Jack Mangan’s Deadpan 43: Spoon

Greasy spoon Standings
1st 4 comments
Under the Graying Sea promo
TD-0013 bumper. . .
. . . leads to a strange mash
Amy Bowen tells about her Secret Santa experience
Amy Bowen’s Thank You Message to Podcasters
Paul from Des Moines Deadpan bumper
Unrelated Thought
Unrelated Kitchen bumper from Justa J0e
Chris the Fixed Kitty’s alcohol
Andrea Smarty Hottie Voicemail
Brief snippet of DJ Utopia’s “Meet the Parkers”
Dumbass Memories – Paul from Des Moines
Kris from Tempe’s Deadpan bumper
Greasy Spoon Finale!!
Stolen from the 80s – JohnBoze (hi)
My free bumper gift to all podcasters
One – Matt Mango

Late ze shown oats.

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