370 thoughts on “Jack Mangans Deadpan #245: I Got a Rock”
GODDAMMIT DAN WARNER! So sorry for the Earbuddies Audacity fuck-up on my part. Will re-record my part this week.
HA! You will pay dearly for this Mr. Lo Pan… or maybe not. Yeah, probably not. But you should!
What’s shitty is the rerecording isn’t going to come off as authentic and honest as the original, stream-of-conscience one was.
No wonder I’m still of no-flesh.
pish posh… I have faith.
How does one spell “cookoo kitchen” anyways?
I know. I know…
Hey, Pan.
Just got back from seeing Brave. Enjoyed it very much.
Busy, busy week here. Good night, mush.
I finally have my ear buddies music picked out. Now I just need to send a sample and record.
You shouldn’t tease
Lazy Tuesdays and firsties are incompatible.
Alright, good peoples, you are going to have to step up to the plate this week. I’ll be heading out to get wet with the family for the next several days, so I won’t be able to make my massive contribution to the weekly post count. But, if five of you can answer the call and manage an extra post each, we should have no shortfall 🙂
Oh, behave!
Oh wait… I screwed that all up.
Pixie fail
I imagine there are a few here who can appreciate this mashup
Jack, no show notes this week. We’re still tearing down and building a garden shed
86 is a scorcher? Whats your normal temp this time of year? Honestly just curious
We very rarely reach the 30C mark. Maybe once or twice a year. Anything above that is unusual an extended period of this weather, like we are having now, is all but a non-reality
#12. Hot. Tired. Cranky.
Postpartum Jessica Simpson?
Minus the hot.
We both still secretly pine for Nick Lachey.
And bow we are she’d less
I’m tired
Oh God, auto correct.
Should be, and now we are shedless
I liked your first comment better.
Well I am back home for a bit now.
Undecided about making the drive next weekend for a grave-side service. This is one of those deals where he & his wife (my relation) lived in St’ Louis for most of his adult life but HIS family wasn’t from there. So this is a service mostly for his family that couldn’t make it to St. Louis on such short notice for last Saturday’s service and to put his ashes in his family plot.
I pretty well made my piece with loosing him a year ago when he could no longer recognize me. I really liked him but I felt last Saturday service said what there was to say.
Lot’s of family pressure to go though.
Family. Oiy!
Just follow your heart JOe.
If my front door lock had Brocken at my last home, I would not be going to job #2 right now, instead, I would’ve been sitting in my living room with a .45 in hand.
Thank goodness for nice neighborhoods and not hoods
Just enjoying a new way of thwarting telemarketers.
My phone service will only let me block 20 phone numbers and those slots are full. So now I am using the “selective call forwarding” to do the job.
I simply enter a telemarketer’s number as the new number to “forward selected calls to” … and then when a telemarketer calls I add their number to the list of numbers to forward to the other guy.
I wonder how much telemarketers will enjoy getting pestered by telemarketers?
I hope they get caught in a do-loop.
I want to subscribe to your newsletter.
Maybe they can mispronounce each other’s names.
You are not on the national do not call list? Donotcall.gov
Oh yes,I am.
Is it totally ignored and utterly UN-inforceable?
Apparently so.
Have you not tried to report these calls?
Many times.
… and yet these people keep calling?
Yes. Probably not the same ones. But they are Borg.
I once called a company (I forget which) and I hate IVR systems. Those are the systems (Press 1 to confirm you’re human and will wade through this list). This particular IVR system was stupid and after multiple presses to get to where I needed to go for help…I got dropped. For the fifth time. I got mad. I called in again. I hit 0 for operator (most IVRs have this but don’t list it). I got ‘invalid response’. So I hit #. Invalid Response. I hit *. Invalid response. #*#*#*#*#*#*####**0**#*#*#**#*#0*#**###*#*#*#****#*#*#*###*0#*#*#**#*#**#*#**#**#*# SCREW YOU! HANG UP!
I called back. I got a fast busy. I thought… uh, that’s not good. I hung up, called again. Fast busy. I called an hour later. Fast Busy.
I watched the news the next day. The IVR system for that particular company had something go wrong with their IVR system that shut it down for half a day while they tried to discover what went wrong. I’ve tried this with auto-calling telemarketers, but this doesn’t seem to work. I will continue to try though.
Intra-Venus Raisins?
Crap joke:
Got a great deal off ebay the other day. An invisible baseball bat.
The idiot next door won’t know what’s hit him !!
*invisible laughter*
*holds empty hands out to Van*
Your coat.
I totally saw that coming.
Yep. If there’s a live grenade in the room I’m always there to throw myself on it.
Who has Apple TV?? I don’t quite get how it works…
Basically it allows you to stream content from the iTunes store to display on your TV.
More complicated explanations would involves apps for running on the Apple TV forviewing Netflix and YouTube. Also the ability to stream content from iPhones and iPads to the Apple TV over your wifi network via AirPlay.
And, even though I didn’t need to, I watched Cocoon tonight. First time in almost 30 years. Man, there were a lot of things I didn’t get, back in 1985.
For those times when you don’t want YouTube commenters to destroy your faith in humanity:
I was explaining to the wife last night that when you die you get reincarnated but must come back as a different creature. She said she would like to come back as a cow. I said your obviously not listening…
Morning Pan!
Today hubby has a doctor appointment, then we go shopping for a new shed :happy:
Well Good Morning Pan! It’s time to play the exciting new game, “Word Shuffle!”
It’s simple and fun. Just use the flowing in any order you want and then use your imagination to create humorous situations. Let’s play:
The word items for this round are:
“Coccoon” (the movie)
“Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream (Rocky Road-ish & Super NY Fudge Chunck)
Ben & Jerry’s Coccoon (the movie)
Beer Ice Cream
( & Super Rocky Road-ish NY Fudge Chunck)
Was I close?
Like “Rocky Raccoon got drunk with Ben and Jerry at the retirement home”? Or maybe I’m playing this wrong…
And btw, I only just now freed Daniel Warner’s comment from murgatory. Welcome, Daniel!
I like my Ben & Jerry’s Rocky Road ice cream with chunks of fudge, but not with chunks of racoons and/or coccoons. Or Don Ameche for that matter. Time for a beer.
Pour me one! A beer that is. Not a raccoon.
“A frisky Don Ameche isn’t going to take care of himself Charlie Brown.”
Brilliant! Horrifying!
Another crap joke:
Teacher asked her class for 3 great kings that brought happiness to the world. A boy answered “Smo-King, Drin-King and Fuc-King”
Not to be confused with “Hac-King, Pu-King, and Stal-King”
I need to convert several hundred image files from .tif to .bmp. Any good software out that will quickly and easily allow me to do this? I can use Gimp to do it, but it would be very time consuming as it seems that I would have to open each file in the original format and then export it in the other format. No the kind of thing I want to do several hundred times.
irFAN does batching processing it’s for windows, may run under WINE:
Comic-con finally takes its first victim. Yes I get you can blame it on the fan… but I agree with this newsletter’s take on the subject. Comic-con has gotten too big for its britches and the way it does things. Dunno, we’ll see more I;m sure as the story develops
Its alien invasion.
Its Nazis.
STOP! Youre both right
Watched the first two Bond films tonight.
“Dr. No” from a DVD and then “From Russia with Love” from an Amazon download to my HD Tivo.
The quality of the downloaded film was really noticeably worse. I would say “bad”. Perhaps eve, A view to a swill.
Sure, formats aren’t forever but this is for poor eyes only.
I’ll never say never again but the quality is not enough.
*try as I might, I just couldn’t work “Thunderball” or “The Man with the Golden Gun” into that*
* extra bonus “Interwebs points” if you can figure out a “resolution quality” pun for “Octapussy”. *
Thanks to Van! I have freed my old & lost Picasa pics on to my Mac.
Van has become our high-tech answer man. What was your aka name again?
Might have been before I started to participate in DP.
I have read #2, #5, and #6. I tried to read Foundation once and didn’t get very far. I couldn’t stomach the concept of someone being able to predict the path of a new civilization down to events that would occur in a specific year.
I think my real shame is that I’ve never even heard of #8, #9, and #10. I’m familiar with Sam Delany, just not the book listed here.
*throws geek card into the air*
I’ve read 2,4,5,6
I’ve only read #6 and I am familiar with only a couple others from the list, namely Dune and Foundation.
I’ve only read 1, 2, and 6.
I actually did attempt Gravity’s Rainbow sometime in the 90s. Glad to see it isn’t just me.
Morning Pan.
In about half an hour you lucky, lucky people will be getting a ply by play of this
Today’s movie is Monster Brawl
The DVR write up: Fightnfans from around the globe cheer on their favourite monsters in a massive battle royale staged to determine the mightiest creature of all
18a? But sexuality, not nudity
Preamble is kind of good
The narrator is Lance Heinrickson? (sp). Cool!
Ah, a Canadian made move
Itwo conferences. The undead and the monsters
This is a monster duel of the fates
First up: Cyclopes vs. witch bitch
And the mummy vs. lady vampire
Second round is swamp gut vs. werewolf
And Frankenstein vs, zombie man
Jimmy heart makes it on time
History of monster brawl
Why monsters? Why wrastling?
Now interviewing the resident grave digger
You’re all doomed
Back stage wih the ref
There are no rules
Back story on cyclopes
Cyclopes training for the fight
Now… The witch bitch story
She’s upset at being called a witch? She’s covered in pentagrams
Witch bitch training
Ringside graveyard
This witch, is a bitch
A long line of one-eyed blacksmiths
The boxing ring babes are dressed in black leather bikinies
The anticipation is mounting
Witch bitch draws first blood
Cyclopes pulls a sledge hammer
Witch bitch pulls a cleave and kills the ref
Tis is really bizarre
It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye
Cyclopes wins
I love the Motal Kombat like statements throughout the battle
Metropolitan museum.
Time to introduce the next fighters
Breaking news
Mummy escapes from museum
MILF – mummies I’d like to find
Oh look. The first comment of this play by play eaten by wordpress. *shrug*. I knew it would happen. Makes for an extended edition when Jack releases the comments
Vampire lady back story time
Wow, her makeup is terrible
Shot throuh the heart, and you’re to blame…
The mummy talks wih hieroglyph sub titles
“I’ve hated mummies my whole life”
Mummy body’s lams lady vampire
“glorious combo”
I’ve never been fan of wrestling. This hasn’t done a thing to change my mind
Embalming is a fine art
They leave the ring to contine the fight
Lady vampire wins
Silver Springs New Jersey
Going hunting
Marshville, louisanna
One of the most vile of creatures
Only the most bumbling mammals approach swamp gut’s domain
Moonshine power up?
Swamp gut is an environmentalist
The howler & disembowler
Putrid paunch
Werewolf wins
Pittsburg, Pensylvania
Magnificent son of a bitch
Poor Briggs
No, no, no, no!
I hate it when people get that wrong
It’s alive! Alive! (insert manical laughter here)
Poetry corner with Igor
Defeat you, then eat you
Headcheese aficionado
Ha! That’s funny
He boned the bell
Zombie man bites
Hitting the zombie with a pipe wrench
Igor gets a hatchet job
There’s trouble a brewing
Six on one is unheard of
The colonel goes down
SIDS been bitten
The grave digger pulls a shotgun
Frankenstein (‘s monster)
Sid doesn’t look too good
Strap yourself into the electric chair
Werewolf runs like a girl
It’s a battle. Not much to say here
Extreme animal abuse
Werewolf performs a doomsday figure four leg lock. What the hell does that mean?
Sid is turning gross
Frankenstein is the Monster Brawl heavyweight champion
Sid died
There’s a storm coming
Frankenstein(‘s monster) dons the championship belt
Wait! Werewolf is getting up
Oh sorry, stone column
Like all monster movies, they rise when you think they aremdown
Ewwww, gross
The colonel makes a comeback
Wait,MIT ends there?
This movie was… Pretty much what I expected. Go figure
RE: the book list, I’ve read Gravity’s Rainbow and 1984, both in grad-level lit classes . . .
I loved GR, and love Pynchon, but I know that’s a minority opinion.
I did make it through Vineland… I always expected to give GR another shot, but it’s not even in the reading queue, atm.
His newest novel, Inherent Vice, was pretty great and oddly readable for him.
I am sooooo tired on construction and not having our bathroom. Today starts day one of week three in this “week long” bathroom project
We are great-aunties. Holy crap does that sound odd . . .
Awww. You guys are great everything!
Great Caesars ghost!
ZP goes all literary in his review of the latest Spec-ops game:
Ear Buddies Forever emails away.
We have an uneven number of participants… Tumbleweeds assemble! Who wants in?
I am trying to making chicken enchiladas for dinner. I am using the recipe on the can of Old Elpaso Enchilada Sauce.
I apologize to our friends in the South West U.S. for calling these “enchiladas”.
EssBee, if SlyBee felt a tremor in the force, it was probably this.:ermm:
huh. the emmoticon worked there … but not up there. ?
In your first post, there was no space between the first colon and the period at the end of the previous sentence, so the emoticon parser didn’t pick up on the code.
Ah! The perils of putting one’s colon in the wrong place.
Okay. So that was food.
Not so bad really. In a sort of “taco bell is not so bad” and “if I had made that as dinner for a 20 year old (not from the SW), on a date she would have thought I was dreamy just for making her dinner” sort of way.
I don’t know if someone specifically recommended Forbidden Zone to me or if it simply came up as a suggestion in Netflix. Regardless, the movie has now made several lists.
Top 5 bizarre movies I’ve seen:
1. Eraserhead
2. Tetsuo: The Iron Man
3. 200 Motels
4. Forbidden Zone
5. Human Highway
Top 3 bizarre movies that I actually enjoyed:
1. Forbidden Zone
2. Human Highway
3. The Happiness of the Katakuris
Not sure about my top 5.
I’ve seen Eraserhead and Forbidden Zone.
I enjoyed Eraserhead in that “creepy, weird dream that doesn’t quite make sense” sort of way.
I found Forbidden Zone to be delightfully odd.
I think Repo Man and Southland Tales would make the list but not exactly in the same league as the first two.
I seem to recall “Mullholland Drive” as being pretty odd, “Blue Velvet” was not normal and “Lost Highway” was waay out there.
Hmmmm. Based on sheer volume of output, David Lynch may be the king of weird movies.
Speaking of film…. RZA is remaking The Last Dragon.
No thanks.
Hey Peeps!
Had a thunderstorm last night. Now it’s hot and muggy.
Wow am I behind. I’m just listening to the episode now.
I just checked my email, I have an earbuddies partner. I’ll record my part next week. Meanwhile I’ll send my piece out today.
*sigh* The bathroom people emailed. Due to a tile shortage, they probably won’t be able to work on my bathroom at all today. I’m starting to think I’m going to ask for a discount for this “week long” project.
*sigh* Don’t you hate people who take too long in the bathroom?
The Nerdist podcast with Levar Burton and the one with Billy West had me laughing pretty hard. Both were NSFW, but good for the drive home.
As Freeh commented, “Our most saddening and sobering finding is the total disregard for the safety and welfare of Sandusky’s child victims. The most powerful men at Penn State failed to take any steps for 14 years to protect the children who Sandusky victimized.”
Happy Happy Yesterday Birthday Miss Bunny!!! Enjoy the whole weekend dammit.
Better call Saul!
CP: Rooster – Alice In Chains
Happy belated Bunny Birthday, dammit!
People have some nerve, rejecting their Facebook assimilation and forcing their friends to just remember their birthdays…
Happy belated birthday, dammit, Ryah!
CP: The Police and the Private — Metric
Nice eyebrow raise
Off to eat!
Although, now I’m waffling between the elk and the wild boar…hmmmmm…
Sorry, it’s caribou not elk. Really not much of a difference though.
Pretty awesome essay by David Simon on “the drug war”
So – we saw Shearwater live last night at a divey club in downtown Phoenix. They were pretty damn excellent. I highly recommend checking out their catalog and catching them live. Jonathan Meiburg is a passionate performer, if nothing else.
We have perfect timing. Finished putting together out new shed. About ten minutes after we finished putting all our stuff in the new shed, it started raining. We were very happy the rain held off as long as it did
A little Deadpan birdie told me there were birthday wishes for me here.
Happy birthday to you too Bunny!
Thank you 🙂 and sorry I am such a bad deadpanite that I don’t check in more often.
I have a bit of exciting news to share with you all though:
Managed to get 2 uber-cool photography gigs under my belt again. Working to get back up to my old grandeur.
1. photo shoot for an upscale couture lingerie shop. They are a international company so this could potentially be HUGE for me. They want me to shoot art shots of girls in their outfits. NSFW: http://www.agentprovocateur.com/
2. Shooting press photos for a monthly burlesque group http://www.vaudezilla.com/events.html
Happy late Birthday Eishes, Andrea!
Congrats on the TWO awesome job news and on a personal note, they both sound intriguingly awesome! *envious Pixie*
Good Luck with it all
Thank you Pixie 🙂 I’m excited about the jobs!
And, I’m back. I hope you all maintained the high level of decorum that we’re famous for around….somewhere?
Fun fact – the girl in the video is not the one that sings. They pulled a C&C Music Factory thing and inserted a more…”attractive”… girl to lip sync the words.
Not so fun fact – the girl in the video hung herself in 2003.
/Europop historie
Meatloaf did that with the ‘I will do do anything for love…’ video.
A lazy, yet very productive weekend comes to a close.
1. Excellent music
2. Delectable foods and beers (new favorites and old ones too)
3. Earbuddies sent and Palooza vote casted — DP duties done.
4. Gorgeous stormy Arizona weather
5. The BEST company and old friends be had.
Say Good Night, Pixie
Goodnight Pixie
– Pavlov’s Dog.
Strangely enough I was manually frothing milk to make a latte just before I read that.
*sigh* I’ve never read Fifty Shades of Grey, have no desire to read it and, frankly, am tired of it regardless.
From what I hear, it is one of those books that everyone talks about only because they hear everyone talking about it and not because it is good.
I do personally know two people who have read it and the consensus is that it is nothing more than “A bodice ripper with cable ties” … and not a very well written one at that.
I’m a fan of anything that drags interesting sexual fantasies into the mainstream. Listening to them discuss this book on NPR has become my new favorite pastime.
Morning, Pan.
Has anyone here been to see “Ted?” What did you all think of it? What is the source of most of the humor? (Am I in for a two-hour-long episode of “Family Guy” if I go see it?)
I’ll admit it, I really want to see that movie… At this point I don’t care if the laughs are cheap. I don’t think I’ve so much as smirked at a movie since I saw The Room. Hall Pass and Hangover 2 made me cry for our species.
Still no bathroom. What would they have done if I didn’t have a second one to use.
I sent them a sternly worded e-mail asking for recompense for this, so far, four week long project that was only suppose to be a week or so.
I’ve spent the morning on the phone with TWO insurance companies and a rental car company.
It’s been it’s own little special hell.
Happiness, joy, and rapture for you, J0e
Over the next two weeks I’m going to spend way too much time travelling to and from the airport.
This afternoon I take my Boo and her boyfriend, they are going to BC to visit hubby’s parents and my mom.
I pick them up on Thursday.
Saturday I take hubby to the airport so he can go to some conference
I pick him up the following Wednesday.
We live at the opposite end of the city than the airport so lots of time on the road for me.
Got an e-mail back from the stupid bathroom people. Basically she said she understood my frustration and my bathroom will be finished as soon as possible. Since this is what I’ve been hearing for the last week, let’s see what they say when I decide payment will be made “as soon as possible”
Time to shred bunches and bunches of paper. The excitement that is my life knows no bounds.
That sucks. I hadn’t even heard about his illness… Jon Lord was a genius at the keys, and he’ll be seriously missed.
Your crap joke for the day:
My boss pulled up in his brand new BMW today and I couldn’t help but admire it.
“Nice car,” I said as he got out.
“Well,” he said, noticing my admiring looks, “Work hard, put the hours in, and I’ll have an even better one next year.”
Sad but effing true!!
I quit a job over that… one week after denying me a paltry raise, my boss calls me out into the parking lot to admire his brand new Rolls Royce. True story.
My phone went for a swim in the Atlantic ocean… I’ve been plunged into the world of 2007 era technology. It’s OK here.
On the bright side, if the phone is still activated you can now forward unwanted callers to Cathulu!
That explains the missed call from Innsmouth and eight dollar charge for texting into unknowable, indifferent oblivion.
Neil Gaiman drrrrrooooooooooollllll!!!!!!!
I didn’t know they were holding this competition!!! OMG!! Course i am not a comic book artist, wouldn’t mean I wouldn’t of tried to enter 🙂 Dave McKean did a whole bunch of photo montages. I could of entered a photo montage. Sigh.
Kinda cool. Did you hear that Gaiman wrote a Sandman prequel that is being released at some point this year? Art by JH Williams III.
I did not hear this but damn you made my day! Very cool. I’m going to ask my comic book shop guy about it. And then yell at him for not telling me sooner 😉
Realized after i hit post comment: you dummy you have the intronets at your disposal on find out about this, you don’t need to talk to a human!
Just had one of those summer storms where there was a solitary peel of thunder … then a downpour of large rain drops obscured visibility … for about 13 seconds. Then the sun emerged.
I suspect if I were to venture outside I would find humidity thick enough to cut with a knife.
Just got back from seeing “Ted.” It wasn’t as awful as I had feared. It had an actual story that made me smile and kept me interested all the way through.
GODDAMMIT DAN WARNER! So sorry for the Earbuddies Audacity fuck-up on my part. Will re-record my part this week.
HA! You will pay dearly for this Mr. Lo Pan… or maybe not. Yeah, probably not. But you should!
What’s shitty is the rerecording isn’t going to come off as authentic and honest as the original, stream-of-conscience one was.
No wonder I’m still of no-flesh.
pish posh… I have faith.
How does one spell “cookoo kitchen” anyways?
I know. I know…
Hey, Pan.
Just got back from seeing Brave. Enjoyed it very much.
Busy, busy week here. Good night, mush.
I finally have my ear buddies music picked out. Now I just need to send a sample and record.
You shouldn’t tease
Lazy Tuesdays and firsties are incompatible.
Alright, good peoples, you are going to have to step up to the plate this week. I’ll be heading out to get wet with the family for the next several days, so I won’t be able to make my massive contribution to the weekly post count. But, if five of you can answer the call and manage an extra post each, we should have no shortfall 🙂
Oh, behave!
Oh wait… I screwed that all up.
Pixie fail
I imagine there are a few here who can appreciate this mashup
Morning Pan
Looks to be another scorcher here in Alberta.
Jack, no show notes this week. We’re still tearing down and building a garden shed
86 is a scorcher? Whats your normal temp this time of year? Honestly just curious
We very rarely reach the 30C mark. Maybe once or twice a year. Anything above that is unusual an extended period of this weather, like we are having now, is all but a non-reality
#12. Hot. Tired. Cranky.
Postpartum Jessica Simpson?
Minus the hot.
We both still secretly pine for Nick Lachey.
And bow we are she’d less
I’m tired
Oh God, auto correct.
Should be, and now we are shedless
I liked your first comment better.
Well I am back home for a bit now.
Undecided about making the drive next weekend for a grave-side service. This is one of those deals where he & his wife (my relation) lived in St’ Louis for most of his adult life but HIS family wasn’t from there. So this is a service mostly for his family that couldn’t make it to St. Louis on such short notice for last Saturday’s service and to put his ashes in his family plot.
I pretty well made my piece with loosing him a year ago when he could no longer recognize me. I really liked him but I felt last Saturday service said what there was to say.
Lot’s of family pressure to go though.
Family. Oiy!
Just follow your heart JOe.
If my front door lock had Brocken at my last home, I would not be going to job #2 right now, instead, I would’ve been sitting in my living room with a .45 in hand.
Thank goodness for nice neighborhoods and not hoods
Just enjoying a new way of thwarting telemarketers.
My phone service will only let me block 20 phone numbers and those slots are full. So now I am using the “selective call forwarding” to do the job.
I simply enter a telemarketer’s number as the new number to “forward selected calls to” … and then when a telemarketer calls I add their number to the list of numbers to forward to the other guy.
I wonder how much telemarketers will enjoy getting pestered by telemarketers?
I hope they get caught in a do-loop.
I want to subscribe to your newsletter.
Maybe they can mispronounce each other’s names.
You are not on the national do not call list? Donotcall.gov
Oh yes,I am.
Is it totally ignored and utterly UN-inforceable?
Apparently so.
Have you not tried to report these calls?
Many times.
… and yet these people keep calling?
Yes. Probably not the same ones. But they are Borg.
I once called a company (I forget which) and I hate IVR systems. Those are the systems (Press 1 to confirm you’re human and will wade through this list). This particular IVR system was stupid and after multiple presses to get to where I needed to go for help…I got dropped. For the fifth time. I got mad. I called in again. I hit 0 for operator (most IVRs have this but don’t list it). I got ‘invalid response’. So I hit #. Invalid Response. I hit *. Invalid response. #*#*#*#*#*#*####**0**#*#*#**#*#0*#**###*#*#*#****#*#*#*###*0#*#*#**#*#**#*#**#**#*# SCREW YOU! HANG UP!
I called back. I got a fast busy. I thought… uh, that’s not good. I hung up, called again. Fast busy. I called an hour later. Fast Busy.
I watched the news the next day. The IVR system for that particular company had something go wrong with their IVR system that shut it down for half a day while they tried to discover what went wrong. I’ve tried this with auto-calling telemarketers, but this doesn’t seem to work. I will continue to try though.
Intra-Venus Raisins?
Crap joke:
Got a great deal off ebay the other day. An invisible baseball bat.
The idiot next door won’t know what’s hit him !!
*invisible laughter*
*holds empty hands out to Van*
Your coat.
I totally saw that coming.
Yep. If there’s a live grenade in the room I’m always there to throw myself on it.
Who has Apple TV?? I don’t quite get how it works…
Basically it allows you to stream content from the iTunes store to display on your TV.
More complicated explanations would involves apps for running on the Apple TV forviewing Netflix and YouTube. Also the ability to stream content from iPhones and iPads to the Apple TV over your wifi network via AirPlay.
Thanks Van!
I’m reminded that there is no purpose in life other than to be a pawn in the grand sociological experiment that Justa Joe is performing….
I, for one, welcome our J0everlord
And, even though I didn’t need to, I watched Cocoon tonight. First time in almost 30 years. Man, there were a lot of things I didn’t get, back in 1985.
For those times when you don’t want YouTube commenters to destroy your faith in humanity:
Your crap joke for the day:
I was explaining to the wife last night that when you die you get reincarnated but must come back as a different creature. She said she would like to come back as a cow. I said your obviously not listening…
Morning Pan!
Today hubby has a doctor appointment, then we go shopping for a new shed :happy:
Well Good Morning Pan! It’s time to play the exciting new game, “Word Shuffle!”
It’s simple and fun. Just use the flowing in any order you want and then use your imagination to create humorous situations. Let’s play:
The word items for this round are:
“Coccoon” (the movie)
“Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream (Rocky Road-ish & Super NY Fudge Chunck)
Ben & Jerry’s Coccoon (the movie)
Beer Ice Cream
( & Super Rocky Road-ish NY Fudge Chunck)
Was I close?
Like “Rocky Raccoon got drunk with Ben and Jerry at the retirement home”? Or maybe I’m playing this wrong…
And btw, I only just now freed Daniel Warner’s comment from murgatory. Welcome, Daniel!
I like my Ben & Jerry’s Rocky Road ice cream with chunks of fudge, but not with chunks of racoons and/or coccoons. Or Don Ameche for that matter. Time for a beer.
Pour me one! A beer that is. Not a raccoon.
“A frisky Don Ameche isn’t going to take care of himself Charlie Brown.”
Brilliant! Horrifying!
Another crap joke:
Teacher asked her class for 3 great kings that brought happiness to the world. A boy answered “Smo-King, Drin-King and Fuc-King”
Not to be confused with “Hac-King, Pu-King, and Stal-King”
I need to convert several hundred image files from .tif to .bmp. Any good software out that will quickly and easily allow me to do this? I can use Gimp to do it, but it would be very time consuming as it seems that I would have to open each file in the original format and then export it in the other format. No the kind of thing I want to do several hundred times.
irFAN does batching processing it’s for windows, may run under WINE:
Worked like a charm. Thanks.
Bought a shed. It will get delivered on Saturday and Sunday we put it together
We recently got a new shed and love it. We’ve been too busy to put our “stuff” in it, but we are still loving it.
Euphemism condition has just been moved to Defcon4!
That hadn’t even occurred to me… but then, I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Comic-con finally takes its first victim. Yes I get you can blame it on the fan… but I agree with this newsletter’s take on the subject. Comic-con has gotten too big for its britches and the way it does things. Dunno, we’ll see more I;m sure as the story develops
Its alien invasion.
Its Nazis.
STOP! Youre both right
Watched the first two Bond films tonight.
“Dr. No” from a DVD and then “From Russia with Love” from an Amazon download to my HD Tivo.
The quality of the downloaded film was really noticeably worse. I would say “bad”. Perhaps eve, A view to a swill.
Sure, formats aren’t forever but this is for poor eyes only.
I’ll never say never again but the quality is not enough.
*try as I might, I just couldn’t work “Thunderball” or “The Man with the Golden Gun” into that*
* extra bonus “Interwebs points” if you can figure out a “resolution quality” pun for “Octapussy”. *
Thanks to Van! I have freed my old & lost Picasa pics on to my Mac.
Van has become our high-tech answer man. What was your aka name again?
Might have been before I started to participate in DP.
There was a time I was very mouse like….
Should I be ashamed that I’ve only read #1 and #2 on this list?
Goodnight, :Muad-Dib:
I have read #2, #5, and #6. I tried to read Foundation once and didn’t get very far. I couldn’t stomach the concept of someone being able to predict the path of a new civilization down to events that would occur in a specific year.
I think my real shame is that I’ve never even heard of #8, #9, and #10. I’m familiar with Sam Delany, just not the book listed here.
*throws geek card into the air*
I’ve read 2,4,5,6
I’ve only read #6 and I am familiar with only a couple others from the list, namely Dune and Foundation.
I’ve only read 1, 2, and 6.
I actually did attempt Gravity’s Rainbow sometime in the 90s. Glad to see it isn’t just me.
Morning Pan.
In about half an hour you lucky, lucky people will be getting a ply by play of this
Ok peeps.
Grab you over sized popcorn and drink.
It’s movie time!
Today’s movie is Monster Brawl
The DVR write up: Fightnfans from around the globe cheer on their favourite monsters in a massive battle royale staged to determine the mightiest creature of all
18a? But sexuality, not nudity
Preamble is kind of good
The narrator is Lance Heinrickson? (sp). Cool!
Ah, a Canadian made move
Itwo conferences. The undead and the monsters
This is a monster duel of the fates
First up: Cyclopes vs. witch bitch
And the mummy vs. lady vampire
Second round is swamp gut vs. werewolf
And Frankenstein vs, zombie man
Jimmy heart makes it on time
History of monster brawl
Why monsters? Why wrastling?
Now interviewing the resident grave digger
You’re all doomed
Back stage wih the ref
There are no rules
Back story on cyclopes
Cyclopes training for the fight
Now… The witch bitch story
She’s upset at being called a witch? She’s covered in pentagrams
Witch bitch training
Ringside graveyard
This witch, is a bitch
A long line of one-eyed blacksmiths
The boxing ring babes are dressed in black leather bikinies
The anticipation is mounting
Witch bitch draws first blood
Cyclopes pulls a sledge hammer
Witch bitch pulls a cleave and kills the ref
Tis is really bizarre
It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye
Cyclopes wins
I love the Motal Kombat like statements throughout the battle
Metropolitan museum.
Time to introduce the next fighters
Breaking news
Mummy escapes from museum
MILF – mummies I’d like to find
Oh look. The first comment of this play by play eaten by wordpress. *shrug*. I knew it would happen. Makes for an extended edition when Jack releases the comments
Vampire lady back story time
Wow, her makeup is terrible
Shot throuh the heart, and you’re to blame…
The mummy talks wih hieroglyph sub titles
“I’ve hated mummies my whole life”
Mummy body’s lams lady vampire
“glorious combo”
I’ve never been fan of wrestling. This hasn’t done a thing to change my mind
Embalming is a fine art
They leave the ring to contine the fight
Lady vampire wins
Silver Springs New Jersey
Going hunting
Marshville, louisanna
One of the most vile of creatures
Only the most bumbling mammals approach swamp gut’s domain
Moonshine power up?
Swamp gut is an environmentalist
The howler & disembowler
Putrid paunch
Werewolf wins
Pittsburg, Pensylvania
Magnificent son of a bitch
Poor Briggs
No, no, no, no!
I hate it when people get that wrong
It’s alive! Alive! (insert manical laughter here)
Poetry corner with Igor
Defeat you, then eat you
Headcheese aficionado
Ha! That’s funny
He boned the bell
Zombie man bites
Hitting the zombie with a pipe wrench
Igor gets a hatchet job
There’s trouble a brewing
Six on one is unheard of
The colonel goes down
SIDS been bitten
The grave digger pulls a shotgun
Frankenstein (‘s monster)
Sid doesn’t look too good
Strap yourself into the electric chair
Werewolf runs like a girl
It’s a battle. Not much to say here
Extreme animal abuse
Werewolf performs a doomsday figure four leg lock. What the hell does that mean?
Sid is turning gross
Frankenstein is the Monster Brawl heavyweight champion
Sid died
There’s a storm coming
Frankenstein(‘s monster) dons the championship belt
Wait! Werewolf is getting up
Oh sorry, stone column
Like all monster movies, they rise when you think they aremdown
Ewwww, gross
The colonel makes a comeback
Wait,MIT ends there?
This movie was… Pretty much what I expected. Go figure
RE: the book list, I’ve read Gravity’s Rainbow and 1984, both in grad-level lit classes . . .
I loved GR, and love Pynchon, but I know that’s a minority opinion.
I did make it through Vineland… I always expected to give GR another shot, but it’s not even in the reading queue, atm.
His newest novel, Inherent Vice, was pretty great and oddly readable for him.
I am sooooo tired on construction and not having our bathroom. Today starts day one of week three in this “week long” bathroom project
We are great-aunties. Holy crap does that sound odd . . .
Awww. You guys are great everything!
Great Caesars ghost!
ZP goes all literary in his review of the latest Spec-ops game:
Ear Buddies Forever emails away.
We have an uneven number of participants… Tumbleweeds assemble! Who wants in?
I am trying to making chicken enchiladas for dinner. I am using the recipe on the can of Old Elpaso Enchilada Sauce.
I apologize to our friends in the South West U.S. for calling these “enchiladas”.
EssBee, if SlyBee felt a tremor in the force, it was probably this.:ermm:
huh. the emmoticon worked there … but not up there. ?
In your first post, there was no space between the first colon and the period at the end of the previous sentence, so the emoticon parser didn’t pick up on the code.
Ah! The perils of putting one’s colon in the wrong place.
Okay. So that was food.
Not so bad really. In a sort of “taco bell is not so bad” and “if I had made that as dinner for a 20 year old (not from the SW), on a date she would have thought I was dreamy just for making her dinner” sort of way.
You need to come to our house, Jj.
I do. I DO!!!
Wow, Ron Perlman. You are forgiven for Alien 4.
Maybe a Hells Angel suffering from Colon Cancer will get a day with Clay (& Jax) from SOA.
Politicians have really jacked with my hockey.
Is nothing sacred anymore? Is nothing off limits from these greedy, power-hungry, narcissistic bloaters?!?!?!
We just want watch our silly little sport & cheer for our favorite team & take our minds off the daily stressors of life with our family & friends.
Enough already!
*yells in my best I Want My MTV voice*
“I want my Coyotoes Hockey!”
Jack: ME ME ME! I want in for Earbuddies Forever! 😀
Happy Friday the 13th!
Woo! Let’s all go camping in the woods!
Anyone got a banjo ?
Woops. I’ve gone and gotten my camping horror movie mixed into your horror camp movie.
I’ve looked at the tea leaves of twitter and it seems an interview with someone called Nicole is in the DP future.
I’ll pass on the chicken entrails ..,
Of course if I had went here:
I don’t know if someone specifically recommended Forbidden Zone to me or if it simply came up as a suggestion in Netflix. Regardless, the movie has now made several lists.
Top 5 bizarre movies I’ve seen:
1. Eraserhead
2. Tetsuo: The Iron Man
3. 200 Motels
4. Forbidden Zone
5. Human Highway
Top 3 bizarre movies that I actually enjoyed:
1. Forbidden Zone
2. Human Highway
3. The Happiness of the Katakuris
Not sure about my top 5.
I’ve seen Eraserhead and Forbidden Zone.
I enjoyed Eraserhead in that “creepy, weird dream that doesn’t quite make sense” sort of way.
I found Forbidden Zone to be delightfully odd.
I think Repo Man and Southland Tales would make the list but not exactly in the same league as the first two.
I seem to recall “Mullholland Drive” as being pretty odd, “Blue Velvet” was not normal and “Lost Highway” was waay out there.
Hmmmm. Based on sheer volume of output, David Lynch may be the king of weird movies.
Speaking of film…. RZA is remaking The Last Dragon.
No thanks.
Hey Peeps!
Had a thunderstorm last night. Now it’s hot and muggy.
Wow am I behind. I’m just listening to the episode now.
I just checked my email, I have an earbuddies partner. I’ll record my part next week. Meanwhile I’ll send my piece out today.
We’re going here for dinner tonight http://www.crmr.com/theranche/
I think I might have the elk.
*sigh* The bathroom people emailed. Due to a tile shortage, they probably won’t be able to work on my bathroom at all today. I’m starting to think I’m going to ask for a discount for this “week long” project.
*sigh* Don’t you hate people who take too long in the bathroom?
CP: Smiley and West
Not for the politically feint at heart:
The Nerdist podcast with Levar Burton and the one with Billy West had me laughing pretty hard. Both were NSFW, but good for the drive home.
As Freeh commented, “Our most saddening and sobering finding is the total disregard for the safety and welfare of Sandusky’s child victims. The most powerful men at Penn State failed to take any steps for 14 years to protect the children who Sandusky victimized.”
Ugh…. that’s all I read and listened about yesterday. Compelling and fucking disgusting.
Time to go spend some money :cheerful:
It’s been hot and muggy here, too.
Friday the 13th Rules — they may apply
good advice!
I have returned. I decided to splurge and put some of my birthday money on this
Can’t wait to put it together.
FM Belfast goodness
Like! Have that E.T. doll!
birthday? *Pixie’s ears perk up*
When is your berfday, Miss E Bunny????? Did I miss it?
Hubby and I are doing the dinner thing tonight, though.
Hmmm. decisions. decisions.
I have narrowed my Ear Buddies Song choice down to two songs. Very different. I dont know which one to send.
its. too. stressful.
I win! I sent you mine already :happy:
CP: Stronger Than Me – Amy Winehouse
Happy bday yesterday, bunny!
Bunny + belated birthday wish = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcbvKe34Zjw
Happy Happy Yesterday Birthday Miss Bunny!!! Enjoy the whole weekend dammit.
Better call Saul!
CP: Rooster – Alice In Chains
Happy belated Bunny Birthday, dammit!
People have some nerve, rejecting their Facebook assimilation and forcing their friends to just remember their birthdays…
Happy belated birthday, dammit, Ryah!
CP: The Police and the Private — Metric
Nice eyebrow raise
Off to eat!
Although, now I’m waffling between the elk and the wild boar…hmmmmm…
Sorry, it’s caribou not elk. Really not much of a difference though.
Pretty awesome essay by David Simon on “the drug war”
Christ what a joke. Not the essay, the war’
Dinner was grand but desert… They had a coconut run sorbet that was to die for.
Every so often I get a hankering for caribou and coconut
I only WISH that were a line from “Slingblade”.
Mm hmm
Quote of the night:
“He’s very gay hipster. It’s fascinating.”
Excuse me for saying this, DP, but Bleh.
Happy Saturday, guys and dolls. I’m feeling very grateful for what I have today.
We’re off for some family reunion-ing. Ta.
Have fun storming the castle! 🙂
Breaking Bad.
Season 5.
Hold me?
Only if you shave.
Ich bin au natural, mon frere
My apologies to Ess, if my comment offended. Definitely not my intent. At all.
And just to be clear, since she was quoting me – it was simply fascinating to see those styles mixed. Maybe he wasn’t even gay.
Oh good lord no. Not offended! Just impatient with hipster ism.
CD: Makers Mark and RC cola. Followed by a strait shot of Makers Mark. Followed by a chaser of Miller High Life. Its always classy here.
Wise words:
As spotted by Nomad Scry:
I believe this is a repeat post. cough.
I’ll get my coat.
Sorry Van! I never meant to lead you astray. 😉
So – we saw Shearwater live last night at a divey club in downtown Phoenix. They were pretty damn excellent. I highly recommend checking out their catalog and catching them live. Jonathan Meiburg is a passionate performer, if nothing else.
I’ve liked what I’ve heard from them so far.
What a wreck of a week. Sigh. Fortunately it wasn’t all bad.
Happy belated birthday, TEB. I hope you had a good one.
Manhugs, ditto.
Pour you a drink sir?
I’m going to be making me a Margaritta shortly.
Pour me a drink sir?
What a coinkidink. I was drinking margaritas tonight as well. Then watched half of Rum Diaries. What a twist.
Of lime?
Hello from some random person’s Belkin wireless access point in Cayucos. :evil grin:
I’m on vacation! :cheerful:
Enjoy your vacation Amy.
Thank you! :happy:
CD: Makers Mark and Colorado Cola
There’s a blues street fair down the street. Music reverbing into the house. Hot summer nite. Glorious.
Happy belated birthday bunny. HBBB!
Back home from attending second funeral for my relative.
Glad to be back home.
Welcome back, J0e.
And a belated (by 47 minutes) happy birthday to the Lady Smarty Hottie!
Happy birthday and unbirthdays to all.
…. And your next nightmare will be in colour:
“Dr Babu, from Mysore, in South India said”
Are you sure this isn’t an Onion article?
Now this is something I’d like to have.
Something similar is already here:
Morning Pan!
Last day of my holidays 😥
Happy Birthdat Andrea!
ditto! 🙂
Happy belated birthdays to Andrea and Bunny! :happy:
Yeah, baby! http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2012/07/no-more-sexytime-the-movies-people-need-to-stop-quoting/259827/#slide1
Who the shit ever quotes Glengarry Glen Ross?
No coffee for you, then.
We have perfect timing. Finished putting together out new shed. About ten minutes after we finished putting all our stuff in the new shed, it started raining. We were very happy the rain held off as long as it did
A little Deadpan birdie told me there were birthday wishes for me here.
Happy birthday to you too Bunny!
Thank you 🙂 and sorry I am such a bad deadpanite that I don’t check in more often.
I have a bit of exciting news to share with you all though:
Managed to get 2 uber-cool photography gigs under my belt again. Working to get back up to my old grandeur.
1. photo shoot for an upscale couture lingerie shop. They are a international company so this could potentially be HUGE for me. They want me to shoot art shots of girls in their outfits. NSFW: http://www.agentprovocateur.com/
2. Shooting press photos for a monthly burlesque group http://www.vaudezilla.com/events.html
Happy late Birthday Eishes, Andrea!
Congrats on the TWO awesome job news and on a personal note, they both sound intriguingly awesome! *envious Pixie*
Good Luck with it all
Thank you Pixie 🙂 I’m excited about the jobs!
And, I’m back. I hope you all maintained the high level of decorum that we’re famous for around….somewhere?
Here we go again
Me: “Is this a parody or the real thing?”
Him: “No, its just European.”
Be glad you never saw Rapido, some weird European shit on that show…
May have been Eurotrash.
Fun fact – the girl in the video is not the one that sings. They pulled a C&C Music Factory thing and inserted a more…”attractive”… girl to lip sync the words.
Not so fun fact – the girl in the video hung herself in 2003.
/Europop historie
Meatloaf did that with the ‘I will do do anything for love…’ video.
A lazy, yet very productive weekend comes to a close.
1. Excellent music
2. Delectable foods and beers (new favorites and old ones too)
3. Earbuddies sent and Palooza vote casted — DP duties done.
4. Gorgeous stormy Arizona weather
5. The BEST company and old friends be had.
Say Good Night, Pixie
Goodnight Pixie
– Pavlov’s Dog.
Strangely enough I was manually frothing milk to make a latte just before I read that.
hehehe “manually frothing milk”
*Wilhelm scream*
Morning Pan
Back to work. Ugh.
Duken Nukem reads from Fifty Shades of Grey:
*sigh* I’ve never read Fifty Shades of Grey, have no desire to read it and, frankly, am tired of it regardless.
From what I hear, it is one of those books that everyone talks about only because they hear everyone talking about it and not because it is good.
I do personally know two people who have read it and the consensus is that it is nothing more than “A bodice ripper with cable ties” … and not a very well written one at that.
I’m a fan of anything that drags interesting sexual fantasies into the mainstream. Listening to them discuss this book on NPR has become my new favorite pastime.
Morning, Pan.
Has anyone here been to see “Ted?” What did you all think of it? What is the source of most of the humor? (Am I in for a two-hour-long episode of “Family Guy” if I go see it?)
I’ll admit it, I really want to see that movie… At this point I don’t care if the laughs are cheap. I don’t think I’ve so much as smirked at a movie since I saw The Room. Hall Pass and Hangover 2 made me cry for our species.
Still no bathroom. What would they have done if I didn’t have a second one to use.
I sent them a sternly worded e-mail asking for recompense for this, so far, four week long project that was only suppose to be a week or so.
I’ve spent the morning on the phone with TWO insurance companies and a rental car company.
It’s been it’s own little special hell.
Happiness, joy, and rapture for you, J0e
Over the next two weeks I’m going to spend way too much time travelling to and from the airport.
This afternoon I take my Boo and her boyfriend, they are going to BC to visit hubby’s parents and my mom.
I pick them up on Thursday.
Saturday I take hubby to the airport so he can go to some conference
I pick him up the following Wednesday.
We live at the opposite end of the city than the airport so lots of time on the road for me.
Got an e-mail back from the stupid bathroom people. Basically she said she understood my frustration and my bathroom will be finished as soon as possible. Since this is what I’ve been hearing for the last week, let’s see what they say when I decide payment will be made “as soon as possible”
Time to shred bunches and bunches of paper. The excitement that is my life knows no bounds.
If you were ever into Deep Purple:
That sucks. I hadn’t even heard about his illness… Jon Lord was a genius at the keys, and he’ll be seriously missed.
Your crap joke for the day:
My boss pulled up in his brand new BMW today and I couldn’t help but admire it.
“Nice car,” I said as he got out.
“Well,” he said, noticing my admiring looks, “Work hard, put the hours in, and I’ll have an even better one next year.”
Sad but effing true!!
I quit a job over that… one week after denying me a paltry raise, my boss calls me out into the parking lot to admire his brand new Rolls Royce. True story.
My phone went for a swim in the Atlantic ocean… I’ve been plunged into the world of 2007 era technology. It’s OK here.
On the bright side, if the phone is still activated you can now forward unwanted callers to Cathulu!
That explains the missed call from Innsmouth and eight dollar charge for texting into unknowable, indifferent oblivion.
Neil Gaiman drrrrrooooooooooollllll!!!!!!!
I didn’t know they were holding this competition!!! OMG!! Course i am not a comic book artist, wouldn’t mean I wouldn’t of tried to enter 🙂 Dave McKean did a whole bunch of photo montages. I could of entered a photo montage. Sigh.
Kinda cool. Did you hear that Gaiman wrote a Sandman prequel that is being released at some point this year? Art by JH Williams III.
I did not hear this but damn you made my day! Very cool. I’m going to ask my comic book shop guy about it. And then yell at him for not telling me sooner 😉
Realized after i hit post comment: you dummy you have the intronets at your disposal on find out about this, you don’t need to talk to a human!
Off to the airport.
Later Panites
Just had one of those summer storms where there was a solitary peel of thunder … then a downpour of large rain drops obscured visibility … for about 13 seconds. Then the sun emerged.
I suspect if I were to venture outside I would find humidity thick enough to cut with a knife.
I shall stay in.
More bad news:
Long live Encyclopedia Brown.
Just got back from seeing “Ted.” It wasn’t as awful as I had feared. It had an actual story that made me smile and kept me interested all the way through.
And how did you end up seeing Ted, Amy?