A flat chested young woman goes out looking for a new bra one day.She tries shop after shop trying to find a size 28A yet she can’t get one anywhere.Finally, in desperation, she tries her fortunes in a little unmentionables shop run by an woman who’s hard of hearing.“Have you got anything in size 28A?” asks the young woman.“What was that, dear?” says the old woman.The young woman repeats herself again.Still the old woman can’t hear her, so the young woman lifts up her T-shirt baring her breasts and says, “Have you got anything for these?”The old woman peers at the womans’s boobs and says, “No, dear. Have you tried Clearasil?”
My back is not hurting this morning.
First time in 5 days.
I am … cautiously optimistic.
Yes, it was a strange crowd at the Rasputina show. Great stuff, though. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing a favorite hidden gem of the 90s in its entirety. And fortunately, we didn’t get quizzed.
Cynful, did Vita and the Woolf open for them in KC? They were seriously impressive. The tiny club’s sound went belly-up for one song, so she performed some incredible unplugged tune with the guitarist. It was like we were suddenly in a quiet Tarantino movie scene.
Yep. Vita and the Woolf was seriously impressive. It too me a couple days to realize who her voice reminded me of. Adam (drummer) cracked me up so I had to give him good natured shit. Their first full length CD comes out between our bdays.
I’m glad she didn’t quiz you all. It was pretty awkward. I think they were amazed that we were actually dancing and singing and not just shoe gazing. But the performance was phenomenal.
Yay! We saw the same artists 1 week apart 🙂
Indeed. 🙂
A touring concert would have been tough to pull off, but could have been a fun Palooza topic.
I’m not the biggest graphic novel reader, but I’ve been flying through Y: The Last Man. http://tinyurl.com/zy4zf7s
Currently on book 3 of 5. Interesting gender issues, interesting commentary on humanity.
CP: Run Runaway — Great Big Sea
Slade cover?
Yep. A good one.
Another day, another car with winter tires
Today they measured my bookcases in preparation for making my secret door
I hope you were laughing maniacally while typing that.
Or at least an evil grin.
Crap. How did I miss the fact that Great Northern release and album last year?
CW: Travelers E2
Ok, on reflection the premise is riddle with plot holes (if they take over bodies of people who would have died they automatically change history as these people are saved).
But those series has a good vibe so far, so sod the nitpickers…including me.
Doesn’t seem to getting much buzz on the internets so I had better enjoy it while it lasts.
I’m making supper. One of the ingredients has an expiry date of Oct. 8, 2017, 11:23pm
After 18 minutes, it was still molten lava and I felt it down my Food Tube then into my belly. I’m guessing that “heat” will likely continue on into my guts.
Hot Pockets are like failed pasties.
You got it!
Eventually it cools … and hardens, like an industrial plastic.
Down to specific days now? That doesn’t sound good at all…
F. M. L
Folding My Laundry ?
Fondling Male Lemurs?
Fondling male lemurs requires a permit.
Free male lemurs from men’s fondling
What about folding male lemurs?
They are more portable.
Morning Pan
The cars are now ready to take on winter.
Are they in Phoenix?
While it would be nice, unfortunately the answer is no.
Did they buy a new fur coat for Paulina ?
Who’s gonna drive you home tonight?
You might think that joke was hysterical.
CP: Telling Lies — Great Northern
Pulled out the harpsicle for the first time since we moved in to the new place. It felt good. Except all my sheet music is in a box somewhere waiting for the basement to be done.
Might have to do some Googling
Is this a frozen harp?
I recognize that my memory is a sieve at best. . . . but how did I not know you played a harpsicle?
And why did we never hear the Deadpan into theme played on it? 😉
At least you what a harpsicle is.
I’m going to be bitterly disappointed if it turns just to be a make of Harp.
It’s a shame, I think about half of the Mars landers end up being expensive lawn darts.
It does go to demonstrate just how insanely difficult a challenge this is.
A few years ago, India (I think??) put a satellite into orbit around Mars. It drove me nuts the way the uninformed press kept making a big deal about how it had only cost that country a few million to orbit a satellite compared to the hundred’s of millions it took the US to land a rover the size of a minivan, SAFELY on the surface.
Besides the fact that India had basically used “off the shelf” technology instead of having to develop it from scratch as NASA had, the complexity of the two tasks (orbiting vs. landing) aren’t even close to being comparable.
I’d like a time machine to get back the hour I just spent watching the first episode of Timeless.
I should have advised you to switch your brain off before viewing.
Twitter is full of a lot of crap but sometimes you come across a gem like a bloke discovering an obscure typewriter museum in Spain.
@mwhichary is his twitter name and his discovery story starts with his pinned tweet on his profile page.
So, when are we having a Deadpan mmmeetup in Shanghai?
Today started with me accidentally deleting everything in my in box. Now I have to go through my deleted items and pull out the ones I actually wanted to keep.
*sigh* I know it’s Friday. Is the day over yet?
Probably don’t do that.
Crap joke for the day:
A young girl comes home from a date looking rather sad.Her mother asks her what’s wrong.She says, “Bill proposed to me an hour ago.”Her mother asks, “Why are you so sad then?”The girl replies, “Because he also told me he was an atheist. Mom, he doesn’t even believe there’s a hell.”Her mother says, “Marry him anyway. Between the two of us, we’ll show him how wrong he is.”
It’s rather gloomy looking outside.
Sometimes work is more challenging than it needs to be.
CP: Gorecki — Scala & Kolacny Brothers
It’s snowing.
You got those tyres done in the nick of time.
This was a seriously entertaining and informative read from a history supergeek:
So according to a book review there is a ‘pudgy old man’ hypothesis to explain our longevity compared to other primates.
Through the ages, old pudgy men, have been impregnating women (I guess they have to be rich pudgy old men) and keeping longevity genes in the gene pool.
I had best put the lottery on this week..,
+New Scientist
Are these the same pudgy old men?
Seems like after a few hundred years, we could identify them and stop them.
I went to graduate school with Eleni (the one who wrote the obituary). She is a fantastic person and I’m glad that her efforts to impact people with depression has gained so much traction.
I applaud her ability to do some good for the world in response to such a devastating tragedy.
I thought he wrote it jacked into an Ono-Sendai deck, while cracking through a wall of deadly ICE.
Reality is a bitch!
Crap mini joke:
The sheriff walks into the saloon and says to the bartender have you seen a man wearing a brown paper hat a brown paper shirt and brown paper trousers?
People go on about the perils of technology, but having a watch and a phone that do daylight saving laterations automatically never gets old.
Goodbye BST, Hellooooooo winter.
It’s not called daylight savings here, just in case you want to be pedantic.
Soooo…… It’s moving time again in Deadpanland . This weekend is a non-stop pain in the ass, but we’ll soon be in a better place to host you when you come to visit. And one more thing. . .
This morning was spent getting my mother into hospital because of a chest infection.
So far, she appears to be responding to the treatment.
Reiterating that I hope it turns out well.
Yes. Best wishes.
Thank you.
What they all said. I hope she can get some relief and comfort there. You too, my friend.
*hugs* Van.
Sending warm thoughts your way.
Keep us apprised. My thoughts and wishes for a speedy recovery as well. Dealing with sick family can be quite draining for all involved.
We are here for you and best of luck to your Mom
So, any opinions on Guy Gaverial Kay? His is a name that has been on my list of those I’ve heard of but never gotten around to reading.
Finally started Tigana on audiobook yesterday. This fellow has a pretty strong gift for prose so far.
Never read any of his work, but he usually gets a good write up when his books are reviewed in Interzone.
I’ve read and enjoyed a number of his books including Tigana.
I haven’t read a lot of his work, but did enjoy those I did read. I’ve also met him a number of times.
He’s coming to Calgary for WWC in August next year.
I worry for when we have to set our clocks back. Normally we get up around 5am but kitty likes to start her bugging us at about 4:30. If she doesn’t adjust to the clocks going back and starts bugging us at 3:30, we will be having words.
I’m hoping to do a PBP today but, with contractors coming in and out of the house, I’m not sure it will happen.
I currently have four movies on my PVR
The Forest
Ghost Team One
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
I have a couple of others set to record tonight. We’ll have to see how busy my house is after lunch today.
Hubby and I bought 150 kids worth of candy. We have no idea how many kids we’ll have. In our other place, I think the most we’d ever had was about a dozen.
I’m going to ignore all knocks on the door when the sun sets.
Well, it looks like no contractors are coming today. Do you know what that means? It’s movie time
Today’s movie is The Forest
The PVR write up: while investigating the disappearance of her twin sister, a young American encounters the tormented spirits of Japan’s mysterious and legendary Aokigahara Forest.
This entire pbp will be done in posts of two words or less
Called the local vet to set Tegan up for her annual appointment. It’s hard to believe we’ve had her for a year already.
After a week of hell, I’m going to pamper my feet a little today.
The guy taking measurements for the carpet is talking and singing away to himself. It’s kind of creepy
“measurements for the carpet”
Muttering the numbers – – -or arguing with some unseen partner?
Humming tunelessly – – or singing creepy nursery rhymes?
A bit of both for the talking. At first I thought he was talking on the phone with someone, but he wasn’t.
He would hum tunelessly for a bit, then break out into the words of whatever song was in his head. Again, at first I thought he was listening to something on his phone, but no.
Headed into the city later today to have lunch with my Boo.
I need a game only available in the US. It’s called Codenames: Deep Undercover
Apparently it’s a Target US exclusive
Who can I gave loves to to get me that game?
There’s a Target right up the street from us. . . . .
I’ve seen this on sale on the Amazon’s US site, though it costs a few bucks more than getting it at Target.
Maybe I should ask the price first. Amazon Canada sells it for $90. The Target website show it as $30 US. I’ll pay $30, (plus shipping) but not $90
I’m seeing it listed for $19.99. I also see another Codenames game for $15.99. Is it the first one?
We have Codenames. We want Codenames:Undercover please
We can take care of that for you.
You’re the bestest ditto! Let me know the best way to get the funds to you
Posted this on Facebook, but for those of us who aren’t Booking our Faces all the time:
For those who might be playing along at home…
The website has been pretty wonky lately. I discovered during my digging yesterday that hackers had managed to imbed 100K files in an unused directory in both Jack’s website and in BSP. Once I figured out that they were out there, I started hacking away at them and finally removed them all.
I’ve got an eye on those directories and will clear them out if they bloat again. Just removing the files seem to have cleared a TON of traffic, CPU, Memory and disc writing operations, all of which were are capped at the hosting company and were being maxed out.
Soooo, hopefully we’ll run smooth for a few days. If not, please give me a shout.
5 You, David LoPan, Rhett Hastings and 2 others
Cynthia Fry
Cynthia Fry Thank you Tony. Anything we can do on our end? Besides our friendly at home virus scanning/protection.
Like · Reply · 1 · 29 mins · Edited
David LoPan
David LoPan Thanks T. Assholes abound, dont they?
Like · Reply · 2 · 28 mins
Tony Mast
Tony Mast
Tony Mast’s photo.
Unlike · Reply · 1 · 19 mins
Jack Mangan
Write a reply…
Jack Mangan
Jack Mangan Tony Mast is the hero we need, not the hero we deserve.
Like · Reply · 3 · 28 mins
David LoPan
David LoPan “Who are you??” I’M MASTMAN
Unlike · Reply · 2 · 28 mins
Jack Mangan
Jack Mangan David LoPan I guess that’s better than BACKSEAT MAN.
Like · Reply · 1 · 27 mins
Tony Mast
Tony Mast Needed my thinking cap for this one.
Tony Mast’s photo.
Unlike · Reply · 3 · 27 mins
Jack Mangan
Write a reply…
Tony Mast
Tony Mast I’ve got a scanner running on the site now, which will hopefully help. Otherwise, just keep enjoying the site.
Unlike · Reply · 2 · 28 mins
I read this like a rap song in my mind.
Now we’re Deadpan and we take no shit / And we don’t care for writing hits
BTW, I picked up the first 15 volumes of the Blues Masters collection when it first came out in the early 90’s. Good stuff.
We have a Sunday night Blues radio show here on the local public radio. Lots of scratchy records and primitive, amazing blues. I used to listen a lot, when I was out and about more often on Sundays.
Is the collection that kind of thing?
I’m guessing yes. Each CD is a unique category of Blues. There’s Jump Blues, Memphis Blues, Harmonica, Originals, Chicago Blues, etc. It’s pretty interesting.
Oh, and depending on the focus, the time ranges from early 1900’s to mid 1980’s.
BTW, I put out the warning on FB, but I should also make the statement here:
My Skype account has apparently been hacked. I haven’t logged onto it in weeks, but apparently, it’s sent out some bogus links to people today. I’ll take care of it tonight, but in the meantime, don’t open anything my Skype account sends you.
I’m SkypeBot 69, please let me sell you my large stockpile of dick pills!
Yum! Tallgrass now has a Belgian-style Saison called Songbird. Very nice.
FB beer post, you should *cough*
FB beer post, you should *cough*
Fuckin sexy
Lol I don’t know what happened here but I love it
I will for the next one, just not tonight.
Taken care of. 😀
CP: Girlysound (Liz Phair) – Wild Thing
THIS is what was fuckin sexy
I thought you were talking about Rod Stewart.
Morning Pan
Ditto is ordering my game for me. I’m a happy bunny:happy:
ditto to the rescue again!
My day started with the accounting program crashing and needing to be completely uninstalled and reinstalled.
What’s that about?
So there’s a funny Skypebot post in moderation here. It’s just convincing enough to even give me pause. Anyone want to claim it?
Well, now that I’ve wasted my entire morning, I’m off to the bank.
My dad and Uncle Frank shared the same birthday, two years apart. Today, my dad would have been 76, and my uncle would have been 74.
There were 4 brothers, all of them born in the Bronx, then moved to Roselle, NJ, at some point during childhood. My dad and two of the other brothers mostly stayed in NJ, but Frank spent the majority of his adult life in California. As a result, I met him once as a super-young kid (which I don’t recall), then again for the first time when I had just turned 21, when I set out from NJ with an old girlfriend to see the U.S. by car (a story for another time).
It’s a shame that they weren’t all that close. That’s primarily on my dad; he was the classic, stoic, serious, emotionally-reclusive workaholic man of his generation. Even though he was born only two years later, Frank ended up being more of a hippy, before repurposing that mentality into a successful, lauded career as a California public defender.
Different as they were, they were both fascinating, really neat guys in their own way – – and I miss them both.
well written, man
What Lo said.
Shared to FB for my aunt and uncles.
One of my group members told me that is what they call Irish twins, siblings sharing the same birthday years apart. Not sure why. They both sound like interesting men.
Why you question Skypebot 69’s intentions. Skypebot only wants to bring you great bargains, and HUGE ERECTIONS!
And horny girls to help?
I was sorry to learn of your Nigerian uncle’s passing. I hope you can get his money situation resolved soon.
You can help. I will send you a check made out to you for $2000. Cash it and send me $1500 via Western Union. You keep $500. Completely legit. Also ink cartriges for only $9.99.
Today is national sandwich day here in Canadaland.
I’ve seen most of these but there are a couple I haven’t. I may have to make time for them.
Morning Pan
Off the see the company’s accountant ”tis morning, followed by lunch with the boss
Watched The Boy yesterday. What a dumb movie. If you’re afraid of creepy dolls, watch this movie. After, all you’ll do is laugh whenever you see a creepy doll. *shakes head*
Was it weird to just watch a crappy B-movie without doing a Play-by-Play?
Yes. But it wasn’t the first time
Crap joke for the day:
A guy is walking along the pier one day when he comes across an old man with his shoes off, trousers rolled up, legs dangling in the sea and fishing with an imaginary rod.
The guy’s confused so he asks, “What are you doing?”The old man replies, “Fishing for idiots.”….“Sounds good,” says the guy. “Can I join you?”The old man says, “Of course you can. Sit down here next to me, son.”So the guy sits down and casts an imaginary rod out.Then he asks the old man, “So, how many idiots have you caught today, then?”The old man replies, “You’re the third this morning.”
Instead of a black armband, I’m wearing a yellow armband at my elbow to commemorate the vial of blood taken at my docs this morning.
Perhaps an armband of garlic may be more effective.
Currently working through the bands listed in this article.
So far, with the exception of Wand, I wouldn’t consider these artists “metal”. There’s a darkness and brooding, which I love. Chelsea Wolfe is an artist I might have to start following. I think ditto and Justa jOE might actually like her.
I saw that on Devins FB page. Odd picks, but the author has good intentions.
So I’m at the flicks waiting for Doctor Strange to start.
I was just asking Jack an hour ago if you had seen this yet or not and if you had, why were you being so hush-hush about it.
Now I know.
Yeah I would have seen it soon but it was released when the school holidays were on in the U.K.
Was ok, but definitly in the lower league of Marvel films, I enjoyed Antman more.
Oh and there are two post credit sequences.
..and why couldn’t they just let account Cucumber use his English accent FFS!
You need account cucumber? You come see me. Tele 12-345-67898. Please to ask for Shally
We’re going on Sunday
Stephen Strange is a New Yorker, isn’t he?
I know that His Sanctum Santorum is in Greenwich Village in the comics.
Then they should have either changed that fact for the film or used an American actor.
Or they could have used Hugh Laurie. I hear he has a flawless American accent.
Better than being at the doctor waiting for strange flicks to start.
Sorry for Dad. He really have no Nicaraguan cousin. However if you have ever wanted to see pr0n starring James Gandalfini’s booms, you click her…
CP: Sell Out — Reel Big Fish
The rather nifty United States of Japan by
Peter Tieryas is 99p on Amazon UK and iBooks today, not sure about North America.
$1.21 on the Amazon US skindle store, so still good value.
I know Van said it was just ok but Doctor strange is getting damn fine reviews.
Not as good reviews as Arrival tho. I’m, excited for that one. Sounds like it could be a surprise gem
Yes to both.
I was wondering if it had been a failure as they were very few people at the 18:00 showing on a Friday night.
No I think it’ll do just fine unless the account Cucumber rears it’s ugly head
Mama always said life smells like butt
I don’t even want to come up with a joke to follow up on this.
Last Man on Earth, though…
Oh absolutely!!
Still not laughing.
Lastish chance! Hi hot hunny. Take me on for size. Ignore Skypebot’s please. Ginger 4xxx is time.
Bloody Vikings.
ooh boy! For only 60$ I can go watch Maynard James Keenan read from his book!
Say what?
I know. Fuggin ridic. 80$ to see Tool. 100$ for a Perfect Circle show. 60$ to see Puscifer. You can see he needs the cash obviously.
And for that low, low price, he’ll condescend to you — no extra charge!
So talking about not laughing, watching the first episode of the ‘Second Jen’ sitcom.
Terrible person that I am, I find Samantha Wan’s other project more interesting:
This guy goes to the drug store with his young son. As they walk past the condom display, the boy notices them and asks his Dad, “What are these, Dad?”The man doesn’t believe in hiding things from his son and thinks his son is old enough to learn about such things so he says, “They are called condoms. Men use them for safe sex.”The boy looks at the display and notices there are packs of three condoms. He points to them and says, “Why are there three in those packets?”The Dad replies, “Those are for high-school boys – there’s one for Friday, one for Saturday and one for Sunday.”….“Cool!” says the boy, who then notices there are packs of six condoms and asks his Dad, “Then who are the packets of six for?”The Dad answers, “Those are for college men. There are two for Friday, two for Saturday and two for Sunday.”…“Wow!” said the boy, “Then who uses THESE?” as he picked up a twelve-pack.The Dad sighs sadly and says, “Those are for married men. One for January, one for February, one for March …
Happy birthday to my wonderful, amazing, beautiful Desert Pixie. I hope you’re having a great day. :heart:
One of the funnest days EVER!!!!!!!! <3
With the funnest people EVER!!!!
I grabbed one of the Megadeth beers from Unibroue. I don’t even like Megadeth, but it will sit nicely with the Iron Maiden, AC/DC, and Queen beers.
I’ve only had the Iron Maiden, which is surprisingly tasty, though not that surprising, since Bruce Dickinson was directly involved. He tends to dive into his projects with everything he’s got.
The Light Between the Oceans
..and they would have gotten away with it if they had just shut the fuck up!
Yeah that was a big deal here 6 years ago (and a constant conversation piece on Deadpan if I recall). Never did get around to seeing it
I love Rubber. Bizarre and funny. Great combination.
“I love Rubber. Bizarre and funny. Great combination.”
(this comment is so much more fun when taken completely out of context.)
I watched the first 15-20 minutes of this on Netflix.
I felt like, instead of being a film that was presented in a “quirky and surreal” way, it was trying way to hard to BE a “quirky and surreal” film.
I have always thought I’d go back and try to catch the rest some day but it hasn’t happened yet.
I don’t know that I’ll ever understand the difference between a movie presented in a quirky and surreal way and a film that is trying to be quirky and surreal. A film maker that presents something in a quirky and surreal way has to try to be quirky and surreal in order to achieve their goal. Maybe the distinction revolves around trying and succeeding vs. trying and failing?
Oooo. Or, maybe it’s a threshold difference. Go too far and you wind up with Eraserhead where the film is no longer actually enjoyable?
Maybe it’s
“Hey, I have this crazy idea for a movie I want to make, but to do it right, it’s going to have to be quirky and surreal”
“Hey, I want to make a quirky and surreal movie”
Probably a combination of both even in the best of cases. Salvador Dali and his are were definitely quirky and surreal by nature. But, he also worked very, very hard to make both his art and his personality become the essence of those qualities.
Thinking about it more, I can definitely see what you guys are getting at if I shift my thinking from quirky and surreal to “profanity”. When profanity is used in a gag or setup because it adds to the humor in some way or other, it can be a good thing. But when jokes or TV shows or whatever use profanity simply because they think the profanity itself is funny, it just comes out wrong. Sad example of where it fails miserably is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seth_MacFarlane%27s_Cavalcade_of_Cartoon_Comedy
Yeah, I don’t want to speak for J0e, but that’s how I took his comment. I’ve only seen the trailer for “Rubber,” so I can’t comment on the legitimacy of its quirkiness.
Yea the “cursing” thing is definitely on the track of what I think I was trying to relate.
Sometimes someone has something they want to “say” in a movie … like maybe they are trying to show that someone is elated or sad or whatever … and for some reason the director thinks that the way to show that feeling is to suddenly cut to a bowl of eels. That’s weird and quirky (and also maybe not very effective).
On the other hand maybe you have a film that is trying to BE weird and quirky so they start just coming up with weird stuff to throw into the seen to MAKE it weird and quirky.
“Hey, we just found a bowl of eels in the prop truck you want to put it in the center of the next shot?”
“Sure! … and find some puppets too.”
In this is the example, things were added not because the director or writer thought they were a way to say something … but because someone on the set thought it would just be a weird and quirky thing to do.
As for “Rubber”, I didn’t see enough of it to really be able to get a feel for which camp it feel into.
Then there is that gray area that things like the original “Twin Peaks” fell into.
David Lynch IS just an odd fellow. There were scenes though, (like the one in a conference room that featured a moose head on the table, dead center in the shot) where it felt like someone added weird stuff just because it would be weird … and yet for me it still worked. I really don’t know why.
BTW – Dr. Strange met my expectations. I was entertained.
To be slightly more critical, some parts really drew me in – a few had me wondering when the film would “get on with it”.
I could have done with less Kaleidoscope.
It’s like they paid a lot for that effect and by god they were going to get their money’s worth out of it!
Still worth seeing though.
Can anyone tell me what Mr. Lee was reading? By the time I realized they were making a point of having that be part of the bit, the shot was finished.
Apparently he was reading The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley
Never read him as a kid, but I was always fascinated by him as a character. Got into him much more in recent years, before there was even plan for a movie. I’m anxiously excited for this when we go tomorrow.
Morning Pan
Hubby’s got the week off so I’ll probably be hit and miss this week.
Things I learned at Hogwarts:
Madame Hooch must give the kids dramamine before their first lessons with their brooms.
Pumpkin Juice is really just apple cider with cinnamon.
Butterbeer is delicious frozen, hot, or just as a carbonated beverage.
Wands are expensive. Ollivander must own three private islands by now.
And most importantly: The happiness I saw in my daughter this weekend makes everything worthwhile. All of it.
Great news there, sir
What they said.
Totally agree!
Rhett are you still reading the new ROM?
I haven’t been my comic book shop to get the latest issues, but plan to soon. I have ordered all the “Y:Last Man” graphic novels and have almost completed them.
I have the last Y novel to read as well. That should be here this week. What a masterpiece. I’m going to be sad when I’m done then angry it took me this long to find it.
There’s a computer geek joke in there about reading ROM, but I’m not going to dig it out. Any more than I already have.
Well, what do you expect from random access? 😉
Crap mini joke:
I went to the doctors the other day and I said, ‘have you got anything for wind?’
The lizard leaders have already decide who will win.
And yet, it will never be over.
Some days I wish Norway wasn’t so cold.
Canada is nice if your fond of ice.
Ice is for cooling drinks, not weather.
No ice here now. We’re having unseasonably warm weather. The weatherman said we were getting wind from the south. I don’t think he was trying to be funny.
Well there is plenty of hot air down here in the US. Not surprising it is flowing North. 😉
You just want to go to Norway for the music scene.
I’ve never worn corpse paint.
The latest episode of Westworld just rocked.
Such a great show
On the one hand, I just want the damn thing to be over…
On the other, I’d love for a massive write in campaign of “None of the Above” and we try this again in six months with some better options.
Now, where’s that cue ball?
I think it’s behind the 8-Ball on this one.
Seriously, Pannites…
Research your doctors. Do not let any cardiologist, dermatologist, opthalmologist, surgeon, etc do anything to your body or your family member’s, without vetting them first!!!!!!!
Sometimes it’s best just to be there.
When the Dragon was admitted to hospital they were going to pump her full of steroids, till I pointed out if they checked her records they would notice she has renal failure.
Egads. I remember playing this on the college radio station.
Still sounds amazing.
I was able to find Uranus last night for the first in my new telescope. It took about 45 minutes of scanning because I couldn’t see it directly in the sky in my light polluted yard. Considering it took astronomers 170 years to “discover” Uranus as a planet after Galileo first observed Jupiter through a scope, 45 minutes doesn’t seem so long. Of course Herschel didn’t have Google Skymap for his Android.
(See? Little misdirection there. You set up the Uranus joke, I cut to the Bohemian Rhapsody joke)
I just a poor boy, nobody loves me.
CP: new Alicia Keys album
“I was able to find Uranus for the first”
Come on!!
I took longer than I thought, but history has shown how difficult it is to see.
Don’t forget – this Erection Day unwind with a cup or coffeee. Bulk rates on ground or hole bean available. Ask me how! http://www.burlapsacks.de.ru.90210
Wtf why comment moderation?
That’s great!
On the Mifune news that is
CP: Laughing In The Sugar Bowl — Veruca Salt
I’m going to sleep through the US election bullshit and hopefully find out the result in the morning.
Hopefully? Do you know something we don’t?
Careful, Van, that optimism could ruin your reputation…
I kind of love that many of my friends have chosen to make or buy tacos tonight. This does not disclose any of my political leanings or choices 😛
Hoy shit.
Trump has won.
Since I have work later, I’m going to have a cup of tea and watch some cheesey tv.
The Klan got their man. I’m hoping that Trump is mainly hot air and basically said anything to garner votes but the realities of being president will temper him. But there is no way I can know this for certain. I used to think those final day preppers were a little paranoid, now I’m thinking they may have been visionaries.
America is screwed but it seems that half the country are Deplorables who need a good nuking anyway so I don’t weep for the end of the “American Experiment”. I’m sorry to be around to see the last chapter but hey, we had a good run. I do apologize to the other countries that we will take down with us. “Collateral Damage” they will call it.
Morning Pan
It’s a lovely day here in Canada
I have not seen “Idiocracy” so perhaps someone can tell me how it ends … but I think I already have a pretty good idea.
These are the end times.
This is a guy who’s spoken enthusiastically about using nuclear weapons. His behaviors since the 70s have shown that he acts and speaks on impulse, without thinking, and has zero remorse or ability to learn when his little plans harm others. He’s built his campaign on hate and fear, and has promised to persecute certain groups of people.
And it appears he will have carte blanche, with no branch of government able or willing to reel in his scariest plans.
The jokes will come about just how fucked we really are, but not today.
Paul Ryan is already announcing that the first months of the new regime will be spent removing all of Obama’s regulations from the last 8 years. So much for trying to have safe air and water, reasonable working conditions and pay. So much for the economic recovery. So much for the 20 million humans who could finally have heath insurance and thus afford even basic health care. My older sister is one of those humans.
Bigots, racists, and flat out idiots who now feel embolden and even justified in carrying out public displays of bullying can do so with little correction. The courts are being dismantled and re-packed with sycophant judges who support these ideologies. So even if someone steps in to stop the newly approved behavior, there will be little chance of prosecution.
It’s not Trump anyone has to fear, it’s Pence and congress and the ideologies they are going to put in his ears. The power Pence is going to command is going to make Bush/Cheney look like child’s play.
Yes. The domestic side of the coin – there will be no one to stop that ilk from installing the totalitarian government they have so longed for.
The Foreign side? Well I guess it’s all Putin’s call now. Though maybe this was all his call to begin with.
And I’m not putting on my tin-foil hat (maybe aluminum), but it’s interesting.
How could all of the mainstream polls and projections have been so wrong?
I think it’s unfortunately simple. They underestimated badly the misogyny (especially female led misogyny), anger, and fear of rural white America. It also seems that a larger than expected mass of under educated (not being derogatory there) young people took to the polls to vote Trump.
Look Trump was never supposed to get past the first round of cuts let alone become the star quarterback of the team. He did the impossible tailoring his ticket to “forgotten” lower class middle white America.
Also, while I will never belittle anyone for voting for someone if they truly believe in them, so many people not voting for either “just because” or simply assuming Hillary would win and not voting at all did not help the situation
The worst part? I’ve never actually been scared after an election – even after the second Bush election. This one tho…
Yep. McCain and Romney would have been bad presidents, with backwards, bigoted policies, but I don’t recall any open promises to persecute citizens and political opponents.
Right. The respected the office and what it represents
I would have felt disappointed in a Jeb Bush presidency, but at least he had a modicum of statesmanship. I try to console myself that inherent checks and balances will temper Trump. However, checks and balances didn’t temper W from going to war over nonexistent weapons of mass destruction. Who knows? I hope for the best, but it’s an open question. Republicans have no excuses now. They own the government. If things aren’t objectively “better” for country, they’ll have to no one else to blame.
In all honesty, I hurt so much, inside right now for my daughters.
I’m a middle class white guy, if it wasn’t before … the system is now CLEARLY rigged in my favor. As it all goes to hell, I can ride along mostly unscathed and reap the rewards (unless the new social order leads to true civil unrest).
However, I can not protect my daughters from the Deplorables.
Those like Pence who have redefined Rape as “she was asking for it”. Those who will now put my daughter’s reproductive rights firmly in the tiny, creepy hands of the state. Those who not only firmly believe my daughters have no right to earn as much as a man for the same job … but that maybe they shouldn’t be in the work place to begin with.
Currently, my daughters are surrounded by the male children of Deplorable parents who have taught them (directly or just though their example) that my daughter’s have no worth other than to be the targets of their misogyny. Until now these teens may have questioned whether that behavior was truly acceptable or at least kept their actions in check for fear of social ostracisation. Now though, they see this behavior is not only “main stream” but a path to “greatness”.
This man has well documented bad behavior and not just the “hey, we all do crazy stuff when we are young” stuff but up to and DURING this election. He made little or no attempt to behave and it only gave him rock star like status amoung the Deplorables. What more validation do people with his “morality settings” need to feel like they have been given the full go ahead to behave as they see fit?
Honestly, I hugged them both before they went to school this morning but I couldn’t look them in the eyes. I have no words to excuse how badly “us adults” have sold them down the river.
The Deplorables run the whole show now, the House, the Senate, The Executive office and they will pack the courts with their lifetime appointed Deplorable judges. Absolutely none of the checks or balances that were originally designed into the system to protect it from “really bad things” will exist after January.
Stolen from FB and to jJ’s point: if anyone still wonders why women don’t report sexual assault, remember that the wealthiest nation in the world just elected a president with at least 12 accusers of the same.
Tonight is the first meeting of the condo association since we moved here.
I was going to go but…
Our complex has a community hall. I, foolishly, assumed the meeting would be in that building. Ha! Instead, they’ve rented a place on the other side of town. Don’t get me wrong, the other side of town is only a ten minute drive, I just think it’s silly since there is a perfectly good building within the complex that everybody could walk to.
Now I’m not sure I want to go.
I will have to think about it.
Maybe there’s a reason for the other place…?
Fight the Condoarchy!
Last ‘Y the Last Man’ book arrived today. It’ll be a nice escape and I think I’ll savor it.
After all, if you can’t enjoy a book about the coming end of the world during the actual coming end of the world then what CAN you enjoy? Hmmm???
Well, I don’t know what to offer at this point. I voted for neither Trump nor Clinton and did a write in ballot here, so I can’t take credit either way. If pushed, I would have certainly voted for Trump over Clinton.
We survived two Bushes, one Clinton, and even Obama. I have no doubt we’ll survive Trump as well. If he’s as bad as the left wing meltdown going on now in the streets fears, then in 2020 he and all the Republicans will be turned out in a landslide. I don’t think that will be the case, though I’m not convinced that he’ll be as effective as either his supporters hope, or his detractors fear.
“will be turned out in a landslide”
I point back to the “absolute power” conundrum. In states where the Republican’s had this power during the last census, they have gerrymandered themselves into permanent power. Then to solidify it they have actively made it more and more difficult for anyone but their base to vote.
“will be turned out in a landslide” is based on some sort of level playing field. That is not the way I have seen any of these folks operate and they will have all three branches of Government in their pocket. Given that level of power, 4 years of planning and their misguided delusion that THEY are righteous and are “saving” this country …Why would they allow themselves to be voted out?
… and if they decide to game the system, what authority is there that could stop them?
That is not a rhetorical question. Seriously, when you own the whole thing who is going to tell you “no”?
Silly Americans.
Despite the “your vote matters” rhetoric, the US is one of the few countries where a person can win the popular vote and still lose the election. This is the second time I remember this happening (Gore was the last time). Also, given the number of people who did turn out to vote; you get what happens when you don’t vote.
As for Trump, I have the wait and see attitude.
First of all, he doesn’t even take office for a couple of months so the world won’t end until then.
Second, despite the Republicans having a house and senate majority, if Trump’s policies are too outrageous, there is the chance they won’t go through anyway. This was a problem Obama faced on much of what he wanted to do.
And Third, *shrug* as Ed said, at worst, it’s only four years. The the person who succeeds Trump can go in and reverse everything he did, much like he plans to do with Obama’s stuff.
I agree.
Every president has done good and bad things. Trump will be no different. And there is a whole establishment that he must work with in order to implement his actual policies.
While I may not like Trump as a person, I think he has no choice to do things differently now that he will be President.
Of course, I could be wrong….
This is actually the sixth election on the books where the popular vote and the electoral vote disagreed. Since the electoral process is how many of the politicians get their seats, they are not anxious to change it.
Trump did seem to alienate much of the Republican party during his campaign, so I’m with you on the wait and see. Maybe the Canadians will take this opportunity to invade and we’ll have Justin Trudeau over our nation as well.
If nothing else, a bunch more states passed marijuana laws so maybe our CO friends can finally stop seeing so many transplants 🙂
Meanwhile, since it really should be all about me…
I haven’t had contractors in my house for a week. While this is good in that I’m not cleaning my floors daily, it’s bad in that it’s another week added on until the basement is completed.
We went to check what was going on in the basement the other day. Didn’t close the door behind us so kitty came down to take a look too. She found a pile of drywall dust and promptly rolled in it.
Do you know how much brushing it takes to get white drywall dust from a black kitty?
Also, as she came up stairs, she decided to rub against all the walls and cupboards so those had to be cleaned too.
Silly kitty.
This is a cute story.
Scroll down to his 5 point plan. Micheal Moore is extremely hit or miss but this is interesting. While tailoring it to the Dem party I feel much of it rings true for those Repubs who loathe Trump as well.
I don’t want to say this on FB, because I don’t want to deal with a throng of people trying to argue with me, but it’s amusing (lack of a better word) to see all of the Trump supporters crying about being called racists.
Sure, a vote for Trump doesn’t make you a racist or bigot – – but you voted to give the most powerful job in the world to a racist bigot. You can have your little “not a racist just because I voted for one” reassurance, but you certainly don’t deserve a pat on the back.
Yeah, I agree. To be fair, people wouldn’t be saying some of this had not Trump acted in well documented ways.
From the voting demographics, WASP voters, especially those without college education, voted overwhelmingly for Trump. Protest vote or not, it is up to Trump to prove he will be a leader for all Americans, not just his core voters.
They Might Be Giants –
“Your Racist Friend”
This is where the party ends
I can’t stand here listening to you
And your racist friend
I know politics bore you
But I feel like a hypocrite talking to you
And your racist friend
It was the loveliest party that I’ve ever attended
If anything was broken I’m sure it could be mended
My head can’t tolerate this bobbing and pretending
Listen to some bullet-head and the madness that he’s saying
This is where the party ends
I’ll just sit here wondering how you
Can stand by your racist friend
I know politics bore you
But I feel like a hypocrite talking to you
You and your racist friend
This is where the party ends
I can’t stand here listening to you
And your racist friend
I know politics bore you
But I feel like a hypocrite talking to you
And your racist friend
Out from the kitchen to the bedroom to the hallway
Your friend apologizes, he could see it my way
He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking
Can’t shake the devil’s hand and say you’re only kidding
This is where the party ends
I can’t stand here listening to you
And your racist friend
I know politics bore you
But I feel like a hypocrite talking to you
And your racist friend
(Not to say that no one is allowed to disagree with me here. . . . . I just feel comfortable knowing that any disagreement here will be civil)
Luc Besson is seriously underappreciated. I spose I should get over the premise and just watch Lucy.
Lucy was a fun popcorn movie. Don’t analyze, just go for the ride.
CP: Il Buono, Il Cattivo, Il Brutto (The Good, The Bad And The Ugly) (Main Title) — Ennio Morricone
So I’m about the Third of the way ‘The House of Shattered Wings’ by Alliete de Bodard. It’s set in Paris 60 years after a magical WW1 has lain waste to Europe. I just love the world building in this novel and I’m keeping my fingers crossed the ending doesn’t disappoint as it is book 1 in a series.
Seriously Captcha?
The two verification words I just got were – “Street” “Les Bo”
CP: Plastic Plant — Thee Oh Sees
I completely forgot, it’s a holiday here in Canadaland tomorrow! :w00t:
Hubby has to go in early to the school and lower the flag to half mast. I said I’d go with him because I’m a good wife.
Tomorrow, that is. It’s Remembrance Day here.
So are Remembrance Day and the U.S. Veterans’ Day linked to Armistice Day? History people?
Well Armistice day is always a Sunday here.
I think the UK Remembrance day is the same as ours. And, like us, they wear a poppy. Not sure if they do the whole In Flander’s Field thing though, as that was written by a Canadian. Van?
Yup, I was getting remembrance Sunday mixed up with Armistice day .
Let’s see…
Two kids, check.
Everything else, nope.
Now… I have territory to take over.
CP: Mafia III
It’s almost winter, my arms are covered when I go out, yet I still have load of freckles on my arms. Whats that all about? I don’t think I’m old enough for liver spots or am I?
It should be winter here but, so far, every day this week it’s been warm enough to open the windows.
And on a more positive note, got to see the new international trailers for Rogue One that have some new bits.
Can’t wait for this one!
I’ve actually avoided all but the first trailer (and the second one maybe?). I want to go into this as pure as Hoth snow.
I just have to manage to not go blind or get frozen in carbonite before December.
Also of note, I know nothing about the graphic novel Valerian, but the trailer that just came out is pretty wild. The Fifth, Element remains one of my favorites and this looks like Luc Lesson has cranked up the dialed and torn it off.
And…. The Fifth Element is almost twenty years old….dammit.
I didn’t realize this was based on a graphic novel.
I recognize the futility of this shit – – and I recognize the violent reaction that would erupt from Trump’s base, the long-term damage to our already hosed process, etc. etc. etc., but it would still be preferable to 4 years of an anti-science whiny bigot fearmonger.
Feel free to disagree or agree or share the contents of your fridge.
The Ironic thing is that, given how the Deplorables just gushed about having a candidate that “wasn’t PC” and just “spoke his mind” and “FINALLY we had someone who told it like it is” …
They should have to applaud this piece in it’s being frank and straight forward.
Enjoyed Arrival, it’s a slow burn, think 2001 not Star Wars.
“Last month, we at WIRED posed the hypothetical: “Imagine if Donald Trump Controlled the NSA.” The notion at the time seemed unlikely but disturbing: A man who had called for his political opponent, Hillary Clinton, to be jailed; who casually stated, “I wish I had that power,” when asked about his invitation to Russian hackers to dig up her old emails; who even reportedly eavesdropped on calls between guests and staff at his Mar-a-lago hotel, would control the world’s most powerful surveillance capabilities.
We won’t have to imagine that scenario for much longer: In two months, it will be a reality.”
Well after 3 years, one of the HDDs in my NAS failed, going to find out if RAID1 works when the new HDD arrives.
Why isn’t Phillip (Queen Elizabeth’s hubby) referred to as King Phillip?
Why is the Queen’s husband Prince Philip not King Philip?
The husband of a queen is known as a Prince consort and does not become King. Queen Victoria’s husband was Prince Albert, and Queen Elizabeth’s husband is Prince Philip The Duke of Edinburgh. The wife of a king is a Queen consort and does take the title Queen although she does not rule as the monarch. The only exceptions were William III and Mary II who ruled jointly from 1689 until Mary’s death in 1694.
New arena to be built in Tempe!
What’s your take on this Rhett? I assume that’s going to be a little further for you to get to games now?
Well, considering it takes about a half an hour to get out of the current arena’s parking lot, the extra 15 minutes doesn’t seem so bad. Suck it Glendale.
I found a new youtube channel that intrigues me. I’d be interested to get Van’s take. The host can be a bit twee at times, but I enjoyed it overall.
One of my biggest medical fears has always been rupturing an achilles tendon. My foot doc today did not ease my mind…
:-/ What a drag it is getting old(er).
I feel your pain. Well, not literally … at least not there. But yeh … I spend so much time now, trying to keep from ending up as one of those guys in the electric cart at the grocery!
My neighbor and beer brewing buddy likes to say “Getting older … It’s not for the weak!”
We normally record John Oliver on Sunday night and watch it the next day. Howeer, with hubby working late yesterday, our Oliver watching will be tonight.
Morning Pan
Another day, another box set to put together.
Your crap joke for the day:
A man and his wife are dining at a table in a plush restaurant, and the husband keeps staring at a drunken lady swigging her drink as she sits alone at a nearby table.
The wife asks, “Do you know her?”..”Yes,” sighs the husband, “she’s my ex-girlfriend. I understand she took to drinking right after we sp
A dancing gypsy, wearing dear antlers and pom poofs with hair in two long ponytails….
I’ll have what you’ve been imbibing.
Ooooooh the temptation to spoil it for Lo:
I already know how it ends….
We discover that Jar-Jar was a secret Sith?
Crap joke for the day:
A flat chested young woman goes out looking for a new bra one day.She tries shop after shop trying to find a size 28A yet she can’t get one anywhere.Finally, in desperation, she tries her fortunes in a little unmentionables shop run by an woman who’s hard of hearing.“Have you got anything in size 28A?” asks the young woman.“What was that, dear?” says the old woman.The young woman repeats herself again.Still the old woman can’t hear her, so the young woman lifts up her T-shirt baring her breasts and says, “Have you got anything for these?”The old woman peers at the womans’s boobs and says, “No, dear. Have you tried Clearasil?”
Your coat sir –
My back is not hurting this morning.
First time in 5 days.
I am … cautiously optimistic.
Yes, it was a strange crowd at the Rasputina show. Great stuff, though. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing a favorite hidden gem of the 90s in its entirety. And fortunately, we didn’t get quizzed.
Cynful, did Vita and the Woolf open for them in KC? They were seriously impressive. The tiny club’s sound went belly-up for one song, so she performed some incredible unplugged tune with the guitarist. It was like we were suddenly in a quiet Tarantino movie scene.
Yep. Vita and the Woolf was seriously impressive. It too me a couple days to realize who her voice reminded me of. Adam (drummer) cracked me up so I had to give him good natured shit. Their first full length CD comes out between our bdays.
I’m glad she didn’t quiz you all. It was pretty awkward. I think they were amazed that we were actually dancing and singing and not just shoe gazing. But the performance was phenomenal.
Yay! We saw the same artists 1 week apart 🙂
Indeed. 🙂
A touring concert would have been tough to pull off, but could have been a fun Palooza topic.
I’m not the biggest graphic novel reader, but I’ve been flying through Y: The Last Man. http://tinyurl.com/zy4zf7s
Currently on book 3 of 5. Interesting gender issues, interesting commentary on humanity.
CP: Run Runaway — Great Big Sea
Slade cover?
Yep. A good one.
Another day, another car with winter tires
Today they measured my bookcases in preparation for making my secret door
I hope you were laughing maniacally while typing that.
Or at least an evil grin.
Crap. How did I miss the fact that Great Northern release and album last year?
CW: Travelers E2
Ok, on reflection the premise is riddle with plot holes (if they take over bodies of people who would have died they automatically change history as these people are saved).
But those series has a good vibe so far, so sod the nitpickers…including me.
Doesn’t seem to getting much buzz on the internets so I had better enjoy it while it lasts.
I’m making supper. One of the ingredients has an expiry date of Oct. 8, 2017, 11:23pm
That seemed oddly specific
That’s when the world ends.
The Rapture is *finally* arriving?
It’s about fucking time
Came for the Blondie, wasn’t disappointed.
I just ate my first Hot Pocket. Ever.
After 18 minutes, it was still molten lava and I felt it down my Food Tube then into my belly. I’m guessing that “heat” will likely continue on into my guts.
Hot Pockets are like failed pasties.
You got it!
Eventually it cools … and hardens, like an industrial plastic.
Good riddance, October 26, 2016.
Down to specific days now? That doesn’t sound good at all…
F. M. L
Folding My Laundry ?
Fondling Male Lemurs?
Fondling male lemurs requires a permit.
Free male lemurs from men’s fondling
What about folding male lemurs?
They are more portable.
Morning Pan
The cars are now ready to take on winter.
Are they in Phoenix?
While it would be nice, unfortunately the answer is no.
Did they buy a new fur coat for Paulina ?
Who’s gonna drive you home tonight?
You might think that joke was hysterical.
CP: Telling Lies — Great Northern
Pulled out the harpsicle for the first time since we moved in to the new place. It felt good. Except all my sheet music is in a box somewhere waiting for the basement to be done.
Might have to do some Googling
Is this a frozen harp?
I recognize that my memory is a sieve at best. . . . but how did I not know you played a harpsicle?
And why did we never hear the Deadpan into theme played on it? 😉
At least you what a harpsicle is.
I’m going to be bitterly disappointed if it turns just to be a make of Harp.
Here’s a guitarsicle.
Van. A harpsucle is just a miniaturized harp. I assume you saw it when you were at my place
A guitarsicle can only be used to play popsicle music.
Also, Van Harpsuckle never quite had the pop success of Van Halen.
I may have mistaken it for exercise gear.
Acoustic, wood instruments always sound the best.
I’d like to dedicate this link to all the Vanamondes in the house.
The reverse can be just as terrible:
Pictures of the new “Schiaparelli Crater” 🙁
It’s a shame, I think about half of the Mars landers end up being expensive lawn darts.
It does go to demonstrate just how insanely difficult a challenge this is.
A few years ago, India (I think??) put a satellite into orbit around Mars. It drove me nuts the way the uninformed press kept making a big deal about how it had only cost that country a few million to orbit a satellite compared to the hundred’s of millions it took the US to land a rover the size of a minivan, SAFELY on the surface.
Besides the fact that India had basically used “off the shelf” technology instead of having to develop it from scratch as NASA had, the complexity of the two tasks (orbiting vs. landing) aren’t even close to being comparable.
I’d like a time machine to get back the hour I just spent watching the first episode of Timeless.
I should have advised you to switch your brain off before viewing.
Twitter is full of a lot of crap but sometimes you come across a gem like a bloke discovering an obscure typewriter museum in Spain.
@mwhichary is his twitter name and his discovery story starts with his pinned tweet on his profile page.
So, when are we having a Deadpan mmmeetup in Shanghai?
I’m free right now.
We need that here.
Morning Pan
Today started with me accidentally deleting everything in my in box. Now I have to go through my deleted items and pull out the ones I actually wanted to keep.
*sigh* I know it’s Friday. Is the day over yet?
Probably don’t do that.
Crap joke for the day:
A young girl comes home from a date looking rather sad.Her mother asks her what’s wrong.She says, “Bill proposed to me an hour ago.”Her mother asks, “Why are you so sad then?”The girl replies, “Because he also told me he was an atheist. Mom, he doesn’t even believe there’s a hell.”Her mother says, “Marry him anyway. Between the two of us, we’ll show him how wrong he is.”
It’s rather gloomy looking outside.
Sometimes work is more challenging than it needs to be.
CP: Gorecki — Scala & Kolacny Brothers
It’s snowing.
You got those tyres done in the nick of time.
This was a seriously entertaining and informative read from a history supergeek:
Yes, it’s a bit long.
“it’s a bit long”
Seriously, it can stop snowing any time now
CP: Peace Signs — Sharon Van Etten
So according to a book review there is a ‘pudgy old man’ hypothesis to explain our longevity compared to other primates.
Through the ages, old pudgy men, have been impregnating women (I guess they have to be rich pudgy old men) and keeping longevity genes in the gene pool.
I had best put the lottery on this week..,
+New Scientist
Are these the same pudgy old men?
Seems like after a few hundred years, we could identify them and stop them.
Depends if you believe in conspiracies.
Found em!
A couple of freebies on the App Store:
This is really moving and damned important.
I went to graduate school with Eleni (the one who wrote the obituary). She is a fantastic person and I’m glad that her efforts to impact people with depression has gained so much traction.
I applaud her ability to do some good for the world in response to such a devastating tragedy.
So William Gibson tweeted this:
Neuromancer was written in 1982-83, and a single Sinclair ZX-81 was the only computer I’d seen. Owner’s excitement struck me most about it
For you colonials.
I thought he wrote it jacked into an Ono-Sendai deck, while cracking through a wall of deadly ICE.
Reality is a bitch!
Crap mini joke:
The sheriff walks into the saloon and says to the bartender have you seen a man wearing a brown paper hat a brown paper shirt and brown paper trousers?
Barman: what’s he wanted for?
Sheriff: Rustling
Worth 15 minutes of your time:
My belly is full
People go on about the perils of technology, but having a watch and a phone that do daylight saving laterations automatically never gets old.
Goodbye BST, Hellooooooo winter.
It’s not called daylight savings here, just in case you want to be pedantic.
Soooo…… It’s moving time again in Deadpanland . This weekend is a non-stop pain in the ass, but we’ll soon be in a better place to host you when you come to visit. And one more thing. . .
This morning was spent getting my mother into hospital because of a chest infection.
So far, she appears to be responding to the treatment.
Reiterating that I hope it turns out well.
Yes. Best wishes.
Thank you.
What they all said. I hope she can get some relief and comfort there. You too, my friend.
*hugs* Van.
Sending warm thoughts your way.
Keep us apprised. My thoughts and wishes for a speedy recovery as well. Dealing with sick family can be quite draining for all involved.
We are here for you and best of luck to your Mom
So, any opinions on Guy Gaverial Kay? His is a name that has been on my list of those I’ve heard of but never gotten around to reading.
Finally started Tigana on audiobook yesterday. This fellow has a pretty strong gift for prose so far.
Never read any of his work, but he usually gets a good write up when his books are reviewed in Interzone.
I’ve read and enjoyed a number of his books including Tigana.
I haven’t read a lot of his work, but did enjoy those I did read. I’ve also met him a number of times.
He’s coming to Calgary for WWC in August next year.
And here we are!
Welcome home!
Oh yeah, I guess we lost our dude. :mush:
The dude abides.
And it feels soo good!
Morning Pan
Another Monday, another morning at my desk
I worry for when we have to set our clocks back. Normally we get up around 5am but kitty likes to start her bugging us at about 4:30. If she doesn’t adjust to the clocks going back and starts bugging us at 3:30, we will be having words.
I’m hoping to do a PBP today but, with contractors coming in and out of the house, I’m not sure it will happen.
I currently have four movies on my PVR
The Forest
Ghost Team One
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
I have a couple of others set to record tonight. We’ll have to see how busy my house is after lunch today.
Hubby and I bought 150 kids worth of candy. We have no idea how many kids we’ll have. In our other place, I think the most we’d ever had was about a dozen.
I’m going to ignore all knocks on the door when the sun sets.
Oh, the misinterpretations. . . .
A review of a book you’ll probably never read.
Well, it looks like no contractors are coming today. Do you know what that means? It’s movie time
Today’s movie is The Forest
The PVR write up: while investigating the disappearance of her twin sister, a young American encounters the tormented spirits of Japan’s mysterious and legendary Aokigahara Forest.
This entire pbp will be done in posts of two words or less
Apparently a real place in Japan.
Pressing play
Horror violence
The forest
Run girl
A dream?
Airport terminal
Missing sister
Sister off
Everything’s fine
Cool window
Birthday memories
Web search
Locked dreams
Little girl
Scared students
History lesson
Stealing pills
Tourist office
Sister found?
Gross body
Forest warning
School girls
Hook up
Newspaper article
Dead parents
Broken lights
Scary lady
Dead gateway
Spinning compass
Not real
Sara Teasdale
Yellow ribbon
Hanging body
Hearing things
Jess’s tent
Go now
She’s staying
Both staying
Caveman skills
Did they have a club?
Sister intuition
Bed time
Scary noises
Stupid woman
Don’t trust
River bodies
River reverses
Lying reporter
Forest running
Turn around
Police search
Dark hole
Evil ghost
Hole rescue
Festering wound
Ranger cabin
Knife giver
Locked room
Secret notes
Boot key
Long death
Don’t go
Don’t look
Dark search
Leaving time
Where’s sara
Sara’s gone
Stupid movie
I hope they all play left-handed instruments.
Sorry about #5, Rhett.
Man, I wish they would have aired this earlier.
They would have but they couldn’t find anyone with the useless TV/Video skills needed to work the equipment.
Bit of NJ history, tied to their only pro sports team.
What a super fun story!
Hubby just answered the door and said “good morning” to a bunch of kids. He doesn’t know why he did that but is rolling with it
Keeps them on edge, this guy might be a nutter :-p
Trick or Treat
Happy Samhain.
This is cool any day of the year.
We are up and running!
Are we running from something?
Now I have nothing to say
So it goes.
And so it begins. . .
(Posted here and FB)
Our dodgeball overlords.
Called the local vet to set Tegan up for her annual appointment. It’s hard to believe we’ve had her for a year already.
After a week of hell, I’m going to pamper my feet a little today.
The guy taking measurements for the carpet is talking and singing away to himself. It’s kind of creepy
“measurements for the carpet”
Muttering the numbers – – -or arguing with some unseen partner?
Humming tunelessly – – or singing creepy nursery rhymes?
A bit of both for the talking. At first I thought he was talking on the phone with someone, but he wasn’t.
He would hum tunelessly for a bit, then break out into the words of whatever song was in his head. Again, at first I thought he was listening to something on his phone, but no.
Also, huzzah for the site’s return!
Something to check out later.
Good night :no more mush:
Karma, it’s real:
Crap mini joke:
My mam didn’t believe me when I told her I could make a car out of spaghetti but you should of seen her face when I drove pasta
Morning Pan
Today I think I’ll clean my desk.
Cleverly done.
Headed into the city later today to have lunch with my Boo.
I need a game only available in the US. It’s called Codenames: Deep Undercover
Apparently it’s a Target US exclusive
Who can I gave loves to to get me that game?
There’s a Target right up the street from us. . . . .
I’ve seen this on sale on the Amazon’s US site, though it costs a few bucks more than getting it at Target.
Maybe I should ask the price first. Amazon Canada sells it for $90. The Target website show it as $30 US. I’ll pay $30, (plus shipping) but not $90
I’m seeing it listed for $19.99. I also see another Codenames game for $15.99. Is it the first one?
We have Codenames. We want Codenames:Undercover please
We can take care of that for you.
You’re the bestest ditto! Let me know the best way to get the funds to you
Posted this on Facebook, but for those of us who aren’t Booking our Faces all the time:
For those who might be playing along at home…
The website has been pretty wonky lately. I discovered during my digging yesterday that hackers had managed to imbed 100K files in an unused directory in both Jack’s website and in BSP. Once I figured out that they were out there, I started hacking away at them and finally removed them all.
I’ve got an eye on those directories and will clear them out if they bloat again. Just removing the files seem to have cleared a TON of traffic, CPU, Memory and disc writing operations, all of which were are capped at the hosting company and were being maxed out.
Soooo, hopefully we’ll run smooth for a few days. If not, please give me a shout.
5 You, David LoPan, Rhett Hastings and 2 others
Cynthia Fry
Cynthia Fry Thank you Tony. Anything we can do on our end? Besides our friendly at home virus scanning/protection.
Like · Reply · 1 · 29 mins · Edited
David LoPan
David LoPan Thanks T. Assholes abound, dont they?
Like · Reply · 2 · 28 mins
Tony Mast
Tony Mast
Tony Mast’s photo.
Unlike · Reply · 1 · 19 mins
Jack Mangan
Write a reply…
Jack Mangan
Jack Mangan Tony Mast is the hero we need, not the hero we deserve.
Like · Reply · 3 · 28 mins
David LoPan
David LoPan “Who are you??” I’M MASTMAN
Unlike · Reply · 2 · 28 mins
Jack Mangan
Jack Mangan David LoPan I guess that’s better than BACKSEAT MAN.
Like · Reply · 1 · 27 mins
Tony Mast
Tony Mast Needed my thinking cap for this one.
Tony Mast’s photo.
Unlike · Reply · 3 · 27 mins
Jack Mangan
Write a reply…
Tony Mast
Tony Mast I’ve got a scanner running on the site now, which will hopefully help. Otherwise, just keep enjoying the site.
Unlike · Reply · 2 · 28 mins
I read this like a rap song in my mind.
Now we’re Deadpan and we take no shit / And we don’t care for writing hits
CP: Fa Fa — Guster
I’m sure some of you will appreciate this:
A 4X games goes free on the App Store:
Not any more. It’s already back to $7.99.
Gnashes teeth.
CP: Texas Flood — Larry Davis & His Band
This is the original version.
How does it compare to Stevie’s?
They are both good. Stevie was very faithful to the original.
BTW, I picked up the first 15 volumes of the Blues Masters collection when it first came out in the early 90’s. Good stuff.
We have a Sunday night Blues radio show here on the local public radio. Lots of scratchy records and primitive, amazing blues. I used to listen a lot, when I was out and about more often on Sundays.
Is the collection that kind of thing?
I’m guessing yes. Each CD is a unique category of Blues. There’s Jump Blues, Memphis Blues, Harmonica, Originals, Chicago Blues, etc. It’s pretty interesting.
Oh, and depending on the focus, the time ranges from early 1900’s to mid 1980’s.
BTW, I put out the warning on FB, but I should also make the statement here:
My Skype account has apparently been hacked. I haven’t logged onto it in weeks, but apparently, it’s sent out some bogus links to people today. I’ll take care of it tonight, but in the meantime, don’t open anything my Skype account sends you.
I’m SkypeBot 69, please let me sell you my large stockpile of dick pills!
Couldn’t get more than 20 seconds through. Ouch!
It kind of grew on me….
Yum! Tallgrass now has a Belgian-style Saison called Songbird. Very nice.
FB beer post, you should *cough*
FB beer post, you should *cough*
Fuckin sexy
Lol I don’t know what happened here but I love it
I will for the next one, just not tonight.
Taken care of. 😀
CP: Girlysound (Liz Phair) – Wild Thing
THIS is what was fuckin sexy
I thought you were talking about Rod Stewart.
Morning Pan
Ditto is ordering my game for me. I’m a happy bunny:happy:
ditto to the rescue again!
My day started with the accounting program crashing and needing to be completely uninstalled and reinstalled.
What’s that about?
So there’s a funny Skypebot post in moderation here. It’s just convincing enough to even give me pause. Anyone want to claim it?
Well, now that I’ve wasted my entire morning, I’m off to the bank.
My dad and Uncle Frank shared the same birthday, two years apart. Today, my dad would have been 76, and my uncle would have been 74.
There were 4 brothers, all of them born in the Bronx, then moved to Roselle, NJ, at some point during childhood. My dad and two of the other brothers mostly stayed in NJ, but Frank spent the majority of his adult life in California. As a result, I met him once as a super-young kid (which I don’t recall), then again for the first time when I had just turned 21, when I set out from NJ with an old girlfriend to see the U.S. by car (a story for another time).
It’s a shame that they weren’t all that close. That’s primarily on my dad; he was the classic, stoic, serious, emotionally-reclusive workaholic man of his generation. Even though he was born only two years later, Frank ended up being more of a hippy, before repurposing that mentality into a successful, lauded career as a California public defender.
Different as they were, they were both fascinating, really neat guys in their own way – – and I miss them both.
well written, man
What Lo said.
Shared to FB for my aunt and uncles.
One of my group members told me that is what they call Irish twins, siblings sharing the same birthday years apart. Not sure why. They both sound like interesting men.
Why you question Skypebot 69’s intentions. Skypebot only wants to bring you great bargains, and HUGE ERECTIONS!
And horny girls to help?
I was sorry to learn of your Nigerian uncle’s passing. I hope you can get his money situation resolved soon.
You can help. I will send you a check made out to you for $2000. Cash it and send me $1500 via Western Union. You keep $500. Completely legit. Also ink cartriges for only $9.99.
Today is national sandwich day here in Canadaland.
CP: A Victory Of Love — Alphaville
Ditto, is it true you don’t have Hickory Sticks in the US?
I wonder if they would get crushed in the mail…
Dad no one want your drumstick.
It’s true we don’t. I miss those.
You won’t miss them for long!
Looking good:
How did any of them survive to middle age?
Even if you don’t like their music, you can surely appreciate their album covers.
The usual suspects:
Some new-to-me picks.
I’ve seen most of these but there are a couple I haven’t. I may have to make time for them.
Morning Pan
Off the see the company’s accountant ”tis morning, followed by lunch with the boss
Watched The Boy yesterday. What a dumb movie. If you’re afraid of creepy dolls, watch this movie. After, all you’ll do is laugh whenever you see a creepy doll. *shakes head*
Was it weird to just watch a crappy B-movie without doing a Play-by-Play?
Yes. But it wasn’t the first time
Crap joke for the day:
A guy is walking along the pier one day when he comes across an old man with his shoes off, trousers rolled up, legs dangling in the sea and fishing with an imaginary rod.
The guy’s confused so he asks, “What are you doing?”The old man replies, “Fishing for idiots.”….“Sounds good,” says the guy. “Can I join you?”The old man says, “Of course you can. Sit down here next to me, son.”So the guy sits down and casts an imaginary rod out.Then he asks the old man, “So, how many idiots have you caught today, then?”The old man replies, “You’re the third this morning.”
Instead of a black armband, I’m wearing a yellow armband at my elbow to commemorate the vial of blood taken at my docs this morning.
Perhaps an armband of garlic may be more effective.
Currently working through the bands listed in this article.
So far, with the exception of Wand, I wouldn’t consider these artists “metal”. There’s a darkness and brooding, which I love. Chelsea Wolfe is an artist I might have to start following. I think ditto and Justa jOE might actually like her.
I saw that on Devins FB page. Odd picks, but the author has good intentions.
So I’m at the flicks waiting for Doctor Strange to start.
I was just asking Jack an hour ago if you had seen this yet or not and if you had, why were you being so hush-hush about it.
Now I know.
Yeah I would have seen it soon but it was released when the school holidays were on in the U.K.
Was ok, but definitly in the lower league of Marvel films, I enjoyed Antman more.
Oh and there are two post credit sequences.
..and why couldn’t they just let account Cucumber use his English accent FFS!
You need account cucumber? You come see me. Tele 12-345-67898. Please to ask for Shally
We’re going on Sunday
Stephen Strange is a New Yorker, isn’t he?
I know that His Sanctum Santorum is in Greenwich Village in the comics.
Then they should have either changed that fact for the film or used an American actor.
Or they could have used Hugh Laurie. I hear he has a flawless American accent.
Better than being at the doctor waiting for strange flicks to start.
Sorry for Dad. He really have no Nicaraguan cousin. However if you have ever wanted to see pr0n starring James Gandalfini’s booms, you click her…
CP: Sell Out — Reel Big Fish
The rather nifty United States of Japan by
Peter Tieryas is 99p on Amazon UK and iBooks today, not sure about North America.
$1.21 on the Amazon US skindle store, so still good value.
I know Van said it was just ok but Doctor strange is getting damn fine reviews.
Not as good reviews as Arrival tho. I’m, excited for that one. Sounds like it could be a surprise gem
Yes to both.
I was wondering if it had been a failure as they were very few people at the 18:00 showing on a Friday night.
No I think it’ll do just fine unless the account Cucumber rears it’s ugly head
Mama always said life smells like butt
I don’t even want to come up with a joke to follow up on this.
Last Man on Earth, though…
Oh absolutely!!
Still not laughing.
Lastish chance! Hi hot hunny. Take me on for size. Ignore Skypebot’s please. Ginger 4xxx is time.
Bloody Vikings.
ooh boy! For only 60$ I can go watch Maynard James Keenan read from his book!
Say what?
I know. Fuggin ridic. 80$ to see Tool. 100$ for a Perfect Circle show. 60$ to see Puscifer. You can see he needs the cash obviously.
And for that low, low price, he’ll condescend to you — no extra charge!
So talking about not laughing, watching the first episode of the ‘Second Jen’ sitcom.
Terrible person that I am, I find Samantha Wan’s other project more interesting:
This is cool:
Crap joke for the day:
This guy goes to the drug store with his young son. As they walk past the condom display, the boy notices them and asks his Dad, “What are these, Dad?”The man doesn’t believe in hiding things from his son and thinks his son is old enough to learn about such things so he says, “They are called condoms. Men use them for safe sex.”The boy looks at the display and notices there are packs of three condoms. He points to them and says, “Why are there three in those packets?”The Dad replies, “Those are for high-school boys – there’s one for Friday, one for Saturday and one for Sunday.”….“Cool!” says the boy, who then notices there are packs of six condoms and asks his Dad, “Then who are the packets of six for?”The Dad answers, “Those are for college men. There are two for Friday, two for Saturday and two for Sunday.”…“Wow!” said the boy, “Then who uses THESE?” as he picked up a twelve-pack.The Dad sighs sadly and says, “Those are for married men. One for January, one for February, one for March …
Tempted again:
You’ll need butteries for these plane. Lunkily I have the answer. AA and AAA size only 14.99 for 100 packs.
Also, picked up dad’s ink cartgreges. 9.99.
I bet you have fun long time.
Now I am tempted as well.
Have a super birthday, Pixie!
Thanks, Bunny!
Tho to be fair it IS the New Yorker and overall the film is getting overwhelmingly positive reviews.
Mel Gibson is a horrible human being, but he has done some great films.
I could watch this all day. ALL day. Fuck Ryan Kesler
Well if Domi isn’t gonna score any goals ….
Well if Domi isn’t gonna score any goals ….
Make it a double.
Happy birthday to my wonderful, amazing, beautiful Desert Pixie. I hope you’re having a great day. :heart:
One of the funnest days EVER!!!!!!!! <3
With the funnest people EVER!!!!
I grabbed one of the Megadeth beers from Unibroue. I don’t even like Megadeth, but it will sit nicely with the Iron Maiden, AC/DC, and Queen beers.
I’ve only had the Iron Maiden, which is surprisingly tasty, though not that surprising, since Bruce Dickinson was directly involved. He tends to dive into his projects with everything he’s got.
The Light Between the Oceans
..and they would have gotten away with it if they had just shut the fuck up!
So someone did this;
Oh holy shit
hmm. Doesn’t say what he died of.
Nothing does right now
Just saw that at the halftime break of the Packers game. Jesus!!
Going to see the new Brandenberg Cumberbundt movie (Dr. Strange)in a bit.
I am setting my expectations at “hope to be entertained”.
I’ve got at a bad feeling about this football game…
Just got back from seeing Dr. Strange and I have to disagree with Van. While I liked Ant Man, I liked Dr. Strange better.
CP: Propagandi: Night Letters
Try not to laugh now:
Crap mini joke:
I found the headstone of a guy who lived to be 150.
His name was Miles from London.
I see the people on my FB connecting a Homeless Vet freezing to death with refugees getting help.
Ask them why THEY didn’t help that Vet?
So this film exists, WTF!
Yeah that was a big deal here 6 years ago (and a constant conversation piece on Deadpan if I recall). Never did get around to seeing it
I love Rubber. Bizarre and funny. Great combination.
“I love Rubber. Bizarre and funny. Great combination.”
(this comment is so much more fun when taken completely out of context.)
I watched the first 15-20 minutes of this on Netflix.
I felt like, instead of being a film that was presented in a “quirky and surreal” way, it was trying way to hard to BE a “quirky and surreal” film.
I have always thought I’d go back and try to catch the rest some day but it hasn’t happened yet.
I don’t know that I’ll ever understand the difference between a movie presented in a quirky and surreal way and a film that is trying to be quirky and surreal. A film maker that presents something in a quirky and surreal way has to try to be quirky and surreal in order to achieve their goal. Maybe the distinction revolves around trying and succeeding vs. trying and failing?
Oooo. Or, maybe it’s a threshold difference. Go too far and you wind up with Eraserhead where the film is no longer actually enjoyable?
Maybe it’s
“Hey, I have this crazy idea for a movie I want to make, but to do it right, it’s going to have to be quirky and surreal”
“Hey, I want to make a quirky and surreal movie”
Probably a combination of both even in the best of cases. Salvador Dali and his are were definitely quirky and surreal by nature. But, he also worked very, very hard to make both his art and his personality become the essence of those qualities.
Thinking about it more, I can definitely see what you guys are getting at if I shift my thinking from quirky and surreal to “profanity”. When profanity is used in a gag or setup because it adds to the humor in some way or other, it can be a good thing. But when jokes or TV shows or whatever use profanity simply because they think the profanity itself is funny, it just comes out wrong. Sad example of where it fails miserably is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seth_MacFarlane%27s_Cavalcade_of_Cartoon_Comedy
Yeah, I don’t want to speak for J0e, but that’s how I took his comment. I’ve only seen the trailer for “Rubber,” so I can’t comment on the legitimacy of its quirkiness.
Yea the “cursing” thing is definitely on the track of what I think I was trying to relate.
Sometimes someone has something they want to “say” in a movie … like maybe they are trying to show that someone is elated or sad or whatever … and for some reason the director thinks that the way to show that feeling is to suddenly cut to a bowl of eels. That’s weird and quirky (and also maybe not very effective).
On the other hand maybe you have a film that is trying to BE weird and quirky so they start just coming up with weird stuff to throw into the seen to MAKE it weird and quirky.
“Hey, we just found a bowl of eels in the prop truck you want to put it in the center of the next shot?”
“Sure! … and find some puppets too.”
In this is the example, things were added not because the director or writer thought they were a way to say something … but because someone on the set thought it would just be a weird and quirky thing to do.
As for “Rubber”, I didn’t see enough of it to really be able to get a feel for which camp it feel into.
Then there is that gray area that things like the original “Twin Peaks” fell into.
David Lynch IS just an odd fellow. There were scenes though, (like the one in a conference room that featured a moose head on the table, dead center in the shot) where it felt like someone added weird stuff just because it would be weird … and yet for me it still worked. I really don’t know why.
BTW – Dr. Strange met my expectations. I was entertained.
To be slightly more critical, some parts really drew me in – a few had me wondering when the film would “get on with it”.
I could have done with less Kaleidoscope.
It’s like they paid a lot for that effect and by god they were going to get their money’s worth out of it!
Still worth seeing though.
Can anyone tell me what Mr. Lee was reading? By the time I realized they were making a point of having that be part of the bit, the shot was finished.
Apparently he was reading The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley
You can also find the reference in this
The inspiration for Jim Morrison’s band name too.
Never read him as a kid, but I was always fascinated by him as a character. Got into him much more in recent years, before there was even plan for a movie. I’m anxiously excited for this when we go tomorrow.
Morning Pan
Hubby’s got the week off so I’ll probably be hit and miss this week.
Things I learned at Hogwarts:
Madame Hooch must give the kids dramamine before their first lessons with their brooms.
Pumpkin Juice is really just apple cider with cinnamon.
Butterbeer is delicious frozen, hot, or just as a carbonated beverage.
Wands are expensive. Ollivander must own three private islands by now.
And most importantly: The happiness I saw in my daughter this weekend makes everything worthwhile. All of it.
Great news there, sir
What they said.
Totally agree!
Rhett are you still reading the new ROM?
I haven’t been my comic book shop to get the latest issues, but plan to soon. I have ordered all the “Y:Last Man” graphic novels and have almost completed them.
I have the last Y novel to read as well. That should be here this week. What a masterpiece. I’m going to be sad when I’m done then angry it took me this long to find it.
There’s a computer geek joke in there about reading ROM, but I’m not going to dig it out. Any more than I already have.
Well, what do you expect from random access? 😉
Crap mini joke:
I went to the doctors the other day and I said, ‘have you got anything for wind?’
So he gave me a kite.
CP: Rotten Apple — Alice In Chains
Ughhhh is the election over yet?!
Oh, it’s over alright.
The lizard leaders have already decide who will win.
And yet, it will never be over.
Some days I wish Norway wasn’t so cold.
Canada is nice if your fond of ice.
Ice is for cooling drinks, not weather.
No ice here now. We’re having unseasonably warm weather. The weatherman said we were getting wind from the south. I don’t think he was trying to be funny.
Well there is plenty of hot air down here in the US. Not surprising it is flowing North. 😉
You just want to go to Norway for the music scene.
I’ve never worn corpse paint.
The latest episode of Westworld just rocked.
Such a great show
On the one hand, I just want the damn thing to be over…
On the other, I’d love for a massive write in campaign of “None of the Above” and we try this again in six months with some better options.
Now, where’s that cue ball?
I think it’s behind the 8-Ball on this one.
Seriously, Pannites…
Research your doctors. Do not let any cardiologist, dermatologist, opthalmologist, surgeon, etc do anything to your body or your family member’s, without vetting them first!!!!!!!
Sometimes it’s best just to be there.
When the Dragon was admitted to hospital they were going to pump her full of steroids, till I pointed out if they checked her records they would notice she has renal failure.
Egads. I remember playing this on the college radio station.
Still sounds amazing.
I was able to find Uranus last night for the first in my new telescope. It took about 45 minutes of scanning because I couldn’t see it directly in the sky in my light polluted yard. Considering it took astronomers 170 years to “discover” Uranus as a planet after Galileo first observed Jupiter through a scope, 45 minutes doesn’t seem so long. Of course Herschel didn’t have Google Skymap for his Android.
(See? Little misdirection there. You set up the Uranus joke, I cut to the Bohemian Rhapsody joke)
I just a poor boy, nobody loves me.
CP: new Alicia Keys album
“I was able to find Uranus for the first”
Come on!!
I took longer than I thought, but history has shown how difficult it is to see.
CP: End of Line (Workforce Remix) — Daft Punk
Awesome. Easily one of my favorite actors.
That’s great!
OK great to you!
Whoa whoa whoa I wasnt meanin nuthin!!!
CP: Tertium Non Datur – Propagandhi
A FITTING song for this day
Don’t forget – this Erection Day unwind with a cup or coffeee. Bulk rates on ground or hole bean available. Ask me how! http://www.burlapsacks.de.ru.90210
Wtf why comment moderation?
That’s great!
On the Mifune news that is
CP: Laughing In The Sugar Bowl — Veruca Salt
I’m going to sleep through the US election bullshit and hopefully find out the result in the morning.
Hopefully? Do you know something we don’t?
Careful, Van, that optimism could ruin your reputation…
I kind of love that many of my friends have chosen to make or buy tacos tonight. This does not disclose any of my political leanings or choices 😛
Hoy shit.
Trump has won.
Since I have work later, I’m going to have a cup of tea and watch some cheesey tv.
Not surprised, but terribly disappointed.
The Klan got their man. I’m hoping that Trump is mainly hot air and basically said anything to garner votes but the realities of being president will temper him. But there is no way I can know this for certain. I used to think those final day preppers were a little paranoid, now I’m thinking they may have been visionaries.
America is screwed but it seems that half the country are Deplorables who need a good nuking anyway so I don’t weep for the end of the “American Experiment”. I’m sorry to be around to see the last chapter but hey, we had a good run. I do apologize to the other countries that we will take down with us. “Collateral Damage” they will call it.
Morning Pan
It’s a lovely day here in Canada
I have not seen “Idiocracy” so perhaps someone can tell me how it ends … but I think I already have a pretty good idea.
These are the end times.
This is a guy who’s spoken enthusiastically about using nuclear weapons. His behaviors since the 70s have shown that he acts and speaks on impulse, without thinking, and has zero remorse or ability to learn when his little plans harm others. He’s built his campaign on hate and fear, and has promised to persecute certain groups of people.
And it appears he will have carte blanche, with no branch of government able or willing to reel in his scariest plans.
The jokes will come about just how fucked we really are, but not today.
Paul Ryan is already announcing that the first months of the new regime will be spent removing all of Obama’s regulations from the last 8 years. So much for trying to have safe air and water, reasonable working conditions and pay. So much for the economic recovery. So much for the 20 million humans who could finally have heath insurance and thus afford even basic health care. My older sister is one of those humans.
Bigots, racists, and flat out idiots who now feel embolden and even justified in carrying out public displays of bullying can do so with little correction. The courts are being dismantled and re-packed with sycophant judges who support these ideologies. So even if someone steps in to stop the newly approved behavior, there will be little chance of prosecution.
It’s not Trump anyone has to fear, it’s Pence and congress and the ideologies they are going to put in his ears. The power Pence is going to command is going to make Bush/Cheney look like child’s play.
Yes. The domestic side of the coin – there will be no one to stop that ilk from installing the totalitarian government they have so longed for.
The Foreign side? Well I guess it’s all Putin’s call now. Though maybe this was all his call to begin with.
And I’m not putting on my tin-foil hat (maybe aluminum), but it’s interesting.
How could all of the mainstream polls and projections have been so wrong?
I think it’s unfortunately simple. They underestimated badly the misogyny (especially female led misogyny), anger, and fear of rural white America. It also seems that a larger than expected mass of under educated (not being derogatory there) young people took to the polls to vote Trump.
Look Trump was never supposed to get past the first round of cuts let alone become the star quarterback of the team. He did the impossible tailoring his ticket to “forgotten” lower class middle white America.
Also, while I will never belittle anyone for voting for someone if they truly believe in them, so many people not voting for either “just because” or simply assuming Hillary would win and not voting at all did not help the situation
The worst part? I’ve never actually been scared after an election – even after the second Bush election. This one tho…
Yep. McCain and Romney would have been bad presidents, with backwards, bigoted policies, but I don’t recall any open promises to persecute citizens and political opponents.
Right. The respected the office and what it represents
I would have felt disappointed in a Jeb Bush presidency, but at least he had a modicum of statesmanship. I try to console myself that inherent checks and balances will temper Trump. However, checks and balances didn’t temper W from going to war over nonexistent weapons of mass destruction. Who knows? I hope for the best, but it’s an open question. Republicans have no excuses now. They own the government. If things aren’t objectively “better” for country, they’ll have to no one else to blame.
In all honesty, I hurt so much, inside right now for my daughters.
I’m a middle class white guy, if it wasn’t before … the system is now CLEARLY rigged in my favor. As it all goes to hell, I can ride along mostly unscathed and reap the rewards (unless the new social order leads to true civil unrest).
However, I can not protect my daughters from the Deplorables.
Those like Pence who have redefined Rape as “she was asking for it”. Those who will now put my daughter’s reproductive rights firmly in the tiny, creepy hands of the state. Those who not only firmly believe my daughters have no right to earn as much as a man for the same job … but that maybe they shouldn’t be in the work place to begin with.
Currently, my daughters are surrounded by the male children of Deplorable parents who have taught them (directly or just though their example) that my daughter’s have no worth other than to be the targets of their misogyny. Until now these teens may have questioned whether that behavior was truly acceptable or at least kept their actions in check for fear of social ostracisation. Now though, they see this behavior is not only “main stream” but a path to “greatness”.
This man has well documented bad behavior and not just the “hey, we all do crazy stuff when we are young” stuff but up to and DURING this election. He made little or no attempt to behave and it only gave him rock star like status amoung the Deplorables. What more validation do people with his “morality settings” need to feel like they have been given the full go ahead to behave as they see fit?
Honestly, I hugged them both before they went to school this morning but I couldn’t look them in the eyes. I have no words to excuse how badly “us adults” have sold them down the river.
The Deplorables run the whole show now, the House, the Senate, The Executive office and they will pack the courts with their lifetime appointed Deplorable judges. Absolutely none of the checks or balances that were originally designed into the system to protect it from “really bad things” will exist after January.
Stolen from FB and to jJ’s point: if anyone still wonders why women don’t report sexual assault, remember that the wealthiest nation in the world just elected a president with at least 12 accusers of the same.
Tonight is the first meeting of the condo association since we moved here.
I was going to go but…
Our complex has a community hall. I, foolishly, assumed the meeting would be in that building. Ha! Instead, they’ve rented a place on the other side of town. Don’t get me wrong, the other side of town is only a ten minute drive, I just think it’s silly since there is a perfectly good building within the complex that everybody could walk to.
Now I’m not sure I want to go.
I will have to think about it.
Maybe there’s a reason for the other place…?
Fight the Condoarchy!
Last ‘Y the Last Man’ book arrived today. It’ll be a nice escape and I think I’ll savor it.
After all, if you can’t enjoy a book about the coming end of the world during the actual coming end of the world then what CAN you enjoy? Hmmm???
It’s good, real good.
Glad, damn glad
I’ve only read a few of the bzillions of WTF articles, but this is most insightful I’ve found.
I almost hate reading the insightful ones more.
*selfish instant gratification*
Ordered a rare Breeders vinyl. It made me happy
I thought you were more the Tequila type:
CP: What You Gonna Do Now? — Carla dal Forno
Gorgeous and appropriate
Hey, Deadpan.
Joe is right. I agree with you, too, Lo Pan.
Never regretted not going into public service more.
Let me know if you need anything. I want to help. For now, Internet hugs.
Yes, we do need to stick together and support each other, even more now than ever.
But when we’re roaming the apocalyptic wasteland, I’m totally calling the badass car with all the spikes on it.
Were you wondering what the first horror of the Trump admin would be?
First of many horrors.
Well, I don’t know what to offer at this point. I voted for neither Trump nor Clinton and did a write in ballot here, so I can’t take credit either way. If pushed, I would have certainly voted for Trump over Clinton.
We survived two Bushes, one Clinton, and even Obama. I have no doubt we’ll survive Trump as well. If he’s as bad as the left wing meltdown going on now in the streets fears, then in 2020 he and all the Republicans will be turned out in a landslide. I don’t think that will be the case, though I’m not convinced that he’ll be as effective as either his supporters hope, or his detractors fear.
“will be turned out in a landslide”
I point back to the “absolute power” conundrum. In states where the Republican’s had this power during the last census, they have gerrymandered themselves into permanent power. Then to solidify it they have actively made it more and more difficult for anyone but their base to vote.
“will be turned out in a landslide” is based on some sort of level playing field. That is not the way I have seen any of these folks operate and they will have all three branches of Government in their pocket. Given that level of power, 4 years of planning and their misguided delusion that THEY are righteous and are “saving” this country …Why would they allow themselves to be voted out?
… and if they decide to game the system, what authority is there that could stop them?
That is not a rhetorical question. Seriously, when you own the whole thing who is going to tell you “no”?
Silly Americans.
Despite the “your vote matters” rhetoric, the US is one of the few countries where a person can win the popular vote and still lose the election. This is the second time I remember this happening (Gore was the last time). Also, given the number of people who did turn out to vote; you get what happens when you don’t vote.
As for Trump, I have the wait and see attitude.
First of all, he doesn’t even take office for a couple of months so the world won’t end until then.
Second, despite the Republicans having a house and senate majority, if Trump’s policies are too outrageous, there is the chance they won’t go through anyway. This was a problem Obama faced on much of what he wanted to do.
And Third, *shrug* as Ed said, at worst, it’s only four years. The the person who succeeds Trump can go in and reverse everything he did, much like he plans to do with Obama’s stuff.
I agree.
Every president has done good and bad things. Trump will be no different. And there is a whole establishment that he must work with in order to implement his actual policies.
While I may not like Trump as a person, I think he has no choice to do things differently now that he will be President.
Of course, I could be wrong….
This is actually the sixth election on the books where the popular vote and the electoral vote disagreed. Since the electoral process is how many of the politicians get their seats, they are not anxious to change it.
Trump did seem to alienate much of the Republican party during his campaign, so I’m with you on the wait and see. Maybe the Canadians will take this opportunity to invade and we’ll have Justin Trudeau over our nation as well.
If nothing else, a bunch more states passed marijuana laws so maybe our CO friends can finally stop seeing so many transplants 🙂
Meanwhile, since it really should be all about me…
I haven’t had contractors in my house for a week. While this is good in that I’m not cleaning my floors daily, it’s bad in that it’s another week added on until the basement is completed.
We went to check what was going on in the basement the other day. Didn’t close the door behind us so kitty came down to take a look too. She found a pile of drywall dust and promptly rolled in it.
Do you know how much brushing it takes to get white drywall dust from a black kitty?
Also, as she came up stairs, she decided to rub against all the walls and cupboards so those had to be cleaned too.
Silly kitty.
This is a cute story.
Scroll down to his 5 point plan. Micheal Moore is extremely hit or miss but this is interesting. While tailoring it to the Dem party I feel much of it rings true for those Repubs who loathe Trump as well.
CP: What Your Soul Sings — Massive Attack
I don’t want to say this on FB, because I don’t want to deal with a throng of people trying to argue with me, but it’s amusing (lack of a better word) to see all of the Trump supporters crying about being called racists.
Sure, a vote for Trump doesn’t make you a racist or bigot – – but you voted to give the most powerful job in the world to a racist bigot. You can have your little “not a racist just because I voted for one” reassurance, but you certainly don’t deserve a pat on the back.
Yeah, I agree. To be fair, people wouldn’t be saying some of this had not Trump acted in well documented ways.
From the voting demographics, WASP voters, especially those without college education, voted overwhelmingly for Trump. Protest vote or not, it is up to Trump to prove he will be a leader for all Americans, not just his core voters.
They Might Be Giants –
“Your Racist Friend”
This is where the party ends
I can’t stand here listening to you
And your racist friend
I know politics bore you
But I feel like a hypocrite talking to you
And your racist friend
It was the loveliest party that I’ve ever attended
If anything was broken I’m sure it could be mended
My head can’t tolerate this bobbing and pretending
Listen to some bullet-head and the madness that he’s saying
This is where the party ends
I’ll just sit here wondering how you
Can stand by your racist friend
I know politics bore you
But I feel like a hypocrite talking to you
You and your racist friend
This is where the party ends
I can’t stand here listening to you
And your racist friend
I know politics bore you
But I feel like a hypocrite talking to you
And your racist friend
Out from the kitchen to the bedroom to the hallway
Your friend apologizes, he could see it my way
He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking
Can’t shake the devil’s hand and say you’re only kidding
This is where the party ends
I can’t stand here listening to you
And your racist friend
I know politics bore you
But I feel like a hypocrite talking to you
And your racist friend
(Not to say that no one is allowed to disagree with me here. . . . . I just feel comfortable knowing that any disagreement here will be civil)
Time for a change of subject!
And more cuteness
Thank you, Bunny. 🙂
Now, another thing about Trump! He said – – *thud*
Oh I don’t know. I kind of like having actual conversation on Deadpan for once. Sorry if it’s not your cup o’ tea
This is a safe place for whatever’s on your mind.
And fucking seriously, no dramatics – – this is a major tragedy for us all to process.
More fun stuff. Looks cool. 🙂
Luc Besson is seriously underappreciated. I spose I should get over the premise and just watch Lucy.
Lucy was a fun popcorn movie. Don’t analyze, just go for the ride.
CP: Il Buono, Il Cattivo, Il Brutto (The Good, The Bad And The Ugly) (Main Title) — Ennio Morricone
So I’m about the Third of the way ‘The House of Shattered Wings’ by Alliete de Bodard. It’s set in Paris 60 years after a magical WW1 has lain waste to Europe. I just love the world building in this novel and I’m keeping my fingers crossed the ending doesn’t disappoint as it is book 1 in a series.
A Van post, if ever there was one. 🙂
Wow, the Chicken Church could be used in a Time Machine remake.
Cryptonomicon is on sale for $1.99. It’s a door stop of a book, but worth the time and effort, if ya got it.
I loved the book except for the ending. Well worth reading.
Not in the UK, grrr!
And Pacific Rim 2 is under way.
I want to believe!
Seriously Captcha?
The two verification words I just got were – “Street” “Les Bo”
CP: Plastic Plant — Thee Oh Sees
I completely forgot, it’s a holiday here in Canadaland tomorrow! :w00t:
Hubby has to go in early to the school and lower the flag to half mast. I said I’d go with him because I’m a good wife.
Tomorrow, that is. It’s Remembrance Day here.
So are Remembrance Day and the U.S. Veterans’ Day linked to Armistice Day? History people?
Well Armistice day is always a Sunday here.
I think the UK Remembrance day is the same as ours. And, like us, they wear a poppy. Not sure if they do the whole In Flander’s Field thing though, as that was written by a Canadian. Van?
Yup, I was getting remembrance Sunday mixed up with Armistice day .
But it’s not a holiday in the UK.
Is that you?
Let’s see…
Two kids, check.
Everything else, nope.
Now… I have territory to take over.
CP: Mafia III
It’s almost winter, my arms are covered when I go out, yet I still have load of freckles on my arms. Whats that all about? I don’t think I’m old enough for liver spots or am I?
It should be winter here but, so far, every day this week it’s been warm enough to open the windows.
Rest in Peace Mr. Cohen
Maybe The Hallelujah covers will stop me.
-me +now
I love LC’s music, but not done by him. I just couldn’t get into his voice/singing style
Still, quite the wordsmith. R.I.P.
So today the Dragon asked me “will I get better?”
So I had to explain that her conditions are degenerative and she shouldn’t wait to get out and do things
There are times I hate having to be the adult.
I’m so sorry Van.
Hugs from the both of us.
That’s a tough one, Van. 🙁 *hugs*
*hugs* Van 🙁
*hugs* man.
How about those Flames? *sigh*
Looking at the photos of Trump meeting Obama, he looks like he’s not too thrilled he won.
You should see my current photo.
Robert Vaughn, Man from UNCLE actor, dies aged 83:
I never knew he was in Coronation Street, WTF!
And on a more positive note, got to see the new international trailers for Rogue One that have some new bits.
Can’t wait for this one!
I’ve actually avoided all but the first trailer (and the second one maybe?). I want to go into this as pure as Hoth snow.
I just have to manage to not go blind or get frozen in carbonite before December.
Also of note, I know nothing about the graphic novel Valerian, but the trailer that just came out is pretty wild. The Fifth, Element remains one of my favorites and this looks like Luc Lesson has cranked up the dialed and torn it off.
And…. The Fifth Element is almost twenty years old….dammit.
I didn’t realize this was based on a graphic novel.
My only billiards post of the day.
I recognize the futility of this shit – – and I recognize the violent reaction that would erupt from Trump’s base, the long-term damage to our already hosed process, etc. etc. etc., but it would still be preferable to 4 years of an anti-science whiny bigot fearmonger.
Feel free to disagree or agree or share the contents of your fridge.
I find the contents of my fridge disagreeable.
“This is either cake. . . or meat. . . “
Last chance to have this “stain on the underpants of humanity” face any rule of law, appears to be gone.
And it’s officially ditto’s birthday!
Swooooon! Happy birthday, my friend.
I agree with ditto’s birthday.
And of course, a happy birthday to young Brody too!
Quantum entanglement, it’s the only explanation.
Gone Home goes free for a while:
Yeah it’s a walking simulator, but at least it’s a bit more interactive than a lot of them.
You’re old English saying for the day:
I first heard this from Jack Palance in Cyborg 2. Which is makes for a crazy intro to a common cultural saying.
Have a super, duper birthday ditto!
Gonna be a long season for the Coyotes.
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. It was a good day. 😀
Trying not to fixate on the billiards too much, but this is pretty insightful. Possibly the best article I’ve seen about the election:
The Ironic thing is that, given how the Deplorables just gushed about having a candidate that “wasn’t PC” and just “spoke his mind” and “FINALLY we had someone who told it like it is” …
They should have to applaud this piece in it’s being frank and straight forward.
Enjoyed Arrival, it’s a slow burn, think 2001 not Star Wars.
I’ve been hearing that’s a must-see.
Happy Birthdays to ditto and lil’ Lo
“Last month, we at WIRED posed the hypothetical: “Imagine if Donald Trump Controlled the NSA.” The notion at the time seemed unlikely but disturbing: A man who had called for his political opponent, Hillary Clinton, to be jailed; who casually stated, “I wish I had that power,” when asked about his invitation to Russian hackers to dig up her old emails; who even reportedly eavesdropped on calls between guests and staff at his Mar-a-lago hotel, would control the world’s most powerful surveillance capabilities.
We won’t have to imagine that scenario for much longer: In two months, it will be a reality.”
Well after 3 years, one of the HDDs in my NAS failed, going to find out if RAID1 works when the new HDD arrives.
A little amusement in our humdrum lives
Why isn’t Phillip (Queen Elizabeth’s hubby) referred to as King Phillip?
Why is the Queen’s husband Prince Philip not King Philip?
The husband of a queen is known as a Prince consort and does not become King. Queen Victoria’s husband was Prince Albert, and Queen Elizabeth’s husband is Prince Philip The Duke of Edinburgh. The wife of a king is a Queen consort and does take the title Queen although she does not rule as the monarch. The only exceptions were William III and Mary II who ruled jointly from 1689 until Mary’s death in 1694.
From: http://www.britroyals.com/faqs.htm
What about John Deacon, Freddie Mercury, Roger Taylor and Brian May ?
They ruled together until Mercury’s death in 1991.
Elizabeth II is known to be dynamite with a laser beam.
We finally got out to see Dr. Strange. The creativity that goes into these Marvel flicks is impressive. They did a lot of things right.
Look at the price:
The price didn’t bother me. A number of our games cost $100 or more, Van. It’s what they go for. *shrug*
For a cheaper alternative.
Morning Pan
A dark and gloomy Monday outside
Hubby’s birthday is in a month. I have no idea what to get him.
That Star Trek board game?
That wouldn’t be a birthday present. That’s just something we’d get anyway.
The Party of “Family Values”. hehehe
ALLLLLL Aboard! hahahaha
Another hubbiless evening in store for this bunny.
The Dragon is watching a sickly sweet Xmas film on TV.
I may be physically sick.
But Van sat and watched the program anyway,
And found that his heart grew three sizes that day.
I suspect you are going to get coal this Xmas.
If Trump gets his wish.
“I’m not a key, I’m just me”
Ah Dolores you are adorable.
…and what about the twist?
Gawd I love the Westworld TV series.
I really like it as well. I predicted the twist, just not the character.
Another few hours left to decide whether to purchase another book about Hitler.
You could just join in Facebook political discussions, if you’re looking for references and comparisons to Hitler.
I think finally reading ‘The Rise and Fall of the Third Riech’ pretty much burnt me out on Hitler.
I’ve just realised the point you were making..doh!
Exciting Coyotes News!
New arena to be built in Tempe!
What’s your take on this Rhett? I assume that’s going to be a little further for you to get to games now?
Well, considering it takes about a half an hour to get out of the current arena’s parking lot, the extra 15 minutes doesn’t seem so bad. Suck it Glendale.
I found a new youtube channel that intrigues me. I’d be interested to get Van’s take. The host can be a bit twee at times, but I enjoyed it overall.
She pretty much hits the nail on the head.
Although where I live, the upstairs toilet is in the bathroom.
Pretty definitive. Seemingly mostly legit sources. That’s all. 🙂
One of my biggest medical fears has always been rupturing an achilles tendon. My foot doc today did not ease my mind…
:-/ What a drag it is getting old(er).
I feel your pain. Well, not literally … at least not there. But yeh … I spend so much time now, trying to keep from ending up as one of those guys in the electric cart at the grocery!
My neighbor and beer brewing buddy likes to say “Getting older … It’s not for the weak!”
I definitely identify with the confused expression .gifs. Still, an impressively constructed theory.
If you haven’t watched yet, you must.
We normally record John Oliver on Sunday night and watch it the next day. Howeer, with hubby working late yesterday, our Oliver watching will be tonight.
Morning Pan
Another day, another box set to put together.
Your crap joke for the day:
A man and his wife are dining at a table in a plush restaurant, and the husband keeps staring at a drunken lady swigging her drink as she sits alone at a nearby table.
The wife asks, “Do you know her?”..”Yes,” sighs the husband, “she’s my ex-girlfriend. I understand she took to drinking right after we sp