Not as bad as after dark though.
That is the Nacht worst.
Which in turn is not as bad as a bloody nose.
That is the Blut worst.
Which isn’t as bad as organ meats made into sausage. That is Liver Wurst.
EssBee’s post has turned into a sausage fest.
Story of my life . . .
I was gonna go with “Nageln”.
Crap. That’s better. Es tut mir lied!
Maybe it’s just the mode I am in … but this just gets more inappropriately, LOL funny every time I watch it.
Audio(which is the funny bit) may not be work appropriate.
That tumbleweed post, just pretend it never happened.
Your crap joke for the day:
A police officer in a small town stopped a motorist who was speeding down Main Street. “But officer,” the man began, “I can explain.”..”Just be quiet,” snapped the officer. “I’m going to let you cool your heels in jail until the chief gets back.”..”But, officer, I just wanted to say,…”..”And I said to keep quiet! You’re going to jail!”…A few hours later the officer looked in on his prisoner and said, “Lucky for you that the chief’s at his daughter’s wedding. He’ll be in a good mood when he gets back.”…”Don’t count on it,” answered the fellow in the cell. “I’m the groom.”
I could probably slide to a later June weekend. July and August do get difficult for me as well.
I knew we were talking about Father’s Day weekend, but I didn’t have an issue. As holidays go, it’s in the pile with Grandparents day and Boss appreciation day.
Since we’re talking MMMMMeetup scheduling, I will weigh in with my thoughts on the possible weekends that are being discussed:
May 16-19 – I can definitely show up for this one, although it’s not my first choice.
May 23-26 – (Memorial Day weekend) – OK, no problem here
Any other weekend in June – OK, no problem here (except for the below)
June 27-30 – Same as May 16-19 – can show up, but would prefer to avoid this weekend
Note that due to my work schedule and not having any more personal time I can use, I will get into town either late on Saturday night or early on Sunday morning, depending on when I can get a flight.
Actually…. May 30 thru June 1 could work…. Amy? Everyone?
Discuss. Contact me in public or via email. Let’s figure this out.
The only weekend I know for sure is bad is the first one in June due to Relay For Life. Any thing else might work but I dont know for sure. We will fo the best we can, but it is more important to pick a date foe Van, imo.
Ok, this might be a job for SurveyMonkey.
Weird dream about the meetup. I got stranded on the Breaking Bad set and we all ended up dining with Benedict Cumberbatch.
SurveyMonkey link to help schedule out the MMMmmmeetup weekend.
Please fill out the survey if you get a minute! I changed the settings so you can go back and change your answers in the future, if things change.
Ok, I monkeed up.
Me two
Or three it seems.
I monkeyed around as well.
You guys are too busy singing to put anybody down.
A woman went into a bar in Texas and saw a cowboy with his feet propped up on a table. He had the biggest feet she’d ever seen. The woman asked the cowboy if it’s true what they say about men with big feet. The cowboy grinned and said, “Sure is, little lady! Why don’t you come on out to the bunk house and let me prove it to you!” The woman wanted to find out for herself, so she spent the night with him. The next morning she handed him a $100 bill. Blushing, he said, “Well, thank ya Ma’am. I’m real flattered. Aitn’t nobody ever paid me fer mah services before. The woman replied, “Don’t be flattered. Take the money and buy yourself some boots that fit.”
Although, I see 62% of people seemed to like it nonetheless
Maybe you can do a PBP in the theater 😉
Really, Yahoo?
Horton doesn’t hear a boo Michael Finewax reports that Nathan Horton is a star in Columbus as they are on an eight game winning streak.
Youve one-upped in awfulness!!!
‘Her’ to see first methinks.
Shouldn’t you be in bed, Van?
You’ve had a better offer than that, tonight?
I think it’s time for dinner
People can be so cute. A young lady just found out we have Brandon Sanderson as our guest. I could hear the quiver of excitement in her email, enquiring about how she can see him
Kitty is mad at me. My dinner is not something she would like to eat
I guess I will just have to watch the Edmonton – Phoenix hockey tonight
Hubby says he has a mystery door in his room. It’s locked and he wants to know what’s on the other side. I asked if it was linked to the room next door but he said it isn’t.
His last text told me he thinks it’s a secret time and space portal. I told him to take pictures if he does end up in another time or dimension
Good grief! Has he (i)never(/i) seen this movie?
That door never turns out well.
Given who he’s married to, I’m quite sure he is aware of that trope.
On a related note, I haven’t heard from him since he told me about the door (really I haven’t. I’m assuming he went for dinner)
I’d Phoenix stingy? The commentator said the coyotes are stingy but didn’t elaborate
Dunno would you?
Silly me. I’d = is
You have no idea how exciting this game is *yawn*
Survey completed.
Phoenix draws first blood
Now we are 3-0 Phoenix.
Phoenix has a whoring penal – eh, I mean a hooking penalty
3 – 0 Phoenix, end of the first
Ah, I see Calgary is doing so much better than Edmonton
Really Edmonton? Really?
4 – 0 Phoenix
Oilers finally scored
4 – 1 Phoenix, end of the second
Man, first they took away Pluto, now they’re coming after the Black Holes!
Where will the madness end?
Somewhere, Maximillion is pissed.
Ack! The whirling blades and the oh so red glow..
Oilers score. 4 – 2 Phoenix
4 – 3 Phoenix
Hubby just called to say good night. I love my hubby
Yotes are REALLY trying to blow this game. They need a timely OEL slapper
Phoenix wins 4 – 3
That was ridiculous.
Now, it’s bed time.
Night Pan
He doesn’t come round much anymore, but I’m a still send happy birthday wishes to Jeremy f Seattle.
Went to the store, got gas, and washed my car this morning. Now to kill things.
CP: Risen 2
Van, I sent you an email.
Got them, thanks TEB.
We finally got to play our new board game, last night — Ticket To Ride.
It is a super fun game, with potential to unleash a lot of strategies.
I highly recommend it for you and yours!
We play it quite often, as well as Ticket to Ride Europe.
I just play Space Inv…oh wait.
I just brewed an English Red Ale. This was my 7th brew, I think, and by far the smoothest experience. It’ll be called Deadpan Red, because Van. And also Alvie recommended a Red for this round. Deadpan! Red! Ale!
Mr. Lo, you must come next time.
It’s been a fun day all around. I went and stood in line at 6:30 a.m. today for some free Broncos swag with 1,000 other cold people, then took my mother-in-law shopping for a table-top a.m./f.m. radio so she can listen to Rockies games this season. We also had lovely greasy Five Guys burgers for lunch. Full, fun day!
And I do realize you wouldn’t want any, Van. We have Baileys in the fridge for you.
Better than laying out a welcome mat.
What if I’m laying on the welcome mat?
I’ll distract you with beer.
You had me at “I’ll”
The Schenns killed me today
Gigure aint jiggy tonite
OMG I had no idea Avs have rookie in goal…
Good stuff. A bit too Tegan and Sara sound wannabe but thats not a bad thing
Wait is this the day Australia was born or the day the world celebrates Australia?
Very sad news, Jack. Fuck cancer!
Big time.
To the fucktards that broke into my cars last nite and only took the 5 year old GPS – it only stays charged for 5 minutes and you forgot the charger. Fools.
Ugh! Any damage to the car?
Just a mess inside both. People be stupid. Like me… I left my car keys and a bunch of cds laying on the seat. They didnt touch em.
Max Talbot is engaged to Dion Phaneuf’s cousin
/random hockey facts
Show of hands, who’s surprised the Devils blew their lead and got trounced by the Rangers?
Some one did mention that at least they didn’t get the imperial conversion wrong…
Probably somewhere in their code they had 2+2=5.
“Earlier this month, the Beijing Aerospace Control Centre said that Jade Rabbit, had successfully explored the surface of the Moon with its mechanical arm.”
Bad news. No Deadpan Mmmmmeetup for me this time around.
Good news. I’m taking the boychild to his first major con. We are headed to GenCon Indy this year.
Seriously – – GenCon should be awesome experience for the wee lad. Are there any games or people in particular he wants to see?
Nothing in particular. I’m going to see about signing him up for some game demos, probably real dungeon. He and his buddies play these “games” were they make up stories and act them out with swords, lightsabers, superhero gear, etc. I’m trying to help him make a transition to doing the same sort of things indoors with dice. We’ll see how that goes. He’s got one friend who isn’t even allowed to watch Harry Potter, so I have to be careful to avoid “demonic” things if some of his friends play.
He’s also excited that there might be some video game demos there too.
I think it’s going to be quite mind-blowing for him, in the best way possible.
Ha! I thought you were going to tell us he was sitting on his first panel!
If they realized just how good he was at podcasting they would probably give him his own track.
Snow in Mississippi and Louisiana!
The downside of our glamorous, busy lives: planning the MMMmmmeetup is extremely challenging.
Availability is almost equally spotty for every potential weekend.
I saw that! One of my employees is working at home today and called from her bathtub – the guy next store started shooting a gun . . .
If I had boots I would be shaking in them.
JFC. This society needs to care more about mental health and the bad effects of poor parents.
Yeah… its a fucking travesty
In defense of myself and other parents of teens with severe depression… believe it or not, there are other factors that can lead to depression than “poor parents”. I know we have a tenancy to blame everything on the parents, but let’s get the whole story before we start throwing potentially unwarranted stones, shall we?
Good point UH.
Getting access to help for depression is often difficult and expensive. That added on top of the social stigma against getting help and the general difficultly of trying to figure out if you have a normally moody teen (“all I wanted was a PEPSI!”) or one with sever depression … Parenting is a tough and vastly underpaid, middle management position.
Next big change needed in society is the view on Depression as an illness (a treatable one) and NOT just “suck it up and quit whining” thing. Of course we’d also have to get insurance to pay for counseling and treatment.
my .02 cents
Hey, UsedHair – – I agree 100%, and I hope my shorthand statement didn’t come across as “depressed kids = poor parents.” My comment is aimed at sick parents whose actions ambush their kids’ futures, kids with depression issues who might have had a chance, if not for the rotten adults in their lives. I’ll throw stones at those people all day, every day.
Regardless, we need more help ready and available for people struggling to feel ok.
Agreed on all points.
And I do apologize for my carelessly-worded remark.
Best part of the whole story: “One of the cafeteria workers also suffered minor injuries when she broke the glass to access the fire extinguisher” Nothing like products designed for safety that end up causing injuries themselves.
CP: Joaquin Phoenix on last week’s Fresh Air. Dude is a trip.
To Tahiti… or to Haiti?
Tahiti is a magical place.
CW: True Detective E3
Hey Jack. If spring/summer doesn’t work for a mmmmmeetup, would a September or October date work better?
Thought people?
Desert Pixie and I had the same discussion this evening. The point isn’t to just get this thing done at all costs, the point is to have as many attendees who wanna be there be there.
It’s probably gonna need to be September-ish, though.
Will the icepocalypse come upon us, or not? This is the question upon the minds of Southeast Texas. Most schools have announced closure for tomorrow, so the kiddos are happy.
I said yuck.
The NHL Western Conference is amazing. The Avs 71 points is good for 5th place overall. Conversely, that same 71 points would be good for 2nd overall in the East. Crazy.
It’s all a wash come playoff time.
I love this man.
I will grow old with this man.
I will care very deeply for this man.
I will be “here” & “there,” for this man.
I will smile for this man.
I love this man.
Jack Mangan– these words, and, my heart, are for yiu.
Well that sweetness came out of this air!
Wow! That changes the feel of my day.
I love you right back, baby.
Watching the noon news. Apparently there’s a petition in the US to have Justin Bieber deported back to Canada. What makes you think we want him back?
I’d be happy with a Presidential, Executive Order that forbids any reporting on him or his activities.
I care not about him or his shenanigans. Stopping the Bieber press coverage would be as good as him being gone.
I signed it!!! Proudly.
I had a cortisone shot in my knee yesterday, and the jury is still out. Right now, worse than before the shot. I’m told it take 2-3 days.
My mother gets them, but the relief period gets shorter and shorter. She’s considering getting an op.
Less painful to you, would be having your courtesan shot.
I fear you will be terrible disappointed with the size of my manse if you ever visited the UK.
The sound bar I bought recently has a auto off function if no sound is playing.
I use the AUX connection on the soundbar connected to the headphone socket on the TV.
When I watch Netflix on my PS3 I have no problems, however when watching live TV on the skybox (or recorded tv on the skybox,) the soundbar switches off every 15 minutes.
I challenge the validity of your claim above about your manse.
I’m confused. It says, “annual BSFA Awards for works first published in 2013”
God’s War was published in 2011. I’m assuming it meant books first published in the UK in 2013? Is that right, Van.
Yup, God’s War only officially came out in the UK in 2013.
Go Gareth L. Powell! I need to check out his full length books.
RE: Ed’s comment earlier on Agents of SHIELD – I’m only on ep 10, but yeah, if theyre going where I think theyre going with Skye’s mom its gonna be a big pile of boo. The shows already on thin ice with me, growing shattier each week. Its the opposite Sleepy Hollow.
You mean like – “KHAAAAAAAN!” ?
RE: September mmmmmeeeeetup. Cant beat the weather, that’s for sure.
I hope we get more decisive action this time around. We better not get another long rambling excuse of why it can’t be done….like we did with the Deathstar petition! /s
Ironically, Canada can deem folks inadmissable if they have been convicted of DUI or any other felony. Sooooo there’s that little conundrum as well.
Crap joke for this chilly morning:
A customer was continually bothering the waiter in a restaurant; first, he’d asked that the air conditioning be turned up because he was too hot, then he asked it be turned down because he was too cold, and so on for about half an hour. Surprisingly, the waiter was very patient, walking back and forth and never once getting angry. So finally, a second customer asked why didn’t they just throw out the pest. “Oh I don’t care.” said the waiter with a smile. “We don’t even have an air conditioner.”
So, if my own heart rate is not above a certain amount, does that mean I’d be stuck in the bra forever? That would kind of suck.
Considering the source, I assume some kind of tentacle is required.
I’m envisioning a scene in which a truck veers suddenly into her lane on the interstate and as she manages a miraculous, saving throw maneuver to avoid on-rushing death and is bring her car back under control – she crashes as a result of her airbags deploying.
CP: Blasphemous Rumours — Depeche Mode
Somewhere a Pixie is swooning.
“But I think that God’s got a sick sense of humor”
Some decent albums here for 99 cents. Never used Google Play, but this might inspire me to give it a try.
I guess those ex-gymnasts have to do something with those skills after they become too old to compete anymore.
I don’t know. I think she can put most gymnasts to shame.
CP: Last War — Haley Bonar
I have a question for the beer drinkers that were using Pintly. Has everyone switched to BeerAdvocate or some other platform? Apart from and excel spreadsheet, I’ve been tracking my beer bottles on Pintly, but they are missing so many of the beers that I have (hence the spreadsheet). BeerAdvocate seems to have far more beers listed. However transferring 500+ beers from one system to another seems a gargantuan task with little return on investment. Opinions?
I haven’t switched to anything.
I don’t use anything. We just drink what looks good.
There was a time when we had one of every bottle of beer we tried lining the top of the kitchen cupboards. Once they reached three deep I decided it was getting a little ridiculous and recycled them all.
For whatever reason, I have no compulsion to track my beer consumption nor to collect bottles; other things, yes, just not beer. 😀
I started to hit some of Pintly’s limitations (like not having some of the beers I had) and I just stopped using it. Now I don’t use any. Guess it did not “enrich my user experience” enough to give it my time. *shrugs*
I was on Pintley for a minute, but never kept up. I’m like Bunny and ditto.
I mainly use Beer Advocate for research, but to jot down just a few notes Ill use Pintley. It really does lack in beer amount
Yes, the cold looks pretty, as long as you don’t have to be in it.
Anywhere its a struggle just to pee is out for me.
Pretty tho!
That’s what she said.
If I win the jackpot at the lottery it’s the next mmmmmmmeeetup location…if only to see Lo making an urine popsicle.
For you I’d make a shatsickle…
Laughing at your own comments, oh no….
False. If you look up, I’m responding to Ess’s “she said” post.
Now have a shatsickle.
I’m not NOMAD and I’m not falling for that.
TOS for the win, sir.
“out for me”
So the olympics start next week. I know there was some talk of a pool, did it go any farther than talk. I remember saying I’d root for Canada, of course.
I watched it live and it was about the scariest thing I had ever seen.
Not “scary movie” scary but “OMFH this is real life a human is gonna die now” scary.
I shall attempted to watch it again now that time has passed and see if it is still as intense.
So yeh. Still quite powerfull but here are some bits they edited out.
The exit from the capsule took several minutes more than they showed. There were a series of things he had to do first. After he opened the capsule door, you could hear him breathing harder and over the following minutes until he jumped, his responses with ground control seemed to grow slower and confused.
They often had to repeat things a few times to get a response from him and when I watched it live it gave me the real sense that maybe something had happened to his oxygen supply or something.
In reality, his visor heater had failed and he was facing the life or death decision as to whether to scrub the mission. In one interview I heard him admit he was fighting a rising bit of fear/panic.
Another thing from seeing it live (spoilers if you didn’t view Pixie’s link yet)-
If you were the sort of geek who followed this sort of thing (me), you knew that one of the biggest dangers of a fall from that altitude was the flat spin or a tumble. Things tend to start that and pick up speed in a hurry. When it starts, a human has a very short window of time before it causes them to black out. Unconscious people can’t deploy shoots, much less get in the right position to have a shoot “auto deploy”. When Felix jumped there was no live feed from his suit. So we had this long range, black and white speck from a tracking camera. After falling for a few moments that speck flashed “Light” … “Dark”.”Light” … “Dark”.”Light”. “Dark” .”Light””Dark”. “”LightDark”.””LightDarkLightDark”
You knew it HAD to be “The spin”.
Supposidly, one of the things being tested in this jump was a special emergency system that would deploy itself in the event of one of these spins. For some reason it didn’t or wasn’t being deployed.
In the audio (I noticed it was edited in this video)you could here his breathing start to get very rapid and loud. Ground control was calling him (very calmly, I might add) but he was NOT responding.
Then the sound of his breathing quit. I’m not sure I was breathing at that point. Another moment or so and then the “spot” stopped flashing. He had stopped the spin.
I read afterwards that he pulled himself together and (having now fallen into atmosphere that finally had some density to it) was able to use his arms to stop the spin. I have seen it discussed that there are few free fall jumpers in the world that might have pulled that off in the situation he was in.
ANYWAY – that is why you hear such a response of cheering when he said he had stopped the spin.
If you ever see the external footage of him landing, when he kneels and kisses the ground it is not for the cameras. He was truly honestly that happy to be back on earth and alive.
That guy = “The right stuff”.
AND ANOTHER spoiler thing …
Because his visor heater had malfunctioned, the inside had iced over and he couldn’t see his altimeter clearly. Sadly, this led him to deploy his shoot about 20 seconds to soon to break the record for longest free fall. He gets “fastest” and “farthest” though and that’s not too shabby.
Okay. I’m through with my fanboy/geekout now.
I also recall watching that historic jump with the kids, thinking “I might be streaming video of a person’s awful death here”. They were disappointed that he didn’t reach the longest freefall record – – I had no idea that was the reason he didn’t get it.
Incidentally, “The Last Cyberpunk,” my first-ever published story, ca 2003-2004, focused around a “stratodive” from space.
CP: Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick – Ian Drury and the Blockheads
For a moment there, I was hoping for a Vanamonde/ditto CP Smackdown!
CP: Reasons To Be Cheerful (Part 3) – Ian Dury and the Blockheads
Switching to Forgotify. This selects tracks from Spotify that have never been played.
Until now…
CP: Fidelio, Op 72c: Overture – Beethoven
CP: Three Loves – Brenda Lewis
CP: Mauglí – Na poradní skále by MIchal Suchanek
CP: Birth of the Blues – Dale Miller
That Desert Pixie is a keeper, I tell ya.
She really is! I’m keeping her!
Oh sure, but if *I* say that I’m keeping her it would somehow be creepy…
Kevin Smith is going to use this as the basis for his Clerks 3 screenplay.
Please no donkey show this time, Kevin
The question shoulde be …*where* are you keeping her?
If that question is for Lo Pan, I’m calling 911
I suspect it may involve a large bird cage.
CP: Goya no Machiawase — Hello Sleepwalkers
So, while it’s no Google Gigabit, I just had the techs rollaway from the house after upgrading my from 18Mbps downloads to 45Mbps. I actually ran some speedtests and am getting about 47.
We’re in some tall cotton right here!
puts my 23Mps download speed to shame
Let the file share’n begin you scarvy dogs!
*pictures Ed putting on an eye patch, running up a pirate flag on his desk top and rattling his sabre/mouse at the Internet*
CW: latest Justified
A Buffy actor is at the receiving of a Star Wars reference..woot!
Oooh, which actor?
One of the nerds
CD – Samual Smith’s Organic Chocolate Stout
The best thing I’ve had in my mouth in quite some time.
I didn’t care for it. I found it too sweet. I’m glad you like it though. 😀
It was a bit sweet. I was okay with it though.
I just had Shock Top Chocolate Wheat the other day. Now that was sweet. Fortunately I like sweet so I was good with it.
Oh, J0e…
Finally saw Skyfall. It was better than I expected.
From the “It’s a mad world” files –
The State Department finds that there is no environmental problem with allowing the Keystone pipeline because – (fasten your seatbelts) – the oil IS 17x more polluting then other oil sources and is actually worse for the environment but since the company selling it will find a way to get the oil to market even with out the pipeline … our help (US)does not make it worse for the environmental.
It’s the old, “He was going to die anyway so our killing him isn’t actually murder.” defense.
The State Department: declaring whatever logical conclusion you can afford since 1980.
JW: a scifi film without blasters and action scenes
I gotta say, if my wife passes before I do and I spent the rest of my days sitting by her graveside, she’d slap the shit outta me for wasting those years when I finally died and caught up with her.
Well, that link didn’t format worth a damn. Let’s see if this will take:
Really, that made the link go altogether?
So I am going to be watching (at least the second half of) the Super Bowl on the big TV screens at work. I’ve been called upon to work a single night shift tomorrow night (Sunday night into Monday morning). It will be only my second time ever staying up all night. The first time was almost (but not quite) ten years ago. This will be an interesting experience, but I think I can handle it. If I can, I might sneak in an update from my phone while I’m there.
Off to get as much sleep as possible in preparation. Good night, Pan.
(sorry. Had to)
So, I got a fancy new phone and *gasp* a new phone number. If you are a regular here, then you probably oughtta have the new number. Please go ahead and send a message and I’ll get it to you.
Sending a message. ie a psychic fax
..and no details about make and model, tsk tsk.
Of course, Van. I’m not much of a gadget fetishist, but it’s the LG G2.
Well, that was a steaming pile of poo this evening. While I’m happy for Jeremy and disappointed for EssBee and Lo Pan, I would have preferred something a little more competitive either way.
It’s turning into quite the winter wonderland outside. I’m getting quite tired of snow.
None so far this year, fingers crossed and all that.
We’ve had record amounts. *sigh*
But, I do know England has been getting a lot of rain. It seems, every weekend, when we watch a football game, they seem to be playing in the cold and rain.
Well, I think it’s time to give this house a once over with the vacuum.
There, I had a productive morning.
I did two hours of audio edits.
I vacuumed the whole house, even moving as much of the furniture as I could to get under them. I mopped the kitchen floor, cleaned the kitty litter, changed the bed sheets, and have a load of laundry in.
Next, I’m going to glue an eye on a teddy bear that seems to have lost his.
Then, watch the news and maybe, just maybe, do a movie PBP.
I’m game.
Tally ho!
Counting Prostitutes?
Howd I miss this?!
Where’s my needle?
In Nancy’s arm.
Sid will not be pleased.
I’m gay-me
Czn you see?
Lovely icy drive in today – ugh.
The worst.
Not as bad as after dark though.
That is the Nacht worst.
Which in turn is not as bad as a bloody nose.
That is the Blut worst.
Which isn’t as bad as organ meats made into sausage. That is Liver Wurst.
EssBee’s post has turned into a sausage fest.
Story of my life . . .
I was gonna go with “Nageln”.
Crap. That’s better. Es tut mir lied!
Maybe it’s just the mode I am in … but this just gets more inappropriately, LOL funny every time I watch it.
Audio(which is the funny bit) may not be work appropriate.
Oh yeh, the link
“May I @$%# you? Please?”
I’m gamy.
Careful or my butt will post here as well.
Lo is threatening to serve Rump Post.
Youre on a (kaiser) roll, JJ!
“I don’t want a roll. Do you have any bread?” Tom asked wryly.
“It’s time you quit loafing and get your buns moving” Mortimer replied
Bubble gum!
Sugary sweet!
That tumbleweed post, just pretend it never happened.
Your crap joke for the day:
A police officer in a small town stopped a motorist who was speeding down Main Street. “But officer,” the man began, “I can explain.”..”Just be quiet,” snapped the officer. “I’m going to let you cool your heels in jail until the chief gets back.”..”But, officer, I just wanted to say,…”..”And I said to keep quiet! You’re going to jail!”…A few hours later the officer looked in on his prisoner and said, “Lucky for you that the chief’s at his daughter’s wedding. He’ll be in a good mood when he gets back.”…”Don’t count on it,” answered the fellow in the cell. “I’m the groom.”,2523650
“If wife does it, so can hubby”
I suppose that’s true … but he’d better be pretty damned relaxed first.
Someone with a high-end printer and a lot of time.
/looks back
Set cynicism to 100%
For iOS users:
Lord I loved this game
Van, I am enjoying Series 2 of The Bridge so much. The remakes are just a waste of time!
Indeed, accept no imitations.
So for the first time iTunes refused to update tonight, tried reinstalling and it was still crapping out.
Had to uninstall all the bits of Apple software on PC, then delete left over directories, reboot and then reinstall.
Now it works..grrrr!
Ditto brought to my attention, June 15th is Father’s Day which might rule it out for many Panites. Van, what other dates have you got?
Just an FYI, July and August are completely out for my. Just sayin’
*sigh* my = me
CW: Sleepy Hollow season finale
We are about three episodes behind.
Well if not, it left a hell of a cliff hanger.
It is. And its been a good 13 episodes so a nice run for a first season
I like the Whopper, fuck the Big Mac
just to remember the old times
I could probably slide to a later June weekend. July and August do get difficult for me as well.
I knew we were talking about Father’s Day weekend, but I didn’t have an issue. As holidays go, it’s in the pile with Grandparents day and Boss appreciation day.
Hey, a Wolf!
Poor Chief O’Brien
Since we’re talking MMMMMeetup scheduling, I will weigh in with my thoughts on the possible weekends that are being discussed:
May 16-19 – I can definitely show up for this one, although it’s not my first choice.
May 23-26 – (Memorial Day weekend) – OK, no problem here
Any other weekend in June – OK, no problem here (except for the below)
June 27-30 – Same as May 16-19 – can show up, but would prefer to avoid this weekend
Note that due to my work schedule and not having any more personal time I can use, I will get into town either late on Saturday night or early on Sunday morning, depending on when I can get a flight.
Actually…. May 30 thru June 1 could work…. Amy? Everyone?
Discuss. Contact me in public or via email. Let’s figure this out.
The only weekend I know for sure is bad is the first one in June due to Relay For Life. Any thing else might work but I dont know for sure. We will fo the best we can, but it is more important to pick a date foe Van, imo.
Ok, this might be a job for SurveyMonkey.
Weird dream about the meetup. I got stranded on the Breaking Bad set and we all ended up dining with Benedict Cumberbatch.
Must lay off the Frosties before bed…
Did he look like this, by any chance?
Dude…. This. Must. Happen.
He’s easy on the eyes.
Van, don’t worry, we’re far enough away from Albuquerque that you won’t get stranded there! We have plenty of meth labs here, though . . .
I best be careful I don’t get mistook for Heisenberg ..
Morning Pan
Hubbyless for 36 hours again *sigh*
While I know I won’t have time today, it does look like there will be a play by play tomorrow.
If Dante’ could have fore scene this it would surely have been added as the 8th level of hell.
Get me out get me out GET ME OUT
Sleepy Hollow had a great finale.
Who knew the Walternate would show up?
Huh. Good god yall!
Well there was that one scene.
I am Arya.
Some good news for Android users:
SurveyMonkey link to help schedule out the MMMmmmeetup weekend.
Please fill out the survey if you get a minute! I changed the settings so you can go back and change your answers in the future, if things change.
Ok, I monkeed up.
Me two
Or three it seems.
I monkeyed around as well.
You guys are too busy singing to put anybody down.
Go play with White-Out
It will have to wait a few days for me.
There’s nostalgia and then there’s
Then there’s peeps with too much cash
Time to over analyse:
I hope they get Larry the Cable Guy to voice Boba Fett.
Why you say stuff like this? You break-a my heart.
Sorry, I meant to say Tim Allen.
Lo, we might need to play hookie one day soon and hit this:
Holy crap, I didnt know one of the guys from DogfishHead started the brewery. Now its a must try.
You know, I get 300 channels on my TV and not one of them is showing the Flames game tonight. What’s that about?
Sorry, this was in reply to Rhett’s last post
Ok, now I know what FOMOH is. Is FOMOOH the same but with more cow bell?
I thought it stood for
Flatulent Overlords Milking Our Honeys.
or maybe
Fully Operational Mobile Operating Hospital.
Evidently “missingout” is a single word because Fear Of Missing Out On Hockey would be FOMOOH. /scratches head
I want to see some of these made into movies
Boobs? Check.
Billy Ray? Check.
Your crap joke for the day:
A woman went into a bar in Texas and saw a cowboy with his feet propped up on a table. He had the biggest feet she’d ever seen. The woman asked the cowboy if it’s true what they say about men with big feet. The cowboy grinned and said, “Sure is, little lady! Why don’t you come on out to the bunk house and let me prove it to you!” The woman wanted to find out for herself, so she spent the night with him. The next morning she handed him a $100 bill. Blushing, he said, “Well, thank ya Ma’am. I’m real flattered. Aitn’t nobody ever paid me fer mah services before. The woman replied, “Don’t be flattered. Take the money and buy yourself some boots that fit.”
“There’s a snake in my boot!”
The Sun always shine on TV
I’m thinking you want to take on he?
I want some milk
My coffee grows cold
I want some milk
I shouldve been told
I think hubby is bored. He keeps texting me pictures of his hotel room
This is a fine bowl of Frosties.
Wow, 3% Freshness for I, Frankenstein.
Those are Battlefield Earth numbers.
We still plan to see it next weekend
Although, I see 62% of people seemed to like it nonetheless
Maybe you can do a PBP in the theater 😉
Really, Yahoo?
Horton doesn’t hear a boo
Michael Finewax reports that Nathan Horton is a star in Columbus as they are on an eight game winning streak.
Youve one-upped in awfulness!!!
‘Her’ to see first methinks.
Shouldn’t you be in bed, Van?
You’ve had a better offer than that, tonight?
I think it’s time for dinner
People can be so cute. A young lady just found out we have Brandon Sanderson as our guest. I could hear the quiver of excitement in her email, enquiring about how she can see him
Kitty is mad at me. My dinner is not something she would like to eat
I guess I will just have to watch the Edmonton – Phoenix hockey tonight
Hubby says he has a mystery door in his room. It’s locked and he wants to know what’s on the other side. I asked if it was linked to the room next door but he said it isn’t.
His last text told me he thinks it’s a secret time and space portal. I told him to take pictures if he does end up in another time or dimension
Good grief! Has he (i)never(/i) seen this movie?
That door never turns out well.
Given who he’s married to, I’m quite sure he is aware of that trope.
On a related note, I haven’t heard from him since he told me about the door (really I haven’t. I’m assuming he went for dinner)
I’d Phoenix stingy? The commentator said the coyotes are stingy but didn’t elaborate
Dunno would you?
Silly me. I’d = is
You have no idea how exciting this game is *yawn*
Survey completed.
Phoenix draws first blood
Now we are 3-0 Phoenix.
Phoenix has a whoring penal – eh, I mean a hooking penalty
3 – 0 Phoenix, end of the first
Ah, I see Calgary is doing so much better than Edmonton
Really Edmonton? Really?
4 – 0 Phoenix
Oilers finally scored
4 – 1 Phoenix, end of the second
Man, first they took away Pluto, now they’re coming after the Black Holes!
Where will the madness end?
Somewhere, Maximillion is pissed.
Ack! The whirling blades and the oh so red glow..
Oilers score. 4 – 2 Phoenix
4 – 3 Phoenix
Hubby just called to say good night. I love my hubby
Yotes are REALLY trying to blow this game. They need a timely OEL slapper
Phoenix wins 4 – 3
That was ridiculous.
Now, it’s bed time.
Night Pan
He doesn’t come round much anymore, but I’m a still send happy birthday wishes to Jeremy f Seattle.
He slinks around Google+ these days.
…and I feel Niflheim.
/raises an eyebrow
JORVIKing kidding me.
Is this because the Vikings didn’t make it to the Super Bowl?
This is because they cast Heimball as a black guy in the movie, isn’t it?
Sadly, a disclaimer is needed: This is mocking the racists who freaked out about Idris Elba’s casting as Heimdall, not an actual racist remark.
/joke ruined.
God I hate prying eyes.
Dr Strangelove, not so implausible after all:
Morning Pan
Went to the store, got gas, and washed my car this morning. Now to kill things.
CP: Risen 2
Van, I sent you an email.
Got them, thanks TEB.
We finally got to play our new board game, last night — Ticket To Ride.
It is a super fun game, with potential to unleash a lot of strategies.
I highly recommend it for you and yours!
We play it quite often, as well as Ticket to Ride Europe.
I just play Space Inv…oh wait.
I just brewed an English Red Ale. This was my 7th brew, I think, and by far the smoothest experience. It’ll be called Deadpan Red, because Van. And also Alvie recommended a Red for this round. Deadpan! Red! Ale!
Mr. Lo, you must come next time.
It’s been a fun day all around. I went and stood in line at 6:30 a.m. today for some free Broncos swag with 1,000 other cold people, then took my mother-in-law shopping for a table-top a.m./f.m. radio so she can listen to Rockies games this season. We also had lovely greasy Five Guys burgers for lunch. Full, fun day!
And I do realize you wouldn’t want any, Van. We have Baileys in the fridge for you.
Better than laying out a welcome mat.
What if I’m laying on the welcome mat?
I’ll distract you with beer.
You had me at “I’ll”
The Schenns killed me today
Gigure aint jiggy tonite
OMG I had no idea Avs have rookie in goal…
Good stuff. A bit too Tegan and Sara sound wannabe but thats not a bad thing
As seen on Facebook: Sad news from my past NJ life… one of my old best friends lost his wife to lung cancer today. Bah and meh.
So sad, man. So young. Fucking ugh. My best to your buddy
Yes. Fuck cancer!
Your sexual innuendo lyric of the da:
Come on baby let me butter your corn.
You gotta love the blues…
Apologies Jack, that should not have been linked to your sad news.
Please delete.
Mac turn 30:
Hey Deadpan!
Happy Australia Day!
Wait is this the day Australia was born or the day the world celebrates Australia?
Very sad news, Jack. Fuck cancer!
Big time.
To the fucktards that broke into my cars last nite and only took the 5 year old GPS – it only stays charged for 5 minutes and you forgot the charger. Fools.
Ugh! Any damage to the car?
Just a mess inside both. People be stupid. Like me… I left my car keys and a bunch of cds laying on the seat. They didnt touch em.
Max Talbot is engaged to Dion Phaneuf’s cousin
/random hockey facts
Show of hands, who’s surprised the Devils blew their lead and got trounced by the Rangers?
Let’s see, 1… 2…. Right. No one.
*half a hand*
Cars broken into!!
You know how it is
Do I need to bump up my insurance if I managed to get to Colorado?
All I got out of this post is, Van is coming to Colorado!!!
That’s in the fickle fingered hands of fate and survey monkey.
Van its no diff here than there. Just gotta lock vehicles. Considering this is the first time its happened in years Im not gonna complain much.
For those among us from SoCal:
Morning Pan
Today I do shopping for my grandmother. Fun stuff.
She seems to be still be confounding Father Time.
Yup. She had her biopsy last week. She’s suppose to get the results some time this week.
Jack, I need to change my Survey Monkey. I can’t do the last weekend in June anymore.
You can actually go back in and change your SurveyMonkey results, if/when stuff changes.
Last night, hubby and I watched Hell Baby
It was a fun movie.
Jade Rabbit goes kerplunk:
Silly Rabbit.
Some one did mention that at least they didn’t get the imperial conversion wrong…
Probably somewhere in their code they had 2+2=5.
“Earlier this month, the Beijing Aerospace Control Centre said that Jade Rabbit, had successfully explored the surface of the Moon with its mechanical arm.”
DAAAAAMN that is one, long mechanical arm!
Food For Thought– Norwegian Scabies
“Food” + “Scabies” = bad Pixie.
Sounds communicable
It’s a headscratcher.
Italian Scabbia
Something tells me there is not much chance of getting THAT.
Tonight’s ‘feast’ will be two soft boiled eggs and a slice of toast.
Holy crap, I had no idea this was being made.
Holy crap, I loved the Nick Hornby book.
Good news, Bad news.
Bad news. No Deadpan Mmmmmeetup for me this time around.
Good news. I’m taking the boychild to his first major con. We are headed to GenCon Indy this year.
Seriously – – GenCon should be awesome experience for the wee lad. Are there any games or people in particular he wants to see?
Nothing in particular. I’m going to see about signing him up for some game demos, probably real dungeon. He and his buddies play these “games” were they make up stories and act them out with swords, lightsabers, superhero gear, etc. I’m trying to help him make a transition to doing the same sort of things indoors with dice. We’ll see how that goes. He’s got one friend who isn’t even allowed to watch Harry Potter, so I have to be careful to avoid “demonic” things if some of his friends play.
He’s also excited that there might be some video game demos there too.
I think it’s going to be quite mind-blowing for him, in the best way possible.
Ha! I thought you were going to tell us he was sitting on his first panel!
If they realized just how good he was at podcasting they would probably give him his own track.
Snow in Mississippi and Louisiana!
The downside of our glamorous, busy lives: planning the MMMmmmeetup is extremely challenging.
Availability is almost equally spotty for every potential weekend.
In defense of marriage, and watching Beyonce:
CW: Latest Shameless (US)
Just when you think Frank can’t go lower..
..and Fiona oh Fiona.
Gawd I love this show.
It’s one of the best!
SO this happened a dfew miles up the road from me…
WTF? Really? That’s how you wanna go out? Ugh.
I saw that! One of my employees is working at home today and called from her bathtub – the guy next store started shooting a gun . . .
If I had boots I would be shaking in them.
JFC. This society needs to care more about mental health and the bad effects of poor parents.
Yeah… its a fucking travesty
In defense of myself and other parents of teens with severe depression… believe it or not, there are other factors that can lead to depression than “poor parents”. I know we have a tenancy to blame everything on the parents, but let’s get the whole story before we start throwing potentially unwarranted stones, shall we?
Good point UH.
Getting access to help for depression is often difficult and expensive. That added on top of the social stigma against getting help and the general difficultly of trying to figure out if you have a normally moody teen (“all I wanted was a PEPSI!”) or one with sever depression … Parenting is a tough and vastly underpaid, middle management position.
Next big change needed in society is the view on Depression as an illness (a treatable one) and NOT just “suck it up and quit whining” thing. Of course we’d also have to get insurance to pay for counseling and treatment.
my .02 cents
Hey, UsedHair – – I agree 100%, and I hope my shorthand statement didn’t come across as “depressed kids = poor parents.” My comment is aimed at sick parents whose actions ambush their kids’ futures, kids with depression issues who might have had a chance, if not for the rotten adults in their lives. I’ll throw stones at those people all day, every day.
Regardless, we need more help ready and available for people struggling to feel ok.
Agreed on all points.
And I do apologize for my carelessly-worded remark.
Best part of the whole story: “One of the cafeteria workers also suffered minor injuries when she broke the glass to access the fire extinguisher” Nothing like products designed for safety that end up causing injuries themselves.
CP: Joaquin Phoenix on last week’s Fresh Air. Dude is a trip.
To Tahiti… or to Haiti?
Tahiti is a magical place.
CW: True Detective E3
Hey Jack. If spring/summer doesn’t work for a mmmmmeetup, would a September or October date work better?
Thought people?
Desert Pixie and I had the same discussion this evening. The point isn’t to just get this thing done at all costs, the point is to have as many attendees who wanna be there be there.
It’s probably gonna need to be September-ish, though.
Will the icepocalypse come upon us, or not? This is the question upon the minds of Southeast Texas. Most schools have announced closure for tomorrow, so the kiddos are happy.
I said yuck.
The NHL Western Conference is amazing. The Avs 71 points is good for 5th place overall. Conversely, that same 71 points would be good for 2nd overall in the East. Crazy.
It’s all a wash come playoff time.
I love this man.
I will grow old with this man.
I will care very deeply for this man.
I will be “here” & “there,” for this man.
I will smile for this man.
I love this man.
Jack Mangan– these words, and, my heart, are for yiu.
Well that sweetness came out of this air!
Wow! That changes the feel of my day.
I love you right back, baby.
🙂 That’ll melt the snow and ice!
Morning Pan
Today it’s all audio edits all day.
“Sounds” about right.
“As far as I know”
good gravy
Shhhh… There’s no GrAvY there either. As far as they know.
But then, what will they put on their french fries?
Ketchup. Strait up.
From the spambox:
Subject: Luli – “Hi!Well you my picture?”
Hmmm. Dunno. Well I?
“Tiffany’s profile is waiting for you on JDATE. Local Jewish Singles!!!”
But she says she loves Jack!
I hope Jack has been circumcised, then…
Curb Your Enthusiasm, Ed.
..and then there is this :
See even this otherwise cool article has to get a jab in at Episode 1. People its been 15 years. Get the fuck over it. Yeesh.
Something’s you never get over:
And here I was expecting to get a clip from Airplane!
Shirley, you must be joking!
That way leads to the dark side.
25 covers?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!
Holy shit! Blink!!!
This is going to be the greatest film ever made. Ever.
Ha! That was my first thought too.
Me as well.
There is a certain mystique about them.
Dammit Rhett.
Not seeing much chatter or any headlines, but today is still a date worth remembering.
Agreed. I still remember seeing it happen.
Watching the noon news. Apparently there’s a petition in the US to have Justin Bieber deported back to Canada. What makes you think we want him back?
I’d be happy with a Presidential, Executive Order that forbids any reporting on him or his activities.
I care not about him or his shenanigans. Stopping the Bieber press coverage would be as good as him being gone.
I signed it!!! Proudly.
I had a cortisone shot in my knee yesterday, and the jury is still out. Right now, worse than before the shot. I’m told it take 2-3 days.
My mother gets them, but the relief period gets shorter and shorter. She’s considering getting an op.
Less painful to you, would be having your courtesan shot.
I fear you will be terrible disappointed with the size of my manse if you ever visited the UK.
Well, it’s not the size but what you do with it.
Indeed, there is no velvet anywhere.
Not less painful for the courtesan.
Drink some of your red asap!
CP: Happy Hour – The Housemartins
It’s really cold today so I am reposting this.
CP: How to Rob To Bank – Willy Porter
CP: Blues Run the Game – Bert Jansch
CW: Dracula – season finale
Poorly titled work email of the day:
“Massage lady has openings”
Strangely working tech:
The sound bar I bought recently has a auto off function if no sound is playing.
I use the AUX connection on the soundbar connected to the headphone socket on the TV.
When I watch Netflix on my PS3 I have no problems, however when watching live TV on the skybox (or recorded tv on the skybox,) the soundbar switches off every 15 minutes.
I challenge the validity of your claim above about your manse.
“Sound bar”
“Headphone socket”
As chunky as the PS3 is, it ain’t that big.
Visions of Childhoods End:
The Yotes awaken from cryosleep.
Greiss is the word, is the word, is the word.
Your crap joke for the day:
This Morning, I was beaten up by a busty woman in an elevator.
I was staring at her boobs when she said “would you please press one?”
So I did.
I don’t remember much after that…
Try harder:
I kind of love this
Yeh, put me down as a “yes” for this.
The BSFA has released the short list for it’s awards:
I’m confused. It says, “annual BSFA Awards for works first published in 2013”
God’s War was published in 2011. I’m assuming it meant books first published in the UK in 2013? Is that right, Van.
Yup, God’s War only officially came out in the UK in 2013.
Go Gareth L. Powell! I need to check out his full length books.
RE: Ed’s comment earlier on Agents of SHIELD – I’m only on ep 10, but yeah, if theyre going where I think theyre going with Skye’s mom its gonna be a big pile of boo. The shows already on thin ice with me, growing shattier each week. Its the opposite Sleepy Hollow.
You mean like – “KHAAAAAAAN!” ?
RE: September mmmmmeeeeetup. Cant beat the weather, that’s for sure.
That’s looking like the way to go….
The Great American Beer Fest is in Sept . . .
OH ho ho hoooo
CP: ATX — Alberta Cross
Van, you have an email.
Have you hacked my email Lo?
Just preemptively striking for you
Got it TEB, thanks again..and yes I did notice.
When you want to keep an eye on the birds:
Coffee-Mate: Helps you pretend to like coffee.
There are some gems here.
CP: Planet Claire — The B-52’s
Oh this whole album is full of win
So, the Yotes will be called the Arizona Coyotes next year.
Apparently there’s (yet another) new logo coming too.
Hmmm didnt the Cardinals go thru the same thing?
I believe it should look like the AC/DC logo only be “AZ/CT” and the lightning bolt gets replaced with a hockey stick (with a lightning bolt on it).
Make it so.
Featuring such hits as:
For Those About to Puck (We Salute You)
Givin’ the Dog A Doan
Flick of the Stick
All these win!!!!!!!
But dont forget:
You Checked Me All Game Long
Dirty Deeds Done Murphy
Whole Lotta Schlemko
The Radim’s Edge
I heard they weren’t changing the logo.
I’m still going to call them the Phoenix Coyotes just to spite the politictions.
I think the $$ spent on pro sports logos, uniforms, marketing could feed the world.
Well, half the world … or one dinner for the 85 riches people in it.
And let them know its Christmas time too
And buy them each a Coke!
Keep em company?
That’s the song I sing.
I hope we get more decisive action this time around. We better not get another long rambling excuse of why it can’t be done….like we did with the Deathstar petition! /s
Ironically, Canada can deem folks inadmissable if they have been convicted of DUI or any other felony. Sooooo there’s that little conundrum as well.
Crap joke for this chilly morning:
A customer was continually bothering the waiter in a restaurant; first, he’d asked that the air conditioning be turned up because he was too hot, then he asked it be turned down because he was too cold, and so on for about half an hour. Surprisingly, the waiter was very patient, walking back and forth and never once getting angry. So finally, a second customer asked why didn’t they just throw out the pest. “Oh I don’t care.” said the waiter with a smile. “We don’t even have an air conditioner.”
That deserves some cake.
Like I’m going to get THAT out of my head anytime soon.
Rocks have feelings too
I knew it.
I like the one commenter
“If its preposterous, take 5 minutes to prove it? Wheres the harm in that?”
Way to feed into the delusion.
Ha! Yeah there’s no such thing as “take 5 minutes” when it comes to the rover.
Of course, then there’s the skankiness of the lawyer who took the case… assuming he didn’t file himself. Which is a possibility.
Is well worth checking out if you missed it the first time.
I saw that.
So true.
Han Solo goes (lego) podracing
“Because, Japan”
So, if my own heart rate is not above a certain amount, does that mean I’d be stuck in the bra forever? That would kind of suck.
Considering the source, I assume some kind of tentacle is required.
I’m envisioning a scene in which a truck veers suddenly into her lane on the interstate and as she manages a miraculous, saving throw maneuver to avoid on-rushing death and is bring her car back under control – she crashes as a result of her airbags deploying.
CP: Blasphemous Rumours — Depeche Mode
Somewhere a Pixie is swooning.
“But I think that God’s got a sick sense of humor”
Some decent albums here for 99 cents. Never used Google Play, but this might inspire me to give it a try.
“unavailable in your country”
*grumble, grumble*
Welcome to my world.
Sorry, that is also unavailable in her country.
Mom had a heart cath this morning. All is clear, apparently.
Good news. Still need answers for her, but today is a good sign.
Good signs are good!!
I am FOR good signs here!
All digits crossed for your mom, Pixie *hugs*
thanks, all. Her overall health is good- no need for major concerns… she is just,,, old.
Time for lunch with my Boo!
Thought I heard someone call my name… no?
Carry on.
(on the) SEA, a JAY(bird was flying)
Fun Fact #21334
No one has actually ever listened to Def Leppard’s “Yeah!” album.
I don’t think I’m armageddon it.
Cmon, Steve.
They left their fans a little high & dry on that one.
Let’s not create mass hysteria on this now..
Im leaving this thread high n dry
Oh, burn!
LOLOLOL!!! Brilliant.
Now I am going to go crawl into my fallout shelter before ASH hears that one.
On low calorie days you lick the knife oh yes you do.
Astronomy porn:
CP: Royal Station 4/16 — Melissa Etheridge
Lana: “Have you ever heard a country song?”
Archer: “Um, Danger Zone?”
Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick kaboom! workbomb.
Man, I had truly forgotten how much I love Llinkin Park’s music!
Im now binging.
This looks interesting and we may consider attending. Anyone else going?
We will probably go next time it hits Calgary.
I’d be lost once they got into the newer games.
Goodnight :Castle Panic:
I blame the Troll Mage
Get ready for your old moment:
Bioshock Infinity was one of the ‘free’ games this month on Playstation plus, nice t be back in the Bioshock universe.
Well went to the Docs today, another High BP reading, now to endure all sorts of tests over the next few weeks.
At least I got my blood sampled quickly.
For those of us who use Google’s Chrome browser:
Yup, the Ukraine’s got talent
(I can’t decide if this is safe for work or not…)
If you do a YouTube search for The World’s Best Pole Dancer you can find the other contestants.
Or simply other performances by this amazing dancer
I guess those ex-gymnasts have to do something with those skills after they become too old to compete anymore.
I don’t know. I think she can put most gymnasts to shame.
CP: Last War — Haley Bonar
I have a question for the beer drinkers that were using Pintly. Has everyone switched to BeerAdvocate or some other platform? Apart from and excel spreadsheet, I’ve been tracking my beer bottles on Pintly, but they are missing so many of the beers that I have (hence the spreadsheet). BeerAdvocate seems to have far more beers listed. However transferring 500+ beers from one system to another seems a gargantuan task with little return on investment. Opinions?
I haven’t switched to anything.
I don’t use anything. We just drink what looks good.
There was a time when we had one of every bottle of beer we tried lining the top of the kitchen cupboards. Once they reached three deep I decided it was getting a little ridiculous and recycled them all.
For whatever reason, I have no compulsion to track my beer consumption nor to collect bottles; other things, yes, just not beer. 😀
I started to hit some of Pintly’s limitations (like not having some of the beers I had) and I just stopped using it. Now I don’t use any. Guess it did not “enrich my user experience” enough to give it my time. *shrugs*
I was on Pintley for a minute, but never kept up. I’m like Bunny and ditto.
I mainly use Beer Advocate for research, but to jot down just a few notes Ill use Pintley. It really does lack in beer amount
CP: I Want To Conquer the World — Bad Religion
Winter storm Maximus!
Yes, the cold looks pretty, as long as you don’t have to be in it.
Anywhere its a struggle just to pee is out for me.
Pretty tho!
That’s what she said.
If I win the jackpot at the lottery it’s the next mmmmmmmeeetup location…if only to see Lo making an urine popsicle.
For you I’d make a shatsickle…
Laughing at your own comments, oh no….
False. If you look up, I’m responding to Ess’s “she said” post.
Now have a shatsickle.
I’m not NOMAD and I’m not falling for that.
TOS for the win, sir.
“out for me”
So the olympics start next week. I know there was some talk of a pool, did it go any farther than talk. I remember saying I’d root for Canada, of course.
Good news again:
That should not be linked to TEB’s post.
If there is an Olympics pool I want Spain.
Swimming not being an event at the Winter Olympics.
I haz a SurveyMonkey for the Olympics! I was waiting for the MMMmmmeetup survey to run its course, but I’ll post that other one this weekend.
So the question is, will he shave or wear a prosthetic:
isn’t that always the question?
This movie is less and less awesome.
..and I though ENgland was bad:
CP: That’s Entertainment – The Jam
CP: Going Underground – The Jam
CP: Wolf’s Law — The Joy Formidable
CP: Senses Working Overtime – XTC
CP: Silent Treatment — The Joy Formidable
CP: Making Plans for Nigel – XTC
Ooooh ooooh!
WOWZA! I got all choked up at the end. I missed the live event (due to work) so I missed what you all missed.
But, now seeing the professionally edited GoPro version of Felix Baumgartner’s historic space jump, I felt like it was live for me.
I highly recommend you watch this NOW!
I watched it live and it was about the scariest thing I had ever seen.
Not “scary movie” scary but “OMFH this is real life a human is gonna die now” scary.
I shall attempted to watch it again now that time has passed and see if it is still as intense.
So yeh. Still quite powerfull but here are some bits they edited out.
The exit from the capsule took several minutes more than they showed. There were a series of things he had to do first. After he opened the capsule door, you could hear him breathing harder and over the following minutes until he jumped, his responses with ground control seemed to grow slower and confused.
They often had to repeat things a few times to get a response from him and when I watched it live it gave me the real sense that maybe something had happened to his oxygen supply or something.
In reality, his visor heater had failed and he was facing the life or death decision as to whether to scrub the mission. In one interview I heard him admit he was fighting a rising bit of fear/panic.
Another thing from seeing it live (spoilers if you didn’t view Pixie’s link yet)-
If you were the sort of geek who followed this sort of thing (me), you knew that one of the biggest dangers of a fall from that altitude was the flat spin or a tumble. Things tend to start that and pick up speed in a hurry. When it starts, a human has a very short window of time before it causes them to black out. Unconscious people can’t deploy shoots, much less get in the right position to have a shoot “auto deploy”. When Felix jumped there was no live feed from his suit. So we had this long range, black and white speck from a tracking camera. After falling for a few moments that speck flashed “Light” … “Dark”.”Light” … “Dark”.”Light”. “Dark” .”Light””Dark”. “”LightDark”.””LightDarkLightDark”
You knew it HAD to be “The spin”.
Supposidly, one of the things being tested in this jump was a special emergency system that would deploy itself in the event of one of these spins. For some reason it didn’t or wasn’t being deployed.
In the audio (I noticed it was edited in this video)you could here his breathing start to get very rapid and loud. Ground control was calling him (very calmly, I might add) but he was NOT responding.
Then the sound of his breathing quit. I’m not sure I was breathing at that point. Another moment or so and then the “spot” stopped flashing. He had stopped the spin.
I read afterwards that he pulled himself together and (having now fallen into atmosphere that finally had some density to it) was able to use his arms to stop the spin. I have seen it discussed that there are few free fall jumpers in the world that might have pulled that off in the situation he was in.
ANYWAY – that is why you hear such a response of cheering when he said he had stopped the spin.
If you ever see the external footage of him landing, when he kneels and kisses the ground it is not for the cameras. He was truly honestly that happy to be back on earth and alive.
That guy = “The right stuff”.
AND ANOTHER spoiler thing …
Because his visor heater had malfunctioned, the inside had iced over and he couldn’t see his altimeter clearly. Sadly, this led him to deploy his shoot about 20 seconds to soon to break the record for longest free fall. He gets “fastest” and “farthest” though and that’s not too shabby.
Okay. I’m through with my fanboy/geekout now.
I also recall watching that historic jump with the kids, thinking “I might be streaming video of a person’s awful death here”. They were disappointed that he didn’t reach the longest freefall record – – I had no idea that was the reason he didn’t get it.
Incidentally, “The Last Cyberpunk,” my first-ever published story, ca 2003-2004, focused around a “stratodive” from space.
CP: Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick – Ian Drury and the Blockheads
For a moment there, I was hoping for a Vanamonde/ditto CP Smackdown!
CP: Reasons To Be Cheerful (Part 3) – Ian Dury and the Blockheads
Another one. Too Cute for words today.
Doggie Dreamers
The puppy with his eyes rolled back was kind of freaky
I really like The Jam
Strawberry or Raspberry?
All Mod Cons, sir.
CP: Together in Electric Dreams – The Human League
CP: Thank God I’m A Country Boy — John Denver
Not sure I like the idea of such a young Lex Luthor unless the new Batman vs. Superman movie is supposed to take place in Smallville.
Ouch! I was way late for this crowd. I need to read all the previous comments before spouting off.
Nah, its a terrible ideato cast him. Youre allowed to post it again.
CP: The Mirror Man – The Human League
CP: After All (Andrew Sega Remix) — Delerium
CP: Everybody Wants to Rule the World – Tears for Fears
CP: Mad World – Tears for Fears
CP: Youth — Daughter
Snap I forot about Daughter!
I love her voice.
CP: We Close Our Eyes – Go West
CP: Sacrilege — Yeah Yeah Yeahs
CP: Call Me – Go West
CP: True — Concrete Blonde
Van with a right! Another right by Van! Back comes ditto with a left! Now an uppercut!
Careful, you may bust a vein.
CP: The Riddle (Acoustic) – Nike Kershaw
CP: Wide Boy – Nike Kershaw
“bust a vein”
Better than “bust a move”. 😉
Depends on the vein, my friend!
CP: Real Gone Kid – Deacon Blue
CP: Fergus Sings the Blues – Deacon Blue
CP: When Loves Breaks Down – Prefab Sprout
Nat Geo’s Fish Bowl… *facepalm*
CP: Cars and Girls – Prefab Sprout
CP: Your the Voice – John Farnham
CP: Age of Reason – John Farnham
CP: Self Control – Laura Braningan
CP: Gloria – Laura Branigan
CP: Keep on Running – The Spencer Davis Group
CP: Gimme Some Lovin’ – The Spencer Davis Group
…and that’s a wrap.
CP: Football talk, football talk, football talk!
Switching to Forgotify. This selects tracks from Spotify that have never been played.
Until now…
CP: Fidelio, Op 72c: Overture – Beethoven
CP: Three Loves – Brenda Lewis
CP: Mauglí – Na poradní skále by MIchal Suchanek
CP: Birth of the Blues – Dale Miller
That Desert Pixie is a keeper, I tell ya.
She really is! I’m keeping her!
Oh sure, but if *I* say that I’m keeping her it would somehow be creepy…
Kevin Smith is going to use this as the basis for his Clerks 3 screenplay.
Please no donkey show this time, Kevin
The question shoulde be …*where* are you keeping her?
If that question is for Lo Pan, I’m calling 911
I suspect it may involve a large bird cage.
CP: Goya no Machiawase — Hello Sleepwalkers
So, while it’s no Google Gigabit, I just had the techs rollaway from the house after upgrading my from 18Mbps downloads to 45Mbps. I actually ran some speedtests and am getting about 47.
We’re in some tall cotton right here!
puts my 23Mps download speed to shame
Let the file share’n begin you scarvy dogs!
*pictures Ed putting on an eye patch, running up a pirate flag on his desk top and rattling his sabre/mouse at the Internet*
CW: latest Justified
A Buffy actor is at the receiving of a Star Wars reference..woot!
Oooh, which actor?
One of the nerds
CD – Samual Smith’s Organic Chocolate Stout
The best thing I’ve had in my mouth in quite some time.
I didn’t care for it. I found it too sweet. I’m glad you like it though. 😀
It was a bit sweet. I was okay with it though.
I just had Shock Top Chocolate Wheat the other day. Now that was sweet. Fortunately I like sweet so I was good with it.
Oh, J0e…
Finally saw Skyfall. It was better than I expected.
That is yummy
meant for Organic Chocolate Stout
Why thank– oh.
I got Shiba Inu:
I’m a mutt.
I are a mutt as well.
Off to see ‘Out of the Furnace today’.
Later Pan..
Boy that dragged.
A “slow burner” or just “not that hot”?
The latter.
….and it’s good bye to the Captain of the Cygnus:
From the “It’s a mad world” files –
The State Department finds that there is no environmental problem with allowing the Keystone pipeline because – (fasten your seatbelts) – the oil IS 17x more polluting then other oil sources and is actually worse for the environment but since the company selling it will find a way to get the oil to market even with out the pipeline … our help (US)does not make it worse for the environmental.
It’s the old, “He was going to die anyway so our killing him isn’t actually murder.” defense.
The State Department: declaring whatever logical conclusion you can afford since 1980.
JW: a scifi film without blasters and action scenes
A very rare treat these days.
..and no it wasn’t Solaris.
Green Eggs and Ham:
…and then there is this:
Perhaps I’m just too cold and cynical. I’ve seen this story from people in my Facebook feed a few times this past week:,,20780776,00.html
I gotta say, if my wife passes before I do and I spent the rest of my days sitting by her graveside, she’d slap the shit outta me for wasting those years when I finally died and caught up with her.
Well, that link didn’t format worth a damn. Let’s see if this will take:
Really, that made the link go altogether?
So I am going to be watching (at least the second half of) the Super Bowl on the big TV screens at work. I’ve been called upon to work a single night shift tomorrow night (Sunday night into Monday morning). It will be only my second time ever staying up all night. The first time was almost (but not quite) ten years ago. This will be an interesting experience, but I think I can handle it. If I can, I might sneak in an update from my phone while I’m there.
Off to get as much sleep as possible in preparation. Good night, Pan.
(sorry. Had to)
So, I got a fancy new phone and *gasp* a new phone number. If you are a regular here, then you probably oughtta have the new number. Please go ahead and send a message and I’ll get it to you.
Sending a message. ie a psychic fax
..and no details about make and model, tsk tsk.
Of course, Van. I’m not much of a gadget fetishist, but it’s the LG G2.
yes, yes, I know, but I couldn’t resist anyway.
One for Cj, told to me by a bus driver.
Driver pulled up to the stop, and this little child was sucking on a lolly.
The driver in a playful mode asks the child if he could have a kick of the lolly.
The child looks the driver up and down and replies.
“Fuck off!!”
Kids these days…
Lick not kick.
How to eat a hamburger…scientifically proven:
I went and saw “Frozen” last night.
It was a movie. An animated movie.
Thus ends my review.
“kick of the lolly”
Phillip Seymour Hoffman is dead. wow.
Only 46, bloody hell.
I have no sympathy for drug users.
UK figures, but the bigger menaces are still tobacco and alcohol:
Ill let you think for a second and then take that back.
You also want me to quote the deaths from adverse reaction to drugs prescribed by Doctors?
Huh? Why?
I have no antipathy towards the guy, he paid the ultimate price for his frailties.
But if he wasn’t famous he would have just been another statistic.
…and there are bigger killers out there.
I think our wires are crossed. I wasnt replying to your link above
Or we simply crossed streams…
Yeah, we talked about that in the living room last night.
@BlackstairsBrew: The oldest know photo of men drinking. ‘Edinburgh Ale’, by David Octavius Hill & Robert Adamson, c. 1844
OK, Lo Pan and Essbee, y’all can let the Broncos start playing now.
Fucking ugh
If your bored there is always this:
Well, that was a steaming pile of poo this evening. While I’m happy for Jeremy and disappointed for EssBee and Lo Pan, I would have preferred something a little more competitive either way.
Yep. A surprisingly bad game.
I didn’t see this during the half-watched game, but I see our very own Grimlock will be on the big screen this year.
With Wahlbergozoidotron. Jesus.
Overnight update #1: 1/4 of shift completed. Very slowly nursing a Red Bull. I think it’s working. Also, working toward Inbox: Zero.
Hang in there, Amy!
Overnight update #2: At the halfway point. Doing pretty well.
Overnight update #3: Over 75% of the way there. Still hanging in there.
‘Lone Survivor’ didn’t suck.
That is all.
I think the Broncos thought the game was NEXT weekend . . .
RIP PSH. So many dead to a horrible disease.
Agreed on both
Home. Going to attempt to get some sleep. Last night, I learned that Red Bull tastes exactly like liquefied strawberry Sour Punch straws.
Good night (morning), Pan.
Morning Pan
We didn’t watch the Superbowl. From what I see here, I guess we missed a slaughter.
My favorite commercial was doberhuahua. 😀
That was funny.
It’s turning into quite the winter wonderland outside. I’m getting quite tired of snow.
None so far this year, fingers crossed and all that.
We’ve had record amounts. *sigh*
But, I do know England has been getting a lot of rain. It seems, every weekend, when we watch a football game, they seem to be playing in the cold and rain.
Yup, been bad in the south, not too bad up here.
Some nice scifi and fantasy art on display here :
Very nice
Well, I think it’s time to give this house a once over with the vacuum.
There, I had a productive morning.
I did two hours of audio edits.
I vacuumed the whole house, even moving as much of the furniture as I could to get under them. I mopped the kitchen floor, cleaned the kitty litter, changed the bed sheets, and have a load of laundry in.
Next, I’m going to glue an eye on a teddy bear that seems to have lost his.
Then, watch the news and maybe, just maybe, do a movie PBP.
I’m tired.
Just a heads up. The movie I will be doing in an hour or so will be Dark Skies
Tonight we’re taking Boo out for dinner. This is her favourite restaurant
Looks delicious, Bunny!
Take out, please. I’ll have the HALIBUT TARRAGON.
Thanks so much
Sounds like the evil step brother if Quentin Taratino…
ditto n ess…
I’m looking forward to it. Black Stone is great. 😀
Agree! Theres a super cool silk screen poster on there for 15$. Then I remembered I have no place to put a super cool silk screened poster…
And that makes Lo a very sad man. 😉
Dude shes gorgeous. Mr. bass player is a very lucky man!
“I Dont Think” #25:
I don’t think AC/DC’s “Shot of Love” is about drinking.
“I Dont Think” #54
I dont think Against Me! could be any more blunt with the song title “You Look Like I Need a Drink”
Ok peeps, you were warned! It’s movie time
Today’s movie is Dark Skies
The DVR write up: a couple and their children gather their courage and determination to combat a terrifying threat that may be from an alien force
I hope you’re all discressed
Idilliac suburban neighbourhood
You’ve been a bad girl
Well, I guess you better punish me then
Whoa. It got dark fast
He wants to snuggle
Ok, who made the mess?
He draws for a living
He’s such a liar
She made sure the balcony door is locked this time. That way the giant bunnies can’t get in again
What the hell are the bunnies doing?
It’s a sleep builder
She’s an honest realtor
Shark week!
What set the alarm off?
Who would take all the pictures
The sandman took the pictures
Ripping apart the kid’s room