Jack Mangans Deadpan #209: A Day in the Life

I read Show Notes today, oh boy.

Jack Mangans Deadpan #209: A Day in the Life

Promo – Specfic Media “Beyond the Wall” (http://specficmedia.com/)

Hockey Anthem duet by Ed From Texas & Rhettro

Poetry corner with Claudine

Contents of The Witcher 2 by The Energizer Bunny

Story Time with Vanamonde

More from Bunny

Hitchickers Guide to the Galaxy Palooza due by end of June. Books, Movie, Radio Play – You Decide

A Hog Named Henslet – The Energizer Bunny

Send in content: 480-788-JMDP(5637) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom

Closing music: A Day in the Life 2011

(Since there were no Greasy Comments in the episode, here they are) :
Ed from Texas
June 8, 2011 at 6:34 pm · Reply

14 years I’ve been in this house. It’s the longest I’ve ever lived in one place, besides the home I grew up in. Now, all my stuff is boxed up and ready to move to the new home. It’s somewhat surreal right now around here. On the one hand, we’re excited about the new place and all that we’ve put into it. On the other, we’re pulling away from the place in which we’ve built our family and many many memories. It’s going to get really weird on Friday when this place has been emptied out.

DJ Bunny
June 8, 2011 at 5:01 pm · Reply

I wonder if customs would frown at a whip being brought across e border?

DJ Bunny
June 8, 2011 at 12:21 pm · Reply

Time for the two girls to get it on

I think this whole movie is just so some guy could realize his fantasies

June 8, 2011 at 7:15 am · Reply

Ever wanted to know what 60 pounds of wool looked like?

June 6, 2011 at 6:39 am · Reply

So film choice today is a documentary about Ayton Senna or Win Win about a school wrestling team coach..Hmmmm.

DJ Bunny
June 4, 2011 at 5:26 pm · Reply

I think I’m annoying my hubby, every tine the commentator says the name Horton, I say, “who”. I wonder how long it will take befor that gets old

Ed from Texas
June 3, 2011 at 6:26 pm · Reply

Pleasantly buzzed, thanks for asking 🙂

DJ Bunny
June 2, 2011 at 11:36 am · Reply

Follow the cheerleader… To your doom! Bwa ha ha ha!!!

June 2, 2011 at 8:23 am · Reply

*flavor crystals*

June 2, 2011 at 12:01 am · Reply

Rommel’s Revenge.

443 thoughts on “Jack Mangans Deadpan #209: A Day in the Life

  1. It would seem that there will be no more vomiting overnight – – not me, both of the little ones 🙁 – – so I should actually get to bed.

    Goodnight :popopcopeotopeptootllieipieti:

  2. And so it begins…or ends…or something.

    I’ll probably be offline for the next few days during the transition. But I had to stay plugged in long enough to make sure I caught the latest Deadpan first.

    • wow just wow. I was hoping to see evidence of bears learning how to make complex machines.
      that headline writer really got me that time.

  3. I really hate my local media. They are making a big deal about the Governor replacing a painting.
    changing a painting is not racist

  4. But seriously, never saw the point of the ‘special’ edition of games, they always seem a cynical marketing ploy.

    • That’s one way to look at it, and I don’t think you are wrong, especially since they are directly appealing to the collector’s mentality. On the other hand, I know some of my friends like getting the extras because it is a way to enjoy the game outside of the game itself. They also enjoy being able to support the developer to a larger extent. There’s also the status of having extras.

      For me, I think many of those art books are awesome, and I’d love to have some, but I just don’t have the $$$ to set aside for them.

  5. …which is another thing that bugged me about that last ZP review. He’s obviously not a PC gamer since he had issues with Witcher 2 being exclusively PC and his laptop wasn’t good enough to properly run the game. Real gamers use the PC (too)

    • How is his crappy laptop the fault of the game? That’s been one of the things really bugging me about ZP for a while now, he looks for any excuse to criticize the game. I know that’s his schtick, but it’s gotten old for me.

  6. I think my PC collection is too old even for you JJ..

    I can see the box for original Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe (floppies!) from where I’m sitting using my desktop.

    • I was going to say, it’s always nicer to have a woman who overestimates the size of things as to one who underestimates.

  7. Why did iTunes list the genre’ for this Norah Jones CD as “pop”?
    Blues/rock, folk, light rock maybe.

    I don’t know. Anyone have a genre opinion for Ms. Jones?

  8. Hubby laughs at me when I play these types of games. I get so much loot I can barely move. Instead of picking and choosing what I want, I keep everything I can find. If I see a battle coming, I drop everything so I can fight properly then, after the battle, I pick everything up again plus what I earned in the battle. He doesnt understand, I need everything so I can sell it to be able to afford the cool dragon armor I want

  9. CD: Old Gaffer’s Homebrew Barleywine,

    After 6 months in the bottle it seems whatever roast from the malts and flavor from the hops that were having a weird clash on my palate have mellowed out. Now the aroma is mostly sweet, and the flavor is sweet malt with a firm hop bitterness cutting across and a hint of roast. Finish is syrupy, with some lingering roast and bitterness that actually play nicely together.

    I look forward to trying this in another 3+ months, it should provide a nice beverage to enjoy when the weather starts getting cool again.

    This brew has definitely been a learning experience in homebrewing.

  10. I don’t even want to know, Ralph. Although it actually makes me feel even more fossilized to hear what “kids” listen to today.

    Goodnight :Awful “I Want Candy” Remake:

  11. Good morning!

    I’m at work. I have a headache, but my brain feels fuller than usual because LostRalph is teaching me about beer! Thanks Ralph! 🙂

  12. I think I did my good deed for the day.
    While filling the car with gas a guy pulled up to the diesel pump and gets ready to fill his truck,
    I asked him if he knew it was a diesel pump because I didn’t think Toyota made a diesel or would put on in a little truck

    • Fortunately the diesel pump uses a bigger tube than regular gas. He wouldn’t have been able to insert the nozzle into his tank.

      It’s still a good deed cuz you never know, he might have tried to fill the tank regardless.

      • I thought they looked different. I have only filled my Dad’s diesel once and I thought it was just an illusion that it was bigger because everything on the truck was big.
        Pulling 10,000 with 5th wheel trailer is much easier with a diesel.

  13. Finally finished reading Jack Mangan’s (DING!) 4+3 article. I particularly liked the blurb at the bottom that describes the Mangan as having controversial views. Since I have never seen him display a controversial opinion, I figure that means my opinions are controversial too.

    And that is awesome! Heh.

  14. morning pan, Heading out to act like I’m golfing for my birthday. It is actually tomorrow but more people could make it today.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • I’m kind of baffled as to why they would have this person reviewing this game at all.

      Why in the world do you let someone review the newest version of a game with a character they have clearly hated since it was originally developed? The piece lost all objectivity from the very first paragraph in which the reviewer talks about what a vile character Duke has always been. From there on out I am wondering if he really doesn’t like stuff or if he is still just so disgusted with any thing involving Duke that his objectivity has been totally disabled.

      It would be like having Bill Maher review a new book by GW Bush.
      It would be like having me review a Brittney Spears album.

      • I agree. If a person can’t be professional by setting aside their own personal likes & dislikes, then they shouldn’t be reviewing those items.

  15. Currently watching the new true grit. Hubby admits he never saw a John Wayne movie. Up until las month when I made him, he never saw a Clint Eastwood spaghetti western either. Tsk. Tsk

  16. Headline “South Texas enjoys major boom from oil fracking”

    Yeh, I can’t help it … every time I see a news story about that, my SciFi brain automatically replaces THAT word with it’s contemporary meaning.

  17. “Oil Companies say cost of Fracking worth it,”
    “Skillful Fracking brings new life to areas thought dry.”
    “Environmentalists sore after Oil Company’s Fracking.”

  18. thanks again everyone for the birthday wishes. I spent 1/2 the day cleaning and 1/2 the night on a roof doing tare off and putting down OSB. not how I would normally spend a birthday but it was good to be out.
    Off to pick up my wife and daughter from the air port.
    later pan!

    • Geesh!
      That writer so clearly does not “get it”.

      A) The movie is “fun”. It is NOT a documentary. It is not an instructional video. It is NOT even “reality TV”. It’s just fun. Like cotton candy. Stop looking for the nutritional food value and just enjoy the fluffy pink stickiness and the sugar rush already.

      B) The writer goes on and on about how no one they knew was like Ferris and how no one could really “see themselves in Ferris”. Hello? Like ALL of our super heroes, Ferris doesn’t represent who we think we are … he represented who we wish we were.
      Even if only for one day.

  19. Yeah game 7! I wonder if it is Vancouver’s strategy to let Boston beat them so viciously that by the time they fly back to Canada, they’re too exhausted to score any points?

  20. Amy, I don’t know if you were looking for a real answer to your mom’s question or not but it’s a long standing tradition (superstition?)to grow a beard during the hockey playoffs. Once the season is over, most players will shave them off again.

  21. Woah, the next three weeks look to be busy. This week lots of house cleaning, next week the Farpoint pool party and the week after Bunny and my folks are in town.

  22. OK now I gotta try one more time to figure out what the hockey song I have to sing is. I’m gonna listen to it on repeat all day then go home and sing it. I bet you all can’t wait. I haven’t recorded anything in months.

    • Yeah, Leonard Nimoy was here last year. Our WWC convention will have a presence this year but I won’t be going and didn’t go last year. I just can’t handle such things like I use to.

      On a side note, my Boo works with a group that puts on reptile shows for schools, parties etc. last year they had a booth at the expo and managed to get pictures of some of the guests with one of their big boa’s. They plan to be there this year and are hoping for the same. Usually the guests charge stupid amounts for a picture but most last year thought the snake thing was cool and didn’t charge.

    • “No, if the Vancouver Canucks win the Stanley Cup, they will be the least deserving champions in NHL history.”

      Fucking absolutely. I have no love for ANY Boston team to be sure but OMFG, to say theyre the lesser of the two evils is an understatement. I hope the Cafucks get completely destroyed tomorrow. At least I wont throw up in Boston raises the Cup.

      Granted “hope” does not equal “think”. This series is all about home team, it seems. Tho if ikts going to be a road team to win a game, it’ll be the Bruins.


  23. I feel like fasting for a few days. I should find a fasting diet. That would be fun. It can’t include anything with juice though since I can’t have juice or sugar.

    Perhaps a lobster fast? Nothing but lobster?

    Or maybe an avocado fast. I did have two sides of guacamole for lunch. Sad, but true… I ordered 2 sides of guacamole from Chipotle and that’s what I had for lunch.
    Stop looking at me like that. Don’t judge me.

  24. Ah, all movies are adaptions of American Idiot anymore. That is if they want to get any green these days. It’s like they have all gone on holiday. What a bunch of nimrods.

  25. I preordered Ocarina of Time for the 3DS, never played it all the way through on the N64, things are going to be different this time.

  26. CW: Case Histories E4

    If it comes on BBC America I would reccomend checking it out if you like detective stories set in the modern day.

  27. Hubby called. The rain downed a power line by work. He’ll be late coming home. May not be here for the first few minutes of the game

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