon probes inserted sub-cranialy by aliens from teh Outer Space when they abducted me from the beach one night many years ago.
Or maybe it was the CIA. Frankly, I’m not convinced they aren’t working together.
Well, that’s when I got the probes.
The downloads occurs when I simultaneously make coffee, watch CNBC and polish my gazelle (which is of course just a euphemism for waxing my sea lion).
Goodnight Hops
JJoe: Do you have their phone number? I think I want to request that those be inserted into my brain, also can you recieve other podcasts the same way or just the all important Deadpan?
Ah, time for another beer…
CD: Turtle Tipper
This was meant to be a homebrew super saison. It doesn’t do well as a saison being far too malty, and not having the right fermentation character. Although it does decently for the super category coming in at 8.3% ABV
CL: Alice Cooper – Poison
Flickr collection of Sony Playstation adverts. Some of these are so bizarre and/or just wrong that I can’t make up my mind if they are actually real Sony ads or not.
CD: water
NS: interesting pictures, but I agree with you I don’t they’re all real ads, I’m thinking more are parodies/commentaries on real playstation ads.
bedtime for me now, goodnight mash. I leave you a with a video lullaby
I didn’t mean to start a thing with the downloads, but since with FPM, we have the direct dload numbers right out there for all to see, I thought I oughta address it – and own up to my ignorance re: the whole tracking system. I suppose I could get 100% trustworthy numbers through FPM, but I think I’ll pass.
I’m cool with where Deadpan is, and that’s about all I have to say on the subject.
Once I started to simply over-look the “everyone is innocent of the crimes their super-powers are committing” thing, I really enjoyed Haven. I liked the chemistry between the characters.
Though I wish they had kept the very awesome Canadian non-troubled girl and the cranky-yet-sweet medical examiner.
Does anyone speak enough Japanese to recognize this, phonetically:
Meh da ta shi meh da ta shi
I’ve got it translated as “All’s well that ends well”, but I can’t figure out how to anglicize the spelling.
A trick I learned on Wingin’ It! for so-so pumpkln beers: add a hint of cinnamon.
Wonder if that would work for understanding Japanese.. Just snort a dash of cinnamon.
Gomen nasai, Nomad. I think ditto or Amy will have the answer.
Goodnight :daimyo:
Damn sinuses. I’ve been awake for two hours already. Good thing it’s a short work day. I predict much drug induced sleeping for me this afternoon.
I don’t think 100% reliable download numbers are possible. How could you tell if someone downloaded the show twice and hence two downloads really counted as one. How could you tell if one person downloaded it and then shared the file with other people. Again, painfully ignorant, but I would be curious to know how the number are tracked and just how reliable they are expected to be.
For short Unshows, I tend to listen to them streamed to my phone. For the normal DP episodes through iTunes.
I thought, and I may be utterly wrong here, but I thought that the DL numbers reflect people who actually clicked the play button on the website or clicked the download button or the play button on the website. Anyone grabbing the show via Feedburner (RSS feeds) or iTunes wouldn’t show up there.
Taking into consideration that my (defunct) crap popcast had 15 DLs on an episode, I find it unbelievable that the Deadpan would have 200 DLs. I’m just guessing, but I expect that Touching The Monolith (which is also a rather niche podcast) has more than 50 listeners… and they’re still newbs. No offense Lejon and Master Bob.
Now with a m-dash of cinnamon.
IMHO – the success of a podcast isn’t in it’s download numbers but in the responses it gets. If the podcaster get’s frequent e-mail or posts from listeners (positive or negative) then it is successful.
If a podcast can actually result in a “community” forming around it then it attains the next level, a “made it” level of success.
The next level is a podcast that can actually generate revenue … but that’s sort of a mythical thing, like unicorns or indestructible dog toys .
I would add …
I had about as many downloads with my podcast as Jack reports getting … but I would have been happy to have had half of that many downloads if I could have even reached that “first level” of success.
Hello Scary Kitty
Morning, DP. Still sad, still exhausted, no longer teary (for now).
CW: last night’s Tavis Smiley while I load up on coffee
CWanting: a Monongah
Less Scary Kitty
NS: I think those are Sony ads. They are well-known for making very weird images.
As for the other question, it reminds me of mukashi mukashi, which means a long time ago, or once upon a time. I’m looking to see if I can find anything that means all’s well that ends well.
Ugh. Waking up with a tummy ache is teh suck.
Unicorns are real.
Hey Deadpan.
They say we might get a skiff of snow today. Isn’t that exciting?
*hug for my goddess to make her headache go away*
Ralph I was asking about the Monongah specifically. If you wanted that to be your masterpiece. Either way youre sending me a “yeast sample” when its done. And not the dirty panty type. I have enough of that
Good morning Deadpan.
Lo Pan and Essbee: I’m hoping the next DPmmmeetup I’ll be able to come out and I’ll have some beers to show off. In the meantime the Colorado has plenty of great breweries.
JJoe: I think I like the 2nd kitty pic the more than the other.
This is cute
“dirty panty type”!!
Oh no you di’nt
Too cheesy?
Its true. Colorado does that have Coors. And thats what counts.
/saying that with strait face
– that
We also have Budwiser in Ft. Collins!
Wow, it’s really starting to come down out there. I’m glad I’m spending the day inside.
Mmmm Bud! Love that stuff. SO smooth.
3 hour meeting Pan. Guh.
Just saw the trailer for Priest. That looks like the delicious sort of bad that I love.
Snow!! We’re supposed to get it Tuesday, and your weather always informs me of what we’re gonna get, Bunny.
I’m ready for the snow. The extended summer has kind of been weird.
ditto – It is probably something very like that, just with an extra syllable in the middle, something D or T. Meida Tashi? The wicked old lady narrator in Okami-san says it at the end of many of the episodes. The subtitles say it is “All’s well that ends well”, but I don’t know if that’s a colloquial equivalence or a direct translation.
The snow is coming down but it’s not sticking, EssBee. It’s melting pretty much as soon as it hits the ground.
CP: No Thing On Me (Cocaine Song) — Curtis Mayfield
NS: I finally found it. I just had to be more persistent since it is an uncommon expression.
???????? (medetashi medetashi) — and they all lived happily ever after
lmao. You’ve been watching Ookamisan too? I enjoyed that. I thought the expression sounded familiar.
I use Jim Breen’s dictionary for Japanese. It’s handy to look this stuff up.
The expression can be translated in a number of ways.
I won’t be on much today (as usual these days?) swamped at work.
Very cool… :looks at it sideways: I don’t how to use it, but very cool.
Yeah, I really enjoyed the snarky meta-commentary and burgeoning relationship between Okami and Ryoko. And the stare fear, that just sealed the deal for me. Hehe.
Medetashi medetashi. ????????
Excellent, thank you!
CP: Jake Leg — Baroness
“Couldn’t finish Dark Star, the scraggly beards made me itchy”!/remittancegirl/status/27450517387
Working on a DP Twitter list. Not sure who I’m missing. Does TSH have a twitter feed?
No idea. I’m not on Twitter.
Eleven percent of Americans have read a graphic novel in the past year:
I’m sure some people will claim this is proof that people have gotten stupider, etc.
I’m currently in jealous mode with those DPers getting snow.
Rumblings and rumours going round work, the shit could be hitting the fan..may be out of a job soon.
Van: good luck
Sorry to hear it, Van. Things are scary at Evil, Inc. also, but I won’t be directly affected.
I don’t think Bunny tweets, NS. I have an account, but find Twitter very hard to keep up with, so never log in.
Today, xkcd made me laugh so hard I had tears!
So fucking true.
ditto: GASP! No twitter!?
EssBee: I think of Twitter as a stream. I dip in and out of it, but I can’t possibly stay up with everything that everyone says all the time. So I don’t. =) And I’ve got you in the DPITW.
Van: That stinks. Hope you are safe.
Well, the network at work is borked so I’m effectively stymied. Looks like it is an early lunch to pick up my copy of How To Train Your Dragon.
Van: goodluck
Ditto: Agreed on xkcd, it’s the last panel that puts it over the top.
NS: Went ahead and added you and the DP list in twitter and this will probably be the last time I log into twitter this year.
I’ve often considered RTing random comments here on my twitter account, since I don’t often tweet – – or even setting up a second “S%#t Deadpan Says” kind of Twitter account. Maybe someday I actually will.
I hope everyone’s work stress changes direction.
LostRalph: Did you see the hover text too?
I have a Twitter account, but mostly I use it to follow celebrity tweets, like Nathon Fillion, Wil Wheaton and Felicia Day. I reserve most of my actual comments for the Dead Pan. 🙂
Jack: Did Lo contact you about the music?
Oh yeah, good luck Van. I feel your pain. The money I make right now is less than what I made directly out of college 17 years ago. We’re just barely paying our bills. But on the bright side, Teresa’s prospects for a new job making quite a bit more money are good, and my prospects for some additional part time work appear to be good as well. It’s not ideal, but still better than a lot of families. Hopefully everyone else’s financial situations will start to stabilize as well.
*hug* Van. I hope for the best for you.
No, I don’t have a twitter account.
The snow is finally staying. All the roofs are now white in my neighbourhood.
Well thought I was safe for the next 18 months, but then work starters insisting I use up all my I smell a rat.
ditto: had to go back to check that out, and yeah I can so see that happening.
I usually just lie at this point.
“Yup, shutting it down. Hold on, it’s taking a minute to go down. Hmmmm. Okay, now it’s off. Turn if back on, okay, give me a minute… dah dah dah, god this thing is slow. Okay, logging into my computer an….d…. so… slow…. okay, loading the desktop. And I’m up.”
Pizza for lunch
Leafs are currently first in the league. That can’t last too long.
ditto: Yes! :metal:
So at the flicks, waiting for that biopic of the founder of Facebook to start..
Jack : cool!
Ad on TV for free catheter samples. wtf?
My sentiments exactly!!
NJ will finally have a full team for tonight’s game vs Colorado
Glad to see the NHL is serious about these check from behind hitts
What she said.
Oh, frak, I’m crying again. This time it’s a little hopeful, because of the video at the bottom of this page:
CP: The Past Is a Grotesque Animal — Of Montreal
The mousy girl screams, ‘Violence, violence’
The mousy girl screams, ‘Violence, violence’
She gets hysterical ’cause they’re both so mean
And it’s my favorite scene
Stupid networks.
CP: Another Man — John Mayall
CP: Headlines — One Be Lo
PSA – courtesy of my crazy brain:
I got my fudz from lunch.. brought to my desk and I was cold.
then thought.. I don’t wanna be cold AND I dont’ wanna mess up my shirt for tonight – new shirt.. so I put on my hoodie to be warmer and protect me from fudz.. and spilled soda all down my front
You should always wear protection I say.
This has been a public service announcement.
WTF is “fudz”?
Otherwise, good advice, Cj!
Well for a bioflick that wasn’t half bad.
read foods
CP: Creep (Radiohead Cover) — Scala & Kolacny Brothers
You’re so fucking special…
What the hell am I doing here?
Crap. Where did I park again? Good thing they number these damn things…
Oh, I get it.
CP: How Do You Do — Shakira
Yep. You read that right. 🙂
Yeah. I know. I get confused all the time.
Fear Uncertainty Despair.
Just how are you supposed to pluralize that? 😉
I knew I was boring, but that boring?
Come on!
Wha? Oh noz, ditto, you aren’t boringz!
CP: Junkie Song — The Be Good Tanyas
Yep, wear protection or risk getting fudz all up and down your shirt.
Wow, the CNN picture of the Swimmer’s Dream looked like a blue eyed alien. That might explain E.T.’s wrinkly skin.
Anyone want some awesome?
No idea when I started type fudz.. someone at work does it and I picked up the bad habit.
apparently it’s a “cutesy” “flirty” way of saying food.
I won’t do it anymore.
Now I feel dirty.
except for my shirt.
which is clean and free of fudz, food, or spilled diet soda
I can haz fudz?
CP: Ruby, My Dear — John Coltrane
CP: Sittin’ On Top Of The World — Harry Manx
always makes me the think of 1) Van, and 2) the crazy bitch who gave me this CD
CP: The Way You Look Tonight — The Dave Brubeck Quartet
I disagree about Imposter, it was very faithful to the short story it was based on (especially in it’s original short running time:
It’s certainly a hell of a lot more faithful than Bladerunner was..
Someone did a novelization of Bladrunner?
Oh, who am I kidding, I can’t even type that with a straight face.
Oh, my, check out this Tea Party ad:
At first, I thought it was a joke.
C: Nibbling on a chocolate covered almond biscotti and can’t help thinking of Vanamonde …
Oh, my . . .
Van, I think Cj just called you “fudz”
CW: Latest Fringe
Okay, still loving Fringe, but weren’t the shapeshifters new forms unstable in the last season? they guy with the family had been in the same form for 5 years…
Christina Hendricks in high school:
Well, good luck to the Amendment 62 folks.
Its good to know how and when Colorado turned evil. First state in the nation! (Which btw… was in the cases of rape, incest, or if the mother was in danger). But why put that on the ad? Me and EssBee know we’re all baby killers. Stay away everyone!!! Coloradans coming for your first born, bitches!!!!!
Fuck them. Fuck them hard up the ass with a baby on a stick.
Anyone seen a pregnant woman I can kick? Its what we Coloradans do. Especially us Denver/Boulderites.
OOOOOOH wait tho. We take a back seat to New York, who was the first state to legalize abortions just for the hell of it.
Anyone wanna rack a baby?
You know … if they’ d just stay barefoot and in the kitchen where they belong, Lo Pan wouldn’t have to kick ’em.
God! THANK you J0e! I was beginning to think I was the only one.
*lights pipe*
CW: Kill Bill Vol. 1
Violence and pretty women, no complaints from me.
CD: Great Divide’s Wee Heavy
The Deadpan bar is now open.
Im drinking a cheap but semi-tasty Tecate.
Im in love with high school Christina Hendricks.
Wait…. not now. I mean I would have been. Er.. in high school… uh…. LOOK OVER THERE!
Some people may be of the opinion that I’ve watched Kill Bill too much, seeing as how I can quote the movie almost line for line.
Re: Christina Hendricks, I’d be ecstatically happy with her right now.
Damn, I’m craving a good red wine, don’t have any in stock and all the liquor stores are closed. I might have to jump to bourbon.
I’m just having a little “bump” myself. My version of the “Slippery Nipple” which would normally be 1/3 shot glass of Baily and the rest of the glass with vodka.
In this case it is an irish cream knock-off and orange flavored vodka. Taste like a “dreamsicle”
A toast !!!!
To Ms Christina Hendricks !!!!
*lifts and downs his shot*
To Ms Christina Hendricks!
*sips bourbon*
To Mish Hendricksh…
*falls down*
Avs beat Devils. No offense, Jack.
“Baby on a stick”
Goodnight Hockey
NS: No, I don’t recognize that phrase phonetically. Sorry.
LostRalph: Your bringing homebrew to the next Deadpan MMMMMMMeetup would be most welcome. 🙂
Good night, Paniacs.
That prop 62 video is flabbergasting. Wow.
Good morning.
I got to work yesterday by 5:30am, went straight from work to a work-related event and got home at 10pm and now it’s 5:55am and I’ve been at work again for over 20 minutes already.
I miss my kids and apparently they missed me too because when I woke up this morning, they were both in my bed.
Yes. I haz tired.
Good morning, everyone!
I hope you all have a wonderful day today. Hug someone you love this morning.
CP: Over the Edge – RATT
I wanna hug you, EssBee 🙂
Good morning!
CP: Time After Time – Cyndi Lauper
Bishop Gene Robinson on the recent gay suicides and religion:
CP: When You Say Nothing at All – Alison Kraus
CP: JoyRide – Roxette
CP: Difficult — Uffie
The song is ok, but the video is cool
Something funny for Doctor Who fans
I didn’t want to see this picture this morning… or really… ever?
CP: Across the Universe – Fiona Apple
Bad dialogue, Bad effects, gratuitous breast shot at beginning of film followed by no actual nudity for the rest of the film. Yet somehow, it’s incredible fun.
Best dialogue in Thankskilling:
Sheriff: God damn Cheryl, that coffee tastes like shit. What’d you do, take a dump in it?
Cheryl: As a matter of fact, I sure did (swirling coffee pot with crap in it). I want a fuckin’ divorce.
Sheriff: (quite calmly) Allright then.
in conversation with daughter 30 seconds later:
Sheriff: (cheerful) Oh, by the way, your step mamma left me.
Hubby and I are watching the best movie evar!
So far the sizer has killed two people
I think the 1.5 stars IMDB gave it was a little over optimistic
Sizer = dozer a couple of comments up.
Stupid iPhone auto spelling correct
Jack, in an unrelated note, you asked for a review of Kraken. I’m about half way through the book and am quite enjoying it. It was a little jumbled feeling at the beginning but I think that was deliberate
Wow. They were pretty graphic on how a person looks all spread out and gory after being run over by the tree of a dozer
I think I know why this movie was panned. It was filmed in Quebec. I think most people find french movies too artsy to understand.
Ok. There’s no way I could contain the giggles writing that last statement
What was he doing in the bar? They intimated he was a recovering alcoholic. Yet here he is, sharing a drink with the girl
You have no respect for the dead.
I think hubby and I have both given up on this movie. He’s playingon his netbook, here I am panning on my phone
Smells like new jersey’s diaper
So, I’m listening to Pandora.. and this song comes on that I’ve never heard before… and I like it… I’m kinda rockin’ out a little at my desk.
I’m thinking, I should see what that song is…
I click over to Pandora
Oh the anticipation… who could it be? I really like the song…
Then, I kinda wanna die of humiliation.
Anyone wanna take guesses who the artist was?
The bull dozer cut the phone line. Now how are they going to find out about it’s haunted goodness?
Backstreet boys?
Boyz 2 men?
The bull dozer gave one guy an infection. I think he might be turning into a zombie
Spice girls?
Give me a hint here
The one guy has developed a rapport with the crawler. I think he’s in love
Fight in the work yard. That’ll teach you to touch his dozer love
ewww in love with the crawler ???
hmmm lemmie come up with some good hints
Why isn’t she naked yet? Hubby says it’s the only thing that could possibly help this movie
I’m not good at hints.. everything I think of, while witty, is a dead giveaway.
Murder? What?
Hint #1 – Texan
Then just tell me… What was the embarrassing song?
Dwight Yokum?
He use to have a nice tight butt
What a bizarre sex scene. Dis not fit in the movie at all
Hubby says we’re now at the lamest part of the movie. I’m not sure I agree.
Hint #2 – Ghosts are friendly
Now Hubby and I agree. This must be the lamest part.
What the hell was that? What ever it was, it killed the old lady
Awww, the dozer is nesting
I gotta pee.
That’s not a hint.
it’s just a fact.
But… the bathroom here is like… colder than the glacier that the Titanic bumped into .. I’m pretty sure.
And I didn’t bring a parka.
I don’t even really know what a parka is.
oh.. yeah.. that’s what I need for the bathroom breaks here.
I didn’t know Casper was a Texan.
I know what a parka is. But then I live in a land where they’re used
Well, I think this movie has bit the dust for us. We’re going out to spend money at The Sentry Box.
Cj, I expect to have that song posted by the time I get back because it’ll bug me all day otherwise :happy:
Later Panites
Hint #3 – Animated
The name of the SONG is “Come Clean” which shouldn’t give it away without you having to look it up.
Hint #4 – Disney
People at work send me links.
She’s named after a Beer that Homer Simpson loves.
If you can’t figure it out. I’m not helping any more.
CJ, is there someone else’s Texas citizenship that I need to revoke?
It would appear so, Ed. It would appear so.
Cj: That would be Hillary Duff.
Hillary Duff? (yeah, I looked it up). I don’t think I’ve actually heard any of her stuff *shrug*
Well, Hubby bought two more games while we were out, Castle Ravenloft and Dungeon Quest. We don’t play all the games we have a it is.
My livingroom floor is now covered in tiny little pieces that need to be bagged
Come Clean
I enjoyed the sing too, Cj.
Question: what was the ghost reference in your hints? I didn’t get the connection
Well completed Halo3:ODST tonight …and quite enjoyed it.
I imagine Homer’s beer has a different flavor.
A different kind of “Duff”?
Hilary Duff played Wendy in Casper the Friendly Ghost the motion picture.
I’m sorry, CJ, but I’m afraid you know way too much about Hillary Duff.
I had to look it up! *crossing fingers* HONEST!
I think I offended someone on facebook.
Oh well.
I do know that Hillary Duff is married to Mike Comrie.
And this is where Lazy Show Notes come back to bite me.
Does anyone recall a piece I read a lonnnnnng time ago on Deadpan, which was a brief scene set in a diner? Not quite a story, slightly wannabe Tom Waits-y?
I just can’t find the episode with that piece. Goshdarnit.
I think was on Gossip Girl back when I used to watch TV.
CR (Currently Reading): The textbook for the A+ exam. I think a detailed guide to configuring Windows 2000/XP kinda qualifies as a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore. :biggrin:
Good night, Pan.
Not sure if anybody remembers Manimal:
I will install Vista. . . Nevermore!
Van, I do remember Manimal; that show was often a punchline with the old Wingin’ It! crew. A shame about the star.
So I’m at the cinema waiting for Despicable Me to start and the ore ads music was bloody brilliant 80’s stuff today..
Goodnight :mush:
Here’s a bit of exciting news:
Well Despicable Me was ok, not upto Pixar standards, but a pleasant way to spend a Sunday Morning.
I know DJ Bunny will have an interest in this one.
Looks like Amazon is one of the official pre-order channels. Sweet.
Whoa, Deja Vu
Van 😉
I’m having some rose tea for breakfast. Yum.
K, I don’t want to be a liar. I am having coffee. I intended to make tea, but there was some yummy vanilla coffee in the breakroom, so one more coffee.. then I will have rose tea – I brought some bags to work so I could enjoy the yum all day!
It’s freezing in here as usual so I’ll have to go get my jacket outta the car. Forgot it. Oops.
A laught to start the week with
Good morning deadpan
So rummaging around my old Xbox and 360 games, I realise I never finished Halo 2 and Halo 3 (in fact for some reason I never did the first level on H3), so this weeks project is to complete Halo 3…
I won some contest at work and I’m getting a free Gears of War 2 for the Xbox. Whatever that is.
I mean I know what the Xbox is. and I know Gears of War 2 is a game.
And I’m getting one.
The Gears of War 2 game… not the Xbox.
Oh never mind.
You and all your questions!
ZOMG – so happy!
I’m feeling proud right now.
Look who won BOTH Editor’s Choice and 1st Place in the awards!!
Huge congratulations, Cj!
Thanks, Jack :wub:
And I’m off for another long journey to await my children’s return.
Enjoy your Sundays, Deadpan!
Here’s a video I never knew existed for one of Faith No More’s best tunes:
Congrats Cj!
Congratulaions Cj, do a search in wikipedea for Gears of War 2 and then you’ll know.
Safe journey Jack..
Thanks ditto and Van.
I know what Gears of 2 War is. Silly.
Environental disasters can look cool when seen from above:
Safe journeys, Jack. 🙂
Congrats, CJ!
Enjoy your time with the kids, Jack!
YEAH CJ!!!!!
Congratulations, Cj! :happy:
Re: Tonights “Mad Men”
I mean … this whole season has been about him reaching rock bottom and then learning and growing and … and then the writers suddenly decide on THIS ?!?!?!?!
come ON!!!!
This kinda gives you some insight into Jeff Loomis’s brilliance:
Not that Rhett needs any convincing. . .
I found that link very iLoomisnating.
Monday Monday… My kind of day.
Talked to a long lost friend this morning.
She’s doing well.
This makes me happy! 🙂
Thank you! Thank you! Ed, J0e and Amy!
To help you get in the spirit
Anyone know what ever happened to Tiki Bar TV?
Last episode I ever got was last Dec.
A quick check of their website doesn’t show any new episodes or any info on their status.
CP: Interview with Marina and The Diamonds
Monday morning catchup.
Jack: Congratz on your short story publishing.
CJ: Congratz to your podcast nomination. 🙂
Van: I haven’t finished Halo 3 either. Still stuck on the level that looks like the interior of a large intestine.
Wait, Jack posted something on Jeff Loomis? Must.. fight.. urge… to not… write… novel…… AAaaaaa….
Okay, I won’t write a novel on Jeff and Co. 🙂 But anyone with Netflix and an interest in hard rock / metal should add Nevermore’s concert DVD to their Que. It’s called “Nevermore – Year of the Voyager.”
Teresa and I watched it this weekend and can’t stop talking about it.
More gay awfulness, this time in my own back yard:
CP: Superb-space — Molice
And this is why I don’t use any app on Facebook anymore:
CP: Driven — Rush
This is Jack’s fault.
I heart those Zuiiken Gals.
CP: The Trees — Rush
Wow, a President who encourages respect for science:
“The president said last year that students should be recognized for science achievements in the same way the White House has historically honored American sports teams.
Professional and collegiate athletic champions are routinely invited to the White House for ceremonies celebrating their wins.
Mr. Obama has made science, technology, engineering, and math priorities in his education platform.”
CP: 2112: Overture — Rush
..and it’s goodbye Realms of Fantasy:
“Mr. Obama has made science, technology, engineering, and math priorities in his education platform.”
Damned edumacated elitist!
CP: The Rhythm Method — Rush
Damned rhythumacated musicians!
CP: Showdown At Big Sky — Robbie Robertson
Van, Warren Lapine is an interesting character.
interesting in a good or a bad way?
Bleugh on the Mad Men finale.
I was rooting for the ballsy blond rather than the insipid ingrown Mom.
One more meeting then I’m heading home for my 3-day week-“end” that isn’t at the end of any week.
I passed the exam I took this morning! I am now 50% of the way to being A+ certified! YAAAYYY!!! :biggrin:
Jack: There were actually a couple of questions on the test about Vista, which I knew the answers to based on my memories of using it for two and a half years.
I don’t know him personally, Van, it just seems like he’s a flighty one. I used to do a bit more short fiction market research than I do now.
Go Amy!
gotta agree with you Van.
I was/am trying to avoid spoilers here … but that little bit of plot twistage was soooo last season.
Congratulations Jack, CJ, and Amy
Congrats Amy!
Congrats Jack! Silly me for not noticing.
Thanks, everyone!
Leafs finally lose in OT to the Islanders. 🙁
Well, we’ve been on a bit of a roller coster here the last few weeks, but I think everything has finally come together. In about six months we expect to be moving into a new home.
I had planned to do this a few years down the road, but opportunity that we have come across to build a plan we really like a new community is making too much sense to not go for it.
I have a mixture of excitement and blind irrational panic.
“blind irrational panic”
Wasn’t that going to be the name of our Blues band ?
I can’t top that one, J0e.
Ed, I don’t think I was aware of your big move – – but I suppose congrats and good luck wishes are in order!
Darn, no gyroscope support in Tilt to Live:
I was looking froward to playing with that enabled.
Well, until a few weeks ago, neither was I. We had been slowly working down a different path, but that door closed itself on us as a practical assessment revealed it was something we just couldn’t do.
I’m not sure that one works quite so well for a blues band. Might fit better for a Ska band, though.
Morning Pan
It’s dark.
My kitty’s mad at me. She goes to the vet today and she needed to fast so I took all her food away last night at bed time and won’t give her any this morning. I’m sure she thinks I’m being mean.
Wow, lots of congrats to be given today. Here goes:
Congrats to Cj for her big win
Congrats to Jack for his big win
Congrats to Amy for her big win
Congrats to Ed for his big win.
Did I miss anybody?
Anyway, big hugs to all.
Congrats to TEB for taking good care of her pets?
Congrats to Ed for the blind irrational panicky move. 🙂
Do you think that includes Mr TEB as well ditto…you did use the plural after all.
It’s Bunny’s kitty after all. 🙂
I’m staying out of this conversation. 😉
Motherfucker we’re back.
We missed you.
Ran out of ammo. 😉
Kablam blam, blam.
Sorry bout the Leafs, ditto. Its gonna be good year tho.
I think so. They are showing more backbone than they have in years.
And not literally thankfully!
btw, I keep forgetting that The Police really stared off as a punk band. Some good early stuff. 🙂
They did! I enjoy very much
A new classic…
demoncat said:
ron should get a shirt just for getting in trouble over a picture of E.t crying over the crusifiction plus also having star wars characters take their fight to Narina. combing two franchises that are never ment to be together. though every one picked should be happy they got to show their creativity and came close to getting the t shirt.
Back from the vet. Kitty was not happy to be left behind
Like Kirk Cameron?
CP: I’m Not A Kid Anymore — Sloan
Like Candice Cameron?
Like Ferris Bueller’s friend, Cameron?
woot woot woot for everyone!
The train leaves for happyland in 5 minutes…
Happyland? Like James “Avatar” Cameron?
Sloan? Like Ferris Bueller’s girlfriend?
Who was also Tom Cruise’s girlfriend in Legend.
Ferris Bueller vs. Tim Roth Satan for Mia Sara. There’s a Tuesday morning image for you.
You mean Tim Curry? Although i LIKE the Tim Roth idea….
Heh. Oops. Tim Curry.
Tim Roth as Satan would be AWESOME!
Tuesday morning image? Mia Sara will do just fine, thank you. 🙂
Incredibly boring CCH
Poor Mr. C.
R.I.P. Tom Bosley.
Mr. C and June Cleaver. Not a good week for 1950’s America.
CP: Tesko Suicide — Sneaker Pimps
Nice one from comixed.
Riker likes
Go on girls, solo. Go on girls take a chance.
If you change your mind, I’m the first in line
Honey I’m still free
Take a chance on me
CW: Latest Dexter
You *had* to go there, didn’t you.
I was so avoiding that line.
CP: I Don’t Believe — Stabbing Westward
Sigh. Two of our trees in our front yard will have to be cut down. 🙁
Are they haunted?
Sorry ditto, I had too. 😉
Why they being cut?
Dutch Elm?
Limb Phoma?
Wiiiiiiith – – a herring!
A red one?
Dutch…. rudder?
I’d rudder be doing something else. 🙂
Oh bRudder
Maple you should leaf!!!!
Very interesting version of Barracuda by Sky Larkin:
It takes a couple minutes before it really gets going.
Treemendously disappointing ditto.
I’m sorry they could not just leaf you alone.
I hope that when they get to the root of the problem you’ll find what it stemmed from.
I’m going to borrow Van’s coat now.
Pretty cool music find, ditto! That makes up for your rudder joke.
J0e, it was good of you to branch out.
Tomorrow my next Netflix will arrive: The Paul Lynde Halloween Special.
I think I shall have to Live Pan it when I watch it, don’t you?
Yes please, JB :happy:
Ugh. I hate spiced beer.
Jack: glad you liked it.
PS: you need more disk space
Alas, the years have not been kind to Lt. Saavik.
Understatement FTW!
Good evening deadpan, good song ditto.
CD: Full Sail’s Wassail
Sky Larkin ftw.
Full Sail FTW!
I was actually kinda disappointed in the Wassail, I speed chilled it for tonight so I’ll try another bottle in a day or 2 that has had better chance to chill in the fridge. Maybe that will give a better showing for the beer.
CD: Choc’s Signature Super Saison, eh this was skipable check facebook if you want my full opinion.
and now I say goodnight pan, and goodnight mush
LostRalph, I’m not sure of your preferred styles, but I highly recommend Oak Creek Brewing Co’s stuff, if anything is available where you are. Their Hefeweizen is excellent, their Amber is nice, and their Nut Brown is probably my favorite.
Oops, 6 minutes too late.
I’m up at 11:35 at night..
giggle giggle
It’s so late.
I feel kinda naughty!
Notty. Pine.
Well it’s a bit bright in here.
Dread naught!
Gooooooood Morning Pan!
How are we this fine feathered morning?
For some reason I all wide awake and bushy tailed this morning.
Which is really interesting because, until this morning, I didn’t realize I had a tail at all 😆
I need a kip before work.
Ugh. Yearly performance review time again. It’s a good thing my boss likes me.
I think I’m going to open all the curtains in the house now. Hubby wouldn’t approve because it’s still dark outside. But hubby’s at work so – nya :tongue:
Its a good thing yearly performance reviews here are a joke. My “boss” didnt even show up to mine yesterday. Its good times.
Van: Whos Kip”?
Good morning, good luck with your review TEB.
Jack: Thanks for the recommendation, unfortunately it looks like I’ll have to wait until I get to Arizona myself before I can try any of their beers.
“By the time I get to Arizona….”
Since my office is in Ontario and I’m in Alberta, my performance review is done on line. As long as I actually get my work done, I think I’m safe.
I know what kip means! zzzzzzzzzzzzzz :sleeping:
The grocery store opens in ten minutes. I think I’m going to head out and get my shopping done early, then I have the rest of the day to do nothing.
I really wish I could ever remember when I did “nothing”
Nothing is nice. However it doesn’t always happen. Came home and was asked to do a little more work. Phooey
Hong Kong?
CP: Hummingbird — Imaginary Cities
The Glastonbury music festival has been canceled for 2012. The reason? There are no porta-pottys available since the London Olympics will be using them all.
Headlines(as written by 12 year olds):
“Glastonbury music festival pissed away.”
“Glastonbury music festival Craps out.”
“Music festival sees no relief.”
“Olympic sized dump buries Festival”
Wow. I never thought someone would actually create this piece of jewelry.
“London snogs Glastonbury in the pooper”
That necklace….is…whoriffic
“Glastonbury to London: This stinks!”
“London to Glastonbury: It all Depends”
“London poo poos Glastonbury Music Festivals concerns”
“Glastonbury Music Festival dogs its own hole”
Ditto: great music find. I normally can’t stand remakes but that was awesome.
ditto did you read the comments on the necklace page? Theyre…..outstanding
[whispered] He went to Jared [/whispered]
HE WENT TO JARED!!!!!!!!!!!
* shaky cam*
He went to
Every kiss begins with Kay?
What’s that ZZ Top song? She wants a pearl necklace?
Apparently so. 😉
CP: Stoner 2 — Torche
This is why you do not want Jared to come to you.
Just finished Kraken, Jack. I enjoyed it.
Next up, Don Quixote (yes, that Don Quixote)
But it can only be Jared.
Some people are a glutton for punishment.
I prefer to live glutton-free
That’s Jared.
Glutton for pun-ishment
CP: Little Bones — The Tragically Hip
It can only BE Jared.
dammit ditto…
That’s what she said.
Oh wait…
never mind
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww diiiito 🙁
Is that what she said when you gave her that necklace?
Perhaps. Perhaps. Mishaps.
*cue accordion music*
Totally awesome banned books display!!
CP: Thick or Thin — The Twisters
CP: We Don’t Need Another Hero — Tina Turner
CP: Mr. Crump Don’t Like It — Beale Street Sheiks (Stokes And Sane)
CP: The Gentle Art of Making Enemies – Faith No More
Dont you look so surprised. Happy Birthday! Fucker.
Lo, did you notice the FNM video I posted earlier this week?
Here goes, folks. From 1976 here is the Paul Lynde Halloween Special.
I think Paul Lynde may not have batted on Team Hetero.
Just Sayin’
Margaret Hamilton must have been pretty young back in 1939…
Unfortunate monologue followed by song and dance based on the “Kids” song from “Bye Bye Birdie”
Donnie & Marie unbilled cameo at the end of the song & dance.
Haunted house, Paul & Margaret outside. Door opened by Witchiepoo!
Billy Barty as the butler, Margaret gets into the green facepaint. Betty White as Miss Halloween 1976
Witches working on their PR, give Paul 3 wishes. First wish, he wants to be a trucker, with CB and rhinestones. Tim Conway is a fellow trucker.
The truckers are battling over Pinky Tuscadero, who frankly can’t act this role very well.
That’s a lot of bright red chest hair on Paul.
Square dance CB number. This is quite the 70’s extravaganza
And here comes KISS
After the commercial, new wish, Paul is a sheik, seducing Florence Henderson.
Back to the haunted house, Billy Barty gets to buttle a bit
Disco number time, Witchypoo, Margaret and Paul boogie on down.
Here’s Florence Henderson singing a disco version or “That Ol’ Black Magic.”
And now there is another KISS appearance, Time for “Beth.”
Total lip synch of the single.
They get to do a little patter with KISS now, coming up for one more wish, that wish is for one more KISS song
Now Pinky sings a disco duet with Paul.
That was…
Wow, what can I say
Cab Calloway certainly had a way with words.
And this should never be colorized.
Can you really say award-winning and porn star in the same sentence and not keep a straight face?
Jack no! Please tell me / email me bout the link.
JB: wut
ditto: yes. And her name is Jenna Haze…bwahahahahahahaaha
Even though I new something already, it’s always nice to get supporting confirmation. Slightly less panic.
Good evening Deadpan,
Ed I hope that cryptic statement means the new house adventure us going well.
CD: Unibroue’s Ephemere, which is an excellent beer made with apple and spices. I don’t know if I can give a better review than that, but still I highly recommend it, especially for hot weather.
Saw The Social Network tonight with my team. Then had nom and drinks at the Yard House.
It was a good time.
Just found (and watched) last year’s “Glee” season finale on my Tivo.
If you took all the best bits from this season and put them in one episode, it still wouldn’t be half as good as that episode.
They must have ditched all their writers from last season or something.
Lo – Thanks for keeping me updated on demoncat’s antics. Bastard. =)
I am what I do, my friend!!!
Be sick sucks. Going back to work after being sick also sucks.
U shuld skip wrk.
OMG this isnt a text, Alvie. Er. Lo.
Pay no mind to drunk Pan. Bitches