Er. What the heck is going on here? I think my time traveling machine is wonky. Or wibbly, maybe.
How is it bigger on the inside than it appears on the outside?
Is that a penis joke?
Only if it’s Captain Jack.
So it’s a rum joke?
Bleugh to Tuesday mornings
Oooooooh! This unshow plays in safari on the iPad.
..and the refresh bug appears to been fixed.
We can check out any time we like, but we can never leave…
Morning, Pan.
The redirect was broken sometime yesterday (I got a DNS error when I tried to go to my bookmark), but it’s working perfectly now, and so is the masking (I see in the URL bar, not
I would also like to thank Tony for his generosity in hosting us. 🙂
Hey deadpan. I can see you today. :happy:
..and since I’ve just seen the emails, glad the Deadpan is working for you again TEB .
I too bow down before our Tony overlord
On the mom update:
My mom is home now. She has to go in every day though for a shot to help dissipate the blood clots as well as testing to make sure it works. She had one large clot in her right lung and a few smaller ones closer to her heart. She doesn’t want me out right now but I’ll probably see her in September some time. We’re all hoping this incident scares some smarts into her.
I need to pin John down and record something for Buckaroo Bonzai
Show notes:
Test Unshow 80
We have moved to a new server. Please bear with Jack as he goes through moving pains.
Thanks to Tony Mast for hosting and helping
Jack wants a lollipop
Greasy Comments:
DJ Bunny
The Energizer Bunny
Desert Pixie
John Boze (the first of the week)
Send Jack good wishes as he is up for an award. We all know he’s a winner to us, let’s hope everybody else feels the same.
Send in content: 480-788-JMDP(5637) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
tsk. tsk. Hubby left his shaving stuff on the bathroom counter. What am I going to do with that man.
Hubby had an interesting (see stressful) day yesterday. Not only did he have me and my mom on his mind but the other AP at his school took off suddenly because his father was rushed to the hospital (in Manitoba)with some sort of fatal cancer.
I, personally would not know what I’d do without those around me who take on some of my stress for me. Hugs to all.
Glad mom is how bunny.
Glad Deadpan has a new home (Thank you overladious Tony)
Glad dead pad isn’t 2 gross yet. I have content I still need to send in.
Yeah for Mom feeling better, Bunny.
Also a PSA for dog owners. Don’t feed your dog seasoned taco meat before bedtime.
I think that the “NoScript” that I run in Firefox protects me from this.
I think.
It *can*, but it depends on how you’ve configured it. Plus, if you’ve added a site to your white list and it is gets compromised, then there may also be an issue.
My normal mode of operation is to have everything blocked and the click the “temporarily allow this site” button for stuff that I want to view.
Hoping that works.
..and a crap joke:
A little boy was in a taxi eating chocolate, then he took another one and then another.
A man next to him said “Do you know that too much of it will damage your teeth”
The boy replied, “my grandfather lived to 132 years”
The man asked “was it because of eating chocolate?”
The boy replied, “No, he was always minding his own business”
*Relieved that the joke didn’t go where I was expecting.*
*Disappointed to not be lounging in a hammock on the beach of a peaceful tropical island.*
Refer to my PSA above.
BTW – The test Unshow appeared in my iTunes feed without any problem that I could detect.
LIES!!! – I mean… um good.
Mine was fine too.
Well I see a *BIG* problem!!!!! It’s only 6 minutes long!!!
ditto has a length fixation.
Size does matter, Joe. It always has. ;P
When it comes to DP, it’s not so much a question of length, but the girth that matters.
..and for some strange reason episode 214 showed up on my iTunes feed (as well as the unshow 80).
Like a good Deadpanite, I watched “Buckaroo Banzai” over the weekend. I watched the first half hour streaming Netflix to my outlawed Samsung phone, the second half hour streamed to my laptop, and then on Sunday I found my *cough*backup*cough* DVD in the closet and finished up watching on my son’s 30″ LCD TV. Surprising, this jumbled watching experience didn’t make the plot any less clear.
I think my mom is feeling her mortality. She wants to spend money and give my Boo a small house for her wedding present. I didn’t get a house when I got married. I feel gypped.
Now that’s a word I haven’t seen used for a long time.
Think of it as your retirement home … as in, “I can’t live alone anymore, I am moving in with you in this payed-off house.”
CP: Heart of Gold — Neil Young
“He’s in league with Lucifer!”
I can’t remember, is that a double A or triple A league ?
ditto with the oldskool Highlander reference!
Thank you! Thank you, very much. I’m here all week. 🙂
I just want to say to you all of you in this community….
You Deadpanites are the motherfucking way! As a newbie, its awesomely fantastic to see how all of you support one another, care about others and stand by everyone through life changes and server changes. I think what Jack and the rest of you have created here is pretty damn special.
In case any of you are in doubt…. Each of you matter. matters.
*Pixie hugs all of you*
true.. true
*hugs all round*
I know Deadpan has helped me a lot over the years. And the voices say thank you too! 🙂
Sybil, we’d like to talk to ditto now . . .
He’s not available right now, and we aren’t taking messages. 😉
Hey! Where’d my wallet go?
I want to participate in the group grope… Er, I mean hug, too!
*jumps into the hug pile*
Group Grope! I’m in too!
(Let’s see…. one wrinkled dollar bill…. employee ID for Her Majesty’s Secret Service…. Denny’s coupons…..10 Chuck E Cheese Skee-Ball tickets…. Wow, it even says justaj0e on his driver’s license and credit cards…. oh yuck, how long has THAT been in here?)
You were supposed to throw those away after the last group grope.
Save my Joan Jett ticket stub!
Awww! Thanks, Pixie. I agree, Deadpan is pretty special. :happy:
*joins in the group hug*
CW: latest Breaking Bad
“say my name”
Started watching buckaroo banzia … W. T. H?
“Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!”
Mom must be feeling better. She’s driving me nuts again
I have never seen Buckaroo Banzai!
I have vague memories of possibly renting it.
when I was 10…
God I feel old now.
Keep in mind, for Ralph that was 2 summers ago.
Damn, the senior citizen is getting snarky tonight…
/coat? what coat?
You kids get off of my lawn!
I gotta gun!
Put it back your pants. No one wants to see that. 😉
It’s a fair cop.
Saw about ten minutes of it on a grainy VHS pirate copy back in the 90’s.
It is on Netflix, so hopefully I can watch it this week.
I think I’ve only seen it twice, once on HBO in the 80s, once on DVD about 10ish years ago.
My friends and I used to recite one of John Lithgow’s lines too.
This is all interesting stuff for your audio, by the way……..
I’ve seen it many, many times. At the very least, there was the first time I saw it as a Freshman in college, then once when I purchased the bootleg workprint edition (I’ll have to send in some of the audio from that for the palooza), then again when I introduced my son to it, then again when I introduced my daughter to it. Looking forward to watching it again for the big event. Hoopy doopy!
Even through the political rhetoric, this site has great articles and I think poses fair questions for all of us in the States.
Monsanto is pure evil, btw.
Been meaning to tell you guys, we watched this 6-episode series recently and it was OUTSTANDING. If you have Direct TV and can handle the idea of transgendered people, you really should try to catch it. Hopefully it’ll be on Netflix soon. I LOVE Chloe Sevigny so much, and more now because of this really cool British series:
Is this “how politicos will target and view you”? If so, then it’s dead on for me.
I’m so far to the left I’m in danger of falling over…
I’m with Van; nearly off the chart.
Van, I was with you, I’m as far to the edge of the scale as you can be.
That being said, I think it’s safe to say, for us anyway, it’s a moot point as neither of us are planning to vote in the November US election :biggrin:
I come out exactly as expected. Financially I’m somewhat conservative. Socially I’m extremely liberal. Therefore, I’m fucked no matter who I vote for.
According to that quiz, I am most likely a 2 year old black woman with no religious affiliation.
And as we all know, cuz Meatloaf told us, two out of three ain’t bad. Er. Make that one out of four.
I fear it’s the pitchforks for you NS.
Good thing I like forking, eh?
Is that the one thing out of four that he won’t do for love?
I wonder what dentists would recommend…
Hey Pan!
This afternoon I get to see hubby’s new school.
I’m listening to a podcast and they are discussing the stereotype of women being terrible car shoppers. The gist of the cast is this is completely wrong. I know, when we’re shopping for big ticket items the clerks sometimes don’t know what to do as I’m usually the one who takes charge as far as asking questions and what kind of deals we can get.
That being said, when hubby and I were looking at cars last year, we ended up walking out of a dealership because we felt they were trying to take advantage of us. I think it surprised the salesman when we went from sitting at his desk with debit card in hand ready to put down the deposit to out the door in less than five minutes.
Bitter angry guy was certainly angry and bitter but he did touch on a very disturbing trend in this election cycle … the Republican’s have abandon any pretense of hiding the lying. They loudly and clearly lie and when the fact checkers point this out they just repeat the lies louder. Why? Because it is clearly working … and THAT is the real moral crises.
example – “Ryan criticized Obama for — yes — not using government funds to prop up an auto plant in his district.
Ignoring the inconsistency of a Republican chastising Obama for not bailing out more auto manufacturers, the plant in question closed before Obama’s inauguration in 2009.”
jJ, I’m really enjoying Democracy Now!’s convention coverage this week. I can get my political fix without becoming enraged by talking heads.
I am trying my best to avoid any convention coverage as I’m afraid it would make me “angry, bitter, yelling guy”.
The hurricane has helped to give the airwaves something else to obsess on. Nothing like 2 feet of rain to dilute political coverage.
Yeah, I cannot watch TV.
Well, mom has already hinted at how tired she is of driving the hour and a half, one way, to the hospital for her shots. I’m suppose to take my grandmother shopping this weekend. We’re also going to discuss the best way to convince my mom to move closer to civilization. I think we have an uphill battle on our hands.
Cookie making time!
I was sipping a Mocha Cookie crumble in Starbucks aS I read that.
W A N T !
I’m making lemon almond cookies. It’s a standard here as they are hubby’s favourites.
Those sound good.
CP: Falling Down — Oasis
Month end has started today. While I’m a little frazzled, starting month end a day early is actually a good thing. We have company coming over for dinner and gaming tomorrow night and I was worried I would have to cancel because of month end.
Bake your cares away,
Worry’s for another day.
Let the music play,
Down at Frazzled Rock.
Work alot today,
Going to game another day.
While I’m Frazzled bake,
We’re Ditto, Essbee, Bunny, justaJ0e, Van.
Bake your cares away,
Worry’s for another day.
Let the cookies bake,
Here at frazzled Rock.
Don’t look at the clock.
Here at frazzled Rock.
CP: Rose Tint My World — Rocky Horror Picture Show
I must say: today has been pretty fucking stupid so far. And it looks like there’s a new front moving in.
How are you?
I am here to offer hugs to all who need them *hugs* :heart:
Meh. I badly need a vacation.
Unfortunately, that I can’t give you ditto.
Don’t get me wrong. Hugs are always welcome.
“Ignorant front! It’s a put on!”
“Ignorant front! It’s a put on!”
so I’m leaving in about an hour to visit my hubby’s school and because there is a staff BBQ we’re going to. Hubby says to me, “just so you know, some of the male teachers are really hot. I don’t just mean good looking but… amazing.”
I’m not really sure why he told me this. Am I suppose to… prepare myself so I don’t swoon when I see them? Avert my eyes when I see a good looking man?
I asked him if I should gird my loins and he just laughed.
Well, you’ve survived meeting all of us at Deadpan mmmeetups, so I’d say you’re adequately prepared for the staff BBQ.
I guess that’s true. As we all know, all Deadpanites are amazing :cheerful:
So Pandora just played me a version of Ben Folds’ “Rock’n the suburbs” that I had never heard before. MUCH less “family friendly” and MUCH more acerbic and social commentary-ish.
The electricity people were just here. Apparently there was a bad transformer they needed to access through my back yard. I wonder if they gave it a spanking :shocked:
Well, I’m off Pan
Change of plans, Deadpan. My car’s battery is as dead as dead can be. I couldn’t even use the automatic door locks to open it. I have it hooked up to a charger but, since hubby’s school is way the hell at the other end of the city, it does mean no meeting the school hotties. I think I’m disappointed.
Carma ?
*gets van’s coat*
I just had an Ed Grimley flashback, I must say. Sorry about the battery troubles, Bunny.
I’ve seen all but one of these. I may have to fix that
Oh, Van, you lovely man. My answer is yes, Yes, YES!
More when I get home.
Since I’m now eating alone tonight, I ordered in.
I think I’m upset the Weeping Angels are coming back in this season’s Dr. who. I liked them as a one off during the Tennant years. Less so when they came back more recently. I worry it’ll just contine down hill with this particular “villain”
They are going to beat that one to death. 🙁
I’m worried the problem with my car may not just be the battery. It’s been hooked up to the charger for two hours and it’s still completely dead. Alternator, maybe? I may have to get it towed to the shop
I have been sitting on an Evil Dead reboot Survey Monkey poll for over a year…. I think I’ll have to drop it in the next full-length Deadpan. I hope we’ll get some takers.
My Boo saw the musical recently. They sat in the “splatter zone”. She said it was great
CP: ‘Blown Away’ — Carrie Underwood
yes its country. And I love it
The original was by Emmett Otter’s Jug Band, wasn’t it?
Van, is the movie, The Master, out in the UK yet? If, so have you seen it?
Im highly curious.
Not till the 9th November in the UK.
Ohhh. Its coming out Sept 14th here. We will post our thoughts.
Netflix hangers-on: You must watch the first 10-or-so minutes of “The Rock-a-fire Explosion” on streaming and see if you have the same forgotten nostalgic reaction that I did.
Although for me as a kid, Showbiz was always about the games, not so much about the band.
Opps! I thought it was a mockumentary until they said that showbiz pizza replaced the band with Chuck E Chesse. I then slowly realized that this is real. Frightening, but real. Sadly, it still watches like a mockumentary. Don’t think I made it quite 10 minutes in, but I might watch more later.
And yes, I did get quite the nostalgic reaction, especially when they were talking about the grades for tokens program. Reminds me that I should call in with a dumb ass memory about Chuck E. Cheese at some point.
And, spotted on FB:
“According to a survey from cloud and mobility service Citrix, nearly one-third of Americans believe that the cloud in “cloud computing” relates to “an actual cloud, the sky, or something related to weather.””
It’s supposed to rain other people’s creepy porn on Thursday; I’d bring an umbrella.
Goodnight :porn front:
month end. cry havoc and loose the dogs of accounting.
Are you calling me a dog? If so, I’ve always been partial to, so want to be, a Chow. 😉
obviously you’d be the bunny of accounting. I was referring too the corporate people I had to answer to today.
Morning Pan.
The sky is very pink this morning.
Red Sky at Night, sheperd’s delight
Red Sky at Morning, shperd’s warning.
Of course I may have them mixed up…
Which is all very well and good but I’m not a Shepard… Well, except maybe in Mass Effect 😉
Oh, the humanity.
I don’t think I was on Facebook yet during the last Presidential election. That was better.
I’ve been hearing about Eastwood’s disturbing “performance” from last night.
They best response I’ve seen on it is:
“What Eastwood did was a perfect picture of the GOP platform. Rich, old white men insulting an Obama they made up.”
Ugh, they could have least kept the sound effects of Asteroids.
Time to clean the bathroom. Why didn’t I get a self cleaning one? *sigh*
Thinking of going to see a film tonight.
Haven’t been to one since the Mmmmmeet Up.
Options seem to be –
The Bourne Legacy
Dark Night Rises
ANyone have an opinion of any of these?
Do you mean Paranorman?
I recommend Paranorman and Dark Knight Rises.
We saw Brave and Paranorman both recently, jJ. I’d go with either one of those, but knowing you a bit, think you might like Norman best!
J0e, pardon me for not remembering, but do you have a daughter? My dad said he was glad he went to see Brave with me, and I enjoyed it.
I LOVED The Dark Knight Rises. I haven’t seen either of the others.
Now Amy if JJ told you that he would have to kill you.
The Paranorman film has yet to be released in the UK, of the others (which I’ve seen), the Bourne film is the only dud in that list.
Thanks guys.
In the end … while I am interested in these films, I decided that my interest in these films was only at the level of renting them to watch at home. :unsure:
Today was supposed to be Gear’s born day, but the doctor’s office neglected to mention that the time they told us to show up was actually the time we were supposed be in surgery.
Fuckety fuck?
I didn’t know you were making more babies, NS! So now do you wait until after Labor Day? Right before the Dr’s tee time?
Holy factory!! Way belated congrats!!
I also had no idea there was another Nomad in the tent!
Arrrgh for the delay, but woo hoo for the newest addition to the Scry family! And Kudos for yet another awesome non-traditional name.
Please share the good news, when the doctors finally pencil you in.
Watching ‘Space Seed’ from the original Star Trek…one of the digitally remastered episodes.
Never knew the Botany Bay model was a submarine model with bits added…looks so obvious now.
Oppa Kahngam style….
I also watched Space Seed not too long ago. I’d actually never seen it before, so it was good to finally get the backstory for Star Trek II. Ricardo Montalban’s pecs were far less impressive in 1967.
I had my beer with my pizza dinner.
Now it’s on to a vodka martini and “Goldfinger”.
No Mr. Bond.
I expect you to die.
CD: Kona Coconut Porter
That sounds gross.
Its REALLY good. Thick, chocolate and bitter. With a good hint of coconut. High recommendation !
It’s the coconut I have a problem with.
I want some.
You know who to email…
I’m happy to report that my wife will not be going to jail. Had our pool contractor not finished the repair work in time for the big wife’s family reunion at our house tomorrow, he would most likely be a bloody smear on the highway.
Thankfully, as of last evening we’re fully functional and ready for the big shindig.
I’m also happy to report that I’ve watched nothing political this week and plan to do the same next week.
I recommend retreating to a bunker.
For the shindig AND the politicos!
A stint in jail *would* have given your wife some street cred , though…
Dammit, Ditto, you scared the shit outta me – Saw a black and white photo of Walter Koenig posted to Facebook and my first thought is “He didn’t die too, did he?”
Thankfully not, but still….
Itunes Randomness – my library consists of 100 songs that start with I, not the letter I, the word I.
According to Fox News columnist Sally Kohn, vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan’s speech at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday “was an apparent attempt to set the world record for the greatest number of blatant lies and misrepresentations slipped into a single political speech.”
A fox reporter doing their job? Amazing.
What a completely crappy day. Mr. Murphy has been far too active.
On top of that … I just did a Google search for “The funniest thing EVER” and it failed completely.
CW: first episode of the new season of Dr Who.
Im so sorry.
“Bad” Dr Who is still more entertaining than many other shows.
We’ll agree to disagree on that one. Cause a grain of sand is more entertaining than many other shows.
CD: Alpine Beer Co. + New Belgium Brewery Super IPA Collaboration
CD: Boulevard’s Reverb Imperial Pilsner
Havent had the pleasure!
I’ll share 🙂
Me too!!!! Lets get tipsy, shall uS?
You read my mind
It will be another 45 minutes for us.
“This is new.”
I enjoyed the new ep, though the ending was a bit rushed and predicable. Oswin was cute. I wonder if things aren’t quite as they seem.
Hmm, better make sure my DVR is setup correctly for Dr. Who today.
Survived the big reunion today. all in all, it was a most excellent day.
Great news to hear, Ed. Now… sit back and relax
Truely, the Master of his domain!
Meanwhile, at CopperCon 2012…
Hermione Granger and Clone Trooper made their appearances at the Masquerade.
(hint: the Wee Mangans)
they stole my heart
D’AWWWW! Jack, can we have pictures, pleeeeeease?!?! (You can always put them in the Deadpan Flickr pool if you want them to be visible only to Deadpanites. 🙂 )
Yes Amy, I will definitely post pics to Flickr. 🙂
Best line of the weekend (from the daughter): “The people at these conventions we go to really need to brush their teeth better.”
Happy 40th, Ed!
Happy Birthday Ed!!!
Thank you all. 40 actually doesn’t look so bad, now that I’ve arrived 🙂
Happy birthday, Ed!
Actually, I believe 40 should thank YOU for making IT look so good!
Ah hahahahah…. this excerpt from a review on BeerAdvocate:
“22oz bottle $6.99. I picked this up against my better judgment because I know if its not West Coast it ain’t shit, oh well.”
I LOVE West Coast beer bias. Its as amusing and ignorant as East Coast sports bias. No, Virginia, California is no longer the finest purveyor of craft brews. SO sorry. There’s no Santa Claus either.
lmao. Nice.
NO SANTA ?!?!?!
Hello! Where was the spoiler alert?
If anything, I think I see more great looking reviews coming from Colorado beer companies than anywhere else. Makes me wish I had gone there instead of Florida when I had the chance.
Yes. Van will now be listed as an accomplice just for posting that link. 😉
CD: New Castle’s Werewolf Blood Red Ale
English beer bias!!
First time I got pissed was drinking brown ale.
Ghastly stuff.
I thought their red was pretty good.
Just watched BB with the kids. They were duly baffled.
Basket Ball?
Bugs Bunny?
The Bourne Banana.
Happy Birthday, Ed!!
Just finished watching Battleship. You know, it was actually pretty good, surprisingly.
Happy Happy Birthday Ed! I hope the Labor Day birthday celly is unlaborous and full of fun
CD: Lake Louie Radio Free IBA (India Black Ale)
And I think I’m going to check Netflix for a PBP candidate.
CD: Lake Louie Radio Free IBA (India Black Ale)
And I think I’m going to check Netflix for a PBP candidate, I have the time for it…
WP duplicate comment filter is lying then truthing again…
I bet nobody is awake to help me make the decision, but it shall either be the Two-part premiere episodes of the original “Knight Rider” TV series, or “God Bless America” by Bobcat Goldthwait
Ah yes, I have the high-tech digital speedometer in my Scion. Okay, still opening credits.
“Knight of the Phoenix” starts with Vegas stock footage and cheesy horns…
Hearing the Hoff overdubbed on this other actor not all that convincing now, compared with when I first watched it…
Sure, that little spy camera is making all those extreme closeup shots of the circuit board…
Look out, a double-cross! Oops, nope, shot in the face…
“We’ll never know what he looked like…”
Of course, the miracle surgery makes an unmarred face, with no nerve problems or anything…
Michael goes snooping, finds a Cylon. No wait! A car…
He seems to find it hard to believe there is another car that looks like his Trans Am.
“Darth Vader’s bathroom” ha!
So far, the car does not speak.
The overwrought strings are not helping the death scene for me…
“She’s working in a place called… Silicon Valley.” Oooh, sounds high-tech…
Michael Long is legally dead… Now he’s Michael Knight.
And back to the theme song for a driving montage…
And after the car talks, some faux Eagles. And he is asleep at the wheel.
And the car drives itself, until the cops see him snoozin’…
Cockamamie. I think that’s what they call that story, but… they bought it.
KITT is just a single flashing red light on the dash. Not what I recall.
Car thieves try to steal KITT… that old trope.
“Ain’t you the David Niven?”
Not even sure I fully get that ref…
Can barely afford to feed her kid, but has a Latina nanny???
Brand-new car demo derby? Wonder what he’s thinking…
Ah , the syndication break. This had to have aired as a single premiere movie in ’82…
A lengthy reintroduction of the events of the first half. Come to think of it the credit sequence goes forever too…
Demo derby, with the kid in the car in peril…
These cars are crashing in very improbable ways…
Conspiring to get Michael’s fingerprints…
Ooh, look, a glass booth where you can place a phone call.. Wait, that may not be high-tech.
I’m amazed. I thought they were supposed to be blue…
And the crooks come back to steal KITT, who shows off for them. Sigh.
Gas for $1.33. Outrageously high CA gas prices there…
Offscreen bar brawl. All you need is stuntmen who can fall well.
Taking a torch to KITT, and diamond-bit drills. And his fingerprints are altered…
Oh, they want the Comtron bubble-memory chip, do they?
KITT breaks out of Comtron.
And busts Michael out of the clink.
Silent ejector seat.
No KITT wrist-radio in this part of the series…
Snow on the computer monitor…
A licky-boom-boom da-own.
You really chose Knight Rider over the other movie?
Yup, and it really isn’t yielding much…
Nice graphics. And they all fit on one 5 1/4″?
One “microfilm” well, they were *almost* actually high tech…
“Don’t kill me, I got a dog at home…” Well he appears to be a good man…
Wow, a “microvave mobile” call from the car to the jet. What will they think of next?
Chicken with a semi, and jumps over easily…
Now KITT vs a jet. And takes it out…
Say Goodnight, Pixie.
goodnight :yeasty:
And thanks to a handy KITT ricochet, the one villainess who knew Knight was Long is dead. A cheesy scene to agree to continue the mission, and credits.
Well, I guess I’ll not be rewatching “Knight Rider” for a new podcast idea…
Perhaps his most notable achievement is that he got ANYTHING done at all.
This, considering that the Democrats in congress represent a wide cross section of America and can rarely manage to form a single coalition on any one issue … and Republican leaders stood on the steps to the capital building, just days after Obama’s election and VOWED to simply shut Washington down until he was gone. Using procedural tactics and filibuster threats they have all but achieved their goals. This congress has passed fewer bills then any since 1947 and most of the bills it has pass were fluff pieces such as resolutions to honor people or to mark a special “National day of one thing or another”. According to a new Gallup poll, this congress has just a 10% approval rating.
That Obama got ANYTHING passed through this dysfunctional, obstructionist bunch is remarkable in itself.
I have Among Others on my IPad but haven’t read it yet. I’ll read it right after I finish Embassytown, so some time later this week.
That’s next on my list. I’ve avoided Meville. Perdido Street Station put me off his stuff.
I admit, I’m taking longer to get through Embassytown than it does for me to read normally but I do plan to finish it.
Morning Deadpan
I have decided Sunday’s are evil and I want to get rid of them all.
Hooray for the JB Play by Play! Now I don’t feel bad for not doing one in a while
Hubby and I are going to sit down and record our Buckaroo Banzai thoughts today.
On a happy note, my car is living again.
I never realized how difficult calling Penang was until we tried this morning. They won’t charge the call to a cell phone, we had to give our credit card number. hmmm.
Also on a happy note, the relative who we in forge op few weeks back was my mother. She was having a hip replacement. The operation went well, but due to preexcisting medical conditions sh wasn’t allowed out of hospital till today.
Glad for the good news Van.
Seconded. I’m glad she’s home and ok.
And hey, now she has something in common with Eddie Van Halen!
Gawd my typing on the iPhone gets worse.
Hubby’s in the room. Time to do some recording
We’re having audio problems. I might need a new microphone.
Recording done. Just putting it through the levelator before I send it to Jack.
Jack, I’ve just sent you a file. it’s 6.5meg. If it doesn’t come through because it’s too large (yeah, yeah, that’s what I said), let me know and I’ll send it through my DrobBox account.
On a different note, hubby is just finishing Hugo nominee Leviathan Wakes. He highly recommends it.
I watched “Galaxy Quest” last night.
I had forgotten how much fun the film is.
Hubby took me on a tour of his new school. I envision lots of lost kids next week. It’s a very twisty, turny school, with lots of hidden areas.
A question for the comic geeks.
Looking for a villain (Marvel universe a distinct possibility), who is basically a brain in a jar on top of a robotic body. This was a result of a being almost destroyed when a spaceship crashed ear him.
The aliens didn’t know how to rebuild him properply, he enslaves the aliens using a power ring, the aliens look like Valkyries and he calls one of them .
The quirks of memories, difficulty remembering what I had for breafast but remembered fragments of a comic I read in 70’s..
I got a few Buckaroo-related emails this morning! Thanks, Bunny!
And – – – thanks for getting hubby onboard again. I can’t wait to hear it.
Hubby and I have started culling our library. We both have moved pretty much exclusively e-format and have decided we want to use the space for other things. We figure, if we do one or two book cases a week, we should be done by the end of the year. This weekend, we managed to cull two seven foot bookcases worth of books into 1/2 a bookcase. I now have five boxes of books (a little larger than paper boxes) for my Boo to go through and decide what she wants.
Can I get a roll call on EBF responses? Who has turned them in, who hasn’t? Thanks.
I turned mine in weeks ago.
I haven’t, I’ll try and do it this week
I have one recorded, which I hate and I’m gonna redo. Still have one more to do.
There is a cool little bonus in Buckaroo Banzai for Breaking Bad fans!
Speaking of, I hit 2 comic book stores on Camelback in Phoenix today to ask for the Buckaroo Banzai comics. The answer in both stores was, “Um, no.”
Their facial reactions said:
Guy at 1st store: Oh yeah, I think I might have heard of that once, maybe… God, this guy is old…
Girl at 2nd store: I’m frightened by your bizarre, obscure request. You are the weirdest person in the comic shop, and that’s saying something…
In more stupid news, hubby’s uncle died over the weekend. We spent the day trying to get a hold of hubby’s parents who are vacationing in Malayasia. *sigh*. That’s two in a row. I think I’m just going to give up on weekends.
Condolences to you and John, Bunny 🙁
Now, reading in bed and finally relaxing.
Night Pan.
“Oh Brother! somebody is gonna kiss the donkey!”
what does that even mean?
My condolences, too, Bunny.
Wow, there’s nothing like an imminent visit from the pest-control people (I haven’t actually seen any pests around here; it’s just a proactive, preemptive strike) to motivate me to clean the apartment. My living room is spotless for the first time since I got my living-room chairs (almost a month ago), and I got all the clutter off the floor in my bedroom and office. I couldn’t believe how much energy I had for cleaning today. 🙂
iPhone 4 iOS 5.1.1 gets it.
What will be the second Palooza?
/takes a deep breath
/takes a very very very deep sigh
Er. What the heck is going on here? I think my time traveling machine is wonky. Or wibbly, maybe.
How is it bigger on the inside than it appears on the outside?
Is that a penis joke?
Only if it’s Captain Jack.
So it’s a rum joke?
Bleugh to Tuesday mornings
Oooooooh! This unshow plays in safari on the iPad.
..and the refresh bug appears to been fixed.
We can check out any time we like, but we can never leave…
Morning, Pan.
The redirect was broken sometime yesterday (I got a DNS error when I tried to go to my bookmark), but it’s working perfectly now, and so is the masking (I see in the URL bar, not
I would also like to thank Tony for his generosity in hosting us. 🙂
Hey deadpan. I can see you today. :happy:
..and since I’ve just seen the emails, glad the Deadpan is working for you again TEB .
I too bow down before our Tony overlord
On the mom update:
My mom is home now. She has to go in every day though for a shot to help dissipate the blood clots as well as testing to make sure it works. She had one large clot in her right lung and a few smaller ones closer to her heart. She doesn’t want me out right now but I’ll probably see her in September some time. We’re all hoping this incident scares some smarts into her.
I need to pin John down and record something for Buckaroo Bonzai
Show notes:
Test Unshow 80
We have moved to a new server. Please bear with Jack as he goes through moving pains.
Thanks to Tony Mast for hosting and helping
Jack wants a lollipop
Greasy Comments:
DJ Bunny
The Energizer Bunny
Desert Pixie
John Boze (the first of the week)
Send Jack good wishes as he is up for an award. We all know he’s a winner to us, let’s hope everybody else feels the same.
Send in content: 480-788-JMDP(5637) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
tsk. tsk. Hubby left his shaving stuff on the bathroom counter. What am I going to do with that man.
Hubby had an interesting (see stressful) day yesterday. Not only did he have me and my mom on his mind but the other AP at his school took off suddenly because his father was rushed to the hospital (in Manitoba)with some sort of fatal cancer.
I, personally would not know what I’d do without those around me who take on some of my stress for me. Hugs to all.
Glad mom is how bunny.
Glad Deadpan has a new home (Thank you overladious Tony)
Glad dead pad isn’t 2 gross yet. I have content I still need to send in.
Yeah for Mom feeling better, Bunny.
Also a PSA for dog owners. Don’t feed your dog seasoned taco meat before bedtime.
CP: Electric Surfin’ Go Go — Polysics
I think that the “NoScript” that I run in Firefox protects me from this.
I think.
It *can*, but it depends on how you’ve configured it. Plus, if you’ve added a site to your white list and it is gets compromised, then there may also be an issue.
My normal mode of operation is to have everything blocked and the click the “temporarily allow this site” button for stuff that I want to view.
Hoping that works.
..and a crap joke:
A little boy was in a taxi eating chocolate, then he took another one and then another.
A man next to him said “Do you know that too much of it will damage your teeth”
The boy replied, “my grandfather lived to 132 years”
The man asked “was it because of eating chocolate?”
The boy replied, “No, he was always minding his own business”
*Relieved that the joke didn’t go where I was expecting.*
*Disappointed to not be lounging in a hammock on the beach of a peaceful tropical island.*
Refer to my PSA above.
BTW – The test Unshow appeared in my iTunes feed without any problem that I could detect.
LIES!!! – I mean… um good.
Mine was fine too.
Well I see a *BIG* problem!!!!! It’s only 6 minutes long!!!
ditto has a length fixation.
Size does matter, Joe. It always has. ;P
When it comes to DP, it’s not so much a question of length, but the girth that matters.
..and for some strange reason episode 214 showed up on my iTunes feed (as well as the unshow 80).
Like a good Deadpanite, I watched “Buckaroo Banzai” over the weekend. I watched the first half hour streaming Netflix to my outlawed Samsung phone, the second half hour streamed to my laptop, and then on Sunday I found my *cough*backup*cough* DVD in the closet and finished up watching on my son’s 30″ LCD TV. Surprising, this jumbled watching experience didn’t make the plot any less clear.
I think my mom is feeling her mortality. She wants to spend money and give my Boo a small house for her wedding present. I didn’t get a house when I got married. I feel gypped.
Now that’s a word I haven’t seen used for a long time.
Think of it as your retirement home … as in, “I can’t live alone anymore, I am moving in with you in this payed-off house.”
CP: Heart of Gold — Neil Young
“He’s in league with Lucifer!”
I can’t remember, is that a double A or triple A league ?
ditto with the oldskool Highlander reference!
Thank you! Thank you, very much. I’m here all week. 🙂
I just want to say to you all of you in this community….
You Deadpanites are the motherfucking way! As a newbie, its awesomely fantastic to see how all of you support one another, care about others and stand by everyone through life changes and server changes. I think what Jack and the rest of you have created here is pretty damn special.
In case any of you are in doubt…. Each of you matter. matters.
*Pixie hugs all of you*
true.. true
*hugs all round*
I know Deadpan has helped me a lot over the years. And the voices say thank you too! 🙂
Sybil, we’d like to talk to ditto now . . .
He’s not available right now, and we aren’t taking messages. 😉
Hey! Where’d my wallet go?
I want to participate in the group grope… Er, I mean hug, too!
*jumps into the hug pile*
Group Grope! I’m in too!
(Let’s see…. one wrinkled dollar bill…. employee ID for Her Majesty’s Secret Service…. Denny’s coupons…..10 Chuck E Cheese Skee-Ball tickets…. Wow, it even says justaj0e on his driver’s license and credit cards…. oh yuck, how long has THAT been in here?)
You were supposed to throw those away after the last group grope.
Save my Joan Jett ticket stub!
Awww! Thanks, Pixie. I agree, Deadpan is pretty special. :happy:
*joins in the group hug*
CW: latest Breaking Bad
“say my name”
Started watching buckaroo banzia … W. T. H?
“Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!”
Mom must be feeling better. She’s driving me nuts again
I have never seen Buckaroo Banzai!
I have vague memories of possibly renting it.
when I was 10…
God I feel old now.
Keep in mind, for Ralph that was 2 summers ago.
Damn, the senior citizen is getting snarky tonight…
/coat? what coat?
You kids get off of my lawn!
I gotta gun!
Put it back your pants. No one wants to see that. 😉
It’s a fair cop.
Saw about ten minutes of it on a grainy VHS pirate copy back in the 90’s.
It is on Netflix, so hopefully I can watch it this week.
I think I’ve only seen it twice, once on HBO in the 80s, once on DVD about 10ish years ago.
My friends and I used to recite one of John Lithgow’s lines too.
This is all interesting stuff for your audio, by the way……..
I’ve seen it many, many times. At the very least, there was the first time I saw it as a Freshman in college, then once when I purchased the bootleg workprint edition (I’ll have to send in some of the audio from that for the palooza), then again when I introduced my son to it, then again when I introduced my daughter to it. Looking forward to watching it again for the big event. Hoopy doopy!
Even through the political rhetoric, this site has great articles and I think poses fair questions for all of us in the States.
Monsanto is pure evil, btw.
The history if the floppy disk :
You will be tested later…
I have been tested by floppy disks many times over the years.
Now I’m feeling old. I remember the 8″ floppy disk.
Me too. I even had one in my hands at one point in my early teens.
-I +o
– Input +output?
of not if
if then
10 ?”You’re a dork” *juvenile giggling*
20 goto10
Morning Deadpan
Tis the start of another day
A nice play on steampunk and if Germany won World War 2:
Van, I love Jesse Pinkman.
This day is just not cooperating. I’m going back to bed and put the covers over my head.
Missed out on seeing ‘North by Northwest’ at an actual cinema.
Oh well, will have to be this one instead:
Unpaid endorsement: I’ve come to really heart
CR: their list of top 10 M*A*S*H episodes. Plus status reports.
Analysis. Of the rise and fall of Onlive:
That’s interesting. I never knew exactly what Onlive was. Perhaps future bandwidth will make something like this more achievable.
CP: Same Love – Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
Holy cow, so touching:
Been meaning to tell you guys, we watched this 6-episode series recently and it was OUTSTANDING. If you have Direct TV and can handle the idea of transgendered people, you really should try to catch it. Hopefully it’ll be on Netflix soon. I LOVE Chloe Sevigny so much, and more now because of this really cool British series:
On my Sky+ box, still haven’t got round to watching it.
I did her her accent was all over the place.
It kinda was, but I didn’t care!
Let me know what you think when you watch it!
I really liked The Bridge, btw, Van. My mother-in-law couldn’t get into it, but I really dug it. I’m going to make B watch it soon.
Chloe Sevigny will always be the girl who gave her boyfriend a real blow job on film for “Brown Bunny”.
I have not seen that yet!
No reason WHATSOEVER to see it. Ever. No one should have to.
The feud between Ebert and Vincent Gallo over a poor Brown Bunny review is apparently much more interesting than the actual film.
Aside from that one scene.
I don’t think that book is comprehensive. It seems too small.
A friend from my old NJ group of friends sent me this link:
I have yet to watch, but I trust his sense of humor.
Wow, that was 10 minutes of a bitter guy yelling about billiards.
Speaking of, who knew that Ze Frank had started a new show?
I think I posted that a couple(?) of months ago, just after he started. 🙂
“It seems too small”
That’s what she said…
No, really, scroll up, she said it, I tell you!
why oh why is this so god=dammed hard?
still. . .
I rather enjoyed taking this quick lil’ quiz on my political preferences.
It nailed me perfectly.
Is this “how politicos will target and view you”? If so, then it’s dead on for me.
I’m so far to the left I’m in danger of falling over…
I’m with Van; nearly off the chart.
Van, I was with you, I’m as far to the edge of the scale as you can be.
That being said, I think it’s safe to say, for us anyway, it’s a moot point as neither of us are planning to vote in the November US election :biggrin:
I come out exactly as expected. Financially I’m somewhat conservative. Socially I’m extremely liberal. Therefore, I’m fucked no matter who I vote for.
According to that quiz, I am most likely a 2 year old black woman with no religious affiliation.
And as we all know, cuz Meatloaf told us, two out of three ain’t bad. Er. Make that one out of four.
I fear it’s the pitchforks for you NS.
Good thing I like forking, eh?
Is that the one thing out of four that he won’t do for love?
I wonder what dentists would recommend…
Hey Pan!
This afternoon I get to see hubby’s new school.
I’m listening to a podcast and they are discussing the stereotype of women being terrible car shoppers. The gist of the cast is this is completely wrong. I know, when we’re shopping for big ticket items the clerks sometimes don’t know what to do as I’m usually the one who takes charge as far as asking questions and what kind of deals we can get.
That being said, when hubby and I were looking at cars last year, we ended up walking out of a dealership because we felt they were trying to take advantage of us. I think it surprised the salesman when we went from sitting at his desk with debit card in hand ready to put down the deposit to out the door in less than five minutes.
Bitter angry guy was certainly angry and bitter but he did touch on a very disturbing trend in this election cycle … the Republican’s have abandon any pretense of hiding the lying. They loudly and clearly lie and when the fact checkers point this out they just repeat the lies louder. Why? Because it is clearly working … and THAT is the real moral crises.
example – “Ryan criticized Obama for — yes — not using government funds to prop up an auto plant in his district.
Ignoring the inconsistency of a Republican chastising Obama for not bailing out more auto manufacturers, the plant in question closed before Obama’s inauguration in 2009.”
jJ, I’m really enjoying Democracy Now!’s convention coverage this week. I can get my political fix without becoming enraged by talking heads.
I am trying my best to avoid any convention coverage as I’m afraid it would make me “angry, bitter, yelling guy”.
The hurricane has helped to give the airwaves something else to obsess on. Nothing like 2 feet of rain to dilute political coverage.
Yeah, I cannot watch TV.
Well, mom has already hinted at how tired she is of driving the hour and a half, one way, to the hospital for her shots. I’m suppose to take my grandmother shopping this weekend. We’re also going to discuss the best way to convince my mom to move closer to civilization. I think we have an uphill battle on our hands.
Cookie making time!
I was sipping a Mocha Cookie crumble in Starbucks aS I read that.
W A N T !
I’m making lemon almond cookies. It’s a standard here as they are hubby’s favourites.
Those sound good.
CP: Falling Down — Oasis
Month end has started today. While I’m a little frazzled, starting month end a day early is actually a good thing. We have company coming over for dinner and gaming tomorrow night and I was worried I would have to cancel because of month end.
Bake your cares away,
Worry’s for another day.
Let the music play,
Down at Frazzled Rock.
Work alot today,
Going to game another day.
While I’m Frazzled bake,
We’re Ditto, Essbee, Bunny, justaJ0e, Van.
Bake your cares away,
Worry’s for another day.
Let the cookies bake,
Here at frazzled Rock.
Don’t look at the clock.
Here at frazzled Rock.
CP: Rose Tint My World — Rocky Horror Picture Show
I must say: today has been pretty fucking stupid so far. And it looks like there’s a new front moving in.
How are you?
I am here to offer hugs to all who need them *hugs* :heart:
Meh. I badly need a vacation.
Unfortunately, that I can’t give you ditto.
Don’t get me wrong. Hugs are always welcome.
“Ignorant front! It’s a put on!”
“Ignorant front! It’s a put on!”
so I’m leaving in about an hour to visit my hubby’s school and because there is a staff BBQ we’re going to. Hubby says to me, “just so you know, some of the male teachers are really hot. I don’t just mean good looking but… amazing.”
I’m not really sure why he told me this. Am I suppose to… prepare myself so I don’t swoon when I see them? Avert my eyes when I see a good looking man?
I asked him if I should gird my loins and he just laughed.
Well, you’ve survived meeting all of us at Deadpan mmmeetups, so I’d say you’re adequately prepared for the staff BBQ.
I guess that’s true. As we all know, all Deadpanites are amazing :cheerful:
So Pandora just played me a version of Ben Folds’ “Rock’n the suburbs” that I had never heard before. MUCH less “family friendly” and MUCH more acerbic and social commentary-ish.
The electricity people were just here. Apparently there was a bad transformer they needed to access through my back yard. I wonder if they gave it a spanking :shocked:
Well, I’m off Pan
Change of plans, Deadpan. My car’s battery is as dead as dead can be. I couldn’t even use the automatic door locks to open it. I have it hooked up to a charger but, since hubby’s school is way the hell at the other end of the city, it does mean no meeting the school hotties. I think I’m disappointed.
Carma ?
*gets van’s coat*
I just had an Ed Grimley flashback, I must say. Sorry about the battery troubles, Bunny.
This amused me.
I liked this. It made me smile
New Judge Dredd film … looks like it probably NEEDS the 3D.
I haven’t seen this trailer, but I did catch the first one. Holy crap, I wonder if it will even be as good as the horrendous Stallone Dredd.
Actually looking forward to the Dredd movie (hopefully the will be a 2D release as well).
…and keeping the helmet on is being faithful to comics.
Some good choices here:
I’ve seen all but one of these. I may have to fix that
Oh, Van, you lovely man. My answer is yes, Yes, YES!
More when I get home.
Since I’m now eating alone tonight, I ordered in.
I think I’m upset the Weeping Angels are coming back in this season’s Dr. who. I liked them as a one off during the Tennant years. Less so when they came back more recently. I worry it’ll just contine down hill with this particular “villain”
They are going to beat that one to death. 🙁
I’m worried the problem with my car may not just be the battery. It’s been hooked up to the charger for two hours and it’s still completely dead. Alternator, maybe? I may have to get it towed to the shop
I have been sitting on an Evil Dead reboot Survey Monkey poll for over a year…. I think I’ll have to drop it in the next full-length Deadpan. I hope we’ll get some takers.
My Boo saw the musical recently. They sat in the “splatter zone”. She said it was great
CP: ‘Blown Away’ — Carrie Underwood
yes its country. And I love it
The original was by Emmett Otter’s Jug Band, wasn’t it?
Van, is the movie, The Master, out in the UK yet? If, so have you seen it?
Im highly curious.
Not till the 9th November in the UK.
Ohhh. Its coming out Sept 14th here. We will post our thoughts.
Netflix hangers-on: You must watch the first 10-or-so minutes of “The Rock-a-fire Explosion” on streaming and see if you have the same forgotten nostalgic reaction that I did.
Although for me as a kid, Showbiz was always about the games, not so much about the band.
Opps! I thought it was a mockumentary until they said that showbiz pizza replaced the band with Chuck E Chesse. I then slowly realized that this is real. Frightening, but real. Sadly, it still watches like a mockumentary. Don’t think I made it quite 10 minutes in, but I might watch more later.
And yes, I did get quite the nostalgic reaction, especially when they were talking about the grades for tokens program. Reminds me that I should call in with a dumb ass memory about Chuck E. Cheese at some point.
And, spotted on FB:
“According to a survey from cloud and mobility service Citrix, nearly one-third of Americans believe that the cloud in “cloud computing” relates to “an actual cloud, the sky, or something related to weather.””
It’s supposed to rain other people’s creepy porn on Thursday; I’d bring an umbrella.
Goodnight :porn front:
month end. cry havoc and loose the dogs of accounting.
Are you calling me a dog? If so, I’ve always been partial to, so want to be, a Chow. 😉
obviously you’d be the bunny of accounting. I was referring too the corporate people I had to answer to today.
Morning Pan.
The sky is very pink this morning.
Red Sky at Night, sheperd’s delight
Red Sky at Morning, shperd’s warning.
Of course I may have them mixed up…
Which is all very well and good but I’m not a Shepard… Well, except maybe in Mass Effect 😉
Oh, the humanity.
I don’t think I was on Facebook yet during the last Presidential election. That was better.
I’ve been hearing about Eastwood’s disturbing “performance” from last night.
They best response I’ve seen on it is:
“What Eastwood did was a perfect picture of the GOP platform. Rich, old white men insulting an Obama they made up.”
Old atari games in html5:!/arcade/atari-promo
Ugh, they could have least kept the sound effects of Asteroids.
Time to clean the bathroom. Why didn’t I get a self cleaning one? *sigh*
Thinking of going to see a film tonight.
Haven’t been to one since the Mmmmmeet Up.
Options seem to be –
The Bourne Legacy
Dark Night Rises
ANyone have an opinion of any of these?
Do you mean Paranorman?
I recommend Paranorman and Dark Knight Rises.
We saw Brave and Paranorman both recently, jJ. I’d go with either one of those, but knowing you a bit, think you might like Norman best!
J0e, pardon me for not remembering, but do you have a daughter? My dad said he was glad he went to see Brave with me, and I enjoyed it.
I LOVED The Dark Knight Rises. I haven’t seen either of the others.
Now Amy if JJ told you that he would have to kill you.
The Paranorman film has yet to be released in the UK, of the others (which I’ve seen), the Bourne film is the only dud in that list.
Thanks guys.
In the end … while I am interested in these films, I decided that my interest in these films was only at the level of renting them to watch at home. :unsure:
Today was supposed to be Gear’s born day, but the doctor’s office neglected to mention that the time they told us to show up was actually the time we were supposed be in surgery.
Fuckety fuck?
I didn’t know you were making more babies, NS! So now do you wait until after Labor Day? Right before the Dr’s tee time?
Holy factory!! Way belated congrats!!
I also had no idea there was another Nomad in the tent!
Arrrgh for the delay, but woo hoo for the newest addition to the Scry family! And Kudos for yet another awesome non-traditional name.
Please share the good news, when the doctors finally pencil you in.
Related to Van’s Java warning, Oracle surprisingly issued an out-of-cycle fix. Patch now.
Watching ‘Space Seed’ from the original Star Trek…one of the digitally remastered episodes.
Never knew the Botany Bay model was a submarine model with bits added…looks so obvious now.
Oppa Kahngam style….
I also watched Space Seed not too long ago. I’d actually never seen it before, so it was good to finally get the backstory for Star Trek II. Ricardo Montalban’s pecs were far less impressive in 1967.
why are you looking at Ricardo Montalban’s pecs?
Look what they’ve done to his car!
I enjoyed this article. Wonder how quickly things will change.
Ugh, this JOB.
🙁 but it’s Friday. 🙂
I agree.
I look at it as earning my beer
I had my beer with my pizza dinner.
Now it’s on to a vodka martini and “Goldfinger”.
No Mr. Bond.
I expect you to die.
CD: Kona Coconut Porter
That sounds gross.
Its REALLY good. Thick, chocolate and bitter. With a good hint of coconut. High recommendation !
It’s the coconut I have a problem with.
I want some.
You know who to email…
I’m happy to report that my wife will not be going to jail. Had our pool contractor not finished the repair work in time for the big wife’s family reunion at our house tomorrow, he would most likely be a bloody smear on the highway.
Thankfully, as of last evening we’re fully functional and ready for the big shindig.
I’m also happy to report that I’ve watched nothing political this week and plan to do the same next week.
I recommend retreating to a bunker.
For the shindig AND the politicos!
A stint in jail *would* have given your wife some street cred , though…
Dammit, Ditto, you scared the shit outta me – Saw a black and white photo of Walter Koenig posted to Facebook and my first thought is “He didn’t die too, did he?”
Thankfully not, but still….
Itunes Randomness – my library consists of 100 songs that start with I, not the letter I, the word I.
Someone has a sweet tooth:
This is what we had to drink tonight:
My review: tart, bitter, foamy & carbonated. Als tasted like I had bit then licked the rind of an orange.
But… It did make me very tipsy.
If you are bored this weekend:
Here someone who isn’t getting invited to the company picnic this weekend –
According to Fox News columnist Sally Kohn, vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan’s speech at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday “was an apparent attempt to set the world record for the greatest number of blatant lies and misrepresentations slipped into a single political speech.”
A fox reporter doing their job? Amazing.
What a completely crappy day. Mr. Murphy has been far too active.
On top of that … I just did a Google search for “The funniest thing EVER” and it failed completely.
CW: first episode of the new season of Dr Who.
Im so sorry.
“Bad” Dr Who is still more entertaining than many other shows.
We’ll agree to disagree on that one. Cause a grain of sand is more entertaining than many other shows.
CD: Alpine Beer Co. + New Belgium Brewery Super IPA Collaboration
CD: Boulevard’s Reverb Imperial Pilsner
Havent had the pleasure!
I’ll share 🙂
Me too!!!! Lets get tipsy, shall uS?
You read my mind
It will be another 45 minutes for us.
“This is new.”
I enjoyed the new ep, though the ending was a bit rushed and predicable. Oswin was cute. I wonder if things aren’t quite as they seem.
Hmm, better make sure my DVR is setup correctly for Dr. Who today.
Survived the big reunion today. all in all, it was a most excellent day.
Great news to hear, Ed. Now… sit back and relax
Truely, the Master of his domain!
Meanwhile, at CopperCon 2012…
Hermione Granger and Clone Trooper made their appearances at the Masquerade.
(hint: the Wee Mangans)
they stole my heart
D’AWWWW! Jack, can we have pictures, pleeeeeease?!?! (You can always put them in the Deadpan Flickr pool if you want them to be visible only to Deadpanites. 🙂 )
Yes Amy, I will definitely post pics to Flickr. 🙂
Best line of the weekend (from the daughter): “The people at these conventions we go to really need to brush their teeth better.”
Happy 40th, Ed!
Happy Birthday Ed!!!
Thank you all. 40 actually doesn’t look so bad, now that I’ve arrived 🙂
Happy birthday, Ed!
Actually, I believe 40 should thank YOU for making IT look so good!
Yes sir, happy 40 Mr. Ed!
Happy birthday, Ed! :happy:
Happy Birthday Ed!
Happy Birthday Ed!!!!
Happy birthday, Ed!
Ed. It is your birthday.
Alright, I’m going to be really brave and click the link….
The magazine is called Where:
I sure would.
CD: Bristol Imperial IPA
Ah, Bristol Brewing. A hidden gem in the Springs.
Ah hahahahah…. this excerpt from a review on BeerAdvocate:
“22oz bottle $6.99. I picked this up against my better judgment because I know if its not West Coast it ain’t shit, oh well.”
I LOVE West Coast beer bias. Its as amusing and ignorant as East Coast sports bias. No, Virginia, California is no longer the finest purveyor of craft brews. SO sorry. There’s no Santa Claus either.
lmao. Nice.
NO SANTA ?!?!?!
Hello! Where was the spoiler alert?
If anything, I think I see more great looking reviews coming from Colorado beer companies than anywhere else. Makes me wish I had gone there instead of Florida when I had the chance.
If you are really bored this weekend:
so much potential fun!
Yes. Van will now be listed as an accomplice just for posting that link. 😉
CD: New Castle’s Werewolf Blood Red Ale
English beer bias!!
First time I got pissed was drinking brown ale.
Ghastly stuff.
I thought their red was pretty good.
Just watched BB with the kids. They were duly baffled.
Basket Ball?
Bugs Bunny?
The Bourne Banana.
Happy Birthday, Ed!!
Just finished watching Battleship. You know, it was actually pretty good, surprisingly.
Happy Happy Birthday Ed! I hope the Labor Day birthday celly is unlaborous and full of fun
CD: Lake Louie Radio Free IBA (India Black Ale)
And I think I’m going to check Netflix for a PBP candidate.
CD: Lake Louie Radio Free IBA (India Black Ale)
And I think I’m going to check Netflix for a PBP candidate, I have the time for it…
WP duplicate comment filter is lying then truthing again…
I bet nobody is awake to help me make the decision, but it shall either be the Two-part premiere episodes of the original “Knight Rider” TV series, or “God Bless America” by Bobcat Goldthwait
Ah yes, I have the high-tech digital speedometer in my Scion. Okay, still opening credits.
“Knight of the Phoenix” starts with Vegas stock footage and cheesy horns…
Hearing the Hoff overdubbed on this other actor not all that convincing now, compared with when I first watched it…
Sure, that little spy camera is making all those extreme closeup shots of the circuit board…
Look out, a double-cross! Oops, nope, shot in the face…
“We’ll never know what he looked like…”
Of course, the miracle surgery makes an unmarred face, with no nerve problems or anything…
Michael goes snooping, finds a Cylon. No wait! A car…
He seems to find it hard to believe there is another car that looks like his Trans Am.
“Darth Vader’s bathroom” ha!
So far, the car does not speak.
The overwrought strings are not helping the death scene for me…
“She’s working in a place called… Silicon Valley.” Oooh, sounds high-tech…
Michael Long is legally dead… Now he’s Michael Knight.
And back to the theme song for a driving montage…
And after the car talks, some faux Eagles. And he is asleep at the wheel.
And the car drives itself, until the cops see him snoozin’…
Cockamamie. I think that’s what they call that story, but… they bought it.
KITT is just a single flashing red light on the dash. Not what I recall.
Car thieves try to steal KITT… that old trope.
“Ain’t you the David Niven?”
Not even sure I fully get that ref…
Can barely afford to feed her kid, but has a Latina nanny???
Brand-new car demo derby? Wonder what he’s thinking…
Ah , the syndication break. This had to have aired as a single premiere movie in ’82…
A lengthy reintroduction of the events of the first half. Come to think of it the credit sequence goes forever too…
Demo derby, with the kid in the car in peril…
These cars are crashing in very improbable ways…
Conspiring to get Michael’s fingerprints…
Ooh, look, a glass booth where you can place a phone call.. Wait, that may not be high-tech.
I’m amazed. I thought they were supposed to be blue…
And the crooks come back to steal KITT, who shows off for them. Sigh.
Gas for $1.33. Outrageously high CA gas prices there…
Offscreen bar brawl. All you need is stuntmen who can fall well.
Taking a torch to KITT, and diamond-bit drills. And his fingerprints are altered…
Oh, they want the Comtron bubble-memory chip, do they?
KITT breaks out of Comtron.
And busts Michael out of the clink.
Silent ejector seat.
No KITT wrist-radio in this part of the series…
Snow on the computer monitor…
A licky-boom-boom da-own.
You really chose Knight Rider over the other movie?
Yup, and it really isn’t yielding much…
Nice graphics. And they all fit on one 5 1/4″?
One “microfilm” well, they were *almost* actually high tech…
“Don’t kill me, I got a dog at home…” Well he appears to be a good man…
Wow, a “microvave mobile” call from the car to the jet. What will they think of next?
Chicken with a semi, and jumps over easily…
Now KITT vs a jet. And takes it out…
Say Goodnight, Pixie.
goodnight :yeasty:
And thanks to a handy KITT ricochet, the one villainess who knew Knight was Long is dead. A cheesy scene to agree to continue the mission, and credits.
Well, I guess I’ll not be rewatching “Knight Rider” for a new podcast idea…
OK, I’ll agree if you call this list super-liberal and generous, but here ys go, for those who say he’s done nothing good:
My billiards post for the week.
Good Knight :ShatnerHoff:
Perhaps his most notable achievement is that he got ANYTHING done at all.
This, considering that the Democrats in congress represent a wide cross section of America and can rarely manage to form a single coalition on any one issue … and Republican leaders stood on the steps to the capital building, just days after Obama’s election and VOWED to simply shut Washington down until he was gone. Using procedural tactics and filibuster threats they have all but achieved their goals. This congress has passed fewer bills then any since 1947 and most of the bills it has pass were fluff pieces such as resolutions to honor people or to mark a special “National day of one thing or another”. According to a new Gallup poll, this congress has just a 10% approval rating.
That Obama got ANYTHING passed through this dysfunctional, obstructionist bunch is remarkable in itself.
Hugo award winners:
I have Among Others on my IPad but haven’t read it yet. I’ll read it right after I finish Embassytown, so some time later this week.
That’s next on my list. I’ve avoided Meville. Perdido Street Station put me off his stuff.
I admit, I’m taking longer to get through Embassytown than it does for me to read normally but I do plan to finish it.
Morning Deadpan
I have decided Sunday’s are evil and I want to get rid of them all.
Hooray for the JB Play by Play! Now I don’t feel bad for not doing one in a while
Hubby and I are going to sit down and record our Buckaroo Banzai thoughts today.
On a happy note, my car is living again.
I never realized how difficult calling Penang was until we tried this morning. They won’t charge the call to a cell phone, we had to give our credit card number. hmmm.
Also on a happy note, the relative who we in forge op few weeks back was my mother. She was having a hip replacement. The operation went well, but due to preexcisting medical conditions sh wasn’t allowed out of hospital till today.
Glad for the good news Van.
Seconded. I’m glad she’s home and ok.
And hey, now she has something in common with Eddie Van Halen!
Gawd my typing on the iPhone gets worse.
Hubby’s in the room. Time to do some recording
We’re having audio problems. I might need a new microphone.
Recording done. Just putting it through the levelator before I send it to Jack.
Jack, I’ve just sent you a file. it’s 6.5meg. If it doesn’t come through because it’s too large (yeah, yeah, that’s what I said), let me know and I’ll send it through my DrobBox account.
On a different note, hubby is just finishing Hugo nominee Leviathan Wakes. He highly recommends it.
Cool. I’ll have to suggest it to my book club.
Prepare to take the rose tinted specs off:
I watched “Galaxy Quest” last night.
I had forgotten how much fun the film is.
Hubby took me on a tour of his new school. I envision lots of lost kids next week. It’s a very twisty, turny school, with lots of hidden areas.
A question for the comic geeks.
Looking for a villain (Marvel universe a distinct possibility), who is basically a brain in a jar on top of a robotic body. This was a result of a being almost destroyed when a spaceship crashed ear him.
The aliens didn’t know how to rebuild him properply, he enslaves the aliens using a power ring, the aliens look like Valkyries and he calls one of them .
Any ideas?
Sorry Van, not enough into comics to help. ?
Nope, I think this one was a Nazi.
Got him:
The quirks of memories, difficulty remembering what I had for breafast but remembered fragments of a comic I read in 70’s..
I got a few Buckaroo-related emails this morning! Thanks, Bunny!
And – – – thanks for getting hubby onboard again. I can’t wait to hear it.
Hubby and I have started culling our library. We both have moved pretty much exclusively e-format and have decided we want to use the space for other things. We figure, if we do one or two book cases a week, we should be done by the end of the year. This weekend, we managed to cull two seven foot bookcases worth of books into 1/2 a bookcase. I now have five boxes of books (a little larger than paper boxes) for my Boo to go through and decide what she wants.
Can I get a roll call on EBF responses? Who has turned them in, who hasn’t? Thanks.
I turned mine in weeks ago.
I haven’t, I’ll try and do it this week
I have one recorded, which I hate and I’m gonna redo. Still have one more to do.
Now… I have bad guys to catch
Michael Clarke Duncan has passed away…
Wow. That’s a big surprise. I’ve always liked him as an actor. He was fun to watch.
I’m with ditto, I always liked him too.
Thought he was older than that, seems to have been around for donkeys years.
🙁 54 is too young. He made an excellent Kingpin.
JW: latest Breaking Bad
That ending with H, just wow!
Looking forward to this:
I haven’t done EBF yet, Jack.
CW: Buckaroo Banzai
There is a cool little bonus in Buckaroo Banzai for Breaking Bad fans!
Speaking of, I hit 2 comic book stores on Camelback in Phoenix today to ask for the Buckaroo Banzai comics. The answer in both stores was, “Um, no.”
Their facial reactions said:
Guy at 1st store: Oh yeah, I think I might have heard of that once, maybe… God, this guy is old…
Girl at 2nd store: I’m frightened by your bizarre, obscure request. You are the weirdest person in the comic shop, and that’s saying something…
In more stupid news, hubby’s uncle died over the weekend. We spent the day trying to get a hold of hubby’s parents who are vacationing in Malayasia. *sigh*. That’s two in a row. I think I’m just going to give up on weekends.
Condolences to you and John, Bunny 🙁
Now, reading in bed and finally relaxing.
Night Pan.
“Oh Brother! somebody is gonna kiss the donkey!”
what does that even mean?
My condolences, too, Bunny.
Wow, there’s nothing like an imminent visit from the pest-control people (I haven’t actually seen any pests around here; it’s just a proactive, preemptive strike) to motivate me to clean the apartment. My living room is spotless for the first time since I got my living-room chairs (almost a month ago), and I got all the clutter off the floor in my bedroom and office. I couldn’t believe how much energy I had for cleaning today. 🙂
Good night, Pan.
The almost full moon is orange. neat