Deadpan Unshow Fifty-Three
Greasy Nipples
Kurt in Saint George (First of the Week)
Dj Bunny
John Boze
Happy Halloween to all Panites!
Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
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The 7th Guest
Damn, the TARDIS was a bit off on that one.
…and it’s bye bye Caprica:
I am surprised Caprica lasted this long.
Speaking of Caprica, one of my machines appears to be developing a ghost. Or the not-trained (bad) operator is doing bad things to it when I am not looking.
You know NS I’m actually glad I don’t know what you actually do.
I can safely envision you working in a massive steampunk mechanical monstrosity, steam everywhere, frantically banging misbehaving equipment with a large spanner.
I’m sure flanges feature at some point.
Never could really get into Caprica. We watched the pilot when it was put out on DVD. While that was decent, I thought it laid out enough in those couple of hours that it made a series rather superfluous.
It will be interesting to see if the new series with Adama in the middle of the first Cylon war can go anywhere.
Hmm, wonder if Evo really is quitting again for real this time….
Guess we’ll see if anything ever shows up in the feed again.
Of course, we still have the Deadpan FLICKR group.
Feel free to share there as well.
Goodnight, Goon…..
The hall of shame:
Although I enjoy listenng to Evo@11, if it doesn’t come back, I doubt I will miss it.
Aw, poor Caprica . . .
Its ok EssBee. There… is… another.
” Doctor Who has more conflicting canon already than virtually every other franchise with the possible exception of the Bible.”
And Cameron is gonna make two more Avatar films.
Actually, the news that two shows I watch have been canceled doesn’t break my heart. I could use a bit less TV time . . .
Whats the udder show?
It’s The Whole Truth, a lawyer show we kinda liked.
Oh I havent even heard of that one
It was good, I thought, but I might have been the only one.
Maybe……. juuuuuusssssttttt MAYbe
My daughter came home from school yesterday and showed me the book she got from the library.
It was “The Greatest Records in Hockey”.
I cried just a lil.
Awww, warms the cockles.
These cockles are sure getting a workout
should a story about your daughter have anything to do with cockles?
seams wrong
That’s so sweet, Lo!
Good job!!
Goddammit reaps.
Thanks ditto! I brainwash well…
Youre getting sleeepy….
demoncat sounds off…
demoncat said:
canceling shows that sci fi is becoming like other networks and figure if its not a big hit after a time pull the plug. plus think they also canceled it for they found out they are running their so called cash cow into the ground by all the spin offs and such
Havent had much time to watch scary movies this Halloween, but heres the ones I have and their corresponding Lo Pan grades on the
1. Stir of Echos – 3.25 six demon bags out of 4
2. House of the Devil – 2 green eyed girls out of 4
3. Severence – 3.5 black bloods of the earth out of 4
4. Let the Right One In – 3.3 burning blades out of 4
So far this morning I have written and not sent 2 snarky posts regarding Caprica’s slow pace and what that would indicate about how long it will take for it to actually stop airing …
… wait, does this count as a third one?
JOe, Sly B would agree with you. While we watch, she shouts at the TV: “WE GET IT. MOVE ON.”
greasy antiprocrastination un-nipple
I noticed this in the sidebar of the Dr. Who link:
Funny, Jack.
JR, I read “anti-procreation” twice before I got what you were saying.
I’m not much of a horror movie person, but I do have Shutter Island sitting there waiting to be watched. I really love Dennis Lehane, so have hopes for this. I also started watching The Fallen, the older Denzel Washington flick, this a.m.. The latter might be more thriller than horror.
Anybody planning to watch the new zombie series on AMC? I know there’s also one running this week on IFC, but I didn’t catch it.
Ill watch it! I hear its much more character driven than zombie driven. I liek that
Gary Busey is “The Ginger Deadman”
Rutger Hauer is “Hobo with a Shotgun”
All those moments will be lost in time… like shotgun blast into the rain.
Does Sly B know TV is a one way medium?
I’m just saying….
Not true, Van. I KNOW the football (not your kind) refs can hear me when I scream at them thru the TV
I was pretty displeased with the Shutter Island book. I also thought the movie was pretty forgettable.
I prefer Shutter to Think
< Drive-By >
For the record, it was the wife’s colonoscopy.
I do not know how to use a “:” correctly. I keep trying to shove food out of them.
< /Drive-By >
Oh…. and hi :pan:
Me love you long time
Suki Suki
I do hope all went well with the Mrs. Lejon. Please pass along well-wishes.
Agreed on the well-wishes
LOL, Lejon.
I am excited about the AMC zombie thing. I pretty much figured that after “Shaun of the Dead” … there wasn’t really anything new to be squeezed out of the zombie story line. Given AMC’s track record for quality entertainment … I figure if anyone can make something that’s not the same old thing … it’d be them.
I’ll have the Tivo at the ready … so no spoilers the next day!
CW: Latest Caprica
Is the show about misogynist zombies of the 1950s?
Ah JJ I have the prerelease of that zombie thing sitting on my PS3 HD.
Insert evil laugh here ———–>
No Jack, thats Deadmen.
Your awful homophobically disgusting link for today:
The positive on this:
Those repulsive, hate-filled people are the shrinking minority. They’re just much louder and a thousand times more actively destructive.
The negative: Their insanity will probably get more intense and more dangerous, as future generations of increasingly tolerant kids grow up, making the prejudiced haters more and more obsolete. They’re already beginning to feel like rats backed into a corner.
Word to your mutha, Jack. When someone says something nuts like this, it’s not just ignored.
Well hes not doing much to break Southern stereotypes at all…
interesting ideas on fry flavoring:
I think 2,4,5 and 12 sound good.
Oh, just one more. There are so many horrible things to share, but I’ll limit myself:
Great. I wondered what that tingle was.
I hope D. Savage blasts M. Savage for this
I vote for Thailand and Bulgaria, Rhettro. And fries with gravy from the land of ditto and Bunny, of course.
If I ate fries as much as I wanted to, I’d weigh 8,000 pounds.
All of those fries look like they’d be delicious alongside a Royale with Cheese.
CP: Stop The World And Let Me Off — John Doe and The Sadies
EssBee, I think I would to. I have had fries with malt vinegar and I love them lots of flavor with little extra fat
I like my chips thick.
Chips? or Chicks?
I had sweet potato fries yesterday. While I’m not a big fan of sweet potatoes, these were awesome.
CP: I’m Your Boogeyman — White Zombie
CL – Christopher Walken reading “The Raven”
damn … that guy could read the phone book and creep me out.
Never underestimate the attraction of a well built woman.
Yes the above line is bollox.
I agree, Van! Mostly because I am a “well built” woman.
Nevermind the bollox
CP: Lovalot — M.I.A.
CP: Knock Me Out — Linda Perry Featuring Grace Slick
Linda. Perry.
Steeeeeeeeve Perry
No, not the same memory.
William “Refrigerator” Perry?
Parry… Parry… Katy… Thrust…
OIks and away!
Rhett – yes. And yes. Then yes again.
Though we still don’t know if she’s truly a non-blonde. . . .
Sorry. Hairball.
Not a concrete blonde.
Or a Blonde Redhead
Or Dagwood’s wife.
Or Debbie Harry
New Lykke Li songs:
I was just reading about Lykke Li! Weird.
Downloading now ditto. So did you pick up a copy of Obsidian? 🙂
Rhettro: No, not yet.
How bout now?
Me: Bosslady, do you have XYZ?
Bosslady: No, but check with Peon #1
Me: Peon #1, do you have XYZ?
Peon #1: No, that’s Bosslady’s area
Wheel in the sky keeps on turnin, Ess.
Now? LOL No worries. 🙂
Jack: Have you had a chance to listen to the Six String Bliss album?
Heh, I just typed “dongmont” instead of “longmont” in google.
Dongmont makes more sense
I do not live in Dongmont, love.
I get it! Got it! Good!
Haha. I’ve heard Wrongmont. Longtucky. But Dongmont!
Longtucky!!!! I love that one.
Is ditto still around? Do any of you guys have a good kale recipe?
ditto???? Are you still round, good sir?
EssBee, I can probably get a kale recipe from Oden.
I have decided to forego any sad attempts at weak kale-related humor for this post.
Cool. I think mostly it’s just a saute with oil and stock type of thing. Not a green we usually cook ’round here.
That sounds okale by me
You guys kale me.
Kaling’s my business and business is good.
Megakale! Er… yeah.
Just don’t get kaleless.
A breath mint can help give you kaleless whispers.
So I’m going to Farnham (UK) on Wednesday and leaving on Thursday morning. I would ask where Van and NS are in relation, but in all likelihood I will be far to busy to see more than Gatwick airport, the hotel and my work site (fucking business travel) :cwy:
Bloody Hell UH, my sister used to live there, I’m about 400 miles away from there.
Far too many ‘there’ were used in that previous message.
I think Nomad’s in Mass.
NS’s shift pattern fools you into thinking he’s further east than he actually is…
There’s east and then there’s really east.
Don’t know why I though NS was from the UK. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Anyway, glad to know that I wouldn’t be missing an opportunity to meet up if you’re 400 miles away.
The bulk of my trip will be spent in Riyadh (about 1 week). So I will be quite absent for a while starting around November 2.
there there Van, It’ll be okay.
UH, please take me with you. I can be a good lil lackey…
Bunny if you could just ask the Flames to take it easy on the poor lil Avs tonite Id be so very appreciative.
Also…just watched Red Dwarf: Back to Earth. I have no comment on the cack it was at this time.
Nomad IS en mass…… and he’s fantastic
and spelled backwards he is citsatnaf !
Inconvenient truths 🙂
And a double citsatnaf to you, good sir!
Dammit Ed, I cant tell you how many times physics has caused my son to drive Hot Wheels up my nose and thats for real.
Jesus built my car. Its a love affair – mainly Jesus and my hot rod
Great link Ed.
Much needed laugh!
BTW – on the topic of horror films
I saw bits of “13 Ghosts” again today.
As that sort of film goes, I find I like it. For all of it’s standard cliches … It noticeably avoids the biggest one. Can’t say more without being spoilerific.
I actually own a 13 Ghosts promo Tshirt I got back when my buddy works at Suncoast Video 🙂
Tony Shaloub is always good
And no, Tony Shaloub cant see dead people.
Wait, yes he can. Nevermind.
Bunny how the hell did your Flames let my Avs do this?
Chris Stewart has first Avs hat trick of season. Good stuff
And noooooo ones home.
Goodnite ghost #12
Bunny Im gonna go ahead and send you an Avalanche themed shovel cause we were burying the pucks tonite.
Its a good thing I have a large penis cause if not Id be all wondering why noone is talking to me tonite.
Make sense? To you, no. To me, yarp.
Goodnite again, “Jawbreaker”
I love Stakka Bo. Love love love
Fun fact! The super hot girlie in the video committed suicide by hanging.
Goodnite, uncomfy masturbation.
More fucking fantastic early 90’s Swedish rock
Goodnite braces
Just added my Halloween costume pictures from both last year and this year to the Deadpan Flickr group.
I feel like I kept turning over in my grave all day. Must have been someone mentioning my name… =)
Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry Nomad Scry
From the second to last paragraph of EssBee’s link:
Emphasis mine.
Jack – I’m dizzy now.
Dear Lo Pan – No need to be so emo. We still love you. Scry. PS> What was demoncat smoking this time? PVC piping?
I own the Whale CD. I am so 90s.
Goodnight :flannel:
Oh no:
Track 11. Ha.
The Smurf graphics are almost enough to make me want to try out the game.
I know I must have seen the Smurf’s trailer at least three times this year while waiting for a good kids movie to start. I dread that I am doomed to see the trailer many more times before next spring.
Now, if they make a movie about the Snorks instead…..then I may just have to go postal.
Welcome, Usedhair, to the Dead(pan)pool!
I promise not to pee in the pool :devil:
Anybody have a link to the DP Flkr group? I don’t have it anymore what with the new hard-drive.
I’m not clinging to a gun or a bible. Just FYI.
Nomad, our demonbuddy was sounding off on the cancellation of Caprica.
Oh and I HAVE to be emo. My flowing hair demands such.
EssBee, you dont have both hanging on your wall? Or in the back window of your Ford f-350???
Morning Pan
Im gonna have to pick up that Whale album on CD. I only eve had it on delightful cassette. seems its a whopping $.98 on Amazon used.
Morning Bun!
EssBee, Ed linked to it earlier
It’s cold here today (-3C), I’m alone, I’m blah
Youre never alone while Im peering thru your window….er…. here!
Aww, that’s sweet :kissing:
I know. I know.
SO that was quite the goalie duel last nite, Bunny. Ugh.
I missed it but saw the results this morning. The Calgary/Edmonton game a few days before was quite similar in play… Except Calgary won that one.
It certainly was a high scoring game.
I hate that Anderson is hurt.
CP: Angel — Belly
demoncat weighs in:
demoncat said:
nice to see marvel keeping the cap costume as true from the comics as it can get with out sucking. and chris already had that so called beef cake role before cap. also can now wait to see what Hugo face looks like as the Red Skull. when he goes red
ditto: Tanya Donelly made my pants hurt for years. I heart her.
As long it’s an Av’s player I’m ok with that.
Lo: Amen
Ugh. I don’t think there’s enough coffee in the world to wake me up this morning.
Hubby’s up early. He just sent me a good morning text
Gronk no like.
Gronk need stick.
Beat computer with stick.
Stick smash!
Gronk feel better now.
ditto, try it intravenously. Helps.
*ponders how to misinterpret Bunny’s comment*
*disassembles pen*
“I’m mean I’m mean I’m mean
Ya know what I mean
She’s mean she’s mean
Ya know what I say
she’s says she’s mean
Ya know what I mean
She’s mean she’s mean”
Need more coffee now.
TEB: You have to dance when you sing that, ya know. 🙂
Since Hubby’s in San Francisco and I’m in Calgary, it’s hard to misinterpret, ditto.
Not dance ditto, destroy stuff and beat on people.
Oh, its *easy* to misinterpret/misrepresent. 🙂
Its not hard to misinterpret….
TEB: Even better!
I missed again…
das Boot?
To add a little zest to your pumpkin pie
I found this animation and version of the song quite moving
And available here! Oh Im a get some. Get some good Whipahol.
Thank you, Bunny. Sorry, Ed – was not ignoring you.
I could not drive nor ride in a Ford F-350 with a straight face.
Lo, I’m LOLing about one of your comments last night.
Just so you know, month end sucks.
I haven’t showered yet this morning. I think I’ll do that now.
It’s the colon of the month?
TEB – your hubby should try to catch up with the Smartie Hotties for a beer or something.
J0e, that wouldn’t work for several reasons.
1) his time is pretty well scheduled out on this trip (yes that even includes silly wine tours)
2) He’s with a group of people from work and they tend to party together; and
3) Deadpan is really more my thing than his. He knows some of the people by my references (and Jack because I’m an idiot) but he doesn’t listen (unless I’m listening when he’s in the room) or follow the forums so I don’t think he’d be comfortable meeting with someone he doesn’t really know.
It would be different if I was there too
Is there a colon of the month club?
CP: Breed — Nirvana
CP: FCC Song — Eric Idle
Fuck you very much the FCC
Fuck you very much for fining me
Five thousand bucks a fuck so I’m really out of luck
Thats more than Heidi Fliess was charging me.
So fuck you very much the FCC
For proving that free speech just isn’t free
CP: Still Right Here — Mankind is Obsolete
The despicable school board member in AR resigned. The video is worth watching:
I recognize Bunny’s “I’m Mean” lyrics, just FYI to all.
EssBee: well crap, I guess I’d better get moving on my Howl for Deadpan segment.
I can howl…
WNDR, I just might need your best Werewolf – – that could be great 🙂
OK, I’m getting back to work. Freaking out just a little because my iPod is missing.
Some decent (and not so decent) freebies on the app store:
Could be the next Governor of Colorado:
And, welcome our newest members to the Flicker Pool – Rhettro and Justa J0e!
Another podcast that I listen to (actually, it’s one of several dedicated to Disneyworld – been rather helpful with planning and preparing for my first trip in a few weeks)….
What was I saying? Oh, yeah. The hosts answer emails questions and one that came in was interesting. These people who host the show mostly live in Florida and go to Disneyworld several times a year. The question was
“When was the last time you did something for the first time, and what was it?”
While I’m sure the questioner was asking about finding something at Disney that this experienced group hadn’t done before, they diverged to life in general.
I thought that would be an interesting topic for our merry band. I’ll leave it to the wisdom of the crowd to determine if we should share things here, or use them as a call in idea for the show.
The smurf news also means I need to get moving further on that “9” Smurfs” project.
Welcome to the pool, everyone. I’m the one clinging to the wall in a shower cap and floaties with a big smear of sunscreen on my nose.
Not ignoring your terrifying newslink, EssBee. Our states appear to be in an out-crazying competition.
Ed, that is a fertile topic.
I think we should keep the responses R-rated or less.
You know, because of my delicate constitution.
Ed: That’s a hard question because I always strive to do or try new things, so what kind of scope do you want to this question?
There’s new stuff I’ve been learning at work, but that’s required by the project.
I tried a new restaurant the other week. That was fun.
A couple of months ago, I read “Feed” by Mira Grant. I normally avoid the Zombie genre, but this book sounded interesting and I was really surprised and pleased by how good it was.
That’s what currently comes to mind.
Yeah! Delicate woman!
I dont do anything new anymore. Life is one big cycle of sameness.
CP: Ships With Holes Will Sink — We Were Promised Jet Packs
Not to be confused, ditto, with “Shits from Holes will Stink”
I suspect Essbee was protecting my delicate constitution Lo.
Sad to say I don’t think I’ve done anything new R rated for a long long time.
LOL, Van!
I have a somber one. I formally wrote up one of my employees about 4 months ago, and gave some really negative – but fair – feedback on performance. It felt yukky, and anxiety-ridden, but the results have been outstanding. S/he totally turned her/his shit around.
That inner Voyeur us a bitch.
-u +i
Beggars belief:
Just look at Sweden you dumb fuckers, repressing that crap just leads to all sort of nasty shit later on.
CP: Here On Earth — Love & Rockets
OMFG…when SOCAL SCHOOLS are banning stuff… the rest of the country is fucked.
CP: Good For Great – Matt and Kim.
Its fantastic
Ban the dictionary, especially. Why would we want our kids to know what words MEAN.
I’d prefer the kids in my life to understand what oral sex means . . .
Good music, it’s a pure form
A pure form of sympathy
And if you break my system
I’ll burn you down
Its true. Words are the devils creation. We should go back to the time of “ugs” and hand gestures.
And by “good music”, ditto, we all know you mean “oral sex”
Humming, if you will.
Ban it! Along with:
Motor Boat
What ’til this parents find out about Wikipedia. It’s more informative on a lot of levels.
Everybody! Hum along!!
ditto that word is banned from the Pan.
I guess we need to ban Humility? Humanity?
+ Dive
CP: Les Hommes Qui Passent — Patricia Kaas
The Lo Down
“Lo Down”
I’m passent the buck
Must be passent to win
I drive a VW Passent
I can testify to the high quality of WNDRWolf’s howling. :happy:
I did something for the first time just today: I went to a corn maze. By
myself. It took me 45 minutes, 55 seconds to solve it. It was a lot of fun.
Amy, 46 minutes is a pretty serious maze. Did you run into Jack Torrance from the Shining?
Wow. I missed so much today. In reference to:
The person commenting (Stefan Jones) is a friend of mine. I like stumbling on people I know through links provided by other people I know.
A new thing I’ve tried lately is reading a Clive Cussler book (Pacific Vortex). Definitely not my style of reading and it’s slowing me down from getting to Dark Star, but a neighbor recommended it so I thought I would try it out. It’s quite “meh” so far.
I live in (or more technically -near-) Orlando, but I’ve only been to Disney once, so I can’t provide any additional tips on things to do there. :ermm:
I also recognized the I’m Mean reference and walked around work humming it to myself most of the day.
Just a quick FYI for other Netflix users, Netflix is now supporting instant streaming to the PS3, and Wii, without a disc.
Assuming you haven’t already gotten the email and downloaded the new client yourself…
Jack: 😆 No, just other maze participants. I probably spent 10-20 minutes of that totally lost; according to the attendants, I was only about the second person to do it solo, and most groups of people finish in 20-30 minutes. They didn’t say how long the other solo maze-solver took.
When a body meets a body
coming through the rye.
Added my pumpkin pictures to this years flickr.
I’m afraid they lack luster but they are there.
Theyre good, J0e!
Youre still my hobo humpin slobo babe.
LR: Downloaded client for WII two weeks ago. Its delish!
Wow Lo, now I feel cheated I only got the email for the Wii today, and the PS3 was on monday.
And yeah the best thing is the ability to search for movies on the Wii.
I have yet to take screen captures of my pumpkin images. And I’m not going to do it tonight.
J0e, I’ve always thought of myself as the catcher in the pumpernickel.
Grrrrrrrrr! at Netflix not being in the UK.
Morning pan, working all weekend, expect grouchy.
JW: In Treatment s3e2
Morning, DP. Sorry for the grouchy, Van.
We’re going visiting today.
Well, Van, you could move to Canada to get you some Netflixen.
I must confess, the most shocking part of this story is N.O.W. actually bothering to defend a non-left wing woman…
Though, the cynic in means wonders if they’d have stepped up like this if O’Donnell actually had a chance of winning.
I’d just like to say that I appreciate the existence of Long Pan today.
Thank you for being who you are.
OK, srsly.. tried to catch up. Just not gonna happen.
How did my life get so busy?
I need a hug. A REAL one… (although I’ll accept the virtuals) from all you guys.. I miss you much.
Haven’t even had time to listen to the episode.
Someone local get your ass to me and hug me.
More than just your ass.. I’d like to hug your upper torso as well..
Though, there’s probably something that can be said for ass-hugging.
When did I become so odd that I refuse to buy a blouse unless it actually displays my cleavage? When did I become this person?
And – seriously, my new shirt is hawt.
I do love my cleavage.
Is it too early to be talking about this stuff?
I’ll try to check back in later. Not that anyone is ever here on the weekends.
month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end month end
Hey, there my beautiful Bunny!
I’m double posting… wonder if this one will make it through.
*hug* to my Cj. Sorry it’s only virtual.
Don’t be sorry – it’s totally welcome! Appreciated! Loved even!
I didn’t mean that I don’t want them… I just ..
sorry I was distracted by this … what beating what?
Jack’s talking about Halloween and his memory..
I’m gonna need my 12 minutes ..
dammit, I’m at work!
CJ: *virtual hug*
Van: Goodluck with the weekend.
TEB: And goodluck to you as well.
Thanks LR. I’m hoping I only have to put in a couple of hours but we’ll see.
Hubby comes home today! :woot:
Of course, the plane doesn’t land until close to midnight – boo
Damn. Try that again :w00t:
That’s better. :happy:
I love the post of cleavage in the morning …
It posts like victory!
In fact Cj …
*hint hint hint*
finally I now know what “meme” stands for!
“months end months end”
Hmmm… a post of my pumpkin or my cleavage?
My pumpkin doesn’t have any cleavage…
“I’m not really bad, I’m just carved that way.”
It’s NEVER too early for clevage
I’m sure Lo will appreciate you calling him Long Pan again Cj..
Van, Cj and I are all sharing in our workedness today.
I uploaded some pumpkin and costume pictures to the flickr group. I’ll contribute more after everyone dresses up tomorrow.
*virtual hug* for Cj
Morning, Pan. NaNoWriMo kickoff party today.
This year, for the first time ever, I am a NaNoRebel. 30 melodies in 30 days, here I come!
Well, I have to go get medicine for my kitty. Then it’ll be back to the spreadsheets.
I’mma having a sassy day!
Well here’s a sssasssy virtual hug then
*sssssassy hug*
I wish I was having a sassy day.
I like the redesign of MySpace. It’s much better: not an horrible ugly mess and I can see and find things.
Jack might have fun with this. 🙂
I have the sneezes. Make them stop.
Oh wait … scaring is for hiccups.
I’ll just wave my magic wand….
So at the cinema, waiting for ‘the kids are alright!’ to start.
It’s my desperate way to avoid X-Factor.
Sneezes gone. Now for some lunch, then some Fable 3
And the hangover doesn’t pass. Nothing’s ever built to last. You’re in ruins.
FYI – Rally to restore sanity (and or fear) is currently on live from The National Mall.
Some people showed up. A whole lot of some people by the looks of it.
Could the nation really perhaps be reasonable?
Whoa, happy pre-Halloween, Deadpan-os.
Is that the next version of Windows?
Film was better than I expected.
I hate when that happens, deflates my righteous anger…
Holiday posters set in the SW universe:
Hi Deadpan
Richard Cheese is SOOOO awesome:
My baby and I are being lazy.
So thought it was a good time to Deadpan
woman sez: and we’ll be MIA the next few weeks
woman sez: woman sez?
you woman. me man. Me Tarzan. You Jane. ugh. ugh.
Richard Cheese?
That is some funny shit, man.
Deadpan Play by Play™
Featuring Unshow 53
Andrea the Amazing
Hugh the Hawt
woman sez: hawt??
What other H words are there?
Hugh the Hughness
Hugh the Hot
Hugh the Holy
Hugh the High
Hugh the Hysterical
Hugh the Humorous
Hugh the Honest
Hugh the Highroller
Hugh the Herbalist
Hugh the Herbivore
Hugh the Hammy
Hugh the Hunky
woman sez: I think I like Hammy
Hugh the Hammy it is!
the unshow isn’t even 3 minutes long
kurt is first
Vanamonde hard to chew
ditto wants a proton pack
bunny is connected with Matt
JB on fox’s bday
Good job peeps
Happy Halloween!
Woman sez: Happy Halloweenie!!
whats with you and weenie??
Woman sez: I like weenies
I love you for that
Jack can’t speak
Jack-a-mo-lantern pictures
next week things to look forward too
his beaten off story to come
updated 9″ smurfs
that’s it
happy and safe halloweenie
goodnight goon
we will randomly pick a deadpan from the archives now
Deadpan Play by Play™
Featuring Deadpan Ep #127 Knock-off of a Care Bear
Andrea the Alluring
Hugh the Halloweenie
farrrrrr point media
CJ is at zoo brew watching the go-gos
her brother built a teslacoil testicle
half deadpanite half whore. Sounds like someone I know!!!
woman sez: giggle giggle
Used Hair
Anus of Uranus
welcome to Deadpan 127
AKA Eddie Money
send more stuff
email. phone.
2, count em 2 pieces of audio fiction
I’m gonna rock ya til it strikes the hour
I be up in the gym workin on my fitness
very hard to drink
woah what you done to this rock and roll clown?
ooo babe
fat boy
wait until tomorrow
JB’s sad Jimmy story
Well this ought to be food, I’ll just grab some popcorn.
Err good
he got a crack in “it”
Paddy o’ Bear
Paddy O’ Bear could drink
Paddy O’ Bear was Jimmy
Paddy O’ Bear was on alcohol, xanex, marijuana, ecstasy and PCP
Paddy O’ Bear pissed himself
Paddy O’ Bear was commando in the bear suit
Paddy O’ Bear could articulate
Paddy O’ Bear jumped
woman sez: I’m so glad that was fiction. Yikes.
Sounded like that story about the guy when we were in highschool who impaled himself on a fence back in the late 80’s. Remember that?
Woman sez: Oh shit. Yeah. Kid was high on something. Do you remember what, Hugh?
No. But he was really messed up and jumped out a window and impaled himself on the fence.
fuckin thing again
Happy Birthday Paul Maki
V=V for Vandetta
Christopher Moore
woman sez: I love Christopher Moore
We didn’t know of him until after he was on Deadpan
Don’t eat that popcorn Van!
Woman sez: Who is Jack talking to?
I don’t know
woman sez: Is that Tee Morris?
Woman sez: I’ve forgotten his voice
I don’t know Tee
Woman sez: Yeah I think that is Tee. They are discussing Alan Moore’s books.
We think Watchmen is better, but can understand your V appreciation
the above comment was about the comic books not the movies
we have not yet seen either of those movies
Babe you were right. It is Tee
your order is up
in the marketplace shopping for spices
undead microbe infection! Where did they catch those?
Deadpan play
Ryah had mischief in her eyes
Ryah has killer rabbit
zach taylor was an ordinary art therapist
questors a cereal by Amy Bowen
woman sez: does questors cereal stay crunchy in milk?
i forgot about that
nobody loves you
but don’t feel bad
nobody is a dirty dirty whore
woman sez: what happened to marlo diane? Is she still around?
A-hole is to Asshole as A-typical is to Asstypical
he left out a lot of content to make room for the longer bits
oh! I have a joke
You better not put any content in next weeks Deadpan to make room for my longer bit
woman sez: you think you are so funny
I am funny. You are laughing
if you wanna play
send shit in
spherical jack mmmmmmmmmm
the end of watchmania
no more outrobabble
your welcome Jack
outrobabble never ends
Jack wants to open the door
you need skype
Will Jack come back after the music game™
jane sez: no
tarzan sez: yes
Jack didn’t come back!
Andrea wins. Yay me!!
It’s been fun pan.
We’ll be out the next few weeks so to cover everything over the next few weeks:
Happy Halloween
Happy voting
Happy 17 year anniversary to my beautiful wife
Happy Birthday to me
Happy daylight savings
Happy Thanksgiving
Hugs, Cj
That is all. Mwa.
So the clocks go back tonight in the UK, an extra hour sleep awaits.
I don’t think the US gets it’s extra hour til next week.
Maybe the clocks here are filibustering.
Soooooo, I have an audio file I want to share with you’se guys.
Anyone know a “flickr” type site that will let me do that?
You could attach a still image (or series of still images) and put in on Youtube. I’ve seen that done with a few things where people have made ad hoc music videos.
Christmas present for the Star Trek geek in your life:
Vanamonde said:
Is that the next version of Windows?
I wish I knew how to make a Windows desktop theme. If I did, I would so make a Deadpan one.
Talked things over with my mom today. We both agreed that 30 songs in 30 days is way too much. I decided to rebel by finishing one or more old pieces of fiction, and maybe writing a song or two in there somewhere.
TSH: They caught the undead microbe infection from the zombie fish they fought back in Questors episode #1 (which was in Deadpan episode #100).
One of these days I will get off my lazy butt, remaster that sucker and get it posted on Podiobooks.
Happy birthday and anniversary to you, TSH! 🙂
Good night, Pan.
Happy annibirthday, Hughdre!
Happy ‘ween, everyone.
Boo bitchcraft.
Happy Halloween, Samhain, All Hallow’s Eve, All Saints Day!
Lo may have the flowing hair, but I’ve got the library.
AFI, Fall Out Boy, Hawthorne Heights, lostprophets, My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the Disco (actually, I’m sick of them), Paramore, Saves the Day, Simple Plan, Story of the Year, Taking Back Sunday, and
CL: 30 Seconds to Mars – Search and Destroy
My wife found these:
Well it’s another way of approaching life:
Good morning!
Happy Halloween!
I haz a bit of tired due to a NyQuil Hangover.
Denis Leary would be proud.
Well it made me smile:
All Calgary hockey players need to be put on a time out. What the he’ll was that?
That Enterprise link shows a little plastic model of the bridge. My Hubby has that model. It’s on display downstairs
I personally found those shoes rather ugly.
I NEED a bajilloin dollars. Then I can buy my happiness :happy:
Now it’s time for a little Fable. That’ll make me happy, too.
I kinda think I’m looking hawt today. :drevil:
Feel free to disagree…
I’m feeling the hawtness though… I can’t be stopped…
Vanity? Perhaps I vain too much? lol
Sometimes ya just gotta love yourself… that’s all I’m sayin’
He’ll is a classic sign you are typing a message on an iPhone/iPod Touch
/puffing on a pipe and wearing a deerstalker.
Re CJ –
Yep! That works for me 🙂
Ahh J0e, did you notice the little bit’o cleave I left in that shot for you? Just for you..
Cj: Great pic!
Happy multicultural pagan day!
CP: Swagger — Flogging Molly
I was getting some ice out of the freezer yesterday and I found that by trying to pull frozen ice out against it’s will… it will bite.
Cleavage and a hint of frilly bit CJ … just what the doctor ordered!!!
Hey Deadpan …
,,, Trick or Treat!!!!
Two . . . thumbs . . . up for Cj’s picture.
CD(rinking): Mudslide
CR(eading): A+ exam textbook
CD(oing): Waiting for trick-or-treaters
Life is good. :happy:
Happy Halloween, Deadpanerinos! 😀
Alright, if any American panites (can’t promise it works for the international contigent, I’m afraid). –
If you check in before midnight, Amazon’s MP3 store has a 99 song collection of “Darkest” pieces of classical music for $1.99 for today. I know I’ve already got many of these, but I’m sure there are more that two that I don’t.
Also, if you put in at the “Redeem a gift card….” link in the upper right STUDENT3 for a code, you’ll get a $3 Amazon MP3 credit to use as well.
Happy Halloween, pan.
Ed is all over it.
I am feeling REALLY good at the moment and I want to share it with me Deadpan Buds!
YAY! *virtual high-five to J0e*
Good enough dial in to the Deadpan voicemail line, J0e?
hint hint
Ack. I’m at work and cannot take advantage of Ed’s amazing deal. :grumble:
CE: pumpkin pie with CooHHHwip
CD: tea
set down n front of the World series and passed out.
… and to all a good night!!!!
good night Tricks
good night Treats.
Just added pictures from tonight to the Deadpan Flickr group.
Good night, Pan.
Anyone want a pack of skittles?
The P&P would be a bit steep.
Oh bugger, grab it when you can:
Shame as it works rather nicely on the iPhone
It’s funny. Sorta. The first I hear of VLC on the iPhone is when it is being removed.
My son went as Neil Gaiman for Halloween.
Yeah it’s nice to be able to copy AVIs straight to the phone, no more time consuming conversion to H264.
Hopefully Apple won’t nuke it remotely.
As for the kiddie pic NS, did people guess the Neil Gaiman thing or did you have to tell them?
Hey Pan
Back to normal times. *yawn*
Afternoon TEB, I’m just off for a kip.
*Dims lights for Van and tucks him in*
Good morning beautiful Bunny.
Enjoy yourself Van.
We had a blast last night. I could definitely sleep more this morning.
Alas, it is my “Friday” today – then the rest of the week shall be putting the finishing touches on the little dude’s birthday party…
Cannot believe my little man is turning 5…
Why do people keep offering me Skittles?
I do not want.
Maybe they think your life should be all beer a skittles? Except they have a BYOB attitude.
I am, however, going to eat a Twizzler.. at 5:41am.
because I have ZERO control over myself when it comes to red licorice thingies.
Red Vines are supreme… but still..
I wish I had some licorice :ermm:
I finally had some Red Vines over the summer. It must be what you’re used to because I preferred Twizzlers.
I don’t like black licorice at all.
However I am eating a pomegranate right now. I loves me those red seeds :happy:
mmm I have a huge fondness for pomegranate! Yum!
We had 1 trick or treater all weekend…
more candy for me!!!!
We only had about a dozen ourselves, Wolf.
It seems the damp, cold weather scared them off. We had about half our usual number of visitors.
Welcome to Hangover Monday.
Had oodles of ToT last night.
Tended to come in waves though.
We had like 5 ToT…
I brought the bag to work and dumped it out on people’s desks.
CP: Dude (Looks Like A Lady) — Aerosmith
Ed: Thanks for the heads up! I’ll get that when I get home after work.
We had 13 ToTs
Catacombs is currently free on the app store:
Think Gauntlet clone..
NS: I love your kid’s costume. I bet most people went, “Who?”
The glory hole equivalent of file sharing: anonymous USB drives embedded in walls.
What a ridiculously bad idea.
I wish I could be like Van and go for a nap. Unfortunately, month end has got me in its icy grip.
ditto – maybe it was done for the photo ops of people trying to use those “randomly” placed usb ports… Think of the hilarious pictures of people trying to get their laptops up to a port just out of reach…
I’ll get Van’s coat.
TEB I’ll take a nap for you…
Will I feel refreshed afterwards, Wolf?
Nice show Wolf on the latest WR, cool add for Podiobooks.
Although I was half expecting you to pull out a Carbine and start taking pot shots at the Covenant…
CP: Flowers on the Stage — Tunabunny
Is it a spider?
Wolf, I won’t be able to listen to your show until probably tomorrow.
Van – That was made earlier this year (maybe last year) for a contest…
I didn’t win some guy with a bunch of monkeys won…
TEB – Don’t worry it will wait for you… but only you. 😉
Anybody seen Jack today?
I bloody hope not ditto.
That brick wall USB port is so Bruce Sterling.
Halloween was a huge success around here, with enough candy to make a new house for Hansel & Gretel’s witch.
Yo Wander!
Mixtape of John Carpenter movie soundtracks:
CP: Strawberries — Asobi Seksu
Awww, Van gave us (the link to) a mix tape :heart:
I now have his name written on my jeans.
Yo Jack – Get the link I emailed you?
I didn’t do the Mixtape.
BTW, Neil Gaiman is a wonderfully obscure, smart, cool choice for a costume. Nicely done, NS and family!
So true! Teh sexy wins!
lmao. I love the line from today’s MegaTokyo: Princess Aw3s0m3
The costume also looked like Abe Kotter.
Or how I remember him.
*hugs Vanamonde*
It would so rock to be Horshack in a Rorschach mask, some Halloween.
What about Rorschach in a Horshack mask?
Either would be pretty cool.
Oh, Oh, Oh!!!
I have a bucket of cold water on standby TEB.
For you or me, Van 😉
CP: Time Again — Asia
Rorschach and Horshack together in a horse costume?
Finished work as far as I needed to. Can do the rest tomorrow.
Now I think it’s time for ME to have a kip :sleeping:
Isn’t a kipper a small, oily fish?
Party in his pants:
Enjoyed this flash fiction at AE:
I’m wokkin, yes indeed, I’m tokkin, about great Chinese…..
Finally got all of the outside decorations (and support gear like audio stuff and fog ducting) dismantled and put away. Or at least moved into the garage where I can put it away tomorrow.
It’s a lot of work for a one night engagement but it was quite a show!
Do Jack-O-Lanterns count?
CW: Boardwalk Empire
Aww Van… I haven’t *swooooned* in a while.. thanks for that.
and as far as writing boys’ names goes.. I always wrote my crushes’ names on my shoes.
Not my jeans.
Shoes… why? I don’t know.
“these shoes were made for walkin'”
And the Devils are the worst team in hockey.
BTW, I’m really digging Van’s John Carpenter mix. Thanks for posting, Van! Appreciation for this whole crappy primitive synthesizer instrumental genre will probably die out with us. The label “New Age” definitely did them a disservice.
Goodnight :Jean-Michel Jarre:
CW: The Walking Dead E1
Well that got off to a good start.
No spoilers Van. We haven’t watched it yet, it’s still in the DVR.
CE: Pomegranate. Yum.
Yeah, no spoilers, Van. Watching that one tomorrow morning before work, or tonight while Sly B mariachis.
Then I too shall keep my opinion of tWD to myself.
I’m the youngest person in the cinema…pensioner special today it seems..
What are you viewing today?
Jj – I bet its “Twilight”
The guy who plays the sheriff in TWD is a bastard of a teacher in ‘Made in Dagenham’…
*gives Jack hockey man-hug*
Ed, your kids are terrible cute
*slaps Lo Pan on the butt*
What’s hockey?
I watched the end of the World Series game last night. I was rootin’ for the Rangers, but enjoyed the series in spite of their loss.
That only make him more randy Essbee.
I bet Jack would like one of these: A pick punch.
My ass is red!
Who’s randy?
You know, “red-assed” is a Southern (JOe, am I right?) expression for “pissed off.”
Apparently Garbage is making a new album.
I’m red-assed that Garbage is making a new album.
Shirley Manson = *swoooon*
CP: 52 Girls — The B-52’s
Can you name? Name? Naaaaammmmeeee? Name em today?
Well that was very worthy.
I do like the Garbougsh. 🙂 I do hope the new album is more rock than pop.
I like Garbagio too, which is why I dont want a poo album.
There, I went shopping and I have cookies in the oven. Now back to the spreadsheets.
I sometimes don’t like working from home. Sometimes, being alone without anyone to rant at during the day is… disheartening.
I’m obviously in one of those stupid moods. Quick Lo, Say something silly to make me smile 🙂
Bunny you know I cant perform under pressure…
Oh WAIT! Neeeeeverrrrrrmind.
Hand me a tissue?
Now to bake the spreadsheets? Oh back to the spreadsheets. My bad.
OK, who the hell keeps putting these white hairs in my goatee??
RE: “(JOe, am I right?)”
Well Essbee, I’d have to say that your starting position on “Team GLBT” would make some automatically believe that you would have to be far left.
However, I have found that your reasonable views on life in general (and the fact that you tow the line for your corporate overlords) puts you much closer to “moderate”.
… wait.
Why are you all looking at me like that?
Oh, maybe I need to re-read the question.
I’d like to rephrase my answer –
“Look over there – Boobies!!!”
*runs for the exit*
*runs for the boobies*
J0e, TWW was especially painful last week (Halloween show).
JOe, bit your tongue. Yes, I am a corporate whore, but it’s revolutionary. Obviously.
Fight The Power!
Oops, I didn’t actually bite your tongue . . .
*Takes notes*
aaaa ….ell isth is a ili ackwaa
Speaking of awkward …
I just checked the guy’s website and yep … it WAS a candidate for state senate that I publically called out this morning for douchebaggery.
Didn’t know who he was, just thought he was another regular douchebag.
Welcome to no sympathy night.
/started going grey at 14…
Go JOe!!
I love Julia Styles
Very cool:
EssBee, you can bite my tongue any day.
She plays a pretty fucked up person in the new season of Dexter.
And J0e, I’d have to say, if the deuchenozzle fits. . . .
Awesome pics, Van, and agreed about Julia Styles. She really is damaged on Dexter!
Can I just say I can’t wait for this election to be over? It’s nerve wracking.
I should explain –
I was walking into my community center to vote and I see this big SUV with magnetic campaign signs on it, pull into one of like 6 spaces near the building that are reserved for people who are going to the library.
I immediately had my doubts as the sharply dressed man with the fancy haircut and the teen(?) girl climb out. Still, I walked on past.
As I got to the front doors though, I could see their reflections behind me as they walked past the doors to the library and stopped to talk with someone. Something inside my head said “If you don’t say something, who will?”
I turned around and started back towards the couple who had now positioned themselves on either side of the flag pole at the entrance and seemed to be wanting to wave at folks. The clean cut guy (with a big campagn button on his jacket) makes eye contact with me and seems to know I want something so I called out from about 10 yards away, “Excuse me but there are other available parking spaces. Could you PLEASE not use the one specifically reserved for those trying to go to the library? Thanks.”
His smile never faded but now looked completely plastic.
“Oh. Okay.” he said.
When I got inside I peered out and he and the girl were climbing back into the SUV.
Total DB
BTW – After I had voted and was heading back to my car I noticed no sign of the guy or his SUV but I did see a poor girl with her arms full of books. All the Library spaces were full (all Library patrons I am SURE) and she had to park some distance away and was trying not to drop the books which were stacked up under her chin.
I offered to help her of course but she declined. I guess she was more afraid of me then damaging the books.
Still, it made me feel better about calling someone out for taking those spaces.
And on a totally unrelated note, my copy of Towers of Midnight just shipped from amazon. ohboyohboyohboy
A FB friend posts her own poetry on her blog:
I like her biographical info!
Yeah, very honest..
Chance Encounter hit home for me when I discovered a photo of somone who ditched me on the internet.
Positive review of the new Goldeneye:
CP: Heart of Glass — Blondie
Well pan, I told Jack a lie. I told him I wouldn’t be back on the boards for a couple of days. I won’t get into the huge ass rant, but I just got told that some tests I wasn’t expecting to take for another week has been bumped up to Thursday. And I’m afraid, all my friends work during the day so it’s hard to talk to people when you need them. I told Jack I wasn’t going to bring this to the board because I don’t like to bring DP down. As isaid, I lied. After waiting for six months things are being pushed along rather quickly. I’d almost say too quickly, but I’m glad
While I’ve hinted at being sick for a while, Thursday I get tested for MS. I got called about 5 minutes ago giving me the date. I think, now that it’s test time, I’m a little nervous. Even if it comes out negative, it’s still scary
*reaches out to hold the Bunny’s hand*
Oh BTW Jack, I won’t be able to do show notes on Thursday
Good god…
Well youve got my thoughts, Bunny. Fo sho and fo real.
Now go kick ass and pass those tests. K?
Funny thing Lo, I almost want the test to be positive. The process op to this point has not been fun and if it comes out positive the process will stop and we can start moving forward
Wow this week is sucking on multiple fronts.
You have my sympathies Bunny. I hope it really does get better for you soon.
Hubby just texted me. He said he’s taking Thursday off work. I luvs my hubby
Thats a pretty shitty choice to have to make, Bunny. Lesser of two evils?
In all fairness, as I said, this has been ongoing and I haven’t said much (and as much as told Jack I wasn’t going to say much) but I admit I got the phone call this afternoon and I went Oh My God. Now I’ll go back to shutting up
Fingers crossed for you TEB, that it’s negative for MS.
…and personally speaking, you can never bring the deadpan down, talk about whatever you want.
Bleh. I was tired and scared and there was nobody here to talk to. That’s all. It’s out of my system now so it’s all good :happy:
The kick ass bunny returns!
“talk about whatever you want.”
Does that mean you canceled the fatwa on “Blade Runner”?
Well there are limits…
CW: The Big C – E11
You know “Red Dwarf: Back to Earth” had 1000 homages to Blade Runner….
Blade Runner Blade Runner Blade Runner Blade Runner Blade Runner Blade Runner Blade Runner Blade Runner Blade Runner Blade Runner 😉
I’m going to put my sunglasses on for the rest of the evening…
BTW jack, got your e-mail. Thanks. John came home last Saturday
Blade Runner had My Little Pony homages. 😉
The future’s so bright, Van’s gotta wear shades.
So I had a chance of to play around with one of the new Macbook Airs, the 11 inch model.
No denying it’s a nice bit of kit, but not worth a thousand pounds.
Trivial I know, but I’m tempted to subscribed to Interzone magazine, but have an irrational fear that if I do, it will fold soon after my CC is punched.
ditto – I think those are Infinite Peril” glasses.
“My Little Pony homages”
Is that like “Furries”?
Maybe that was what the Androids were really dreaming about.
You know, Lo Pan was in Blade Runner….
Van, fear leads anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to the Mac side
I would just end up installing Windows 7 on it.
The horror, the horror…
The MacBook air struck me as just being an oner prices netbook
Oner = over
Oner = Boner
Steady on.
Hold steady
I hate myself for doing this:
Stay on Target
Dont hate. Appreciate.
COME ON!!!!!
You’re in my thoughts Ryah, I can’t imagine how stressful this must be for you. I am happy that your husband is looking out for you and know that the Deadpan has your back.
Bunny, emailing ya. You’ve got my athletic support. Er . . .
C: denying an earache.
Don’t hate, congratulate
Dont hate, ovulate
Don’t hate, master. . .
Dont hate, ejacu…. you know.
It’s a small world, Bunny.
After all.
Good luck TEB.
# Vanamonde Says:
November 2nd, 2010 at 12:42 pm
…and personally speaking, you can never bring the deadpan down, talk about whatever you want.
# Lo Pan Says:
November 2nd, 2010 at 12:43 pm
I’ll also add a public “^This”
And you’re allowed to miss your husband even during the afternoon, while you’re home and he’s at work.
^The Other Thing
Give the dog a bone.
Is it time to come rolling home?
Offering Bunny a positive scratch behind the ears.
Amazon also delivered my big honkin copy of “Towers of Midnight”.
Downloading my audible copy that I’ll actually listen to as we speak.
Listen carefully. The new Electric Six album “Zodiac” is their second best album. Its outstanding. And before you rue this statement, understand theyve had 7 albums in 8 years. Its outstanding and gets 3.5 Egg Shens out of 4 on the Lo Pan scale of approval. God its god.
3.5 Egg Shens – – that’s a lot of squinty left eyes.
Adding my positive thoughts toward Bunny to everyone else’s.
Night, Pan.
I should qualify, lest any sensitive types want to cry racism:
Goodnight :Wong:
James MacArthur, the guy who played Danno in Hawaii 5 O died recently:
Very cool Xbox 360 case mod:
Well, while I know I’m being naively optimistic, here’s looking forward to at least one day without campaign commercials and news.
Reckless Racing is on sale for the iPhone/iPod Touch:
If you remember Top down racers from 16 bit days, you’ll get the idea.
We can agree on that, Ed.
My goodness, a sensible DVD release:
Surely it’s a mistake, Van.
CP: Polka’s Not Dead — The Dreadnoughts
Punk Polka!
CW:Latest SGU
ditto, I can polka!
EssBee: Check it out!
Oooh, they just called the CO Senate race for M. Bennett. Relief.
Treat yourself to the good stuff ditto.
CP: Want — The Cure
Wait guys, we’re losing Rhett with this conversation! Someone find a Nevermore polka.
OOm-pah OOm-pah, OOm-pah OOm-pah, OOm-pah OOm-pah, OOm-pah-pah-pah.
Does this count?
Doopity do
Jeremy! Were you in that Quake “It Gets Better” video?
ditto, I think we’ll have to wait for Rhett’s answer on that one. 😛
Wow, the e-mails have been coming fast and furious. I’m touched. Thank you.
Actually, just thank you in general. Deadpan makes me feel good.
Instanbul Not Constantinople sounds pretty funky in French
I’d totally dig a Nevermore polka! 😀
I’ll give ditto’s link a listen when I get home. So now that the election is over I guess it’s time to talk about the Tea Party! No not that one, the Canadian band, the Tea Party. Supposedly, everyone from Canada knows about them and all of us Mericans don’t. So how do I know about them? From Nevermore, duh. I’ve discovered that Warrel Dane’s and my musical taste are very simular, except that I can’t listen to Melt Banana. The latest Nevermore CD has a cover of the Tea Party’s song “Temptation” on it, which is superior to the original in my opinion. LOL But evidently, Warrel totally digs the Tea Party song, “Transmission.”
See I knew I could get us back to Nevermore.
Bunny, I’m glad we could come fast and furious to make you feel good.
Or, more tactfully: I think I speak for everyone when I say we’re glad to help. We’ll do our best to mix some cheer into the anxiety.
Jack, I don’t even know where I’d “start” with your post.
Also, Bunny, what they said.
“I’m glad we could come fast and furious to make you feel good. ”
Wow. So many places I could take that one…. 😉