The 2013 Deadpan NHL Playoff game is upon us yet again for this year.
The claimed teams are listed below:
Minnesota Wild (JR Murdock)
Anaheim Ducks (Cj)
Vancouver Canucks (The Energizer Bunny)
San Jose Sharks (EssBee)
LA Kings (Rhettro)
St Louis Blues (Lo Pan)
Cetroit Red Wings (Ed from TX)
Chicago Blackhawks (Brad P from NJ)
NY Islanders (Jack Mangan)
Montreal Canadiens (DJ Bunny)
Washington Capitals (Vanamonde)
Toronto Maple Leafs (ditto)
Boston Bruins (Desert Pixie)
Ottawa Senators (Usedhair)
NY Rangers (Amy Bowen)
Remember, if your team is the last one remaining in the NHL Playoffs, then you must record a Deadpan Unshow before the podcast retires. I’ll be available to help in any way you need. Happy eliminating!
Unclaimed: Pittsburgh Penguins. Sorry for the last-minute notice with this. I suppose you can claim one of these tomorrow (Wednesday) if you want, but beyond that, it’s really too goddamn late.
They’re in a tight series against the Anaheim Cucks.
Apparently, when the Bunny picks you, you’re eliminated.
Teams and Unshow candidates that are out of the running, as of today:
Minnesota Murdocks
Montreal Bunnies
Vancouver Bunnies
St. LoPans Blues also on the cusp
And done.
Updated teams and folks off the playoff/Unshow hook:
Minnesota Murdocks
Montreal Bunnies
Vancouver Bunnies
St. Lopans Blues
New Jack Manganders
On to round 2 for sure:
Ottawa (UsedHair)
Los Angeles Kings (Rhettro)
San Jose Sharks (EssBee)
With today’s action wrapped up — here is the latest:
Updated teams and folks off the playoff/Unshow hook:
Minnesota Murdocks
Montreal Bunnies
Vancouver Bunnies
St. Lopans Blues
New Jack Manganders
Anaheim DuCJks
On to round 2 for sure:
Ottawa (UsedHair)
Los Angeles Kings (Rhettro)
San Jose Sharks (EssBee)
Detroit Red Wings (Ed from Texas)
Two games/Four Teams still to be decided in Monday Night’s Mashups:
Desert Boston Pixie Bruins vs. Toronto Ditto Leafs
Washington VanCapitals vs. NY Ambassador Rangers