A husband in his back yard is trying to fly a kite. He throws the kite up in the air, the wind catches it for a few seconds, then it comes crashing back down to the earth. He tries this a few more times with no success.All the while, his wife is watching from the kitchen window I muttering to herself how men need to be told how to do everything.She opens the window and yells to her husband, “You need a piece of tail! The man turns with a confused look on his face and says, “Make up your mind. Last night you told me to go fly a kite. “
New page!
Slipped in like a ninja.
I hope it was consensual!
I hope it was consensual!
And that goes double!
Well I was thinking of the new page, gawd knows what you were thinking…
I was going to add filthy bugger to that sentence but decided against it.
Hi, my name is Maxwell Smart, and I’m an alcoholic.
Oh Mr. Tornado…. youre leaving me Clutterbucked
Aye carumba!
“As we leave the Moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind.”
— Eugene Cernan, last person to walk on another world, 42 years ago today
-nicked from Robert J Sawyer on FB.
Darn shame that it’s been so long.
So tonight I bought the ebook version of ‘The Quiet Earth’, the book the film was based on.
Judging from the plot summaries on Wikipedia the film has a better ending.
Hey, who moved my cheese?
Donnie Darko while fighting a vicious sinus infection/head cold.
Jack Mangan is THE MF’ing bomb!
Morning Pan
Could some one please let the sun know it’s morning and time to get up.
Today on Where is My Secret Santa Parcel:
USPS claims it is actually in its destination city and expects said parcel to be delivered today. Hooray!
Yesterday, when I went to clear the bed for the night, Pidge was face down with his head jammed into the pillow. First I asked hubby if Pidge was bad or something. Hubby said no, he just wasn’t paying attention. Hubby and I had to have a talk about his treatment of (stuffed) animals.
Women and cuddly toys.
Hubby is just as bad. He always brings something soft and cuddly when ever he travels. It’s even to the point where his work Secret Santa gave him a stuffed animal.
CP: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Opening Title) — Bear McCreary
CW: There’s Something About Mary
I was never a big fan of that movie. But then, I could never figure out what the big deal was with Cameron Diaz. She was always kind of meh to me.
I found it funny in a crude way (Benny Hill sort of crude).
I see my DPSS gift has shipped! I believe it will make it to its intended recipiant by Christmas morning!
Wow, the spammers are getting smarter and smarter. I just got an email from my cable provider saying my payment didn’t go through and could I please update my info. Funny thing is, my cable payment does come out around this time. I was smart enough to NOT click on the link provided but it was good enough to make me wonder. I then contacted my cable provider personally and found everything was fine. A less cautious person could easily be fooled.
I have since forwarded the message to my cable provider and they are looking into it.
Happened to me a while back, they even had my name spelt correctly on the email. It was claiming my payment hadn’t went through.
Yup, my name was spelled correctly too (although, since my email is my name I guess that wouldn’t be too hard). Have to be extra vigilant.
Which made it more weird as my email addresses don’t contain my name, scary stuff.
I am personally offended that episode 100 of JMDP isn’t in the top 10. Also, I have only heard about 3-4 of these podcasts.
99% of them were unknown to me too. And it also seemed like they only focused on the ones from major media outlets. (?)
Oh yeah, to those whom I gave audio books to, please don’t listen to City of Demons. I realized I put the wrong file on your flash drive. Really, there is a better version out there somewhere. Now I just have to find it…
USPS says my parcel has arrived at its destination. I may faint with shock.
In related news – – thanks for the wrapped SS gifts, TRA! I’ve put ’em under the tree for Xmas day.
Glad you got them. I was starting to get worried. Hope you enjoy them.
My dad is back in the hospital.
That spot on his brain that was bleeding after he fell off the roof … started bleeding again.
Apparently last Friday he was dizzy and had problems standing. He didn’t tell anyone that at the time.
Currently waiting for him to get a CT scan.
Anyone with positive thoughts to spare … could use a few.
Fingers crossed and all that positive stuff.
well wishes, positive thoughts and all things good headed your way
Best wishes to you and your dad.
You got all my thoughts, buddy
Big time support and best wishes. 🙁 I hope for the best.
Hopefully tomorrow I’ll get to see the new Hobbit flick in Edinburgh.
Well, if youre gonna see that piece o’ crap at least it’s somewhere appropriately beautiful
I know it’s a far inferior shadow of the original 3 films, but I’m looking forward to it.
I suppose I’ll be saying the same for episode VII a year from now.
Your DPSS Package arrived at its destination today, per ME!
You are so thoughtful! Jack, Wee Peeps, and I will devour the Canadian candy goodies. My wrapped gift will wait to reveal itself ’til Christmas morning. Ugh. (If Jack can hold out, so can I!)
Nope. Brand new. I will start it next week, once I’m done the one im currently reading
I think it’s time for lunch. There’s leftover curry chicken calling my name.
So, I was going through old bookmark links and I stumbled upon the one for Wingin’ It 3D. It looks like it was picked up by someone in Japan. http://www.winginit3d.com/
oh that’s odd…
Mark from Memphis should call their voicemail line daily.
Only if Robert G. Parent poetry slams it
The local news lady had a case of the giggles. I guess tomorrow marks the third anniversary of Kim Jung Il’s death. They were discussing some of the things he was suppose to have done, including walking at three weeks old and getting 11 holes in one he very first time he played golf. I don’t think I’ve seen our noon news person so giggly
I binging on Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D. Season 1, while this nasty sinus infection tries to get the upper hand on me.
The series only started getting “watchable” aroun episode 10. Now, I like it.
So the nurse in the NICU told me it is “touch and go” for my dad.
They need to cut into his skull to relieve the pressure from the bleeding … but because he had been on blood thinners they are having to wait for that to get out of his system before they can do the surgery.
They have some sort of test they do to check his clotting ability and this morning it was just above a 2.something and they needed it below 1.4
As of 3 hours ago it had gotten to 1.4
They were testing again at 5pm – don’t know the results yet. Thye had originally scheduled his surgery for tomorrow morning but the nurse thought he was degenerating pretty quick from the pressure that was building. So the surgery needs to be sooner than later.
Seems to be a race against time.
I appreciate you keeping us posted, J0e. Whatever best wishes and positive thoughts from afar are worth, you have them.
This upon this
Thanks all.
They have just rushed him to surgery. They didn’t feel they could wait any longer.
We are all here
For you, j0e. It sounds like the clotting time (aka INR of 1.4 that he had is a fairly stable value. Hugs to you and your family.
Hugs, jJ
*hugs* to JustaJ0e
Oh J0e. *hugs* 🙁
So happy to see all the positive Deadpan Secret Santa news coming in! 🙂
I came to share mine, too. EssBee, thank you for the Death Star ice cube (er, ice sphere) mold! It will definitely see some use over the summer. :happy:
These are cool Amy. We have one. A word of advice, use warm water. It freezes clearer and you can see the markings better.
We watched Only Lovers Left Alive tonight. Yep, it’s a Jim Jarmusch film. How is it Tilda Swinton is 14 years older than me and looks 14 years younger??
Saw it at the flicks, well acted but rather weird. but as you say it’s a JM film.
Watching this, Christmas Vacation, Die Hard, and listening to the Star Wars Christmas album are all yearly staples of mine
I think we’re all pretty much over the stop-motion Rankin-Bass specials, but I’m still always down for the (animated) Grinch and the Charlie Brown Xmas special.
Agreed… I’ll break out the Rankin-Bass for olde tymey sake but usually its just on in background.
Grinch and Charlie will always hold up. Unlike the John Goodman voiced sequel to Frosty
Four days to go till I get 7 days off, it’s going to pass slowly.
Tarasenko was on fire last night!
That name no longer has any meaning to me…
What the Puck? 😉
Update –
Things look much better today than yesterday.
My dad’s surgery went well last night. He is doing pretty good this morning but due to confusion with the drugs and the poking around in his brain, they have had to restrain him to keep him from removing medical stuff. Given he is very claustrophobic, this isn’t helping.
That aside, now we just wait to see how he recovers.
I find it interesting that, on a site where the word FUCK runs rampant and kids shouldnt be on, that the word FUCK on a picture needs to be deemed nsfw.
GoodReads says I read 30 books this year. How can it give me a count when the year is not over?
Who knew t he mumps would affect my hockey team so much? It seems every other day I have to put someone on the injured list.
Our team has apparently run into the Black Death this week.
I may be late to this party but just in case it hasn’t been brought up –
Here is a ranking of every episode of every Star Trek, ever. 695 Star Trek episodes -from The Original Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, and The Animated Series. http://www.playboy.com/articles/star-trek-episode-guide-part-one
Yes, it is an article the playboy site. So if that is blocked where you are, you’ll have to be creative.
I think I agree with his #1 on the list.
Oh jj do you know how long it (boobs)took me to click thru that (boobs)??? And I only clicked once (boobs).
For me, Best of Both Worlds is #1 with CotEoF a close second (boobs)
Do you have an obsession with boobs Lo?
His Maffia name? “Boobs Lo Pan”
I mean…
I’m ok with the top 4. #5 I disagree with. Best of Both Worlds is excellent, though I think the second half isn’t as good as the first. I’m glad the author counted the animated series, though it has been ages since I’ve seen any of it.
The bottom of the list are horribly bad episodes. I agree with that. 😀
“The bottom of the list are horribly bad episodes”
Some of those I had tried to repress from my memory. 🙂
No6, is one of my Fav ST: TOS episodes, based in a classic Frederic Brown story..even though the writer claimed he had never heard of Arena…Brown got a credit.
I don’t think I’ll be clicking that link on a work computer. 🙂 (It was just for the articles. Honest!)
I have a deep affinity for the best episodes – – mainly from TOS, but also the few good ones scattered throughout the latter shows.
But goddamn, there are so, so, so many terrible episodes.
It’s funny, I’ve always liked that episode in spite of the rubber, Godzilla like costume of the Gorn.
Others around me (all my sisters) were not able to overlook the Gorn suit and HATE it.
I recently watched the whole of the Animated Series and found it as it should be – the bad eps were some of the worst Trek ever. The good ones fit right in as classic stories. It’s a worthy ‘Season 4’ addition to TOS
That’s what I recall. And TOS really was that way too. But I still love it. 😀
And I love “Spock’s Brain”. 😀
‘Spock’s Brain’ is the equivalent of Taco Bell. It’s awful for you but damn Ill watch it every time its on.
Ack! You just want to be dominated by a woman with a remote control…
Two campers are hiking in the woods when one is bitten on the rear end by a rattlesnake.”…I’ll go into town for a doctor,” the other says. He runs ten miles to a small town and finds the town’s only doctor, who is delivering a baby. “I can’t leave,” the doctor says. “But here’s what to do: take a knife, cut a little X where the bite is, suck out the poison, and spit it on the ground.” The guy runs back to his friend, who is in agony. “What did the doctor say?” the victim asks. “He says you’re gonna die.”
Well that was a but of an anti-climax, the ending did remind me of bester’s ‘Tyger1 Tyger’ where the viewer discovers what the girl can do.
Jesus Christ, all I did was a few rounds of batting cages, and I feel like I finished a 10-round Wrestlemania bout with Andre the Giant. This whole 40s thing is no fun.
You’re not supposed to stop the ball with your chest.
RE: Joe’s joke: why did the dirtiest of all possible responses immediately spring to mind?
Tis’ the season to be jolly
Ay one hear a date yet for a US showing of the Dr. Who special?
Past several years, it has been on Christmas.
Here in Canada it’s showing on Christmas Day. *shrug*
New Dead Sara album March 15. ditto!
The Dropbox folder just got a whole lot more…metal
It might need some Christopher Cross and Dan Fogelberg next as a counterbalance.
Paging Helen Reddy.
Catchup post.
Van: You’re welcome! (re: Christmas card) I hope you feel better soon.
ditto: I need to delete my backlog of emails on my oldest, catchall email account. It has recently gotten to OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAND!!!! (yes, really) (yes, I am a huge nerd) :silly: It’s my Yahoo! Mail account, and I’ve had it for at least 12 or 13 years, I believe.
I deleted 10k emails from gmail to get it down to about 9.5k.
Actually, now that I think about it, that’s 9.5k threads which is how gmail reports things. I used to keep all my mail on my computer, but I lost everything due to some serious crashes and bugs–it was a weird confluence of events. Anyway, at that time I decided to switch to gmail. I probably would have switched sooner, but it took me some time to convince myself that gmail was secure(ish) and would stick around.
Now I’m fighting to get my mail client and gmail to work together in the way I want them. Sigh.
The internet tells me that the gift I sent to my Deadpan recipiant, arrived at the address the Ambassador gave me.
Back to work today, still no clue why I blacked out, but things seem to have settled down.
Someone needs to get a clue
So that Downton Abbey must be getting big in the USA:
There’s a bad Lady GaGa joke I can make here… but I’ll refrain for now. 😀
Joke already initiated! Booooooo!
No, that’s not what you are here for. 😛
Donde es Gaga?
JW : Legend of Korra Series finale
Sad to see the this series go, but loved the ending.
Hinting that the lead was bisexual in a series aimed at children..wow.
Hmm, that’s one that we lost track of. I know we finished the first season and part of the second. Definitely enjoyed it, but just failed to keep up at some point.
Did the series get to finish its story like the original Avatar?
I never got to the end of the original Avatar, so I cannot say.
Korra did come to a satisfying conclusion even with a baddy who give up far too easily at the end.
Morning Pan
Today’s spam mail first line: “Please josiah felt her up his head.”
(I never see more than the first line as I refuse to open these)
Lucky Josiah?
What is that Brazilian fish called?
I’m thinking of cutting my hair. Not as short as it use to be, more along the lines of a bob. It’s so dry in Calgary, my hair tends to get quite flyaway.
We’ll see how I feel after Christmas as I won’t be cutting it until the new year anyway.
I had not realised how truly terrible the film ‘Mama Mia!…and I liked the singing Buffy episode.
Just waiting for my iPhone battery to give out.
/taps foot.
I had forgotten how much of a pain it is changing the wifi password on my router, not for the act itself, but entering the new password on all the devices with wifi.
To see 2001 at arty cinema or see Die Hard at arty cinema.
I have to confess to only having seen both films on the TV.
Oh hell Kubrick it is.
Oh tomorrow bring on the Blue Danube
Though the blue berry Looks a little purple
and the maple syrup looks a little murple
Oh no mater what you say you’ve seen
well the Danube isn’t blue, it’s greeeeeeeen!
2001 the novel was my hook that grabbed me into scifi literature. I had only read film novelisations before this, but enjoyed 2001 so much that I started reading other ACC novels.
I still think the book works better than the film, but not going to turn down the chance to finally see the film in a cinema.
Oh and I can see Die Hard later in the week :-p
I’m with Van on this one. A choice between Die Hard and 2001 on TV I would probably go for Die Hard. But the chance to see 2001 on the big screen (which I have never done) would be something I would jump at.
Just, for the love of God don’t bother reading 3001. I enjoyed the original three Odyssey books. 3001 pretty much destroyed my opinion of Clarke as a writer.
Valid point if you want sleepy time at the movies. Give me Die Hard at Christmas in cinema ftw
Thus Sprake Lo.
I felt that I enjoyed the film 2001 a lot more because I read the book first. I have seen Die Hard on the big screen already, but given the choice, I think I would still pick 2001 to soak up all the Kubrick visual goodness.
…and that was great. The BFiI did a good transfer to digital.
BFI rather
I did see Die Hard in the theaters when it came out.
I’d also agree that 2001 is the better big-screen experience. Never read the book; I’ve only read Songs of Distant Earth and the first Rama from ACC.
The book explains why HAL went mad and what happens to Bowman at the end of the film.
I had forgotten the classic ‘oh my god it’s full of stars’ line is not actually said in the film.
“Now I Have Machine Gun. Ho Ho Ho”
Trumps all.
The “oh my god it’s full of stars” line was actually added later. We have a director’s cut with it added. Also, it was put into the sequel movies.
I still find Childhood’s End to be the best ACC novel for my taste.
This may have been a digital transfer from one of the original prints. There was about a minute of music with no video before ‘Thus Sprach Zarathrusta’ kicks in at the beginning of 2001, and an actual intermission screen (no video and music again) half way through the film.
As for ACC novels, ‘The City and the Stars’ is still one of ny fav, but I prefer the short story it was based on (Against the Fall of Night).
A bit of insomnia tonight. Looking at past and present web surfing suggestions.
We had a fun night last night with the Lo Pans! Killer Bunnies, Evil Baby Orphanage, and Chupacabra Dice (thanks Bunny) were played with glee.
Lo, the Archiving Turntable works like a gem. Volume is seriously low, but that may be the age of the album.
Jj – to an earlier question you asked, the tech LP loaned me allows me to break the MP3 file into tracks.
It can depend on the album, I remember one Moody Blues album that had no gaps, one track bled into the other, PITA to rip.
Mine was a choral album from 1968-69 that my mom sings on. Super find for Xmas!
Is a hardware thing or software thing, that allows you to break the tracks?
I have to agree with her that I think option 1 is the mostly likely and what I bloody wanted to happen anyway..cough
The new Hobbit movie was meh for me.
I’m holding out for the 10 movie series of the Sillmarillion.
I would love to see a series of movies covering the stories in the Silmarillion.
Made by someone other than Peter Jackson.
And trailers:
Mad Max looks like great fun. Meh on the new Terminator and the new Jurassic Park trailers. Huge meh on The Rock’s next disaster movie.
Where for me the Terminator trailer tipped me over from ‘No way!’ to ‘oh yeah!’
For once, Van and I are in complete agreement.
I was set that I wasn’t going to give Jackson my money on this one due to downward spiral of the last two. But I’m in healing relations mode visiting my son in Colorado Springs and he wants to see it. Not about to tell him no. I’m hoping the actual battle of the 5 armies is enough to make up for the rest of this series.
An old man and woman were married for many years, even though they hated each other. When they had a confrontation, screaming and yelling could be heard deep into the night. The old man would shout, “When I die, I will dig my way up and out of the grave and come back and haunt you for the rest of your life!”Neighbors feared him. They believed he practiced black magic, because of the many strange occurrences that took place in their neighborhood. The old man liked the fact that he was feared. To everyone’s relief, he died of a heart attack when he was 68. His wife had a closed casket at the wake. After the burial, she went straight to the local bar and began to party as if there was no tomorrow.Her neighbors, concerned for her safety, asked, “Aren’t you afraid that he may indeed be able to dig his way up and out of the grave and come back to haunt you for the rest of your life?” The wife put down her drink and said, “Let him dig. I had him buried upside down……”
More crap about Jane Fonda on my FB feed, I did rant a bit I’m afraid.
I was tempted to comment, but bit my tongue. The bit about Fonda was not what came across first.
In future I’m just going to block the links to people who post this stuff.
My misses is pissed of with me again.
Last night while she was fast asleep, I gently removed her tampax and replaced it with a party popper leaving the string hanging out.
I’m telling you, that woman has no sense of humour!
My sister’s family said goodbye to their beloved Belle today. What a sweet and gentle soul. Even though she was my sister’s dog; my life was touched by Belle-y. I’m very sad today. I didnt get to say goodbye. 🙁
Sad news 🙁
Very sweet dog. 🙁
The BBC radio adaption of Good Omens starts tonight..oh yeah.
That’s one Id like to hear
I don’t think the radio broadcasts are region locked.
I recall enjoying the book (thanks, Bunny!), although I can’t remember much about it all now.
I think you’ll only have to stream the episodes online, as they’re released.
Seriously, are jJ’s dad’s and Vanamonde’s heads alright?
Cuz I’m watching the Elmo Christmas special and I don’t think it can get much worse.
Fate, tempting you are.
Thanks Elmoyoda!
I’m not the one with a big nose!
Surprisingly, the fates don’t seem to think I tempt them when I ask if it can get worse. Now, if I said something was going great, fantastic, perfect, then I’m done for.
Also, getting excited about the promise of something to come is a sure fire way to fuck it up.
Santa spoilers: Santa is Kevin James.
Kelley Ripa is teaching Elmo something in Hawaiian. She looks like she is 13.
New Santa Spoiler: Santa is no longer the Queen of Kings. I no longer know who he is.
And it’s over! Life may go on! It’s A Christmas miracle!
And a valuable lesson was learned by all.
Something something don’t get meth in your fur while looking at little boys??
So, Colorado people. Not sure how familiar you are with the Colorado Springs area. It seems that Phantom Canyon Brewing Company is about 10 minutes away from my son’s house and Trinity Brewing Company is about 17 minutes away. Ever heard of either of these? We want to go out and hang somewhere tonight.
I enjoy Trinity. Not familiar with Phantom Canyon
Neo’s jealous.
ooh la la!
I’m very familiar with Colo Springs. Both are great! I’m about 35 minutes away right now at my folks.
Awesome. Any idea where I can find craft beers that aren’t all in 6 packs? All the liquor stores here seem to be jerks about letting you buy single bottles unless they are the overpriced bombers.
Try Cheers. Circle (?) and Galley I think
Cheers was the place I went to that wouldn’t let me break up 6 packs. I saw a Total Wine when we were on the way to Garden of the Gods. They tend to have a huge singles selection.
CP: Wicked Eyes & Wicked Hearts — Trevor Morris
Just back from visiting my dad. He is having a good day today AND they’ve moved him out of the NICU!
He was sharing some of the visions/dreams/other that he remembers from the time just before and after his surgery. wild
tie-in: He took me to see a re-release of “2001” in the cinema when I was 12.
Yay JJ Dad. That’s a very good sign!
2Woot to quit.
Yea! Glad to hear that!
Good things all around for JustaD@d. May the good news continue.
Page 3 still cracks me up. Santa girl patrolling for crime. 😀
CP: Black Stone — Ume
I think Monuments is my favorite album from this year. What are your favorites?
Hmmmm that’s definitely up there. The new Electric 6 was definitely uneven. I’m realizing I’m woefully unprepared for this question…
I think Arianna Grande and Linkin Park are the only full albums from 2014 I’ve listened to. (Both were available free at one point from the Play store.)
Thus, Hunting Party wins by default.
In that case … I think Weird Al’s new album was the only full one I heard this year.
I liked it.
Another one of my favorites from this year. I also greatly enjoyed Meg Myers’ EP and BABYMETAL.
That new Linkin Park is extremely OK. Even Rakim couldn’t elevate it to greatness. My fave albums of the year have been from:
Weird Al
Vanishing Point
The juryt is still out for me on the new In Flames, Mastodon, and the “new” Pink Floyd.
CP: My Silver Lining — First Aid Kit
Aint no sunshine when she’s gone
I know I know I know i know
Missing Essbee?
Her booze I suspect.
Well nice to actually see Die Hard with the swearing not censored.
The showing got off to a rocky start when the 20th Century Fox logo looked liked it had been up scaled from the VHS release (“are they using a DVD?” Was one snarky comment from the row behind me), but the quality of the rest of the film was fine.
Yippie Keye Ay!
Melon farmer!
Cuteness Alert for Christmas Eve Eve.
Is Jack wearing his “Santa’s Little Helper” outfit again?
As we prepare for 2015, I know we often find ourselves on different sides of the various issues. However, I think I’ve found something that we can all get behind:
This is beautiful. I worry about their Conservative opponents from Hazzard County, Tatooine, though.
I concur.
“Theres something dead wrapped around her aorta.” These are not the words you want to hear at 11:15pm on Christmas Eve Eve, after working all day and an additional 6hrs on-call.
I’m not sure I want to hear that in a horror film.
So I have acquired all the episodes of ‘Now and Again’, bring on the binge watching.
While I’ve heard of some of these (not all), I admit, I’ve only played one (Broken Age).
Jack and Desert Pixie, the Xmas card arrived, thank you.
Morning Pan
It’s Christmas Eve day here at the Bunny household. It’s just hubby and I. Happy and warm in our comfy chairs.
Kid’s aren’t coming over until tomorrow when we eat, drink, and be merry.
And where is the cat in all of this?
Today, kitty is in lap heaven. Tomorrow she will be cowering on the bed. I may move her heating pad into the bedroom (from my office), tomorrow so she will have some comfort out of people coming over.
Van, your card came in today, thanks. You would not believe how mangled the envelope was. I’m surprised i got it at all. :silly:
Poor card, must have had a hard flight across the Atlantic..
Why thank you Seagate. There is a firmware update for the two HD drives in my NAS enclosure.
There is no indication what the new firmware fixes.
You can not run the install the update if the drive is being used in a RAID configuration.
The two drives are in a RAID configuration.
So the only way to update would be to take a drive from the NAS, stick it in a PC, wiped it and do the update. Then put the drive back in the NAS and rebuild the RAID config from the other drive. Then do the same procedure for the other drive.
Think I’ll pass.
Happy Christmas Eve, Deadpan Friends! Be Merry and Hug your loved ones!
Curiouser and curiouser:
In the UK, Fringe S1 on Netflix has the season finale (where Olivia meets William Bell) ilabelled as episode 20 and the episode before that (with the young woman coming back from the deAd) as episode 21.
Wikipedia to the rescue, episode 21 is Unearthed, which was shown on the s2 run but was actually filmed during the S1.
Though, I think you’ll be surprised. Santa’s elves put the wrong thing in the package, though the packing label said what you originally meant to sent me. I hope they charged you the right amount since what was in the box was a lot more expensive. It was a collector’s edition Dr. Who watch.
Last night, it felt like Lo Pan sent me to the he’ll of last-minute wrapping.
He’ll? Do you have an iPhone?
I felt if I had to be in that hell, I would share
The Ducking He’ll of Autocorrect.
Merry, yo.
Christmas cheer and all that silliness!
Have a day!
Think I’ll take two.
You too. Hopefully with both beer and cheer
X-MarksTheSpot is a pirates favorite holiday. #reaching
…And Lo Pan bless us, every one!
He does, friend. He does
It’s Christmas day so what is hubby doing? Vacuuming. Seriously. I told him to stop.
I really liked I’m Only Joking and Come With Me Now by KONGOS but Lunatic dropped two years ago and I didn’t particularly care for the rest of the album.
I now stink of smoke.
Wood smoke or pipe smoke?
Who knows!
I enjoyed the Dr Who Xmas special.
Ok, setting offin 5 minutes
Superman Returns is not as bad as I remember..and Kate Bosworth makes a better Lois than Amy annoying as fuck Adams.
Bad Santa Ale tasted with Sly B and Lo Pan! Now it’s officially Xmas!
So jealous!
Trying to decide if I shall have a beer tonight.
I have my ONLY indoor Track Meet of the year on Saturday.
I have to be on the road that morning by 7am to get there in time for my event. As tired as I am, I am considering just laying low and getting to bed early tonight.
Watched “Pee Wee’s Christmas Special” tonight on Netflicks.
I had forgotten how wonderfully wrong that show was.
It’s a kid’s show but everything is just ever-so-slightly off, that it make kind of creepy.
Did a certain someone Pannite receive their SS gift from this Pixie?
Your crap joke for Boxing day:
A motorist, after being bogged down in a muddy road, paid a passing farmer five dollars to pull him out with his tractor.After he was back on dry ground he said to the farmer, “At those prices, I should think you would be pulling people out of the mud night and day.””Can’t”, replied the farmer. “At night I haul water for the hole.”
What kinds of lazy slacker societies also have Boxing Day off??
Because I want to join them. Right now.
I’m not sure you are built for the weather in the UK or Canada….
Heading after seeing ‘Unbroken’ at the flicks, an interesting film.
Was it good? Cause its getting shit on by critics and audiences alike
And that was supposed to be this year’s strongest Oscarbaiter.
It was interesting, worth checking out.
I may stick with the book/documentary. Oh wait there isnt a true documentary. Pity
This months BTiLC issue made me literally lol
CW: The Interview
So far, I can understand why some people think the whole Sony Hack was a publicity stunt for a crap film.
Yeah, you aren’t missing much if you never get round to checking it out.
It took way longer than expected for the Devils to scapegoat fire coach DeBoer. I hope team management gives the next coach some on-ice talent to work with. And I hope DeBoer lands another coaching job soon.
I liked the Christmas special. And I like Tangerines. 🙂
We enjoyed the Christmas special. Is tangerines a think in the UK? Is it similar to mandarin oranges in North America? (the idea of giving them at Christmas, not the fruit itself)
My mom always put tangerines in our stockings at Christmas. I’m not sure where she learned the tradition. For whatever reason, mandarins and tangerines seem to be a holiday tradition in many places around the world.
I did not have the MEET I was hoping for. Only went 9′ 6″
Others did well … but not I.
How can you have any pudding …
Indeed, next time beat the meet
I was looking for the spinning top at the end of the Dr. Who Christmas special.
To be fair it didn’t have Leo in it, which was all for the best.
Now I feel compelled to finish catching up on New Who to this point. (I watched the first half of Eccleston’s season earlier this year and really liked it. I should really get back into it.)
Carrie Fisher is on the QI Xmas special.
She’s looking well worn.
When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not.
Oy, kids are exhausting!
Sorry, cant hear you over my passing out…
The days with 2 in diapers may have been the most tiring.
One in diapers and three possessed by satan.
Not really-just noisy.
Yeah, the pea soup projectile vomit and headspinning are tricky.
Today I found out that my church is having a Tamale Throwdown (a cook-off with different recipes and judging) on January 10th, as a fun way to prepare for our monthly meal for the homeless the following Wednesday.
Nothing cooler than a rainbow defecating unicorn..
When I grow up, I wanna be that unicorn.
This afternoon, I was feeling adventurous and eager to try something new, so I drafted the first blog post for my new personal site. I will probably finish it tomorrow.
Feel free to share the link when ready, if you’re inclined, Amy.
No surprises on the list, but some surprising omissions.
Goodnight :Carl:
I was under the impression that Wealth of Nations and Origins of the Species, while containing essential ideas, are essentially unreadable.
Then again, there are sections of the bible that are unreadable, no matter the version. That whole genealogical section in particular.
a whole lot of begatting go on..
I’m usually hip to Neil’s jive. But, even I have to admit he comes off arrogant and obnoxious with this list.
He’s not proposing a list of books that make you seem smart. He also said that “If you read all of the above works you will glean profound insight into most of what has driven the history of the western world.”
I think he’s right.
I don’t have a problem with the list itself. It’s his explanation of what you will learn; particularly from reading The Bible. I’m an atheist as well, but I didn’t read the Bible “to learn that it’s easier to be told by others what to think and believe than it is to think for yourself.” If one is going to read the Bible as a non-Christian it should be to a: gain insight and understanding into what drives the Christian religion (e.g., a humanist perspective) or b: to have a full understanding of what the Bible teaches in order to have legitimate discussions with Christians that are trying to convert you. Neil is typically one of the better atheists when it comes to the “don’t be a jerk” movement (meaning don’t be a jerk by specifically belittling the beliefs of others as that just comes back to bite atheists in the long run by feeding their preconceived biases). It is OK to disagree with others beliefs all you want. Just don’t belittle them. He is one of the founders of the “don’t be a jerk” movement so I’m a bit disappointed to see him taking a jerk-ish stance towards the Bible. Upon a second reading, the rest of the list seems fine.
No, that’s not what he said at all. He didn’t say anything like what you imply. Again, he said “you will glean profound insight into most of what has driven the history of the western world.”
He didn’t say you will be a better person for reading these books. He didn’t say that these books were drivers of “good”. He said you will get insight. You’ll understand history better. That is true. There are other books he could have put on the list, but the set he chose are good for this purpose.
As for the bible in particular… knowing what is said in that book and how it has been twisted through the ages will provide you both insight and protection from zealots of all stripes. Nothing he said in that particular post disparaged the bible in the way you imply. And he certainly wasn’t being a jerk, in this particular case.
Yes, that is what he said at all. It is a quote from the link:
1.) The Bible (eBook) – “to learn that it’s easier to be told by others what to think and believe than it is to think for yourself.”
Unless the quotes on the link refer to someone other than Neil. He definitely said exactly what the quote I originally put said. That is what quotes are typically for. It is astoundingly uncharacteristic of him. That’s why I’m upset by it. I hope my wrath hasn’t been placed incorrectly with him.
The article is fairly unclear about it, but I’d also assume the statement is a quote from NDT.
I don’t think it’s unfair to state that the Bible instructs people what to think and believe. Would it be be unfair to say that’s all it does and all it’s good for? Absolutely.
Speaking for myself, I don’t think you were being an asshat at all, um, Asshat. 🙂
And to be clear, my statement that “how [The Bible] has been twisted through the ages will provide you both insight and protection from zealots of all stripes” is what Dr. Tyson really meant when he said “to learn that it’s easier to be told by others what to think and believe than it is to think for yourself”. I base that on the context in which he framed the list. And given the history of how The Bible has been used in our history, I feel pretty confident in that interpretation.
Yeah, I didn’t take any of that list as condescending, just obvious.
It seems like the same list that 95% of my old college profs would have given (except that hippy Professor who would have added “The Celestine Prophecy”).
Also to be clear, I’m not taking umbrage with you or trying to be particularly antagonistic. Just trying to get my point across. Well aware I can be a jackass in doing so and apologize if I am.
I’ve moved on from DAI. Missed most of the Bull stuff because of the way my party was set up. Not sure why he didn’t get together with Dorian in my game though, they were always together as part of my party.
Probably won’t go back to it in the near future. 95 hours in a game is plenty.
And, while I’m not sure how it happened (didn’t hit the “heart” replies) I ended up romancing my least favourite character, Blackwall. I found him such a condescending bastard I was glad when he took off. I didn’t do any of the war table missions to look for him simply because I didn’t miss him.
Morning Pan
Just a quick hop in. Have a very busy week so don’t be surprised if you don’t hear much from me until next Monday.
While we didn’t have a white Christmas, it seems we will have a white New Year. Currently -20C here in Bunnyland.
Brrrrrrrrrrr! Brass monkey weather.
That funky monkey
We were all thinking it.
So punk You thought only North Koreans were pissed off with Team America..think again:
Get up, get up, get up, get, get down, double-oh-seven is a joke in yo town.
This one…
CW: Call The Midwife Xmas Special
Heart that show. Now I have something to look forward to on DVD
Us too – wonderful!
Update – favorite album of the year.
I heard 2 cuts from “Queens of the Stone Age” played on my local public radio station last Friday night.
I liked. Sorry Weird Al.
Can I choose it as my favorite after only hearing 2 cuts?
Good band. I didn’t know they had a 2014 album.
I think the cuts I was hearing were off of “…like clockwork”
But it was new to me 🙂
I thought it was a good album, but it didn’t wow me. I missed out on seeing them in concert this year due to being sick.
You wow me…
Speaking of hearted shows – blew thru 2 seasons of Vikings in a week. Man that’s a fun one
Coming back February 19th for Season 3 🙂
Cant wait. Its my new Sparticus except less campy and more character driven.
*sigh*. I love you Lagertha Lothbrok
Been using Netflix to watch the first season of Avatar: The last Airbender.
Although Katara discovering her healing powers and not helping the lad in the wheelchair in the next episode was perplexing.
Avatar: The Last Airbender was an incredible ride. The did a great job of making characters that grow throughout the series and that are shades of grey rather than strictly good or evil (suck it Disney).
Ah, turns she still had a lot to learn when it comes to using her powers.
Shouldn’t the heroes be fair-haired and righteous and the villains be dark and treacherous?
Back to the grind today . . .
It’s as if you’ve never been away.
One more day of freedom for me
I think I speak for everyone who had to work by saying Lucky Duck
I haven’t watched any of Avatar, but I followed along a bit. As soon as I heard how it ended, I expected something like this. Frankly, I’m surprised it took as long as it did.
I really need to step up my game. I am rusty at school work and studying. My new job is kicking my ass and I suck!
Who wants to whip me into shape?!
So, it’s a bit sleepy, but I’m digging David Gilmour’s “On An Island.” I’d never heard the entire album before. “The Endless River” is ok too, but I think “Island” is better.
I was just gonna post that. She was much more than Dexter also. Freaking too young… which is being said way too often these days
CW: The Wire S1E1 remastered
Yes I’m a heathen how did you guess?
At least you didn’t say Buffy!
I don’t recall, Van. Is this your first viewing?
I’ve seen clips, but this was the first time I sat down and watch a whole episode.
+from Texas.
Christ how could you?
The flesh is weak.
This is one of my favorite shows ever. Watching it remastered is akin to watching Kolchak the Night Stalker in ultra glossy HD. It simply takes away from the show.
That being said if this is your first time experiencing the show then I cant fault you.
“The flesh is weak.”
My favorite weak! Much better than shark weak.
I think I mentioned before watching ‘Where EaglesDare’ in HD, the makeup on the actors was really obvious..I mean more obvious than an orange balanced on your nose.
Well this came as a surprise.
Crap joke for a lazy Sunday:
A husband in his back yard is trying to fly a kite. He throws the kite up in the air, the wind catches it for a few seconds, then it comes crashing back down to the earth. He tries this a few more times with no success.All the while, his wife is watching from the kitchen window I muttering to herself how men need to be told how to do everything.She opens the window and yells to her husband, “You need a piece of tail! The man turns with a confused look on his face and says, “Make up your mind. Last night you told me to go fly a kite. “
New page!
Slipped in like a ninja.
I hope it was consensual!
I hope it was consensual!
And that goes double!
Well I was thinking of the new page, gawd knows what you were thinking…
I was going to add filthy bugger to that sentence but decided against it.
Wrong, you would not have been
Hi, my name is Maxwell Smart, and I’m an alcoholic.
Oh Mr. Tornado…. youre leaving me Clutterbucked
Aye carumba!
“As we leave the Moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind.”
— Eugene Cernan, last person to walk on another world, 42 years ago today
-nicked from Robert J Sawyer on FB.
Darn shame that it’s been so long.
So tonight I bought the ebook version of ‘The Quiet Earth’, the book the film was based on.
Judging from the plot summaries on Wikipedia the film has a better ending.
Hey, who moved my cheese?
Donnie Darko while fighting a vicious sinus infection/head cold.
Jack Mangan is THE MF’ing bomb!
Morning Pan
Could some one please let the sun know it’s morning and time to get up.
Today on Where is My Secret Santa Parcel:
USPS claims it is actually in its destination city and expects said parcel to be delivered today. Hooray!
Yesterday, when I went to clear the bed for the night, Pidge was face down with his head jammed into the pillow. First I asked hubby if Pidge was bad or something. Hubby said no, he just wasn’t paying attention. Hubby and I had to have a talk about his treatment of (stuffed) animals.
Women and cuddly toys.
Hubby is just as bad. He always brings something soft and cuddly when ever he travels. It’s even to the point where his work Secret Santa gave him a stuffed animal.
CP: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Opening Title) — Bear McCreary
CW: There’s Something About Mary
I was never a big fan of that movie. But then, I could never figure out what the big deal was with Cameron Diaz. She was always kind of meh to me.
I found it funny in a crude way (Benny Hill sort of crude).
I see my DPSS gift has shipped! I believe it will make it to its intended recipiant by Christmas morning!
Wow, the spammers are getting smarter and smarter. I just got an email from my cable provider saying my payment didn’t go through and could I please update my info. Funny thing is, my cable payment does come out around this time. I was smart enough to NOT click on the link provided but it was good enough to make me wonder. I then contacted my cable provider personally and found everything was fine. A less cautious person could easily be fooled.
I have since forwarded the message to my cable provider and they are looking into it.
Happened to me a while back, they even had my name spelt correctly on the email. It was claiming my payment hadn’t went through.
Yup, my name was spelled correctly too (although, since my email is my name I guess that wouldn’t be too hard). Have to be extra vigilant.
Which made it more weird as my email addresses don’t contain my name, scary stuff.
I am personally offended that episode 100 of JMDP isn’t in the top 10. Also, I have only heard about 3-4 of these podcasts.
Yeah! And what about the 6-second Unshow?
I had only heard of the Ricky Gervais podcast.
99% of them were unknown to me too. And it also seemed like they only focused on the ones from major media outlets. (?)
Oh yeah, to those whom I gave audio books to, please don’t listen to City of Demons. I realized I put the wrong file on your flash drive. Really, there is a better version out there somewhere. Now I just have to find it…
USPS says my parcel has arrived at its destination. I may faint with shock.
In related news – – thanks for the wrapped SS gifts, TRA! I’ve put ’em under the tree for Xmas day.
Glad you got them. I was starting to get worried. Hope you enjoy them.
My dad is back in the hospital.
That spot on his brain that was bleeding after he fell off the roof … started bleeding again.
Apparently last Friday he was dizzy and had problems standing. He didn’t tell anyone that at the time.
Currently waiting for him to get a CT scan.
Anyone with positive thoughts to spare … could use a few.
Fingers crossed and all that positive stuff.
well wishes, positive thoughts and all things good headed your way
Best wishes to you and your dad.
You got all my thoughts, buddy
Big time support and best wishes. 🙁 I hope for the best.
Hopefully tomorrow I’ll get to see the new Hobbit flick in Edinburgh.
Well, if youre gonna see that piece o’ crap at least it’s somewhere appropriately beautiful
I know it’s a far inferior shadow of the original 3 films, but I’m looking forward to it.
I suppose I’ll be saying the same for episode VII a year from now.
Now wait a damn minute…
Well played Sir!
So as Smaug destroyed Lake town, I typed:
..and he did!
Fyi for Essbee and other Buffy fans.
WTF! Dont keep me waiting!
Does it involve Spike?
No it involves editing.
I saw this on FB last night – dummies!
Kristy Swanson would have never let this happen
you take that back.
Oh honey you know I cant do that
Your DPSS Package arrived at its destination today, per ME!
You are so thoughtful! Jack, Wee Peeps, and I will devour the Canadian candy goodies. My wrapped gift will wait to reveal itself ’til Christmas morning. Ugh. (If Jack can hold out, so can I!)
Really Tefal really?
Cack handed as I am regarding cooking even I can do beans on toast FFS..
What handed now?
Use your imagination.
Rather you slowly explain it to me while I slip into something more comfortable
Are you wearing something slinky?
Nice save, south-paw
Morning Pan
It’s rather foggy outside this morning.
Some of these are pretty cool
Sorry Van. I think they were posted before but still…
Seriously, shoot me now.
CCH Pounder has no idea how true her name feels.
Amazon deal of the day – 50% off of some board games:
You had me at Axis and Allies
Nice find, EssBee!
Who has time for Axis & Allies??
I never got round to get the adaption they did for the Atari ST.
Thanks for the book, Van!
I look forward to reading it.
I hope you haven’t read it before.
Nope. Brand new. I will start it next week, once I’m done the one im currently reading
I think it’s time for lunch. There’s leftover curry chicken calling my name.
So, I was going through old bookmark links and I stumbled upon the one for Wingin’ It 3D. It looks like it was picked up by someone in Japan.
oh that’s odd…
Mark from Memphis should call their voicemail line daily.
Only if Robert G. Parent poetry slams it
The local news lady had a case of the giggles. I guess tomorrow marks the third anniversary of Kim Jung Il’s death. They were discussing some of the things he was suppose to have done, including walking at three weeks old and getting 11 holes in one he very first time he played golf. I don’t think I’ve seen our noon news person so giggly
I binging on Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D. Season 1, while this nasty sinus infection tries to get the upper hand on me.
The series only started getting “watchable” aroun episode 10. Now, I like it.
So the nurse in the NICU told me it is “touch and go” for my dad.
They need to cut into his skull to relieve the pressure from the bleeding … but because he had been on blood thinners they are having to wait for that to get out of his system before they can do the surgery.
They have some sort of test they do to check his clotting ability and this morning it was just above a 2.something and they needed it below 1.4
As of 3 hours ago it had gotten to 1.4
They were testing again at 5pm – don’t know the results yet. Thye had originally scheduled his surgery for tomorrow morning but the nurse thought he was degenerating pretty quick from the pressure that was building. So the surgery needs to be sooner than later.
Seems to be a race against time.
I appreciate you keeping us posted, J0e. Whatever best wishes and positive thoughts from afar are worth, you have them.
This upon this
Thanks all.
They have just rushed him to surgery. They didn’t feel they could wait any longer.
We are all here
For you, j0e. It sounds like the clotting time (aka INR of 1.4 that he had is a fairly stable value. Hugs to you and your family.
Hugs, jJ
*hugs* to JustaJ0e
Oh J0e. *hugs* 🙁
So happy to see all the positive Deadpan Secret Santa news coming in! 🙂
I came to share mine, too. EssBee, thank you for the Death Star ice cube (er, ice sphere) mold! It will definitely see some use over the summer. :happy:
These are cool Amy. We have one. A word of advice, use warm water. It freezes clearer and you can see the markings better.
We watched Only Lovers Left Alive tonight. Yep, it’s a Jim Jarmusch film. How is it Tilda Swinton is 14 years older than me and looks 14 years younger??
Saw it at the flicks, well acted but rather weird. but as you say it’s a JM film.
An Xmas classic:
Watching this, Christmas Vacation, Die Hard, and listening to the Star Wars Christmas album are all yearly staples of mine
I think we’re all pretty much over the stop-motion Rankin-Bass specials, but I’m still always down for the (animated) Grinch and the Charlie Brown Xmas special.
Agreed… I’ll break out the Rankin-Bass for olde tymey sake but usually its just on in background.
Grinch and Charlie will always hold up. Unlike the John Goodman voiced sequel to Frosty
Four days to go till I get 7 days off, it’s going to pass slowly.
Tarasenko was on fire last night!
That name no longer has any meaning to me…
What the Puck? 😉
Update –
Things look much better today than yesterday.
My dad’s surgery went well last night. He is doing pretty good this morning but due to confusion with the drugs and the poking around in his brain, they have had to restrain him to keep him from removing medical stuff. Given he is very claustrophobic, this isn’t helping.
That aside, now we just wait to see how he recovers.
Thanks for all the well wishes. 🙂
Yea! Glad to hear he’s doing better. 🙂
good news!
CW: Ascension Pt1
I’m betting now, they are Still on Earth.
Yup I was right.
The Calgary Comic Expo has a nice line up. 🙂
Kristy Swanson!
What’d I say??!
“Ascension is a Canadian/American television miniseries on Syfy.”
That is correct.
SO you mean a show Ill never get around to seeing…
Well in that case I haven’t spoilt it for you.
I’m glad you thought enough about not spoiling it in the first place…
Well that’s me off your Xmas card list.
Still on my Valentine’s card list tho
Well indeed, I would have to do something truly evil to get kicked off that list.
Is daddy gonna have to sleep in the garage again?
It’s a bit nippy for that.
The more things change…
Thank goodness we’ve fixed all that now.
CW: Black Mirror : White Christmas
Joe Hamm in another UK show..WTF!
Jon Hamm
Has his accent improved since The Young Doctor’s Notebook?
He’s using his Mad Man accent.
Green Hamm
Not too bad at all, worth checking out if it turns up on that side of the pond.
Bleak though..
AI’s in scifi are often a case of using a nuke to crack a nut.
I’m done
Walt Disney is rolling over in his Tom Hanks.
NSFW or Kids, btw
I find it interesting that, on a site where the word FUCK runs rampant and kids shouldnt be on, that the word FUCK on a picture needs to be deemed nsfw.
Not Safe For Walt?
None of the manic, psychotic joy of “Too Many Cooks”, but all of the psychosis. I honestly wasn’t that entertained by this, but I think fans of unsettling horror will enjoy:
Yeah, that was very creepy.
Oh, and head over to the “drug” site. It get’s seriously creepy if you let it sit for a few minutes.
Brad P from NJ sighting (hearing?) on Doug Loves Movies 12 Guests of Christmas…
So I’m sitting in A+E waiting blood tests results after collapsing at work.
I’m not holding out hope for a conclusion since they had no idea why it happened the last time.
Serious frowny face. You can’t get sick. Who would debate with Lo?
As expected, no explanation why it happened.
*hugs* Van.
Definitely hugs.
Jesus Christ, man!
Hugs from here too!
Stupid health.
Don’t do that.
As per usual I havent heard of 3/4 of these.
You and me both.
I did really really enjoy Under the Skin and not for the reasons Van assumes I did. Beautiful and fucking heartbreaking
I enjoyed it for the reason Van assumes Lo Pan did.
Are you not man? Do you not bleed?
I’ve seen four of this flicks.
I haven’t seen ‘Under the Skin’ (still have the Bluray of the film that I won from Interzone) so wasn’t making any assumptions.
You will be…
Another list you may more palatable:
Two Hercules, one cup
Papers, Please is out on the iPad now. 🙂
Yes, and I’m tempted.
..and Apple has put the nudity ban down to a misunderstanding and will allow the nudity to be activated in a future update of the app.
Someone on FB is channeling their inner Dennis Rodman, I think. 😉
All is relatively well, Van?
Well I ‘m stuck with no explanation for why it happened, feeling a bit rough from the fall.
Will go and see the Doc tomorrow.
You didnt slam face first did you?
Nope, to the side.
Back and to the left?
Was that you behind the grassy knoll?
Well, I’m glad to see you here, bickering again with Lo Pan.
Wtf Van!
My feelings exactly.
I got your Xmas card Amy, thank you.
Everyone here MUST get/stay healthy!
That’s an order.
I pledge to get healthy, even if it kills me.
Well, I’ve spent a chunk of the morning deleting over 7000 emails. Still more to go.
Some of those are brilliant. The one of C-3P0 and R2-D2 is just twisted.
*R2 beep in the affirmative*
#6 gets my vote.
If you want to slice some fruit on your iOS device then you now can do it for free:
…and another freebie:
LostRalph and Amy Bowen are behind this.
Now I know where to send the brownines
There’s a reason I moved away.
I just realized I’ve had my gmail account for over 10 years.
Impressive. My Gmail is only 7.
What’s gee mail?
I have been writing random categories for ATW9K over the past few years.
This week, for Show # 156, however I have written the entire show worth of trivia, so check it out!
A bit of crosspost from Facebook, my apologies, but I’m trying to dash out of the house and just spotted it had dropped…
Ugh, I said “dropped”
WTF are you doing here so fast, 12:09am?
Looks like you just missed it, actually…
Another list:
Morning Pan
GoodReads says I read 30 books this year. How can it give me a count when the year is not over?
Who knew t he mumps would affect my hockey team so much? It seems every other day I have to put someone on the injured list.
Our team has apparently run into the Black Death this week.
I may be late to this party but just in case it hasn’t been brought up –
Here is a ranking of every episode of every Star Trek, ever. 695 Star Trek episodes -from The Original Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, and The Animated Series.
Yes, it is an article the playboy site. So if that is blocked where you are, you’ll have to be creative.
I think I agree with his #1 on the list.
Oh jj do you know how long it (boobs)took me to click thru that (boobs)??? And I only clicked once (boobs).
For me, Best of Both Worlds is #1 with CotEoF a close second (boobs)
Do you have an obsession with boobs Lo?
His Maffia name? “Boobs Lo Pan”
I mean…
I’m ok with the top 4. #5 I disagree with. Best of Both Worlds is excellent, though I think the second half isn’t as good as the first. I’m glad the author counted the animated series, though it has been ages since I’ve seen any of it.
The bottom of the list are horribly bad episodes. I agree with that. 😀
“The bottom of the list are horribly bad episodes”
Some of those I had tried to repress from my memory. 🙂
No6, is one of my Fav ST: TOS episodes, based in a classic Frederic Brown story..even though the writer claimed he had never heard of Arena…Brown got a credit.
I don’t think I’ll be clicking that link on a work computer. 🙂 (It was just for the articles. Honest!)
I have a deep affinity for the best episodes – – mainly from TOS, but also the few good ones scattered throughout the latter shows.
But goddamn, there are so, so, so many terrible episodes.
It’s funny, I’ve always liked that episode in spite of the rubber, Godzilla like costume of the Gorn.
Others around me (all my sisters) were not able to overlook the Gorn suit and HATE it.
I recently watched the whole of the Animated Series and found it as it should be – the bad eps were some of the worst Trek ever. The good ones fit right in as classic stories. It’s a worthy ‘Season 4’ addition to TOS
That’s what I recall. And TOS really was that way too. But I still love it. 😀
And I love “Spock’s Brain”. 😀
‘Spock’s Brain’ is the equivalent of Taco Bell. It’s awful for you but damn Ill watch it every time its on.
Ack! You just want to be dominated by a woman with a remote control…
Don’t knock til you try it. ;P
Holy Crap! What a terrible night of sleep!
I had a cat, who thought he was a koala, sleep on my head and face; while purring.
So there was this:
No mention of Kiss Me Deadly..the bastards!!!!
Lita Ford will be disappointed.
I do love me some cantankerous Harry Dean Stanton.
I didn’t know he was doing an adaptation of a Harry Harrison novel:
Alex Cox that is.
Crap joke for the day:
Two campers are hiking in the woods when one is bitten on the rear end by a rattlesnake.”…I’ll go into town for a doctor,” the other says. He runs ten miles to a small town and finds the town’s only doctor, who is delivering a baby. “I can’t leave,” the doctor says. “But here’s what to do: take a knife, cut a little X where the bite is, suck out the poison, and spit it on the ground.” The guy runs back to his friend, who is in agony. “What did the doctor say?” the victim asks. “He says you’re gonna die.”
Oooh la la:
How did I get left out of that list?
JW: Ascension Pt3
Well that was a but of an anti-climax, the ending did remind me of bester’s ‘Tyger1 Tyger’ where the viewer discovers what the girl can do.
Jesus Christ, all I did was a few rounds of batting cages, and I feel like I finished a 10-round Wrestlemania bout with Andre the Giant. This whole 40s thing is no fun.
You’re not supposed to stop the ball with your chest.
RE: Joe’s joke: why did the dirtiest of all possible responses immediately spring to mind?
Tis’ the season to be jolly
Ay one hear a date yet for a US showing of the Dr. Who special?
Past several years, it has been on Christmas.
Here in Canada it’s showing on Christmas Day. *shrug*
New Dead Sara album March 15. ditto!
The Dropbox folder just got a whole lot more…metal
It might need some Christopher Cross and Dan Fogelberg next as a counterbalance.
Paging Helen Reddy.
Catchup post.
Van: You’re welcome! (re: Christmas card) I hope you feel better soon.
ditto: I need to delete my backlog of emails on my oldest, catchall email account. It has recently gotten to OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAND!!!! (yes, really) (yes, I am a huge nerd) :silly: It’s my Yahoo! Mail account, and I’ve had it for at least 12 or 13 years, I believe.
I deleted 10k emails from gmail to get it down to about 9.5k.
Actually, now that I think about it, that’s 9.5k threads which is how gmail reports things. I used to keep all my mail on my computer, but I lost everything due to some serious crashes and bugs–it was a weird confluence of events. Anyway, at that time I decided to switch to gmail. I probably would have switched sooner, but it took me some time to convince myself that gmail was secure(ish) and would stick around.
Now I’m fighting to get my mail client and gmail to work together in the way I want them. Sigh.
The internet tells me that the gift I sent to my Deadpan recipiant, arrived at the address the Ambassador gave me.
Back to work today, still no clue why I blacked out, but things seem to have settled down.
Someone needs to get a clue
So that Downton Abbey must be getting big in the USA:
I’ve seen some of these before but 38 is fantastic:
…and Racquel Welch..Cor!
I want to have… I want to have … Racquel Welch… dropped on top of me.
Im getting hot flashes
Hope you are still feeling better, Van!
I am Essbee I am.
There’s a bad Lady GaGa joke I can make here… but I’ll refrain for now. 😀
Joke already initiated! Booooooo!
No, that’s not what you are here for. 😛
Donde es Gaga?
JW : Legend of Korra Series finale
Sad to see the this series go, but loved the ending.
Hinting that the lead was bisexual in a series aimed at children..wow.
Hmm, that’s one that we lost track of. I know we finished the first season and part of the second. Definitely enjoyed it, but just failed to keep up at some point.
Did the series get to finish its story like the original Avatar?
I never got to the end of the original Avatar, so I cannot say.
Korra did come to a satisfying conclusion even with a baddy who give up far too easily at the end.
Morning Pan
Today’s spam mail first line: “Please josiah felt her up his head.”
(I never see more than the first line as I refuse to open these)
Lucky Josiah?
What is that Brazilian fish called?
I’m thinking of cutting my hair. Not as short as it use to be, more along the lines of a bob. It’s so dry in Calgary, my hair tends to get quite flyaway.
Back to the pixie?
Well it worked for Korra…
Not that short, Jack. Something more like this http://content.latest-hairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/ruby-red-smooth-bob-with-bangs.jpg (without dying my hair red).
We’ll see how I feel after Christmas as I won’t be cutting it until the new year anyway.
I had not realised how truly terrible the film ‘Mama Mia!…and I liked the singing Buffy episode.
Just waiting for my iPhone battery to give out.
/taps foot.
I had forgotten how much of a pain it is changing the wifi password on my router, not for the act itself, but entering the new password on all the devices with wifi.
To see 2001 at arty cinema or see Die Hard at arty cinema.
I have to confess to only having seen both films on the TV.
Oh hell Kubrick it is.
Oh tomorrow bring on the Blue Danube
Though the blue berry Looks a little purple
and the maple syrup looks a little murple
Oh no mater what you say you’ve seen
well the Danube isn’t blue, it’s greeeeeeeen!
-Spike Jones
You could combine the 2001 and Die Hard experiences:
Wrong choice
Pfft! You have no soul Lo.
2001 the novel was my hook that grabbed me into scifi literature. I had only read film novelisations before this, but enjoyed 2001 so much that I started reading other ACC novels.
I still think the book works better than the film, but not going to turn down the chance to finally see the film in a cinema.
Oh and I can see Die Hard later in the week :-p
I’m with Van on this one. A choice between Die Hard and 2001 on TV I would probably go for Die Hard. But the chance to see 2001 on the big screen (which I have never done) would be something I would jump at.
Just, for the love of God don’t bother reading 3001. I enjoyed the original three Odyssey books. 3001 pretty much destroyed my opinion of Clarke as a writer.
Valid point if you want sleepy time at the movies. Give me Die Hard at Christmas in cinema ftw
Thus Sprake Lo.
I felt that I enjoyed the film 2001 a lot more because I read the book first. I have seen Die Hard on the big screen already, but given the choice, I think I would still pick 2001 to soak up all the Kubrick visual goodness.
…and that was great. The BFiI did a good transfer to digital.
BFI rather
I did see Die Hard in the theaters when it came out.
I’d also agree that 2001 is the better big-screen experience. Never read the book; I’ve only read Songs of Distant Earth and the first Rama from ACC.
The book explains why HAL went mad and what happens to Bowman at the end of the film.
I had forgotten the classic ‘oh my god it’s full of stars’ line is not actually said in the film.
“Now I Have Machine Gun. Ho Ho Ho”
Trumps all.
The “oh my god it’s full of stars” line was actually added later. We have a director’s cut with it added. Also, it was put into the sequel movies.
I still find Childhood’s End to be the best ACC novel for my taste.
This may have been a digital transfer from one of the original prints. There was about a minute of music with no video before ‘Thus Sprach Zarathrusta’ kicks in at the beginning of 2001, and an actual intermission screen (no video and music again) half way through the film.
As for ACC novels, ‘The City and the Stars’ is still one of ny fav, but I prefer the short story it was based on (Against the Fall of Night).
A bit of insomnia tonight. Looking at past and present web surfing suggestions.
We had a fun night last night with the Lo Pans! Killer Bunnies, Evil Baby Orphanage, and Chupacabra Dice (thanks Bunny) were played with glee.
Lo, the Archiving Turntable works like a gem. Volume is seriously low, but that may be the age of the album.
Jj – to an earlier question you asked, the tech LP loaned me allows me to break the MP3 file into tracks.
It can depend on the album, I remember one Moody Blues album that had no gaps, one track bled into the other, PITA to rip.
Mine was a choral album from 1968-69 that my mom sings on. Super find for Xmas!
Is a hardware thing or software thing, that allows you to break the tracks?
Hardware I think?
Huzzah! I do say
Analysing Korra’s final scene:
I have to agree with her that I think option 1 is the mostly likely and what I bloody wanted to happen anyway..cough
The new Hobbit movie was meh for me.
I’m holding out for the 10 movie series of the Sillmarillion.
I would love to see a series of movies covering the stories in the Silmarillion.
Made by someone other than Peter Jackson.
And trailers:
Mad Max looks like great fun. Meh on the new Terminator and the new Jurassic Park trailers. Huge meh on The Rock’s next disaster movie.
Where for me the Terminator trailer tipped me over from ‘No way!’ to ‘oh yeah!’
For once, Van and I are in complete agreement.
I was set that I wasn’t going to give Jackson my money on this one due to downward spiral of the last two. But I’m in healing relations mode visiting my son in Colorado Springs and he wants to see it. Not about to tell him no. I’m hoping the actual battle of the 5 armies is enough to make up for the rest of this series.
Life goes on:
Your crap joke for the day:
An old man and woman were married for many years, even though they hated each other. When they had a confrontation, screaming and yelling could be heard deep into the night. The old man would shout, “When I die, I will dig my way up and out of the grave and come back and haunt you for the rest of your life!”Neighbors feared him. They believed he practiced black magic, because of the many strange occurrences that took place in their neighborhood. The old man liked the fact that he was feared. To everyone’s relief, he died of a heart attack when he was 68. His wife had a closed casket at the wake. After the burial, she went straight to the local bar and began to party as if there was no tomorrow.Her neighbors, concerned for her safety, asked, “Aren’t you afraid that he may indeed be able to dig his way up and out of the grave and come back to haunt you for the rest of your life?” The wife put down her drink and said, “Let him dig. I had him buried upside down……”
More crap about Jane Fonda on my FB feed, I did rant a bit I’m afraid.
I was tempted to comment, but bit my tongue. The bit about Fonda was not what came across first.
In future I’m just going to block the links to people who post this stuff.
She ain’t got no motor in the back of her Honda.
The good in 2014:
You know we all have our vices, Van. Some just need to be squeezed harder than others.
Well did wonder why you owned an anaconda.
Oh I can see your confusion but that’s not an anaconda
Are we still talking about Jane Fonda?
Well you normally don’t need a magnifying glass to see an anaconda…
Nor do you need to see the farm to know a jack-ass resides there…
No farm here.
Yet still a jack ass
A bit of a bad cough there.
Lord, we ARE the gift that keeps on giving, aint we buddy?
I can’t hear you over me being awesome and all that.
Hey, TRA (the artist formerly known as UsedHair):
Your wrapped SS gifts are under the tree. Thanks! I look forward to opening them Xmas morning.
Glad they made it. Keep in mind I’m called “asshat” for a reason. They should provide much laughter.
Now I’m frightened.
be afraid… be very afraid. Seriously, they are harmless fun.
JW: The Affair E10
Ending on a cliffhanger ack!
..and it’s goodbye to Joe Cocker:
That’s sad.
I actually didnt know he lived here.
Truly tragic. I just intro’ed the kids to his unique stage persona a few weeks ago.
CP: For You — Serena Ryder
WWIII will happen over the intertubes
How cyberpunk.
Your crap joke for the day:
My misses is pissed of with me again.
Last night while she was fast asleep, I gently removed her tampax and replaced it with a party popper leaving the string hanging out.
I’m telling you, that woman has no sense of humour!
My sister’s family said goodbye to their beloved Belle today. What a sweet and gentle soul. Even though she was my sister’s dog; my life was touched by Belle-y. I’m very sad today. I didnt get to say goodbye. 🙁
Sad news 🙁
Very sweet dog. 🙁
The BBC radio adaption of Good Omens starts tonight..oh yeah.
That’s one Id like to hear
I don’t think the radio broadcasts are region locked.
I recall enjoying the book (thanks, Bunny!), although I can’t remember much about it all now.
I think you’ll only have to stream the episodes online, as they’re released.
Give this a try Lo:
So, my DPSS gift arrived today! Thank you to whomever sent it. It went under the tree to be opened on Christmas. 😀
And T Cat pointed out I was a bit unfair: I had neglected to mention DPSS to her. She made it a point for me to remember for next year. 😀
We are doing a few days of holiday celebrating at my folks and are already enjoying!
Well ticket booked to see Die Hard at the arty cinema Tuesday evening.
..and now the creators way in;
Looking back at 19th century board games:
Seriously, are jJ’s dad’s and Vanamonde’s heads alright?
Cuz I’m watching the Elmo Christmas special and I don’t think it can get much worse.
Fate, tempting you are.
Thanks Elmoyoda!
I’m not the one with a big nose!
Surprisingly, the fates don’t seem to think I tempt them when I ask if it can get worse. Now, if I said something was going great, fantastic, perfect, then I’m done for.
Also, getting excited about the promise of something to come is a sure fire way to fuck it up.
Santa spoilers: Santa is Kevin James.
Kelley Ripa is teaching Elmo something in Hawaiian. She looks like she is 13.
New Santa Spoiler: Santa is no longer the Queen of Kings. I no longer know who he is.
And it’s over! Life may go on! It’s A Christmas miracle!
And a valuable lesson was learned by all.
Something something don’t get meth in your fur while looking at little boys??
Elmo love Christmas and love you!
Me ser thank you ser!
*creepy Elmo laugh*
Egg Nog!
Me too!
..a dub dub dub..oh wait.
Still haven’t seen Big Hero 6, but I can appreciate the clever Totoro mashup.
So, Colorado people. Not sure how familiar you are with the Colorado Springs area. It seems that Phantom Canyon Brewing Company is about 10 minutes away from my son’s house and Trinity Brewing Company is about 17 minutes away. Ever heard of either of these? We want to go out and hang somewhere tonight.
I enjoy Trinity. Not familiar with Phantom Canyon
Neo’s jealous.
ooh la la!
I’m very familiar with Colo Springs. Both are great! I’m about 35 minutes away right now at my folks.
Awesome. Any idea where I can find craft beers that aren’t all in 6 packs? All the liquor stores here seem to be jerks about letting you buy single bottles unless they are the overpriced bombers.
Try Cheers. Circle (?) and Galley I think
Cheers was the place I went to that wouldn’t let me break up 6 packs. I saw a Total Wine when we were on the way to Garden of the Gods. They tend to have a huge singles selection.
CP: Wicked Eyes & Wicked Hearts — Trevor Morris
Just back from visiting my dad. He is having a good day today AND they’ve moved him out of the NICU!
He was sharing some of the visions/dreams/other that he remembers from the time just before and after his surgery. wild
tie-in: He took me to see a re-release of “2001” in the cinema when I was 12.
Yay JJ Dad. That’s a very good sign!
2Woot to quit.
Yea! Glad to hear that!
Good things all around for JustaD@d. May the good news continue.
That is great!
Page 3 still cracks me up. Santa girl patrolling for crime. 😀
CP: Black Stone — Ume
I think Monuments is my favorite album from this year. What are your favorites?
Hmmmm that’s definitely up there. The new Electric 6 was definitely uneven. I’m realizing I’m woefully unprepared for this question…
I think Arianna Grande and Linkin Park are the only full albums from 2014 I’ve listened to. (Both were available free at one point from the Play store.)
Thus, Hunting Party wins by default.
In that case … I think Weird Al’s new album was the only full one I heard this year.
I liked it.
Another one of my favorites from this year. I also greatly enjoyed Meg Myers’ EP and BABYMETAL.
That new Linkin Park is extremely OK. Even Rakim couldn’t elevate it to greatness. My fave albums of the year have been from:
Weird Al
Vanishing Point
The juryt is still out for me on the new In Flames, Mastodon, and the “new” Pink Floyd.
CP: My Silver Lining — First Aid Kit
Aint no sunshine when she’s gone
I know I know I know i know
Missing Essbee?
Her booze I suspect.
Well nice to actually see Die Hard with the swearing not censored.
The showing got off to a rocky start when the 20th Century Fox logo looked liked it had been up scaled from the VHS release (“are they using a DVD?” Was one snarky comment from the row behind me), but the quality of the rest of the film was fine.
Yippie Keye Ay!
Melon farmer!
Cuteness Alert for Christmas Eve Eve.
Is Jack wearing his “Santa’s Little Helper” outfit again?
Cuteness Alert for Christmas Eve Eve.
Well it’s past 1am here, Xmas Eve!
I’m enjoying the radio adaption of Good Omens.
As we prepare for 2015, I know we often find ourselves on different sides of the various issues. However, I think I’ve found something that we can all get behind:
This is beautiful. I worry about their Conservative opponents from Hazzard County, Tatooine, though.
I concur.
“Theres something dead wrapped around her aorta.” These are not the words you want to hear at 11:15pm on Christmas Eve Eve, after working all day and an additional 6hrs on-call.
I’m not sure I want to hear that in a horror film.
So I have acquired all the episodes of ‘Now and Again’, bring on the binge watching.
I remember that show. It was pretty good as I recall. 😀
Pity about the Russian dubbing.
Well it’s looking good, whether it will be good is another matter:
Games you may have missed in 2014:
While I’ve heard of some of these (not all), I admit, I’ve only played one (Broken Age).
Jack and Desert Pixie, the Xmas card arrived, thank you.
Morning Pan
It’s Christmas Eve day here at the Bunny household. It’s just hubby and I. Happy and warm in our comfy chairs.
Kid’s aren’t coming over until tomorrow when we eat, drink, and be merry.
And where is the cat in all of this?
Today, kitty is in lap heaven. Tomorrow she will be cowering on the bed. I may move her heating pad into the bedroom (from my office), tomorrow so she will have some comfort out of people coming over.
Van, your card came in today, thanks. You would not believe how mangled the envelope was. I’m surprised i got it at all. :silly:
Poor card, must have had a hard flight across the Atlantic..
Why thank you Seagate. There is a firmware update for the two HD drives in my NAS enclosure.
There is no indication what the new firmware fixes.
You can not run the install the update if the drive is being used in a RAID configuration.
The two drives are in a RAID configuration.
So the only way to update would be to take a drive from the NAS, stick it in a PC, wiped it and do the update. Then put the drive back in the NAS and rebuild the RAID config from the other drive. Then do the same procedure for the other drive.
Think I’ll pass.
Happy Christmas Eve, Deadpan Friends! Be Merry and Hug your loved ones!
Curiouser and curiouser:
In the UK, Fringe S1 on Netflix has the season finale (where Olivia meets William Bell) ilabelled as episode 20 and the episode before that (with the young woman coming back from the deAd) as episode 21.
Wikipedia to the rescue, episode 21 is Unearthed, which was shown on the s2 run but was actually filmed during the S1.
You feel better now?
Have a WWI Christmas:
Story never gets old
Is that all I am to you people?!!
At the folks’ still, roughin it with prime rib in the oven!
Well since it’s gone midnight over here, I shall wish you all a Merry Christmas.
There is no public transport tomorrow, at some point I may hang around a bus stop to laugh and laugh and..
Evening at my Brother-in-law’s.
Good family time. He has very good wine. 🙂
Merry Christmas all!
The fuck?
This… is an xmas miracle.
Scrooge caught a bum rap.
Gruel is underrated as a breakfast cereal.
If Santa has brought you a new iOS device or you just want to pick up a bargain for one you already own there is a hug sale on the app store:
Damn, I was wondering how much they were charging for hugs
Great, Van! You’ve RUINED Christmas!!!!
I want a hug….
Oh, wait, I’m on Android, never mind 🙂
FTW ^^^^^^^
Merry Christmas everyone!
CW: Frozen
Another bad portrayal of Wolves..ugh
A Disney film with a handsome villain…wow.
Van complaining about a film. Wow
Well it was fun for what is was, but there should be a ban on showing Wolves in a bad light on kids films.
Now back to Xmas.
Anyway it was good that the handsome prince was the bad guy.
Thank you Santa JfS!
Though, I think you’ll be surprised. Santa’s elves put the wrong thing in the package, though the packing label said what you originally meant to sent me. I hope they charged you the right amount since what was in the box was a lot more expensive. It was a collector’s edition Dr. Who watch.
Last night, it felt like Lo Pan sent me to the he’ll of last-minute wrapping.
He’ll? Do you have an iPhone?
I felt if I had to be in that hell, I would share
The Ducking He’ll of Autocorrect.
Merry, yo.
Christmas cheer and all that silliness!
Have a day!
Think I’ll take two.
You too. Hopefully with both beer and cheer
X-MarksTheSpot is a pirates favorite holiday. #reaching
…And Lo Pan bless us, every one!
He does, friend. He does
It’s Christmas day so what is hubby doing? Vacuuming. Seriously. I told him to stop.
I really liked I’m Only Joking and Come With Me Now by KONGOS but Lunatic dropped two years ago and I didn’t particularly care for the rest of the album.
I now stink of smoke.
Wood smoke or pipe smoke?
Who knows!
I enjoyed the Dr Who Xmas special.
Ok, setting offin 5 minutes
Superman Returns is not as bad as I remember..and Kate Bosworth makes a better Lois than Amy annoying as fuck Adams.
Bad Santa Ale tasted with Sly B and Lo Pan! Now it’s officially Xmas!
So jealous!
Trying to decide if I shall have a beer tonight.
I have my ONLY indoor Track Meet of the year on Saturday.
I have to be on the road that morning by 7am to get there in time for my event. As tired as I am, I am considering just laying low and getting to bed early tonight.
We doggie! Oh, Logan, where have you run to?
Watched “Pee Wee’s Christmas Special” tonight on Netflicks.
I had forgotten how wonderfully wrong that show was.
It’s a kid’s show but everything is just ever-so-slightly off, that it make kind of creepy.
Oh what fun!
Jingle cough, jingle cough, jingle cough hack hack.
Oh what fun.
Did a certain someone Pannite receive their SS gift from this Pixie?
Your crap joke for Boxing day:
A motorist, after being bogged down in a muddy road, paid a passing farmer five dollars to pull him out with his tractor.After he was back on dry ground he said to the farmer, “At those prices, I should think you would be pulling people out of the mud night and day.””Can’t”, replied the farmer. “At night I haul water for the hole.”
What kinds of lazy slacker societies also have Boxing Day off??
Because I want to join them. Right now.
I’m not sure you are built for the weather in the UK or Canada….
Heading after seeing ‘Unbroken’ at the flicks, an interesting film.
Was it good? Cause its getting shit on by critics and audiences alike
And that was supposed to be this year’s strongest Oscarbaiter.
It was interesting, worth checking out.
I may stick with the book/documentary. Oh wait there isnt a true documentary. Pity
This months BTiLC issue made me literally lol
CW: The Interview
So far, I can understand why some people think the whole Sony Hack was a publicity stunt for a crap film.
Yeah, you aren’t missing much if you never get round to checking it out.
It took way longer than expected for the Devils to
scapegoatfire coach DeBoer. I hope team management gives the next coach some on-ice talent to work with. And I hope DeBoer lands another coaching job soon.DeBoer in Arizona?!
Say whaaaaaat!
Marty? Marty?
Who’s your density?
Lowbrow Art?
Dr. Who Christmas specials was in that place between “okay” and “good”.
One of the better efforts for this Doctor.
The “Last Christmas” theme was rather poignant for me this year.
George Michael needs to be the next Doctor, after Peter Capaldi.
I get that way about my Mother, but then you could say that about anybody.
She didn’t make new year:
“So I like to remind myself that a real Christmas includes the bad stuff too.”
Bloody historians spoiling the fun:
Still not as bad historically as The Patriot
I cannot disagree with you.
..and if you are bored:
I liked the Christmas special. And I like Tangerines. 🙂
We enjoyed the Christmas special. Is tangerines a think in the UK? Is it similar to mandarin oranges in North America? (the idea of giving them at Christmas, not the fruit itself)
My mom always put tangerines in our stockings at Christmas. I’m not sure where she learned the tradition. For whatever reason, mandarins and tangerines seem to be a holiday tradition in many places around the world.
For those that don’t know the difference between the fruits:
I need to try some mandarins in my smoothie experiments.
Mandalorian oranges are slowly digested for a thousand years.
JustaJ0e, I hope your meat went well today !
Your dog wants steak?
I did not have the MEET I was hoping for. Only went 9′ 6″
Others did well … but not I.
How can you have any pudding …
Indeed, next time beat the meet
I was looking for the spinning top at the end of the Dr. Who Christmas special.
To be fair it didn’t have Leo in it, which was all for the best.
Now I feel compelled to finish catching up on New Who to this point. (I watched the first half of Eccleston’s season earlier this year and really liked it. I should really get back into it.)
Carrie Fisher is on the QI Xmas special.
She’s looking well worn.
When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not.
Oy, kids are exhausting!
Sorry, cant hear you over my passing out…
The days with 2 in diapers may have been the most tiring.
One in diapers and three possessed by satan.
Not really-just noisy.
Yeah, the pea soup projectile vomit and headspinning are tricky.
So which describes Lo? 😉
D. All of the above
Now may we all stay the course…
If you gagged him, they’d be prefect.
Perfect. Dammit.
So this morning listened to the final episode of the ‘Good Omens’ radio adaption.
Enjoyable enough, but not very funny, something’s work better on the page.
Your road trip experience may be different of course.
Lo Imay be able to grab them all if you are still interested in the series.
Yes, please! Oh….
I shall see what I can do.
I was actually planning to listen on BBC before they expired. But I’ll take audio files if you make em.
Awesome Van! If not I still have that link you sent
Jack, doe you still use the gmail address or the spherical one?
They’re one and the same.
I sent the link to the gmail address,
It’s a Christmas goodbye to David Ryall
Eating SlyEssBee tamales!
Awesome! 🙂
Today I found out that my church is having a Tamale Throwdown (a cook-off with different recipes and judging) on January 10th, as a fun way to prepare for our monthly meal for the homeless the following Wednesday.
Awesome Van
Nothing cooler than a rainbow defecating unicorn..
When I grow up, I wanna be that unicorn.
This afternoon, I was feeling adventurous and eager to try something new, so I drafted the first blog post for my new personal site. I will probably finish it tomorrow.
Feel free to share the link when ready, if you’re inclined, Amy.
No surprises on the list, but some surprising omissions.
Goodnight :Carl:
I was under the impression that Wealth of Nations and Origins of the Species, while containing essential ideas, are essentially unreadable.
Then again, there are sections of the bible that are unreadable, no matter the version. That whole genealogical section in particular.
a whole lot of begatting go on..
I’m usually hip to Neil’s jive. But, even I have to admit he comes off arrogant and obnoxious with this list.
He’s not proposing a list of books that make you seem smart. He also said that “If you read all of the above works you will glean profound insight into most of what has driven the history of the western world.”
I think he’s right.
I don’t have a problem with the list itself. It’s his explanation of what you will learn; particularly from reading The Bible. I’m an atheist as well, but I didn’t read the Bible “to learn that it’s easier to be told by others what to think and believe than it is to think for yourself.” If one is going to read the Bible as a non-Christian it should be to a: gain insight and understanding into what drives the Christian religion (e.g., a humanist perspective) or b: to have a full understanding of what the Bible teaches in order to have legitimate discussions with Christians that are trying to convert you. Neil is typically one of the better atheists when it comes to the “don’t be a jerk” movement (meaning don’t be a jerk by specifically belittling the beliefs of others as that just comes back to bite atheists in the long run by feeding their preconceived biases). It is OK to disagree with others beliefs all you want. Just don’t belittle them. He is one of the founders of the “don’t be a jerk” movement so I’m a bit disappointed to see him taking a jerk-ish stance towards the Bible. Upon a second reading, the rest of the list seems fine.
No, that’s not what he said at all. He didn’t say anything like what you imply. Again, he said “you will glean profound insight into most of what has driven the history of the western world.”
He didn’t say you will be a better person for reading these books. He didn’t say that these books were drivers of “good”. He said you will get insight. You’ll understand history better. That is true. There are other books he could have put on the list, but the set he chose are good for this purpose.
As for the bible in particular… knowing what is said in that book and how it has been twisted through the ages will provide you both insight and protection from zealots of all stripes. Nothing he said in that particular post disparaged the bible in the way you imply. And he certainly wasn’t being a jerk, in this particular case.
Yes, that is what he said at all. It is a quote from the link:
1.) The Bible (eBook) – “to learn that it’s easier to be told by others what to think and believe than it is to think for yourself.”
Unless the quotes on the link refer to someone other than Neil. He definitely said exactly what the quote I originally put said. That is what quotes are typically for. It is astoundingly uncharacteristic of him. That’s why I’m upset by it. I hope my wrath hasn’t been placed incorrectly with him.
The article is fairly unclear about it, but I’d also assume the statement is a quote from NDT.
I don’t think it’s unfair to state that the Bible instructs people what to think and believe. Would it be be unfair to say that’s all it does and all it’s good for? Absolutely.
Speaking for myself, I don’t think you were being an asshat at all, um, Asshat. 🙂
And to be clear, my statement that “how [The Bible] has been twisted through the ages will provide you both insight and protection from zealots of all stripes” is what Dr. Tyson really meant when he said “to learn that it’s easier to be told by others what to think and believe than it is to think for yourself”. I base that on the context in which he framed the list. And given the history of how The Bible has been used in our history, I feel pretty confident in that interpretation.
Yeah, I didn’t take any of that list as condescending, just obvious.
It seems like the same list that 95% of my old college profs would have given (except that hippy Professor who would have added “The Celestine Prophecy”).
Also to be clear, I’m not taking umbrage with you or trying to be particularly antagonistic. Just trying to get my point across. Well aware I can be a jackass in doing so and apologize if I am.
Finally someone gets it!
Mind boggling:
The realization that Danny McBride is younger than me
You young pup. 😉
I saw “Interstellar” last night. Not what I expected, but I enjoyed it. I also really enjoyed the last “Person of Interest”.
Yup that episode of POI was a corker.
It also had one of the best moral debates I’ve seen about ASIs in recent years.
I hope Interstellar gets the Best Picture nod. Definitely deserving.
Man, I don’t often get sick, but this cough is a motherfucker.
Some great DAI humor regarding Iron Bull sex. 😉
I’ve moved on from DAI. Missed most of the Bull stuff because of the way my party was set up. Not sure why he didn’t get together with Dorian in my game though, they were always together as part of my party.
Probably won’t go back to it in the near future. 95 hours in a game is plenty.
And, while I’m not sure how it happened (didn’t hit the “heart” replies) I ended up romancing my least favourite character, Blackwall. I found him such a condescending bastard I was glad when he took off. I didn’t do any of the war table missions to look for him simply because I didn’t miss him.
Morning Pan
Just a quick hop in. Have a very busy week so don’t be surprised if you don’t hear much from me until next Monday.
While we didn’t have a white Christmas, it seems we will have a white New Year. Currently -20C here in Bunnyland.
Brrrrrrrrrrr! Brass monkey weather.
That funky monkey
We were all thinking it.
So punk You thought only North Koreans were pissed off with Team America..think again:
The article oversells the video, but it is worth sitting through.
Time some chop socky this week, tickets booked to see this later in the week:
Where Lo’s soft spot is JL, Zhang Ziyl is mine…
Really wonderful film. And as much as i love Zhang Ziyi I cannot deny you your soft spot.
A good film, other than I kept on expecting Death to show up with a chessboard.
a list for 2015:
The winter crud has struck our house – today’s the last day of vacation – hack!
We watched TMNT today – not bad! Now CW: Dr. Who S6E1 (have seen this, but not the entire season – rewatching and catching up).
Bunny, this weather is for the birds!
Oh, and we got Firefly: The Game for xmas. Can’t wait to play! Maybe on NYE.
Just to tease and tantalize EssBee and LoPan into a possible road trip….
Oh sweet goodness shit…
We should!
Anyone else at all need a reason to hate more on Rush Limbaugh?
I’m all set
I was hoping Flavor Flav would land the role.
Yeeeeeeeaaahhhhh boy. Shaken not hyped!
Get up, get up, get up, get, get down, double-oh-seven is a joke in yo town.
This one…
CW: Call The Midwife Xmas Special
Heart that show. Now I have something to look forward to on DVD
Us too – wonderful!
Update – favorite album of the year.
I heard 2 cuts from “Queens of the Stone Age” played on my local public radio station last Friday night.
I liked. Sorry Weird Al.
Can I choose it as my favorite after only hearing 2 cuts?
Good band. I didn’t know they had a 2014 album.
I think the cuts I was hearing were off of “…like clockwork”
But it was new to me 🙂
I thought it was a good album, but it didn’t wow me. I missed out on seeing them in concert this year due to being sick.
You wow me…
Speaking of hearted shows – blew thru 2 seasons of Vikings in a week. Man that’s a fun one
Coming back February 19th for Season 3 🙂
Cant wait. Its my new Sparticus except less campy and more character driven.
*sigh*. I love you Lagertha Lothbrok
Been using Netflix to watch the first season of Avatar: The last Airbender.
Although Katara discovering her healing powers and not helping the lad in the wheelchair in the next episode was perplexing.
Avatar: The Last Airbender was an incredible ride. The did a great job of making characters that grow throughout the series and that are shades of grey rather than strictly good or evil (suck it Disney).
Ah, turns she still had a lot to learn when it comes to using her powers.
Shouldn’t the heroes be fair-haired and righteous and the villains be dark and treacherous?
Back to the grind today . . .
It’s as if you’ve never been away.
One more day of freedom for me
I think I speak for everyone who had to work by saying Lucky Duck
Not everybody was happy with the ending of Korra:
Be warned that bigotry awaits you.
I haven’t watched any of Avatar, but I followed along a bit. As soon as I heard how it ended, I expected something like this. Frankly, I’m surprised it took as long as it did.
I really need to step up my game. I am rusty at school work and studying. My new job is kicking my ass and I suck!
Who wants to whip me into shape?!
So, it’s a bit sleepy, but I’m digging David Gilmour’s “On An Island.” I’d never heard the entire album before. “The Endless River” is ok too, but I think “Island” is better.
The voice of cartoon Dexter has died:
I was just gonna post that. She was much more than Dexter also. Freaking too young… which is being said way too often these days
CW: The Wire S1E1 remastered
Yes I’m a heathen how did you guess?
At least you didn’t say Buffy!
I don’t recall, Van. Is this your first viewing?
I’ve seen clips, but this was the first time I sat down and watch a whole episode.
+from Texas.
Christ how could you?
The flesh is weak.
This is one of my favorite shows ever. Watching it remastered is akin to watching Kolchak the Night Stalker in ultra glossy HD. It simply takes away from the show.
That being said if this is your first time experiencing the show then I cant fault you.
“The flesh is weak.”
My favorite weak! Much better than shark weak.
I think I mentioned before watching ‘Where EaglesDare’ in HD, the makeup on the actors was really obvious..I mean more obvious than an orange balanced on your nose.
I posted my new blog entry!
2015: The Year of Renewals