Certain Vancouver “fans”, however, need to be junk punched.
I was somewhat in and out after the first goal (like I was for a 7 games) and from what I saw Vancouver didn’t deserve to win. I know I missed a lot so maybe i’m being harsh
Oh agreed on both accounts. Obviously every city has their asshole fans… but COME ON! I dont remember ever seeing trash thrown on the ice during the ceremony before. Classless.
Oh and I guess there was the drunken burning and rioting too…
I feel bad for the true Vancouver fans having to watch the asshats trash their city.
What asshats indeed. Gonna take a while for the city to get its reputation back.
(Did I miss some discussion of Slavegirl Princess Ryah?)
Good morning.
And when was the last time Vancouver saw riots? Oh yeah, in 1994, when the Canucks lost to the Rangers in the Stanley Cup Finals. I won’t condemn the whole city, but this does change my opinion of the place.
Unfortunately is only takes a handful to ruin the rep of a whole city. Fair its not…. but it is what it is.
Interesting, I’ve never made it all the way through any LC games, granted I only own one for my PSP and a handful of demos.
Looking forward to it, played the last few LC games all the way through, but wish they were less coy on which consoles it’s coming out on.
I’d be surprised if it wouldn’t be widely supported. Exclusives are becoming more rare these days. Gaming companies can’t afford to limit their customer base.
CP: Natural Science — Rush
The two games on my radar are still Mass Effect 3 and Batman Arkham City and perhaps Diablo 3 as well. I’ve difted away from PC gaming mainly because my kids have taken both my gaming PC’s over, mostly free flash games. The XBOX 360 is really the only platform I can reliably get access to anymore. LOL
It seems not everyone is a fan of Zooey…. read dem comments
Super cool.
Also, Zooey could talk about ANYTHING and I’d listen. Probably naked.
the visions that congruous are could be wonderful or horrible. depending on who is naked.
I think youve created the best sentence ever of all time!
One thing that is kind of neat is that the entire Deschanel family is in the biz and I know all of their work. Emily is on Bones, which I don’t watch too frequently. Mary Jo (their mother) was on Twin Peaks as Donna’s wheelchair-bound mother, and father Caleb was a director on a few episodes of Twin Peaks…
Well, I guess Tee finally got even with Mike & Evo about not being quoted by the New York Times. LOL
I also heart Zooey.
I skimmed through. She does overuse the word “like”, like. frequently, like. But I don’t care.
I’m in great company it seems (drives one of sisters nuts on how often I use like in conversation with her).
Not much of a fan of Zooey’s singing or acting, although liked in role in 500 days of Summer.
That Sedin Twins diss may be the single meanest thing I’ve ever beheld on the internet. The other one is brilliant.
That Sedin Twins diss may be the single meanest thing I’ve ever beheld on the internet. The “perspective” one is brilliant.
Nice one, WP. :ftb:
Sooooooo nice twas posted twice
Soooooo nice twas posted twice
The television has been doing a lot of hype about whether Phil Mickleson can win it all at the US Open this season and it doesn’t look like he is going to make the cut for Saturday. Hype is hype.
Busy evening for me, introducing my little sister to both Minecraft and Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Evening, DP!
You all are nutty.
I was feeling like a brown ale.
Just finished Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. I can definitely see why someone who read the book first would hate Blade Runner. However, having seen the movie first (and many times) I still enjoy the movie. I also plan on reading a lot more of Philip K Dick’s books.
I’m also close to the end of Dune in audio book format. I didn’t like the movie when I first saw it, and Herbert’s style of writing bothers me. Think I won’t be going on to any of the other Dune books.
Rory seems to have gathered a bit of a following, judging by some of the things I’ve seen lately.
I like Rory when he’s doing the Last Centurion thing. Otherwise he’s hit and miss.
Doesn’t look like Green Lantern is going to be this year’s Iron Man. Rotten Tomatoes is brutalizing it – though that’s not enough to write it off in my book. The professional consensus can be might fickle with movies that I’ve enjoyed.
But this one on IMDB strongly suggests waiting for Redbox for this one:
Out this week in the UK, will still check it out, but for fsakes someone in Hollywood give Mark Strong a good guy role…
It had a 6.6 on IMDB, although it is to early to say if that number will stick. Sure not sure if I will see it in the theater.
Pretty sure this is gonna be by far the worst superhero movie of the summer. Its too bad, cause of all of em I like Green Lantern’s story the best.
People are comparing it to Catwoman.
Enough said.
Wow!!!!!!!!! That’s solid anti-praise!
Hey Deadpan!
On conference calls part of the morning. They’re doing a whole bunch of shuffling in the ranks. Luckily I still have a job (whew!) but my supervisor has been transferred to another department. I really liked my supervisor. She was one of the best I’ve worked for. My new one better be as good. *pout*
I fucking hate Rory.
Morning Pan!
Rebbecca Black has officially pulled “Friday” from YouTube. I…I…I feel a little emptier inside.
Once more unto the breach. Made good progress on getting the old house prepared. Got another full two days of work ahead of me.
I’ll hopefully catch a bit of rest on Monday when I’m back in the office 🙂
I’m only a few hours into the Fall of Hyperion. However, for Father’s Day weekend, I think Saul Weintraub has to be given serious consideration for greatest father in science fiction. His story in Hyperion has to be one of the toughest reads I’ve been through.
What is in that Swedish water? The seem to crank out a lot of heavy music.
CD: Coffee
Yes, Saul Weintraub’s story is one of the better ones, although I also found the poet’s pretty unforgettable. Dammit, Ed, are you going to make me reread that series?
Great Sci-Fi fathers:
Duke Leo Atreides.
Bruce Wayne’s dad.
Ned Stark.
Vincent Price in Edward Scissorhands.
Jango Fett. (Although not a great teacher or example.)
Professor Utonium
George Kirk
Dr. John Robinson
Worf (however, he begat a terrible son)
Well the update Ocarina of Time arrived to day, let the gaming begin.
been a baking fool today
What’s on the Father’s Day menu, LR?
Grilled steaks
Grilled corn on the cob
Baked potatoes
Homemade croissants (working on them now)
Homemade Carrot Cake ( actually made 2 so I have a backup in case I screw up the first one)
Oh, and I tried to make a baguette loaf of bread but it didn’t come out quite right 🙁
Hopefully the croissants will turn out better.
I’m lucky a mutual friend was willing to pay for the food since my finances are tight right now.
mmmm, homemade cream cheese icing is delicious
Currently in a hotel room.
Watching Mexico play Guatemala in soccer (futball).
I have NO idea what the announcers are saying but MAN, they are really into this!
Family reunion weekends are always busy. Sorry for disappearing.
Didnt notice..
*pokes ditto in the eyes*
Not a problem ditto, I hope everything is going well.
CW: BSG premier
It’s interesting how they did the music going into the first fighter fight, makes you think the colonials actually have a chance.
I just realized based on the ending to BSG “All along the Watchtower” is an old traditional folk song.
Happy Father’s Day to Jackamo and the other Deadpan dads!!!
Someone needs to invent a Aunt/Uncle day. C’mon Hallmark, think of the added revenue you can have if you invent this one!! Hugh and I are Aunt/Uncle to like 600 kids. It would be an epic day for us. Full of praise which we muchly deserve! 😉
wait was I supposed to put Hugh and I are Uncle/Aunt? The english language continues to baffle me.
Thanks you guys 🙂 Every day is hugh-n-dre day.
Oh dear, the JK Rowling marketing machine is upto something:
So, is she going to continue with Harry and the gang into adulthood, or pull a Raymond Feist and move the timeline 30 years down the road with a new cast of young heros taking center stage while Harry and the gang serve as teachers/mentors?
End of season one of Game of Thrones tonight. They have a lot to pack in tonight.
Happy Father’s Day, daddies!
Happy Father’s Day to all the deadpanite fathers out there.
Good morning to the rest of you.
Happy day to all you daddies out there!
Thank you, all. Happy F’s Day, fo sho to all the great Deadpan Fathers out there.
Saw Super 8 for Father’s Day, it was a pretty good flick. Sort of a Goonies, ET, X-Files mashup. Personally, I would have liked a little less interpersonal middle school drama and a little more intrigue, but it was still a fun ride.
I’m hearing it’s kinda aimed at kids…. except that it’s full of cursing.
so the new target demographic is frat guys? Instead of 14 year old girls.
Those 80s kid-aimed movies were full of potty-mouths. I hate to seem prudish, but this is why I’m holding off a bit on watching Back to the Future, Goonies, etc. with the kiddos.
I would say there is a more cursing in Super 8 than Goonies or BTTF. The opinion of my kids were that they really liked it except for some boring drawn out talking parts. I tend to agree.
So thus far from what Ive seen and heard… I’m thinking X-Men is going to be the best genre film of the summer. Gonna be hard to beat. I loved Thor… but I loved X-Men more. What a wonderful, surprising film.
Sounds good. I haven’t seen either yet. I’m really looking forward to Cowboys & Aliens. I hope I’m not disappointed.
ditto. (Not you)
What? Who? Oh. 🙂
Tho naked Olivia Wilde NEVER hurts (except in the pants)
Yowsa! 🙂
I know, that’s why I’m not going to wear any when I see Cowboys & Aliens.
I watched Falling Skies last night. Overall, I enjoyed it, but I’m worried about how predictable it will be. There’s one hinted reveal that is ridiculously obvious. Will Patton as a cranky military guy is always fun to watch.
Is that the Spielberg?
Yep, he’s the producer. He seems to be involved in all the alien shows these days. Go figure.
Huh… wouldnt have suspected ;). Truth be told I think I’m done with SS. Twas a fun ride…
So you aren’t going to see Cowboys & Aliens? 😉
Well Green Lantern was enjoyable enough, definitely a watchoncethennvveragain movie.
Oh and wait for most of the credits to role for a short sequence.
I havent heard “enjoyable” and “Green Lantern” in same sentence yet. Good to see someone enjoyed it. I’m still scared away from it… but I dont want to be
I agree. I’ll wait for the rental.
Liked the way they took the piss out flimsy disguises of Some Superheroes.
Lo: Another take on GL
“While it isn’t a good movie, it isn’t as horrible as you may have heard, and if you can reduce your mental state to that of an 11-year-old boy, you should have no problem enjoying the spectacle. ” http://www.comicsbeat.com/2011/06/20/green-lantern-its-not-all-bad/
Hmm… so not quite Fantastic Four levels of bad…
Van, Ryan Reynolds didnt distract due to his..uh..Reynoldsness?
Ah he always seems pleasant enough to me Lo.
Well agreed, tho usually in a comedy setting (for me anyway).
CP: Fear Is The Mind Killer — Brian Tyler
Ryan Reynolds…
Seriously, those are the only words I saw on this page when I loaded it this morning..
Mmmmmm…. I’m gonna need a minute or 12 to process the deliciousness of those words…
Ryan Reynolds..
CD: getting confused by time differences.
Its 20 past Luongo….
CP: We Don’t Need Another Hero — TT
Do you need to know the way home?
By the way, contrary to popular belief, Vancouver has won a Stanley Cup, so I wouldn’t feel too too sorry for them.
It was just…. the Vancouver Millionaires in 1915…. But still!
Old skool hockey trivia FTW
Also, by that line of thinking…. WInnipeg has 6, Kenora has 2, and Seattle and Victoria have 1 each.
His actual statement (according to Pegg’s book) was “Just don’t suddenly find yourself making the same film you made thirty years ago.”
To me this says NOTHING about what Lucas thinks of his own film. He was more likely bitching that trying to continue the sequel 30 years later lead to people assuming he would be making the same film all over again and what a mistake that was on his part because he was actually trying to make a modern film, rather than a remake of a 1979 flick.
That being said, the prequels did kind of blow.
That being said, most of what was wrong with the prequels (e.g. Jar Jar Binks) could also be said about the originals (e.g. Ewoks).
I feel like the movie wasted my time just reading through that.
I think spending $20+ on Green Lantern tix would be a spoiler.
“Bwahahahahahaha . . . uh . . . ha . . . cough.”
Actually, I meant to reply to EssBee’s post below.
*face palm*
Van, I wrote a mini-blog about GoT last week. I’ll have to do another one now that I’ve seen the finale.
I didn’t feel like last night’s ep was 50 minutes of foreplay for an orgasm next year, or whatever it was. But I know what’s gonna happen. I think Dani emerging with the dragons was a perfect way to end the season, and Sly B told me that would be the final scene before we even started watching somehow.
I LOVE the books. I like the TV show okay.
Did you see The Killing finale yet?
Yup to The Killing Finale, what a cliff hanger, I hope they get a season 2.
…I think Dani emerging with the dragons was a perfect way to end the season
Ahhhhhh! Spoiler, spoiler, spoiler! My eyes have burned out of their sockets! Spoiler, spoiler, spoiler! My ears are bleeding!
Oh wait… this is game of thrones? I don’t watch that… never mind.
Someone go with me to see Green Lantern?
Do I gotsta beg? Freals? Movie wanting.
I could see it alone, but think it’d be better with a friend
It’s at times like these I wish we had teleporters and no border controls..
There’s no LIKE button on that post, Van! *like* I don’t know how to communicate anymore. I just click like like like…
CD: Dosing off to the sound of rain.
Just FYI I did call the voice mail line one morning last week and blathered on and on.. I suppose it should have been about hitchhiker’s guide. That will happen though.
Just watched last night’s Treme – WOW!
CW: Let Me In ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1228987/ )
This is the new horror movie with the little girl from Kick Ass (Chloe Moretz) as some sort of blood thirsty creature.
Not a bad movie, but fairly predictable and the slow parts (most of the movie) are PAINFULLY slow.
UH, the Swedish original was slow and moody too, but excellent. Called “Let the Right One In”. I couldn’t bring myself to watch the US remake.
There is an extremely interesting concept in there screaming to be developed. Namely, the ramifications of someone being turned into a vampire at 12 years old. I know it’s been done before, but it could have been explored here and simply wasn’t. The movie was mis-labeled as horror. It really should have been labeled a pre-teen “look how lonely and isolated I can be” movie.
Great video find, LR. I think a Barbarellapalooza would cause Deadpan to end before 288.
All right, I know it was a rough day for some of us out there. Goodnight :mush: Let’s have a good Tuesday.
Let the right one in was very slow but it wasn’t boring and all that waiting was building tension that ultimately paid off. I haven’t seen the dumbed down version yet, but I’ll probably have to at some point just so I can say “I told you so” to myself.
Also, I’m pretty sure Bunny has beat me at WWF more than twice. The trick is not to allow open double or triple word tiles. Especially not the one with a triple letter tile only four away. That can be a game changer, especially if you luck out and can play JEEZ on it. That is 129 points right there.
I think. Doing it in my head is risky. 🙂
I’m not good at word games. Never was.
Morning Pan, dentist today, my first ever filling..ugh.
Omigosh, I went to the dentist today too! That’s what you meant. *huggins*
Morning all.
Got to see the GOT finale last night. I wasn’t surprised that it ended the way it did as it was a pretty dramatic high point to end the first season on.
All the books are pretty fresh in my memory and I also know what’s coming. I enjoyed the series, though I do think it suffered a bit of the “reading the book onscreen” syndrome the way Watchmen and the early Harry Potter movies did.
I do also think that the editing suffered some from trying to jump around among all the story lines. It’s one thing to follow a part of the story for many pages in a book and then check in somewhere else in the world. I don’t think that works as well trying present that in a visual form.
Still, I enjoyed it and look forward to next spring. Between this and the other offerings, I think we’ll be keeping our HBO subscription after our free time has passed.
I think the neighbours are deliberately trying to annoy the garbage men. Last week they put their bins so close together the machine couldn’t pick them up. This week the bins are backwards. It’s almost funny.
Morning, DP!
Ed, what about what they did to Remley’s character?
Morning Pan, Left my wife yesterday. Looking back this was not nearly as hard a choice as I thought it would be. maybe that is a sign too.
So, I might actually be here more in the afternoon/weekend after I get back to my place or get internet where ever I end up.
Oh Reaper *hugs*
We’ll be here, reaps. Some of us more than others, sure, but there’s always someone at the bar. 😉
thanks! it is amazing how people come out of the wood work when you really need them.
I have been isolated from friends for the last 5 years because she demanded friends be really good friends our not friends at all. she always said my friends were not the kind of friends she wanted but it turns out there were that kind of friends.
I called one person and had 4 places to stay with in a hour.
You have my sympathy, Reaper. I’ve seen this many times, both from men and women. It’s an insecurity issue.
thank you. I have a feeling you hit the nail right on the head. I always tried to build her up; she really can be a wonderful person but it just wasn’t enough.
*hugs* Reaper dear.
If you need to talk … well, you know… me too … me too..
Good luck Reaper.
Bunny, I’m off to work in a sec, but would you be game for some clandestine, fool the governments, exchange of currency/order something for my Canadian brother-in-law for me online? They just had a baby (#4!) and we want to send them a case of diapers. Do you think you can order diapers in the U.S. to ship to a Canadian address? The answer is no. I’m sure there’s some national security reason . . .
I’ll holler at ya.
I hear SAM (super absorbent material) is a national secret.
Sure Ess. Drop me a line with all the details. Keep in mind we’re in the middle of a postal strike so it will either have to wait until it’s over or will have to be shipped by courier.
Well Pan, filling done, but because of my interfering Tongue, the filling may not take, so fingers crossed I don’t have the few days in pain as I wait to get an extraction appointment.
Yeah and ‘Interfering Tongue’ is the name of our next band..
I can think of better uses for an interfering tongue :blush:
Would that kind of interference get you a penalty?
It might be worth it.
I’m amazed at how bad some drivers are. I know I shouldn’t be but….
Just how do you end up having a 3 car accident on a busy off-ramp–during rush hour!–where two of the cars end up facing the wrong way?
Going to try out the Google Music Beta.
I don’t see a podcast manager or blackberry app so I don’t know how much I will use it.
Just got to work. Early because I had a 7:30am dentist appt. Trying to use up my FSA monies before EOM. Somehow my insurance paid too much for my son’s root canal so I’m gonna be out a few bucks of FSA money.
Dammit.. Why do we all have to be so darned healthy!?
And holy crap in a craptastic crapbasket.. my mouth is numb, yet hurts, and I’m drooling on myself.
Hey, baby.. wanna date? 😉
My boss just said (about my being unusually quiet) “Cj, you’re like a Ninja today!”
Also, my thinking was this, I’d get a drink from Sonic see… I like Diet Dr. Pepper with Chocolate…
the only way I can drink it with my numb mouth is to shove the straw down the back of my throat and sorta inhale.
Does this seem dangerous to anyone else?
I don’t think it just sound dangerous 😉
shove… back… throat… inhale…
That’s what she said!
or at least tried to say
*gag* 😉
Just got back from buying a new bating suit for my trip to Arizona :cheerful:
Bating = bathing
I thought you where talking about playing baseball for a minute
Batter up!
I read it as baiting.
I read it that way the first time to.
It game me visions of bunny wearing stakes trying to attract bears
tho being a bunny it might be redundant.
steaks = stakes
the vision has bears not vampires
CP: I Should Have Known — Foo Fighters
Every attempt to add the word “master” to the “bating suit” conversation just comes across as juuussst a bit creepy, so I’ll leave it. Sorry Bunny, I tried.
And by the way, Reaper, I spotted your post earlier. Sorry to learn the news, man. You know how to reach me, if you need to vent.
Thanks Jack! At this point I’m still in the “relived to be out” stage so I’m doing pretty good for now
I think it’s time to go for a walk before the rain comes rolling in.
Reaper – I shall raise at least 2 glasses to you tonight.
The first is for rising above the “black hole” like gravity that keeps us humans bound to situations that (while soul sucking) are familiar and known. The endless, downward spiral of “settling” and just trying to make the best of being in a morass.
The second glass is in celebration of the excitement of having a future again. Your horizon might be completely unknown and probably full of pitfalls but BY THE GODS … now it is YOUR horizon!
Cheers mate!
to your first glass she said “I think your taking the easy way out by leaving”. I think settling is easier. Hell the dog and kids are hers. They might not talk to me again; that is going to be very hard.
and to the second glass not just a future, a life again. It is kind of exciting and a little scary.
Settling is far and beyond the worst way to live. I’ll drink to your future.. And you know, life is a rollercoaster.
“I always wanted to go again. You know, it was just so interesting to me that a ride could make me so frightened, so scared, so sick, so excited, and so thrilled all together! Some didn’t like it. They went on the merry-go-round. That just goes around. Nothing. I like the roller coaster. You get more out of it.”
– Grandma (Parenthood)
Okay, so here we go.
In honor of sucking it up and just doing the hard things that need to be done … I’m having a (home brew) “Midnight Beatdown” Porter.
*lifts pint*
La Chaim!!!
There, my swimsuit has been cleaned and packed. Jack’s gift has been wrapped and packed. My overnight kit has been assembled and packed. Now if I can just remember where I put my passport all will be good.
Once Bunny is wrapped and packed, I’ll consider her MY present. :drevil:
Of course you’re getting a gift too, Cj. And, if you think about it, you probably know what it’ll be. (unless you’d rather something else?)
You are the only gift I dream of, but of course, I love anything and everything you’ve ever given. 🙂 :wub:
It’s kind of amazing how an awesome weekend of exhausting activities with my kids can give me a new lease on life… Holy crap I’m lucky.
I’m gonna start calling in on the listener line and speak song lyrics from songs that come up on my Avril station.
with wonders like Lady Gaga, Ke$sha, Selena Gomez, Aly & AJ, Demi Lovato….
Seriously.. and how scary is it that I know all their names without looking them up!
Be warned! I’ve turned into a 16 year old girl!
(Disclaimer: I still love Ozzy and AC/DC)
I cherish my ignorance of half of those names.
Oh yeah and Blame Pandora.
CP: Allstar – Smashmouth
CP: Catch Me – Demi Lovato
CE: lasagna with mushrooms and spinach, and with zucchini slices in place of noodles
OK. Watched the original version (Let the Right One In). Oddly enough any scenes involving only children (i.e. the two main characters and the bullies) were remade shot for shot. Any scenes involving adults were somewhat different (e.g. a cop stalking and finally confronting the vampire in the US version vs. an angry friend/boyfriend stalking and finally confronting the vampire in the original). I still think it moves too damn slow for very little payoff. And they still didn’t flesh out the cool ramifications of a 12 year old being a vampire.
Now off to bed. Tomorrow I’ll watch the commentaries for the season finale of The Venture Brothers season 4 and will be in a much better mood.
Prodigal Ed and Prodigal Amy return!
Apparently Tee is about to release my Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences audio short. Or Part 1, at least. I’ll post something here when it’s ready. Possibly even on the main page.
Yep, I’m back. 🙂
Crazy times around here. Loving my new job. No, the Deadpan is not blocked from work, I just don’t always remember to check in. (The only site that I know of that is blocked from work is Twitter.)
It’s only going to get crazier from here, too. From now through July 13, I’m somehow going to have to balance taking care of the family house while my parents are on vacation with gradually moving into the new house that I’m renting with a roommate. Yes, I’m finally, really moving out.
w00t on all of the exciting developments, Ambassador!
Me too. Might not be able to listen for a couple of days, though.
No pain today, fingers crossed.
If you are approached by a 3 meter tall, four armed biped covered in shiny metal blades, do not embrace it!
I see a big red band of storm bearing down upon Houston. Hopefully it will hold together and actually make it here. We haven’t had a decent rain in over two months around here.
At this point, sounds like you’d welcome an indecent rain. 😉
Lots of shit flying out there, guys. Put on your raincoats!
Try to have a good day, yos.
Hey DP
Slept in today. I can’t decide if I need to do that more often or less.
MOre often?
I usually get up at 5am Van. Today I slept in until 6:30.
My goodness, it got me sweating into my string vest:
Busy last couple of days. WWC has 122 different program participants, I spent the last two days sending them all a personalize program confirmation e-mail. I’m tired
Oh you know Duke Nukem was asking for it, wearing those kind of polygons in front of ZP.
Hey Natalia, ummm the, uh, whales get nervous when they see wetsuits…. yeah… so you’ll, um, have to swim naked with them. No, no, a one-piece would scare them too. Even a bikini might be too much for them. No, no, we’re sure, we’ll show you the data later. Just go ahead and swim with them.
Those scientists are smart.
Good morning!
Today was a fairytale
You were the prince
I used to be a damsel in distress
You took me by the hand and you picked me up at six
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
I wore a dress
You wore a dark grey t-shirt
You told me I was pretty
When I looked like a mess
Today was a fairytale
What? No Taylor Swift fans here?
I’m in shock.
I’m familiar with the artist, just not with that particular song.
When I wear headphones at work, they are like awesome headphones but they hurt my head. How do I fix that? These are them: http://x.co/XvCx
It’s like they are heavier than my little noggin can tolerate.
Will, you could buy lighter headphones or work in a zero G environment. 🙂
OK, another question… anyone here ever get fillings in their teeth? I mean, ok yeah it’s new to me.. I’ve had my wisdom teeth out, but this is like a filling … it feels weird like a foreign object is in my mouth. Is that something that goes away?
depends if it feels like you are biting something that is sticking out of the tooth, NO! GET IT LOOKED AT!!!!!
any other reason it can very much feel that way but it will go away
It’s like a new pair of underwear. At first it’s constrictive, but after a while it becomes a part of you.
Yup, had that feeling yesterday, not so
Noticeable now.
Let me know when you get it all straightened out so we’ll know it is okay to make fun of this bit –
“it feels weird like a foreign object is in my mouth. Is that something that goes away?”
I can tell I don’t even want to think about clicking that link….
I agree with you Ed.
I saw that link the other day and thought better of posting it. It’s the other brown meat.
Remind me to say clear of all the burger joints in Japan.
2 Geisha … one burger.
CW: BSG S1E4 I kinda forgot how good Battlestar Galactica was, especially for the really good episodes
CD: a Beringer White Merlot, it is an interesting wine. Kind of like a more tannic rose.
oh, sorry.
That’s more of a Titanic Rose.
I’m watching too, Ralph, but slowly. I’m on the mini-series now, and watching just a bit a day as I workout. Loving it!
Wow that’s going to take awhile. That’s only what 30-60min a day? Then again I’m also watching with the commentary track first before watching the regular episode so that will take awhile too. 😀
Damn, after finishing that bottle I’m craving an oud bruin style beer.
This is kinda amusing for those who are at least casual pokemon fans
So according to the Vevo advertisements on youtube Britney Spears has a new video, do I dare to be cool and watch it now, or wait for the more talented parodies?
Ok, I should have waited. It’s like she was trying to channel Faith mixed with Terminator, and got both so wrong it was boring.
But the Photoshopping of his face on to a body double is weird.
It’s silent on the Deadpan
And I need a beer
I’m alone in the bar
I guess I’ll pour another
With only bottles for company
No one to geek with
I’ll drink a shot of Jameson
And pour another beer
Stars twinkle over sand
Tumbleweeds blowing in the wind
I’ll have another beer
And listen to smurfing music
Silent on the ‘pan
I need another drink
Take a shot of vodka
And pour another beer
I drink a bit of beer
And take a shot of scotch
Keeping the taint away
Is a full time job
Silent in the bar
Jukebox playing Matt Mango
One last beer proves
Deadpan is the motherfucking way
Hmm, 422 comments (counting this post), and I believe it is now 10:30 AZ time. So how shall I fill the remaining time, and can we get to 500 comments before then?
Providing filler
It’s silent on the Deadpan
And I need a beer
I’m alone in the bar
I guess I’ll pour another
With only bottles for company
No one to geek with
I’ll drink a shot of Jameson
And pour another beer
Stars twinkle over sand
Tumbleweeds blowing in the wind
I’ll have another beer
And listen to smurfing music
Silent on the ‘pan
I need another drink
Take a shot of vodka
And pour another beer
I drink a bit of beer
And take a shot of scotch
Keeping the taint away
Is a full time job
Silent in the bar
Jukebox playing Matt Mango
One last beer proves
Deadpan is the motherfucking way
One of these versus is not like the other.
Damn, versus should really be verses.
LR: That was a really cool poem. You should read it onpod. 🙂
Thanks, but since I”m no Jack Kerouac it needs some editing.
You’re welcome!
Good night, mush.
2nd pass
similar to the first
a little bit better
and a new third verse
It’s silent on the Deadpan
And I need a drink
I’m alone in the bar
I’ll pour another beer
With only bottles for company
No one to geek with
I drink a shot of Jameson
And pour a new beer
Tumbleweeds pass by
Singing of smurfs
Booze is too much
I need a new beer
Silent on the ‘pan
I need another drink
Take a shot of vodka
And pour another beer
I drink my beer
Take a shot of scotch
Keeping the taint away
Is a full time job
Silent in the bar
Matt Mango humming from the box
One last beer
While Deadpan
Is the motherfucking way
hmm I think i’m getting closer
3rd pass a little closer
and no worse
Silent in the Deadpan
And I’m ready for a drink
Alone in the bar
I’ll pour my first beer
Only bottles for company
No one to geek with
I drink a shot of Jameson
And pour a new beer
Tumbleweeds pass by
Singing of smurfs
Booze is too much
I need a new beer
Silent on the ‘pan
I need another drink
Take a shot of vodka
And pour another beer
I drink my beer
Take a shot of scotch
Keeping the taint away
Is a full time job
Silent in the bar
Matt Mango humming from the box
One last beer
Deadpan is the motherfucking way
And yes, I’m planning on posting multiple in progress versions to increase the comment count. You see this is what you drive me too when ya’ll are too quiet.
Silent in the Deadpan
And I’m ready for a drink
Alone in the bar
I’ll pour my first beer
Only bottles for company
No one to geek with
I drink a shot of Jameson
And pour a new beer
Tumbleweeds pass by
Singing of smurfs
The silence is getting to me
I need a new drink
Silent on the ‘pan
I need another drink
Take a shot of vodka
And pour a new beer
I drink my beer
Take a shot of scotch
Keeping the taint away
Jack Mangan leads the way
Silent in the bar
Except Mangan’s rocking
One last beer
Deadpan is the motherfucking way
hmm, I don’t think I can add or edit this poem more tonigh, so I guess I’ll move on.
Well since that bit of prose has stalled let’s turn to something else.
And since I turned to the Brobdignagian Bards for inspiration I have an idea.
(Don’t ask. No really please don’t ask. I’m pretty sure the neuron responsible is drinking alone in the corner of my skull.)
Now for something kind of different.
Old Dun Cow
Some friends and I in a public house
Was playing a game of chance one night
When into the pub a fireman ran
His face all a chalky white.
“What’s up”, says Brown, “Have you seen a ghost,
Or have you seen your Aunt Mariah?”
“Me Aunt Mariah be buggered!”, says he,
“The bleedin’ pub’s on fire!”
And there was Brown upside down
Lappin” up the whiskey on the floor.
“Booze, booze!” The firemen cried
As they came knockin’ on the door (clap clap)
Oh don’t let ’em in till it’s all drunk up
And somebody shouted MacIntyre! MACINTYRE!
And we all got blue-blind paralytic drunk
When the Old Dun Cow caught fire.
“Oh well,” says Brown, “What a bit of luck.
Everybody follow me.
And it’s down to the cellar
If the fire’s not there
Then we’ll have a grand old spree.”
So we went on down after good old Brown
The booze we could not miss
And we hadn’t been there ten minutes or more
Till we were quite pissed.
Then, Smith walked over to the port wine tub
And gave it just a few hard knocks (clap clap)
Started takin’ off his pantaloons
Likewise his shoes and socks.
“Hold on, ” says Brown, “that ain’t allowed
Ya cannot do that thing here.
Don’t go washin’ trousers in the port wine tub
When we got Guinness beer.”
Then there came from the old back door
The Vicar of the local church.
And when he saw our drunken ways,
He began to scream and curse.
“Ah, you drunken sods! You heathen clods!
You’ve taken to a drunken spree!
You drank up all the Benedictine wine
And you didn’t save a drop for me!”
And then there came a mighty crash
Half the bloody roof caved in.
We were almost drowned in the firemen’s hose
But still we were gonna stay.
So we got some tacks and some old wet sacks
And we nailed ourselves inside
And we sat drinking the finest Rum
Till we were bleary-eyed.
Later that night, when the fire was out
We came up from the cellar below.
Our pub was burned. Our booze was drunk.
Our heads was hanging low.
“Oh look”, says Brown with a look quite queer.
Seems something raised his ire.
“Now we gotta get down to Murphy’s Pub,
It closes on the hour!”
Old Deadpan Bar
Some friends and I in the deadpan bar
Were geeking away one night
When into the pub J.R. Murdoch ran in
His face paler than than a twilight fan
“What’s up”, says Jack, “Have you seen a ghost
Or have you seen Evo sober?”
“Evo be buggered!” says he,
“The fucking bar’s on fire!”
Some friends and I in the deadpan bar
Were geeking away one night
When into the pub our friend) Murdoch ran
His face paler than than a twilight fan
“What’s up”, says Jack, “Have you seen a ghost
Or have you seen Evo stone sober?”
“Forget that damn Evo!” says he,
“The fucking bar’s on fire!”
And there was Ralph upside down
Lappin’ at the beer on the floor
“Booze, booze!” the Deadpan cried
As they came bangin’ at the door
Oh don’t let ‘em in till it’s all drunk up
And somebody shouted Deadpan Jack! DEADPAN JACK!
And we all got nahvee paralytic drunk
When the Old Deadpan caught fire
“Oh well,” says Jack, “What a bit of luck.
Deadpanites follow me.
It’s down to the cellar
If the fires not there
Then we’ll have a grand old spree.”
So we went on down after deadpan Jack
The booze we would not spare
And we hadn’t been there ten minutes or more
Till we were quite pisses.
Anyone can feel free to jump in with their own lyrics or suggestions.
Then Joe walked over to the Stone cask ale
And gave it just a few hard knocks
Started takin’ off his leather pants
Likewise his shirts and shoes
“Hold on,” says Jack, “ that ain’t allowed
Ya cannot do that thing here.
Don’t go washin’ trousers in the Stone cask ale
That’s a waste of good Stone beer.”
Then came from the hiddendoor
Evo from the old podcast
And when he saw our drunken ways,
He began to scream and curse.
“Ah, you fucking sods! You selfish clods!”
You drank up Arrogant Bastard
And didn’t save a drop for me!”
Then came from the hidden door
Evo from the old podcast
And when he saw our drunken ways,
He began to scream and curse.
“Ah, you fucking sods! You selfish clods!”
You drank up Arrogant Bastard
And didn’t save a drop for me!”
And there came a mighty tumbleweed
Half the bloody server went down.
We were almost left with facebook alome
But still we had our say
So made our comments, and posted our links
And we made our own fun
And we sat drinking the finest beer
Till the new show was posted.
Later that night, when the weed was gone
We came up from the cellar below
Our bar was burned. Our booze was drunk.
Our comments were getting thin.
“Oh look.” Says Jack with a look quite strange
Seems something had caught his mind.
“Now we got to get down to Joe Murphy’s,
He serves good root beer!”
hmm, I think I’ve deviated too far from the original song, it doesn”t seem to flow right. i guess it needs some more work too. Unfortunately the beer and wine are catching up to me and I’m not sure how much more I can do.
Some friends and I in the deadpan bar
Were geeking away one night
When into the pub our friend Murdoch ran
His face paler than than a twilight fan
“What’s up”, says Jack, “Have you seen a ghost
Or have you seen Evo stone sober?”
“Forget that damn Evo!” says he,
“The fucking bar’s on fire!”
And there was Ralph upside down
Lappin’ at the beer on the floor
“Booze, booze!” the Deadpan cried
As they came bangin’ at the door
Oh don’t let ‘em in till it’s all drunk up
And somebody shouted Deadpan Jack! DEADPAN JACK!
And we all got nahvee paralytic drunk
When the Old Deadpan caught fire
“Oh well,” says Jack, “What a bit of luck.
Deadpanites follow me.
It’s down to the cellar
If the fires not there
Then we’ll have a grand old spree.”
So we went on down after deadpan Jack
The booze we would not spare
And we hadn’t been there ten minutes or more
Till we were quite pissed.
Then Joe walked over to the Stone cask ale
And gave it just a few hard knocks
Started takin’ off his leather pants
Likewise his shirts and shoes
“Hold on,” says Jack, “ that ain’t allowed
Ya cannot do that thing here.
Don’t go washin’ trousers in the Stone cask ale
That’s a waste of good Stone beer.”
Then came from the hidden back door
Evo from the old podcast
And when he saw our drunken ways,
He began to scream and curse.
“Ah, you fucking sods? You selfish cocks!”
You drank up the Arrogant Bastard
And didn’t save a drop for me!”
And there came a mighty tumbleweed
Half the bloody server went down.
We were almost left with facebook alome
But still we had our say
So made our comments, and posted our links
And we made our own fun
And we sat drinking the finest beer
Till the new show was posted.
Later that night, when the weed was gone
We came up from the cellar below
Our bar was burned. Our booze was drunk.
Our comments were getting thin.
“Oh look.” Says Jack with a look quite strange
Seems something had caught his mind.
“Now we got to get down to Joe Murphy’s,
He serves good root beer!”
Hmm, four more comments till 450. Well 3 actually with this post.
But then who’s counting, besides me and the :ftb: of course.
oh and 2 to go.
And switching gears to BSG S1E5
“Don’t make me angry, you wouldn’t me when I’m angry.”
But I like it when she’s hot, and since she’s always hot I’m kinda confused.
Just imagine playing Twister with her.
Oops correction this would be episode six.
Yay! for 450!
damnit Van you stole comment 450.
and I’ll be in my bunk :devil:
Considering the final ending with Chief Tyril and Commander Adama, in some ways this is as dark or darker morally that episode 1.
One day I will solve a Rubik’s Cube…one day..
Well a pleasant/unpleasant surprise today, found out I work the next two days and then I have two weeks off.
Pleasant in that it’s always nice to have time away from work.
Unpleasant because I have nothing planned…grrrrr!
First Merlin, then Simon, THEN Rubik.
In case you hadn’t already seen this video of SLJ’s reading: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxPMA5U0t7g&feature=player_embedded#at=27
Time for spontaneity, Van! Or just chillin.
One more weird link, then I’m off:
This could work, but I’ll keep my expectations low. Goodnight :Cali:
Not this way though:
morning pan anyone else feel this way this morning:
Morning, DP!
Congrats to the Ambassador!
Looks like it’ll be a hot day today – I plan to stay indoors. And maybe buy shoes on my lunch hour.
Have a good day, yos.
Thank you, EssBee! 🙂
Hey Deadpan.
I know June is suppose to be our rainy month but I, personally, am tired of being a slave to trends.
Beats being a slave to Jabba though.
eeewww, slimy tongue!
RotJ comedy FTW
Funny for so many reasons
Oh, I so want to fly in this (not sarcasm, I really do!)
I think that would be an awesome ride!
While I do play Catain occasionally, I never thought to rap about it
Oh and congratulations to Jack on getting that volcano pronounced correctly ish.
When I was about 6-7, I had to go and see a speech therapist, one of the few words I could say correctly was the name of that Volcano.
I think I accidentally got a co-worker in trouble. I’m haven’t decided if this makes me happy or not.
It’s Thursday? Already?
Yo Lo! Good to see you back.
I will hug you and squeeze you and call you George!
Woh there big fella, little tight here with the squeezing.
C’mere closer, you!
Group hug!
your avatar says hate but your actions don’t 😛
He is a mysterious entity of many contradictions.
his mystery is only exceeded by his power
My power is only exceeded by my ignorance in knowing how to use it
CP: The Other Shoe — Fucked Up
Tim Thomas definitely deserved the Conn Smythe trophy as playoff MVP. He will almost certainly get the Vezina cup as well.
Certain Vancouver “fans”, however, need to be junk punched.
I was somewhat in and out after the first goal (like I was for a 7 games) and from what I saw Vancouver didn’t deserve to win. I know I missed a lot so maybe i’m being harsh
Oh agreed on both accounts. Obviously every city has their asshole fans… but COME ON! I dont remember ever seeing trash thrown on the ice during the ceremony before. Classless.
Oh and I guess there was the drunken burning and rioting too…
I feel bad for the true Vancouver fans having to watch the asshats trash their city.
What asshats indeed. Gonna take a while for the city to get its reputation back.
(Did I miss some discussion of Slavegirl Princess Ryah?)
Good morning.
And when was the last time Vancouver saw riots? Oh yeah, in 1994, when the Canucks lost to the Rangers in the Stanley Cup Finals. I won’t condemn the whole city, but this does change my opinion of the place.
Unfortunately is only takes a handful to ruin the rep of a whole city. Fair its not…. but it is what it is.
awww who couldn’t love Chibithulhu
That looks more like carebear Cthulhu to me.
I wonder what color the care bear stare from Cthulhu would be
Black blood of the Earth
The color of madness
The Color Out of Space, of course. :happy:
CP: No Way — The Naked And Famous
I agree! The are a new band from New Zealand. Mostly electropop with some rock, but I really like the debut album.
Ooops. I meant to reply to Rhettro, below.
^Now that’s a band name!
I have to say, I really like what I’m hearing about the Tomb Raider reboot.
Interesting, I’ve never made it all the way through any LC games, granted I only own one for my PSP and a handful of demos.
Looking forward to it, played the last few LC games all the way through, but wish they were less coy on which consoles it’s coming out on.
I’d be surprised if it wouldn’t be widely supported. Exclusives are becoming more rare these days. Gaming companies can’t afford to limit their customer base.
CP: Natural Science — Rush
The two games on my radar are still Mass Effect 3 and Batman Arkham City and perhaps Diablo 3 as well. I’ve difted away from PC gaming mainly because my kids have taken both my gaming PC’s over, mostly free flash games. The XBOX 360 is really the only platform I can reliably get access to anymore. LOL
CP: Suite From Pleasantville — Randy Newman
At 1 hour, 4 minutes, you can hear them talking about Tee and Pip’s book. Chris Hardwick and Zooey Deschanel talking about MoPO. Pretty surreal.
It seems not everyone is a fan of Zooey…. read dem comments
Super cool.
Also, Zooey could talk about ANYTHING and I’d listen. Probably naked.
the visions that congruous are could be wonderful or horrible. depending on who is naked.
I think youve created the best sentence ever of all time!
One thing that is kind of neat is that the entire Deschanel family is in the biz and I know all of their work. Emily is on Bones, which I don’t watch too frequently. Mary Jo (their mother) was on Twin Peaks as Donna’s wheelchair-bound mother, and father Caleb was a director on a few episodes of Twin Peaks…
Well, I guess Tee finally got even with Mike & Evo about not being quoted by the New York Times. LOL
I also heart Zooey.
I skimmed through. She does overuse the word “like”, like. frequently, like. But I don’t care.
I’m in great company it seems (drives one of sisters nuts on how often I use like in conversation with her).
Not much of a fan of Zooey’s singing or acting, although liked in role in 500 days of Summer.
some perspective:
though don’t let me stop the Zooey talk
Internet 1
Vancouver 0
Internet 2
Vancouver 0
Oh… oh snap crackle AND pop
Isn’t that snap crackle and poop? 😉
Internet 2
ditto 1
Vancouver 0
Great programming advice:
That Sedin Twins diss may be the single meanest thing I’ve ever beheld on the internet. The other one is brilliant.
That Sedin Twins diss may be the single meanest thing I’ve ever beheld on the internet. The “perspective” one is brilliant.
Nice one, WP. :ftb:
Sooooooo nice twas posted twice
Soooooo nice twas posted twice
The television has been doing a lot of hype about whether Phil Mickleson can win it all at the US Open this season and it doesn’t look like he is going to make the cut for Saturday. Hype is hype.
4 everyone of course.
Ah yes:
Busy evening for me, introducing my little sister to both Minecraft and Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Evening, DP!
You all are nutty.
I was feeling like a brown ale.
Just finished Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. I can definitely see why someone who read the book first would hate Blade Runner. However, having seen the movie first (and many times) I still enjoy the movie. I also plan on reading a lot more of Philip K Dick’s books.
I’m also close to the end of Dune in audio book format. I didn’t like the movie when I first saw it, and Herbert’s style of writing bothers me. Think I won’t be going on to any of the other Dune books.
Rory seems to have gathered a bit of a following, judging by some of the things I’ve seen lately.
I like Rory when he’s doing the Last Centurion thing. Otherwise he’s hit and miss.
Doesn’t look like Green Lantern is going to be this year’s Iron Man. Rotten Tomatoes is brutalizing it – though that’s not enough to write it off in my book. The professional consensus can be might fickle with movies that I’ve enjoyed.
But this one on IMDB strongly suggests waiting for Redbox for this one:
Out this week in the UK, will still check it out, but for fsakes someone in Hollywood give Mark Strong a good guy role…
It had a 6.6 on IMDB, although it is to early to say if that number will stick. Sure not sure if I will see it in the theater.
Pretty sure this is gonna be by far the worst superhero movie of the summer. Its too bad, cause of all of em I like Green Lantern’s story the best.
People are comparing it to Catwoman.
Enough said.
Wow!!!!!!!!! That’s solid anti-praise!
Hey Deadpan!
On conference calls part of the morning. They’re doing a whole bunch of shuffling in the ranks. Luckily I still have a job (whew!) but my supervisor has been transferred to another department. I really liked my supervisor. She was one of the best I’ve worked for. My new one better be as good. *pout*
I fucking hate Rory.
Morning Pan!
Rebbecca Black has officially pulled “Friday” from YouTube. I…I…I feel a little emptier inside.
The hell you say:
She much have forgotten this version.
Looks a little old school though…
Uh!!!!!! Muh na muh na!
I like this version
that’s how it should be done. good call bunny!
CP: Victory of the Daleks — Murray Gold
“Gleep, Gloop… come here so I may brain thee”
I’m more likely to go see the theatrical release of Rebecca Black’s Friday than Green Lantern.
*starts slow clap*
If it’s the start of a slow clap, the shots may still fight it off.
i think that is closer to the cause
Piss off!!!!
My mom is in town next week to watch the kids while my wife makes one of her regular business trips to Chicago.
I may “let” her take the kids to a Green Lantern matinee next week.
Good to see that some people in Vancouver tried to do the right thing.
Agreed. This is nice too
Amazing. A Bell Labs engineer created the first answering machine back in the early 1930s.
CP: Stripped — Depeche Mode
So Zooey was all like “do you want me to do a book review, because I will” about Tee and Pip’s book and the nerdest guy was like “nah”. WTF?
Ugh! That is all.
Hey hey Friday is back on the YouTubes! All is right with the world again.
Oh and it’s pulled again!
Is that what this big red button does?
*pushes it again*
*does jig*
Happity happity howdy.
Bipity boppity boo
I think my sleeping went so well last night that my body wants more of it.
That doesn’t seem quite right. It’s too early.. I still have 7 hours to go.
I thought the Jolly Green Giant one was particularly funny.
To get you in the mood for the HH Palooza, you can play an enhanced version of the original text adventure at:
CD: Boulevard Double Wide IPA
I wish I could get Boulevard in AZ.
I wish I could get Stone in KS. 🙂
CW: Star Blazers S1e15
There might be an Arrogant Bastard in my present.
Lo, check out tomorrow’s lineup: http://wfmu.org/tt/
*Lo Pan likes this.
Also: http://www.mergerecords.com/store/store_detail.php?catalog_id=751
*Lo Pan likes this..
WFMU is on the short list of things I miss from NJ.
Lo Pan, what day of the week is today?
Latest Foo Fighters album for $3.99.
Burn the Rope goes free for the day on the App store:
CD: homebrew saison
kinda busy afternoon, going to be a busy saturday tomorrow, I’m going to have to prep and clean for a Father’s Day Lunch I’m making for my Dad.
Been awhile since we Oatmealed:
Interesting list:
Goodnight :Snatch: (missing from that list)
Once more unto the breach. Made good progress on getting the old house prepared. Got another full two days of work ahead of me.
I’ll hopefully catch a bit of rest on Monday when I’m back in the office 🙂
I’m only a few hours into the Fall of Hyperion. However, for Father’s Day weekend, I think Saul Weintraub has to be given serious consideration for greatest father in science fiction. His story in Hyperion has to be one of the toughest reads I’ve been through.
Any other nominees?
Tyrell ?
Saul is pretty awesome.
A bit late to reply in-line
Re: Great programming advice:
Thanks for the link to this book Ditto. I’ve been wanting to start learning programming and this seems like a good place to start.
No problem. If you need help, feel free to ask.
I haven’t read that book, but I agree with his advice. Let me know what you think about it. Personally, I really like Python.
At this point, I’ve used about 3 dozen different languages professionally. A good language is very useful, but nothing to be a zealot about.
CP: Pretender — One Without
A harder version of early Evanescence. Plus they have a link where you can download their second album. The link is legit
*Lo Pan likes this
Seen the true video?
I have now. Thanks!
What is in that Swedish water? The seem to crank out a lot of heavy music.
CD: Coffee
Yes, Saul Weintraub’s story is one of the better ones, although I also found the poet’s pretty unforgettable. Dammit, Ed, are you going to make me reread that series?
Great Sci-Fi fathers:
Duke Leo Atreides.
Bruce Wayne’s dad.
Ned Stark.
Vincent Price in Edward Scissorhands.
Jango Fett. (Although not a great teacher or example.)
Professor Utonium
George Kirk
Dr. John Robinson
Worf (however, he begat a terrible son)
One for the guitarists:
Well the update Ocarina of Time arrived to day, let the gaming begin.
been a baking fool today
What’s on the Father’s Day menu, LR?
Grilled steaks
Grilled corn on the cob
Baked potatoes
Homemade croissants (working on them now)
Homemade Carrot Cake ( actually made 2 so I have a backup in case I screw up the first one)
Oh, and I tried to make a baguette loaf of bread but it didn’t come out quite right 🙁
Hopefully the croissants will turn out better.
I’m lucky a mutual friend was willing to pay for the food since my finances are tight right now.
mmmm, homemade cream cheese icing is delicious
Currently in a hotel room.
Watching Mexico play Guatemala in soccer (futball).
I have NO idea what the announcers are saying but MAN, they are really into this!
Hey, we just finished watching that game!
Actually that IS the one word I understood.
Family reunion weekends are always busy. Sorry for disappearing.
Didnt notice..
*pokes ditto in the eyes*
Not a problem ditto, I hope everything is going well.
CW: BSG premier
It’s interesting how they did the music going into the first fighter fight, makes you think the colonials actually have a chance.
I just realized based on the ending to BSG “All along the Watchtower” is an old traditional folk song.
Happy Father’s Day to Jackamo and the other Deadpan dads!!!
Someone needs to invent a Aunt/Uncle day. C’mon Hallmark, think of the added revenue you can have if you invent this one!! Hugh and I are Aunt/Uncle to like 600 kids. It would be an epic day for us. Full of praise which we muchly deserve! 😉
wait was I supposed to put Hugh and I are Uncle/Aunt? The english language continues to baffle me.
Thanks you guys 🙂 Every day is hugh-n-dre day.
Oh dear, the JK Rowling marketing machine is upto something:
So, is she going to continue with Harry and the gang into adulthood, or pull a Raymond Feist and move the timeline 30 years down the road with a new cast of young heros taking center stage while Harry and the gang serve as teachers/mentors?
End of season one of Game of Thrones tonight. They have a lot to pack in tonight.
Happy Father’s Day, daddies!
Happy Father’s Day to all the deadpanite fathers out there.
Good morning to the rest of you.
Happy day to all you daddies out there!
Thank you, all. Happy F’s Day, fo sho to all the great Deadpan Fathers out there.
but I always get weird looks when I use splendiferous instead of awesome.
CW: Case Histories Episode 5
CW: Falling Skies
Saw Super 8 for Father’s Day, it was a pretty good flick. Sort of a Goonies, ET, X-Files mashup. Personally, I would have liked a little less interpersonal middle school drama and a little more intrigue, but it was still a fun ride.
I’m hearing it’s kinda aimed at kids…. except that it’s full of cursing.
so the new target demographic is frat guys? Instead of 14 year old girls.
Those 80s kid-aimed movies were full of potty-mouths. I hate to seem prudish, but this is why I’m holding off a bit on watching Back to the Future, Goonies, etc. with the kiddos.
I would say there is a more cursing in Super 8 than Goonies or BTTF. The opinion of my kids were that they really liked it except for some boring drawn out talking parts. I tend to agree.
Sent to me by Mark Forman: http://www.subtraction.com/2011/06/19/what-its-like-as-a-dad?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+subtraction+Subtraction
Damn, that blogger gets it. Happy Father’s Day to all.
On Twitter ComicbookGirl wrote:
The Game of Thrones season finale gave me 60 minutes of foreplay, and then told me I had to wait until Spring of 2012 for the orgasm.
Opinions Ed and Essbee?
Instrumental prog-rock from Boston:
CP: Braille Teeth — Thousands
So thus far from what Ive seen and heard… I’m thinking X-Men is going to be the best genre film of the summer. Gonna be hard to beat. I loved Thor… but I loved X-Men more. What a wonderful, surprising film.
Sounds good. I haven’t seen either yet. I’m really looking forward to Cowboys & Aliens. I hope I’m not disappointed.
ditto. (Not you)
What? Who? Oh. 🙂
Tho naked Olivia Wilde NEVER hurts (except in the pants)
Yowsa! 🙂
I know, that’s why I’m not going to wear any when I see Cowboys & Aliens.
I watched Falling Skies last night. Overall, I enjoyed it, but I’m worried about how predictable it will be. There’s one hinted reveal that is ridiculously obvious. Will Patton as a cranky military guy is always fun to watch.
Is that the Spielberg?
Yep, he’s the producer. He seems to be involved in all the alien shows these days. Go figure.
Huh… wouldnt have suspected ;). Truth be told I think I’m done with SS. Twas a fun ride…
So you aren’t going to see Cowboys & Aliens? 😉
Well Green Lantern was enjoyable enough, definitely a watchoncethennvveragain movie.
Oh and wait for most of the credits to role for a short sequence.
I havent heard “enjoyable” and “Green Lantern” in same sentence yet. Good to see someone enjoyed it. I’m still scared away from it… but I dont want to be
I agree. I’ll wait for the rental.
Liked the way they took the piss out flimsy disguises of Some Superheroes.
Speaking of superhero costumes…
Lo: Another take on GL
“While it isn’t a good movie, it isn’t as horrible as you may have heard, and if you can reduce your mental state to that of an 11-year-old boy, you should have no problem enjoying the spectacle. ”
Hmm… so not quite Fantastic Four levels of bad…
Van, Ryan Reynolds didnt distract due to his..uh..Reynoldsness?
Ah he always seems pleasant enough to me Lo.
Well agreed, tho usually in a comedy setting (for me anyway).
CP: Fear Is The Mind Killer — Brian Tyler
Ryan Reynolds…
Seriously, those are the only words I saw on this page when I loaded it this morning..
Mmmmmm…. I’m gonna need a minute or 12 to process the deliciousness of those words…
Ryan Reynolds..
CD: getting confused by time differences.
Its 20 past Luongo….
CP: We Don’t Need Another Hero — TT
Do you need to know the way home?
By the way, contrary to popular belief, Vancouver has won a Stanley Cup, so I wouldn’t feel too too sorry for them.
It was just…. the Vancouver Millionaires in 1915…. But still!
Old skool hockey trivia FTW
Also, by that line of thinking…. WInnipeg has 6, Kenora has 2, and Seattle and Victoria have 1 each.
Yes, Virginia, Seattle has a Stanley Cup…
I think I want me a Seattle Mets jersey….
The honeys would chase you down the street, if you wore that in public.
Looks like a Dr. Seuss team to me. 😉
Bitches only want me for my colors.
Its a start
His actual statement (according to Pegg’s book) was “Just don’t suddenly find yourself making the same film you made thirty years ago.”
To me this says NOTHING about what Lucas thinks of his own film. He was more likely bitching that trying to continue the sequel 30 years later lead to people assuming he would be making the same film all over again and what a mistake that was on his part because he was actually trying to make a modern film, rather than a remake of a 1979 flick.
That being said, the prequels did kind of blow.
That being said, most of what was wrong with the prequels (e.g. Jar Jar Binks) could also be said about the originals (e.g. Ewoks).
Ring art:
Utter FUCKING brilliance. I no longer need to see Green Lantern. (SPOILERS-ish)
I feel like the movie wasted my time just reading through that.
I think spending $20+ on Green Lantern tix would be a spoiler.
“Bwahahahahahaha . . . uh . . . ha . . . cough.”
Actually, I meant to reply to EssBee’s post below.
*face palm*
Van, I wrote a mini-blog about GoT last week. I’ll have to do another one now that I’ve seen the finale.
I didn’t feel like last night’s ep was 50 minutes of foreplay for an orgasm next year, or whatever it was. But I know what’s gonna happen. I think Dani emerging with the dragons was a perfect way to end the season, and Sly B told me that would be the final scene before we even started watching somehow.
I LOVE the books. I like the TV show okay.
Did you see The Killing finale yet?
Yup to The Killing Finale, what a cliff hanger, I hope they get a season 2.
…I think Dani emerging with the dragons was a perfect way to end the season
Ahhhhhh! Spoiler, spoiler, spoiler! My eyes have burned out of their sockets! Spoiler, spoiler, spoiler! My ears are bleeding!
Oh wait… this is game of thrones? I don’t watch that… never mind.
Someone go with me to see Green Lantern?
Do I gotsta beg? Freals? Movie wanting.
I could see it alone, but think it’d be better with a friend
It’s at times like these I wish we had teleporters and no border controls..
There’s no LIKE button on that post, Van! *like* I don’t know how to communicate anymore. I just click like like like…
CD: Dosing off to the sound of rain.
Just FYI I did call the voice mail line one morning last week and blathered on and on.. I suppose it should have been about hitchhiker’s guide. That will happen though.
Just watched last night’s Treme – WOW!
CW: Let Me In ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1228987/ )
This is the new horror movie with the little girl from Kick Ass (Chloe Moretz) as some sort of blood thirsty creature.
Not a bad movie, but fairly predictable and the slow parts (most of the movie) are PAINFULLY slow.
UH, the Swedish original was slow and moody too, but excellent. Called “Let the Right One In”. I couldn’t bring myself to watch the US remake.
There is an extremely interesting concept in there screaming to be developed. Namely, the ramifications of someone being turned into a vampire at 12 years old. I know it’s been done before, but it could have been explored here and simply wasn’t. The movie was mis-labeled as horror. It really should have been labeled a pre-teen “look how lonely and isolated I can be” movie.
A bit of bedtime music
Great video find, LR. I think a Barbarellapalooza would cause Deadpan to end before 288.
All right, I know it was a rough day for some of us out there. Goodnight :mush: Let’s have a good Tuesday.
Let the right one in was very slow but it wasn’t boring and all that waiting was building tension that ultimately paid off. I haven’t seen the dumbed down version yet, but I’ll probably have to at some point just so I can say “I told you so” to myself.
Also, I’m pretty sure Bunny has beat me at WWF more than twice. The trick is not to allow open double or triple word tiles. Especially not the one with a triple letter tile only four away. That can be a game changer, especially if you luck out and can play JEEZ on it. That is 129 points right there.
I think. Doing it in my head is risky. 🙂
I’m not good at word games. Never was.
Morning Pan, dentist today, my first ever filling..ugh.
Omigosh, I went to the dentist today too! That’s what you meant. *huggins*
Morning all.
Got to see the GOT finale last night. I wasn’t surprised that it ended the way it did as it was a pretty dramatic high point to end the first season on.
All the books are pretty fresh in my memory and I also know what’s coming. I enjoyed the series, though I do think it suffered a bit of the “reading the book onscreen” syndrome the way Watchmen and the early Harry Potter movies did.
I do also think that the editing suffered some from trying to jump around among all the story lines. It’s one thing to follow a part of the story for many pages in a book and then check in somewhere else in the world. I don’t think that works as well trying present that in a visual form.
Still, I enjoyed it and look forward to next spring. Between this and the other offerings, I think we’ll be keeping our HBO subscription after our free time has passed.
DNA testing 0 Czech Police Dogs 2
Morning Pan
I think the neighbours are deliberately trying to annoy the garbage men. Last week they put their bins so close together the machine couldn’t pick them up. This week the bins are backwards. It’s almost funny.
Morning, DP!
Ed, what about what they did to Remley’s character?
Morning Pan, Left my wife yesterday. Looking back this was not nearly as hard a choice as I thought it would be. maybe that is a sign too.
So, I might actually be here more in the afternoon/weekend after I get back to my place or get internet where ever I end up.
Oh Reaper *hugs*
We’ll be here, reaps. Some of us more than others, sure, but there’s always someone at the bar. 😉
thanks! it is amazing how people come out of the wood work when you really need them.
I have been isolated from friends for the last 5 years because she demanded friends be really good friends our not friends at all. she always said my friends were not the kind of friends she wanted but it turns out there were that kind of friends.
I called one person and had 4 places to stay with in a hour.
You have my sympathy, Reaper. I’ve seen this many times, both from men and women. It’s an insecurity issue.
thank you. I have a feeling you hit the nail right on the head. I always tried to build her up; she really can be a wonderful person but it just wasn’t enough.
*hugs* Reaper dear.
If you need to talk … well, you know… me too … me too..
Good luck Reaper.
Bunny, I’m off to work in a sec, but would you be game for some clandestine, fool the governments, exchange of currency/order something for my Canadian brother-in-law for me online? They just had a baby (#4!) and we want to send them a case of diapers. Do you think you can order diapers in the U.S. to ship to a Canadian address? The answer is no. I’m sure there’s some national security reason . . .
I’ll holler at ya.
I hear SAM (super absorbent material) is a national secret.
Sure Ess. Drop me a line with all the details. Keep in mind we’re in the middle of a postal strike so it will either have to wait until it’s over or will have to be shipped by courier.
Well Pan, filling done, but because of my interfering Tongue, the filling may not take, so fingers crossed I don’t have the few days in pain as I wait to get an extraction appointment.
Yeah and ‘Interfering Tongue’ is the name of our next band..
I can think of better uses for an interfering tongue :blush:
Would that kind of interference get you a penalty?
It might be worth it.
I’m amazed at how bad some drivers are. I know I shouldn’t be but….
Just how do you end up having a 3 car accident on a busy off-ramp–during rush hour!–where two of the cars end up facing the wrong way?
Going to try out the Google Music Beta.
I don’t see a podcast manager or blackberry app so I don’t know how much I will use it.
Just got to work. Early because I had a 7:30am dentist appt. Trying to use up my FSA monies before EOM. Somehow my insurance paid too much for my son’s root canal so I’m gonna be out a few bucks of FSA money.
Dammit.. Why do we all have to be so darned healthy!?
And holy crap in a craptastic crapbasket.. my mouth is numb, yet hurts, and I’m drooling on myself.
Hey, baby.. wanna date? 😉
My boss just said (about my being unusually quiet) “Cj, you’re like a Ninja today!”
Also, my thinking was this, I’d get a drink from Sonic see… I like Diet Dr. Pepper with Chocolate…
the only way I can drink it with my numb mouth is to shove the straw down the back of my throat and sorta inhale.
Does this seem dangerous to anyone else?
I don’t think it just sound dangerous 😉
shove… back… throat… inhale…
That’s what she said!
or at least tried to say
*gag* 😉
Just got back from buying a new bating suit for my trip to Arizona :cheerful:
Bating = bathing
I thought you where talking about playing baseball for a minute
Batter up!
I read it as baiting.
I read it that way the first time to.
It game me visions of bunny wearing stakes trying to attract bears
tho being a bunny it might be redundant.
steaks = stakes
the vision has bears not vampires
CP: I Should Have Known — Foo Fighters
Every attempt to add the word “master” to the “bating suit” conversation just comes across as juuussst a bit creepy, so I’ll leave it. Sorry Bunny, I tried.
And by the way, Reaper, I spotted your post earlier. Sorry to learn the news, man. You know how to reach me, if you need to vent.
Thanks Jack! At this point I’m still in the “relived to be out” stage so I’m doing pretty good for now
I think it’s time to go for a walk before the rain comes rolling in.
Not a great review for Dungeon Siege III. 🙁
My copy is on its way!
I’m looking forward to hearing your opinion.
Swimming with the bunnies!
Omigosh loved that! 🙂
Reaper – I shall raise at least 2 glasses to you tonight.
The first is for rising above the “black hole” like gravity that keeps us humans bound to situations that (while soul sucking) are familiar and known. The endless, downward spiral of “settling” and just trying to make the best of being in a morass.
The second glass is in celebration of the excitement of having a future again. Your horizon might be completely unknown and probably full of pitfalls but BY THE GODS … now it is YOUR horizon!
Cheers mate!
to your first glass she said “I think your taking the easy way out by leaving”. I think settling is easier. Hell the dog and kids are hers. They might not talk to me again; that is going to be very hard.
and to the second glass not just a future, a life again. It is kind of exciting and a little scary.
Settling is far and beyond the worst way to live. I’ll drink to your future.. And you know, life is a rollercoaster.
“I always wanted to go again. You know, it was just so interesting to me that a ride could make me so frightened, so scared, so sick, so excited, and so thrilled all together! Some didn’t like it. They went on the merry-go-round. That just goes around. Nothing. I like the roller coaster. You get more out of it.”
– Grandma (Parenthood)
Okay, so here we go.
In honor of sucking it up and just doing the hard things that need to be done … I’m having a (home brew) “Midnight Beatdown” Porter.
*lifts pint*
La Chaim!!!
There, my swimsuit has been cleaned and packed. Jack’s gift has been wrapped and packed. My overnight kit has been assembled and packed. Now if I can just remember where I put my passport all will be good.
Once Bunny is wrapped and packed, I’ll consider her MY present. :drevil:
Of course you’re getting a gift too, Cj. And, if you think about it, you probably know what it’ll be. (unless you’d rather something else?)
You are the only gift I dream of, but of course, I love anything and everything you’ve ever given. 🙂 :wub:
It’s kind of amazing how an awesome weekend of exhausting activities with my kids can give me a new lease on life… Holy crap I’m lucky.
I’m gonna start calling in on the listener line and speak song lyrics from songs that come up on my Avril station.
with wonders like Lady Gaga, Ke$sha, Selena Gomez, Aly & AJ, Demi Lovato….
Seriously.. and how scary is it that I know all their names without looking them up!
Be warned! I’ve turned into a 16 year old girl!
(Disclaimer: I still love Ozzy and AC/DC)
I cherish my ignorance of half of those names.
Oh yeah and Blame Pandora.
CP: Allstar – Smashmouth
CP: Catch Me – Demi Lovato
CE: lasagna with mushrooms and spinach, and with zucchini slices in place of noodles
CD: don Luciano 2009 Syrah
I am still alive. The cake is a lie.
I may have gotten carried away again.
sorry for the editing Jack.
OK. Watched the original version (Let the Right One In). Oddly enough any scenes involving only children (i.e. the two main characters and the bullies) were remade shot for shot. Any scenes involving adults were somewhat different (e.g. a cop stalking and finally confronting the vampire in the US version vs. an angry friend/boyfriend stalking and finally confronting the vampire in the original). I still think it moves too damn slow for very little payoff. And they still didn’t flesh out the cool ramifications of a 12 year old being a vampire.
Now off to bed. Tomorrow I’ll watch the commentaries for the season finale of The Venture Brothers season 4 and will be in a much better mood.
Prodigal Ed and Prodigal Amy return!
Apparently Tee is about to release my Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences audio short. Or Part 1, at least. I’ll post something here when it’s ready. Possibly even on the main page.
Yep, I’m back. 🙂
Crazy times around here. Loving my new job. No, the Deadpan is not blocked from work, I just don’t always remember to check in. (The only site that I know of that is blocked from work is Twitter.)
It’s only going to get crazier from here, too. From now through July 13, I’m somehow going to have to balance taking care of the family house while my parents are on vacation with gradually moving into the new house that I’m renting with a roommate. Yes, I’m finally, really moving out.
w00t on all of the exciting developments, Ambassador!
I second all that w00ting!
Thank you! 🙂
Way to go Amy!! 🙂
And look! It’s out!
Me too. Might not be able to listen for a couple of days, though.
No pain today, fingers crossed.
If you are approached by a 3 meter tall, four armed biped covered in shiny metal blades, do not embrace it!
I see a big red band of storm bearing down upon Houston. Hopefully it will hold together and actually make it here. We haven’t had a decent rain in over two months around here.
At this point, sounds like you’d welcome an indecent rain. 😉
Lots of shit flying out there, guys. Put on your raincoats!
Try to have a good day, yos.
Hey DP
Slept in today. I can’t decide if I need to do that more often or less.
MOre often?
I usually get up at 5am Van. Today I slept in until 6:30.
My goodness, it got me sweating into my string vest:
Woah, nice belugas.
Note: I don’t wear a vest of anykind.
What about a monocle?
… or a unicycle?
top hat?
That would be painful.
New Star Wars trailer
The fun begins at about 40 seconds in
Busy last couple of days. WWC has 122 different program participants, I spent the last two days sending them all a personalize program confirmation e-mail. I’m tired
CW: Memphis Beat S2E2
ZP goes for the easy target:
Oh you know Duke Nukem was asking for it, wearing those kind of polygons in front of ZP.
Hey Natalia, ummm the, uh, whales get nervous when they see wetsuits…. yeah… so you’ll, um, have to swim naked with them. No, no, a one-piece would scare them too. Even a bikini might be too much for them. No, no, we’re sure, we’ll show you the data later. Just go ahead and swim with them.
Those scientists are smart.
Good morning!
Today was a fairytale
You were the prince
I used to be a damsel in distress
You took me by the hand and you picked me up at six
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
I wore a dress
You wore a dark grey t-shirt
You told me I was pretty
When I looked like a mess
Today was a fairytale
What? No Taylor Swift fans here?
I’m in shock.
I’m familiar with the artist, just not with that particular song.
If you’ve had a dose
Of a freaky ghost
Maybe you’d better call
Let me tell you something
Bustin’ makes me feel good
I ain’t afraid of no ghost
I’d rather have this stuff.
OK fess up, who took it?
^That sucks, I hate thiefs.
-thieves even. *smacks head*
Even more than paladins.
now he can’t even play the blues.
those bastards
When I wear headphones at work, they are like awesome headphones but they hurt my head. How do I fix that? These are them: http://x.co/XvCx
It’s like they are heavier than my little noggin can tolerate.
Will, you could buy lighter headphones or work in a zero G environment. 🙂
OK, another question… anyone here ever get fillings in their teeth? I mean, ok yeah it’s new to me.. I’ve had my wisdom teeth out, but this is like a filling … it feels weird like a foreign object is in my mouth. Is that something that goes away?
depends if it feels like you are biting something that is sticking out of the tooth, NO! GET IT LOOKED AT!!!!!
any other reason it can very much feel that way but it will go away
It’s like a new pair of underwear. At first it’s constrictive, but after a while it becomes a part of you.
Yup, had that feeling yesterday, not so
Noticeable now.
Let me know when you get it all straightened out so we’ll know it is okay to make fun of this bit –
“it feels weird like a foreign object is in my mouth. Is that something that goes away?”
I knew they were out to get me:
And we’re back!
It’s getting less so for me too, Van. Chewing gum seems to help.
Well just watched the first two episodes of Fallen Skies.
Hmmmm, can’t help feeling they would have been better off making a TV series based on Half Life 2..
Who’s hungry? Not me anymore. Or ever again.
I can tell I don’t even want to think about clicking that link….
I agree with you Ed.
I saw that link the other day and thought better of posting it. It’s the other brown meat.
Remind me to say clear of all the burger joints in Japan.
2 Geisha … one burger.
CW: BSG S1E4 I kinda forgot how good Battlestar Galactica was, especially for the really good episodes
CD: a Beringer White Merlot, it is an interesting wine. Kind of like a more tannic rose.
oh, sorry.
That’s more of a Titanic Rose.
I’m watching too, Ralph, but slowly. I’m on the mini-series now, and watching just a bit a day as I workout. Loving it!
Wow that’s going to take awhile. That’s only what 30-60min a day? Then again I’m also watching with the commentary track first before watching the regular episode so that will take awhile too. 😀
Damn, after finishing that bottle I’m craving an oud bruin style beer.
This is kinda amusing for those who are at least casual pokemon fans
Herpderp I choose you!
So according to the Vevo advertisements on youtube Britney Spears has a new video, do I dare to be cool and watch it now, or wait for the more talented parodies?
Ok, I should have waited. It’s like she was trying to channel Faith mixed with Terminator, and got both so wrong it was boring.
On the other hand Weird Al has another funny video http://youtu.be/ss_BmTGv43M
But the Photoshopping of his face on to a body double is weird.
It’s silent on the Deadpan
And I need a beer
I’m alone in the bar
I guess I’ll pour another
With only bottles for company
No one to geek with
I’ll drink a shot of Jameson
And pour another beer
Stars twinkle over sand
Tumbleweeds blowing in the wind
I’ll have another beer
And listen to smurfing music
Silent on the ‘pan
I need another drink
Take a shot of vodka
And pour another beer
I drink a bit of beer
And take a shot of scotch
Keeping the taint away
Is a full time job
Silent in the bar
Jukebox playing Matt Mango
One last beer proves
Deadpan is the motherfucking way
Hmm, 422 comments (counting this post), and I believe it is now 10:30 AZ time. So how shall I fill the remaining time, and can we get to 500 comments before then?
Providing filler
It’s silent on the Deadpan
And I need a beer
I’m alone in the bar
I guess I’ll pour another
With only bottles for company
No one to geek with
I’ll drink a shot of Jameson
And pour another beer
Stars twinkle over sand
Tumbleweeds blowing in the wind
I’ll have another beer
And listen to smurfing music
Silent on the ‘pan
I need another drink
Take a shot of vodka
And pour another beer
I drink a bit of beer
And take a shot of scotch
Keeping the taint away
Is a full time job
Silent in the bar
Jukebox playing Matt Mango
One last beer proves
Deadpan is the motherfucking way
One of these versus is not like the other.
Damn, versus should really be verses.
LR: That was a really cool poem. You should read it onpod. 🙂
Thanks, but since I”m no Jack Kerouac it needs some editing.
You’re welcome!
Good night, mush.
2nd pass
similar to the first
a little bit better
and a new third verse
It’s silent on the Deadpan
And I need a drink
I’m alone in the bar
I’ll pour another beer
With only bottles for company
No one to geek with
I drink a shot of Jameson
And pour a new beer
Tumbleweeds pass by
Singing of smurfs
Booze is too much
I need a new beer
Silent on the ‘pan
I need another drink
Take a shot of vodka
And pour another beer
I drink my beer
Take a shot of scotch
Keeping the taint away
Is a full time job
Silent in the bar
Matt Mango humming from the box
One last beer
While Deadpan
Is the motherfucking way
hmm I think i’m getting closer
3rd pass a little closer
and no worse
Silent in the Deadpan
And I’m ready for a drink
Alone in the bar
I’ll pour my first beer
Only bottles for company
No one to geek with
I drink a shot of Jameson
And pour a new beer
Tumbleweeds pass by
Singing of smurfs
Booze is too much
I need a new beer
Silent on the ‘pan
I need another drink
Take a shot of vodka
And pour another beer
I drink my beer
Take a shot of scotch
Keeping the taint away
Is a full time job
Silent in the bar
Matt Mango humming from the box
One last beer
Deadpan is the motherfucking way
And yes, I’m planning on posting multiple in progress versions to increase the comment count. You see this is what you drive me too when ya’ll are too quiet.
Silent in the Deadpan
And I’m ready for a drink
Alone in the bar
I’ll pour my first beer
Only bottles for company
No one to geek with
I drink a shot of Jameson
And pour a new beer
Tumbleweeds pass by
Singing of smurfs
The silence is getting to me
I need a new drink
Silent on the ‘pan
I need another drink
Take a shot of vodka
And pour a new beer
I drink my beer
Take a shot of scotch
Keeping the taint away
Jack Mangan leads the way
Silent in the bar
Except Mangan’s rocking
One last beer
Deadpan is the motherfucking way
hmm, I don’t think I can add or edit this poem more tonigh, so I guess I’ll move on.
Well since that bit of prose has stalled let’s turn to something else.
And since I turned to the Brobdignagian Bards for inspiration I have an idea.
(Don’t ask. No really please don’t ask. I’m pretty sure the neuron responsible is drinking alone in the corner of my skull.)
Now for something kind of different.
Old Dun Cow
Some friends and I in a public house
Was playing a game of chance one night
When into the pub a fireman ran
His face all a chalky white.
“What’s up”, says Brown, “Have you seen a ghost,
Or have you seen your Aunt Mariah?”
“Me Aunt Mariah be buggered!”, says he,
“The bleedin’ pub’s on fire!”
And there was Brown upside down
Lappin” up the whiskey on the floor.
“Booze, booze!” The firemen cried
As they came knockin’ on the door (clap clap)
Oh don’t let ’em in till it’s all drunk up
And somebody shouted MacIntyre! MACINTYRE!
And we all got blue-blind paralytic drunk
When the Old Dun Cow caught fire.
“Oh well,” says Brown, “What a bit of luck.
Everybody follow me.
And it’s down to the cellar
If the fire’s not there
Then we’ll have a grand old spree.”
So we went on down after good old Brown
The booze we could not miss
And we hadn’t been there ten minutes or more
Till we were quite pissed.
Then, Smith walked over to the port wine tub
And gave it just a few hard knocks (clap clap)
Started takin’ off his pantaloons
Likewise his shoes and socks.
“Hold on, ” says Brown, “that ain’t allowed
Ya cannot do that thing here.
Don’t go washin’ trousers in the port wine tub
When we got Guinness beer.”
Then there came from the old back door
The Vicar of the local church.
And when he saw our drunken ways,
He began to scream and curse.
“Ah, you drunken sods! You heathen clods!
You’ve taken to a drunken spree!
You drank up all the Benedictine wine
And you didn’t save a drop for me!”
And then there came a mighty crash
Half the bloody roof caved in.
We were almost drowned in the firemen’s hose
But still we were gonna stay.
So we got some tacks and some old wet sacks
And we nailed ourselves inside
And we sat drinking the finest Rum
Till we were bleary-eyed.
Later that night, when the fire was out
We came up from the cellar below.
Our pub was burned. Our booze was drunk.
Our heads was hanging low.
“Oh look”, says Brown with a look quite queer.
Seems something raised his ire.
“Now we gotta get down to Murphy’s Pub,
It closes on the hour!”
Old Deadpan Bar
Some friends and I in the deadpan bar
Were geeking away one night
When into the pub J.R. Murdoch ran in
His face paler than than a twilight fan
“What’s up”, says Jack, “Have you seen a ghost
Or have you seen Evo sober?”
“Evo be buggered!” says he,
“The fucking bar’s on fire!”
Some friends and I in the deadpan bar
Were geeking away one night
When into the pub our friend) Murdoch ran
His face paler than than a twilight fan
“What’s up”, says Jack, “Have you seen a ghost
Or have you seen Evo stone sober?”
“Forget that damn Evo!” says he,
“The fucking bar’s on fire!”
And there was Ralph upside down
Lappin’ at the beer on the floor
“Booze, booze!” the Deadpan cried
As they came bangin’ at the door
Oh don’t let ‘em in till it’s all drunk up
And somebody shouted Deadpan Jack! DEADPAN JACK!
And we all got nahvee paralytic drunk
When the Old Deadpan caught fire
“Oh well,” says Jack, “What a bit of luck.
Deadpanites follow me.
It’s down to the cellar
If the fires not there
Then we’ll have a grand old spree.”
So we went on down after deadpan Jack
The booze we would not spare
And we hadn’t been there ten minutes or more
Till we were quite pisses.
Anyone can feel free to jump in with their own lyrics or suggestions.
Then Joe walked over to the Stone cask ale
And gave it just a few hard knocks
Started takin’ off his leather pants
Likewise his shirts and shoes
“Hold on,” says Jack, “ that ain’t allowed
Ya cannot do that thing here.
Don’t go washin’ trousers in the Stone cask ale
That’s a waste of good Stone beer.”
Then came from the hiddendoor
Evo from the old podcast
And when he saw our drunken ways,
He began to scream and curse.
“Ah, you fucking sods! You selfish clods!”
You drank up Arrogant Bastard
And didn’t save a drop for me!”
Then came from the hidden door
Evo from the old podcast
And when he saw our drunken ways,
He began to scream and curse.
“Ah, you fucking sods! You selfish clods!”
You drank up Arrogant Bastard
And didn’t save a drop for me!”
And there came a mighty tumbleweed
Half the bloody server went down.
We were almost left with facebook alome
But still we had our say
So made our comments, and posted our links
And we made our own fun
And we sat drinking the finest beer
Till the new show was posted.
Later that night, when the weed was gone
We came up from the cellar below
Our bar was burned. Our booze was drunk.
Our comments were getting thin.
“Oh look.” Says Jack with a look quite strange
Seems something had caught his mind.
“Now we got to get down to Joe Murphy’s,
He serves good root beer!”
hmm, I think I’ve deviated too far from the original song, it doesn”t seem to flow right. i guess it needs some more work too. Unfortunately the beer and wine are catching up to me and I’m not sure how much more I can do.
Some friends and I in the deadpan bar
Were geeking away one night
When into the pub our friend Murdoch ran
His face paler than than a twilight fan
“What’s up”, says Jack, “Have you seen a ghost
Or have you seen Evo stone sober?”
“Forget that damn Evo!” says he,
“The fucking bar’s on fire!”
And there was Ralph upside down
Lappin’ at the beer on the floor
“Booze, booze!” the Deadpan cried
As they came bangin’ at the door
Oh don’t let ‘em in till it’s all drunk up
And somebody shouted Deadpan Jack! DEADPAN JACK!
And we all got nahvee paralytic drunk
When the Old Deadpan caught fire
“Oh well,” says Jack, “What a bit of luck.
Deadpanites follow me.
It’s down to the cellar
If the fires not there
Then we’ll have a grand old spree.”
So we went on down after deadpan Jack
The booze we would not spare
And we hadn’t been there ten minutes or more
Till we were quite pissed.
Then Joe walked over to the Stone cask ale
And gave it just a few hard knocks
Started takin’ off his leather pants
Likewise his shirts and shoes
“Hold on,” says Jack, “ that ain’t allowed
Ya cannot do that thing here.
Don’t go washin’ trousers in the Stone cask ale
That’s a waste of good Stone beer.”
Then came from the hidden back door
Evo from the old podcast
And when he saw our drunken ways,
He began to scream and curse.
“Ah, you fucking sods? You selfish cocks!”
You drank up the Arrogant Bastard
And didn’t save a drop for me!”
And there came a mighty tumbleweed
Half the bloody server went down.
We were almost left with facebook alome
But still we had our say
So made our comments, and posted our links
And we made our own fun
And we sat drinking the finest beer
Till the new show was posted.
Later that night, when the weed was gone
We came up from the cellar below
Our bar was burned. Our booze was drunk.
Our comments were getting thin.
“Oh look.” Says Jack with a look quite strange
Seems something had caught his mind.
“Now we got to get down to Joe Murphy’s,
He serves good root beer!”
Hmm, four more comments till 450. Well 3 actually with this post.
But then who’s counting, besides me and the :ftb: of course.
oh and 2 to go.
And switching gears to BSG S1E5
“Don’t make me angry, you wouldn’t me when I’m angry.”
But I like it when she’s hot, and since she’s always hot I’m kinda confused.
Just imagine playing Twister with her.
Oops correction this would be episode six.
Yay! for 450!
damnit Van you stole comment 450.
and I’ll be in my bunk :devil:
Considering the final ending with Chief Tyril and Commander Adama, in some ways this is as dark or darker morally that episode 1.