771 thoughts on “Jack Mangan's Deadpan 94: Ctrl-F4”
Insert witty comment here —->
Wow, checked my iTunes first thing and no Deadpan, but I find this page and check iTunes again and it is dl’ing…
I’ll wait to hear about episode title before trying to work it out…
Oooh, a fifth of Deadpan comments.
And, my Ipod is ready to carry my out my Deadpan needs through the morning commute.
… and again I am to sixy for this post.
I’m out magazine hunting (they can be really sneaky). Won’t be able to listen to the latest DP till I get home.
I don’t think I’ve ever been this high in the list of comment before,,
Magazine? is that like one of those blog site things that come in pre-printed format?
Perfect 10, yo!
Morning, Pan.
Or, maybe I can’t count . . .
Alas no magazines, I really should purchase the ebook versions but I like having the physical version too much.
andy – the list can do that to you. 😉
meh – podthroat
I didn’t get up early enough to download the Pan for my commute. I’ll try to stealthily secure a copy on my work comp.
Anyone catch that piece of crap “Children of the Grave” last night? It was like Ghost Hunters, but really lame. With tons of visual effects and stuff. Not good for a “documentary” on ghost hunting.
I’ma gonna listen to Deadpan at werk too.
Jeremy – I watched 2 minutes of “Children of the Grave” and couldn’t stand it! Did you really watch the whole thing? My girl is a big “Most Haunted” fan, and I don’t really even care for that, so it was a bad bet for me from the get-go.
k, Deadpan downloaded and digested, no pepto needed. Cheers to disgruntled scientist, Amy and Jack Jaffe for their contributions. Oh and Jack was funny too. 😉
I do enjoy “Ghost Hunters” but all the others I could do without. I did like the GH spoof on Supernatural. “Ghost Facers!” LOL
Damn! And Vanamonde! Crap, the A.D.D. must be kicking in pretty bad this mornng.
Actually I have a good recent Dumb Ass Memory about having a friend purchase concert tickets and my A.D.D.
I prefer my ghosts to be fictional.
I’ve never seen a ghost.
So my horoscope for the day starts off:
“The nutty behavior that’s been happening in your social circle might be driving you nuts, but it doesn’t directly involve you — so don’t insert yourself into the drama today.”
Well that’s a relief. LOL
I also think “insert yourself into the drama” could be a new euphemism for something.
It’s times like this that I’m glad I don’t watch much television.
Yeah, me neither or heard one even. I have had some things happen that would fit into what I would call the paranormal though.
I’ve had dreams that have come true, but the events were so trivial (plots in TV shows for goodness sake) that I suspect it says more about rehashing of plots than anything paranormal.
My paranormal stuff is tame though, but the stories from my mother’s side of the family is straight out of the X-Files. The people telling the stories are all sincere, but not having first hand experience I can’t say what they thought happened actually happened. Strange tales to be sure though.
I am currently proving that I cannot listen to the Deadpan AND edit audio at the same time.
Everyone is familiar with the “stream of concious.” That is to say you have thoughts through out the day that lead you to different thoughts, but they are all connected. Well, when I was a teenager, I use to get these thoughts that were disconnected, like memories of events that hadn’t happened and they would be occompanied with the oddest emotion, like I wasn’t supposed to have them. But they always came true. I don’t know if my subconcious mind was just extra perceptive or what. In any event, I can’t explain it.
I did not watch the whole thing. I couldn’t. The guys were such tools too. Ech.
Interesting that we have Children of the Grave and Iron Man movies right now. Is War Pigs next?
I saw that CotG was on, but watched a bit of the David Gilmour concert before I did the Pan. His new stuff sounds more like Pink Floyd than the last few Pink Floyd albums.
Morning mehsh.
For whatever reason when I hear the name David Gilmour, I think of Paul Gilbert. Paul Gilbert had a concert on TV?!!! LOL
Gilbert and Sullivan
Ed Sullivan
Ed from Texas
Debbie does Dallas.
or er
Texas Longhorns
Longhorn Steakhouse
Foghorn Leghorn
Shoehorned Continuation:
Colonel Sanders.
Colonel Tigh
Ty Cobb
I don’t think I understand the rules.
Talking of Tetris, if you computer or phone can handle mid files, download some Gameboy tunes from:
Okay, in another shameless attempt to boost nipples, computers I have owned, in chronological order:
Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Bought it in 1983 with a student grant. Was an issue 2 model that was prone to overheating. Finally failed and WH Smiths (who sold computers in those days) replaced it with a brand new issue 3 model.
Still have that one in it’s original box.
Okay, in another shameless attempt to boost nipples, computers I have owned, in chronological order:
Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Bought it in 1983 with a student grant. Was an issue 2 model that was prone to overheating. Finally failed and WH Smiths (who sold computers in those days) replaced it with a brand new issue 3 model.
Although I bought a lot of games I only added one bit of hardware. A box that provided a joystick port and the ability to hit a button and save memory contents to tape.
Okay, in another shameless attempt to boost nipples, computers I have owned, in chronological order:
Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Bought it in 1983 with a student grant. Was an issue 2 model that was prone to overheating. Finally failed and WH Smiths (who sold computers in those days) replaced it with a brand new issue 3 model.
Although I bought a lot of games I only added one bit of hardware. A box that provided a joystick port and the ability to hit a button and save memory contents to tape.
Next one was an Atari ST, the STFM model with a single side 3.5 inch floppy. Later upgrade the ram to one meg and the internal floppy to dual sided. Also added an external floppy drive. Bought it in 1987, first computer I bought with my second job.
Sold it to so I could afford to buy a Supra modem, imported from the USA (v32bis…oooh the speed).
Next one was a PC, a IBM compatible with a 386DX (33Mhz) processor from a now defunct company called Micorsurgeons. No sound card, 2 megs of ram and a 20mb hard drive. Later added a soundcard.
Had an intermittent fault which would make it reset for no apparent reason. Eventually give it away to my brother-in-law.
Starting with the 486-100 forward were computers I assembled myself.
Next one was a Pentium 133Mhz IBM compatible. I added a voodoo 1 card to that which had a pass through cable for the old videocard as it didn’t support 2D graphic operations.
I’m now officially over getting high spec PCs, been using the Eee PC for a few months now, very low spec, but does almost everything I need a computer for now these days.
New games I leave to consoles, although the PC is still great for playing old games via emulation.
any news on Dub? I wanted to know how his Sister was?
That was funny but boy I sound crazy…
Oh crap – OK, time’s up – NHL Conference Finals predicitons:
Flyers over Penguins in 7. (But go Penguins)
Red Wings over Stars in 6. (But go Stars)
No idea – these are 2 tough series.
OK, mullet wig off. Back to other Deadpan topics 🙂
Well if the Red Wings get beat, I guess it would be okay if it was by the Stars. I lived in Dallas for almost a year once.
I dunno…… the Penguins are so damn good, I probably should pick them. I just think that they’re young enough to get flustered and frustrated by Biron.
OK, switching my pick. Pens in 7.
Oops – sorry, putting the mullet away.
Alright guys (and gals) fess up!
What are you doing for mother’s day?
having an affair
Going to see my mom and sanding/painting her patio chairs. JOe?
Sending an e-card from Neopets, probably. And making a good, long phone call, because typing the e-card idea made me realize just how lame it sounds.
Oh, hi Jack. I should email you. Are you on the road?
Sister is doing ok I guess. They took the catheter out so she’s peeing on her own. They never did tape her ribs, or do surgery on the lacerations. Never got a definite diagnosis on the shoulder, she still can’t feel her arm. But she pretty much still looks like a smurf, and I guess it might be a month or more before they release her from the hospital.
Just finished recording raw audio on FPR 9. Man if I had any less energy it would be a huge Steven Wright joke.
Alright, did anyone else read that Van had the STFM model of an Atari ST and try to figure out what the M stood for after “Shut The Fuck….”
Or am I just weird?
As for Mother’s Day, my parents are coming in to visit and my mom gets to see her grand daughter’s karate tournament.
sports- meh! Between hockey and basketball I tell you… Although I was watching LeBron today *swoooooon* he is purtey.. he strong like bull.. even though he was playing sub par. Hugh isn’t here to make any predictions. I will leave that to him 🙂
Mothers Day- Saturday we are taking my mom to dinner then over to my brothers house to be with her grandson, Sunday we are driving his mom out to the burbs and meeting up with the other siblings and her grandkids.
anyhoo. I didn’t come here to talk sports or mothers day…
I am giving you a ear bud via comments.. yeah yeah I know I should call it in.. Jack read this for me if you want 🙂
Our current music obsessions
Nine Inch Nails – Ghosts and The Slip
The Kills – Midnight Boom
Estelle- shine
Portishead- Third
Madonna – Hard Candy
The Presets – Apocalypso
Ladytron – Velocifero
goodnight pan
oh wait, a final thought…
My sugar is raw, sticky and sweet.
Think I will need a cold shower after that comment.
As for Mother’s day, it’s been and gone in the UK.
Best wishes for your sister Dub.
RE – Mothersday. I get a little more time. Mom is going with Dad to see his mother for mothersday. Sometime next week I’ll probably take her to lunch and then help my sisters plant some flowers or something at her house.
oh … and a “meh” for today and the rageing sinus infection I have seemed to have woken up with.
Oh no, JOe! Take care of that.
Happy Friday, Pan. I don’t know about y’all, but I sure as shit am happy I don’t have to come to work tomorrow.
I wish you sister a speedy recovery, Dub.
Ed, that’s awesome your daughter is doing well in karate.
I sure don’t want to come to work tomorrow, but I don’t think there is anyway to avoid it. Too many things stacked up around me. =P June should shape up to be a lot less taxing on me.
Seems as though I bruised my left index finger. I think that’s God’s way of punishing me for practicing black metal. LOL
okay … I went back to bed after that last post and now I feel much better. Good enough to at least make some coffee.
Now, to deal with the fact that I am hours behind for the day. 😕
I need a shower and a shave but I don’t really have time.
I’m either going to have to get a waterproof lap top or an assistant.
Back in the late 80’s I bought a 50cc Honda scooter, because all the cars in the same price range had reliability issues. LOL It’s tank held less than a gallon of gas and I would fill it up for 50 cents every 9 days or so. The gas station attendant used to joke with me about why I even bothered coming in to pay. But it got me thinking if gas prices really do go up to $15 a gallon, what recourse does the average American have to save money on his/her commute. Right now, I don’t think the economy of scale would save you money with the electric motorcycle, but an 80cc scooter could pay for itself in two years at current gas prices. Just doing a bit of brain storming.
I think I have just about hit nirvana. A few months ago I purchases a book as audio CD’s with the plan to import then and listen to them via my Ipod. I started off with the dumbass approach and just imported each CD as a set of tracks, which proved annoying.
I later learned about joining all the tracks on a CD into one file for importing. Definitely a big step up.
Today, I’ve learned that, with a bit of file manipulation, I can actually get my Auidobook CDs to show up in the audiobook section of Itunes/Ipod instead of mixed in with all my music. This is a pretty good link (though, I skipped a bunch of the steps as I thought they were overkill) to get you through it.
Ed! This is a virtual KISS for you. I am so happy to have that link re: audiobooks.
*justaJ0e dashes into the bar and steps between EssBee and Ed *
*then he dashes off down the hall of doors*
In what way is an “Audiobook” file different from a reg. file. That seems like a whole lotta trouble to make a sound file.
Thanks, Dickey! Welcome to Deadpanland.
Did I just see Justa J0e run through here?
*jaj emerges from the trap door behind the bar.*
Hi Dickey!
Welcome to the party.
Hi Dickey, welcome to the insanity. 😉 Uh-oh, my masters are looking my way. Got to put the chains back on. *whip crack*
So the Avengers is playing on the TV and Emma Peel is looking as delightful as ever.
It was a real downer that day I found out most of her fight scenes were done by a man in a wig.
Oh and a young John Wood (Falken from War Games) is playing an obsessive keeper of birds.
I find Emma very aPeeling.
Ah Emma is wearing her jumpsuit, a fight scene will be happening soon.
Mmmmm, jumpsuit…
You see some famous actors in the Avengers, Ron Moody (Fagan in the Oliver musical) is on screen now playing an eccentric prof.
Not sure what I’m gonna do with my night. Fox has a bit of a cold again, so Darcy went to the premiere of her play alone. She’s going out with some friends and staying in Little Canada overnight, so the men run the house tonight.
Ah Emma has just karate kicked one of the bad guys into a pool.
that right I am “TO” on this site. not Jack Jaffee.
There can be only one Jack…
Hey Dub… I having Sam do a reading of Bob. I haven’t heard from you so. I did want to hit you up for a reading with you sister in the still bad off. I glad to hear she is slightly better.
Are you happy the the clockwork ornge bit? I don’t think I got the lines just right?
Yes, I am on the road until Balticon… It is a full 4 weeks out. I start to o loopy after two weeks. I start making weird calls to Slice and Winging it… Going to try not doing that this time.
Another short fight sequence and the bad guys are defeated…wahoo!
Dimmu Borgir is hard on the index finger.
… and the tongue!
That last post was meant to be “tongue in cheek”
FPR 9 is now online. Given my new setup I basically decided to wing it. Hence the name of the show…
I dunno what to say about it, you guys are gonna have to tell me. *lol*
Tell you what to say about it?
There, I have completed my ADFD segment for Rachel Ruzzo, one of my Ten Things I do Without Pay over at my LJ, which is johnboze DOT livejournal DOT com
I missed the oppotunity to link the aged hand to a Sinbad movie and Doctor Who….
Are we going to hit 500 comments on this?
Well you never know.
It was Tom Baker.
It’s Kurt from dark age. I’m really enjoying that podcast. I don’t know what it is. But I’m hooked. I think it’s just the fact that there is utterly no pretension. It’s just a simple, fun popcorn novel. Congrats!
I’m really getting caught up in the characters.
Anybody got a link to where I could download Southland tales?
After today’s live wingin it taping I needed a place that was free of drama. I need a place for free expression of intelligent ideas came forth an abundance. A place resplendent in diverse thinking. I couldn’t find it so I’m posting on the deadpan.
I like boobs
Well, one nugget of wisdom that Wingin It (or at least Mennenga) has been right about – everything’s better with boobs.
So, my parents are in town for the weekend, which means free baby sitting for the wife and I. So naturally we went out on a date for Mother’s Day.
After dinner, we decided to check out the new Iron Man. I have essentially zero knowledge of the comics, so came in with only the trailers and various positive recommendations from pod and email land.
The wife and I had a blast with it and we had a crowd that was cheering and laughing out loud through the film – it was quite festive.
And, thank’s to FPR #9, I knew to stay to the end of the credits. Most excellent.
Like Jack says, everything is better with Sam Jackson. 🙂
As today’s WI… It appears the situation isn’t good. Supposedly there will be an announcement soon.
All I can say is, thank god for Jack Mangan.
Missed the live feed due to work.
Care to give details about what is wrong?
If you have a bittorrent client, then you can take your pick at:
Happy Mothers Day to all the Deadpan moms, and all wives/mothers of Deadpanites
and the dads who have to be moms sometimes,
and the people who step in as moms sometimes
and the people who mommy us constantly out of love
Hugh sez: and the wife who knows when I need her to mommy me even when I don’t
and the husband who can defuse the situation and make mothers day with my mom so pleasant
and the mother-in-law who loves me like her own
un beso grande
Feliz dÃa de madre panitos de muerte
Yeh …what she said, I second that!
Especially that last part about “Felix with the mad pants”. I don’t know what it was but it had a nice ring to it. 🙂
Google translates TSH’s last line as:
Happy mother’s day of death panitos
Which sounds rather ominous.
Well, Vanamonde, that was definitely an interesting read from Mr. Morgan (who I admit I’ve never heard of). I am thankfully that I’m not plugged in enough to such things to even know that there’s so much bickering among Sci-Fi/Fantasy writers.
I don’t read nearly as much as I used to and it seems most of what I do read these days tends to be continuations of works from authors that I started with years and years ago. I tend to rely on friends who are more plugged in to show me something new. I find, probably as a matter of coincidence as much as anything, that I tend more toward fantasy, though I’ve read plenty of Trek and Star Wars novels as well as “hard”(er) scifi. At the end of the day, it has to come down to the story and the characters, though. If those are missing, then I don’t care if you have “fantasy” FTL drives, or superconducting magnet driven rail guns.
And, Happy Mother’s Day!
Morning Deadpan!
The sun is shining brightly.
We’ll be seeing Iron Man later today.
Don’t forget to call your mummies and apologize for being the brats I know we all were when a kid 🙂
Now to catch up on the comments.
OH, and a big thank you to Jack. (He knows why.) The gesture was appreciated even if it didn’t seem like it at the time.
Going waaaay back in the comments. My first computer was a Radio Shack Colour Computer.
Jack, why for did WP eat my comment on my first computer?
Does it not like what I had?
Here is the wikipedia link (again). But I spaced it out so maybe it will keep it (which means you’ll have to put it into your browser instead of linking 🙁 )
Since I’m obviously alone in the pan, here is my tribute to Mother’s Day…
A pack of hungry wolves had suronded the skunk family. Mother skunk said, “Let us spray.”
A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean a mother.
I once knew an electrician, whenever he screwed up, his mother grounded him.
If your mother’s sister is against poker, does that mean your auntie is anti-ante?
When I talk about the insides of my computer, I think it makes my mother bored.
Do you think the mother of an English Philosopher’s was a simple person? Maybe it’s because she was Ockham’s raiser.
Why isn’t Mother’s Day and Labor Day celebrated at the same time?
The mother of the famous Mongolian leader used to read him The Little Engine That Could. He liked the part that said “I think I Khan, I think I Khan….”
One year, when I went out on Halloween night, I was upset when all I was getting were oats. I blame my mom for telling me to yell “trigger treats”
When she caught me playing with matches, my mother was flaming mad
After Jack sold the cow, he had to come home to his mother and spill the beans.
When you become a new mother, are you given roses and baby’s breath?
Ok, I have things to do.
Ah the Coco, in the UK they released a computer that was based on Motorola reference design called the Dragon 32:
Switch the music on…Hall of the Mountain King..nice!
Wow, are we ever going down memory lane..
Well, must call my mother, then off to the movie
So TEB, did you stay after the credits and what did you think of the movie?
On the WI thing, those of us listening got freaked out as it appeared Brian walked out in the middle of recording, and just before the live feed was cut off he was heard saying “I’m done, this isn’t fun anymore.”
I said there I wasn’t for sure but it sounded planned to me, and everyone said if it was planned it was awefully damned convincing and not very funny.
Supposedly there will be an announcement next week about what is going on. But I did get an email from Brian last night, and I dunno if he’s trying to hold the suspense or not, but he sounded pretty damn happy, I would say ecstatic. I dunno what’s appropriate to let out, but he’ll be at the pool party and he’s not quitting Farpoint Media, but his involvement with Wingin’ It and beyond that… I actually don’t know. He didn’t say.
Just a quick hop in as I’m making dinner.
Hi Van, Yes we stayed until the end and saw the 30 second bit. As for the movie itself, I enjoyed it. Not a heavy thinking movie but a good popcorn movie.
Now must check on my roast. Don’t know if I’ll be in tomorrow as I have to go into the office.
So, perhaps all isn’t well in FPM land after all. Most unfortunate.
You know, honesty, if WI was just the gang sitting around for an hour geeking on various topics for the week, I’d be just fine with that.
I think they’re placing too much importance on listener generated content. They’re fine when they come along, but they’re not why I listen to WI3D.
I agree with Ed.
Umm…. 196thies!!!!
It’s been a busy week, so sorry I haven’t dropped by until now.
Go Pengins!!! 🙂
I’m there for the listener generated content.
Well ok, just one listener in particular and her content…
I saw Iron Man and liked it. I was speed at all the hype over the last sceen. Told people not to leave and people stay just because I told them not to. We all waited though the 10 mins of credits just to see a Sammy walk on roll.
Still the movie was better then F4
200 is 2/5 of 500
Remember to “grease up” by the end of today.
May the best Van win.
Indeed. We are going to need some inspiration to make the goal this week.
Looks like it was a pretty brutal weekend for Speed Racer. Its a disaster no matter how you slice it ($20 million open for a $120 million movie).
Iron Man is #1 again with over $50 million. Someone sagely commented that Iron Man made more in week 2 than most movies make in week 1.
Next week brings Prince Caspian and then the new Indianna Jones movie.
Later we’ve got Batman and some others that I can’t remember. It’s been a while since I’ve found myself looking forward to going to the theater in the summer.
You know, it has been quite enjoyable to see the media’s dissapointment that Jenna Bush didn’t have a big spectacle of a wedding in DC. Best of luck to her and her husband.
Man, I’ve had breakfast, driven to work, and now sit ready to start my day and the Deadpan is still sleeping in.
Don’t make me get the bucket of ice water!
morning pan!
ditto was here!!!
Ah yes Ed, how much local coverage did that wedding get there in Texas?
Her dress sure was pretty. I wish her and her husband much happiness too. Lord knows marriage is a job 🙂
Hugh sez: I would think being married to me was like a vacation 😉
🙂 it is Hugh, it is
We had a goal this week? Why did no one tell me? Whats our comment goal?
Maybe we can help later, right now we gotta go.
Another whirlwind weekend. Saturday I worked at the office for a few hours, put some items up for sale at iSoldit, bought flowers and gifts for my wife for Mother’s Day and took my son out to the store so he could buy a gift for my wife. On top of all that did all the laundry. Then on Sunday, my wife’s company hosted a Mother’s Day outing at Waterworld and we spent five hours swimming, sliding down water tubes, etc. LOL It was a good time. But the weekend flew by and I have a mountain of work to get done.
I didn’t know there was a lot of drama over at WI. Based on what I’ve read here about Brian and the last conversation I had with MRM, I have a notion of what may be coming. LOL I hope I’m right.
Dumb Ass Memories!!!
I’ve been trying to see if I both my schedule and finances will allow me to go to the Pool Party. I have no idea at this point.
kiss ass!
golden nugget!!
JACK! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Savior of the Podiverse!
My favourite Narnia book is ‘The Magician’s Nephew’ (the parallel worlds denoted by puddles appealed to me) so not looking forward to Prince Caspian..may give that one a miss.
Indy 4 I will see no matter what the reviews say.
So the cinema choice for tomorrow is Speed Racer or Doomsday…even though Doomsday looks like a UK version of ‘Escape from New York’ the combination of former Lara Croft model Rhona Mitra and Speed Racer looking a bit crap is leaning me towards Doomsday.
I have accepted your mission, sir!
500 here we come!
Rhona Mitra
I’ll skip Speed Racer.
Cooooooool Whip!
Oh and nice plug JB for the movie Palooza on the sliceofscifi voicemail show.
Just a pity Crazy Joe hated Southland Tales with a passion.
Hi ditto, hi Rhettro, hi Vandamonde, hi Ed, hi Smarty Hotties!
Is the Southland Tales alooza the next episode?
Damn, I still need to put Southland Tales in my queue!
That was a nice plug on the Slice VM show for the next Panapalooza event. Though, Crazy Joe’s desire to punch someone after seeing it has left me a bit skeert.
You know, coverage of the Bush wedding down here was actually quite subdued. Frankly, most of the local news that I saw was favorable to the notion that they were making it a small private affair. Definitely a contrast to the grousing I saw from the national news media.
That’s exactly how I felt after watching “A Boy and His Dog.” But I’m still glad I saw it.
Isn’t the paoolza DP 96 or is my memory playing tricks on me.
So, went to the office for a few hours this morning.
It’s a four block walk from the train station to my office (and back of course).
I wore new shoes.
Bad idea. Am now limping around the house in bare feet trying to decide if I should put band-aids on the blisters or not.
I saw Southland Tales, and don’t agree w/ Crazy Joe if that helps y’all.
Haven’t been able to find Southland Tales yet. Will check out the local HMV tomorrow.
OK – been off the grid all weekend….. the last posts I read were Van’s about the Avengers. Time to play catch-up.
my head is in a fog today. 🙁
Can’t focus. Like sitting on the beach all day drinking your favorite alcoholic beverage … only without the beach… or beverage – and with all the stress of a “normal” day.
Okay, fav Atari ST games, NOT in alphabetical order.
I had lots of active plans with the little ones this weekend, but then got sick on Friday, made the best of it by seeing Iron Man and Speed Racer.
Iron Man had good performances, great action scenes, good acting, a great cameo (thanks for the scoop to stay through the credits!), and a tired, formulaic story. But hey, it was still fun.
Speed Racer is getting bad reviews? If you have a kid of your own or someone else’s to take, then absolutely go see it. It’s a fantastic kids’ movie – and you’ll be able to shut off your brain and be dazzled. Just remember that the movie was not aimed at adults.
Last year my wife, bless her heart, bought me a pretty snazzy little guitar amp. A 75watt guitar amp known as the Spider 3 from Line 6. http://tinyurl.com/4k5c5q
It’s a nice little amp. It simulates a wide variety of tones and is easy to use. It’s also one of the best selling amps on the market today. However, I soon found out that in the “guitar community” it is somewhat considered the Herb Tarleck of guitar amps. The tones it produces are fairly synthetic sounding and a little hissy after you get used to it. It’s a good introduction to a wide variety of tones, but once you’ve identified the tone you want, it’s better to get the actual amp being simulated. Plus you won’t be using any of the other tones. LOL
On Saturday, I put the Spider 3 as well as a few other items up for sale on Ebay. The proceeds of this sale along with part of my stimulis check will go to purchase this bad boy: http://tinyurl.com/4et6wj
When I posted my intentions on one of the guitar boards I frequent this was one of the responses I got. LOL
“Man, you’re going to shat your pants just from the white noise that comes from that Krank after coming straight from a spider 3. o.o
Congrats on it! =]”
So I’m just waiting on my check. Based on my guitar skill this is sort of like buying a Bentley for a chimp to drive, I’ll try to keep my poo flinging to a minimum.
That’s true, Van.
Buzzard Bait was another game I played that was very close to a game that’s been discussed to death lately…
Nice case, and unusually for the ST, the game too played in medium resolution (just 4 colours) rather than the usual low res (320×200 16 colours).
Although judging from the screen shot on the wiki page, it could also be played in the high res mono mode (640×400).
That’s cool TEB. The Roland Cube gets favorable reviews over at Ultimate Guitar.
According to UG, amps to avoid are the Spider 3 and the Marshall MG.
Practice solid state modeling amps the Roland Cube (for metal players) and the Vox AD series (for rock, blues and punk players) get high marks.
Entry level tube amps like the Peavey Valveking and Crate Palamino get thrown around a lot.
I’m not going to be playing an arena anytime soon, so my needs for a tube amp in the 100 watt range is way overkill. What I wanted was a high quality low wattage tube amp that had insane gain. The Krank was about the only one that fit the bill, everything was way to big and loud. Yeah it’d be nice to have a Bogner Uberschall, Framus Cobra or Diesel Herbert But besides the spare $3000 I don’t have, I don’t hate my neighbors that much. 🙂
I loved Populous, as well as Falcon. Though I don’t have Falcon anymore, I did keep the ACM manual from the 3.0 version of the game.
You guys are posting like mad!
I used to play Falcon 1 on my Amiga. And I loved, LOVED, Falcon 3 for the PC. I still have Falcon 4 for my PC but it wasn’t nearly as fun as past versions.
Don’t know if you guys know him, but C.A. Sizemore lost his wife this morning.
Totally agree, Rhettro. Falcon 3 was t3h aw3s0m3! I have a weakness for good flight sims. Finished Ace Combat 6 not too long ago. While it’s not an accurate sim, it was lots of fun and beautiful to watch.
Under blue moon I saw you
So soon you’ll take me
Up in your arms
Too late to beg you or cancel it
Though I know it must be the killing time
Unwillingly mine
Up against your will
Through the thick and thin
He will wait until
You give yourself to him
Echo & The Bunnymen — The Killing Moon
Oh Crap EssBee. How?
Yeah. Just saw Debbie’s post over on the forums. That’s horrible.
I’ve met C.A. Sizemore; you may have heard some of his Deadpan (or other podcast) contributions – – he’s a good guy. My heart goes out to him; he’s way too young to have to face this.
Thanks for letting us know, EssBee.
I’ve met C.A. a couple of times. Never really chatted with him but I know he is pretty tight with the rest of the Farpoint gang. I can’t imagine what it would be like to suffer a loss like this. My heart goes out to him and his family.
Came back from doing something evil. Had a Peanut Buster Parfait from Dairy Queen 🙂
Just read the back posts. That sucks. I don’t know what I’d do if anything ever happened to my husband 😥
I’ve been watching all this unfold on Twitter all day. My thoughts and prayers are with C.A. Sizemore.
On a lighter note…
Jack: Indiana Jim posted the following on Twitter:
Thought you should know.
I’ve been depressed enough over the last little while, so I’m going back to COCO games I’ve played.
On to the C’s
Cashman – oh, what I could do with those dollars now
Was early days TEB, I can forgive many things about the 80’s computer games.
I remember wasting a lot of time playing Qiks at the arcade, can’t actually remember if I had it for the COCO, but figure I mush have since I enjoyed it so much
The site above covers more Bitmap Brother games, most came out on the ST.
TEB – I LOVE Moulin Rouge!
It is the sort of whacked out, trippy, three-stoogesesque chick flick that my buddies and I would have written if someone had sent us to the beach with a case of Captian Morgans Rum and told us to write a chick flick or they would kill us.
“You wanna *hic* chick flick? *hic* Oooh we gosha chick flick for ya ! *hic*”
I have to confess that I turned off Moulin Rouge about 15 minutes in.
Speedball 1 (from Bitmap Bros.) was also a fun ST sports game.
OK, procrastination stops now.
My wife got Moulin Rouge on DVD as a gift four years ago. We still haven’t watched it. LOL
And, if you have not seen Moulin Rouge, watsa matta you? Great film, even though tragic.
@Jack – Oh, good. Sorry I was so quick to assume that you didn’t read Twitter today. I know I read it much more often than I post anything.
Well that list of sexual positions was certainly an education.
You know, I was ready to write off Speed Racer to the DVD list. Captain Jack’s drive by review shall make me take a second look. I know my son is interested. He may be getting a visit to the matinee this weekend.
Morning Pan!
Going back a couple of posts, I subscribe to the Onion podcast. One minute of daily silliness 🙂
Morning Ed, TEB!
It’s rainy and cold in Colorado this morning.
Morning EssBee. We finally have a little bit of sun, here.
Cloudy here, we have a slight cool front coming through. It’s only going to reach 83F for a high today, but Saturday we should be near the 100F mark. Finally. I think I’ll be able to start using my pool from this weekend forward. 🙂
Well that’s depressing, Rhetto. Unless you have an indoor pool, not quite swimming weather here, yet.
Well off to the store. Future Shop has Southland Tales so I think I’ll pick it up, then get a few groceries.
Yep, I need to secure a copy of SLT.
I’m thinking of trying the Amazon Unbox service for this.
For $4 I can download it to my TiVo. Then once I start watching it I think I have 24 hours to finish viewing it.
Anyone tried this yet?
Well I went and saw Doomsday…
..as I watched this poor ‘Escape from New York’ ripoff (the main character only has one eye for fook’s sake) I was thinking that I should have went and saw Speed Racer instead.
Ah well the pizza was nice,
Cloudy rainy here too. But its kinna warm.
I’m gonna have to check that tantric site out. The names sound so intriguing.
Everyone should remember my fave from GYGO… Reverse Cowgirl!
Its almost $4 per gallon here too…almost….I am trying to get Kerry to ride the bus. She is almost there.
Doomsday looked like a rental to me Van.
The average price of gas around here is $3.47. I’m glad my Civic get 37MPG. It’s been a lot better than when I was commuting in my 4runner. If thinks get much worse though, I might buy a Honda Helix scooter and ride it to work and let my wife take the Civic.
You still have it cheap, it’s about 10 dollars a gallon here.
Of course they sell it in litres these days.
Bikes/Motorbikes/Scooters FTW.
Well certainly, compared to the rest of the world we have cheap gas. The problem occurs though that as we spend more money on gas, it doesn’t get spent on other things and drives up the cost of everything else. Really the only thing the US government can do to lower prices is to issue a bold commitment to increase domestic production of oil, of which we have a lot of untapped, unconventional reserves and new efficiency standards. That would help the short term. Long term, we need to make transportation get most of it’s energy needs from the grid and support the grid with renewable energy. But there are a lot of special interest to fight to get that to happen.
Got my copy of Southland Tales. Will watch it tonight. To add the gas woes, I filled my car on the way home. Gas is $1.30 a litre (x4.4 = $5.72 gallon). Ouch!
Alberta is supposed to oil country. You couldn’t prove it to me.
Ugh. The USPS stealth increased the postage rate to 42¢
Wow, people are asking a lot more these days for bikes on Craigslist.
Does Canada have a lot of refinery capacity? That would be a factor.
I noticed that in Phoenix’s Sunday paper, there was an article about how motorcycle sales where increasing and we would see a lot more models with fuel efficiency number touted.
Okay, back to work. *grumble*
Sorry, Rhetto got side tracked. In answer to your refinery capacity question… beats me.
I didn’t know there would be a test 🙂
did a brief google search. I have no idea what this means, but here’s Canada’s refineries.
Yesterday was my 9th anniversary — how long have you all been coupled (if you are)?
I can’t see there being any progress unless people can be weaned off the car.
The cynic inside me laughs at that and thinks only when civilisation undergoes a collapse will we finally kick the car habit.
No I don’t own a hammer and sickle.
Congratulations, EssBee! How did you celebrate?
Van, that sounds like red commie hippie traitor talk to me. What kind of American are you, anyway? Oh wait. . . .
That D20 Seinfeld was very well done.
We just went out for sushi — nothing too fancy.
“I can’t see there being any progress unless people can be weaned off the car.”
If american cities were designed from the ground up to do that it would be one thing. But we have all these rural areas and large sprawling cities. We could add bus routes, light rail and car pool, but with these large expanses of space and the cities designed for car traffic, it will be hard to impose these things. I’m unsure if the retrofitting of these old cities would save us any energy in the long run verses changing the nature of cars themselves. In Europe, the cities have evolved around public transportation. That isn’t the case here.
hey pan
I think once the human race stops acting like sheep and demand they fix things, then things will be fixed.
We have all the resources on this planet to make anything we want happen, but we let the few control us.
You know our constitution says we have the right to revolt against our gov.. I think its high time we did.
But thats just my pessimistic opinion
my next post will contain no pessimism in it
Now the eating of raw fish, unless you are stuck on a raft in the middle of the pacific, is a practice I’ve never got the hang of.
Congratz Essbee! In August I’ll be celebrating 20 years of marriage. Teresa and I dated three years before marriage, so I guess I’ve been in my current relationship 22 going on 23 years.
Congrats EssBee!! Thats awesome 🙂 This pessimist does still love a good romance 🙂 and good sushi too!
Hugh and I have been together 20 years this Oct, and we will be celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary this Nov. Lord knows how he can still stand me after all this time 😉
I hasten to add I’ve never been stuck on a raft in the middle of the pacific ocean, but I have read about it.
My Mother and Father celebrated 50 years of marriage at the beginning of May.
I just had a total man moment
Hugh sez: we’ve been together 21 glorious years dear
oops 🙂 heh
Wow! 15, 20, 22-23! That’s awesome y’all!
Hugh isn’t going to do a Maurice Chevalier in Gigi impression is he?
I didn’t think the first movie was that bad, even if it left too many questions unanswered. Maybe the second Xfiles movie will be a good one.
So a fellow worker has claimed Indy4 is getting slated by the critics anybody seen any negative reviews?
I was one of the few who really liked the first X-Files movie. It wasn’t stellar, but it filled in a few holes and transitioned well into the next television series. As far as the new movie being a fresh start, why bother? I can understand the new Trek being a reboot of sorts because it’s an entirely new cast. But what’s the point of rebooting a series with the same actors? I think I’ll pass. Didn’t the series end with Mulder and Sculley and their magical baby on the lamb from the government or such? I guess I could go to wikipedia. LOL
I haven’t heard anything yet, Van. I thought it might be a little early still.
EssBee: It will be 7 years soon
The first X-Files movie was enjoyable enough, but then the series jumped the shark and seriously went down hill. I’m done with the franchise, so I’ll probably only rent the new movie when it hits DVD.
I liked the first X-Files movie well enough. I’m with JOe, though, and am done w/ the franchise. This will probably be a DVD rental for me. I DO want to catch Iron Man and Speed Racer in the theater, though!
I enjoyed the year after the 1st film, and then stopped following it. I did end up watched the last 4 episodes to see how it would end. And as typical, they didn’t really wrap up anything. And now they are just going to ignore those last episodes. LOL I blame that on poor writting. Once things got going, they should have planned for seven seasons and a final ending.
I DID enjoy the X-files movie although it wasn’t as good as some seasons of the series.
It was just fun to see those characters in full length, big screen action.
It was no “Serenity” though.
…er, well nothing else really is “Serenity”.
What I meant was the comparison between a good series “Firefly” and it’s excellant follow on movie “Serinity” vs. a good Series “X-files” and it’s just good movie version.
oh, like THAT cleared anything up!
Clear as mud J0e 🙂
Actually, I did understand and I agree completely. To me the X-Files movie was ok, but not great. There were better and there were worse episodes in the series.
Count me amoung those who are “done” with X-Files as well. LOL
X-files movie has a great soundtrack album, as does the TV show.
Yeah, Mike Snow did the soundtrack to “Ghost Whisperer” too.
I could never get into Ghost Whisperer. Maybe I’m the wrong gender.
I’m assuming the only reason to watch it is JLH 🙂
Loved both soundtracks to the X-Files movie.
498 Stay on target
Ok. Maybe this is really 498 🙂
Where did everyone go?
D’oh! Ninja’d by TEB 🙂
I win 8)
Yep, you do.
So, what do I win?
Obviously the chance to be alone in Deadpan Land.
………. cool hwip in your bathroom drawers…….?
Ohhhh, If I put cool hwip in my drawers, can my hubby help clean it off?
On that note, I’m off.
Sorry I was in a meeting. Didn’t mean to abandon everyone. Yeah, JLH is the primary reason. LOL That an the pickins for Friday television are pretty slim other than BSG of course, but it’s on a lot latter.
I’m not sure eye candy is enough, Rhona Mitra couldn’t save Doomsday for me.
Yeah, but you bought a ticket for that. I don’t think I’ll be paying money to go see Garfield. LOL
Yeah 2 hours and 13 minutes I won’t be seeing again.
I got onto both podiomedia chat and wonder radio. All talk about my book. It’s very cool. I feel like a man actual podcaster or something. I want to jump up and down and scream and say that I’ve arrived. But then realized that’s kind of silly. Still, every time someone says they like my book it makes me so happy. Is that wrong?
I don’t want to be in egotistical jackass. In the end even Chris Miller founder of podiobook says himself the podcasting really is just a hobby.
Still I got on a show to talk about my book!!!!
I going to be on Tale Chasing next. 🙂
I also told him about Kurt’s Dark Age as well. sorry… DARK AGE!!!
Hmm, you know things are serious when TSH is sounding like a republican!
The wife and I have been together for nearly 17 years and will be having our 15th anniversary in September. Then we both turn 36 – yeow!
I suppose TO the real test will be when somebody tells you they didn’t like your book and what your reaction to that will be.
I must confess, after the X-files movie, I was pretty much done with the show. I plan to see several movies at the theater this summer – X-files 2 is not one of them. meh!
Vanamonde, I’ve had a few of those already. People who just couldn’t get into it. Or people who thought Theresa’s reading was flat. People who felt the story couldn’t hold their attention. People who thought it was just too weird. I’ve had people turn me down for interviews because I was too small time for them. I’ve gotten lots of rejections. The second I leave a farpoint media show, suddenly no one has ever heard of me.
I’ve been at this sense October. It’s just now people are realizing I have my own show.
I take it you’ve tried it and are not into my show?
That’s cool. I assumed that Dubshack didn’t like my show either. I was still friends with him. I was shocked to find out that he was still listening. lol
No I haven’t tried your show yet TO, I listen to a lot of podcasts, and I’ve got a serious backlog to catch up on.
Anyway, early shift tomorrow, so night pan.
Don’t let the bedbugs bite.
Cool, Van… If you ever have the time. or not 🙂 I still like you!
unless you don’t like me. then your dead to me!!!. 🙂
Congrats, TO.
Ditto you may live… thank you…
Ed.. if I didn’t like you so much I might have to hurt you for saying I sound like a republican 😉
Congrats on the book stuff Mr Trucker.. may I call you Mr??
Anywho.. Your smarty hotties are sitting on the couch watching NBA playoffs (c’mon Detroit!!!!) and were going to continue our ABCs
I am going to get some pizza hut, comando style… aka I need wash my unddies.
[footnote to the above comment]
in all actuality although I consider myself a liberal, the true republican ideals- before they went all religious on me were actual ideals I agree with.. but not so much right now…
[/footnote to the above comment]
Comics I
I Am Legend
Industrial Gothic
Infinite Crisis
In Her Darkest Hour
Inanna’s Tears
Sexual Positions I
umm.. I guess there are none
Hugh sez: I got one
Hugh sez: My nickname
your nickname?
Hugh sez: The Impaler
Sexual Positions I
Comics J
Jack of Fables
Jonah Hex
Justics League of America
The Joker
Jackson 500– a very cool book indeed!
Sexual Positions J
The Jack Mangan *swooooon*
Hugh sez: The Jack Mangan always makes the ladies go nuts
Jewel Case
Hugh sez: Oh we gotta try that one
🙂 *swoooon*
” If you lift your lover
by passing your elbows under her knees
and gripping her buttocks
while she hangs fearfully from your neck,
it is “Janukurpara” (the Knee Elbow).”
Hugh sez: I’ve got 1 more: Jackhammer.
Comics K
Killing Girl
Killing Pickman
Kill Your Boyfriend
Sexual Positions K
Kama Sutra
Kaurma *swoooon*
” If, seated face to face,
your toes caress the lovely woman’s nipples,
her feet press your chest
and you make love holding each other’s hands
it is “Kaurma” (The Tortoise).”
Knot of Flame
Sitting erect, grip your lover’s waist
and pull her on to you,
your loins continuously leaping together
with a sound like the flapping of elephants’ ears:
this is “Kirtibandha” (the Knot of Fame).
We missed a J: Jaya
Kulisha (ie wheel barrow)
Comics L
Love & Rockets
Lost Books of Eve
Lost Ones
Positions L
Lovely Lady in Control
If, sitting facing her,
you grasp her ankles and fasten them like a chain
behind your neck, and she
grips her toes as you make love,
it is the delightful “Padma” (the Lotus).
Comics M
Metal Men
Mice Templar
Almost done downloading Southland tales. God help us all.
Hugh sez: Thats like that yoga posture I keep telling you we should try
it is
” She draws her limbs together,
clasping her knees tightly to her breasts,
her yoni, like an opening bud,
offered up for pleasure:
this is known as “Mukula” (the Bud).”
Milch Cow
Hugh sez: thats a yoga posture too! We need to become experts!
we do!
She lies on her front,
grasping her ankles in her own hands
and pulling them up behind her:
this difficult posture is known to experts
as “Mallaka” (the Wrestler).
Comics N
New World Order
Northlanders – a new one we really like
Positions N
Hugh sez: *swooooon*
When your lover catches your penis
in her hand and, shaping
her lips to an ‘O’, lays them lightly to its tip,
moving her head in tiny circles,
this first step is called “Nimitta” (Touching).
Hugh sez: *swooon2*
Comics O
Positions O
One Knot
One Foot
Outer pincers
c’mon Detroit!!!!!!!
Hugh sez: w00t!
Comics P
Pride of Baghdad
Pax Romana
Positions P
Comics Q
Positions Q
Quivering Kiss
Comics R
Rogan Gosh
Rush City
Positions R
Reverse Cowgirl!!
Hugh sez: *swooooon*
f, with one of her feet
clasped in your hand
and the second placed upon your shoulder,
your young lady enjoys you,
it is “Viparitaka” (Reversed).
how did i fuck that up?
Hugh sez: that is odd babe…
Comics S
I know we have read other S comics, but I reserve S for :
Hugh sez: it deserves its own
Positions S
Sky foot
sucking hard
striking at the tip
swallowed whole
Hugh sez: *mega fucking swooooooooooooooooon*
When she senses that your orgasm
is imminent she swallows up the whole penis,
sucking and working upon it
with lips and tongue until you spend:
this is “Sangara” (Swallowed Whole).
Comics T
Tapping the vein
Tank Girl
thats all I can think of
Detroit w00t!!!!
Positions T
Sacred Thread
tongue massage
Let your tongue rest for a moment
in the archway to the flower-bowed Lord’s temple
before entering to worship vigorously,
causing her seed to flow:
this is “Jihva-mardita” (the Tongue Massage).
circling tongue
Comics U
Umbrella Academy
positions U
I’m not seeing 1 right away
but now is the time of the evening that we must leave you
Hugh sez: night pan
night pan
we’ll try again tomorrow
Anybody going to Dragoncon that would be interested in room sharing. My wife and I are housebroken and have all her shots. We wanted to go to Dragoncon but were too late to get a room. We want to find somebody to go halvesy with just asleep on the floor. We have an air mattress. Feel free to get in touch with me e-mail if you’re interested. JackJaffee@gmail.com.
morning pan … and still my cold lingers on.
Morning, JOe! Sorry about your cold!
Morning Pan!
It’s velcro’s 50th anniversary. Rip it up today!
I’m celebrating that anniversary with my ankle brace. Yay, velcro!
Right now I’m listening to the workers trying to pull out my old furnace before they put in the new one. It’s very distracting.
Ah the wonder of velcro, that scene in 2001 on the lunar shuttle would have been impossible without it.
Obviously a glitch in the system that hints at the true nature of reality.
It has something to do with Tweed.
*insert pithy comment here*
The air impact wrench they’re using to uninstall/install the furnace makes the floor all vibratey. It tickles the feet 🙂
TEB – don’t tell them about that or they will charge you extra. 😉
Tell them to install THIS furnace with velcro!
Also Mr TEB may get jealous.
J0e, would they charge extra for that much velcro?
Van, What Mr. Bunny doesn’t know won’t hurt me 🙂
Bunnies want bounce
Hard to say TEB. *insert innuendo*
As for what Mr. Bunny doesn’t know … I hear that the furnace guys have LOTS of duct tape.
… and on that note, I’m off to run errands and then eventually get lunch.
It turns out it’s not the air impact, its a jackhammer. I guess my old furnace was put in, then the cement basement floor was poured after.
Apparently this was normal for houses this old.
Holy Crap. It’s been 17 years since The Commitments came out. What an awesome movie. Too bad only Van would be able to see their tour this year. http://www.thecommitments.net/
I have nothing useful to offer – other than to congratulate everyone for meetings Jack’s challenge for a 500 comment week.
So the hookers said they knew something was wrong when the kids wanted to play XBox instead of getting down to business???
The fact they were only kids didn’t trigger something?
As far as I know, regardless of your profession, pedophilia is still illegal.
I don’t buy the “they were people of restricted growth working with a traveling circus,” excuse.
You would think they would ask for ID or something.
(Sorry, I find the stupidity of these hooker amazing)
“They told the suspicious working girls they were people of restricted growth working with a traveling circus, and as State law does not allow those with disabilities to be discriminated against they had no right to refuse them.”
JfS: you going to go?
“Ralph’s ambition is to one day become a politician.”
Ya think?
They ask for ID when selling alcohol, regardless of what the “excuse” by the purchaser is. Why not ask for ID when selling sexual favours?
Ah yeah, $1,000
601 – Lunch time!!
Back from runchie!
It’s ABC time again!
Places I’ve visited.
A – Alaska
A _ Alberta!!
B – Banff
C – Clearwater
B – British Columbia
– Banff
C – Canmore
D – Dinosaur Provincial Park
I haven’t travelled that much, so most of my list will be fairly limited in distance
Insert witty comment here —->
Wow, checked my iTunes first thing and no Deadpan, but I find this page and check iTunes again and it is dl’ing…
I’ll wait to hear about episode title before trying to work it out…
Oooh, a fifth of Deadpan comments.
And, my Ipod is ready to carry my out my Deadpan needs through the morning commute.
… and again I am to sixy for this post.
I’m out magazine hunting (they can be really sneaky). Won’t be able to listen to the latest DP till I get home.
I don’t think I’ve ever been this high in the list of comment before,,
Magazine? is that like one of those blog site things that come in pre-printed format?
Perfect 10, yo!
Morning, Pan.
Or, maybe I can’t count . . .
Alas no magazines, I really should purchase the ebook versions but I like having the physical version too much.
andy – the list can do that to you. 😉
meh – podthroat
I didn’t get up early enough to download the Pan for my commute. I’ll try to stealthily secure a copy on my work comp.
Anyone catch that piece of crap “Children of the Grave” last night? It was like Ghost Hunters, but really lame. With tons of visual effects and stuff. Not good for a “documentary” on ghost hunting.
I’ma gonna listen to Deadpan at werk too.
Jeremy – I watched 2 minutes of “Children of the Grave” and couldn’t stand it! Did you really watch the whole thing? My girl is a big “Most Haunted” fan, and I don’t really even care for that, so it was a bad bet for me from the get-go.
k, Deadpan downloaded and digested, no pepto needed. Cheers to disgruntled scientist, Amy and Jack Jaffe for their contributions. Oh and Jack was funny too. 😉
I do enjoy “Ghost Hunters” but all the others I could do without. I did like the GH spoof on Supernatural. “Ghost Facers!” LOL
Damn! And Vanamonde! Crap, the A.D.D. must be kicking in pretty bad this mornng.
Actually I have a good recent Dumb Ass Memory about having a friend purchase concert tickets and my A.D.D.
I prefer my ghosts to be fictional.
I’ve never seen a ghost.
So my horoscope for the day starts off:
“The nutty behavior that’s been happening in your social circle might be driving you nuts, but it doesn’t directly involve you — so don’t insert yourself into the drama today.”
Well that’s a relief. LOL
I also think “insert yourself into the drama” could be a new euphemism for something.
It’s times like this that I’m glad I don’t watch much television.
Yeah, me neither or heard one even. I have had some things happen that would fit into what I would call the paranormal though.
I’ve had dreams that have come true, but the events were so trivial (plots in TV shows for goodness sake) that I suspect it says more about rehashing of plots than anything paranormal.
My paranormal stuff is tame though, but the stories from my mother’s side of the family is straight out of the X-Files. The people telling the stories are all sincere, but not having first hand experience I can’t say what they thought happened actually happened. Strange tales to be sure though.
I am currently proving that I cannot listen to the Deadpan AND edit audio at the same time.
Everyone is familiar with the “stream of concious.” That is to say you have thoughts through out the day that lead you to different thoughts, but they are all connected. Well, when I was a teenager, I use to get these thoughts that were disconnected, like memories of events that hadn’t happened and they would be occompanied with the oddest emotion, like I wasn’t supposed to have them. But they always came true. I don’t know if my subconcious mind was just extra perceptive or what. In any event, I can’t explain it.
I did not watch the whole thing. I couldn’t. The guys were such tools too. Ech.
Speaking of Ech…WTF is up with Amy Winhouse??
huh, weird…try this page:
5 posts down.
“We’re all stars now, in the Dope Show.”
Interesting that we have Children of the Grave and Iron Man movies right now. Is War Pigs next?
I saw that CotG was on, but watched a bit of the David Gilmour concert before I did the Pan. His new stuff sounds more like Pink Floyd than the last few Pink Floyd albums.
Morning mehsh.
For whatever reason when I hear the name David Gilmour, I think of Paul Gilbert. Paul Gilbert had a concert on TV?!!! LOL
Gilbert and Sullivan
Ed Sullivan
Ed from Texas
Debbie does Dallas.
or er
Texas Longhorns
Longhorn Steakhouse
Foghorn Leghorn
Shoehorned Continuation:
Colonel Sanders.
Colonel Tigh
Ty Cobb
I don’t think I understand the rules.
Talking of Tetris, if you computer or phone can handle mid files, download some Gameboy tunes from:
That Music A is catchy.
I don’t know how I feel about this:
Cobb salad
Okay, in another shameless attempt to boost nipples, computers I have owned, in chronological order:
Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Bought it in 1983 with a student grant. Was an issue 2 model that was prone to overheating. Finally failed and WH Smiths (who sold computers in those days) replaced it with a brand new issue 3 model.
Still have that one in it’s original box.
Okay, in another shameless attempt to boost nipples, computers I have owned, in chronological order:
Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Bought it in 1983 with a student grant. Was an issue 2 model that was prone to overheating. Finally failed and WH Smiths (who sold computers in those days) replaced it with a brand new issue 3 model.
Although I bought a lot of games I only added one bit of hardware. A box that provided a joystick port and the ability to hit a button and save memory contents to tape.
Still have that one in it’s original box.
Okay, in another shameless attempt to boost nipples, computers I have owned, in chronological order:
Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Bought it in 1983 with a student grant. Was an issue 2 model that was prone to overheating. Finally failed and WH Smiths (who sold computers in those days) replaced it with a brand new issue 3 model.
Although I bought a lot of games I only added one bit of hardware. A box that provided a joystick port and the ability to hit a button and save memory contents to tape.
Still have that one in it’s original box.
Next one was an Atari ST, the STFM model with a single side 3.5 inch floppy. Later upgrade the ram to one meg and the internal floppy to dual sided. Also added an external floppy drive. Bought it in 1987, first computer I bought with my second job.
Sold it to so I could afford to buy a Supra modem, imported from the USA (v32bis…oooh the speed).
Next one was a PC, a IBM compatible with a 386DX (33Mhz) processor from a now defunct company called Micorsurgeons. No sound card, 2 megs of ram and a 20mb hard drive. Later added a soundcard.
Had an intermittent fault which would make it reset for no apparent reason. Eventually give it away to my brother-in-law.
I had an Atari ST emulator on my last PC. Some great games on that machine.
Next one was another IBM compatible, a 486DX (33Mhz). Improved the playing of Doom no end. Later stuck a DX2 upgrade chip in.
Here is a list of all the computers I’ve owned.
1985 Atari 800XL
1987 Atari 130XE
1989 Amiga 500
1991 IBM 486-33
1994 IBM 486-100
1996 P1-200MMX
1998 Celeron 333
2000 P3 750
2003 P4 2.8Ghz
2008 AMD X2 4000
Starting with the 486-100 forward were computers I assembled myself.
Next one was a Pentium 133Mhz IBM compatible. I added a voodoo 1 card to that which had a pass through cable for the old videocard as it didn’t support 2D graphic operations.
GL Quake looked sweet.
The next one was a 450Mhz Pentium 2, top of the range for 2 months, then Intel released the Pentium 3.
First PC for me with an Nvidia card (a TNT).
Give both Pentium machines to a friend as I upgraded.
The next machine was my first to use and AMD CPU, 2700XP. Came with an ATI card with the 9700 chipset.
Broke down last year and I had to get a new PSU. Still got the computer, but use it rarely now.
Latest one is a dual core PC from Dell….zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
The zzzzzzzzzzz was for Vista.
I’m now officially over getting high spec PCs, been using the Eee PC for a few months now, very low spec, but does almost everything I need a computer for now these days.
New games I leave to consoles, although the PC is still great for playing old games via emulation.
Oh and great games for the Atari ST (in my view):
Dungeon Master
Carrier Command
International Karate +
Rainbow Islands
I’ve never used an abacus…the shame.
Although there is an emulator:
Just a pity the games are crap…
poDANGo is being a bitch at the moment.
any news on Dub? I wanted to know how his Sister was?
That was funny but boy I sound crazy…
Oh crap – OK, time’s up – NHL Conference Finals predicitons:
Flyers over Penguins in 7. (But go Penguins)
Red Wings over Stars in 6. (But go Stars)
No idea – these are 2 tough series.
OK, mullet wig off. Back to other Deadpan topics 🙂
Well if the Red Wings get beat, I guess it would be okay if it was by the Stars. I lived in Dallas for almost a year once.
I dunno…… the Penguins are so damn good, I probably should pick them. I just think that they’re young enough to get flustered and frustrated by Biron.
OK, switching my pick. Pens in 7.
Oops – sorry, putting the mullet away.
Alright guys (and gals) fess up!
What are you doing for mother’s day?
having an affair
Going to see my mom and sanding/painting her patio chairs. JOe?
Sending an e-card from Neopets, probably. And making a good, long phone call, because typing the e-card idea made me realize just how lame it sounds.
Oh, hi Jack. I should email you. Are you on the road?
Sister is doing ok I guess. They took the catheter out so she’s peeing on her own. They never did tape her ribs, or do surgery on the lacerations. Never got a definite diagnosis on the shoulder, she still can’t feel her arm. But she pretty much still looks like a smurf, and I guess it might be a month or more before they release her from the hospital.
Just finished recording raw audio on FPR 9. Man if I had any less energy it would be a huge Steven Wright joke.
Alright, did anyone else read that Van had the STFM model of an Atari ST and try to figure out what the M stood for after “Shut The Fuck….”
Or am I just weird?
As for Mother’s Day, my parents are coming in to visit and my mom gets to see her grand daughter’s karate tournament.
Still my favorite picture of all time:
sports- meh! Between hockey and basketball I tell you… Although I was watching LeBron today *swoooooon* he is purtey.. he strong like bull.. even though he was playing sub par. Hugh isn’t here to make any predictions. I will leave that to him 🙂
Mothers Day- Saturday we are taking my mom to dinner then over to my brothers house to be with her grandson, Sunday we are driving his mom out to the burbs and meeting up with the other siblings and her grandkids.
anyhoo. I didn’t come here to talk sports or mothers day…
I am giving you a ear bud via comments.. yeah yeah I know I should call it in.. Jack read this for me if you want 🙂
Our current music obsessions
Nine Inch Nails – Ghosts and The Slip
The Kills – Midnight Boom
Estelle- shine
Portishead- Third
Madonna – Hard Candy
The Presets – Apocalypso
Ladytron – Velocifero
goodnight pan
oh wait, a final thought…
My sugar is raw, sticky and sweet.
Think I will need a cold shower after that comment.
As for Mother’s day, it’s been and gone in the UK.
Best wishes for your sister Dub.
RE – Mothersday. I get a little more time. Mom is going with Dad to see his mother for mothersday. Sometime next week I’ll probably take her to lunch and then help my sisters plant some flowers or something at her house.
oh … and a “meh” for today and the rageing sinus infection I have seemed to have woken up with.
Oh no, JOe! Take care of that.
Happy Friday, Pan. I don’t know about y’all, but I sure as shit am happy I don’t have to come to work tomorrow.
I wish you sister a speedy recovery, Dub.
Ed, that’s awesome your daughter is doing well in karate.
I sure don’t want to come to work tomorrow, but I don’t think there is anyway to avoid it. Too many things stacked up around me. =P June should shape up to be a lot less taxing on me.
Seems as though I bruised my left index finger. I think that’s God’s way of punishing me for practicing black metal. LOL
okay … I went back to bed after that last post and now I feel much better. Good enough to at least make some coffee.
Now, to deal with the fact that I am hours behind for the day. 😕
I need a shower and a shave but I don’t really have time.
I’m either going to have to get a waterproof lap top or an assistant.
An interesting commute option for those of us in warmer climates.
The red version looks cool.
But the price is a bit step.
Steep even.
To many drivers who don’t look for motorcyles on the roads these days.
That’s a sweet looking bike.
A quick glance at the site didn’t reveal a 0-60mph time. I wonder about that and how far it can go on a charge.
Say, maybe one of you bored, World Wide Internet surfers can find some plans for turning my Honda CB200 into an electric vehicle.
Back to work for me.
It says 35/60 miles range for power/economy settings on the website.
It’d be better if it had twice the range and half the cost. I’m hoping future releases will provide that, but who knows?
Here’s what you’re looking for, Rhett:
I think it even comes standard with a Devo hat.
Not so cool, unless you have mod tendencies.
“Whip it good!”
Back in the late 80’s I bought a 50cc Honda scooter, because all the cars in the same price range had reliability issues. LOL It’s tank held less than a gallon of gas and I would fill it up for 50 cents every 9 days or so. The gas station attendant used to joke with me about why I even bothered coming in to pay. But it got me thinking if gas prices really do go up to $15 a gallon, what recourse does the average American have to save money on his/her commute. Right now, I don’t think the economy of scale would save you money with the electric motorcycle, but an 80cc scooter could pay for itself in two years at current gas prices. Just doing a bit of brain storming.
Scooters and more scooters..
Scooters, scooters everywhere.
Scooters, scooters, everywhere.
Dammit Van, you killed the page with Quadrophenia!
(kidding, of course)
Here’s Jaromir Jagr in drag:
I have “mod” tendencies.
I think I have just about hit nirvana. A few months ago I purchases a book as audio CD’s with the plan to import then and listen to them via my Ipod. I started off with the dumbass approach and just imported each CD as a set of tracks, which proved annoying.
I later learned about joining all the tracks on a CD into one file for importing. Definitely a big step up.
Today, I’ve learned that, with a bit of file manipulation, I can actually get my Auidobook CDs to show up in the audiobook section of Itunes/Ipod instead of mixed in with all my music. This is a pretty good link (though, I skipped a bunch of the steps as I thought they were overkill) to get you through it.
I’m definitely going to have to see what my library has now for audiobook CD’s available.
Today’s mildly related, NASCAR trivia bit.
The amount of fuel the NASCAR Cup series uses in a year at races and test sessions.
175,000 gallons.
for perspective … that is about how much fuel the rest of America uses … every 4 hours.
And now, to make your brain hurt:
I don’t get a consistent score..lol
Went through a number of time till I got it 100%.
There is a similar test in Brain Games on the NDS.
Never commented on this cast before. I like this cast. A whole helluva lot.
I have too much time on my hands. Putting SP3 into google, brings up the following map reference:
Breaking scary news:
got 75% first time…lets take it again!
I am the MASTER!!
Ed! This is a virtual KISS for you. I am so happy to have that link re: audiobooks.
*justaJ0e dashes into the bar and steps between EssBee and Ed *
*then he dashes off down the hall of doors*
In what way is an “Audiobook” file different from a reg. file. That seems like a whole lotta trouble to make a sound file.
Thanks, Dickey! Welcome to Deadpanland.
Did I just see Justa J0e run through here?
*jaj emerges from the trap door behind the bar.*
Hi Dickey!
Welcome to the party.
Hi Dickey, welcome to the insanity. 😉 Uh-oh, my masters are looking my way. Got to put the chains back on. *whip crack*
So the Avengers is playing on the TV and Emma Peel is looking as delightful as ever.
It was a real downer that day I found out most of her fight scenes were done by a man in a wig.
Oh and a young John Wood (Falken from War Games) is playing an obsessive keeper of birds.
I find Emma very aPeeling.
Ah Emma is wearing her jumpsuit, a fight scene will be happening soon.
Mmmmm, jumpsuit…
You see some famous actors in the Avengers, Ron Moody (Fagan in the Oliver musical) is on screen now playing an eccentric prof.
Not sure what I’m gonna do with my night. Fox has a bit of a cold again, so Darcy went to the premiere of her play alone. She’s going out with some friends and staying in Little Canada overnight, so the men run the house tonight.
Ah Emma has just karate kicked one of the bad guys into a pool.
that right I am “TO” on this site. not Jack Jaffee.
There can be only one Jack…
Hey Dub… I having Sam do a reading of Bob. I haven’t heard from you so. I did want to hit you up for a reading with you sister in the still bad off. I glad to hear she is slightly better.
Are you happy the the clockwork ornge bit? I don’t think I got the lines just right?
Yes, I am on the road until Balticon… It is a full 4 weeks out. I start to o loopy after two weeks. I start making weird calls to Slice and Winging it… Going to try not doing that this time.
Another short fight sequence and the bad guys are defeated…wahoo!
Dimmu Borgir is hard on the index finger.
… and the tongue!
That last post was meant to be “tongue in cheek”
FPR 9 is now online. Given my new setup I basically decided to wing it. Hence the name of the show…
I dunno what to say about it, you guys are gonna have to tell me. *lol*
Tell you what to say about it?
There, I have completed my ADFD segment for Rachel Ruzzo, one of my Ten Things I do Without Pay over at my LJ, which is johnboze DOT livejournal DOT com
‘toopid WP LJ hater…
Not for the faint of heart:
Ah, hardscape plans, only 30 more minutes of work then I’m outta here. 🙂
So something weird happened today:
I realised that my right hand has visibly aged more than my left hand.
Bloody UV.
I missed the oppotunity to link the aged hand to a Sinbad movie and Doctor Who….
Are we going to hit 500 comments on this?
Well you never know.
It was Tom Baker.
It’s Kurt from dark age. I’m really enjoying that podcast. I don’t know what it is. But I’m hooked. I think it’s just the fact that there is utterly no pretension. It’s just a simple, fun popcorn novel. Congrats!
I’m really getting caught up in the characters.
Anybody got a link to where I could download Southland tales?
After today’s live wingin it taping I needed a place that was free of drama. I need a place for free expression of intelligent ideas came forth an abundance. A place resplendent in diverse thinking. I couldn’t find it so I’m posting on the deadpan.
I like boobs
Well, one nugget of wisdom that Wingin It (or at least Mennenga) has been right about – everything’s better with boobs.
So, my parents are in town for the weekend, which means free baby sitting for the wife and I. So naturally we went out on a date for Mother’s Day.
After dinner, we decided to check out the new Iron Man. I have essentially zero knowledge of the comics, so came in with only the trailers and various positive recommendations from pod and email land.
The wife and I had a blast with it and we had a crowd that was cheering and laughing out loud through the film – it was quite festive.
And, thank’s to FPR #9, I knew to stay to the end of the credits. Most excellent.
Like Jack says, everything is better with Sam Jackson. 🙂
As today’s WI… It appears the situation isn’t good. Supposedly there will be an announcement soon.
All I can say is, thank god for Jack Mangan.
Missed the live feed due to work.
Care to give details about what is wrong?
If you have a bittorrent client, then you can take your pick at:
you can even watch it in German.
Southland Tales that is.
Nice interview with Ted Chiang at Starshipsofa:
An articles by Richard K Morgan about infighting in the scifi genre:
Happy Mothers Day to all the Deadpan moms, and all wives/mothers of Deadpanites
and the dads who have to be moms sometimes,
and the people who step in as moms sometimes
and the people who mommy us constantly out of love
Hugh sez: and the wife who knows when I need her to mommy me even when I don’t
and the husband who can defuse the situation and make mothers day with my mom so pleasant
and the mother-in-law who loves me like her own
un beso grande
Feliz dÃa de madre panitos de muerte
Yeh …what she said, I second that!
Especially that last part about “Felix with the mad pants”. I don’t know what it was but it had a nice ring to it. 🙂
Google translates TSH’s last line as:
Happy mother’s day of death panitos
Which sounds rather ominous.
Well, Vanamonde, that was definitely an interesting read from Mr. Morgan (who I admit I’ve never heard of). I am thankfully that I’m not plugged in enough to such things to even know that there’s so much bickering among Sci-Fi/Fantasy writers.
I don’t read nearly as much as I used to and it seems most of what I do read these days tends to be continuations of works from authors that I started with years and years ago. I tend to rely on friends who are more plugged in to show me something new. I find, probably as a matter of coincidence as much as anything, that I tend more toward fantasy, though I’ve read plenty of Trek and Star Wars novels as well as “hard”(er) scifi. At the end of the day, it has to come down to the story and the characters, though. If those are missing, then I don’t care if you have “fantasy” FTL drives, or superconducting magnet driven rail guns.
And, Happy Mother’s Day!
Morning Deadpan!
The sun is shining brightly.
We’ll be seeing Iron Man later today.
Don’t forget to call your mummies and apologize for being the brats I know we all were when a kid 🙂
Now to catch up on the comments.
OH, and a big thank you to Jack. (He knows why.) The gesture was appreciated even if it didn’t seem like it at the time.
Going waaaay back in the comments. My first computer was a Radio Shack Colour Computer.
I had a lot of fun with that thing.
Jack, why for did WP eat my comment on my first computer?
Does it not like what I had?
Here is the wikipedia link (again). But I spaced it out so maybe it will keep it (which means you’ll have to put it into your browser instead of linking 🙁 )
http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Color_Computer
Followed by the Tandy 1000
Still eating my comments with links (boooooooo). I think I’ll try it again.
Followed by the Tandy 1000
http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Tandy_1000
Besides the fact this song was done first and best by Harry Nillson, not Mariah Carey, what else is wrong with this video?
Hang one of these on a window, then see what the comments are…
You know, I think I could watch this thing for hours
Since I’m obviously alone in the pan, here is my tribute to Mother’s Day…
A pack of hungry wolves had suronded the skunk family. Mother skunk said, “Let us spray.”
A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean a mother.
I once knew an electrician, whenever he screwed up, his mother grounded him.
If your mother’s sister is against poker, does that mean your auntie is anti-ante?
When I talk about the insides of my computer, I think it makes my mother bored.
Do you think the mother of an English Philosopher’s was a simple person? Maybe it’s because she was Ockham’s raiser.
Why isn’t Mother’s Day and Labor Day celebrated at the same time?
The mother of the famous Mongolian leader used to read him The Little Engine That Could. He liked the part that said “I think I Khan, I think I Khan….”
One year, when I went out on Halloween night, I was upset when all I was getting were oats. I blame my mom for telling me to yell “trigger treats”
When she caught me playing with matches, my mother was flaming mad
After Jack sold the cow, he had to come home to his mother and spill the beans.
When you become a new mother, are you given roses and baby’s breath?
Ok, I have things to do.
Ah the Coco, in the UK they released a computer that was based on Motorola reference design called the Dragon 32:
Useless information No. 101 – Matthew Smith wrote Manic Miner on a TRS-80.
Manic Miner in javascript:
Switch the music on…Hall of the Mountain King..nice!
Wow, are we ever going down memory lane..
Well, must call my mother, then off to the movie
So TEB, did you stay after the credits and what did you think of the movie?
On the WI thing, those of us listening got freaked out as it appeared Brian walked out in the middle of recording, and just before the live feed was cut off he was heard saying “I’m done, this isn’t fun anymore.”
I said there I wasn’t for sure but it sounded planned to me, and everyone said if it was planned it was awefully damned convincing and not very funny.
Supposedly there will be an announcement next week about what is going on. But I did get an email from Brian last night, and I dunno if he’s trying to hold the suspense or not, but he sounded pretty damn happy, I would say ecstatic. I dunno what’s appropriate to let out, but he’ll be at the pool party and he’s not quitting Farpoint Media, but his involvement with Wingin’ It and beyond that… I actually don’t know. He didn’t say.
Just a quick hop in as I’m making dinner.
Hi Van, Yes we stayed until the end and saw the 30 second bit. As for the movie itself, I enjoyed it. Not a heavy thinking movie but a good popcorn movie.
Now must check on my roast. Don’t know if I’ll be in tomorrow as I have to go into the office.
So, perhaps all isn’t well in FPM land after all. Most unfortunate.
You know, honesty, if WI was just the gang sitting around for an hour geeking on various topics for the week, I’d be just fine with that.
I think they’re placing too much importance on listener generated content. They’re fine when they come along, but they’re not why I listen to WI3D.
I agree with Ed.
Umm…. 196thies!!!!
It’s been a busy week, so sorry I haven’t dropped by until now.
Go Pengins!!! 🙂
I’m there for the listener generated content.
Well ok, just one listener in particular and her content…
I saw Iron Man and liked it. I was speed at all the hype over the last sceen. Told people not to leave and people stay just because I told them not to. We all waited though the 10 mins of credits just to see a Sammy walk on roll.
Still the movie was better then F4
200 is 2/5 of 500
Remember to “grease up” by the end of today.
May the best Van win.
Indeed. We are going to need some inspiration to make the goal this week.
Looks like it was a pretty brutal weekend for Speed Racer. Its a disaster no matter how you slice it ($20 million open for a $120 million movie).
Iron Man is #1 again with over $50 million. Someone sagely commented that Iron Man made more in week 2 than most movies make in week 1.
Next week brings Prince Caspian and then the new Indianna Jones movie.
Later we’ve got Batman and some others that I can’t remember. It’s been a while since I’ve found myself looking forward to going to the theater in the summer.
You know, it has been quite enjoyable to see the media’s dissapointment that Jenna Bush didn’t have a big spectacle of a wedding in DC. Best of luck to her and her husband.
Man, I’ve had breakfast, driven to work, and now sit ready to start my day and the Deadpan is still sleeping in.
Don’t make me get the bucket of ice water!
morning pan!
ditto was here!!!
Ah yes Ed, how much local coverage did that wedding get there in Texas?
Her dress sure was pretty. I wish her and her husband much happiness too. Lord knows marriage is a job 🙂
Hugh sez: I would think being married to me was like a vacation 😉
🙂 it is Hugh, it is
We had a goal this week? Why did no one tell me? Whats our comment goal?
Maybe we can help later, right now we gotta go.
l8r pan
Ed you get your ass to work yo! 🙂
have a good day
Morning, Pan!
Still need to listen to the latest ep…
Listening now…
Morning Ed,
Morning ASH,
Morning EssBee,
Morning ditto,
Morning John Boy.
Another whirlwind weekend. Saturday I worked at the office for a few hours, put some items up for sale at iSoldit, bought flowers and gifts for my wife for Mother’s Day and took my son out to the store so he could buy a gift for my wife. On top of all that did all the laundry. Then on Sunday, my wife’s company hosted a Mother’s Day outing at Waterworld and we spent five hours swimming, sliding down water tubes, etc. LOL It was a good time. But the weekend flew by and I have a mountain of work to get done.
I didn’t know there was a lot of drama over at WI. Based on what I’ve read here about Brian and the last conversation I had with MRM, I have a notion of what may be coming. LOL I hope I’m right.
Dumb Ass Memories!!!
I’ve been trying to see if I both my schedule and finances will allow me to go to the Pool Party. I have no idea at this point.
kiss ass!
golden nugget!!
JACK! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Savior of the Podiverse!
My favourite Narnia book is ‘The Magician’s Nephew’ (the parallel worlds denoted by puddles appealed to me) so not looking forward to Prince Caspian..may give that one a miss.
Indy 4 I will see no matter what the reviews say.
So the cinema choice for tomorrow is Speed Racer or Doomsday…even though Doomsday looks like a UK version of ‘Escape from New York’ the combination of former Lara Croft model Rhona Mitra and Speed Racer looking a bit crap is leaning me towards Doomsday.
I have accepted your mission, sir!
500 here we come!
Rhona Mitra
I’ll skip Speed Racer.
Cooooooool Whip!
Oh and nice plug JB for the movie Palooza on the sliceofscifi voicemail show.
Just a pity Crazy Joe hated Southland Tales with a passion.
*cough, hack*
Now that sounds painful.
Egg and chips and onion rings..mmmmmmmmm!
I’d say odds are good that I will see Iron Man, Speed Racer and Indy 4 in the theatre.
I don’t think I’ll ever bother to watch Speed Racer. But I will go see Indy 4 and Prince Caspian.
226 not even close to the beast
Past the half way mark though.
Can anybody explain why probiotic yoghurts taste so much better when consumed several weeks after the expiration date?
I’ll probably put Speed Racer in the Blockbuster queue. My 3 year old is interested in it.
Based on news and previews, I think I’ll be spending a fair number of weekends at the theater this summer.
Pictures of Rhona Mitra as Lara Croft:
Hi ditto, hi Rhettro, hi Vandamonde, hi Ed, hi Smarty Hotties!
Is the Southland Tales alooza the next episode?
Damn, I still need to put Southland Tales in my queue!
That was a nice plug on the Slice VM show for the next Panapalooza event. Though, Crazy Joe’s desire to punch someone after seeing it has left me a bit skeert.
You know, coverage of the Bush wedding down here was actually quite subdued. Frankly, most of the local news that I saw was favorable to the notion that they were making it a small private affair. Definitely a contrast to the grousing I saw from the national news media.
That’s exactly how I felt after watching “A Boy and His Dog.” But I’m still glad I saw it.
Isn’t the paoolza DP 96 or is my memory playing tricks on me.
So, went to the office for a few hours this morning.
It’s a four block walk from the train station to my office (and back of course).
I wore new shoes.
Bad idea. Am now limping around the house in bare feet trying to decide if I should put band-aids on the blisters or not.
I saw Southland Tales, and don’t agree w/ Crazy Joe if that helps y’all.
Ain’t it the truth 🙂
Haven’t been able to find Southland Tales yet. Will check out the local HMV tomorrow.
OK – been off the grid all weekend….. the last posts I read were Van’s about the Avengers. Time to play catch-up.
my head is in a fog today. 🙁
Can’t focus. Like sitting on the beach all day drinking your favorite alcoholic beverage … only without the beach… or beverage – and with all the stress of a “normal” day.
Okay, fav Atari ST games, NOT in alphabetical order.
First up is Defender of the Crown:
The original box opened up to look like a cinema popcorn containing..red stripes.
You can play a flash version at:
The classic Dungeon Master:
The screecher plants were frightening as your torch burnt out…especially if playing in the dark.
A combination of Gravitar and Choplifter.
Brilliant game.
Holy cow! I remember playing Dungeon Master. It wasn’t on an Atari though…
Blood Money:
Great tune (if a bit tinkly) on the ST, I’ve seen the painting used for the box cover on a Larry Niven book.
Wow, you’ve got a better memory than I, Van. I don’t think I remember any of the games I played on the Coco.
Found this list. Now that I look at it, I do remember some of them.
Prince of Persia:
Played this game on the PC, Atari ST, SNES, Megadrive, and Gameboy.
Still got the sequel POP2 (for the PC) upstairs somewhere.
Played this one
And this one
(really, just helping to bring the numbers up 🙂 )
You can play a flash version at:
OK, caught up.
I had lots of active plans with the little ones this weekend, but then got sick on Friday, made the best of it by seeing Iron Man and Speed Racer.
Iron Man had good performances, great action scenes, good acting, a great cameo (thanks for the scoop to stay through the credits!), and a tired, formulaic story. But hey, it was still fun.
Speed Racer is getting bad reviews? If you have a kid of your own or someone else’s to take, then absolutely go see it. It’s a fantastic kids’ movie – and you’ll be able to shut off your brain and be dazzled. Just remember that the movie was not aimed at adults.
Morning pan. Deadpan numma 94 wuz teh good.
Apollo was ok (for its time)
Who didn’t play Astro Blast?
This was a series I enjoyed playing on my Atari 800XL back in the day.
I remember Blood Money, Van. Holy cow. Dungeon Master too.
I’d better get my ass in gear for Southland Tales. That’s slated for Deadpan 96.
And the closest I ever get to doing anything athletic
That’s it for the A’s. Time to think about lunch, then must do a dump run.
Maybe will come back and do B’s if not, then tomorrow.
Barbarian next, in there were two games for the ST called that, the Palace game first:
Nice music and an icky sound effect when you performed the decapitation move.
Now for the Psygnosis one:
Nice graphics, but the mouse/icon control method was crap for an action game.
Carrier Command:
Bloody Amazing for the time, invading an island was great fun.
Never heard the theme music until I installed a doubled sided floppy drive in my ST.
Barbarian! Where the little guy came out and kicked the head!
OK sorry, go on. 🙂
Shouldn’t forget Populous:
THE game that kicked started the popularity of the god game.
I remember playing Populous! That was a lot of fun.
Ok, now back to cooking lunch.
The Secret of Monkey Island:
Disk swapping was a pain on the ST, but I can still hum the theme tune..in fact I’m humming it now!
Ok, a quick rundown of the B’s while I wait for my Boo to get her butt out of bed for lunch…
Do you notice how COCO games were all ripoffs of others?
Operation Stealth:
A good adventure game spoilt by somewhat by silly arcade segments.
The theme tune was very catchy.
Body Parts
It was interesting seeing if it came up with the same wording you did 🙂
As Yes, the good old text adventures
Blackbeard’s Island, just a half step up from the text adventure
A lot of the early computer games were ripoffs of arcade machines TEB.
Loads and loads of Space Invaders, Asteroids, Pacman and Galaxian clones.
Blockhead… hmmmm, another ripoff?
Last year my wife, bless her heart, bought me a pretty snazzy little guitar amp. A 75watt guitar amp known as the Spider 3 from Line 6.
It’s a nice little amp. It simulates a wide variety of tones and is easy to use. It’s also one of the best selling amps on the market today. However, I soon found out that in the “guitar community” it is somewhat considered the Herb Tarleck of guitar amps. The tones it produces are fairly synthetic sounding and a little hissy after you get used to it. It’s a good introduction to a wide variety of tones, but once you’ve identified the tone you want, it’s better to get the actual amp being simulated. Plus you won’t be using any of the other tones. LOL
On Saturday, I put the Spider 3 as well as a few other items up for sale on Ebay. The proceeds of this sale along with part of my stimulis check will go to purchase this bad boy: http://tinyurl.com/4et6wj
When I posted my intentions on one of the guitar boards I frequent this was one of the responses I got. LOL
“Man, you’re going to shat your pants just from the white noise that comes from that Krank after coming straight from a spider 3. o.o
Congrats on it! =]”
So I’m just waiting on my check. Based on my guitar skill this is sort of like buying a Bentley for a chimp to drive, I’ll try to keep my poo flinging to a minimum.
That’s true, Van.
Buzzard Bait was another game I played that was very close to a game that’s been discussed to death lately…
Flight sim, came with a door stopper of manual and I could never land the plane.
That’s cool Rhettro. My husband uses a Roland Micro Cube for practice and to take to the school when he’s roped into playing for concerts and such
It really gives good sound for such a little thing.
I’m not sure what his other amp is, though
Blochead looks like a Q*Bert clone TEB.
Ok, really, really going to have lunch now
F29 Retaliator:
More arcadey than Falcon, but great fun, Even played two player dogfights over a modem link on the PC version.
Another World:
The use of vector graphics was innovative at the time, and it had quite a long intro which was unusual for games of that period.
Ok I’m off out for a walk, so the last one for now.
Balance of Power:
Nice case, and unusually for the ST, the game too played in medium resolution (just 4 colours) rather than the usual low res (320×200 16 colours).
Although judging from the screen shot on the wiki page, it could also be played in the high res mono mode (640×400).
That’s cool TEB. The Roland Cube gets favorable reviews over at Ultimate Guitar.
According to UG, amps to avoid are the Spider 3 and the Marshall MG.
Practice solid state modeling amps the Roland Cube (for metal players) and the Vox AD series (for rock, blues and punk players) get high marks.
Entry level tube amps like the Peavey Valveking and Crate Palamino get thrown around a lot.
I’m not going to be playing an arena anytime soon, so my needs for a tube amp in the 100 watt range is way overkill. What I wanted was a high quality low wattage tube amp that had insane gain. The Krank was about the only one that fit the bill, everything was way to big and loud. Yeah it’d be nice to have a Bogner Uberschall, Framus Cobra or Diesel Herbert But besides the spare $3000 I don’t have, I don’t hate my neighbors that much. 🙂
I loved Populous, as well as Falcon. Though I don’t have Falcon anymore, I did keep the ACM manual from the 3.0 version of the game.
You guys are posting like mad!
I used to play Falcon 1 on my Amiga. And I loved, LOVED, Falcon 3 for the PC. I still have Falcon 4 for my PC but it wasn’t nearly as fun as past versions.
Don’t know if you guys know him, but C.A. Sizemore lost his wife this morning.
Totally agree, Rhettro. Falcon 3 was t3h aw3s0m3! I have a weakness for good flight sims. Finished Ace Combat 6 not too long ago. While it’s not an accurate sim, it was lots of fun and beautiful to watch.
Diezel Herbert
Framus Cobra
Bogner Uberschall
Krank Rev. Jr.
Under blue moon I saw you
So soon you’ll take me
Up in your arms
Too late to beg you or cancel it
Though I know it must be the killing time
Unwillingly mine
Up against your will
Through the thick and thin
He will wait until
You give yourself to him
Echo & The Bunnymen — The Killing Moon
Oh Crap EssBee. How?
Yeah. Just saw Debbie’s post over on the forums. That’s horrible.
I’m not sure – just saw on Twitter that some guys had set up a donations page for him: http://casizemoregift.chipin.com/ca-sizemore
I’ve met C.A. Sizemore; you may have heard some of his Deadpan (or other podcast) contributions – – he’s a good guy. My heart goes out to him; he’s way too young to have to face this.
Thanks for letting us know, EssBee.
I’ve met C.A. a couple of times. Never really chatted with him but I know he is pretty tight with the rest of the Farpoint gang. I can’t imagine what it would be like to suffer a loss like this. My heart goes out to him and his family.
Came back from doing something evil. Had a Peanut Buster Parfait from Dairy Queen 🙂
Just read the back posts. That sucks. I don’t know what I’d do if anything ever happened to my husband 😥
I’ve been watching all this unfold on Twitter all day. My thoughts and prayers are with C.A. Sizemore.
On a lighter note…
Jack: Indiana Jim posted the following on Twitter:
Thought you should know.
I’ve been depressed enough over the last little while, so I’m going back to COCO games I’ve played.
On to the C’s
Cashman – oh, what I could do with those dollars now
Is that LOL in a straight Tetris piece way or LOL in a twisty Tetris pieces eight times in a row way?
CC – Thello
I still like to play Othello occasionally
A centipede clone TEB.
Caterpillar that is.
Crash. sort of a sequel to Donkey Kong it was kind of fun
That’s it for the C’s. Must do a bit of work, then will come back to continue my part in bringing up the comment numbers.
Computer languages I’ve worked with, in alphabetical order:
CRASH was also the name of an excellent UK based computer games magazine…
Oh My God (and I mean Oh My God not OMG), I completely forgot about this little guy! I used to waste a lot of time making him move in various ways.
Desert Rider. A long way from Need for Speed
And of course, Donkey King. The COCO version of Donkey Kong.
What happens if we pass 500?
And who can forget their first Dragon Slayer?
For some reason WP doesn’t like it when I link to wikipedia 🙁
Trying again with a different link
Dungeons of Daggorath.
I remember the very pixelated sounds as the bad guys would get “closer”
LaTeX, Lisp
m4, maple, mathematica, MATLAB
Pascal, Perl, Postscript, Prolog, Python
OPL….. Basic inspired Macro language used on Psion handhelds….
( I dabbled)
Heh, heh, Ditto worked with latex… 😀
Rexx, RPG
No E games that I played
Scheme, sed, SGML, Smalltalk, SQL
(I forgot about ASN.1)
Don’t like latex, TEB? 😉
Tcl/Tk, TeX, TL1
And, that’s about it.
I guess, there’s also UML and XML.
While I didn’t play this game, Fembots Revenge is a cool name
I did play Firecopter
I thought it was fun watching the flames go higher and higher. I guess that meant I wasn’t a very good firecopter operator.
F19 Stealth Fighter was my favourite flight sim ever on the old Atari ST
Onto the Gs!
Galagon. One of my favorites
Of course, who didn’t play Ghost Gobbler (or it’s better known version 🙂 )
My husband and I still play Go occasionally.
Quick Tip TEB if you want to beat the WordPress Bot, enter your link at:
then post the shortened one here.
No Ruby on Rails, ditto?
You can find out more about the Crash games magazine at:
I played Hall of the King II but not 1 or 3
thanks, Van. I’ll keep it in mind for my Wiki links that WP seems to hate.
Back to Atari ST games, I shouldn’t forget Mercenary and Damocles:
Mercenary for the ST came with the expansion disk and a map.
I had moved onto PCs and didn’t buy Mercenary 3.
Yup, even tried to play Hockey way back when.
Bunches different from the NHL games we now play on the Play Station
I always had trouble jumping from vine to vine on this one
I had moved onto PCs by the time Mercenary 3 had come out, which is why I didn’t buy it.
I played a lot of text adventures way back when
Now I’ve moved up to graphic adventures like NWN
Then there was Super Sprint, a great arcade conversion on the ST:
Very addictive, played that game for hours.
JfS: Nope, I haven’t gotten to Ruby yet, mostly because I don’t do much web or database development.
International Karate +
Some great bone crunching samples on that one.
Great into tune and some nice samples (LOCKED ON TARGET).
I actually enjoyed this game quite a bit
And really, who didn’t play Leisure Suit Larry?
Then there was the sequel Starglider 2, technically more advanced than the original game, I preferred the sequel:
I never did get the hang of Marble Maze
Okay, I played Leisure Suit Larry.
This was a great game! It was sooooo cheesy
*no longer feeling left out*
Last but not least of my fav Atari ST games was Captain Blood:
Weird but fun French game With psychedelic planetary explosions, sampled JM Jarre Music, strange aliens sounds and some great graphics for the time.
So Essbee, have you ever seen the movie Trainspotting?
Phantom Slayer
Now that I think of it, I think all the COCO games were pretty cheesy
If you haven’t, might change your mind about the acting abilities of Ewan McGregor.
For some strange reason I really got a kick out of Pooyan. Maybe it was the name…
Was early days TEB, I can forgive many things about the 80’s computer games.
I remember wasting a lot of time playing Qiks at the arcade, can’t actually remember if I had it for the COCO, but figure I mush have since I enjoyed it so much
Another text adventure
another fun adventure game
Anybody remember Projectyle? Great, fast-paced sports game for the ST and Amiga. Kind of an obscure one – but a lot of fun.
Yes, I know it seems like I played a lot of games, but remember the COCO had three incarnations and I had all versions.
Also, I still do play a lot of games. I tend to average about one or so a month
I used to get so mad at this game, it was constantly telling me I was thirsty
Yep! Saw Trainspotting, Van. I agree with you on Ewan M. there. I’ll soften up my critique of him in my next random nonsense blog post.
I wrote that while Miss Potter was playing in the background. And don’t even get me started on Moulin Rouge!
Of course there was Space Intruders, based on …
And who didn’t play tetris?
Sorry Jack, I hated the straight pieces. I usually wanted a little piece, not the great big ones. 🙂
A more advanced adventrue
… based on Super Street Fighter 2 Hyper Championship Edition?
OK, procrastination ends here. Back later.
Search the fireplace!
One of the first strategy games I played. I prefer the economic based games (like Stronghold) over the fighting ones (like the Stronghold expansion)
Ah yes, Zaxxon. Shoot everything.
I guess that’s it for COCO games. I thought I played Zork on the COCO but it must have come out later as I didn’t see it on the list.
I think I played all the Zork games. “Who is the boss of you? Me! I am the boss of you!” – Zork Grand Inquisitor
Ok, now really have work to do.
Se you all tomorrow.
@Amy – I did see Indiana Jim’s LOL at Deadpan 94, thanks.
OK, procrastination ends here.
Okay I forgot Xenon:
Great tune, oh so shiney metallic graphics.
The site above covers more Bitmap Brother games, most came out on the ST.
TEB – I LOVE Moulin Rouge!
It is the sort of whacked out, trippy, three-stoogesesque chick flick that my buddies and I would have written if someone had sent us to the beach with a case of Captian Morgans Rum and told us to write a chick flick or they would kill us.
“You wanna *hic* chick flick? *hic* Oooh we gosha chick flick for ya ! *hic*”
I have to confess that I turned off Moulin Rouge about 15 minutes in.
Speedball 1 (from Bitmap Bros.) was also a fun ST sports game.
OK, procrastination stops now.
My wife got Moulin Rouge on DVD as a gift four years ago. We still haven’t watched it. LOL
More sad news:
Ten thousand people just snuffed out.
Anyway, 00.38 hours here, night mush/pan/drunksittinginthecornersingingeskimonell
Wow, it’s like the days of old. You missed a day at Deadpan and you miss 200 comments.
Well done 🙂 I’m so proud of all of you *sniff, sniff*
Well Hugh and I will contribute our own ABCs to the comment numbers
what ABCs should we do Hughie?
Hugh sez: ummm…. ABCs of *blank look*
Music? comic books? Women you’ve loved? Places we’ve been?
Hugh sez: How about comics
mmkay 🙂
Sekshul poes-i-shuns?
ABCs of comic books we’ve read
Animal Man
Alice Cooper
Angels and Visitations
American Freak
American Virgin
Anita Blake Vampire Hunter
For Jeremy:
ABCs of Sexual positions we love
(because would we be the smarty hotties if we didn’t make it dirty?)
Comics B
Black Diamond
Black Adam
Books of MAgic
Books of Faerie
Booster Gold
Brooklyn Dreams
Black Orchid
Bite Club
Sexual Positions B
ermmm.. we just realized we don’t know all the fancy names for all dem positions
ummm… Booty?
We are going to have to cheat
oooo.. god bless the internet:
Bottom corner of the bed
Hugh: *taking notes*
Comics C
Crossing Midnight
Childrens Crusade
Crime Bible
Civil War
Sexual Positions C
Sexual Positions B
Blow of the Bull
Sexual Positions C
Comics D
Doctor Who
Dresden Files
Detective Comics
Sexual Positions D
Congress of the Dog
Dear to Cupid
Aphrodite’s Delight
Comics E
Emily Strange
End League
Sexual Positions E
Equal Feet
Embrace of the thighs
Sexual Positions C
Crabs position
Hugh sez: I had no idea thats what it was called, that be 1 of me favorites
Clinging Creeper
Circling tongue
Sexual Positions D
Sexual Positions A
Sexual Positions B
Boars Blow
Back to E
wow that website is mighty distracting.. in case anyone is interested:
Comics F
From Hell
Flex Mentallo!!!
Sexual Positions F
Flower In Bloom
Flag of Cupid
Feet Yoke
face to face
knot of fame
Hugh sez: Reading some of these I am SO glad we are both doing yoga
ok a couple more letters then we will have to stop for tonight probably
Comics G
Guy Gardner
Gotham Underground
Sexual Positions G
giving a blow
Comics H
Hellblazer!!!!!!! *John Constantine swooooooooooooooon*
w00t!!!! The Smarty Hotties cum roaring back!
Pun totally intended.
Sexual Positions H
Hugh sez1: *swooon*
Hugh sez2: *swoooon2*
Hugh sez3: wow is it getting late!
we try ditto, we try
Ok we have to cut out for tonight
we will be back tomorrow for some more comics and sexual positions
Hugh sez: we offer something for the whole family
oh wait 1 more thing I wanted to say when we got here
I put gas in my car today and drove around looking for the cheapest gas I could find which was $4.10
thank fucking God I drive a hybrid and don’t commut anymore
so when the fuck are we going to stop questioning Obama’s preacher and focus on the real fucking problem people????
why are we not revolting and demanding they do something about this???
Hugh and I are lucky we live quite comfortably, but I sure know a hell of a lot of people who don’t.
I was outraged
Smarty Hotties! Alphabets lists! I gotta read.
in the meantime:
OK, no more procrastinating….
Good find, Jack.
I need to remember to visit the Onion more often. They know how to speak truth to power:
And, if you have not seen Moulin Rouge, watsa matta you? Great film, even though tragic.
@Jack – Oh, good. Sorry I was so quick to assume that you didn’t read Twitter today. I know I read it much more often than I post anything.
Well that list of sexual positions was certainly an education.
You know, I was ready to write off Speed Racer to the DVD list. Captain Jack’s drive by review shall make me take a second look. I know my son is interested. He may be getting a visit to the matinee this weekend.
Morning Pan!
Going back a couple of posts, I subscribe to the Onion podcast. One minute of daily silliness 🙂
Morning Ed, TEB!
It’s rainy and cold in Colorado this morning.
Morning EssBee. We finally have a little bit of sun, here.
Cloudy here, we have a slight cool front coming through. It’s only going to reach 83F for a high today, but Saturday we should be near the 100F mark. Finally. I think I’ll be able to start using my pool from this weekend forward. 🙂
Well that’s depressing, Rhetto. Unless you have an indoor pool, not quite swimming weather here, yet.
Well off to the store. Future Shop has Southland Tales so I think I’ll pick it up, then get a few groceries.
Yep, I need to secure a copy of SLT.
I’m thinking of trying the Amazon Unbox service for this.
For $4 I can download it to my TiVo. Then once I start watching it I think I have 24 hours to finish viewing it.
Anyone tried this yet?
Well I went and saw Doomsday…
..as I watched this poor ‘Escape from New York’ ripoff (the main character only has one eye for fook’s sake) I was thinking that I should have went and saw Speed Racer instead.
Ah well the pizza was nice,
Cloudy rainy here too. But its kinna warm.
I’m gonna have to check that tantric site out. The names sound so intriguing.
Everyone should remember my fave from GYGO… Reverse Cowgirl!
Its almost $4 per gallon here too…almost….I am trying to get Kerry to ride the bus. She is almost there.
Doomsday looked like a rental to me Van.
The average price of gas around here is $3.47. I’m glad my Civic get 37MPG. It’s been a lot better than when I was commuting in my 4runner. If thinks get much worse though, I might buy a Honda Helix scooter and ride it to work and let my wife take the Civic.
You still have it cheap, it’s about 10 dollars a gallon here.
Of course they sell it in litres these days.
Bikes/Motorbikes/Scooters FTW.
Well certainly, compared to the rest of the world we have cheap gas. The problem occurs though that as we spend more money on gas, it doesn’t get spent on other things and drives up the cost of everything else. Really the only thing the US government can do to lower prices is to issue a bold commitment to increase domestic production of oil, of which we have a lot of untapped, unconventional reserves and new efficiency standards. That would help the short term. Long term, we need to make transportation get most of it’s energy needs from the grid and support the grid with renewable energy. But there are a lot of special interest to fight to get that to happen.
Got my copy of Southland Tales. Will watch it tonight. To add the gas woes, I filled my car on the way home. Gas is $1.30 a litre (x4.4 = $5.72 gallon). Ouch!
Alberta is supposed to oil country. You couldn’t prove it to me.
Ugh. The USPS stealth increased the postage rate to 42¢
Wow, people are asking a lot more these days for bikes on Craigslist.
Does Canada have a lot of refinery capacity? That would be a factor.
I noticed that in Phoenix’s Sunday paper, there was an article about how motorcycle sales where increasing and we would see a lot more models with fuel efficiency number touted.
Okay, back to work. *grumble*
Sorry, Rhetto got side tracked. In answer to your refinery capacity question… beats me.
I didn’t know there would be a test 🙂
did a brief google search. I have no idea what this means, but here’s Canada’s refineries.
I think it’s safe to say we’ll meet Jack’s goal of 500.
Now it’s lunch time. Then I think I’ll make some blueberry muffins.
Holy Moley!
That had to take a lot of time.
Seinfeld D20 http://fanboys-online.com/index.php?comic=274#60
Yesterday was my 9th anniversary — how long have you all been coupled (if you are)?
I can’t see there being any progress unless people can be weaned off the car.
The cynic inside me laughs at that and thinks only when civilisation undergoes a collapse will we finally kick the car habit.
No I don’t own a hammer and sickle.
Congratulations, EssBee! How did you celebrate?
Van, that sounds like red commie hippie traitor talk to me. What kind of American are you, anyway? Oh wait. . . .
That D20 Seinfeld was very well done.
We just went out for sushi — nothing too fancy.
“I can’t see there being any progress unless people can be weaned off the car.”
If american cities were designed from the ground up to do that it would be one thing. But we have all these rural areas and large sprawling cities. We could add bus routes, light rail and car pool, but with these large expanses of space and the cities designed for car traffic, it will be hard to impose these things. I’m unsure if the retrofitting of these old cities would save us any energy in the long run verses changing the nature of cars themselves. In Europe, the cities have evolved around public transportation. That isn’t the case here.
hey pan
I think once the human race stops acting like sheep and demand they fix things, then things will be fixed.
We have all the resources on this planet to make anything we want happen, but we let the few control us.
You know our constitution says we have the right to revolt against our gov.. I think its high time we did.
But thats just my pessimistic opinion
my next post will contain no pessimism in it
Now the eating of raw fish, unless you are stuck on a raft in the middle of the pacific, is a practice I’ve never got the hang of.
Congratz Essbee! In August I’ll be celebrating 20 years of marriage. Teresa and I dated three years before marriage, so I guess I’ve been in my current relationship 22 going on 23 years.
Congrats EssBee!! Thats awesome 🙂 This pessimist does still love a good romance 🙂 and good sushi too!
Hugh and I have been together 20 years this Oct, and we will be celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary this Nov. Lord knows how he can still stand me after all this time 😉
I hasten to add I’ve never been stuck on a raft in the middle of the pacific ocean, but I have read about it.
My Mother and Father celebrated 50 years of marriage at the beginning of May.
I just had a total man moment
Hugh sez: we’ve been together 21 glorious years dear
oops 🙂 heh
Wow! 15, 20, 22-23! That’s awesome y’all!
Hugh isn’t going to do a Maurice Chevalier in Gigi impression is he?
Congratz to you folks Van.
Congratz to the Smartie Hotties.
And thank you Essbee. 🙂
awwww.. 🙂
Van, LOL.. no he isn’t
Looks like we might make it to 500 even before we finish our ABC lists
but regardless we will complete them this evening
have a good day all
Thirty more comments needed!
Congradtulations EssBee.
Jeremy – that animation WAS “Holy Moley!”
Kerry and I celebrated our 14th together annversary last month. 9th Wedding anny is coming up in Nov.
Hey Van, that song is appropriate. I find, just to give my hubby a good natured dig, I’ll start going…
I remember where we went on our first date. Do you?
What was I wearing? What were you wearing?
What were we wearing the first time we slept together?
I don’t really expect him to remember, it’s just fun to watch him squirm.
I find women, generally, have a better memory for silly little things like that.
Some people have too much time on their hands
Um, TEB, why would you mention your first sexual encounter with Mr. Energizer Bunny, then link to that Youtube video? Is there some connection?
Congrats on all the successful long relationships around here 🙂
No connection, Jack. I have a very disjointed mind 🙂
While I enjoyed the series when it was out, I find myself unsure of the upcoming movie
I didn’t think the first movie was that bad, even if it left too many questions unanswered. Maybe the second Xfiles movie will be a good one.
So a fellow worker has claimed Indy4 is getting slated by the critics anybody seen any negative reviews?
I was one of the few who really liked the first X-Files movie. It wasn’t stellar, but it filled in a few holes and transitioned well into the next television series. As far as the new movie being a fresh start, why bother? I can understand the new Trek being a reboot of sorts because it’s an entirely new cast. But what’s the point of rebooting a series with the same actors? I think I’ll pass. Didn’t the series end with Mulder and Sculley and their magical baby on the lamb from the government or such? I guess I could go to wikipedia. LOL
I haven’t heard anything yet, Van. I thought it might be a little early still.
EssBee: It will be 7 years soon
The first X-Files movie was enjoyable enough, but then the series jumped the shark and seriously went down hill. I’m done with the franchise, so I’ll probably only rent the new movie when it hits DVD.
I liked the first X-Files movie well enough. I’m with JOe, though, and am done w/ the franchise. This will probably be a DVD rental for me. I DO want to catch Iron Man and Speed Racer in the theater, though!
I enjoyed the year after the 1st film, and then stopped following it. I did end up watched the last 4 episodes to see how it would end. And as typical, they didn’t really wrap up anything. And now they are just going to ignore those last episodes. LOL I blame that on poor writting. Once things got going, they should have planned for seven seasons and a final ending.
I DID enjoy the X-files movie although it wasn’t as good as some seasons of the series.
It was just fun to see those characters in full length, big screen action.
It was no “Serenity” though.
…er, well nothing else really is “Serenity”.
What I meant was the comparison between a good series “Firefly” and it’s excellant follow on movie “Serinity” vs. a good Series “X-files” and it’s just good movie version.
oh, like THAT cleared anything up!
Clear as mud J0e 🙂
Actually, I did understand and I agree completely. To me the X-Files movie was ok, but not great. There were better and there were worse episodes in the series.
Count me amoung those who are “done” with X-Files as well. LOL
X-files movie has a great soundtrack album, as does the TV show.
Yeah, Mike Snow did the soundtrack to “Ghost Whisperer” too.
I could never get into Ghost Whisperer. Maybe I’m the wrong gender.
I’m assuming the only reason to watch it is JLH 🙂
Loved both soundtracks to the X-Files movie.
498 Stay on target
Ok. Maybe this is really 498 🙂
Where did everyone go?
D’oh! Ninja’d by TEB 🙂
I win 8)
Yep, you do.
So, what do I win?
Obviously the chance to be alone in Deadpan Land.
………. cool hwip in your bathroom drawers…….?
Ohhhh, If I put cool hwip in my drawers, can my hubby help clean it off?
On that note, I’m off.
Sorry I was in a meeting. Didn’t mean to abandon everyone. Yeah, JLH is the primary reason. LOL That an the pickins for Friday television are pretty slim other than BSG of course, but it’s on a lot latter.
I’m not sure eye candy is enough, Rhona Mitra couldn’t save Doomsday for me.
Yeah, but you bought a ticket for that. I don’t think I’ll be paying money to go see Garfield. LOL
Yeah 2 hours and 13 minutes I won’t be seeing again.
I got onto both podiomedia chat and wonder radio. All talk about my book. It’s very cool. I feel like a man actual podcaster or something. I want to jump up and down and scream and say that I’ve arrived. But then realized that’s kind of silly. Still, every time someone says they like my book it makes me so happy. Is that wrong?
I don’t want to be in egotistical jackass. In the end even Chris Miller founder of podiobook says himself the podcasting really is just a hobby.
Still I got on a show to talk about my book!!!!
I going to be on Tale Chasing next. 🙂
I also told him about Kurt’s Dark Age as well. sorry… DARK AGE!!!
Hmm, you know things are serious when TSH is sounding like a republican!
The wife and I have been together for nearly 17 years and will be having our 15th anniversary in September. Then we both turn 36 – yeow!
I suppose TO the real test will be when somebody tells you they didn’t like your book and what your reaction to that will be.
I must confess, after the X-files movie, I was pretty much done with the show. I plan to see several movies at the theater this summer – X-files 2 is not one of them. meh!
Vanamonde, I’ve had a few of those already. People who just couldn’t get into it. Or people who thought Theresa’s reading was flat. People who felt the story couldn’t hold their attention. People who thought it was just too weird. I’ve had people turn me down for interviews because I was too small time for them. I’ve gotten lots of rejections. The second I leave a farpoint media show, suddenly no one has ever heard of me.
I’ve been at this sense October. It’s just now people are realizing I have my own show.
I take it you’ve tried it and are not into my show?
That’s cool. I assumed that Dubshack didn’t like my show either. I was still friends with him. I was shocked to find out that he was still listening. lol
No I haven’t tried your show yet TO, I listen to a lot of podcasts, and I’ve got a serious backlog to catch up on.
Anyway, early shift tomorrow, so night pan.
Don’t let the bedbugs bite.
Cool, Van… If you ever have the time. or not 🙂 I still like you!
unless you don’t like me. then your dead to me!!!. 🙂
Congrats, TO.
Ditto you may live… thank you…
Ed.. if I didn’t like you so much I might have to hurt you for saying I sound like a republican 😉
Congrats on the book stuff Mr Trucker.. may I call you Mr??
Anywho.. Your smarty hotties are sitting on the couch watching NBA playoffs (c’mon Detroit!!!!) and were going to continue our ABCs
I am going to get some pizza hut, comando style… aka I need wash my unddies.
[footnote to the above comment]
in all actuality although I consider myself a liberal, the true republican ideals- before they went all religious on me were actual ideals I agree with.. but not so much right now…
[/footnote to the above comment]
Comics I
I Am Legend
Industrial Gothic
Infinite Crisis
In Her Darkest Hour
Inanna’s Tears
Sexual Positions I
umm.. I guess there are none
Hugh sez: I got one
Hugh sez: My nickname
your nickname?
Hugh sez: The Impaler
Sexual Positions I
Comics J
Jack of Fables
Jonah Hex
Justics League of America
The Joker
Jackson 500– a very cool book indeed!
Sexual Positions J
The Jack Mangan *swooooon*
Hugh sez: The Jack Mangan always makes the ladies go nuts
Jewel Case
Hugh sez: Oh we gotta try that one
🙂 *swoooon*
” If you lift your lover
by passing your elbows under her knees
and gripping her buttocks
while she hangs fearfully from your neck,
it is “Janukurpara” (the Knee Elbow).”
Hugh sez: I’ve got 1 more: Jackhammer.
Comics K
Killing Girl
Killing Pickman
Kill Your Boyfriend
Sexual Positions K
Kama Sutra
Kaurma *swoooon*
” If, seated face to face,
your toes caress the lovely woman’s nipples,
her feet press your chest
and you make love holding each other’s hands
it is “Kaurma” (The Tortoise).”
Knot of Flame
Sitting erect, grip your lover’s waist
and pull her on to you,
your loins continuously leaping together
with a sound like the flapping of elephants’ ears:
this is “Kirtibandha” (the Knot of Fame).
We missed a J: Jaya
Kulisha (ie wheel barrow)
Comics L
Love & Rockets
Lost Books of Eve
Lost Ones
Positions L
Lovely Lady in Control
If, sitting facing her,
you grasp her ankles and fasten them like a chain
behind your neck, and she
grips her toes as you make love,
it is the delightful “Padma” (the Lotus).
Comics M
Metal Men
Mice Templar
Almost done downloading Southland tales. God help us all.
Positions M
Mare’s Trick
Hugh sez: Thats like that yoga posture I keep telling you we should try
it is
” She draws her limbs together,
clasping her knees tightly to her breasts,
her yoni, like an opening bud,
offered up for pleasure:
this is known as “Mukula” (the Bud).”
Milch Cow
Hugh sez: thats a yoga posture too! We need to become experts!
we do!
She lies on her front,
grasping her ankles in her own hands
and pulling them up behind her:
this difficult posture is known to experts
as “Mallaka” (the Wrestler).
Comics N
New World Order
Northlanders – a new one we really like
Positions N
Hugh sez: *swooooon*
When your lover catches your penis
in her hand and, shaping
her lips to an ‘O’, lays them lightly to its tip,
moving her head in tiny circles,
this first step is called “Nimitta” (Touching).
Hugh sez: *swooon2*
Comics O
Positions O
One Knot
One Foot
Outer pincers
c’mon Detroit!!!!!!!
Hugh sez: w00t!
Comics P
Pride of Baghdad
Pax Romana
Positions P
Comics Q
Positions Q
Quivering Kiss
Comics R
Rogan Gosh
Rush City
Positions R
Reverse Cowgirl!!
Hugh sez: *swooooon*
f, with one of her feet
clasped in your hand
and the second placed upon your shoulder,
your young lady enjoys you,
it is “Viparitaka” (Reversed).
how did i fuck that up?
Hugh sez: that is odd babe…
Comics S
I know we have read other S comics, but I reserve S for :
Hugh sez: it deserves its own
Positions S
Sky foot
sucking hard
striking at the tip
swallowed whole
Hugh sez: *mega fucking swooooooooooooooooon*
When she senses that your orgasm
is imminent she swallows up the whole penis,
sucking and working upon it
with lips and tongue until you spend:
this is “Sangara” (Swallowed Whole).
Comics T
Tapping the vein
Tank Girl
thats all I can think of
Detroit w00t!!!!
Positions T
Sacred Thread
tongue massage
Let your tongue rest for a moment
in the archway to the flower-bowed Lord’s temple
before entering to worship vigorously,
causing her seed to flow:
this is “Jihva-mardita” (the Tongue Massage).
circling tongue
Comics U
Umbrella Academy
positions U
I’m not seeing 1 right away
but now is the time of the evening that we must leave you
Hugh sez: night pan
night pan
we’ll try again tomorrow
Anybody going to Dragoncon that would be interested in room sharing. My wife and I are housebroken and have all her shots. We wanted to go to Dragoncon but were too late to get a room. We want to find somebody to go halvesy with just asleep on the floor. We have an air mattress. Feel free to get in touch with me e-mail if you’re interested. JackJaffee@gmail.com.
morning pan … and still my cold lingers on.
Morning, JOe! Sorry about your cold!
Morning Pan!
It’s velcro’s 50th anniversary. Rip it up today!
I’m celebrating that anniversary with my ankle brace. Yay, velcro!
Right now I’m listening to the workers trying to pull out my old furnace before they put in the new one. It’s very distracting.
Ah the wonder of velcro, that scene in 2001 on the lunar shuttle would have been impossible without it.
What do you mean it was just a set?
If you are really bored you can see graphs of search trends in google:
Have a fiddle but leave the ego at the door.
Wow, is the Pan working again?
If you are really bored you can see graphs of search trends in google by entering some keywords:
Have a fiddle but leave the ego at the door.
Oh, yea! Trucker said I could live. 🙂
Now, it’s off to soul sucking work I go.
James Garner has a trend graph. Who knew?
ok, back to work.
Seems to be now TEB.
Obviously a glitch in the system that hints at the true nature of reality.
It has something to do with Tweed.
*insert pithy comment here*
The air impact wrench they’re using to uninstall/install the furnace makes the floor all vibratey. It tickles the feet 🙂
TEB – don’t tell them about that or they will charge you extra. 😉
Tell them to install THIS furnace with velcro!
Also Mr TEB may get jealous.
J0e, would they charge extra for that much velcro?
Van, What Mr. Bunny doesn’t know won’t hurt me 🙂
Bunnies want bounce
Hard to say TEB. *insert innuendo*
As for what Mr. Bunny doesn’t know … I hear that the furnace guys have LOTS of duct tape.
… and on that note, I’m off to run errands and then eventually get lunch.
It turns out it’s not the air impact, its a jackhammer. I guess my old furnace was put in, then the cement basement floor was poured after.
Apparently this was normal for houses this old.
Holy Crap. It’s been 17 years since The Commitments came out. What an awesome movie. Too bad only Van would be able to see their tour this year.
I have nothing useful to offer – other than to congratulate everyone for meetings Jack’s challenge for a 500 comment week.
Dare we say…. 600?
I say 700!
Heh Here is a conversation starter for yous:
Re: Commitments: I WILL be in the UK then….
So the hookers said they knew something was wrong when the kids wanted to play XBox instead of getting down to business???
The fact they were only kids didn’t trigger something?
As far as I know, regardless of your profession, pedophilia is still illegal.
I don’t buy the “they were people of restricted growth working with a traveling circus,” excuse.
You would think they would ask for ID or something.
(Sorry, I find the stupidity of these hooker amazing)
“They told the suspicious working girls they were people of restricted growth working with a traveling circus, and as State law does not allow those with disabilities to be discriminated against they had no right to refuse them.”
JfS: you going to go?
“Ralph’s ambition is to one day become a politician.”
Ya think?
They ask for ID when selling alcohol, regardless of what the “excuse” by the purchaser is. Why not ask for ID when selling sexual favours?
Ah yeah, $1,000
601 – Lunch time!!
Back from runchie!
It’s ABC time again!
Places I’ve visited.
A – Alaska
A _ Alberta!!
B – Banff
C – Clearwater
B – British Columbia
– Banff
C – Canmore
D – Dinosaur Provincial Park
I haven’t travelled that much, so most of my list will be fairly limited in distance
D – Drumheller
E – Esterhazy, SK
D – Dallas
Drumheller is cool
E – Emporia
E – Edmonton
F – Fort Riley
F –
G – Great Falls
H – Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump
G – Great Bend
H – Herington
I – Innisfail
I – Independance
J –
K – Kelona
F – Fathom Five National Marine Park
K – Kamloops