Not often you actually see a trailer carry an R rating.
Yes, they don’t make many “Red Band” trailers because of the limited venues for play.
I’m sorry… did I miss something in that trailer?
Morning everyone!
Morning Pan
Finally saw Splice last night. It was very… Canadian
“Oh man, I’m sensing something very Canadian about this…”
Not all, but most Canadian made movies have a certain feel about them. And I’m not referring to US productions made in Canada, it’s not the same thing.
A certain “eau de McKellar?”
Or “essence de Paul Gross?”
I know what you mean.
It was like Kick Ass, even though they were pretending it was in the US, you could tell it was the UK by the backgrounds.
Um, on second thoughts, perhaps it’s not like that at all..
Yep, there are those little pesky things that give it away.
But I think TEB was talking more about the production quality/tone. It’s hard to describe.
It must be time for me to go to bed, I’m quoting “Dude, Where’s My Car…”
I just sent a long, rambling e-mail to the people who shovel our walks telling them all the reasons I don’t like the new person they hired. The biggest reason being he doesn’t actually seem to show up. It hasn’t snowed since Tuesday and my walks still aren’t cleared. *grumble, grumble*
Jack, I know it’s an unshow but I’m not doing show notes. I think I’m feeling a little grumpy this morning and just don’t want to. pfffft. :tongue:
Time to make some coffee.
Reflecting on past shows, I’m going to reveal my shallowside by stating that the Samuel L Jackson episode (motherfucker!!!) was the one DP episode that made me burst out laughing when I heard it for the first time.
Ugh. It’s going to be one of those days.
ditto… It WAS one of those days…
Oh and how, sir.
Ugh. Oh yeah.
ditto! Avs vs. Leafs tonite in a battle of titans!
Hey! Only two teams have been eliminated from playoff contention in the NHL. One is Edmonton. Guess the other! *sobs uncontrollably*
Don’t worry. I expect the leafs will join them soon.
*sobs uncontrollably*
The Wild are not far behind on the elimination list.
CP: Fell Down The Stairs — Tilly & The Wall
ditto the Leafs are only 5 points out of the 8th spot. Make a run!
I know! But they always find ways to loose when it matters.
The world sucks today. Can I just go back to bed?
When does it not suck?
There is usual suckage and massive suckage.
I knew that girl.
Whats the matta ditto? Epic work fail is fail?
I thought the best days included massive suckage.
Ugh. Work updated some systems yesterday. Now half my macros no longer work. Now doing everything manually until they figure out what they did.
I repeat. Ugh
What she said.
“Now doing everything manually”
Rhisqué Rhettro
Et tu Rhute?
Thoroughly Rhettrograde.
Simply Rheal
Simply Rhight
Sounds like I’m a brand of bottled water now.
Rhagua Frhia
Well you do flow like liquid
[too soon] “Now with 40% less neutrinos than Fuji brand” [too soon]
“Energy Water” concept gone to far.
Today just keeps getting worse. I’ve been making negative progress this week on multiple fronts.
If you look up to see yourself coming into your own cubical … you should listen very carefully to what ever instructions you are about to give yourself.
When you achieve this level of compounded suckage, it often requires a visit from future you to set things right.
Oh … and resist the temptation to have sex with yourself.
I’m just say’n.
Sorry for the suckage day, everyone.
Thought: I do always worry when expressing general gratitude sentiments about causing people to feel slighted.
I feel slanted
To regular… scalene
… and work just kicked me out of the system. I debating on whether or not to just call this day a wash and walk away from my desk.
Hang in there ditto. There can only be so many sucky days.
Bunny if your work doesn’t want you to work, then oblige them. 🙂
“All things flow from Sting”
I’m not sure if I should be honored or curling up in a ball of fear that Joe thought of me first when it came time to makeup fake deadpan comments.
And actually, he wasn’t terribly far off. These days I’d really love to have boxes that would PACK themselves.
I think anyone who has moved would love self, unpacking boxes. It was Justa JOe that did the Pulp Deadpan parody right? I concur with Van, it was one of my favorites. At some point in the future, we really need to do a clip show or two to replay the funniest bits.
In Soviet Russia, the boxes pack you.
Anna Chapman?
Hurts my pants
She can unpack your pants? 😉
In Soviet Russia, your pants unpack her.
Decided work was too stupid to continue. Will have to make up for it tomorrow though.
ended up filing my taxes instead. Woo hoo?
Woo hoo, indeed. Getting taxes filed is a good thing. :happy:
Did not find out work was too stupid until 10 minutes after I was supposed to leave (don’t ask)
Woo hoo!
Well, I made some progress fighting through the slog that is called today. Only about 9 more hours to go until I can have some time for myself.
Hang in ther ditto
“Too stupid to continue” – – this could cover an awful lot of things.
Today it covers everything *sigh*
Ha! I hear snow guys chipping away at ice. They wouldn’t have needed the chipper if they shovelled yesterday when the snow was fresh
Since I dont want to do anything better, I’m going to post the half dozen random comments from last week that Jack didn’t
Vanamonde (first comment of the week)
Ack! I wish I could sleep for more than 6 hours.
justa J0e
CLEARLY you need to invite the Deadpan over to take care of that for you.
Finished watching Summer Wars. I enjoyed it a lot.
English dub or subtitled? The bits I saw of the dub were quite good.
Oh, and if you like that, you should watch The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. It has a similar feel since it was also directed by Hosoda.
Yup, good stuff.
Lo Pan
Ha! Thats a good one.
Going to get Medieval on Sim’s asses?
justa J0e
“fuck is going on”
There. Wasn’t that exciting folks?
Just you wait til Unshow Part 2.
“the Revenge”
Now I should really play a word for Scry. Suckage has a v in it, right?
The weather lady says we’ve had a colder than normal March. She also said we shouldn’t get any more snow for the rest of the week. *sigh*. I’m tired of winter
We’ve had a colder-than-normal March here in California, too. It actually hailed here a few days ago.
I enjoyed the quotes Bunny. 🙂
Unshow part deux? That’s excellent idea, even better without the Sheen.
That’s it, I can’t handle any more of today. Time to curl up on the couch with a book
CR: Saint City Sinners – Lilith Saint Crow
Bunny, I might join you on that couch.
Wide open, the door swings
So who will play Homer?
You dont have to come and confess
We lookin fo’ you
We gon’ find you
We gon’ find you
I just need a good place to curl up and sleep right now.
Nice pics, Van. I still wouldn’t want to visit any of those places though
So Afghanistan looks kinda rough…
I’ll just take some floor space.
No way. Lots of room on ythe couch as long as you’re willing to get snuggly
CP: In Your Room — Depeche Mode
Sure! just keep Iggy off the couch.
Depends. Did he bring any soda?
He did but it was “Arm & Hammer”
“The ‘Hammer’ is my penis.”
I just rewatched the hammer tuesday
Can’t touch this!
And I had a reference all set for the Iggy Pop song, “Candy”. . . . but now I think I’ll just leave it be.
Candy on the beach, there’s nothing better
But I like candy when it’s wrapped in a sweater
Some day soon I’ll make you mine,
Then I’ll have candy all the time
My teeth are feeling a bit loose after that.
Hello, gorgeous people.
A dash of lime cordial added to a glass of pepsi max is rather a pleasant combination.
A dash of Pepsi Max added to a glass of Stranahans is also too as well.
I had seen that and wondered about it.
I have heard to songs done by him in which he played banjo … but both were more along his “silly/comedy” line. So I am wondering if this is just plain old, straight bluegrass.
It’s full-on Bluegrass. of course, one of the songs is “King Tut”, but in bluegrass style
chat chat chat chat
talk talk talk
blah blah blah
should sleep
Twestival was fun.
I want to call in and give the contents of my front seat.
DO IT! :happy:
I enjoy all three entities, Lejon:
Steve Martin, Bluegrass, and Steve Martin’s bluegrass. I was aware of the album, but previously unaware of the free track to download. Thanks!
Goodnight :jerk:
I just read through the entirety of Pictures of You and it is good. Well, there’s a meandering part in the middle where it looks like the creator was taking a break, but other than that the story is pretty compelling.
Just a bunch of different kids suffering drama in college, but it has a great ambiance of despair.
Never quite managed to get attached to this one myself. However, my wife and her sister will be well pleased to hear about this one.
Fringe is fucking brills. Great to see this. I think 2 more seasons could be quality. Any more and it will run the risk of straying into filler territory.
Finally, a show I’m enjoying manages to survive!
Hopefully they’ll resolve how Bell made the First people who actually invented Peter. Er. Something something.
Check out the free Steve Martin track. Seems to be the REAL deal! (bluegrass not comedy, I mean)
I survived yesterday. Today should be a breeze in comparison.
I’ll have to check out that Steve Martin track. Bluegrass can be hit and miss for me, but I’m always willing to give a new song a chance.
Theres nothing better than taking friends from out of town on a whirlwind local brew tour. Even if that tour has to consist of making your own six-packs at the liquor store and having tastings in a hotel room.
and by “tastings” (no not that) I mean talking beer, watching bad college basketball, and plenty of dick and fart jokes.
No swishing.
That is all.
Oh ditto I was joking…come back!
Just busy with work. 🙂
Im just bitter at Toronto 😉
“and plenty of dick”
Well there WAS mashed potatoes.
Morning, Pan.
We have company coming for breakfast today. That means I’ll be spending part of my morning cleaning the bathroom.
Lunch! Not breakfast, lunch. It must be early.
“We have company coming for breakfast today. That means I’ll be spending part of my morning cleaning the bathroom.”
LOL – For a moment I thought that might be a prediction on the quality of the breakfast!
CP: Red Fraction — MELL
(theme song to Black Lagoon)
The past 3 xkcd’s are all winners.
And that Steve Martin track is the best I’ve heard from him yet.
Look at me with 2 positive comments in one post! How fking stupid.
Lo is obviously the temper-pedic commenter of deadpan. 😉
CP: The Rabbit — Miike Snow
“temper-pedic”. Ha!
Well the 3DS arrived today, umm I can see how some people might get eyestrain, it does funky things to your eyes when you wear specs.
My people are silliness for today: Was at Future Shop to get something for my Boo. Sign said iPad 2 comes out today. Saw only a couple of people in line so thought I’d pick one up for hubby. People in line told me they don’t actually come out till 5:00 pm. This was at 10:30am! I said screw that, if hubby actually does want an iPad he can get his own. I mean really? Lining up seven hours for a mark II?
Silly people :cheerful:
I resisting the urge to order one from the Apple store, mainly because I haven’t used the first iPad that much.
3rd Dynamite Stick?
What games come with it, Van?
Nothing really (I bought Super Monkey Ball so I would have a 3D game to show off), a few basic apps and a augmented reality game that maps a photo of your face onto space invaders.
would be 2-3 weeks wait anyway.
On another note, was at the liquor store this morning too. Got to watch the fun as someone tried to steal a bottle of alcohol
I’ve had an interesting morning over all
Ugh, local news has been preempted for federal news.
Parliament is voting on whether or not to take our government down. Do you know how long it’s been since a government has gone to term? God I’m tired of elections. There’s got to be a better way of spending my money.
Maybe they needed booze to get through the 7-hour wait for an iPad.
That’s it. Gonna get another election. FUCK!!!
ON that note… Grab your popcorn. It’s movie time
Today’s movie is the SyFy classic Behemoth.
The DVR writeup: Ed Quinn stars in this horror film about a group of scientists investigating volcanic activity who discover a giant monster capable of destroying mankind
After the 90 minutes of this movie, expect my brain to be moosh.
You’ll all be happy to know, this movie is in HD
ooooh, scary music
TEsting the earth
CP: Unnatural Selection — Muse
The mountain is breaking up. She just can’t take much more of this!
Really, that’s how the first person dies?
Hey I know him!
“Get away from the trees!” Really? You’re in a forest.
It would be funny if he backed the truck over the injured guy
Only a couple of minutes in and two dead already. Both in laughable ways
“That’s not a tremor, it’s a slow moving plate shift”
I thought that’s what tremors were.?
You know, the lead is just snoggable.
Holy crap. Look at the stuff pinned to the wall
Hey, it’s the cigarette smoking man.
Discussing world catastrophes.
Once again, WordPress has made it so there will be an extended version of my commentary
The earthquake effects are so phoney
*reaches for his English – Canadian dictionary*
Really Rhett? I’d look in a British dictionary if I were you.
I don’t trust those redcoats and their words with extra letters.
Ok, stupid rocks. That pattern is quite the coincidence
The researcher is female. The lead is male. Can you say sparks
Or for Rhettro, maybe I should say there will be some snogging going on at some point in the movie
Daddy believes in a giant creature. Can you say foreshadowing?
I believe Snoghorn Leghump was popular in the British versions of Looney Tunes.
Groped by muppets?
Coffee ruined daddy’s picture. He has a revelation
I bet Vanamonde, knows what snogging is.
Third person bites the dust BTW
ooooh, I flipped the Deadpan
OH my God. Look at all the dead squirrls
“My god it’s full of squirrels”?
Damn you WordPress *shakes fist*
That dog looks heavy.
Who the hell is this guy? He looks evil.
Sneaking out
On a different note, the frost has been hoaring itself out all day.
It’s very pretty.
Tiamat? Really?
A circle of tremors
Boy is he bad at reading women
Apparently fast driving up a mountain road doesn’t turn her on.
Evil man says he’s a geologist.
What the heck is with the ladies in the background?
If you go camping you will die
Emily! Daniel!
Could the special effects get any worse?
Crazy monster story by crazy old man
Walking through the forest
ohhh, secrets.
When a mountain shakes, the safest place is to be on the mountain.
Truism from a blond bitch
Run away!
Lost contact with team
Now you’re leaving him alone. Doh-head
Daddy’s going insane
Yup..I’ll get the mistletoe…
I don’t need mistletoe. I’m quite happy to snog without a reason 😉
Hopefully Rhettro will have ‘clicked’ on what it is by now.
Groped by Muppets, that’s what I think it means.
Far be it for me to say you’re wrong 😆
Plenty of Tongue
He’s not very good at this
Look at the giant eye!
OK, forget the eye. Look at the giant tentacle
“There are fishers opening up all over the mountain”
Oh wait, maybe that’s fissures?
Bathroom break!!!!
Satellite phone… facing a singularity
Must… Evacuate… Town…
CP: Nothing Is Written — Mumford & Sons
Crazy Daddy with his crazy monster theories
Awww, daddy gave him a friendship bracelet
I think daddy’s coming on to the young waitress
“I don’t understand it”
Join the club dude.
The mountain’s looking a little froggy…er… foggy.
How is he surviving on the ground. No one else can.
“What is this about?”
“I’m not sure”
Again, join the club dude
We’re all going to die!!!!
There’s only a half hour left to this movie. Something exciting better happen soon.
I’m going to see it when it gets released in the UK:
We want to see this movie too, unfortunately have to wait until next weekend. Too busy this.
Im hoping to catch it soon. Really sounds like an experience…
I just read the first couple of paragraphs since I want to avoid spoilers, although after that I might just wait until it gets to a dollar theater or netflix.
Apparently it wasn’t a glitch. That’s good to know
Every 15,000 years, something happens… duh, duh, dum
Jack’s dead. Killed by giant tentacle
Was daddy right?
oh, oh.
What do you mean “how can there be no signal?”
Are you really that stupid?
The girl daddy wants to do is going insane
Jack’s case!
Yeah, that can’t be good
Taping the windows
Jack’s case looks heavy.
Saved by a friendship bracelet!
“this is hopeless”
obviously commenting on the state of this movie
Acres of open land and they have to walk right beside a crevasse? Really?
OMG, that was so funny
Damn, brother showed up in the nick of time
I love being preached at in my B horror movies
There is a way out!
Death to all infidels! Women and children first!
I think when this movie is over I’m going to have some ice cream
ripples in the water
Now that’s a mountain. Not like those things they have in Arizona 😉
Is it wrong that I laugh when ever someone dies? Their deaths are just so… silly
Cleavage. Dirty daddy 🙂
Hey what do you know? She didn’t die
Push her man. Don’t make it work for it herself.
Really? Again?
The girl daddy wants to do is really starting to get on my nerves
Where did the helicopter come from?
Wow the science in this movie is amazing
Wow, talk about good aim
Will they make it?
Its heart is in its throat?
Daddy and his girlfriend made it. Awww
ha ha ha ha ha
It’s over.
This was your typical SyFy schlock. I’m just not sure why they keep putting them out.
Now I need some ice cream
The movies are made by the same people that changing the name to SyFy was a good idea.
And all of those B-movies interfere with their fine rasslin’ programming.
CP: White Vertigo — Molice
This is what you have to listen to when you are a teacher – or even married to one
I guess the kids are having a dance a school this afternoon. Hubby sent this to me as it’s the kids favourite song and he didn’t want to suffer alone. Lucky me.
Yeah, I just heard that song for the first time earlier today, it’s the kind of thing that makes me glad I’m usually out of the loop for internet memes and viral fads.
Anything autotuned automatically repulses me out of boredom.
Ah yes, seems people are taking the piss out of her…and some people think that is not on cos she’s only a teenager..
I don’t have that enlightened attitude, cos I have to deal with the evil buggers at work.
Yes well guess what? She just became a millionaire this week. I get its probably the worst song ever recorded, but shes 13. The amount of evil and hateful comments the poor girl’s getting is outrageous. Awful shouldnt beget hate. And now she has the cash to throw it in everyone’ face.
On a related note, I gather we’re watching Twilight Eclipse some time this weekend. It’s a good thing I know how much he appreciates me.
And now we know why you were at the liquor store earlier. 🙂
Holy crap. Hubby just called. He’s on his way home. It’s only 4:00. There must be a rift in the universe…
Ahhhhhhh …
First beer of the day is commencing nicely.
No beer for the Bunny. I bought something called Glayva for later tonight
The list of ingredients on wikipedea is not inspiring me to rush out and buy a bottle of the stuff.
Dammit, Bunny! I had managed to avoid this “Friday” thing other than hearing about the legendary awfulness in the tech news. I should have known better than to follow a link about a song.
Oh, well. At least this real Friday is quite good.
For the Facebook challenged – I’ve gone from being a zero Ipad household two a 2 Ipad household in a single week.
Last week I scored a refurbed 1st gen 16GB Wifi from Apple. I think I got to spend ten minutes on it before the wife and children took it over.
Last night, I learned that Verizon stores were clearing out 1st gen Ipads and knocked an additional $100 off the already $100 knock down. Traveling to the local store last night brought me (and a couple others behind me) to learn that they were sold out.
But, they expected more today, so I swung by after work, doubtful. Fortune favored me as I was able to claim the last one they were going to get. If there’s a Verizon store in your area, you may have some luck, particularly if you are willing to pay the extra for a 32 or 64GB version.
Got everything configured know so that I can drive music from either my computer or my wife’s computer to our living room sound system. While it’s not quite as clean as a Sonos system, it is still a pretty killer app for me.
I was generally skeptical about the Ipad last year when it came out. However, I’ve stayed plugged into the tech news enough to see enough applications come out for it that I’ve changed my mind (well, isn’t that obvious). I didn’t see enough in the Ipad 2 to convince me, but at the prices I was able to get my Ipad 1’s for, I’m rather pleased with them.
Other than audio streaming, what are planning on running on them Ed?
Mine’s been reduced to a games that I don’t play cos I have a load on my iPhone.
Let me know if you figure out a way to do the “Home Automation” thing with it.
I always thought THAT would be cool!
After much clamouring for one, my son hasn’t used his much since Christmas. The last app he loaded was a passcode to keep his younger sister from using it.
“Facebook challenged” – – I resemble that remark!
Way-to-go on the fortunate $200 discount, Ed. I have yet to actually test-drive an iPad, so my first encounter might go something like the 2001 apes and the monolith.
In regards to the ipad does anyone know if you can reconfigure the on screen keyboard? I find the standard qwerty trapezoid that has been carried over into the touch screens to be less than ideal, and as such makes them of very limited utility to me.
A quick review of the net says no.
Go for the synaptic interface.
I tried that, it kept auto correcting books to boobs, and you can guess what cat was changed to…
Never heard of it before but we are both quite enjoying it
Never. Well might have at one time and forgot
Movie finished. I enjoyed that
But its Danny Boyle!!!!!
Heya yous.
Heya heya heya
hey thar
Wait no
Thor Lo ?
A play on “thar”. Hi-larious in my inebriation
Thor Lo is the Norse god of beer that hits like a hammer
Makes a damn fine pair of athletic socks as well.
I’ll never catch up. I’ve determined that I’m forever to be behind in the land of Deadpan due to the comment structure. I just can’t do it.
If there’s anything going on, or any new assignments, someone please take pity on me and just send me a FB message or email.
thank you.
Please hammer, dont hurt em.
“FB” CJ? I know not this demon
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on beer that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into sobriety; but is passed from death unto libation.
Lo – 3:76
… er, you do know what “the hammer” is, don’t you?
Sometimes a hammer is just a hammer
Ball-peen or Claw ?
sledge or tack ?
How many times will it let me reply to myself?
Looks like the max is 4 layers of replies
MC or firing pin?
FTW!! 😀
Well it aint my penis this time.
That’s what she said. 😉
CW: Blood+ ep 4, feeling 50/50 about it.
Please Hammer, Don’t Hurt ‘Em.
Jared Diamond’s “Guns Germs & Steel” is currently available to stream on Netflix. Grest struff, if you didn’t catch its initial PBS run.
Goodnight :Aztecs: (too soon?)
The book is great too. Loved this series
One more thing – expect a surprise Unshow release over the weekend. Be surprised when it comes out.
Goodnight :for real:
Like that?
You need to cover yourself in a white sheet with holes cut out for your eyes.
Yay! Bloom County is referenced in Fringe (the cab driver in the alternate universe is reading an Opus comic). I finally wish I had HD so I could have read the comic.
I’m sure some fanatic has probably written an analysis of it somewhere with a posting of the comic. That’s how the internet rolls.
The games on the Ipad are probably the biggest reason why I ended up getting a second one.
The music streaming was certainly a big draw and I am greatly enjoying it. I had a dedicated Ipod dock for my Denon receiver and that has served me pretty well, but the control and user interface I have now are a big upgrade.
I may still make use of the Sonos technology (although they are awfully proud of it with their prices) in the new house, and the application they have for Ipad is very robust.
The other big app that tipped the balance for me is the new one that DirecTV put out last month. It doesn’t stream (yet), but it does offer an excellent experience with a better UI than the boxes themselves and nice management and control over the boxes themselves.
Those are the hooks that pulled me in. Now I’m continuing to explore what is turning out to be a pretty sizeable collection of actual Ipad native scale applications.
Just as a data point –
I tried to go the whole “iTunes with the little Airport Remote receiver thingies” but in the end, had to give up on it.
Apples “remote” app was swell and the iTunes playlists and such worked well … but I had real problems with signal drop out. I could go for days without an issue and be thinking what a great low cost solution it was … and then have days where the signal would keep randomly popping in and out. It was maddening.
I finally broke down and went Sonus. The pain of the initial “bend over and take it like a big boy” cash outlay, went away with time but the joy of the bullet proof “whole house” technology has only increased.
Back at CES, I was intrigued by the Motorola Xoom and Android 3.0. However, I think it prices itself too high to compete with Apple and it’s become clear in the tech world (I’m listening to a podcast discussing this right ow) that Android 3.0 is not really ready for public use yet. I wouldn’t rule out giving it another look in the future, as I am still quite happy with my Android phone.
But at this point, I’m finding that while I appreciate the open nature of my Android phone that is with me all the time, my uses for a tablet that will mostly be at home are different and the cleaner nature of the Ipad and its applications make a better fit.
I’m no company’s whore. I’ll take anybody’s tool if it is the right one for the job.
Lucked out and found a place that got a shipment in. Its really good. Simple and delicious. Plus a SUPER LOW price point.
Its a great thing, tho. Craft breweries and home brews gettin together. Loves it!
So what was that about Jack dropping an Unshow deuce on us this weekend?
“dropping a deuce”
You dont know how very right you are
Back from dinner and a movie.
Had the Chimay Première (also known as the Chimay Red). It was good, though not as good as the Blue IMO
Movie – Saw “The Lincoln Lawyer”.
Very enjoyable “Who done it” type film with the appropriate twists and turns for the genre’.
I liked it, though it could probably wait for home rental. Basically drama so seeing it on the “big screen” isn’t as important as it would be with a “blow ’em up”.
Why did that post end up there?
Meh to this new tree system.
Well it’s time to say hello to British Summer Time….cooooooeeeeeeeeeeeee!
*sigh*. Another snow storm here.
CW: hubby explore XBox games trying to decide if he wants one
I figured he’d be playing his new guitar instead.
What new guitar? Do you know something I don’t? I think he has more than enough of them by now.
I thought he got a new one around December?
He who dies with the most guitars wins!
Hello out there. We’re on the air. It’s hockey night tonight.
… That is if hubby can be removed from the XBox first.
About to crack open a Long Strange Tripel from Boulevards Smokestack series. Yeah!
Love the Grateful Deadishness of the name.
Really? They’re playing movie type western music. I know, when Calgary and Edmonton meet it’s called the battle of the west. But really?
CPIMM: Theme from “The Magnificent Seven”
(Was this the music they played, Bunny?)
Apparently Calgary keeps coming. How rude.
Wow! Its a battle of titans on hockey night!
How the he’ll did Edmonton miss those two goals?
Ugh. Both team are playing poorly
Edmonton draws first blood
A very dull first period ends 1-0 Edmonton
THIS is where this comment should be –
Back from dinner and a movie.
Had the Chimay Première (also known as the Chimay Red). It was good, though not as good as the Blue IMO
Movie – Saw “The Lincoln Lawyer”.
Very enjoyable “Who done it” type film with the appropriate twists and turns for the genre’.
I liked it, though it could probably wait for home rental. Basically drama so seeing it on the “big screen” isn’t as important as it would be with a “blow ‘em up”.
The still looks gorgeous but Vimeo keeps freaking out on me when I try to play the video. 🙁
I am -this- close to pulling the trigger and going all digital with my comics. Marvel has an unlimited digital yearly sub for under $60. I spent about $20 a month on comics, most of which are Marvel titles. I’d save a bunch, be able to read as much as I wanted, and all I’d have to give up would be Wonder Woman?
Sucks to be her.
Not viewable on iPads (or any other tablets) = fail
Not even via Safari? I just tested it out on Chromium/Jolicloud and it worked just as well as it did on Chrome/XP.
Hm. Maybe not. I just tried it on my iPhone and I’m getting an error asking for Flash 10.0 or higher.
However, they just released a HTML5 Chrome, so maybe they’ll have some Apple friendly availability soon.
I was thinking more of a dedicated app.
Ah. Yeah, the Marvel app does nothing but fail out on my 3G. The Comixology one is a little less fail-y. I haven’t tried the other two methods apps yet.
But wouldn’t you miss carding and bagging and the long white storage boxes that you can never seem to find enough room for?
How would re-sale work for those? Many e-book formats are non-transferable. Do digital comics even have a value beyond the initial purchase?
I’m not sure how the individual digital issues work, but the option I am looking at is a subscription model. So, no resale at all.
And honestly, I’ve got something like 8 short boxes of disorganize comics, most of them in the living room, and I only really need to keep a few of them. My scattered CrossGen & Black Bull titles, some early Image issues…
Let me know how you like it, NS. I’m a bit dyslexic so always have a hard time reading stuff on-screen, but I’m with you on comics. I’ve been reading Pillars of the Earth (thank you, Bunny, again) for 3 months so the comics are REALLY piling up.
You should try out the free samples they have at Marvel. The way that the focus automatically moves around is really good. I had only seen it in action on my PSP before and that was kinda painful. This is close enough to the way I read the physical copies right now for me to be happy.
I am -really- disappointed with Marvel’s setup for actually finding the titles and issues that I want to read. I think they have the current run of X-23, but damned if I can figure out -where-. Grrrr.
Haha. Those 4D TVs are going to be expensive for a while.
Watching a Uwe Boll movie would be the horror equivalent to looking upon an elder god with that technology.
We watched Megamind last night and enjoyed it. We’ve also enjoyed B’s mom and our 16 year old niece this weekend. Now back to real life, like laundry and groceries.
I believe Nurse Jackie S3 premiers tonight – it’s one of our faves.
Spectre 3D goes on sale (and is now a universal app for you new iPad owners):
Well, any birthday you can walk away from it certainly a good one :). There’s certainly much to be appreciated about being able to go a facility where my son and his friends and can run around and make nose and a mess, have cake a presents, and then have someone else cleanup while I get to go home.
Well, looks like Sunday proved to be too much for the Pan.
It may be the middle of my day, but I’m only barely coherent…
How many fingers am I holding up?
One. Now guess which?
Thats no finger
Ok, it was three, but we can go with that..
Hmm, which wins, the witty reply or the Buffy reference?
It’s not about who wins.
Okay, not wins, which comment pulls in more tail?
Okay maybe that’s not what it’s about either…
I thought it was two fingers and then slam it down?
“more tail”
Well, looks like this won’t be one for the kids.
Not often you actually see a trailer carry an R rating.
Yes, they don’t make many “Red Band” trailers because of the limited venues for play.
I’m sorry… did I miss something in that trailer?
Morning everyone!
Morning Pan
Finally saw Splice last night. It was very… Canadian
“Oh man, I’m sensing something very Canadian about this…”
Not all, but most Canadian made movies have a certain feel about them. And I’m not referring to US productions made in Canada, it’s not the same thing.
A certain “eau de McKellar?”
Or “essence de Paul Gross?”
I know what you mean.
It was like Kick Ass, even though they were pretending it was in the US, you could tell it was the UK by the backgrounds.
Um, on second thoughts, perhaps it’s not like that at all..
Yep, there are those little pesky things that give it away.
But I think TEB was talking more about the production quality/tone. It’s hard to describe.
It must be time for me to go to bed, I’m quoting “Dude, Where’s My Car…”
I just sent a long, rambling e-mail to the people who shovel our walks telling them all the reasons I don’t like the new person they hired. The biggest reason being he doesn’t actually seem to show up. It hasn’t snowed since Tuesday and my walks still aren’t cleared. *grumble, grumble*
Jack, I know it’s an unshow but I’m not doing show notes. I think I’m feeling a little grumpy this morning and just don’t want to. pfffft. :tongue:
Time to make some coffee.
Reflecting on past shows, I’m going to reveal my shallowside by stating that the Samuel L Jackson episode (motherfucker!!!) was the one DP episode that made me burst out laughing when I heard it for the first time.
Ugh. It’s going to be one of those days.
ditto… It WAS one of those days…
Oh and how, sir.
Ugh. Oh yeah.
ditto! Avs vs. Leafs tonite in a battle of titans!
Hey! Only two teams have been eliminated from playoff contention in the NHL. One is Edmonton. Guess the other! *sobs uncontrollably*
Don’t worry. I expect the leafs will join them soon.
*sobs uncontrollably*
The Wild are not far behind on the elimination list.
CP: Fell Down The Stairs — Tilly & The Wall
ditto the Leafs are only 5 points out of the 8th spot. Make a run!
I know! But they always find ways to loose when it matters.
The world sucks today. Can I just go back to bed?
When does it not suck?
There is usual suckage and massive suckage.
I knew that girl.
Whats the matta ditto? Epic work fail is fail?
I thought the best days included massive suckage.
Ugh. Work updated some systems yesterday. Now half my macros no longer work. Now doing everything manually until they figure out what they did.
I repeat. Ugh
What she said.
“Now doing everything manually”
Rhisqué Rhettro
Et tu Rhute?
Thoroughly Rhettrograde.
Simply Rheal
Simply Rhight
Sounds like I’m a brand of bottled water now.
Rhagua Frhia
Well you do flow like liquid
[too soon] “Now with 40% less neutrinos than Fuji brand” [too soon]
“Energy Water” concept gone to far.
Today just keeps getting worse. I’ve been making negative progress this week on multiple fronts.
If you look up to see yourself coming into your own cubical … you should listen very carefully to what ever instructions you are about to give yourself.
When you achieve this level of compounded suckage, it often requires a visit from future you to set things right.
Oh … and resist the temptation to have sex with yourself.
I’m just say’n.
Sorry for the suckage day, everyone.
Thought: I do always worry when expressing general gratitude sentiments about causing people to feel slighted.
I feel slanted
To regular… scalene
… and work just kicked me out of the system. I debating on whether or not to just call this day a wash and walk away from my desk.
Hang in there ditto. There can only be so many sucky days.
Bunny if your work doesn’t want you to work, then oblige them. 🙂
“All things flow from Sting”
I’m not sure if I should be honored or curling up in a ball of fear that Joe thought of me first when it came time to makeup fake deadpan comments.
And actually, he wasn’t terribly far off. These days I’d really love to have boxes that would PACK themselves.
I think anyone who has moved would love self, unpacking boxes. It was Justa JOe that did the Pulp Deadpan parody right? I concur with Van, it was one of my favorites. At some point in the future, we really need to do a clip show or two to replay the funniest bits.
In Soviet Russia, the boxes pack you.
Anna Chapman?
Hurts my pants
She can unpack your pants? 😉
In Soviet Russia, your pants unpack her.
Decided work was too stupid to continue. Will have to make up for it tomorrow though.
ended up filing my taxes instead. Woo hoo?
Woo hoo, indeed. Getting taxes filed is a good thing. :happy:
Did not find out work was too stupid until 10 minutes after I was supposed to leave (don’t ask)
Woo hoo!
Well, I made some progress fighting through the slog that is called today. Only about 9 more hours to go until I can have some time for myself.
Hang in ther ditto
“Too stupid to continue” – – this could cover an awful lot of things.
Today it covers everything *sigh*
Ha! I hear snow guys chipping away at ice. They wouldn’t have needed the chipper if they shovelled yesterday when the snow was fresh
We’re going to this Sunday evening:
I wish it were Sunday today
Since I dont want to do anything better, I’m going to post the half dozen random comments from last week that Jack didn’t
Vanamonde (first comment of the week)
Ack! I wish I could sleep for more than 6 hours.
justa J0e
CLEARLY you need to invite the Deadpan over to take care of that for you.
Finished watching Summer Wars. I enjoyed it a lot.
English dub or subtitled? The bits I saw of the dub were quite good.
Oh, and if you like that, you should watch The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. It has a similar feel since it was also directed by Hosoda.
Yup, good stuff.
Lo Pan
Ha! Thats a good one.
Going to get Medieval on Sim’s asses?
justa J0e
“fuck is going on”
There. Wasn’t that exciting folks?
Just you wait til Unshow Part 2.
“the Revenge”
Now I should really play a word for Scry. Suckage has a v in it, right?
The weather lady says we’ve had a colder than normal March. She also said we shouldn’t get any more snow for the rest of the week. *sigh*. I’m tired of winter
We’ve had a colder-than-normal March here in California, too. It actually hailed here a few days ago.
I enjoyed the quotes Bunny. 🙂
Unshow part deux? That’s excellent idea, even better without the Sheen.
That’s it, I can’t handle any more of today. Time to curl up on the couch with a book
CR: Saint City Sinners – Lilith Saint Crow
Bunny, I might join you on that couch.
Wide open, the door swings
So who will play Homer?
You dont have to come and confess
We lookin fo’ you
We gon’ find you
We gon’ find you
I just need a good place to curl up and sleep right now.
Poppy, probably trendy – but I’m really digging the 4 Band of Horses songs here: I’ve liked “No One Does it Like You” for awhile.
I’ll scoot over, ditto.
Iggy, getting cuddly with the Mangan :wub:
Iggy = i’m a
Stupid iPhone
Saw this link on Twitter:
Nice pics, Van. I still wouldn’t want to visit any of those places though
So Afghanistan looks kinda rough…
I’ll just take some floor space.
No way. Lots of room on ythe couch as long as you’re willing to get snuggly
CP: In Your Room — Depeche Mode
Sure! just keep Iggy off the couch.
Depends. Did he bring any soda?
He did but it was “Arm & Hammer”
“The ‘Hammer’ is my penis.”
I just rewatched the hammer tuesday
Can’t touch this!
And I had a reference all set for the Iggy Pop song, “Candy”. . . . but now I think I’ll just leave it be.
Candy on the beach, there’s nothing better
But I like candy when it’s wrapped in a sweater
Some day soon I’ll make you mine,
Then I’ll have candy all the time
My teeth are feeling a bit loose after that.
Hello, gorgeous people.
A dash of lime cordial added to a glass of pepsi max is rather a pleasant combination.
A dash of Pepsi Max added to a glass of Stranahans is also too as well.
In hockey news:
Hate the Sharks but good on em for this!
A rather cool site:
It is cool, but in honesty the only reason I ever played those kinds of games was because my parents wouldn’t get me a gameboy.
I’ve still got a G&W (bought way before the gameboy came out) in the house somewhere.
Cool links indeed, although that handheld site REALLY needs the old Coleco football game.!5012042/lego-battlestar-galactica-cylon-minifig-beats-star-wars-minifig-any-day
I know I haven’t posted much for some time, but in case people are interested in Bluegrass and Steve Martin, and Steve Martin playing Bluegrass…
There’s a Rare Bird Alert
I had seen that and wondered about it.
I have heard to songs done by him in which he played banjo … but both were more along his “silly/comedy” line. So I am wondering if this is just plain old, straight bluegrass.
It’s full-on Bluegrass. of course, one of the songs is “King Tut”, but in bluegrass style
chat chat chat chat
talk talk talk
blah blah blah
should sleep
Twestival was fun.
I want to call in and give the contents of my front seat.
DO IT! :happy:
I enjoy all three entities, Lejon:
Steve Martin, Bluegrass, and Steve Martin’s bluegrass. I was aware of the album, but previously unaware of the free track to download. Thanks!
Goodnight :jerk:
I just read through the entirety of Pictures of You and it is good. Well, there’s a meandering part in the middle where it looks like the creator was taking a break, but other than that the story is pretty compelling.
Just a bunch of different kids suffering drama in college, but it has a great ambiance of despair.
Good nes in TV land, Fringe gets renewed:
Never quite managed to get attached to this one myself. However, my wife and her sister will be well pleased to hear about this one.
Fringe is fucking brills. Great to see this. I think 2 more seasons could be quality. Any more and it will run the risk of straying into filler territory.
Finally, a show I’m enjoying manages to survive!
Hopefully they’ll resolve how Bell made the First people who actually invented Peter. Er. Something something.
ZP vents his spleen at Kirby’s Epic Yarn:
and how!
Darth loves it too!
Check out the free Steve Martin track. Seems to be the REAL deal! (bluegrass not comedy, I mean)
I survived yesterday. Today should be a breeze in comparison.
I’ll have to check out that Steve Martin track. Bluegrass can be hit and miss for me, but I’m always willing to give a new song a chance.
Theres nothing better than taking friends from out of town on a whirlwind local brew tour. Even if that tour has to consist of making your own six-packs at the liquor store and having tastings in a hotel room.
and by “tastings” (no not that) I mean talking beer, watching bad college basketball, and plenty of dick and fart jokes.
No swishing.
That is all.
Oh ditto I was joking…come back!
Just busy with work. 🙂
Im just bitter at Toronto 😉
“and plenty of dick”
Well there WAS mashed potatoes.
Morning, Pan.
We have company coming for breakfast today. That means I’ll be spending part of my morning cleaning the bathroom.
Lunch! Not breakfast, lunch. It must be early.
“We have company coming for breakfast today. That means I’ll be spending part of my morning cleaning the bathroom.”
LOL – For a moment I thought that might be a prediction on the quality of the breakfast!
LOL!!!!! :biggrin:
I really like todays xkcd
CP: Red Fraction — MELL
(theme song to Black Lagoon)
The past 3 xkcd’s are all winners.
And that Steve Martin track is the best I’ve heard from him yet.
Look at me with 2 positive comments in one post! How fking stupid.
Lo is obviously the temper-pedic commenter of deadpan. 😉
CP: The Rabbit — Miike Snow
“temper-pedic”. Ha!
Well the 3DS arrived today, umm I can see how some people might get eyestrain, it does funky things to your eyes when you wear specs.
My people are silliness for today: Was at Future Shop to get something for my Boo. Sign said iPad 2 comes out today. Saw only a couple of people in line so thought I’d pick one up for hubby. People in line told me they don’t actually come out till 5:00 pm. This was at 10:30am! I said screw that, if hubby actually does want an iPad he can get his own. I mean really? Lining up seven hours for a mark II?
Silly people :cheerful:
I resisting the urge to order one from the Apple store, mainly because I haven’t used the first iPad that much.
3rd Dynamite Stick?
What games come with it, Van?
Nothing really (I bought Super Monkey Ball so I would have a 3D game to show off), a few basic apps and a augmented reality game that maps a photo of your face onto space invaders.
would be 2-3 weeks wait anyway.
On another note, was at the liquor store this morning too. Got to watch the fun as someone tried to steal a bottle of alcohol
I’ve had an interesting morning over all
Ugh, local news has been preempted for federal news.
Parliament is voting on whether or not to take our government down. Do you know how long it’s been since a government has gone to term? God I’m tired of elections. There’s got to be a better way of spending my money.
Maybe they needed booze to get through the 7-hour wait for an iPad.
That’s it. Gonna get another election. FUCK!!!
ON that note… Grab your popcorn. It’s movie time
Today’s movie is the SyFy classic Behemoth.
The DVR writeup: Ed Quinn stars in this horror film about a group of scientists investigating volcanic activity who discover a giant monster capable of destroying mankind
After the 90 minutes of this movie, expect my brain to be moosh.
You’ll all be happy to know, this movie is in HD
ooooh, scary music
TEsting the earth
CP: Unnatural Selection — Muse
The mountain is breaking up. She just can’t take much more of this!
Really, that’s how the first person dies?
Hey I know him!
“Get away from the trees!” Really? You’re in a forest.
It would be funny if he backed the truck over the injured guy
Only a couple of minutes in and two dead already. Both in laughable ways
“That’s not a tremor, it’s a slow moving plate shift”
I thought that’s what tremors were.?
You know, the lead is just snoggable.
Holy crap. Look at the stuff pinned to the wall
Hey, it’s the cigarette smoking man.
Discussing world catastrophes.
Once again, WordPress has made it so there will be an extended version of my commentary
The earthquake effects are so phoney
*reaches for his English – Canadian dictionary*
Really Rhett? I’d look in a British dictionary if I were you.
I don’t trust those redcoats and their words with extra letters.
Ok, stupid rocks. That pattern is quite the coincidence
The researcher is female. The lead is male. Can you say sparks
Or for Rhettro, maybe I should say there will be some snogging going on at some point in the movie
Daddy believes in a giant creature. Can you say foreshadowing?
I believe Snoghorn Leghump was popular in the British versions of Looney Tunes.
Groped by muppets?
Coffee ruined daddy’s picture. He has a revelation
I bet Vanamonde, knows what snogging is.
Third person bites the dust BTW
ooooh, I flipped the Deadpan
OH my God. Look at all the dead squirrls
“My god it’s full of squirrels”?
Damn you WordPress *shakes fist*
That dog looks heavy.
Who the hell is this guy? He looks evil.
Sneaking out
On a different note, the frost has been hoaring itself out all day.
It’s very pretty.
Tiamat? Really?
A circle of tremors
Boy is he bad at reading women
Apparently fast driving up a mountain road doesn’t turn her on.
Evil man says he’s a geologist.
What the heck is with the ladies in the background?
If you go camping you will die
Emily! Daniel!
Could the special effects get any worse?
Crazy monster story by crazy old man
Walking through the forest
ohhh, secrets.
When a mountain shakes, the safest place is to be on the mountain.
Truism from a blond bitch
Run away!
Lost contact with team
Now you’re leaving him alone. Doh-head
Daddy’s going insane
Yup..I’ll get the mistletoe…
I don’t need mistletoe. I’m quite happy to snog without a reason 😉
Hopefully Rhettro will have ‘clicked’ on what it is by now.
Groped by Muppets, that’s what I think it means.
Far be it for me to say you’re wrong 😆
Plenty of Tongue
He’s not very good at this
Look at the giant eye!
OK, forget the eye. Look at the giant tentacle
“There are fishers opening up all over the mountain”
Oh wait, maybe that’s fissures?
Bathroom break!!!!
Satellite phone… facing a singularity
Must… Evacuate… Town…
CP: Nothing Is Written — Mumford & Sons
Crazy Daddy with his crazy monster theories
Awww, daddy gave him a friendship bracelet
I think daddy’s coming on to the young waitress
“I don’t understand it”
Join the club dude.
The mountain’s looking a little froggy…er… foggy.
How is he surviving on the ground. No one else can.
“What is this about?”
“I’m not sure”
Again, join the club dude
We’re all going to die!!!!
There’s only a half hour left to this movie. Something exciting better happen soon.
I’m going to see it when it gets released in the UK:
We want to see this movie too, unfortunately have to wait until next weekend. Too busy this.
Im hoping to catch it soon. Really sounds like an experience…
I just read the first couple of paragraphs since I want to avoid spoilers, although after that I might just wait until it gets to a dollar theater or netflix.
Apparently it wasn’t a glitch. That’s good to know
Every 15,000 years, something happens… duh, duh, dum
Jack’s dead. Killed by giant tentacle
Was daddy right?
oh, oh.
What do you mean “how can there be no signal?”
Are you really that stupid?
The girl daddy wants to do is going insane
Jack’s case!
Yeah, that can’t be good
Taping the windows
Jack’s case looks heavy.
Saved by a friendship bracelet!
“this is hopeless”
obviously commenting on the state of this movie
Acres of open land and they have to walk right beside a crevasse? Really?
OMG, that was so funny
Damn, brother showed up in the nick of time
I love being preached at in my B horror movies
There is a way out!
Death to all infidels! Women and children first!
I think when this movie is over I’m going to have some ice cream
ripples in the water
Now that’s a mountain. Not like those things they have in Arizona 😉
Is it wrong that I laugh when ever someone dies? Their deaths are just so… silly
Cleavage. Dirty daddy 🙂
Hey what do you know? She didn’t die
Push her man. Don’t make it work for it herself.
Really? Again?
The girl daddy wants to do is really starting to get on my nerves
Where did the helicopter come from?
Wow the science in this movie is amazing
Wow, talk about good aim
Will they make it?
Its heart is in its throat?
Daddy and his girlfriend made it. Awww
ha ha ha ha ha
It’s over.
This was your typical SyFy schlock. I’m just not sure why they keep putting them out.
Now I need some ice cream
The movies are made by the same people that changing the name to SyFy was a good idea.
And all of those B-movies interfere with their fine rasslin’ programming.
CP: White Vertigo — Molice
This is what you have to listen to when you are a teacher – or even married to one
I guess the kids are having a dance a school this afternoon. Hubby sent this to me as it’s the kids favourite song and he didn’t want to suffer alone. Lucky me.
Yeah, I just heard that song for the first time earlier today, it’s the kind of thing that makes me glad I’m usually out of the loop for internet memes and viral fads.
Anything autotuned automatically repulses me out of boredom.
Ah yes, seems people are taking the piss out of her…and some people think that is not on cos she’s only a teenager..
I don’t have that enlightened attitude, cos I have to deal with the evil buggers at work.
Yes well guess what? She just became a millionaire this week. I get its probably the worst song ever recorded, but shes 13. The amount of evil and hateful comments the poor girl’s getting is outrageous. Awful shouldnt beget hate. And now she has the cash to throw it in everyone’ face.
On a related note, I gather we’re watching Twilight Eclipse some time this weekend. It’s a good thing I know how much he appreciates me.
And now we know why you were at the liquor store earlier. 🙂
Holy crap. Hubby just called. He’s on his way home. It’s only 4:00. There must be a rift in the universe…
Ahhhhhhh …
First beer of the day is commencing nicely.
No beer for the Bunny. I bought something called Glayva for later tonight
The list of ingredients on wikipedea is not inspiring me to rush out and buy a bottle of the stuff.
Dammit, Bunny! I had managed to avoid this “Friday” thing other than hearing about the legendary awfulness in the tech news. I should have known better than to follow a link about a song.
Oh, well. At least this real Friday is quite good.
For the Facebook challenged – I’ve gone from being a zero Ipad household two a 2 Ipad household in a single week.
Last week I scored a refurbed 1st gen 16GB Wifi from Apple. I think I got to spend ten minutes on it before the wife and children took it over.
Last night, I learned that Verizon stores were clearing out 1st gen Ipads and knocked an additional $100 off the already $100 knock down. Traveling to the local store last night brought me (and a couple others behind me) to learn that they were sold out.
But, they expected more today, so I swung by after work, doubtful. Fortune favored me as I was able to claim the last one they were going to get. If there’s a Verizon store in your area, you may have some luck, particularly if you are willing to pay the extra for a 32 or 64GB version.
Got everything configured know so that I can drive music from either my computer or my wife’s computer to our living room sound system. While it’s not quite as clean as a Sonos system, it is still a pretty killer app for me.
I was generally skeptical about the Ipad last year when it came out. However, I’ve stayed plugged into the tech news enough to see enough applications come out for it that I’ve changed my mind (well, isn’t that obvious). I didn’t see enough in the Ipad 2 to convince me, but at the prices I was able to get my Ipad 1’s for, I’m rather pleased with them.
Other than audio streaming, what are planning on running on them Ed?
Mine’s been reduced to a games that I don’t play cos I have a load on my iPhone.
Let me know if you figure out a way to do the “Home Automation” thing with it.
I always thought THAT would be cool!
After much clamouring for one, my son hasn’t used his much since Christmas. The last app he loaded was a passcode to keep his younger sister from using it.
“Facebook challenged” – – I resemble that remark!
Way-to-go on the fortunate $200 discount, Ed. I have yet to actually test-drive an iPad, so my first encounter might go something like the 2001 apes and the monolith.
In regards to the ipad does anyone know if you can reconfigure the on screen keyboard? I find the standard qwerty trapezoid that has been carried over into the touch screens to be less than ideal, and as such makes them of very limited utility to me.
A quick review of the net says no.
Go for the synaptic interface.
I tried that, it kept auto correcting books to boobs, and you can guess what cat was changed to…
Julie Newmar?
Well the 50 and 60’s Newmar..
CW: Sunshine
Never heard of it before but we are both quite enjoying it
Never. Well might have at one time and forgot
Movie finished. I enjoyed that
But its Danny Boyle!!!!!
Heya yous.
Heya heya heya
hey thar
Wait no
Thor Lo ?
A play on “thar”. Hi-larious in my inebriation
Thor Lo is the Norse god of beer that hits like a hammer
Makes a damn fine pair of athletic socks as well.
I’ll never catch up. I’ve determined that I’m forever to be behind in the land of Deadpan due to the comment structure. I just can’t do it.
If there’s anything going on, or any new assignments, someone please take pity on me and just send me a FB message or email.
thank you.
Please hammer, dont hurt em.
“FB” CJ? I know not this demon
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on beer that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into sobriety; but is passed from death unto libation.
Lo – 3:76
… er, you do know what “the hammer” is, don’t you?
Sometimes a hammer is just a hammer
Ball-peen or Claw ?
sledge or tack ?
How many times will it let me reply to myself?
Looks like the max is 4 layers of replies
MC or firing pin?
FTW!! 😀
Well it aint my penis this time.
That’s what she said. 😉
CW: Blood+ ep 4, feeling 50/50 about it.
Please Hammer, Don’t Hurt ‘Em.
Jared Diamond’s “Guns Germs & Steel” is currently available to stream on Netflix. Grest struff, if you didn’t catch its initial PBS run.
Goodnight :Aztecs: (too soon?)
The book is great too. Loved this series
One more thing – expect a surprise Unshow release over the weekend. Be surprised when it comes out.
Goodnight :for real:
Like that?
You need to cover yourself in a white sheet with holes cut out for your eyes.
Yay! Bloom County is referenced in Fringe (the cab driver in the alternate universe is reading an Opus comic). I finally wish I had HD so I could have read the comic.
I’m sure some fanatic has probably written an analysis of it somewhere with a posting of the comic. That’s how the internet rolls.
The games on the Ipad are probably the biggest reason why I ended up getting a second one.
The music streaming was certainly a big draw and I am greatly enjoying it. I had a dedicated Ipod dock for my Denon receiver and that has served me pretty well, but the control and user interface I have now are a big upgrade.
I may still make use of the Sonos technology (although they are awfully proud of it with their prices) in the new house, and the application they have for Ipad is very robust.
The other big app that tipped the balance for me is the new one that DirecTV put out last month. It doesn’t stream (yet), but it does offer an excellent experience with a better UI than the boxes themselves and nice management and control over the boxes themselves.
Those are the hooks that pulled me in. Now I’m continuing to explore what is turning out to be a pretty sizeable collection of actual Ipad native scale applications.
Just as a data point –
I tried to go the whole “iTunes with the little Airport Remote receiver thingies” but in the end, had to give up on it.
Apples “remote” app was swell and the iTunes playlists and such worked well … but I had real problems with signal drop out. I could go for days without an issue and be thinking what a great low cost solution it was … and then have days where the signal would keep randomly popping in and out. It was maddening.
I finally broke down and went Sonus. The pain of the initial “bend over and take it like a big boy” cash outlay, went away with time but the joy of the bullet proof “whole house” technology has only increased.
Back at CES, I was intrigued by the Motorola Xoom and Android 3.0. However, I think it prices itself too high to compete with Apple and it’s become clear in the tech world (I’m listening to a podcast discussing this right ow) that Android 3.0 is not really ready for public use yet. I wouldn’t rule out giving it another look in the future, as I am still quite happy with my Android phone.
But at this point, I’m finding that while I appreciate the open nature of my Android phone that is with me all the time, my uses for a tablet that will mostly be at home are different and the cleaner nature of the Ipad and its applications make a better fit.
I’m no company’s whore. I’ll take anybody’s tool if it is the right one for the job.
And now, your cool Super Nova image of the day:
Very cool, even if it does like the front of that DoomsDay weapon from Star Trek.
Morning, DP! I wish I could swing an iPad, just for the DP during the daysies. But alas, money’s spent and whatnot.
We’re gonna garden today. Time for Spring planting.
WTF? We are going to get snow? No way. I was done with winter. 🙁
The god of Meteorology laughs at your puny hopes.
So true.
If you start driving now, you can be here by 8pm MST. Thats prime Sat drinkin time. Get movin! 😉
I wish I could. We have a friend probably flying in tonight.
You and your inane excuses!!!!! 😛
Alas for me.
*non threatening man hug*
..and possibly my spelling.
Just watched Chad Vader’s parody of Friday. Hilarious.
Weird. My backup isn’t running for some reason.
Your backup is named “Weird”?
Oh, sorry. Misread the period as a comma.
Naming your backup “Weird” would just be weird.
Now I want to rename a backup hard drive to Weird.
How about Highly Irregular? 😉
LOL – Just heard Tenacious D’s – “Wonderboy”
Now THAT was highly irregular!
The best Porter youll never have
Lucked out and found a place that got a shipment in. Its really good. Simple and delicious. Plus a SUPER LOW price point.
Its a great thing, tho. Craft breweries and home brews gettin together. Loves it!
So what was that about Jack dropping an Unshow deuce on us this weekend?
“dropping a deuce”
You dont know how very right you are
Back from dinner and a movie.
Had the Chimay Première (also known as the Chimay Red). It was good, though not as good as the Blue IMO
Movie – Saw “The Lincoln Lawyer”.
Very enjoyable “Who done it” type film with the appropriate twists and turns for the genre’.
I liked it, though it could probably wait for home rental. Basically drama so seeing it on the “big screen” isn’t as important as it would be with a “blow ’em up”.
Why did that post end up there?
Meh to this new tree system.
Well it’s time to say hello to British Summer Time….cooooooeeeeeeeeeeeee!
*sigh*. Another snow storm here.
CW: hubby explore XBox games trying to decide if he wants one
I figured he’d be playing his new guitar instead.
What new guitar? Do you know something I don’t? I think he has more than enough of them by now.
I thought he got a new one around December?
He who dies with the most guitars wins!
Hello out there. We’re on the air. It’s hockey night tonight.
… That is if hubby can be removed from the XBox first.
About to crack open a Long Strange Tripel from Boulevards Smokestack series. Yeah!
Love the Grateful Deadishness of the name.
Really? They’re playing movie type western music. I know, when Calgary and Edmonton meet it’s called the battle of the west. But really?
CPIMM: Theme from “The Magnificent Seven”
(Was this the music they played, Bunny?)
Apparently Calgary keeps coming. How rude.
Wow! Its a battle of titans on hockey night!
How the he’ll did Edmonton miss those two goals?
Ugh. Both team are playing poorly
Edmonton draws first blood
A very dull first period ends 1-0 Edmonton
THIS is where this comment should be –
Back from dinner and a movie.
Had the Chimay Première (also known as the Chimay Red). It was good, though not as good as the Blue IMO
Movie – Saw “The Lincoln Lawyer”.
Very enjoyable “Who done it” type film with the appropriate twists and turns for the genre’.
I liked it, though it could probably wait for home rental. Basically drama so seeing it on the “big screen” isn’t as important as it would be with a “blow ‘em up”.
3-1 Edmonton end of the second. I’m going to bed
The still looks gorgeous but Vimeo keeps freaking out on me when I try to play the video. 🙁
I am -this- close to pulling the trigger and going all digital with my comics. Marvel has an unlimited digital yearly sub for under $60. I spent about $20 a month on comics, most of which are Marvel titles. I’d save a bunch, be able to read as much as I wanted, and all I’d have to give up would be Wonder Woman?
Sucks to be her.
Not viewable on iPads (or any other tablets) = fail
Not even via Safari? I just tested it out on Chromium/Jolicloud and it worked just as well as it did on Chrome/XP.
Hm. Maybe not. I just tried it on my iPhone and I’m getting an error asking for Flash 10.0 or higher.
However, they just released a HTML5 Chrome, so maybe they’ll have some Apple friendly availability soon.
I was thinking more of a dedicated app.
Ah. Yeah, the Marvel app does nothing but fail out on my 3G. The Comixology one is a little less fail-y. I haven’t tried the other two methods apps yet.
But wouldn’t you miss carding and bagging and the long white storage boxes that you can never seem to find enough room for?
How would re-sale work for those? Many e-book formats are non-transferable. Do digital comics even have a value beyond the initial purchase?
I’m not sure how the individual digital issues work, but the option I am looking at is a subscription model. So, no resale at all.
And honestly, I’ve got something like 8 short boxes of disorganize comics, most of them in the living room, and I only really need to keep a few of them. My scattered CrossGen & Black Bull titles, some early Image issues…
Let me know how you like it, NS. I’m a bit dyslexic so always have a hard time reading stuff on-screen, but I’m with you on comics. I’ve been reading Pillars of the Earth (thank you, Bunny, again) for 3 months so the comics are REALLY piling up.
You should try out the free samples they have at Marvel. The way that the focus automatically moves around is really good. I had only seen it in action on my PSP before and that was kinda painful. This is close enough to the way I read the physical copies right now for me to be happy.
I am -really- disappointed with Marvel’s setup for actually finding the titles and issues that I want to read. I think they have the current run of X-23, but damned if I can figure out -where-. Grrrr.
Haha. Those 4D TVs are going to be expensive for a while.
Watching a Uwe Boll movie would be the horror equivalent to looking upon an elder god with that technology.
We watched Megamind last night and enjoyed it. We’ve also enjoyed B’s mom and our 16 year old niece this weekend. Now back to real life, like laundry and groceries.
I believe Nurse Jackie S3 premiers tonight – it’s one of our faves.
Spectre 3D goes on sale (and is now a universal app for you new iPad owners):
Still effing snowing.
Rhett, you’re right he did get one for Christmas but I don’t consider that new any more.
“Can you hear (and track) me now?”
60 out.
Well, any birthday you can walk away from it certainly a good one :). There’s certainly much to be appreciated about being able to go a facility where my son and his friends and can run around and make nose and a mess, have cake a presents, and then have someone else cleanup while I get to go home.
Well, looks like Sunday proved to be too much for the Pan.