So, I haven’t been completely idle over the past few months. . . . here are some news items:
- 7th Son: Descent recap. J.C. Hutchins invited me to read a paragraph for him in “7th Son Book One: Descent” recap to launch the sequel, “7th Son Book Two: Deceit.” I’m there with some pretty esteemed company. Wow.
- Speaking of Beer appearance. Charlie the Beer Guy, everybody’s favorite beercaster and scholar, recently invited me to sample Oktoberfest beers with him on his podcast. It was a fun experience, and makes for a good listen.
- The force of nature that is WNDR Wolf has connected with the folks at ESC! Magazine’s Coffee House to Go, and they have posted his director’s cut audio drama of my short story, “Sixteen Pieces at a Time”.
And as unproductive as I’ve been of late, I still have more cool news items pending. And oh yeah — the haircut (i need to take more-detailed, less-sleepy photos):