1,205 thoughts on “The Man Who Scrolled the World”
Woot! New show!
I’m not sure I *ever* had the first post here. 🙂
And if no one else posts you’ll have the last comment too.
Darn. Sorry about that.
the sound of one hand posting.
Why are you typing with one hand…?
On this forum?
There might be something of interest posted to Deadpan on “that other social media forum”
Please chime in!
I did!
Me Too.
…Although, you may want to talk to people like J0e (I think) who aren’t on that particular mode of socializing.
No dowloadl link
On the webpage, is there a actual new show?
Morning Pan
Today’s Schedule, in no particular order:
Burn Audio CD’s for Edmonton Expo
Make Price List for Edmonton Expo
Order Kitty medicine
Clean kitty litter
Clean washroom
Take out garbage
Your crap joke for the day:
A blonde decides to learn and try horse back riding unassisted without prior experience or lessons. She mounts the horse with great effort, and the tall, shiny horse springs into motion. It gallops along at a steady and rhythmic pace, but the blonde begins to slip from the saddle. Out of shear terror, she grabs for the horse’s mane but cannot seem to get a firm grip. She tries to throw her arms around the horse’s neck, but she slides down the side of the horse anyway. The horse gallops along, seemingly oblivious to its slipping rider. Finally, giving up her frail grip, she leaps away from the horse to try and throw herself to safety. Unfortunately, her foot has become entangled in the stirrup. She is now at the mercy of the horse’s pounding hooves as her head is struck against the ground again and again. As her head is battered against the ground, she is mere moments away from unconsciousness or even death when Frank, the Wal-Mart manager runs out to shut the horse off…
I’m going to go ahead and admit I’m kind of nervous to meet you all. Excited but nervous. Okay, so I already know two of you in person and have talked to another a few times….
Going back to stalking for now.
Join the club.
First time meeting you and Lo, been nervous for weeks.
Van is nervous every year and it always turns out well.
Trust me, we are all a good bunch and fisticuffs rarely break out at these things. 😉
But the wrestling is half the fun!!! 🙂
Just gets a bit muddy.
Oh I assure you there’s nothing to worry about, sir. Unless you count Ed and I fuckin witchu while you sleep…
I’m not licking Bailey’s off you, you’ll need a cat for that..
I’m not sure Mrs. Lo Pan knows what she’s gotten into!!
Shhhh! Spoilers!
No worries. I havent told him about the banana in the tailpipe gag yet…
I picked up ‘to kill a mocking bird’ a few months ago.
I better get cracking. I’ve only read eleven of the 97 books listed.
Same here.
Only 13 of them. I’ve been meaning to check out Henry Miller’s “Tropic” books.
Did anyone else notice that there are a few numbers missing?
New post, new plea for Sausagefest donations.
We are still quite a way from our goal, but I’m confident that there are still a few people out there that I just need to bug a few more times to get their donations in.
My computer decided it doesn’t have a CD drive any more. I’ve re-installed the driver. Updated all the drivers on my computer. Did a malware and virus check and still, nothing. Looks like I’ll have to replace it once I get back from Deadpan mmmmmeetup
Sounds like the controller burnt out.
It can read discs just won’t burn them any more.
Now using hubby’s computer to burn our audio books to CD for sale at the Edmonton Expo.
Uh oh. Yeah after reading Rotten Tomatoes too, methinks AV Club may not have been the asshole I thought it was
The review came off as hipsterish assholism because the reviewer spent too much time (imo) complaining about KS and the movie being made on a dare. It doesn’t mean the review itself was wrong.
Why you gotta speak the truth?
Whoops. Never mind the crazy man behind the curtain! 😉
ditto nailed it. The AVClub review was too self-conscious, as if the reviewer was more concerned about our opinion of them than they were about conveying their take on why the movie fails.
As Scalzi says, “The failure mode of clever is ‘asshole’.” While he may have been talking about private communication, I think the concept holds generally true.
Just as an fyi, fantasy hockey emails have been send. Please check your spam just in case
It really is beautiful. Unfortunately the cynic in me knows the UN and knows this will be forgotten by them tomorrow.
The cynic in me thinks how is that different from any of our governments?
That’s the realist in you…
You have a point. 🙂
Your crap joke for the day:
A man was traveling down a country road when he saw a large group of people outside a house. He stopped and asked a person why the large crowd was there.A farmer replied, “Joe’s mule kicked his mother-in-law and she died.”..”Well,” replied the man, “she must have had a lot of friends.”..”Nope,” said the farmer, “we all just want to buy his mule.”
Right Pan, I’m off to make a complicated journey to a gig, part way by train the rest by car.
Morning Pan!
Today’s Schedule:
Burn Audio Cd’s
Go to the Bank
Buy Candy (and other stuff unrelated to Deadpan)
Pick up kitty’s medicine
Little changes to ebooks.
“Tusk is an overextended, tonally incoherent joke that would make viewers squirm even if it didn’t involve a bloody and demented medical experiment.”
That’s from NPR.
So I’ll ask you – clearly the AV club’s review was based on him hating Kevin Smith. Do you think a lot of the other scathing review are at all Kevin Smith biased as well, even at a subconscious level? Has KS fucked his reputation up that much?
I’m not really sure, but I think so. He’s not at the level of Shamalamadingdong, but he seems to have reached the point where people can’t separate his failures from himself. If he focused on creating something decent, he could probably turn it around, but it seems like he isn’t even trying anymore.
Its interesting that you say that because I think shamalama has more of a potential to turn things around than KS does. Shama has turned into a running joke but it seems people genuinely dislike KS. And considering his next film as another “Canadian horror” film (starring his daughter) I think he’s given up doing stuff for anyone else but him.
You are probably right. At least S is trying.
Halloween makes candy buying so much easier.
Note this morning from Yahoo:
“You are now in Stranger Danger.”
I just want you to know, my Deadpan suitcase has more stuff in it for you guys than my own personal things.
Did a count. For Deadpan next week I have:
Full sized candy
9 Kinder Bueno (they come in two packs so that actually = 18)
15 Kinder Surprise
Thanks, Jack. Great article. I couldn’t agree more.
And just to officially share: at this point there is a strong possibility that T Cat won’t be able to attend. Our dog is just too old and sick. Some one needs to look after him and T is being nice enough to take care of that. She will definitely miss seeing you guys again.
Poor pup 🙁 T-Cat will be missed, but of course we all understand.
Yeah, I watch his show. Miss America is kind of crazy.
Its more the “we are the largest giver of scholarships for women” lie/non-lie that got me
Yeah, that’s quite the revelation. $45,000,000 is a lot of money to lie about.
They didn’t address the commonly-stated soundbyte surrounding these pageants, that the majority of viewers are women. To echo Emma Watson’s UN speech, we need both genders participating to bring about real, progressive change.
What’s saddest of all is that they seem to INDEED be the largest scholarships for women organization – even at the 4 million that was found. Yuck.
I love you, Emma…
RE: the classic Siskel & Ebert link above. I couldn’t find the Big Trouble in Little China episode. Anyone else? That’d be rife with good Palooza material. 🙂
Roger underwent a pretty impressive evolution from smart, smug, pretentious douche to likable, opinionated old guy. Sadly, Gene wasn’t given enough time.
He famously gave the Mummy 3, 3 stars
All the fucking hypocritical, hateful, moronic things she said
Well, I went to a REALLY interesting Biotechnology lecture tonight on Microbiomes.
Kept expecting my Dad to show up but found out through text message about halfway through, that he was in the hospital.
78 year old fell off a ladder. 2 broken ribs, some cracked vertebrae and a small bruise on the brain. They’re keeping him overnight in the ICU for observation. Barring some repercussion from the head hit, he should recover … if my mom lets him live.
remind to tell you some highlights from the lecture.
Fascinating stuff.
Preferably in person…
Hope he recovers quickly…and survives your mother.
Eek. Speedy recovery wishes to justaD@d. Seriously.
Yes, best wishes for your dad justa.
jesus lord!
Phew! Sounds like a really close call, j0e. He is in good hands, at the hospital and sounds like he is safer there, than back at home with your mom.
I’m going to have to look at some frolicking, internet kittens now to get the cuteness levels back down to a tolerable amount.
Hearing stories (from a medical perspective) of what items people can (& should?) put up their rectums, will *never* get old for this Pixie. I’m always up for a giggle… And a “holy shit! They ‘fell’ on to a what, doing what?!?!”
Quote from last night’s gig (Willy Porter):
Jesse loves you but your guitar thinks you’re an asshole.
Jesus bloody autocorrect
Do you wish you were Jesse’s girl, Van?
Morning Pan
Hubby is driving to Edmonton today. I get to make the trip on Firday. Go figure
I think I’m just going to give up this week entirely.
I seem to have lost all the items in my in box and everything from yesterday in my emails.
Does Pandora know something I don’t know? I open up my work email and “Tubular Bells” as performed by Trans-Sylvanian Orchestra is playing.
You’ll have to to the Monster Mash next.
I think I need to take a technology free day. This is really wishful thinking but still, it would be nice.
Van did you catch Sleepy Hollow? Old fun renewed. Really have grown to love that show
Going to watch the first episode of the new season on the train home.
Like Agents of Shield, Sleepy Hollow Season 2 opener is on our DVR and I won’t get a chance to see it until after the mmmmmmeetup. 🙁
Well Sleep Hollow S2 got off to a good start . That Austrakian bloke makes a good bad guy.
Off to do some shopping.
Later Panites!
So after today, my next day off will be the day I’m flying to Denver.
Cue up the John Denver tune!
Please Daddy Dont Get Drunk This Christmas?
Did he do that one with the Muppets?
Welcome, brave Sir knight. welcome to the Castle Anthrax
Seriously though I had no idea this was happening. Kudos to the students for not taking this shit
Totally agree.
I was going to complain about the use of the term, “conservative” in the news articles, but sadly, it seems relevant. We’re headed in a bad direction with these divisive politics.
“Retired New Jersey history teacher Larry S. Krieger told Newsweek, “As I read through the document, I saw a consistently negative view of American history that highlights oppressors and exploiters.””
Sooooo because its highlighted “consistently”, lets go ahead and take it out all together?
Hey, let’s go back to feudalism, right? We serfs clearly had it great back then. 😉
Hell yes! There’s nothing quite like playing the Family Feudalism!
Survey says: DING! Very Patriotic!
I dont even know where to begin about my feelings towards people, organizations, governmental bodies, assholes, ignorant lame-O’s, etc. who think censorship is a positive or evwn a “pateiotic” belief. WTF!
I’d like to think humans– mainly parents and educators, can explain and educate the youth on how to have a good moral compass, embrace history and grow from our mistakes, as individuals and as a nation.
But who am I to have an opinion?
Well clearly that’s happened here since its the students that know enough to walk out and protest this. This gives me hope for the current, and perhaps the parental, generations.
You need all of the (legitimate) facts to come to the conclusions that make the most sense to you. Schools denying students access to “all” of the information prevents them from being able to make the best-educated decisions they can, and is absolutely censorship with an aim toward civil population control.
Jesus, I am a cranky geezer.
You are, but youre on point. Get off your lawn
Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it .. wait … rich, entitled white guys in a ruling class who did what every they wanted to whomever they wanted … maybe “repeating the past” IS what this group is going for.
Morals and ethics? Is that a class in our education system? Seems like it should be, but I don’t see it on any of the curricula. Seems like the super-poor substitute is to have individual teachers implant their specific political agendas all willy-nilly. Why on earth would we want to teach our kids to fish and have them understand how morals and ethics are actually supposed to work?
As did Agents of SHIELD.
That’s on tonite’s to watch list with Gotham
Too many shows! It’s taken us months just to reach the halfway point of Boardwalk Empire S3.
I’m gonna go ahead and assume that won’t get through the work web filter :).
It might be able to ooze under it, so you might want brace yourself.
I know what game we’re playing at the mmmmeetup…
I’m keing my distance if you are playing that.
So who thought it would be a good idea to make the I-podcast player non-removable from the phone or ipad? Seriously, it’s messing with the way I do things.
No idea, but since 8 update the podcast app on the phone supports 100mb download (for some reason capped at 50mb even though Apple has raised the limit).
Over 3G/4G
You can go in the app and tell it to download nothing. You have to do this with each podcast but at least it’s something.
I haven’t seen Amy on the boards in a while. Is she still coming to themmmeetup next week?
hmmm…. that would be important to know wouldnt it
SO my dad has finally been moved out of the ICU.
He fractured 9 ribes in 13 place, broke a piece off a vertebrae in his lower back and another off a vertebrae in his neck and had a small hematoma on his brain.
All in all … could have been a life ending event but wasn’t.
He should recover from those injuries. The big challenge is that he doesn’t get pneumonia from not moving around and taking deep breaths (due to the rib injures). The other challenge is that he is not the type to sit around. Ever. He had several caving trips planned for this weekend.
At 78, if he is forced to sit still for 4 to 6 weeks it will crush his spirit. Of course, if we could keep him OFF OF LADDERS that would probably be good from here on out.
Well, I’m sure that active spirit is why he’s able to climb ladders at his age. Sounds like anxious times, man. I still wish him the best. I happen to know a nurse, if you have any medical questions. . .
I said god damn. Best of luck to that strong guy
Honestly, truly, sincerely… Speaking as a nurse here for a second– please encourage your dad to keep his pain well-controlled. This will allow him to take deeper breathes and help prevent pneumonia.
Harder said than done, I know; but saying those words and remind him this will also help him recover more quickly.
Dammit I’m hooked on this Siskel and Ebert site. Maybe its the want of time more simple. Trying to leaf thru the local paper’s tv guide looking for the listing, or flipping thru the channels and blissfully coming across it.
Or maybe I just miss the two guys.
I recall holding my tape recorder up to the tv speaker to get the S&E theme song.
My brother did the same to get the MASH theme song.
I had a Radio Shack 30 minute cassette loaded with theme songs. I’m pretty sure I had M*A*S*H, Hill Street Blues, The A-Team, Hardcastle & McCormick. . . I’d love to hear that tape again.
I used to tape the audio from Get Smart on to my Radio Shack cassette recorder. I’m fighting the urge to tell you to get off my lawn now.
Morning Pan
This time next week I’ll be on an airplane going to the Rockies, from the Rockies :cheerful:
And I’ll be flying to the Rockies after leaving the embrace of Sylvester Stallone.
Does EssBee have a servant robot programmed with a sultry voice?
Holy crap. I think I’m all caught up on my work. How did that happen?
There, made my hockey picks. I know we’re not sure if we’ll be doing the pool next week but I thought I’d be ready just in case.
Did I miss a draft announcement?
Not as such, Jack. But, all of the players will be in Colorado at the same time so… I think it partially depends upon what those not in our pool will want to do. And, of course, what Lo/Bee wants to do.
I think I’m nearing the end of my comic book kick.
Well since they are free and relatively short, you could try all the rest of them.
By the way, hubby likes you guys. I usually don’t buy Halloween candy until a day or two before the event because it mysteriously goes missing. I picked up a couple of boxes the other day so I could pick and choose some to take with me to Colorado. Of the items I didn’t take, I doubt there will be any left by the time I leave.
…except maybe the Crunchies, hubby’s not a fan of those, but I like them so it’s all good.
Okay so I promised you kids fun bacteria facts.
– The Bacteria in us are GOOD. The vast majority anyways. Amoung many other things, the ones in our guts break food down into molecules for their own food but do it so well that there is plenty left for US. Without that bacteria we would likely starve to death.
– Historically, bacteria were found by growing cutlers. Until just recently we thought there were 5000 species of Bacteria in us. Less then 5% of which can be identified by doing the “swab & culture” method, standard to most medical diagnosis.
– Current DNA testing and identification has now identified 1 million species. It can do this accurately and within hours instead of the days that a culture takes.
-Each of us has about 1000 different strains of bacteria in us and what we have is dependent on several factors including our immediate environment.
-While you have approx. 37 trillion “human” cells in you, there are approx 100 Trillion bacteria cells per person.
– The amount of bacteria in you would weigh about 2.5 lbs or 3 pints by volume.
– They have recently discovered a link between a certain bacteria and obesity.
– what we actually know about bacteria and MicroBiomes is incredibly small because the research has just started in ernest. Incredibly promising but but we are still trying to sort through “causation vs. correlation”.
It’s all really interesting stuff.
Liberal lies!!
But bacteria are just a theory. No one has ever seen one with their own eyes!
Ahhhh … but Bacteria can be PROFITABLE!
Doesn’t that suddenly make them Patriotismic?
I expect some eye rolling from Essbee when she reads the email I just sent.
I should explain, that even though it’s from the same animal I find the texture of the meat in question off putting.
Way to pique our curiosity, Van.
Pork, ok in sausages no so ok in steak form.
You jus’ don’t dig on swine.
I do love bacon though..go figure.
Please tell the Canadian dollar to stop falling. I want to be able to spend my money in Colorado, not give it to the bank/government
I just noticed the New Scientist is the same price in the USA/Canada
Enjoyed the first episode of Gotham.
I’m not sure if anyone else has seen this, but it is neat to see how advanced video cards, ostensibly developed to make more realistic video games, can provide enough hard data to counter conspiracy theories.
However, in my defence, I am packing for my trip to Edmonton tomorrow and decided it was just as easy to have both cases open and pack at the same time.
I’m leaving it till Wednesday, hoping I can fit everything into the smaller backpack.
At the mmmmeet up, ask me why this is what makes my boss thinks I’m a miracle worker.
Having so much trouble concentrating today.
I’m not sure how much it has to do with seeing a few of you in a week.
“China is here, Mr Burton”
“I have relieved myself on your truck!”
You know what Jack Burton always says?
What the hell. 🙂
By email Essbee has just demonstrated why she is high up in Evil Inc.
I didn’t eye-roll about the pork too much, Van.
“the pork”
I may bring something due to my weird dietary requirements. Thank you for the heads up on the menu.
Good start to season 4 of Person of Interest. Plus, they had a really good remake of 10 Years After’s “I’d Like To Change The World” at the end of the ep.
…and Amy Acker….mmmmmmm!
“pork too much”
Is that even possible? What a world!
You had me at “Is”.
Some one has been drinking tonight.
fess up!
As I read this, the dog is lapping loudly from her water bowl.
Prostitute, bank robber and then song writer..bloody hell.
Finally saw “God Bless America”. Good film, but disturbing, which was obviously the point.
Bobcat Goldthwait’s movie? Been meaning see that.
Is it better than “Hot to Trot”?
Yes, very much so. On one level, it’s a modern version of Bonnie and Clyde. On another level, it’s a very satirical look at American pop-culture. There’s a lot of ways you can look at this movie, but it’s a pretty dark comedy.
Better than “Shakes the Clown”??
That exhausts the joke and my recall of Bobcat Goldthwait movies.
I’m fairly easy going (steady Lo..steady) and in regards to the meetup plans will go with the flow..
However I will not play darts! :-p
Sure, he’s easy for LO 🙂
Like Sunday morning
Ahh Ahh Ahh Ahh.
Was not impressed with the new series ‘Scorpion’ it was too dumb to be enjoyable.
There was a lot of nerd rage this on the FB about that show.
Oh? Did they feel they got stung by scorpion?
We enjoyed it. If I want to have nerd rage, I’d watch Big Bang Theory. Scorpion is much less offensive.
I was keeping my fingers crossed the waitress would be taken out…
A boy walked in on his mom and dad having sex. His dad said “we’re making you a brother/sister” the boy replies “do her doggie-style, I’d rather have a puppy
I’m under orders from my boss not to do any work today since I was working all weekend. I have to listen to her, otherwise she tattles on me to hubby.
Anyone watch Gotham? I liked it!
I did watch. I kind of had geek moments recognizing the introduction of various characters and themes. I will continue to watch and see if they’ll develop more toward one of the comic lines or toward the movies.
Now Essbee if you read all the comment you would know me and Lo watched it..just not together.
i’ll get your coat…
In spirit…baby
Damn con. I’m losing my voice. If I catch something just before I have to get on a plane, I will be less than happy.
Airborne works beautifully for me.
1000 mg of Vitamin C daily. Up to 2000 mg if you can handle it.
Large doses can cause diarrhoea.
Hence the warning 🙂
It would suck to have to attend a MMMmmmeetup with no voice!
So relieved the article simply raised its point without a bunch of trash-talking nonsense. I agree with his points – – Stephenson is right, but we do still need our cautionary dystopias.
I agree: good article. I tend to be dismissive when people like Stephenson use overly reductionist arguments regarding what is wrong today. Things are never so simple. So, I applaud the article’s author for taking a more nuanced view.
Every last thing about him makes them uncomfortable.
Daily Kos is the left Fox news x1000000
Ah yes… the rain/hail/snow mix! Just in time for the mmmmmeetup!
The first Netflix original film is the sequel to Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and I couldnt be more excited!
This news is Chow Yun Phat!
(joke reused from FB)
I could definitely be more excited. The first “original film” from Netflix should be an “original” film. They are saying to me, in no uncertain terms, that they are going to take exactly the same route as Hollywood and focus mainly on generating cash… I mean focusing on sequels, remakes, reinvisionings, reimaginings and rehashings of games, TV shows, etc.
Disagree. If they were going that route they could have picked a MUCH bigger film/franchise to sequelize.
Good point, but they ARE already on track to deliver us a bunch of Marvel series, so their intentions have always been pretty clear. (FD: I am really looking forward to Daredevil).
Your Rocky Mtn High MMMmmmeetup, brought to you by Desertpixie and her weather app!
I must have just needed a day rest as my voice is now back to normal and I’m feeling pretty good. I’m ready for my plane ride.
It’s kind of strange being completely caught up in my work. I keep thinking I should be doing something.
2 days, muthabitches
Woot. Are you prepared for the invasion of awesome?
– of course I don’t mean me, but all these talented people in one place might create some kind of seismic force.
Cynful, please see my email from yesterday and let us know about Thurs night.
My creativity is smaller than an atom.
Done. Sorry about that, was checking on timing this morning and then got wrapped up in work email.
I’m exhausted all the way through to the fibrous core of my being, these days. I won’t be bringing any talent or wit; just tired, grumpy resignation. (oh boy!)
Sausagefest is fully funded for this year! Woooooo.
Any donations collected from here on out go directly and 100% to the charity!
Congratulations Tony. Good work!
The sausage is raised!
For comics fans… well, sort of… there’s a sex guide from the creators of Sex Criminals.
So have you seen the Nicki Minaj “Anaconda” video? Well, don’t. Go watch Mastodon’s “Motherload” instead. Lots of wave form action. Probably a little NSFW, even though I’m sure it will air on VH1.
“Star Trek Fans Are Not, By Definition, Mentally Impaired”
Oh good… ebola has been confirmed in Dallas. Ed do NOT bring that shit…
Say no to the Edbola.
I have it on good authority that Ed is pretty good about not sharing bodily fluids with people who have just flown in from Africa.
Now, people who have just flown in from the UK … well that’s another story.
I’m sure the social media world will respond reasonably and gracefully to this news.
So tomorrow will be a game of ”..is the BA app going to actually let me select a seat’ ..it fucked up the last time.
CW: Sleepy Hollow S2E2
I watched Ep1 last night
Tony Hawks is 46..feeling old yet?
Time for him to give up those childish, frivolous things and get a decent, grown-up job like regular folks.
Yeah, I think I’ll steer clear of the Dallas area for the next few decades….hopefully my plane will as well.
So, anybody doing anything special this weekend? I hear there might be thing somewhere.
Imagine a Benny Hill like chase with Lo and Essbee..
So BA if you aren’t going to let me check in for the later flight why give me the option?
I fear selecting 0 for checked luggage is going to get me searched again.
Just remember to cough
I’m not bothered by the search, but it means they won’t issue me with a boarding pass till I get to Heathrow, which means my chances of getting an aisle seat is much reduced..grrrr!
Is everyone holding their peace until Van’s confirmed as pond jumped?
That sounds rather ominous Cynful, should I consult the tea leaves before leaving for airport?
My dilemma tonight:
Smaller backpack which everything fits with a tight squeeze but easier to carry.
Or slightly large one, which has more external pockets (for pills and leads) but more bulky
Steady Lo, it’s BP and cholesterol meds.
Speaking of I happened to find a nice bottle of Bailey’s for you. Chilled or not chilled, sir?
Chilled is better and you shouldn’t have!
Larger! You might shop!
Hah! A fridge magnet doesn’t take up much room.
He’s still taking your bull dyke magnet!
I went with the larger bag.
I’m all packed and ready to roll. Although, getting up at 3am to get to the airport is not going to be fun. I may have to do some sleeping on the plane.
Breakfast in downtown Denver will make you less tired.
And I said, “What about. . . Breakfast in downtown Denver with Tiffany?” And you said, something or other. . . .
Ok, not all 90s music was great.
Let’s see if I can sleep tonight 🙂 See you tomorrow those who are coming.
“those who are coming”
Man, this is really happening, isn’t it? At last the world will have proof that I haven’t been making Lo Pan up this whole time!
Ha! Nevar!
Do we get the live rendition of “Jack Maaangaaaan, you got your shit togethaaar!” 🙂
glee x2!
Van’s on a plane
(uhhhh uhhhhh)
I cant complain
(uhhhh uhhhhh)
Well Breakfast first.
Oh I swear you already boarded and were in the air. Pay no attention to the man who cant read…
Holy crap! What a ahow the Eagles threw for us in Glendale, Arizona!
So I’m in the departure area waiting to board the Flight to London.
I’m looking at prices for stuff and wondering why anybody pays such high prices.
Obviously they do as the shops are still in business.
How an academic can be an ass:
David Mitchell’s novelistic success, most recently with The Bone Clocks, is explained by UK academic Sarah Dillon (editor of a book of essays on his writing): ‘This is why his work is so addictive – he’s creating his own universe.’ (New York Times, 24 August) [DR] If only some science fiction or fantasy author had thought of that!
-from the latest Ansible.
Morning Pan
It took me over an hour to get through airport security. They were very busy.
However, this does mean less waiting time in the airport gate area so I’ll count it as a win
safe flight!
Doing some last minute prep.
Safe drives, sir
I’ve had to postpone my departure due to bad hail. Hopefully I can leave in the next hour.
My departure might be even later. There’s reports of dollar to golf-ball sized hail along the 1st hour of my drive.
Looks like it is clearing up. I need to finish the last couple of things here, then I can go.
My battery packs at people hogging the charge points at Heathrow.
Ok, strapped into my seat, next stop Denver, going silent.
See you tonight!
Happy trails to all travelers! (bum ba de da)
Safe travels to all and thank you Ess and Lo for hosting. Just printed my boarding pass and I’m starting to think about packing.
Your wife is coming, Rhett?
Nope, just me. She’s on kid detail this weekend.
Happy testing to all test-takers!
What he said! 😀
Heading out now. So long as there aren’t any further delays, I should be at the hotel around 7pm.
drive safely! thats a long I70 haul
hey Deadpan.
I’m Panning at the Pan’s
You should fix that man’s car, Bunny!
Just checked Van’s flight status. ON TIME!!!
Under budget!
Mr Lo Pan made me a burrito
Can we get the PBP?
Pre outing meal?
Gotta be well fed to win at darts.
Food was ate. Drinks were had. Toilets were discussed. Now the rest of you need to get here 🙂
They were goddamn tall.
tru dat
C: standing at DIA International Arrivals waiting for my bbf.
Big Bop Fred?
Then I turned up, how disappointing for you.
Counting down the hours until the morning…I don’t see a lot of sleep ahead of me.
Spent a wonderful evening with Lo Pan, EssBee, Vanamonde, Ditto, and Cynful. Now, I think it’s bed time
Sounds awesome! I’m completely pack. Gotta get my sorry ass out of bed around 3:45AM to make my 6:00AM flight. Should be at Denver International around 9AM. See you guys soon.
looking forward to it
Cj and I are furiously rushing to finish work things and pack. Oh and I’m bringing a bottle of rye whiskey with me. Because I can.
Because. You. Can.
Does rye whiskey come wish caraway seeds?
I’m sure I can find a caraway flavored liquor to make you a drink using both.
I’ll be at the airport tomorrow round 10.
Nice evening.
But the USB charger maybe haunted, it humms and flickers in blue.
Van, I have a dual car charger if you want to borrow while running around
Who the hell’s gonna have time to read this weekend??
Of course there will be reading time… For early birds like me 😉
CR: The Explicable be Cherie Priest
Bags packed and it appears this gathering is happening – so to the airport with me.
See you fine folks in a few hours!
I’m at my gate. T minus 45 minutes for takeoff.
My best friends on the internet are gathering in Denver and I can’t make it. My best friend at work is now in Denver to attend the Great American Beer Fest and I can’t make it. My son lives just south of Denver and I’ve never been able to get out there to see him. I can’t begin to tell you how bummed I am not to be in Denver right now.
But seriously, I hope the gathering goes great. Have a blast.
What the hell, man???? Damn that stinks. Sorry the stars couldnt align for you this time. Shall raise a pint tonite for you, sir
Next time Assman. Next time.
I join you in your Denver deficit induced bummer. 🙁
You, sir…. are quite the star tonite 😀
Definitely. We also salute all of you that can’t be here.
You can’t escape from crap jokes:
An 80yr old couple were seen shagging furiously up against a fence. For 40 mins they shagged like Bastards. Arms and legs going everywhere until they fell to the floor. wow she said “you didnt screw me like that 50yrs ago! To which the old man replied “50 yrs ago that fence Wasnt Fecking electric!
morning Pan
I’m up and showered and ready for another Panventurous day
I am heavy-hearted and telling you all about it here so you know why I may be weepy this weekend. I won’t be good at talking about it . . .
Sly B’s beloved Grandma Linda died at 4:46 yesterday – just as I was preparing to head to the airport to collect Van. She was my friend, and treated me like her own as nobody else in my life has.
Sly B will likely not be home tomorrow for the bbq, which will go on as planned with no arguments. She and her mom are headed to Southern Colorado this afternoon to help with arrangements and have some sibling time. She sends hugs and regrets for missing you all.
Ok, carry on. Cannot wait to see you all this evening!!
**long, long hugs**
That blows Ess. At least you’ll be amongst friends this weekend. “Hugs”
My condolences for your and Sly B’s loss. She’s always in your heart.
So sorry, EssBee and Sly. 🙁 🙁
Please, please feel no obligation from us this weekend. We’re here for whatever you need.
Rest in peace.
EssBee and Sly B, Im so sorry to hear of your family’s loss. 🙁
We are all here for you both, in person!
Cant wait to hug you tonight, Essbee!
Condolences from both T Cat and me.
Just checked flight status for Jack and Pixie. ON TIME! I’ll be leaving to pick tem up within the next hour!
Phew! We *just* made a seat in our oversold flight! Wow!
Next stop; DENVER!
We are chillin’ together at Lo Pan’s
Watch out for the Hell of Upside Down Corpses in Lo Pan’s basement.
Speaking of — we’re currently in the Hell of Waiting For Everyone Else to Get the Fuck Off the Plane!! Woot!
Rocky Mountain High, motherfuckers.
C: sitting in my car waiting for Jack’s text! Denver rush hour, here we come!
The excitement is palpable!
The group appreciates your gift Joe
Hoping the good times are a ‘rollen.
Thank you for the kind gift JOe. It was much appreciated. 🙂
Thank you J0e
Thank you very much!
Thank you, j0e! We all loved your gift
Didnt have to use my AK. I gotta say it was a good day.
And thank you to Mr. & Mrs. Lo Pan for putting up with this lot. LOL
Relationship wisdom from Twitter:
@Harkaway: Mrs H: It’s dark in this house.
Me: Winter is coming.
Mrs H: I will gut you with this spoon.
Morning Pan
One day I’ll get this sleeping in thing figured out
Try, try again? 😉
I am surprised and happy that the Royals are making me eat my words. 🙂
Ooooh. What do they taste like?
Crummy? 😉
So, like the floor in my room then.
Yep. Definitely under foot. 😉
My breakfast this morning was very messy. There are crumbs all over the floor
Ok. I think I’ve got my hockey notes in order now. 🙂
I’m up, barely. I need to go run for supplies and get some real coffee.
High Altitude Sickness.
Hugs & sympathy. That sucks.
So, Jack and I your for most horrible panite in cards against humanity. You won’t get off so easily next time.
How much did you drink last night?
I was good did Humans Cards!
Good morning.
CP: Come On — Headstones
Hello Morning, and I have the shaving cuts to prove I’m awake.
You’re awake now! 🙂
No, he’s not. Don’t lie to the poor guy. This is all just a dream.
Home as well. Only one brief scare. I’ll add my thanks as well. It was good meeting you all
My luggage has been checked. Now the long wait at Denver International Airport
My almost but not quite as long wait begins.
Turns out they changed the plane, which had a different layout from the replaced plane, hence the messing around with the seat allocation.
Hugs to all who travelled and attended.
Hugs to all who were there in spirit.
Extra hugs to our most gracious hosts, EssBee, Lo Pan, and Dani for going above and beyond
I’ll second that, thanks to all, it was a great weekend.
drinking a cherry milkshake while I wait for the plane
Milk and cookies here.
Amazed there isn’t a Starbucks in this part of the terminal.
Van, be careful! You’ve found a time portal back to prehistoric times (Before Starbucks, sometimes denoted as BS). If you venture too far you will encounter the Land of the Lost and a Sleestak may steal your seat.
I think…
Back home safely in KC. I hope everyone else has a safe trip back. Thanks again to everyone that hosted, drove, cooked, and otherwise contributed to a great weekend.
Was nice to see you again ditto.
So looking at the Icelandair plane behind me it appears you can fly directly from Denver to Iceland.
You learn something new everyday…
Iceland Deadpan Meetup? 🙂
Bjorkpan is the way.
Where is my stork dress?
Wow. The Leafs cut their enforcers from the line up.
Home safe from another wonderful MMMMMeetup.
I had a great time seeing everyone in person. Alvie and EssBee, thank you for co-hosting, and Rhettro, thanks for co-chauffeuring.
Ed: Our Star Wars RPG continued after you left; I took over your spot, and we completed the mission thanks to some great teamwork and creative strategy. That was one of my favorite parts of the meetup. (The other one was exploring downtown Boulder.)
Deadpan is the way. :happy:
Good night, Pan.
Food (including amazingly good smoked pork), beer, hugs, Cards/Charades Against Humanity, elk, The Rockies, the hotel from The Shining, first-time meetings, reunions with old friends, museums, football, the zoo, the Junior Lo Pans, Star Wars RPG, downtown Boulder, Altitude Sickness, Kris’s BBQ, the hospitality of Kris and Alvie and family, great conversations, missing the Deadpanites who couldn’t be there, the round bought by JustaJ0e … and everything else I’ve omitted. I’d say it was a successful MMMmmmeetup.
This Pixie is back in the desert, safely, along with a Mangan named Jack!
<3 and safe travels to all tonight!
The house is so…empty…now. Heh.
Good times is good times. And this was as good as it gets.
I’m sure the junior Lo Pans will fill it with plenty of sounds and activity.
Well deadpan I’m back in Blighty.
Managed to to catch a a kip for an hour.
A few hours to kill before my connecting flight leaves.
Had a nice long sleep, followed by a long shower. Now I’m ready to face the day.
I had an interesting conversation with security once in Canada. Here’s how the conversation went:
Were you visiting Colorado for business or pleasure?
Pleasure? I have friends there.
How did you meet your friends?
Through an on-line group?
Really? What kind of on-line group?
Um, it started around a podcast we all listened to and became friends from there. There are a bunch of us that get together annually.
Hmmm, What do the friends who live in Colorado do?
One works for the Government…
While truthful, I was looking at these answers from his point of view as was starting to become worried I might be detained. It was interesting to say the least.
as = and
lol. I can see what you mean. I’m glad you didn’t end up having trouble.
Clay Aiken for Congress? He *actually* had a televised debate?
Once more into the (new) breach, my friends.
*sigh* Too true. My Day started off with an hour long drive through road construction.
Good luck, man
Thank ye. It was good.
Plane to Newcastle delayed, sigh
Get home already!
It was so great to hang out with all of you!!!! Come back any time.
Thanks for the touching card too. Sly B made it home last night and read it/appreciated it.
Soon, on the last leg waiting for the train to take me home.
I wanted to thank everyone who participated in my Star Wars RPG game. My goal is to have the next module “The Long Arm of the Hutt” uploaded to roll20.net so we can continue this game via Skype. For those who are interested, Fantasy Flight Games has a lot of free support PDFs on their website. I would recommend downloading their free module “Under a Black Sun” and reading the first 18 pages as it goes through the basics of the rules. You can download it here: http://tinyurl.com/l387azn I would also recommend that you not read past page 18 because I may want to play the story with all of you.
Also you can download several pregenerated characters and support material from here: http://tinyurl.com/ly7aqn2
Thanks, I will check that out. The Skype idea is cool by me so long as I can find time. 🙂
T Cat also said the game sounded interesting. She liked the fact that a module didn’t take long to play.
Home at last.
Huzzah! 😉
Too much? 😉
Once again, my boss thinks I’m the best person in the world. Another thing I did for her was apply for an operating grant from the government (which she never did). Not only was I able to get approval, the amount they gave us was twice the amount we were hoping for.
Woot! New show!
I’m not sure I *ever* had the first post here. 🙂
And if no one else posts you’ll have the last comment too.
Darn. Sorry about that.
the sound of one hand posting.
Why are you typing with one hand…?
On this forum?
There might be something of interest posted to Deadpan on “that other social media forum”
Please chime in!
I did!
Me Too.
…Although, you may want to talk to people like J0e (I think) who aren’t on that particular mode of socializing.
No dowloadl link
On the webpage, is there a actual new show?
Morning Pan
Today’s Schedule, in no particular order:
Burn Audio CD’s for Edmonton Expo
Make Price List for Edmonton Expo
Order Kitty medicine
Clean kitty litter
Clean washroom
Take out garbage
Your crap joke for the day:
A blonde decides to learn and try horse back riding unassisted without prior experience or lessons. She mounts the horse with great effort, and the tall, shiny horse springs into motion. It gallops along at a steady and rhythmic pace, but the blonde begins to slip from the saddle. Out of shear terror, she grabs for the horse’s mane but cannot seem to get a firm grip. She tries to throw her arms around the horse’s neck, but she slides down the side of the horse anyway. The horse gallops along, seemingly oblivious to its slipping rider. Finally, giving up her frail grip, she leaps away from the horse to try and throw herself to safety. Unfortunately, her foot has become entangled in the stirrup. She is now at the mercy of the horse’s pounding hooves as her head is struck against the ground again and again. As her head is battered against the ground, she is mere moments away from unconsciousness or even death when Frank, the Wal-Mart manager runs out to shut the horse off…
I’m going to go ahead and admit I’m kind of nervous to meet you all. Excited but nervous. Okay, so I already know two of you in person and have talked to another a few times….
Going back to stalking for now.
Join the club.
First time meeting you and Lo, been nervous for weeks.
Van is nervous every year and it always turns out well.
Trust me, we are all a good bunch and fisticuffs rarely break out at these things. 😉
But the wrestling is half the fun!!! 🙂
Just gets a bit muddy.
Oh I assure you there’s nothing to worry about, sir. Unless you count Ed and I fuckin witchu while you sleep…
I’m not licking Bailey’s off you, you’ll need a cat for that..
I’m not sure Mrs. Lo Pan knows what she’s gotten into!!
Shhhh! Spoilers!
No worries. I havent told him about the banana in the tailpipe gag yet…
j0e!!! Jack is going to hunt. you. d
Banned book week:
I picked up ‘to kill a mocking bird’ a few months ago.
I better get cracking. I’ve only read eleven of the 97 books listed.
Same here.
Only 13 of them. I’ve been meaning to check out Henry Miller’s “Tropic” books.
Did anyone else notice that there are a few numbers missing?
New post, new plea for Sausagefest donations.
We are still quite a way from our goal, but I’m confident that there are still a few people out there that I just need to bug a few more times to get their donations in.
This will probably end up as a top 5 song of the year for me. I just wish the rest of the album was as strong
Well Pan, I’ve had a very frustrating morning.
My computer decided it doesn’t have a CD drive any more. I’ve re-installed the driver. Updated all the drivers on my computer. Did a malware and virus check and still, nothing. Looks like I’ll have to replace it once I get back from Deadpan mmmmmeetup
Sounds like the controller burnt out.
It can read discs just won’t burn them any more.
Now using hubby’s computer to burn our audio books to CD for sale at the Edmonton Expo.
Why didn’t I hear about this until today? Damn you, liberal media!!
Uh oh. Yeah after reading Rotten Tomatoes too, methinks AV Club may not have been the asshole I thought it was
The review came off as hipsterish assholism because the reviewer spent too much time (imo) complaining about KS and the movie being made on a dare. It doesn’t mean the review itself was wrong.
Why you gotta speak the truth?
Whoops. Never mind the crazy man behind the curtain! 😉
ditto nailed it. The AVClub review was too self-conscious, as if the reviewer was more concerned about our opinion of them than they were about conveying their take on why the movie fails.
As Scalzi says, “The failure mode of clever is ‘asshole’.” While he may have been talking about private communication, I think the concept holds generally true.
Just as an fyi, fantasy hockey emails have been send. Please check your spam just in case
CD: Tommyknocker Green Chile
Good, but nowhere near EssBee’s chilie brew good
Treasure trove. Ive been binge watching
Bladerunner! Oh, Roger. “Replicahnts”?
Oh I thought the same thing.
No jokes, Emma Waston’s UN speech is worth the watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-iFl4qhBsE
It really is beautiful. Unfortunately the cynic in me knows the UN and knows this will be forgotten by them tomorrow.
The cynic in me thinks how is that different from any of our governments?
That’s the realist in you…
You have a point. 🙂
Your crap joke for the day:
A man was traveling down a country road when he saw a large group of people outside a house. He stopped and asked a person why the large crowd was there.A farmer replied, “Joe’s mule kicked his mother-in-law and she died.”..”Well,” replied the man, “she must have had a lot of friends.”..”Nope,” said the farmer, “we all just want to buy his mule.”
Right Pan, I’m off to make a complicated journey to a gig, part way by train the rest by car.
Morning Pan!
Today’s Schedule:
Burn Audio Cd’s
Go to the Bank
Buy Candy (and other stuff unrelated to Deadpan)
Pick up kitty’s medicine
Little changes to ebooks.
CP: 終わりの世界から — Jun Maeda x yanagina
And there was much rejoicing!!!! 🙂
“Tusk is an overextended, tonally incoherent joke that would make viewers squirm even if it didn’t involve a bloody and demented medical experiment.”
That’s from NPR.
So I’ll ask you – clearly the AV club’s review was based on him hating Kevin Smith. Do you think a lot of the other scathing review are at all Kevin Smith biased as well, even at a subconscious level? Has KS fucked his reputation up that much?
I’m not really sure, but I think so. He’s not at the level of Shamalamadingdong, but he seems to have reached the point where people can’t separate his failures from himself. If he focused on creating something decent, he could probably turn it around, but it seems like he isn’t even trying anymore.
Its interesting that you say that because I think shamalama has more of a potential to turn things around than KS does. Shama has turned into a running joke but it seems people genuinely dislike KS. And considering his next film as another “Canadian horror” film (starring his daughter) I think he’s given up doing stuff for anyone else but him.
You are probably right. At least S is trying.
Halloween makes candy buying so much easier.
Note this morning from Yahoo:
“You are now in Stranger Danger.”
I just want you to know, my Deadpan suitcase has more stuff in it for you guys than my own personal things.
Did a count. For Deadpan next week I have:
Full sized candy
9 Kinder Bueno (they come in two packs so that actually = 18)
15 Kinder Surprise
Halloween mini-packs
24 Aero
22 Coffee Crisp
24 Smarties
16 Caramilk
14 Hawkin’s Cheesies
Any thing else?
Awesome! Thank you, Bunny 🙂 🙂 🙂
Interesting read (and fuck Gene Simmons). In a semi-related note, that Mike Doughty song linked above is pretty good.
Thanks, Jack. Great article. I couldn’t agree more.
And just to officially share: at this point there is a strong possibility that T Cat won’t be able to attend. Our dog is just too old and sick. Some one needs to look after him and T is being nice enough to take care of that. She will definitely miss seeing you guys again.
Poor pup 🙁 T-Cat will be missed, but of course we all understand.
Tre lame!!!!!!!! But tre understandable
Holy… shit…
Take 15 minutes of your day to watch this
Yeah, I watch his show. Miss America is kind of crazy.
Its more the “we are the largest giver of scholarships for women” lie/non-lie that got me
Yeah, that’s quite the revelation. $45,000,000 is a lot of money to lie about.
They didn’t address the commonly-stated soundbyte surrounding these pageants, that the majority of viewers are women. To echo Emma Watson’s UN speech, we need both genders participating to bring about real, progressive change.
What’s saddest of all is that they seem to INDEED be the largest scholarships for women organization – even at the 4 million that was found. Yuck.
I love you, Emma…
RE: the classic Siskel & Ebert link above. I couldn’t find the Big Trouble in Little China episode. Anyone else? That’d be rife with good Palooza material. 🙂
I remember seeing it once. They were kind. Heh.
This is a great little article tho…
WERENT kind…
Roger underwent a pretty impressive evolution from smart, smug, pretentious douche to likable, opinionated old guy. Sadly, Gene wasn’t given enough time.
He famously gave the Mummy 3, 3 stars
All the fucking hypocritical, hateful, moronic things she said
try again
That’s ghey.
Well, I went to a REALLY interesting Biotechnology lecture tonight on Microbiomes.
Kept expecting my Dad to show up but found out through text message about halfway through, that he was in the hospital.
78 year old fell off a ladder. 2 broken ribs, some cracked vertebrae and a small bruise on the brain. They’re keeping him overnight in the ICU for observation. Barring some repercussion from the head hit, he should recover … if my mom lets him live.
remind to tell you some highlights from the lecture.
Fascinating stuff.
Preferably in person…
Hope he recovers quickly…and survives your mother.
Eek. Speedy recovery wishes to justaD@d. Seriously.
Yes, best wishes for your dad justa.
jesus lord!
Phew! Sounds like a really close call, j0e. He is in good hands, at the hospital and sounds like he is safer there, than back at home with your mom.
Speedy Wishes to yours!
Get well hugs to your dad, J0e
Well, Internet, are you angry?
I am cautiously non-committal on this one.
Nah. They both rock. Im good
I hope Vaughan plays against type and is not the sleazy one.
I’ll be watching. The writing on TD last year was so good, it would take some brain dead actors to screw it up. I think the new guys will pull it off.
Holy SHIT, a rare F grade!
An F grade for a movie like this makes the reviewer look cool.
It’s the Pitchfork equivalent of a “1”
https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10150652_792736164111006_3406741984619744544_n.jpg Like Cain in Kung Fu.
An error occurred while processing your request.
Reference #50.9fc19c3f.1411530732.4c7caff
Hmm, maybe it didn’t work. Take 2:
Like Cain in Kung Fu.
there you go
I’m going to have to look at some frolicking, internet kittens now to get the cuteness levels back down to a tolerable amount.
Hearing stories (from a medical perspective) of what items people can (& should?) put up their rectums, will *never* get old for this Pixie. I’m always up for a giggle… And a “holy shit! They ‘fell’ on to a what, doing what?!?!”
Quote from last night’s gig (Willy Porter):
Jesse loves you but your guitar thinks you’re an asshole.
Jesus bloody autocorrect
Do you wish you were Jesse’s girl, Van?
Morning Pan
Hubby is driving to Edmonton today. I get to make the trip on Firday. Go figure
I think I’m just going to give up this week entirely.
I seem to have lost all the items in my in box and everything from yesterday in my emails.
Does Pandora know something I don’t know? I open up my work email and “Tubular Bells” as performed by Trans-Sylvanian Orchestra is playing.
You’ll have to to the Monster Mash next.
I think I need to take a technology free day. This is really wishful thinking but still, it would be nice.
Van did you catch Sleepy Hollow? Old fun renewed. Really have grown to love that show
Going to watch the first episode of the new season on the train home.
Like Agents of Shield, Sleepy Hollow Season 2 opener is on our DVR and I won’t get a chance to see it until after the mmmmmmeetup. 🙁
Well Sleep Hollow S2 got off to a good start . That Austrakian bloke makes a good bad guy.
Off to do some shopping.
Later Panites!
So after today, my next day off will be the day I’m flying to Denver.
Cue up the John Denver tune!
Please Daddy Dont Get Drunk This Christmas?
Did he do that one with the Muppets?
Welcome, brave Sir knight. welcome to the Castle Anthrax
CP: Dirty Paws — Of Monsters And Men
Love Pan posted a link to this on FB today. Scary shit.
The LOOOOOVE PAN! Soon Ill be making another run…
Seriously though I had no idea this was happening. Kudos to the students for not taking this shit
Totally agree.
I was going to complain about the use of the term, “conservative” in the news articles, but sadly, it seems relevant. We’re headed in a bad direction with these divisive politics.
“Retired New Jersey history teacher Larry S. Krieger told Newsweek, “As I read through the document, I saw a consistently negative view of American history that highlights oppressors and exploiters.””
Sooooo because its highlighted “consistently”, lets go ahead and take it out all together?
Hey, let’s go back to feudalism, right? We serfs clearly had it great back then. 😉
Hell yes! There’s nothing quite like playing the Family Feudalism!
Survey says: DING! Very Patriotic!
I dont even know where to begin about my feelings towards people, organizations, governmental bodies, assholes, ignorant lame-O’s, etc. who think censorship is a positive or evwn a “pateiotic” belief. WTF!
I’d like to think humans– mainly parents and educators, can explain and educate the youth on how to have a good moral compass, embrace history and grow from our mistakes, as individuals and as a nation.
But who am I to have an opinion?
Well clearly that’s happened here since its the students that know enough to walk out and protest this. This gives me hope for the current, and perhaps the parental, generations.
You need all of the (legitimate) facts to come to the conclusions that make the most sense to you. Schools denying students access to “all” of the information prevents them from being able to make the best-educated decisions they can, and is absolutely censorship with an aim toward civil population control.
Jesus, I am a cranky geezer.
You are, but youre on point. Get off your lawn
Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it .. wait … rich, entitled white guys in a ruling class who did what every they wanted to whomever they wanted … maybe “repeating the past” IS what this group is going for.
Morals and ethics? Is that a class in our education system? Seems like it should be, but I don’t see it on any of the curricula. Seems like the super-poor substitute is to have individual teachers implant their specific political agendas all willy-nilly. Why on earth would we want to teach our kids to fish and have them understand how morals and ethics are actually supposed to work?
As did Agents of SHIELD.
That’s on tonite’s to watch list with Gotham
Too many shows! It’s taken us months just to reach the halfway point of Boardwalk Empire S3.
CP: Please Please Pris — Molice
I LOVE this one. Sci FI geek ahoy
I watched the whole thing. 🙂 Wow, they kind of dissed “Alien” as a haunted house in space. LOL
YES! And then later on in the 90’s they put it on their top ten all time films list. At least Roger did.
I’d say “only in Japan” but it isn’t… not quite, at least. Worth a read for a new type of board game involving tentacles. Definitely NSFW.
Again, NSFW.
I’m gonna go ahead and assume that won’t get through the work web filter :).
It might be able to ooze under it, so you might want brace yourself.
I know what game we’re playing at the mmmmeetup…
I’m keing my distance if you are playing that.
So who thought it would be a good idea to make the I-podcast player non-removable from the phone or ipad? Seriously, it’s messing with the way I do things.
No idea, but since 8 update the podcast app on the phone supports 100mb download (for some reason capped at 50mb even though Apple has raised the limit).
Over 3G/4G
You can go in the app and tell it to download nothing. You have to do this with each podcast but at least it’s something.
I haven’t seen Amy on the boards in a while. Is she still coming to themmmeetup next week?
hmmm…. that would be important to know wouldnt it
SO my dad has finally been moved out of the ICU.
He fractured 9 ribes in 13 place, broke a piece off a vertebrae in his lower back and another off a vertebrae in his neck and had a small hematoma on his brain.
All in all … could have been a life ending event but wasn’t.
He should recover from those injuries. The big challenge is that he doesn’t get pneumonia from not moving around and taking deep breaths (due to the rib injures). The other challenge is that he is not the type to sit around. Ever. He had several caving trips planned for this weekend.
At 78, if he is forced to sit still for 4 to 6 weeks it will crush his spirit. Of course, if we could keep him OFF OF LADDERS that would probably be good from here on out.
Well, I’m sure that active spirit is why he’s able to climb ladders at his age. Sounds like anxious times, man. I still wish him the best. I happen to know a nurse, if you have any medical questions. . .
I said god damn. Best of luck to that strong guy
Honestly, truly, sincerely… Speaking as a nurse here for a second– please encourage your dad to keep his pain well-controlled. This will allow him to take deeper breathes and help prevent pneumonia.
Harder said than done, I know; but saying those words and remind him this will also help him recover more quickly.
More hugs to Papa J0e *hugs*
Good luck to him. He sounds like a fighter. 🙂
Dammit I’m hooked on this Siskel and Ebert site. Maybe its the want of time more simple. Trying to leaf thru the local paper’s tv guide looking for the listing, or flipping thru the channels and blissfully coming across it.
Or maybe I just miss the two guys.
I recall holding my tape recorder up to the tv speaker to get the S&E theme song.
My brother did the same to get the MASH theme song.
I had a Radio Shack 30 minute cassette loaded with theme songs. I’m pretty sure I had M*A*S*H, Hill Street Blues, The A-Team, Hardcastle & McCormick. . . I’d love to hear that tape again.
I used to tape the audio from Get Smart on to my Radio Shack cassette recorder. I’m fighting the urge to tell you to get off my lawn now.
Morning Pan
This time next week I’ll be on an airplane going to the Rockies, from the Rockies :cheerful:
And I’ll be flying to the Rockies after leaving the embrace of Sylvester Stallone.
Does EssBee have a servant robot programmed with a sultry voice?
Holy crap. I think I’m all caught up on my work. How did that happen?
There, made my hockey picks. I know we’re not sure if we’ll be doing the pool next week but I thought I’d be ready just in case.
Did I miss a draft announcement?
Not as such, Jack. But, all of the players will be in Colorado at the same time so… I think it partially depends upon what those not in our pool will want to do. And, of course, what Lo/Bee wants to do.
I know nothing about any of these, except that DC’s Future’s End is terrible. Anyone have any recommendations?
I think I’m nearing the end of my comic book kick.
Well since they are free and relatively short, you could try all the rest of them.
By the way, hubby likes you guys. I usually don’t buy Halloween candy until a day or two before the event because it mysteriously goes missing. I picked up a couple of boxes the other day so I could pick and choose some to take with me to Colorado. Of the items I didn’t take, I doubt there will be any left by the time I leave.
…except maybe the Crunchies, hubby’s not a fan of those, but I like them so it’s all good.
Okay so I promised you kids fun bacteria facts.
– The Bacteria in us are GOOD. The vast majority anyways. Amoung many other things, the ones in our guts break food down into molecules for their own food but do it so well that there is plenty left for US. Without that bacteria we would likely starve to death.
– Historically, bacteria were found by growing cutlers. Until just recently we thought there were 5000 species of Bacteria in us. Less then 5% of which can be identified by doing the “swab & culture” method, standard to most medical diagnosis.
– Current DNA testing and identification has now identified 1 million species. It can do this accurately and within hours instead of the days that a culture takes.
-Each of us has about 1000 different strains of bacteria in us and what we have is dependent on several factors including our immediate environment.
-While you have approx. 37 trillion “human” cells in you, there are approx 100 Trillion bacteria cells per person.
– The amount of bacteria in you would weigh about 2.5 lbs or 3 pints by volume.
– They have recently discovered a link between a certain bacteria and obesity.
– what we actually know about bacteria and MicroBiomes is incredibly small because the research has just started in ernest. Incredibly promising but but we are still trying to sort through “causation vs. correlation”.
It’s all really interesting stuff.
Liberal lies!!
But bacteria are just a theory. No one has ever seen one with their own eyes!
Ahhhh … but Bacteria can be PROFITABLE!
Doesn’t that suddenly make them Patriotismic?
I expect some eye rolling from Essbee when she reads the email I just sent.
I should explain, that even though it’s from the same animal I find the texture of the meat in question off putting.
Way to pique our curiosity, Van.
Pork, ok in sausages no so ok in steak form.
You jus’ don’t dig on swine.
I do love bacon though..go figure.
Please tell the Canadian dollar to stop falling. I want to be able to spend my money in Colorado, not give it to the bank/government
I just noticed the New Scientist is the same price in the USA/Canada
Enjoyed the first episode of Gotham.
I’m not sure if anyone else has seen this, but it is neat to see how advanced video cards, ostensibly developed to make more realistic video games, can provide enough hard data to counter conspiracy theories.
Cool tech! Internet Comment Avoidance Rule applies.
Ho ho ho:
..and ho ho ho part 2:
So I’m not a great coffee fan (although I enjoy making the stuff for my sisters), but I do like coffee cake.
Yeah I’m weird like that.
So you like your coffee crisp?
Or this one?
Would you believe I’m 90% packed for Deadpan?
However, in my defence, I am packing for my trip to Edmonton tomorrow and decided it was just as easy to have both cases open and pack at the same time.
I’m leaving it till Wednesday, hoping I can fit everything into the smaller backpack.
At the mmmmeet up, ask me why this is what makes my boss thinks I’m a miracle worker.
Parlez vous Francais?
Delicious naan.
The 8-bit Matrix is simply fantastic.
Katy Perry aint got nothin’ on Aussie Floyd!
Celebrating the doggie pioneers:
Love it when I get some Sausagefest love from the Panites!
(Does anyone else misread ‘Panites’ as ‘Panties’ about half the time?)
Only half?
That I’m willing to admit.
I’ve been known to read it as both panties and panitis at times.
Someone needs to make with the photoshop
A pair of panties that read “Deadpan”.
So I’m considering bringing baked goods with me to the Mmmmmmeetup. Does anyone have aversion to cherry or chocolate? Or the combination?
Not a great fan of cherry, but my waistline would appreciate it if you baked cherry..
Through the magic of Jeremy from Seattle’s posts on the FB fan page, I seem to have some Ello invites to share. Anyone want in?
(Ello is a new social media connector; ie, the current pigs trying to take Animal Farm away from the Facebook humans)
Sadly, too naughty for kids. I can see this going viral.
if others are joining, i will
I’mstilk non plussed, don’t think I’m cool enough.
I may be late on this train; or not.
Dammit, I want that Iron Bank credit card…
CP: Cherry Tree — The Duke Spirit
Having so much trouble concentrating today.
I’m not sure how much it has to do with seeing a few of you in a week.
“China is here, Mr Burton”
“I have relieved myself on your truck!”
You know what Jack Burton always says?
What the hell. 🙂
By email Essbee has just demonstrated why she is high up in Evil Inc.
I didn’t eye-roll about the pork too much, Van.
“the pork”
I may bring something due to my weird dietary requirements. Thank you for the heads up on the menu.
Good start to season 4 of Person of Interest. Plus, they had a really good remake of 10 Years After’s “I’d Like To Change The World” at the end of the ep.
…and Amy Acker….mmmmmmm!
“pork too much”
Is that even possible? What a world!
You had me at “Is”.
Some one has been drinking tonight.
fess up!
As I read this, the dog is lapping loudly from her water bowl.
I had no memory of her at all:
Prostitute, bank robber and then song writer..bloody hell.
Finally saw “God Bless America”. Good film, but disturbing, which was obviously the point.
Bobcat Goldthwait’s movie? Been meaning see that.
Is it better than “Hot to Trot”?
Yes, very much so. On one level, it’s a modern version of Bonnie and Clyde. On another level, it’s a very satirical look at American pop-culture. There’s a lot of ways you can look at this movie, but it’s a pretty dark comedy.
Better than “Shakes the Clown”??
That exhausts the joke and my recall of Bobcat Goldthwait movies.
I’m fairly easy going (steady Lo..steady) and in regards to the meetup plans will go with the flow..
However I will not play darts! :-p
Sure, he’s easy for LO 🙂
Like Sunday morning
Ahh Ahh Ahh Ahh.
Was not impressed with the new series ‘Scorpion’ it was too dumb to be enjoyable.
There was a lot of nerd rage this on the FB about that show.
Oh? Did they feel they got stung by scorpion?
We enjoyed it. If I want to have nerd rage, I’d watch Big Bang Theory. Scorpion is much less offensive.
I was keeping my fingers crossed the waitress would be taken out…
..and it’s goodbye to another writer:
Wow. All I wanted to know from google was: what feuit flavor puddings are available?
This is what wikipedia gave me.
Crap joke for the small hours:
A boy walked in on his mom and dad having sex. His dad said “we’re making you a brother/sister” the boy replies “do her doggie-style, I’d rather have a puppy
Those pesky scientists:
Nicely done.
Yes in 2016 Desert Pixie will marry a guitarist.
He’s just this guy you know….
I hear he styles himself some kind of writer, too.
Interesting readiing;
CW: intruders E6
I’ve seen glaciers move faster than this plot.
Glad I didn’t start it. 🙂
Big sale at Subterranean Press on ebooks:
Don’t sell to people in the UK..boo hiss!
Thanks, Van! I browsed, but nothing leapt off the shelves at me.
I’ll fight anyone who disses The Hoff.
That makes up for this
What the Hoff giveth, the Hoff taketh away. 😉
Jesus Deadpan. I spend one weekend out of town and you all explode with emails. 😉
Full of win full of win
Today’s schedule:
Grocery Shop
I’m under orders from my boss not to do any work today since I was working all weekend. I have to listen to her, otherwise she tattles on me to hubby.
Anyone watch Gotham? I liked it!
I did watch. I kind of had geek moments recognizing the introduction of various characters and themes. I will continue to watch and see if they’ll develop more toward one of the comic lines or toward the movies.
Now Essbee if you read all the comment you would know me and Lo watched it..just not together.
i’ll get your coat…
In spirit…baby
Damn con. I’m losing my voice. If I catch something just before I have to get on a plane, I will be less than happy.
Airborne works beautifully for me.
1000 mg of Vitamin C daily. Up to 2000 mg if you can handle it.
Large doses can cause diarrhoea.
Hence the warning 🙂
It would suck to have to attend a MMMmmmeetup with no voice!
I see what you did there.
Yeah, like that would ever happen….oh.
Cant hear you…
So relieved the article simply raised its point without a bunch of trash-talking nonsense. I agree with his points – – Stephenson is right, but we do still need our cautionary dystopias.
I agree: good article. I tend to be dismissive when people like Stephenson use overly reductionist arguments regarding what is wrong today. Things are never so simple. So, I applaud the article’s author for taking a more nuanced view.
The human race is doomed
I never get tired of these.
CP: What The Water Gave Me — Florence + The Machine
..and I look at the emails and I get a feeling things are going to go horribly wrong.
..and I still getting spam from a company that sells diesel generators..WTF!
This kind of Diesel generator? I’ll take one please.
Someone brought this to my attention. at 3 minutes and 12 seconds, hubby is a star!
His hand owns that shot!
If you pause it at just the right spot (closer to 3:11) you can see his whole self 😉
I did see him, but the camera really loves his hand. 🙂
This is where I spent my weekend
Van, you’ll have to attend one of these for all of us:
So is anybody @threemilechild on Ello?
The (Al) Gorification of Neil deGrasse Tyson
Now they’re going after NDT !?!?!?
Every last thing about him makes them uncomfortable.
Daily Kos is the left Fox news x1000000
Ah yes… the rain/hail/snow mix! Just in time for the mmmmmeetup!
The first Netflix original film is the sequel to Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and I couldnt be more excited!
This news is Chow Yun Phat!
(joke reused from FB)
I could definitely be more excited. The first “original film” from Netflix should be an “original” film. They are saying to me, in no uncertain terms, that they are going to take exactly the same route as Hollywood and focus mainly on generating cash… I mean focusing on sequels, remakes, reinvisionings, reimaginings and rehashings of games, TV shows, etc.
Disagree. If they were going that route they could have picked a MUCH bigger film/franchise to sequelize.
Good point, but they ARE already on track to deliver us a bunch of Marvel series, so their intentions have always been pretty clear. (FD: I am really looking forward to Daredevil).
Your Rocky Mtn High MMMmmmeetup, brought to you by Desertpixie and her weather app!
Looks like I’m going to have to buy sun block when I’m over there..or look like an idiot and wear the wooly hat.
Morning Pan
I must have just needed a day rest as my voice is now back to normal and I’m feeling pretty good. I’m ready for my plane ride.
It’s kind of strange being completely caught up in my work. I keep thinking I should be doing something.
2 days, muthabitches
Woot. Are you prepared for the invasion of awesome?
– of course I don’t mean me, but all these talented people in one place might create some kind of seismic force.
Cynful, please see my email from yesterday and let us know about Thurs night.
My creativity is smaller than an atom.
Done. Sorry about that, was checking on timing this morning and then got wrapped up in work email.
I’m exhausted all the way through to the fibrous core of my being, these days. I won’t be bringing any talent or wit; just tired, grumpy resignation. (oh boy!)
Sausagefest is fully funded for this year! Woooooo.
Any donations collected from here on out go directly and 100% to the charity!
Congratulations Tony. Good work!
The sausage is raised!
For comics fans… well, sort of… there’s a sex guide from the creators of Sex Criminals.
This is very NSFW. But very funny.
Some of those were pretty funny. 🙂
Was really excited at the buzz this has been getting and I really wanted to like this song… I just dont think I do.
So have you seen the Nicki Minaj “Anaconda” video? Well, don’t. Go watch Mastodon’s “Motherload” instead. Lots of wave form action. Probably a little NSFW, even though I’m sure it will air on VH1.
Mastodon are pretty good with the Highbrow/Lowbrow stuff.
I watched the Anaconda video with fart noises. Utterly brillant.
Yeah, saw that too. LOL
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s Jet Train:
Dog Cuteness Alert!
CP: Avalanche — Zola Jesus
get out of my room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m more of a bed protector…
Looks like Van’s bed for the trip.
I wish, I’m be in with the dogs..woof!
What dogs???
Reservoir? I call being “Mr. Black.”
Watch out for those evil D&D gangs
PPFFT…. doubtful
“Star Trek Fans Are Not, By Definition, Mentally Impaired”
Oh good… ebola has been confirmed in Dallas. Ed do NOT bring that shit…
Say no to the Edbola.
I have it on good authority that Ed is pretty good about not sharing bodily fluids with people who have just flown in from Africa.
Now, people who have just flown in from the UK … well that’s another story.
I’m sure the social media world will respond reasonably and gracefully to this news.
So tomorrow will be a game of ”..is the BA app going to actually let me select a seat’ ..it fucked up the last time.
CW: Sleepy Hollow S2E2
I watched Ep1 last night
Tony Hawks is 46..feeling old yet?
Time for him to give up those childish, frivolous things and get a decent, grown-up job like regular folks.
Do you want fries with that?
Bravo, Jeff Goldblum.
Must watch faster. Much watch faster.
Goodnight :bulb:
Reading the small print:
I’m not jealous of the food:
Yeah, I think I’ll steer clear of the Dallas area for the next few decades….hopefully my plane will as well.
So, anybody doing anything special this weekend? I hear there might be thing somewhere.
Imagine a Benny Hill like chase with Lo and Essbee..
So BA if you aren’t going to let me check in for the later flight why give me the option?
I fear selecting 0 for checked luggage is going to get me searched again.
Just remember to cough
I’m not bothered by the search, but it means they won’t issue me with a boarding pass till I get to Heathrow, which means my chances of getting an aisle seat is much reduced..grrrr!
Morning Pan
Today’s Schedule:
Print Boarding Pass
finish packing
WTF United? What do you mean I can’t print my boarding pass because I’m flying international? WestJet doesn’t have this silly restriction.
*sigh* I really wish WestJet flew to Denver. They are the best.
I guess I’ll have to wait until I’m at the airport before getting my pass.
Well, since United has decided to be stupid, I guess it’s time for a shower.
Apparently, United not only breaks guitars, United makes you want to take a shower. 😉
….and boarding and seat obtained.
Excellent. Happy trails to you Van! See you soonish. 🙂
safe travels!!! see you in denver in around 32 hours!
Safe travels, Van from the British Land!!!!
See you in 60ish hours!
w00t! Happy, safe, comfortable, expedient travels, Van!
Yep, safe pond jumping Van. See you soon.
That… is a FUCKING long flight. See you in 25 hours you saucy minx
Seems like I need to give Gotham Academy a try. 🙂
CP: Android Said — Molice
Is everyone holding their peace until Van’s confirmed as pond jumped?
That sounds rather ominous Cynful, should I consult the tea leaves before leaving for airport?
My dilemma tonight:
Smaller backpack which everything fits with a tight squeeze but easier to carry.
Or slightly large one, which has more external pockets (for pills and leads) but more bulky
Steady Lo, it’s BP and cholesterol meds.
Speaking of I happened to find a nice bottle of Bailey’s for you. Chilled or not chilled, sir?
Chilled is better and you shouldn’t have!
Larger! You might shop!
Hah! A fridge magnet doesn’t take up much room.
He’s still taking your bull dyke magnet!
I went with the larger bag.
I’m all packed and ready to roll. Although, getting up at 3am to get to the airport is not going to be fun. I may have to do some sleeping on the plane.
Breakfast in downtown Denver will make you less tired.
And I said, “What about. . . Breakfast in downtown Denver with Tiffany?” And you said, something or other. . . .
Ok, not all 90s music was great.
Let’s see if I can sleep tonight 🙂 See you tomorrow those who are coming.
“those who are coming”
Man, this is really happening, isn’t it? At last the world will have proof that I haven’t been making Lo Pan up this whole time!
Ha! Nevar!
Do we get the live rendition of “Jack Maaangaaaan, you got your shit togethaaar!” 🙂
glee x2!
Van’s on a plane
(uhhhh uhhhhh)
I cant complain
(uhhhh uhhhhh)
Well Breakfast first.
Oh I swear you already boarded and were in the air. Pay no attention to the man who cant read…
Holy crap! What a ahow the Eagles threw for us in Glendale, Arizona!
So I’m in the departure area waiting to board the Flight to London.
I’m looking at prices for stuff and wondering why anybody pays such high prices.
Obviously they do as the shops are still in business.
How an academic can be an ass:
David Mitchell’s novelistic success, most recently with The Bone Clocks, is explained by UK academic Sarah Dillon (editor of a book of essays on his writing): ‘This is why his work is so addictive – he’s creating his own universe.’ (New York Times, 24 August) [DR] If only some science fiction or fantasy author had thought of that!
-from the latest Ansible.
Morning Pan
It took me over an hour to get through airport security. They were very busy.
However, this does mean less waiting time in the airport gate area so I’ll count it as a win
safe flight!
Doing some last minute prep.
Safe drives, sir
I’ve had to postpone my departure due to bad hail. Hopefully I can leave in the next hour.
My departure might be even later. There’s reports of dollar to golf-ball sized hail along the 1st hour of my drive.
Looks like it is clearing up. I need to finish the last couple of things here, then I can go.
My battery packs at people hogging the charge points at Heathrow.
Better start checking the back of the sofa:
Ok, strapped into my seat, next stop Denver, going silent.
See you tonight!
Happy trails to all travelers! (bum ba de da)
Safe travels to all and thank you Ess and Lo for hosting. Just printed my boarding pass and I’m starting to think about packing.
Your wife is coming, Rhett?
Nope, just me. She’s on kid detail this weekend.
Happy testing to all test-takers!
What he said! 😀
Heading out now. So long as there aren’t any further delays, I should be at the hotel around 7pm.
drive safely! thats a long I70 haul
hey Deadpan.
I’m Panning at the Pan’s
You should fix that man’s car, Bunny!
Just checked Van’s flight status. ON TIME!!!
Under budget!
Mr Lo Pan made me a burrito
Can we get the PBP?
Pre outing meal?
Gotta be well fed to win at darts.
Food was ate. Drinks were had. Toilets were discussed. Now the rest of you need to get here 🙂
They were goddamn tall.
tru dat
C: standing at DIA International Arrivals waiting for my bbf.
Big Bop Fred?
Then I turned up, how disappointing for you.
Counting down the hours until the morning…I don’t see a lot of sleep ahead of me.
Spent a wonderful evening with Lo Pan, EssBee, Vanamonde, Ditto, and Cynful. Now, I think it’s bed time
Sounds awesome! I’m completely pack. Gotta get my sorry ass out of bed around 3:45AM to make my 6:00AM flight. Should be at Denver International around 9AM. See you guys soon.
looking forward to it
Cj and I are furiously rushing to finish work things and pack. Oh and I’m bringing a bottle of rye whiskey with me. Because I can.
Because. You. Can.
Does rye whiskey come wish caraway seeds?
I’m sure I can find a caraway flavored liquor to make you a drink using both.
I’ll be at the airport tomorrow round 10.
Nice evening.
But the USB charger maybe haunted, it humms and flickers in blue.
Van, I have a dual car charger if you want to borrow while running around
I admit I just skimmed, but this seems a fascinating read:
Who the hell’s gonna have time to read this weekend??
Of course there will be reading time… For early birds like me 😉
CR: The Explicable be Cherie Priest
Bags packed and it appears this gathering is happening – so to the airport with me.
See you fine folks in a few hours!
I’m at my gate. T minus 45 minutes for takeoff.
My best friends on the internet are gathering in Denver and I can’t make it. My best friend at work is now in Denver to attend the Great American Beer Fest and I can’t make it. My son lives just south of Denver and I’ve never been able to get out there to see him. I can’t begin to tell you how bummed I am not to be in Denver right now.
But seriously, I hope the gathering goes great. Have a blast.
What the hell, man???? Damn that stinks. Sorry the stars couldnt align for you this time. Shall raise a pint tonite for you, sir
Next time Assman. Next time.
I join you in your Denver deficit induced bummer. 🙁
You, sir…. are quite the star tonite 😀
Definitely. We also salute all of you that can’t be here.
You can’t escape from crap jokes:
An 80yr old couple were seen shagging furiously up against a fence. For 40 mins they shagged like Bastards. Arms and legs going everywhere until they fell to the floor. wow she said “you didnt screw me like that 50yrs ago! To which the old man replied “50 yrs ago that fence Wasnt Fecking electric!
morning Pan
I’m up and showered and ready for another Panventurous day
I am heavy-hearted and telling you all about it here so you know why I may be weepy this weekend. I won’t be good at talking about it . . .
Sly B’s beloved Grandma Linda died at 4:46 yesterday – just as I was preparing to head to the airport to collect Van. She was my friend, and treated me like her own as nobody else in my life has.
Sly B will likely not be home tomorrow for the bbq, which will go on as planned with no arguments. She and her mom are headed to Southern Colorado this afternoon to help with arrangements and have some sibling time. She sends hugs and regrets for missing you all.
Ok, carry on. Cannot wait to see you all this evening!!
**long, long hugs**
That blows Ess. At least you’ll be amongst friends this weekend. “Hugs”
My condolences for your and Sly B’s loss. She’s always in your heart.
So sorry, EssBee and Sly. 🙁 🙁
Please, please feel no obligation from us this weekend. We’re here for whatever you need.
Rest in peace.
EssBee and Sly B, Im so sorry to hear of your family’s loss. 🙁
We are all here for you both, in person!
Cant wait to hug you tonight, Essbee!
Condolences from both T Cat and me.
Just checked flight status for Jack and Pixie. ON TIME! I’ll be leaving to pick tem up within the next hour!
Phew! We *just* made a seat in our oversold flight! Wow!
Next stop; DENVER!
We are chillin’ together at Lo Pan’s
Watch out for the Hell of Upside Down Corpses in Lo Pan’s basement.
Speaking of — we’re currently in the Hell of Waiting For Everyone Else to Get the Fuck Off the Plane!! Woot!
Rocky Mountain High, motherfuckers.
C: sitting in my car waiting for Jack’s text! Denver rush hour, here we come!
The excitement is palpable!
The group appreciates your gift Joe
Hoping the good times are a ‘rollen.
Thank you for the kind gift JOe. It was much appreciated. 🙂
Thank you J0e
Thank you very much!
Thank you, j0e! We all loved your gift
Didnt have to use my AK. I gotta say it was a good day.
And thank you to Mr. & Mrs. Lo Pan for putting up with this lot. LOL
Relationship wisdom from Twitter:
@Harkaway: Mrs H: It’s dark in this house.
Me: Winter is coming.
Mrs H: I will gut you with this spoon.
Morning Pan
One day I’ll get this sleeping in thing figured out
Try, try again? 😉
I am surprised and happy that the Royals are making me eat my words. 🙂
Ooooh. What do they taste like?
Crummy? 😉
So, like the floor in my room then.
Yep. Definitely under foot. 😉
My breakfast this morning was very messy. There are crumbs all over the floor
Ok. I think I’ve got my hockey notes in order now. 🙂
I’m up, barely. I need to go run for supplies and get some real coffee.
High Altitude Sickness.
Hugs & sympathy. That sucks.
So, Jack and I your for most horrible panite in cards against humanity. You won’t get off so easily next time.
How much did you drink last night?
I was good did Humans Cards!
Good morning.
CP: Come On — Headstones
Hello Morning, and I have the shaving cuts to prove I’m awake.
You’re awake now! 🙂
No, he’s not. Don’t lie to the poor guy. This is all just a dream.
We’re awake with cartoons.
We just witnessed Van getting his coat.
(Pic on flickr)
And the hockey adventure begins!
Edge of Empire Saga RPG begins!
I hit it with my axe. 🙂
I tempt with my tentacles and green boobs.
(Wookie growl)
I charge in and charm or shoot it.
I fix things.
I bring the bad things.
Goodbye Colorado Pan.
Safe travels.
Happy Anniversary Luna 3:
Crap joke from Twitter:
@saladinahmed: Superman to cobbler: “I need a new left boot. Red.”
Cobbler hands him a black boot full of sand.
“What’s this?”
“A dark, gritty reboot.”
Otis, get his cape.
Bah! No direct flight to the land of ditto.
Where there’s a will there’s a way, even indirectly 🙂
And once more, nose unto the grindstone…
…and my body decides that I’ve had enough sleep.
I thought I heard something.
How appropos. As I’m packing up to leave, what should be on tv but Big Trouble in Little China.
British Airways grrrrr!
Which has nothing to do with your post.
Thanks for coming, Cynful! Great meeting you in person as well.
But of course
Well everybody is up in the Lo Pan household.
In fact, that’s the house motto!
What she said *hugs*
Had fun at the zoo. Now, One last lunch out before the end of our mile high adventure
I’m home. Now that my trip is over I can finally read and post on the Deadpan board.
Hats off to Lo Pan and Ess for hosting and Ed and JOe for their wonderful gifts. You are all truly wonderful people and I can’t wait to do it again.
Hats off to our 2nd chauffeur!
w00t on all counts!
The quest for the perfect cup of tea:
Home as well. Only one brief scare. I’ll add my thanks as well. It was good meeting you all
My luggage has been checked. Now the long wait at Denver International Airport
My almost but not quite as long wait begins.
Turns out they changed the plane, which had a different layout from the replaced plane, hence the messing around with the seat allocation.
Hugs to all who travelled and attended.
Hugs to all who were there in spirit.
Extra hugs to our most gracious hosts, EssBee, Lo Pan, and Dani for going above and beyond
I’ll second that, thanks to all, it was a great weekend.
drinking a cherry milkshake while I wait for the plane
Milk and cookies here.
Amazed there isn’t a Starbucks in this part of the terminal.
Van, be careful! You’ve found a time portal back to prehistoric times (Before Starbucks, sometimes denoted as BS). If you venture too far you will encounter the Land of the Lost and a Sleestak may steal your seat.
I think…
Back home safely in KC. I hope everyone else has a safe trip back. Thanks again to everyone that hosted, drove, cooked, and otherwise contributed to a great weekend.
Was nice to see you again ditto.
So looking at the Icelandair plane behind me it appears you can fly directly from Denver to Iceland.
You learn something new everyday…
Iceland Deadpan Meetup? 🙂
Bjorkpan is the way.
Where is my stork dress?
Wow. The Leafs cut their enforcers from the line up.
Home safe from another wonderful MMMMMeetup.
I had a great time seeing everyone in person. Alvie and EssBee, thank you for co-hosting, and Rhettro, thanks for co-chauffeuring.
Ed: Our Star Wars RPG continued after you left; I took over your spot, and we completed the mission thanks to some great teamwork and creative strategy. That was one of my favorite parts of the meetup. (The other one was exploring downtown Boulder.)
Deadpan is the way. :happy:
Good night, Pan.
Food (including amazingly good smoked pork), beer, hugs, Cards/Charades Against Humanity, elk, The Rockies, the hotel from The Shining, first-time meetings, reunions with old friends, museums, football, the zoo, the Junior Lo Pans, Star Wars RPG, downtown Boulder, Altitude Sickness, Kris’s BBQ, the hospitality of Kris and Alvie and family, great conversations, missing the Deadpanites who couldn’t be there, the round bought by JustaJ0e … and everything else I’ve omitted. I’d say it was a successful MMMmmmeetup.
This Pixie is back in the desert, safely, along with a Mangan named Jack!
<3 and safe travels to all tonight!
The house is so…empty…now. Heh.
Good times is good times. And this was as good as it gets.
I’m sure the junior Lo Pans will fill it with plenty of sounds and activity.
Well deadpan I’m back in Blighty.
Managed to to catch a a kip for an hour.
A few hours to kill before my connecting flight leaves.
Yea! Glad that you are nearly back home. 🙂
Behind the scenes from ROtJ:
you know how to get to my heart…
Morning Pan
Had a nice long sleep, followed by a long shower. Now I’m ready to face the day.
I had an interesting conversation with security once in Canada. Here’s how the conversation went:
Were you visiting Colorado for business or pleasure?
Pleasure? I have friends there.
How did you meet your friends?
Through an on-line group?
Really? What kind of on-line group?
Um, it started around a podcast we all listened to and became friends from there. There are a bunch of us that get together annually.
Hmmm, What do the friends who live in Colorado do?
One works for the Government…
While truthful, I was looking at these answers from his point of view as was starting to become worried I might be detained. It was interesting to say the least.
as = and
lol. I can see what you mean. I’m glad you didn’t end up having trouble.
Clay Aiken for Congress? He *actually* had a televised debate?
Once more into the (new) breach, my friends.
*sigh* Too true. My Day started off with an hour long drive through road construction.
Good luck, man
Thank ye. It was good.
Plane to Newcastle delayed, sigh
Get home already!
It was so great to hang out with all of you!!!! Come back any time.
Thanks for the touching card too. Sly B made it home last night and read it/appreciated it.
Soon, on the last leg waiting for the train to take me home.
must get Ex Hex!!!!!!
Your quirkie crap joke:
A flying insect just flew into my kitchen and exploded.
I think it was a Jihaddy long legs.
the terrorists just won
Freebie ebook:
@SMLXist: Passing on good vibes: e-book of my novel is free for the rest of the month. Use code NJ88Q https://t.co/xHnjTTmw1V
Damn and blast you bot.
I wanted to thank everyone who participated in my Star Wars RPG game. My goal is to have the next module “The Long Arm of the Hutt” uploaded to roll20.net so we can continue this game via Skype. For those who are interested, Fantasy Flight Games has a lot of free support PDFs on their website. I would recommend downloading their free module “Under a Black Sun” and reading the first 18 pages as it goes through the basics of the rules. You can download it here: http://tinyurl.com/l387azn I would also recommend that you not read past page 18 because I may want to play the story with all of you.
Also you can download several pregenerated characters and support material from here: http://tinyurl.com/ly7aqn2
Thanks, I will check that out. The Skype idea is cool by me so long as I can find time. 🙂
T Cat also said the game sounded interesting. She liked the fact that a module didn’t take long to play.
Home at last.
Huzzah! 😉
Too much? 😉
Once again, my boss thinks I’m the best person in the world. Another thing I did for her was apply for an operating grant from the government (which she never did). Not only was I able to get approval, the amount they gave us was twice the amount we were hoping for.
Just call me Scotty.
so great: http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2014/10/07/jennifer_lawrence_in_vanity_fair_the_publication_of_nude_photos_a_sex_crime.html
Good for her.
The replaced 777 had a newer video system with nicer screens and I wasn’t annoying the person in fornt as I used it.
The Airbus going to Newcastle was a bit rickety though..lots of flickering lights and groaning metal.
777? Flickering lights and groaning metal? Annoying? Van, you were flying Stryper.
That was the Airbus from London to Newcastle, thankfully the flight was only 40 minutes.
They got Colorado oddly correct. I take it youre not an Abraxas fan?
I think most of the beers on the list are quite good. 🙂
Oh but you called shenanigans so me am was confused as to why
never you mind!!!!!!!!!!
Sez you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s what she said. 🙂
PS: I just think Beer Advocate is a bit biased, especially since it was mostly high alcohol beers and stouts that were on the list. 🙂
..an alarms set.
Night Pan