Morning Pan, and after rain there is sun…and it looks like it’s going to be a lovely day.
….and the day is rapidly approaching where I will be the answer to Life, The Universe, aand Everything.
Lucky unshow 13! Who wants a plum?
That sounds very healthy for the bowels Ed or is that prunes?
I always get them mixed up.
I’m too sixy for this post.
Seven, the number of perfection…..unless you want a Chevy Volt.
Friend and I are both interested in them as a next car, but we stumbled upon this depressing article. You probably don’t need to go much beyond the executive summary. After a couple of pages, he seems to keep repeated the same stuff with different charts and graphs.
TSH: re: your reply to me in the last comment thread: No, of course I don’t think you’re mean people.
Number 9
Number 9
Ed – I looked at the article and I see it as more of a “Your Chevy Volt is half charged not half discharged” scenerio.
I am encouraged that the lithium shortage has been identified so early and that alternative solutions have already been researched!
Once again, if we’d commit this countries FULL science prowess (and funding) to the problem we’d have it solved in years and NOT decades.
Ten, yo.
I’ll take a plum.
Awww EseBee, You’re a peach! 🙂
i can’t feel my legs…
I can’t get anyone ELSE to feel my legs …
It’s production day for me and I am pro …
First of May, First of May!
Minneapolis weather sucks today.
So I’ll just have to go down to the Varsity,
And see Jonathan Coulton in concert with Paul and Storm!
Okay, as song parodies go, not so good, the rhyme scheme disappears as does any sort of meter.
But it still accurately represents my day…
You too could maybe have a Coulton day later on, though:
Friday May 2 at 7 PM
Majestic Theater (Madison, WI) with Paul and Storm
Saturday May 3 at 7:30 PM
Lakeshore Theater (Chicago, IL) with Paul and Storm
Thursday May 15 at 7 PM
Brickhouse Theater (Phoenix, AZ) with Paul and Storm
Saturday May 17 at 9 PM
Lestat’s Coffee House (San Diego, CA) with Paul and Storm
Sunday May 18 at 9 PM
House of Blues Sunset Strip (Los Angeles, CA) with Paul and Storm
Saturday June 21 at 7:30 PM
Highline Ballroom (NYC) with Paul and Storm
JOe, get cracking!
J. Coulton *swoon*
CRACK !!!!
That’s great thinking EseBee! I shall go see if I can procure some!
It’s the coming of Spring!
Just say no. Just say JOe.
ditto – Spring looks like snow out my window this morning.
Guess there won’t be any frakin’ outside!
First of May, First of May
Aching blues balls start today.
So anyway, I thought I mentioned I’ve taken up running a few months back to help me get back in shape. So here’s the status report for this 5′-11 and change male.
The heaviest I’ve ever weighed was 198lbs, back around 2002. I switched to diet soda and was 186lbs back this December. Two and a half months of running the new total is! ……. 172.5! I’m still about five pounds from my goal. Who knew that with diet and exercise, you could actually loose weight? That’s just crazy talk.
A funny aside, I had my wedding ring increased in size last summer because my fingers where getting fat. Now it’s loose when soap gets on it in the shower. Ring size is a moving target.
There may be here. Its niice. Gonna share “First of May” with the coworkers.
Rhett, mine falls off easily too. Who would have thought that I’d loose fat in my fingers.
Lord of the Un
Jeremy, if I have to get sized back to it’s original, I’ll laugh. 🙂
Never had a problem with fat finger, fat tends to cluster in other places.
Alcoholics Anon? Ack Ack? Automobile Association? Anti Alias?
Ah Aaron Alexovich
Rhett – I guess you’ll need to be careful when you bend over to get the soap … er, I mean for more the your usual reason.
Bah Baaron Balexovich
Cah Caaron Calexovich
Dah Daaron Dalexovich
Yeah JOe, if my ring falls off in the shower, I should take a good look around before I pick it up. LOL Seems like I remember a device in Naked Gun that offered good protection from this problem.
I must confess, “1st of May” is probably my least favorite Coulton song. Throwing the word “fuck” in something does not automatically make it art.
But, everyone else, feel free to enjoy it. Art is mostly a matter of personal taste and I begrudge no one for feeling differently than I do about it.
I wouldn’t call it art. I just think it’s a fun song.
I think it’s a silly song, designed from the ground up for it’s shock value. Sweet love songs aren’t supposed to be obscene. Once you get the joke, it doesn’t stand up to repeat listens. But hey it’s only once a year.
Yeah, that’s about how often I listen to it. 🙂
Same here. LOL
er…me too.
Ed – I’m in your camp on the FOM song.
So Ed, you’re saying that First of May is the worst of J?
ok, that was a stretch.
You don’t like Garfunkel?
Well he was tall compared to the little guy.
..and sung Bright Eyes, almost an unforgivable sin.
Going to getting a bowl of cereal and stepping in a pool of cat piss.
Although to be fair to the cats it could be dog piss.
Indiana Jim
We should! I’ll be in touch.
Good morning Deadpan.
It’s Friday.
Welcome to the first day of the last spin you will put on the ball in your pockets to get the rest of the English.
and now …
Indian Jim’s e-mail, re-duex!
“I live in lunchville.
We should do Louis”
Thank you! Thank you very much!
No, you’re too kind. Thank you.
Remember to tip your wait staff and enjoy the rest of the Deadpan.
I’ll not subject you to my entire post, but you can see my reaction to the show last night over at assuming WP doesn’t consign this to moderation for using an LJ link…
Okay, I posted a link to my LJ which didn’t pass WP’s filter. It’s johnboze dot livejournal dot com and you can read of the Coulton show and my running into an old friend and her husband, Bill Corbett of MST3K fame…
Good one, JOe.
Happy Friday, Pan.
Deadpan is the mammal humping way.
We got hammered by storms last night. Fortunately we missed the baseball sized hail.
On Wednesday I traveled to CadCamp at the Spokane Convention center, and had a lot of fun. But I decided to do it the Jesus way and walk… He was better at it though. I know its only two miles, but its the only two miles I’ve walked in three years… Today its my ankles AND my hips. Overall it was just a very bad idea. But at least I saved $5 on parking and reduced my carbon footprint.
Of course the downside is that I WANT TO DIE, but I feel that way most days anyway, so at least I’m feeling like I broke out of my shell a bit and did something I never do. And the convention was fun. They served super expensive food for free… all of which was allergic to, so I had to walk another mile to get fries and a frosty from Wendy’s for lunch. But that gave me a chance to slip into Hollywood Video to rent Cloverfield, so that wasn’t too bad.
Guess what came in the mail from Netflix yesterday? Yep, Eraserhead. LOL I spose I should archive it for a later viewing.
That’s kinda funny, Rhettro.
I thought so too. 🙂 I better send it back so I can get Southland Tales soon.
I still have Charlie the Beer Guy’s copy of Eraserhead.
I’m also due to return the Netflix discs I’ve had since December to get Southland Tales.
Hmmm, we’ve been Bunniless for awhile now, haven’t we. . . . ?
I love the way the Netflix works that way, huh Jack…
Dropped your name when talking with Bill Corbett at the show last night, regarding your interviewing Mike Nelson early in the Deadpan…
C’mon, Deadpan, entertain me! I took yesterday and today off work and I must enjoy my midday internet access. At work all web addresses point to a form to fill out for IS descirbing what functional need you have for accessing the site in question…
Thanks JB! I haven’t heard from Mike Nelson in a long while.
Looks like we have some empty seats today.
I guess… Quiet time in the Daycare starts pretty soon, should be nice…
*Tap Dances for JB*
*confuses Mike Nelson with Nelson Mandela*
*confuses Ozzy Nelson with Ozzy Osbourne*
*confuses Ozzy Osbourne with Norman Osborn*
*confuses both with Charles Nelson Reilly*
shoot, I do a search to make sure I spell Reilly correctly, and ditto slips in and throws off my comedic timing…..
You know, Ed, it still works. Ozzy & Norman combined to make CNR? Hi-larious!
Lovely grounds and a lake, the weather behaved itself too.
Sorry, JB – couldn’t be entertaining for your lunch break! We could have talked about boobing or something.
Is taling about boobing allowed?
Are we tallying all the boobs now?
Two is more than a handful.
Heaver Castle.
Tallying Boobs
So, Jack, you think you’ll go get some Coulton on Thursday, May 15?
I highly recommend it, especially forthe interaction with the opening band, heck for Paul and Storm as much as JoCo…
Oh, not my lunch break, EssBee, I’ve got the whole day off!
Let the boobing commence.
I don’t know if I can legally talk about boobing within an operating daycare…
I’m sitting here boobing at work. I guess I’m e-boobing.
i love boobs
I am so glad i have my own handy set attached to me
Hugh sez: I am so glad I have my own handy set attached to you!
boob you later pan!
Ah, a Smarty Hottie drive-by boobing.
All those little things I miss during my workdays..
calc u later
EssBee is e-boobing at work? Doesn’t sound like such an evil empire to me.
I won’t tell you where the frikken laser beams are, then, Jack.
Does this mean we’re switching to head jokes now?
Well you should be safe unless your first name is richard and your second name is head.
Now THAT would be an ill-tempered sea bass. . . .
Oh, Surely Mr. Richard Q. Farnsworth Head wouldn’t be alone as a source of jocularity. I’m certain that Messrs. Blow, Wad and Weed would be in on the action as well.
That’s it – Tee Morris needs to feature the law firm of Head, Blow, Wad & Weed in his next Billabub adventure. Of course, all the partners would need to be named Richard….just to keep it simple.
If something is uncanny, does that mean that all of the cans have been removed?
So I decided to watch Labyrinth tonight, the 80s David Bowie one, not Pan’s Labyrinth.
So here follow the official “Lost” Play by Play and Lessons Learned of Labyrinth.
(Maybe it was lost, maybe it was intentionaly left in the dirty laundry.)
I await with bated breath
“Lost†Play by Play and Lessons Learned of Labyrinth
Oh joy the female protagonist is a spoiled bitch, aren’t movies supposed to have warning labels for this kinda content?
Apparently fairies are little cute pests, kinda like chihuahuas. I wonder if Raid kills them?
Note: Whenever I’m lost in a labyrinth I should listen to any nearby worms. Also ask detailed questions about his directions before walking away from the worm. Maybe I should enjoy that cup of tea he keeps offering.
Conversely if I ever build or operate a labyrinth invest in pest control so random worms don’t give away any secrets.
Oh look the pit crew robots from Phantom Menace used to be little pixie-like creatures stuck in a maze. Overexposure to 80s hairspray explains why they were so dumb in the 90s.
Bowie was apparently contracted to do a musical. Too bad everyone else is trying to do a movie.
Note: Carry shiny jewelry in case I’m ever lost in an oubliette, so I can bribe any nearby gnome like creatures to help me. 50 cent toys from vending machines will work, no reason to spring for the $1 walmart crap.
I man in grey tights giving fashion advice. I wonder if he signs his name as David “kettle” Bowie.
Note: Cleaners work better with soap and water, would help keep down on those unsightly spiderwebs and get rid of unwanted guests.
“The Bog of Eternal Stench” ultimate smell that never washes off. Is that where they make perfume?
“It’s not fair, but that’s the way it is”, a jewel of wisdom, my time spent watching this movie has now been validated.
She throws like a girl.
Ludo is a hippy because he has long hair and slouches. What are goblins republican, or are republicans goblins?
Yay! Random singing muppets. Although maybe they should ask David for help in writing their lyrics, or call Kermit he knows some good song writers.
The Bog of Eternal Stench, light a match. Reminds me of some bathrooms I’ve been in.
Apparently bureaucrats can’t smell the stench, at least I think the fox is a bureacrat, he talks like one.
“Oh, Goblin King I can’t stop looking at your eyes, who does your makeup?”
Aw, her bubble popped.
And now we visit the local Goblin wal-mart a pile of junk.
Man, even goblins have mechs, when can I get one?
Damn gnome broke it.
Ah the finest in goblin architecture.
And here comes the army, decorating by explosives, my favorite style.
It looks like they got the leftover armor the Mordor orcs didnt want.
Cool they even have “smart bombs” *snicker*
“Rocks! My brothers, rise up and fight those that have kept you under foot for so long! ”
Strike! Self-guided bowling balls, I want one.
And now we come to the castle.
Architecture by Eschure (sp?).
Ambient music by Emo Bowie.
Apparently leaps of faith break the castle, this is why your mother always told you not to jump on the bed.
The Goblin King did everything for her, stole the child, tortured her. He sounds kinda like a stalker to me…
And now for the denoument…
The baby is safe back in his crib, and she has learned to share.
it tears at the heart strings.
Party at Sarah’s!
I wonder if goblins have any good beer.
And thus end the movie and this play by play with yet another song.
And during Bowies final monologue all I could think of was this picture by R.K. Milholland.
Hopefully that was at least more entertaining than filling out your tax return.
And now I’m off to bed, goodnight Deadpan, goodnight mush.
Wow. LR returns in a big way!
Wow, it’s almost as if Jennifer Connelly and David Bowie were in my house. With a bunch of Muppets. And Skeksis.
Nicely done, LostRalph! w00t
Time check
Damn time zones. May 3rd here.
Morning Pan,
the guy with the strange agricultural implement is beckoning to move one step forward across the chessboard of life.
I’m off to see the King Tut exhibition.
Extra points if you can spell his full name without resorting to using internet search engines.
Who, Tutankhamun?
Oh yeah, I rock!
Tho I admit fully to checking AFTER hitting “Submit comment”
So, where’s all those late-nite hijinks?
Smarty Hotties and A&A’s bantering around?
It’s two in the morning, do you know where your innuendo is?
It’s 8AM and I still don’t know where my innuendo is. Is it as hard to find as the little man in the boat?
It’s 6:45 a.m., and it’s way too early on a Saturday for innuendo.
Going to a 6 year old’s birthday party today. I have to choose which Spice Girl I am.
Hi, LostRalph – it was like I was watching the movie with you. Nice one!
Cool, Van. We want to see the Tut exhibit too. Unfortunately I spent a good chunk last night cleaning up the wife’s laptop from spyware. I don’t know what happened, but it was some combination of visiting the Tut site and having to install a special player.
“Unfortunately I spent a good chunk last night cleaning up the wife’s laptop from spyware.”
hmmmm…. this looks fun.
“Unfortunately I spent a good spy last night cleaning up the wife’s chunktop from lapware.”
“Unfortunately I spent a good lap last night cleaning up the wife’s spytop from chunkware.”
“Unfortunately I spent a good laptop last night cleaning up the wife’s chunkware from spy.”
got distracted with my wordplay.
Meant to add my thanks to LR for tking us into the Labrynth with him .
EseBee – tell us what you want, what you really really want.
Way to go LR. Good Labrnth wrap up. I sit at work on Saturday, 🙁 . Two hours to go.
I guess I’m playing too much Call of Duty 4 lately. I read JJ mistype as
“Meant to add my thanks to LR for Team Killing us into the labrynth with him”
Which reminds me, it’s time to go shoot some people…
The exhibition was cool, if a bit small (there was some padding).
I feel old, but not as old as King Tut.
Born in Arizona, moved to Babylonia, King Tut
“hmmmm…. this looks fun.”
No, not really. And she got it from some site, not the official one.
I went with Nerdy Spice. Serenity t-shirt and cords!
I’ll tell ya what I want, what I really, really want!
Glad ya’ll liked the play by play. It just seemed like a movie that needed commentary.
EssBee cracked me up. LOL
Just back from “Iron Man” … well back from Iron Man and Martini’s.
Really fun movie.
… more later.
NBA playoffs Round 2 predictions from Hugh
Magic vs pistons – Pistons
jazz vs lakers – jazz (fuck you lakers)
spurs vs hornets – Spurs (*ginoblli swooooooooon*)
cavaliers vs still undecided – I don’t fucking care who it is, cavaliers is my choice
Deadpan 91 play by play continues….
T. Morris
metal as fuck
not a lot of comedy
before we return to podtaint and before we finish in bunnies drawers
my bitch better have my money
every sperm is great
you can’t fight in here, this is the war room
gone from suck to blow
bunnies drawers *swoooon*
medicated cream
cool whip
Final set of nipples for the week
Energizer bunny – CW
Psion Andy – israel, robots, roberts
vanamonde – people are accountable
rhettro – chuckles
rhettro – no apologies
Greasy Spoon Nipples Udder Bangles Susanna Hoffs Dickens Comments Cockles Spooges Comment-a-palooza shitzus donkus nose hairs nipples Comments solo nipples privates nipples through Ep 91 rounds 1-3
Smarty Hotties® – 18
justa j0e – 13
The Energizer Bunny – 13
Vanamonde – 11
Mr ditto swooon – 10
Rhettro – 10
Dubshack – 9
Ed From Texas – 7
Leann 2.0 – 5
Jeremy- 4
Alvie – 3
Rhettro – 3
Thomas – 3
Jackamo – 3 (even though it doesn’t count according to him)
WNDR wolfie – 2
Addie in boulder – 2
Lost Ralph – 2
Amy Bowen – 2
Trucker Overdrive – 2
disgruntled scientist – 2
psion andy – 1
Dear Jack
We are sorry you witnessed such evil fucking shit among your fellow podcasters
its amazing what happens to ordinary people with a few online fans.
dre and hugh
I feel like starfuckers, Inc needs to be playing in the background
Dear Jack
We always find Deadpan funny 🙂
dre and hugh
last week : vanamonde
this week: vanamonde
pointless babbling
Jack is looking forward
he aint coming back after the music
Is Jack coming back after the music?
Hugh sez: yes
Dre sez: no
goodnight shum!
cool whip
he came back!
I win!!!!
Dre sez: Hughie won again!!!!!
Dre sez: Did everyone celebrate free comic book day today?
Our free comic choices were:
Del Rey and Dabel bros
Atomic robo
comics go hollywood
the stranded
bongo comics
then after we got our free comics we got sushi
I’ve decided to cash in my winnings now.
I’m feeling no pain at this moment, so its a good time
I missed free comic book day. 🙁
🙁 and last but not least,
Hey, Van, you go see the Anime All-nighter?
Alas no, nephew didn’t want to go.
So going taking him to see Ironman tomorrow.
So, “Iron Man”.
15 minutes in … my date say’s “It’s a comic book.”
It is. If you are okay with that in a film (meaning the normal laws of physics and such don’t apply) then this film is a lot of fun.
Unlike the last Bond film, I never found myself wondering how much longer this was going to go on.
Unlike the last Spiderman vehicle or a lot of the CGI action flicks … I felt like the computer generated stuff was there to support the scenes it appears in and wasn’t the purpose of the scene itself.
The plot line might not be original … but it was presented in a very entertaining fasion!
I say Bully for Iron Man!
ps: I liked the music too!
Yes I’m looking forward to see that movie jj
I was hoping to be “review-esque” without being “spoiler-tainty”
If the FPM servers weren’t so slow today I might be able to do my show. Otherwise I’m just bored. Which for me is a huge waste of production time.
So I got a question for all the tch and photo gurus in deadpan land.
My little sister is going to NYC next month and I would like to get her an external hard drive to transfer all of her digital pictures to for safekeeping. I’m sure devices like this exist, but if any of you can give me personal experience notes I would appreciate it. I’m pretty sure her camera uses an SD, or microSD card. She doesn’t have a laptop, obviously, or i’d just get her a 2nd SD card.
So if any of you have any advice, or sugesstions I would appreciate it. Or if you have any other suggestions in terms of a travel kit for a 14 year old girl traveling to NYC with her class, I’m all ears, or eyes since this is all text.
tch = tech by the way.
But how would she transfer the photos to the hardrive? I think more SDs are the way to go.
Considering how cheap SD cards are these days, the extra SD might be the best option. Unless your sister is planning on taking thousands of photos.
Man, none of those hard drive backups looked terribly appealing. I can’t believe companies have the gall to still be making USB 1.1 devices, especially for 10+ GB size drives!
Definitely go for the extra SD cards.
Happy Cinco de Mayo Deadpan!
Happy Cinco de Mayo, and Happy Monday, Pan!
My old boss used to say that Cinco de Mayo was spanish for have another margarita. LOL
Lost Ralph, I agree with the others, get a few more SD cards in the 1Gig or higher range. That’s more than enough space for several thousand pictures.
Okay Ironman = fun, fun, FUN.
But I’m not a fan of the Ironman comic so you may hate it if you are,
As JJ mentioned, anybody who likes their movies to obey the laws of physics, switch off the analytical part of your brain before entering the cinema.
Oh and stay after the credits have run, there is a short segment that YOU need to see.
I believe movie physics are covered by Einstein’s Extra Special Relativity Theory.
I think I’ve said it before but I’ll repeat it anyway. My feeling is as long as the movie follows it’s own rules it creates, then I don’t really care. Take a movie like Torque for example. Okay it’s not a good movie, the physics are far beyond laughable. But it’s consistant in that it wants to be a comic book/music video all the way through. It doesn’t even pretend that the action sequences are going to make sense. I’m fine with that. I did find it jarring in Xmen 3 when Magneato moved the entire Golden Gate bridge to walk to the island. He could have moved everyone over by their belt buckles, rings, car keys. For the tone of X3, I think that would have been better.
“My feeling is as long as the movie follows it’s own rules it creates, then I don’t really care. ”
Yep. My date for the movie is an actual “rocket scientist” – which is why she had to make the statement “This is a comic book”.
The fact that (once she had stated this) she was able to forget about that and really enjoy the film is why I go out with her ! 🙂
That’s cool JOe, as long as she isn’t a disgrunted rocket scientist. You don’t want a rocket crashing down in your front lawn. 😉
I was considering taking the little ones to Iron Man, but there really wasn’t any time for it. I also wanted to find out more about the PG-13.
As long I don’t feel insulted by the movie, I can deal.
Dammit, I missed Free Comic Book day.
Don’t feel too bad, Jack. I didn’t even know there was a free comic book day.
Ironman gets the ol’ thumbsoup from me.
…and there is no free comic book day on this side of the pond.
So there was trailers for Speed Racer and the new Indy movie.
Speed Racer looks a bit naff.
Harrison Ford is looking old but the movie looks cool…really looking forward to this one.
Oh and Karen Allen still looks good.
I really WANT Speed Racer to be good … but I find the trailers to be nearly un-viewable – a mishmash smear of colour and movement. Can’t see shelling out cash for that unless it comes in tablet form.
Well we’ve gone from wife’s sister being in a serious car wreck and in the hospital to wife’s sister’s cousin’s ex-father-in-law being run over by a logging truck and killed.
Drive by message for Amy Bowen….
You did a GREAT job on Morevi!!! I was nice to hear your voice in the episode!
Drive by message for Amy Bowen……
You did a GREAT job on Morevi!!! I was nice to hear your voice in the episode!
Go Amy Bowen!! And hey, someone named Jessica also makes a guest appearance in that episode. . . . .
For those of you who have been wondering what the LCMoD has been up to (and you should … you should ALWAYS wonder what the LCMoD is up to) you can read about it at
JOe – I checked out your website, and it’s awesome! I still don’t know what LCMoD is, though.
Dub – hang in there! Sorry to hear about your family stuff.
Dub: My condoleyournces, and I hope your sister-in-law gets well soon.
Amy: Good performance as one of the voices of Nadinath. The Deadpan ambassador is not representing in Morevi! 😀
EssBee: LCMoD is the Leather Clad Mistress of Deadpan. You too can have your own AKA name by asking Jack for one.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions, and help looking for ways to archive pictures. I think Van had it right, and I might as well just buy extra SD cards. Looking at the prices and reviews I could just buy a 4th gen Ipod and transfer widget from eBay. Thank you for the link though Jeremy, it was very helpful.
Now I wonder if I can find a pink SD card storage case…
Women and pink..aaarrrrgggghhh.
Sad news Dub.
I’m travelling back home today, and the backtoworktomorrow blues are kicking in.
Ralph- yes indeed the SD cards is the way to go. I personally own more SD cards than any human should really be allowed to own.
They are way easier and cheaper than anything out there.
Even with my MacBook that comes with me anyway, I still will bring handfuls of SD cards. Whether on vacation or a photo shoot with a client, it’s just easier to use the SD as the permanent storage. If you happen to view some images on your laptop, keep the SDs and comb through them thoroughly when you are back home with time.
thats how I do it anyhoo
and not sure if it comes in pink, but I own a bunch of these cases. I love them.
I tried to post a link to a storage case I personally love and it won’t let me
its the Hakuba storage wallet, it comes in colors but not sure if pink is one of them.
Hugh is sleeping soundly
I am going to attempt to join him in the realm of the sandman
And, Good morning. Thanks to Rhettro, I now know more than I’ll ever need about AAAAAAA!
Fatality at Grantham, causing severe delays meant the train I was booked on was cancelled. . Had to run to catch the earlier train that was delayed but not cancelled.
I’m not built for running.
Morning, everyone. Sorry, LCMoD. I should have gotten that! I am terrible at working out acronyms!
I’m trying to record something for Deadpan — I’m nervous!
Thanks for the site “love” EseBee! As for asking Jack for an AKA name … I think you already have one 😉
I’m currently listening to the latest NIN.
Do you think it would help if someone took Trent out for a Rootbeer float ?
Well that sounds very mysterious JJ, Essbee’s AKA name that is and not the float.
Journey home turned out to be unevenetful after the journey started, just as public transport journeys should be.
Ah, sorry. Not as good as a mystery.
I meant that I had already given her the AKA that I liked … “Easy Bee”
I don’t think she has asked Jack for an OFFICIAL Deadpan AKA yet.
… has anybody seen the top half of my mono-pod?
I can’t find it anywhere around here.
It isn’t related to a monopole?
Ah ha! Found it!
Van – only in it’s singularity.
In the process of searching for it though, I was again PAINFULLY reminded of the sheer volume of STUFF that I have around here. I have GOT to frakken let go!
I haven’t! I’m just EssBee, AKA Easy Bee, AKA . . .?
While I’m not offended by it per se, maybe the new AKA could leave off the “easy” or “EZ”? I like to have fun like all the girls, but that just gives the wrong impression.
JK – y’all can call me anything you want, as long as you call.
Don’t be nervous about the call, EssBee. We’re all friends just hanging out around the deadpan. I look forward to your voice and content.
The worst that can happen is that you end up with an experience for a future dumb ass memory – so it’s a win-win 🙂
You’ll be fine.
on a differrent note … that I won’t expound on, may I just say
Thank You. That is all.
Speaking of dumb ass memories, I need to phone mine in.
I already have some possibly(?) funny thoughts for an EssBee AKA name, if you want one. Let me know.
Yes Ed, I think Rhett’s “AAAAAA” link pretty much sums it up.
^^^ Oh, and I liberated The Smarty Hotties SD storage link from murgatory.
Then a few comments down someone tell my team that the bar has been raised! Funny.
Time goes by like a slow crawling slimy thing when you install SP3 for XP on an old laptop.
Possibly a slug…
I should probably install SP3 on my machine when I get home.
Joe Just got your email. Yes I’ll do it if you haven’t found someone else.
Jeremy and WNDRWolf have both been freed from murgatory.
Stupid murgatory.
Van, don’t pour salt on that slimy old laptop.
OK – before I bail – i have to do the hockey thing.
I went 3 for 4 in the second round of the playoffs! (stupid Flyers)
I’ll make conference predictions sometime before Thursday.
And speaking of hockey, a quote from John Buccigross’s latest column:
“The most important word in the English language is love. The second most important word is sacrifice. The third most important word is forgiveness. And the fourth most important is mozzarella.”
In Hockey you put spin on your opponent and tell them to puck off while you skate towards a net.
In politics …
nope … I cannot remember how the original joke goes. 😕
Jessica, Jack, Dub, LostRalph: Thanks for the compliments!
Jessica: Nice work as both Josephine and my fellow priestess. (Was that you in Morevi: RM Chapter 11, or are you going to be in another upcoming episode?)
Mozzarella…Mmmmmmm! rubbery goodness…
Morning Pan, back to worktoday, ho hum.
Here, Joe, I think it went something like this:
In pizza, you spin the dough up over your head…
In politics, you get head from lobbyists and take their dough…
Ahhh … the Pizza gambit!
Nicely done sir.
A rainy good morning from Boulder County, Pan!
Wow, Tuesday didn’t entirely suck. Amazing.
Wednesday… The third Monday of the week.
JaJ Are you around?
ZP responds to some the people who didn’t like his SSBB review:
So five minutes in today’s shift and it’s as if I’ve never been on holiday..sigh.
Dear Ed,
Re: Pizza.
My 360 only occationally pisses itself too. LOL
I’m trying to decide between GTA 4 on the 360 or PS3.
My 360 being a bit unreliable (and not having the decency to fail so I can get it fixed)is leaning me towards the latter option.
I’m afraid if I got GTA my son would some how get a hold of it, so I’ll wait another 6 six years after he’s 16. LOL
If you only intend to play GTA as a single player, I’d pick it up for the PS3. Otherwise 360.
Wndr – No. 😕
Ever have one of those day’s where someone else fails to take care of something and you get one of those emergency phone calls that leaves you rushing out to get a bottle of Ranch dressing and take it to them only along the way you end up following a white rabbit down a hole and … No?
Well, take it from me – what happens is you end up trying to post your podcast at noon instead of 8am.
JaJ No problem
actually … I just realized I don’t know how to spell your last name!
That laudanum is powerful stuff.
Crikey, sounds like a WW2 fighter plane.
That’s really odd Mr. Mangan … it would seem that his name is my name too.
I hope that’s not my AKA!
They are worse fates.
or fetes if you feel medieval.
My ass is feeling a bit medieval today.
TCP can be good for that.
however, it is TPC that can make it that way.
(very obscure reference. let’s see who gets the bonus points)
An Irish friend of mine on the East Coast introduced me to Steeleye Span. Cool stuff.
And this is comment 300!
TPC was the evil organization in … anyone, anyone?
sorry to hold the suspense. I keep getting called away.
I believe the movie was “Our Man Flint” and in the end they discover that the evil organization is “The Phone Company”. Yes, there used to be just one.
You just roont a movie I wanna see…thanks a lot!
*stomps away*
Is that the one where you find out that’s it a computer that actually runs the country?
Wrong James Coburn film, that was ‘The President’s Analyst’ ..,something like that.
Movies aside, Morning Pan, the sun is shining and I’m going to pour myself a cup of tea as I await the new DP episode.
Morning Pan, and after rain there is sun…and it looks like it’s going to be a lovely day.
….and the day is rapidly approaching where I will be the answer to Life, The Universe, aand Everything.
Lucky unshow 13! Who wants a plum?
That sounds very healthy for the bowels Ed or is that prunes?
I always get them mixed up.
I’m too sixy for this post.
Seven, the number of perfection…..unless you want a Chevy Volt.
Friend and I are both interested in them as a next car, but we stumbled upon this depressing article. You probably don’t need to go much beyond the executive summary. After a couple of pages, he seems to keep repeated the same stuff with different charts and graphs.
Bottom line – not everyone gets an electric car.
TSH: re: your reply to me in the last comment thread: No, of course I don’t think you’re mean people.
Number 9
Number 9
Ed – I looked at the article and I see it as more of a “Your Chevy Volt is half charged not half discharged” scenerio.
I am encouraged that the lithium shortage has been identified so early and that alternative solutions have already been researched!
Once again, if we’d commit this countries FULL science prowess (and funding) to the problem we’d have it solved in years and NOT decades.
Ten, yo.
I’ll take a plum.
Awww EseBee, You’re a peach! 🙂
i can’t feel my legs…
I can’t get anyone ELSE to feel my legs …
It’s production day for me and I am pro …
First of May, First of May!
Minneapolis weather sucks today.
So I’ll just have to go down to the Varsity,
And see Jonathan Coulton in concert with Paul and Storm!
Okay, as song parodies go, not so good, the rhyme scheme disappears as does any sort of meter.
But it still accurately represents my day…
You too could maybe have a Coulton day later on, though:
Friday May 2 at 7 PM
Majestic Theater (Madison, WI) with Paul and Storm
Saturday May 3 at 7:30 PM
Lakeshore Theater (Chicago, IL) with Paul and Storm
Thursday May 15 at 7 PM
Brickhouse Theater (Phoenix, AZ) with Paul and Storm
Saturday May 17 at 9 PM
Lestat’s Coffee House (San Diego, CA) with Paul and Storm
Sunday May 18 at 9 PM
House of Blues Sunset Strip (Los Angeles, CA) with Paul and Storm
Saturday June 21 at 7:30 PM
Highline Ballroom (NYC) with Paul and Storm
JOe, get cracking!
J. Coulton *swoon*
CRACK !!!!
That’s great thinking EseBee! I shall go see if I can procure some!
It’s the coming of Spring!
Just say no. Just say JOe.
ditto – Spring looks like snow out my window this morning.
Guess there won’t be any frakin’ outside!
First of May, First of May
Aching blues balls start today.
So anyway, I thought I mentioned I’ve taken up running a few months back to help me get back in shape. So here’s the status report for this 5′-11 and change male.
The heaviest I’ve ever weighed was 198lbs, back around 2002. I switched to diet soda and was 186lbs back this December. Two and a half months of running the new total is! ……. 172.5! I’m still about five pounds from my goal. Who knew that with diet and exercise, you could actually loose weight? That’s just crazy talk.
A funny aside, I had my wedding ring increased in size last summer because my fingers where getting fat. Now it’s loose when soap gets on it in the shower. Ring size is a moving target.
There may be here. Its niice. Gonna share “First of May” with the coworkers.
Rhett, mine falls off easily too. Who would have thought that I’d loose fat in my fingers.
Lord of the Un
Jeremy, if I have to get sized back to it’s original, I’ll laugh. 🙂
Never had a problem with fat finger, fat tends to cluster in other places.
Cute Fables drawing from AA
Alcoholics Anon? Ack Ack? Automobile Association? Anti Alias?
Ah Aaron Alexovich
Rhett – I guess you’ll need to be careful when you bend over to get the soap … er, I mean for more the your usual reason.
Bah Baaron Balexovich
Cah Caaron Calexovich
Dah Daaron Dalexovich
Yeah JOe, if my ring falls off in the shower, I should take a good look around before I pick it up. LOL Seems like I remember a device in Naked Gun that offered good protection from this problem.
I must confess, “1st of May” is probably my least favorite Coulton song. Throwing the word “fuck” in something does not automatically make it art.
But, everyone else, feel free to enjoy it. Art is mostly a matter of personal taste and I begrudge no one for feeling differently than I do about it.
I wouldn’t call it art. I just think it’s a fun song.
I think it’s a silly song, designed from the ground up for it’s shock value. Sweet love songs aren’t supposed to be obscene. Once you get the joke, it doesn’t stand up to repeat listens. But hey it’s only once a year.
Yeah, that’s about how often I listen to it. 🙂
Same here. LOL
er…me too.
Ed – I’m in your camp on the FOM song.
So Ed, you’re saying that First of May is the worst of J?
ok, that was a stretch.
You don’t like Garfunkel?
Well he was tall compared to the little guy.
..and sung Bright Eyes, almost an unforgivable sin.
A rather nifty asteroids clone:
for windows but works in WINE.
A Lunar Lander clone by the same guy:
MMMM Free gelato from the gelato place downstairs!
How about e-mailing me some of the gelato!
But he was ART! 😉
But was he hi Art?
Well that was back in the late 60’s so he probably was.
Doobie do be do
You are just one small step from Magic Moments.
My ankles have turned to mush
Goodnight ankles.
What’s going on, Dub?
Yehaw! Mush! Mush!
Dub – I sympathize as someone with chronic ankle pain because of a basketball injury. Ice those mushy pups.
Saw this human oddity at the shopping centre:
Yeah? How much?
Was she on the shaving cream aisle?
*My inappropriate comment was deleted for your bennifit prior to posting*
According to my nephew, she just sits on a bench in the shopping centre for hours at a time just watching the world go by.
That’s strange Van.
Cool video Jeremy and a little creepy.
flesh feel funny… I giggle every time poke a dead body with a stick. Next time just leave it in the cooler.
Deadpan is the mother flapping way.
The mother of all flappers?
Would that be some girl from the 1920’s, or Big Bird?
Amy Bowen
I work in Louisville
We should do lunch
or something
Wow, what a talented bunch of people people, working together to make. . . . . . yeah. . .
Well that’s my ear drums blown.
Flapper – somebody who talks and talks and talks.
Today’s icky moment of the day:
Going to getting a bowl of cereal and stepping in a pool of cat piss.
Although to be fair to the cats it could be dog piss.
Indiana Jim
We should! I’ll be in touch.
Good morning Deadpan.
It’s Friday.
Welcome to the first day of the last spin you will put on the ball in your pockets to get the rest of the English.
and now …
Indian Jim’s e-mail, re-duex!
“I live in lunchville.
We should do Louis”
Thank you! Thank you very much!
No, you’re too kind. Thank you.
Remember to tip your wait staff and enjoy the rest of the Deadpan.
I’ll not subject you to my entire post, but you can see my reaction to the show last night over at assuming WP doesn’t consign this to moderation for using an LJ link…
Okay, I posted a link to my LJ which didn’t pass WP’s filter. It’s johnboze dot livejournal dot com and you can read of the Coulton show and my running into an old friend and her husband, Bill Corbett of MST3K fame…
Good one, JOe.
Happy Friday, Pan.
Deadpan is the mammal humping way.
We got hammered by storms last night. Fortunately we missed the baseball sized hail.
On Wednesday I traveled to CadCamp at the Spokane Convention center, and had a lot of fun. But I decided to do it the Jesus way and walk… He was better at it though. I know its only two miles, but its the only two miles I’ve walked in three years… Today its my ankles AND my hips. Overall it was just a very bad idea. But at least I saved $5 on parking and reduced my carbon footprint.
Of course the downside is that I WANT TO DIE, but I feel that way most days anyway, so at least I’m feeling like I broke out of my shell a bit and did something I never do. And the convention was fun. They served super expensive food for free… all of which was allergic to, so I had to walk another mile to get fries and a frosty from Wendy’s for lunch. But that gave me a chance to slip into Hollywood Video to rent Cloverfield, so that wasn’t too bad.
Cloverfield sucked by the way.
I knew it!
These kids today.
Guess what came in the mail from Netflix yesterday? Yep, Eraserhead. LOL I spose I should archive it for a later viewing.
That’s kinda funny, Rhettro.
I thought so too. 🙂 I better send it back so I can get Southland Tales soon.
I still have Charlie the Beer Guy’s copy of Eraserhead.
I’m also due to return the Netflix discs I’ve had since December to get Southland Tales.
Hmmm, we’ve been Bunniless for awhile now, haven’t we. . . . ?
I love the way the Netflix works that way, huh Jack…
Dropped your name when talking with Bill Corbett at the show last night, regarding your interviewing Mike Nelson early in the Deadpan…
C’mon, Deadpan, entertain me! I took yesterday and today off work and I must enjoy my midday internet access. At work all web addresses point to a form to fill out for IS descirbing what functional need you have for accessing the site in question…
Thanks JB! I haven’t heard from Mike Nelson in a long while.
Looks like we have some empty seats today.
I guess… Quiet time in the Daycare starts pretty soon, should be nice…
*Tap Dances for JB*
*confuses Mike Nelson with Nelson Mandela*
*confuses Ozzy Nelson with Ozzy Osbourne*
*confuses Ozzy Osbourne with Norman Osborn*
*confuses both with Charles Nelson Reilly*
shoot, I do a search to make sure I spell Reilly correctly, and ditto slips in and throws off my comedic timing…..
You know, Ed, it still works. Ozzy & Norman combined to make CNR? Hi-larious!
So today went to visit Hever Castle:
Lovely grounds and a lake, the weather behaved itself too.
Sorry, JB – couldn’t be entertaining for your lunch break! We could have talked about boobing or something.
Is taling about boobing allowed?
Are we tallying all the boobs now?
Two is more than a handful.
Heaver Castle.
Tallying Boobs
So, Jack, you think you’ll go get some Coulton on Thursday, May 15?
I highly recommend it, especially forthe interaction with the opening band, heck for Paul and Storm as much as JoCo…
Oh, not my lunch break, EssBee, I’ve got the whole day off!
Let the boobing commence.
I don’t know if I can legally talk about boobing within an operating daycare…
I’m sitting here boobing at work. I guess I’m e-boobing.
i love boobs
I am so glad i have my own handy set attached to me
Hugh sez: I am so glad I have my own handy set attached to you!
boob you later pan!
Ah, a Smarty Hottie drive-by boobing.
All those little things I miss during my workdays..
calc u later
EssBee is e-boobing at work? Doesn’t sound like such an evil empire to me.
I won’t tell you where the frikken laser beams are, then, Jack.
Does this mean we’re switching to head jokes now?
Well you should be safe unless your first name is richard and your second name is head.
Now THAT would be an ill-tempered sea bass. . . .
Oh, Surely Mr. Richard Q. Farnsworth Head wouldn’t be alone as a source of jocularity. I’m certain that Messrs. Blow, Wad and Weed would be in on the action as well.
That’s it – Tee Morris needs to feature the law firm of Head, Blow, Wad & Weed in his next Billabub adventure. Of course, all the partners would need to be named Richard….just to keep it simple.
If something is uncanny, does that mean that all of the cans have been removed?
So I decided to watch Labyrinth tonight, the 80s David Bowie one, not Pan’s Labyrinth.
So here follow the official “Lost” Play by Play and Lessons Learned of Labyrinth.
(Maybe it was lost, maybe it was intentionaly left in the dirty laundry.)
I await with bated breath
“Lost†Play by Play and Lessons Learned of Labyrinth
Oh joy the female protagonist is a spoiled bitch, aren’t movies supposed to have warning labels for this kinda content?
Apparently fairies are little cute pests, kinda like chihuahuas. I wonder if Raid kills them?
Note: Whenever I’m lost in a labyrinth I should listen to any nearby worms. Also ask detailed questions about his directions before walking away from the worm. Maybe I should enjoy that cup of tea he keeps offering.
Conversely if I ever build or operate a labyrinth invest in pest control so random worms don’t give away any secrets.
Oh look the pit crew robots from Phantom Menace used to be little pixie-like creatures stuck in a maze. Overexposure to 80s hairspray explains why they were so dumb in the 90s.
Bowie was apparently contracted to do a musical. Too bad everyone else is trying to do a movie.
Note: Carry shiny jewelry in case I’m ever lost in an oubliette, so I can bribe any nearby gnome like creatures to help me. 50 cent toys from vending machines will work, no reason to spring for the $1 walmart crap.
I man in grey tights giving fashion advice. I wonder if he signs his name as David “kettle” Bowie.
Note: Cleaners work better with soap and water, would help keep down on those unsightly spiderwebs and get rid of unwanted guests.
“The Bog of Eternal Stench” ultimate smell that never washes off. Is that where they make perfume?
“It’s not fair, but that’s the way it is”, a jewel of wisdom, my time spent watching this movie has now been validated.
She throws like a girl.
Ludo is a hippy because he has long hair and slouches. What are goblins republican, or are republicans goblins?
Yay! Random singing muppets. Although maybe they should ask David for help in writing their lyrics, or call Kermit he knows some good song writers.
The Bog of Eternal Stench, light a match. Reminds me of some bathrooms I’ve been in.
Apparently bureaucrats can’t smell the stench, at least I think the fox is a bureacrat, he talks like one.
“Oh, Goblin King I can’t stop looking at your eyes, who does your makeup?”
Aw, her bubble popped.
And now we visit the local Goblin wal-mart a pile of junk.
Man, even goblins have mechs, when can I get one?
Damn gnome broke it.
Ah the finest in goblin architecture.
And here comes the army, decorating by explosives, my favorite style.
It looks like they got the leftover armor the Mordor orcs didnt want.
Cool they even have “smart bombs” *snicker*
“Rocks! My brothers, rise up and fight those that have kept you under foot for so long! ”
Strike! Self-guided bowling balls, I want one.
And now we come to the castle.
Architecture by Eschure (sp?).
Ambient music by Emo Bowie.
Apparently leaps of faith break the castle, this is why your mother always told you not to jump on the bed.
The Goblin King did everything for her, stole the child, tortured her. He sounds kinda like a stalker to me…
And now for the denoument…
The baby is safe back in his crib, and she has learned to share.
it tears at the heart strings.
Party at Sarah’s!
I wonder if goblins have any good beer.
And thus end the movie and this play by play with yet another song.
And during Bowies final monologue all I could think of was this picture by R.K. Milholland.
Hopefully that was at least more entertaining than filling out your tax return.
And now I’m off to bed, goodnight Deadpan, goodnight mush.
Wow. LR returns in a big way!
Wow, it’s almost as if Jennifer Connelly and David Bowie were in my house. With a bunch of Muppets. And Skeksis.
Nicely done, LostRalph! w00t
Time check
Damn time zones. May 3rd here.
Morning Pan,
the guy with the strange agricultural implement is beckoning to move one step forward across the chessboard of life.
I’m off to see the King Tut exhibition.
Extra points if you can spell his full name without resorting to using internet search engines.
Who, Tutankhamun?
Oh yeah, I rock!
Tho I admit fully to checking AFTER hitting “Submit comment”
So, where’s all those late-nite hijinks?
Smarty Hotties and A&A’s bantering around?
It’s two in the morning, do you know where your innuendo is?
It’s 8AM and I still don’t know where my innuendo is. Is it as hard to find as the little man in the boat?
It’s 6:45 a.m., and it’s way too early on a Saturday for innuendo.
Going to a 6 year old’s birthday party today. I have to choose which Spice Girl I am.
Hi, LostRalph – it was like I was watching the movie with you. Nice one!
Cool, Van. We want to see the Tut exhibit too. Unfortunately I spent a good chunk last night cleaning up the wife’s laptop from spyware. I don’t know what happened, but it was some combination of visiting the Tut site and having to install a special player.
“Unfortunately I spent a good chunk last night cleaning up the wife’s laptop from spyware.”
hmmmm…. this looks fun.
“Unfortunately I spent a good spy last night cleaning up the wife’s chunktop from lapware.”
“Unfortunately I spent a good lap last night cleaning up the wife’s spytop from chunkware.”
“Unfortunately I spent a good laptop last night cleaning up the wife’s chunkware from spy.”
got distracted with my wordplay.
Meant to add my thanks to LR for tking us into the Labrynth with him .
EseBee – tell us what you want, what you really really want.
Way to go LR. Good Labrnth wrap up. I sit at work on Saturday, 🙁 . Two hours to go.
I guess I’m playing too much Call of Duty 4 lately. I read JJ mistype as
“Meant to add my thanks to LR for Team Killing us into the labrynth with him”
Which reminds me, it’s time to go shoot some people…
The exhibition was cool, if a bit small (there was some padding).
I feel old, but not as old as King Tut.
Born in Arizona, moved to Babylonia, King Tut
“hmmmm…. this looks fun.”
No, not really. And she got it from some site, not the official one.
I went with Nerdy Spice. Serenity t-shirt and cords!
I’ll tell ya what I want, what I really, really want!
Glad ya’ll liked the play by play. It just seemed like a movie that needed commentary.
EssBee cracked me up. LOL
Just back from “Iron Man” … well back from Iron Man and Martini’s.
Really fun movie.
… more later.
NBA playoffs Round 2 predictions from Hugh
Magic vs pistons – Pistons
jazz vs lakers – jazz (fuck you lakers)
spurs vs hornets – Spurs (*ginoblli swooooooooon*)
cavaliers vs still undecided – I don’t fucking care who it is, cavaliers is my choice
Deadpan 91 play by play continues….
T. Morris
metal as fuck
not a lot of comedy
before we return to podtaint and before we finish in bunnies drawers
my bitch better have my money
every sperm is great
you can’t fight in here, this is the war room
gone from suck to blow
bunnies drawers *swoooon*
medicated cream
cool whip
Final set of nipples for the week
Energizer bunny – CW
Psion Andy – israel, robots, roberts
vanamonde – people are accountable
rhettro – chuckles
rhettro – no apologies
Greasy Spoon Nipples Udder Bangles Susanna Hoffs Dickens Comments Cockles Spooges Comment-a-palooza shitzus donkus nose hairs nipples Comments solo nipples privates nipples through Ep 91 rounds 1-3
Smarty Hotties® – 18
justa j0e – 13
The Energizer Bunny – 13
Vanamonde – 11
Mr ditto swooon – 10
Rhettro – 10
Dubshack – 9
Ed From Texas – 7
Leann 2.0 – 5
Jeremy- 4
Alvie – 3
Rhettro – 3
Thomas – 3
Jackamo – 3 (even though it doesn’t count according to him)
WNDR wolfie – 2
Addie in boulder – 2
Lost Ralph – 2
Amy Bowen – 2
Trucker Overdrive – 2
disgruntled scientist – 2
psion andy – 1
Dear Jack
We are sorry you witnessed such evil fucking shit among your fellow podcasters
its amazing what happens to ordinary people with a few online fans.
dre and hugh
I feel like starfuckers, Inc needs to be playing in the background
Dear Jack
We always find Deadpan funny 🙂
dre and hugh
last week : vanamonde
this week: vanamonde
pointless babbling
Jack is looking forward
he aint coming back after the music
Is Jack coming back after the music?
Hugh sez: yes
Dre sez: no
goodnight shum!
cool whip
he came back!
I win!!!!
Dre sez: Hughie won again!!!!!
Dre sez: Did everyone celebrate free comic book day today?
Our free comic choices were:
Del Rey and Dabel bros
Atomic robo
comics go hollywood
the stranded
bongo comics
then after we got our free comics we got sushi
I’ve decided to cash in my winnings now.
I’m feeling no pain at this moment, so its a good time
Dre sez: nighty night
This is so, so, wrong:
Metal can never be wrong Vanamonde.
Iron Man was great
I missed free comic book day. 🙁
🙁 and last but not least,
Hey, Van, you go see the Anime All-nighter?
Alas no, nephew didn’t want to go.
So going taking him to see Ironman tomorrow.
So, “Iron Man”.
15 minutes in … my date say’s “It’s a comic book.”
It is. If you are okay with that in a film (meaning the normal laws of physics and such don’t apply) then this film is a lot of fun.
Unlike the last Bond film, I never found myself wondering how much longer this was going to go on.
Unlike the last Spiderman vehicle or a lot of the CGI action flicks … I felt like the computer generated stuff was there to support the scenes it appears in and wasn’t the purpose of the scene itself.
The plot line might not be original … but it was presented in a very entertaining fasion!
I say Bully for Iron Man!
ps: I liked the music too!
Yes I’m looking forward to see that movie jj
I was hoping to be “review-esque” without being “spoiler-tainty”
If the FPM servers weren’t so slow today I might be able to do my show. Otherwise I’m just bored. Which for me is a huge waste of production time.
So I got a question for all the tch and photo gurus in deadpan land.
My little sister is going to NYC next month and I would like to get her an external hard drive to transfer all of her digital pictures to for safekeeping. I’m sure devices like this exist, but if any of you can give me personal experience notes I would appreciate it. I’m pretty sure her camera uses an SD, or microSD card. She doesn’t have a laptop, obviously, or i’d just get her a 2nd SD card.
So if any of you have any advice, or sugesstions I would appreciate it. Or if you have any other suggestions in terms of a travel kit for a 14 year old girl traveling to NYC with her class, I’m all ears, or eyes since this is all text.
tch = tech by the way.
But how would she transfer the photos to the hardrive? I think more SDs are the way to go.
But I’ll look around.
Considering how cheap SD cards are these days, the extra SD might be the best option. Unless your sister is planning on taking thousands of photos.
Man, none of those hard drive backups looked terribly appealing. I can’t believe companies have the gall to still be making USB 1.1 devices, especially for 10+ GB size drives!
Definitely go for the extra SD cards.
Happy Cinco de Mayo Deadpan!
Happy Cinco de Mayo, and Happy Monday, Pan!
My old boss used to say that Cinco de Mayo was spanish for have another margarita. LOL
Lost Ralph, I agree with the others, get a few more SD cards in the 1Gig or higher range. That’s more than enough space for several thousand pictures.
Okay Ironman = fun, fun, FUN.
But I’m not a fan of the Ironman comic so you may hate it if you are,
As JJ mentioned, anybody who likes their movies to obey the laws of physics, switch off the analytical part of your brain before entering the cinema.
Oh and stay after the credits have run, there is a short segment that YOU need to see.
I believe movie physics are covered by Einstein’s Extra Special Relativity Theory.
I think I’ve said it before but I’ll repeat it anyway. My feeling is as long as the movie follows it’s own rules it creates, then I don’t really care. Take a movie like Torque for example. Okay it’s not a good movie, the physics are far beyond laughable. But it’s consistant in that it wants to be a comic book/music video all the way through. It doesn’t even pretend that the action sequences are going to make sense. I’m fine with that. I did find it jarring in Xmen 3 when Magneato moved the entire Golden Gate bridge to walk to the island. He could have moved everyone over by their belt buckles, rings, car keys. For the tone of X3, I think that would have been better.
“My feeling is as long as the movie follows it’s own rules it creates, then I don’t really care. ”
Yep. My date for the movie is an actual “rocket scientist” – which is why she had to make the statement “This is a comic book”.
The fact that (once she had stated this) she was able to forget about that and really enjoy the film is why I go out with her ! 🙂
That’s cool JOe, as long as she isn’t a disgrunted rocket scientist. You don’t want a rocket crashing down in your front lawn. 😉
I was considering taking the little ones to Iron Man, but there really wasn’t any time for it. I also wanted to find out more about the PG-13.
As long I don’t feel insulted by the movie, I can deal.
Dammit, I missed Free Comic Book day.
Don’t feel too bad, Jack. I didn’t even know there was a free comic book day.
Ironman gets the ol’ thumbsoup from me.
…and there is no free comic book day on this side of the pond.
So there was trailers for Speed Racer and the new Indy movie.
Speed Racer looks a bit naff.
Harrison Ford is looking old but the movie looks cool…really looking forward to this one.
Oh and Karen Allen still looks good.
I really WANT Speed Racer to be good … but I find the trailers to be nearly un-viewable – a mishmash smear of colour and movement. Can’t see shelling out cash for that unless it comes in tablet form.
Seems that Speed Racer IS a kids movie.
Looks like I’ll be seeing Iron Man in the next few weeks or so. I plan on taking my son to Speed Racer.
If a movie is good I don’t care if it’s aimed at children.
The two Toy Story movies springs to mind.
I liked the original “Muppet Movie” (didn’t see the follow-ons).
Anyone else getting NIN’s “The Slip” today?? Mine just got done. Getting ready to listen.
Where can I get me some?
Well we’ve gone from wife’s sister being in a serious car wreck and in the hospital to wife’s sister’s cousin’s ex-father-in-law being run over by a logging truck and killed.
Drive by message for Amy Bowen….
You did a GREAT job on Morevi!!! I was nice to hear your voice in the episode!
Drive by message for Amy Bowen……
You did a GREAT job on Morevi!!! I was nice to hear your voice in the episode!
What a tumbleweed day.
Dub – that’s fucked up. Holy crap. Hope the wife’s sister heals quickly.
Go Amy Bowen!! And hey, someone named Jessica also makes a guest appearance in that episode. . . . .
For those of you who have been wondering what the LCMoD has been up to (and you should … you should ALWAYS wonder what the LCMoD is up to) you can read about it at
JOe – I checked out your website, and it’s awesome! I still don’t know what LCMoD is, though.
Dub – hang in there! Sorry to hear about your family stuff.
Dub: My condoleyournces, and I hope your sister-in-law gets well soon.
Amy: Good performance as one of the voices of Nadinath. The Deadpan ambassador is not representing in Morevi! 😀
EssBee: LCMoD is the Leather Clad Mistress of Deadpan. You too can have your own AKA name by asking Jack for one.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions, and help looking for ways to archive pictures. I think Van had it right, and I might as well just buy extra SD cards. Looking at the prices and reviews I could just buy a 4th gen Ipod and transfer widget from eBay. Thank you for the link though Jeremy, it was very helpful.
Now I wonder if I can find a pink SD card storage case…
Women and pink..aaarrrrgggghhh.
Sad news Dub.
I’m travelling back home today, and the backtoworktomorrow blues are kicking in.
Ralph- yes indeed the SD cards is the way to go. I personally own more SD cards than any human should really be allowed to own.
They are way easier and cheaper than anything out there.
Even with my MacBook that comes with me anyway, I still will bring handfuls of SD cards. Whether on vacation or a photo shoot with a client, it’s just easier to use the SD as the permanent storage. If you happen to view some images on your laptop, keep the SDs and comb through them thoroughly when you are back home with time.
thats how I do it anyhoo
and not sure if it comes in pink, but I own a bunch of these cases. I love them.
hmmm.. touché wordpress
lemme try again…
not sure if they come in pink, but I own lots of these. I love them.
sorry Ralph
I tried to post a link to a storage case I personally love and it won’t let me
its the Hakuba storage wallet, it comes in colors but not sure if pink is one of them.
Hugh is sleeping soundly
I am going to attempt to join him in the realm of the sandman
And, Good morning. Thanks to Rhettro, I now know more than I’ll ever need about AAAAAAA!
Fatality at Grantham, causing severe delays meant the train I was booked on was cancelled. . Had to run to catch the earlier train that was delayed but not cancelled.
I’m not built for running.
Morning, everyone. Sorry, LCMoD. I should have gotten that! I am terrible at working out acronyms!
I’m trying to record something for Deadpan — I’m nervous!
Thanks for the site “love” EseBee! As for asking Jack for an AKA name … I think you already have one 😉
I’m currently listening to the latest NIN.
Do you think it would help if someone took Trent out for a Rootbeer float ?
Well that sounds very mysterious JJ, Essbee’s AKA name that is and not the float.
Journey home turned out to be unevenetful after the journey started, just as public transport journeys should be.
Ah, sorry. Not as good as a mystery.
I meant that I had already given her the AKA that I liked … “Easy Bee”
I don’t think she has asked Jack for an OFFICIAL Deadpan AKA yet.
… has anybody seen the top half of my mono-pod?
I can’t find it anywhere around here.
It isn’t related to a monopole?
Ah ha! Found it!
Van – only in it’s singularity.
In the process of searching for it though, I was again PAINFULLY reminded of the sheer volume of STUFF that I have around here. I have GOT to frakken let go!
I haven’t! I’m just EssBee, AKA Easy Bee, AKA . . .?
While I’m not offended by it per se, maybe the new AKA could leave off the “easy” or “EZ”? I like to have fun like all the girls, but that just gives the wrong impression.
JK – y’all can call me anything you want, as long as you call.
Don’t be nervous about the call, EssBee. We’re all friends just hanging out around the deadpan. I look forward to your voice and content.
The worst that can happen is that you end up with an experience for a future dumb ass memory – so it’s a win-win 🙂
You’ll be fine.
on a differrent note … that I won’t expound on, may I just say
Thank You. That is all.
Speaking of dumb ass memories, I need to phone mine in.
I already have some possibly(?) funny thoughts for an EssBee AKA name, if you want one. Let me know.
Yes Ed, I think Rhett’s “AAAAAA” link pretty much sums it up.
^^^ Oh, and I liberated The Smarty Hotties SD storage link from murgatory.
Of course I want one!
“Everybody wants one” – Lover Boy (sort of)
Everybody’s going of the deep end.
Heh, this is from our weekly newspaper’s blog:
National rugby team getting naked.
Then a few comments down someone tell my team that the bar has been raised! Funny.
Time goes by like a slow crawling slimy thing when you install SP3 for XP on an old laptop.
Possibly a slug…
I should probably install SP3 on my machine when I get home.
Joe Just got your email. Yes I’ll do it if you haven’t found someone else.
Jeremy and WNDRWolf have both been freed from murgatory.
Stupid murgatory.
Van, don’t pour salt on that slimy old laptop.
OK – before I bail – i have to do the hockey thing.
I went 3 for 4 in the second round of the playoffs! (stupid Flyers)
I’ll make conference predictions sometime before Thursday.
And speaking of hockey, a quote from John Buccigross’s latest column:
“The most important word in the English language is love. The second most important word is sacrifice. The third most important word is forgiveness. And the fourth most important is mozzarella.”
In Hockey you put spin on your opponent and tell them to puck off while you skate towards a net.
In politics …
nope … I cannot remember how the original joke goes. 😕
Jessica, Jack, Dub, LostRalph: Thanks for the compliments!
Jessica: Nice work as both Josephine and my fellow priestess. (Was that you in Morevi: RM Chapter 11, or are you going to be in another upcoming episode?)
Mozzarella…Mmmmmmm! rubbery goodness…
Morning Pan, back to worktoday, ho hum.
Here, Joe, I think it went something like this:
In pizza, you spin the dough up over your head…
In politics, you get head from lobbyists and take their dough…
Ahhh … the Pizza gambit!
Nicely done sir.
A rainy good morning from Boulder County, Pan!
Wow, Tuesday didn’t entirely suck. Amazing.
Wednesday… The third Monday of the week.
JaJ Are you around?
ZP responds to some the people who didn’t like his SSBB review:
So five minutes in today’s shift and it’s as if I’ve never been on holiday..sigh.
Dear Ed,
Re: Pizza.
My 360 only occationally pisses itself too. LOL
I’m trying to decide between GTA 4 on the 360 or PS3.
My 360 being a bit unreliable (and not having the decency to fail so I can get it fixed)is leaning me towards the latter option.
I’m afraid if I got GTA my son would some how get a hold of it, so I’ll wait another 6 six years after he’s 16. LOL
If you only intend to play GTA as a single player, I’d pick it up for the PS3. Otherwise 360.
Wndr – No. 😕
Ever have one of those day’s where someone else fails to take care of something and you get one of those emergency phone calls that leaves you rushing out to get a bottle of Ranch dressing and take it to them only along the way you end up following a white rabbit down a hole and … No?
Well, take it from me – what happens is you end up trying to post your podcast at noon instead of 8am.
JaJ No problem
actually … I just realized I don’t know how to spell your last name!
That laudanum is powerful stuff.
Crikey, sounds like a WW2 fighter plane.
That’s really odd Mr. Mangan … it would seem that his name is my name too.
I hope that’s not my AKA!
They are worse fates.
or fetes if you feel medieval.
My ass is feeling a bit medieval today.
TCP can be good for that.
however, it is TPC that can make it that way.
(very obscure reference. let’s see who gets the bonus points)
*takes away Rhett’s samurai sword*
Titanic Purple Chub?
Turtle Podiatrist’s Clinic?
Teenage Pokemon Champion?
Tactical Penis Containment?
Hmmm… Looks like they sold out of companion cubes at the Valve store. LOL
Think I’ll resist the cubes, the zombie game looks like it will be good.
Well infected and zombie like:
But does it have brains?
Folk music, 70’s style:
Night Pan.
An Irish friend of mine on the East Coast introduced me to Steeleye Span. Cool stuff.
And this is comment 300!
TPC was the evil organization in … anyone, anyone?
sorry to hold the suspense. I keep getting called away.
I believe the movie was “Our Man Flint” and in the end they discover that the evil organization is “The Phone Company”. Yes, there used to be just one.
You just roont a movie I wanna see…thanks a lot!
*stomps away*
Is that the one where you find out that’s it a computer that actually runs the country?
Wrong James Coburn film, that was ‘The President’s Analyst’ ..,something like that.
Movies aside, Morning Pan, the sun is shining and I’m going to pour myself a cup of tea as I await the new DP episode.