Miss Beatrice, the church organist, was in her eighties and had never been married. She was admired for sweetness and kindness to all. One afternoon the pastor came to call on her and she showed him into her quaint sitting room. She invited him to have a seat while she prepared tea.
As he sat facing her old pump organ, the young minister noticed a cut-glass bowl sitting on top of it. The bowl was filled with water. In the water floated, of all things, a condom! When she returned with tea and scones, they began to chat. The pastor tried to stifle his curiosity about the bowl of water and its strange floater, but soon it got the better of him and he could no longer resist. “Miss Beatrice”, he said, “I wonder if you would tell me about this?” pointing to the bowl. “Oh, yes” she replied, “isn’t it wonderful?
I was walking through the park a few months ago and I found this little package on the ground. The directions said to place it on the organ, keep it wet and that it would prevent the spread of disease. Do you know I haven’t had the flu all winter!” The pastor fainted.
This joke provided its own coat.
Whoa…. meta…
To get the ball rolling on the subject in this new thread – at this point, the weekend of September 13th looks workable for me.
I’m told that that weekend isn’t workable for me 🙁 Sorry.
Back to the drawing board!
Morning Pan
I won’t be able to listen to the episode until next week 🙁
Once again it will be on a day when I will be out of town.
Just used the interwebs to try and find a comic shop where I will be and it looks like about an hours drive.
No matter what blend of coffee you start with, the longer it sits in the pot it becomes French Roast.
I’d love to see them somehow go back in and repair the nonsense of the final season. Can we green-light that project?
See I loved the last final season. Thought it was a perfect mythos for what was the purpose of the island. Sure the finale ended with more of a whimper than a bang, but for a show that was so strong for so long it could have been much worse. BSG and Dexter I’m looking at you.
How dare you disagree!
To clarify:
I greatly enjoyed the ride of the final season, I just found the resolution extremely disappointing. Go back and fix that.
I gave up partway through season 3 for various reasons. I think this show would have been much better if it was cleaned up and condensed. For seasons 2 & 3 I just felt that they were trying to stretch things out for as long as they could get away with it. I’m not a viewer that likes having his chain jerked.
Disagree completely but respect your opinion.
Agree on the resolution, Jack. To be fair I dont think people would have been as infuriated as they were had the creators blatantly said “No, no the ending isnt going to be like that” and then the ending was exactly that.
I though the ending wAs copout, but enjoyed the last two series.
Have to agree it still ended better than BSG.
Youre a copout! *cough*
Right! There, we solved it.
I didn’t watch.
There weren’t enough plane crashes in it.
The Golden Voyage of Sinbad is now on Netflix in the UK.
Tom Baker (pre Doctor Who) as the villain. Lots of animation by Ray Harryhausen. Oh and tgat guy who played the Angel in Barbarella.
Last saw it at the Flicks in the 70’s..
Does Barbarella need to be our next Palooza?
Oh Gawd yes, we’ll need to clean Lo’s drool off the floor after the strip scene though..
That’s not drool.
Seriously, Sir Mix-A-Lot might not be impressed with Jane Fonda, but the scene with the Orgasmatron was drool-worthy.
A cup of tea before bed might be a good idea.
The people doing Raspberry Pi projects can be quirky:
At the end of the tax year, the IRS office sent an inspector to audit the books of a local hospital.
While the IRS agent was checking the books, he turned to the CFO of the hospital and said,
“I notice you buy a lot of bandages. What do you do with the end of the roll when there’s too little left to be of any use?”
“Good question ,” noted the CFO. “We save them up and send them back to the bandage company and every once in a while, they send us a free roll.”
“Oh,” replied the auditor, somewhat disappointed that his unusual question had a practical answer. But on he went, in his obnoxious way. “What about all these plaster purchases? What do you do with what’s left over after setting a cast on a patient?”
“Ah, yes,” replied the CFO, realizing that the inspector was trying to trap him with an unanswerable question. “We save it and send it back to the manufacturer and every so often they will send us a free bag of plaster.”
“I see,” replied the auditor, thinking hard about how he could fluster the know-it-all CFO.
“Well,” he went on, “What do you do with all the remains from the circumcision surgeries?”
“Here, too, we do not waste,” answered the CFO. “What we do is save all the little foreskins and send them to the IRS office, and about once a year they send us a complete prick.”
Et voilà !
Avs vs. Wild cant come fast enough.
“Time to put our balls on the table” – Patrick Roy
Just reading about a documentary team that unearthed a bunch of old Atari games in a Mexico Landfill.
I’m wondering what current pop-culture item we should re-entomb in the hole.
So I’ve officially become confused about the plot.
/slightly spoilerific
I love that I have absolutely no idea who is really the “bad guy”.
I am beginning to suspect there IS no “good guy”.
/slightly spoilerific
Well Done, Anaheim Ducks, my hometown team for *finally* taking down the Dallas Stars!
I look forward to a most excellent Round 2 series with your California foe.
A successful weekend Cali run was apparently just what we all needed. Now a few days to rest and… ahh dammit.
Ah twitter, I had commented that the 3 ‘Hereward and Fitz’ stories by Garth Nix weren’t enough.
The author replied that two new ones were coming out this year…
The last four days the vertigo has been back.
Of course on the decide to visit the doc it subsides.
Until I got our of bed, wowser! I’ve staggered less when pissed.
Put off seeing the doc, it seems to have cleared up.
So off to see ‘transcendence’ at the flicks.
When was the last time Johnny Depp did a good film?
What is “Pirates of the Carribean?”
Watson blesses you with a blue star and reminds you about the myth about HAL.
I’d argue Rango was the last good one. Not that long ago.
Well not fantastic, a Hollywood version of AI, but watchable.
Gah, you might be right, Ed. How depressing.
Related thought: what’s his best movie?
I’m gonna go with Ed Wood, although The 9th Gate is my hipster alternative selection.
I think Sweeney Todd was after Pirates, and that’s a good one.
Best film… I’m giving a 3 way tie to Platoon, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and Donnie Brasco.
My fav film, tho not best, is Sleepy Holow
I’ve only seen Plattoon once yet have no memory of Johnny Depp.
I had to check wiki and IMDB to confirm I was wrong.
Maybe not a “Johnny Depp” film, but certainly a who’s who of bit players
Nightmare on Elm Street doesn’t count! That’s like calling Friday the 13th a Kevin Bacon movie.
I haven’t seen Sweeney Todd, probably never will. Donnie Brasco was a damn fine film, wasn’t it?
Well… wasnt it?
😛 (and yes, of course NoES counts. I’d forgotten he was in that.)
Sweeney Todd was brilliant but soooo disturbing.
I’m just glad we all can remember when Depp wasnt a Burton punchline
Apparently I need to add a few to my list. I may also have to revise my answer…someday.
Morning Pan
Had a good convention. Can I go back to bed now?
The computer says no.
I hope there are stories to share.
Joan Rivers looked at a book of one of our booth mates (he writes children’s stories). Is that a good story? The funny thing is, he wasn’t in the booth at the time and was so upset he missed it.
Won a Red Panda comic today, e-comic that but still.
Dont worry bout it. These kind of people are shouting louder and louder because their numbers are less and less
That is an excellent book, BTW.
Dr Mr Sony, just give the Spider-Man license back to Marvel.
Just saying..
Yup. Oh yup.
While theyre at it they can do a 2 for 1 give away with Fantastic Four
The new Spider-Man 2 was a bit shit in my view.
So was the last one in my view. If they were really smart, theyd licence it back to Marvel for a cut of the profit. I assure you, a licensed Marvel led Spider Man film would net Sony as much profit as these are. And we consumers would get far superior films… not to mention a Spider-Man / Avengers film that would be the stuff of legend.
I believe you.
I’m disappointed.
I agree that the previous one was utterly useless.
So sleepy.
So sorry!
Have you been keeping Essbee up again?
Morning Pan
Took Boo’s car in for regular maintenance and to have the snow tires taken off.
San Jose wins:
Food: An Italian pasta dish. (I ate lots of Italian food with my aunt and uncle during my first trip to SJ).
Song: “Red Seas, Black Sea” by Shearwater.
Movie: Choke.
Picture: A restaurant sign, place, thing, person, etc. with the word, “Jose” on it.
Colorado Wins:
Food: Colorado brew of your choosing
Movie: things to DO in Denver When You’re Dead
Song: ‘Colorado’ by Slapstick
Picture: You posing in the form of the letter ‘C’
Dallas Wins:
Food – a Ribeye (unless your a vegetarian, then have one leaf of iceburg lettuce)
Movie – Boys Don’t Cry
Song – All My Exes Live in Texas – George Strait
Picture – You in either a Stetson or cowboy boots
Boston Wins:
Food – New England Clam Chowder (unless you’re a vegetarian, then eat one can of creamed corn)
Movie – Gone Baby Gone or any Lehane adaptation
Song – Debaser – Pixies
Picture – You drinking a Sam Adams, any Sam Adams
Anaheim wins: (EssBee, this is your punishment)
Food– you eating an Anaheim chile in any fashion and submitting the recipe, along with your thoughts on the dish
Movie: Any Disney movie or Disney cartoon (PIxar movies pre-breakup from Disney Corp)
Song: “My Own Worst Enemy” by Lit (little known fact that 2 band members went to my high school)
Photo: A pic of you at Disneyland!!!
As far as I can tell, Chicago was unclaimed. I submit myself to whatever punishment people choose (within reason)
I found this article to be pointless and just as shallow as all of the mentioned tabloid headlines
Agreed. It came across as just some personal, mean, axe that the writer had to grind.
Essbee, I think I’ve mentioned this before
(It’s on EZTV and piratebay), but Hinterland is rather good, Swedish noir made in Wales as one critic put it.
Thanks, Van! I have the first couple of episodes but haven’t watched yet. I’m a bit buried in TV currently – Mad Men, GoT, VEEP, etc, etc. But this is just the type of show I love! Will watch on the elliptical – thanks for the reminder!
Ok, if this mmmmeetup comes off how are we going to console Lo when he discovers I’m not gay?
Contingency plans in place… countermeasures fully operational…
But you two make such a cute couple.
He’s the pitcher and dont you forget it.
Ranking the songs on Faith No More’s ‘Real Thing’ album in order of preference:
Real Thing
Zombie Eaters
From Out of Nowhere
War Pigs
Falling to Pieces
Surprise! Youre Dead
The Morning After
Woodpecker From Mars
Edge of the World
Underwater Love
He is completely avoiding the SW and West Coast, but you will play in Oklahoma City?
Pretty sure he’s not ‘avoiding’… I’m sure there will be another leg of the tour announced.
I miss Sam Kinison and George Carlin. I want material from these two genius comics. STAT!
“give the joke to me… give it here.” Sam Kinison was amazingly funny, even though his anti gay stance was quite dickish.
And that was the least of that dick’s issues. Sorry, I abhor Sam Kinison. Obviously he had/has a lot of fans and I’ll never tell them otherwise, but to me there was and is 100 better comedians than that guy.
and now *I* came off dickish… 🙁
*muppet flail* I’m going in June!
can someone please tell me what the symbol between the TARDIS and 221b represents.
Well another day has passed and I didn’t use Algebra once.
You know, probably the most impressive thing to me about the cast for the next Star Wars movie is that it will have Max Von Sydow. Whatever part he plays is going to raise the level of the movie, but really – he was already not a young guy when he gave us Ming the Merciless 30 years ago. Whenever I see something about him, I keep thinking he must have died years ago.
Just a friendly shout out to TEB, the new Penny Dreadful series features a few 8 legged critters..and that’s just the title sequence.
It’s actually too dark for my TV, I can’t see a lot of the action even with the brightness turned up.
Thanks for the heads up, Van. It’s suppose to hit here next week. I may give it a pass.
To be fair they are more visible in the title credits than the rest of the episode.
Time for a kip, with R2 pulsating in the background.
Time for me to look up wtf youre talking about…. are you having fish with a certain astromech?
BBC radio 2 via the BBc’s app.
I have watched the first episode on Hulu. It is decent, lots of potential. I keep comparing it to a mix of American Horror Story and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
Eeek. Apparently Jonathan Coulton is not from Calgary.
I’m going to watch a movie this afternoon. However, I’m not sure if Smurfs 2 is PBP material. Not because it isn’t silly (which I’m sure it will be) but more because I’m not sure if people want me to spoil this movie as they may want to watch it themselves.
If you catch me watching a smurfs film you are allowed to slap me with a wet fish.
I’m grateful to the Smurfs for the great Deadpan material they’ve inspired over the years, but I will join Vanamonde next to the canal to be slapped with a fish if you catch me watching Smurfs 2.
I do not support torture and I am not part of the “make ’em suffer” crowd when it comes to convicted murderers.
That being said, I honestly find I have no sympathy for this man who’s “quick and humane execution” didn’t work out that way. I take no joy from it but I also feel no sympathy.
“Lockett was sentenced to death for shooting 19-year-old Stephanie Neiman and watching as two accomplices buried her alive in 1999.
Ms Neiman and a friend had interrupted the men as they robbed a home.”
I agree with you. I know there’s alot of people who say just let them rot in jail… and that would be fine if I didnt have to pay for their jailing as a taxpayer.
Yeah. He’ll get NO sympathy from me. Less than zero.
I’m not a supporter of CP, and quite happy to pay taxes to keep them locked up till they die.
I hope they never bring it back in the UK.
While I have no qualms about capital punishment in principle, in practice it ends up costing less in the U.S. for life in prison. Decades of delays, appeals, death row accommodations end up consuming a lot of capital.
9/11 changes my thoughts on capital punishment. I wondered how we could ever catch bin laden and let him live.
Im not sure about that Ed. Do you have any links I could look at?
I have seen articles in the past, but it’s been a few years. I’ll have to track them down again. It may have been something from Freakanomics.
– While not an peer reviewed study, this article is fairly typical of what I’ve read over the years:
As for Jack’s notion about Bin Laden – I certainly agree that, for criminals on a national scale, the payback to the national psyche outweighs the costs of the legal process.
My boss told me I had to take tomorrow and Friday off. Yes, had too. There may be a PBP tomorrow. Depends upon whether or not I decide to go out and enjoy the sun while it lasts.
I’ve never got hot tubs, maybe it’s the climate.
Good start. Lets go boys
Erik Johnson!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
done. fuck.
All 3 of tonight’s Game 7s have gone the wrong way.
stupid hockey teams tonight.
0 for 3.
Nobody had L.A., so I guess I’ll let you all come up with stuff.
How about pictures of the Hollywood sign?
It’s a pleasure to wake to the sound of the rain.
Of course in my more morbid moments I feel it’s just a a pleasure to actually wake up.
This week has been one of good news for the company I work for. A short story in one of our anthologies has been nominated for an Aurora award (the Canadian equivalent of the Hugos), and two of our titles have been nominated for the Alberta Publishers Award in Spec Fic. This last one is especially good since only three titles make it to the short list.
Tracks was rather good if a bit sad in places.
Well worth checking out.
Look! There he is…
ditto. Now, that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time. A long time.
Hi, Deadpan!
I just posted my last hockey debt pictures from the Olympics challenge to the Facebook group. If it’s not too late to claim a team for NHL playoffs, I want to play. Is Nashville in the playoffs this year? If so, I want to claim it. If not, I’ll take any unclaimed team.
I’m posting this from the cruise terminal at Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. My godparents organized a group cruise to Barcelona. I might post again later if I have a chance to charge my phone before I lose 3G signal. Or I might go ahead and pay for satellite Internet on the ship, just once. My plan is to maintain radio silence on the Internet for most of my vacation. Bon voyage, Pan!
P.S.: The Deadpan voicemail line is still active, so I still call in airport updates whenever I’m in an airport. Jack, are you still receiving them? 🙂
WOWZA! WHat a trip for you and your family.
Yes, VM is still up n active!
Have a blast and enjoy everything!!! How exciting.
Be safe 🙂
Jack says Please Call!
Yes, please call – – and have a great time! You’re living the life.
Just listened to the Ask Me Another podcast content for today. What do you know, it turns out to be the First of May…
My basement flooded on Monday, about 1/4 to 1/2 inch in many spots. Lovely.
So I might be late on my predicted release date for Ghostlight Podcast Season Three Episode One…
But only a little.
Meanwhile, recording on the rebooted Idjitcast continues to be a bit problematic, but we will get it sorted by the time we record actual episodes.
JohnBoze. Now, that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time. A long time.
I haven’t gone by that name since back in the Deadpan Wars…
If you saw my car right now, you’d see a new toilet, sink, and two faucets.
Also, today is our 1 year anniversary of our civil union, and next week is our 15th anniversary.
If this isn’t romantic, I just don’t know what is.
You got a toilet installed in your car ?
Its the latest craze…
That is a great idea!
But no, the toilet is in a box. We are doing some fix-ups ’round the house.
ITS BEEN A YEAR!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Holy jesus time…
Indeed, Saturday will be brought to me by the number 48′
Yes, hubby uses Comixology a lot. The email they sent when in-app purchases stopped didn’t really make it clear that was happening, and why. Hubby just assumed it followed the amazon way of making your purchases on line and they would automatically loaded to the ipad. *shrug*
Happy Union-versary, EssBee and Sly B. You two are awesome.
oh, and it’s the 1st of May!
What Pixie said!
Here! Here!
Feeling very sorry for myself, still haven’t shrugged off this infection,
Stay warm, Van. *hugs*
Get better, dammit!
Morning Pan
It’s raining. I’ll take the rain over snow any day.
My cat is mad at me. I kicked her off the bed so I could change the sheets. After almost 18 years you’d think she’s be use to that by now.
Now, I think it’s time to have my morning shower. Then I will clean the washroom.
After that, who knows. We will see what the day brings. :silly:
It’s official. I’m old. We painted our new room (converted the garage into a bedroom) last night after dinner and am EXHAUSTED. When we bought the house 12 or so years ago, we worked on the house after work for a few weeks. Can’t do that kind of stuff any more!
I have no problem with this. If youre allowed to raise a 10 Commandments statue in front of a government building, then every other religion gets a fair shake too.
Agreed. I think the bigger message is once you open the door to overtly religious messages on government property, you’re basically getting into a country sized pissing match. Better to keep that stuff on private property.
That’s the rub, sir.
The only way to settle this is with a fiddlin’ contest.
So let it be fiddlin’. So let it be done.
My god’s bigger than your god…
Your crap joke for the day:
A woman is at home when she hears someone knocking at her door. She goes to the door opens it and sees a man standing there. He asks the lady, “Do you have a Vagina?” She slams the door in disgust. The next morning she hears a knock at the door, its the same man and he asks the same question to the woman, “Do you have a Vagina?” She slams the door again. Later that night when her husband gets home she tell him what has happened for the last two days. The husband tells his wife in a loving and concerned voice, “Honey, I am taking an off tomorrow so as to be home, just in case this guy shows up again.” The next morning they hear a knock at the door and both ran for the door. The husband whispers to the wife, “Honey,i’m going to hide behind the door and listen and if it is the same guy I want you to answer yes to the question because I want to a see where he’s going with this.” She nods yes to her husband and opens the door. Sure enough the same fellow is standing there, he asks, “Do you have a Vagina?” “Yes I do.” says the lady. The man replies, “Good, would you mind telling your husband to leave my wife’s alone and start using yours!”
This IS really cool… now to uncross my eyes after reading
This is so wonderful I could cry. I was at this conference and was one of the people that got pranked. I’ve been talking about this event and how ridiculous it was at work for days and I still have my silly headband. By they way, the way they crashed the conference was by telling us that Colin Powell was on his way to speak to us and these guys were the speakers that were to come before him.
I’ve started playing Prison Architect. It’s very… strange.
CW: Galaxy Quest
with Jack Managan as my #1
Would you believe it’s still snowing? *sigh*
Oooh Canada!!
FCBD was a success! Well, for the kids, at least. I hope they like the stuff we got them.
Bought a Chromecast unit today, will have to play with it tomorrow.
Yes, once you’ve played with your unit you can come back with a report.
Just make sure you’ve washed your hands…
…and an early crap joke for this Star Wars day:
Two guys were fishing on the Ohio River. One catches the biggest catfish either one has ever seen. He says to his buddy, “We need to remember this spot so we can come back here again.” His buddy pulls a pen out of his pocket and makes a big ‘X’ on the bottom of his boat. The first guy looks at his buddy, shaking his head in disgust. “You idiot- what if we bring another boat next time?”
And it’s May 4th here!
I just wanted to find out what “chemex brewing” was.
In the end, I felt like I was being schooled by the science club president
Two cowboy ranchers in Texas, they each had their own horse, but they could never tell them apart. So the first cowboy said, “I’ve got it!” The second cowboy said “What?” “I’ll shave the main on my horse.” Let’s do it!” So the cowboy shaves the main on his horse. But after a while the main grew back. The cowboys are having a really hard time telling them apart. Then the one cowboy said, “I’ve got it! “What? What? What’s your idea now? says the other” “I’ll cut the tail on my horse really small.” “Alright! Let’s do it!” So he cut the tail really short. But after a while it grew back. “Then the second cowboy said, “OK, this time I’ve got it!” You take the black one and I’ll take white one!!!!”
That one just earned itself a high place on my “Ultimate Truth” list…especially since I fear I would be the one to write that return note.
A Cynful sighting!
holy crap!
Yes, Cynful (don’t we all speak of ourselves in third person) is considering options of going to the mmmmmmMeetup, so you all have to decide timing 🙂 There may be a real Cynful sighting. I may just hug Jack and Lo til their eyes pop…. with respect to significant others of course.
Oh for shame, DMX. Yall gotta small ass vocab mind. Up in here.
Kool G Rap is the biggest surprise. He never struck me as especially well-read.
Ornithorhynchus anatinus Platypus!
I’m going to have to bill you for the duck.
I’m going to have to charge you for this coat
You can’t have ze duck.
Well yesterday I had a play with the Chromecast dongle I bought.
Easy to setup, the app on my phone detected the chromecast without a hitch.
I think I had some misconceptions on what is possible and the experience was underwhelming. No apps on my phone support streaming video files stored on the phone. There is a third party plugin for the Chromwbrowser that will let you stream video files from a computer but I thought that was a bit pointless (I have other hardware that would do that).
Netflix and BBC iplayer work fine, but didn’t work as I expected. There is no directly controlled app on the Chromecast, control is via the apps on the phone or browser plugins on a computer.
It’s limited to 720p output, which was fine for me.
I must admit, as much as I’m an android guy, I have found it hard to understand the point of Chromecast in its current incarnation. Your illustration of the limitations underscore why.
My latest Blu-Ray player seems to do everything I would want a Chromecast or Ruku to do, mostly just stream Amazon video.
Also “play with the Chromecast dongle”
Morning Pan
Hubby is out of town for a few days 🙁
Sitting in the coffee after seeing this at the flicks:
A hitchhiker was standing by the roadside near the law school with his thumb out. A motorist stopped and asked, “Are you a lawyer?” “No,” the hitchhiker replied. The motorist drove off.A few minutes later, a second motorist stopped and asked, “Are you a lawyer?” The hitchhiker again replied that he wasn’t, so the second motorist drove off.Finally a third motorist stopped and this time the driver was a voluptuous redhead. “Hi, are you a lawyer?” she asked. After telling her that he was, she told him to get in and off they drove.After sitting and admiring the driver for a few minutes, the hitchhiker thought to himself, “This is incredible. I’ve only been a lawyer for five minutes and already I’m thinking about screwing someone!”
There, my cupboard is now full. Although I was a little disappointed. I wanted to buy stuff for dinner I like but hubby doesn’t for the days he is away. Unfortunately, all the items I wanted were in “family size” quantities, not singles. Will have to rethink my dinner choices for the next three days.
Arriving to hospital four hours before a scheduled surgery is a bit ridiculous…
Not happy
Ummm. Surgery? Should we be worried?
Regardless *hugs*
Note: the surgery is not for Pixie, and it’s not for a life-threatening – – but sure, surgery for loved ones is always at least a little anxious, and *hugs* are certainly encouraged.
sorry everyone. I should’ve been more detail-oriented…
update: Mom is finally in the OR, getting that bionic knee.
More hugs to Jack!
Your crap joke for the day:
Miss Beatrice, the church organist, was in her eighties and had never been married. She was admired for sweetness and kindness to all. One afternoon the pastor came to call on her and she showed him into her quaint sitting room. She invited him to have a seat while she prepared tea.
As he sat facing her old pump organ, the young minister noticed a cut-glass bowl sitting on top of it. The bowl was filled with water. In the water floated, of all things, a condom! When she returned with tea and scones, they began to chat. The pastor tried to stifle his curiosity about the bowl of water and its strange floater, but soon it got the better of him and he could no longer resist. “Miss Beatrice”, he said, “I wonder if you would tell me about this?” pointing to the bowl. “Oh, yes” she replied, “isn’t it wonderful?
I was walking through the park a few months ago and I found this little package on the ground. The directions said to place it on the organ, keep it wet and that it would prevent the spread of disease. Do you know I haven’t had the flu all winter!” The pastor fainted.
This joke provided its own coat.
Whoa…. meta…
To get the ball rolling on the subject in this new thread – at this point, the weekend of September 13th looks workable for me.
I’m told that that weekend isn’t workable for me 🙁 Sorry.
Back to the drawing board!
Morning Pan
I won’t be able to listen to the episode until next week 🙁
Dont worry, it has a happy ending
“happy ending”
Bow wow wow chicka wow wow
‘Revenge’ for A link Jack posted a while back:
“Not Iowa”
Do I identify with fake tan or fucked-up laws?
Maybe I’ll just go to Van’s part of the UK and be shirtless.
It’s can be a bi chilly for a resident of Arizona.
To be fair, that’s how most ‘Mericans view their own country.
Agreed. This is a good find, Van!
And here I thought I would be able to make it through life without clicking on a Buzzfeed link. Alas…
Texas is pretty spot on, from what I could read on my phone.
Here you go, J0e. http://www.freecomicbookday.com/Home/1/1/27/992
Once again it will be on a day when I will be out of town.
Just used the interwebs to try and find a comic shop where I will be and it looks like about an hours drive.
No matter what blend of coffee you start with, the longer it sits in the pot it becomes French Roast.
Sacré bleu!!
Another quality Buzzfeed link! No, really:
Holy education!
Four years!!!!
Bad idea.
I’d love to see them somehow go back in and repair the nonsense of the final season. Can we green-light that project?
See I loved the last final season. Thought it was a perfect mythos for what was the purpose of the island. Sure the finale ended with more of a whimper than a bang, but for a show that was so strong for so long it could have been much worse. BSG and Dexter I’m looking at you.
How dare you disagree!
To clarify:
I greatly enjoyed the ride of the final season, I just found the resolution extremely disappointing. Go back and fix that.
I gave up partway through season 3 for various reasons. I think this show would have been much better if it was cleaned up and condensed. For seasons 2 & 3 I just felt that they were trying to stretch things out for as long as they could get away with it. I’m not a viewer that likes having his chain jerked.
Disagree completely but respect your opinion.
Agree on the resolution, Jack. To be fair I dont think people would have been as infuriated as they were had the creators blatantly said “No, no the ending isnt going to be like that” and then the ending was exactly that.
I though the ending wAs copout, but enjoyed the last two series.
Have to agree it still ended better than BSG.
Youre a copout! *cough*
Right! There, we solved it.
I didn’t watch.
There weren’t enough plane crashes in it.
The Golden Voyage of Sinbad is now on Netflix in the UK.
Tom Baker (pre Doctor Who) as the villain. Lots of animation by Ray Harryhausen. Oh and tgat guy who played the Angel in Barbarella.
Last saw it at the Flicks in the 70’s..
Does Barbarella need to be our next Palooza?
Oh Gawd yes, we’ll need to clean Lo’s drool off the floor after the strip scene though..
That’s not drool.
Seriously, Sir Mix-A-Lot might not be impressed with Jane Fonda, but the scene with the Orgasmatron was drool-worthy.
A cup of tea before bed might be a good idea.
The people doing Raspberry Pi projects can be quirky:
Your crap joke for the day:
At the end of the tax year, the IRS office sent an inspector to audit the books of a local hospital.
While the IRS agent was checking the books, he turned to the CFO of the hospital and said,
“I notice you buy a lot of bandages. What do you do with the end of the roll when there’s too little left to be of any use?”
“Good question ,” noted the CFO. “We save them up and send them back to the bandage company and every once in a while, they send us a free roll.”
“Oh,” replied the auditor, somewhat disappointed that his unusual question had a practical answer. But on he went, in his obnoxious way. “What about all these plaster purchases? What do you do with what’s left over after setting a cast on a patient?”
“Ah, yes,” replied the CFO, realizing that the inspector was trying to trap him with an unanswerable question. “We save it and send it back to the manufacturer and every so often they will send us a free bag of plaster.”
“I see,” replied the auditor, thinking hard about how he could fluster the know-it-all CFO.
“Well,” he went on, “What do you do with all the remains from the circumcision surgeries?”
“Here, too, we do not waste,” answered the CFO. “What we do is save all the little foreskins and send them to the IRS office, and about once a year they send us a complete prick.”
Et voilà !
Avs vs. Wild cant come fast enough.
“Time to put our balls on the table” – Patrick Roy
Just reading about a documentary team that unearthed a bunch of old Atari games in a Mexico Landfill.
I’m wondering what current pop-culture item we should re-entomb in the hole.
Ouya consoles was one suggestion.
Beat me to it
So it seems Amazon is already messing with Comixology.
The old app on iOS and Android is being retired and you can’t buy comics with the new app you have to buy them through the web store.
This means they don’t have to pay Apple.
*Howard Dean scream*
Cutthroats on to the CHL finals.
Seriously, Avs… follow suit, eh?
1 for 18 on the powerplay this series… and the 1 was an empty netter. That’s not gonna cut it
Like a boss
You can breathe now, Lo Pan.
I can pee now too!!!!!
I thought you used diapers during a game.
:mush: :cth:
Wild by far have been the better team this series. That being said…enter Matt Duchene
Well Pan today is the start of 2 weeks holiday for me, plans have turned to dust so I suspect it will be two weeks of chilling out.
Interesting cartoon. Certainly not as groundbreaking as Don Hertzfeldt’s Rejected. But still rather well thought out and original.
I’ve seem of these before:
-m +n +some
CW: Orphan Black S2E2
So I’ve officially become confused about the plot.
/slightly spoilerific
I love that I have absolutely no idea who is really the “bad guy”.
I am beginning to suspect there IS no “good guy”.
/slightly spoilerific
Well Done, Anaheim Ducks, my hometown team for *finally* taking down the Dallas Stars!
I look forward to a most excellent Round 2 series with your California foe.
A successful weekend Cali run was apparently just what we all needed. Now a few days to rest and… ahh dammit.
Ah twitter, I had commented that the 3 ‘Hereward and Fitz’ stories by Garth Nix weren’t enough.
The author replied that two new ones were coming out this year…
The last four days the vertigo has been back.
Of course on the decide to visit the doc it subsides.
Until I got our of bed, wowser! I’ve staggered less when pissed.
Put off seeing the doc, it seems to have cleared up.
So off to see ‘transcendence’ at the flicks.
When was the last time Johnny Depp did a good film?
What is “Pirates of the Carribean?”
Watson blesses you with a blue star and reminds you about the myth about HAL.
I’d argue Rango was the last good one. Not that long ago.
Well not fantastic, a Hollywood version of AI, but watchable.
Gah, you might be right, Ed. How depressing.
Related thought: what’s his best movie?
I’m gonna go with Ed Wood, although The 9th Gate is my hipster alternative selection.
I think Sweeney Todd was after Pirates, and that’s a good one.
Best film… I’m giving a 3 way tie to Platoon, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and Donnie Brasco.
My fav film, tho not best, is Sleepy Holow
I’ve only seen Plattoon once yet have no memory of Johnny Depp.
I had to check wiki and IMDB to confirm I was wrong.
Maybe not a “Johnny Depp” film, but certainly a who’s who of bit players
Nightmare on Elm Street doesn’t count! That’s like calling Friday the 13th a Kevin Bacon movie.
I haven’t seen Sweeney Todd, probably never will. Donnie Brasco was a damn fine film, wasn’t it?
Well… wasnt it?
😛 (and yes, of course NoES counts. I’d forgotten he was in that.)
Sweeney Todd was brilliant but soooo disturbing.
I’m just glad we all can remember when Depp wasnt a Burton punchline
Apparently I need to add a few to my list. I may also have to revise my answer…someday.
Morning Pan
Had a good convention. Can I go back to bed now?
The computer says no.
I hope there are stories to share.
Joan Rivers looked at a book of one of our booth mates (he writes children’s stories). Is that a good story? The funny thing is, he wasn’t in the booth at the time and was so upset he missed it.
Won a Red Panda comic today, e-comic that but still.
Oh yeah:
I need to check dates, but not figs, those fuckers should be left alone.
Adam and Eve would agree.
Bunny, are you tracking the hockey debts as usual? I believe I’ve fallen to Pixie.
HI Ess
Yes I am. I’ll do up a list tomorrow. I used today to decompress.
Off to the Pepsi Center to watch the Avalanche on the BIG screen with 1000 of my closest friends. Its free! And free is gooood
Beat the Parise!
The opposite! He’s really stepped up of late.
These are “hilarious.”
Remember, Avs fans, the home team has won every game in this series.
Ah yes! I do love/loathe me Game 7s!
Dont worry bout it. These kind of people are shouting louder and louder because their numbers are less and less
That is an excellent book, BTW.
Dr Mr Sony, just give the Spider-Man license back to Marvel.
Just saying..
Yup. Oh yup.
While theyre at it they can do a 2 for 1 give away with Fantastic Four
The new Spider-Man 2 was a bit shit in my view.
So was the last one in my view. If they were really smart, theyd licence it back to Marvel for a cut of the profit. I assure you, a licensed Marvel led Spider Man film would net Sony as much profit as these are. And we consumers would get far superior films… not to mention a Spider-Man / Avengers film that would be the stuff of legend.
I believe you.
I’m disappointed.
I agree that the previous one was utterly useless.
So sleepy.
So sorry!
Have you been keeping Essbee up again?
Morning Pan
Took Boo’s car in for regular maintenance and to have the snow tires taken off.
That’s me, the optimist.
As promised, here is the hockey pool stats. First, to make sure I have people and their teams correct:
I had Montreal & St. Louis
Pixie had Anaheim
EssBee had Dallas & Boston
LoPan had Colorado & Pittsburgh
Jack had San Jose
ditto had Tampa Bay
I have the following punishments if you lose:
Montreal wins:
Eat: Poutine
Movie: Bon Cop, Bad Cop (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0479647/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1)
Song: The Genesis Explosion by Dead Brain Cells
Picture: a photoshopped version of Bonhomme
San Jose wins:
Food: An Italian pasta dish. (I ate lots of Italian food with my aunt and uncle during my first trip to SJ).
Song: “Red Seas, Black Sea” by Shearwater.
Movie: Choke.
Picture: A restaurant sign, place, thing, person, etc. with the word, “Jose” on it.
Colorado Wins:
Food: Colorado brew of your choosing
Movie: things to DO in Denver When You’re Dead
Song: ‘Colorado’ by Slapstick
Picture: You posing in the form of the letter ‘C’
Dallas Wins:
Food – a Ribeye (unless your a vegetarian, then have one leaf of iceburg lettuce)
Movie – Boys Don’t Cry
Song – All My Exes Live in Texas – George Strait
Picture – You in either a Stetson or cowboy boots
Boston Wins:
Food – New England Clam Chowder (unless you’re a vegetarian, then eat one can of creamed corn)
Movie – Gone Baby Gone or any Lehane adaptation
Song – Debaser – Pixies
Picture – You drinking a Sam Adams, any Sam Adams
Anaheim wins: (EssBee, this is your punishment)
Food– you eating an Anaheim chile in any fashion and submitting the recipe, along with your thoughts on the dish
Movie: Any Disney movie or Disney cartoon (PIxar movies pre-breakup from Disney Corp)
Song: “My Own Worst Enemy” by Lit (little known fact that 2 band members went to my high school)
Photo: A pic of you at Disneyland!!!
As far as I can tell, Chicago was unclaimed. I submit myself to whatever punishment people choose (within reason)
You leave reason out of this…
(don’t misinterpret that in the creepy way 🙂 )
Is this from a Chicago-referenced movie or tv show, Babe?
The Blues Brothers? That look like Frank Oz.
Cause it is!
Good eye, Van! It is Frank Oz from the Blues Brothers.
I recommend a viewing of any of the Blues Brothers films, a Chicago hot dog, the song “Stay the Night” by Chicago, or a photo of sunglasses.
Don’s back!
Ho ho ho
Tiny bubbles?
I’m forever blowing bubbles.
Is Bubbles the girl next door?
Looks like Eddy the Eagle.
Max Von Sydow!!!
Oh I’m there…
No Lando, no Wedge – – bollocks.
There are probably better things to spend the money on:
Guys, I don’t think making Bunny re-enact a scene from Oz is an appropriate debt for losing a hockey series. That was a violent show.
Come on!
What a difference a sex makes:
I found this article to be pointless and just as shallow as all of the mentioned tabloid headlines
Agreed. It came across as just some personal, mean, axe that the writer had to grind.
Essbee, I think I’ve mentioned this before
(It’s on EZTV and piratebay), but Hinterland is rather good, Swedish noir made in Wales as one critic put it.
Thanks, Van! I have the first couple of episodes but haven’t watched yet. I’m a bit buried in TV currently – Mad Men, GoT, VEEP, etc, etc. But this is just the type of show I love! Will watch on the elliptical – thanks for the reminder!
Set your illusion phasers to reveal:
Ok, if this mmmmeetup comes off how are we going to console Lo when he discovers I’m not gay?
Contingency plans in place… countermeasures fully operational…
But you two make such a cute couple.
He’s the pitcher and dont you forget it.
Ranking the songs on Faith No More’s ‘Real Thing’ album in order of preference:
Real Thing
Zombie Eaters
From Out of Nowhere
War Pigs
Falling to Pieces
Surprise! Youre Dead
The Morning After
Woodpecker From Mars
Edge of the World
Underwater Love
/random ME list
1. “Ride a hamster on a hand…”
2. “…continue to pet assiduously”
3. Goes to cutaway
4. I think its really dead.
5. I call bullshit
Thus, one small video leads to the extinction of the mighty hamster.
It’s like the pattern below the skin
You gotta reach out and pull it all in
I really want to flick some boogers at a Fox executive right now.
Shame! It was getting better towards the end.
But, but… what’s on the other side of the wall?
And the hope KU would take off his shirt has been dashed. :sigh:
He is completely avoiding the SW and West Coast, but you will play in Oklahoma City?
Pretty sure he’s not ‘avoiding’… I’m sure there will be another leg of the tour announced.
I miss Sam Kinison and George Carlin. I want material from these two genius comics. STAT!
“give the joke to me… give it here.” Sam Kinison was amazingly funny, even though his anti gay stance was quite dickish.
And that was the least of that dick’s issues. Sorry, I abhor Sam Kinison. Obviously he had/has a lot of fans and I’ll never tell them otherwise, but to me there was and is 100 better comedians than that guy.
and now *I* came off dickish… 🙁
*muppet flail* I’m going in June!
can someone please tell me what the symbol between the TARDIS and 221b represents.
I cannot find a reference. I understand pretty much all the rest, but I can’t figure that one out, either.
This is the best I can find on it
Saw this on FB:
Well another day has passed and I didn’t use Algebra once.
You know, probably the most impressive thing to me about the cast for the next Star Wars movie is that it will have Max Von Sydow. Whatever part he plays is going to raise the level of the movie, but really – he was already not a young guy when he gave us Ming the Merciless 30 years ago. Whenever I see something about him, I keep thinking he must have died years ago.
Man, 85 and still kicking – http://www.cinemablend.com/new/4-Key-Roles-Show-Star-Wars-Max-von-Sydow-Dark-Side-42791.html
Morning Pan
The weather man said to enjoy the sun while we can. We’re getting snow on the weekend. *sigh*
Cj alerted me to this on Facebook:
I though t he was older.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit was a memorable movie during my childhood.
No one should die from pneumonia. 🙁
Big bucket of win, that guy
Please Dont Boat Girl…or…. Hangin’ Tough (on the High Seas)
Just a friendly shout out to TEB, the new Penny Dreadful series features a few 8 legged critters..and that’s just the title sequence.
It’s actually too dark for my TV, I can’t see a lot of the action even with the brightness turned up.
Thanks for the heads up, Van. It’s suppose to hit here next week. I may give it a pass.
To be fair they are more visible in the title credits than the rest of the episode.
Time for a kip, with R2 pulsating in the background.
Time for me to look up wtf youre talking about…. are you having fish with a certain astromech?
BBC radio 2 via the BBc’s app.
I have watched the first episode on Hulu. It is decent, lots of potential. I keep comparing it to a mix of American Horror Story and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
I would love to go
Me too.
.. And one for JJ:
I know I can always count on Van for my fix!
Is it wrong I’m having a caramel apple for my lunch?
ditto my ditto! Where’s my ditto?
you will see your ditto when you pay me one billion dollars!
Time to pick up my car. Now it can’t snow as I’ve had the snow tires swapped out.
Is that laughter I can hear in the distance?
And because it’s May tomorrow.
Environment Canada’s response to my weather wishes (check out Saturday forward): https://weather.gc.ca/city/pages/ab-52_metric_e.html
Eeek. Apparently Jonathan Coulton is not from Calgary.
I’m going to watch a movie this afternoon. However, I’m not sure if Smurfs 2 is PBP material. Not because it isn’t silly (which I’m sure it will be) but more because I’m not sure if people want me to spoil this movie as they may want to watch it themselves.
If you catch me watching a smurfs film you are allowed to slap me with a wet fish.
I’m grateful to the Smurfs for the great Deadpan material they’ve inspired over the years, but I will join Vanamonde next to the canal to be slapped with a fish if you catch me watching Smurfs 2.
Sooo, that’s a yes to a play by play?
Smurf it.
Ok peeps The public has spoken. All two of you.
I present, Smurfs 2
A flying hat
A bubbling pot
A smurfology book
A feankensmurf
Apologies for the billiards, but this is a very well-written, high-level list of the modern right-wing’s offenses. I highly encourage you to read.
A smurfette is born
A watery change
A nightmare it seems
A comforting word
An unstoppable Gargamania
A laughing cat
An adoring public
A little green dot
A closet full of robes
A birthday party
The smurf web
A sad smurfette
A sad tale
A silly step father
A corn dog
A peanut allergy
A loud belch
A digital plan
A great iron spire
A squirrel suit
A search for blue
A great escape
A successful capture
A secret formula
A little persuasion
A clever papa
A big mistake
A raspberry lesson
A parrot named Zeus
A mysterious happenstance
Some blue aliens
A rescue mission
A happy song
A sexy French accent
An annoying little brat
A buffering hypno ray
A blond lock
A hidden passage
The Paris opera house
The show starts
A clever disguise
A miscommunication
A missing keycard
A solo operation
A giant Azriel
A star on the door
A broken family
A good question
A ducking spell
A flying daddy
A portrait of perfection
A butt scrunch
A big fall
A gorgeous face
A hideous device
Total smurfology-a-gedden
A walking disaster
A French street
A terrible pun
A candy store
A licorice stick
A blender attack
A nice plan
A kitty toss
A growling cat
A pregnant photo shoot
A flying smurf
A duck’s nature
A downer
A sister
A stork race
A product placement
A sad realization
A face sprain
A good impersonization
A silver lining
A smurfatunity
A dick dinner
Erp. That was suppose to be a duck dinner
Let me get you some smelling salts.
Oh Smurfette!
A positive thought
A locked door
A haggis hug
A nice smurf
A present
A blob of clay
A happy birthday
A bribe
A dragon wand
An evil smurfette
A ducking rescue
A lifelong scar
A spiriting away
A bird allergy
A feather sniff
A mother lover
A word of advice
A sad good bye
A city of light
A Ferris wheel ride
An oops
A magic ride
A smurfing choice
A special kind of love
A tooting smurf
A secret phone call
A smurf posse
A blue velvet cake
A helping hand
A cake with no poison
A death threat
A working formula
A leaking face
A big sacrifice
A big shock
A dark city
A commando smurf
A living haggis
A blue period
A hysterical laugh
A broken smurfalator
A destroyed formula
A high four
A happy vexi
A hyphen
A good grouch
An enormous friend
A gargoyled gargamel
A lesson learned
Little boy blue
A sassy lassie
A relevant narrator
A happy ending
A tad bit more billards –
I do not support torture and I am not part of the “make ’em suffer” crowd when it comes to convicted murderers.
That being said, I honestly find I have no sympathy for this man who’s “quick and humane execution” didn’t work out that way. I take no joy from it but I also feel no sympathy.
“Lockett was sentenced to death for shooting 19-year-old Stephanie Neiman and watching as two accomplices buried her alive in 1999.
Ms Neiman and a friend had interrupted the men as they robbed a home.”
I agree with you. I know there’s alot of people who say just let them rot in jail… and that would be fine if I didnt have to pay for their jailing as a taxpayer.
Yeah. He’ll get NO sympathy from me. Less than zero.
I’m not a supporter of CP, and quite happy to pay taxes to keep them locked up till they die.
I hope they never bring it back in the UK.
While I have no qualms about capital punishment in principle, in practice it ends up costing less in the U.S. for life in prison. Decades of delays, appeals, death row accommodations end up consuming a lot of capital.
9/11 changes my thoughts on capital punishment. I wondered how we could ever catch bin laden and let him live.
Im not sure about that Ed. Do you have any links I could look at?
I have seen articles in the past, but it’s been a few years. I’ll have to track them down again. It may have been something from Freakanomics.
– While not an peer reviewed study, this article is fairly typical of what I’ve read over the years:
As for Jack’s notion about Bin Laden – I certainly agree that, for criminals on a national scale, the payback to the national psyche outweighs the costs of the legal process.
CW: Fargo E3
Well after that Billy Bob’s character has to die.
Hopefully I’ll be checking out this tomorrow:
That’s a lot of camel toe.
My boss told me I had to take tomorrow and Friday off. Yes, had too. There may be a PBP tomorrow. Depends upon whether or not I decide to go out and enjoy the sun while it lasts.
I’ve never got hot tubs, maybe it’s the climate.
Good start. Lets go boys
Erik Johnson!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
done. fuck.
All 3 of tonight’s Game 7s have gone the wrong way.
stupid hockey teams tonight.
0 for 3.
Nobody had L.A., so I guess I’ll let you all come up with stuff.
How about pictures of the Hollywood sign?
It’s a pleasure to wake to the sound of the rain.
Of course in my more morbid moments I feel it’s just a a pleasure to actually wake up.
…and one for Jack’s ego:
Hooray for my ego! Now to dust off the guitars.
Of course, after watching the 8-year-old play Racer X, maybe I’ll just let the dust pile up….
Goodnight :metal:
A positive story about the female experience at cons:
The groin gun was rather subtle…not!
This week has been one of good news for the company I work for. A short story in one of our anthologies has been nominated for an Aurora award (the Canadian equivalent of the Hugos), and two of our titles have been nominated for the Alberta Publishers Award in Spec Fic. This last one is especially good since only three titles make it to the short list.
Tracks was rather good if a bit sad in places.
Well worth checking out.
Look! There he is…
ditto. Now, that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time. A long time.
Hi, Deadpan!
I just posted my last hockey debt pictures from the Olympics challenge to the Facebook group. If it’s not too late to claim a team for NHL playoffs, I want to play. Is Nashville in the playoffs this year? If so, I want to claim it. If not, I’ll take any unclaimed team.
I’m posting this from the cruise terminal at Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. My godparents organized a group cruise to Barcelona. I might post again later if I have a chance to charge my phone before I lose 3G signal. Or I might go ahead and pay for satellite Internet on the ship, just once. My plan is to maintain radio silence on the Internet for most of my vacation. Bon voyage, Pan!
P.S.: The Deadpan voicemail line is still active, so I still call in airport updates whenever I’m in an airport. Jack, are you still receiving them? 🙂
WOWZA! WHat a trip for you and your family.
Yes, VM is still up n active!
Have a blast and enjoy everything!!! How exciting.
Be safe 🙂
Jack says Please Call!
Yes, please call – – and have a great time! You’re living the life.
Just listened to the Ask Me Another podcast content for today. What do you know, it turns out to be the First of May…
My basement flooded on Monday, about 1/4 to 1/2 inch in many spots. Lovely.
So I might be late on my predicted release date for Ghostlight Podcast Season Three Episode One…
But only a little.
Meanwhile, recording on the rebooted Idjitcast continues to be a bit problematic, but we will get it sorted by the time we record actual episodes.
JohnBoze. Now, that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time. A long time.
I haven’t gone by that name since back in the Deadpan Wars…
If you saw my car right now, you’d see a new toilet, sink, and two faucets.
Also, today is our 1 year anniversary of our civil union, and next week is our 15th anniversary.
If this isn’t romantic, I just don’t know what is.
You got a toilet installed in your car ?
Its the latest craze…
That is a great idea!
But no, the toilet is in a box. We are doing some fix-ups ’round the house.
ITS BEEN A YEAR!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Holy jesus time…
Indeed, Saturday will be brought to me by the number 48′
Happy Saturday!!
CP: Sweet Bitter Sweet — The Duke Spirit
Kinda funny?
Kinda funny.
The co host of Escape Pod sticks his oar in:
Yes, hubby uses Comixology a lot. The email they sent when in-app purchases stopped didn’t really make it clear that was happening, and why. Hubby just assumed it followed the amazon way of making your purchases on line and they would automatically loaded to the ipad. *shrug*
Happy Union-versary, EssBee and Sly B. You two are awesome.
oh, and it’s the 1st of May!
What Pixie said!
Here! Here!
Feeling very sorry for myself, still haven’t shrugged off this infection,
Stay warm, Van. *hugs*
Get better, dammit!
Morning Pan
It’s raining. I’ll take the rain over snow any day.
Your cuteness overload post!
My cat is mad at me. I kicked her off the bed so I could change the sheets. After almost 18 years you’d think she’s be use to that by now.
Now, I think it’s time to have my morning shower. Then I will clean the washroom.
After that, who knows. We will see what the day brings. :silly:
It’s official. I’m old. We painted our new room (converted the garage into a bedroom) last night after dinner and am EXHAUSTED. When we bought the house 12 or so years ago, we worked on the house after work for a few weeks. Can’t do that kind of stuff any more!
This weekend, bathroom redo.
Go lady go!
Painting *IS* exhausting.
Someone has way too much time and talent
How does anyone do math homework in that guy’s house?
My feet are cold. I should put some socks on.
Today’s freebie on the App Store:
I haven’t Snopes-checked this, but cool – – if true:
I like it
Did one of my bosses really just come to my cubicle with coffee mug in hand and ask about my availability to work this weekend?
Too easy…
Pleease no…
Meanwhile in Oklahoma…
I have no problem with this. If youre allowed to raise a 10 Commandments statue in front of a government building, then every other religion gets a fair shake too.
Agreed. I think the bigger message is once you open the door to overtly religious messages on government property, you’re basically getting into a country sized pissing match. Better to keep that stuff on private property.
That’s the rub, sir.
The only way to settle this is with a fiddlin’ contest.
So let it be fiddlin’. So let it be done.
My god’s bigger than your god…
Your crap joke for the day:
A woman is at home when she hears someone knocking at her door. She goes to the door opens it and sees a man standing there. He asks the lady, “Do you have a Vagina?” She slams the door in disgust. The next morning she hears a knock at the door, its the same man and he asks the same question to the woman, “Do you have a Vagina?” She slams the door again. Later that night when her husband gets home she tell him what has happened for the last two days. The husband tells his wife in a loving and concerned voice, “Honey, I am taking an off tomorrow so as to be home, just in case this guy shows up again.” The next morning they hear a knock at the door and both ran for the door. The husband whispers to the wife, “Honey,i’m going to hide behind the door and listen and if it is the same guy I want you to answer yes to the question because I want to a see where he’s going with this.” She nods yes to her husband and opens the door. Sure enough the same fellow is standing there, he asks, “Do you have a Vagina?” “Yes I do.” says the lady. The man replies, “Good, would you mind telling your husband to leave my wife’s alone and start using yours!”
Believe it or not, this is an interesting Star Wars related news link:
It’s really old news, but still cool.
This IS really cool… now to uncross my eyes after reading
This is so wonderful I could cry. I was at this conference and was one of the people that got pranked. I’ve been talking about this event and how ridiculous it was at work for days and I still have my silly headband. By they way, the way they crashed the conference was by telling us that Colin Powell was on his way to speak to us and these guys were the speakers that were to come before him.
That is fantastic.
Happy birthday, Vanamonde!
If anyone sees Jack Mangan lurking around here, tell him we need to arrange a packet exchange.
You said… Package
Ok you really said, packet
Ooooooh intrigue!
Note the lack of quotation marks.
Nice to know He liked playing Ming:
Well I attended my first freecomicday event, got a stash of comics to peruse later.
A lazy day ahead with a pizza night with family later for my birthday, later pan.
..and your crap Star Wars joke from twitter:
@Darth_VaderSW: If you are dating a girl who doesn’t like Star Wars puns, you’re looking for love in Alderaan places.
Morning Pan.
It seems we got a tiny amount of snow over night
Hope you have a super duper birthday, Van!
*giant birthday hugs*
Ha, ha, ha, ha!
Oh, may be NSFW for content.
Hubby is at work today. Anybody who thinks educators only work 9 – 3 on weekdays, have never lived with one.
If you have a Battle.net account:
Reposting here, because this makes no sense as a reply to Roaming Asshat, as it ended up above:
Happy birthday, Vanamonde!
Thank you.
oh fred…
Got to love the BBC, listening to a radio adaption of a James Bond novel, Alfred Molina is playing the bad guy.
Happy Birthday, Van!!!!
Big hugs your way
I’ve started playing Prison Architect. It’s very… strange.
CW: Galaxy Quest
with Jack Managan as my #1
Would you believe it’s still snowing? *sigh*
Oooh Canada!!
FCBD was a success! Well, for the kids, at least. I hope they like the stuff we got them.
Bought a Chromecast unit today, will have to play with it tomorrow.
Yes, once you’ve played with your unit you can come back with a report.
Just make sure you’ve washed your hands…
…and an early crap joke for this Star Wars day:
Two guys were fishing on the Ohio River. One catches the biggest catfish either one has ever seen. He says to his buddy, “We need to remember this spot so we can come back here again.” His buddy pulls a pen out of his pocket and makes a big ‘X’ on the bottom of his boat. The first guy looks at his buddy, shaking his head in disgust. “You idiot- what if we bring another boat next time?”
And it’s May 4th here!
I just wanted to find out what “chemex brewing” was.
In the end, I felt like I was being schooled by the science club president
I bet it still tastes of coffee.
Given the choice between Rhett and Batman tonight, we’ve chosen Rhett.
I guess I’ll turn off the Bat signal then.
Nah Nah nah nah na na Nah Nah nah nah na na…
The Adam West tights were a bit much…
In other news, I think I made Jack’s May the Fourth.
A Star Wars themed codpiece?
In the shape of a Sand Trooper helmet.
Seriously, Rhett. Thanks so much! Tiff and I look forward to playing!
(context is everything)
I’m looking forward to hearing your first battle report.
Stay on target!
Important viewing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuhwSma960Y
Every silver lining has a cloud
“Fox, don’t stick your finger in the donut.”
Crap joke for the day:
Two cowboy ranchers in Texas, they each had their own horse, but they could never tell them apart. So the first cowboy said, “I’ve got it!” The second cowboy said “What?” “I’ll shave the main on my horse.” Let’s do it!” So the cowboy shaves the main on his horse. But after a while the main grew back. The cowboys are having a really hard time telling them apart. Then the one cowboy said, “I’ve got it! “What? What? What’s your idea now? says the other” “I’ll cut the tail on my horse really small.” “Alright! Let’s do it!” So he cut the tail really short. But after a while it grew back. “Then the second cowboy said, “OK, this time I’ve got it!” You take the black one and I’ll take white one!!!!”
I liked this one!
Isnt it, “mane?”
That one just earned itself a high place on my “Ultimate Truth” list…especially since I fear I would be the one to write that return note.
A Cynful sighting!
holy crap!
Yes, Cynful (don’t we all speak of ourselves in third person) is considering options of going to the mmmmmmMeetup, so you all have to decide timing 🙂 There may be a real Cynful sighting. I may just hug Jack and Lo til their eyes pop…. with respect to significant others of course.
I hope this takes off.
Fun fact – Dean Menta, guitarist for Faith No More, also in the music editor for The Clone Wars. Now THATS two great tastes!
I hope that at some point, Anakin got to say, “I find your lack of Faith No More disturbing.”
http://rappers.mdaniels.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ Fascinating.
Oh for shame, DMX. Yall gotta small ass vocab mind. Up in here.
Kool G Rap is the biggest surprise. He never struck me as especially well-read.
Ornithorhynchus anatinus Platypus!
I’m going to have to bill you for the duck.
I’m going to have to charge you for this coat
You can’t have ze duck.
Well yesterday I had a play with the Chromecast dongle I bought.
Easy to setup, the app on my phone detected the chromecast without a hitch.
I think I had some misconceptions on what is possible and the experience was underwhelming. No apps on my phone support streaming video files stored on the phone. There is a third party plugin for the Chromwbrowser that will let you stream video files from a computer but I thought that was a bit pointless (I have other hardware that would do that).
Netflix and BBC iplayer work fine, but didn’t work as I expected. There is no directly controlled app on the Chromecast, control is via the apps on the phone or browser plugins on a computer.
It’s limited to 720p output, which was fine for me.
I must admit, as much as I’m an android guy, I have found it hard to understand the point of Chromecast in its current incarnation. Your illustration of the limitations underscore why.
My latest Blu-Ray player seems to do everything I would want a Chromecast or Ruku to do, mostly just stream Amazon video.
Also “play with the Chromecast dongle”
Morning Pan
Hubby is out of town for a few days 🙁
Sitting in the coffee after seeing this at the flicks:
An interesting take on the revenge type of film.
Looks interesting.
That looks interesting
Off to fill my larder! Later Panites.
Do you need help with that recent construction?
A bucket of cold water on standby.
It’s dead Jim, it just doesn’t know it.
Your crap joke for this Bank Holiday Monday:
A hitchhiker was standing by the roadside near the law school with his thumb out. A motorist stopped and asked, “Are you a lawyer?” “No,” the hitchhiker replied. The motorist drove off.A few minutes later, a second motorist stopped and asked, “Are you a lawyer?” The hitchhiker again replied that he wasn’t, so the second motorist drove off.Finally a third motorist stopped and this time the driver was a voluptuous redhead. “Hi, are you a lawyer?” she asked. After telling her that he was, she told him to get in and off they drove.After sitting and admiring the driver for a few minutes, the hitchhiker thought to himself, “This is incredible. I’ve only been a lawyer for five minutes and already I’m thinking about screwing someone!”
There, my cupboard is now full. Although I was a little disappointed. I wanted to buy stuff for dinner I like but hubby doesn’t for the days he is away. Unfortunately, all the items I wanted were in “family size” quantities, not singles. Will have to rethink my dinner choices for the next three days.
Up coming Indie games:
CP: Sharks Can’t Sleep — Tracy Bonham
EVErYTHInG’S FIIIInE!! (I only know one Tracy Bonham song)
Drivin… drivin in your car. Speed so fast felt like I was drunk and IIIIIIIII EEE IIIIII… .wait, wrong Tracy
He was hilarious on SNL and 30 Rock.
Im Brian Fellow!
Actually bought my first set of digital comics today.
Which so far is a lot of fun.
Some nice photos here :
Really nice stuff.
Arriving to hospital four hours before a scheduled surgery is a bit ridiculous…
Not happy
Ummm. Surgery? Should we be worried?
Regardless *hugs*
Note: the surgery is not for Pixie, and it’s not for a life-threatening – – but sure, surgery for loved ones is always at least a little anxious, and *hugs* are certainly encouraged.
sorry everyone. I should’ve been more detail-oriented…
update: Mom is finally in the OR, getting that bionic knee.
Thanks for the hugs 🙂
They will rebuild her. Stronger…faster…
How do you spell that sound that bionics make? Or I could just post a link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPJ2ZjYlY38
This tool can be used everyday.
“This tool can be used everyday.”
“”This tool can be used every day””
A grilled cheese sandwich and beer. The supper of champions
Yup. I eat so healthy when hubby’s not home
Oy! (Aussie style)
OK, that’s enough veg time. Goodnight :mush:
Mo’ boobies mo’ problems
Travelling North, Choo Choo and all that jazz.
Is that where you planted the sod?
“planted the sod”
That would be telling.
Morning Pan
It snowed again last night.
Did you know June is our rainy month (and flood month)? I have a feeling we’re going to have snow up until it starts to rain. *more sighs*
DJ EZ Rock died?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Funny? Yes.
Did I mention the news of a friend of mine? If I had, I apologize.
Anyway, a friend we regularly game with has been invited to China to be a guest of their music festival. He’s super excited.
Does anyone subscribe to MLB.TV? Thinking of getting it for my M-I-L.
Its cool, just know you cant watch Rockies games on it cause theyre blacked out
Jesus Corporate
Marinated Lesbian Bananas.tv?
Militant Lithuanian Balloonists.tv?
Monkeys Lemurs Bonobos
Marinated Lamb Barbeque?
Magnetically Levitated Buttress ?
My Lord, Boobs!
dot TV.
After lunch you lucky, lucky people will be subjected to this.
When I grow up…
I want to speak into a megaphone and have everybody ignore me
I want to make a mistake. A huge mistake
I want to redact words from a movie’s title
Visit the virtual chat room Conspiracy Cafe
I want to have a giant cork board full of newspaper clippings
I want to turn you into me
I want to know the hidden masters
I want the key to the federal reserve
I want to know who “they” are
When I grow up I don’t want an eye in the middle of my palm. That’s just weird.
Going to the toilet could be extra disgusting.
I also don’t want to carry a large wooden pedistool into the middle of a park. It looks heavy.
When I grow up I want to know if you’re listening
I want to not make contact for four weeks
I want to know what I’m looking for
I want to take into consideration the mothership came back
I want a piece of cackle. Not when I grow up but now!
What the hell is cackle? I want sone cake!
*sigh*. Obviously my fingers aren’t working. Sone = some
Anyway, when is grow up, I want to do it.
I don’t want to tape and tack articles on my wall. I’m the one who would have to repair and repaint once it all comes down
I want to agree with the pattern
When I grow up I want to have a break. Mmmmm, KitKat bars
I want to not know anything about schizophrenia and talk in a movie like I do. (Sorry, hot button topic)
I want to go to the Tarsus Club
FYI. This is a prop for the movie
When I grow up I want to connect the dots
I want to look for Mark Tucker
I want to put my phone number on the internet and see what happens
I want to live off the grid
I want to meet people with crooked fingers.
When I for up I want to call for a new world order
I want to be a retired spook
Want to get that on camera
When I grow up I don’t want to have a man on a bicycle follow me. That’s just creepy.
I want to cross a line
I want to have it out there
I want to join the Cult of Mithras
I want to have a secret handshake
I want to push Canada towards a North American union… Oh wait, no I don’t
I want the only known photo of… We’ll anything really. That would be just cool.
I want to buy a secret tie clip camera
When I grow up I want to follow people secretly. I don’t want to be followed, though. That would be unnerving
I want to notice it
I don’t want to lie to my spouse. That’s not a good thing to do
I want shiny black chrome with tinted windows
I don’t want to confront the people watching me. That could lead to trouble
When I grow up, I want to get my hopes up
When I grow up, I want to do something that’s scary… As long as it doesn’t involve spiders or other creepy crawlies
I want to get comfortable out in the middle of the woods.
..who am I kidding? I really don’t.
I want to hitch a ride in the back of a mysterious truck
I want to be with a gorilla by night
I’ve changed my mind. I want to watch you be with a gorilla by night
I don’t want to hide out in a body bag. That would be… Disconcerting
I want a gin and tonic
I want to be with *redacted*
I want to hunt with old sacrificial daggers
I want to hear the clock strike
I want to see the torches burn
I want to stand in line
When I grow up I want to be part of a secret ritual
Wait, maybe not
I want to wear a funny looking mask
I want my life to turn on the great pivot
I want to be discovered. That would be scary
But discovered in a 1920s starlet way might be fun. With or without the couch though?
I don’t want to be locked in a bull’s head mask. Then I might be hunted
I don’t want to be stabbed to death. That would make me sad 🙁
I want to have a crazy idea
I don’t want to be traumatized. That would be traumatic
I want to feel free
… Just not the way they mean in this movie.
Sturgill Simpson, a stinking name for a guitar playerb(he’s on ‘Later with Jools Holland’).
Oh oh.
Torchwood is an anagram of doctor who!!!
The future is not it used to be:
I love this stuff so hard
Today’s dinner was Mac & cheese and a beer. I think hubby should come home soon just so I have a proper meal.
Mine was Mac n cheese and tortilla chips
Sausages, chips, mushrooms (cooked in butter), sweet corn and mushy peas.
Hot…Topic…. oh jesus
Hot Topic. That’s where you buy Goth clothes right?
Not anymore….