No audio this time, but you’ll hear my voice again soon. There’s some Olympic Hockey debt audio, some exciting personal news, and announcements for the near and distant future of Deadpan.
No audio this time, but you’ll hear my voice again soon. There’s some Olympic Hockey debt audio, some exciting personal news, and announcements for the near and distant future of Deadpan.
Back in the firsties saddle.
It warms my heart to see un in my feed reader.
Morning Pan
Can I go back to bed now?
Jack, that klingon beer write up says it’s the first Star Trek beer to hit the US market. Don’t you get Vulcan ale? Our local store carries it here in Calgary
Nope. I imagine there’s a crap ton of US bees that Canada doesnt get as well. Its all in the distribution and how much companies want to pay for it.
It’s the bees knees? 😉
Essbee’s knees?
Them hard to get bees. 🙂
BEES!!!! HA!!!!! oof
Cant believe I missed Joy Formidable AGAIN last nite. My fault really… baah! Ah well, Ume tickets in hand for tonites show. Tiny ass stinky venue + great band should make for good times.
Have a great time! 🙂
Wish you was here!!!!!!!!!
Me too. Work is just a bear right now.
New thread! 🙂
Taken from dittos FB
1. fuck these people. Its “good” to see that fuckheadedness doesnt care about country or sport.
2. Good for her.. “Don’t mistake my silence for ignorance, my calmness for acceptance or my kindness as weakness #goaliewifeproblems”
Yeah. There are plenty of assholes in Canada. And it is sad that sports brings out the worst in them.
People are animals.
Bit of a disservice to the rest of the animal kingdom .
I heard the Marmots will protest. 😉
CP: Lost Boys and Girls Club — Dum Dum Girls
It’s snowing again. Hard.
I have an appointment this afternoon I can’t reschedule so I’ll have to go out and drive in this silliness. Stupid March.
CP: Human Wheels — John Mellencamp
Flashback by dan Simmons is 98p today on the Kindle store.
Don’t mind if I do.
That book’s taken some flak for being too political.
I never knew it was sorta-linked to his Hyperion series, though. Cool.
I’ll have to check that out. 🙂
It’s all a matter of perspective. 🙂
Since we are talking about Adamantium, I think the correct term is SNICKT. 😉
Well played, sir!
I got nothing…well, no I’ve still got something as I’ve not had any encounters with this character.
Hey, look – a new unshow!
Lorde’s version of “Everybody Wants to rule the World” has to be in the running for worst cover song ever ever
… and yet, Post Modern Jukebox’ version of Lorde’s “Royals” has to be one of the best covers ever!
Now THATS irony.
Wait is that irony?
Jeremy Irons I think.
“Irony” is seeing that the shirt you are about to iron is wrinkle free.
It ‘a raining, it’s pouring, time for this man to do some snoring.
2000AD app is a bit of a fail on the phone, no smart reading option like Other comic apps on the App Store.
Works fine on the iPad though.
Drokk it.
Drokk Me
Drokk Me!
*sigh* It can stop snowing any time now.
So this animated “Clone Wars” I’ve heard tell of, is it a series or a full length movie?
Why, it’s both!
Desert topping and a floor wax?
Hello. I miss you guys! Been so-so busy. Bummed to not be at Ume with Lo Pan.
Me too was bummed too!
“you can be my queen Bee!”
Why, sweet baby Jeebus. Why?!!?
*perhaps if I act out like this, no one will focus on the fact that I am only mildly talented and can’t really make a mark in the “adult” pop star world with my voice alone*
*Haven’t read the article yet*
I hope ditto and Pixie’s links aren’t the start of a weird trend here in the comments.
Well, she did make more money than I did last year.
This is the first trailer for “Edge of Tomorrow” where I’m actually interested in seeing the movie.
No, really.
Yeah. I really liked the book and have been very skeptical until now.
All You Need is Kill. (ba da ba da baa)
All You Need is Kill. (ba da ba da baa)
All You Need is Kill, kill.
Kill is all you need.
There’s nothing you can kill that can’t be killed
Nothing you can hang that can’t be hung
Nothing you can’t slay but you can learn how to play the game
It’s easy
Rocky RaKill checked into his room
Only to find Killer’s bible
Rocky had come equipped with a gun
To kill off the life of his rival
When I say that something
I want to kill your haaaaand
And I leave you with this:
You. I like you.
Today’s shift is going to be shitty.
Is it giving you the shaft?
Yup, without the cool music.
And today’s shit is going to be shifty.
..and just reading text for this unshow, sounds rather ominous.
Morning Pan
Still snowing. Bleh.
I started listening to “The British History Podcast” recently. It’s pretty good.
A podcast on British History or a British podcast about history??
This is an EX-PODCAST!!
More seriously: it is about British history.
Hmmmmmmm…. you had me at “more”
A history of British podcasting doesn’t sound very interesting. Except the bits about Vanamonde, of course.
Ditto will soon know the difference between Roundhead and Cavalier.
Are those fellatio terms?
Now THAT would be Terms of Endearment!
Bangers and mash.
Cheeky bugger
All silliness aside, I’m a bit of a British History buff. While I rarely listen to podcasts (cough), I’d be curious to check that one out, Ditto. Link, please?
Already knew those terms, Van. 🙂
Continuing in the rich day old Deadpan traditon of posting fwajina themed posts…
Did anyone ever see this?
Was always on my list but I’ve still never seen. I remember the semi-buzz back when it came out.
One I missed at the cinema.
On purpose I assume…
Actually no, it didn’t terrible reviews at the time, just never got round to it.
I’ve heard about it. Never been on my must-see list. 🙂
Does anyone else think that Mylie’s face in Pixie’s link looks like she’s imitating Bill Cosby?
I dont know why I replied to ditto with this but oddly it fits…
I have to wonder if Ms. Cyrus is ignoring her publicist or if she’s actually paying someone who is advising her to participate in these antics.
“Miley, bu-bala! Listen, you want people to stop thinking of you as a teen star? Ya gotta give your vagina more stage time! Try massaging it during your act with a large foam finger or maybe interviewing it during one of your songs. I’m telling you, this is how all the really big BIG acts finally got taken seriously! Once you get your vajaja on everyone’s lips, your illegal downloads are gonna go through the roof!”
Puddin popped!
Speaking of Brit history… my local grocer now sells Marmite. I… I’m so tempted
Is it any better than vegemite?
I got some just to experience it. Not a horrible flavor, but I wouldn’t recommend it.
I used to loath Marmite, but now find the twiglets covered in the stuff don’t taste too bad.
twiglets. Any chance that is two fashion models who resemble Twiggy ?
Alas for you libido JJ, there are these:
I am saddened that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
is being done by Michael Bay, because his stuff is all about the effects and the
From edgy underground comic, to obscure RPG, to after-school cartoon, to favorites of the pre-school set, to violent PG-rated live-action film franchise, to obscurity, to Michael Bay.
Where next on your weird journey, TMNT?
At least it doesnt star Megan Fox, cause she swore shes never work with him again.
Interesting freebie on the App Store, especially if you like Sean Bean:
The rise and fall of Gnome Press:
Please don’t hate me, but….I actually liked the Lorde cover of “Everybody Wants to Rule the World”.
Besides, I can’t imagine the Tears for Fears original going along with this:
No hate! Just… confusion 😉
I’m looking forward to a few things this season.
What season?
Dammit Rhett….
Megatron will fight you for it.
Dammit Jack
But first, he’ll transform into a giant worm.
Wait … which Spice Girl is that?
Holy Shit Snacks gang! There’s going to be a Phantasm V
Off to see Captain America:The Winter Soldier
Damn you. How was it?
Rather cool, two sequences in the credits.
You’ve been painted in a very fetching shade of cynicism there
Darn, that should have been lower.
AS she said…
It appears it’s not only the Russians with dodgy missile crews:
Dont you know its a second cold war? Anything they can do we have to do better…
Interesting error message I am suddenly getting when I refresh the page.
“Yahoo Search query
We did not find results for jack mangan because SafeSearch is active and your query contains some restricted word(s).”
Mangan. Blackballed again.
I must have offended the Illuminati with my jokes about the Dukes of Hazzard.
For those of you who dig album art/packaging check #1 out.
Was lucky enough to pick one up at a the show the other night. Pretty beautiful.
I saw something with Megan Fox recently . . .
OH! This is 40. Hated every character in that one.
Van should be happy: it sounds like Amy Acker will be Coulson’s cellist. 🙂
I saw, happy dreams 🙂
I hadn’t read the article yet, but the headline alone was enough to offer hope.
She’s lovely in Much Ado About Nothing.
I’m betting a lot of programs none of you will recognise:
Knowing that there was a show called Adam Adamant in the 60s does put some perspective on the name “Adam Ant”.
CP: All Quiet in Heaven – Faith No Man
Hmmm…. Heaven. No. Faith.
I recently got around to seeing “Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter” and “Gravity”. What does it say about me that I liked Abe a lot better?
Out into the dessert with you!
JW: The latest ‘The Americans’ episode.
Have I mentioned how much I love this show? Cos I do.
CP: Silent Treatment — The Joy Formidable
Your crap joke for the day:
It must be time to check my credit card statement.
The wife just offered me a blowjob,
*charges a coat*
Elektra done right is always a good read. 🙂
Some of those images are incredible. Frank Miller’s Elektra Assassin series was on par with Watchmen, Dark Knight, etc. If this new series can recapture some of that, then I’m in.
One for Van:
So many series and only 24 hours in the day.
Muthafukin Falco n shit…
Better get your rock on Amadeus.
Don’t turn around.
Wha? Uh oh..
From the day I was born I took the bull by the horns and gave you plenty to scorn… well right on.
Tonight I’ve been playing this game:
It’s free to try (and stays free if you are happy with one life), and rather fun.
95cents?!?!?!?!?! FUCK you I’ll skate to the beach! And I’ll look better getting there!
ATTN Rhett mostly, but some of you might also care:
What is with all the disdain for Watershed? That is a near-perfect album.
To me, “Watershed” was the best Opeth album. If the new album is a return to the heavy, I’ll for sure check it out.
Tonight we have a choice between Dallas Byers Club and Nebraska.
Blazing Saddles.
Thoroughly Modern Millie.
Or maybe Feeling Minnesota or Fargo or Oklahoma or Leaving Las Vegas.
Seriously, which one did you see?
Cuteness Alert!!
and some giggles
The sounds of “hai!” fill the dojo air.
(Picture of Picard holding out his hand)
Why the fuck did :FTB: make this a reply to Van?
CW: helix season finale
Although cheesey, enjoyed this show and glad it’s been renewed.
We haven’t watched either film yet. We stuck with Portlandia and a few edpisodes of Killer Women, which I love and Sly B say “m’eh” about.
Things to know if Lo gets amorous:
I trust him with our safe word.
“Zardoz” ?
How dare you.
I use duct tape.
100 point for the Avs. Congrats to a team on the rise.
I had no idea the guy who did the original AD&D Player’s Handbook also wrote Wormy for Dragon Magazine. RIP.
Don’t know enough about Hartnell and Pertwee’s pre Dr Who careers? Then fill your boots:
First place ice skating team in the skills competition ! Boo yaa.
Are there “high fives” in ice skating?
Just watched “Dr. Strangelove” again.
What a brilliant film.
That deserves a revisit every few years.
And lest we forget: happy birthay to Tony “the” Mast!
Happy Birthday! euphemisms ahoy!
Happy birthday, dude. 😉
Happy, happy, birth, birth, day, day, Tony!
Thanks, everyone!
still snowing
Every little snowflake brings a smile.
I’m to cold to feel that.
Pretension +1000000
That’s how I feel about The Flaming Lips in general. I could never get into the band.
There’s just a point…. “hey not only are we gonna re-record a classic, but we’re making a record that, in order to fully appreciate it, has to be played side by side with Dark Side of the Moon”. Boo.
If I liked the band more, I’d mind the stunt less.
Do we say kudos for messing with the artform – – or boo for using one of the best albums ever recorded as part of a publicity stunt?
That’s a great question. And you really do pose another good one – if we liked the band doing this would we be more apt to put on rosier glasses?
I don’t think so.
Covering a song from Dark Side is maybe, sort of, kind of a fun thing to hear your favorite band do at a concert.
Them doing the entire album is simply a cry for record sales.
It says, “we are out of original stuff that will make us money and aren’t even going to try.”
This is worse. This says, “Because coming up with an original concept album that people will revere for generations to come is so hard to do, we are just going to take an existing album like that and IMPROVE on it by playing along with it! Because clearly, our playing along with it is what it has lacked all of these years.”
Yeah… the “improve upon” mentality is what I cant abide
Just when things look up for the Avs… Duchene goes out for 4 weeks with a dumb friendly fire knee injury. Guh…
[Fantasy hockey] So, if Pixie’s calculations are correct (can’t get at the league site), we managed to finish 6th. I’ll take it, after our horrible start. [/Fantasy hockey]
You can finish as high as 5th if you win the consolation round. Course I know ditto wants desperately to win and keep the horses ass trophy…… 😉
Oh shit, are we still on this week? We haven’t touched our lines.
Next TWO weeks.
IM ON IT NOW, baby!!
New Floor.
Heavy. Good.
About bloody time:
Now, lets just hope Japan hasn’t attended the “Vladimir Putin School of telling the rest of the world to go and frak itself”.
Apologies for going this dark on a Monday morning – – and for linking to huffpo – – but this latest “affluenza” ruling news is repulsive.
This sub-vermin should spend his few remaining years in a death row cell, but instead, he’s walking free, apparently due to his inherited Du Pont money. Ugh x20000.
Here’s hoping he walks into the wrong dark alley one night…
And hopefully his assailants will be too wealthy to do time.
This is strangely addicting
It’s actually rather sad, 2048 is a ripoff of a game called Threes!
Have to go. Have to.
And I pretty much have to avoid FB today due to WD spoilers. 🙁
Bad news.
The A/C in the Honda seems to need maintenance. Feels cool at idle but gets warm when running.
Good news.
The most likely cause would be a clogged condensate line that could fixed cheap and easy.
Bad news.
Or the A/C compressor went out which could cost $1200 to replace.
Good news.
Repair man confirms the A/C works perfectly.
Bad news.
There is no coolant in the radiator, causing the engine to overheat. The overheating engine was overloading the A/C.
Good news.
A pressure check confirmed no leaks in the radiator.
Bad news.
There is a crack in the engine block leaking coolant. The engine needs to be replaced.
Good news.
Honda engine warranty last to 100,000 miles.
Current mileage?
rolls dice… 94,500
verdict. Free replacement with new engine. 🙂
Well nice to see it didn’t break down at 100,001 miles…
I’m sure it was thinking about it.
Phew! Good thing you held off on that Newfoundland road trip.
Finally good car news. Rare
Hurray for a warranty win!
Huzzah! A win for the good guys!
Crap joke for the day:
“Do you believe in life after death?” the boss asked one of his employees.
“Yes, sir,” the clerk replied.
“That’s good,” the boss said. “After you left early yesterday to go to your grandmother’s funeral, she stopped in to see you.”
Apparently Sara Gilbert and Linda Perry “tied the knot” today.
I wish them all of the happiness in the world, but we all know that deep down, secretly, Linda Perry still yearns for someone from her past.
Is Sara Gilbert that girl from “Little House on the Prairie”?
Melissa, she used to be married to Bruce Banner.
I believe they’re sisters.
Is their brother named Paul?
Looking forward to…MAYBE 1 of these.
Did I mention that Rolling Stone can eat it?
Open up your mouth and feed it.
They can 69 SPIN
Wow, this author’s Tolkien geekery puts yours to shame.
(yes, a 2nd huffpo link. . . )
Huffpo the Magic Dragon Lady
Lived by the sleaze
and frolicked on the Interet
in a land called celebrity
*cough* 😉
Picked up the 20th (yeah…) Anniversary edition of Toadies ‘Possum Kingdom’ album. Shit be as tight and fresh as it was in 1994. Really good stuff.
Make up your mind.
Walk with me…
That song is supposedly based on a real experience the Toadies’ female bassist had at some party. Eek.
I heard that too but its been debunked. Its actually a made up story that the singer based on neighborhood gossip (and its a sequel to the song ‘I Burn’). There’s a WONDERFUL 15 minute documentary that was filmed in 1993 while recording the album… if you have the time.
CP: Ume – Umergency
CShuttingUp: Me.
CD: Boulder Beer Shake Chocolate Porter– highly loving the chocolately, velvety smoothness!
Grab that shizz on tap if you can find it!!!
Oh.. oh yes yes yes
Morning Pan
Looks like if has finally stopped snowing.
Well thankfully it’s way past midday so all the April fool nonsense can stop right now.
April 1 is a day for root beer and remembrance round here.
*Raise the root*
And for paying the rent.
Your crap joke for the evening:
A priest, a minister, and a rabbi want to see who’s best at his job. So they each go into the woods, find a bear, and attempt to convert it.Later they get together.
The priest begins: “When I found the bear, I read to him from the Catechism and sprinkled him with holy water. Next week is his First Communion.”…
“I found a bear by the stream,” says the minister, “and preached God’s holy word. The bear was so mesmerized that he let me baptize him.
”They both look down at the rabbi, who is lying on a gurney in a body cast. “Looking back,” he says, “maybe I shouldn’t have started with the circumcision.”
Thanks for representing with the Linda Perry joke, Jack. You got my back!
*woa, it’s a fast ball straight out over the plate*
That’s what SHE said!
*He connects and this one is going, going … it’s outta here!*
Curtain call!
CP: The Son of Flynn (Angel Negro Remix) — Daft Punk
Dumb-ass moment:
I asked the IT guy to replace the bulb in my LCD projector today because there was a blurry corner on the screen. He rubbed it with his shirt and voila!
it = the lens
I often say voila! when I rub it.
I dont want that genie…
… and it sure ain’t going back in the bottle!
I Cream on Jeannie?
Ha! Barbara Eden was most certainly Master bait!
The show’s original title was, “I have Nocturnal Emissions Dreaming of Jeannie,” but they shortened it for TV listings.
OK, that’s not true.
Isnt it?
It’s funny ’cause it’s …
Lower Carnal Dungeon ?
Lightweight Cantilevered Dictaphone?
(isn’t it Friday YET)
“And we walk in, and she’s supposed to be a squirter. [Laughs.] So they had this rig that sprayed us, and I don’t know if you’ve ever been to Sea World, but it was like dinner with Shamu.”
God LOVE her!!! 🙂
LOVE HER! Cokie smurf.
Anathem for 99p, hmmmm.
A friend is taking part in NaPoWriMo , her first poem :
The Magic the Gathering “MST3K Expansion Pack”
PS: Dont let the uber-ancient website distract from the goodness.
Summon Mr. B!
I forgot it was 4/1 for a minute while reading this:
I’m saving my pennies for the Zmed model…
CD: Boulevard Special Imperial Stout
So, I get a message from Tee Morris yesterday telling me I need to check out the dedication at the front of Dawn’s Early Light, book 3 of the Ministry of Peculiar Occurences. Sure enough, it’s me! Wow. Seriously! Wow.
Very cool, sir. Deserved
Morning Pan
Hubby goes back to work on Monday. With luck, I’ll more than just enough time to say hello in the morning.
Well, I hope you’re enjoying the heck out of this week with him.
Freebie alert:
The Grand Budapest hotel is a fun, lil’ charming movie.
Highly recommended by this Pixie!
Indeed. It’s probably my favorite of all the Wes Anderson movies I’ve seen.
CP: Under Ice — Kate Bush
Give it a go:
Omg you’ve done it now… free time be gone!
CP: F.I.G.H.T. — Unwritten Law
Minor NSFWery.
I’m scared that I’ll be too sad after I read
Holy Chewbacca, Yoda!
6.5 minutes of organ amazement.
CP: Toadies – Jigsaw Girl
“Give me your hand
And I will hold it forever
On my nightstand
In a box with your love letters
I love you dear
And I know we will not be parted
I’ll keep you near
Scattered around my apartment…”
Sweetest damn psychopath song ever
“6.5 minutes of organ amazement.”
How did that get through the spam filter?
Story of my life…
So quiet here this week!
RIP, Harvey Korman.
Well the tumbleweeds need time to play.
Your crap joke for the day:
On their first evening in their new home the blond bride went in to the kitchen to fix drinks. Five minutes later she came back into the living room in tears.
“What’s the matter, my angel?” asked her husband anxiously.
“Oh, Steven! She sobbed, “I put the ice cubes in hot water to wash them and now they’ve disappeared!”
And uhhhhh boo.
Ok these are quite beautiful (especially the foxy redhead..har) but still WTF?
More Hmmmm:
I’ve been to the one in St. Louis (when it was open) but that’s as close as Ill get to any of these.
Van, that Facebook site has your name written all over it
Thanks for the headsup.
I’ve also been to the one in St. Louis – weird!
When did you go??!?! We went in 2004
Speaking of…UHHHHHHMerica.
Morning Pan
Looks like we had more snow last night. Fun times
CP: Supermassive Black Hole — Muse
Ditto, do you have music playing 24/7?
I can’t even recall when the last time we heard from you, here in DP Land.
Work is keeping me insanely busy lately. But I generally always have music playing.
I thought you had that audio love note I sent you constantly playing…
Somehow, between the hours of 0000-0300, Miley Cyrus made an appearance in my already strangely surreal dream.
I don’t really recall much and I think I am still scarred for life…
That was just me twerking around the bedroom. Sorry.
Too soon, babe.
Too soon
For all its press about being a jock/frat/party school, ASU does some damn cool science-y stuff.
Speaking of cool science-y stuff, I am a judge at this Saturday:
That’s fantastic, EssBee! Have fun.
I hope you’ll also give equal time to alternate, faith-based, counter-science robotics.
But by order of The Deadpan, you MUST listen to this Jonathan Coulton song and have it playing over and over again in your cpimm as you pass judgment on each of the entrants.
Brilliant “alternate” opening to Gravity.
Oh Superman..
So, last night I watched ep 2 from Orphan Black. I really like the show so far. And Felix is a hoot.
Me LOVES Felix. He’s brilliant.
(Can you tell the sun has come out here? Everything good is BRILLIANT!)
Everybody talks about her acting–it is awesome–but he is fantastic too.
J0e, are you peddling Guinness?
What surprises me is how subtly Canadian the show is. I haven’t heard people do the whole “yeah” thing in years. It’s sort of an alternate “eh?”.
Hey, a free second to – –
OK, break’s over.
CD: Green Flash – Le Freak “a zesty brew”. Pretty good.
Wow, you’re getting San Diego beers all the way down there in Florida.
We get a pretty good distribution down here. The only one that really pissed me off was when I walked 45 minutes to get to a great beer place in Chicago and brought back(amongst other things) Goose Island… then the next month it started showing up in Florida.
Oh yes yes yes yes yes
Looks like a great movie. Just wish they hadn’t gone the “humans only use 10% or their brain” route.
A common trope to be sure but not a tired one. At least not yet.
Between this, Captain ‘Murica, and Under the Skin, it’s the year of the Scarlett.
I’m ok with that.
ditto!!!!! (not him. although I’d be ok with teh year of him too. Heh)
I just realized that “i” am the only thing standing between h8 and a better image (hi8).
Prince of Persia 2 is free on iOS from IGN:
This is POP2 with a new lick of paint.
And happy birthday to Amy Bowen, aka the Deadpan Ambassador!
And good night, :mush:
Happy Birthday Amy!!!!!
Happy birthday, Amy!
Lo Pan birthday day approved!
Happy Birthday Mrs. Lo Pan!
Happy Birthday Amy!
Happy Birthday Robert Downey Jr!
Happy birthday Maya Angelou!
Happy Birthday Heath Led…ger… oh that ended sad 🙁
Happy birthday Hugo Weaving!
Happy birthday Craig T. Nelson!
Happy birthday Gary Moore! dang, that one ended sad too.
Were I friends with Craig T. Nelson, I would give him a worm-inhabited bottle of tequila every year as a birthday gift.
This may be why I’m not friends with him.
Happy Birthday Amy!
Crap joke, the difference between men and women:
Let’s say a guy named Fred is attracted to a woman named Martha. He asks her out to a movie; she accepts; they have a pretty good time. A few nights later he asks her out to dinner, and again they enjoy themselves. They continue to see each other regularly, and after a while neither one of them is seeing anybody else.
And then, one evening when they’re driving home, a thought occurs to Martha, and, without really thinking, she says it aloud: “Do you realize that, as of tonight, we’ve been seeing each other for exactly six months?”
And then, there is silence in the car.
To Martha, it seems like a very loud silence. She thinks to herself: I wonder if it bothers him that I said that. Maybe he’s been feeling confined by our relationship; maybe he thinks I’m trying to push him into some kind of obligation that he doesn’t want, or isn’t sure of.
And Fred is thinking: Gosh. Six months.
And Martha is thinking: But, hey, I’m not so sure I want this kind of relationship either. Sometimes I wish I had a little more space, so I’d have time to think about whether I really want us to keep going the way we are, moving steadily towards, I mean, where are we going? Are we just going to keep seeing each other at this level of intimacy? Are we heading toward marriage? Toward children? Toward a lifetime together? Am I ready for that level of commitment? Do I really even know this person?
And Fred is thinking: …so that means it was…let’s see…February when we started going out, which was right after I had the car at the dealer’s, which means…lemme check the odometer…Whoa! I am way overdue for an oil change here.
And Martha is thinking: He’s upset. I can see it on his face. Maybe I’m reading this completely wrong. Maybe he wants more from our relationship, more intimacy, more commitment; maybe he has sensed – even before I sensed it – that I was feeling some reservations. Yes, I bet that’s it. That’s why he’s so reluctant to say anything about his own feelings. He’s afraid of being rejected.
And Fred is thinking: And I’m gonna have them look at the transmission again. I don’t care what those morons say, it’s still not shifting right. And they better not try to blame it on the cold weather this time. What cold weather? It’s 87 degrees out, and this thing is shifting like a garbage truck, and I paid those incompetent thieves $600.
And Martha is thinking: He’s angry. And I don’t blame him. I’d be angry, too. I feel so guilty, putting him through this, but I can’t help the way I feel. I’m just not sure.
And Fred is thinking: They’ll probably say it’s only a 90-day warranty…scumballs.
And Martha is thinking: Maybe I’m just too idealistic, waiting for a knight to come riding up on his white horse, when I’m sitting right next to a perfectly good person, a person I enjoy being with, a person I truly do care about, a person who seems to truly care about me. A person who is in pain because of my self-centered, schoolgirl romantic fantasy.
And Fred is thinking: Warranty? They want a warranty? I’ll give them a warranty. I’ll take their warranty and stick it right up their…
“Fred,” Martha says aloud.
“What?” says Fred, startled.
“Please don’t torture yourself like this,” she says, her eyes beginning to brim with tears. “Maybe I should never have…oh dear, I feel so…”(She breaks down, sobbing.)
“What?” says Fred.
“I’m such a fool,” Martha sobs. “I mean, I know there’s no knight. I really know that. It’s silly. There’s no knight, and there’s no horse.”
“There’s no horse?” says Fred.
“You think I’m a fool, don’t you?” Martha says.
“No!” says Fred, glad to finally know the correct answer.
“It’s just that…it’s that I…I need some time,” Martha says.
(There is a 15-second pause while Fred, thinking as fast as he can, tries to come up with a safe response. Finally he comes up with one that he thinks might work.)
“Yes,” he says. (Martha, deeply moved, touches his hand.)
“Oh, Fred, do you really feel that way?” she says.
“What way?” says Fred.
“That way about time,” says Martha.
“Oh,” says Fred. “Yes.” (Martha turns to face him and gazes deeply into his eyes, causing him to become very nervous about what she might say next, especially if it involves a horse. At last she speaks.)
“Thank you, Fred,” she says.
“Thank you,” says Fred.
Then he takes her home, and she lies on her bed, a conflicted, tortured soul, and weeps until dawn, whereas when Fred gets back to his place, he opens a bag of Doritos, turns on the TV, and immediately becomes deeply involved in a rerun of a college basketball game between two South Dakota junior colleges that he has never heard of. A tiny voice in the far recesses of his mind tells him that something major was going on back there in the car, but he is pretty sure there is no way he would ever understand what, and so he figures it’s better if he doesn’t think about it.
The next day Martha will call her closest friend, or perhaps two of them, and they will talk about this situation for six straight hours. In painstaking detail, they will analyze everything she said and everything he said, going over it time and time again, exploring every word, expression, and gesture for nuances of meaning, considering every possible ramification.
They will continue to discuss this subject, off and on, for weeks, maybe months, never reaching any definite conclusions, but never getting bored with it either.
Meanwhile, Fred, while playing racquetball one day with a mutual friend of his and Martha’s, will pause just before serving, frown, and say: “Norm, did Martha ever own a horse?”
And that’s the difference between men and women.
Good afternoon Pan
We picked up an XBox One yesterday. Today we went to the zoo. Hubby couldn’t wait to get back home so he could play with his new toy.
The meerkat plushies are supercute!
Is this code?
Nothing a bar of soap could wash out of your mind.
Watch a robot play Threes!
Dont mind if I do!
Your bonus crap joke:
The man who created the chain of Showcase Cinemas has died. He was 91. His funeral is next Tuesday at 2.10, 4.20, 6.40 and 9.10.
XCJR (Extra Crap Joke Riffing):
The floor of the funeral home will be sticky.
Your bonus coat
Both of these links are solid gold, and must be explored when I get some free time.
This Tom Waits?
The same. This one too:
This lady.
Another link to check out later. I peeked and noticed she plays bass with a pick… Hmmm…
Just watch. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt on that…
Wow. Just wow.
Those crazy Soviets:
In Soviet Moon, one giant leap for mankind steps on you.
I must have these
If you would like some old skool blasting on your PC:
Anything to offer, Mr. Mangan?
That really is the stuff of childhood legends.
My family never went to the big amusement parks, so I only ever heard the Action Park mythologizing from the other kids. I did finally make it to Six Flags Great Adventure as a teenager, but never Action Park.
:happy: Thanks for the birthday wishes, all!
Your crap joke for this lazy Saturday morning:
Ted and his wife were working in their garden one day when Ted looks over at his wife and says: “Your butt is getting really big, I mean really big! I bet your butt is bigger than the barbecue.”
With that he proceeded to get a measuring tape and measure the grill and then went over to where his wife was working and measured his wife’s bottom.
“Yes, I was right, your butt is two inches wider than the barbecue!!!!”
The wife chooses to ignore her husband. Later that night in bed, Ted is feeling a little frisky. He makes some advances towards his wife who completely brushes him off.
“What’s wrong?” he asks.
She answers: “Do you really think I’m going to fire up this big-ass grill for one little weenie?”
….and as a bonus:
A little old lady was walking down the street dragging two large plastic garbage bags behind her. One of the bags was ripped and every once in a while a £20 note fell out onto the pavement.
Noticing this, a policeman stopped her, and said, “Ma’am, there are £20 notes falling out of that bag.”
“Oh, really? Darn it!” said the little old lady. “I’d better go back and see if I can find them. Thanks for telling me officer.
“Well, now, not so fast,” said the cop. Where did you get all that money? You didn’t steal it, did you?”
“Oh, no, no”, said the old lady. “You see, my back yard is right next
to a Golf course. A lot of Golfers come and pee through a knot hole in my fence, right into my flower garden. It used to really tick me off. Kills the flowers, you know. Then I thought, ‘why not make the best of it?’
So, now, I stand behind the fence by the knot hole, real quiet, with my hedge clippers. Every time some guy sticks his thing through my fence, I surprise him, grab hold of it and say, ‘O.K., buddy!
Give me £20, or off it comes!’
“Well, that seems only fair,” said the cop, laughing. “OK. Good luck!
Oh, by the way, what’s in the other bag?”
“Not everybody pays.”
Today’s fav logic asto why we don’t see Time travellers from the future:
We are the ‘control’ timeline.
In which timeline do apes evolve from men?
The Funky Bunch timeline
Get your stinking paws off me, you damn Dirk Diggler!
How to hide Jesus:
good christ…
Congrats to the Avs 50 win season and to Varley’s 40 wins. Dunno how this team is doing it with an entire top line gone and a shotty defense.
Judging the movie on its own merits, completely dismissing my thoughts on the author and the book I read 20 years ago, I’ve determined that Enders Game is crap.
Don’t hold back now, tell us how you really think.
I had a tad bit of wine while watching the movie & I didnt like the ending
I did enjoy the book, sans the ending. Not enough to continue with the series, but enough that I might have recommended it to a teenage reader.
The movie just failed to make me give a shit about the characters or to get me into the vague action scenes. The game scenes were kinda cool, but could have been riveting. Ditto (not ditto) for the battle scenes.
There’s my longer review. :metal:
We finally rented it a few weeks ago. It felt like a cliff notes version of the story, at best. Such a waste.
So heading home after seeing ‘Divergent’ at the flicks.
Not too shabby.
Strange thing about the upcoming film trailers, each film trailer had a different actor from Game of Thrones .
Speaking of Game of Thrones…
The new season airs tonight. Mr. Mangan & I will not get to see this season til its available on Netflix. Please NO SPOILERS!
Im excited for some dragons… & yet another wedding,eh.
Spoiler: winter is still coming.
That’s what Misses Frosty said.
Btw: Oh, Rhett…
…are you saying she got plowed?
Got excited when the forecasts predicted 10 inches?
Is he shouting, “Happy birthday!”?
Is it safe sex for him to take OFF his hat?
Jack Frost is nipping at what now?
Are you– *gets dragged off the stage*
Done! er or something. Guess I won’t be wearing the kilt to any upcoming DP functions. I’ll definitely give this album a spin.
Not sure how the album reply made it here, but there you go.
Or so GRR Martin would have us believe….I think he’s just trying to tell us it will be a cold day in hell by the time he’s finished writing it.
Maybe he means nuclear winter, after he just kills off every character in one fell swoop.
Another DM link that will (to quote justaJ0e) “break your funk-o-meter”:
truly funk-o-licious.
My Internet connection has never been so HIGH speed.
Thumbs up for the Cap’t America 2. I enjoyed it as much as Iron Man 3.
Agreed – our litter saw it this morning. Definitely a worthy addition to the Marvel collection. Sounds like it’s doing some decent numbers this weekend as well.
I’ve been in too many of these meetings.
..and it’s goodbye to Mickey Rooney:
93! Good for him. He seemed to have a helluva good time getting there.
He even managed to do A Pantomime over here.
Alas GOT will have to be watched Tuesday, Shameless season finale to watch first.
Which was rather sad in places, this season has been great.
Some important emdashes were removed from the opening sentence, but it’s still a good review. One of my more enthusiastic.
A contender, you say…
Not for everyone, but I like it quite a bit. I think Rhett will poop his kilt for this album.
I listened to some samples, reminds me a lot of Evergrey.
I can lend you the CD for a few spins.
Morning Pan
Life goes back to normal today, whatever that means.
Welcome back! The sweathogs have missed you.
Saw Captain America yesterday. It was fun.
We already have a Goonies II.
I’m thinking of watching a movie this afternoon. There may even be a play by play. Will turn on the TV at lunch time and see what there is in my DVR.
He had funny material beyond the Chinese buffet bit. RIP.
I seem to have lost my phone. I had it this morning but now I’m not sure what I did with it. hmmmm.
Do you need someone to call it?
Did you check under that cat?
It fell behind my desk
T-minus 10 minutes until you get this little gem
Ok peeps, it’s movie time!
It’s been awhile, so let’s go over the rules…
There are no rules. I do whatever I feel like on these.
Just be aware, there will be spoilers, and spelling may be an issue as I try to type as the movie plays… And, as a result, auto correct and I will have some arguments.
Now, it’s movie time!
A red brick house…
A rickety tree house
A “charmed” little girl
Clara falls
A woman with a gun
A nightmare
The Morrigan
A road trip
Gah! This is a Lifetime Original Movie?
Go figure
First sentence that could be taken out of context: it’s so much bigger than I realized
Taking the tour
A creepy closet
A friendly neighbour
This is a small town
A good architect
Creepy neighbour
Broken glass
A door opens
The doors close
She caved
A secret friend?
The creaky closet
An imaginary friend
School starts
Done detecting
Old friend
A. bad boy
A creeped out teacher
Getting noticed
They don’t know
Bad scene break
Unloading groceries
Sounds a bit of a faff:
You try it and tell us how it tastes
Hah! Somebody else suggested I do that as well.
A black car
An evil vision
An open door
A strange noise
An empty closet
A grumpy old man
A house history
Something bad
Dial it down
A beautiful bed
“Old people are weird”
Bricks and mortar
The bad man
Another vision
The spying car
Coffee time
A little excitement
A police report
The last owners
A higher than average body count
Crazy old man
Money on the table
File copy
What about class?
Meeting emma
Mysterious circumstances
Town has more than most
Crazy Clara’s mom
Sorry for your loss
House worries
Work accidents
Birthday charms
Clara was killed
Never let them out of your sight
Family danger
It was no accident
Homewood elementary
She pushed
The old Jenkins place
She saw a ghost
They just disappeared
Grumpy mama
Arnold Gray
A smooth transition
A short visit
Helping Clara
Who told you?
He’s cute
Leisurely drive
Dead friend
Window watching
Lying mom
Piece of mail
Find you feet
Flashing back
A deadly fall
A missing bracelet
A girl’s promise
A mystery to solve
A killer cup of joe
A small town
Too quiet
Great coffee
Scary envelopes
People lurking
Scaring the guest
Clara’s dad
Having a breakdown
Moving past
Protect my family
Stir things up
Let me know
Got too close
Let it go
Out of her system
Another poor cut
The Sheriff’s office
A serious car accident
She didn’t make it
A boston detective
An exemplary record
Crime photos
Reviewing records
A clue
An old shed
A phone rings
Time to get out
A blow to the head
A daughter doesn’t answer
A house party
Daddy’s car
An unconscious dad
A hospital waiting room
A make out session
Time to go
He was attacked
Not possible
Need something solid
With Alec
Walking home
Wrong move
He’ll be ok
Thumping sounds
Getting a gun
The truck leaves
Breaking in
Exploring the house
Ask my son
He forgot something
Move trophies
He returns
Sees window
He knows
Hide little girl
They fight
She shoots
Silly fight scene
Not dead
He’s got Emma
She’s ok
He has evidence
Coming home
Welcome home
So it ends
Poo tee weet?
So *that’s* how Sherlock Holmes faked his death…
I’ve had to switch to Safari as my Firefox seems to be broken since it’s last update a few days ago.
Safari so good.
Must admit to never being that impressed with Safari when I’ve tried it on Window PCs
Not a fan … but at least it works.
Firefox is doing this thing where it goes to my requested page and then imediatly switches to a page that tells me the page (that it just showed me for a split second) can’t be located. The tab says something about a “DNS Solution Yahoo Error Handler”.
Like, WHATever!
Spoiler alert: Tigh is a Cylon.
That’s so 2000’s. This time Adama will really be the Cylon. Tigh will be a ham sandwich.
Well as long as they have mustard..
There’s sure to be plenty of cheese.
The Cylons will be transformers.
50 or 60Hz?
So Pan I’m sitting in the cinema waiting for the following film to start:
Plus a large pretzel and a can of Dr Pepper on standby.
Well that was weird.
One of the trailers had an actor from GOT and One from Bladerunner.
The Dr. Pepper ?
The sugary one.
Morning Pan!
How are we this bright sunny day?
See above, I’m in a darkened room watching light patterns on a wall…
And yet, you are still Panning. tsk, tsk.
You look to your left and see a door.
What do you do?
The door knob begins to glow.
I suppose I had better buy it dinner.
List inventory.
Bus Token, Wax lips, Platform Swim Fins, #2 Pencil, 1/2 Tunafish sandwich, Bag of almost Holding.
Here I sit at the doc office…
Waiting. . .
Doc was busy this morning.
He is the foremost expert on TMJ/TMD. In Arizona
Well nice to see GOT back again, enjoyed the first episode of the new season,
I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. Even in the closing seconds.
The shoe…like the beat…. never dropped.
Music to reassure you that, your choice to “die with dignity” was the right decision to make.
And, to add to that
I had no idea the Annabelle doll was “real.”
I saw a movie that featured the dybbuk box. Like you, I thought it was just a story
I dunno about any of that… but I clearly remember the U.S. being in the grips of a George Dybbuk Bush box a while ago
That’s the most terrifying curse imaginable.
While we won’t be able to see it until tomorrow, tonight Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is on. Without getting into spoilers, I wonder how the events in Captain America will affect the show.
I was wondering the same thing.
Man I understand the tv/movie crossover but I hate that they do it. Usually I cant see the film until it comes to the dollar theater, so Im constantly avoiding for a couple months.
Didn’t that happen last week?, the guy captured on the ship at the beginning of the film is seen leaving for the ship in the TV series.
What did I just say about having no idea for a couple months?
Well since you haven’t seen the film you won’t have a clue what I was talking about.
Well, they weren’t kidding when they said that the new Captain America movie changes everything about Agents of SHIELD.
This was definitely a well planned overall story line on Marvel’s part. And, really, with the whole nature of the new movie, the series would have to be impacted.
Overall, it was pretty masterfully done.
Oh, and Cap was excellent, btw. I have to chuckle at the predictions that this one was going to be a financial dissapointment compared to Avengers and Iron Man 3.
So do I need to skip this week’s episode until I have seen the movie?
Not really, just go with the flow.
Of course the film bad gas organisation will be spoilt for you.
Who predicted that? Dumb.
What a cool idea. Some of these are fantastic:
Oh dear:
The saxophone? Was this poll taken in 1986?
The ghost of Gerry Rafferty will knobble your guitar playing…
I can’t hear him over the awful noise of ghost Clarence Clemons’s sax.
I think you mean 1956.
These overnight shifts are for the birds…
Angry ones?
Go back to Tilt to Live, do not pass the ostrich and do not claim your groats.
Hitchcock ones.
Morning Pan
Hubby is still here. He has a 9:00 meeting so will be here for another hour.
*hubby loves*
You do realise it’s not actually 666?
I can never understand our weather. Yesterday it was beautiful and sunny. The temperature reached a wonderful 20C. Now, it’s snowing. *sigh*
I fear these are all going to be wasted on me:
Possible if I take a pack of Rennies:
Both of these are incomplete. They don’t have the beers or ciders from our local breweries.