He may be gone, but his brilliant, jerky, stop-motion creatures will live forever.
The Sinbad movie with Tom Baker playing the villain is one of my favs.
What a shame. I hope we see a dedication to him before or after Monsters University. (Trivia: The sushi restaurant in Monsters, Inc. was named Harryhausen’s after him. 🙂 )
The hotel clerk is a dope. I checked out and he said, “back to Canada”. Then he asked if I have been to Niagra Fall. I said, Nope
Then he went on about how I, as a Canadian, could never have gone to Niagra falls. No matter how I tried to explain it was on the other side of the country and quite far away, he still thought I should have been there. Then I said it would be like him going to New York or father, he just wouldn’t get it. I even said the flight would be well over $1,000 possibly closer to fifteen hundred, for the airfare alone, he was like, “really, it shouldn’t be that much”. By this time I gave up on the conversation, took my bill, and here I am outside waiting for my rride.
That being said, the hotel was nice and I have no problems with staying ther again on the next mmmmmmeetup
Also, I agree, it was a nice hotel. 🙂
LMAO. I’m an American and I’ve never been to see the Statue of Liberty or Mt. Rushmore in person. In fact, that would have been a great comeback – “Have you ever seen the Statue of Liberty? No? Niagara Falls is kind of around there. That’s how far away it is.” :silly:
Bah! I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon and I’m an Arizona native :tongue:
If it’s the guy I think it is, he’s pretty dense. He kept trying to joke how Tracey broke the things we asked to have fixed. I didn’t find him funny.
That guy was lame. I’m American and never seen the American side of the falls.
Jack Mangan UnVoiceShow 1
I’m auditioning to be the main villain in the Crow movie reboot.
I’d buy that for $1. 🙂
Bunny is safely delivered to the airport.
Back to work I go.
Noshing through the day on some Filiberto’s… nom nom nom
CP: Map Of The Problematique — Muse
Well, unsurprisingly, no Underworld on Audible.
RE: Mr. Harryhausen – honestly, I didn’t realize he was still alive. We’re certainly worse off without him, though, sadly, I think a lot of questionable quality CGI is what we’re left with today.
Think I’ll have to see if I can find the original “Clash of the Titans” on one of our video services. Another classic that I need to bring the kids up to speed on.
Hi Deadpan.
Sounds like it was supercalafragimeetup!
Oh … and somehow I seemed to have missed an major Essbee happening!
More Yea!
My weekend started dicey and ended up fantastic, so … woot.
You were missed, J0e. There was some speculation about your secret identities, but no secrets were revealed.
Sorry I was unable to wrangle fundage & finally attend, it was looking promising for a short while early on…
Glad everyone had a great time.
Sorry we couldn’t wrangle travel fundage on our end, Boze. I’ve hung with you before, but most of the rest of Deadpan have not had the pleasure… We’ll have to get you out to a future MMMmmmeetup.
Lo Pan and I got lucky once!
Well I said GodDAMN
If anyone would rather I not post mmeetup pics in Facebook, holler.
I now know what bukkake, glory hole, and queefing are. Am I a more well rounded person now?
I’m offended. Welcome aboard, T! Keep an eye on that Rhettro character, though….
I dont want Rhettro and bukkake in the same thread…
Gotta admit, Harrison Ford looks like he’s going to be pretty weak in it. His voice over from Blade Runner was more compelling.
Yeah, that bothered me too. And it doesn’t capture the book very well. It’s just pretty special effects.
Still, this is the first trailer. They often are like this so I’ll hope the next ones do a better job.
I think so much will depend on if they show enough of Peter and Valentine to demonstrate that Ender is supposed to be the balance between Empathy and Sadistic Killing Machine, and that he is genetically engineered. There are actors listed for Peter and Valentine, so there is some hope.
You catch a brief glimpse of Valentine in the trailer. I couldn’t definitively spot Peter. And Harrison Ford is going to have to be much more of a bastard than he sounds in the voice over.
Agreed. I understand that they’ll need to market it as a pure, dumbed-down action movie, but I wonder if this is an indication that Ender is going to be this year’s Battleship.
And the Canucks are out! Bunny is safe from Unshow Doom.
With no offense to Bunny, it brings me great joy to see the Canucks underachieve year after year after year
I really wanted to see him do a wheelie though.
That’s in the director’s cut. 😉
ditto has glowing eyes in that one..
Where this was?
Phoenix Science Center
We watched the entire Hemlock Grove series on Netflix. It sucked hard, but we had to see how it ended.
Did it end as hard as it sucked?
No Ill keep that.
It did!!!
Morning Pan
A wonderful sunny morning here in Canadaland. I know it doesn’t compare to Deadpan land but very enjoyable from my point of view.
Cloudy, sunny spells, and a cool temperature that wasn’t wearing sun glasses.
Question for the hockey folks –
New York, Neeewwwwwww York.
Things have never been the same since New York. 😉
Don’t tell hubby but I somehow managed to scratch my glasses over the weekend. Oh well *shrug*
Well, I ‘m glad you made it home with no other scrapes and scratches! I hope the flight was smooth, and that you gave hubby many big squeezes.
cuddles aplenty were had
I’ve pre-ordered my Star Trek tickets.
I had a great time at the MMMmmmeetup! Thanks to those who organized and for everyone who attended. Because you were all there just for my personal entertainment, I know.
EssBee, the author I mentioned is Patricia Briggs.
I’m still DeadPan hungover and I didn’t even drink. It’s like a Disneyland hangover, but with fewer mouse ears.
Holy crap! It’s suppose to get to 27C on the weekend. I left one really warm place just to enter another
CP: Without You — Junip
Rhettro, I’m pretty sure I’ll have some time next week where I can finally get to your earbuddies. Sorry for the delay.
Ive never heard that song all the way thru! I just enjoy its it Mrs. EssBees hometown
We are classing the world up, us.
About Ender’s Game…
I’m somewhat conflicted. Long ago, I learned that once you know how crazy/stupid/bigoted/whatever an author/musician/whatever is, the harder it is to enjoy their material. OSC falls into that category.
When it comes to “Ender’s Game”, I’m torn. I haven’t and won’t buy OSC’s stuff on general principle. But, I love the book and I’ve wanted to see a movie of it for a very long time. Regardless of whether or not the movie is good, a lot of people have put substantial work into creating it. I’m not sure their work should be affected by my OSC ban.
I know this affects us all in different ways, and I’m not trying to start any arguments here. I’m just curious what you think.
I think you’re a stupid ninnypants.
Oh wait, you’re NOT trying to start an argument. . . My bad. . .
Serious reply: 100% agreement. It’s an interesting dilemma.
I also have a hard time separating, when someone involved is excessively deuche-y. I definitely liked Book 1, but never felt compelled to charge through the rest of the series, and that was even before I learned about OSC’s, um, eccentric publicly-shared viewpoints.
Some would disagree, but I don’t think an individual movie ticket is a vote of approval for Card or his views. I expect I’ll see the movie *if* it gets generally positive feedback from the SF community. If it gets panned, then it will be that much easier to pass. Or wait until it’s Netflixable.
You know I probably wont see it and Ill treat it the same way as my Gordon Biersch boycott. I understand that there’s many many non-idiot people that work behind the scenes (be it on the movie or in a restaurant/company) but I have to ask myself how I’d feel in the morning if I compromised my principles. No, I agree a movie ticket or a quick beer wouldnt be a vote of approval, but I’d let myself down if I were to stray. Eh. Just me thoughts.
No you!
This past weekend at the MMMmmmeetup several people asked when our Relay for Life will take place. June 8th is the date. So if you still want to donate to the cause, there is time. http://main.acsevents.org/goto/traceybormanncattarin2013
Ditto, we should find some pics from previous years to share.
Please don’t be shy about promoting this here, T Cat – – and ditto.
Jack, how’s your cold? I’m certainly enjoying it!
pee a little
Wait a minute!
Why do *you* have Jack’s cold?
Wait, why can’t *I* have Jack’s cold? Oh, wait…
Surprise! You do.
Yes, that’s how its spread.
That’s what he said.
Two short videos of Desert Pixie feeding the manta:
I’m trying to figure out if the high-pitched squeak is DP or the manta ray.
As for the OSC debate, he’s already been paid for the movie and yes, the book is brilliant. I also will not contribute more to his coffers, but the movie he wasn’t involved in other than supplying the book the movie is based on. Therefore I feel my money is going to those who’ve made the movie vs OSC.
The only trouble I feel is that this gives OSC more limelight than he deserves, but I can only hope that people realize that hate is hate and shun him as much as he deserves.
I’ll see the movie. Once. And that’ll be that. I won’t see if for OSC. I’ll see it for all the other’s involved.
My secret hope is that make one of the characters as gay as can be 🙂
that they make.
I can type today, honest.
Now that is a brilliant idea.
I’m similarly torn on seeing Ender’s Game. I won’t eat at Chick-fil-a because I don’t want my money going to charities that actively fight against things that I support. But, that is far too easy and bears no real impact on anything because I really didn’t eat there to begin with. I really, really likes Ender’s Game before I found out about Card. So it is much, much harder for me to make that decision. I also have to ask myself if the profits of the movie are really going towards anything that would have an impact. Tough, tough choice.
Why American is both fucking terrible and has reason for hope in the same short video.
For the record… EssBee isn’t the only one enjoying Jack’s cold.
Good thing I love NyQuil.
So the mmmmmmetup was really a pppppplagueup
Jack Mangan’s Deadpan is the Mother infecting way!
I’m trying not to be smug as I sailed through the experience plague free..
Has anyone watched the Netflix series; Hemlock Grove? If so, thoughts?
Clearly youve not been keeping up with EssBee’s utter bashing of it on Facebook and here. Also, I have a great friend whom I trust that says its one of the biggest pieces of shit made. Soooooooooo thats all I know!
Here is an interesting thought about OSC, I wonder how many people even knew about his whack-a-do ideas before he started getting more recent notoriety because of his Superman story and now the release of Ender’s Game. What if exposing him now is a GOOD thing, letting people be aware of his ideas and exposing him for his beliefs.
If Ender’s Game was made into a movie in the 90s, would this debate have happened? Would he have made a statement about his beliefs? What if the timing is important and a bit of fame could expose him and call him into question and get people talking about this so people who are following a belief blindly are now exposed to a greater understanding of the world around them and exposed to “The Gays” and marriage equality.
That said, I posted something about his already on Tee’s blog when he brought it up.
I’ve know about his bigotry since the mid-90s. I haven’t bought his books since about that time. But, I agree that there are plenty of people that don’t know much about him.
Ender’s Game is a great book and it doesn’t promote OSC’s beliefs. I’m happy to recommend the book, but I always tell people about OSC. I let them decide how they want to deal with the issue and whether or not they want to buy his work.
ditto it would be great if, just for once, youd stop making sense.
I also agree. There are so many free tools, applications and tutorials out there if you really want to make a game, go make one. You could even crowd fund it via Kickstarter. No need to involve the middlemen anymore.
I read a similar piece to this, only it delt with “You have a great idea for a fiction story and here’s why nobody cares.”
Seems like it was the same exact reasons for why your great story will never be written. Instead of a game developer getting tons of unsolicited ideas it was a published author who wrote that particular blog.
Dinner time!
The second terrifying thing I discovered on the interwebs today.
“Felton says that the next generation of robots will have come with pre-assembled batteries and motors, enabling the robot to assemble itself and walk without any human intervention.”
Have these people never seen a scifi movie?
I don’t know if they’ve seen a scifi movie, but I’m willing to bet they’ve experienced the “some assembly required” syndrome. I would have paid good money for self assembling toys on Christmas morning when my kids were at an age where we were getting them those kinds of toys.
No comment
So it appears B&N has not transferred my fictionwise purchases to my NOOK account.
Very quiet at the flicks today, don’t you just love the kids being at school and most people are at work…
Ok, good action movie, some bleurgh moments, and some of the Earth uniforms have a Star Wars vibe.
Just go and see it when you can.
So, about the same as the first?
Yup, and ditto be prepared.
Which film?
Trek I think
Space Balls, of course!
You ninnypants you!! 😉
I knew it. Im surrounded by assholes!
And this surprises you why? 😉
Friday – time to fly to Arizona? We decided to invade Jack’s place on a weekly basis, didn’t we?
Hmmm, or was that just a fever dream I had later?
The dream occurred whey you had passed out from laughter. Consider yourself lucky we didn’t add drawings onto your face.
Great! It’s someone else’s turn to bring the germs, though.
Morning Pan
It’s a beautiful sunshiny day today.
Tonight hubby and I are going to see Chicago live at a dinner theatre. I’m expecting fun times.
I’m not sure if this was posted before or not, still…
I my fucking HELL!
Don’t make me watch that again.
THAT is terror.
I see Amazon.ca has now started a Prime service here in Canada. It’s too bad I don’t make many orders from them any more.
CP: WTF Podcast 384
Marc interviews…Huey. Fucking. Lewis.
I aint lyin’
I’m trying to decide between a range of Anker battery packs.
Ed has corrupted me.
If you only new the POWER!!
Well, actually, since they’re clearly labeled, you probably do…
Now it’s time to clean the washroom.
Today on Bunny’s house cleaning we will see how many things she can drop and how many break:
Glass medicine cabinet shelf – Chipped a corner. Haven’t found the chip yet so it will be interesting to see who steps on it first, me or hubby
Disposable razor – didn’t break but made a loud noise hitting the tub
Next: Bunny washes dishes…
CP: Exit Ghost — Kasey Anderson and The Honkies
Every morning I take 3 vitamins. Every morning I drop at least 1 vitamin, 1 lid, or 1 bottle.
I never escape the dropping.
Well, I managed to not break anything. I don’t want to push my luck so I think I’ll let the dishes drip dry though.
Agenda item for next Deadpan staff meeting:
Scrap plans to form traveling jugglers’ show.
Or “Jacklers”, if you will.
Jarlomir Jaggler?
Milck Jaggler?
Gettin Jaggly With it?
Ok. I’m fixing that. You guys should get an email for access.
If I forgot anyone or anyone wants access, let me know. It’s been one of those days.
Are you offering ME access bud?
You only THOUGHT it had been one of those days!
I do not either
CD – End of the Road Brewery’s “Mustache Envy Belgium Stout”
CD: pumphouse red alert
CD: Marriott Coffee. Sugar and Half & Half
At the Marriott for a little wink wink nudge nudge?
Hotel, motel, Holiday Innnnnn.
Met Jack McDevitt tonight, who, it turns out, is a ridiculously nice guy.
Paint me jealous
Holidays mean my podcast queue has started to mock me again.
Hit and miss but if you do a search on twitter for:
You may get a chuckle, my fav is:
@jamiesont: “Luke, I am your…gosh, this is awkward, I’m your…umm…bloody hell, I’m your…did you see the Spurs game on Saturday?
I have a Deadpan photo album on my Facebook. I was going to put my newest pics there. It appears I didn’t take as many this year. I won’t tag anyone, you can tag yourselves if you choose, but based on previous conversation, I wanted to know if you’d all simply prefer I remove those pictures? I want to respect the wishes of the Pan Collective.
Someone should write a book where Cortez and the conquistadors get transported to
Middle Earth and kick Sauron’s butt with their cannons.
..wipe out his foxes via TB infections.
-foxes +forces
Perhaps his forces ARE foxy!
CW: LOTR-Return of the King
On purpose?
Fair enough
We just got the LOTR Lego game – fun!
CW: Once Upon A Time S1 E10
Wait for it.
CJ, and I just got caught up and are playing the fun waiting game called “Normal TV watching”
You mean the TV works without the DVR?!
What will they think of next?
“‘Burgh Notice” at http://www.nhl.com/ to announce the Pittsburgh Penguins’ victory has got to be the worst joke of all time. That headline writer must be fired immediately.
Too far. Too. Far.
And so we watched Shaolin Soccer with the youngsters, which was a good choice. The grown-ups liked it less than the kids, but plenty of laughs were to be had, and I detected some tension from the Pixie when the big game was on the line. Easily the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen in years, but that’s ok. There was plenty of laughter at the pure silliness.
Excellent film, sir. I recommend Kung Fu Dunk as well (tho its tough to find a dubbed version)
Kung Fu Hustle is well worth checking out, especially if the adults have memories of 70 and 80s chop socky movies.
Happy Mothers Day, Mama Pannites!
Word to yo Mamas!
Caught up with Dr Who on the train back home.
They really missed an opportunity for a good fight choreograph with the Silurian’s assistant in the Crimson Horror.
Nice to see the Cybermen back to being a serious menace (Nightmare in Silver)
Agree on the fight scene.
Here are your 4 key words – Victorian, leather, body suit.
Mother, do you think they’ll try to break my balls?
Ooooooohhhh ahh, Mother, should I build a wall?
Happy Mother’s Day to every mother who’s good to their children.
See what you did there. Approved.
I’d like to announce that Jack did not, I repeat, did not give me the plague.
I have my own fabulous strain of strep, most assuredly received from some dirty something somewhere.
That’s the special kind of plague you get from dealing with back alley shady transfers of the Star Wars Christmas Special. Was it worth the plague?
I’m thinking the plague is preferable to the SW Christmas Special.
Rhett, cover your eyes…
What, you don’t want Ed to host an episode?
My dislike for Detroit trumps my love for Ed. He’ll understand. Its hockey. Its just business.
TO be fair, tho… what an amazing damn series.
It was, it was! Kudos to the Ducks.
I want a Nazem Kadri jersey
Happy Mother’s day to all the Deadpan Mamacitas.
I think my wife enjoyed her Mother’s Day – of course, it ended up in the hot tube this evening watching the latest Game of Thrones, so, I think I did pretty well for her 🙂
Dropbox grabbed them all last night, thanks ditto.
You’re welcome. I know I take a lot of museum pictures, but I enjoy doing that. I’ll give other people a few more days to peruse them before I take the set down.
Calgary has issued a level thee fire ban. Want to bet my neighbours still use their fire pit?
Ack! I forgot something I need for tonight’s dinner. Must run out and get it. Then it will be PBP time.
There, my slow cooker is happily doing its thing
Hey kids, do you know what time it is?
Movie time!
Today’s movie is Lovely Molly
The DVR write up: former drug addict Molly and her husband move into her family’s secluded farmhouse in the countryside, where she is haunted by malevolent ghosts.
Do you know what malevolent means? It means the ghosts are being bullies and that’s bad
Do you know what an 18A rating means? It means youngsters like you should probably watch it
Kid, do you know why the girl is crying? It means she’s sad and needs cheering up
Look gang, a whole bunch of kids just like you
Do you know what the word pervert means kids?
See how happy they are kids? Some day you will get married too and be that happy
Do you know what that music means? It means something very scary is going to happen
Do you know what that alarm means kids? It means someone bad is trying to break into their home
Now tell me gang, what are they doing wrong?
That’s right, they are looking for the bad guys themselves instead of waiting for Mr. policeman to come and help
He lied. We all know that’s wrong don’t we kids
That is a nice policeman, isn’t he kids.
Once the policeman says it’s ok, then you can go to sleep again. Remember that kids
Remember, never go into dark creepy sheds alone
Is he a bad husband kids? Yes he is!
But is she a bad wife too? Yes!
She is a janitor? Do you know what that means?
Never do what they are doing? Remember, they are not really your friends if they ask you to do drugs
Now kids, what fixes a squeaky door?
Kids, if you are alone and here voices, don’t go looking for the source. It will always end badly
And remember, electricity was invented for a reason. Never, ever, ever go into a dark room. Always turn on the lights first
And if someone tries to get into the house when you are home alone, remember to call the police
And kids, if your sister won’t supply you with weed, don’t get mad at her
She swore, I hope you guys don’t do bad things like that
Make sure to say “I love you” at least once a day
Now kids, if you are alone in the house and you hear someone crying in the next room, pull the covers over your head up tight and wait for it to go away. Investigating will always lead to evil things
And never go walking out in the woods alone at night. It’s just wrong
The lesson to be learned here is, if you’re cold, put some clothes on
And kids remember, if you’re feeling a little stress, a night out can be a good thing
See kids, they are married so it’s ok that they are sleeping together
Sometimes it can be neato to look at old pictures and toys to remember what you were like when you were younger
And it is ok to cry. Crying can help us feel better
They are married kids so it’s ok that they are having sex. But it is not ok to burn breakfast while you are at it
You shouldn’t work if you’re sick kids. You might spread your germs. Do you know what germs are?
Kids, if you think you are being haunted, tell it to a video recorder. If you tell someone you know, they won’t believe you
And kids, if your boss shows you a video of you acting strange, don’t break out into tears. People will think you are crazy
Kids, if you see a dead deer caught in the fence, remember that is just a part of the circle of life
And kids, don’t tell your favourite pastor all about your panties and ask if he misses fucking? That is just wrong and you will go to hell
Remember kids, no matter how much you are being haunted, doing drugs is bad
Big sisters are there to help, even if you think otherwise
And kids, if you are using drugs, make sur you hide the evidence so your significant other doesn’t find it
Netflix UK has added some Disney films. no Aladdin though, gits!
Kids, don’t yell at the ghosts. Again, people around you will think you are crazy
Kids, if you decide to make a scary movie do us all a favour, don’t follow the trend. Try to find a fresh idea, people will be more likely to be scared
And kids, if you think ther is danger outside your door, don’t lock your significant other outside your door
She’s being bad isn’t she kids
Now kids, if someone tries to bite your tongue off, listen to you friends and get the wound looked at by a doctor. Do you know what infection means?
And kids remember, Lysol was invented for a reason
Remember, dead deer’s are not toys
Kids, confessions are for priests, not sisters
And kids, talk to a live person, talking to a ghost never works
Kids, when you see mommy kneeling between daddy’s knees and her head is going up and down, it means daddy is very happy
Kids, cutting heads off photos is wrong and you should never do it
And you know what? If you are going to kill someone, you shouldn’t record yourself doing the deed, it wound work out well for you
Do you know what a divorce lawyer is kids? It’s what you should use instead of a baseball bat if you think someone is cheating on you. Police don’t like baseball bats
Also, if you don’t have a knife, use a screwdriver. It makes a good replacement, gang
And kids, when you go outside in the cold dark night, make sure you have clothes on. Can you say pneumonia?
And finally kids, if you’ve learned nothing else from this lesson at least take this last bit of advice. If you want to see a good movie, full of original content and intriguing story lines then don’t watch this movie
Until next time gang, we’ll see you at the movies
What a great summary! 🙂
Thanks, Bunny!!
do you do this every week?!
No, more like when I have time. It’s not always the same theme and sometimes there is no theme at all, I just do a play by play.
CP: Older Than My Old Man Now – Loudon Wainright III
Less than no interest in an OJ mini-series, but I’m curious about a new Shogun. The old one with Toshiro Mifune is a classic, but I can see the merits of an update.
Me…. Grimlock loves Deadpan.
No. You.
Currently resting and reading. Had lots of fun this weekend and look forward to doing it again in the future
This Pixie had a memorable MMMmmmeetup weekend with all you fine Pannites.
Thank You All for your patience with me and for all of the laughs and new memories.
Safe Travels and Let’s Do “it” again. Back amd Forth. Forever.
Patience wasn’t required. We had a great time seeing you again. Looking forward to next time. 🙂
Ding ding ding ding ding!
Had a blast! 🙂
Patience with Pixie? Was she requiring of our patience? I thought she was downright pleasant.
Had soooo much fun. Deadpan hangover last night… Oh no wait… that was the NyQuil.
So, I mentioned the rules of the Internet. The best introduction is at Know Your Meme:
The full list has a lot of subrules and variations. It may be confusing.
Ed: The book I was talking about was “Underworld: Blood Enemy” by Greg Cox.
Just reached London.
Indeed it was a blast.
I’m finally home. Oh, wait. I didn’t leave. Dammit. 🙁
Glad all the pannites had a great mmmmmmeetup! 🙂
Back to the grindstone.
“back and forth forever/A look-see”
Must focus on work – Stay on Target!
*giggle* “A look see”
no… stay on target!
Morning Pan
Doing a room check to mane sure I haven’t forgotten anything.
Had an amazing time but am looking forward to cuddling my hubby
Safe travels, Bunny!
Safe and happy travels, safe and happy cuddling! Thanks for coming out!
Say hello to hubby and the cat from us when you get home.
CP: Sarah Connor’s Theme — Bear McCreary
BTW, I can share photos via Dropbox for those that prefer privacy.
I was planning to do that for the sky cycle videos.
I wanna see em!
I would like to see ALL
I thought we weren’t going to share those pictures! 😉
No….definitely not…
“What happens at the MMMmmmeetup stays at the MMMmmmeetup.”
Love the AV Club.
Sounds like Bunny will have a new supplier of pbp-fodder.
I can recommend not looking at the accident history of an aircraft you are flying in till after you’ve landed…
RIP Ray Harryhausen.
He may be gone, but his brilliant, jerky, stop-motion creatures will live forever.
The Sinbad movie with Tom Baker playing the villain is one of my favs.
What a shame. I hope we see a dedication to him before or after Monsters University. (Trivia: The sushi restaurant in Monsters, Inc. was named Harryhausen’s after him. 🙂 )
The hotel clerk is a dope. I checked out and he said, “back to Canada”. Then he asked if I have been to Niagra Fall. I said, Nope
Then he went on about how I, as a Canadian, could never have gone to Niagra falls. No matter how I tried to explain it was on the other side of the country and quite far away, he still thought I should have been there. Then I said it would be like him going to New York or father, he just wouldn’t get it. I even said the flight would be well over $1,000 possibly closer to fifteen hundred, for the airfare alone, he was like, “really, it shouldn’t be that much”. By this time I gave up on the conversation, took my bill, and here I am outside waiting for my rride.
That being said, the hotel was nice and I have no problems with staying ther again on the next mmmmmmeetup
Also, I agree, it was a nice hotel. 🙂
LMAO. I’m an American and I’ve never been to see the Statue of Liberty or Mt. Rushmore in person. In fact, that would have been a great comeback – “Have you ever seen the Statue of Liberty? No? Niagara Falls is kind of around there. That’s how far away it is.” :silly:
Bah! I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon and I’m an Arizona native :tongue:
If it’s the guy I think it is, he’s pretty dense. He kept trying to joke how Tracey broke the things we asked to have fixed. I didn’t find him funny.
That guy was lame. I’m American and never seen the American side of the falls.
Jack Mangan UnVoiceShow 1
I’m auditioning to be the main villain in the Crow movie reboot.
I’d buy that for $1. 🙂
Bunny is safely delivered to the airport.
Back to work I go.
Noshing through the day on some Filiberto’s… nom nom nom
CP: Map Of The Problematique — Muse
Well, unsurprisingly, no Underworld on Audible.
RE: Mr. Harryhausen – honestly, I didn’t realize he was still alive. We’re certainly worse off without him, though, sadly, I think a lot of questionable quality CGI is what we’re left with today.
Think I’ll have to see if I can find the original “Clash of the Titans” on one of our video services. Another classic that I need to bring the kids up to speed on.
Hi Deadpan.
Sounds like it was supercalafragimeetup!
Oh … and somehow I seemed to have missed an major Essbee happening!
More Yea!
My weekend started dicey and ended up fantastic, so … woot.
You were missed, J0e. There was some speculation about your secret identities, but no secrets were revealed.
Sorry I was unable to wrangle fundage & finally attend, it was looking promising for a short while early on…
Glad everyone had a great time.
Sorry we couldn’t wrangle travel fundage on our end, Boze. I’ve hung with you before, but most of the rest of Deadpan have not had the pleasure… We’ll have to get you out to a future MMMmmmeetup.
Lo Pan and I got lucky once!
Well I said GodDAMN
If anyone would rather I not post mmeetup pics in Facebook, holler.
I now know what bukkake, glory hole, and queefing are. Am I a more well rounded person now?
I’m offended. Welcome aboard, T! Keep an eye on that Rhettro character, though….
I dont want Rhettro and bukkake in the same thread…
Would you want them elsewhere?
Don’t answer that.
I agree. Unfortunately, we got it live. 😉
Atta girl!
Makes you sharp.
So, trailer for Ender’s Game is up:
Gotta admit, Harrison Ford looks like he’s going to be pretty weak in it. His voice over from Blade Runner was more compelling.
Yeah, that bothered me too. And it doesn’t capture the book very well. It’s just pretty special effects.
Still, this is the first trailer. They often are like this so I’ll hope the next ones do a better job.
I think so much will depend on if they show enough of Peter and Valentine to demonstrate that Ender is supposed to be the balance between Empathy and Sadistic Killing Machine, and that he is genetically engineered. There are actors listed for Peter and Valentine, so there is some hope.
You catch a brief glimpse of Valentine in the trailer. I couldn’t definitively spot Peter. And Harrison Ford is going to have to be much more of a bastard than he sounds in the voice over.
Agreed. I understand that they’ll need to market it as a pure, dumbed-down action movie, but I wonder if this is an indication that Ender is going to be this year’s Battleship.
And the Canucks are out! Bunny is safe from Unshow Doom.
With no offense to Bunny, it brings me great joy to see the Canucks underachieve year after year after year
http://mashable.com/2013/05/07/zachary-quinto-leonard-nimoy-audi-ad/ Ordinarily, I groan at this kind of thing, but this is well done.
Okay I’ve sent links to the few videos I shot in DP land to the people concerned.
Google Takes 5:
CW: The Americans season finale
I’m hoping it gets a UK DVD release, it deserves it.
I know T Cat has been enjoying it.
Oh I bet she has, big guy.
Oh.. oh you mean The Americans.
ditto on the sky cycle:
Go ditto!!
I really wanted to see him do a wheelie though.
That’s in the director’s cut. 😉
ditto has glowing eyes in that one..
Where this was?
Phoenix Science Center
We watched the entire Hemlock Grove series on Netflix. It sucked hard, but we had to see how it ended.
Did it end as hard as it sucked?
No Ill keep that.
It did!!!
Morning Pan
A wonderful sunny morning here in Canadaland. I know it doesn’t compare to Deadpan land but very enjoyable from my point of view.
Cloudy, sunny spells, and a cool temperature that wasn’t wearing sun glasses.
Question for the hockey folks –
New York, Neeewwwwwww York.
Things have never been the same since New York. 😉
Don’t tell hubby but I somehow managed to scratch my glasses over the weekend. Oh well *shrug*
Well, I ‘m glad you made it home with no other scrapes and scratches! I hope the flight was smooth, and that you gave hubby many big squeezes.
cuddles aplenty were had
I’ve pre-ordered my Star Trek tickets.
I had a great time at the MMMmmmeetup! Thanks to those who organized and for everyone who attended. Because you were all there just for my personal entertainment, I know.
EssBee, the author I mentioned is Patricia Briggs.
I’m still DeadPan hungover and I didn’t even drink. It’s like a Disneyland hangover, but with fewer mouse ears.
Holy crap! It’s suppose to get to 27C on the weekend. I left one really warm place just to enter another
CP: Without You — Junip
Rhettro, I’m pretty sure I’ll have some time next week where I can finally get to your earbuddies. Sorry for the delay.
EssBee! “This is fucking awesome”
I would have snapped before 25.
Just sayin’ 😉
Ive never heard that song all the way thru! I just enjoy its it Mrs. EssBees hometown
We are classing the world up, us.
About Ender’s Game…
I’m somewhat conflicted. Long ago, I learned that once you know how crazy/stupid/bigoted/whatever an author/musician/whatever is, the harder it is to enjoy their material. OSC falls into that category.
When it comes to “Ender’s Game”, I’m torn. I haven’t and won’t buy OSC’s stuff on general principle. But, I love the book and I’ve wanted to see a movie of it for a very long time. Regardless of whether or not the movie is good, a lot of people have put substantial work into creating it. I’m not sure their work should be affected by my OSC ban.
I know this affects us all in different ways, and I’m not trying to start any arguments here. I’m just curious what you think.
I think you’re a stupid ninnypants.
Oh wait, you’re NOT trying to start an argument. . . My bad. . .
Serious reply: 100% agreement. It’s an interesting dilemma.
I also have a hard time separating, when someone involved is excessively deuche-y. I definitely liked Book 1, but never felt compelled to charge through the rest of the series, and that was even before I learned about OSC’s, um, eccentric publicly-shared viewpoints.
Some would disagree, but I don’t think an individual movie ticket is a vote of approval for Card or his views. I expect I’ll see the movie *if* it gets generally positive feedback from the SF community. If it gets panned, then it will be that much easier to pass. Or wait until it’s Netflixable.
You know I probably wont see it and Ill treat it the same way as my Gordon Biersch boycott. I understand that there’s many many non-idiot people that work behind the scenes (be it on the movie or in a restaurant/company) but I have to ask myself how I’d feel in the morning if I compromised my principles. No, I agree a movie ticket or a quick beer wouldnt be a vote of approval, but I’d let myself down if I were to stray. Eh. Just me thoughts.
No you!
This past weekend at the MMMmmmeetup several people asked when our Relay for Life will take place. June 8th is the date. So if you still want to donate to the cause, there is time.
Ditto, we should find some pics from previous years to share.
Please don’t be shy about promoting this here, T Cat – – and ditto.
Jack, how’s your cold? I’m certainly enjoying it!
pee a little
Wait a minute!
Why do *you* have Jack’s cold?
Wait, why can’t *I* have Jack’s cold? Oh, wait…
Surprise! You do.
Yes, that’s how its spread.
That’s what he said.
Two short videos of Desert Pixie feeding the manta:
I’m trying to figure out if the high-pitched squeak is DP or the manta ray.
As for the OSC debate, he’s already been paid for the movie and yes, the book is brilliant. I also will not contribute more to his coffers, but the movie he wasn’t involved in other than supplying the book the movie is based on. Therefore I feel my money is going to those who’ve made the movie vs OSC.
The only trouble I feel is that this gives OSC more limelight than he deserves, but I can only hope that people realize that hate is hate and shun him as much as he deserves.
I’ll see the movie. Once. And that’ll be that. I won’t see if for OSC. I’ll see it for all the other’s involved.
My secret hope is that make one of the characters as gay as can be 🙂
that they make.
I can type today, honest.
Now that is a brilliant idea.
I’m similarly torn on seeing Ender’s Game. I won’t eat at Chick-fil-a because I don’t want my money going to charities that actively fight against things that I support. But, that is far too easy and bears no real impact on anything because I really didn’t eat there to begin with. I really, really likes Ender’s Game before I found out about Card. So it is much, much harder for me to make that decision. I also have to ask myself if the profits of the movie are really going towards anything that would have an impact. Tough, tough choice.
Why American is both fucking terrible and has reason for hope in the same short video.
For the record… EssBee isn’t the only one enjoying Jack’s cold.
Good thing I love NyQuil.
So the mmmmmmetup was really a pppppplagueup
Jack Mangan’s Deadpan is the Mother infecting way!
I’m trying not to be smug as I sailed through the experience plague free..
Has anyone watched the Netflix series; Hemlock Grove? If so, thoughts?
Clearly youve not been keeping up with EssBee’s utter bashing of it on Facebook and here. Also, I have a great friend whom I trust that says its one of the biggest pieces of shit made. Soooooooooo thats all I know!
Oh yes, I recall that thread now.
I watched the first two or three episodes and was severely underwhelmed. Guess I will follow my instincts on this one and not bother with the rest.
Don’t do it, Pixie! The worst!!
Cant stop watching. Cant stop staring…
Here is an interesting thought about OSC, I wonder how many people even knew about his whack-a-do ideas before he started getting more recent notoriety because of his Superman story and now the release of Ender’s Game. What if exposing him now is a GOOD thing, letting people be aware of his ideas and exposing him for his beliefs.
If Ender’s Game was made into a movie in the 90s, would this debate have happened? Would he have made a statement about his beliefs? What if the timing is important and a bit of fame could expose him and call him into question and get people talking about this so people who are following a belief blindly are now exposed to a greater understanding of the world around them and exposed to “The Gays” and marriage equality.
That said, I posted something about his already on Tee’s blog when he brought it up.
I’ve know about his bigotry since the mid-90s. I haven’t bought his books since about that time. But, I agree that there are plenty of people that don’t know much about him.
Ender’s Game is a great book and it doesn’t promote OSC’s beliefs. I’m happy to recommend the book, but I always tell people about OSC. I let them decide how they want to deal with the issue and whether or not they want to buy his work.
ditto it would be great if, just for once, youd stop making sense.
Oh Spoderman…. how I love thee.
Morning Pan!
I am hubbyless tonight. *sigh*
This is cute
I was a total rebel today and didn’t make the bed this morning. :devil:
I’ve got hiccups.
First world problems.
Must go to the store. Back in a bit.
Interesting ideas on where Iron Man 4 could go! 🙂
Cant! Must watch 3 first! Some of us HAVENT you know 😉
Nope, I didn’t. Go watch. It’s good. 🙂
I’ll wait.
Right here. ;
You had me at “Nope”…
Swoooooon 🙂
Funny thing, The Futurist is the name of Robert Downey’s album.
CP: Ms. Panic — Molice
BTW, I’m uploading the photos from the Mmmmeeeeeetup. They are in the usual Dropbox location in the Photos/ditto folder.
Check out the hi-res shot. Its fucking gorgeous
That was a great scene in the HBO series “From The Earth To The Moon”.
“From The Earth To The Moon: The Alice Kramden Story”
I think this article may bring Jack some sympathy from all of you.
(Its a fun read)
Oh we all know he knew what he was getting in to… 😉
Never underestimate what a man will find sexy, I’m sure there is some man out there who finds a woman in scrubs sexy.
Possibly Lo…
That’s the part of the blogpost where I got stuck.
And yes, Pixie looks great in her scrubs.
Im not sure what I wouldnt find a woman sexy in
A woman insane is not really sexy. Forget what you’ve heard.
“Im not sure what I wouldnt find a woman sexy in”
A “White Supremacy” rally?
Keep going keep going… I like this list
“Im not sure what I wouldnt find a woman sexy in”
A public accounting seminar?
“Im not sure what I wouldnt find a woman sexy in”
An industrial rock pulverizer?
Infested with maggots?
In Roseanne Barr?
Dipped in sewage and baked under a hot tin roof?
I love this day
Used cat litter?
Wait, I’ve attended accounting seminars… I think J0e may have just insulted me 😉
It’s not that you wouldn’t be sexy there … it is that Lo would be asleep and thus, unable to find you sexy.
Bloody hell:
Since none of us live in Australia. Here is a link the the webcast for the Ring of Fire today
maybe justa j0e does…
Pooping Back and Forth. Forever. It is actually from a movie
the proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQoJo81lujk
That seemed like an awfully weird, random thing for a CAH card. I’ll watch that video later. Or never.
And unrelated – – thank Cthulhu – – sorry I spread my disease to multiple folks at the MMMmmmeetup. Surgical masks all around, next time!
That was all kinds of wrong.
Like “not good” wrong.
Having kids do stuff like that, for the entertainment of adults.
Like … ick.
On the other hand, I guess it’s nice to know I still have some boundaries.
*note to self, don’t go tracking down CAH source material*
That was so so wrong.
I’ll be in my bunk. Or the shower. Or both. At the same time. Forever.
It’s hotter than Hades in my house. I think it’s time to open some windows.
Just finished watching this. It was good
Not sure if it will be tomorrow or Monday but this will be the next PbP
If things go according to plan, should get to see the Star Trek movie in the morn.
Have fun storming the theater!
I’ll be disappointed if it turns out to be Khan. I just think they shouldn’t bring out the heavy-hitter so soon.
Then again, this could be the parallel timeline event that setup Khan and his followers exile.
No spoilers, please.
Don’t even hint at a spoiler/non-spoiler, please.
Have fun!
Madeline Kahn was great in those Mel Brooks movies.
That’s twue Jim.
I’m so tired.
Tired of being admired.
I love her sooooo much… it it it flames..FLAMES.. on the side of my face…. breasts heaving..
Yes… no, no, no, no, no, no… yes, no, no, yes, no, no… etc.
Everyone dies.
Well they do when I play Defcon
+ 2
No hmmm. I am in complete agreement
I also agree. There are so many free tools, applications and tutorials out there if you really want to make a game, go make one. You could even crowd fund it via Kickstarter. No need to involve the middlemen anymore.
I read a similar piece to this, only it delt with “You have a great idea for a fiction story and here’s why nobody cares.”
Seems like it was the same exact reasons for why your great story will never be written. Instead of a game developer getting tons of unsolicited ideas it was a published author who wrote that particular blog.
Dinner time!
The second terrifying thing I discovered on the interwebs today.
God bless Brazil
Hmmmm cool
“Felton says that the next generation of robots will have come with pre-assembled batteries and motors, enabling the robot to assemble itself and walk without any human intervention.”
Have these people never seen a scifi movie?
I don’t know if they’ve seen a scifi movie, but I’m willing to bet they’ve experienced the “some assembly required” syndrome. I would have paid good money for self assembling toys on Christmas morning when my kids were at an age where we were getting them those kinds of toys.
No comment
So it appears B&N has not transferred my fictionwise purchases to my NOOK account.
Very quiet at the flicks today, don’t you just love the kids being at school and most people are at work…
Ok, good action movie, some bleurgh moments, and some of the Earth uniforms have a Star Wars vibe.
Just go and see it when you can.
So, about the same as the first?
Yup, and ditto be prepared.
Which film?
Trek I think
Space Balls, of course!
You ninnypants you!! 😉
I knew it. Im surrounded by assholes!
And this surprises you why? 😉
Friday – time to fly to Arizona? We decided to invade Jack’s place on a weekly basis, didn’t we?
Hmmm, or was that just a fever dream I had later?
The dream occurred whey you had passed out from laughter. Consider yourself lucky we didn’t add drawings onto your face.
Great! It’s someone else’s turn to bring the germs, though.
Morning Pan
It’s a beautiful sunshiny day today.
Tonight hubby and I are going to see Chicago live at a dinner theatre. I’m expecting fun times.
I’m not sure if this was posted before or not, still…
Well, I guess I should think about putting some clothes on. Then I need to change my bed sheets and clean the bathroom.
Bed has been made. I think I’ll clean the washroom later today. I just don’t feel like doing it right now.
I may be looking forward to this film most of all this year…
I my fucking HELL!
Don’t make me watch that again.
THAT is terror.
I see Amazon.ca has now started a Prime service here in Canada. It’s too bad I don’t make many orders from them any more.
CP: WTF Podcast 384
Marc interviews…Huey. Fucking. Lewis.
I aint lyin’
I’m trying to decide between a range of Anker battery packs.
Ed has corrupted me.
If you only new the POWER!!
Well, actually, since they’re clearly labeled, you probably do…
Now it’s time to clean the washroom.
Today on Bunny’s house cleaning we will see how many things she can drop and how many break:
Glass medicine cabinet shelf – Chipped a corner. Haven’t found the chip yet so it will be interesting to see who steps on it first, me or hubby
Disposable razor – didn’t break but made a loud noise hitting the tub
Next: Bunny washes dishes…
CP: Exit Ghost — Kasey Anderson and The Honkies
Every morning I take 3 vitamins. Every morning I drop at least 1 vitamin, 1 lid, or 1 bottle.
I never escape the dropping.
Well, I managed to not break anything. I don’t want to push my luck so I think I’ll let the dishes drip dry though.
Agenda item for next Deadpan staff meeting:
Scrap plans to form traveling jugglers’ show.
Or “Jacklers”, if you will.
Jarlomir Jaggler?
Milck Jaggler?
Gettin Jaggly With it?
OK, I’m done.
Don’t go climbing trees now:
Not shocking
These are really easy going cats
Feliz dia de los madres to all the Mexican Mothers out there in DeadPan Land 🙂
I’m glad I live in a world where someone bothers to do this:
ditto, where are your photos?
Lo Pan – creepy/scary map!
Jack – just teasing about the cold. *sneeze*
In Photos/ditto. Do you not have access to them?
I know I don’t
Ok. I’m fixing that. You guys should get an email for access.
If I forgot anyone or anyone wants access, let me know. It’s been one of those days.
Are you offering ME access bud?
You only THOUGHT it had been one of those days!
I do not either
CD – End of the Road Brewery’s “Mustache Envy Belgium Stout”
CD: pumphouse red alert
CD: Marriott Coffee. Sugar and Half & Half
At the Marriott for a little wink wink nudge nudge?
Hotel, motel, Holiday Innnnnn.
Met Jack McDevitt tonight, who, it turns out, is a ridiculously nice guy.
Paint me jealous
Holidays mean my podcast queue has started to mock me again.
Hit and miss but if you do a search on twitter for:
You may get a chuckle, my fav is:
@jamiesont: “Luke, I am your…gosh, this is awkward, I’m your…umm…bloody hell, I’m your…did you see the Spurs game on Saturday?
I have a Deadpan photo album on my Facebook. I was going to put my newest pics there. It appears I didn’t take as many this year. I won’t tag anyone, you can tag yourselves if you choose, but based on previous conversation, I wanted to know if you’d all simply prefer I remove those pictures? I want to respect the wishes of the Pan Collective.
Also, don’t forget we have a Flickr Pool: http://www.flickr.com/groups/deadpan/
If I was a zillionaire I would collect limited edition watches:
Someone should write a book where Cortez and the conquistadors get transported to
Middle Earth and kick Sauron’s butt with their cannons.
..wipe out his foxes via TB infections.
-foxes +forces
Perhaps his forces ARE foxy!
CW: LOTR-Return of the King
On purpose?
Fair enough
We just got the LOTR Lego game – fun!
CW: Once Upon A Time S1 E10
Wait for it.
CJ, and I just got caught up and are playing the fun waiting game called “Normal TV watching”
You mean the TV works without the DVR?!
What will they think of next?
“‘Burgh Notice” at http://www.nhl.com/ to announce the Pittsburgh Penguins’ victory has got to be the worst joke of all time. That headline writer must be fired immediately.
Too far. Too. Far.
And so we watched Shaolin Soccer with the youngsters, which was a good choice. The grown-ups liked it less than the kids, but plenty of laughs were to be had, and I detected some tension from the Pixie when the big game was on the line. Easily the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen in years, but that’s ok. There was plenty of laughter at the pure silliness.
Excellent film, sir. I recommend Kung Fu Dunk as well (tho its tough to find a dubbed version)
Kung Fu Hustle is well worth checking out, especially if the adults have memories of 70 and 80s chop socky movies.
Happy Mothers Day, Mama Pannites!
Word to yo Mamas!
Caught up with Dr Who on the train back home.
They really missed an opportunity for a good fight choreograph with the Silurian’s assistant in the Crimson Horror.
Nice to see the Cybermen back to being a serious menace (Nightmare in Silver)
Agree on the fight scene.
Here are your 4 key words – Victorian, leather, body suit.
CW: Big Bang Theory S6E22
Bob Newhart is still alive, who knew?
Well probably a lot of you did.
And since T Cat is ahead of me in the fundraising… 🙂
Mother, do you think they’ll try to break my balls?
Ooooooohhhh ahh, Mother, should I build a wall?
Happy Mother’s Day to every mother who’s good to their children.
See what you did there. Approved.
I’d like to announce that Jack did not, I repeat, did not give me the plague.
I have my own fabulous strain of strep, most assuredly received from some dirty something somewhere.
That’s the special kind of plague you get from dealing with back alley shady transfers of the Star Wars Christmas Special. Was it worth the plague?
I’m thinking the plague is preferable to the SW Christmas Special.
Rhett, cover your eyes…
What, you don’t want Ed to host an episode?
My dislike for Detroit trumps my love for Ed. He’ll understand. Its hockey. Its just business.
TO be fair, tho… what an amazing damn series.
It was, it was! Kudos to the Ducks.
I want a Nazem Kadri jersey
Happy Mother’s day to all the Deadpan Mamacitas.
I think my wife enjoyed her Mother’s Day – of course, it ended up in the hot tube this evening watching the latest Game of Thrones, so, I think I did pretty well for her 🙂
is that like a Boob Tube in the Hot Tube?
Ooooooops No.2:
Although looking like a publicity stunt.
I am cautiously optimistic….
Morning Pan!
Thanks for the pictures ditto!
Dropbox grabbed them all last night, thanks ditto.
You’re welcome. I know I take a lot of museum pictures, but I enjoy doing that. I’ll give other people a few more days to peruse them before I take the set down.
Yes, please.
Painting my walls a shade of jealous:
that does look cool.
Jack! Jack!!!!!! Have you seen Rhett’s new icon????? I think thats cause for banning but Im not sure.
I still only see the tumbleweed.
That magical sonofanitch
You can blame the Yotes for my new icon.
No, I just blame you. 😉
I blame Aerosmith
I blame it on the rain
Isn’t it ironic? Don’t you think?
I don’t think I like the path this thread is taking.
It’s such a beautiful day out I think I shall go for a walk.
I’d like to share a text conversation I had with my boss today. This will explain why my boss is awesome and why I’m not at work today.
May 13 4:08 am – Me:I have strep again. Need 24 hours sleep and antibiotics. Missing work Monday sorry 🙁
May 13 4:10 am – Boss:You and me both, sister
May 13 4:10 am – Boss:Thanks
May 13 4:10 am – Me:You’re sick?
May 13 4:12 am – BossMe:I basically can’t move. My back is totally messed up.
May 13 4:12 am – Me:Dude. 🙁 feel better soon.
May 13 4:13 am – BossMe:You too. Strep x 2… Yuck.
Your boss is, indeed, awesome. 🙂
BossMe is just the boss… we aren’t a combined entity. That’s just me on drugs attempting to use HTML tags.
You’re not thinking, you’re on drugs! Normal people don’t act that way!
All she wanted was a Pepsi.
Damn it! Hubby’s work has decided I’m sending him spam. What’s up with that?
Bloody Vikings.
In an hour, this http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1707392/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
For you, Van
CS: can of Irn Bru
Got it in one Essbee.
Oh and you’ve got mail Essbee.
You are too nice to me!
Irn Bru sounds like the name of an NPC innkeep in some D&D module.
Fascinating. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/05/12/world-war-ii-s-strangest-battle-when-americans-and-germans-fought-together.html?obref=obinsite
This is wonderful…
CP: Remembrance — Balmorhea
Money or Philanthropy, money appears to be winning:
Calgary has issued a level thee fire ban. Want to bet my neighbours still use their fire pit?
Ack! I forgot something I need for tonight’s dinner. Must run out and get it. Then it will be PBP time.
There, my slow cooker is happily doing its thing
Hey kids, do you know what time it is?
Movie time!
Today’s movie is Lovely Molly
The DVR write up: former drug addict Molly and her husband move into her family’s secluded farmhouse in the countryside, where she is haunted by malevolent ghosts.
Do you know what malevolent means? It means the ghosts are being bullies and that’s bad
Do you know what an 18A rating means? It means youngsters like you should probably watch it
Kid, do you know why the girl is crying? It means she’s sad and needs cheering up
Look gang, a whole bunch of kids just like you
Do you know what the word pervert means kids?
See how happy they are kids? Some day you will get married too and be that happy
Do you know what that music means? It means something very scary is going to happen
Do you know what that alarm means kids? It means someone bad is trying to break into their home
Now tell me gang, what are they doing wrong?
That’s right, they are looking for the bad guys themselves instead of waiting for Mr. policeman to come and help
He lied. We all know that’s wrong don’t we kids
That is a nice policeman, isn’t he kids.
Once the policeman says it’s ok, then you can go to sleep again. Remember that kids
Remember, never go into dark creepy sheds alone
Is he a bad husband kids? Yes he is!
But is she a bad wife too? Yes!
She is a janitor? Do you know what that means?
Never do what they are doing? Remember, they are not really your friends if they ask you to do drugs
Now kids, what fixes a squeaky door?
Kids, if you are alone and here voices, don’t go looking for the source. It will always end badly
And remember, electricity was invented for a reason. Never, ever, ever go into a dark room. Always turn on the lights first
And if someone tries to get into the house when you are home alone, remember to call the police
And kids, if your sister won’t supply you with weed, don’t get mad at her
She swore, I hope you guys don’t do bad things like that
Make sure to say “I love you” at least once a day
Now kids, if you are alone in the house and you hear someone crying in the next room, pull the covers over your head up tight and wait for it to go away. Investigating will always lead to evil things
And never go walking out in the woods alone at night. It’s just wrong
The lesson to be learned here is, if you’re cold, put some clothes on
And kids remember, if you’re feeling a little stress, a night out can be a good thing
See kids, they are married so it’s ok that they are sleeping together
Sometimes it can be neato to look at old pictures and toys to remember what you were like when you were younger
And it is ok to cry. Crying can help us feel better
They are married kids so it’s ok that they are having sex. But it is not ok to burn breakfast while you are at it
You shouldn’t work if you’re sick kids. You might spread your germs. Do you know what germs are?
Kids, if you think you are being haunted, tell it to a video recorder. If you tell someone you know, they won’t believe you
And kids, if your boss shows you a video of you acting strange, don’t break out into tears. People will think you are crazy
Kids, if you see a dead deer caught in the fence, remember that is just a part of the circle of life
And kids, don’t tell your favourite pastor all about your panties and ask if he misses fucking? That is just wrong and you will go to hell
Remember kids, no matter how much you are being haunted, doing drugs is bad
Big sisters are there to help, even if you think otherwise
And kids, if you are using drugs, make sur you hide the evidence so your significant other doesn’t find it
Netflix UK has added some Disney films. no Aladdin though, gits!
Kids, don’t yell at the ghosts. Again, people around you will think you are crazy
Kids, if you decide to make a scary movie do us all a favour, don’t follow the trend. Try to find a fresh idea, people will be more likely to be scared
And kids, if you think ther is danger outside your door, don’t lock your significant other outside your door
She’s being bad isn’t she kids
Now kids, if someone tries to bite your tongue off, listen to you friends and get the wound looked at by a doctor. Do you know what infection means?
And kids remember, Lysol was invented for a reason
Remember, dead deer’s are not toys
Kids, confessions are for priests, not sisters
And kids, talk to a live person, talking to a ghost never works
Kids, when you see mommy kneeling between daddy’s knees and her head is going up and down, it means daddy is very happy
Kids, cutting heads off photos is wrong and you should never do it
And you know what? If you are going to kill someone, you shouldn’t record yourself doing the deed, it wound work out well for you
Do you know what a divorce lawyer is kids? It’s what you should use instead of a baseball bat if you think someone is cheating on you. Police don’t like baseball bats
Also, if you don’t have a knife, use a screwdriver. It makes a good replacement, gang
And kids, when you go outside in the cold dark night, make sure you have clothes on. Can you say pneumonia?
And finally kids, if you’ve learned nothing else from this lesson at least take this last bit of advice. If you want to see a good movie, full of original content and intriguing story lines then don’t watch this movie
Until next time gang, we’ll see you at the movies
What a great summary! 🙂
Thanks, Bunny!!
do you do this every week?!
No, more like when I have time. It’s not always the same theme and sometimes there is no theme at all, I just do a play by play.
CP: Older Than My Old Man Now – Loudon Wainright III
Less than no interest in an OJ mini-series, but I’m curious about a new Shogun. The old one with Toshiro Mifune is a classic, but I can see the merits of an update.
Erm. http://www.deadline.com/2013/03/fox-developing-shogun-remake-o-j-simpson-trial-project-as-event-series/
RIP Dr. Joyce Brothers
In way more awesome news …
Minnesota votes in favor of same-sex marriage.
Now a friend of mine can marry the love of her life after August 1st.
I have a couple of Skesis from work if anyone wants them.
? Skittles?
Well, I knew the Leafs would let me down, and they did. I feel very let down.
They had a chance.
Yeah but the one was historic. Im so sorry, man. Tough tough pill.
I was definitely pulling for them.