Guest: Nicole Dieker in/of/who is Hello, the Future!
Jack Mangans Deadpan #247: Hello the Future
The Palooza voting is tied! Send voicemail or recording to Jack on why we should watch one movie over the other. Your message could determine the tiebreaker!
Lo Pan
DJ Bunny
DJ Bunny
DJ Bunny
Vanamonde (first of the week)
Nicole of Hello The Future (
Send in content: 480-788-JMDP(5637) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
Closing Music: The Really Awesome Johns (
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Staying in the present for now.
Normally, the Oatmeal just makes me annoyed or angry. This one, eh, I kind of agree with the point. But wanking on about flying bearded guys isn’t going to help change the mind of anyone who doesn’t already share this POV.
I have the 1st 4th comment of the week!
mm hmm…
Morning Pan
Pop.. Stretch. Crack.
Squeal. Yawn. Roll out of bed.
Wake up Pixie.
G’ morin Pan.
Show Notes
Jack Mangans Deadpan #247: Hello the Future
The Palooza voting is tied! Send voicemail or recording to Jack on why we should watch one movie over the other
Lo Pan
DJ Bunny
DJ Bunny
DJ Bunny
Vanamonde (first of the week)
Nichole of Hello The Future (
Send in content: 480-788-JMDP(5637) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
Closing Music: The Really Awesome Johns (
Spotted by Essbee:
Thanks, daddy-o.
A little bit of history:
Interesting, even if there is is evidence why some of the civilisations disappeared:
This weeks episode fails the ‘ability to
Listen with one earbud’. Jack is on the left Nicole on the right, i tend to listen to non music podcasts with the right earbud only I can’t hear Jack.
I may or may not be weird.
Not weird Van. If listening on my phone, I often only listen to podcasts with only one earbud in. This way I can also hear what’s going on around me.
I also listen to many podcasts with one ear because my co-workers often ask questions or I have to listen to the ever ringing phone. At home, they get played full blast 🙂
Even on the odd occasion when I do listen with both ear buds in at the same time, I get a disorienting headache from podcasts that split the channels completely. I have been known to remix them in Audicity so that I can bear to listen. =)
I have a microphone and I’m not afraid to use it.
Time to record my earbuddies forever segment.
I have the giggle fits. It’s very hard to record when this happens.
Ok, that was probably a little rambly but I’m not doing another take.
How many people would be insulted if I said I was having a blonde day today?
It depends on what you were doing with her.
I was planning on having a blonde, brunette and red head kind of day, but my wife squashed those plans.
Yes, I am back from Ohio.
Interesting people in those parts.
… and how about those wacky Amish!
Were they high in the middle and round at both ends?
Burger Cat goes free for a while:
Universal as well.
I don’t have Tony Mast’s email, so for the earbuddies, I choose this one:
Sherman Hemsley passed away.
I’m trapped. Kitties should not look so cute when curled up on your lap. You feel guilty for wanting to move them
Did youse guys get your Buddies’ emails in the latest EBF intro emails that I sent?
Ummm, yeah I hadn’t thought to look at the CC header.
That’s me in the corner with a D tattooed on his head.
I’m perpetually a month behind nowadays. I probably won’t be participating in the buddies stuff again because of my time-lag issues.
my mp3 player is dimensionally transcendental, it holds more podcasts than I can listen to.
Hubby called. All is right with the world again
I win! I sent both my EB4E segments today.
Ready for the next ones Mr. Mangan!
Thank you, Bunny!
If only the stuff didn’t taste so awful. . .
I need a CPU upgrade for my wetware.
Crap joke for the day:
Ive got a great app on my phone which tells me just how fat my wife is….Its called a camera.
That crap fat joke was still 2x more clever than anything in Ted (except the premise).
Hey Deadpan
One more day until hubby comes home.
Yo, Lo Pan!
I know it’s still the middle of summer but, are doing the hockey thing again?
Planning on it. Will have more details the closer to the season.
There’s a spider crawling on the wall in my office. Where is hubby when I need him to rid me of such terrors?
We had a bit of a wind storm over night. I’m going to have to go out sometime before lunch and clean up all the branches on the ground.
Hey Van
Email coming your way.
..and thanks (insert smiley here —->)
Morning Pan. Im taking 4 little humans today. We are planning on being silly today.
In the meantime, here is a vid of Firefly 10th Anniversary Panel.
Run time is >50 minutes but well worth it.
It’s been 10 years since Firefly aired? But it just…. fuck… time is passing.
OMG, I’m gone a couple of hours and there are TWENTY new tweets in the WWC account. I’m lucky if I put something up once a week for WWC, let alone multiples in a day. Don’t people have anything better to do?
Wounded Wembledon Collective?
Wizened Wizards Conundrum?
Whither Wacked Colon?
Winter Woes (of) Canada?
I think I might watch Real Steel tonight. Won’t do a PBP though. It’s too main stream.
Rather enjoyed that movie.
Server is down at work and other client is caught up for 30 more minutes…. whatever will I do? If only I had my movie and my mic with me.
I’m gonna mix my science with politics for a second. Sally Ride’s partner OF TWENTY SEVEN YEARS is not entitled to any benefits.
Well, since I find this a topical and relevant post… Ill reply to it.
Its bullshit. And yeah, its an age old story and there’s nothing “surprising” here, but each time I see such and egregious smiting of human, individual, and personal right I want to just scream at whoever will listen. Then punch a wall. For fucks sake… “But its a travesty of the institution”. Lemme tell you whats a travesty – the HETEROSEXUAL divorce rate in ‘Merica for the first marriage is between 41% and 50%. Awful. SO how does that compare to the homosexual divorce OH WAIT WE DONT KNOW CAUSE IT DOESNT EXIST IN 90% OF THE STATES.
Not even done, but I’ll stop.
Hubby and I have been texting each other all day. I think we’re both ready of him to come home
Hubby called again. Life’s good
I have a (not really) dilemma.
Should I give hubby his anniversary gift tomorrow when he comes home (sort of a welcome home I missed you/anniversary hift) or should I wait the week until our anniversary?
Is it wrong that I so completely revolve around one person? Actually, I think the real question so, are you sick of hearing how much my hubby means to me?
It is only our 16th anniversary after all. :wub:
I’m envious of you two for being together on your anniversary…
Beauty products of the past
Getting ready for vacation is way too stressful. I think I need a vacation.
Or, be thankful you have the ability to take a vacation. One of the two.
In Soviet Russia, vacation takes you!
Go, guy on the DBacks who I’ve never heard of before tonight! Get a hit, in spite of your meager batting average!
Sorry, my no-name Rockies of the “Second to worse record in the entire league” say no. No, sir.
Bunny: I will never get sick of hearing about you and your hubby. It always makes my day a little brighter. :happy:
Ed: Try planning for a road trip across the country starting on Saturday! We still have so much stuff to sort, pack, and deal with, and I’m only taking what I really need.
Will you be taking your industrial strength hair dryer?
LOL! I will be taking the one hair dryer I have, so I can get ready for work in the mornings. 🙂
Good night, Pan.
Trooper: We ain’t found shit!
Ice cream makes it better. Goodnight dead pants.
For those who remember the Tom Baker years:
I remember her. Sad. She was still pretty young.
I’m not sure I am optimistic about this, particularly since filming is already done:,0,2208206.story?track=lat-pick
Sigh . . .
Is anyone else watching Falling Skies? I kinda dig it. Also, was pleased to see Alphas in the DVR.
Unfortunately we missed season one. Will have to catch it some time in the future, either on video or Netflix if it comes there.
Grabbed all the S2 episodes do far, but still haven’t watched the S1 finale.
Morning Pan
The sun is shining, birds are singing and hubby is coming home today. It doesn’t get much better than this.
Add a blackberry smoothie for breakfast and the day not only is good, it’s yummy. :happy:
CP: Yesterday’s Fresh Air w/ Bishop Leonard Blair about the LCWR bruhaha
No offense to Ed and any other Catholics out there, but holy cow, what a inflexible and unrealistic view of planet earth.
I’m proud to be a geek and gamer girl and nobody can take that away from me
Astounding article TEB. Thanks. I belonged to a club in college that had a kind of divide like this going. On the outside it seemed to be a haven for any and all types of geeks. However, once you were brought into the fold, there was a lot of factions and in-fighting between gamers vs. comics vs. literature etc. I really appreciate the perspective that we (geeks) should be as accepting a group as humanly possible.
three and a half hours until hubby’s home!!! :biggrin:
Congrats to Jack on being a Parsec Finalist!
I read that as Woof! Initially.
WOOF !!!!
And to Tee and Pip as well.
“Pip and Tee, Tee and Pip, round and around they skip.”
congrats Jack!
What TEB said
Congratulations to all 3.
Im so very proud of Jack.
In Soviet Russia, Jack is so very proud of YOU!
Cool, man. Job well done
Go Jack, go!
Curse you RAAS & SNS. Take you negative (or positive) feedback loop & shove it up your kidney.
Random Access Accounting System ?
Significantly Nonsensical Subroutine ?
Hubby’s plane is running ten minutes early. That never happens.
Crap joke printed on the stick of the Popsicle I just had –
Q – “What did the buck call his wife?”
A – “deer”
Perhaps they should have Vanamonde write for them.
Arg! Now it’s twenty minutes late. I think the airline is just toying with me.
Your useless titbit for the day:
Reading ‘New Scientist’ can lead you astray.
So someone I know sent a group email to a number of us. On it they wrote “please let me know if you’re not getting these emails!!!”
Does anyone else see the problem with that statement?
…anyway, off to the airport. :happy:
Later Panites
Here I am, sitting at the airport, waiting for hubby’s plane to come in
I expect we won’t be hearing from TEB for at least a day or two. Enjoy your reunion and your anniversary. Im happy to hear your man was returned safely to you.
Congrats to the whole Ministry for the Parsec category nomination sweep. Best luck to all the authors (but especially to Jack…)
No, no, no, no, No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And here I was hoping for a Leonard Part 6 remake.
Now that would be truly horrific.
I liked the original Blake’s 7. I suppose I can be the optimist and say they may do it right
Apparently the hot new site is Pinterest.
Never was all that interested in Harold Pinter myself…
We are home. I did give hubby his gift. He’s bringing an amp up now so he can play with his gift
Hubby seems strangely happy that he’s getting feedback. I always thought feedback was a bad thing but obviously I was wrong
Congrats, Jack!
here ya go LOST fans. This is cute
Hurley is adorable as always.
Major packing, and the trial run of packing the trunk, have been completed. There’s more space left over than I thought there would be, which is a wonderful surprise. I still have more papers to sort and deal with tomorrow, but I look forward to it, because I’ve been ignoring some of them for a very, very long time.
Also: Olympic opening ceremonies tomorrow night! Local radio said to tune in at 7:30 PM Pacific time.
Night, Pan.
Tee and Pip are going down!
Thanks for the congrats, all.
Sorry I’ve been a tumbleweed all week. . . . One more day. One more day. One more day.
BTW, just saw Jeff Loomis crush it – along with the world’s biggest Jeff Loomis fan.
Pretty awesome. Jesus, that guy can play. Jesus, my ears are ringing.
Goodnight :Miles of Machines:
Wait… no… To clarify:
He didn’t crush the world’s biggest Loomis fan…. he just crushed it…
Sorry, say again?
What is a Loomis?
“Miles of Tinnitus”
One is a Loomis, but both play guitar.
Jesus. One looks really old in that pic.
A rare form of mushroom, that only surfaces under conditions of loud noise and scantily clad females….
And it is here. California beckons and we head out today. I’ll have access to email if y’all need to reach me for something. Otherwise I’ll be running pretty silent for the next couple of weeks.
Have safe travels Ed!
Make plenty of swell family memories.
Coincidentally,my family is heading out to CA for a week of vacation too. Specifically we are going to Los Angeles hitting the beach and a few parks. I wonder if I’ll run into Ed?
Morning Pan
*sigh* how dare work interfere with my quality snuggle time.
Hubby’s trying the new jetted tub. Stupid work won’t let me join him.
Good morning Pantopolis…
Whoop Whoop!
Catapult King goes free for a while:
Amy’s posts about packing her suitcase have reminded me of a game we used to play on looong car trips when we were kids. Each person would (in turn) say “I packed my Grandmother’s trunk and in it I put …”
Then you would add an item starting with the first letter of the alphabet and the next person would get the letter “B”, the next the letter “C” and so on.
The catch was, before you could add your item you had to repeat every item that had been added before you … in the original order!
I’ll bet we drove our parents crazy with that game.
Hubbys are sometimes silly. He wanted to take a picture of him with his new guitar. He put on a shirt and tie because “he needed to look good with such a classy guitar”. *shakes head*
You know, I just don’t remember volunteering to be the statistician for WWC. Yet, here I am. :dizzy:
So here is a new thing the kids are doing these days.
/e-mail I received/
Hey TMBG, Jonathan Coulton, OK Go, and MC Frontalot are all part of this “pay what you dare” Humble Bundle for charity thing–it’s VERY cool. Get it today and hear some new music!
/e-mail I received/
I’m probably late to this party (just now read about humble bundle) but you get to pay what you want and for that amount you get all these artist AND you can indicate how much of that money you paid gets divided between the artist and charity.
Interesting concept.
Yeah, I subscribe to the humble bundle email. I picked up that bundle, mostly for Jonathan Coulton.
I picked up the last games bundle, not sure about this one.
See … I KNEW all the cool kids already knew about it! 🙂
there, I just tweeted all the stats people could possibly want (and don’t want) on the WWC twitter. I think my job is done for now.
Well, the TV is on. I guess that means we’re watching the opening cerimonies in 40 minutes
I’m pondering get a pair of network extenders that use the mains supply wiring to (got a couple of devices without wifi and don’t want to add a lot of extra cable to the house.
Anybody have any experience of these? and if so how well did they work?
An example would be:
+extend my home network
Sorry Van, I know not of which you speak
You should hear the talk leading up to the cerimonies. I don’t think God could live up to the hype they are trying to build
Firefly over fields, trees, and river. How strange
Geese? WTF?
This is a very disjointed video that are showing
I think I’m getting motion sickness
There are cotton clouds over a field of green
That’s a big bell
A harvest festival?
Cut to singers in Ireland
Now singers in Scotland.
Cool looking castle
I wonder who’s going to pickup after the horses in the stadium
Be not afrared!
1,000 twangling instruments
Is is not an autocorrect typo. It really said that
(from THe Tempest as said by Kenneth Branagh)
The people from under the tree
I see a lot of ceremony hatred on facebook already.
Think I’m going to watch a documentary about Thin Lizzie instead, and for those of a younger nature who may have never heard of the group:
they only just started. How van you hate what you haven’t seen?
Well indeed, but people do.
Not me hating I should clarify.
I don’t know Van, I’m enjoying them so far
Celebrating the industrial revolution
Hey neat… but some of us have to watch tape delay of it later and dont want it ruined. Let me know when youre done.
Reflecting the two world wars
Reflection time is over. Back to the smokestacks of the foundry
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
I’ll stop Lo Pan
Ok, no spoilers, but that was neat
Insert laughter here
I’m trying to refrain from spoilers. Lo Pan was very right, this is not like my movie PBPs in that most are likely to see or want to see the opening ceremonies
Parade of nations time!
Ok, you know they are fishing when they start telling you the designers of the clothing each nation is wearing. I was really hoping Canadian commentators was above that
Not a spoiler but I’m hoping someone can answer a question. The parade of nations. At the front of each country ther is the flag bears, the Mersin with the name of the country and someone holding a copper…what? Seriously, what is that thing. Looks sort of like a cornucopia? Maybe it’s to represent flowers? The torch? Really, what the hell is that? It’s bugging me and the commentators haven’t said a thing about it.
Far as I know its just a gift of the host nation to each participating nation
Ok, now I know what they were
I don’t care what others say Van, I enjoyed theses opening cerimonies
CW: Olympics opening ceremony
So am I. I am loving it so far! 😀 The Parade of Nations is just kicking off where I am.
Tumbleweed apologies.
Nag apologies. Hey, I haven’t received any audio in favor of one Palooza choice over the other!
Buckaroo Banzai, if only to stop the custard pie fights over Bladerunner..
Hey, Good Lookin’.
Sure is nice to see ya. Cant wait to spend the next two days w/ you.
(what is the weekend?)
I’ll take “cute PDA” for $1000, Alex.
I am not amused by NBC blocking free viewing of the Olympics for those of us who have unplugged from the rapings of Cable TV
Hello from Barstow, CA.
We are getting our kicks on Route 66. 🙂
Re: Bunny’s earlier comment on how the Canadian TV commentators talked about fashion designers:
The US TV commentators only mentioned that once – they said that the outfits for Team USA were designed by Ralph Lauren. (Hardly necessary – the logos on the shirts were gigantic.) The most notable thing about our commentary on the Olympic opening ceremony, in my opinion, was that our commentators said several times that the Parade of Nations was going so fast that they were having to edit through their notes. They said they’d never seen one of those go by that quickly in all the years they’d been commenting on the Olympics. I thought it was great that it went so fast, so we could get to the cauldron-lighting part sooner. (That’s got to be one of the coolest cauldron designs ever, by the way.)
This is were Mr. Mangan and I were Thursday night.
That photographer was one giant biker dude and his women away from Rhett and me. We were close enough to feel the wind from Jeff’s fingers.
Nice nod to Pink Floyd in the Olympic Ceremonies opening video.
Surely I wasn’t the only one to catch it?
Total LOOSE, that they didn’t have a Blue Police phone box sitting somewhere in all of that pageantry. They didn’t even have to make a big deal about it. Just have it in the corner of frame somewhere like they did for Pink Floyd.
They can have Poppins but no Who?
?Read down for a subtle Dr Who reference (allegedly):
Any chance that was a Sinclair that Tim Berners-Lee was using?
There’s still the closing ceremonies. Mi assume (hope?) they’ll nod to The Doctor than
Hubby’s happy. They’re showing women’s beach volleyball on tn
We just came back from seeing Batman. I, personally, thought it was the best of the three. That being said, I knew who the bad guy was right from the moment of their first scene. (see, no spoilers 😉 )
XX or XY?
If I tell you that Van, it would still be a spoiler to those who haven’t seen it yet
Well since the XY is rather obvious..
Many thing is, hubby didn’t see who the bad guy was until revealed but he did figure out the deal with the cop long before I did
Many = funny
I’m with your hubby, for me the cop was rather obvious.
You know,mthey showed some scenes of men’s beach volleyball. In the spirit of equality and fairness, I think the men should be dressed along a similar vein of the women… Very little and very tight
Now hubby’s on line looking at all the “promo” shots of the women’s beach volleyball. As well as…other shots from this particular sport. *sigh*
Cool, the tv cut to an emergency alert for tornado. Don’t see many of those around here. Come to think of it, I don’t think Calgary has ever had a tornado. They occasionally get them north of here but never south. Hmmm…
CW: Sky’s coverage of the Cambridge Folk Festival
music is good, the commentators less so.
They’ve switched to women’s soccer. Hubby wants to know what they don’t wear tight outfits
Your Hubby is a very wise man. Too bad they don’t wear the same outfits as Kerri Walsh and Misty May.
Bunny and Van: I take off my geek hat to you both. I was absolutely floored by both of the Big Spoilers you were discussing above. Judging from what I read on TVTropes after seeing the movie, I might have figured out the Big Spoiler pertaining to the cop if I had been more familiar with the comics.
CW: NBC coverage of the Olympics
The cop was the only one I saw coming. Bane’s voice may have been the biggest surprise for me.
How so? I couldn’t understand half of what Bane was saying. I’m looking forward to the DVD.
It was mentioned on Slice of Scifi, and it occurred to me at the time, Bane sounds like a distorted Sean Connery impression.
A nice Gibson vibe from this twitter user:
the sky above the monastery was the colour of an old testament tuned to a dead god.
Off to get a MRI scan, later pan.
“Gibson vibe” – is that a brand of guitar?
Beginning of Neuromancer.
I get it! I dig it!
MRI scan, Van? I hope all is well.
Being put through a series of tests to try and find out why I collapsed pre-meetup.
Anti-suffragette postcards from the early 1900s:
Try reading this without David Bowie in your head.
..and from the same site, mapping European stereotypes:
Wesley crusher is 40 years old.
I’ll just let you ponder that.
TV Antenna technology has really stepped up its game.
…speaking of games: CW 2012 Olympics
CW while also doing work assignments. Bleh
Currently addicted to on-line Olympic coverage.
Watched replay of women’s air pistol. Weight lifting, fencing, others.
Getting to see the whole event instead of just a highlite shot of the winner = WIN!
Been watching the judo on the BBC website, first time I’ve managed to see all of the competition so far (judo gets very patchy coverage on terrestrial tv).
Judo would get almost NO coverage state side … they’d have to wear bikinis if they wanted TV time.
… and that’s the men!
Argentina’s women’s beach VV team’s bikinis are teeny.
why doesn’t the LIVEEXTRA online viewing videos come with the commentary, like on TV? I would like the commentary as Im watching…
CW: Women’s 3M Synchronized Diving Finals Replay.
So very cool to see true elation from the USA women when they realized their final standing of 2nd place. Go Team USA!
US wins its 2nd gold medal in women’s skeet shooting. NBC, of course, shows the medal ceremony. I must say, I like the instrumental recording of the US’s national anthem they’re using. 🙂
Fortunately … I had just watched the replay of this, online, before reading your post. 🙂
I won’t say anymore because some of you might still watch it. 🙂
Oops! Sorry, I should have labeled that as a spoiler. :blush:
Also, I am very upset to learn that NBC censored (yes, I know it’s a strong word and they’ll deny it, but I’m using it) one of the best parts of the opening ceremonies last night – the tribute to the victims of the 2005 terror attack in London. NBC is absolutely wrong about what I, as an American, am interested in and not interested in.
This is the very first time I’ve ever seriously wanted to start a petition. I was pleasantly unsurprised to see that someone beat me to it. Join me in signing here, if you care to.
I found it ironic that NBC’s commentator chastised the Olympic committee for NOT commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Munich Olympic massacre( I believe the words he used was “shame on them” … just minutes from NBC choosing NOT to show a commemoration of the London attacks.
Hello pot, come in pot, this is kettle calling, do you hear me?
Currently watching the Women’s archery finals.
Trivia –
Women’s Olympic team archery events debuted in 1988. South Korea has won every gold medal. Watch quarterfinals, semifinals, and medal matches here.
Crap joke for the day:
Dear sir
We regret that your application to join our match making service has been rejected.
You failed Q. 23 “What do you like most in a woman”
“My Bell End ” was not an acceptable answer.
And in non-Olympic news, Geddy Lee is 59 today. 59!
Goodnight :rush:
I’m up at 4 a.m., and off to Dallas. Have a good week, :Panties: !!
The balance of Deadpanites.
Ed leaves Texas, EssBee goes to Texas.
Morning Pan
I think my work computer has gone on strike. Can I do the same?
The damn squirrels were up chittering to each other outside our bedroom window until stupid late last night. I was not a happy bunny.
This is what happens when you give them coffee during the day. They just don’t go to sleep at night. Try giving them decaf.
So here’s a question that just came up… for me. Should you be nervous when you’ve been told that 80% of what you do is being transferred to another department?
It depends … does the other 20% provide something valuable to the company? Like for example does it provide most of their income or most of their oxygen?
It’s monkey work that can be done by anybody.
Well indeed:
*sigh* Now I have to clear out over 4,000 by tomorrow. Nothing like giving me extra work to take it away.
CP: The Mississipi Squirrel Revival — Ray Stevens
Yes, I’m back. 🙂
And now its time for me to squeeze you.
Just don’t call me George. 😉
Welcome back, ditto! Now turn in your Earbuddies recording!!
Will do!
I kid, ditto (mostly). I do hope you got to take in some of the sights and the sausages while you were in Poland.
And I hope John Kerry didn’t forget you while you were there.
Nope, I deserve to be called out on this. I should have found the time, but it has been hard given everything that’s happened. I guarantee it will be done before next week.
I’m up at 10 a.m., and off to LA. Have a good week, :Panties: !!
Happy safe fun California travels, Rhett!
Just don’t go with an achin’ in your heart.
Have fun!
Have a super duper really fun trip Rhett!
Have fun storming the beaches!
Just be wary if any are called Omaha.
Too soon?
Juno it.
Holy SHIT do I love what the Olympics brings out in people
Some people let their competitive side get the better of them. Before engaging mouth, engage brain.
CD: Blueberry protein shake. It’s real yummy :happy:
Your crap joke for the day:
Dear sir
We regret that your application to join our match making service has been rejected.
You failed Q. 23 “What do you like most in a woman”
“My Bell End ” was not an acceptable answer.
Well, there is an official OST for the Olympics. It’s pricey as hell, but there are some beautiful pieces on it.
ditto: Welcome back!
Rhettro: Have fun on your trip! 🙂