Time management fail on my part. There shall be audio in a new post coming soon.
1,542 thoughts on “Out in the Scrolled”
Crap joke in a firsty. I’m on fire today.
A vacationing penguin is driving his car through Arizona when he notices that the oil pressure light is on. He gets out to look and sees oil dripping out of the motor. He drives to the nearest town and stops at the first gas station.
After dropping the car off, the penguin goes for a walk around town. He sees an ice-cream shop and, being a penguin in Arizona, decides that something cold would really hit the spot. He gets a big dish of ice cream and sits down to eat. Having no hands he makes a real mess trying to eat with his flippers. After finishing his ice cream, he goes back to the gas station and asks the mechanic if he’s found the problem. The mechanic looks up and says “It looks like you blew a seal.”
“No no,” the penguin replies, “it’s just ice cream.”
Tea Leoni.
So there.
Over there, with clogs on.
She can keep them on
Heck, I’D put them on if she ask me to.
Hubby had a “breakfast cookie” this morning. I, on the other hand, went a little more healthy with cereal. I think I’m a little envious.
What is a breakfast cookie? and does it contain bacon?
A breakfast cookie is having a chocolate chip cookie, that I made yesterday, for breakfast.
/anti climax
r form of booze to enjoy, a chocolate liqueur from Austria,
It’s that tasty I’m wiping the dregs up with my finger.
If it is the one I’m thinking of, I totally understand. Delicious. 🙂
All this Katrina talk.
Dredging up things I’ve suppressed.
Not helping me in an already down month.:(
I will apply more booze until it goes away.
meh! and pah!
sorry man
Vodka shots and beer.
You’re doing a heck of a job, Brownie.
Just re-watched “Tomorrow Never Dies”, part of my quest to watch every Bond film from beginning to end.
Besides being as good as I remembered it being, I had TOTALLY forgotten that Sheryl Crow did the theme song. IMHO it is one of the Top 10 all time best Bond themes and I don’t know why I didn’t even remember it.
Also, the ending credits song “Surrender” by K.D. Lang also kicks Bond soundtrack a$$
Also, they should have given Michelle Yeoh her own spin off franchise. I’d go to the theatre to see further adventures of Agent Wai Lin!
Hmmm….Not the best but certainly not the worst of the Brosnan films
Michelle was damned impressive in the flick.
While Sean Connery will always be my favorite Bond, I’ve seriously enjoyed the reboot with “Mad Dog” Daniel Craig.
Oh oh. I think I convinced a friend to join our madness. Be forewarned. :ninja:
Is it your hubby incognito?
Nope. Sorry Van
Attended a Retro Video Game Expo today with Pix and the kids. Much fun was had! The 4 of us played a few levels of Gauntlet at the true arcade machine. Other arcade highlights:
Pac Man, vector graphics Empire Strikes Back, and Rolling Thunder.
The biggest nostalgia kick, however, was the Asteroids knock off on the Vectrex system.
The Vectrex was cool, always wished I could have afforded one at the time.
Having an emulator on my phone helps of course.
Hi. I’m new. I won the ‘most consistent effort’ award in grade 6.
I won the ‘least likely to get to grade 9’ in grade 11.
Welcome, Soulier! Any friend of Ryah’s is. . . likely to be a bit eccentric.
Welcome Soulier.
Welcome. We may seem slightly off but we’re nice. No trolls to speak of
Well, I do live under a bridge and billy goats don’t take kindly to me.
Thanks everyone.
Hiya Soulier!
I’ll just go ahead and get my apology out of the way right now.
Finished the ‘Bad Ass trilogy’ tonite. You know… the awful films starring Danny Glover and Danny Trejo?
Here’s the Lo Pan verdict:
Bad Ass – Yes!
Bad Ass 2: Bad Asses – Not quite as “Yes!” but still actually fun!
Bad Asses on the Bayou – what a piece of fucking shit.
Cannot wait for Bad Asses in Bangkok. Assuming the actually make it.
I had to Google, never even heard of the film series.
Also never heard of
Yo, Soulier!
You left your salad in our fridge.
It’s mine now! Mine! Mine! Bwa ha ha ha ha!
True fact: Soulier thinks he’s a hot shot musician because he is nominated for a Western Canada Music Award. I, personally, don’t think he’s a real musician until women start throwing their underware at him. 😉
I wonder if after they throw their underwear, they will be impressed with my synthesizer?
Feel free to share a link to your music, if you’d like, Soulier. I promise, we’ll all throw undergarments at our internet devices while listening.
I watched Spartacus: Gods of the Arena last night. This is the third series I’ve been impressed by Jamie Murray. I might be developing a little crush.
Ok ok I cant have em all… heh
Hey, I share Lagertha, surely we can compromise on Jamie too
Ah yes! Glad we can be adults about this *cough*
FInally got to the Season 4 Finale of “Breaking Bad” last night.
That seems like a really good place for them to have stopped the show. For this show it was a “high” note.
I almost don’t wan’t to watch the last season. Given the character’s past performance … this can only end badly.
Nah. While I agree they certainly could have ended at 4 they just couldnt have. Theres too much to come. You wont be disappointed. Its almost like a prologue season. Its wonderful.
Yup, I would have been quite happy with it ending on S4 and Wakter on top,
Walter even.
Love me some Gus Fring. The remaining episodes are good too.
CW: S1E1 Fargo
Hello, everyone! Welcome to the Deadpan boards, Soulier!
I’ve had a project to work on each of the last three weekends in a row, counting the current one. (I work last-half-of-the-week shifts, so my ‘weekends’ are Sunday through Tuesday and every other Wednesday.) Here’s what I’ve been up to:
Aug. 16-18: Type up the contents of 900 raffle slips to make a customer contact list for the local Renfest (yes, they are paying me to do this)
Aug. 23-26: Beta-read a book manuscript for a friend (this one was completely pro bono)
Aug. 30 – Sept. 1: Deep-clean my apartment (they’re spraying for pests on Tuesday the 1st, so I really have until tomorrow night)
That’s my life lately. I’ve had some creative projects going on, too, but nothing ready to share yet.
HI AMY!!!!
So THAT’S where all my motivation has gone. YOU have it!
Hi, J0e! I’m very happy to share 🙂
Wow, that’s impressive. I spent that time perfecting the art of making chicken wings, and finding reasons not to go to the gym!
😆 Thanks!
Judging by a lot of the reviews, I’m pretty glad I gave up on Dark Matter. I still have to watch the last couple of episodes of Killjoys.
Anyone else watched the premiere of Fear The Walking Dead? I really liked it.
I watched it so you didn’t have too!
Fingers crossed it doesn’t get renewed.
I saw the first of the “Dark Matter” double feature SciFi was showing Saturday night.
It was okay I guess. Based on one episode, I’d say it felt like a thinly fleshed out re-boot of Firefly.
(or was that Friday night? It all runs together)
I watched the first episode of Fear the Walking Dead (second episode is waiting on the DVR until tonight). It makes me realize how brilliant it was to start the Walking Dead with Rick waking up in the hospital after all the shit had gone down. The first episode was way too much family drama. When the parents were stuck getting off the highway I thought, alright the shit is finally about to go down. No such luck. The whole process is taking way too long. I will, of course, give it a few more episodes before I decide whether or not to continue watching.
Hubby still watches Dark Matter but I gave up on it pretty quickly.
However, we both quite enjoy Killjoys.
The thing I like the most about Walking Dead is that it isn’t about zombies, it’s about the people. And I’m glad that that sensibility is being applied to Fear. I figured it would be a “slow” unravel as the apocalypse started, but I found the first episode moved quicker than I expected. I haven’t seen last night’s episode yet.
Watch the two available episodes of FTWD, interesting.
Things are falling apart rapidly. I hope Tobias will join the team. 🙂 He gets it.
RIP Wes Craven
Holy fuck…no
Im crushed. Fucking fuck cancer
Wow. How influential were his big movies on the culture of our youth? I have always held “The Serpent and the Rainbow” as a criminally underrated masterpiece.
I just found zip files of all the lcars computer sounds from star trek tng. Proceeding to setup my phone notifications and ringtones accordingly. http://www.lcarscom.net/sounds.htm I can’t imagine how long it took someone to record, edit, and package this all together!
Daddy-in-law is coming in to town tomorrow. Must get the guest room ready.
*sigh* Unfortunately.
Mondays dont mean quite so much when you’ve worked your ass off all weekend.
I’m not sure that’s really how that saying goes..
Van, give Lo his ass back.
Isn’t this a Primus song?
I was under the impression it was Dani doing the heavy lifting?
It’s another smoky day here in Canadaland. I can’t wait until I can open my windows again.
Now! Time to fold laundry.
Once again the excitement that is my life, rears its ugly head.
I just made an amazing discovery!
My laundry dries better if I actually remember to turn on the dryer. Why didn’t I think of that sooner?
So I am unimpressed with taste of the UHT milk I recently bought.
However I did find it amusing that UHT milk is sold refrigerated in the USA because consumers don’t trust milk that isn’t stored in a fridge (if Wikipedia is to be believed).
Ummm ok.
the hell are you talking about and what is uht milk?
Oh boxed milk? No its not refrigerated here. Some are just so you can have chilled milk right away if you want it – but theres whole aisle sections dedicated to it.
A woman is cooking eggs in the kitchen when her husband comes running in…
Immediately, he sees the eggs and gasps in horror. “Be careful! CAREFUL! Put in some more butter! Oh, my GOSH!”
The wife, startled at her husband’s violent reaction, dashes to the fridge to get some butter.
“You’re cooking too many at once. TOO MANY! Turn them! TURN THEM NOW!”
The wife, concerned by the status of her husband’s mental state, forgets about the butter and goes running to the eggs.
“WE NEED BUTTER! Are you CRAZY??? Where are we going to get the butter? They’re going to stick! HURRY!”
The wife runs to the fridge
“CAREFUL about the eggs! CAREFUL. You NEVER listen to me when you’re cooking! Never! Turn them quickly! Oh not that quickly, don’t you know how to cook? Are you insane? Turn the DAMN EGGS!”
At this point, the wife starts crying, since she has no idea what to do.
She gasps “What is WRONG with you? I know how to cook eggs.”
The husband simply smiles, remarks “I just wanted to show you what it feels like while I’m driving with you in the car”, and leaves.
Then there is this little beauty I saw:
Dear America,
You elected George H.W. Bush – we gave you Celine Dion
You elected George W. Bush – we gave you Nickleback
You elected George W. Bush – we gave you Justin Bieber
Do not elect Donald Trump. You don’t want to know what’s coming next.
Oh, Canada!
But by that logic, Rush was your response to Richard Nixon.
Chilliwack – Reagan
54-40 – um… Clinton?
The Edinburgh Tattoo is playing on the TV.
The venue looks bigger on the TV than it does in real life.
CP: History Eraser — Courtney Barnett
I made a “casket for my mic” as Van put it. Although I think I did something wrong. I seem to be covered in glue.
Well that sounds like you’ve got yourself into a sticky situation.
Tacky comment
You’re not supposed to sniff it, you know.
Looks like I picked a bad day to quit mic Caskets.
Consumers Union has launched a new campaign to pressure the phone companies into giving every customer free robocall blocking. The technology exists but the phone companies are looking out for the intere$t of others.
If you’d care to sign their petition!
As someone that works in the telecom industry, I have to say this won’t work, or at least not well. That’s why robocallers are called “bad actors”: they don’t obey the rules. Better tools will improve blocking, but they won’t stop robocallers.
i do have a pi, but not in this setup. That would be a cool idea though!
She used a
Raspberry P I
The kind you find in a second hand store
Raspberry P I
And if it was warm she wouldn’t use it much more
Raspberry P I
I think I love her
Raspberry P.I.? Did she have a big Tom Selleck mustache?
“The burdens of hipsterism.”
Actually that will be our third album.
While it will fail to be a financial success, it will receive much critical acclaim and oddly enough, become a darling of the College radio circuit … but only in an ironic way.
What’s coming after hipster?
is that anything like a posterior?
Then we’ll truly hit bottom.
Youre such as ass
Let’s see… the beatniks came after the hipsters. Or if you follow the timeline straight up, it would be “Rock’n’Roll”.
My guess is we’ll skip beatniks in our return down the timeline and progress straight on to copying the hippie movement next.
hmmm, interesting. I wish goth would have branched off into something else.
Like a chain of theme Restaurants.
We do have Alice Cooper’s restaurant in downtown Phoenix. All of the staff wear runny eyeliner, like his.
YOu can have anything you want, at Alice’s restaurant.
“The Pumpkin Spice Must Flow”
I have to remember to not be drinking while clicking these links….
The euphemism is back muthasuckas!
That got a literal LOL from me.
In re-examining Metallica’s catalog, the jump from Ride the Lighting to Master of Puppets is astounding
Agreed, although Ride the Lightning is still a pretty amazing achievement.
Now that you say that, the jump in maturity and sound from Kill Em All to that may be just as great.
Honestly because theyve become such a caricature of themselves its hard to remember that they truly were pioneers that created 2 masterpieces of not just metal but music in general
And it’s my distinct honor to be the first here to wish Ed from Texas a happy birthday!
One last box of books to unpack so they can hoover up dust on the bookcase.
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy, Ed!
Have a beerific day Ed
Well done Ed!
Morning Pan.
I booked Friday off so it’ll be a four day weekend for me. :silly:
Same here.
Tooth extraction on Friday means the weekend will probably be less fun than usual.
My Boo will often do x-rated art commissions. She has one client who will occasionally tip her with one of these. https://bad-dragon.com/products (NSFW)
She’s actually got a bit of a collection now. She puts them on display like art work and doesn’t actually use them… at least, that’s what she tells me anyway.
I’d hate to think that one of those fans was next to us in the theater during the latest Jurassic Park film.
Sad. In my youth, he provided me with great mirth.
I didn’t know he was still with us, but yeah, as terrible as that movie is, it brought much joy to my youth. He was such an instantly likable onscreen presence. RIP.
I’m watching The Strain S1. So far, I’m interested!
Are you a Person of Interest?
There aren’t in the same league.
Per an earlier discussion. The panel we did on audiobooks is now up and can be found here http://youtu.be/NGG0_8l6Bhk
As noted last night, I saw Aussie Pink Floyd for the 4th(?) time now. Great as always – – I already can’t wait to see them again next year.
For the first time, though, they had an opening act: Led Zeppelin 2. They had the look down, and it seemed like young Robert Plant had been cloned to create their vocalist. My cohorts were less impressed with them, though. The songs were good, but not album perfect. One guy said they should have been called, “Lot Sloppin”.
So Kim Davis is going to jail. Good. But Im afraid this is going to make her that much more of a martyr to the crazies.
Crazies gonna Craze!
I have been glad to see some self identifying Christians mentioning how this whole issue was covered and resolved over 2000 years ago when Jesus was quoted as saying “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesars.”
ie ….. Dude, if you’re gonna play in the man’s sandbox you gotta play by the man’s rules.
Thus pointing out that this clerks actions are of her own making. In the terrorist world I think she is what’s known as the “lone wolf”.
Any panites have an opinion of Dish Network or Direct TV that they’d care to share?
Yes. Both can suck a chode.
We switched to DirecTV a few months back. I don’t know how it compares to Dish, but the image quality was noticeable over cable. Over the last six months we had one storm that was strong enough to impact viewing. Overall, I much prefer it to cable.
What do you do for Internet?
Do you have a solution that let’s you stream Internet?
We still use the cable company’s internet. Since Mrs. Rhettro works from home and requires internet service for her job, her company pays for it.
Local cable company for me too. Last time I had Direct TV was just for viewing, and that was 10 years ago.
Cable company keeps dropping out on me. Both Internet and Cable 🙁
Streaming Netflix has become painful. It used to be really good. Then a new company bought mine at the end of last summer. They dropped BBCAmerica on New Years and almost immediately the Netflix Streaming became problematic.
My next door neighbor and my neighbor across the street both dropped these clowns within the last 2 months.
Unfortunately the alternative cable company doesn’t offer BBCA. One of my neighbors has also reported that heir service drops out as well. Dropped out for 30 minutes just a week ago.
So I am looking at the Satalite guys but it seems I would still need the Internet service of my sketchy cable providers.
I am afraid the whole scenario is sub-optimal. 🙁
DirecTv and AT&T are now linked. I have DirecTV for cable and AT&T for internet. Same bill. You might be able to get internet through AT&T.
Doubt and a small sliver of vanity do not a good combination make.
Oh my. Is it that time again?
Bad movie time!
Today’s movie is Hybrid
The PVR write up: Mercenaries infiltrate a secret laboratory and come face to face with the results of horrific experiments involving human and alien dna
I smell an Oscar in the making
Another movie with only 2 of the three requirements to have a good bad horror movie
Prison. And all the experiments that go with it
Corey car wreck
Corey? Who the eff is Corey?
Should be fiery
Former Soviet Republic of Azerjestan
Is that a real place? Google, here I come
Can’t tell. All but one reference I found were related to this movie
Now we are in the playa negra prison in sub-Sahara Africa
Time to put together a task force
I just want you to know, I have no idea what’s going on
If these are an elite tea,, I hold no hope for the rest of their army
If the tea’s not good, what hope do the soldiers have?
Maybe they should switch to coffee
Not yours but mines!
Cool mask
Who is the boss of you? Me! I am the boss of you
Here’s to our freedom
Ok, I understand this correctly, they are infiltrating some sort of prison camp
Prisoner babe
Crime of passion
Now they need to go a half mile underground
She wants to go down
…to the tunnels
Harris sleeps with a gun in his hand
They are being followed
Their radios are off line
It attacked from the shadows
Stay sharp. Nobody likes it if you’re dull
Well, that can’t be good
They’re being gassed
Bug man attacks
Who brings a syringe to a gun fight
I don’t think they are following proper hygiene procedures
Don’t wake me up before you go go
She finds being on her knees uncomfortable
The specimen is about to give birth
The cintilla project
That 16 year old is five
Aw. He’s a nice little alien boy
I’m not paid to understand this
Slow witted specimens
She’s no longer in pain
I am not an assassin. I just kill people for money
That wasn’t very nice
2,000,000 million pounds makes you a killer
Oh he has the capacity all right
Meanwhile, bag to the bug-eyed monster
That wasn’t morpheme
I don’t think that went according to her plan
The poop has hit the effing fan
We’re an elite team of mercenaries trying to get away from an alien. How? By taking the elevator
And that worked about as well as you would expect
I kill you with my decapatation device
That’s what happens when you power your death ray with an iPhone battery
It can talk
Time for a sandwich break
And now he’s naked
And the insect boy enters the public
What a throughly baffling movie
It’s gotten rather dark and gloomy outside
The rain is really coming down
Real life or movie?
real life
The dormant aliens, reawakened from the rain, emerge from the muddy ground.
Real life or movie?
Topless lesbian mud wrestling
Is there enough water in the state for that?
It’s monsoon season.
That’s not how you eat a cheeseburger.
Officer Whiffle explains to the mother why her son is full of snails.
Janitor mops up snail trail.
Is this the pitch for a “Go FUnd Me” project because if it is, you had me at “cheeseburger”.
The “Go FUnd Me” account is to get me to stop.
My boss has asked me to go to Edmonton in a couple of weeks to represent us at the Alberta Publisher’s Awards. That means I have to go out and get a dress.
The good thing is, we’re guaranteed to win as all the books in the Spec Fic category are ours
A dress!? Pictures or it didn’t happen.
Seriously – – that’s an awesome thing. Congratulations to you and your whole team.
On your way to being Media Moguls!
All by the same publisher…fix?
Justa: I see that Person of Interest is now on Netflix. I’ve added to my list.
We canceled dish about 18 months ago, put a HD antenna on the roof. And haven’t looked back
Give it time, it really kicks into gear near the end of the first season.
EssBee – How do you get Netflix? Do you have an Internet Cable company?
Oh we have Comcast Internet. Thinking of switching to Verizon soon
any suggestions for a good store for magic the gathering cards?
You are entering the den of the beast, sir! Beware. There be expensive, addictive monster purchasing there. 🙂
Most stores sell them but Sentry box here in Calgary would probably be the biggest
We picked up the free Magic starter packs this weekend, but have yet to play. The fact that these even exist validates my theory that Magic is crack for geeks.
“Hey kid, wanna try? The first one’s free…”
We’ve been with DirecTV for some 15 years now and generally been happy with it – especially the picture quality compared to what we see family and friends have with cable, DISH, and U-verse.
Now, for internet, we’ve been using U-verse since moving to the new house. It works well, though AT&T refuses to let me give them more money by offering me the higher speed tiers. We’re currently maxed out on the 45Mbps tier. Has been plenty good for streaming.
Well tooth out, time to feel sorry for myself.
*pats Vanamonde’s head*
I hope you feel better quickly.
On my way home got a text saying someone had made a fraudulent charge to my Credit card..grrrr!
You shouldn’t loan your wallet to strangers while under mind altering medication such as the pain narcotics. 😛
Did make me wonder if the Dentist had been hacked as the payment was made 20 minutes after I paid the dentist.
Times like these, try to recall how Duke Leto’s tooth extraction went.
Well, let’s see how them Duke boys are gonna get out of this one!
Sesame seed bagel for breakfast = yum
I had pumpkin bread with whipped cream cheese.
Porridge, a slice of toast with peanut butter and raspberry jam on top.
Coffee (w/cream and Agave)
Ok, Cynful wins
JJ gets bonus points for putting Agave in a sentence.
JJ gets bonus points for putting Agave in a sentence.
Vanamonde gets bonus points for being able to post the same sentence twice without WordPress throwing conniptions.
Apparently 2 of Van’s time streams are monitoring this forum.
My first though when I saw Van’s link was, “I agree. Life would be better with more Mac & cheese”
KD’s tunes were decent, if a bit Lite FM.
Is this post about k.d. lang?
Her Album “Drag” was brilliant in SO many ways.
It’s pretty bad when you have a day off and you don’t know what to do with it.
I think it’s time to play a game.
CP: Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeros
how many times have you blown your cover?
I had to google Agave and I’m now befuddled why he wants to add that to coffee.
Its a natural sweetener and delicious. Thats why.
So is Stevia, it just fails on the second part.
Thats where agave does not. Also it being in liquid form helps
Stevia responds in a chemically different manor than does Agave, in the Laboratory that is my mouth.
To me, Stevia tastes very bitter.
As do most nutra-sweeticles. My useless superpower is the ability to taste these laboratory fabricated sweeteners no mater what they are in. Bake Nutra Sweet into a cookie and I get an unpleasant, long lasting after taste with the very first bite. 🙁
I left my chai latte in the fridge, at home, as I ran out the door this morning – LATE for work!
Ugh. Like every product it has various produced and more natural forms. Not all are “sweeter than honey: (in fact I beg to differ completely on that) and you arent supposed to use a ton, so the fructose level shouldnt matter unless youre dumping half a cup in your coffee at a time
Everything in moderation including moderation.
It’s honey-like. It’s sweet. It works.
Like Van. Minus the sweet.
You overestimate my ability to ‘work’.
Bonus points … I believe it ferments into Tequila but I haven’t tried that . Yet.
now there is a homebrew market that has not been tapped…
currently downloading metal gear V.
Solid Snake vs. humanoid lizard aliens??
I just finished Ground Zeroes. Will wait until daddy-in-law leaves before I pick up my next big game.
Just finished the intro. So epic. There was even a fiery unicorn petronas.
yes, but whilst inside a cardboard box
I love the box! That has got to be one of the best ways to hide ever. :happy:
Agent: Hey Snake, we created a high tech protective nano armour that will cloak you and shield you from ballistics.
Snake: Nah, just give me some cardboard.
There was a guy at the Video Game expo cosplaying as Solid Snake, carrying around a cardboard box. My son had to explain the joke to me.
The last Metal Gear game I played was the first one on the NES.
CP: Paper Boats (feat. Ashley Barrett) — Darren Korb
Closing credits music from Transistor.
Van, how is your face? I meant to post this early this morning and the day has gotten away from me. The old country remedy for lost/pulled tooth pain in my family is to steep a tea bag and put it on the sore spot for a few minutes. It stings at first but does numb the pain quickly.
Not to bad, the soluble paracetamol is keeping things under control.
Is that what the kids are calling it now a days?
Just reading that GoFundME has issued a policy to keep people like our least favorite KY Court Clerk from reaping financial benefit from hateful or criminal actions.
I hope this is true.
I’d think they would have to since it was actually a criminal act?
Yeh. Some claim she scores the “double elimination” because she was also involved in “discriminatory acts”.
Still, I’m sure Faux News will give her, her own show.
CP: Personal Jesus — Mindless Self Indulgence
Yeah y’are!
Looking forward to this album. 🙂
CW: Last Passenger
A thriller set on a train.
The set that is the train carriage seems a bit old fashioned for a film set in the 21st century.
Why has DJ Utopia not come out with a new Friday Night Dance Mix ?
CW: pawn stars watching people get fleeced out of their family heirlooms
We’ve decided the Lego Movie is the best option for the evening
I think you will find that EVERYTHING IS AWSOME!!!!
Darkness. No parents…..
Nice. Lego is a beautiful thing
..and you’ve just blown your cover.
..or you should have used a better box.
CW: Addicted to Fresno
I went with “Sum of All Fears” tonight.
Am left wondering if this picture has taken the award for highest “body count”.
That honor used to belong to “Die Hard 2”
So if we see a football stadium packed full of people, then see a nuke under it, then see a mushroom cloud from outside of town, then here someone report that there is nothing left for a half mile around it … Doesn’t count.
Yet in the Die hard movie the count all the passengers on a plane that crashes even if we did not see those people themselves on screen when they died.
I question the methodology of http://moviebodycounts.com/
well the Earth was destroyed in Hitchikers TV and film (and radio and book)’so that’s quite a few billion.
Didn’t The Master destroy a whole bunch of solar systems back in the old days of Doctor Who?
If I’m remembering that wrong, then it’s down to a population ccomparison between Alderaan and Earth.
I have a feeling September is going to be ‘sort through all the random stuff I was forced to move in the process of cleaning my apartment’ month. I know it will feel good to not have some of this stuff hanging around anymore. 🙂
Hard objects in pillows, what is the world coming too:
I have a scar at one eyebrow from when I was little. A kid had a soup can in one of those over-long touque and hit me in the face with it when we were in the school yard
People at your school were walking around with home made weapons and attacking each other in the yard? Did you go to school in a prison?
The disembodied voice of JJ on the latest Escape Pod.
I am everywhere-ish.
It was the 500th episode and listeners had been asked to ‘phone in’, one of them played was from JJ.
Crap joke for the day:
A friend to another, “what are the names of your dogs?”The she responded that one was named Rolex and the other Timex.Her friend said, “Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that?”
“HellOOOooo,” answered the blonde. “They’re watch dogs.”
Chris Hemsworth take note: this is the true Thor. I don’t recall the video being b&w, though. It’s a shame we can’t re-experience it in glorious full color. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1MrpMjop9Q
By the way: this is not satire. I remember this from my childhood. And to be fair, we found it ridiculous and terrible, even in 1984.
Holy wow!
Okay, I’m finally watching John Wick
Is he the Wicker man?
cp: witcher 3 and mgs 5. I seem to be spending a lot of time riding horses in both games but switching from an AK47 to a dwarven battle axe.
I almost never rode my horse in Witcher 3. However, I did find it amusing when I went to an island without him and, after a cut scene, he was suddenly on the island next to me.
Crap joke for the day:
A man boarded an airplane and took his seat. As he settled in, he glanced Up and saw the most beautiful woman boarding the plane. He soon realized She was heading straight towards his seat. As fate would have it, she took The seat right beside his. Eager to strike up a conversation he blurted out, “Business trip or pleasure?”
She turned, smiled and said, “Business. I’m going to the Annual Nymphomaniacs of America Convention in Boston.”
He swallowed hard. Here was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen Sitting next to him, and she was going to a meeting of nymphomaniacs!
Struggling to maintain his composure, he calmly asked, “What’s your Business at this convention?”
“Lecturer,” she responded. “I use information that I have learned from my Personal experiences to debunk some of the popular myths about sexuality.”
“Really?” he said. “And what kind of myths are there?”
“Well,” she explained, “one popular myth is that African-American men are The most well-endowed of all men, when in fact it is the Native American Indian who is most likely to possess that trait. Another popular myth is That Frenchmen are the best lovers, when actually it is men of Mexican Descent who are the best. I have also discovered that the lover with Absolutely the best stamina is the Southern Redneck.”
Suddenly the woman became a little uncomfortable and blushed.. “I’m Sorry,” she said, “I shouldn’t really be discussing all of this with you. I don’t Even know your name.”
“Tonto,” the man said, “Tonto Gonzales, but my friends call me Bubba”.
Well Pan, off to see American Ultra at the flicks.
Which was fun enough in a gory kind for way.
Just a pity most of the best sequences were include in the trailer.
Speaking of Wicker Man, the new Iron Maiden double album is out! Anyone heard it yet?
Its on my to-hear list for sure
Not yet, but soon.
Van, they’re your country’s greatest ambassadors! It’s unpatriotic for you to reject Iron Maiden!
Did you see “Ed Force One” is a 747 now? Someone should clue these guys in that they just aren’t popular anymore.
Is today a holiday? Yes
Am I doing a bit of work? Yes
I’m with you working on the holiday. I had to travel to Roswell, NM to work on Friday and Tuesday. That leaves me in middle of the desert, NM for 3 days with nothing specific to do. I went to a beer fest in Albuquerque on Saturday and the Carlsbad Caverns yesterday. That about taps out things to do. So I’m working today and work is letting me take the holiday some other time.
Day off and I didn’t do any work.5
I wouldn’t wish that state on anyone.
Would Breaking Bad have been as good if set in Montana?
So many good ones. I’d have trouble picking a favorite.
I do remember this one though Van. Just the other day I was trying to describe the basic idea to someone.
It’s been so long since I had head it, I couldn’t remember which podcast it had been on.
80…sheezuz. Life full of win. Love the Specials. I need to re-examine their catalog
I do applaud his long successful life. The Specials were that cool, unusual band my Irish friend was into, back in the day. . . when ska was a genre, not a brand.
oh my, fuck yes. It may be small, but hopefully sturdy
A pub’s closing and a totally plastered customer struggles to get to the door, then to walk home, despite only living a few hundred yards from there. He literally crawls on the pavement all the way back home, drags himself up the stairs and eventually reaches his bed after two hours. He wakes up the next morning, and his wife tells him:
“You were really drunk last night weren’t you?”
“Yeah, why? How do you know?”
“You left your wheelchair at the pub.”
Yesterday I pulled my hair back in a ponytail and told hubby I could take scissors and simply cut off my ponytail and my hair would be amazing. He wasn’t convinced and asked me not to do it. He obviously doesn’t watch the same movies and tv I do.
C-3P0 would report much better odds of survival in that asteroid field!
crap joke –
A guy comes home from work to find his wife packing her bags. “Where are you going”, he asks.
“I’m going to Vegas. I found out I can get paid $500 there, for things I do with you for free.”, she replied.
A few minutes later the husband starts packing.” And what do you think you are doing?”, the wife asks.
His reply? “I’m going to Vegas too. I want to see how you are going to live on $1000 a year!”
Now to start on everything else I put on the back burner while I was getting year end together :ermm:
(Who wants to tell her there are actually still 3 months left til year end?)
CW: Dr Foster E1
A woman goes OTT when she discovers a blond hair on her husband’s scarf.
Off Topic, Totally?
over the table?
It’s the plot synopsis.
On the town?
Over The Top.
Oh, I thought it was Old Tyme Tyrannosaur.
In Ottawa.
I’ve been dying to say that it seems like Batman’s upper body keeps getting wider and wider through the years, but it seems like it peaked in 2008 and has been back on the decline.
I could understand a corset. And I’ve seen the super wide shoulder style use for both Batman and Superman. But, I’m seeing more and more like the second one from the left here where his body style comes to resemble something on the order of a tank.
Was this the Alchemy game? I tried to click your link, but apparently the evil word “game” appears somewhere on the page.
Last night we tried the new Orville Redenbacher popcorn chips. We tried both butter flavour and BBQ. Both were terrible. We shan’t be doing that again.
Hubby and I have talked about “cutting the cord”. We have decided the only thing standing in the way of getting rid of cable is the BPL and F1 races he watches. If we can find a way to watch those, time shifted not live, I’m sure we could cut our cable bill in half.
It’s rather strange reading the DP negative comments about cable. Over here if you want high internet speeds cable is usually the better option (if you live in a supported area).
My negative is about Cable tv viewing. We’re still attached to the local cable company for our internet connection.
Same but soon to be switching to Verizon
That’s the same here. Even if we shut off cable tv, we’d still use the cable company for our internet.
Cord cut 4 years ago. Havent looked back
It’s Friday. That means it’s now time to clean the washroom.
Soulier, had to move gaming to Sunday didn’t you? 😉 Now we have an empty day that another friend wants to fill up with their time. That’s two days in a row we will be people-filled. *sigh* Having all these games is not necessarily a good thing :cth:
My washroom is nice and clean. Now, nobody use it and it won’t get dirty again. :silly:
Do you remember when emoji’s were called emoticons? Why did that change? :face:
Blame the Japanese. ‘ji’ means character, so it was their translation of emoticon. Emoji caught on with the rest of the world since it means the same thing but is easier to say.
Well, at least we don’t blame Canada :whistle:
I blame Japanese Canadians.
I’ve always considered emoticons to be asci character based. Emojis are these new fangled graphical elements.
Back in my day, you had to tilt your head to see if the person you were talking to was happy or sad.
Get off your lawn?
Can you tell I’m trying real hard to avoid my work? :ninja:
Washroom cleaned, work done for the day. One advantage of being at your desk by 6am is you are done your work early. I now have most of the day to enjoy myself. :angel:
Only two episodes left of Narcos to watch, enjoying the series so far and the theme music is great:
I’ve been through most of these. It’s a little odd hearing Conan’s words spoken by a geeky-sounding narrator, but the guy gets 1000 points for doing the time and getting these readings done. Robert E. Howard was a man of his time, but also pretty underrated as a writer. Some real classics here:
Crap joke in a firsty. I’m on fire today.
A vacationing penguin is driving his car through Arizona when he notices that the oil pressure light is on. He gets out to look and sees oil dripping out of the motor. He drives to the nearest town and stops at the first gas station.
After dropping the car off, the penguin goes for a walk around town. He sees an ice-cream shop and, being a penguin in Arizona, decides that something cold would really hit the spot. He gets a big dish of ice cream and sits down to eat. Having no hands he makes a real mess trying to eat with his flippers. After finishing his ice cream, he goes back to the gas station and asks the mechanic if he’s found the problem. The mechanic looks up and says “It looks like you blew a seal.”
“No no,” the penguin replies, “it’s just ice cream.”
Tea Leoni.
So there.
Over there, with clogs on.
She can keep them on
Heck, I’D put them on if she ask me to.
Hubby had a “breakfast cookie” this morning. I, on the other hand, went a little more healthy with cereal. I think I’m a little envious.
What is a breakfast cookie? and does it contain bacon?
A breakfast cookie is having a chocolate chip cookie, that I made yesterday, for breakfast.
/anti climax
r form of booze to enjoy, a chocolate liqueur from Austria,
It’s that tasty I’m wiping the dregs up with my finger.
If it is the one I’m thinking of, I totally understand. Delicious. 🙂
All this Katrina talk.
Dredging up things I’ve suppressed.
Not helping me in an already down month.:(
I will apply more booze until it goes away.
meh! and pah!
sorry man
Vodka shots and beer.
You’re doing a heck of a job, Brownie.
Just re-watched “Tomorrow Never Dies”, part of my quest to watch every Bond film from beginning to end.
Besides being as good as I remembered it being, I had TOTALLY forgotten that Sheryl Crow did the theme song. IMHO it is one of the Top 10 all time best Bond themes and I don’t know why I didn’t even remember it.
Also, the ending credits song “Surrender” by K.D. Lang also kicks Bond soundtrack a$$
Also, they should have given Michelle Yeoh her own spin off franchise. I’d go to the theatre to see further adventures of Agent Wai Lin!
Hmmm….Not the best but certainly not the worst of the Brosnan films
Michelle was damned impressive in the flick.
While Sean Connery will always be my favorite Bond, I’ve seriously enjoyed the reboot with “Mad Dog” Daniel Craig.
Oh oh. I think I convinced a friend to join our madness. Be forewarned. :ninja:
Is it your hubby incognito?
Nope. Sorry Van
Attended a Retro Video Game Expo today with Pix and the kids. Much fun was had! The 4 of us played a few levels of Gauntlet at the true arcade machine. Other arcade highlights:
Pac Man, vector graphics Empire Strikes Back, and Rolling Thunder.
The biggest nostalgia kick, however, was the Asteroids knock off on the Vectrex system.
The Vectrex was cool, always wished I could have afforded one at the time.
Having an emulator on my phone helps of course.
Hi. I’m new. I won the ‘most consistent effort’ award in grade 6.
I won the ‘least likely to get to grade 9’ in grade 11.
Welcome, Soulier! Any friend of Ryah’s is. . . likely to be a bit eccentric.
Welcome Soulier.
Welcome. We may seem slightly off but we’re nice. No trolls to speak of
Well, I do live under a bridge and billy goats don’t take kindly to me.
Thanks everyone.
Hiya Soulier!
I’ll just go ahead and get my apology out of the way right now.
Finished the ‘Bad Ass trilogy’ tonite. You know… the awful films starring Danny Glover and Danny Trejo?
Here’s the Lo Pan verdict:
Bad Ass – Yes!
Bad Ass 2: Bad Asses – Not quite as “Yes!” but still actually fun!
Bad Asses on the Bayou – what a piece of fucking shit.
Cannot wait for Bad Asses in Bangkok. Assuming the actually make it.
I had to Google, never even heard of the film series.
Also never heard of
Yo, Soulier!
You left your salad in our fridge.
It’s mine now! Mine! Mine! Bwa ha ha ha ha!
True fact: Soulier thinks he’s a hot shot musician because he is nominated for a Western Canada Music Award. I, personally, don’t think he’s a real musician until women start throwing their underware at him. 😉
I wonder if after they throw their underwear, they will be impressed with my synthesizer?
Feel free to share a link to your music, if you’d like, Soulier. I promise, we’ll all throw undergarments at our internet devices while listening.
I cant. Commando and all that.
http://soundcloud.com/souliermusic (makes sound of silk undergarments cutting through the air)
I’m sure Jack will encourage you to resurrect the keytar. The silk will be surely flying after that. Or something. 😉
Before the internet questions could still be weird:
I watched Spartacus: Gods of the Arena last night. This is the third series I’ve been impressed by Jamie Murray. I might be developing a little crush.
Ok ok I cant have em all… heh
Hey, I share Lagertha, surely we can compromise on Jamie too
Ah yes! Glad we can be adults about this *cough*
FInally got to the Season 4 Finale of “Breaking Bad” last night.
That seems like a really good place for them to have stopped the show. For this show it was a “high” note.
I almost don’t wan’t to watch the last season. Given the character’s past performance … this can only end badly.
Nah. While I agree they certainly could have ended at 4 they just couldnt have. Theres too much to come. You wont be disappointed. Its almost like a prologue season. Its wonderful.
Yup, I would have been quite happy with it ending on S4 and Wakter on top,
Walter even.
Love me some Gus Fring. The remaining episodes are good too.
CW: S1E1 Fargo
Hello, everyone! Welcome to the Deadpan boards, Soulier!
I’ve had a project to work on each of the last three weekends in a row, counting the current one. (I work last-half-of-the-week shifts, so my ‘weekends’ are Sunday through Tuesday and every other Wednesday.) Here’s what I’ve been up to:
Aug. 16-18: Type up the contents of 900 raffle slips to make a customer contact list for the local Renfest (yes, they are paying me to do this)
Aug. 23-26: Beta-read a book manuscript for a friend (this one was completely pro bono)
Aug. 30 – Sept. 1: Deep-clean my apartment (they’re spraying for pests on Tuesday the 1st, so I really have until tomorrow night)
That’s my life lately. I’ve had some creative projects going on, too, but nothing ready to share yet.
HI AMY!!!!
So THAT’S where all my motivation has gone. YOU have it!
Hi, J0e! I’m very happy to share 🙂
Wow, that’s impressive. I spent that time perfecting the art of making chicken wings, and finding reasons not to go to the gym!
😆 Thanks!
Judging by a lot of the reviews, I’m pretty glad I gave up on Dark Matter. I still have to watch the last couple of episodes of Killjoys.
Anyone else watched the premiere of Fear The Walking Dead? I really liked it.
I watched it so you didn’t have too!
Fingers crossed it doesn’t get renewed.
I saw the first of the “Dark Matter” double feature SciFi was showing Saturday night.
It was okay I guess. Based on one episode, I’d say it felt like a thinly fleshed out re-boot of Firefly.
(or was that Friday night? It all runs together)
I watched the first episode of Fear the Walking Dead (second episode is waiting on the DVR until tonight). It makes me realize how brilliant it was to start the Walking Dead with Rick waking up in the hospital after all the shit had gone down. The first episode was way too much family drama. When the parents were stuck getting off the highway I thought, alright the shit is finally about to go down. No such luck. The whole process is taking way too long. I will, of course, give it a few more episodes before I decide whether or not to continue watching.
Hubby still watches Dark Matter but I gave up on it pretty quickly.
However, we both quite enjoy Killjoys.
The thing I like the most about Walking Dead is that it isn’t about zombies, it’s about the people. And I’m glad that that sensibility is being applied to Fear. I figured it would be a “slow” unravel as the apocalypse started, but I found the first episode moved quicker than I expected. I haven’t seen last night’s episode yet.
Watch the two available episodes of FTWD, interesting.
Things are falling apart rapidly. I hope Tobias will join the team. 🙂 He gets it.
RIP Wes Craven
Holy fuck…no
Im crushed. Fucking fuck cancer
Wow. How influential were his big movies on the culture of our youth? I have always held “The Serpent and the Rainbow” as a criminally underrated masterpiece.
I just found zip files of all the lcars computer sounds from star trek tng. Proceeding to setup my phone notifications and ringtones accordingly. http://www.lcarscom.net/sounds.htm I can’t imagine how long it took someone to record, edit, and package this all together!
Check out this cool new website!
Ah, here’s where you folks have gone hiding! Well, I’ve found you again and I’ve got my polka balls ready this time!
Welcome Soulier! Joe’s apologized in advance, so that’s good. That just means it’s now my turn to apologize for Lo Pan.
Morning Pan
Today I’m going to make one of these
That casket for the mic is creepy.
Daddy-in-law is coming in to town tomorrow. Must get the guest room ready.
*sigh* Unfortunately.
Mondays dont mean quite so much when you’ve worked your ass off all weekend.
I’m not sure that’s really how that saying goes..
Van, give Lo his ass back.
Isn’t this a Primus song?
I was under the impression it was Dani doing the heavy lifting?
It’s another smoky day here in Canadaland. I can’t wait until I can open my windows again.
Now! Time to fold laundry.
Once again the excitement that is my life, rears its ugly head.
I just made an amazing discovery!
My laundry dries better if I actually remember to turn on the dryer. Why didn’t I think of that sooner?
So I am unimpressed with taste of the UHT milk I recently bought.
However I did find it amusing that UHT milk is sold refrigerated in the USA because consumers don’t trust milk that isn’t stored in a fridge (if Wikipedia is to be believed).
Ummm ok.
the hell are you talking about and what is uht milk?
Oh boxed milk? No its not refrigerated here. Some are just so you can have chilled milk right away if you want it – but theres whole aisle sections dedicated to it.
Damn you for making me think about this
I’ve heard trying to milk a uht is dangerous.
As I said I’ve only got the wiki entry to go on.
As I said, you say ‘tomato’ I say ‘fuck off’
Take it up with Trappist the Monk.
My TV doesn’t get the UHT channels.
My turn for a bad joke:
A woman is cooking eggs in the kitchen when her husband comes running in…
Immediately, he sees the eggs and gasps in horror. “Be careful! CAREFUL! Put in some more butter! Oh, my GOSH!”
The wife, startled at her husband’s violent reaction, dashes to the fridge to get some butter.
“You’re cooking too many at once. TOO MANY! Turn them! TURN THEM NOW!”
The wife, concerned by the status of her husband’s mental state, forgets about the butter and goes running to the eggs.
“WE NEED BUTTER! Are you CRAZY??? Where are we going to get the butter? They’re going to stick! HURRY!”
The wife runs to the fridge
“CAREFUL about the eggs! CAREFUL. You NEVER listen to me when you’re cooking! Never! Turn them quickly! Oh not that quickly, don’t you know how to cook? Are you insane? Turn the DAMN EGGS!”
At this point, the wife starts crying, since she has no idea what to do.
She gasps “What is WRONG with you? I know how to cook eggs.”
The husband simply smiles, remarks “I just wanted to show you what it feels like while I’m driving with you in the car”, and leaves.
Then there is this little beauty I saw:
Dear America,
You elected George H.W. Bush – we gave you Celine Dion
You elected George W. Bush – we gave you Nickleback
You elected George W. Bush – we gave you Justin Bieber
Do not elect Donald Trump. You don’t want to know what’s coming next.
Oh, Canada!
But by that logic, Rush was your response to Richard Nixon.
Chilliwack – Reagan
54-40 – um… Clinton?
The Edinburgh Tattoo is playing on the TV.
The venue looks bigger on the TV than it does in real life.
CP: History Eraser — Courtney Barnett
I made a “casket for my mic” as Van put it. Although I think I did something wrong. I seem to be covered in glue.
Well that sounds like you’ve got yourself into a sticky situation.
Tacky comment
You’re not supposed to sniff it, you know.
Looks like I picked a bad day to quit mic Caskets.
Consumers Union has launched a new campaign to pressure the phone companies into giving every customer free robocall blocking. The technology exists but the phone companies are looking out for the intere$t of others.
If you’d care to sign their petition!
Go to https://consumersunion.org/end-robocalls/
Or type EndRobocalls.org into your browser.
As someone that works in the telecom industry, I have to say this won’t work, or at least not well. That’s why robocallers are called “bad actors”: they don’t obey the rules. Better tools will improve blocking, but they won’t stop robocallers.
a pile of cats. Happy monday! http://i.imgur.com/Ah1rDhf.gifv
Warning: Cuteness overload
Those big kitties just need skritches behind their ears.
Light as a feather, stiff as a board
There’s a slice of innuendo just waiting to happen.
Kids these days:
You can explore the works of an electronic music pioneer:
Well I hope I’m not tempting fate for asking work to allocate me holidays in July.
Hubby wants to go to the Grande Canyon. Hopefully there won’t be any snow in 2016.
Just high temperatures.
And big crowds.
I blame Jack and Pixie for these issues. Having a wedding in Arizona in July. What were they thinking? 😉
We’re actually going to have stillsuits for the guests, like Fremen of Arrakis. The ceremony will be performed on the back of a Shai-Hulud.
Spice cake for everyone!
Morning Pan
I am neither showered or dressed. One of the big advantages of working from home. :biggrin:
My feet were getting cold so I am now clean and clothed.
Tonight I’m going to “clean the kitchen”! By which I mean I’m going to clean the kitchen.
We do what we must
because we can.
The death of a euphemism.
I consider the dishwasher one of the greatest inventions of all time.
As a former biscuit baker/dishwasher, I whole heartedly agree. I still may have some nerve damage.
Why have we never had your biscuits?
I will make you some next Mmeetup.
Should I plan on making sausage cream gravy too?
My arteries say no.
Your heart says yes
When it comes to fatty food my heart is a whore.
But your mind is a virgin
I refuse to be corrupted by your fantasies.
It’s a beautiful morning. The sun is shining and there is not really smokey out. I think I’m going to go for a walk.
Perfect walk weather. Spent an hour in nature. Saw a hawk dive-bombing another bird. It was pretty cool.
live modular techno session from yesterday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmPlEPI7V84
Hey Van, is that a Raspberry Pi
Only if it’s going incognito.
i do have a pi, but not in this setup. That would be a cool idea though!
She used a
Raspberry P I
The kind you find in a second hand store
Raspberry P I
And if it was warm she wouldn’t use it much more
Raspberry P I
I think I love her
Raspberry P.I.? Did she have a big Tom Selleck mustache?
Before or after 1999?
Ok it’s click hole but I still laughed:
You act as if clickhole isnt full of brilliance
I get mixed up with which site is a source of ire this week.
The burdens of hipsterism.
Oh! That one is actually http://lookatthisfuckinghipster.tumblr.com/
“The burdens of hipsterism.”
Actually that will be our third album.
While it will fail to be a financial success, it will receive much critical acclaim and oddly enough, become a darling of the College radio circuit … but only in an ironic way.
What’s coming after hipster?
is that anything like a posterior?
Then we’ll truly hit bottom.
Youre such as ass
Let’s see… the beatniks came after the hipsters. Or if you follow the timeline straight up, it would be “Rock’n’Roll”.
My guess is we’ll skip beatniks in our return down the timeline and progress straight on to copying the hippie movement next.
hmmm, interesting. I wish goth would have branched off into something else.
Like a chain of theme Restaurants.
We do have Alice Cooper’s restaurant in downtown Phoenix. All of the staff wear runny eyeliner, like his.
YOu can have anything you want, at Alice’s restaurant.
“The Pumpkin Spice Must Flow”
I have to remember to not be drinking while clicking these links….
The euphemism is back muthasuckas!
That got a literal LOL from me.
In re-examining Metallica’s catalog, the jump from Ride the Lighting to Master of Puppets is astounding
Agreed, although Ride the Lightning is still a pretty amazing achievement.
Now that you say that, the jump in maturity and sound from Kill Em All to that may be just as great.
Honestly because theyve become such a caricature of themselves its hard to remember that they truly were pioneers that created 2 masterpieces of not just metal but music in general
And it’s my distinct honor to be the first here to wish Ed from Texas a happy birthday!
One last box of books to unpack so they can hoover up dust on the bookcase.
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy, Ed!
Have a beerific day Ed
Well done Ed!
Morning Pan.
I booked Friday off so it’ll be a four day weekend for me. :silly:
Same here.
Tooth extraction on Friday means the weekend will probably be less fun than usual.
Happy bday Ed!
ED! Cmere ya big ol lug!
I think today I’m going to try my mic casket.
looking to supplement your income? Creating dinosaur erotica can be quite lucrative https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/3jcgjj/how_would_you_go_about_making_an_extra_500_a/
My Boo will often do x-rated art commissions. She has one client who will occasionally tip her with one of these. https://bad-dragon.com/products (NSFW)
She’s actually got a bit of a collection now. She puts them on display like art work and doesn’t actually use them… at least, that’s what she tells me anyway.
I’d hate to think that one of those fans was next to us in the theater during the latest Jurassic Park film.
So XKCD is looking for data:
What a strange survey. But took it nonetheless.
Happy birthday to the beard rocker, Mr. Ed!
Wait… that doesn’t sound quite right. 😉
Beard rocker
Beard rocker
Coming on strong
A real show stopper
Bloody memes:
It just confirms people are stupid.
Now I want us to have a peak somewhere named “Black Power Mountain.”
On iOS Transister has went halfprice:
Great game. Unfortunately you need at least an iPhone 5, iPad 4, or iPad mini 2. 🙁
Soooo not my HTC G2?
iOS was a bit of a giveaway.
you are.
Happy F*-Stupid-Cancer-Birthday, Ed!!
(Tho, the two are not related)
Happy Happy
No. They arent.
Wow, the wind has decided to really pick up
Thanks for all the well wishes, even Lo Pan’s!
Hey! and HAH!
Aussie Floyd just nail it every damn time.
Goodnight :YouCrazyDiamond:
Disney’s Love Bug actor Dean Jones dies at 84:
another one bites the dust 🙁
Sad. In my youth, he provided me with great mirth.
I didn’t know he was still with us, but yeah, as terrible as that movie is, it brought much joy to my youth. He was such an instantly likable onscreen presence. RIP.
I’m watching The Strain S1. So far, I’m interested!
Are you a Person of Interest?
There aren’t in the same league.
Per an earlier discussion. The panel we did on audiobooks is now up and can be found here http://youtu.be/NGG0_8l6Bhk
As noted last night, I saw Aussie Pink Floyd for the 4th(?) time now. Great as always – – I already can’t wait to see them again next year.
For the first time, though, they had an opening act: Led Zeppelin 2. They had the look down, and it seemed like young Robert Plant had been cloned to create their vocalist. My cohorts were less impressed with them, though. The songs were good, but not album perfect. One guy said they should have been called, “Lot Sloppin”.
So Kim Davis is going to jail. Good. But Im afraid this is going to make her that much more of a martyr to the crazies.
Crazies gonna Craze!
I have been glad to see some self identifying Christians mentioning how this whole issue was covered and resolved over 2000 years ago when Jesus was quoted as saying “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesars.”
ie ….. Dude, if you’re gonna play in the man’s sandbox you gotta play by the man’s rules.
Thus pointing out that this clerks actions are of her own making. In the terrorist world I think she is what’s known as the “lone wolf”.
Any panites have an opinion of Dish Network or Direct TV that they’d care to share?
Yes. Both can suck a chode.
We switched to DirecTV a few months back. I don’t know how it compares to Dish, but the image quality was noticeable over cable. Over the last six months we had one storm that was strong enough to impact viewing. Overall, I much prefer it to cable.
What do you do for Internet?
Do you have a solution that let’s you stream Internet?
We still use the cable company’s internet. Since Mrs. Rhettro works from home and requires internet service for her job, her company pays for it.
Local cable company for me too. Last time I had Direct TV was just for viewing, and that was 10 years ago.
Cable company keeps dropping out on me. Both Internet and Cable 🙁
Streaming Netflix has become painful. It used to be really good. Then a new company bought mine at the end of last summer. They dropped BBCAmerica on New Years and almost immediately the Netflix Streaming became problematic.
My next door neighbor and my neighbor across the street both dropped these clowns within the last 2 months.
Unfortunately the alternative cable company doesn’t offer BBCA. One of my neighbors has also reported that heir service drops out as well. Dropped out for 30 minutes just a week ago.
So I am looking at the Satalite guys but it seems I would still need the Internet service of my sketchy cable providers.
I am afraid the whole scenario is sub-optimal. 🙁
DirecTv and AT&T are now linked. I have DirecTV for cable and AT&T for internet. Same bill. You might be able to get internet through AT&T.
CP: Water (OST) — Atanas Valkov
So this was just announced:
Doubt and a small sliver of vanity do not a good combination make.
Oh my. Is it that time again?
Bad movie time!
Today’s movie is Hybrid
The PVR write up: Mercenaries infiltrate a secret laboratory and come face to face with the results of horrific experiments involving human and alien dna
I smell an Oscar in the making
Another movie with only 2 of the three requirements to have a good bad horror movie
Prison. And all the experiments that go with it
Corey car wreck
Corey? Who the eff is Corey?
Should be fiery
Former Soviet Republic of Azerjestan
Is that a real place? Google, here I come
Can’t tell. All but one reference I found were related to this movie
Now we are in the playa negra prison in sub-Sahara Africa
Time to put together a task force
I just want you to know, I have no idea what’s going on
If these are an elite tea,, I hold no hope for the rest of their army
If the tea’s not good, what hope do the soldiers have?
Maybe they should switch to coffee
Not yours but mines!
Cool mask
Who is the boss of you? Me! I am the boss of you
Here’s to our freedom
Ok, I understand this correctly, they are infiltrating some sort of prison camp
Prisoner babe
Crime of passion
Now they need to go a half mile underground
She wants to go down
…to the tunnels
Harris sleeps with a gun in his hand
They are being followed
Their radios are off line
It attacked from the shadows
Stay sharp. Nobody likes it if you’re dull
Well, that can’t be good
They’re being gassed
Bug man attacks
Who brings a syringe to a gun fight
I don’t think they are following proper hygiene procedures
Don’t wake me up before you go go
She finds being on her knees uncomfortable
The specimen is about to give birth
The cintilla project
That 16 year old is five
Aw. He’s a nice little alien boy
I’m not paid to understand this
Slow witted specimens
She’s no longer in pain
I am not an assassin. I just kill people for money
That wasn’t very nice
2,000,000 million pounds makes you a killer
Oh he has the capacity all right
Meanwhile, bag to the bug-eyed monster
That wasn’t morpheme
I don’t think that went according to her plan
The poop has hit the effing fan
We’re an elite team of mercenaries trying to get away from an alien. How? By taking the elevator
And that worked about as well as you would expect
I kill you with my decapatation device
That’s what happens when you power your death ray with an iPhone battery
It can talk
Time for a sandwich break
And now he’s naked
And the insect boy enters the public
What a throughly baffling movie
It’s gotten rather dark and gloomy outside
The rain is really coming down
Real life or movie?
real life
The dormant aliens, reawakened from the rain, emerge from the muddy ground.
Real life or movie?
Topless lesbian mud wrestling
Is there enough water in the state for that?
It’s monsoon season.
That’s not how you eat a cheeseburger.
Officer Whiffle explains to the mother why her son is full of snails.
Janitor mops up snail trail.
Is this the pitch for a “Go FUnd Me” project because if it is, you had me at “cheeseburger”.
The “Go FUnd Me” account is to get me to stop.
My boss has asked me to go to Edmonton in a couple of weeks to represent us at the Alberta Publisher’s Awards. That means I have to go out and get a dress.
The good thing is, we’re guaranteed to win as all the books in the Spec Fic category are ours
A dress!? Pictures or it didn’t happen.
Seriously – – that’s an awesome thing. Congratulations to you and your whole team.
On your way to being Media Moguls!
All by the same publisher…fix?
Justa: I see that Person of Interest is now on Netflix. I’ve added to my list.
We canceled dish about 18 months ago, put a HD antenna on the roof. And haven’t looked back
Give it time, it really kicks into gear near the end of the first season.
EssBee – How do you get Netflix? Do you have an Internet Cable company?
Oh we have Comcast Internet. Thinking of switching to Verizon soon
TMI, Bruce. And please, never use the word, “beavering” again. ESPECIALLY not in this context. . .
I don’t want to contribute to the Kim Davis noise, but this is sheer brilliance.
any suggestions for a good store for magic the gathering cards?
You are entering the den of the beast, sir! Beware. There be expensive, addictive monster purchasing there. 🙂
Most stores sell them but Sentry box here in Calgary would probably be the biggest
We picked up the free Magic starter packs this weekend, but have yet to play. The fact that these even exist validates my theory that Magic is crack for geeks.
“Hey kid, wanna try? The first one’s free…”
We’ve been with DirecTV for some 15 years now and generally been happy with it – especially the picture quality compared to what we see family and friends have with cable, DISH, and U-verse.
Now, for internet, we’ve been using U-verse since moving to the new house. It works well, though AT&T refuses to let me give them more money by offering me the higher speed tiers. We’re currently maxed out on the 45Mbps tier. Has been plenty good for streaming.
Well tooth out, time to feel sorry for myself.
*pats Vanamonde’s head*
I hope you feel better quickly.
On my way home got a text saying someone had made a fraudulent charge to my Credit card..grrrr!
You shouldn’t loan your wallet to strangers while under mind altering medication such as the pain narcotics. 😛
Did make me wonder if the Dentist had been hacked as the payment was made 20 minutes after I paid the dentist.
Times like these, try to recall how Duke Leto’s tooth extraction went.
Well, let’s see how them Duke boys are gonna get out of this one!
Sesame seed bagel for breakfast = yum
I had pumpkin bread with whipped cream cheese.
Porridge, a slice of toast with peanut butter and raspberry jam on top.
Coffee (w/cream and Agave)
Ok, Cynful wins
JJ gets bonus points for putting Agave in a sentence.
JJ gets bonus points for putting Agave in a sentence.
Vanamonde gets bonus points for being able to post the same sentence twice without WordPress throwing conniptions.
Apparently 2 of Van’s time streams are monitoring this forum.
Just as long as they don’t cross…
More on KD:
My first though when I saw Van’s link was, “I agree. Life would be better with more Mac & cheese”
KD’s tunes were decent, if a bit Lite FM.
Is this post about k.d. lang?
Her Album “Drag” was brilliant in SO many ways.
It’s pretty bad when you have a day off and you don’t know what to do with it.
I think it’s time to play a game.
CP: Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeros
how many times have you blown your cover?
I had to google Agave and I’m now befuddled why he wants to add that to coffee.
Its a natural sweetener and delicious. Thats why.
So is Stevia, it just fails on the second part.
Thats where agave does not. Also it being in liquid form helps
Stevia responds in a chemically different manor than does Agave, in the Laboratory that is my mouth.
To me, Stevia tastes very bitter.
As do most nutra-sweeticles. My useless superpower is the ability to taste these laboratory fabricated sweeteners no mater what they are in. Bake Nutra Sweet into a cookie and I get an unpleasant, long lasting after taste with the very first bite. 🙁
I left my chai latte in the fridge, at home, as I ran out the door this morning – LATE for work!
Yes you did. It was delicious. :devil:
Stranger Danger Draft Day date set?
not yet.
Ugh. Like every product it has various produced and more natural forms. Not all are “sweeter than honey: (in fact I beg to differ completely on that) and you arent supposed to use a ton, so the fructose level shouldnt matter unless youre dumping half a cup in your coffee at a time
Everything in moderation including moderation.
It’s honey-like. It’s sweet. It works.
Like Van. Minus the sweet.
You overestimate my ability to ‘work’.
Bonus points … I believe it ferments into Tequila but I haven’t tried that . Yet.
now there is a homebrew market that has not been tapped…
currently downloading metal gear V.
Solid Snake vs. humanoid lizard aliens??
I just finished Ground Zeroes. Will wait until daddy-in-law leaves before I pick up my next big game.
Just finished the intro. So epic. There was even a fiery unicorn petronas.
yes, but whilst inside a cardboard box
I love the box! That has got to be one of the best ways to hide ever. :happy:
For those who don’t know what I’m talking about
I also found this cool tribute to Snake’s box.
Agent: Hey Snake, we created a high tech protective nano armour that will cloak you and shield you from ballistics.
Snake: Nah, just give me some cardboard.
There was a guy at the Video Game expo cosplaying as Solid Snake, carrying around a cardboard box. My son had to explain the joke to me.
The last Metal Gear game I played was the first one on the NES.
CP: Paper Boats (feat. Ashley Barrett) — Darren Korb
Closing credits music from Transistor.
Van, how is your face? I meant to post this early this morning and the day has gotten away from me. The old country remedy for lost/pulled tooth pain in my family is to steep a tea bag and put it on the sore spot for a few minutes. It stings at first but does numb the pain quickly.
Not to bad, the soluble paracetamol is keeping things under control.
Is that what the kids are calling it now a days?
Just reading that GoFundME has issued a policy to keep people like our least favorite KY Court Clerk from reaping financial benefit from hateful or criminal actions.
I hope this is true.
I’d think they would have to since it was actually a criminal act?
Yeh. Some claim she scores the “double elimination” because she was also involved in “discriminatory acts”.
Still, I’m sure Faux News will give her, her own show.
CP: Personal Jesus — Mindless Self Indulgence
Yeah y’are!
Looking forward to this album. 🙂
CW: Last Passenger
A thriller set on a train.
The set that is the train carriage seems a bit old fashioned for a film set in the 21st century.
Ah it was set in 2004:
Why has DJ Utopia not come out with a new Friday Night Dance Mix ?
CW: pawn stars watching people get fleeced out of their family heirlooms
We’ve decided the Lego Movie is the best option for the evening
I think you will find that EVERYTHING IS AWSOME!!!!
Darkness. No parents…..
Nice. Lego is a beautiful thing
..and you’ve just blown your cover.
..or you should have used a better box.
CW: Addicted to Fresno
I went with “Sum of All Fears” tonight.
Am left wondering if this picture has taken the award for highest “body count”.
That honor used to belong to “Die Hard 2”
The count only “visible, on-screen kills”.
So if we see a football stadium packed full of people, then see a nuke under it, then see a mushroom cloud from outside of town, then here someone report that there is nothing left for a half mile around it … Doesn’t count.
Yet in the Die hard movie the count all the passengers on a plane that crashes even if we did not see those people themselves on screen when they died.
I question the methodology of http://moviebodycounts.com/
well the Earth was destroyed in Hitchikers TV and film (and radio and book)’so that’s quite a few billion.
Didn’t The Master destroy a whole bunch of solar systems back in the old days of Doctor Who?
If I’m remembering that wrong, then it’s down to a population ccomparison between Alderaan and Earth.
Well he did almost destroy the universe:
CW: Tank Girl. Yet another appearance from Lo Pan. Amazing the places he shows up.
James Hong is rad. He simply acts to act. Even has his own acting school
There’s no guarantee he’d be the teacher of the class but Id be lying if I said I wasnt tempted
You and me both!
Aw man, we missed it!
July 25 and 26th 🙁
It’d be worth the price of admission to recreate this scene with him:
Happy belated birthday, Ed!
Feel better soon, Van!
I have a feeling September is going to be ‘sort through all the random stuff I was forced to move in the process of cleaning my apartment’ month. I know it will feel good to not have some of this stuff hanging around anymore. 🙂
Hard objects in pillows, what is the world coming too:
I have a scar at one eyebrow from when I was little. A kid had a soup can in one of those over-long touque and hit me in the face with it when we were in the school yard
People at your school were walking around with home made weapons and attacking each other in the yard? Did you go to school in a prison?
The disembodied voice of JJ on the latest Escape Pod.
I am everywhere-ish.
It was the 500th episode and listeners had been asked to ‘phone in’, one of them played was from JJ.
Crap joke for the day:
A friend to another, “what are the names of your dogs?”The she responded that one was named Rolex and the other Timex.Her friend said, “Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that?”
“HellOOOooo,” answered the blonde. “They’re watch dogs.”
Space geekery for the day:
Have some fairy cake.
Chris Hemsworth take note: this is the true Thor. I don’t recall the video being b&w, though. It’s a shame we can’t re-experience it in glorious full color.
By the way: this is not satire. I remember this from my childhood. And to be fair, we found it ridiculous and terrible, even in 1984.
Holy wow!
Okay, I’m finally watching John Wick
Is he the Wicker man?
cp: witcher 3 and mgs 5. I seem to be spending a lot of time riding horses in both games but switching from an AK47 to a dwarven battle axe.
I almost never rode my horse in Witcher 3. However, I did find it amusing when I went to an island without him and, after a cut scene, he was suddenly on the island next to me.
Crap joke for the day:
A man boarded an airplane and took his seat. As he settled in, he glanced Up and saw the most beautiful woman boarding the plane. He soon realized She was heading straight towards his seat. As fate would have it, she took The seat right beside his. Eager to strike up a conversation he blurted out, “Business trip or pleasure?”
She turned, smiled and said, “Business. I’m going to the Annual Nymphomaniacs of America Convention in Boston.”
He swallowed hard. Here was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen Sitting next to him, and she was going to a meeting of nymphomaniacs!
Struggling to maintain his composure, he calmly asked, “What’s your Business at this convention?”
“Lecturer,” she responded. “I use information that I have learned from my Personal experiences to debunk some of the popular myths about sexuality.”
“Really?” he said. “And what kind of myths are there?”
“Well,” she explained, “one popular myth is that African-American men are The most well-endowed of all men, when in fact it is the Native American Indian who is most likely to possess that trait. Another popular myth is That Frenchmen are the best lovers, when actually it is men of Mexican Descent who are the best. I have also discovered that the lover with Absolutely the best stamina is the Southern Redneck.”
Suddenly the woman became a little uncomfortable and blushed.. “I’m Sorry,” she said, “I shouldn’t really be discussing all of this with you. I don’t Even know your name.”
“Tonto,” the man said, “Tonto Gonzales, but my friends call me Bubba”.
Well Pan, off to see American Ultra at the flicks.
Which was fun enough in a gory kind for way.
Just a pity most of the best sequences were include in the trailer.
Speaking of Wicker Man, the new Iron Maiden double album is out! Anyone heard it yet?
Its on my to-hear list for sure
Not yet, but soon.
Van, they’re your country’s greatest ambassadors! It’s unpatriotic for you to reject Iron Maiden!
Did you see “Ed Force One” is a 747 now? Someone should clue these guys in that they just aren’t popular anymore.
This cannot be unwatched.
I didn’t watch, just in case.
It’s Kashmir compared to “The Super Bowl Shuffle” by the Chicago Bears.
So there is this:
I loved this. I don’t know why, I just did.
Bravo. This is brilliantly done.
Texas approves.
That is WIN!
OMG Damon Wayans…
Bonus crap joke:
I went to the doctors suffering from premature ejaculation .
He said “it must be very stressful for your wife ”
I said “to be perfectly honest it’s getting on her tits
CW: Horns
My opinion of this film is going to be coloured if the lawyer friend is the murderer.
Now my perception of the movie is coloured by the huge spoiler.
I’m kidding. I was never going to watch that shit.
I want either but jesus christ, Van. Im going to have to stop coming on here if you cant keep the spoilers in your pants.
Damn could have meant I was wrong.
Did anyone hear about Kansas State’s marching band half time show, featuring star trek’s enterprise and the KSU Jayhawk?
Kansas State Marching Band Apologizes After Accidentally Delivering NSFW Halftime Performance
Trust me. KU didn’t take the offense the media says they did. It ws hilarious.
Ricki and the Flash today at the flicks.
Last time I saw a Meryl Streep film at the cinema it was ‘Death Becomes Her’.
OK. I have to admit this mashup is pretty well done.
Is today a holiday? Yes
Am I doing a bit of work? Yes
I’m with you working on the holiday. I had to travel to Roswell, NM to work on Friday and Tuesday. That leaves me in middle of the desert, NM for 3 days with nothing specific to do. I went to a beer fest in Albuquerque on Saturday and the Carlsbad Caverns yesterday. That about taps out things to do. So I’m working today and work is letting me take the holiday some other time.
Day off and I didn’t do any work.5
I wouldn’t wish that state on anyone.
Would Breaking Bad have been as good if set in Montana?
I don’t see this ending well.
Talking of Escape Pod. I’ve been listening for about ten years and this is still my favourite story:
I see the customer as Merlin.
So many good ones. I’d have trouble picking a favorite.
I do remember this one though Van. Just the other day I was trying to describe the basic idea to someone.
It’s been so long since I had head it, I couldn’t remember which podcast it had been on.
Crap mini joke:
What do you get when you cross a rooster and peanut butter?
A cock that sticks to the roof of your mouth.
I smell chili.
Are you drinking beer?
are you snorting beer?
Sleeping til whenever FTW!
I tried doing that but hubby forgot to shut his alarm off so it started beeping at 5am.
(jack’s went off at 0730)
We both ignored it – we said, “HA! You do not win today, Alarm! We win!”
Ready to feel old?
Its now been 3 times as long between Metallica’s Black Album and now than from Kill ’em All to the Black album.
Youre welcome.
Back to the care home with ta!
Back to the meaning BACK TO THE MEANING OF…..LIIIFE
Time – taking its toll on you / with lines to crack your face.
You have been dying since the day you were born
Makes me feel like this guy
So this happened:
Of course he did get to 80, so that’s past the cutoff for Lo’s sympathy.
Sorry if I dont feel bad for folks who have a full life who dont quite get to the part where they involuntarily shit themselves. Ass.
Ok, great
80…sheezuz. Life full of win. Love the Specials. I need to re-examine their catalog
I do applaud his long successful life. The Specials were that cool, unusual band my Irish friend was into, back in the day. . . when ska was a genre, not a brand.
oh my, fuck yes. It may be small, but hopefully sturdy
What a hunk of junk!
That’s no drone.
Don’t they realize that bad jokes are our civic duty?
“The worst” idea “in Scotland.”
I think I would prefer seeing that than Bladerunner 2.
How about “Bladespotting” ?
Morning Pan
I would like to go back to bed now.
Oh year end, why do you mock me with your over abundance of paperwork?
If you want to scare the kiddies:
Ok, maybe Montana was a bad idea:
Don’t click TEB.
Shouldn’t those spiders be riding freight trains?
don’t google images of hobo spider bites. GROSS!
Blecchh. Why did you make me do that, Soulier?
I think I got a case of the “Boxcar Willies”.
CP: Waterfall on the Moon – Yellow Dog
John Shirley recommended the story. I’d never heard of this zone, but it might be worth a look around.
Crap joke for the evening;
A pub’s closing and a totally plastered customer struggles to get to the door, then to walk home, despite only living a few hundred yards from there. He literally crawls on the pavement all the way back home, drags himself up the stairs and eventually reaches his bed after two hours. He wakes up the next morning, and his wife tells him:
“You were really drunk last night weren’t you?”
“Yeah, why? How do you know?”
“You left your wheelchair at the pub.”
Yesterday I pulled my hair back in a ponytail and told hubby I could take scissors and simply cut off my ponytail and my hair would be amazing. He wasn’t convinced and asked me not to do it. He obviously doesn’t watch the same movies and tv I do.
Well you know what happened to Samson.
He was finally allowed into Disney Land?
Well there was a cheap beer..
Bring on November 20th!
My BT client is on standby.
99 days until Star Wars
My eyeballs just have to hold out that much longer.
Morning Pan
Another day wrangling with numbers
Lo Pan, how was it?
??? Should Dani be worried?
I assume he needed a cigarette afterward.
The concert was rad. Thanks!
Huzzah! All the accounts balance. Now to take a break before I move on to the next project.
There are magpies congregating on my neighbour’s roof. It’s kind of creepy
I hope you kept count:
One for sorrow,
Two for joy,
Three for a girl,
Four for a boy,
Five for silver,
Six for gold,
Seven for a secret,
Never to be told.[1
A journey I wish upon no one http://imgur.com/a/6jBAq
Truly heartbreaking.
I’ve seen this before. Truly sad.
Amazingly I have no interest in the newly announced iPad Pro.
My sister will be disappointed again this year.
Hubby and I are getting new iphones this year. That’s enough money to give apple in one year.
Hello beautiful people. Life is kicking my ass!
/shakes fist at life.
*hugs* EssBee
It’s ok to kick back!
EssBee thinks we’re purty
/shakes fist at beautiful people.
Nice fist
*shakes fist*
Can you twerk a fist?
I wouldn’t, some people might interpret it as a sexual act.
twerk fist bump
The Credit Card Awakens Edition!
How is that different from what we have? Does it have more lens flares?
New pilots, ship variants and Bruce Willis.
C-3P0 would report much better odds of survival in that asteroid field!
crap joke –
A guy comes home from work to find his wife packing her bags. “Where are you going”, he asks.
“I’m going to Vegas. I found out I can get paid $500 there, for things I do with you for free.”, she replied.
A few minutes later the husband starts packing.” And what do you think you are doing?”, the wife asks.
His reply? “I’m going to Vegas too. I want to see how you are going to live on $1000 a year!”
If you have a few minutes to kill:
It’s like geoguessr with spoilers.
Infinity Blade III goes free for the day on iOS:
25 Years ago today we were introduced to Will Smith as an actor.
“Now this is the story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down….”
“…and I’d like to take a minute just to sit right here and tell you all how I became obsessed in the Church of Scientology”
So it’s been a quarter of a Wilennium.
Wouldn’t that be a quarter Wilentury?
Don’t get Fresh with me! (It’s like he said; girls of the world ain’t nothing but trouble.)
Awe, but I’m the good kind of trouble most of the time.
Of course!
Morning Pan!
Took daddy-in-law to the airport this morning. Hubby and I are looking forward to getting back into a routine again.
On this day in history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_the_Headless_Chicken
Well, that was… strange
Year end it done! :w00t:
Now to start on everything else I put on the back burner while I was getting year end together :ermm:
(Who wants to tell her there are actually still 3 months left til year end?)
CW: Dr Foster E1
A woman goes OTT when she discovers a blond hair on her husband’s scarf.
Off Topic, Totally?
over the table?
It’s the plot synopsis.
On the town?
Over The Top.
Oh, I thought it was Old Tyme Tyrannosaur.
In Ottawa.
I’ve been dying to say that it seems like Batman’s upper body keeps getting wider and wider through the years, but it seems like it peaked in 2008 and has been back on the decline.
It’s his corset
I could understand a corset. And I’ve seen the super wide shoulder style use for both Batman and Superman. But, I’m seeing more and more like the second one from the left here where his body style comes to resemble something on the order of a tank.
Maybe he got bred with the Hulk somewhere when I wasn’t paying attention.
I’m no Bat-scholar, but I think the thick Batman first appeared in Dark Knight Returns, when Bruce Wayne was supposed to be a stout geezer.
*stout geezer* that pesky blinders has a lot to answer for.
-s +a
Morning Pan
The game I bought last time we got together was awarded best new designer, and was a runner up for game of the year by Dice Tower.
Was this the Alchemy game? I tried to click your link, but apparently the evil word “game” appears somewhere on the page.
Last night we tried the new Orville Redenbacher popcorn chips. We tried both butter flavour and BBQ. Both were terrible. We shan’t be doing that again.
Hubby and I have talked about “cutting the cord”. We have decided the only thing standing in the way of getting rid of cable is the BPL and F1 races he watches. If we can find a way to watch those, time shifted not live, I’m sure we could cut our cable bill in half.
It’s rather strange reading the DP negative comments about cable. Over here if you want high internet speeds cable is usually the better option (if you live in a supported area).
My negative is about Cable tv viewing. We’re still attached to the local cable company for our internet connection.
Same but soon to be switching to Verizon
That’s the same here. Even if we shut off cable tv, we’d still use the cable company for our internet.
Cord cut 4 years ago. Havent looked back
It’s Friday. That means it’s now time to clean the washroom.
Soulier, had to move gaming to Sunday didn’t you? 😉 Now we have an empty day that another friend wants to fill up with their time. That’s two days in a row we will be people-filled. *sigh* Having all these games is not necessarily a good thing :cth:
My washroom is nice and clean. Now, nobody use it and it won’t get dirty again. :silly:
Do you remember when emoji’s were called emoticons? Why did that change? :face:
Blame the Japanese. ‘ji’ means character, so it was their translation of emoticon. Emoji caught on with the rest of the world since it means the same thing but is easier to say.
Well, at least we don’t blame Canada :whistle:
I blame Japanese Canadians.
I’ve always considered emoticons to be asci character based. Emojis are these new fangled graphical elements.
Back in my day, you had to tilt your head to see if the person you were talking to was happy or sad.
Get off your lawn?
Can you tell I’m trying real hard to avoid my work? :ninja:
Washroom cleaned, work done for the day. One advantage of being at your desk by 6am is you are done your work early. I now have most of the day to enjoy myself. :angel:
Only two episodes left of Narcos to watch, enjoying the series so far and the theme music is great:
CD: Crabbie’s
CP: Victor Vran
All in all, it’s looking to be a good evening.
So I am currently building a hot wire, styrofoam cutting table for the building of Cosplay weapons.
Anyone have any advice on this?
It was either that or perfect my doomsday device.
What kind of Cosplay weapons?
well the wheelchair and metallic arm probably wouldn’t suit you..
Dr. Strangelove FTW
I’m going to start, with the attempt to build a “Portal” gun.
Oh, for a second I thought this meant you were planning a Dr. Strangelove cosplay.
I should build a replica of the War Room for your wedding reception.
There’d be no fighting in there.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0326qkd I didn’t know this was coming up quite this soon.
I really like Capaldi quite a bit, so I’m definitely ready for more.
As to an earlier thread “Why I hate my cable company.”
They dropped BBCA from their line-up.
I know have no way to watch this.
Unless maybe someone in the UK knows how to make it secretly available through the inter webs. :angel:
I’m sure the sharing of knowledge can be arranged.
We subscribe to Dr. who on itunes
Talking of internets, new Swedish drama called ‘Beck’ starts on the BBC this weekend.
Well it’s new to the UK.
I like both ideas — Van’s and EssBee’s.
Does iTunes give you the current season of Who ?
Or Amazon?
CD: Boulevard Wheat + Archer Farms’ Blood Orange soda
A different twist on a radler.
Yum. Had a Funky Pumpkin from Blvd last night. Quite nice.
Colorado Fireside Whiskey for me
Tia Maria and coke.
Did a lot of Vodka shots last night.
So … not doing anything tonight.
That’s got to be better than Tila Tequila and coke.
Leinekugel Berry Weiss for me
Crap joke for the evening::
A man walks into a zoo.
The only animal in the entire zoo is a dog.
It’s a shitzu
The boy who cried woof.
Guardians of the Galaxy for fam film night.
Still pleases immensely
I’ve been through most of these. It’s a little odd hearing Conan’s words spoken by a geeky-sounding narrator, but the guy gets 1000 points for doing the time and getting these readings done. Robert E. Howard was a man of his time, but also pretty underrated as a writer. Some real classics here:
So there was this:
Wooden spaceships. Who knew the Soviets were so steampunk?
So Van, was “The Visit” as insultingly, mind-numbingly, depressingly, wretchedly stupid as “The Happening?” Or even “The Village?”
Nope, just a run of the mill shocker, but certainly better than ‘The Village’ .
I never got round to seeing ‘The Happening’.
Justa, yes current season will be on itunes
or “intriguing” even.
/ waits to see if Lo is old enough.
Bae = yes
Books = no
Bae also means poop in Danish.
CW: An Inspector Calls
2015 BBC adaption Of the play.
Nicely done but the ending was spoilt a bit by making the nature of the Inspector less vague.
CW: (and almost finished) The Civil War documentary on netflix. what’s up with the south.
Coming from a Canadian, that comment could encompass all of us down here. . .
Kreg Steppe pointed this out: a Nerdist article leading to a site of audiobooks for 80s movie novelizations.
Van, they have Bladerunner!
I have a dream…
Was every single f#%^ing one of them written by Alan Dean Foster?
The Strain-eeek!
Morning Pan
Hubby is off to work. I plan to do some grocery shopping later this morning. Let’s see if he remembered to put what he needed on my list.
Off to the store. Then I need to hem a pair of hubby’s pants. I’m being very wifey today, what’s that about?
There’s probably a blues song about that.