I read Show Notes today, oh boy.
Jack Mangans Deadpan #209: A Day in the Life
Promo – Specfic Media “Beyond the Wall” (http://specficmedia.com/)
Hockey Anthem duet by Ed From Texas & Rhettro
Poetry corner with Claudine
Contents of The Witcher 2 by The Energizer Bunny
Story Time with Vanamonde
More from Bunny
Hitchickers Guide to the Galaxy Palooza due by end of June. Books, Movie, Radio Play – You Decide
A Hog Named Henslet – The Energizer Bunny
Send in content: 480-788-JMDP(5637) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
Closing music: A Day in the Life 2011
(Since there were no Greasy Comments in the episode, here they are) :
Ed from Texas
June 8, 2011 at 6:34 pm · Reply
14 years I’ve been in this house. It’s the longest I’ve ever lived in one place, besides the home I grew up in. Now, all my stuff is boxed up and ready to move to the new home. It’s somewhat surreal right now around here. On the one hand, we’re excited about the new place and all that we’ve put into it. On the other, we’re pulling away from the place in which we’ve built our family and many many memories. It’s going to get really weird on Friday when this place has been emptied out.
DJ Bunny
June 8, 2011 at 5:01 pm · Reply
I wonder if customs would frown at a whip being brought across e border?
DJ Bunny
June 8, 2011 at 12:21 pm · Reply
Time for the two girls to get it on
I think this whole movie is just so some guy could realize his fantasies
June 8, 2011 at 7:15 am · Reply
Ever wanted to know what 60 pounds of wool looked like?
June 6, 2011 at 6:39 am · Reply
So film choice today is a documentary about Ayton Senna or Win Win about a school wrestling team coach..Hmmmm.
DJ Bunny
June 4, 2011 at 5:26 pm · Reply
I think I’m annoying my hubby, every tine the commentator says the name Horton, I say, “who”. I wonder how long it will take befor that gets old
Ed from Texas
June 3, 2011 at 6:26 pm · Reply
Pleasantly buzzed, thanks for asking 🙂
DJ Bunny
June 2, 2011 at 11:36 am · Reply
Follow the cheerleader… To your doom! Bwa ha ha ha!!!
June 2, 2011 at 8:23 am · Reply
*flavor crystals*
June 2, 2011 at 12:01 am · Reply
Rommel’s Revenge.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Popocatepetl – that’s a bit of a mouthful for a Thursday morning..
It would seem that there will be no more vomiting overnight – – not me, both of the little ones 🙁 – – so I should actually get to bed.
Goodnight :popopcopeotopeptootllieipieti:
Now THATS entertainment!
And so it begins…or ends…or something.
I’ll probably be offline for the next few days during the transition. But I had to stay plugged in long enough to make sure I caught the latest Deadpan first.
Have fun storming the new castle!
“Flying bear kills two Canadians in freak accident”
wow just wow. I was hoping to see evidence of bears learning how to make complex machines.
that headline writer really got me that time.
I really hate my local media. They are making a big deal about the Governor replacing a painting.
changing a painting is not racist
I mean, it’s not like he’s launching BEARS at anyone.
… YET!
Prepare… the BEARAPULT!
Morning, Deadpan. So tired.
Jack, that link is great. Lady Judas!
Just finished The Wire. So great.
best EVAH!
*** SNORK!!! ***
Hey Deadpan. Got a little bit of extra sleep this morning. It was nice
Ok, I admit, I don’t know what that opening is from
Not the twin peaks opener, the strange thing at the very beginning, before the music.
Google Doodle is awesome today. Happy birthday, Les Paul!
Hey! I know that story Van’s reading. It’s what I’m reading right now.
Jack didn’t mention the most important and exciting thing that’s happening in Deadpan Land this summer… ME! :cheerful:
Maybe your description of the Witcher 2 box contents hypnotised Jack into forgetfulness…
Yeah, it was a pretty me heavy episode today.
I think we are fine with that. 🙂
Jack: I like today’s Google logo too. 🙂
CP: Insane — Citizen Fish
I hope my hubby stays away from Google today. I don’t think he has a Les Paul guitar…yet.
The Tennessee legislators are at it again:
I found the images on that post frightening and intimidating. They should all be charged
Ahh Tennesee, one of the ten best places not to be born.
Awesome earings!
It seems like EMA is getting a lot of good press these days, especially her single Milkman. Good stuff.
But seriously, never saw the point of the ‘special’ edition of games, they always seem a cynical marketing ploy.
But it’s cool!
Marketing works on me. I always get the special editions if they are available.
That’s one way to look at it, and I don’t think you are wrong, especially since they are directly appealing to the collector’s mentality. On the other hand, I know some of my friends like getting the extras because it is a way to enjoy the game outside of the game itself. They also enjoy being able to support the developer to a larger extent. There’s also the status of having extras.
For me, I think many of those art books are awesome, and I’d love to have some, but I just don’t have the $$$ to set aside for them.
In this case, it was worth it. a $150 game really only cost me $50 through Steam when all was said and done. -and you don’t count the headaches.
Fingers crossed:
I guess this means I should get back to working my way through ME1. Which, at this point, may mean starting from scratch so I can relearn the necessary skills.
And don’t forget the achievements! 🙂
When I finally get a gaming system … are you guys gonna sell me all your old video games?
I’m 90% PC, J0e. But yes, you can have my old games.
I rarely get rid of my games since I get so few, but I will keep you in mind if I do.
…which is another thing that bugged me about that last ZP review. He’s obviously not a PC gamer since he had issues with Witcher 2 being exclusively PC and his laptop wasn’t good enough to properly run the game. Real gamers use the PC (too)
How is his crappy laptop the fault of the game? That’s been one of the things really bugging me about ZP for a while now, he looks for any excuse to criticize the game. I know that’s his schtick, but it’s gotten old for me.
I think it’s time for a walk.
Back in an hour or so!
I think my PC collection is too old even for you JJ..
I can see the box for original Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe (floppies!) from where I’m sitting using my desktop.
My PC game box is giant. It goes back years and years since that’s what I mostly play. I also go through a lot of games in a year.
Okay, I may have to bore you with the contents of my old PC games box at some point…
Good summary of the Stanley Cup final so far:
Key graph:
“While you’re at it, filter through the myriad of candidates for the worst player on the Canucks. Actually, just close your eyes and point at their roster and you pretty much can’t go wrong.”
“just close your eyes and point at their roster and you pretty much can’t go wrong.””
CP: Mediate — INXS
Jack: Using my butchering of “Gonna Fly Now” to introduce Rhettro’s & Ed’s great duet had me lmao.
Very clever real world hack.
Jack’s twitterized version of “A Day In The Life” had me laughing pretty hard on the drive in today. 🙂
CP: Light – Ellie Goulding
I have 2 weeks to finish Witcher 2 before Dungeon Siege 3 comes out.
I still need to finish Dungeon Siege 2.
I haven’t played any of this series.
It’s like Diablo, but using a 3D engine and with more henchmen. As it stands I’ll probably skip Dungeon Siege 3, but I’m getting Diablo 3 the day it comes out. 🙂
Well, yeah. Diablo is a must.
*sheepishly* I haven’t played that either, though I plan on getting Diablo 3.
Still got a unopened copy of diablo 2..must get round to playing it one of these days.
This article is sad and depressing, but I give kudos to the artist for trying to help:
If ever there was a school board in need of a good slap to the face, this would be it.
First released image from Walking Dead, Season 2:
CP: Jonas & Ezekial — Indigo Girls
I go away for a short period of time and
the board goes bonkers?
The more things changes the more things stay the same…
Listening to Bunny talk about inches is distracting
I was going to say, it’s always nicer to have a woman who overestimates the size of things as to one who underestimates.
Kansas City native and all around nice guy Aaron Williams is starting a new DnD webcomic.
Off to a good start.
I have an idea…
What if we bracket 8 podcasts and match them up in a duel of fates format…
Should we call Bunny a co host in this episode?
I think July is already slated as Bunny Month.
Lunch has been et. Laundry has been folded. Now it’s time to kill me some harpies
pull off those wings!!!
I just re installed Neverwinter nights I may have to go play that for a while.
will you have the time with all that exercising you are doing these days?
I don’t have the time before the exercising… 😛
CP: Naraku no Hana — Shimamiya Eiko
aint it cute
CP: That’s not my Name – The Tings Tings
Why did iTunes list the genre’ for this Norah Jones CD as “pop”?
Blues/rock, folk, light rock maybe.
I don’t know. Anyone have a genre opinion for Ms. Jones?
She tends to sing a fair bit of pop-oriented jazz songs, imo. I admit that’s an over-generalization.
Okay, “Poj” it is!
If it was Hindu related Pop oriented Jazz … her music would be a “Hadji-Poj”
I’ll get my … I’ll get Van’s … damn. Too warm out. No coats.
There. Harpies have been killed and a conspiracy has been revealed. All is good
Hubby laughs at me when I play these types of games. I get so much loot I can barely move. Instead of picking and choosing what I want, I keep everything I can find. If I see a battle coming, I drop everything so I can fight properly then, after the battle, I pick everything up again plus what I earned in the battle. He doesnt understand, I need everything so I can sell it to be able to afford the cool dragon armor I want
Totally agree + 100000000000
I do the same, in oblivion I find a place to stash all the loot at a camp/dungeon and then haul it all back to town to sell it later.
In WoW I always got as much bag space as possible so that I could grab all the loot including vendor trash.
Your health information link for the day:
Find a dog that looks like you:
Flash required! Flash! *sigh*. It’ll have to wait until I’m back on my computer
It worked fine on my new netbook…
gives iPad 2 the finger!
It says I look most like a mixed breed (ie: mutt) found in the Auckland SPCA
Mutts are the best!
CP: Le Chat Du Café Des Artistes — Charlotte Gainsbourg
I’m sorry, the artists shit in your coffee?
Thanks, RE: the Beatles song, Rhett! :metal:
Bunny, I wasn’t sure how low/high profile you wanted your AZ visit to be.
I don’t think it’s any secrete, Jack. Heaven knows I go on iabout it to adnasium on the boards
Please imagine correct spelling where necessary. I spelled the words right in my mind
Eww, what are we secreting now?
OK, well I do hope others can join us for those dates. I hope I’ll be in town.
Said jokingly to daughter: “Well, thank you for pointing out my gray hairs!”
Her response: “You don’t have any gray hairs, you have white hairs.”
LOL, Jack. It’s important to know white vs. grey in these situations.
Excellent episode; excellent music; excellent Grateful Dead singing!
And in Smurf news:
I think it would have been a better joke if he’d compared it to multiple totalitarian regimes.
Although whenever I see anylises like this I kinda wonder if the person is joking or projecting.
He says in that article that it’s all a laugh, so more power to him.
A former colleague:
So if I’m listening/watching Seether on Youtube, why would the suggest Britney Spears?
Can’t fight the skeezer.
Sounds like the first song for our alternative band
CD: Old Gaffer’s Homebrew Barleywine,
After 6 months in the bottle it seems whatever roast from the malts and flavor from the hops that were having a weird clash on my palate have mellowed out. Now the aroma is mostly sweet, and the flavor is sweet malt with a firm hop bitterness cutting across and a hint of roast. Finish is syrupy, with some lingering roast and bitterness that actually play nicely together.
I look forward to trying this in another 3+ months, it should provide a nice beverage to enjoy when the weather starts getting cool again.
This brew has definitely been a learning experience in homebrewing.
Semirandom quote: “Tea is soothing I wish to be tense.”
I’m definitely getting old. The music from the prom episode for BtVS fills me with nostalgia…
I don’t even want to know, Ralph. Although it actually makes me feel even more fossilized to hear what “kids” listen to today.
Goodnight :Awful “I Want Candy” Remake:
Buffy graduated one year before I did, although there wasn’t a big snake at my HS graduation.
Thanks for the warning, I’ll be sure to avoid that remake.
Ok, Now I feel old compared to Lostralph
Yeah yeah, you are still a freshly rotten corpse to my fossil.
Van, one year does not a difference make :ermm:
Buffy Season 3 is great!
Bored Now 🙂
Yep 🙂
in the sun sun sun!
Except it is raining here right now. And I’m at work.
Hey Pan
The day job is done, now I’m going to put a new seat on my toilet and clean the bathroom. My life is so exciting.
Oh dogs:
that’s how that works:
The scope is pretty shocking:
It cost me 14 cents to get $50US. That’s not above par. Silly banks
Wow! The US dollar really is doing bad if $50 is only worth 14 cents Canadian.
Woohoo! new WNDR Radio mix tape episode, with more on the way.
Good morning!
I’m at work. I have a headache, but my brain feels fuller than usual because LostRalph is teaching me about beer! Thanks Ralph! 🙂
I think I did my good deed for the day.
While filling the car with gas a guy pulled up to the diesel pump and gets ready to fill his truck,
I asked him if he knew it was a diesel pump because I didn’t think Toyota made a diesel or would put on in a little truck
Fortunately the diesel pump uses a bigger tube than regular gas. He wouldn’t have been able to insert the nozzle into his tank.
It’s still a good deed cuz you never know, he might have tried to fill the tank regardless.
I thought they looked different. I have only filled my Dad’s diesel once and I thought it was just an illusion that it was bigger because everything on the truck was big.
Pulling 10,000 with 5th wheel trailer is much easier with a diesel.
I give you a good deed high five, Reaper! I think you deserve it 🙂
Now I got to start working HFTP High Five Transfer Protocol
Though it might take a back seat to FTP Food Transfer Protocol 🙂
For now this will have to do:
Just make sure you implement proper authentication. You never know where those hands have been.
with biometrics it could be built right in! 🙂
I don’t want to think about what could be on someone else’s other browser tabs or in someone’s other hand
Cute mutant rabbit (no relation to The Energizer Bunny): http://rt.com/news/rabbit-born-fukushima-plant/
Oooooooh, it looks like I’ll get my aircraft porn later this year. 🙂
Very cool video
Hell Yes! Boulevard Brewing is releasing their Saison with Brett again later this month!
I can’t say I’ve ever had a Trumer, but that video is most excellent, Ralph. Very *you*.
got from Sean Paxton on facebook.
Leonard Nimoy at his best 😉
Hot damn.
So when are you getting your domain? 😉
I’ll be checking the prices for the one I want.. and I do want.
Hey Pan
So, it’s been a while. How’s it goin’?
going .xxx apparently!
Played the latest Duke Nukem tonight…umm killing the doomed cheerleaders was a bit offputting.
Always was a bit … yeh, offputting is a good word for that.
Is the latest somehow updated?
Well still feels rather old fashioned…even if the paint is more shiney these days.
Are the cheerleaders more cheerleadery?
…er, I guess what I’m wondering is if they’ve redone the graphics in a more 3D realism way or just used a few more pixels.
Very much so.
Lejon! Aren’t you supposed to be emailing something?
They’re still making Duke Nukem games?
This is the one that’s been 12 years in the making…
Sometimes cinnamon gum is spicy enough to make my mouth all hot and burny
Anybody here got something to help her out?
She can share my pina colada breezer. Will that help?
If I picture you two using straws and drinking out of the glass at the same time … yes. Yes it does.
I don’t like pina coladas, but I’d drink it anyway if it means we could bump heads.
Well I now have that silly sucking cider through a straw song roaming around my head.
I have a mango one. Would that work better?
Anything works better with you my love.
Soon my babe, soon
There’s thunder out. No rain yet, though
CJ FTW!!!!
gotta go tend my spaghetti sauce.
and on that note i need to start cooking my dinner.
We ordered in pizza for dinner tonight. A perfect hockey night meal
Hockey time
Finally. Vancouver scores first
I am once again, connected. Now to get caught up.
Excellent, Ed welcome back.
And, at last, I have caught up.
We really need a like button on the Deadpan board.
I think the swoon and cough buttons are just a necessary
Ah, once again my beer cellar comes to the rescue. Got a delicious Chimay Blue to savor as a nightcap tonight.
A nice name for some porcelain.
Goodnight :Onion:
Fish in a barrel.
Cj – I keep forgetting to ask what happened with your closet. Did you figure out how to unlock it?
Dan came over for his day with the kiddos and he was able to get the closet door open 🙂
That’s good. Not as exciting as a big boot to the door, but… Heh.
Happy Birthday, Cj!
+10000 and an Internet!
Whoa! Happy Birthday Cj..
Finally finished reading Jack Mangan’s (DING!) 4+3 article. I particularly liked the blurb at the bottom that describes the Mangan as having controversial views. Since I have never seen him display a controversial opinion, I figure that means my opinions are controversial too.
And that is awesome! Heh.
I feel there is something subtly wrong with your logic but can’t quite pin down where.
Probably! =)
morning pan, Heading out to act like I’m golfing for my birthday. It is actually tomorrow but more people could make it today.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woooo thank you!!!!
Happy Birthday CJ!
good morning everyone else.
Seeing the guy who is singing on this video tonight at the folk club:
Happy birthday, Cj!
Happy birthday, Cj!
Happy early birthday, reaper!
Thank you thank you and thank YOU everyone 🙂
Happy Birthday, Cj!
Not quite Apocalyptica, but still kinda cool:
really cool Jack, thanks for the link.
Was just gonna say that, LR. Pretty great!
Happy Birthday CJ!
Hmm, looks like everyone was out celebrating birthdays today.
Well, I do hope the birthday fun is… um… fun!
Fucking beautiful song and touching video:
Re: Fucking beautiful song and touching video:
At first, the singer sounded quite a lot like Chris Rea. As his volume increases though, he sounds less-so.
quick test
unrelated link
As it is now well past midnight where I am, Happy Birthday Reaper!
Watching Hush from season 4 of Buffy, and I realized nowadays people would just be texting each other.
Since the UK got the texting bug way before the US, probably would different if set in the UK at the time.
Reaper! Another birthday party that I’ll miss. . . Have a great one, amigo.
Surely, there’s some kind of irony in the Reaper celebrating another birthday?
I chuckle a little every time I think of it
Happy Birthday, Reaper! May you find something nice to eat.
Happy bday, Reaps!
This seems like a good morning for coffee outside with a book.
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone!
Dr Who – A Good Man Goes to War
Wee Doggie!
Good episode, but I hate mid-season breaks.
Happy birthday, Reaper!
The reviewer at IGN was not impressed with the latest Duke Game:
I’m kind of baffled as to why they would have this person reviewing this game at all.
Why in the world do you let someone review the newest version of a game with a character they have clearly hated since it was originally developed? The piece lost all objectivity from the very first paragraph in which the reviewer talks about what a vile character Duke has always been. From there on out I am wondering if he really doesn’t like stuff or if he is still just so disgusted with any thing involving Duke that his objectivity has been totally disabled.
It would be like having Bill Maher review a new book by GW Bush.
It would be like having me review a Brittney Spears album.
I agree. If a person can’t be professional by setting aside their own personal likes & dislikes, then they shouldn’t be reviewing those items.
Happy Reaper BirthDay!
Happy Birthday Reaper
Happy belated B-day to CJ, happy current B-day to Reaper. Hope your days were/are awesome.
🙁 http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2011/jun/12/pratchett-starts-process-to-end-his-life
Very sad news…
Interesting statistic in at the bottom though.
Most interesting indeed.
That makes me very sad.
Currently watching the new true grit. Hubby admits he never saw a John Wayne movie. Up until las month when I made him, he never saw a Clint Eastwood spaghetti western either. Tsk. Tsk
Elvis was hero to most, but he Elvis was hero to most, but he Elvis was hero to most, but he
Actually, The Quiet Man is still the only John Wayne movie I’ve seen start to finish.
Ach! Really? You guys!
I think I saw some war movie with him in it. Took place in the South Pacific.
Well JW did a lot of crap, but Rio Bravo is a classic.
On another note, guess I’m watching the hockey game alone tomorrow. Hubby’s gonna have another late night
Headline “South Texas enjoys major boom from oil fracking”
Yeh, I can’t help it … every time I see a news story about that, my SciFi brain automatically replaces THAT word with it’s contemporary meaning.
South Texas enjoys major boom from oil frelling?
… and I always thought it wasn’t the size of the boom …
“Oil Companies say cost of Fracking worth it,”
“Skillful Fracking brings new life to areas thought dry.”
“Environmentalists sore after Oil Company’s Fracking.”
12 year old me just can’t stop laughing.
“Exploration leads to more fracking”
Oh no, I’ve succumbed to a scrabble game on my iTouch. I’m doomed!
I’ve found being crap at Scrabble soon cures of of the addiction.
-of +one
When it comes to environmental concerns, the major oil companies still have no fracking idea.
Photos of an abandoned Soviet bomber base:
thanks again everyone for the birthday wishes. I spent 1/2 the day cleaning and 1/2 the night on a roof doing tare off and putting down OSB. not how I would normally spend a birthday but it was good to be out.
Off to pick up my wife and daughter from the air port.
later pan!
Beware of Monday the 13th!!!!
Add this to the list of silly inventions: solar-charging bikini.
I’ve seen the solar powered bikini and I approve.
To quote Groundhog Day: “Morons, your bus is leaving.”
CP: The Wooden Ship — The Polar Dream
A really nice instrumental song. I like it.
CP: Maladjusted — Morrissey
I know he’s a dick, but I try and ignore that.
Wow. That is my summation of him/his music as well.
To each his own. I dislike him, but I like his music. 🙂
Or maybe that is what you said. I don’t know. The eyes and brain are very tired right now.
Off to lunch. Maybe someone will be around here later. 🙂
Day off today. Playing with Reaper, no not that Reaper, this Reaper.
Today I start my um… dangit… how can I start it if I don’t remember the word?
Umm, you getting plastic surgery?
The punchline is almost 2 minutes in:
CP: Freaky Be Beautiful — Moist
too much caffeine in my system right now.
holy crap
Mmmmm, caffeine.
Hey deadpan, sitting in my dark living room wondering when it’ll stop raining and the sun will come out again
You could switch the lamp on…I’m just saying.
But then I’d have to get up and I’m so comfy curled up on the couch in mu snuggie.
I’m ok with the dim and the TV light
Only a couple days and two weeks until I’m chillin’ with my goddess
Air Canada is going on strike. It’s a good thing I’m flying Westjet
My prediction: Boston will win tonight but Vancouver will still get the cup in the last game
As I recall, Rhett, “Reaper” always requires more cowbell.
w00t for the upcoming Bunny visit! Any other locals or semi-locals planning to be available that weekend? Feel free to send emails or post here.
So, does Ferris Bueller hold up after 25 years?
While I suppose much of what the writer says is true, he still comes across as rather sour and bitter.
That writer so clearly does not “get it”.
A) The movie is “fun”. It is NOT a documentary. It is not an instructional video. It is NOT even “reality TV”. It’s just fun. Like cotton candy. Stop looking for the nutritional food value and just enjoy the fluffy pink stickiness and the sugar rush already.
B) The writer goes on and on about how no one they knew was like Ferris and how no one could really “see themselves in Ferris”. Hello? Like ALL of our super heroes, Ferris doesn’t represent who we think we are … he represented who we wish we were.
Even if only for one day.
More cowbell, got it!
Looks like this bunny’s buying a bathing suit tomorrow
Van, you’ll be pleased to know I gave in to the weather and turned on a light
Hey, there’s a hockey game on!
Boston scores first
Holy crow, Boston scores second too
*sigh* 3-0 Boston 10minutes into the first
Really? 4-0
Ok, I lied earlier. There’s no hockey game on. I’m not sure what this is but it’s not hockey
Srsly. Looks like your prediction will come true for a Game 7.
Although, it is still early enough for a comeback…
Gosh, I really need to pay up on my debt!
Pretty bad game, unless you are a Boston fan.
CW: Stanley Cup Final Game 6
My mom wonders, “Why do they all have beards?”
Because they are lumberjacks and they’re OK
And it’s over. Yes, there will be a Game 7.
So, here we are in the midst of Summer and hockey is still going on?
Yeah game 7! I wonder if it is Vancouver’s strategy to let Boston beat them so viciously that by the time they fly back to Canada, they’re too exhausted to score any points?
Amy, they’re all indie rockers; that’s the reason for the beards.
Whoa. Goodnight :depeche mode:
You guys didn’t fast forward to Thursday on me, or anything?
I’ve discovered a woman not impressed with Sean Bean, I’m faint with shock.
He is kinda impressive.
Yeah, he is.
Well yeah, and if I bent that way, I wouldn’t kick him out of bed either.
morning pan, Where the hell did I put that cow bell.
I don’t know why I keep looking at new podcasts when I know I won’t have the time to listen to them.
Hey Pan! For a day we were told will be rainy, the sun seems to be shining awfully bright.
Amy, I don’t know if you were looking for a real answer to your mom’s question or not but it’s a long standing tradition (superstition?)to grow a beard during the hockey playoffs. Once the season is over, most players will shave them off again.
Yep, superstition. Pro athletes are one of the most superstitious groups of people I’ve ever seen.
Yes, I was looking for a real answer if there was one. Thank you! 🙂
I think I lost a week somewhere. I was looking at my calendar and it’s actually 3 weeks until I’m in deadpanland, not to. Apologies to certain peeps whom I may have mislead.
Now… time for a walk
CP: Everything’s Gone Green — New Order
Woah, the next three weeks look to be busy. This week lots of house cleaning, next week the Farpoint pool party and the week after Bunny and my folks are in town.
I hear these ladies will be at the party:
Unfortunately, that’s going to me 90% me when I visit. I’m under very strict rules when it comes to alcohol now. 🙁
I think I drank enough alcohol on my birthday to cover both you, me, and 10 other people… so, I’ll stick to coffee while you’re here and you can have whatever you want. I’ll serve you happily 🙂
Shouldn’t that be on the irony website?
I’m almost caught up on listening.
Jack? See? I’m not all bad.
One explanation why judo participation is shrinking in the US:
That was your totally random blog link for the day.
OK now I gotta try one more time to figure out what the hockey song I have to sing is. I’m gonna listen to it on repeat all day then go home and sing it. I bet you all can’t wait. I haven’t recorded anything in months.
Seriously? Who chose this song? (When You’re Gone) … Can I stab myself in the eye right now?
You have my sympathy. Of course, you can also have some evil fun with this…. 🙂
The only kind of fun I know how to have is evil.
trust me, evil is the best kind. far more fun!
Me! and no!
Looks like a fun Expo lineup in TEB’s neck of the woods:
Yeah, Leonard Nimoy was here last year. Our WWC convention will have a presence this year but I won’t be going and didn’t go last year. I just can’t handle such things like I use to.
On a side note, my Boo works with a group that puts on reptile shows for schools, parties etc. last year they had a booth at the expo and managed to get pictures of some of the guests with one of their big boa’s. They plan to be there this year and are hoping for the same. Usually the guests charge stupid amounts for a picture but most last year thought the snake thing was cool and didn’t charge.
I think this is good news. 🙂
I think I must be a bit masochistic. I keep playing Scry in Words With Friends
Yeah I saw the writing on the wall while playing NS, he needs more of a challenge.
I think I won one game once upon a time, but that’s it.
CP: Aneurysm — Nirvana
One of my favorite Nirvana songs.
I just realized that Journey’s “Escape” predates Leetspeek by twenty five years.
Brilliant^ Did that one have 53p@r@t3 W@y5?
Nope, but it did have “D0n’7 570p 83|i3/in'”
573/3 P3i`i`y is so dreamy.
Victorian poets beat Journey to the punch:
Hmmm… that’s pretty steampunk.
Oh… I was expecting an Oscar Wilde version of “Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin'”.
*gives Jack an honorary handlebar mustache*
CP: Atlantic City — Bruce Springsteen
Wow, this day is crawling by. That tends to happen when you are fighting with code.
I pretty much agree with this: Tim Thomas is the only player to deserve the Cup.
I’d have to agree as well.
“No, if the Vancouver Canucks win the Stanley Cup, they will be the least deserving champions in NHL history.”
Fucking absolutely. I have no love for ANY Boston team to be sure but OMFG, to say theyre the lesser of the two evils is an understatement. I hope the Cafucks get completely destroyed tomorrow. At least I wont throw up in Boston raises the Cup.
Granted “hope” does not equal “think”. This series is all about home team, it seems. Tho if ikts going to be a road team to win a game, it’ll be the Bruins.
-k. N stuff.
Ed, I’m suppose to tell you you’re cuddly. A truer statement there never was. *gives ed a hug*
Moreso when heavily buzzed and a bit slurring.
No food for 12 hours = indigestion from hell
Fasting for some tests, Van?
Yup, one sideeffect of the fasting I could do without.
I agree too, although I won’t clarify whether I agree about the Tim Thomas or the Ed statement.
Van, I hope there’s nothing worrying?
Just a regular check to see if the medication I’m on isn’t causing problems.
I feel like fasting for a few days. I should find a fasting diet. That would be fun. It can’t include anything with juice though since I can’t have juice or sugar.
Perhaps a lobster fast? Nothing but lobster?
Or maybe an avocado fast. I did have two sides of guacamole for lunch. Sad, but true… I ordered 2 sides of guacamole from Chipotle and that’s what I had for lunch.
Stop looking at me like that. Don’t judge me.
I don’t know, if the lobster is too fast it might outrun the butter, and then where is fun with that?
Surely a lobster fast must come with a clause?
(Van, please supply the groan later)
Goodnight :bisque:
Do you see creamed corn on that plate? I requested no creamed corn. Do you see creamed corn on that plate?
No creamed corn, but plenty of steamed groans.
A quick wiki search, and boy does that stuff look vile.
This from the country that brought us mushy peas on toast and Marmite?
Did you mean beans on toast? can’t say I’ve seen anybody eat mushy peas on toast…but I suppose it’s possible, people can be in many unusual things (a lass at school liked fried eggs on cornflakes..ugh).
Looks like you maybe right:
and for real horror:
Ah yes, it ain’t real food unless it comes in a polystyrene cup.
I’ll get my coat.
Pizza in a cup …
We’ll be rich!
… or did you mean this?
Van, are you caught up with Nurse Jackie?
Also, good morning, North Americans.
I am Essbee, nicking her kids meds..the shame of it all.
When did you become EssBee and when did she get kids?
Good lord. The “American Idiot” musical is being turned into a movie.
All too easy…
Reality TV or a documentary?
Ah, all movies are adaptions of American Idiot anymore. That is if they want to get any green these days. It’s like they have all gone on holiday. What a bunch of nimrods.
Oh… oh I see what you did there
Did it all for the
Ain’t that the truth.
There, went out this morning and got Jack’s gift. Will get Cj’s closer to the time I leave
ZP takes a peek at Hunted – The Demon Forge:
Currently: eating lunch (donair) and watching last night’s Daily Show
Cj is also my better in WWF. *sigh*
Van, it sound like you and I are bad enough, we might be a match
I wonder how the postal strike will affect the delivery od Dungeon Seige 3. It’s suppose to be released next week
That sucks. Let’s hope you don’t have any more delivery problems.
Dammit. How did I get so far behind on things?
I’ve become addicted to the iPad game, Stupid Zombies. You’d think there’d be better ways to waste my time
There was an update for Plants vs Zombies on the iPhone, got me addicted all over again.
Oh. Hai.
Tonight we find out if Amy or Van will be gracing us with their dulcet tones
Fingers crossed Vancouver wins, I do like you lot after all..
… And we’re still part of the British Commonwealth. *wiggles nose at US Panited*
stupid ipad US Panited = US Panites
I preordered Ocarina of Time for the 3DS, never played it all the way through on the N64, things are going to be different this time.
Sure are a lot of French speakers in that British Commonwealth. 😉
Maybe that explains Jean Luc’s British accent.
CP: Denied — Our Lady Peace
American McGee’s “Rainbow Brite.” -kickass
CP: Night Enchanted — TSO
CW: the last exorcism. I’m about 35 minutes into it and I haven’t decided if I’m enjoying it or not
Meh. I’ll give it better than average but not much Noreen than that
CW: Case Histories E4
If it comes on BBC America I would reccomend checking it out if you like detective stories set in the modern day.
Writing that down – we have similar taste in TV.
I remember playing artillery games on CBM PET, they were crap then and they are crap now (IMHO), so the following statsitic saddens me:
Hubby called. The rain downed a power line by work. He’ll be late coming home. May not be here for the first few minutes of the game
Van, isn’t it a shame? Nurse Jackie, that is!
I might have Green Day on my iPod.
Grrr. Silly Vancouver
1-0 Boston. End of the first
This had me crying earlier: http://youtu.be/gHzuDfo-xdk
Horrible Bosses looks hilarious.
Looks like there is a hockey game on.
Looks like the writing is on the wall for Vancouver.
Hope you’re warming up your vocal cords, Van. 3-0 Boston end of the second
Yep, time for some Van vocal warming.
Welp, that’s that. A pretty exciting season.
Excellent, I expect much good warbling from my fellow panites in the coming weeks.
I must say, I’m not quite sure how I feel about this one:
Apparently math is hard for some politicians:
Chris Wallace skewered Pawlenty this past Sunday.
Free for a limited time. Though, I assume you need to have some kind of Audible account.
Hey, I turned on the TV to check the weather and there was that little hockey thing you guys have been talking about!
I sensed some hostility.
…er, um … with the players. Not with you guys.
Oh Canada… fraid it wont be…
I spent the day in Cali… Cali… Cali… And wow, a lot happened while I was afk.
Thinketh we’ll get an Unshow tonight, possibly a Silent One.
Damn you Vancouver, you are off my Xmas card list.
I’m kinda disgusted at Vancouver for rioting after a Stanley Cup Finals loss. Again. I think the NHL needs to take action.