Jack Mangan’s Deadpan 41: John Shirley Come A-Walkin’ – Part 1

Tomi Baby – Chris the Fixed Kitty
Unrelated Thought
Less geeky Unrelated Thought
Tee Morris’s “Billibub Baddings and hte Case of the Singing Sword” podiobook promo 2.
Alvie’s Deadpan love bumper
John Shirley interview — part 1
Deadpan haiku bumper
My Parents Are Crazy – Ed from Texas
TD-0013 Deadpan bumper
John Shirley interview — part 2
Mike Nelson bumper
Computer King’s “Into the Dark” podcast promo
Greasy Spoon comments
Original mashup: “One With the Stillness”

I told you I’d update the Lazy Show Notes. Links forthcoming.

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