Stone Scrolled Crazy

You know.

It was overdue.

I do still have Amy’s MMMmmmeetup Travel Updates audio to be released. That’s still coming soon.

1,639 thoughts on “Stone Scrolled Crazy

  1. Replying to Jacks post last thread –

    July 14, 2015 at 11:59 pm
    I dunno… I like the less Fresh Prince trailer quite a bit. It’d be great to see a Killing Joke breed of psycho joker onscreen – – not to mention an impressive-looking Harley Quinn AND Deathstroke.”

    I’d love to see those things as well! When do you think theyll make that movie…?

    • Zing!

      I can’t judge by seconds of footage in a trailer – – and I’m not expert on any of these characters – – but this seems like a decent, as-yet-unseen take on The Joker. And Jared Leto is up to the job. It’s a little weird to see him covered in hipster tats.
      Harley Quinn seems exactly right.
      Deathstroke looks cool, but will probably get short-shrifted, in favor of the higher profile characters and actors.

      • Look one thing is for sure… if you had told me even 10 years ago that this kind of film would actually happen I would have told you that crack is whack

  2. Ok PS4 unpacked and setup.

    First impressions:

    It works.

    It’s smaller than I thought it would be.

    Currently downloading all the games I grabbed with my PSN subscription.

  3. Ok there’s actually a clickbait article on the side of my screen that says “20 Child Stars That Became Ugly Adults”

    Fucking what the fuck….cmon, Humanity

  4. Crap joke for the day:

    A woman said to her friend, “I don’t know what to do. My husband is such a mess maker that you can’t imagine. He doesn’t put anything in its place, I am always going around the house organizing things.”The friend says, “Take a tip from me. The first week after we were married I told my husband firmly, ‘Every glass and plate that you take, wash when you are done and put back in its place.’”The first woman asked, “Did it help?”Her friend said, “I don’t know. I haven’t seen him since.”

  5. Reading about Jim Jones and the Jonestown mass suicide.

    I’ve known about it vaguely for a long time, but reading the details..WTF!

      • It has been argued that many of the adults were unwittingly murdered as well not having made the choice or being informed what they were taking. And then you can get into the debate of whether the cult mentality or mind washing is equal to murder or suicide.

        Classic psych study. Bext read up on the Stanford experiments

      • I posted a link to a 2he documentary about Jim Jones on the last thread — or maybe the one before that. Too lazy to look.

        He and his cronies did actually violently murder a bunch of his people after gunning down Senator Ryan and his staff. It wasn’t all Kool-Aid.

    • His story and the story of his cult has fascinated me my entire life. Its an incredible story and what a lunatic that man was.

  6. Crap joke from Twitter:

    @GlennyRodge: “My dog’s learning to speak a foreign language.”
    “No, he’s a labrador.”

  7. My summer of bust continues.
    Getting ready to depart on another long drive to go to a track meet.
    I will (with luck) be vaulting in the morning. Much to my disappointment I have not been able to practice since my last meet due to a lower back injury I sustained in the gym about 4 weeks ago. Couldn’t even bend enough to tie my own shoes for about a week and a half.
    I shall give it the old college try though. I only have (had) 4 meets I could go to this year and I have put in too much work not to at least try.

  8. BTW – human interest note.
    An old friend of mine is quitting his job and moving with his wife and son to Orlando. A long time dream of his was to retire and then go to work at a Disney Park as an “in park” actor. We almost lost him last December. Heart attack and then complications. There were a few days where his family was told to say their good buys. Then there was a period of a week when he slipped into a comma and they did not think he would wake up.
    Well he did and now has decided that “waiting” to chase a dream is not always a luxury you will be granted. So he is just doing it.

    • That seems to be the consensus from a number of folks I know. We’ll definitely be holding off until it hits the rental cycle.

      Likely the same For Ant-Man. I’m sure it will be fun and all Marvelly, but i don’t seeing it being the breakout event like Guardians of the Galaxy was last summer.

  9. Right Pan, no Marvel slacker here, off to see Antman.

    I’ve never even seen any of the comics so coming to this one fresh as a daisy.

  10. Got a video.

    It’s got two audio tracks.

    1 Russian and 1 english

    The russian is the only one that plays unless I watch it on the computer (using VLC) and switch it off.

    I don’t want to watch the video on my computer.

  11. Just came back from the doctor’s office. She told me I need more salt in my diet. I never even knew that was a thing. I’ve heard of people needing to cut back on salt, but adding more?

    Once again, my body is proving it does not fit into a standard model.

  12. Oh Supersuckers…

    So if anyone here remembers the “hidden track” craze of the 1990’s when CDs were in full swing this should make you smile – the 1994 Supersuckers album “La Mano Cornuda” contains 13 tracks with a 14th hidden track. The hidden track is the entire album again. HA!

  13. So Sunday didn’t work out so well.

    They were running well behind. I was supposed to jump at 11am.
    They didn’t have my group warm-up until 1:30. I have a handheld weather instrument (yes, I am a geek) and it said the “feels like” temperature at that point was wavering from 108F to 114F. There was also a “dangerous air quality alert” for the Atlanta area. Swell.
    I also had just managed a protein bar before arriving for an 11am event. They had no food concessions and so I had no fuel in me by 1:30.

    I cleared my opening height on the first jump (about 2.8m) and then realizing my tenuous position, passed to 3.15m. On my first jump I was lazy and didn’t get my feet back enough. On my second jump … I felt the energy drain out of my legs as I was coming down the runway, like water draining out of buckets full of holes. I was just done. 🙁
    I am just too old for those extreme conditions.
    After making 3.3m at my last meet I had really hoped to clear 3.4m this time out.
    Not so much.
    I have one more chance this year. About 3 weeks from now. I’m currently trying to find the motivation to forge onward.
    It would be sooo much easier to sit on the coach, in air conditioned comfort … and drink beer.

  14. Inwatched the documentary about Lance Armstrong and his doping scandal.

    It was sensational and intense. WOWZA. That guy is such a douchebag and ahole. He screwed over so many people, not to mention, corporate sponsors, the general piblic, the cancer community, and US taxpayers. What a dick!

    It also shed light on the corruption in the IFC, so I can only imagine what FIFA is like!!!

    “Stop at Nothing: the Story of Lance Armstrong on Netflix.

    • There is a great documentary (on ESPN occasionally ) about Greg LeMund, 3 time winner of the Tour de France and now, the only American to ever win that race.
      He raced back in the 80’s and very early 90’s and the battles between he and France’s Henault were epic. They were supermen, often finishing the multi-day event 3 or 4 minutes ahead of everyone else. Not even Hammer could touch this. Then after his 3rd win “something” changed in the sport. The next year there was miraculously, more then 2 dozen riders whose times were more then 20 minutes faster then LeMund … and he had not slowed down any. He quite racing after that.

      He is considered by many to be the last human to ever win the Tour de France without some form of doping.

      *The more you know*

  15. Your history post for the day.

    1. The French lost more men in WWI than the U.S has in all its wars combined.

    2. Happy 46th birthday to Apollo 11!

  16. Hello from beautiful Cayucos, California! This will be a catchup post.

    Jack says:
    “I do still have Amy’s MMMmmmeetup Travel Updates audio to be released. That’s still coming soon.”

    This makes me happy. :happy: I left some new messages on my way out here to CA, and more are to come on the 29th when I return to Omaha.

    J0e: I’m cheering for you, too!

  17. We had a pretty spectacular thunderstorm here on Saturday night into Sunday morning. We’ve never had one of those while we’ve been in Cayucos before. It was an interesting and different experience.

    My vacation so far has included going to the local arty theater for the last two nights in a row. “Mr. Holmes” and “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” are both really good and well worth seeing.

    Today’s agenda includes walking on the beach, possibly going on a hunt for beach glass and/or moonstones, and maybe doing some jewelry-making and sewing. 🙂

      • I liked Alien 3 and Fincher is one of my favorite directors. I wonder how the movie would have turned out if he was given the freedom to do his complete vision?

      • It did have a lot of good things going for it. . . but overall, it failed for me.

        I can handle a dark plot twist, but the movie opens with 2 of your favorite characters from Aliens found dead.

        William Gibson’s discarded script for the third Alien film is out there to read. I’ve only skimmed it, but it seems a damn shame Fincher wasn’t able to go there instead.

        Still better than any of the Alien atrocities that followed.

    • Please explain to me again why bottle episodes seem to annoy you. Is it that they are adhering to a budget? Do you feel the plot suffers because they stay in one location or a few? Do you feel the actors don’t convey their characters as well?

  18. So I never owned a Jaguar, so only ever play Tempest 2000 at retro museums.

    So playing TxK on a Playstation TV is the closest I’m going to get and it’s grand.

  19. Just spent some disappointing, yet reassuring time with the Installer from AT&T.
    Disappointing because he confirmed that they would NOT be supplying me with Fibre service to my house.
    Reassuring because I was pretty sure this was the case even though the sales guy on the phone insisted that they could and would in fact be providing me with Fibre service.
    I sent the man on his way and will be calling the least bad of my other two options.

  20. Hubby and I went for a walk. We say squirrels playing, squirrels fighting, and birds taking a dirt bath. Really, it was cute. The birds acted like they were in a puddle of water, but were in a patch of dirt instead.

  21. Ok, now I know climate change is a thing. We just had an emergency alert for a tornado warning. I can’t remember calgary ever having a tornado. The outlying areas and further north yes, but never in calgary itself

    They also said its mostly in South Calgary. I live there :ermine:

  22. The news people gave up breaking in to programming and are now running a constant stream. I personally, find the whole thing very strange. We have shut off our computers to be safe though. Thank goodness for mobile

  23. News person gave a list of communities in the path of the tornado. You will be happy to know we ARE in one of those communities. Is it wrong I find the whole thing rather both rather strange and amusing

      • I think it’s 90% clear of our area. The news has still got their knickers in a twist but the hail has stopped, the wind is slowing and I see bits of the sun. We were even brave enough to come back upstairs and turn the computers back on. I think my area, at least, is in the clear.

        A lot of noise but not really much beyond that.

        • The Weather Channel was just showing images of your funnel cloud.
          As someone who has gotten a little too “up close and personal” with tornados, I’m glad it remained a source of mild amusement for you. 🙂
          BTW – future storm tip.
          If you find yourself in this situation again take your computer (or external hard drives) to the basement with you.
          The chances of actually getting a direct hit from a tornado are small. The chances of having debris or hail blown through a window … or having an errant gust of wind damage a little bit of your roof are not that extreme. AT that point you get a whole lot of rain in the house and stuff gets ruined. Like hard drives.
          An ounce of prevention and all that. Just say’n.

    • That diversion lasted longer that expected. I started looking up Alan Reed (the voice of Fred Flintstone) to see if he had been in anything live action. Found a puzzling listing for the voice of the caterpillar in a version of Alice in Wonderland that read: The Talking Caterpillar (Fred Flintstone) (voice). So then I had to track down this wacky Hanna Barbera version of Alice in Wonderland that had Sammy Davis Jr. and Zsa Zsa Gabor. I’ll actually get around to watching it some other time. I have it for now.

    • Wow. I thought he’d retired when he’d left the Devils.

      Be warned: he used to be a hardass GM, alienating star players and fan favorites, presumably just to prove he and his budget were in command. He’s obviously softened up in recent years (cough, Kovalchuk). He’s 72 now, so who knows how many years and how much spit and vinegar he has left in him. Hopefully he’ll bring some good years and hockey sense to the Leafs.

    • The Large Marge scene may not be as funny as it was in 1984, but there are still countless great moments.

      Just stop there. Do not proceed to Big Top Pee Wee.

  24. Rhettro says:
    “Yes it does. I guess if we set up a date/time then the more likely it will happen. 🙂 I’ll be in Cali from Friday through the end of the month so start thinking about August.”

    Cool! I agree that a Roll20 date needs to happen. I will be back in Omaha on July 29.

    I would watch “Moose-nado” and love it. :silly:

  25. Crap joke for the day:

    I was in McDonald’s and this fit young girl took my order.

    “I can make it large for you for an extra 30p,” she said sweetly.

    “You already have, love” I replied, “so how about a wank for a pound?”

  26. Can I just Nurse Geek-out for a second?

    We are using a new type of blood product rapid infuser during my big surgical case today. I can infuse up to four different types of blood products at one time, simultaneously, into a person’s blood system!!! That means, a person can get 4 “units” of blood into their bloodstream in under 3 minutes.


  27. Well ticket booked to see ‘South Paw’ at the flicks this weekend.

    No messing around with crowds as I’m going to a cinema that is walking distance.


  28. Your crap joke for the day;

    A kangaroo kept getting out of his enclosure at the zoo. Knowing that he could hop high, the zoo officials put up a ten-foot fence. He was out the next morning, just sauntering around the zoo. A twenty-foot fence was put up. Again he got out.When the fence was forty feet high, a camel in the next enclosure asked the kangaroo, “How high do you think they’ll go?”The kangaroo said, “About a thousand feet, unless somebody locks the gate at night!”

  29. Well, we’re living in the future now. Thanks to some special deals, we have both a Google Chromecast and an Amazon FireTV Stick. While they get some use at home, they have unfortunately been useless where they could have been most helpful – while traveling. Since hotel WiFI needs a web browser to sign in and acknowledge terms, etc. neither stick would work in such an environment.

    While checking into the current state of things with my wife traveling for work this week, I came across this most helpful write up:

    The TP Link portable router was about $17 on Amazon, so I gave it a shot. Got it configured here before Jen left and she reports this evening total success. It finally gives me a use for the digital copies of movies that I’ve purchased. Disney movies through their application, and others through Flixter/Ultraviolet. Not to mention everything we have access to on Amazon with the FireTV stick.

    Wife is happy, so bonus points for me. The frequent travelers of Deadpan may find the setup useful. She did have to use her laptop to serve the connection to the router, which I expected. It seems a rare thing anymore for a hotel room to have a hard wired LAN connection anymore.

  30. Holy crap, Rush! Those old guys blew the walls off of US Airways Arena. The set list started with current stuff, and gradually moved back through the older stuff.
    Including Xanadu, 2112, and The Camera Eye in their entirety. The Camera Eye!
    I’m still a little woozy from that one.

    • Rush was my favorite band growing up. However, the ever progressing style that I loved so much past by me with Roll The Bones. Some friends of mine from New York flew down here to force me to go to the Tampa show and I can’t thank them enough. The point where they break out the old school lasers just about had me in tears. My poor wife, however, wasn’t expecting a 3.5 hour concert with no opening band and got a little tired of me turning to her and saying “get comfortable, this is about a 20 minute long song”.

      • Asshat, Tiffany was also awesomely patient throughout all of the obscure, 10+ minute songs.

        My only “complaint” is that they traded out Distant Early Warning for a much more obscure Grace Under Pressure tune.

        I’d also have liked Red Barchetta, but The Camera Eye was a worthy trade.

        • I like that some of the “standards” got traded out for more obscure songs. They actually played Distant Early Warning in Tampa. I think they’re trying to deviate from the set list at least a little from place to place. Probably helps them stay sane.

  31. Your crap joke for the day:

    A woman and her ten-year-old son were riding in a cab in New York City.It was raining and all the hookers were standing under the awnings.“Mom,” said the boy, “what are all those women doing?”…“They’re waiting for their husbands to get off work,” she replied.The cabbie turns around and says, “Geez lady, why don’t you tell him the truth? They’re hookers, boy! They have sex with men for money.”The little boy’s eyes get wide and he says, “Is that true, Mom?”His mother, glaring hard at the cabbie, answers in the affirmative.After a few minutes, the kid asks, “Mom, what happens to the babies those women have?”…“Most of them become cab drivers,” she said.

  32. CW: Night Moves

    From 1975, the answering machine is cool (and chunky) and that large black slab that looks like a flat screen TV must be the monolith hiding out.

  33. Well Windows 10 installation didn’t quite go according to plan.

    It got stuck on the initial settings setup and I had to reboot.

    The laptop feels more sluggish running this upgrade.

    Weird quirks, like the the touchpad not working as well.

    May have to do a total reinstall to see if that helps.

  34. Crap joke for the day:

    Anyone who says marriage is an equal partnership is talking utter bollocks.

    I gave up my mates, my motorbike, drinking, drugs, gambling…

    All she gave up was fucking sex.

  35. Listening to Alice Cooper’s 1977 album ‘Lace and Whiskey’. You know, the one that he shuns his usual shock rock persona in favor of pretending he’s a private eye. The album is a fiction account of said private eye’s adventures. His band mates dumped him because of it (supposedly). I think its a fantastic record

  36. rE: Windows 10

    So turns out AMD screwed up windows 10 support for Series 6 HD chipsets including the one in my laptop and desktop.

    So no upgrade for the desktop yet.

  37. Your crap joke for the day:

    A gorilla walks into a bar and orders a martini to the amazement of the bartender.
    When the bartender gives the gorilla the martini, he’s further surprised to see that the ape is holding a $20 bill.The bartender takes the $20, then he decides to see just how smart the gorilla is, so he hands the gorilla on $1 change.The gorilla quietly sips the martini until the bartender breaks the silence.“We don’t get too many apes in here,” he says.The gorilla replies, “At $19 a drink, I’m not surprised.”

  38. You make me mad and wild
    Well, we’re gonna rock and pile you
    We’re gonna do our best

    The best kicks you in the head, alright
    Yeah, it’s gonna get crazy tonight
    Let me hear you all go wild

  39. RE: Windows 10 – the story continues

    So after doing a reset the laptop works much better under W10.

    It boots faster than W7 did new.

    Games work fine (well those that can run on a low spec system).

    Suspend works strangely, even when the battery has a lot of life still in it, it will switch from sleep to hibernate after a random amount of time.

    The Edge browser doesn’t overheat the laptop like Chrome was doing.

    Much happier now.

  40. Crap joke from Twitter:

    A woman just dropped a £10 note next to me. I thought, ‘What would Jesus do?’, so I turned it into wine. I bought wine.

  41. Another crap joke:

    I told my wife that there are three types of women…

    slags, whores, bitches and argumentative cunts…

    she said that’s four types…

    I said yeah…

    there you fucking go again!