Unshow Seventy-Five

Chocolate Chip Show Notes.

Unshow Seventy-Five

Less than a month until the mmmmeetup! Jack will send out an e-mail regarding this. No, really? He says he really will.

Greasy Spoon
Desert Pixie
DJ Bunny
DJ Bunny
Lo Pan
Amy Bowen
Ed From Texas Justa J0e
Justa J0e (first comment of the week)

Have you sent in your ear buddies content yet?

NHL Playoff time! Join our playoff movie pool. Apologies to those who don’t care about hockey.

Congrats to Lo Pan the hockey pool winner.

Jack met Joe Haldeman on the weekend. He’s now a happy camper.

Send in content: 480-788-JMDP(5637) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom

461 thoughts on “Unshow Seventy-Five

  1. First game I bought for my Atari ST:

    US Gold conversion of Gauntlet

    Jerky scrolling, no voice samples, and fewer on screen enemies, made a poor conversion

  2. Now … off to take the auto to the dealership and LEAVE IT THERE til they find and fix it’s problem.

    I never had this problem with any of my Hondas.

  3. As some of you know, I volunteer behind the scenes at a literary convention. Our cut off date for a certain price was March 31st. I had someone ask me a question about registration before then. I just found out the person who has all the paper copies of the registration info only checks her email once or twice a month. grrrr. I think we will have to pay someone the difference in registration amount between March 31st and now, just to be fair.

    I called up the girl who had the info and gave her heck. I was not a happy camper.

  4. I’ve selected my second movie: “RoboCop 3”


    Or conversely, you can watch the “Nevermore: The Year of the Voyager” DVD in its entirety.

  5. The trouble with being so far behind on podcasts (remember, podcast addict here) is when one changes formats, you learn about it with 10 left to go…. and it doesn’t pertain to you anymore. Time to delete the podcasts Vern.
    *Note, this does not include Deadpan. Deadpan is exempt from above statement 😛

  6. I don’t know if it’s available to our friends beyond the U.S. Borders, but Itunes has the first two episodes of “The Legend of Korra” currently available for free.

    My wife complained that my daughter and I watched the first episode without her. So, I had my Apple TV fired up and we decided to see if Itunes had the first episode for free the way Amazon did. I was surprised when, after the first episode finished, it rolled into the second one in the same file. I think that is the way Nickelodeon will be premiering the series this weekend.

    Anyway, the 2nd episode was even better than the first. We are hooked.


  7. I want in on the hockey playoffs betting! :happy:

    I’d like to claim the Florida Panthers, and I’ll accept the movies that have been suggested (Cocoon and Miami Vice). I also posted this as a comment to the blog post with the chart in it.

    If someone else already beat me to that team, just give me one of the other unassigned ones.

  8. I just wrote 992 words of commentary on High Fidelity – the book, the movie (I watched it tonight), and how I relate to them. Whew. I’ll have to either cut that down a bit or split it up into multiple segments. Or both. I’ll record it tomorrow or the next day.

    • “but damn if it isn’t good cheesy fun for the right audience.”

      Used to be, I could insert “Karen Ann Quinlan?” here for the cheap, off color, obscure chuckle … but I’m not sure there is a current equivalent.

  9. Good Morning Pan.

    You know it’s going to be a rough morning when you haven’t been to work even a half hour and you are flipping off your co-worker over the cubicle wall.

  10. BTW, I’ll take Nashville as a 2nd team tonight, if they remain unclaimed.

    And since I’ve brought up the hockeymania:

    Vancouver in 6
    St. Louis in 4
    Phoenix in 5
    Nashville in 7

    Ottawa in 7(!)
    Boston in 6
    New Jersey in 6
    Pittsburgh in 7

    • I’ll need to think about my predictions.

      As for my movie selection, I’ll go with something different: “Summer Wars” with “Memento” as the alternate.

      • I told him “Were we a popular culture convention I would agree cross-marketing may be effecting. However, we are not a popular culture event, but a literary event. Any shared demographic would be coincidental. We wish you well with your convention and recommend you speak with Edmonton’s popular culture convention for cross-marketing opportunities. http://purespec.org/ You may also try the pop culture horror con that recently started here in Calgary. http://www.facebook.com/CalgaryHorrorCon

        We don’t really have much in common.

        • Is your Con a pure, non-genre literary convention? Did I know that you were involved with this?

          Would unshaven-in-years writers such as Alan Moore or George R.R. Martin qualify as guests for a furry lit con?

          • Yes you knew I was involved, Jack. The is the one John keeps encouraging me to back out of (for health reasons not because he’s against it). http://www.whenwordscollide.org/

            It’s not non-gener so much as it’s all genres. Last year, one of our best received panes was one that was put on by the mystery writers. They brought in a major crimes cop who did a presentation.

            The second best was considered to be one put on by the romance writers. Nothing sells like sex.

  11. NHL Playoff predictions:

    Vancouver in 6

    St. Louis in 5

    Chicago in Se7en

    Nashville on The 6th Day

    New York in 8 Seconds

    Boston in 48 Hrs

    Jersey in 9 1/2 Weeks

    Philly after Welcoming Home Roscoe Jenkins

  12. Ok Peeps!

    Here is your playoff schedule
    LA (unclaimed) vs Vancouver (Vanamonde)
    San Jose (unclaimed) vs St. Louis (unclaimed)
    Chicago (TEB) vs. Phoenix (Desert Pixie)
    Detroit (Rhettro) vs. Nashville (Jack)
    Ottawa (UsedHair) vs. New York R (Lo Pan)
    Washington (EssBee) vs. Boston (Ditto)
    New Jersey (Jack) vs. Florida (Amy Bowen)
    Philadelphia (unclaimed) vs. Pittsburgh (Cynful)

    It’s not too late to claim one of the three unclaimed

  13. If you’re going to use words like, “top shelf,” “premium” & “platinum” all in the same advertisement, to describe your so-called delicious beer — then Im guessing you are really just over-compensating Bud Light.

    /craft beer novice officiando

  14. Good morning my Pannite friends.

    Saw American Reunion last night.

    If you liked the first film, especially the music, then you’ll enjoy and appreciate this one. I did. I laughed audibly, probably annoying the 5 other people in the theater, but that’s what you get for going to a movie with me on a Wednesday night.

    *spoiler – Rebecca De Mornay was just about the best part of the movie, but only if you recognized her and are old enough to remember her best line from Risky Business.

  15. I get my last bathroom quote today. Then we have to make a decision. We’re pretty sure who we’re going with so, unless this guy really wows me, I’m really just going through the motions at this point.

    This is probably who is going to do our bathroom http://www.contemporarybathrooms.ab.ca/
    I went on the website of the person we’re seeing today and was not impressed. It helps your professional image if your web site at least works http://www.3dogconstruction.com/

  16. Hey Van, on a travel related note, you said you were taking only a carry-on bag. While this is a very good idea since you’re probably transferring planes (are there any direct flights from England to Arizona?), make sure you go on whatever website and know what you can and cannot bring on your carry on. The US is really sticky about what you can bring on a plane. For a while there, I know they even disallowed (disposable) razors. I don’t know if that’s still the case but you might want to double check just to be sure.

  17. Ugh, work.

    While I am looking forward to seeing/hugging you all next month, I need to get through my trip from hell next week first. Dallas M-W; red eye to DC W night; DC W-S.

  18. So, there are these contract people worker types that have taken over 1/2 of the office space area in which I work.

    They have some tool they use over there that they refer to ALL DAY as the “tardis” and I know it’s not what they mean!



  19. Annnnd… tomorrow (most likely) the news people are coming to my house to talk to me about my avid use of social media to save money.

    I’m like gonna have 30 more seconds of “fame” in my life. go me.

  20. No.2:

    I was sitting on a train, doing a crossword when i asked this German guy sitting opposite,

    “Four down, three letters, abbreviation of value added tax, any ideas?”


    So i repeated the question …

  21. A couple of weeks ago we were watching Grimm. One of the characters were given giant chocolate chip cookies. Hubby asked why my cookies are never that big. Guess what I’m baking today. I don’t think they’ll fit in my cookie jars.

  22. And yes Word Press, my spelling is correct!!! I don’t care if you don’t like the Canadian spellings of flavour, colour, theatre, etc. Stop underling them in red as I type!! Just you can’t understand true English, it’s not my problem.

  23. Van, you saw that minimalist settlers movie which was supposed to be dreadfully slow?

    The last Western I saw in the theater was True Grit. Before that. . . . . . . . . . . Back to the Future III?

  24. Today’s movie is The Devil’s Playground

    The DVR write-up: a tough as nails mercenary is charged with finding a woman who’s immune to a zombie plague that has taken over London

  25. “Now that his team has proven that Hubble can spot auroras on Uranus, Lamy hopes to get more of Hubble’s observation time.”


  26. Well Deadpanites. I’m looking for ideas for a short B… thingie to watch and do a play by play on while in Deadpan Land. It should only be half an hour and is available either on DVD or through US Netflix. Right now I’m leaning towards an episode of Samurai Pizza Cats because, well, the title says it all. But I am open to suggestions as well. Captain Cave Man or Jabber Jaw is also an idea simply because they are silly. (Thunder Cats anyone?). It doesn’t have to be animated but, lets face it, those old cartoons were about half an hour and definitely B

  27. Your Crap joke for today:

    I took my inflatable doll back to the shop today because it seemed to have developed feelings and had started crying after we had sex.The lady said it hadn’t developed feelings, It just needed emptying!

  28. On an unrelated note. I can’t play the game I purchased from Steam yesterday. When I try to enter the game key, it keeps telling me that it’s incorrect so I can’t play. Went on the Steam forums, turns out this was a common problem this weekend for Heroes VI. There was no solution on the forums so I sent Steam a message (probably like everybody else). I’m assuming I won’t hear anything back until Monday at the earliest, as I haven’t yet. Not a happy camper here.

  29. So can anybody reccomend a good trackball?

    I want to use The Onlive service more, but playing a FPS with a trackpad is just asking for RSI, and I don’t have much room to manoeuvre where I use my laptop.

  30. …and another crap joke:

    Heard a comotion in the street outside my house, saw that a young lad had been knocked off his motorbike. So I rushed outside and pushed my way through the crowd shouting “Let me through”. Someone asked “Are you a doctor?”. I said “No it’s my pizza”

  31. Aaaannnnnnnd the Penguins are getting their wings clipped this series. They need to take these broken wings… and learn to fly again.

  32. Having an honest to goodness thunderstorm this morning. Guess I’m out of practice at deep sleep as it woke me up.

    Checking the local science writer’s blog, I found this interesting wind map that is updated hourly.


  33. On a different note, I think I lost a discussion John and I never had.

    We were at Games Workshop on yesterday. He wanted some paints or something or other. While browsing the store, I found this cool griffin model. I ended up buying it, paints, clippers, knife, etc. (because heaven knows I couldn’t use his). I told hubby I had no intention of playing the game so I didn’t want any codexes or anything as I plan to never actually play. He’s still taking it as a win. *sigh*

  34. Just double checked and my new game seems to be working now. Never did get an acknowledgement from UBISoft or Steam regarding my e-mails but, hey, I can play now so I’m taking it as a win.

    …not that I can play right now, work and stuff, you know.

  35. My apologies for not being present for the last week or so. I have guests staying with us so I have had no time for anything. If I owe anything or someone needs information from me about the playoff event, please contact me through usedhair at the g mailey kind of place and let me know. Again, sorry. I will get to this stuff, but I will not be able to catch up on comments.

  36. So far, its neen a *fabulous* Monday morning —
    1. My ass is officially whooped from work. Boo.
    2. My orange tabby, Woody, has bitched me out already. Twice.

    Happy f’in Monday everyone.

  37. Incoherent thought for the day:

    So I’m watching the latest Game of Thrones episode, and for the first time I’m reminded of I, Claudius.

    Oh more sex and gore, but a lot of the action happening off camera, just reminds me of that classic series.

    • Speaking of which … I saw this on the twittersphere –

      “I wanna do you Dothraki style — from behind and slightly rapey. #gameofthroneisms”

      I don’t get the reference but I think I do.

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