Not necessarily the last, but it’s the last.
Thank you, Ed from Texas (spoiler: a DotF!) and Amy Bowen for your excellent content to finish up the Big Trouble in Little China Palooza.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Not necessarily the last, but it’s the last.
Thank you, Ed from Texas (spoiler: a DotF!) and Amy Bowen for your excellent content to finish up the Big Trouble in Little China Palooza.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
This is like slipping into a fine pair of shoes.
Hooking up by talking about Islam:
Thank you Ed for making me laugh out loud at the DOTF segment.
Han shot first!
..and yes I’m up for doing another Palooza.
I’m with this guy
Can’t wait to listen! 😀
Note to self:
Make sure you know which email account is being used to send a group email.
Do we need to edit on future replies?
Nah, I thinknI know you aren’t spambots.
Morning Pan
Looks like I’m going to have to pull some afternoon and evening work shifts to make up for the time I’ve been playing taxi and hostess. Royalties are due soon so I need to get those caught up at the very least. Hubby is not happy.
I have no idea when I’ll be able to listen to this episode 🙁
Obama, dig….?
Ah, State of the Union, so yes I dig.
I also watched the GOP response.
From which year (would there be a difference)?
CP: President Gas — The Psychedelic Furs
ED am genius!
Is there a worse storytelling trope than a character wearing a mask to fool people into believing they’re some other specific person? It just knocks me out of the story every time.
Even Scooby-Doo didn’t do this; the bad guy was always disguised as a monster.
Face Off! 😉
Trope done right!
Mission Impossible!
The first MI film is one of the worst offenders. Face/Off, for all of its flaws, at least justifies the practice with hokey Sci-Fi.
To be fair, the TV series also used the trope.
This Guardian skewering of boob physics is pretty good.
“jumper turnips”
On a related note, while very far between, there are some games who lampoon the male anatomy. The second Castlevania comes to mind. Fighting Satan was really hard as all I could see was his amazing cod piece. I was telling my Boo about this and she mentioned a few games where there was no cod piece just overly large members flapping around during the battle.
Overly large? Really?
That’s a hard act to follow.
Or to swallow.
Yes I went there…
The moment you realize the difference between Face off and Face/Off in a conversation
So today watched the first episode of s2 of Helix.
I enjoyed the first series, but this was so dumb that I’m seriously thinking of never watching another episode again.
They investigate an outbreak in a boat in hazmat suits. Find a resistant survivor who tells them they caught it on an island. They visit the island with no hazmat suits.
“Helix is an American science fiction thriller-drama television series that premiered on Syfy on January 10, 2014.”
Sorry I didn’t post this sooner, Lo, but I passed out from ecstasy while watching it.
Oh.. OH!!!!!
Your crap joke for the day:
When three people have sex together it’s called s threesome.
When two people have sex it’s called a twosome.
Now I understand why they call you handsome..
It had better be breadcrumbs.
not chocolate?
Let’s keep the jokes wholesome.
High in fibre.
They’ve gone to plaid!
They crossed the streams!
Just found out that one of the guys I spent ALL my spare time with between the ages of about 22 and 32 is in the ICU. Heart problems. He might be 52.
Which of the following diagnoses do you think of when you here this ?
(A) Needs a stint or stints
(B) Needs a valve replacement
(c) Needs a pace maker
Yeh, any of those would be in the realm of what I might expect, however the diagnoses was he needs a HEART TRANSPLANT.
Fucking A.
That is just not a part that they keep in stock. 🙁
He’s been a ventilator for 5 days. They took him off earlier today and I am told “that are reasons to be guardedly optimistic”. I’m not sure but I think that falls somewhere between “hopeless” and “hopeful”
That sucks Joe.
What ditto said.
*hugs* J0e
Lame, man. Youve had your share of fuckery lately, sir!
Best wishes to your friend, J0e. Fate is a dick.
Damn, my friend! My best wishes for your friend. Sucks is not even a good enough word.
Thanks all.
I think the trick is, to force yourself NOT to give up looking for the good bits in between all the fuckery.
That’s the final act of life’s fuckery. When it gets you to give up slogging your way to the next good bit.
rE: Big Hero 6
Fun, Freddy was annoying, post credit sequence was good.
That is all.
Goddamn it, am I tired of defending myself against bullshit claims.
Today has been a sucky day for many of us. I hope it eases for you soon.
ugh. I am for you too
*hugs* That sucks, Jack. We are here for you.
Best Wishes, j0e. They have amazing options these days- one being a device called an, LVAD.
And (longterm, continuous IV infusion) medication, with a pacemaker, could be a short-term answer while waiting for a transplant or an LVAD.
Hang in there, kind Sir. There is hope out there for all of us and in the meantime, tell your friend and his family what he means to you— (he will hear your words, even while he is sedated.)
There’s hope for the new Star Wars yet:
With Disney at the helm we know it will be at least as good as “John Carter”.
Hell yeah!!!! Oh wait…
Now now… let’s not forget the Marvel films all technically have Disney at the helm as well.
And I liked John Carter! The marketing team for that movie needed to lose all their jobs
Me too Lo, luckily I have smelling salts to revive you after you’ve fainted.
You spicy man…
hehe, I actually kinda liked “John Carter”, just a little sleepy in parts. Disney has the talent on staff to make SW7 awesome and given what I’ve seen in the trailor I’m excited for it.
Finally listened to the ep. Ed… lmfao. Nicely done! Ever thought about doing a podcast yourself? Your editing-fu is strong. 😀
Indeed, a big 10 gallon hat off to Ed for his creativity and production skills.
Agreed x10. Most of Ed’s bits (*snicker*) have been of this caliber.
Yea Paloozites!
Sure, I could probably pull off a solid the episodes a year based on my blistering pace of production on that DotF bit. 🙂
But, I am glad you guys liked it. I finally found my inspiration at the Colorado Mmmmeeetup.
Make that three episodes. Damn autocorrect.
I really enjoy the superhero humor coming out these days. 🙂
This is a damn funny parody of the Patriots and their now infamous deflated balls
As much as I enjoy the bleakness of winter at higher latitudes, what gets old real fast is buses without working heaters.
I cant wait. MUST get tickets…
I’ll be watching that one. Got tickets for the upcoming Yotes/Sharks game, though I fully expect the Coyotes to get annihilated.
Probably… but live hockey is good hockey!
I don’t know, undead hockey does have it’s moments.
The face-off is much more dramatic in undead hockey.
Put that back in your pants!
But its how I score…
Cross-checking is much more severe in vampire hockey.
“I was a newborn vampire, weeping at the beauty of the hat-trick.”
Next year on AMC – “The Skating Dead”
“Looks like they’re getting for a fight, AND THE GLOVES COME OFF! …and a few assorted digits.
The ice would help to keep the smell down.
How many All-Star games has Sydney Crosby missed now? a few now, right?!?
Saikhan amraarai.
I recommend you buy a vowel
Biye zasakh gazar khaana baidag ve?
{ten year old}
{/ten year old}
Ive laughed harder at this 5 second video than I have at most films.
I guess nsfw cause of the fuck word
So who in your household does it remind you of?
Shell be pissed if I say…
Ok. That was funny. Put it on loop, and it gets funnier.
Hmmm… no, I can’t get away with that as a ringtone. 😉
So off to the flicks to see this:
Ungrateful bitch!
You’ll have to watch it to find out what I meant.
Morning Pan
I think I’m going to try to listen to the episode this morning before daddy-in-law wakes up.
Ignoring all of the bozo nightmare forces of evil at work lately, I’m super proud and super excited for the boy child’s District Spelling Bee Finals today.
Way to go wonder child!
Then my Job reply was inappropriate, apologies.
Without throwing myself a pity party… yes, it was 100% accurate.
Yea for the super spelling lad!
King Bee
I put spelling bee in the same league as Cricket, but the rules are easier to explain.
Yesterday I listened to the Nerdist’s Podcast interview of Gillian Anderson. I couldn’t shake the feeling that Bunny’s voice is almost a perfect match.
I think Gillian does a better English accent though.
Her time in London may have brought her closer to Bunny territory in my mind.
Wait, OUR Bunny?
Yep our Bunny. If anyone wanted to have a voice actor for Sculley, Bunny is our woman.
My goodness she’s sounds hot when she says fuck!
That’s GA.
*breathy sigh* fuck */breathy sigh*
So I’m off for a cold shower..
I finally got all the core books for the latest edition of D&D, 5e. They seem like a nice and elegant set of rules, but I don’t find them as big of deal as the D&D community seems to think they are. Salvage Worlds though has really got my attention and the rules seem focused on having fun. If I ever run anymore RPG’s they’ll likely be either Salvage Worlds or Edge of Empire campaigns.
Happy birthday, cynful.
Have a happy cynful birthday!
What they said!
Tomorrow according to Facebook
Yes, tomorrow but thank you.
I’m curious what event brought about your need to look this term up.
Me too, but then again, he got what he deserves. Looking up things in Urban Dictionary is a dangerous beast. 🙂
It was mentioned in the Nick Frost interview on Nerdist podcast.
I am CP: the Nerdist with GA and just can’t do it. I love her but instantly remembered why I stopped listening to this podcast.
I just can’t stand them!
Agreed!!!!!!! I was gonna say same thing. Chris Hardwick is intolerable and Matt Mira is barely passable.
A little manic, but I can tolerate them both fine.
I like Hardwick in Talking Dead. I’ve avoided the Nerdist podcast because it is too long and I don’t care about interviews that much.
I’m on the Wes side
Oh? You one of the Wes End Boys?
East End. But loved me some Wes End girls
Guys..GUYS!!!!! Skymall is filing for bankruptcy guys!!!
Damn. I won’t be able to get my King Tut sargopha replica and my pet fountain at the same place anymore
But still there is this:–gyZrGMtrjl?cmpid=facebook-post
Lets hear you say Derby
No cigar for you.
Does it rhyme with Barbie?
Is that where Terence Trent is from?
oh Jack…
Promoting sport I think:
Arpaio is a real cunt
He’s the devil’s meat puppet.
Think it says more about the people who keep voting the git in.
Don’t blame me for that one.
He’s one set of bull antlers away from being a more-corrupt version of Boss Hogg.
Who am I kidding? I’m sure he has bull antlers mounted on some vehicle or appliance somewhere.
I may have to do some baking. I found a very decadent recipe. Basically, you take peanut butter cookie dough, put it in a muffin tin and top with a Reece’s peanutbutter Cup. I wonder if hubby’s daddy likes peanutbutter…
Pick me! Choose me!
Why does Netflix have Deat Race under the heading of “sports movies”? I never considered it a sports movie anyway *shrug*
That’s Death Race, not Deat Race
Well they are competing in a race, so makes a sort of sense.
cd: Hitachino Nest Red Rice Ale. Very nice.
Why did gmail think was spam?
Are you some kind of machine?
cd: Samuel Smith’s Organic Chocolate Stout
Soooo chocolatey, sooooo not bitter
Thank you UK!
cw: Season 3 Sherlock
Thank you UK
Its a UK two for Tuesday!!!
Cept its Friday…
Boy that Raid 2 sure was a stinker.
I hope the Raid 2 actors of Star Wars 7 are better
I REALLY liked that film.
The first Raid: Redemption was a great thrill. The Raid 2 has some fun characters and fight scenes, but overall it was tough to make it all the way through the 2.5 hours.
Some of these are really beautiful. I might look into getting a print.
Wow, these are brilliant. Escher and beyond.
This one’s for ditto
Yep. Pretty accurate, right? 😀
Now a Cynful bday! Enjoy!
Have a super, duper, Alice Cooper birthday Cynful!
No More Mr. Nice Guy, Cynful! Have a great birthday!
(And note that my phone suggested “breast, breathing, breathe” when I typed the “b” for birthday)
Hmmm, either your phone has an impression of me or you’ve been typing interesting things to Pixie.
Birthday. Happy. Get on that, STAT!
You might be tempted to search it out TEB:
This is soooo my kind of movie
Should we do a Rapturous Rapture-Palooza Palooza?
That way lies madness.
This cast is actually incredible
..and it’s goodbye to him:
Tangerine Dream’s Edgar Froese dies at 70
Holy shit! I’ve been into TD since I discovered them as a teenager. RIP, Edgar.
Be my guest!
God shit it. This was in no way intended to reply to the Edgar Frose post
Thank you for the birthday wishes.
Jumping up and down in a moving lift is not recommended.
Who knew?
Was it the Muzak that made this particular lift “moving” or carpet selection?
It actually stopped dead for 30 seconds, then continued going down,
So I could tell you one other thing that seems like it would be a swell thing to do on an elevator when the opportunity presented itself … but if you look at the whole scenario from a logical, physics perspective – you would see the obvious problem.
Of course when you are 21 and suddenly presented with that option the whole “logic” part of your brain is sent out for coffee.
Happy BreastDay, Cynful!
Date Night, enjoying what Jack and and I enjoy doing.
*happy dance*
NHL Skills Competition was fun to watch– it’s actually my first time.
The NHL all-star skills competition was lots of fun! I prefer it to the all-star game.
Shea Weber’s 108 mph slapshot was pretty goshdarned impressive.
In some ways it sounds similar to the Deadpan community.
Fascinating sociological experiment.
Hmmmm part 2:
Yup. Ruined it for all time
From Twitter:
@Wario64: FRAMED is currently free on iOS (regularly $4.99, Kojima’s GOTY)
Interesting take on the puzzle game.
Dear Gary Bettman,
If you want your sport to grow and thrive, dont put your All Star weekend on a channel that no one fucking gets.
Poory McNocable
Nice try award for this theory:
ill take it
I always thought it would be cool if an old outdated RPG like Star Frontiers could be redone using a set of modern gaming rules. Today I looked over my old SF books to see how I could use the Savage Worlds rule set to do this. Then I thought maybe someone already took the time. Yep.
I’m sure there’s probably an internet rule that covers this situation.
I call one of those insectoid alien races!
So now you know:
Didnt need to tho
Knowledge is like that.
Saw Birdman tonight. I mixed reviews for the flick. I loved all of the fluid, long takes and how the movie kinda made theater on Broadway its own character in the movie. And I loved Edward Norton (but I always love him.)
The internal psycho babble of Michael Keaton was my least favorite thing about the movie.
It’s very artsy and impressively made, with a bunch of great moments, but it can also wait til your TV.
I found the artsy stuff to be annoying.
Morning Pan
While I love my in-laws dearly, I really want daddy-in-law to leave. I’m falling quite behind in my work. Lot’s of overtime once I get my own life back. Hubby is already not pleased.
We’ve been having record highs here in Calgary. Yesterday it reached 17C. While nice, I’m sure we’re going to pay for it in February, which is generally our coldest month.
Today’s spam mail first line:
“Maybe that morning beth”
The sender of this was “Mufi”. I think the name was better than the mail itself.
‘You give me your silver but you won’t give me your bone’
Ah blue songs you can be so subtle in your suggestive lyrics…
I have no idea what this means 😉
Actually, blues songs aren’t the only ones who lack subtlety. Just ask AC/DC
Daddy-in-law’s mistrust of the police borders on neurosis. i’m sure there’s a story in there somewhere on why but, *shrug* meh, I just don’t care at this point.
Was he in N.W.A.?
Their Northern chapter – N.W. Eh.
For non FB users:
I saw that and though of JJ…
Was that in your local paper?
Latest New Scientist.
Don’t intend to make this the doom and gloom show, but know you all will be a support if even in a distraction.
Sister met with the oncologist this morning. They have confirmed that chemo is part of her treatment plan. So surgery on Wednesday and chemo starting by the end of the week. I will know more later, but appreciate good thoughts. Justa and TEB, your loved ones are in my thoughts as well.
Life comes with laughs and tears – – we can handle both on the Deadpan page.
So sorry, Cynful :(. Best wishes to your family. We’re here for you as you go through this.
Yeh. Best wishes and thoughts.
Positive thoughts sent for your sister Cynful and to all other Deadpanites with love ones fighting the good fight.
Thoughts always
As always. warm hugs
CW: latest Shameless
Oh Debbie..
On a more trivial level, the council cancelled upcoming renovations on the house Friday gone.
Started to unpack over the weekend.
Council told us today the renovations are back just starting a couple of week later.
So living out of a box for the next few weeks?
Not yet, but that is coming in the middle of February.
So youre homeless without a home?
Err no, more like living in a building site for a few weeks.
I don’t like change, in fact you could say I’m have an almost pathological hatred of change.
…and the universe laughs.
I am the universe…
Hah! I came to yours didn’t I, and I was way out of my comfort zone.
Decide for yourself
Pretty clear cut.
I prefer this Sam:
-antha Fox?
The Butcher?
Well watch the video when you get home to find out.
I’ll stick with Sam Phillips
I had never even heard of her before. I quite like it. Thanks Van.
I saw her in concert around 2000, she signed my bus pass.
Since they have had difficulty proving in many other cases, I doubt it will go anywhere.
Already has. Tom won a lawsuit and now gets royalties and writing credits
Kill me now.
Really think youll be ok, all things considered.
Yeah. Just dealing with all this family infighting is wearing in my nerves
Drink up
CP: War of the Roses
Kathleen Turner was hot in the 80’s…just saying.
Id romance that stone
Stop the presses I agree with Lo.
Now here’s Tom with the Apocalypse.
“Well Jim its a bit dark out here. In fact there seems to be a large…”BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
You don’t need two brains to want to V.I. Warshawski that tomato.
Rhett goin deep with that reference!
“goin deep”
“I love the rain.”
“Me too.”
I believe “Crimes of Passion” is the one you’re really looking for.
CP: Can I Kick It — Tribe Called Quest
Mike Huckabee’s new book’s title:
God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy
Are you sure you aren’t confusing your Tribe Called Quest and Mike Huckabee titles?
I’m sure!
I used to work with his sister-in-law at evil inc. lucky she left or I might get that book as a gift!
Yo thats abstract
We’ll have to rely on TEB and Van for our chocolate fix soon:
Only in the USA can British chocolate been seen as good.
Now that’s funny. LOL I’ve always been partial to See’s chocolate.
Shouldn’t you be a Russell Stover fan?
Never met him.
Forrest Gump’s mama apparently has something to say about him.
I prefer CDN KitKats over US.
Really bitchin’ to see one, touch one and appreciate the human heart anatomy and genius design!
So…….. I hope Van will forgive my British accent in Dan Shaurette’s upcoming horror story. It’s really pretty good stuff. I just hope Van isn’t cursing me every time my character speaks.
It’s the vat of pickled heron for you my lad.
I read “heroin”
Giving him the bird? Or was that supposed to be heroin
Good Lou Reed song.
I was thinking of the fish but that would be herring.
My father has some of that in his fridge.
And I was about to
buggersaunter off, but then I spotted this on Sam Roberts’ FB feed:
Man, everyone wants to get in on this sweet, sweet Palooza action.
Holy Crap. I just worked 22 hours straight. Ended on a sad note, but what a full 12+ hours of learning and helping to save lives!
I feel like such a slacker.
Laura Prepon is pretty hot.
Random! But approved!
It’s a Tuesday
Tuesdays are the new Mondays.
I guess the New England blizzard isn’t the only hazard to look out for.
bwah ha!
I thought for sure that’d be about the Patriots
Well that should keep heart surgeons in a job.
I’m just going to say ew.
I have a stomachache just from the picture.
Glad the outage was a momentary blip.
I HAD this game!
I desperately wanted the Coleco football game for Christmas and what I got was “Blip”.
Still, I had fun with it.
I had the handheld Coleco game. I will never reattain in this life the childlike bliss of moving a red minus to avoid other red minuses and calling it football.
I still have the game!
Shit I’m old
Well now Essbee HAS to see this.
Omg, I love Leslie Jones!
And I think we all know Kate is my girlfriend.
Oh we know!
Im actually excited with this cast. Not a big McCarthy fan but 3 out of 4 aint bad
Oh I love her too
No love for Mrs W?
American Horror Story! Holy shit!
I laughed.
The funniest part is that 70’s and rainy is bad weather…
He did handle the glitch well. Very good
Made me smile.
I won’t wear leggings simply because they make my butt look fat
You have a fat bum? I never noticed…
Hey, my eyes are up here.
A fat bum? Like Rush Limbaugh?
It’s amusing that she thinks the problem stops at leggings. If she is truly concerned about protecting every guy she comes in contact with from his potentially lustful thoughts, she should seriously consider a Burka.
Morning Pan
Trying to get some work done today.
I found out hubby will be gone over night on Friday but daddy-in-law will still be here so no partying for this bunny 🙁
Slip him a sleeping pill 🙂
CP: Insanity — The Glass Child
Nice review of SBY 2199.
CW: latest Agent Carter
So we have an American pretending to be English and an English guy pretending to be American.
You have GOT to get over that shit. It happens.
Don’t get your knickers in a twist, I still love the series.
Theyre always in a twist and I know you do, Johnny
And they are all pretending to be in post WW2 America where superpowers exist. 😀
I don’t fault actors for finding ways to stay employed. 😀
Oh ditto, next you’ll be saying Santa doesn’t exist.
Ok, I won’t say that. 🙂
I hate it more when certain actors always play the same role. I think you already mentioned that during ep 1. 🙂
WHAT! Santana doesn’t exist !!!
In a show of solidarity, I’ll be typing my Deadpan replies in an English accent.
Strap on that deerstalker and pump the pipe young man.
Every young man wants to avoid the pipe strain.
Gotta make sure they are clean!
Well after watching the season finale I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed it gets a S2.
They’ve already been in talks, possibly a year out.
CP: Bus Stop — The Hollies
A ditto CP that I actually know.
Heh. We aim to please. 😀
Van you aim too, please
Just a friendly reminder that this still exists.
You fiend!
Am what I is.
You look good eating spinach.
The world is a better place for it.
Simply amazing–1793?
Is it funnier if I read it in a British accent?
It’s funny when you say “clickhole” in a British accent.
That’s some real dedication.
Them Pottheads, man. Dedication!
Found some of these funny
I would worry about cat claws creating leaks
Hmmm. No metal. I think metal would be duhn, duhn, duhn, duhn (guitar riff), then incomprehensible demonic rambling voice, then phenomenal guitar solo, then back to duhn, duhn, duhn, duhn (guitar riff).
They haven’t heard your Earbuddies audio from way back, TRA.
Pretty funny. 🙂
Morning Pan
We have three of these and don’t have any kids at home. I would also recommend Hey, That’s My Fish because, well, penguins.
non sequitur: I miss wearing contacts. Not out of any kind of vanity, simply because I didn’t have to clean the damn things every few minutes. And they don’t fog up when you go from cold to hot.
Pffft! That’s not a problem it’s a feature.
Hmmm. My passport ends in April. I guess I better see about renewing it before May if I want to make the mmmmeetup
Run, Bunny! We *need* you at the MMMmmmeetup!
The form is all filled out now, will see about getting photos and submitting it. Maybe next week. Apparently daddy-in-law will have gone home by then.
Now! Back to spreadsheets. These royalties won’t calculate themselves.
I’d forgotten how much I like eating pickled onions.
I’ve entered the 21st century, made a payment using a banking app.
I might round to using an ATM one of these days…
“Past tense to future tense, let history unfold
So ends a decade now, what will the nineties hold?”
“Welcome Millennium, the fall of planet hate.
Welcome the end my friend, all the world’s the stage .
Welcome to the future, the world is black, no turning
From the consequence of ignorance.”
Probably my fav album of theirs so far
“Into the Mirror Black” or “Dreaming Neon Black”?
That’s a lot of “Black” in the titles, you must be listening to Metal. \m/ !!!
I’m a fan boy so I can’t tell you which ones are better. I need them all.
Oh I was speaking purely Sanctuary. Havent started the Nevermore journey yet.
That way lies madness. …and good music.
Oh dear:
If my memory serves me right, didn’t they do a massive clean up job on this film because it was such a mess?
Yup. Its gonna be awful and itll make a billion dollars off the 14 year old male intended audience.
They did attempt to show it at what has been termed a snobby fest in the past. The commercials make it appear interesting to me, but I am not fond of the actress. I know that will result into the backlash of those that think she is pretty.
Still going to check it out when it hits the cinema.
You’d check out a sloth sleeping if it was in the cinema
Matinee maybe.
Nah, too much of a slow burn I would fall asleep.
Manatee maybe
Those mermaids can be right cows.
Historical humor +10000000000
The sleeping sloth’s performance showed a deeper range of emotions than Keanu Reeves in the Matrix.
However, in spite of the utter lack of talent between the 2 leads in this film, the release delays, and the February black mark, I find the Wachowskis among the smartest and most imaginative filmmakers producing stuff today.
I’ll give it a shot – – although I might wait for video.
And Gofobo just posted a free screening at the 3D Extreme Screen at our local Union Station. Gathering more data?
Dont fucking get me started on this topic…
5, 4, 3, 2, 1…go!
Some people on the left are smart intellectuals, others have granola for brains.
I think the same can be said about any group.
There’s plenty of granola to go around.
And don’t forget the Muesli. 😀
Everyone’s a fruit and nutcase.
I…I just… I get so pissed… Flames…. on the side of my face…
I’d never thought of this as L vs R, more reality-based vs. kook-based worldviews.
Oh this I did love
Hold on, Lo….
the Fray?!?!? I’m a Frayed not.
Di you see the rest of the list?? *shudder*
CW : Fortitude E1
Omg I cannot wait!
WTF is “Pivot” TV and why is that the only place I can watch it?
I know! I am dying to watch it!
Wasn’t that impressed with the first episode.
I HIGHLY recommend the new Louis CK special -Live at the Comedy Store
Hockey link:
I named my dog after this guy; I’d say I qualify as a fan. He was truly one of the best, if not THE best ever.
Thanks for the memories and the Stanley Cups, Brodeur.
/waits for Jack to realise he’s missed the link off his post
I lost the link in the trapezoid. . .
It’s actually also an interesting commentary on the mentality of the NJ hockey fan.
Truly one of the greats
I find it very interesting hes joining the Blues front office
Durgburnit, this is the link I was talking about, altho that one I posted above is good too.
Because some … aren’t looking for anything logical … They can’t be bought, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some … just want to watch the world burn.
The evidence indicates we aren’t rational beings, we just rationalize our actions in hindsight.
Ive know many a person to pre-rationalize as well. Theyre the most dangerous.
Watched me some Snowpiercer last night. Gorgeous. Brilliant. I can see how this was a critical darling (95% fresh on RT with over 200 reviews) and was hit or miss with audiences. Audiences typicallu dont like to have to think with their action blockbusters. I was thrilled with it.
That was a fun ride, for sure!
Have you checked out the wiki? Interesting
Indeed. Time to find the graphic novels
Just thought the plot was bonkers.
Kind of the point, Van. Its Bong Joon Ho after all
Put us in the Snowpiercer winning column too!
“Joon Ho”
Ex Machina had an intelligent plot, Snowpiercer not in the same league.
Ok just because two films are Sci-Fi doenst mean they are apt comparisons. Completely different films.
I didn’t mention scifi, and an intelligent plot transcends genre.
It does transcend genre but the comparison came out of left field as I was talking about Boon Jong Ho films specifically and not comparing to others
To be fair, this is the only BJH film I remember seeing.
Did you see the Host or Mother? Both are actually better films but just as bonkers
I agree with all of the above. It was gorgeous, smart, and utterly bonkers.
Like Van…
Van is an utterly implausible metaphor??
Morning Pan
Hubby is gone for the next 36 hours. Hubby’s daddy is still here though so no alone time for this bunny.
Maybe the FiL would enjoy a PBP for some grade Z movie?
Van is MY Bong Joon Ho
Well that should get you to first base.
And I’m not sure if I’m in awe or dumbfounded
Mein peoples! Zey are craaaazy
Although impressive, I wouldn’t call this “self-aware”.
Thank you Mario! But our self-aware Artificial Intelligence Construct is in another castle!
Nothing doing with nothing – but does anyone remember the early 90’s band School of Fish? They had a alt-rock radio hit called “3 Strange Days”
Nope, I had to google:
Well I didnt think anyone over the pond would have a good grasp of early 90’s American alt-rock…
But was going deep into my music collection and found their first album. I now know who the Goo Goo Dolls mated with to spawn all the late 90’s terribleness that were the Semisonics and Dishwallas of the world.
And Van, if that made sense at all to you, we’re going right to 3rd base
Tell me all your thoughts on God, cos hey jealousy, it’s closing time, and I am barely breathing, so I’ll just slide, in this semi-charmed kinda life.
Spot on, Johnny.
Looking back on the 90’s is sort of a cracked rear view.
godDAMMIT Rhett!
Been a while since we’ve had a lyrics mashup! :applause:
“I try to rock her in my cradle.
I try to knock her out.
I try to cram her back in my mouth, yeah.”
A frequent play on my college radio show.
Psst… the Seether’s Louise.
Oh that’s just great. JUST GREAT!
Now what am I supposed to do? The song is spoiled. SPOILED! All the mystery is gone.
I’ll just go cry in my beer now.
Leave me lying here…
The last Coffee Crisp has been eaten. Sad. 🙁
“We would zig-zag our way
Through the boredom and pain
Occasionally, glancing up through the rain
Wondering which of the buggers to blame”
Boy, do I ever need some shelter from pigs on the wing.
It’s the falling poop, isn’t it?
When Miss Piggy met Luke:
Mr. Mangan won’t know what to do with me when he sees me!
We could probably assemble a crack team to draw up some pointers for him.
Just let us know. 😉
How did you know?
So, I’m finally giving “Ready Player One” a go. For what is supposed to be some kind of 80’s homage, it sure feels more like mockery. I’m not convinced I’m going to be able to finish this one.
I loved the book. I didn’t get any sense he was mocking the 80s.
I love Stephen Fry. Awesome guy.
That sort of thing just isn’t said on television!
Morning Pan
Some lies to start your day
It’s cold and snowy outside. I think I’ll stay in and hibernate.
Saw this lot at the folk club tonight:
I thought some of this group might enjoy this cover. And the cover of the album
Now thats a name Ive not heard in a long time. A long time
Ok ok ok Van. You win. After watching Jaime Murray in the last Sleepy Hollow I take everything back about ignoring bad American accents.
Sore winner.
She did okay on Defiance.
Haven’t seen. She does merican in that?
She does baths. 😉
Jesus ditto. I don’t have time to make it to my bunk
I don’t care, I’ll Jamie Murray with whatever accent she wants to feign. 🙂
Rhett have you seen the Jamie Murray/ Lucy Lawless threesome scene from Sparticus: Blood and Sand?
Its… beyond… cumpare…
There’s a strong possibility I’ve seen it. 🙂
Okay, I finally watched the episode last night. She did not do her best on this episode. It sounded like she had taken a valium before she started. Yes, she does a much better job in Defiance.
Van, you should use this blog or start your own to call out poor accents in film and television. There can be a big picture of Keanu Reeves as Jonathan Harker in the header bar.
CP: Oskar Blues’ Tenfidy Imperial Stout
oh thats niiiiiiiiice. you chose wisely
If America Unearthed was any more terrible it would be called Ancient Aliens
Hubby and I just finished watching Wild Card. A pretty typical Jason Statham movie. A lot of action, very little plot. It was fun
And He does a pretty good fake British accent 😉
I hope my fake British accent gets a passing grade when you listen to Dan Shaurette’s upcoming audio drama.
So as I read this I’m reminded why I find the concept of the U.S. as a white knight in worlfd politics rather laughable;
I wish we could just find some jousting tournaments to enter. It would be a whole lot easier on this tax payers wallet.
Robot Jox.
Van that’s an antiquated concept that few take seriously anymore.
So back from seeing Kingsman at the flicks, silly fun, but like Kick Ass the violence is way over the top.
Lindsay Lohan!
Watching the Super Bowl, jealous of you AZ peeps’ 60-degree weather. Meanwhile, my balcony is 6+ inches deep in snow. :silly:
Dont be jealous. Cause when we’re bathing in 80 degree glory, theyre dying in 110. And so it is
Actually hit 72 today.
Im more jealous of you getting snow.
Today I chucked out Quarterdeck memory manager software, think I needed it to get Wing Commander working properly with the speech addon on my old PC.
Those were the days…
You can tell me who Won in the morning.
I’m not ashamed to admit I cannot wait for Pitch Perfect 2
I giggled at that commercial.
Also, Missy Elliot is my girlfriend
I thought we left her in the 90s?
Saw Selma today… What a powerful movie and the actor was snubbed from Oscar? Lame.
History is fading every day
Good. Im of the opinion that had he focused on making Unbreakable a trilogy, he’d still be a respected director and not a punchline
Did I miss a thread?
Oh shit!
Oh shit, indeed.
I imagine at this point he’d make a new commercial for Nationwide if offered.
They’d be disappointing.
The twist – the Geico lizard shows up at the end
Today’s packing delights; a Canon inkjet printer and a flatbed scanner, both unused for years.
Morning Pan
Today’s schedule:
Tantamount edits
Grocery shopping
Clean kitty litter
take out garbage
Hubby’s daddy went home on the weekend. Although, we don’t know for how long. The grandmother is still in the hospital. She’s hanging on but still not doing well.
Thanks ditto. I guess it’s hubby’s family who needs the hugs. I only saw her maybe once a year so I don’t feel… sad? maybe? It’s all the bickering over her care, estate, and will that is killing me.
Did some checking. I have enough points to fly round trip to the US twice, no matter what city we have the mmmmeetup. That means, if LoPan comes, we will be able to argue over the check despite the low Canadian dollar.
Don’t give me any ideas and if he offers you a bottle of oil refuse.
Van, does that mean you don’t want to see us wrestle in oil? :silly:
Well I didn’t say that.
Hacking cough
No more blood for oil!
I’ll have some thoughts on this later today. Probably tomorrow for you, Van. Keep your eyes on the email conversation. Thanks everyone, for your patience.
Good lord, is crazy expensive to deal with.
Seems its a strategic crazy in that way as well
The perils of the Hollywood contract:
Today’s topical “one-liner”
Q. What did Coach Pete Carroll say when ask if he’d like to win the Super Bowl.
A. “Oh, I’ll pass.”
CP: Hands Around My Throat — Death In Vegas
Oh I forgot about these guys!
In case you forgot this was here
An ocean of games to get lost in..
And me without my bikini
CW: latest Shameless
Wondering how Fiona will fuck it up…
So far behind on this! I love this show!
I just saw that Jack posted:
“I hope my fake British accent gets a passing grade when you listen to Dan Shaurette’s upcoming audio drama.”
If you’re allowed to tell us more about this, please do! Sometime this year, I will need people to trade promos with. 🙂
I play a Scottish Spaniard who mentors a French Scotsman locked in a battle of immortals against an American bad guy in medieval Europe.
No wait, that’s Highlander.
I don’t know how closely Dan Shaurette is guarding his secrets, but I’ll pass along your interest.
Thank you very much! I will absolutely subscribe to this audio drama. :happy:
spot on
I literally chuckled out loud at Pennsylvania. Florida is also perfect. And I agree 100% with NJ.
Both California’s and Nebraska’s are accurate. :silly:
Kansas’s applied to only half the state. We aren’t Colorado, but….
Crap joke for day:
Two newlyweds quickly realized their marriage wasn’t working and filed for a divorce. The judge asked them what the problem was.The husband replied: “In the five weeks that we’ve been together, we haven’t been able to agree on a single thing.”The judge turned to the wife: “Have you anything to say?”She answered: “It’s been six weeks, your honor.”
I woke up to find a beer-eruption this morning! ‘Twas messy, but this chick has the whole yeast thing figured out! Yeehaw!!
Shall we mourn the loss of beverages?
Was it a spewing fermentor or bottle detonation?
You are going to get Lo all excited with your brewing talk.
Spewing fermentor! Love it!!!
Cynful, no loss, only active yeast.
Yeast thing figured out!
When I make a batch of “Starter Yeast”, I always start to think of it as though I was raising pets.
I always think of that really fun but inevitably bad idea night…
The brewer makes wort, yeast makes beer!
/ignoring Lo Pan’s beastly joke
Morning Pan
It’s still dark out. Someone needs to tell the sun I expect it to be up when I am.
JW: First episode of the new season of ‘The Americans’, fantastic as always.
Probably the craziest comic title Im currently reading is Star Trek/Planet of the Apes: The Primate Directive
/the more you didnt want to know
I still need to check out that Steampunk crossover you brought out during the meetup
The BSG? Yeah its ok. The story isnt great but its steampunky good to look at
I found it amusing Lo that at the Meetup you seemed to have assumed I would have no interest in the BSG comic…
Wait I thought I said you WOULD have interest? did I not?
What really happened to the Titanic
Well duuuuuh!
He just wanted Jack to draw him like he draws his French girls.
Strong and black?
Wait … that may be how he likes his coffee.
So as I may have mentioned, I have been trying to get through all 9 seasons of “Scubs” before it succumb to NetFlixiation on Feb 4th.
The problem that occurred was that I found I could only watch 3 episodes in any given sitting. The “fun” of that show is it’s silly little quirky vignettes and banter. After about 45 minutes or so, it loses it’s unusualness and then your just left with the sad poignant moment they throw in ever show.
Having only made my way to Season 4 Ep 12 (there are 25 Eps in that season!), last night I decided to just go to skip to the last season and watch the last 3 episodes. SPOILER ALERT – they were AWFUL. I made 10 minute into the first one and realized I wasn’t laughing. I skipped to the next one. Terrible. At this point they had switched to mostly new characters and it just wasn’t funny.
Still wanting to end on a good note I went back to Season 8. Near the beginning I found episodes that still had the original cast but they had none of the manic energy that made the show work (for me at least). They literally looked tired. It did have it’s moments and I did laugh a few times but it was clear that ship had sailed. They even had a one minute scene at the end of that Ep where Eliotte, Turk and JD were joking about “Wow, can you believe this is our 8th year. Most people would be just walking through their jobs at this point.” wink wink, mug to the camera.
Anyway, it was a good lesson in why you want shows you like, to end while they are still in their prime. Leave you wanting more.
And do you enjoy that Scrubs guy’s movies? e.g., Garden State?
I don’t think I’ve seen anything else he has done.
Perfect summation
You should make your new scrubs mission to find the episode where the series jumps the shark.
Beauty and the Yeast
Path of Yeast Resistance
That’s the Yeast of my worries.
Is that a thrush I smell…
At the very yeast
While “The Number of the Yeast” is a classic Iron Maiden album, I think I prefer “Yeast of Mind” overall.
I’m not familiar with that bird.
Well you do lack the equipment for thrush spotting.
So sad about Bobbie Kristina Brown…
Ugh. Yeah. I still dont know the whole story but fucking addiction, man.
I’m mostly out of the loop on this story. Glad to see she’s got a chance of recovering(?).
I don’t know…
The Devil’s Brigade
So tonight I finally completed ‘The Last of Us’, a game I got for Xmas 2013.
Glad they went for the non Hollywood ending.
Yeah, me too. Great game. You have to play the DLC too.
I’m off to bed before I start nagging.
CW: Vikings S1,E3
Yay! Only a couple more weeks until the new season
She kicks major ass!
It took me 5 episodes to figure out that his friend’s name was “Floki” with an F.
Yes, it took me a couple episodes too, but he’s got an interesting storyline
“Floki” … as in “Fthor” and “Fodin”?
Yup. The more you know.
Origin and Meaning
1) Old Norse flóki = ‘tuft of hair’
2) Old Norse flóki = ‘outspoken, enterprising man’
Wait… deja vu, man
I enjoyed this far more than I think I should have.
If you haven’t tried Tell Tale Games’ various games… well what are you waiting for? Their Walking Dead series is fantastic. 🙂
Morning Pan
It’s a balmy -21C here in Cow Town
21C here in Barter Town.
A snowy 270.372K here in Mile Hi town
It’s 1980 here in Funkytown.
21 CCs stat!
1C this side of the pond.
Or 493.47° Rankine if you want to be a smart arse
Radio Shack was taken over by “The Source” quite some time ago here in Canadaland. It was so close to the original we assumed they just changed their name. Now will have to do some Google Fu to find out if they are the same store or not
CL: latest Starshipsofa
Evo and Shiela being interviewed about going nomadic.
It’s “Floki?!!?”
Ugh my hearing sucks
Yup. the more you know…
Origin and Meaning:
1) Old Norse flóki = ‘tuft of hair’
2) Old Norse flóki = ‘outspoken, enterprising man’
You crazy
A terrible vodka
Not that good of a lager either.
It’s apparently popular chewing tobacco, for those who enjoy spitting out black gunk.
Lord I could go places with this…
File this under “Things I don’t want to see on the road in front of me”
Or see anywhere. Ever.
holy shit is that real????
Yes, unfortunately. 26 dead as of now.
It has all the hallmarks of pilot error. The pilot turned too sharply, lost lift and crashed, is what it looks like to me.
Ok I dunno what’s going on with air travel on that side of the world but maybe its time to re-evaluate some stuff. Its tragedy followed by tragedy
I believe it is real; I’d heard about a plane crash involving a bridge in Taiwan. 🙁
Interesting. Thanks for the share. If it was an engine flame out, though the plane should still be flyable with one engine, it puts the turn in a new perspective.
The news said that the plane crashed shortly after takeoff. I was thinking it looked like the pilot was climbing, lost power and didn’t have enough space to avoid obstacles.
I’m looking forward to reading this: