Mighty Deadpan Unshow 51

This Unshow episode guest starring Cj of the Love Long and Prosper podcast!

Mighty Show Notes ’til You Cough.

Mighty Deadpan Unshow 51

The Deadpan Goddess graces us with her presence so we may bask in her glory.

Cj of the Love Long and Prosper podcast (http://www.lovelongandprosper.com/podcast/)

Discussing JR Murdock and his big truck (http://jrmurdock.com/)

Cj visited San Diego comicon (http://www.comic-con.org/)

The Palooza movie is Dark Star. Have you watched it yet? You have until August 25th.

A Jackless Palooza? Really?

Coming soon:
60 lines part 3
Collaborative song

Greasy Nipples
JR Murdock
The Energizer Bunny
Nomad Scry (first of the week)

Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom

Once again a big thank you to special guest Cj *big hug*

667 thoughts on “Mighty Deadpan Unshow 51

  1. Oi Pan!

    Wont be able to listen to the episode for another hour. Must take the car in to get the windshield replaced. It’s been cracked for a while but hubby wanted to wait until summer holidays to get it fixed. Which is now :cheerful:

  2. My mom is weird. I got an e-mail from her this morning. The subject was “Next Saturday”. this made me think it was legit as my Boo will be in her neck of the woods next weekend.

    The actual text:

    “Urgent Warning for Next Saturday!!!

    Aliens are coming to Earth next Saturday and their mission is to abduct all good looking and sexy “older” people.

    You will be safe; I’m just emailing you to say goodbye…”

  3. One more quick note before I hop out for a bit. Comments for July 2010 were 49% higher than 2009.

    Thumbs up to the Panites

  4. I take that back, not sure where my brain is today. We were only up 20% over last year. However, that’s still worth a thumbs up 🙂

  5. Bunny, Any idea on how many more regular more regular commenter’s we have?
    I know I am new. My first comment was at the beginning of September last year.

  6. (waiting on hubby before we go)

    reaper, if I read your comment correctly, than the answer is no. I don’t breakdown the comments by people, how insane do you think I am? I keep track for each posting (including the special post i.e. the palooza) and then add them up on my little spreadsheet.

    Who did what is more work than I’m willing to do, sorry :cheerful:

  7. Bunny, I wasn’t interested in anything that detailed. Just wondering how many more regulars we have here compared to last year. I know of one at least.

  8. Just had a packet of corn based, ring shaped, fried onion flavour snacks.

    The packet may have more nutritional value than the actual snacks, but boy do they hit the spot from time to time..

  9. WHAT!

    whats the point of putting cream and icing on a cake that is supposed to be healthy..you may as well have the full chocolate (insert any sugary fatty flavour here) experience..

  10. so what to watch over lunch.
    Babylon 5, Pink Floyd The Wall, or Dark Star
    I have never seen any of these (minus most of the first season if B5)

  11. Hubby and I just got back from a walk. Something we’ve noticed is this summer our neighbourhood has been lousy with crows.

    Why for all the crows visiting us?

  12. I don’t have a problem with crows Van, just commenting on the fact there seem to be more than usual in the area.

  13. WNDR: I’ll be out of town this weekend 🙁 I won’t be able to make Saturday. I’ll be far away from technology until late Sunday.

    Jack: Sign me up for singing lessons as well 🙂

  14. SO is that safe for work then? Cool. Ill check it out here at work. Which its safe for, right? Cool. Ill check it out here at work.

  15. I’m up for the musical thing. I no longer have any musical instruments, but it will be fun to come up with an interesting way to accomplish whatever part I can get.

  16. I ended up buying Dark Star off of Amazon. I’ll have it Saturday. For some reason, even though it had been at the top of my queue for weeks and showing as available, it kept getting bypassed by other titles.

  17. So what’s our Dark Star palooza going to be called? Beach Ball Bingo? Dark Star Fucker? Deadpan After Dark… Star? Dark Star Struck?

  18. Wikipedia claims: “In 1995, EMI Finland released 14 Smurf CD’s, of which two received a gold record , eight platinum, two double platinum…”

  19. Van, it was a fun ride… a little predictable… Joseph Gordon-Levitt won my heart in this film… hmmm

    I’m not a huge fan of DiCaprio and his character was very similar to that of his character in Shutter Island – I’m basing this on a very brief portion of Shutter Island though, like 10 minutes.

    Anyhoo… the special effects were amazing and the story intriguing and touching (at times) and …

    Yeah I really enjoyed all the characters…

  20. reaper <=== just had a fit of deviant laughter due to Cj link and enjoyed Tape It Back Together
    Who needs mood stabilizers when you have Deadpan links

  21. Has this made national news?:

    “The district (Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District) released more than 2.1 billion gallons of sewage and storm water from combined sanitary and storm sewers in central Milwaukee, eastern Shorewood and other district-controlled sanitary sewers from July 22 to 25,(2010) according to the district.”
    From: http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/100076744.html

    That is the important part of the article but this was not news on it own to our local paper(OK, maybe it was in there but on before page 10). The beaches are closed where this happened but the claim it is because of Sea gulls crapping on them.
    This dumps in to Lake Michigan

  22. Lo Pan, Milwaukee as some beaches but they have the most under utilized lake front of any bigger city. Everyone knows Chicago has a lake front because they actually use it.

  23. “Planet Buster Derby” – Van wins. 🙂

    Also today is my 22nd wedding anniversary and according to the internet I should give a gift of copper. I think I have 22 cents around the house.

  24. Well Eclipse was ugh in the extreme, the only + was that it was showing in the arty farty cinema, so less than 10 people in the place.

  25. However any tablet that comes with a ‘may cause sudden death’ warning in the wrapper would seriously make me consider celibacy.

  26. Well, looks like some local businesses are expanding. Time to freshen up my resume. And by “freshen up”, I mean make it not suck. Oh, and make it sound as though I have a clue. This may take time . . .

  27. Hubby will be upset because I didn’t wake him so he could clear the bed for me. I know I would feel silly, waking him up because I thought I felt something crawl on me… twice

  28. Oh well, I guess I can take comfort in the fact I’m not the only one awake at 3:30 in the morning. I can hear the neighbours. It sounds like their party is finally winding down, though

  29. On an unrelated not, I did do show motes for this episode but I think Jack must be sitting on them. I’m sure they’re comfy.

  30. The tap in the kitchen is dripping rather loudly. I’d do something about it but kitty is sleeping on me and I don’t want to disturb her. It’s good that one of us is getting some sleep

  31. Also, I don’t sleep as well without that warm body I’m use to in the bed beside me. I know this because on the ocassions hubby goes out of town for meetings I don’t sleep as well.

  32. My cat is murring at me. Usually she sleeps with me on the bed. I think she’s a little confused over why I’m on the couch. I’m nit sure how to explain to her tha, well, there’s a bug in my bed.

  33. I think I have to go to the bathroom. Maybe I’ll do something about the tap while I’m up. With luck, I’ll be able to get some sleep.

  34. Haven’t got my copy of Darkstar yet. It was apparently shipped in the 27th. I wonder how long I should wait until I start asking where it is…

  35. I’d wait till the 11th and then start making a fuss about not receiving my movie. My wife would have already asked the seller where the disc is. She tends to get better results, so…

  36. Maybe add the word “claws” to the kitty comment too.

    What can I say about my typing? I should really be asleep but… There’s a bug in my bed.

  37. So the DS score so far is:

    NS: Huh

    Yeah TEB, phobias are a bitch, I’m not quite that bad if the bug is small…I just get ‘the hoover out.

    But fast running spiders give me the heeby Cheever ..bloody auto correct..jeez..

  38. I would definitely still be asleep but, my daughter came to my bedside and said, “Mommy, my tummy hurts.”

    Then she vomited on me.

    So, while there was no bug in my bed….

    I guarantee, my bed smelled worse for a short while.

  39. I finally fell asleep (on the couch) sometime after four. I woke up again about seven, made coffee and had a shower. It was the son of the shower that woke hubby up. Hr didn’t even realize I left the bed last night. I should bite him.

  40. However, when he found out what happened, he completely stripped the bed and threw all the needing in the wash an put a new set of linen on the bed. I love my hubby.

  41. Right now he’s vacumming the bedroom. Although it looks like we’ll have to repace the vacuum if we want to do the rest of the house.

  42. Hubby says he wants to get one of these vacuums that havethe ball on them. While I don’t mind spending a few pennies to get a good quality item, I’m not sure I want to spen quite that much on a vacuum.

  43. Managed to kill the reaver. We found a painting worth 75,000 GP in his crypt. Now, if we can only get to a town to sell it…

  44. NULL – Are you attending Pi Con this month? I’m 85% certain I will be going Friday. Saturday is still up in the air due to uncertain birthday scheduling for small humans.

  45. Crap.

    I just got “Gangster’s Paradise” stuck in my head.

    Got my ten in my hand and a gleam in my eye
    I’m a loc’ed out gangsta, set-trippin banger
    And my homies is down, so don’t arouse my anger, fool
    Death ain’t nuthin but a heart beat away

  46. The wife and I watched the “new” Clash of the Titans last night. Skipped it in the theater.

    While it was pretty, overall I don’t think it held up very well compared to the original. Certainly a lot of story elements were changed. But, even beyond that, the story telling felt like a Cliff Notes version – I had to fill in things from the original.

  47. Nomad Scry: Wow. Who’s putting this thing on? They only have a “tentative” schedule up, ya know, since they’ve got so much time until the 20th. “Events” are “coming soon”. For the programs, Friday is the only day that has anything remotely interesting, and nothing that looks like it warrants any kind of currency-exchange. And of course, since it’s tentative, it could all change at the drop of a hat. No wonder I’ve not heard of this.

  48. I’m home and my cupboards are less empty.

    I haven’t spent that much on groceries in a while… that’s what happens when I’m not ever home I guess.

    I spent $183.00

    Saved with coupons $120.00.

    So, I’ll call it a success.

  49. Mr. NULL – I went to Pi-Con 2 or 3, mostly because Voltaire was performing. It was an itty-bitty tiny local con then, and given the unimpressive up-to-dateness of the website…. it seems to still be an itty bitty teeny tiny local. But they’ve got the Flash Forward guy, so that’s a big plus.

    I keep wanting to call Robert J. Sawyer – J. Dan Sawyer. And I get them both confused with J. Robert King.

  50. morning pan,
    I was returning to my office this morning and had to pass by some fork lifts moving the metal saws and I couldn’t help but giggle a little because the fork trucks said on the back “united erecting”
    I got out of there before things go weird.

  51. 300.

    ditto: I listened to the first half on the NPR website. Sounded good, but nothing struck me so far in the same way as “Black Mirror” or the “Neighborhood” stuff.

    What do you think?

  52. Jack: I really like the songs you mention, and particularly enjoy “(Antichrist Television Blues)” as well. The new album has a noticeably “cleaner” sound than the others, it takes a little getting used to. I also think the second half of the album is better than the first. Give “Suburban War” a try.

  53. I think of J. Robert King as the Planescape guy, which is almost totally inaccurate, and he’s written quite a bit (that I haven’t read) since then. Oh, and he’s an Angry Robot.

  54. Hey Deadpan

    We got a new vacuum. Hubby is now cleaning the whole house. While having a vacuum is ok, I don’t think I’m geeking out over it as much as hubby. It’s actually kind of weird.

  55. I still think it’s a strange thing to get excited about. But hey, since he does the vacuuming, I’m not going to say anything to him to dissuade him.

  56. TEB: no problem

    reaper: I know. Just what is my problem?

    *kicks self to getting out of the gutter in the first place*

    CP: Brain Stew — Green Day

  57. bunny, did he spend a little to much time in an area was would be hard to see him from?

    ditto, that depends on the magazine they use for aids

  58. Do you want it to last longer?
    Do you need more stamina?
    When vacuuming just isn’t enough, use Dyson Ball for a more pleasurable vacuuming experience.

  59. ditto, judging by your comments, I think maybe you too are the type that has too much fun with his dyson ball :cheerful:

  60. My boss just sent me an e-mail. She has a “little” project she wants me to do, probably starting Wednesday. I won’t bore you with the details except to say I have to go back to 2006 and look into every month going forward.


  61. I’m reminded of that song taking the piss out of Hitler in WW2, to paraphrase:

    Dyson has only got one ball, but poor Hoover has no balls at all..

    Err I’ll get my coat.

  62. Van, I have a “whatever pays the bills” kind of attitude when it comes to actors and the seeming strange choices they make for film.

  63. So…

    While all this Dyson ball sucking stuff is very interesting… I have a … thing… that I uhhh.. well, I don’t have to DO anything about it.. but it’s odd nonetheless so I’m going to share with all of you… my dear deadpanties…

    Like… so… I had this ex-boyfriend who told me that this other ex-boyfriend of mine died…

    Yeah… but I never really thought it was true… but then… ex-boyfriend Alive was friends with ex-boyfriend Supposedly dead … long after I moved away and …

    Well… Dead ex-boyfriend — is alive… and well… and …. on Facebook.


  64. Like… seriously….

    Dead… the guy I went to prom with.. MY HIGH SCHOOL FREAKING PROM…

    I was so sad when I’d heard he died.


  65. The cynic inside me suggests that if the lass had been on the large side, the story would have been along the lines of ‘evil woman humiliates boss’.

  66. every few weeks for so my wife comments that she is not all that happy with netflix because it takes a while to get movies and it also takes a while to watch them and every time we (me and 2 kids) remind her we all watch at least 2 hours of netflix streaming per day often much more.
    and the 3-9 DVD’s we get each week would be way more than what we would pay at the local store. of course we also wouldn’t have rented some of those movies so we also get to expose the kids to a much larger catalog of movies.

  67. There was lovely demonstration of the effect in a museum in Portsmouth.

    You spin a handled to pump gas (air in this instance) into a tank of water with a toy boat floating on top.

    As the gas bubbles up through the water, the toy boat sinks like a stone.

  68. The Rules:

    Really, who needs rules? Just remember two things:

    1)There be spoilers ahead
    2)as I’m typing while watching spelling is optional and errors should be forgiven and overlooked.

  69. Today’s movie is Open Graves

    The DVR writeup says: A group of American students in Spain stumbles across a sinister board game, in which the loser eventually suffers a terrible death.

    No matter how bad it is, I don’t see any way it could be worse than the last movie I did here.

  70. Also, I will be taking a quick break half way through the movie. Technically I’m working. Also I’ll need a bathroom break. It’s a large Coke Zero in front of me.

    OK, really pushing play now…

  71. As far as these movies go it wasn’t that bad. It was very predictable, but that was also the nature of the movie. You know who’s going to live and who’s going to die and how right near the beginning simply because the game they play says who and how.

    You have you’re typical “twist” ending but, I admit, I saw it coming about half way through the game.

    It was infinitely better that Donkey Punch from last week and not as laugh inducing as Boogie Man 3, but still not quite as good as Nazi Zombies.

    Over all, for the type of movie it was, I’d give it a better than average grade, if only slightly.

  72. It’s a sobering thought that I have just as much chance of getting killed by a GRB then winning the jackpot on the National Lottery.

  73. Personally, I’m with Lo Pan.

    Seriously? Damn. I thought you always posted about beating up orcs, earning mounts, that sort of thing.

  74. I’m caught up on reading and I love that the above mentions of me include a UHF reference and a WoW reference.

    It’s good to know I’m depicted by the things I love!

  75. So – I had the most amazing day!

    Went to work – which I love!
    Tweeted – which I love!
    Floated on salt water – which I could learn to love (first time is a bit odd until you get used to it.)
    Went back to work and read some emails, facebook posts, twitter responses. LOVE LOVE LOVE
    Then Senator McCain showed up in a tent outside the building and I got to sit with my friends Keesha and David, whom I love! Took pictures, listened to McCain’s very cool speech and then he answered questions and I got to shake his hand. No, I did not ask any questions, but I enjoyed being there and the learning experience.

    THEN!!! My team went out to dinner to this really yummy joint called Zips, which would be ideal for EVFN if it were not in Scottsdale.

    They have the best onion rings I’ve ever had… ZOMG, so love their onion rings.

    Good day! Excellent!

  76. I understand, CJ. In a few weeks, BOTH of my kids will be in school. That’s going to be weird with our youngest going to school as well.

    Man, I feel old.

  77. I don’t want any shit from people claiming to feel old. I’m only 40 and just found out that my son is getting married. His fiance has a 4 year old daughter, which means I’m now a GRANDFATHER. I may be happy as a pig in shit, but I feel older than dirt.

  78. Congrats, Usedhair!

    I forgot who posted the link, but those games done up in 16-bit form was very cool. I’d love to play them.

  79. As far as getting old, you’re only as old as you feel.

    I find Deadpan is an interesting mix of ages. You have the youngsters in their twenties, like Amy and then we go all the way up to us oldsters who are well into their forties.

    Some of us, like Usedhair (congrats by the way) and myself have grown children who have left the nest and made nests of their own 😉

    I like the fact that, for the most part, we overcome our generational differences and can all enjoy the silliness that is deadpan.

    … now get off my lawn :cheerful:

  80. Thankfully Grandkids are something I’ll never have to worry about, I’m not grandad material.

    As for feeling old, the arthritis in my knee and back don’t let me forget the increasing mileage on the clock.

    Peashooter locked and loaded for any lawn trespassers…

  81. Bunny, My son (ok stepson) has just sworn in to the air force and should be leaving in the next few months and my daughter (ok stepdaughter) will be driving soon.
    While I am to young to be a grandpa I’m not to young to be a Step-Grandpa

  82. BunBunBunBunBunBun – Last week we watched Connor’s return from the hell dimension. He comes back wearing animal skins. I guess he stops wearing them right away, but I haven’t watched any further yet.

  83. DS does in a sense capture the boredom of bring stuck in a tin can for years.

    Although I’m reminded of the quote about Sublogic’s Flight simulator, a simulator so good that it simulates the boredom of flying…

  84. Just wondering what it would take to bribe Jack to do a version of Benson Arizona’ for the palooza episode…

    Probably more money than there is tea in china..

    I’ll get my coat.

  85. TEB, there is always dropbox:


    12 megs is well within the storage space limit you get with a free account. You just need to send the URL to the file itself once it was uploaded to dropbox.

    It works, as I’ve sent stuff to Jack before using dropbox.

  86. As one who lived in Scottsdale, I must disagree with Nomad Scry. I’d take it over anyplace in PA any day of the week.

    The worst place in the world is Santa Rosa New Mexico. I spent two horrible nights in that shit town.

  87. They built the aquarium just as I was moving as part of their revitalization effort. I haven’t been there yet.

    I just know that is one scary place to be.

  88. Krazy Joe – Er. I should explain. Cj said something about Scottsdale. The only thing that I know about Scottsdale comes from the intro to the Out of the Coffin podcast where DanS describes it as the most horrible place (in the world/on the earth?)… so I was just making an inside call-back. To Scottsdale. Most horrible place in the world. Hehehe.

    I haven’t made it to AZ yet, and I’m afraid I will melt if I ever do.

  89. NS: As I work in Scottsdale, I can’t confirm that it’s the worst place in the world.

    I can confirm that I’d rather work somewhere else, but that’s largely a logistical issue with me living 32 miles away.

  90. Dan Shaurette and his fiance run the OotC vampire podcast. They’re awesome people and do a really good show. You may have met Dan during your time here in AZ, Krazy.

    Scottsdaliens are quite the metro, hair-gelled, silicon bunch – – but the town itself features some of central AZ’s best hiking trails.

  91. Jack,

    I took great pride in the fact that I drove the worst car in Scottsdale. I loved going places that had valet parking in my beat up ’96 Bonneville.

    My ex wife didn’t like it near as much as I did.

    Yeah…the Scottsdale people were a bit snobby (which is why my friends were all in Phoenix), but you can have fun with that if you have the right attitude and sense of humor.

  92. Not a bad idea Jack. Let me try it on for size. Of course, I am very fair-haired, so I don’t actually have any (detectable) gray hair. Then again, I actually have quite a full head of hair, so “Used” was the wrong moniker to begin with.

  93. I think it’s important to note that Scottsdale can’t be ALL bad simply because I was born and raised there.

    So – good things CLEARLY do come from Scottsdale sometimes.


  94. I don’t like to trust the “Feels Like” things.
    I was in Scottsdale when it was 110 that felt cooler than 85 next day when I got home.
    Here it is 79 with a heat index of 81. it feel more like 90
    I don’t like humidity when it is hot.