520 thoughts on “Jack Mangans Deadpan #246: Return of Tony Mast

  1. Jack Mangans Deadpan #246: Return of Tony Mast

    Daniel Warner
    Energizer Bunny
    JR Murdock
    Lo Pan (first of the week)

    Don’t forget your Palooza voting (http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/H5T3MV2)

    Earbuddies Forever has started. Have you asked for a partner yet?

    Part 2 with Tony Mast (http://www.backseatproducers.com/)

    Send in content: 480-788-JMDP(5637) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom

    Closing Music: Hello the Future – The Really Awesome Johns (http://hello-the-future.bandcamp.com/)

  2. He was the Mast. The TONY Mast.
    He was the Mast. He was a Deadpan Smash.
    He was the Mast. He’d pit the Hulk verses the Flash.
    He was the Mast. The TONY Mast.

  3. I need hubby to come home from his meeting. The washroom is out of tissue paper. Ther is a spider crawling around on the refills. What am I going to do if I have to go?

  4. Crap joke for the day:

    We’ve caught a stray parrot in our garden.
    All it says is,
    ”Good morning, you ugly fucker”……
    It’s not yours is it?

    • ..and:

      Dear Deirdre, I was watching my next door neighbour’s daughter sunbathing topless from my bedroom window. As I was knocking one out I turned to notice my wife just stood there, arms folded, watching me. Is she a pervert ?

  5. Hey Ed, here’s some swell entertainment that’s fun for the whole family!
    Trust me! It’s “Desert Pixie” approved !

    Houston, TX
    Friday, July 20, 2012 – 7:30 PM
    DCI Houston !!!

    The Berry Center
    8877 Barker Cypress Rd (and West Rd)
    Cypress, TX 77433

    Line-up (in reverse order of appearance)
    The Cavaliers – Rosemont, IL
    Phantom Regiment – Rockford, IL
    Santa Clara Vanguard – Santa Clara, CA
    Blue Devils – Concord, CA
    Bluecoats – Canton, OH
    The Cadets – Allentown, PA
    Boston Crusaders – Boston, MA
    Carolina Crown – Ft. Mill, SC


  6. Weatherman is indicating a strong chance of a shitstorm. Sigh. Let’s hope it just passes on its way…

    This will likely be my only post on the computer today, but I’ll try to stop in via the smertfone when I can.

    How are you?

  7. Games I still need to finish:

    Mass Effect 3
    Batman Arkham City
    Diablo 3
    StarCraft 2

    and lots of old games like Mechwarrior 4 etc. etc.

    • Games I still need to finish:
      damn near all of them (I tend to get bored with any game after about 2 weeks.

      Games I have finished:
      Fable 2
      Fable 3
      Halo Reach
      Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee
      An RPG on Playstation 2 that, for the life of me, I’ll never remember the name of (and it drives me crazy). It’s definitely not any of these: http://www.listal.com/list/rpg-world-ps2-edition

      • So I was talking to my immediate superior (about a half hour into this fiasco) and she says, “hey, I just got an e-mail saying network systems are down, specifically relating to VPN.”

        Wow, fat lot of good that email did me since I can’t access email or any other service. *double sigh*.

        Oh well, at least I now know the problem is system wide and not just with me.

  8. Ed: I approve of J0e’s comment, too. You should go to DCI. I really do believe the whole family will be entertained. šŸ™‚

    Vacation is going well. Spending the afternoon putting photos into a photo album – one of the projects I brought up here to do during the lazy days. :happy:

    • Appreciate the recommendation and it looks like it would be cool. However, the kids are out of town and I’ve got another commitment for the evening. Alas, it’s just not meant to be this time.

  9. Games I still need to finish:

    Sonic 2

    Toejam and Earl

    Altered Beast


    Space Harrier for Sega Genisis

    My phone is from the late 80’s also.

  10. Went and got some mid-grade Scotch as well as a nice oak aged IPA in Great Divides Rumble. BBQing corn on the cob and chicken breasts.

    /not your personal twitter, asshole

  11. Just got back from having a celebratory dinner (complete with celebratory wine :happy: ) in honor of a special occasion.

    I have accepted a job offer to be a network technician at First Data, a very large employer in Omaha. Barring any problems with my background check or other hiring paperwork, I start August 6th. This is the culmination of over two years of study, and I’m very excited.

  12. I’m looking for a new Dungeon Keeper style of game. Any deadpanites have a suggestion?

    and yes I’ve played Dwarf Fortress, it’s fun but I’m looking for a little less minutia management.

  13. LOST RALPH!!!!

    Why can’t Four Peaks Brewery make the “CO2 mixing/concentration (whatever!) work on their delicious Oatmeal Stout, so that I can enjoy a growler whenever I want?

    All of their others beers are available?

    • Short answer: stout carbonation is tricky, especially in portable glass vessels.

      They may consider it a quality issue, and just prefer not to deal with it.

      • Agreed. Last St. Pattys day the brewery by my house came out with a small batch of nitro stout. I took a growler in and had it filled and the barkeep was adamant in making sure it was drank within the hour, lest it lose its quality. Wasnt a problem since there was 3 of us but there’s no way I would have done it by myself.

        /my two cents

  14. Stooopid work.

    When they had network issues yesterday they reset the password for my computer. I got this lovely e-mail telling me this. Of course, I couldn’t read the email as I didn’t have the new password.

    Finally spoke to someone on the phone and got it sorted out.

  15. I have a a computer question.

    If I were to purchase a new hard drive for my desktop this weekend, how hard would it be to install the new hard drive, mirror my old hard drive, remove my old drive and set the new one as the default?

    I’m wondering if I’d be better off getting someone else to do it for me…

    • Not ‘hard’ but definitely time consuming, especially if you have never done it before. Also a lot depends on what type of computer you have. Some are designed to swap components in and out, some not. Seems trivial, but it’s the difference between seconds and hours in terms of changing hardware. Also Imaging the old drive could take hours depending how much data you have on there.

  16. Bunny, Jack, Pixie, ditto, and EssBee: Thanks for the congrats above! šŸ™‚ Yes, I will be moving to Omaha sometime shortly before August 6. And yes, I will now be almost-neighbors with ditto and TCat. :happy:

  17. You know, I really wish my mother would stop giving advice she knows nothing about.

    Back story; I’m taking my grandmother shopping this Saturday. She’s quite excited about getting… something. My uncle is moving to Mexico. From what I can tell, my mom told my grandmother to get a tablet of some kind, get Skype and then she can talk to my uncle “free” after he moves. I completely vetoed this suggestion. First of all, my grandmother does not have, or has access to wifi. To get a 3G plan added on to whatever she buys would not be worth it. It would be cheaper for her to call Mexico long distance once a week (side note, she does this anyway as my uncle lives in BC and she lives in Calgary). Also, being the only relative in Calgary with my grandmother, I’d be the one stuck trouble shooting this thing any time it didn’t do exactly as expected.

    I sent a (probably useless) e-mail to my mom to stop telling my grandmother what she “needs” without talking to me first.


    • Speaking of, The entire back catalog of “Eureka” is on Netflix and the Misses and I got caught up from the first episode. I need to retract my earlier comment that the series was unfocused and that certain actors were weak. The entire run was brilliant as was the acting. It seems that you really have to know what’s going on to get the show.

      • I’m glad SyFy sprung the extra bucks to give them a season closing episode. Unfortunately, with the way these shows are financed, it seems that five years is about the best we can expect for a run of a decent show anymore.

        • Five years is PLENTY. Any more than that and you have a chance of watering down the story and having unfocused and sloppy writing (looking at you Dexter).

          I guess just personally I appreciate when a show knows when it has to stop.

  18. Your crap joke for the day:

    Just got my results from E-Harmony.. They matched me with a computer chair and a box of tissues.

    • Yeah. Thats a FUCK of a way to wake up. SO glad Denver is becoming the mass shooting capitol of the U.S. Fucking christ. What an asshole.

  19. Holy cleanliness Batman!!

    We (almost) have a bathroom! We can’t use the tub/shower for 24 hours so the silicone can dry but everything else is usable. That’s both good and bad. Great that it’s finally done, bad in that hubby can’t use the new jetted tub until Wednesday when he gets home from Denver.

  20. Still can’t believe I missed Bunny’s birthday.

    I should be flogged.

    Anything else I’ve missed in the last few … ummm weeks? Months?

    I’m alive.

    Colorado šŸ™ you all OK?

      • I know, Ess. Its all Ive heard today. Its what people do anymore and its bullshit. “Oh, he was a U of C Medical School grad student? Oh I delivered my baby in that hospital you know. Wow.” or “Boy you know I live in the city next to Aurora 35 miles away…” or “You know I drove on I-70 thru Aurora once.” Neat. Fuck you. No one cares. Its not about you. Stop making it about you. Go see if the father of the 6 year old (allegedly)killed wants to hear how it “relates” to you. Fucking people need to shut up and just think about not themselves for once.

        /fucking angry

    • I struggle to come up ith the right thing to say about something this horrifying.
      1. Agreed that people should just respect the victims and not *artificially* insert themselves into the tragedy.
      2. People should stop blaming comics, Batman, Frank Miller, movies, etc.
      3. I will shed no tears if this guy is sentenced to death.

      • Its true. I dont think the right thing to say is important…. its the feelings that count. It just baffles me that the 2nd and 3rd deadliest mass shootings since 1990 have taken place here. Fuckin bah.

        CO hasnt had an execution since 1977. That’ll change.hio
        Youre also right on the fact that bringing up the Dark Knight graphic novel as a “reason” for it is bullshit. Just ugh.

        Sorry for making Deadpan a canvas for my rants, Jack.

  21. jJ, we’re off to a family reunion this weekend too. This time: my family.

    The favorite self-obsessed thing I heard yesterday about the Aurora shooting: “well, I was gonna go see Batman tonight, but I guess I’ll just have to stay home and figure out something else to do. :(”

    Have a great weekend, yos.

  22. Ok Deadpan, you were warned.

    The first of you daily movies is called Retreat.

    The DVR write up: in this gripping thriller, Martin takes his girlfriend to a secluded cabin hoping for a romantic vacation, but thing take a chilling turn when a haggard soldier shows up,mclaimingncivilization has been overrun by a deadly plague

  23. My thought. While somewhat predictable, this movie had lots of potential. The biggest problem was I could not get past the… Idiocy of the lead femail character. She was unlike able from the start and you had no sympathy for her plight and I just couldn’t get past that

  24. Gosh darn it anyway

    Hubby just called. I don’t know what we were both thinking but I thought he was coming home on Wednesday, turns out he’s gone until Thursday.

    What am I going to do without my hubby for a week? šŸ™

  25. So being as Batman obsessed as I am, I really want to see the movie but I feel kinda weird about it honestly. I know its all in my head but the Colorado shooting stuff scares me. Not because I think someone else is going to do it, but.. crap I don’t even know how to explain it..

    Its a little bit of worry about the human race and their ability to see the difference between reality and fantasy

    A little bit my fear that the movie will suck (and I hate when anything related to Batman sucks, everything about Batman should be wicked cool)

    and kinda sad about the whole thing, it feels slightly wrong.

    And why the hell was there a 6 year old kid at that movie? I hate going to movies like Batman and seeing kids, it really ticks me off. Saw little kids at Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter a few weeks ago. Why is violence so acceptable in our society, and acceptable for kids? Why can’t sex and love be acceptable to show kids?

    ok.. these were my worries. Maybe I need a week before i see the movie. I never go opening weekend anyway. Once Hugh and I found a theater that does half off tickets plus free popcorn on Tuesdays we never went to another opening night movie. Not since those Star Wars prequel debacles that is. So we always go Tuesday’s after opening weekend/ Let’s see how I feel on Tuesday about this šŸ™‚

    I’m kinda excited to hear that the Superman previews are showing. Christopher Reeves will always be Superman in my little girl heart, but I’m open to someone new taking the reigns.

  26. and for those of you who have seen it, how was Hathaway as Catwoman?

    No Catwoman has ever done better than Eartha Kitt and Julie Newmar


    I worry about Catwoman because i love her so much and they always fuck her up in the movies
    Why don’t they ever call me to play Catwoman? I would TOTALLY do it! And be damn good at it too!!!

      • But is that so out of the scope of reality next to Batman and all the stuff he does? Is her fighting in heels more or less believable than her in a catsuit with a whip being a cat burglar?

        I can proudly say I can run pretty good in heels. Not a marathon, but I can run to catch my bus or train, to catch a cab, stuff like that. I guess its more of a jog really. You just get on your toes and not use the heel. its not difficult if you have practice.

  27. I was about to get a hard drive for my computer. Just looked at the paperwork before I headed out. It turns out, a certain person who remains me got the extended warranty for her computer. Will call Dell tomorrow. They can pay to fix my damn computer

  28. I can understand feeling like going to see Batman would somehow be endorsing that maniac’s violence but… It wouldn’t really.

    How to get past that feeling, though, is not something I know.

  29. Today’s movie is called Sacrifice.

    The DVDWriteup: the thrills come at a good clip a haunted cop John Hebron teams up with enigmatic priest Father Porter to recover a missing statue that was stolen from a church by violent criminals. Later, a repentant criminal reveals a treacherous secret.

    On a side note, I never did like Cuba Gooding, but do like Christian Slater. This could be interesting

  30. Well, we did go see Batman as planned today. As I said on Facebook, overall I found it a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy. It was a bit of a marathon. I think they could have tightened the run time up a bit if they cut some of the things that were building for a future/spinoff franchise. Still, it was a good ride overall. I watched my $5 Blu-Ray of the Batman Begins movie this afternoon and had some further appreciate of what was being built up over the course of the trilogy.

    I thought Hathaway did a fine job as Catwoman. While it’s been a while since I’ve seen it, but I would put her on a par with Michelle Pfieffer’s portrayal, which I also enjoyed. Definitely a portral more toward the intense side rather than the campy.

    As for fighting in high heels, compared to everything that Batman went through, Catwoman in heels was fairly high on the believability scale.

    • We seem to have a consensus. I liked it quite a bit, better than the first, not quite as much as the second. That Christopher Nolan seems to be our most reliable filmmaker, these days.

  31. County Fair Summary:

    Iris gives the kiddie rollercoaster two thumbs up! (Afterward anyway, grinned like a madwoman but with an iron grip during.)

    Cameltongue is gross. (yeah, not as gross as it sounds but still gross.)

    Brisket, slaw & fries in a burrito: surprisingly good, but also good that I work solo overnight. You do the math.

    Even if you think you are hydrating, headache may still result. And no, not from the beergarden, just the heat.

  32. The weekend comes to a close. Boo. Delicious food was eaten by all. Good bonding time with the peeps. Building up (my) skills in Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe for future Master Championship matches in the house and late night run of Dark Night Rises.

    Say Good Night, Pixie.

  33. After much exploring and stuff, I’ve determined my computer issue can be traced to Windows (I think). Of course, since my computer came with Windows and didn’t come with a window’s disc, I now have to figure out how to repair Windows 7 without having an actual disc…

  34. Today’s movie is Seeds of Destruction

    The DVR writeup: Environmental activists and federal agent discover that an enormous root system, which formed from the seeds from the Garden of Eden, threatens to destroy the planet

  35. In grade 8, my Boo was suspended for a week because she hacked into the school system and changed some words to NSF one.

    We were both amused, proud that she could do such a thing, and angry at her all at the same time

  36. Let me get this straight. Plants ate growing everywhere and their first course of action is to bomb the plant system without clearing out the people in the area first? Cool

  37. The girl who comes round to collect the money, she’s over fifty years old (or at least looks like it), she was wearing a pink miniskirt that just barely covered her butt and towering on 4″ or so heels. That stuff just looks wrong when you reach a certain age

  38. I got a whole $50 off the cost of my contract. They won’t be getting a reccomendation from me.

    Funny thing is, I plan to do my kitchen at some time in the future. When I got my bathroom quote I also got a rough quote on redoing my kitchen. She mentioned it today when we were talking. Yeah right. Don’t expect a call from me any time soon

  39. Don’t get me wrong, my bathroom looks pretty and the jetted tub is really nice, I just don’t know if it’s one month and 17k worth of nice.

    Oh well *sigh*

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