Sorry for the crappy formatting.
Deadpan Playoff Chart [Movie suggestions in brackets]
EAST : : Participant : : Movie : : Alt Movie
New York Rangers : : : : : Lo Pan : : Maid in Manhattan : : Warriors (1970s)
Pittsburgh Penguins : : : : Cynful : : Brutal Beauty: Rose City Rollers : : Colin & Brad: Two Men Group
Boston Bruins : : : : : : : ditto : : Summer Wars : : Memento
Philadelphia Flyers : : : : UNCLAIMED : : [Rocky Balboa (Rocky 6)] : : [The Village (M. Night Shyamalanangdanioan)]
New Jersey Devils : : : : Jack Mangan : : Legend (The Tom Cruis one) : : Jersey Girl (The Ben Affleck one)
Florida Panthers : : : : Amy Bowen : : [Cocoon] : : [Miami Vice], [Willard (the rat movie)]
Ottawa Senators : : : : UsedHair : : Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter : : [Cop and a Half]
Washington Capitals : : EssBee : : Pecker : : The X-Files
WEST : : Participant : : Movie : : Alt Movie
St. Louis Blues : : : : UNCLAIMED : : [Crossroads (Ralph Macchio)] : : [Blue Velvet]
Vancouver Canucks : : : : Vanamonde The Last Starfighter The Black Hole
Detroit Red Wings : : : Rhettro : : Doctor Detroit : : Robocop 3, Nevermore: Year of the Voyager
Nashville Predators : : Jack Mangan : : [Dukes of Hazzard (2005)] : : [Predators]
Chicago Blackhawks : : The Energizer Bunny : : Hudson Hawk : : Head (The Monkees)
San Jose Sharks : : : UNCLAIMED : : [Swimming With Sharks (Kevin Spacey)] : : [Deep Blue Sea]
Phoenix Coyotes : : : Desert Pixie : : The Cutting Edge : : The Phoenix Lights (docu)
Los Angeles Kings : : UNCLAIMED : : [L.A. Story] : : [Born in East L.A.]
Me N EssBee sittin in the rink
wait no..
I play you? PREPARE TO BE . . . something
No you dont. I just wanted to… yknow…
I’d like to claim the Florida Panthers, and I’ll accept the movies that have been suggested (Cocoon and Miami Vice). I’ll crosspost this in the main conversation thread, just to make sure it doesn’t get missed.
Washington movies:
1) Pecker
2) The X-Files
My movies choices:
1. The Last Starfighter
2. The Black Hole