It was two o’clock in the morning and a husband and wife were asleep, when suddenly the phone rang. The husband picked up the phone and said, “Hello? (Pause as he listens.) How the heck do I know? What am I, the weather man?” and promptly slammed the phone down. His wife rolls over and asks, “Who was that?” The husband replies, “I don’t know. Some guy who wanted to know if the coast was clear.”
Kitty goes to the vet later today to see if her ear medicine is working.
I’ve started, but not had time to read it through.
” It’s not that there’s a classical brain that does some quantum magic. It’s that there’s no brain!”
That explains a lot of my behavior over the course of my life.
Is that like, “there is no spoon”?
No spoon, but apparently someone gave it a name anyway.
On a more serious note, I do take exception when scientist throw around the word “illusion” when talking about reality. An “illusion” as compared to what? We perceive what we are meant to, there isn’t some alternate way we could perceive reality that would be more “real” than we currently do. We would only be seeing a different aspect about it and most likely an aspect that doesn’t have any direct bearing on our “realness”. A better question is how do you define “real”?
Without having read it through:
Are they saying that each perception of reality is unique to the individual mind, and therefore, each self-aware being creates their own experience of reality?
Or are they saying that there is a baseline reality, but that it’s impossible for different minds to experience and perceive that reality in the same way?
It is more the first point. There are a lot of different ideas put forth. The main ones being how evolution shaped our perception of our reality and the other the fleeting nature of reality when viewed with a quantum lens.
I have no brain, it melted and flowed out of my ears.
Does this involve time travelling, or bending space and time? If so, Pixie Out.
I’d heard about the “Why I Hate Star Wars” article mentioned in the first paragraph. I’m glad someone posted this. . . Rebuttal?
The critical one is really a critic of the franchise movement that SW helped spawn, and the rebuttal states that SW should be judged independent of its franchise creating momentum. I’m not finding much critic or praise of the “films as art” in either article. Maybe it is just me.
(Now that I’ve read them both)
The critical one does take some potshots at the movies’ artistic merits, even the sacred ones.
The rebuttal also doesn’t defend its artistry, but rather its popular appeal. I’m no filmmaker, but I’d definitely argue that there’s plenty of technique to admire in the original 3.
“Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis.”
Could there be a more off-putting title for the seventh book in a series of vampire novels?
I’d say it sounds like Lestat has jumped the shark, but with a title like that, it’s possible that he truly does jump sharks in the new book.
5,689 words written tonight. 8,774 (preferably a few more) to write tomorrow, plus a whole bunch of Secret Santa emails to send. I promise I will do the Secret Santa emails first. Right now, I am falling asleep.
Good night, mushzzzzzzzzz
Ah, there you all are….and now here I am!
Stay a while!
Stay forever..hahahahahahaha!
Oh I see YOURE awake.
So, I can check out any time I like, but I can never leave?
How can a sale be called a “Black Friday Sale” when it’s Wednesday?
I blame the metric system.
Clearly the imperial system has corrupted your faculties. 😉
It’s the Emperor Trump, he’S strictly analog..
Let’s just say we’d like to avoid any Imperial entanglements.
Snow has been flurrying all afternoon. I have 2,771 more words to write today. I can do this. I think I will have some hot cocoa to go with my writing. 🙂
You’ll never make it, Amy. Just give up now. Why bother trying?
So it took two hours for the family to notice the BB-8 ornament I secretly put on the tree this year.
My brother in law usually finds the pickle on my parents tree.
This is not the ornament you were looking for.
NaNoWriMo 2016 was a triumph! I’m making a note here: Huge Success! 😉 50,251 words and counting. Here’s to a completed novel within the next 2-3 months!
*Thumbs Up!*
Way to go!
Very cool!
Morning Pan
Another day, another book to assemble
The weatherman lied. He said we’d get a dusting of snow. That looks like more than a dusting to me.
They claim their Cyber Week sale ends tonight. They have some fun stuff there.
While I love Think Geek, the dollar difference means I can’t justify buying from them.
Yeah, winter has finally decided to settle in.
So in my attempt to right the “Edge of the Empire” Deadpan game can you guys check to make sure I have the correct character assignments? I apparently lost my notes on who was playing who. From memory:
41-VEX, Colonist (Van)
Pash, Smuggler (Jack)
Oskara, Bounty Hunter (Tiffany)
Lohrrick, Hired Gun (Ditto)
Tendaar, Engineer (Lo Pan)
CH-1, Bounty Hunter (Amy)
I’m going to try to create a narrative that connects the published pregenerated modules into a story I want to tell. Also, I would like to extend the option to play a custom character if you are so inclined. Send me a note if you are so inclined and I can help.
PS: If you aren’t listed but want to play let me know as well. 🙂
Did anyone play Pash in July? Confirmed: that was me for the previous 2 sessions.
Rhett, I’m also happy to keep him or to create a new character.
No one else has been Pash but you. 🙂
Name’s Pash. Housewares.
I thought you were “Pash Spice”
We rescued you!
Recap forthcoming.
Do you want a page dedicated to the Star Wars campaign, when you’re ready?
Thanks for the offer, but I imagine I’ll create my own website for it when the time comes. 🙂
I was the spy last one. I can’t remember the character name or species. It was one of the newer characters.
Yes I would be interested in continuing
I can probably deduce who you were from that. Thank you.
You got the Vex right, but wasn’t I a medical droid? Pretty sure I was the main healer for the party.
41 VEX is a colonist robot who specializes in medicine. So I got you covered. I believe Cynful played Vendri the Duros spy.
Thanks Cynful! I believe I have everyone accounted for.
Interesting question came up during Betrayal at House on the Hill last night! Question for those who know the game:
The scenario. During the haunt, the heroes had to successfully complete dice rolls in certain rooms to win the game. My character discovered and placed one of those new rooms during the haunt. It’s an event room.
Can I do my roll right away as part of the winning condition?
Or do I have to draw the Event first and contend with that before doing my roll?
As a game, Betrayal is missing a lot of specifics on the rules. I think Avalon Hill could have done a better job play testing it and adding commentary to be more understandable. It is still a blast to play though. In my view, if the scenario doesn’t explicitly say that Events can be overlooked, you have to resolve them first before preforming your action. I could be wrong however.
long time no see. back from the dead.
Good to see you, Soulier! The shows in the Orient looked like a good time.
twas a great time!
The far East, the dead. Same difference?
Bloody hell some good actors in the cheesey piece of shit that is Deltaforce.
1. Delta Force. Two words
2. Piece of shit it is not. Cheesy yes… 80’s action greatness
Robert Vaughn and Lee Marvin..WTF!
Shelly Winters and Robert Forster!
Golan and Globus!
Chuck AND Eric Norris!
BTW that’s a deep cut, Jack. Nicely done
As an Arab!!!
Okay, skip the creepy works at the top (unless you’re into that) and go to the Fan Art section. These are amazeballs.
I don’t know what a Yule Car is but I bet it beats the Yule Cat
Either one will ruin your carpet.
Crap joke for the day:
There I was is sitting at the bar staring at my drink when a large, troublemaking biker steps up next to me, grabs my drink and gulps it down in one swig.
“Well, whatcha gonna do about it?” he says, menacingly, as I suddenly burst into tears.
“Oh, come on, man,” the biker says, “I didn’t think you’d CRY. I can’t stand to see a man crying.”
“This is the worst day of my life,” I say. “I’m a complete failure. I was late to a meeting and my boss fired me. When I went to the parking lot, I found my car had been stolen and I don’t have any insurance. I left my wallet in the cab I took home. I found my wife in bed with the gardener, and then my dog bit me.”
“So I came to this bar to work up the courage to put an end to it all. I buy a drink, I drop a capsule in and sit here watching the poison dissolve; then you, you jackass, show up and drink the whole thing! But enough about me, how’s your day going?
Morning Pan
Today the long haul begins of putting stuff back in my basement
Nice to see Dark Star get some love! Most of the rest of them sound awful.
I can verify Primer is wonderful and Time after Time is a lot of fun.
I’ve been hearing great things about Primer since it was released. Not sure why I’ve never gotten around to it.
I always feared that Time After Time would be 70s overload.
That’s a part of why I like it
Quintet is forgettable and I wouldn’t put it on your bucket list.
Dark Star obscure? Fuck You goliath!!
I found a lot to complain about in that article, but I’d actually agree that Dark Star is a lesser-known, obscure flick. That’s not a bad thing at all, and does nothing to diminish my fondness for the movie. So fuck me too!!! 😉
David Warner as Jack the Ripper! What’s not to like..
Time After Time is one of my favorites. For extra fun, picture David Warner as Evil from Time Bandits in disguise any time you see him in this movie.
Great news! Rihanna and Prince Harry have tested negative for HIV!
And I don’t know their 90s material too well, but I’d agree with Lo. Practice What You Preach and The Legacy would be #s 1 and 2.
I stopped in the 90’s after Ritual (1992 maybe?). It was ok but that was kind of their Black Album in the sense that got fair to good radio play and they were never the same after
The recent albums are the heaviest of their career. Some good songs, but still nothing like the early days.
From what I recall he had to go heavier vocally because of throat cancer?
Right. He beat throat cancer, then came back and sang with more intensity than before.
Chuck Billy is more Metal than you.
Chuck Billy is more metal than metal.
Huzzah! Everything is in the basement. None of it is put away but still…
That will be in the sequel.
Matt Smith wants to play the Doctor again..
Hahahahahaha! Should have stayed for a few more years then…
So should have Moffatt
I dunno, I think he did pretty well as Philip on “The Crown”
Besides, it seems like folks tend to get kicked out of Dr. Who, rather than leaving on their own, though that just may be my impression.
So, informal poll. What are your favorite tabletop games that you still actually play currently? (i.e., Talisman wouldn’t count) Top 5?
I’d say:
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Ticket to Ride
Exploding Kittens
and Dominion
X-Wing I havent had enough experience but feel it would be top 5. So in no particular order
Forbidden Desert/Island
Evil Baby Orphanage
Stratego (I count it!)
Jedi Unleashed (me and Tony’s fav to play together)
Ultimate Werewolf
Mix Tape
Forbidden Island
Sushi Go
Exploding Kittens was the last one I played (last Christmas)
From the past …
Settlers of Kattan
Farther back than that I can’t remember.
I’d LOVE to try any of the others you guys talk about but the problem is I don’t have access to table top gamers. 🙁
There is an iOS version of Ticket to Ride.
Lords of Waterdeep
Terra Mystica
Martian dice
I enjoed playing Lords of Waterfeep and Tsurro on my last gaming day.
King of New York
Forbidden Island
and Ultimate Werewolf are the ones we have been enjoying.
I’m considering investing in Mansions of Madness, 7 Wonders or Castle Panic.
We own Elder Sign, but have never played. Maybe we can bring for a game night.
I’d forgotten to mention Werewolf, which is a huge hit around here.
I played Mansions of Madness at a game demo. It was interesting but seemed complicated at the time. If you are used to the plotting, resource collecting games already, it might be less so for you.
I’m completely stumped this year, sigh.
Branch out and leaf for ideas
Its bark is worse than its bite.
Inspiration struck!
On a related note (to gaming, not Van being stumped), the adult Code Names ditto gave us is a little too adult for 90% of those we play with. I might have to bring it to the next mmmmeeet up I make it too
And, people will be shocked to learn I’m not sending a game to my secret Santa person
Ok, will allow me to buy something for delivery in the US with my UK credit card?
I’m pretty sure, Van. I’ve bought items from different Amazon stores before with my US card.
Well after a slight hiccup with the need for the recipient’s phone number (thanks for the help), got it sorted.
Roy was right.
Roy was right…
They DO need a bigger boat….
Wrong Roy?
Do want some batter to make batty pancakes?
Roy Batty?
Not even a Christmas special and the promise of a season 2 will get me to retry Sense8.
Too shocking to see Martha in flagrante delicto?
The strap on intimidated you?
No that was the only part that intrigued me
I completely disagree. I thought the series was a great ride. Total head trip.
I can never remember these things about Internet disagreements. Which one of us is supposed to call the other one a “libtard” now?
I’m trying to grow in a unibrow, then I can be called a unitard. Also enjoyed Sense8. A bit slow and confusing at first, but prettygood by the end.
I know I’m in the minority on the show and that’s ok. Just because a show is a head trip doesn’t mean its good.
Shit I forgot!
You are!
Well DPSS gift ordered, hopefully it will get there before Xmas.
Sorry to post billiards here. I also tend to cringe at social media rants, but this is worth passing along.
Hear hear!
Does anyone know if there is a website that is collecting/listing all these news accounts of Trump supporters attacking people now and going on berserk rants in stores and on aircraft?
In addition to the frighteningly petty, vain, insecure, thin-skinned, baby-man, childish tweets from the president elect?
Although I’m usually up for a Hard Candy Christmas, I think you should go Stevie Wonder.
I don’t believe that was an option here, funny enough. Usually when one asks a question with 2 options, one expects one of the options to be recommended.
Jackson 5 it is.
She does get by on a technicality, though: Stevie Wonder is never the wrong answer.
Both are terrible and you should just turn the music off.
“one expects one of the options to be recommended”
That’s adorable…
So, many months ago, my lovely wife bought me tix for Henry Rollins’s spoken word tourdate in Phoenix. Wow, what a fun experience.
Is he still telling his catching the banana at sex show story?
He did not tell that story, but now I need to find it on Youtube.
He did talk about how he toyed with his angry, homophobic emailers, who’d written him, ready to trash all of his albums, in response to false internet rumors that he was dating Rupaul.
TomCruise in the new Mummy flick..WTF.
Nefertiti was a Xenuian.
Rhett, don’t be ruled by your Negative Mind.
Negative Mind FTW.
I have to admit, this trailer looks +1000 times better than Jack Reacher 2 was…
Morning Pan
Another hubbiless evening.
I read that as “Hubbleless”.
As in “without a deep space telescope”.
Freaking out over Black Santa? Well I’ve got some bad news about Jesus…
Honey in plastic squeeze bottles crystallises faster.
This will require more study before I can claim;
Honey from a “Honey Bear” squeeze bottle is also always much more tasty.
Says I ! … and the devil with your so called science!
I think I may be done my work for the day. I guess it means it’s time to do some unpacking. I’m already tired.
No, this has nothing to do with me. Soulier works for the city. Any time the city wants to do a new building project, people get all worked up. It’s kind of silly actually
a rezoning application and scoping report for a new area redevelopment plan in Chinatown. Went until 930 last night, and starting up again today at 1pm. One guy said I was ‘culturally incompetent’. good times.
Nothing like personal attacks to resolve disagreements.
I need to get some stuff off my PVR. Expect a play by play tomorrow
On an unrelated note, Soulier is coming over for gaming this weekend. He will be the first to see the new basement and try out the new gaming table
Is your gaming table covered in a traditional green felt?
Black felt
I have the fireplace going and am curled up in my arm chair with a book. The best way to spend an evening
Enjoyed the Westworld finale.
Ah Dolores you really kicked some ass.
We won’t be able to see it until tomorrow
We won’t see it for awhile. Possibly even after we see the 70s film.
I haven’t loved everything I’ve read by Jonathan Carroll, but “The Land of Laughs” is a wonderful oddity that still sticks with me across the years. This write-up on him from Neil Gaiman is marvelous.
Season 1 was excellent. Made me curious about the books.
I’ve only read the first book. S1 combines parts of the first two books, from what I’ve been told. Honestly, I prefer the show, but I’m interested in going back and reading the whole book series.
Thank you DP Secret Santa. The planets are warming up for their debut. The nephews will appreciate them as well.
Unfortunately, I won’t be able to get my SS gift out until this weekend.
Unfortunately I sent my SS gift last week
My goodness you are a little Boy Scout.
Morning Pan
It occurred to me I promised a play by play earlier in the week. I got wrapped up in getting the basement in some semblance of an order. Will try next week
Have a very busy day scheduled for today. Lots to buy and do.
It’s really cold outside. I have errands to run but I don’t want to go out into the brrr
I don’t blame you. I would stay home.
And watch a bad movie.
Speaking of, I watched the old MS3K viewing of “Manos” a couple weeks back. It was pretty bad, but I’m thinking there has to be worse out there.
Bloody hell Agents of Shield could we not just once have an AI who isn’t an evil motherfucker?
Just once..
We don’t know if she’s evil. TBC
Breaking that guy’s neck was not a good start.
Fucking spoilers and shit! Seriously.
Oh go and have a drink you grumpy bastard.
No. You are a shithead. You act like everyone watches everything as fast as you. I assure you, that’s impossible. A film over a year old? Fine that I accept. An episode shown YESTERDAY? Fuck and you.
A tv series you stopped watching!
Ok, great.
I’m only TWO behind I NEVER stopped watching it!!!!!
Bibbidy Bobbidy FUCKYOU
Ah my mistake, must have been another series.
I’m about to stop watching YOU.
Yeah and I prefer Coca Cola over Pepsi.
I’m like, three behind in my Sheild viewing.
AI? Like Haley Joel Osment?
Was that a Marvel character? I think not!
He was a Marvel alright, a modern marvel.
I keep reading that as Al, as in Al Bundy or Al Yankovic. Either of which would make for a great Marvel villain.
Back home in the warmth.
CP: In The House – In A Heartbeat
by John Murphy
And so long to John Glenn. Is it just me or has 2016 been a bit of a bastard?
Sorry, that page doesn’t exist! (Is that the joke?)
The fiends!
Now there’s a life to be celebrated.
I mean a bit… but it brought me a new son so I can’t be that pissed at it
The Mercury 7 are now all gone.
Tragedy upon tragedy this year.
On the other hand, I hung out with a bunch of you this year, married my perfect partner, had some amazing moments with my family, and had some great times.
On the personal side of 2016, it hasn’t been that bad. But there seems to be a reaping of celebs this year.
I saw a tweet some days back that I shall try to paraphrase –
The CIA finally decided to acquire the help of a Killer that Castro just couldn’t survive … the year 2016.
Got Part 1 of my Secret Santa gift yesterday. Thanks so much, Cynful! (Part 2 is at my apartment management office; I’ll have to pick it up on Sunday.)
I received confirmation that part 2 is on the way. I hope you enjoy
Waiting for Van to spoil something else…
I have some potato salad he could take a go at.
My speciality is spoiling milk.
Watched the first episode of Shut Eye last night, was going to write it off till the ending got me interested again.
His wife sleeping with another woman who she had previously tortured was a bit strange though…
Morning Pan
It’s a balmy -22C here in the great white north
I got my hair cut yesterday. Very short. Now I have nothing to protect my ears from the cold
The weatherman just said we have an extreme cold warning. These things happen when the weather is likely to go to -40 with the wind chill
Better cut open the tauntaun and crawl inside.
The night sky was exceptionally clear yesterday and I spent some quality time looking at the lunar surface. I was able to spot the Hadley – Rille in my scope for the first time. The view was fleeting but unmistakable. See:
Got some good shots of Copernicus Crater as well.
That picture of the crater on FB is fantawstome, Rhett. I approve of this mad science hobby!
It’s been a neat confluence of technology that has enabled me. One is the availability of cheap Dobsonian telescopes that replace the expensive tripod mount with a simple friction base, the advanced cameras on smart phones and the digital apps for sky searching and lunar atlases. Plus I’m learning the tricks to take better pictures on my phone.
Well my DPSS gift has been delayed, possibly till after Xmas.
Are you concerned for the integrity of the original?
Speaking of spoilers…
Anyone else waiting for the Trumpster to nominate Omorosa for some cabinet office?
I wouldn’t be surprised in the least. But I’ve been trying my best to stick my head in the sand about any Trump news. I figure the best way to survive the next four years is to emulate the ostrich.
I’d been blissfully unaware of this person until today.
Why would you think he’ll be ousted in 4 years?
To that point –
The Presidential Inaugural Committee (private group whose members are of the 1%) has requested an “omnibus blocking permit” from the National Park Service.
As a result, no protests will be allowed anywhere on the National Mall, Pennsylvania Avenue, the Washington Monument, or the Lincoln Memorial from now until March 1st (maybe). A “blocking permit” of this length has never been requested before.
Among other impacts, this could be aimed at squashing the Million Women March/Women’s March on Washington planned for January 21, as well as a counter-inaugural planned on January 20 itself.
“But give him a chance.”
Fuck him and his cronies.
Secret Santa gift is finally away. Canada Post said it would get there before Christmas but I’m not holding my breath
EssBee’s mom passed away today. She wanted me to pass on the info as she cannot.
Think good thoughts for Ess and Sly today and the rest of this holiday season.
Thanks for passing this along. 🙁
I’m so, so, so sorry for your loss, EssBee. My best wishes to you and your family. I’m here for support and long-distance hugs.
Condolences on your loss Essbee,
Damn! While celebrities of all sorts, most of whom have lived to ripe old ages, passing on can be a bit of downer, losing friends and those close to friends is what really puts a black mark on a year.
EssBee, I’m also sorry for your loss and you have my best wishes as well, as always.
You’re in my thoughts EssBee. *hugs*
Please pass on our hugs, condolences, and best wishes to Ess & Sly. 🙁
I am sorry for the loss and wish to add my condolences as well.
Very sorry for your loss, EssBee.
Oh EssBee! *hugs*
I know that I have been absent for some time. Your comments mean a lot to me, fam.
You’re family even when you’re quiet.
Essbee, Sly, and the rest
Of the Ess Fam,
I am so sorry for the loss of your Mom. Cherish your love for her and stay strong.
We are thinking of you and Sly, Ess.
*HUGS* also.
Attended a friend’s wedding last night. I’ve endured a few super crazy long wedding masses in my day, but this was the first where the entire thing was in Spanish. Echoey, reverby Spanish bouncing around in a huge church, so I couldn’t even follow along with my limited grasp of the language.
That’s not a complaint, of course– just an interesting way to spend a Friday night.
Ah, to have a running dialogue of your thoughts last night 🙂 I’m sure it was beautiful though.
Heh. I tried to follow along, but the echoes did me in.
And I hadn’t intended to make a political statement out of this, but. . . the handful of “No Habla Espanol” white folks in attendance managed to enjoy the occasion and be happy for our friends and their families without getting stupidly indignant and shouting “Speak English, this is ‘Murica!”
Amazing, how easy it is to just enjoy and appreciate and blend in at an event based in a culture outside your own.
A lot of histrionics about the Russian’s hack of the US elections on twitter today.
Considering the CIA’s track record of fucking with other countries, I dedicate this video to them:
We will be going about a week after R1 opens. Hubby and I both have time off for Christmas holidays so we’ll go in the middle if the week
I couldn’t wait, the 2D showing in the afternoon for the 15th was surprisingly quiet, booked a seat and going to go straight after work.
I hope that is not a bad sign.
Perhaps we need a new thread for spoilers, since I do not yet have this booked.
A spoiler thread seems like a good idea.
I’m going question how you can spoil a film you already know how it will have to end.
And that is exactly why we need a spoiler thread.
Well, I haven’t watched any Rogue 1 trailers after the first, because I’m counting on enjoying the exciting moments, images, plot twists, etc. with fresh eyes. I know how the Death Star and its plans will turn out, but I know nothing about Jyn (?) or any of the other characters, except that they’re not Bothans.
If it’s a good movie, then I’m hoping that the less I know about the events of the actual movie, the better.
I agree with everything Jack just said. Probably going to R1 next Sunday afternoon, or if that’s sold out, on Monday. (I have three more days to make a winter inner tunic for my Jedi outfit. Oh, NaNoWriMo. :p )
I’m probably not going to get to it until the 23rd. Though, I’ll almost certainly have listed to the audiobook by then. Will be interesting to see how they compare. I’m a bit concerned that Alan Dean Foster isn’t doing the novel.
Probably better than grinding someone else’ teeth.
“Grinding my teeth because I didn’t swap my day off:
This is just gold. And holy crap, they’re so young.
I think my company rented out a theater for Rogue one.
You know because seeing Ludacris live last night was no big.
Oh and my feet hurt and I miss you all.
Did he have his giant hand?
Technorama’ed tonight! I believe we had Cynthia with us for a bit.
Yep yep. I joined just before the internet died. I’ve been having trouble remembering to watch since they moved the feed to FB. It was good to see you.
Just need a bottle of energy and motivation…
If you find a vendor, let me know.
Well my DPSS gift arrived today, thanks Lo.
I did check for curses but it seems clean..
I saw the Facebook picture. Is it a documentary about Westworld? Or a 70s attempt at a Westworld TV show?
That latter, short lived TV series, only 5 episodes made and only 3 of them actually aired.
I’m OK with you giving spoilers for those 5 episodes.
This is a really fantastic examination of Peppermint Patty. It’s a long read, but worth it, if you’re a fan of Charles Schulz’s world.
So tonight I played the ‘Toobin’ arcade game.
It’s shorter than I remember.
The music is still great.
I got through the game without paddling backwards.
stolen from a friend
So there was a man from San Francisco who always wanted to be a trolley conductor. The man went to school, completed his training and eventually got his dream job. On his first day of the job, the man hit and killed a pedestrian. He was sent to death row. On death row, the man was asked what he wanted for his last meal. He asked for a steak, mashed potatoes, and a rare type of blue-coluored apple native to Africa. The jail and government complied, and the man ate his last meal. He was sent to the electric chair. Once there, the executioner flipped the switch…and nothing happened. At the time, laws prevented governments from multiple attempts at execution, so the man was freed.
He again tried to live as a trolley conductor, and regained his license. Unfortunately, he hit and killed a couple on his next day of work. He was sent to death row. When asked what he wanted for his last meal, he requested spaghetti, meatballs, and the same blue apples. He ate his meal and was sent back to the electric chair the next day. When the executioner flipped the switch, nothing happened. He was released again.
At this point the man went back to school and reworked his license, desperate to succeed in his dream career. He went back to his job as a trolley conductor and STILL killed a family immediately after returning to his job. He was sent to death row. While there, he was asked what he wanted for his last meal. He asked for chicken, rice, and the SAME blue apples. After eating, he was sent right to the electric chair. For the third time, the switch was flipped and nothing happened.
At this point, the guards approached the man, curious, and asked why the electric chair seemed to have no effect on him. The man, calmly, looked at them and said, “I don’t know, I guess I’m just a bad conductor.”
I’m very confused. I’m hearing reports that Alan Thicke died today while playing hockey with his 19 year old son. I can’t find a legit news source yet to confirm.
The PVR write: A grieving mother upsets the balance between life and death when she opens an ancient door that releases the restless spirit of her deceased son
Horror violence and mature themes.
Mumbai, India
She’s preggers
Beautiful beach
Let’s start our family in India
Ceiling fan
She’s lost
The natives are restless
I admit, I’m already confused
Home movies
She can’t take it any more
I can help you
Take. Your son’s ashes to the temple
Oh yes, there is another Skywalker
No matter what, don’t open the door
I promise. Famous last words
Trekking alone
She found the Temple. Time to do the exact opposite of what she promised
Waxing the ashes
Ew, rotting birds
The wind blew out the candle. How original
Why make an openable door if you don’t want anybody to open it?
Here it comes. The dead kid wants her to open the door
And there it is
You fool, you not only opened the door, you went through
The dog knows
That’s right puppy. Protect the daughter everyone else seems to have forgotten exists
The forgotten daughter hears things
Her bear’s name is Kahn
And the birds freak out
Mommy’s home
Oh look, she finally remembered she has a daughter
Sexy time
Seeing shadows in the dark
Scoot, scoot, scoot
Not the evil blocks
The tiger is possessed
And so is the piano
Don’t tell daddy Oliver is haunting us
Pull up a chair
Reading the ghost a story
It speaks
Everything is dying
Giving the bird a burial at sea
Ashen face
It’s a dark and stormy night
Bath tile
No biting, Oliver
Read me a story!
Really Oliver, nobody likes a bratty kid
They’re praying for her soul
You opened the door!
Lucy’s gone
Time to do a dead cleanse
Locked in
Of course the match won’t light
The witch woman is dead
Did Oliver kill her?
Trying to finish what the witch woman started
Fine, you try to banish me, I’ll take your daughter
Burning Oliver
Daddy doesn’t understand
Lucy lies
Lucy is Oliver. Or is Oliver Lucy
They know the truth
She killed the dog
Well I’m never watching that film.
They didn’t actually show it. It was just implied
Daddy’s making a mess
Michael row the boat ashore
Trying to rekill Oliver
Best Brady episode ever.
Going with Oliver
Is this what death looks like?
And things come full circle
I would put this movie firmly in the middle. It may have not been the best I’ve seen, but it also was nowhere near the worst.
Accidentally went to Rouge One instead of Rogue One. Boy is my face red.
@HiddenPinky (from twitter)
So at the cinema waiting for Rogue One to start.
Strike a pose, there’s nothing to it. Rogue.
Our Steampunk box set with Tee and Pip in it is now on sale. Our Newsletter announcing it will go out next week
Van, it’s also available at Amazon UK, if you’re interested.
Copy that.
I think it’s time to think about lunch.
To turn on the fireplace, or to not turn on the fireplace? That is the question .
Meanwhile, a grilled tomato and cheese sandwich is in my lunch future
CE: A panini with turkey, bacon, cheese and other noms… with a side of hot fries.
Yeah it was good, just go and see it already.
You’ve said too much!
Would you (and everyone?) like a spoiler page?
Yeah that would be good.
Tomorrow !!! I’m being patient!
Just a reminder that a certain number of characters are visible on the side runner. Please be careful
She’s right, you know.
I havent seen a side runner on this page in weeks. Odd.
Not til Wednesday for us
After seeing Rogue One I went to Pizza Hut and was instantly reminded why I don’t like the sit in restaurants over here.
Food is always under cooked..ack!
(Can someone please pick up the required “Pizza the Hutt” joke, here? thx)
Pizza Hut was a rare treat when I was a kid, because there were none near us. I recall the crust being delicious and crispy, and the whole thing was just rich, buttery joy.
One or both of us has changed for the worse, over the years, getting fattier, soggier, and less appealing.
Pizza the Hut.
I’m here for you, man.
And speaking of Space Wizards. . . This is wonderful (and has nothing to do with Star Wars)
I can recall that shortly after the dawn of the Interwebs, companies would send the coolest “animated” Christmas cards. The best one’s (I thought) were the ones that had Easter eggs in them. Maybe the “card” was a picture of a Toy Shop window and when you clicked certain things it would cause toys to do stuff.
I miss those.
These days I just get Seasonal JPGs.
Perhaps I am no longer on the “cool” mailing lists.
I’m still waiting for my funny Xmas inter-office faxes.
Morning Pan
Just a couple hours of work to do then I’m off for the next two weeks. Woo Hoo!
File this under: “Why you don’t get carded anymore.”
Man. MAD props for #20. One of the most underrated and perfect albums of the 90s
Although #1 is complete bullshit. I know taste is subjective, but Dookie is a bullshit record.
And as usual, the latest Apple update mucks needlessly about with iTunes features that were working. Missing is the “go to album” menu option and for some reason, podcasts won’t show the speaker icon when playing.
I gave up using iTunes for podcasts about a year ago, switched to the overcast app and never looked back.
No good if you use your computer to listen to
Podcasts though.
So the new season of The Man in the High Castle got off to an intriguing start.
Yesterday I dreamed that I had a propeller attachment for my smartphone and was flying about the city wearing a wing-suit and navigating via an app. I’m going have a conversation with my subconscious.
Were you fighting the agents of Dr Claw?
Quite possibly.
Not Craw! Craw!
I only just spotted this. 10,000 points for the Get Smart reference!
My House Special Chicken from the Qwik Chinese restaurant was not qwik or special, and was probably not chicken.
Did you check for cats hairs?
Been binge watching “Good Behavior” from my DVR.
Really enjoying it so far.
Really appreciate the cards Bunny and Ed 🙂
CP: The Joy Formidable – Radio of Lips
The further I run the faster you apologize.
I havent laughed this hard for a long long time. A long time.
Home from Rogue One. I’ll talk about it on the appropriate page. And try to buffer my comments so no “Bruce Willis was dead the whole time” spoilers appear in the sidebar.
On twitter? Like a photos of curler animals? Then search for:
-rler +te
Love the “hey, I used to work for the same company as you but not on the same project so there’s really nothing to reminisce about” holiday party small talk.
Fuck Christmas!
It’s a waste of fucking time
Fuck Santa
He’s just out to get your dime
Fuck Holly and fuck Ivy
And fuck all that mistletoe
White-bearded big fat bastards
Ringing bells where e’er you go
And bloated men in shopping malls
All going Ho-Ho-Ho
It’s Christmas fucking time again!
<3 Eric Idle
He sang that live when we saw him with Cleese!
Morning Pan
Day one of our two weeks off. So why am I up at 5am?
Routine, it’s a powerful force.
On an unrelated note: Zsa Zsa Gabor passed away. Is it wrong that I didn’t realize she was still alive?
Still, 99 is a pretty good run
I think her sister Eva (sp?) had passed this last year as well.
1995, according to Wikipedia.
Probably not the most pleasant person, but no need to bash on the deceased. I hope she finds her stores (no chores!) and Times Square (fresh air!).
TEB, your Christmas card arrived today, thank you.
So, my daughter completely got me yesterday. . . I wanted to encourage some excitement about our new neighborhood, so I told her while we in the supermarket checkout line, that I’d seen a football player from the Cardinals in there a few days earlier.
She responded by singing “Lame Claim to Fame.”
I approve of this response.
What are you doing with your evening?
I am going Pole Vaulting.
Why? Because I still can.
I think.
A new feed for the holidays. Thanks Jack
Alas Fritz Weaver I did not know him well.
Morning Pan
New day, new feed.
With luck, today will be the last day I’ll have contractors traipsing in and out of the house.
We certainly hope so!
Goodbye contractor crack.
So glad there’s no relevant emoji.
Oh, but(t) you would be wrong!
But oh so right.
Crap joke for the day:
It was two o’clock in the morning and a husband and wife were asleep, when suddenly the phone rang. The husband picked up the phone and said, “Hello? (Pause as he listens.) How the heck do I know? What am I, the weather man?” and promptly slammed the phone down. His wife rolls over and asks, “Who was that?” The husband replies, “I don’t know. Some guy who wanted to know if the coast was clear.”
Kitty goes to the vet later today to see if her ear medicine is working.
I’ve started, but not had time to read it through.
” It’s not that there’s a classical brain that does some quantum magic. It’s that there’s no brain!”
That explains a lot of my behavior over the course of my life.
Is that like, “there is no spoon”?
No spoon, but apparently someone gave it a name anyway.
On a more serious note, I do take exception when scientist throw around the word “illusion” when talking about reality. An “illusion” as compared to what? We perceive what we are meant to, there isn’t some alternate way we could perceive reality that would be more “real” than we currently do. We would only be seeing a different aspect about it and most likely an aspect that doesn’t have any direct bearing on our “realness”. A better question is how do you define “real”?
Without having read it through:
Are they saying that each perception of reality is unique to the individual mind, and therefore, each self-aware being creates their own experience of reality?
Or are they saying that there is a baseline reality, but that it’s impossible for different minds to experience and perceive that reality in the same way?
It is more the first point. There are a lot of different ideas put forth. The main ones being how evolution shaped our perception of our reality and the other the fleeting nature of reality when viewed with a quantum lens.
I have no brain, it melted and flowed out of my ears.
Does this involve time travelling, or bending space and time? If so, Pixie Out.
I’d heard about the “Why I Hate Star Wars” article mentioned in the first paragraph. I’m glad someone posted this. . . Rebuttal?
The critical one is really a critic of the franchise movement that SW helped spawn, and the rebuttal states that SW should be judged independent of its franchise creating momentum. I’m not finding much critic or praise of the “films as art” in either article. Maybe it is just me.
(Now that I’ve read them both)
The critical one does take some potshots at the movies’ artistic merits, even the sacred ones.
The rebuttal also doesn’t defend its artistry, but rather its popular appeal. I’m no filmmaker, but I’d definitely argue that there’s plenty of technique to admire in the original 3.
“Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis.”
Could there be a more off-putting title for the seventh book in a series of vampire novels?
I’d say it sounds like Lestat has jumped the shark, but with a title like that, it’s possible that he truly does jump sharks in the new book.
5,689 words written tonight. 8,774 (preferably a few more) to write tomorrow, plus a whole bunch of Secret Santa emails to send. I promise I will do the Secret Santa emails first. Right now, I am falling asleep.
Good night, mushzzzzzzzzz
Ah, there you all are….and now here I am!
Stay a while!
Stay forever..hahahahahahaha!
Oh I see YOURE awake.
So, I can check out any time I like, but I can never leave?
I’m disappointed at your lack of 8bit knowledge:
I must confess, while I had a C64 and many games, I’m not familiar with that one.
Hearts and thoughts they fade. . . Faaade away.
I always thought it was farts and thoughts.
I swear I recognize your breast
The recess lady?
Mammaries like fingerprints are slowly raising.
Morning Pan
Contractors didn’t show up at all yesterday so I have at least one more day before I can start moving things back into the basement.
ooooh. Just got my Secret Santa person.
Most Secret Santa messages are away. Ed or anyone else reading this who didn’t get in, I can still make a space for you if you want in. 🙂
I got this.
Thanks, but I’m going to have to pass this year. Schedule is a bit too crazy this year.
Man I’m good.
I just finished a project I didn’t think I’d have done until Friday. Is it too early to have a celebratory drink?
Hot cocoa?
Omg. Shoot me now.
I got sucked into a political tailspin “discussion” at work.
I’m not sure how I escape
Political debate is “a strange game” in which “the only winning move is not to play.”
I thought that was Thermonuclear War?
You can’t have one without the other.
Recognize there’s no winning with political zealots.
Sez you! I mean, yup.
How can a sale be called a “Black Friday Sale” when it’s Wednesday?
I blame the metric system.
Clearly the imperial system has corrupted your faculties. 😉
It’s the Emperor Trump, he’S strictly analog..
Let’s just say we’d like to avoid any Imperial entanglements.
Snow has been flurrying all afternoon. I have 2,771 more words to write today. I can do this. I think I will have some hot cocoa to go with my writing. 🙂
You’ll never make it, Amy. Just give up now. Why bother trying?
(Every good success story needs detractors)
LOL. Thank you! :silly:
It’S hard to be unpredictable:
So it took two hours for the family to notice the BB-8 ornament I secretly put on the tree this year.
My brother in law usually finds the pickle on my parents tree.
This is not the ornament you were looking for.
NaNoWriMo 2016 was a triumph! I’m making a note here: Huge Success! 😉 50,251 words and counting. Here’s to a completed novel within the next 2-3 months!
*Thumbs Up!*
Way to go!
Very cool!
Morning Pan
Another day, another book to assemble
The weatherman lied. He said we’d get a dusting of snow. That looks like more than a dusting to me.
like this?
… or more like this
“That looks like more than a dusting to me.”
That’s my kind of “dusting”.,cs_srgb,dpr_1.0,q_80,w_620/MTIwNjA4NjMzOTc2NDg5NDg0.jpg
In other news …
They claim their Cyber Week sale ends tonight. They have some fun stuff there.
While I love Think Geek, the dollar difference means I can’t justify buying from them.
Yeah, winter has finally decided to settle in.
So in my attempt to right the “Edge of the Empire” Deadpan game can you guys check to make sure I have the correct character assignments? I apparently lost my notes on who was playing who. From memory:
41-VEX, Colonist (Van)
Pash, Smuggler (Jack)
Oskara, Bounty Hunter (Tiffany)
Lohrrick, Hired Gun (Ditto)
Tendaar, Engineer (Lo Pan)
CH-1, Bounty Hunter (Amy)
I’m going to try to create a narrative that connects the published pregenerated modules into a story I want to tell. Also, I would like to extend the option to play a custom character if you are so inclined. Send me a note if you are so inclined and I can help.
PS: If you aren’t listed but want to play let me know as well. 🙂
Did anyone play Pash in July? Confirmed: that was me for the previous 2 sessions.
Rhett, I’m also happy to keep him or to create a new character.
No one else has been Pash but you. 🙂
Name’s Pash. Housewares.
I thought you were “Pash Spice”
We rescued you!
Recap forthcoming.
Do you want a page dedicated to the Star Wars campaign, when you’re ready?
Thanks for the offer, but I imagine I’ll create my own website for it when the time comes. 🙂
I was the spy last one. I can’t remember the character name or species. It was one of the newer characters.
Yes I would be interested in continuing
I can probably deduce who you were from that. Thank you.
You got the Vex right, but wasn’t I a medical droid? Pretty sure I was the main healer for the party.
41 VEX is a colonist robot who specializes in medicine. So I got you covered. I believe Cynful played Vendri the Duros spy.
Yes 🙂 Thank you
And I know Ed was a droid as well, specializing in weapons. His character card looked different than the rest of ours.
Ah CH-1, the droid bounty hunter.
Thanks Cynful! I believe I have everyone accounted for.
Interesting question came up during Betrayal at House on the Hill last night! Question for those who know the game:
The scenario. During the haunt, the heroes had to successfully complete dice rolls in certain rooms to win the game. My character discovered and placed one of those new rooms during the haunt. It’s an event room.
Can I do my roll right away as part of the winning condition?
Or do I have to draw the Event first and contend with that before doing my roll?
As a game, Betrayal is missing a lot of specifics on the rules. I think Avalon Hill could have done a better job play testing it and adding commentary to be more understandable. It is still a blast to play though. In my view, if the scenario doesn’t explicitly say that Events can be overlooked, you have to resolve them first before preforming your action. I could be wrong however.
long time no see. back from the dead.
Good to see you, Soulier! The shows in the Orient looked like a good time.
twas a great time!
The far East, the dead. Same difference?
Bloody hell some good actors in the cheesey piece of shit that is Deltaforce.
1. Delta Force. Two words
2. Piece of shit it is not. Cheesy yes… 80’s action greatness
Robert Vaughn and Lee Marvin..WTF!
Shelly Winters and Robert Forster!
Golan and Globus!
Chuck AND Eric Norris!
BTW that’s a deep cut, Jack. Nicely done
As an Arab!!!
Okay, skip the creepy works at the top (unless you’re into that) and go to the Fan Art section. These are amazeballs.
Neato! I liked the creepy stuff too. 🙂
Cool WWII/Star Wars mashups.
Our new game table was just delivered. *squee*
Now it needs its own hidden chamber!
You had better watch out you had better beware, the Yule car is watching you:
I don’t know what a Yule Car is but I bet it beats the Yule Cat
Either one will ruin your carpet.
Crap joke for the day:
There I was is sitting at the bar staring at my drink when a large, troublemaking biker steps up next to me, grabs my drink and gulps it down in one swig.
“Well, whatcha gonna do about it?” he says, menacingly, as I suddenly burst into tears.
“Oh, come on, man,” the biker says, “I didn’t think you’d CRY. I can’t stand to see a man crying.”
“This is the worst day of my life,” I say. “I’m a complete failure. I was late to a meeting and my boss fired me. When I went to the parking lot, I found my car had been stolen and I don’t have any insurance. I left my wallet in the cab I took home. I found my wife in bed with the gardener, and then my dog bit me.”
“So I came to this bar to work up the courage to put an end to it all. I buy a drink, I drop a capsule in and sit here watching the poison dissolve; then you, you jackass, show up and drink the whole thing! But enough about me, how’s your day going?
Morning Pan
Today the long haul begins of putting stuff back in my basement
Yay, arbitrary, poorly-written lists on clickbait websites!
Nice to see Dark Star get some love! Most of the rest of them sound awful.
I can verify Primer is wonderful and Time after Time is a lot of fun.
I’ve been hearing great things about Primer since it was released. Not sure why I’ve never gotten around to it.
I always feared that Time After Time would be 70s overload.
That’s a part of why I like it
Quintet is forgettable and I wouldn’t put it on your bucket list.
Dark Star obscure? Fuck You goliath!!
I found a lot to complain about in that article, but I’d actually agree that Dark Star is a lesser-known, obscure flick. That’s not a bad thing at all, and does nothing to diminish my fondness for the movie. So fuck me too!!! 😉
David Warner as Jack the Ripper! What’s not to like..
Time After Time is one of my favorites. For extra fun, picture David Warner as Evil from Time Bandits in disguise any time you see him in this movie.
Great news! Rihanna and Prince Harry have tested negative for HIV!
Bucket list?
Taking Van’s role for a minute:
The Ticket to Ride app is free today for Android-type devices.
(And the Royale With Cheese pasties are delicious and I secretly love Bladerunner)
I knew it! All of it!
Beans for dinner?
Even better, cheese.
Cut it out
After all these years of trying to get him in the sack… Van finally says YES! YES! He said YES!
Taco Friday!
On another note, here is a random quote that I heard today.
“You know those new Toyota trucks… they really know how to jack you off!”
The Priuses do it quietly.
Going from Opeth to Black Eyes Peas to Stereolab is an odd experience
CP: Lose Your Soul — Dead Man’s Bones
Man, you folks have been busy with the comments!
The memory for my game character is correct – assassin droid with the big rifle.
Pew! Pew!
“big rifle”
What is this droid compensating for?
2016 claims another.
Every Testament album ranked worst to first
Practice What You Preach would be higher for me.
I think The Who is something different, Van…
Testament! It’s biblical!
And I don’t know their 90s material too well, but I’d agree with Lo. Practice What You Preach and The Legacy would be #s 1 and 2.
I stopped in the 90’s after Ritual (1992 maybe?). It was ok but that was kind of their Black Album in the sense that got fair to good radio play and they were never the same after
The recent albums are the heaviest of their career. Some good songs, but still nothing like the early days.
From what I recall he had to go heavier vocally because of throat cancer?
Right. He beat throat cancer, then came back and sang with more intensity than before.
Chuck Billy is more Metal than you.
Chuck Billy is more metal than metal.
Huzzah! Everything is in the basement. None of it is put away but still…
That will be in the sequel.
Matt Smith wants to play the Doctor again..
Hahahahahaha! Should have stayed for a few more years then…
So should have Moffatt
I dunno, I think he did pretty well as Philip on “The Crown”
Besides, it seems like folks tend to get kicked out of Dr. Who, rather than leaving on their own, though that just may be my impression.
So, informal poll. What are your favorite tabletop games that you still actually play currently? (i.e., Talisman wouldn’t count) Top 5?
I’d say:
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Ticket to Ride
Exploding Kittens
and Dominion
X-Wing I havent had enough experience but feel it would be top 5. So in no particular order
Forbidden Desert/Island
Evil Baby Orphanage
Stratego (I count it!)
Jedi Unleashed (me and Tony’s fav to play together)
Ultimate Werewolf
Mix Tape
Forbidden Island
Sushi Go
Exploding Kittens was the last one I played (last Christmas)
From the past …
Settlers of Kattan
Farther back than that I can’t remember.
I’d LOVE to try any of the others you guys talk about but the problem is I don’t have access to table top gamers. 🙁
There is an iOS version of Ticket to Ride.
Lords of Waterdeep
Terra Mystica
Martian dice
I enjoed playing Lords of Waterfeep and Tsurro on my last gaming day.
King of New York
Forbidden Island
and Ultimate Werewolf are the ones we have been enjoying.
I’m considering investing in Mansions of Madness, 7 Wonders or Castle Panic.
We own Elder Sign, but have never played. Maybe we can bring for a game night.
I’d forgotten to mention Werewolf, which is a huge hit around here.
I played Mansions of Madness at a game demo. It was interesting but seemed complicated at the time. If you are used to the plotting, resource collecting games already, it might be less so for you.
I’m completely stumped this year, sigh.
Branch out and leaf for ideas
Its bark is worse than its bite.
Inspiration struck!
On a related note (to gaming, not Van being stumped), the adult Code Names ditto gave us is a little too adult for 90% of those we play with. I might have to bring it to the next mmmmeeet up I make it too
And, people will be shocked to learn I’m not sending a game to my secret Santa person
Ok, will allow me to buy something for delivery in the US with my UK credit card?
I’m pretty sure, Van. I’ve bought items from different Amazon stores before with my US card.
Well after a slight hiccup with the need for the recipient’s phone number (thanks for the help), got it sorted.
Roy was right.
Roy was right…
They DO need a bigger boat….
Wrong Roy?
Do want some batter to make batty pancakes?
Roy Batty?
Not even a Christmas special and the promise of a season 2 will get me to retry Sense8.
Too shocking to see Martha in flagrante delicto?
The strap on intimidated you?
No that was the only part that intrigued me
I completely disagree. I thought the series was a great ride. Total head trip.
I can never remember these things about Internet disagreements. Which one of us is supposed to call the other one a “libtard” now?
I’m trying to grow in a unibrow, then I can be called a unitard. Also enjoyed Sense8. A bit slow and confusing at first, but prettygood by the end.
I know I’m in the minority on the show and that’s ok. Just because a show is a head trip doesn’t mean its good.
Shit I forgot!
You are!
Well DPSS gift ordered, hopefully it will get there before Xmas.
Sorry to post billiards here. I also tend to cringe at social media rants, but this is worth passing along.
Hear hear!
Does anyone know if there is a website that is collecting/listing all these news accounts of Trump supporters attacking people now and going on berserk rants in stores and on aircraft?
In addition to the frighteningly petty, vain, insecure, thin-skinned, baby-man, childish tweets from the president elect?
I’m crafting my DPSS gift this year and am seriously concerned about it arriving before 12/25.
Sorry. I will do my best to get it there asap.
My top five games:
Ticket to Ride
Betrayal at House On the Hill
Exploding and Imploding Kittens
I see colored dice.
You need to lay off those Rubik Cubes.
Which x-mas album tonite?
Jackson 5 or Dolly Parton?
Although I’m usually up for a Hard Candy Christmas, I think you should go Stevie Wonder.
I don’t believe that was an option here, funny enough. Usually when one asks a question with 2 options, one expects one of the options to be recommended.
Jackson 5 it is.
She does get by on a technicality, though: Stevie Wonder is never the wrong answer.
Both are terrible and you should just turn the music off.
“one expects one of the options to be recommended”
That’s adorable…
So, many months ago, my lovely wife bought me tix for Henry Rollins’s spoken word tourdate in Phoenix. Wow, what a fun experience.
Is he still telling his catching the banana at sex show story?
He did not tell that story, but now I need to find it on Youtube.
He did talk about how he toyed with his angry, homophobic emailers, who’d written him, ready to trash all of his albums, in response to false internet rumors that he was dating Rupaul.
TomCruise in the new Mummy flick..WTF.
Nefertiti was a Xenuian.
Rhett, don’t be ruled by your Negative Mind.
Negative Mind FTW.
I have to admit, this trailer looks +1000 times better than Jack Reacher 2 was…
Morning Pan
Another hubbiless evening.
I read that as “Hubbleless”.
As in “without a deep space telescope”.
Is that what they are calling it now?
Takei still cracks me up.
Another one for twitter was;
Freaking out over Black Santa? Well I’ve got some bad news about Jesus…
Honey in plastic squeeze bottles crystallises faster.
This will require more study before I can claim;
Honey from a “Honey Bear” squeeze bottle is also always much more tasty.
Says I ! … and the devil with your so called science!
I think I may be done my work for the day. I guess it means it’s time to do some unpacking. I’m already tired.
To be fair, getting out of Newark even five minutes sooner is almost worth sacrificing a laptop.
CP: Run Through The Jungle — CCR
Working late today. public hearing on the chinatown project I have been working on since April. Tune into the live feed in about an hour. I have a bet going that two people will cry
Is Ryah one of those two people?
What is the project about?
No, this has nothing to do with me. Soulier works for the city. Any time the city wants to do a new building project, people get all worked up. It’s kind of silly actually
a rezoning application and scoping report for a new area redevelopment plan in Chinatown. Went until 930 last night, and starting up again today at 1pm. One guy said I was ‘culturally incompetent’. good times.
Nothing like personal attacks to resolve disagreements.
I need to get some stuff off my PVR. Expect a play by play tomorrow
On an unrelated note, Soulier is coming over for gaming this weekend. He will be the first to see the new basement and try out the new gaming table
Is your gaming table covered in a traditional green felt?
Black felt
I have the fireplace going and am curled up in my arm chair with a book. The best way to spend an evening
Enjoyed the Westworld finale.
Ah Dolores you really kicked some ass.
We won’t be able to see it until tomorrow
We won’t see it for awhile. Possibly even after we see the 70s film.
..and it’s goodbye to the original Gree Hornet:
Well on TV anyway for you pedants out there.
I’m pretty sure the Green Hornet movie is just an internet myth propagated by one of those Macedonian fake news sites.
Morning Pan!
It’s currently -21C. outside.
It’s suppose to get to -30 later this week.
That’s just silly.
Nothing new to you sir, out on those Siberian wastes.
It’s a conspiracy to keep Americans from fleeing to Canada!
Listening to a podcast covering ‘Highlander’.
Man you Americans got screwed with cuts with that one..
Do you mean film cuts or physical cuts?
Film cuts.
Seriously? We need to seek out the European edit to have the best Highlander experience?
Yeah, the director cut or the international version is the one you need to see.
I would go losing my head over it. Wow
Going to see Moana tomorrow
I really liked it, but it is a Disney film.
Enjoyed it but the songs were forgettable, considering the story they were just padding.
Girl’s turn! Now my daughter is a Spelling Bee champ for her school!
Woot! Congratulations!
Good work young Mangan!
Very nice!
Way to go Girl!
I haven’t loved everything I’ve read by Jonathan Carroll, but “The Land of Laughs” is a wonderful oddity that still sticks with me across the years. This write-up on him from Neil Gaiman is marvelous.
For Jones the cat fans:
Waiting to get into the cinema, Rogue One trailer starts playing on a monitor.
Silly young lass says “not interested they are already dead’
Ok, great!
She must have hated “The 300”.
You tell her buddy!
They’re not Bothans, dammit!
Many bothans died to get you the information on the 2nd Death Star, not the first. I saw this online recently. LOL
Morning Pan
It’s stupid cold again this morning.
Stupid cold is stupid.
Pub crawl around Newcastle this evening, I”m sure there are worst fates.
Are you going to have a New Castle Ale?
Why have we never asked this of Van? Is Newcastle Ale popular in actual Newcastle?
No! To drinking, yes to popularity..well in the older generation.
Amazon is having a 1-day tabletop sale.
Is that 1-day today?
It is. Check with me before you make any purchases *cough*
Not in Canada 🙁
Looks like I may be a day late on my Secret Santa delivery, but may be doing it in person.
Rhettro is Santa Claus..who new?
Mrs. Claus, a few reindeer and assorted elves.
Oh, so that’s what he meant when he invited me to check out his north pole. . .
And it’s away!
CP: Still Alive — Lisa Miskovsky
No, not from Portal. This is from the Mirror’s Edge game.
SS is away!
Slippery Sausage?
That would get me in serious trouble if true. 😉
Silly people think I’ll clear my calendar for them when they won’t bother to check conflicts.
Can’t wait for the next season of The Expanse. 🙂
Season 1 was excellent. Made me curious about the books.
I’ve only read the first book. S1 combines parts of the first two books, from what I’ve been told. Honestly, I prefer the show, but I’m interested in going back and reading the whole book series.
Thank you DP Secret Santa. The planets are warming up for their debut. The nephews will appreciate them as well.
What is it? What is it?
I’ll try to get a photo once they’re up.
Unfortunately, I won’t be able to get my SS gift out until this weekend.
Unfortunately I sent my SS gift last week
My goodness you are a little Boy Scout.
Morning Pan
It occurred to me I promised a play by play earlier in the week. I got wrapped up in getting the basement in some semblance of an order. Will try next week
Have a very busy day scheduled for today. Lots to buy and do.
It’s really cold outside. I have errands to run but I don’t want to go out into the brrr
I don’t blame you. I would stay home.
And watch a bad movie.
Speaking of, I watched the old MS3K viewing of “Manos” a couple weeks back. It was pretty bad, but I’m thinking there has to be worse out there.
Oh, what a lucky man he was. RIP, Greg Lake.
Bloody hell Agents of Shield could we not just once have an AI who isn’t an evil motherfucker?
Just once..
We don’t know if she’s evil. TBC
Breaking that guy’s neck was not a good start.
Fucking spoilers and shit! Seriously.
Oh go and have a drink you grumpy bastard.
No. You are a shithead. You act like everyone watches everything as fast as you. I assure you, that’s impossible. A film over a year old? Fine that I accept. An episode shown YESTERDAY? Fuck and you.
A tv series you stopped watching!
Ok, great.
I’m only TWO behind I NEVER stopped watching it!!!!!
Bibbidy Bobbidy FUCKYOU
Ah my mistake, must have been another series.
I’m about to stop watching YOU.
Yeah and I prefer Coca Cola over Pepsi.
I’m like, three behind in my Sheild viewing.
AI? Like Haley Joel Osment?
Was that a Marvel character? I think not!
He was a Marvel alright, a modern marvel.
I keep reading that as Al, as in Al Bundy or Al Yankovic. Either of which would make for a great Marvel villain.
Back home in the warmth.
CP: In The House – In A Heartbeat
by John Murphy
And so long to John Glenn. Is it just me or has 2016 been a bit of a bastard?
John Glenn death: Pioneering US astronaut was 95
AP newsclaimed he was the first Man to orbit the Earth.
Corrected it later..
Sorry, that page doesn’t exist! (Is that the joke?)
The fiends!
Now there’s a life to be celebrated.
I mean a bit… but it brought me a new son so I can’t be that pissed at it
The Mercury 7 are now all gone.
Tragedy upon tragedy this year.
On the other hand, I hung out with a bunch of you this year, married my perfect partner, had some amazing moments with my family, and had some great times.
On the personal side of 2016, it hasn’t been that bad. But there seems to be a reaping of celebs this year.
I saw a tweet some days back that I shall try to paraphrase –
The CIA finally decided to acquire the help of a Killer that Castro just couldn’t survive … the year 2016.
Got Part 1 of my Secret Santa gift yesterday. Thanks so much, Cynful! (Part 2 is at my apartment management office; I’ll have to pick it up on Sunday.)
I received confirmation that part 2 is on the way. I hope you enjoy
Waiting for Van to spoil something else…
I have some potato salad he could take a go at.
My speciality is spoiling milk.
Watched the first episode of Shut Eye last night, was going to write it off till the ending got me interested again.
His wife sleeping with another woman who she had previously tortured was a bit strange though…
Morning Pan
It’s a balmy -22C here in the great white north
I got my hair cut yesterday. Very short. Now I have nothing to protect my ears from the cold
Leonard Nimoy narrates a RayBradbury story:
The weatherman just said we have an extreme cold warning. These things happen when the weather is likely to go to -40 with the wind chill
Better cut open the tauntaun and crawl inside.
The night sky was exceptionally clear yesterday and I spent some quality time looking at the lunar surface. I was able to spot the Hadley – Rille in my scope for the first time. The view was fleeting but unmistakable. See:
Got some good shots of Copernicus Crater as well.
That picture of the crater on FB is fantawstome, Rhett. I approve of this mad science hobby!
It’s been a neat confluence of technology that has enabled me. One is the availability of cheap Dobsonian telescopes that replace the expensive tripod mount with a simple friction base, the advanced cameras on smart phones and the digital apps for sky searching and lunar atlases. Plus I’m learning the tricks to take better pictures on my phone.
Well my DPSS gift has been delayed, possibly till after Xmas.
Mother of god. . .
Are you concerned for the integrity of the original?
Speaking of spoilers…
Anyone else waiting for the Trumpster to nominate Omorosa for some cabinet office?
I wouldn’t be surprised in the least. But I’ve been trying my best to stick my head in the sand about any Trump news. I figure the best way to survive the next four years is to emulate the ostrich.
I’d been blissfully unaware of this person until today.
Why would you think he’ll be ousted in 4 years?
To that point –
The Presidential Inaugural Committee (private group whose members are of the 1%) has requested an “omnibus blocking permit” from the National Park Service.
As a result, no protests will be allowed anywhere on the National Mall, Pennsylvania Avenue, the Washington Monument, or the Lincoln Memorial from now until March 1st (maybe). A “blocking permit” of this length has never been requested before.
Among other impacts, this could be aimed at squashing the Million Women March/Women’s March on Washington planned for January 21, as well as a counter-inaugural planned on January 20 itself.
“But give him a chance.”
Fuck him and his cronies.
Secret Santa gift is finally away. Canada Post said it would get there before Christmas but I’m not holding my breath
CP: Goodbye — La Strange
I bring you somber news.
EssBee’s mom passed away today. She wanted me to pass on the info as she cannot.
Think good thoughts for Ess and Sly today and the rest of this holiday season.
Thanks for passing this along. 🙁
I’m so, so, so sorry for your loss, EssBee. My best wishes to you and your family. I’m here for support and long-distance hugs.
Condolences on your loss Essbee,
Damn! While celebrities of all sorts, most of whom have lived to ripe old ages, passing on can be a bit of downer, losing friends and those close to friends is what really puts a black mark on a year.
EssBee, I’m also sorry for your loss and you have my best wishes as well, as always.
You’re in my thoughts EssBee. *hugs*
Please pass on our hugs, condolences, and best wishes to Ess & Sly. 🙁
I am sorry for the loss and wish to add my condolences as well.
Very sorry for your loss, EssBee.
Oh EssBee! *hugs*
I know that I have been absent for some time. Your comments mean a lot to me, fam.
You’re family even when you’re quiet.
Essbee, Sly, and the rest
Of the Ess Fam,
I am so sorry for the loss of your Mom. Cherish your love for her and stay strong.
We are thinking of you and Sly, Ess.
*HUGS* also.
Attended a friend’s wedding last night. I’ve endured a few super crazy long wedding masses in my day, but this was the first where the entire thing was in Spanish. Echoey, reverby Spanish bouncing around in a huge church, so I couldn’t even follow along with my limited grasp of the language.
That’s not a complaint, of course– just an interesting way to spend a Friday night.
Ah, to have a running dialogue of your thoughts last night 🙂 I’m sure it was beautiful though.
Heh. I tried to follow along, but the echoes did me in.
And I hadn’t intended to make a political statement out of this, but. . . the handful of “No Habla Espanol” white folks in attendance managed to enjoy the occasion and be happy for our friends and their families without getting stupidly indignant and shouting “Speak English, this is ‘Murica!”
Amazing, how easy it is to just enjoy and appreciate and blend in at an event based in a culture outside your own.
A lot of histrionics about the Russian’s hack of the US elections on twitter today.
Considering the CIA’s track record of fucking with other countries, I dedicate this video to them:
Soulier and his girlfriend are over. First game played on the new gaming table: Firefly
w00t for game night!
I wish Amazon would make up it’s mind, now they saying the DPSS gift will be delivered on Monday.
Grinding my teeth because I didn’t swap my day off:
We will be going about a week after R1 opens. Hubby and I both have time off for Christmas holidays so we’ll go in the middle if the week
I couldn’t wait, the 2D showing in the afternoon for the 15th was surprisingly quiet, booked a seat and going to go straight after work.
I hope that is not a bad sign.
Perhaps we need a new thread for spoilers, since I do not yet have this booked.
A spoiler thread seems like a good idea.
I’m going question how you can spoil a film you already know how it will have to end.
And that is exactly why we need a spoiler thread.
Well, I haven’t watched any Rogue 1 trailers after the first, because I’m counting on enjoying the exciting moments, images, plot twists, etc. with fresh eyes. I know how the Death Star and its plans will turn out, but I know nothing about Jyn (?) or any of the other characters, except that they’re not Bothans.
If it’s a good movie, then I’m hoping that the less I know about the events of the actual movie, the better.
I agree with everything Jack just said. Probably going to R1 next Sunday afternoon, or if that’s sold out, on Monday. (I have three more days to make a winter inner tunic for my Jedi outfit. Oh, NaNoWriMo. :p )
I’m probably not going to get to it until the 23rd. Though, I’ll almost certainly have listed to the audiobook by then. Will be interesting to see how they compare. I’m a bit concerned that Alan Dean Foster isn’t doing the novel.
Probably better than grinding someone else’ teeth.
“Grinding my teeth because I didn’t swap my day off:
Vanamonde , December 11, 2016 at 2:04 am”
This is just gold. And holy crap, they’re so young.
I think my company rented out a theater for Rogue one.
You know because seeing Ludacris live last night was no big.
Oh and my feet hurt and I miss you all.
Did he have his giant hand?
Technorama’ed tonight! I believe we had Cynthia with us for a bit.
Yep yep. I joined just before the internet died. I’ve been having trouble remembering to watch since they moved the feed to FB. It was good to see you.
Just need a bottle of energy and motivation…
If you find a vendor, let me know.
Well my DPSS gift arrived today, thanks Lo.
I did check for curses but it seems clean..
I saw the Facebook picture. Is it a documentary about Westworld? Or a 70s attempt at a Westworld TV show?
That latter, short lived TV series, only 5 episodes made and only 3 of them actually aired.
I’m OK with you giving spoilers for those 5 episodes.
The bad guys win.
It’s no Galactica 1980 but itll do in a pinch.
CP: Maybe Not — Cat Power
Dammit, Kotaku, I’m trying to get work done here!
This is a really fantastic examination of Peppermint Patty. It’s a long read, but worth it, if you’re a fan of Charles Schulz’s world.
So tonight I played the ‘Toobin’ arcade game.
It’s shorter than I remember.
The music is still great.
I got through the game without paddling backwards.
stolen from a friend
So there was a man from San Francisco who always wanted to be a trolley conductor. The man went to school, completed his training and eventually got his dream job. On his first day of the job, the man hit and killed a pedestrian. He was sent to death row. On death row, the man was asked what he wanted for his last meal. He asked for a steak, mashed potatoes, and a rare type of blue-coluored apple native to Africa. The jail and government complied, and the man ate his last meal. He was sent to the electric chair. Once there, the executioner flipped the switch…and nothing happened. At the time, laws prevented governments from multiple attempts at execution, so the man was freed.
He again tried to live as a trolley conductor, and regained his license. Unfortunately, he hit and killed a couple on his next day of work. He was sent to death row. When asked what he wanted for his last meal, he requested spaghetti, meatballs, and the same blue apples. He ate his meal and was sent back to the electric chair the next day. When the executioner flipped the switch, nothing happened. He was released again.
At this point the man went back to school and reworked his license, desperate to succeed in his dream career. He went back to his job as a trolley conductor and STILL killed a family immediately after returning to his job. He was sent to death row. While there, he was asked what he wanted for his last meal. He asked for chicken, rice, and the SAME blue apples. After eating, he was sent right to the electric chair. For the third time, the switch was flipped and nothing happened.
At this point, the guards approached the man, curious, and asked why the electric chair seemed to have no effect on him. The man, calmly, looked at them and said, “I don’t know, I guess I’m just a bad conductor.”
On runs the risk of their audience getting hung up on the blue apple thing.
Where did you see blue apples? I only remember reading about red herrings…
My Deadpan Secret Santa gift is away!
I received my Secret Santa gift! Thanks Van, it is perfect.
“Van” + “perfect” are two words that shouldn’t go in one sentence.
Tough titty Mr Ko Plank.
Go stick your dick in a drone prop.
I’m not doing torture porn for your enjoyment Mr. Droopy.
That Red Baron was tougher than I realized.
Is that what Van’s calling his these days?
Only when I look at you.
It’s a more appealing name than Snoopy, I guess. Definitely better than Spike.
How DARE you!
To clarify: “Mr. Droopy” would be the worst of all possible names.
We received an intriguing Mysterious Package (TM) tonight. Posts on the FB Deadpan page, but can also be made available here.
I’m betting it’s Rhettro to blame.
Or Lejon..
Wasn’t me.
Lejon it is!
Morning Pan
Today Christmas comes to Bunnytown. We will be making gingerbread cookies and decorating my house.
Rogue One reviews have started:
I just skimmed the review looking for a simple up or down.
Two word summation: It’s gritty.
Six word summation: I like that it is gritty.
Eighteen word summation: I really like that it is gritty, hope the next Star Wars movies are a little more upbeat.
I kind of agree with the commenter. This sounds like it’s just a yawn and stretch.
The New Yorker, for when you want to talk down to genre fans:
But when you are a genre fan and you want to talk straight with other genre fans, there’s Nerdist.
Take my mon….oh you already have.
On the plus side … you may get to view it with the confidence that the theater is a “Deplorable free” zone.
I’m very confused. I’m hearing reports that Alan Thicke died today while playing hockey with his 19 year old son. I can’t find a legit news source yet to confirm.
Well there is no longer any doubt in my mind that the next four years will completely suck.
The aftershocks will never be settled in our lifetime.
Gnomes necromancing muppets?
Morning Pan
I’m hoping I’ll be able to watch a movie this afternoon. We’ll have to see how the day goes.
I think I’m gonna need a really good “Dr. Who Christmas Special” this year.
Wonder what the chances of that are?
Are those Santa Daleks in your profile avatar? That would seem to be all that was needed for a great Doctor Who Xmas Special.
Then up on the rooftop I heard such a clatter.
My command!
My dominion!
Memory, heart and all opinion,
Hide me, guide me,
Dry my tears,
Slowly taking back the years,
By your command,
Why do they always make you drink lots of water before an ultrasound? I really need to use the washroom
!! Best wishes, Bunny.
The “Monstress” comic series just gets better. 😀 Margret Atwood’s “Angel Catbird” is fun.
Always look on the bright side of life. . .
Oh look, it’s movie time
Today’s flick is The Other Side of the Door
The PVR write: A grieving mother upsets the balance between life and death when she opens an ancient door that releases the restless spirit of her deceased son
Horror violence and mature themes.
Mumbai, India
She’s preggers
Beautiful beach
Let’s start our family in India
Ceiling fan
She’s lost
The natives are restless
I admit, I’m already confused
Home movies
She can’t take it any more
I can help you
Take. Your son’s ashes to the temple
Oh yes, there is another Skywalker
No matter what, don’t open the door
I promise. Famous last words
Trekking alone
She found the Temple. Time to do the exact opposite of what she promised
Waxing the ashes
Ew, rotting birds
The wind blew out the candle. How original
Why make an openable door if you don’t want anybody to open it?
Here it comes. The dead kid wants her to open the door
And there it is
You fool, you not only opened the door, you went through
The dog knows
That’s right puppy. Protect the daughter everyone else seems to have forgotten exists
The forgotten daughter hears things
Her bear’s name is Kahn
And the birds freak out
Mommy’s home
Oh look, she finally remembered she has a daughter
Sexy time
Seeing shadows in the dark
Scoot, scoot, scoot
Not the evil blocks
The tiger is possessed
And so is the piano
Don’t tell daddy Oliver is haunting us
Pull up a chair
Reading the ghost a story
It speaks
Everything is dying
Giving the bird a burial at sea
Ashen face
It’s a dark and stormy night
Bath tile
No biting, Oliver
Read me a story!
Really Oliver, nobody likes a bratty kid
They’re praying for her soul
You opened the door!
Lucy’s gone
Time to do a dead cleanse
Locked in
Of course the match won’t light
The witch woman is dead
Did Oliver kill her?
Trying to finish what the witch woman started
Fine, you try to banish me, I’ll take your daughter
Burning Oliver
Daddy doesn’t understand
Lucy lies
Lucy is Oliver. Or is Oliver Lucy
They know the truth
She killed the dog
Well I’m never watching that film.
They didn’t actually show it. It was just implied
Daddy’s making a mess
Michael row the boat ashore
Trying to rekill Oliver
Best Brady episode ever.
Going with Oliver
Is this what death looks like?
And things come full circle
I would put this movie firmly in the middle. It may have not been the best I’ve seen, but it also was nowhere near the worst.
I believe this is the worst
Oooo! I know who’s behind the door…
Do they make 47 Ronin Day cards?
On 1st day of 47 Ronin my true love gave to me
The first Ronin to avenge master.
On the 2nd day of 47 Ronin my true love gave to me
The second Ronin to aveng master
On the 3rd day of 47 Ronin….
I made it all the way to 3:55
I actually made it all the way to the end. What a fascinating pile of reindeer shit.
Big changes comin’ to the Chinchilla Nation….
Made it about 1 minute.
Did you ask Santa for that?
I’m saddened you had to ask me that..
Bad influences
I’ll second that. All of the zzzzzsssss….
Though I often feel that I post into the void here anymore.
Probably because I’m a fleeting poster these days.
I’d love to change that. I’m such a disappointing pannite :pan:
What do you get when you cross a pig and a centipede?
Bacon and Legs.
I’m so old school… do these no longer work? :jack:
I don’t know how to communicate properly if I cannot emote.
They fled when the old WP theme cleared out. Sad, really. :bummer:
Really? :ermm:
Why am I just noticing now?
Ha! Works for me! :biggrin:
Here is the link to what I have
Ah, it’s the custom ones that don’t work. 🙁
Accidentally went to Rouge One instead of Rogue One. Boy is my face red.
@HiddenPinky (from twitter)
So at the cinema waiting for Rogue One to start.
Strike a pose, there’s nothing to it. Rogue.
Our Steampunk box set with Tee and Pip in it is now on sale. Our Newsletter announcing it will go out next week
Van, it’s also available at Amazon UK, if you’re interested.
Copy that.
I think it’s time to think about lunch.
To turn on the fireplace, or to not turn on the fireplace? That is the question .
Meanwhile, a grilled tomato and cheese sandwich is in my lunch future
CE: A panini with turkey, bacon, cheese and other noms… with a side of hot fries.
Yeah it was good, just go and see it already.
You’ve said too much!
Would you (and everyone?) like a spoiler page?
Yeah that would be good.
Tomorrow !!! I’m being patient!
Just a reminder that a certain number of characters are visible on the side runner. Please be careful
She’s right, you know.
I havent seen a side runner on this page in weeks. Odd.
Not til Wednesday for us
After seeing Rogue One I went to Pizza Hut and was instantly reminded why I don’t like the sit in restaurants over here.
Food is always under cooked..ack!
(Can someone please pick up the required “Pizza the Hutt” joke, here? thx)
Pizza Hut was a rare treat when I was a kid, because there were none near us. I recall the crust being delicious and crispy, and the whole thing was just rich, buttery joy.
One or both of us has changed for the worse, over the years, getting fattier, soggier, and less appealing.
Pizza the Hut.
I’m here for you, man.
And speaking of Space Wizards. . . This is wonderful (and has nothing to do with Star Wars)
Speaking of space wizards…
That game had the power to make many quarters disappear in my youth.
They have that at Starfighters Arcade in Mesa. I spent many hours playing the Atari 8-bit version as a teenager.
Oh God
I demand a black Santa Pez now now now
I can recall that shortly after the dawn of the Interwebs, companies would send the coolest “animated” Christmas cards. The best one’s (I thought) were the ones that had Easter eggs in them. Maybe the “card” was a picture of a Toy Shop window and when you clicked certain things it would cause toys to do stuff.
I miss those.
These days I just get Seasonal JPGs.
Perhaps I am no longer on the “cool” mailing lists.
I’m still waiting for my funny Xmas inter-office faxes.
Morning Pan
Just a couple hours of work to do then I’m off for the next two weeks. Woo Hoo!
I won’t be seeing Rogue until this weekend at the earliest, so I’ll be avoiding links like this until then.
It will be a couple of weeks for me. 🙁
It’s the art of the film.
Time for the normal feel good Christmas story.
File this under: “Why you don’t get carded anymore.”
Man. MAD props for #20. One of the most underrated and perfect albums of the 90s
Although #1 is complete bullshit. I know taste is subjective, but Dookie is a bullshit record.
And as usual, the latest Apple update mucks needlessly about with iTunes features that were working. Missing is the “go to album” menu option and for some reason, podcasts won’t show the speaker icon when playing.
I gave up using iTunes for podcasts about a year ago, switched to the overcast app and never looked back.
No good if you use your computer to listen to
Podcasts though.
So the new season of The Man in the High Castle got off to an intriguing start.
Yesterday I dreamed that I had a propeller attachment for my smartphone and was flying about the city wearing a wing-suit and navigating via an app. I’m going have a conversation with my subconscious.
Were you fighting the agents of Dr Claw?
Quite possibly.
Not Craw! Craw!
I only just spotted this. 10,000 points for the Get Smart reference!
My House Special Chicken from the Qwik Chinese restaurant was not qwik or special, and was probably not chicken.
Did you check for cats hairs?
Been binge watching “Good Behavior” from my DVR.
Really enjoying it so far.
Really appreciate the cards Bunny and Ed 🙂
CP: The Joy Formidable – Radio of Lips
The further I run the faster you apologize.
I havent laughed this hard for a long long time. A long time.
Funny stuff
Home from Rogue One. I’ll talk about it on the appropriate page. And try to buffer my comments so no “Bruce Willis was dead the whole time” spoilers appear in the sidebar.
Die Hard makes a lot more sense now.
I meant the Moonlighting TV series.
Die Hard at the cinema is a true Christmas treat.
He was dead the whole time.
On twitter? Like a photos of curler animals? Then search for:
-rler +te
Love the “hey, I used to work for the same company as you but not on the same project so there’s really nothing to reminisce about” holiday party small talk.
Fuck Christmas!
It’s a waste of fucking time
Fuck Santa
He’s just out to get your dime
Fuck Holly and fuck Ivy
And fuck all that mistletoe
White-bearded big fat bastards
Ringing bells where e’er you go
And bloated men in shopping malls
All going Ho-Ho-Ho
It’s Christmas fucking time again!
<3 Eric Idle
He sang that live when we saw him with Cleese!
Morning Pan
Day one of our two weeks off. So why am I up at 5am?
Routine, it’s a powerful force.
On an unrelated note: Zsa Zsa Gabor passed away. Is it wrong that I didn’t realize she was still alive?
Still, 99 is a pretty good run
I think her sister Eva (sp?) had passed this last year as well.
1995, according to Wikipedia.
Probably not the most pleasant person, but no need to bash on the deceased. I hope she finds her stores (no chores!) and Times Square (fresh air!).
TEB, your Christmas card arrived today, thank you.
So, my daughter completely got me yesterday. . . I wanted to encourage some excitement about our new neighborhood, so I told her while we in the supermarket checkout line, that I’d seen a football player from the Cardinals in there a few days earlier.
She responded by singing “Lame Claim to Fame.”
I approve of this response.
What are you doing with your evening?
I am going Pole Vaulting.
Why? Because I still can.
I think.
Volt those poles!
Have you come down yet, J0e?
When satire and the real world blur together.
Thank you Amy. Your card arrived today.
You’re welcome! 🙂 I got Ed’s and Bunny’s cards, too.
J0e: Go for it! Rock on!
Everybody: I’m trying to make a fanmix again, and I need new song ideas. So, my question to you is:
What’s the first song that comes to your mind when I say “depressing song full of self-loathing?”
For reference, the ones I’m already using are:
Hurt / Johnny Cash
Behind Blue Eyes / The Who
Fade to Black / Metallica
Self Esteem / The Offspring
Have to add my token Nevermore songs.
“The Sorrowed Man” and “Passenger”. 🙂
Or Chelsea Wolfe “Iron Moon”.
“My heart is a tomb…” Yikes the darknesss!!!