*A boy asks his granny, ‘Have you seen my pills, they were labelled LSD?’**Granny replies, f**k the pills, have you seen the dragons in the kitchen?!**
I’ll get your cape.
Well what do you know, there’s a Deadpan in my feed.
For a belated mom’s day my Boo has booked a brewery tour followed by a lunch today. I guess the tour comes with a glass and some non-alcoholic drinks I get to take home. I imagine I will pick up some beer for hubby as well
I should be working. I don’t feel like working. Quite the dillema
Just 5 more unshows until BSP catches up to the Deadpan… Woooooo
Do you need a shave?
Mostly every morning. Why, you offering?
I fear your drains might get blocked if I did that.
There, I sprayed and fertilized my front yard. The back yard will just have to wait for another day.
Ummm I’m not going there.
Thanks for Patricia Briggs’ name!
I think folks should pick up the unclaimed teams for the hockey . . .
you are welcome. let me know if you too become addicted.
Agreed on the unclaimed teams.
Does anyone have a good site to find out what radio stations are playing at a given time?
I just tried yes.com and it has gone out of business just to thwart me. ARGH!!
What is this “radio”?
It’s the box attached to my cassette player in my car.
Nope. Not kidding. But my 16 year old car has not had a car payment in a looooooong time.
I also go this route. Its nice.
I just play the cassettes in the boombox I carry around on my shoulder.
Good. Now I know who to give any cassette tapes to that I find at garage sales.
I also have no car payment. Repairs are (at this point) still far cheaper than a car payment. 🙂
Though I do have a CD player. Wish it was an MP3 player, but hey, I’m cheap 🙂
BIG TRUCK don’t need no mp3 player!
I’ve been given an ultimatum on getting rid of my old VCR, hmmm.
Did a creepy, dripping undead girl crawl out of your TV?
That was the first scene in a horror movie that creeped me out in a LONG time.
Dont do it. Its still the only way to watch the original unaltered pan-n-scan Star Wars. The way it was meant to be.
May dig out my old copy of SW I taped off the TV many moons ago and watch it before dumping the VCR.
This seemed very out of character for him.
Was he trying to chase her back to her husband or is his character finally showing some growth … creepy, abusive growth.
It was weird, almost as if he was some dodgy spy programmed to respond in a certain way when somebody ‘needs’ him.
I know of this place, it’s actually right across from Fate Brewery in Scottsdale.
They made local news headlines a few years ago when the owners went batshit on a negative Yelp reviewer. I can only imagine how crazy they got with Gordon Ramsey. That’s an episode I would watch! Fortunately, I’ve never set in this place.
The FB page has been very amusing to browse. 🙂
Dunno about the iPhone types, but for Android users – Google Now can listen to a song that’s playing and identify it. There are also a number of apps out there that will do similar. I’ve had varying degrees of success with others, but Google’s actually does pretty well.
Soundhound and Shazam are pretty good and I think available for both Apple and Google devices.
Soundhound and Shazam are available on iOS devices.
Scored 8 out of 10. And I’m not completely convinced about one of the two I missed, but rules are rules.
Also 8 out of 10. That was some bullshit right there.
Same here.
based on your comments, I decided not to do the test.
Fav lyric line today:
‘Don’t let your mouth write a cheque that your butt can’t cash’
Hmmm, Top Gun must have been subtitled for release in the U.K.
/coat to wear over my flight suit.
Sweet! Sarah Shahi is going to be a regular on “Person of Interest”.
Just watched the penultimate episode for this season, great stuff.
I still have to watch the last two. I’ve really enjoyed the addition of Agent Shaw. I really want to see her beat the crap out of Root. 🙂
I decided to take today off. I dare anyone to try and stop me.
Well it would require me to invent a teleport..
I don’t understand hubby. On days when I just can’t pull my lazy ass out of bed, he will go to work and leave all the lights on in the house. I woke up this morning and the lights were on in the washroom, the kitchen, the dining room, and the hall to the back door. *sigh*
” I woke up this morning and the lights were on in the washroom, the kitchen, the dining room, and the hall to the back door.”
Works fine here, streamed nicely over my 3G connection to my phone.
RE: ditto’s comment. I guess I start watching Person of Interest now!
It’s a cool show, gets better when Amy Acker came on the scene in S1 and it went all William Gibson.
I agree. It takes a while to build, but I found the show interesting, so it wasn’t hard for me to stick with it. And that surprised me. I haven’t liked the two lead actors in the past. Obviously, I was very reluctant to start watching.
This is definitely worth giving a shot if you are a Gibson fan.
Or Les Paul?
Les Silliness. 😉
I always preferred Tiffany to Debbie Gibson.
Martika man myself.
Eiko, eiko, I know.
Rick Springfield was the dreamiest.
That’s not what Jessie’s girl said.
He had drugs in his pocket.
Morning Pan!
Today there will be no fooling around. Must get some work done if I want to take tomorrow and make it a four day weekend instead of three
“If you’re present in what you’re doing, you don’t think about the impact it’s gonna have. If you’re in a studio recording and thinking, “This is gonna be an epic record! We’re doing something here!” then you’re a douche, and you need to stop right now.” -Kelley Deal
Its as true in life as it is in the recording studio 🙂
Also! Its a little known fact that for the past few seasons, the shows scripts were created by the writers brainstorming by communally shitting in a toilet and rearranging the feces into words and ideas. Its true. GO look it up on the Gewgles.
Ooooo I get theSyFy channel. Its fuzzy but it is airing all of the Star Trek movies back-to-back. ST IV is now starting.
That movie is dedicated the members of Challenger, fyi.
CW: The Fall – Episode 1
Gillian Anderson still looks rather tasty.
wtf show is this with her now what now!?!?!?!?!??!!?
Yeah, what he said!
DO you prefer the mid twenties short red-hair X-Files version or the early 40’s long blonde hair Madonna-esq version?
So far there hasn’t been that much I haven’t seen before.
I enjoyed that, but I’m not a history buff like you and Lo.
If you want a free ebook today:
@JerniganZachary: I feel like giving crap away today. If you want a free e-ARC of NO RETURN (Mobi or Epub), email me at jerniganzachary@gmail.com. I love you.
Amazon mP3 music store has various LIVE albums on sale for $5.99.
Pearl Jam, Otis Redding, Public Enemy, Lacuna Coil, etc
*scoff snob*
I prefer something tangible I can hold in my hand.
I know a bass player. He and his wife are coming over for gaming next week. He would love this
Oh I’m stealing that one.
Back from the new Trek. Overall, I was able to enjoy it. Though, it’s not your father’s Star Trek anymore. I don’t know that I get a warm fuzzy about JJ Abrams taking on the next Star Wars movies.
I do, simply because he KNOWS about “your father’s Wars” as its his passion. Hate to say it, but Trek was just filler for him. You could tell.
There are times when some things just shouldn’t be read. This is one of them
What a stupid twat!
Please… I call such bullshit. She’ll say anything to get her cunty name in the paper and be talked about. Oh look, and its working.
CP: “I’m No Stranger To the Rain” followed by “When You Say Nothing At All” — Keith Whitley
comfort classics for this Pixie
Me: I think I might be drunk
Hubby: how much did you drink?
Me: shows hubby empty whiskey glass
Hubby: you’re done already?
Me: yes
Hubby: you’re drunk
DJs, horrible music, Chewbacca with bling, ewoks with guitars… this embodies the deepest nightmares that I have with Disney at the helm with Star Wars.
I’ve been interested in astronomy for the last couple of years. I’ve been able to spot Venus(duh), Jupiter, Saturn and Mars with my naked eye and last year I got to see Uranus with a telescope. But I’ve never seen Mercury. I guess I should make plans now. Thanks for the heads up Pixie.
And considering that you are the king of bad puns, it crossed my mind about asking why you needed a telescope to see Uranus, but I decided that might be too much.
*cough* 😉
Do it anyway. Do it anyway!
CD: Little White Rye
Just watched the finale of this series of Doctor Who.
Wow. I cannot wait for more of this story in November. <3
Oops. I have a comment in murgatory because I had a brainfart and typed in my Gmail address instead of my Yahoo one, so WordPress doesn’t recognize me.
I freed Amy’s comment last night – at about 1% power on my phone even.
Just got back from seeing Star Trek. We both quite enjoyed it. All the nods to previous Treks were cute.
But!!! I have a question. I will deliberately be vague to avoid spoilers. Hopefully, those who have seen the movie will know what I am talking about.
They had lots of “cures”. Why did they have to bring back the one?
The theories I’ve read online suggest that because they knew “the one” would certainly work, it was their best bet. The rest might have still been in a questionable state.
They could get it faster? That was my guess.
They could not get it faster. Sorry ditto, that answer doesn’t work for me. However, I will accept Ed’s answer
Because the screenwriters left that hole wide open. I asked that same question.
I can create a Spoilers-allowed Star Trek post, if people would like to discuss it on Deadpan.
I did see it yesterday. I do have an opinion.
*shrug* There isn’t a Star Trek movie that doesn’t have plot holes. In general, I don’t worry too much about it.
I’m slow on the uptake today, even though I’ve seen the movie I have no idea what you are talking about..unless it’s the Jesus tribble.
And today is apparently a certain Maki’s birthday! Shared with podcaster Chris Lester and wookie Peter Mayhew.
Happy getting older, JohnBoze.
Happy birthday JB!
Alright, for the Facebook challenged – set the DVR’s for May 29th on Cartoon Network…well, at least in the U.S. I don’t know how widely it’s distributed beyond that.
The Lego Star Wars guys are releasing a new special. They are also running the first two that evening again as well. While the little ones will enjoy it for the straight up Star Wars/Lego crossover, those of us with a bit more seasoning will likely catch onto more of the in-jokes.
Also saw the Star Trek movie this morning with friends. Hadn’t done that in a while so nod to the MMMeeetup influence.
Cures….hmmm, Ditto’s point could be valid. Making the other cures available could have proved problematic in a time crunch. Ed’s point seems possible. But Jack wins with “poor writing”. Yes, I paraphrased Jack.
I too saw the star trek movie this weekend. I was quite pleased with it.
Bracing for severe weather. The winds are already hitting gusts of 70.
Be safe, Midwest Pan. Its turning brutal out there
What spoder mans aid
Tomorrow is a stat holiday here in Canadaland. We are celebrating Queen Victoria’s birthday. I asked hubby if we can have four day weekends every week. He said wasn’t likely to happen in the foreseeable future. Spoil sport.
Just finished watching the Doctor Who season finale. It was definitely on of the better Matt Smith episodes
I had a double shot of whiskey again. God I’m a cheap drunk
Shot three. My fingers are gears
And what whiskey are you drinking – – (if you’re still able to type).
We went with a 12 year old Glenfiddich. Hubby prefers the more peaty whiskeys but I tend to go with the smoother ones. I won this month.
There’s some serious chain lightning going on. Pretty cool to watch.
Lightning is best-viewed through buildings and trees in your hotel parking lot. 😉
In light of this, Boy George has announced that he will no longer Tumbl For Ya.
Goddammit Jack
I feel so disconnected from hockey atm. Things are too busy around here. But I get the sense that the Detroit/Chicago series is pretty good. I might have to watch the game tonight.
I’ll live tweet with you if you do.
And it looks like one of my posts is in moderation because I posted two links. 🙁
You fiend!
Yep. You & I need to talk about Star Trek! 😉
CP: Winter Winds — Mumford & Sons
I was listening to the Nerdist podcast on the way in this morning and they were joking about Mumford & Sons. Something about angry Irish bands singing about their hard lives but from an age long past. But I’ve never listened to any Mum & Son, so what do I know?
One more thing about ST:ID… It was nice to see Noel Clarke again. He played Mickey in Dr. Who.
Yes! I agree.
I am in love with this Breeders box set, Mr. Lo Pan.
Its soooooo beautiful. Ill bring over the package next time we meet.
This is the problem with the whole FAQ: “Look, I know Star Trek is science fiction, but hasn’t Trek always at least nominally tried to get science right? Shouldn’t a Star Trek movie give the tiniest shit about such things?”
I respond: since when? The TV shows have, in general, handled the science better than the movies, but you shouldn’t be expecting hard SF when seeing a Star Trek movie. I love the franchise, but you will only be disappointed if you expect it to be something it isn’t.
Though science fiction can be the harder variety, like Asimov, or more future speculative, like Trek, the main thing it needs is internal consistency. Though, Trek has never been able to do to well in the internal consistency department, either.
So, I’ll at least give Abrams props for better internal consistency – for example, the Klingon home world lies just outside the orbit of Pluto and Earth’s gravity exerts a much greater pull on metal than it does on the moon.
Well, WNDR Wolf says on FB that he’s fine. He doesn’t stop by here THAT often, but if he does, he should know I was thinking of him during that big mess.
I also hope that LostRalph’s family are ok.
Finally heard from a friend of mine an hour ago. He used to be my neighbor and had helped me clean out my sister’s house when it was destroyed in a tornado 2 years ago. He had since moved to OK.
Turns out he was hunkered down in his office, just south of Moore and was 2 blocks from the destruction path.
Clearly I need to avoid being near HIM in the spring.
Hey Everyone! I posted my (crappy iPhone quality) pics on flickr for those who wish to take, in the Deadpan group.
If you dont have access to the flickr pool, then email me and I can get the pics to you that way.
Cool! I really have to fix my flicr login now. 🙂
Retro licking good.
Your crap joke for the day:
*A boy asks his granny, ‘Have you seen my pills, they were labelled LSD?’**Granny replies, f**k the pills, have you seen the dragons in the kitchen?!**
I’ll get your cape.
Well what do you know, there’s a Deadpan in my feed.
For a belated mom’s day my Boo has booked a brewery tour followed by a lunch today. I guess the tour comes with a glass and some non-alcoholic drinks I get to take home. I imagine I will pick up some beer for hubby as well
I should be working. I don’t feel like working. Quite the dillema
Just 5 more unshows until BSP catches up to the Deadpan… Woooooo
Do you need a shave?
Mostly every morning. Why, you offering?
I fear your drains might get blocked if I did that.
There, I sprayed and fertilized my front yard. The back yard will just have to wait for another day.
Ummm I’m not going there.
Thanks for Patricia Briggs’ name!
I think folks should pick up the unclaimed teams for the hockey . . .
you are welcome. let me know if you too become addicted.
Agreed on the unclaimed teams.
Does anyone have a good site to find out what radio stations are playing at a given time?
I just tried yes.com and it has gone out of business just to thwart me. ARGH!!
What is this “radio”?
It’s the box attached to my cassette player in my car.
Nope. Not kidding. But my 16 year old car has not had a car payment in a looooooong time.
I also go this route. Its nice.
I just play the cassettes in the boombox I carry around on my shoulder.
Good. Now I know who to give any cassette tapes to that I find at garage sales.
I also have no car payment. Repairs are (at this point) still far cheaper than a car payment. 🙂
Though I do have a CD player. Wish it was an MP3 player, but hey, I’m cheap 🙂
BIG TRUCK don’t need no mp3 player!
I’ve been given an ultimatum on getting rid of my old VCR, hmmm.
Did a creepy, dripping undead girl crawl out of your TV?
That was the first scene in a horror movie that creeped me out in a LONG time.
Dont do it. Its still the only way to watch the original unaltered pan-n-scan Star Wars. The way it was meant to be.
May dig out my old copy of SW I taped off the TV many moons ago and watch it before dumping the VCR.
The lo-pan-n-scan?
Theres a Rhett way and a Rhong way.
I’ll get you Van’s coat.
TEB on the Sky Cycle:
This was my first attempt so a shorter video than the one of ditto.
CP: If I Had A Heart — Fever Ray
(theme song to Vikings)
Good one
CP: JAN – Work For the City
excellent song.
Puzzle game Floris goes free on the App Store:
CW: Latest Mad Men
Don goes 50 shades of grey oh my.
This seemed very out of character for him.
Was he trying to chase her back to her husband or is his character finally showing some growth … creepy, abusive growth.
It was weird, almost as if he was some dodgy spy programmed to respond in a certain way when somebody ‘needs’ him.
All….. day….. meeting…. hurt…. brain…..
I know of this place, it’s actually right across from Fate Brewery in Scottsdale.
They made local news headlines a few years ago when the owners went batshit on a negative Yelp reviewer. I can only imagine how crazy they got with Gordon Ramsey. That’s an episode I would watch! Fortunately, I’ve never set in this place.
The FB page has been very amusing to browse. 🙂
Dunno about the iPhone types, but for Android users – Google Now can listen to a song that’s playing and identify it. There are also a number of apps out there that will do similar. I’ve had varying degrees of success with others, but Google’s actually does pretty well.
Soundhound and Shazam are pretty good and I think available for both Apple and Google devices.
Soundhound and Shazam are available on iOS devices.
Scored 8 out of 10. And I’m not completely convinced about one of the two I missed, but rules are rules.
Also 8 out of 10. That was some bullshit right there.
Same here.
based on your comments, I decided not to do the test.
Fav lyric line today:
‘Don’t let your mouth write a cheque that your butt can’t cash’
Hmmm, Top Gun must have been subtitled for release in the U.K.
/coat to wear over my flight suit.
Sweet! Sarah Shahi is going to be a regular on “Person of Interest”.
Just watched the penultimate episode for this season, great stuff.
I still have to watch the last two. I’ve really enjoyed the addition of Agent Shaw. I really want to see her beat the crap out of Root. 🙂
I decided to take today off. I dare anyone to try and stop me.
Well it would require me to invent a teleport..
I don’t understand hubby. On days when I just can’t pull my lazy ass out of bed, he will go to work and leave all the lights on in the house. I woke up this morning and the lights were on in the washroom, the kitchen, the dining room, and the hall to the back door. *sigh*
” I woke up this morning and the lights were on in the washroom, the kitchen, the dining room, and the hall to the back door.”
Is there any situation that can’t be made better with PUPPETS?
Wait, … I’ve thought about this and YES, there are situations where a puppet would just be TOO freaky.
CP: What The Water Gave Me — Florence + The Machine
I love her voice. 🙂
“Hey, let’s start the all-day meeting early!”
See you on the other side.
I hate those days.
Most peculiar, mama.
Ha ha! HA!
Set lasers to pun.
Looks like the Kickstarter project is underway for Tee & Pip’s next Ministry anthology, which includes an RPG. I have a brass dog in that donnybrook!
Check it out:
CP: Meet me on the Corner – Lindisfarne
I guess now would be a good time to break out the old Deadpan Blackhawk theme song. Ugh.
Here come the Hawks, the mighty – – Blaaaackhwaks.
Please no.
“The Detroit Edwings”
I think that one ranks right up there with “Otisburg”
It’s a little bitty team.
8 bit
2 bit
Alright, let’s see if this does anything:
Hopefully, that’s Ditto.
Works fine here, streamed nicely over my 3G connection to my phone.
RE: ditto’s comment. I guess I start watching Person of Interest now!
It’s a cool show, gets better when Amy Acker came on the scene in S1 and it went all William Gibson.
I agree. It takes a while to build, but I found the show interesting, so it wasn’t hard for me to stick with it. And that surprised me. I haven’t liked the two lead actors in the past. Obviously, I was very reluctant to start watching.
This is definitely worth giving a shot if you are a Gibson fan.
Or Les Paul?
Les Silliness. 😉
I always preferred Tiffany to Debbie Gibson.
Martika man myself.
Eiko, eiko, I know.
Rick Springfield was the dreamiest.
That’s not what Jessie’s girl said.
He had drugs in his pocket.
Morning Pan!
Today there will be no fooling around. Must get some work done if I want to take tomorrow and make it a four day weekend instead of three
I had completely forgotten the book “Z for Zachariah”. It looks like we’ll get a movie of it.
There was a BBC TV adaption in the early 80’s.
I read that book in junior high school.
“If you’re present in what you’re doing, you don’t think about the impact it’s gonna have. If you’re in a studio recording and thinking, “This is gonna be an epic record! We’re doing something here!” then you’re a douche, and you need to stop right now.” -Kelley Deal
Its as true in life as it is in the recording studio 🙂
CP: Resuscitated Hope — Komine Lisa
Sense has prevailed:
I’m not ashamed to admit that I was one of those 200,000 signers. I stand with Ms. Chapman in her position on girls needing role models of substance.
CPIMM: “So Tired” – Ozzy Osbourne
IO9 not impressed with the latest ST movie:
Hey Ess
Got your note. Thanks :kissing:
That was fast!
Well I’ve worked until my head hurt. Now it’s time to take a reading break
CR: Rapture – Kameron Hurley
Will have to get round getting myself a copy one of these days, not finishing off the trilogy seems a bit off.
CP: Whales and Roses – We Are the Woods
Whats a Jelly Baby?
Dr. Who fans– maybe this has already made the rounds…?
Also! Its a little known fact that for the past few seasons, the shows scripts were created by the writers brainstorming by communally shitting in a toilet and rearranging the feces into words and ideas. Its true. GO look it up on the Gewgles.
Ooooo I get theSyFy channel. Its fuzzy but it is airing all of the Star Trek movies back-to-back. ST IV is now starting.
That movie is dedicated the members of Challenger, fyi.
CW: The Fall – Episode 1
Gillian Anderson still looks rather tasty.
wtf show is this with her now what now!?!?!?!?!??!!?
Yeah, what he said!
DO you prefer the mid twenties short red-hair X-Files version or the early 40’s long blonde hair Madonna-esq version?
I prefer perky breasts
I prefer the crooked leg, Satyr-dancing version.
We are talking about Ian Anderson, right?
Long hair and:
“The Fall” is a fucking fantastic Ministry song, btw.
Goodnight :jourgensen:
Wait wait wait wait she’s in the Hannibal show too????
Stupid Effin Kings.
Stupid Kings x2
CW: Elementary season finale
Van! Is it good?
Enjoyed the first episode Essbee, even if I was getting flashbacks to Once Upon a Time (see who is playing the killer).
Good morning :Ministry’s perky breasts:
Wait I may be confused…
Ministry and perky are two words I don’t often see together, let alone the other combinations.
Morning Pan
Hubby has today off so we are having a four day weekend. Woo Hoo!
I’m jealous! 🙂
Stupid Skeksis x1000000.
Sorry man. The crystal…
That picture definitely drained my essence.
CP: Cannonball – Breeders
CW: Oliver Stone’s untold History of the USA
So far there hasn’t been that much I haven’t seen before.
I enjoyed that, but I’m not a history buff like you and Lo.
If you want a free ebook today:
@JerniganZachary: I feel like giving crap away today. If you want a free e-ARC of NO RETURN (Mobi or Epub), email me at jerniganzachary@gmail.com. I love you.
Amazon mP3 music store has various LIVE albums on sale for $5.99.
Pearl Jam, Otis Redding, Public Enemy, Lacuna Coil, etc
*scoff snob*
I prefer something tangible I can hold in my hand.
*kidding lol*
http://i.imgur.com/0hJOYZ9.jpg ouch
And I play me a meeeeaaaaan bass.
I know a bass player. He and his wife are coming over for gaming next week. He would love this
Oh I’m stealing that one.
Back from the new Trek. Overall, I was able to enjoy it. Though, it’s not your father’s Star Trek anymore. I don’t know that I get a warm fuzzy about JJ Abrams taking on the next Star Wars movies.
I do, simply because he KNOWS about “your father’s Wars” as its his passion. Hate to say it, but Trek was just filler for him. You could tell.
I’m seeing it Sunday.
There are times when some things just shouldn’t be read. This is one of them
What a stupid twat!
Please… I call such bullshit. She’ll say anything to get her cunty name in the paper and be talked about. Oh look, and its working.
CP: “I’m No Stranger To the Rain” followed by “When You Say Nothing At All” — Keith Whitley
comfort classics for this Pixie
Me: I think I might be drunk
Hubby: how much did you drink?
Me: shows hubby empty whiskey glass
Hubby: you’re done already?
Me: yes
Hubby: you’re drunk
Couple of freebies on the App Store this weekend:
Don’t look down (posted by a certain rugby player on google+):
That is so cool! I would love to go up there.
I love heights. I find them peaceful and relaxing. Hubby, not so much
Imagine the creaking and the swaying….
But en
Pudding Monsters (from the people behind ‘Cut the Rope’) is also free this week.
Morning Pan!
Tonight hubby and I are going to see this http://www.cpo-live.com/main/event_detail.php?event_id=623
I am predicting a good time
DJs, horrible music, Chewbacca with bling, ewoks with guitars… this embodies the deepest nightmares that I have with Disney at the helm with Star Wars.
Hubby and I agree, this is just wrong.
Funny my response was more of a “Shut up and take my money!”
CE: Sour Crean and Chive flavoured pretzels
Strange I never ate them when I actually was in the US..
You’re welcome. http://joffreybieber.tumblr.com/
OMG no we’re not.
Well it could be Bill Murray or perhaps not:
@BiIIMurray: Apparently Neil Armstrong used to tell unfunny jokes about the Moon, and follow them up with “Ah, I guess you had to be there.”
I’ve been interested in astronomy for the last couple of years. I’ve been able to spot Venus(duh), Jupiter, Saturn and Mars with my naked eye and last year I got to see Uranus with a telescope. But I’ve never seen Mercury. I guess I should make plans now. Thanks for the heads up Pixie.
And considering that you are the king of bad puns, it crossed my mind about asking why you needed a telescope to see Uranus, but I decided that might be too much.
*cough* 😉
Do it anyway. Do it anyway!
CD: Little White Rye
Just watched the finale of this series of Doctor Who.
Wow. I cannot wait for more of this story in November. <3
Oops. I have a comment in murgatory because I had a brainfart and typed in my Gmail address instead of my Yahoo one, so WordPress doesn’t recognize me.
I freed Amy’s comment last night – at about 1% power on my phone even.
Just got back from seeing Star Trek. We both quite enjoyed it. All the nods to previous Treks were cute.
But!!! I have a question. I will deliberately be vague to avoid spoilers. Hopefully, those who have seen the movie will know what I am talking about.
They had lots of “cures”. Why did they have to bring back the one?
The theories I’ve read online suggest that because they knew “the one” would certainly work, it was their best bet. The rest might have still been in a questionable state.
They could get it faster? That was my guess.
They could not get it faster. Sorry ditto, that answer doesn’t work for me. However, I will accept Ed’s answer
Because the screenwriters left that hole wide open. I asked that same question.
I can create a Spoilers-allowed Star Trek post, if people would like to discuss it on Deadpan.
I did see it yesterday. I do have an opinion.
*shrug* There isn’t a Star Trek movie that doesn’t have plot holes. In general, I don’t worry too much about it.
I’m slow on the uptake today, even though I’ve seen the movie I have no idea what you are talking about..unless it’s the Jesus tribble.
And today is apparently a certain Maki’s birthday! Shared with podcaster Chris Lester and wookie Peter Mayhew.
Happy getting older, JohnBoze.
Happy birthday JB!
Alright, for the Facebook challenged – set the DVR’s for May 29th on Cartoon Network…well, at least in the U.S. I don’t know how widely it’s distributed beyond that.
The Lego Star Wars guys are releasing a new special. They are also running the first two that evening again as well. While the little ones will enjoy it for the straight up Star Wars/Lego crossover, those of us with a bit more seasoning will likely catch onto more of the in-jokes.
Also saw the Star Trek movie this morning with friends. Hadn’t done that in a while so nod to the MMMeeetup influence.
Cures….hmmm, Ditto’s point could be valid. Making the other cures available could have proved problematic in a time crunch. Ed’s point seems possible. But Jack wins with “poor writing”. Yes, I paraphrased Jack.
Another thing. Why was she stripping? Just asking
T-Bird and I are going to see it next week.
“Walk, talk like a T-Bird”
Ahhh, Zmed.
I too saw the star trek movie this weekend. I was quite pleased with it.
Bracing for severe weather. The winds are already hitting gusts of 70.
Be safe, Midwest Pan. Its turning brutal out there
What spoder mans aid
Tomorrow is a stat holiday here in Canadaland. We are celebrating Queen Victoria’s birthday. I asked hubby if we can have four day weekends every week. He said wasn’t likely to happen in the foreseeable future. Spoil sport.
Just finished watching the Doctor Who season finale. It was definitely on of the better Matt Smith episodes
I had a double shot of whiskey again. God I’m a cheap drunk
Shot three. My fingers are gears
And what whiskey are you drinking – – (if you’re still able to type).
We went with a 12 year old Glenfiddich. Hubby prefers the more peaty whiskeys but I tend to go with the smoother ones. I won this month.
There’s some serious chain lightning going on. Pretty cool to watch.
Lightning is best-viewed through buildings and trees in your hotel parking lot. 😉
Sounds cool! Get a picture or two, if you can.
A storm came up my way this afternoon, too.
A little late, but: Happy birthday, JohnBoze! 🙂
Happy JohnBose bday! BoseDay!
Happy Birthday, JohnBoze!
Roasted beets are deeeeeelish!
Goodnight :LL:
And stay safe (and classy), all of you in the heavy weather zones.
Well heading back home, last straws broken and all that jazz.
Happy Birthday JB.
Happy Birthday JB
… and curiously enough, I’ve a comment in moderation.
Can’t remember the last time that happened to me.
I took some time for ME Saturday and did something I haven’t gotten to do in a Looong time.
Still more fun than the law usually allows!
watch out for those buses!!!
They’re not fast but they are rather solid!
I figured Ed would like this.
There was a guy out there in a Caddy CTS doing quite well. I knew they were fast but his seemed quite agile as well.
J0e, it looks like you forgot to post the video of you jumping over that row of buses.
Only if you’ll do the voice over when I freeze the video.
Nothing terrible near us yesterday, just a possible sighting about 10 miles south and some bad wind gusts. Hopefully no trouble today either.
I’m sure there will be a lot of wailing today from certain Internet corners. Yahoo has bought out Tumblr.
Along those lines…
In light of this, Boy George has announced that he will no longer Tumbl For Ya.
Goddammit Jack
I feel so disconnected from hockey atm. Things are too busy around here. But I get the sense that the Detroit/Chicago series is pretty good. I might have to watch the game tonight.
I’ll live tweet with you if you do.
And it looks like one of my posts is in moderation because I posted two links. 🙁
You fiend!
Yep. You & I need to talk about Star Trek! 😉
CP: Winter Winds — Mumford & Sons
I was listening to the Nerdist podcast on the way in this morning and they were joking about Mumford & Sons. Something about angry Irish bands singing about their hard lives but from an age long past. But I’ve never listened to any Mum & Son, so what do I know?
One more thing about ST:ID… It was nice to see Noel Clarke again. He played Mickey in Dr. Who.
Yes! I agree.
I am in love with this Breeders box set, Mr. Lo Pan.
Its soooooo beautiful. Ill bring over the package next time we meet.
CP: And The Girls Go — Men Without Pants
Star Trek FAQ (contains spoilers)
This is the problem with the whole FAQ:
“Look, I know Star Trek is science fiction, but hasn’t Trek always at least nominally tried to get science right? Shouldn’t a Star Trek movie give the tiniest shit about such things?”
I respond: since when? The TV shows have, in general, handled the science better than the movies, but you shouldn’t be expecting hard SF when seeing a Star Trek movie. I love the franchise, but you will only be disappointed if you expect it to be something it isn’t.
Though science fiction can be the harder variety, like Asimov, or more future speculative, like Trek, the main thing it needs is internal consistency. Though, Trek has never been able to do to well in the internal consistency department, either.
So, I’ll at least give Abrams props for better internal consistency – for example, the Klingon home world lies just outside the orbit of Pluto and Earth’s gravity exerts a much greater pull on metal than it does on the moon.
Well, WNDR Wolf says on FB that he’s fine. He doesn’t stop by here THAT often, but if he does, he should know I was thinking of him during that big mess.
I also hope that LostRalph’s family are ok.
Finally heard from a friend of mine an hour ago. He used to be my neighbor and had helped me clean out my sister’s house when it was destroyed in a tornado 2 years ago. He had since moved to OK.
Turns out he was hunkered down in his office, just south of Moore and was 2 blocks from the destruction path.
Clearly I need to avoid being near HIM in the spring.
Glad to hear he’s ok.
The saga continues.
It is somewhat depressing how much I’ve come to learn about this debacle without having actually seen the show or read any articles about it.
My OKC Fam is all good. They live 10 miles just NE of Moore.
I hope Ralph’s fam and any other Deadpan peeps are safe.
Stupid Nature.
Welp, good effort Wings, but the truth is the Hawks beat you twice. That was a bad call. Oh well. Go Yotes 2014!
Dang, wrong thread. LOL