1,205 thoughts on “The Man Who Scrolled the World

  1. Your crap joke for the day:

    A blonde decides to learn and try horse back riding unassisted without prior experience or lessons. She mounts the horse with great effort, and the tall, shiny horse springs into motion. It gallops along at a steady and rhythmic pace, but the blonde begins to slip from the saddle. Out of shear terror, she grabs for the horse’s mane but cannot seem to get a firm grip. She tries to throw her arms around the horse’s neck, but she slides down the side of the horse anyway. The horse gallops along, seemingly oblivious to its slipping rider. Finally, giving up her frail grip, she leaps away from the horse to try and throw herself to safety. Unfortunately, her foot has become entangled in the stirrup. She is now at the mercy of the horse’s pounding hooves as her head is struck against the ground again and again. As her head is battered against the ground, she is mere moments away from unconsciousness or even death when Frank, the Wal-Mart manager runs out to shut the horse off…

  2. I’m going to go ahead and admit I’m kind of nervous to meet you all. Excited but nervous. Okay, so I already know two of you in person and have talked to another a few times….

    Going back to stalking for now.

  3. Well Pan, I’ve had a very frustrating morning.

    My computer decided it doesn’t have a CD drive any more. I’ve re-installed the driver. Updated all the drivers on my computer. Did a malware and virus check and still, nothing. Looks like I’ll have to replace it once I get back from Deadpan mmmmmeetup

  4. Your crap joke for the day:

    A man was traveling down a country road when he saw a large group of people outside a house. He stopped and asked a person why the large crowd was there.A farmer replied, “Joe’s mule kicked his mother-in-law and she died.”..”Well,” replied the man, “she must have had a lot of friends.”..”Nope,” said the farmer, “we all just want to buy his mule.”

  5. “Tusk is an overextended, tonally incoherent joke that would make viewers squirm even if it didn’t involve a bloody and demented medical experiment.”

    That’s from NPR.

    So I’ll ask you – clearly the AV club’s review was based on him hating Kevin Smith. Do you think a lot of the other scathing review are at all Kevin Smith biased as well, even at a subconscious level? Has KS fucked his reputation up that much?

    • I’m not really sure, but I think so. He’s not at the level of Shamalamadingdong, but he seems to have reached the point where people can’t separate his failures from himself. If he focused on creating something decent, he could probably turn it around, but it seems like he isn’t even trying anymore.

      • Its interesting that you say that because I think shamalama has more of a potential to turn things around than KS does. Shama has turned into a running joke but it seems people genuinely dislike KS. And considering his next film as another “Canadian horror” film (starring his daughter) I think he’s given up doing stuff for anyone else but him.

  6. Did a count. For Deadpan next week I have:

    Full sized candy
    9 Kinder Bueno (they come in two packs so that actually = 18)
    15 Kinder Surprise

    Halloween mini-packs
    24 Aero
    22 Coffee Crisp
    24 Smarties
    16 Caramilk
    14 Hawkin’s Cheesies

    Any thing else?

  7. And just to officially share: at this point there is a strong possibility that T Cat won’t be able to attend. Our dog is just too old and sick. Some one needs to look after him and T is being nice enough to take care of that. She will definitely miss seeing you guys again.

  8. All the fucking hypocritical, hateful, moronic things she said


  9. Well, I went to a REALLY interesting Biotechnology lecture tonight on Microbiomes.
    Kept expecting my Dad to show up but found out through text message about halfway through, that he was in the hospital.
    78 year old fell off a ladder. 2 broken ribs, some cracked vertebrae and a small bruise on the brain. They’re keeping him overnight in the ICU for observation. Barring some repercussion from the head hit, he should recover … if my mom lets him live.

  10. Hearing stories (from a medical perspective) of what items people can (& should?) put up their rectums, will *never* get old for this Pixie. I’m always up for a giggle… And a “holy shit! They ‘fell’ on to a what, doing what?!?!”

  11. Does Pandora know something I don’t know? I open up my work email and “Tubular Bells” as performed by Trans-Sylvanian Orchestra is playing.

    • The LOOOOOVE PAN! Soon Ill be making another run…

      Seriously though I had no idea this was happening. Kudos to the students for not taking this shit

    • I dont even know where to begin about my feelings towards people, organizations, governmental bodies, assholes, ignorant lame-O’s, etc. who think censorship is a positive or evwn a “pateiotic” belief. WTF!

      I’d like to think humans– mainly parents and educators, can explain and educate the youth on how to have a good moral compass, embrace history and grow from our mistakes, as individuals and as a nation.

      But who am I to have an opinion?

      • Well clearly that’s happened here since its the students that know enough to walk out and protest this. This gives me hope for the current, and perhaps the parental, generations.

        • You need all of the (legitimate) facts to come to the conclusions that make the most sense to you. Schools denying students access to “all” of the information prevents them from being able to make the best-educated decisions they can, and is absolutely censorship with an aim toward civil population control.

          Jesus, I am a cranky geezer.

      • Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it .. wait … rich, entitled white guys in a ruling class who did what every they wanted to whomever they wanted … maybe “repeating the past” IS what this group is going for.

      • Morals and ethics? Is that a class in our education system? Seems like it should be, but I don’t see it on any of the curricula. Seems like the super-poor substitute is to have individual teachers implant their specific political agendas all willy-nilly. Why on earth would we want to teach our kids to fish and have them understand how morals and ethics are actually supposed to work?

  12. SO my dad has finally been moved out of the ICU.
    He fractured 9 ribes in 13 place, broke a piece off a vertebrae in his lower back and another off a vertebrae in his neck and had a small hematoma on his brain.
    All in all … could have been a life ending event but wasn’t.
    He should recover from those injuries. The big challenge is that he doesn’t get pneumonia from not moving around and taking deep breaths (due to the rib injures). The other challenge is that he is not the type to sit around. Ever. He had several caving trips planned for this weekend.
    At 78, if he is forced to sit still for 4 to 6 weeks it will crush his spirit. Of course, if we could keep him OFF OF LADDERS that would probably be good from here on out.

  13. Dammit I’m hooked on this Siskel and Ebert site. Maybe its the want of time more simple. Trying to leaf thru the local paper’s tv guide looking for the listing, or flipping thru the channels and blissfully coming across it.

    Or maybe I just miss the two guys.

  14. By the way, hubby likes you guys. I usually don’t buy Halloween candy until a day or two before the event because it mysteriously goes missing. I picked up a couple of boxes the other day so I could pick and choose some to take with me to Colorado. Of the items I didn’t take, I doubt there will be any left by the time I leave.

    …except maybe the Crunchies, hubby’s not a fan of those, but I like them so it’s all good.

  15. Okay so I promised you kids fun bacteria facts.

    – The Bacteria in us are GOOD. The vast majority anyways. Amoung many other things, the ones in our guts break food down into molecules for their own food but do it so well that there is plenty left for US. Without that bacteria we would likely starve to death.

    – Historically, bacteria were found by growing cutlers. Until just recently we thought there were 5000 species of Bacteria in us. Less then 5% of which can be identified by doing the “swab & culture” method, standard to most medical diagnosis.

    – Current DNA testing and identification has now identified 1 million species. It can do this accurately and within hours instead of the days that a culture takes.

    -Each of us has about 1000 different strains of bacteria in us and what we have is dependent on several factors including our immediate environment.

    -While you have approx. 37 trillion “human” cells in you, there are approx 100 Trillion bacteria cells per person.

    – The amount of bacteria in you would weigh about 2.5 lbs or 3 pints by volume.

    – They have recently discovered a link between a certain bacteria and obesity.

    – what we actually know about bacteria and MicroBiomes is incredibly small because the research has just started in ernest. Incredibly promising but but we are still trying to sort through “causation vs. correlation”.

    It’s all really interesting stuff.

  16. Through the magic of Jeremy from Seattle’s posts on the FB fan page, I seem to have some Ello invites to share. Anyone want in?

    (Ello is a new social media connector; ie, the current pigs trying to take Animal Farm away from the Facebook humans)

  17. Good start to season 4 of Person of Interest. Plus, they had a really good remake of 10 Years After’s “I’d Like To Change The World” at the end of the ep.

  18. Crap joke for the small hours:

    A boy walked in on his mom and dad having sex. His dad said “we’re making you a brother/sister” the boy replies “do her doggie-style, I’d rather have a puppy

      • I agree: good article. I tend to be dismissive when people like Stephenson use overly reductionist arguments regarding what is wrong today. Things are never so simple. So, I applaud the article’s author for taking a more nuanced view.

  19. So BA if you aren’t going to let me check in for the later flight why give me the option?

    I fear selecting 0 for checked luggage is going to get me searched again.

  20. WTF United? What do you mean I can’t print my boarding pass because I’m flying international? WestJet doesn’t have this silly restriction.

    *sigh* I really wish WestJet flew to Denver. They are the best.

    I guess I’ll have to wait until I’m at the airport before getting my pass.

  21. My dilemma tonight:

    Smaller backpack which everything fits with a tight squeeze but easier to carry.

    Or slightly large one, which has more external pockets (for pills and leads) but more bulky

  22. Man, this is really happening, isn’t it? At last the world will have proof that I haven’t been making Lo Pan up this whole time!

  23. So I’m in the departure area waiting to board the Flight to London.

    I’m looking at prices for stuff and wondering why anybody pays such high prices.

    Obviously they do as the shops are still in business.

  24. How an academic can be an ass:

    David Mitchell’s novelistic success, most recently with The Bone Clocks, is explained by UK academic Sarah Dillon (editor of a book of essays on his writing): ‘This is why his work is so addictive ā€“ he’s creating his own universe.’ (New York Times, 24 August) [DR] If only some science fiction or fantasy author had thought of that!

    -from the latest Ansible.

  25. Morning Pan

    It took me over an hour to get through airport security. They were very busy.

    However, this does mean less waiting time in the airport gate area so I’ll count it as a win

  26. Sounds awesome! I’m completely pack. Gotta get my sorry ass out of bed around 3:45AM to make my 6:00AM flight. Should be at Denver International around 9AM. See you guys soon.

  27. Cj and I are furiously rushing to finish work things and pack. Oh and I’m bringing a bottle of rye whiskey with me. Because I can.

  28. My best friends on the internet are gathering in Denver and I can’t make it. My best friend at work is now in Denver to attend the Great American Beer Fest and I can’t make it. My son lives just south of Denver and I’ve never been able to get out there to see him. I can’t begin to tell you how bummed I am not to be in Denver right now.

    But seriously, I hope the gathering goes great. Have a blast.

  29. You can’t escape from crap jokes:

    An 80yr old couple were seen shagging furiously up against a fence. For 40 mins they shagged like Bastards. Arms and legs going everywhere until they fell to the floor. wow she said ā€œyou didnt screw me like that 50yrs ago! To which the old man replied ā€œ50 yrs ago that fence Wasnt Fecking electric!

  30. I am heavy-hearted and telling you all about it here so you know why I may be weepy this weekend. I won’t be good at talking about it . . .

    Sly B’s beloved Grandma Linda died at 4:46 yesterday – just as I was preparing to head to the airport to collect Van. She was my friend, and treated me like her own as nobody else in my life has.

    Sly B will likely not be home tomorrow for the bbq, which will go on as planned with no arguments. She and her mom are headed to Southern Colorado this afternoon to help with arrangements and have some sibling time. She sends hugs and regrets for missing you all.

    Ok, carry on. Cannot wait to see you all this evening!!

    • Watch out for the Hell of Upside Down Corpses in Lo Pan’s basement.

      Speaking of — we’re currently in the Hell of Waiting For Everyone Else to Get the Fuck Off the Plane!! Woot!

  31. Relationship wisdom from Twitter:

    @Harkaway: Mrs H: Itā€™s dark in this house.
    Me: Winter is coming.
    Mrs H: I will gut you with this spoon.

  32. Crap joke from Twitter:

    @saladinahmed: Superman to cobbler: “I need a new left boot. Red.”

    Cobbler hands him a black boot full of sand.

    “What’s this?”

    “A dark, gritty reboot.”

  33. I’m home. Now that my trip is over I can finally read and post on the Deadpan board.

    Hats off to Lo Pan and Ess for hosting and Ed and JOe for their wonderful gifts. You are all truly wonderful people and I can’t wait to do it again.

    • My almost but not quite as long wait begins.

      Turns out they changed the plane, which had a different layout from the replaced plane, hence the messing around with the seat allocation.

  34. Back home safely in KC. I hope everyone else has a safe trip back. Thanks again to everyone that hosted, drove, cooked, and otherwise contributed to a great weekend.

  35. So looking at the Icelandair plane behind me it appears you can fly directly from Denver to Iceland.

    You learn something new everyday…

  36. Home safe from another wonderful MMMMMeetup.

    I had a great time seeing everyone in person. Alvie and EssBee, thank you for co-hosting, and Rhettro, thanks for co-chauffeuring.

    Ed: Our Star Wars RPG continued after you left; I took over your spot, and we completed the mission thanks to some great teamwork and creative strategy. That was one of my favorite parts of the meetup. (The other one was exploring downtown Boulder.)

    Deadpan is the way. :happy:

    Good night, Pan.

    • Food (including amazingly good smoked pork), beer, hugs, Cards/Charades Against Humanity, elk, The Rockies, the hotel from The Shining, first-time meetings, reunions with old friends, museums, football, the zoo, the Junior Lo Pans, Star Wars RPG, downtown Boulder, Altitude Sickness, Kris’s BBQ, the hospitality of Kris and Alvie and family, great conversations, missing the Deadpanites who couldn’t be there, the round bought by JustaJ0e … and everything else I’ve omitted. I’d say it was a successful MMMmmmeetup.

  37. Well deadpan I’m back in Blighty.

    Managed to to catch a a kip for an hour.

    A few hours to kill before my connecting flight leaves.

  38. I had an interesting conversation with security once in Canada. Here’s how the conversation went:

    Were you visiting Colorado for business or pleasure?
    Pleasure? I have friends there.
    How did you meet your friends?
    Through an on-line group?
    Really? What kind of on-line group?
    Um, it started around a podcast we all listened to and became friends from there. There are a bunch of us that get together annually.
    Hmmm, What do the friends who live in Colorado do?
    One works for the Government…

    While truthful, I was looking at these answers from his point of view as was starting to become worried I might be detained. It was interesting to say the least.

  39. It was so great to hang out with all of you!!!! Come back any time.

    Thanks for the touching card too. Sly B made it home last night and read it/appreciated it.

  40. I wanted to thank everyone who participated in my Star Wars RPG game. My goal is to have the next module “The Long Arm of the Hutt” uploaded to roll20.net so we can continue this game via Skype. For those who are interested, Fantasy Flight Games has a lot of free support PDFs on their website. I would recommend downloading their free module “Under a Black Sun” and reading the first 18 pages as it goes through the basics of the rules. You can download it here: http://tinyurl.com/l387azn I would also recommend that you not read past page 18 because I may want to play the story with all of you.

  41. Once again, my boss thinks I’m the best person in the world. Another thing I did for her was apply for an operating grant from the government (which she never did). Not only was I able to get approval, the amount they gave us was twice the amount we were hoping for.

    Just call me Scotty.

  42. The replaced 777 had a newer video system with nicer screens and I wasn’t annoying the person in fornt as I used it.

    The Airbus going to Newcastle was a bit rickety though..lots of flickering lights and groaning metal.

    • We probably could get you a burner phone and a card with minutes for under $30, probably less depending on what you want (smart phone vs just a phone with text).

  43. Sport ditto Sony have been fiddling. PS plus members can no longer ‘purchase’ ps4 games on the PS3 (at least in the UK). However if you login to the Sony Entertainmebt Network with a web browser (using your PSN login details) you can still add the free PS4 games your download list. Ready for when you get a PS4.

  44. Van, without giving spoilers… I just despised one of the main characters and I hated that person the entire plot. I guess I wasnt surprised, ever, by the course of events and just hated who that person ended up being

  45. Well I think I’m over the jet lag.

    In regards to the meetup, I always have a feeling that I’ve had a surreal experience as normality hardens around me as I get home.

          • Although Corpse Bride is not a bad movie, it was part of what is currently wrong with Tim Burton. His career started with making quite unique interesting movies that weren’t like anything else out there (Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissor Hands). Later he is simply rehashing things that have already been done like Corpse Bride which was really just him doing yet another Nightmare Before Christmas. He hasn’t done anything truly original in quite some time.

    • *sigh*
      I still digs me some Tim Burton but … remake Poppins? No please.

      Why not make a NEW, dark movie about a mysterious Nanny?
      Call it Scarry Poppins or some such. Let it stand on it’s own merits.
      Let it sell tickets based on IT’S cast and director.

      Boo on these people.

      • Well, if he does something closer to the original books, that’s likely what you’ll see. I never read the books, but as I understand, Mary Poppins was actually quite a dark character. The author was not happy with how the original movie turned out, so she forbid Disney from making anymore.

        • Isn’t that how Burton got started down his dark path in the first place? He went from Big Fish to Charlie and the Chocolate factory because he could do a darker version that would be much closer to the original source material. Turns out that’s just Hollywood speak for I’m now so full of myself that I have to start going back and making my versions of shit that people loved when they were children.

  46. So I’ve just booked to see Cara Dillon with guest star Dan Tyminski.

    I hope he plays ‘Man of Constant Sorrow’ or I may have to cry into my coat.

  47. Your crap joke for the day:

    Did you hear about the 3 zoo employees who were injured recently? They got attacked by a Chimpanzee that set fire to itā€™s own feces using a discarded cigarette. Apparently they were rushed to the hospital with TURD degree burns.

  48. Tech support logic (on phoning why my phone didn’t work in the USA):

    We have no idea, but the next time you visit the USA phone us so we can troubleshoot.

    But if the phone isn’t working how can I phone you?


  49. Looks like for those who would like to continue with our Edge of the Empire game we’ll be using Google Hangouts. There is built in support for web communication and custom dice rollers. This is what it will look like.


    I’m not sure if anyone but me needs a Roll20 log in, but you will need a Gmail address to play, which shouldn’t be a problem for this group.

  50. Go Derby Dames! Thats how you start the season– 66 pts on opening day!

    Thank You, SJ Sharks for blanking the Kings, thank you Wingels & Niemi šŸ™‚

    • ‘Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.’

      Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

  51. Tim Burton’s Batman alreally did not hold up well, after 25 years, imo.

    I would like to re-watch Heath Ledger’s version, to see how much inspiration he took from this movie.

    • This sort of falls into a conversation we had at the mmmmeetup. While this writer to be near the age of most of us and therefore an outlier as far as liking the new ones, we were not the target audience for the new movies.

      I have two daughters who were, at the time, the age of the target audience. One prefers the original trilogy, the other prefers the newer ones. The daughter who prefers the newer movies was the typical tween who was into Britney Spears, books that featured protagonists dying of some major illness and, had we let her, tramp stamps. This is who the prequels were aimed at, and their male counterparts of that age.
      Yes, I’m not a fan of the prequels, but I do understand why people do and therefore do not revile them as many who prefer the originals seem to.

      *shrug* my two cents worth anyway.

    • I appreciate the prequels for what they were, though I agree with the writer that Attack of the Clones was the low point of them all.

      I’m also old enough to appreciate that the Original Trilogy doesn’t stand up terribly well when subjected to the kind of assaults plied upon the prequels. Our generation venerates the OT with strong nostalgia and are largely unable to see that the flaws of the prequels are much the same as the OT.

  52. Today’s movie is 47 Ronin. The PVR write up:

    Forty-seven leaderless samurai must turn to a mixed-blood outcast for help in defeating the treacherous overboard who killed their master and banished them


    Last night I watched “Fast Times at Ridgemont High”.
    I hadn’t seen it in decades. It was on IFC. It had commercials but was un-edited.
    I totally did not remember it be quite that NSFW!!

  54. Wallace and Gromit and the Curse of the Wererabbit is on the UK netflix.

    I love, love the homage to Thunderbirds at the beginning of the film.

  55. Wisdom from Twitter:

    @antiheroine: Parents should always tell the truth to their children. Except when children ask how many Indiana Jones movies there are. Then you say: “3.”

  56. Thanks giving here in Canadaland. We don’t do the big family dinner thing. I’s just hubby and I so we’re having chicken. Cooking a giant ass turkey just for the two of us seems like a little much.

    Until then, we are relaxing. Hubby’s watching a football game (the UEFA cup, I think) and I’m about to kill me some orc’s.

    CP: Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor

  57. Looks like I may soon be returning to the ranks of the gainfully employed. The firm I did some contract work for wants to make me an offer for full time employment. I hope I can remember how to work again.

  58. Your crap joke for the day:

    There was a single man and woman sitting in a bar alone. They started talking and decided to go back to the guy’s house. When they got there the man took off his shirt and said, ”This is 1,000 pounds of dynamite.” The girl was sweating.Then he took off his pants and said, ”This is another 1,000 pounds of dynamite.”By now, the girl wanted to jump on him. Then he took off his boxers and the girl started to run for the door.The guy asked, ”Whats wrong? Where are you going?”The girl said ”With 2,000 pounds of dynamite and such a short fuse, I thought you were going to blow.”

  59. Did I mention that we were about halfway thru season 1 of Arrow? The first bunch of episodes were better than I’d expected, but the last few have slid a bit into cheese-ville.

    Also, did they find all of the cast members at some Scottsdale night club? Even the “nerdy” (but actually ridiculously attractive) IT girl?

  60. My boss is away on holidays. She gave me nothing to do while away. Yesterday I felt guilty for not working so I did a complete analysis of all the books breaking them down to their profit/loss per book and how much each book costs/makes.

    Now, again, I have nothing work related to do.

    *sigh* I guess I’ll just have to play a game.

    CP: Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor

  61. Some updated info, provided by the CDC


    and for Healthcare Workers


    Havent had a chance to read either page yet, just my company’s new policies. I will read these at lunch time; however, my opinion remains that this country is NOT prepared to manage patients with EVD!!! Only CDC Biohazard Level 4 are capable and have the appropriate resources to provide direct patient care!

    I hope our healthcare system and the CDC can give all of us what we need to get through this epidemic! I don’t want EVD in Arizona!!

    • I’m in a similar boat. Our company does a lot of work with the TSA and I have to be at the Dallas/Fort Worth airport for two solid weeks of testing in November. So I won’t just be in Dallas, I’ll be in direct contact with people at the airports for two weeks. Think I’ll start stocking up on hand sanitizer now.

    • Seems pretty clear that Texas, the land of “Keep the Federal Government out of our business, we’ll take care of ourselves” … can’t.

      I say that, based on the 3 previous cases of Ebola that were brought into the US in other places and resulted in NO further spread of the disease.

      It is true that those other hospitals had advanced notice that the patents were coming … but the entire country has had a year’s warning that ebola was on the rise.

      IMHO – It seems pretty clear that at the first sign of the disease, the CDC should descend on the area in question and just take over. While only 1 in 3 US locations has failed as far as handling this … it only takes that one.

      • Is it really a political thing? The CDC are established as our greatest resource for disease knowledge, control, prevention, containment, etc. – – why would they NOT be expected on the scene and in control any time a serious disease rears its head?

        • The CDC was undoubtably on the phone with whom ever was in charge in Houston but as far as the Hollywood style, black helicopter conveyed, rapid response teams …
          Ebola has not (had not?) been declared a “national emergency, marshal law” type thing yet.

          So the local hospital is calling the shots at first, which should include contacting State and Local Health department contacts and the CDC and probably the NIH. The CDC would certainly take an immediate interest and I am sure they ask if the hospital needs assistance but at that point, like deploying FEMA or the Army, it takes a call from the Governor to Washington to request such Federal help.
          Remember just a few short years ago when we were on the verge of all being killed by the bird flu and then swine flu. When those cases showed up the guys in white hazmat suits didn’t sweep in … and I believe those viruses were far more transmissible.

          Now that the folks in Houston have proven they are incapable of doing “quarantine” and sadly, it would seem, haven’t properly trained their medical staff in using protective gear (and may not have provided the staff with proper protective gear to begin with … I believe the Federal government has said from here on, they are sending in teams the minute new cases are reported.

          While hind site IS 20/20, the previous cases brought to OTHER U.S. hospitals showed a level of preparedness and competence that apparently led the CDC to believe that our “best medical care in the world” was more than prepared to deal with this situation.

          I’m sure the fact that congress had cut the CDC budget for things like rapid response teams and training hospital staff, by over a half billion dollars, also colored the CDC’s vision when they decided they would need to let the “best healthcare in the world” handle it first.

          So yeh, political protocol and political funding decisions are definitely in play here.

  62. Who the hell schedules these games? The flames played yesterday in Nashville then had to fly to Chicago. Apparently they didn’t get to their hotel until after 1am. Seriously.

    I know it happens to all the teams. I’m just saying it’s not right. Not just for the Flamesbut for all the teams. Couldn’t they have a day to recuperate?

    • Agree. Avs did that in Boston and then Flying to Toronto for game next night. Its whack and the Avs in this case were lucky to get 3 of 4 points. I swear it benefits east coast teams but maybe thats the conspiracy theorist in me

  63. A conversation I just had with my co-worker:
    Me – But yes, x person will be my Rosebud only in reverse
    CW – Reverse Rosebud! Another good screen name!
    Me – Or porn name

  64. Qupte of the Day:
    “If I remove his stapes, I will make him deaf and dizzy.”
    Dr. Fucci

    Hmmmm, I wonder if my stapes are MIA…

  65. Ugh. What a day.

    CD: Evil Twin Brewing’s Molotov Cocktail

    13% ABV. Not as hoppy as I expected from the label, but nice. And a little sweeter too. Good thing it wasn’t more malty since I think the sweetness would work against that.

  66. I booked a weeks holiday for Xmas 2015, my inner rational self is laughing at my slightly queasy feeling at planning that far in advance.

  67. Morning Pan

    I turned off my alarm last night with the idea that I would sleep in this morning. At 5:30 I get a phone call for a wrong number. Kitty then decided, since I was on the phone, it must be time to wake up.


    I guess a half hour is better than nothing.

  68. “their lovemaking came to an embarrassing end when the man was unable to extricate himself from the woman due to suction, the newspaper said.”

    (Takei) Ohhh Myyyy (/Takei)

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